

Anthemideae Christoph Oberprieler, Sven Himmelreich, Mari Källersjö, Joan Vallès, Linda E. Watson and Robert Vogt

HISTORICAL OVERVIEW The circumscription of remained relatively unchanged since the early artifi cial classifi cation systems According to the most recent generic conspectus of Com- of Lessing (1832), Hoff mann (1890–1894), and Bentham positae tribe Anthemideae (Oberprieler et al. 2007a), the (1873), and also in more recent ones (e.g., Reitbrecht 1974; tribe consists of 111 genera and ca. 1800 . The Heywood and Humphries 1977; Bremer and Humphries main concentrations of members of Anthemideae are in 1993), with and being included in the tribe Central , the Mediterranean region, and southern despite extensive debate (Bentham 1873; Robinson and . Members of the tribe are well known as aromatic Brettell 1973; Heywood and Humphries 1977; Jeff rey , and some are utilized for their pharmaceutical 1978; Gadek et al. 1989; Bruhl and Quinn 1990, 1991; and/or pesticidal value (Fig. 38.1). Bremer and Humphries 1993; Kim and Jansen 1995). The tribe Anthemideae was fi rst described by Cassini Subtribal classifi cation, however, has created considerable (1819: 192) as his eleventh tribe of Compositae. In a diffi culties throughout the taxonomic history of the tribe. later publication (Cassini 1823) he divided the tribe into Owing to the artifi ciality of a subtribal classifi cation based two major groups: “Anthémidées-Chrysanthémées” and on the presence vs. absence of paleae, numerous attempts “An thémidées-Prototypes”, based on the absence vs. have been made to develop a more satisfactory presence of paleae (receptacular scales). These two sub- for the tribe. In this endeavour, carpological characters tribes, later validly named Chrysantheminae Less. and proved to be the most important source of phylogeneti- Anthemidinae Dumort., were used by most systematists cally relevant features. Despite some early fi ndings on the concerned with the infratribal taxonomy in the following relevance of carpological characters in delimitating natural decades (e.g., Candolle 1838; Boissier 1875; Hoff mann genera (e.g., Schultz 1844, 1860; and in Schnitzlein 1854), 1890–1894). The artifi ciality of this subdivision was the full merit for the exploitation of achene anatomy for clearly stated by Mer x mü l ler (1954) and Wagen itz (1964), taxonomic questions in Anthemideae is attributed to and demonstrated by Greuter (1968) when he found that J. Briquet who used characters of the pericarp to circum- in Ammanthus, previously classifi ed as Chrysantheminae, scribe Mediterranean genera in the tribe (Briquet 1916a–c; the presence or absence of paleae “does not even suf- Briquet and Cavillier 1916). In the following decades, de- fi ce to distinguish species”. Hybridization experiments tailed carpological studies have been made in the so-called among members of Anthemideae made by Mitsuoka “ complex” (Giroux 1930, 1933; Horvatic and Ehrendorfer (1972) have shown that the inheri- 1963; Borgen 1972; Alavi 1976; Humphries 1976), the tance of paleae is probably under simple oligogenic complex (Humphries 1977; Benedí i González control. and Molero i Briones 1985), and in a more geographically 632 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

Fig. 38.1. Representative members of Anthemideae. A asteriscoides (P. Bergius) Less.; B dentata (L.) L.; C arborescens (Vaill.) L.; D cretica L.; E Anthemis rigida Heldr.; F carinata (Schousb.) Sch.Bip. [Photographs: A, B, Ch. Oberprieler; C–F, P. Schönfelder.] Chapter 38: Anthemideae 633 focused study by Kynčlová (1970). The carpological sur- the tribe (Himmelreich et al. 2008), while the second is vey of Reitbrecht (1974) deserves consideration as the fi rst more complete and provides sequence information for the comprehensive tribal evaluation of achene anatomical fea- nrDNA ITS marker for 103 of the 111 accepted genera tures for the elaboration of a more natural subtribal clas- (Oberprieler et al. 2007b). Both datasets were analyzed sifi cation, utilizing as many genera with suitable study using maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood material as possible but with a clear focus on the northern (ML), and Bayesian Inference (BI) as tree-constructing hemisphere representatives of the tribe. The latter study tools and representatives of tribes , , yielded a subdivision into seven provisional groups which , and (in the case of ndhF) as out- were also accepted for the (informal) subtribal treatment groups. The resulting tree topologies of the ML analyses of Anthemideae in Heywood and Humphries (1977). are depicted in Figs. 38.2–38.4, along with support values Triggered by these surveys, studies of achene anatomy in from bootstrap (BS) analyses (MP and ML in the ndhF the following decades contributed to a better understand- dataset, MP in the ITS dataset) and with posterior prob- ing of the taxonomy and phylogenetic classifi cation of abilities (PP) of the BI analyses. genera: Källersjö (1985, 1988) used Despite some minor incongruence between the phy- mainly carpological characters for generic circumscrip- logenetic reconstructions based on the two markers (that tions in the Athanasia and complexes, respectively, will be discussed in detail below), there are a seven fea- while Bruhl and Quinn (1990) added fruit anatomical tures supported by both analyses: evidence for the exclusion of several genera of “Cotuleae” 1. The tribe Anthemideae in the circumscription of from Anthemideae and the retention of Cotula, , Bremer and Humphries (1993) and Oberprieler et al. , and in the tribe. (2007a) is strongly supported as monophyletic in both The tribe was monographed and a subtribal classifi - analyses (ndhF: BS: 87% MP, 90% ML; PP: 1.00; ITS: cation with twelve subtribes was proposed by Bremer BS: 88% MP; PP: 1.00). Therefore, it is now clear and Humphries (1993) based on a mostly morphological that the tribe includes the genera Cotula and Ursinia phylogenetic study. However, the proposed classifi cation for which a classifi cation as independent tribes has showed little congruence with any of the previous clas- been previously debated (Bentham 1873; Robinson sifi cations and with molecular phylogenies for the whole and Brettell 1973; Heywood and Humphries 1977; tribe (Watson et al. 2000), for the Mediterranean genera Jeff rey 1978; Gadek et al. 1989; Bruhl and Quinn alone (Francisco-Ortega et al. 1997, Oberprieler and Vogt 1990, 1991; Bremer and Humphries 1993; Kim and 2000, Oberprieler 2002, 2004a, b, 2005), or for Asian Jansen 1995). genera (Watson et al. 2002). As a consequence of these 2. Both datasets are congruent with each other in the fi ndings, Oberprieler et al. (2007a) rejected the subtribal basal split within the tribe into three independent classifi cation of Bremer and Humphries (1993) in their re- monophyletic lineages: (a) the isolated position of the cent treatment of Anthemideae in Kubitzki’s The Families Osmitopsis from southern Africa (i.e., subtribe and Genera of Vascular Plants, volume 8, (Kadereit Osmitopsidinae), (b) the well supported clade around and Jeff rey 2007) and arranged the genera in a linear Cotula (i.e., subtribe Cotulinae) with members show- manner according to the results of Watson et al. (2000), ing their distributional range in southern Africa and/ i.e., in a primarily geographic representation of the tribe or the southern hemisphere (ndhF: BS: 100% MP, members beginning with the (basal) southern African 100% ML; PP: 1.00; ITS: BS: 93% MP; PP: 1.00); representatives, followed by the central and eastern Asian and (c) the well supported clade comprising the rest ones, and ending with the Eurasian/Mediterranean gen- of the tribe with further southern African genera and era; within these major biogeographical groups, genera all Asian and Eurasian/Mediterranean representatives were arranged alphabetically and/or into putative mono- (ndhF: BS: 91% MP; PP: 1.00; ITS: BS: 88% MP; PP: phyletic generic groups. In the present treatment, we ad- 1.00). opted a new subtribal classifi cation proposed recently by 3. A further common feature of phylogenetic trees Oberprieler et al. (2007b) based on phylogenetic analyses based on both markers is a paraphyletic assemblage of nrDNA ITS and cpDNA ndhF sequence variation. of southern African genera around the two genera Athanasia and Ursinia (i.e., subtribes Athanasiinae and Ursiniinae) at the base of the above-described clade PHYLOGENY (c) as opposed to the strongly supported monophyl- etic group (ndhF: BS: 90% MP, 91% ML; PP: 1.00; Reconstructions of the evolutionary history of Anthem- ITS: BS: 91% MP; PP: 1.00) comprising all north- ideae presented and discussed here are based on two mo- ern hemisphere representatives and a closely-knit, lecular datasets: The fi rst comprises sequence information southern African generic group around Pentzia (i.e., for cpDNA ndhF for 62 representatives of 61 genera of subtribe Pentziinae, see below). This is also where 634 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

the main discrepancies are found between the two this incongruence between nuclear and plastid data- datasets: in the ndhF analyses the clade of , set: (a) The progenitor of Phymasperminae may Gymnopentzia, and (i.e., subtribe Phy- have been formed by a hybridization event between masperminae) is nested within members of the Pentzi- a member of the phylogenetically basal southern inae/northern hemisphere clade, whereas in the ITS African group of genera as a paternal partner and ei- analyses these three genera are excluded from the lat- ther a member of the Asian groups around Artemisia, ter clade and form a lineage in the paraphyletic as- , or Pseudohandelia or a member of south- semblage around Athanasia and Ursinia. Himmelreich ern African Pentziinae as the maternal (chloroplast et al. (2008) provide two possible explanations for contributing) partner, whereby the latter event seems

19-bp deletion Eurasian Grade & Continued in Fig. 38.3 in ITS2 95 Mediterranean Clade sibiricum Phaeostigma salicifolium 93 Mausolea eriocarpa 100 Turaniphytum erathemum Artemisiella stracheyi nipponicum serotina dolichophylla titovii komarovii 91 Picrothamnus desertorum 100 Artemisia (Seriphidium) tridentata Artemisia vulgaris

Sphaeromeria diversifolia Artemisiinae 100 pectinata 88 chinense 100 Chrysanthemum × grandiflorum 81 fastigiata 100 arcticum 100 Elachanthemum intricatum Stilpnolepis centriflora Myxopappus acutifolium 99 Cymbopappus adenosolen dummeri Pentzia dentata Pentziinae 96 albida 100 98 grandiflorum 97 limnophila 99 pyrethroides 100 Xylanthemum tianshanicum Allardia tomentosa Lepidolopsis turkestanica mucronata Microcephala discoidea Handeliinae Tanacetopsis eriobasis trichophyllum 89 93 100 Pseudohandelia umbellifera 100 100 platyrhachis Trichanthemis aulieatensis 73 Phymaspermum leptophyllum 100 Gymnopentzia bifurcata Phymasperminae 100 Eumorphia sericea 88 96 incisa 100 100 Athanasia pachycephala pedunculare subcarnosa Athanasiinae Adenoglossa decurens paniculatus Inulanthera leucoclada 95 - Ursinia anthemoides Ursiniinae 100 integrefolia 100 crataegifolium Hilliardia zuubergensis 96 pectinata 100 Thaminophyllum latifolium 88 Adenanthellum osmitoides Cotulinae 100 Soliva sessilis 93 95 95 100 100 Leptinella pectinata Hippia pilosa Osmitopsis asteriscoides Osmitopsidinae 90 fruticosum Calendula officinalis Antennaria virginia 86 Symphyotrichum cordifolium 96 100 lanceolata 100 81 100 Conyza canadensis 100 100 Erigeron annuus 100 Baccharis neglecta

100 Bellis perennis Outgroup echinata 0.1

Fig. 38.2. Basal part of a phylogenetic tree from a maximum-likelihood (ML) analysis of nrDNA ITS sequence variation data- based on the TrN +  model of DNA substitution (Tamura and Nei 1993) with base frequencies, gamma distribution parameter , and substitution rate matrix given in Oberprieler et al. (2007b). Values above branches indicate bootstrap support values from a maximum-parsimony (MP) analysis based on 100 replicates and values below branches give posterior probability (PP in percent) of clades gained from a Bayesian analysis (BI) of data. Chapter 38: Anthemideae 635

geographically more reasonable. (b) Phymasperminae supported by the reconstructions based on ITS (BS: may hold a phylogenetically intermediate and bridg- 88% MP; PP: 1.00). ing position between the more basal southern African 5. A further corresponding topological feature of all members of the tribe and the more advanced crown analyses is the strongly supported clade of Eurasian and group consisting of Pentziinae and all Asian and Mediterranean genera comprising subtribes Anthemi- Eurasian Anthemideae, sharing the rather apomor- dinae, Glebionidinae, Leucantheminae, Leucanthe- phic chloroplast type with the latter but a relatively mo psidinae, Matricariinae, and Santo lininae. In ad- plesiomorphic ITS sequence with the former. As a dition to the high support values from the diff erent consequence of this scenario, Phymasperminae may sequence-based analyses (ndhF: BS: 95% MP, 92% be a good candidate for the sister group to the clade of ML; PP: 1.00; ITS: PP: 0.95), the monophyly of this Pentziinae + Asian + Eurasian Anthemideae, while generic assemblage is further corroborated by the Pentziinae itself may exhibit a sister group-relation- synapomorphy of a 19-bp deletion in ITS2 found in ship to the Asian (or the Asian + Eurasian) members all of the members of the clade. of the tribe. 6. Within the Eurasian + Mediterranean clade, corre- 4. Besides monophyletic Phymasperminae (no signifi - sponding topological features are (a) the sister group cant support for ndhF, but for ITS: BS: 100% MP; relationship between generic groups around Anthemis PP: 1.00) and Pentziinae (ndhF: BS: 81% MP, 83% (i.e., subtribe Anthemidinae) and (i.e., sub- ML; PP: 0.99; ITS: BS: 96% MP; PP: 1.00, exclud- tribe Matricariinae) (ndhF: BS: 78% MP, 76% ML; PP: ing Myxopappus), there is also support for two generic 1.00; ITS: PP: 1.00) and (b) the monophyletic group assemblages with an Asian center of diversity. While formed by members of Glebionidinae, Leucanthem- the clade around Handelia (i.e., subtribe Handeliinae) inae and Santolininae. The latter, however, is only receives high support values in analyses of both mark- supported by ndhF-based analyses (BS: 83% MP, 86% ers (ndhF: BS: 86% MP, 87% ML; PP: 1.00; ITS: BS: ML; PP: 1.00). According to the ITS-based analyses, 93% MP; PP: 1.00), subtribe Artemisiinae is only the generic assemblage around (i.e.,

87 - 100 100 coronarium Ismelia carinata foeniculaceum Glebionidinae 98 viscidehirta Nivellea nivellei pubescens annua Endopappus macrocarpus 74 Rhetinolepis lonadioides Mecomischus halimifolius chamaecyparissus Santolininae 70 nobile arabicus repandum Leucanthemopsis alpina 100 99 hispanica 100 100 pseudanthemis Leucanthemopsiinae 100 debeauxii fuscata multicaulis arundanum 73 100 gaetulum 100 fontanesii vulgare Leucantheminae 83 Glossopappus macrotus 100 Chrysanthoglossum deserticola tridentata 100 anthemoides Otospermum glabrum Nananthea perpusilla caucasicum tinctoria Anthemidinae vulgare canariense Continued Lugoa revoluta from Fig. 38.2 95 Leucocyclus formosus Achillea millefolium 100 Heliocauta atlantica 96 clavatus Matricariinae maritimus Brocchia cinerea Phalacrocarpum oppositifolium

Fig. 38.3. Apical part of a phylogenetic tree from a maximum-likelihood (ML) analysis of nrDNA ITS sequence variation data- based on the TrN +  model of DNA substitution (Tamura and Nei 1993) with base frequencies, gamma distribution parameter , and substitution rate matrix given in Oberprieler et al. (2007b). Values above branches indicate bootstrap support values from a maximum-parsimony (MP) analysis based on 100 replicates, and values below branches give posterior probability (PP in percent) of clades gained from a Bayesian analysis (BI) of data. 636 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

Ismelia carinata 89/90 Heteranthemis viscidehirta 99/99 99 Glebionidinae 95/88 100 Argyranthemum fructescens 89/81 100 97 Aaronsohnia pubescens - /72 Cladanthus arabicus 94/91 Santolina chamaecyparissus Santolininae 100 Lonas annua 83/86 94/94 Mauranthemum paludosum 100 - /76 100 Glossopappus macrotus 71/77 Leucantheminae 100 Rhodanthemum arundanum 99 95/92 100 Matricaria discoidea 57 Achillea millefolium Matricariinae 98 86/79 78/76 100 Tripleurospermum caucasicum 100 Tanacetum macrophyllum Anthemidinae - /83 Gonospermum canariense 100 Lugoa revoluta Arctanthemum arcticum Chrysanthemum ×grandiflorum Crossostephium chinense Ajania fruticulosa Kaschgaria komarovii Artemisiinae Artemisia vulgaris Artemisia (Seriphidium) tridentata Nipponanthemum nipponicum 86/87 Pseudohandelia umbellifera 100 Handeliinae 90/91 Microcephala discoides 100 Gymnopentzia bifurcata Phymaspermum leptophyllum Phymasperminae Eumorphia sericea Cymbopappus adenosolen - /73 Myxopappus acutifolium 70/ - Pentzia dentata Rennera limnophila Pentziinae 81/83 Marasmodes dummeri 99 98/99 Foveolina albida 100 Oncosiphon grandiflorum Adenoglossa decurrens 96/99 100 Leucoptera subcarnosa 100/100 Athanasia pachycephala 100 Hymenolepis incisa Athanasiinae 91/ - 99 100 Lasiospermum pedunculare Eriocephalus paniculatus 93/91 Inulanthera leucoclada 100 Ursinia anthemoides Ursiniinae Osmitopsis osmitoides Osmitopsidinae 92/89 Cotula australis 73/72 99 Leptinella pectinata 87/90 100 100 71/ - Soliva sessilis Inezia integrifolia 96/97 Adenanthellum osmitoides 100 Hilliardia zuubergensis Cotulinae Lidbeckia pectinata 100/100 100/100 Thaminophyllum latifolium 100 100 Schistostephium umbellatum Hippia pilosa 100/100 Dielitzia tysonii 94/98 100 Antennaria neodioica 100 99/99 humilis 100 Anisothrix integra 100/99 Osteospermum pinnatum - /77 100 Calendula officinalis 96 pluvialis 100/91 Erigeron hybridus 100 Conyza spec. Baccharis neglecta Outgroup 100/96 Pyrrocoma spec. 100 100/ 98 Bellis perennis 100 100/78 Symphyotrichum cordifolium 98/98 78 100 Felicia bergeriana Nannoglottis ravida 100/100 cunninghamii - / 77 100 Cratystylis conocephala salicifolia 0.01

Fig. 38.4. Phylogenetic tree from a maximum-likelihood (ML) analysis based on cpDNA ndhF sequence information. Numbers above the lines are bootstrap values of the MP and ML analyses; numbers below the lines are posterior probabilities of the Bayesian inference (BI) approach (adapted from Himmelreich et al. 2008). Chapter 38: Anthemideae 637

subtribe Leucanthemopsidinae), that shows strong The main characteristic of Osmitopsis is its possession support (BS: 100% MP; PP: 1.00) as a monophyl- of tailed anthers that led some authors (Bentham 1873; etic group, may also belong to this clade, but there Hoff mann 1890–1894) to consider an inulean affi liation is evidence that the latter subtribe may be more basal for the genus, whereas others (e.g., Cassini 1823) included within the Eurasian + Mediterranean clade. In pre- it in their concept of Anthemideae. Palynological evi- vious analyses based on the cpDNA trnL-trnF inter- dence (Stix 1960) and additional characters like odor, the genic spacer, Oberprieler and Vogt (2000) observed occurrence of pluriseriate involucral with scarious that members of Glebionidinae, Leucantheminae margins, together with the truncate style and the ten- and Santolininae share an apomorphic 5 bp dele- dency towards the reduction of the pappus also support tion while members of Anthemidinae, Matricariinae its inclusion in Anthemideae. This membership is also and Leucanthemopsidinae show the plesiomorphic strongly supported by our present analyses based on ITS condition. and ndhF sequence data. 7. Both datasets in the present study unequivocally show While membership in Anthemideae is supported in a clear biogeographic pattern with a basal position of both analyses, its relationship to either of the two highly southern hemisphere representatives of the tribe. This supported subclades of the tribe (subtribe Cotulinae on is in accordance with previous studies based on ndhF the one hand and the remainder of the tribe on the other) sequence variation (Watson et al. 2000; Himmelreich remains unresolved. This corroborates observations made et al. 2008) and on ITS sequences (Oberprieler by Bremer (1972) and Nordenstam (1987) who already 2005). noted that the genus is systematically isolated in the tribe. The inclusion of the paleate genus Osmitopsis in the sub- tribe Thaminophyllinae by Bremer and Humphries (1993), SUBTRIBAL TAXONOMY together with the alleged closely related (epaleate) genera, Adenenthellum, Inezia, Lidbeckia, and Thaminophyllum, was Based on our analyses of ITS and ndhF sequence variation, mainly based on a similar habit and foliage, the occur- Oberprieler et al. (2007b) proposed a new subtribal clas- rence of many-veined rays and a large stylopodium, the sifi cation of Compositae-Anthemideae. Discussion of the tendency towards the loss of a pappus in some species, molecular phylogenetic analyses in conjunction with mor- and the (still not yet fully corroborated) base chromosome phological, anatomical, cytological, embryological, and number of x = 10. Alternative affi liations were proposed phytochemical evidence resulted in the recognition of 14 by Reitbrecht (1974) and Baagøe (1977) who considered subtribes. Table 38.1 provides information about the sub- closer relationships of the genus to Lasiospermum (paleate, tribal placement of most genera, although some genera are x = 9) based on morphological and ligule micromor- missing or have equivocal molecular evidence. Following phological grounds, respectively, and by Watson et al. their biogeographical pattern in the phylogenetic recon- (2000) who found a strongly supported sister group re- structions, the subtribes are arranged into (1) a southern lationship of Osmitopsis with Athanasia (paleate, x = 8) in hemisphere grade, (2) an Asian-southern African grade, their molecular study based on ndhF sequence variation. (3) an Eurasian grade, and (4) a Mediterranean clade. Since both Lasiospermum and Athanasia are characterized, however, by deviating base chromosome numbers and I. Southern hemisphere grade anthers with polarized endothecial tissue (unpolarized in Osmitopsis), these alleged relationships seem unjustifi ed. Osmitopsidinae Oberprieler & Himmelreich in Will- The same is true for any relationship with other genera den owia 37: 94. 2007 of Anthemideae characterized by tailed anthers: neither The subtribe consists of the single genus, Osmitopsis, Inulanthera nor Hippolytia are confi rmed by our present that holds a basal and isolated position in the molecular analyses as closely related to Osmitopsis. analyses of ITS and ndhF sequence variation. It contains nine southern African species of shrubby habit with al- Cotulinae Kitt., Taschenb. Fl. Deutschl., ed. 2, 2: 609. ternate and entire to lobed and an indumentum 1844 = Thaminophyllinae Bremer & Humphries in of basifi xed hairs. It is further characterized by radiate Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.) 23: 144. 1993 capitula with a paleate , ray fl orets with a white, Cotulinae are formed by ten genera with approxi- many-veined limb and a pilose tube, and disc fl orets with mately 137 species of the southern hemisphere with its a 5-lobed corolla, basally caudate anthers with non-polar- center of diversity in southern Africa but also distrib- ized endothecial tissue and a slender fi lament collar. The uted and species-rich in , New Guinea and New achenes are obovoid to ellipsoid, 3–4-angled or -ribbed, Zealand, and some species widespread and naturalized also and have an apex with a corona made of subulate to trian- in the northern hemisphere. While strongly supported gular, basally fused scales that is sometimes lacking. as a monophyletic group in our molecular phylogenetic 638 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

Table 38.1. List of accepted genera of Compositae-Anthemideae, with information on number of species, distributional area, and sub- tribal relationships.

Number of species Distribution I. SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE GRADE

1. Osmitopsidinae Oberprieler & Himmelreich

Osmitopsis Cass. 9

2. Cotulinae Kitt.

Adenanthellum B. Nord. 1 South Africa, Swaziland

Cotula L. 55 Africa, Australia, , Mexico, New Zealand, southern oceanic islands

Hilliardia B. Nord. 1 South Africa

Hippia L. 8 South Africa

Inezia E. Phillips 2 South Africa, Swaziland

Leptinella Cass. 33 New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, South America, , subarctic islands

Lidbeckia P.J. Bergius 2 South Africa

Schistostephium Less. 12 South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Swaziland

Soliva Ruiz & Pav. 8 South America

Thaminophyllum Harv. 3 South Africa

3. Ursiniinae Bremer & Humphries

Ursinia Gaertn. 39 South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Ethiopia

4. Athanasiinae (Less.) Lindl. ex Pfeiff.

Adenoglossa B. Nord. 1 South Africa

Athanasia L. 39 South Africa, Namibia

Eriocephalus L. 32 South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho

Hymenolepis Cass. 7 South Africa

Lasiospermum Lag. 4 South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Egypt (Sinai)

Leucoptera B. Nord. 3 South Africa

5. Phymasperminae Oberprieler & Himmelreich

Eumorphia DC. 6 South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland

Gymnopentzia Benth. 1 South Africa, Lesotho

Phymaspermum Less. 19 South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Namibia Genera of the Southern hemisphere grade unassigned to a subtribe

Inulanthera Källersjöa 10 South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Angola, Zimbabwe, II. ASIAN-SOUTH AFRICAN GRADE

6. Pentziinae Oberprieler & Himmelreich

Cymbopappus B. Nord. 3 South Africa

Foveolina Källersjö 5 South Africa, Namibia

Marasmodes DC. 4 South Africa

Myxopappus Källersjö 2 South Africa, Namibia

Oncosiphon Källersjö 8 South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia Chapter 38: Anthemideae 639

Table 38.1. Continued.

Number of species Distribution

Pentzia Thunb. 23 South Africa, Namibia, , , Chad, Somalia, Yemen Rennera Merxm. 4 Namibia, South Africa, Botswana 7. Handeliinae Bremer & Humphries Allardia Decne. 8 , Central Asia, , Handelia Heimerl 1 Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, China Lepidolopsis Poljakov 1 , Afghanistan, Central Asia Microcephala Pobed. 5 Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Mongolia, China Pseudohandelia Tzvelev 1 Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, China Richteria Kar. & Kir. 6 Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Mongolia, China, Himalaya Sclerorhachis (Rech. f.) Rech. f. 4 Iran, Afghanistan Tanacetopsis (Tzvelev) Kovalevsk. 21 Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia Trichanthemis Regel & Schmalh. 9 Central Asia Xylanthemum Tzvelev 8 Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia 8. Artemisiinae Less. Ajania Poljakov 39 Central Asia, China, Arctanthemum (Tzvelev) Tzvelev 3 Arctic Eurasia, , Japan, Arctic North America Artemisia L. (incl. Seriphidium Fourr.) 522 Northern hemisphere, South America, South Africa, Pacifi c Islands Crossostephium Less. 1 Philippines, Taiwan, South Japan, China Filifolium Kitam. 1 Siberia, Mongolia, China, Mausolea Poljakov 1 Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia Neopallasia Poljakov 3 Central Asia, South Siberia, Mongolia, China Picrothamnus Nutt. 1 North America Nutt. 9 North America, Mexico Turaniphytum Poljakov 2 , Iran, Afghanistan, Artemisiella Ghafoor 1 Ladakh, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, South China Brachanthemum DC. 10 Central Asia, Mongolia, China Chrysanthemum L. 37 Asia (Mongolia, , China, Japan, Korea), East Elachanthemum Y. Ling & Y.R. Ling 1 Mongolia, China Hippolytia Poljakov 19 Central Asia, Mongolia, China, Himalaya Kaschgaria Poljakov 2 Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China Leucanthemella Tzvelev 2 East Europe, Far East (Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan) Nipponanthemum Kitam. 1 Japan Phaeostigma Muldashev 3 China Stilpnolepis Krasch. 1 Mongolia, China Genera of the Asian-South African grade unassigned to a subtribe

Ajaniopsis C. Shihb 1 China, Tibet Kar. & Kir.c 4 Central Asia, Mongolia, China Cancriniella Tzvelevc 1Central Asia 640 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

Table 38.1. Continued.

Number of species Distribution

Hulteniella Tzvelev b 1 Arctic Eurasia, Arctic North America Lepidolopha C. Winkl.c 9Central Asia Opisthopappus C. Shihb 2China Polychrysum (Tzvelev) Kovalevsk.c 1 Afghanistan, Central Asia Tridactylina (DC.) Sch.Bip.b 1 East Siberia Ugamia Pavlovc 1Central Asia III. EURASIAN GRADE

9. Matricariinae Willk. Achillea L. 115 Europe, Asia, , North America Leucocyclus Boiss. 1 Otanthus Hoffmanns. & Link 1 South Europe, North Africa, Southwest Asia Anacyclus L. 12 South Europe, North Africa, Southwest Asia Heliocauta Humphries 1 Morocco Matricaria L. 6 Europe, North Africa, Asia, North America 10. Anthemidinae (Cass.) Dumort. Anthemis L. 175 Europe, Southwest Asia, North and East Africa Cota J. Gay 40 Europe, Southwest Asia, North Africa Nananthea DC. 1 South Europe (, ) Tanacetum L. 154 Europe, Asia, North Africa, North America Gonospermum Less. 4 Lugoa DC. 1 Canary Islands Tripleurospermum Sch.Bip. 40 Europe, North Africa, Asia, North America 11. Leucanthemopsidinae Oberprieler & Vogt Castrilanthemum Vogt & Oberprieler 1 Hymenostemma Willk. 1 Spain Leucanthemopsis (Giroux) Heywood 9 Europe, Northwest Africa Prolongoa Boiss. 1 Spain Genera of the Eurasian grade unassigned to a subtribe

Brocchia Vis.d 1 North Africa, Southwest Asia Phalacrocarpum (DC.) Willk.e 2 Southwest Europe IV. MEDITERRANEAN CLADE

12. Leucantheminae Bremer & Humphries Chlamydophora Ehrenb. ex Less. 1 North Africa, Cyprus Chrysanthoglossum B.H. Wilcox & al. 2 North Africa Coleostephus Cass. 3 Mediterranean region, Macaronesia Glossopappus Kunze 1 Southwest Europe, North Africa Leucanthemum Mill. 43 Europe, Siberia Mauranthemum Vogt & Oberprieler 4 North Africa, Southwest Europe Chapter 38: Anthemideae 641

Table 38.1. Continued.

Number of species Distribution

Plagius L´Hèr. ex DC. 3 South Europe (Corsica, Sardinia), North Africa

Rhodanthemum (Vogt) B.H. Wilcox & al. 14 Northwest Africa, Southwest Europe

13. Santolininae Willk.

Chamaemelum Mill. 2 South and West Europe, Northwest Africa

Cladanthus Cass. 5 South Europe, North Africa, Southwest Asia

Mecomischus Coss. ex Benth. & Hook. f. 2 Northwest Africa

Rhetinolepis Coss. 1 Northwest Africa

Santolina L. 13 South Europe, Northwest Africa

14. Glebionidinae Oberprieler & Vogt

Argyranthemum Webb 24 Macaronesia

Glebionis Cass. 2 South Europe, North Africa, Northwest Asia, Macaronesia

Heteranthemis Schott 1 Northwest Africa

Ismelia Cass. 1 Northwest Africa Genera of the Mediterranean clade unassigned to a subtribe

Aaronsohnia Warb. & Eig 2 North Africa, Southwest Asia

Daveaua Willk. ex Marizf 1 Northwest Africa, Southwest Europe

Endopappus Sch.Bip. 1 North Africa

Heteromera Pomelf 2North Africa

Lepidophorum Neck. ex DC. 1 Southwest Europe

Lonas Adans. 1 North Africa, South Europe

Nivellea B.H. Wilcox & al. 1 Morocco

Otospermum Willk.f 1 North Africa, Southwest Europe a Suggested placement in Ursiniinae, b Artemisiinae, c Handeliinae, d Matricariinae, e Leucanthemopsidinae, f Leucantheminae.

reconstructions, the subtribe is morphologically di- The disc fl orets are usually hermaphroditic or function- verse and consists of members of subtribes Matricariinae ally male in Hippia, Leptinella, Schistostephium, and Soliva (Cotula, Hilliardia, Hippia, Leptinella, Schistostephium, Soliva) with a 3–4- or sometimes 5-lobed (Adenanthellum, Hippia) and Thaminophyllinae (Adenanthellum, Inezia, Lidbeckia, corolla, and anthers with non-polarized endothecial tissue Thaminophyllum) in the sense of Bremer and Humphries and a slender fi lament collar. The achenes of Cotulinae (1993). are highly polymorphic, with a tendency towards the re- In the present circumscription, the subtribe contains duction of rib number from 3–4 (as in Osmitopsis of the mainly and perennial herbs (with annuals occur- Osmitopsidinae) towards 2, and the transition between ring in Cotula, Leptinella, and Soliva) with a plesiomorphic, terete to dorso-ventrally fl attened cross-sections. As an basifi xed indumentum. The capitula, which are arranged exception to this, 10-ribbed and only slightly compressed solitarily or in lax to dense corymbs, are radiate, disci- achenes are observed in Adenanthellum. The subtribe shows form, or discoid. The receptacle is usually epaleate, but the presumably plesiomorphic base chromosome number sometimes hairy (Lidbeckia, Thaminophyllum) or margin- of x = 10 (with descending dysploidy in Cotula [ x = 8, 9, ally paleate (Schistostephium). The ray fl orets (when present) 10] but ascending dysploidy in the closely related genus are either white or yellow, and in Adenanthellum, Inezia, Leptinella [ x = 13]). The monophyly of this subtribe sug- and Thaminophyllum confl uent with the achene. In Cotula gested by our molecular results may be corroborated in the ray fl orets or marginal female disc fl orets are stalked. morphological respects by the apomorphies of epaleate 642 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt receptacles and 4-lobed corollas of tubular fl orets (with (sometimes annual) herbs or shrublets characterized by exceptions to this in Adenanthellum and Hippia). basifi xed hairs and alternate, entire to 2-pinnatisect, Evidence for the unifi cation of members of Bremer sometimes succulent leaves, radiate or discoid capitula and Humphries’s (1993) two subtribes into a single sub- arranged solitarily or in lax corymbs with a paleate re- tribe was suggested by Nordenstam (1987) when describ- ceptacle, yellow, orange, white or reddish ray fl orets and ing the new genus Hilliardia (Matricariinae in the sense 5-lobed disc fl orets with polarized endothecial tissue and of Bremer and Humphries 1993) and connecting it with a baluster-shaped fi lament collar. The achenes are cylin- Adenanthellum and Inezia (Thaminophyllinae). These gen- drical or obovoid, straight or curved, circular in cross- era possess ray fl orets with a bifi d or emarginated limb, a section, with fi ve ribs and a basal tuft of hairs or glabrous; branching venation, a papillate upper surface, a reduced their apex is furnished with a uniseriate pappus of 5–10 tube, and large sessile glands. Additionally, there is fur- ovate or circular scales, or a biseriate pappus of fi ve outer ther support from phytochemical investigations made such scales and fi ve inner subulate ones, or is rarely epap- by Bohlmann and Zdero (1972a, 1974, 1977, 1982) who pose. The genus shows a descending dysploidy with base found that the guaianolide called zuubergenin from chromosome numbers of x = 5, 7, 8. Hilliardia is closely related to guaianolides that have been Our present molecular phylogenetic reconstructions found in Lidbeckia and Inezia (both Thaminophyllinae), suggest a close relationship of Ursinia with the small, south- and that Thaminophyllum is phytochemically related to ern African genus Inulanthera, which was treated as a mem- Schistostephium (sub Peyrousea, Matricariinae). ber of the polyphyletic subtribe Gonosperminae by Bremer and Humphries (1993). Since Inulanthera diff ers from Ursinia Ursiniinae Bremer & Humphries in Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. morphologically (anthers caudate and with slender fi lament Lond. (Bot.) 23: 91. 1993 collar, achenes with a pappus of small scales terminating Ursiniinae in the sense of Bremer and Humphries each of the 8–10 ribs), we have refrained from including it (1993), comprising the genera Athanasia (including Asae- in Ursiniinae to emphasize the isolated phylogenetic po- mia), Eumorphia, Gymnopentzia, Hymenolepis, Lasiospermum , sition of Ursinia. On the other hand, we also consider it Phymaspermum, and Ursinia, are not supported as monophyl- premature to erect an independent subtribe for Inulanthera etic in our molecular phylogenetic reconstructions where due to the apparently clear position of this genus as sister to we observe a deep split between Ursinia on the one hand Ursinia in the molecular phylogenetic reconstructions. and the remainder of the mentioned genera on the other hand. The circumscription of Ursiniinae in the sense of Athanasiinae (Less.) Lindl. ex Pfeiff ., Nomencl. Bot. 1(1): Bremer and Humphries (1993) was based mainly on phy- 323. ante 12 Jul 1872 tochemical evidence, with a number of publications made This subtribe is comprised of genera that were for- by Bohlmann and co-workers (Bohlmann and Rao 1972; merly classifi ed as members of Matricariinae (Adenoglossa, Bohlmann and Zdero 1972b, 1974, 1978a, b; Bohlmann et Eriocephalus, Leucoptera) or Ursiniinae (Athanasia, Hymeno- al. 1973; Bohlmann and Grenz 1975) indicating that rep- lepis, Lasiospermum) sensu Bremer and Humphries (1993). resentatives of these genera possess furanosesquiterpenes Since the distinction of this group of genera from Ursinia rather than the common polyacetylenes. This, in conjunc- is strongly supported, unifi cation under a single subtribe tion with morphological and anatomical evidence (paleate Ursiniinae seems unjustifi ed. However, the assemblage receptacles, ray fl oret limbs with tabular epidermis cells, of genera around Athanasia is by far the most problem- anthers with partly or totally polarized endothecial tissue) atic in our present classifi cation because in the ITS tree was considered suffi cient to suggest the monophyly of the (1) the group appears to be paraphyletic with Adenoglossa, subtribe (Källersjö 1985; Bremer and Humphries 1993), Eriocephalus, and Leucoptera being sister group to a well- which also included Ursinia, a carpologically and palyno- supported clade of Athanasia, Hymenolepis, Lasio spermum logically distinct genus. However, due to its anthers with plus Phymasperminae and the Pentziinae-northern hemi- broad ovate apical appendages and baluster-shaped fi lament sphere clade (Trichanthemum through Glebionis ), and (2) collars (Meiri and Dulberger 1986), its pollen exine without Phymasperminae appear to be closely related to Athanasia, columnar structure, and its achenes with a biseriate pap- Hymenolepis, and Lasiospermum, making Athanasiinae pus formed of scales, this genus had been formerly consid- even more paraphyletic. While the former fi ndings are ered to hold a very isolated position within Anthemideae also supported by the analyses based on ndhF sequence (Cassini 1816; Beauverd 1915), or as an independent tribe variation, the three Phymasperminae genera hold a dif- Ursinieae (Robinson and Brettell 1973), or even as a mem- ferent position in the plastid phylogenetic reconstruction, ber of Arctoteae (Bentham 1873). supporting their treatment as an independent subtribe (see Treated here as an independent subtribe, Ursiniinae, discussion below). with its sole member Ursinia, is a mainly southern African While molecular evidence is (at best) equivocal with subtribe (with one species reaching Ethiopia) of perennial respect to the monophyly of Athanasiinae, there is one Chapter 38: Anthemideae 643 morphological character that appears to support a close According to Källersjö (1985) and Bremer and Hum- relationship among these genera: with the exception of phries (1993), the monophyly of the subtribe seen in the Eriocephalus, all members of Athanasiinae (together with molecular phylogenies is also strongly supported by mor- Phymasperminae) are characterized by the possession phology because the three genera share the apomorphies of anthers with polarized endothecial tissue. Since this of achenes with 10–12(–18) ribs and a papillose pericarp. character expression is apomorphic relative to the unpo- The possession of anthers with polarized endothecial tis- larized endothecium found in the more basal Cotulinae sue indicates a close relationship to Athanasiinae but con- and Osmitopsidinae, and in the more advanced subtribes, trasts markedly with the plastid phylogeny. this morphological evidence may argue for a monophyly Phymasperminae are shrubs or shrublets with basi- of the subtribe (and, as a consequence, the inclusion of fi xed hairs, opposite or alternate, entire to lobed leaves, Phymasperminae). and radiate or discoid capitula arranged solitarily or in As circumscribed here, Athanasiinae are comprised of lax corymbs and with epaleate or paleate (Eumorphia, oc- six mainly southern African genera with approximately casionally in Gymnopentzia) receptacles, white, yellow, or 86 species (only one Lasiospermum species reaching the purplish ray fl orets, and hermaphroditic, 5-lobed disc fl o- northern hemisphere). The plants are mainly shrubs or rets. The achenes are cylindrical or ellipsoid, terete with shrublets, but rarely also perennial and annual herbs 10–12(–18) ribs. The apex is truncate or furnished with an (Adenoglossa, Lasiospermum). They are characterized by entire to dentate, thickened rim or corona. The pericarp alternate or opposite, entire to 2-pinnatisect leaves and is papillose, usually without myxogenic cells or resin sacs, radiate, disciform or discoid capitula arranged in a soli- but in Phymaspermum with ovoid myxogenic trichomes tary fashion or in lax to dense corymbs with a paleate and resin sacs in some of the ribs. or epaleate (Adenoglossa, Leucoptera) receptacle, yellow, white or reddish ray fl orets, and 5-lobed, hermaphro- II. Asian-South African grade ditic (functionally male in Eriocephalus) disc fl orets with anthers with polarized endothecial tissue (unpolar- Pentziinae Oberprieler & Himmelreich in Willdenowia ized in Eriocephalus) and a slender fi lament collar. The 37: 99. 2007 achenes are cylindrical to obovate, either terete and with This strongly supported clade of six genera (with the 5–12(–18) ribs or dorsiventrally fl attened with lateral seventh genus, Myxopappus, being included due to ndhF wings (Adenoglossa, Leucoptera); their apex is marginally support) contains further southern African members rounded, with a short, thickened rim (Athanasia), or fur- of subtribe Matricariinae in the sense of Bremer and nished with a corona or scales (Adenoglossa, Hymenolepis, Humphries (1993). It forms a close-knit group of gen- Leucoptera); the pericarp is glabrous or densely hairy era that is characterized by epaleate receptacles, anthers (Eriocephalus, Lasiospermum). Base chromosome numbers with unpolarized endothecial tissue and slender fi la- are x = 8, 9. ment collars, basifi xed hairs (medifi xed in Pentzia), and a base chromosome number of x = 9 (with descending Phymasperminae Oberprieler & Himmelreich in Will- dysploidy in Myxopappus, Oncosiphon, and Pentzia). It denowia 37: 99. 2007 unites genera of shrubby habit (Cymbopappus, Marasmodes, This small subtribe comprises three South African Pentzia) and annuals (Foveolina, Myxopappus, Oncosiphon, genera with only 26 species. While its monophyly is Rennera) that were all once united under a broad con- strongly supported in our phylogenetic analyses based cept of Pentzia, which has been dismembered by Källersjö on molecular data, its position in the tribe is rather un- (1988). According to Bremer and Humphries (1993), this clear. Analyses based on ITS show a close relationship to group may be supported as monophyletic by achenes members of Athanasiinae, while analyses based on ndhF with myxogenic cells on the abaxial surface and on the consistently indicate that Phymasperminae possess a chlo- ribs of the adaxial surface (with exceptions in Oncosiphon roplast type that is more closely related to members of the and Rennera) and with an adaxially long auricle (with a Pentziinae-northern hemisphere clade than to members secondary loss of a corona in Oncosiphon, Rennera and of Athanasiinae. Himmelreich et al. (2008) argue that this some Pentzia species). Despite considerable similarity in confl ict between results based on nuclear and plastid se- achene characters (oblong to obovoid, with 4–5 ribs, in quences is either due to a hybrid origin of the ancestor of Myxopappus triquetrous in cross-section and with one Phymasperminae (with the plastid donor among members adaxial and two lateral ribs), putative close relationships of the Pentziinae-northern hemisphere clade) or may indi- with the northern hemisphere Matricariinae genera, Ma- cate a sister group relationship between Phymasperminae tri caria, Otospermum, or Tripleurospermum, were not sup- and the Pentziinae-northern hemisphere clade that is un- ported by the molecular data. On the other hand, a sister resolved in the ITS trees due to a lack of parallel evolution group relationship with subtribe Artemisiinae receives of the two markers examined. some support (PP 0.99 in the ITS analysis, but not in the 644 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt ndhF analysis), and may be of great importance for the formed by 25–50 bristle-like scales (Allardia), a short rim, further understanding of the biogeography of the whole consists of laciniate scales of various shapes, or is rarely tribe, forming a link between the strictly southern hemi- ecoronate (Pseudohandelia, Sclerorhachis); the pericarp is sphere genera of other subtribes and the northern hemi- usually glabrous and with or without myxogenic cells, sphere representatives. The occurrence of some species of but is densely hairy in Trichanthemis. While x = 9 prevails Pentzia in northern Africa or in southwest Asia may add as the base chromosome number, the dysploid number x further evidence to this biogeographic pattern, but may, = 7 is reported for a member of Microcephala. on the other hand, be interpreted equally justifi ed as an Generic groupings among members of Handeliinae example of independent expansion towards the north at are largely unresolved in the molecular trees, but the a diff erent time. similar habit of Handelia, Lepidolopsis, Pseudohandelia, and Sclerorhachis—with rather thick, basally villous stems, a Handeliinae Bremer & Humphries in Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. soft pith, and strongly dissected leaves with fi liform lobes Lond. (Bot.) 23: 108. 1993 ?= Cancriniinae Bremer & (as apomorphic characters used by Bremer and Humphries Humphries in Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.) 23: 1993 to defi ne their smaller Handeliinae)—may argue for 96. 1993 a closer relationship of these entities and for an inclusion This subtribe is well supported as monophyletic of the not yet sequenced Polychrysum into this monophyl- in the ITS analysis (93% BS; PP 1.0) and consists of at etic group. In addition to that, further members of the least ten genera that have been members of Handeliinae Cancriniinae sensu Bremer and Humphries (1993), i.e., (Handelia, Lepidolopsis, Pseudohandelia, Sclerorhachis), Can- Cancrinia, Cancriniella, and Ugamia, may be further can- criniinae (Allardia, Richteria, Trichanthemis), Matricariinae didates for inclusion into Handeliinae in the broad sense (Microcephala), and Tanacetinae (Tanacetopsis, Xylanthemum) proposed here. in the sense of Bremer and Humphries (1993). Un fortu- nately, sequence information for the type of Cancriniinae Artemisiinae Less. in Linnaea 5: 163. Jan 1830 = Chry- (Cancrinia Karelin and Kir. [Cancrinia chrysocephala Karelin santheminae Less. in Linnaea 6: 167. 1831 and Kir.]) is still lacking and inclusion of this subtribe With the exception of the recently described genus in Handeliinae in the present circumscription is prelimi- Artemisiella (Ghafoor 1992), the genus Hippolytia (from nary. However, since other members of Cancriniinae Tanacetinae in the sense of Bremer and Humphries, 1993) in the sense of Bremer and Humphries (1993) are well and two of their Leucantheminae genera (Leucanthemella, nested in this clade and appear to be closely related to Nipponanthemum), the members of the strongly supported Cancrinia (synapomorphies of Cancriniinae being the clade around Artemisia (88% BS; PP 1.0 in the ITS analysis) compact, scapoid habitus and involucral bracts with dark all belong to subtribe Artemisiinae in the sense of Bremer brown margins; Bremer and Humphries 1993), inclusion and Humphries (1993). This corroborates fi ndings of of this subtribe in a broad subtribe Handeliinae seems to Kornkven et al. (1998, 1999), Torrell et al. (1999), Watson be justifi ed. et al. (2002), Vallès et al. (2003), and Sanz et al. (2008) In its present circumscription, the subtribe Handeliinae who have concentrated on the phylogeny of this subtribe is considerably diverse, and synapomorphies from mor- and, therefore, comprehensively sampled it. These studies phology or anatomy are lacking. It contains annual, bi- also demonstrated that Artemisia, in the circumscription ennial (hapaxanthic) or perennial (pollacanthic) herbs of Bremer and Humphries (1993), is highly paraphyletic or with basifi xed, rarely (in some species of and that Crossostephium, Filifolium, Mausolea, Neopallasia, Tanacetopsis and Xylanthemum) medifi xed hairs, alternate, Picrothamnus, Seriphidium, Sphaeromeria, and Turaniphytum lobed to 3–4-pinnatisect leaves, and discoid or radiate should be sunk into its synonymy to arrive at a mono- capitula arranged solitarily, in lax to dense corymbs, phyletic genus, which is the largest in the whole tribe. or in a long spike-like panicle (Lepidolopsis). While in According to the cladistic analyses by Bremer and most members receptacles are epaleate, Handelia and Humphries (1993), morphological evidence for the mono- Sclerorhachis have paleate receptacles. Ray fl orets have phyly of the subtribe is considered to be the possession of white, yellow, pink or violet limbs and disc fl orets are medifi xed or stellate rather than basifi xed hairs (plesiomor- usually 5-lobed (4–6-lobed in Lepidolopsis), are some- phic in some species of Ajania, Artemisia, Brachanthemum, times hairy (Tanacetopsis, Trichanthemis, Xylanthemum), Chrysanthemum, Leucanthemella, and Turaniphytum, and in and possess anthers with non-polarized endothecial tissue Arctanthemum), the anthers with triangular-linear-lanceo- and a baluster-shaped fi lament collar (slender in Allardia late apical appendages of rather thick-walled cells, and the and some Tanacetopsis species). Achenes are cylindri- tendency towards ecoronate, marginally rounded achenes cal to obconical, circular to elliptical in cross-section, (with exceptions in Crossostephium, Nipponanthemum and with 4–10 ribs, sometimes with 3–5 adaxially arranged one species of Sphaeromeria where a pappus of small scales ribs (Microcephala); their apex is furnished with a corona is observed, and in Artemisiella and Hippolytia where the Chapter 38: Anthemideae 645 achene apex is a more or less distinct rounded rim). With previous molecular phylogenetic studies based on ITS base chromosome numbers of x = 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, the sequences (Oberprieler and Vogt 2000: “Achilleinae I”; subtribe Artemisiinae shows an impressive and compre- Oberprieler 2004a, b). The inclusion of Matricaria in this hensive example of descending and ascending dysploidy subtribe (with its nomenclatural consequences due to the in Anthemideae. priority of Matricariinae against Achilleinae) is further sup- The phylogeny of Artemisiinae is marked by a transi- ported by ndhF sequence information, as is the exclusion tion between the more basal genera with solitary to laxly of Tripleurospermum that was considered closely related to corymbose arrangements of radiate, disciform or discoid Matricaria (e.g., Applequist 2002). In our present ITS data- capitula with insect-pollinated, hermaphroditic disc fl o- set, the subtribe lacks support in both the MP bootstrap rets and spiny pollen of the so-called Anthemis-type, to- and the BI analyses. There is only high support (PP = 1.0) wards the advanced genera of the Artemisia group with for a monophyletic group consisting of Matricariinae and densely corymbosely or paniculately arranged disciform Anthemidinae together. However, while Anthemidinae or discoid capitula with wind-pollinated, often unisexual could be defi ned as monophyletic by the apomorphic fl orets and smooth pollen of the Artemisia-type. In a re- character expression of a tetrasporic embryo sac develop- cent molecular phylogenetic study based on nrDNA ITS ment, and this is supported at least by the topology of the and ETS sequence variation, Sanz et al. (2008) found nrDNA ITS phylogeny (see below), Matricariinae with that at the very base of the subtribe a generic group of their monosporic development possibly constitute a para- Brachanthemum, Hippolytia, and Nipponanthemum receives phyletic group relative to Anthemidinae. high support as a monophyletic group. This group may The members of Matricariinae are subshrubs or peren- also include Leucanthemella, and then would consist of nial to annual herbs with an indumentum of basifi xed shrubs and perennial herbs with either radiate or discoid hairs (in Achillea sometimes asymmetrically medifi xed), capitula with white, female or sterile ray fl orets, her- alternate or basally rosulate, usually dentate to 4-pinnati- maphroditic, 5-lobed disc fl orets, and achenes with 5–10 sect, rarely entire, sometimes vermiform leaves, and radi- ribs and a pericarp without myxogenic cells (with myxo- ate, disciform or discoid capitula arranged solitarily or in genic cells in Brachanthemum). A further well-supported lax to dense corymbs. The medium to small capitula have generic assemblage is formed by the perennial genera a paleate or epaleate (Matricaria) receptacle, white, yel- Ajania, Arctanthemum, and Chrysanthemum, along with the low, or pink ray fl orets with more or less fl attened tubes, annual Elachanthemum, and may also comprise two other and hermaphroditic disc fl orets with a (4–)5-lobed, ba- annual, unispecifi c genera: the morphologically similar sally saccate corolla clasping the top of the achene, and genus Tridactylina that shares involucral bracts with dark anthers with non-polarized endothecial tissue and a bal- brown margins with Arctanthemum and Chrysanthemum, uster-shaped fi lament collar. The achenes are obovoid, and the enigmatic genus Ajaniopsis from China and Tibet. terete with 3–5 weak ribs or dorsiventrally fl attened and The unispecifi c genus Elachanthemum, which has been with two lateral ribs or wings; their apex is marginally united with Stilpnolepis by Bremer and Humphries (1993), rounded or with a narrow marginal corona (Anacyclus, was corroborated by Watson et al. (2002) and Sanz et al. Matricaria), and their pericarp is furnished or lacks myx- (2008) as an independent genus. It shows, despite its fi rm ogenic cells and sometimes possesses longitudinal resin position in the Chrysanthemum group of genera and in ducts (Achillea, Heliocauta). All members of the subtribe contrast to the yet ungrouped unispecifi c Stilpnolepis, an show a base chromosome number of x = 9. The subtribe Artemisia-like pollen type with a smooth exine also shared is distributed in Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and west- with Ajaniopsis (Martín et al. 2003). Finally, Sanz et al. ern North America. (2008) also succeeded in pinpointing the sister group of Following results of Guo et al. (2004), the genera Artemisia (including all the derivatives mentioned above) Leucocyclus and Otanthus should be included in a broader to the small Central Asian genus Kaschgaria, which also genus Achillea to achieve monophyly. Oberprieler (2004a) possesses the Artemisia pollen type (Martín et al. 2001). demonstrated that the northwestern African, unispe- cifi c genus Heliocauta is the sister group to the western III. Eurasian grade Mediterranean genus Anacyclus, despite the alleged rela- tionships (Bremer and Humphries 1993) of the former Matricariinae Willk. in Willk. & Lange, Prodr. Fl. with the Asian genus Hippolytia of Artemisiinae (in their Hispan. 2: 92. 1870 = Achilleinae Bremer & Humphries present circumscription). Another northern African- in Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.) 23: 126. 1993 southwestern Asian, unispecifi c genus, Brocchia, with a This subtribe consists of members of Achilleinae (Ach- single species, B. cinerea, which was treated as a member of illea, Anacyclus, Leucocyclus, Otanthus), Tanacetinae (He lio- Cotula by Bremer and Humphries (1993), is clearly a mem- cauta), and Matricariinae (Matricaria) in the sense of Bre- ber of the Eurasian/Mediterranean clade of Anthemideae mer and Humphries (1993). The group was resolved in (Oberprieler 2004a). Despite its very isolated position 646 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt in the molecular analyses, it may be closely related to all closely related. More comprehensive, but yet unpub- Matricaria due to its achenes with four inconspicuous lat- lished, analyses (Stroka and Oberprieler, in prep.) dem- eral and adaxial ribs, a marginally rounded apex, and a onstrate that only a few central Asian representatives of pericarp of elongated myxogenic cells without resin sacs. the genus (all of them with phylogenetic connections to Artemisiinae or Handeliinae, respectively) will have to Anthemidinae (Cass.) Dumort., Fl. Belg.: 69. 1827 = Pyr- be removed and transferred to other genera to arrive at ethrinae Horan., Char. Ess. Fam.: 90. 1847 = Tanacet- a monophyletic genus Tanacetum around the type species inae Bremer and Humphries in Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. T. vulgare L. Preliminary analyses based on small sam- Lond. (Bot.) 23: 99. 1993 = Gonosperminae Bremer ples of Tanacetum species (Francisco-Ortega et al. 2001; and Humphries in Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.) Oberprieler 2005; Oberprieler and Vogt 2006), however, 23: 106. 1993 have already clearly shown that the Canary Island endem- The Anthemidinae are easily characterized as mono- ics, Gonospermum and Lugoa, represent derivatives closely phyletic by the joint possession of a tetrasporic embryo related to the Tanacetum species found on this archipel- sac development that constitutes an apomophic charac- ago and, therefore, should be included in a monophyletic ter expression in the otherwise monosporic Anthemideae genus Tanacetum, and that the generic distinction between (with exceptions in Argyranthemum and Heteranthemis, Tanacetum (with disciform, discoid or yellow-rayed capit- Glebionidinae). As described above, Anthemidinae are ula) and Pyrethrum (with white- or pink-rayed capitula) closely related to the subtribe Matricariinae with which may not be very helpful to achieve monophyletic genera they form a well supported monophyletic clade in our in this subtribe. ITS-based analysis (PP 1.0). Molecular phylogenetic studies based on ITS and fo- Containing the species-rich genera Anthemis (175 spp.) cussing on the delimitation and infrageneric classifi cation and Tanacetum (154 spp.), the subtribe is the second larg- of Anthemis (Oberprieler 2001, 2004a, 2005; Oberprieler est in Anthemideae. It comprises annuals, biennials, or and Vogt 2006) have demonstrated that A. subg. Anthemis short- to long-lived perennial herbs and subshrubs with is more closely related to Tripleurospermum and the uni- an indumentum of medifi xed or basifi xed (Tanacetum, specifi c Nananthea than to species formerly treated under Tripleurospermum) hairs, radiate, disciform, or discoid A. subg. Cota. This has led to the acknowledgement of capitula arranged solitarily or in lax to dense corymbs Cota as an independent genus and the transfer of a num- and with paleate or epaleate receptacles, white, yellow or ber of Anthemis species to this genus (Greuter et al. 2003). pink ray fl orets, and hermaphroditic, 5-lobed (4-lobed in Again, more detailed analyses are underway (Lo Presti Nananthea) disc fl orets with anthers with non-polarized en- and Oberprieler, in prep.) to provide a better understand- dothecial tissue and a baluster-shaped fi lament collar. The ing of the phylogenetic relationships for the species for- achenes are obovoid to obconical, either circular in cross- merly treated under Anthemis and other members of sub- section and possessing 5–10(–15) ribs, or dorsiventrally tribe Anthemidinae. fl attened with 3–10 ribs on each surface Cota( ), or some- times triquetrous and with 3(–5) ribs (Tripleurospermum); Leucanthemopsidinae Oberprieler & Vogt in Willden- their apex is furnished with a corona or an auricle, but is owia 37: 104. 2007 also sometimes ecoronate and/or marginally rounded; the This small subtribe consists of the small peren- pericarp usually carries myxogenic cells that are lacking nial genus Leucanthemopsis with nine species in south- in Tanacetum, and are devoid of resin sac or ducts, except western and Central Europe (one species in northern in Tripleurospermum where (1–)2(–5) abaxial-apical resin Africa) and the three unispecifi c, annual segregate gen- sacs are observed. With a base chromosome number of era Castrilanthemum, Hymenostemma, and Prolongoa, all of x = 9 the subtribe is cytologically homogeneous. which are endemic to Spain and formerly treated under While the circumscription of the subtribe as mono- the subtribe Leucantheminae in the sense of Bremer and phyletic is rather clear based on the embryological fi nd- Humphries (1993; cf. Vogt and Oberprieler 1996). The ings, the generic delimitations and the phylogenetic rela- members are characterized by an indumentum of medi- tionships within the subtribe remain unresolved. Despite fi xed hairs, solitary and radiate capitula with epaleate the assessment of Bremer and Humphries (1993: 99) that receptacles, yellow or white ray fl orets, and hermaphro- “there are several segregate genera and groups of genera, ditic, 5-lobed disc fl orets with anthers with non-polarized possibly even whole subtribes, which are related to parts of endothecial tissue and a baluster-shaped fi lament collar. Tanacetum” making it a highly paraphyletic genus, molec- The achenes are obovoid, round in cross-section and with ular phylogenetic studies thus far based on ITS sequence (3–)5–10 ribs, rarely dorsoventrally compressed and with variation with a number of Tanacetum species included one adaxial, two lateral and two abaxial ribs (Prolongoa); (Oberprieler 2005) have shown that the Mediterranean their apex is furnished with a scarious corona or is mar- and southwestern Asian representatives of the genus are ginally rounded (Castrilanthemum); the pericarp possesses Chapter 38: Anthemideae 647 myxogenic cells along the ribs and is devoid of resin sacs. and Humphries (1993). They used it to circumscribe The base chromosome number is x = 9. their Leucanthemum group of genera, which formed the As Bremer and Humphries (1993) and Vogt and centre of their larger subtribe Leucantheminae, but also Oberprieler (1996) have shown in cladistic analyses based including now some unrelated generic elements (e.g., on morphological and anatomical characters, the members Leucanthemella and Nipponanthemum of Artemisiinae and of this subtribe lack the specialized achene anatomy of the Hymenostemma, Leucanthemopsis, and Prolongoa of Leuc- Leucanthemum group of genera. Furthermore, molecular anthemopsidinae). studies (Oberprieler and Vogt 2000, Oberprieler 2005) Despite that the subtribe Leucantheminae in the pres- have shown that the monophyly of Leucanthemopsidinae ent circumscription is well-defi ned morphologically, is strongly supported and that they are not closely related there is less support provided by molecular analyses. to the Leucanthemum group of genera (that is treated here While most of its members form a moderately to well- as subtribe Leucantheminae). Despite its well-supported supported monophyletic clade in the analyses based on monophyly in studies based on molecular characters, the ITS sequences, the genus Chlamydophora, which shares subtribe is not yet well-defi ned by morphological or ana- the apomorphic achene anatomy of valecular resin canals tomical synapomorphies: while Bremer and Humphries and valecular vascular strands, is consistently found out- (1993) considered the reduced number of pericarp ribs side this clade (Oberprieler and Vogt 2000; Oberprieler and the occurrence of a scarious, fl imsy corona as pos- 2004a, b, 2005; Vogt and Oberprieler 2006; Oberprieler sible synapomorphies for Hymenostemma, Leucanthemopsis, et al. 2007b). Alternatively, the next, more inclusive and and Prolongoa, the addition of Castrilanthemum by Vogt well-supported clade in the present analysis (PP 1.0) and Oberprieler (1996) with its 10-ribbed and ecoro- also contains genera (Daveaua, Otospermum, Heteromera) nate achenes changed the circumscription enormously. of Matricariinae in the sense of Bremer and Humphries In fruit morphology and anatomy, Castrilanthemum shows (1993) devoid of the characteristic achene anatomy of similarity to the southwestern European endemic genus Leucantheminae but with similarity to each other in Phalacrocarpum that has an unresolved position in the ITS achene anatomical respects (5-ribbed achenes with vascu- analyses. However, following our present phylogenetic lar strands in the ribs). As Oberprieler (2004b) has argued, reconstructions, the closer relationship of the former with this controversial morphological and molecular evidence Hymenostemma, Leucanthemopsis, and Prolongoa is strongly may indicate that Daveaua, Heteromera and Otospermum are supported. a paraphyletic group that gave rise to the very distinct Leucanthemum group of genera with its specialized achene IV. Mediterranean clade anatomy. Due to the unclear generic relationships in the ITS analyses and the incomplete sampling in the ndhF Leucantheminae Bremer & Humphries in Bull. Nat. analysis, Oberprieler et al. (2007b) have refrained from Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.) 23: 136. 1993 inclusion of these three genera in the well-circumscribed Leucantheminae are a group of eight genera with ap- Leucantheminae and treated them as genera unassigned proximately 71 species distributed mainly in the western to subtribe. Mediterranean region, Macaronesia, Europe, and Asia. It consists of annual or perennial herbs and subshrubs Santolininae Willk. in Willk. & Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hispan. (Leucanthemum, Plagius, Rhodanthemum) with an indumen- 2: 76. 1870 tum of basifi xed, rarely medifi xed (some Rhodanthemum This subtribe comprises those genera of Achilleinae species) hairs, entire, lobed or up to 3-pinnatisect leaves, in the sense of Bremer and Humphries (1993) that also discoid or radiate, solitarily arranged capitula with epal- were found to be characterized by an apomorphic 5-bp eate receptacles, white, yellow or red ray fl orets, and disc deletion in cpDNA trnL-trnF spacer that they share with fl orets with a (4–)5-lobed, basally often saccate corolla Glebionidinae, Leucantheminae, and a number of unas- clasping the top of achenes, and anthers with non-po- signed Mediterranean genera (Aaronsohnia, Endopappus, larized endothecial tissue and a baluster-shaped fi lament Lepidophorum, Lonas, Nivellea), but not with Achillea, Ana- collar. The main distinctive feature to circumscribe this cyc lus, or Matricaria (Oberprieler and Vogt 2000; Ober- subtribe is the fruit anatomy of its members: the achenes prieler 2002). Therefore, in Oberprieler and Vogt (2000) are ellipsoid and circular in cross-section, with 5–10 ribs, this group was called “Achilleinae II” in contrast to a marginally rounded apex sometimes furnished with “Achilleinae I”, the latter being here treated as the sub- a scarious and adaxially longer corona, and a pericarp tribe Matricariinae (see above). with myxogenic cells along the ribs and with resin canals Members of Santolininae are perennial or annual and vascular strands in the furrows between ribs. The herbs, subshrubs or shrubs with an indumentum of basi- apomorphic nature of these vallecular resin canals and fi xed, medifi xed or stellate hairs, entire or lobed up to vascular strands had been clearly worked out by Bremer 2–3-pinnatisect, sometimes vermiform leaves, and radiate, 648 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt disciform or discoid capitula arranged solitarily or in lax The latter analysis also suggested a close relationship of corymbs. The capitula are characterized by paleate recep- Glebionidinae with the northwestern African endemic, tacles, white, yellow or orange ray fl orets, and hermaph- annual genus Aaronsohnia and may serve as an argument rodite, 5-lobed disc fl orets with distinct basally saccate or that the annual life-form may be plesiomorphic in the spurred corollas clasping the top of achenes either laterally subtribe, and that the perennial life form observed in or adaxially, and anthers with non-polarized endothecial Argyranthemum may be best interpreted as an adaptation tissue and a baluster-shaped fi lament collar. Most of the to the insular habitat (“insular woodiness”; Carlquist members of the subtribe are characterized by achenes with 1974). Close phylogenetic relationships of Glebionidinae a very thin pericarp that mainly consists of an epidermis to members of Anthemidinae, as suggested by Bremer formed by longitudinal rows of large mucilage cells that is and Humphries (1993) based on the alleged apomorphy devoid of resin sacs or ducts. The only exception is found of thick-walled achenes, did not receive support from the in Santolina where some species are lacking mucilage cells molecular analyses. altogether and the pericarp is thicker and sclerenchyma- tous. Since the latter condition is considered plesiomor- phic, the thin pericarp is a synapomorphy that unites MORPHOLOGY the four genera Chamaemelum, Cladanthus, Mecomischus, Rhetinolepis, and some of the species of Santolina. Putative Habit and life form close relationships to other genera with reduced pericarp Anthemideae comprise annual, biennial or perennial, ha- (e.g., Achillea or Matricaria of Matricariinae or members of paxanthic or pollacanthic herbs, subshrubs or shrubs. All Artemisiinae) were not confi rmed by analyses based on presently accepted subtribes (besides basal Osmitopsidinae nuclear or plastid markers. and more advanced Phymasperminae, which contain only shrubs or subshrubs) are characterized by transitions Glebionidinae Oberprieler & Vogt in Willdenowia 37: between perennials and annuals, either within genera or 106. 2007 = Chrysantheminae Bremer & Humphries in the phylogenies of closely related genera. In Anthemis, in Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. London, Bot. 23: 136. 1993, for example, Oberprieler (2001) demonstrated that the nom. illeg. distinction of perennial and annual sections within the Glebionidinae consist of four mainly western Medi- genus was highly artifi cial since the annual habit evolved terranean and Macaronesian genera of 28 species of which several times independently. The same observation was the majority are found in the shrubby Macaronesian en- also made in a more comprehensive molecular phyloge- demic genus Argyranthemum and the remainder being an- netic study of Eurasian and Mediterranean representa- nual species. The close relationship of these four genera had tives of Anthemideae (Oberprieler 2005), where it was been previously described by Heywood and Humphries suggested that the annual habit in this group appeared (1977) and received subtribal status by Bremer and around 5 to 10 million years ago in conjunction with a Humphries (1993) under the name “Chrysantheminae”. progressive aridifi cation in the area (Van Dam 2006) and However, since the conserved type of Chrysanthemum L. the onset of a Mediterranean climate type at 3 Ma (Suc is now Ch. indicum L. ( = Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des 1984). Analogous results should be expected from compa- Moul.) the two Mediterranean annuals Ch. coronarium rable comprehensive species-based phylogenetic analyses and Ch. segetum are now treated as members of Glebionis of the southern African representatives of the tribe, where Spach, and the subtribal name Chrysantheminae Bremer the onset of a Mediterranean climate in the Cape Floristic and Humphries, validly published with a Latin descrip- Region is also dated to 5 Ma (Midgley et al. 2001; Linder tion and designation of type, became an illegitimate later 2003). homonym of Chrysantheminae Less. As a consequence, The two Asian-centered subtribes Artemisiinae and the name of the subtribe was changed to Glebionidinae Handeliinae are mainly perennial herbs, subshrubs or (Oberprieler et al. 2007b). shrubs. Annual representatives constitute only a minor- The monophyly of this group is well-supported due to ity in these groups (e.g., Ajaniopsis, Microcephala, Elach- the occurrence of distinctly heteromorphic achenes with anthemum, Tridactylina, Neopallasia, Stilpnolepis, and some achenes of ray fl orets being triquetrous and winged and Artemisia species), which may be interpreted as adapta- achenes of disc fl orets being terete or laterally fl attened. tions to steppe habitats evolving during the Tertiary Early studies of ITS sequence variation in Mediterranean (Oligocene to late Miocene, 34–10 Ma; Willis and and Macaronesian Anthemideae by Francisco-Ortega McElwain 2002). et al. (1997), and more comprehensively sampled stud- ies, revealed this generic group as a well-supported clade Indumentum (Oberprieler 2005), as did studies based on ndhF sequence The indumentum of Anthemideae frequently consists variation (Watson et al. 2000; Himmelreich et al. 2008). of short glandular hairs formed by two parallel rows of Chapter 38: Anthemideae 649 cells (biseriate) and an apical pair of enlarged cells capped Infl orescence with an acellular vesicle. This hair type is very com- Capitula are arranged either solitarily or in lax to dense mon in all subtribes and seems to be of minor taxonomic corymbose capitulescences. The heads are usually dis- and evolutionary signifi cance (Ciccarelli et al. 2007). In tinctly pedunculate, but in some cases (e.g., Cladanthus contrast, eglandular hairs of Anthemideae are far more or Soliva; Weberling and Reese 1988) sessile capitula or interesting phylogenetically (see reconstruction of char- syncephalia (clustered capitula) are observed. In subtribe acter evolution in Fig. 38.5). While the basal subtribes Artemisiinae and in some representatives of Handeliinae, Osmitopsidinae, Cotulinae, and Ursiniinae are charac- panicle- or raceme-like capitulescences with numerous, terized by an indumentum of basifi xed hairs formed by small capitula are formed. a few basal stalk cells and a long apical cell, more ad- vanced subtribes (especially Artemisiinae, Anthemidinae, Floral arrangement Leucanthemopsidinae, and Santolininae) are partly or In all presently accepted subtribes, the plesiomorphic completely formed by genera characterized by medifi xed condition of radiate, heterogamous capitula with her- or so-called dolabriform hairs (Napp-Zinn and Eble maphroditic disc fl orets and female (or sometimes ster- 1980; Bremer and Humphries 1993). These usually com- ile or neuter) ray fl orets is encountered. The occurrence prise a few stalk cells and a transversely arranged apical of capitula with reduced ray fl orets leading to discoid, cell. In some cases (e.g., Athanasia, Hymenolepis, Artemisia, homogamous capitula and of disciform, heterogamous Mecomischus) stellate hairs are encountered that may be fl ower heads with female marginal and hermaphroditic interpreted as derived from medifi xed ones. central disc fl orets in many of the subtribes demon- In a recent publication, Herman (2001) reported on strate the plasticity of Anthemideae in this respect, and septate hairs with oblique (or sometimes perpendicu- even within single species the transition between radi- lar) walls observed on fruits or paleae of Eriocephalus, ate and discoid capitula is often observed (e.g., Anthemis; Lasiospermum, Lidbeckia, and Ursinia (Athanasiinae, Cotul- Oberprieler 1998). inae, and Ursiniinae, respectively) and also described the In subtribe Artemisiinae, the reconstruction of char- occurrence of hairs with spiral wall thickenings in Ursinia. acter evolution based on a molecular phylogeny made Since Bremer and Humphries (1993) also reported on by Watson et al. (2002) demonstrates that homoga- hairs with spiral thickenings on the achenes of the Asian mous discoid capitula have arisen several times in par- genus Microcephala (Handeliinae) this may emerge as an- allel from heterogamous, either radiate or disciform other feature of phylogenetic signifi cance if studied in a ones. Here, namely in the genera Artemisia, Filifolium, more comprehensive sampling of genera. Mausolea, Picrothamnus and Turaniphytum, central disc fl o- rets with reduced female fertility leading to functionally Leaves male fl orets are observed. In some cases (Elachanthemum, Leaves of Anthemideae are usually alternate and only a Neopallasia) the inner tubular fl orets are even completely few genera have opposite leaves. While sometimes entire, sterile. or in some cases (mainly from South African representa- The Cotula group of genera (Cotula, Leptinella, Soliva) tives) ericoid and needle-like, in the majority of the tribe in subtribe Cotulinae exhibits even more complex fl oral dentate or moderately to extremely dissected leaves are arrangements in the fl ower heads. While in Cotula capit- observed. As extremely dissected foliage the 3–4-pin- ula are either radiate, disciform, or discoid with outer fe- natisect leaves with hair-like pinnae of Sclerorhachis male ray or tubular fl orets and a central mass of hermaph- (Handeliinae) and the strongly dissected, sometimes 3- rodite fl orets, the derivative genera Leptinella and Soliva dimensional and vermiform leaves of some Achillea spe- show outer female disc fl orets and functionally male inner cies may serve as impressive examples. While in most disc fl orets. In Leptinella, subdioecious or even dioecious genera leaves are covered with glandular hairs and bas- conditions are observed, while Heywood and Humphries ifi xed or medifi xed trichomes, Bremer and Humphries (1977) report the gynodioecious condition in Achillea and (1993) describe secretory cavities that are otherwise only the occurrence of dioecy in Artemisia. found in fl oral structures of a number of genera in the leaves of Eumorphia, Gymnopentzia, and Phymasperma Involucre and involucral bracts (Phymasperminae) and of Athanasia and Hymenolepis The involucres encountered in Anthemideae are often (Athana siinae). hemispherical or obconical, but may (especially in smaller Napp-Zinn and Eble (1978) surveyed the stomatal ap- capitula) tend to be more cylindrical or even urceolate. paratus of species of Eriocephalus and a number of northern The phyllaries are usually arranged in two to seven im- hemisphere genera and documented a number of diff erent bricate rows and almost always possess scarious margins types. These fi ndings, however, are very hard to utilise and a scarious apex that are reduced only in a minor- due to the very sporadic sampling. ity of genera. In Eriocephalus the rows of involucral bracts 650 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

Osmitopsis Hippia Soliva Cotula Leptinella Adenanthellum Lidbeckia Thaminophyllum Hilliardia Inezia Schistostephium Inulanthera Ursinia Leucoptera Eriocephalus Adenoglossa Hymenolepis Athanasia Lasiospermum Eumorphia Phymaspermum Gymnopentzia Trichanthemis Allardia Microcephala Tanacetopsis Handelia Pseudohandelia Sclerorhachis Richteria Xylanthemum Lepidolopsis Cancrinia Myxopappus Foveolina Oncosiphon Marasmodes Cymbopappus Pentzia Rennera Hippolytia Nipponantemum Stilpnolepis Leucanthemella Artemisiella Brachanthemum Kaschgaria Phaeostigma Mausolea Turaniphytum Filifolium Elachanthemum Arctanthemum Chrysanthemum Ajania Neopallas Crossostephium Sphaeromeria Artemisia Picrothamnus Seriphidium Brocchia Leucocyclus Achillea Otanthus Matricaria Heliocauta Anacyclus Tanacetum Gonospermum Lugoa Cota Anthemis Nananthea Tripleurospermum Phalacrocarpum Castrilanthemum Hymenostemma Leucanthemopsis Prolongoa Daveaua Heteromera Chlamydophora Otospermum Coleostephus Mauranthemum Rhodanthemum Plagius Leucanthemum Chrysanthoglossum Glossopappus Lepidophorum Chamaemelum Cladanthus Santolina Rhetinolepis Mecomischus Endopappus Lonas Nivellea Aaronsohnia Heteranthemis basifixed Argyranthemum Glebionis medifixed Ismelia

Fig. 38.5. Evolution of indumentum type (basifi xed vs. medifi xed hairs), as reconstructed based on the nrDNA ITS maximum likelihood tree topology shown in Figs. 38.1 and 38.2. Chapter 38: Anthemideae 651 are reduced to two very unequal types, the outer scari- the defi nitions of Baagøe, 1977), Osmitopsis and some rep- ous with very wide brown to reddish scarious margins, resentatives of Athanasiinae (Lasiospermum), Ursiniinae and the inner connate and hairy that subtend the outer (Ursinia), and Phymasperminae (Eumorphia, Phymaspermum) fl orets. possess the senecioid cell type with tabular cells.

Receptacle Disc fl orets In Anthemideae the receptacles are either paleate or ep- Following Bremer and Humphries (1993) and our pres- aleate. This character had been used by Cassini (1823) to ent phylogenetic reconstructions, the plesiomorphic divide the tribe into two subtribes, later validly named type of tubular fl orets in Anthemideae is characterized Chrysantheminae Less. and Anthemidinae Dumort. The by an unswollen, non-saccate tube and a 5-lobed limb. artifi ciality of this subdivision was clearly stated by Merx- In Pentziinae, Anthemidinae, Leucantheminae, and müller (1954) and Wagenitz (1964), and demonstrated by Glebionidinae many representatives have basally swollen Greuter (1968) when he found that in Ammanthus (now tubular fl orets, being conspicuously infl ated and spongy included in Anthemis) the presence or absence of paleae at maturity. Sponginess is caused by the excessive growth “does not even necessarily suffi ce to distinguish spe- of subepidermal tissue, with the cells forming long inter- cies”. Hybridization experiments among members of woven and repeatedly branched rows and large intercellu- Anthemideae made by Mitsuoka and Ehrendorfer (1972) lars, while the epidermal cells become indurate by scleri- have shown that the inheritance of pales is probably under fi cation of their walls. However, as observed in Anthemis simple oligogenic control. The observation of sporadic (Oberprieler 1998), infl ation of disc oretfl bases is often paleate capitula in Glebionis (Napp-Zinn and Eble 1978, not consistently realized throughout a genus and fl orets under Chrysanthemum) and inclusion of paleate and epal- with a slender base or with a base pressed fl at and appear- eate species into Athanasia by Källersjö (1991) point in the ing laterally winged at maturity are found. same direction. In Matricariinae, Leucantheminae, and Santolininae A reconstruction of character evolution based on the the disc fl orets have a more-or-less conspicuously saccate present phylogeny of the tribe is equivocal with respect to tube with either lateral or abaxial spurs clasping the top the plesiomorphy of paleate or epaleate receptacles (Fig. of achenes. This character expression is often correlated 38.6). With Osmitopsidinae assumed to be basal and sis- with the occurrence of achenes with marginally rounded ter to the rest of the tribe, the presence of paleae may be apices and the lack of a pappus or corona. In a number the plesiomorphic condition, arguing for a epaleate re- of genera the tube is confl uent with the achene and may ceptacle to constitute a synapomorphy of Cotulinae and a persist on top of the mature fruits. While hairy corol- number of Asian, Eurasian, and Mediterranean subtribes, las are encountered in several genera of Anthemideae, with reversals to the paleate conditions occurring in some species of Athanasia in Athanasiinae bear unique, Anthemidinae, Matricariinae, Santolininae, and a num- long-stalked glands at the base of the disc corolla tubes ber of other genera or infrageneric entities. that have the appearance of a bristly pappus, although not The paleae are either persistent or readily deciduous connected with the achenes. and may be fl at or canaliculate, sometimes even enclosing In some subtribes the corolla has only four lobes. This the fl orets. Paleae may be also hairy or may be furnished is often observed in Cotulinae where only two genera with resin canals along their midvein. (Adenanthellum, Hippia) are characterized by 5-lobed co- The shape of the receptacles varies from fl at or convex rollas, and the 4-lobed condition may be a synapomorphy to conical or even narrowly conical. Usually the recep- of the subtribe or of a generic group within. However, tacle is fi lled with pith, but in some cases (e.g., Matricaria) corollas with reduced lobe numbers also occur in other, it is hollow. In some cases (e.g., Inezia, Eriocephalus, and unrelated subtribes such as Pentziinae (Myxopappus, Onco- some Artemisiinae) the receptacles are pilose or densely siphon), Handeliinae (Lepidolopsis), Artemisiinae (Ajania, hirsute. Filifolium, Artemisiella), Matricariinae (Matricaria), Anthe- mi dinae (Nananthea), and Leucantheminae (Chlamydo- Ray fl orets phora), mainly in connection with capitula of small size The ray fl orets in Anthemideae are either female and fertile and the reduction of tubular fl orets. In disciform capitula or sterile, or neuter. Their limb is usually white or yel- the outer female, tubular fl orets are often further dimin- low, but also red, orange, or pink colors are found in some ished and provided with a reduced, sometimes slender genera. In some genera of Cotulinae (e.g., Adenanthellum, limb without apical teeth. In Cotula these peripheral fl o- Hilliardia, Inezia) the limbs of ray fl orets are apically emar- rets are usually stalked, while in the closely related genus ginate or bifi d, possess a branching venation, and are char- Soliva they form several rows. acterized by a reduced tube. While most of the genera have The disc fl oret corolla lobes are often of the same size, ray fl orets with a helianthoid epidermal cell type (following but in several genera (e.g, Anacyclus in Matricariinae) 652 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

Osmitopsis Hippia Soliva Cotula Leptinella Adenanthellum Lidbeckia Thaminophyllum Hilliardia Inezia Schistostephium Inulanthera Ursinia Leucoptera Eriocephalus Adenoglossa Hymenolepis Athanasia Lasiospermum Eumorphia Phymaspermum Gymnopentzia Trichanthemis Allardia Microcephala Tanacetopsis Handelia Pseudohandelia Sclerorhachis Richteria Xylanthemum Lepidolopsis Cancrinia Myxopappus Foveolina Oncosiphon Marasmodes Cymbopappus Pentzia Rennera Hippolytia Nipponantemum Stilpnolepis Leucanthemella Artemisiella Brachanthemum Kaschgaria Phaeostigma Mausolea Turaniphytum Filifolium Elachanthemum Arctanthemum Chrysanthemum Ajania Neopallas Crossostephium Sphaeromeria Artemisia Picrothamnus Seriphidium Brocchia Leucocyclus Achillea Otanthus Matricaria Heliocauta Anacyclus Tanacetum Gonospermum Lugoa Cota Anthemis Nananthea Tripleurospermum Phalacrocarpum Castrilanthemum Hymenostemma Leucanthemopsis Prolongoa Daveaua Heteromera Chlamydophora Otospermum Coleostephus Mauranthemum Rhodanthemum Plagius Leucanthemum Chrysanthoglossum Glossopappus Lepidophorum Chamaemelum Cladanthus Santolina Rhetinolepis Mecomischus Endopappus Lonas Nivellea Aaronsohnia paleas absent Heteranthemis Argyranthemum paleas present Glebionis Ismelia

Fig. 38.6. Evolution of receptacle type (paleas absent vs. present), as reconstructed based on the nrDNA ITS maximum likeli- hood tree topology shown in Figs. 38.1 and 38.2. Chapter 38: Anthemideae 653 characteristic appendages on the abaxial side are found and is well known. Achenes are often either cylindrical, el- may lead to asymmetrical corollas. However, Oberprieler lipsoid or obovoid in outline and more or less circular in (1998) found in Anthemis that these appendages are too cross-section. In a number of genera or generic groups, variable to characterise species or species groups. The vas- fl attened achenes are encountered. In some genera of cularization of corolla lobes seems to provide some use- Cotulinae, Athanasiinae, Artemisiinae, Matricariinae, ful characters, with the majority of Anthemideae genera and Anthemidinae dosiventrally compressed, some- devoid of vascular bundles along the margins of lobes times even laterally winged, achenes are found, while in but with an anastomosing vascular system in Athanasia Glebionidinae laterally compressed fruits occur. (Athanasiinae). This feature, however, has been studied The presence, number, shape, and arrangement of ribs very fragmentarily. are variable. In the most basal representative of the tribe (Osmitopsis in Osmitopsidinae), achenes are 3–4-angled or Anthers ribbed. Four or fi ve evenly arranged ribs may therefore be In the majority of Anthemideae the anther thecae are the plesiomorphic condition in the tribe. In dorsiventrally obtuse to slightly pointed at the base. However, in some or laterally fl attened achenes, the number of ribs may be genera of diff erent subtribes (Osmitopsis [Osmitopsidinae], reduced and 1–2 wing-like ribs are formed. In other cases, Inulanthera [unassigned to a subtribe], and Hippolytia [Arte- the number of ribs is increased and achenes with up to 18 misiinae]), they are tailed. The apical anther appendage is (in Cota even more) ribs are encountered. usually ovate in outline and obtuse to round apically. In The achene apex in Anthemideae is usually furnished Artemisiinae, however, triangular, linear, or elliptical ap- with a relatively large, bowl-shaped discus called either pendages are observed that consist of rather thick-walled coronet, nectary, or stylopodium, respectively (Kynčlová cells and may constitute an apomorphy of the subtribe 1970; Vogt 1991; Bremer and Humphries 1993). In Lid- (Bremer and Humphries 1993). The endothecial tissue is beckia and Thaminophyllum (Cotulinae) this discus is very usually not polarized, i.e., its cells have wall thickenings large and persistent in fruit. The apical plate is either ecor- evenly distributed over their whole length, while in the onate and truncate or marginally rounded, or it is coro- genera of Ursiniinae, Athanasiinae (with the exception of nate. Only in Ursiniinae and in some Handeliinae is this Eriocephalus), and Phymasperminae cells of the endothecial corona pappus-like and formed of ovate scales (Ursinia) tissue have thickenings only apically and basally. The fi la- or subulate to bristle-like scales (Allardia, Ursinia), but ment collar is either slender or widens gradually towards never formed of true bristles. In many cases the corona is its proximal end (“baluster-shaped”, Meiri and Dulberger formed by basally fused scales or is an adaxial auricle or a 1986). It consists of cells with thickened walls and its mar- more-or-less thickened rim. gins are involute in cross-section. The fi lament proper is usually formed by large, unthickened, elongated cells. ANATOMY Styles The styles in Anthemideae are very uniform and represent Owing to the artifi ciality of a subtribal classifi cation once the so-called senecioid type: two vascular bundles run based on the presence vs. absence of paleae, numerous through the cylindrical and glabrous style shaft and end attempts have been made to elaborate a more satisfac- in the stigmatic branches, which are truncate-penicillate, tory taxonomy of the tribe. In this endeavour, carpologi- bearing two separate lines of stigmatic papillae on the cal characters proved to be the most important source inside and obtuse sweeping hairs at their apex. Usually of phylogenetically relevant features. Despite some early the stigmatic branches contain elongate resin ducts with fi ndings on the relevance of carpological characters in the a brown or orange content. The base of the style usually elaboration of naturally delimitated genera (e.g., Schultz becomes swollen and hardened due to enlarged and scler- 1844, 1860, and in Schnitzlein 1854), the full merit for the ifi ed cells. In the functionally male fl orets of Artemisia, exploitation of achene anatomy for taxonomic questions Cotula, Filifolium, Leptinella, Mausolea, Picrothamnus and in Anthemideae goes to J. Briquet who used characters of Turaniphytum, the style branches are undivided and lack a the pericarp for the demarcation of Mediterranean gen- stigmatic area. In Soliva the styles of the marginal female era of the tribe (Briquet 1916a–c; Briquet and Cavillier fl orets become spinescent in fruit. 1916). In the following decades, detailed carpological studies have been made in the so-called Chrysanthemum Achenes complex (Giroux 1930, 1933; Horvatic 1963; Borgen Dating back to the studies of Cassini (1823) and Schultz- 1972; Alavi 1976; Humphries 1976), in the Anthemis com- Bipontinus (in Schnitzlein 1854, Schultz 1860), the para- plex (Humphries 1977; Benedí i González and Molero i mount importance of achene morphology for the taxon- Briones 1985), or in a more geographically focused study omy and for the delimitation of genera in Anthemideae by Kynčlová (1970). The carpological survey of Reitbrecht 654 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

(1974) deserves consideration as the fi rst comprehensive Anthemis and Cota, further useful characters may be found tribal-wide evaluation of achene anatomy for the elabora- when analyzing the shape and number of calcium oxalate tion of a more natural subtribal classifi cation, utilizing as crystals in the epicarpic cells. many genera with suitable study material as possible but The testa epidermis of nearly half of the presently ac- with a clear focus on the northern hemisphere represen- cepted genera of the tribe was studied in a comparative tatives of the tribe. The latter study yielded a subdivision manner by Kneißl (1981) who classifi ed them into three into seven provisional groups, which were also accepted diff erent testa epidermis types (epidermal, sclerenchymal, for the (informal) subtribal treatment of Anthemideae and parenchymal type) and a number of genera unassigned in Heywood and Humphries (1977). Triggered by these to these groups. While the parenchymal type was found studies, anatomical studies of achenes in the following to be restricted to members of the present Cotulinae, decades contributed to a better understanding of the tax- and other members of the southern hemisphere subtribes onomy and the phylogenetic classifi cation of southern (together with members of subtribes Anthemidinae, hemisphere genera: Källersjö (1986, 1988) used mainly Glebionidinae, Leucanthemopsidinae, Matricariinae, and carpological characters for generic circumscriptions in Santolininae) are characterized by the epidermal type, the the Athanasia and Pentzia complexes, respectively, while sclerenchymal type is restricted to some northern hemi- Bruhl and Quinn (1990) added fruit anatomical evi- sphere subtribes (Anthemidinae, Artemisiinae, Hande- dence for the exclusion of several genera of “Cotuleae” liinae, Leucantheminae). from Anthemideae and the retention of Cotula, Leptinella, Nananthea, and Soliva in the tribe. The achene wall is often several cell layers thick and POLLEN partly or completely sclerifi ed. In other cases, especially in Santolininae, the pericarp is very thin and consists only The fi rst detailed light microscopic studies of Anthemideae of a single cell layer that is made up of longitudinal rows pol len were made by Wodehouse (1926, 1935) on Anthemis of mucilage cells. In the majority of the genera of the cotula and Chamaemelum nobile. He described the pollen as tribe, the pericarpic ribs coincide with vascular bundles tricolporate, echinate, having a coarse-granular, two-lay- through the mesocarp. However, in some genera (e.g., ered exine. The thicker inner layer appeared to him to be in a few Anthemis species; Oberprieler 1998) or generic built of coarse radial striae, and the outer, much thinner groups (such as Leucantheminae), the vascular bundles are layer was found to have very fi ne radial striae. He consid- found in the furrows between ribs, and the external ribs ered the exine sculpturing as a main diff erence within the of the achene seem to result from the outgrowth of inter- tribe, with echinate pollen grains with sharply pointed vascular mesocarpic tissue. spines characterizing Anthemis together with other insect- The pericarp of achenes in Anthemideae is frequently pollinated genera (Leucanthemum, Glebionis, Tanacetum) furnished with myxogenic cells of diff erent dimensions and and non-echinate pollen grains with vestigial or entirely diff erent shapes. Very often these mucilage cells are local- absent spines being typical for generally wind-pollinated ized on the ridges of achene ribs and consist of transversely genera like Artemisia (Wodehouse 1935). compressed cells in longitudinal rows, but in other cases Stix (1960), in her comprehensive light microscopical these specialized cells are solitarily interspersed among work on pollen morphology of Compositae, described normal epidermal cells. In most representatives of the tribe her “Anthemis-type”, to which she also assigned represen- the epicarp is furnished with short glandular hairs formed tatives of Achillea, Chamaemelum, Glebionis, Leucanthemum, by two parallel rows of cells (biseriate) and an apical pair Cotula, and Matricaria, as having a tegillate sexine. She of enlarged cells capped with an acellular vesicle. Besides found the inner, coarsely striate layer of the sexine to con- these glands, several genera of Cotulinae, Athanasiinae, sist of rather thick and distantly branched infrategillary Handeliinae, and Artemisiinae are characterized by nor- baculae, while the outer, fi ner striate layer is formed of mal, eglandular hairs. Extremely villous achenes are fi ne pila with heads mostly fused together (“intertegillary found in Lasiospermum (Athanasiinae) and Trichanthemum baculae”). Her fi ndings were later corroborated by trans- (Handeliinae), while achenes with a conspicuously papil- mission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning elec- lose pericarp are typical for subtribe Phymasperminae. tron microscopy (SEM) (e.g., Skvarla et al. 1977; Vezey et Additionally, the pericarp of many Anthemideae rep- al. 1994; the latter authors use the term “double tectum” resentatives is furnished with resin canals or resin sacs. for the outer layer of baculae that they erroneously call These may be either scattered over the whole pericarp or “infratectal columellae”, while the infrategillary baculae are found in more characteristic positions (longitudinal are called “basal columellae”). resin canals in or between ribs, round or ellipsoid resin In further studies of pollen in Anthemideae by Čigur- sacs near the achene apex). As Oberprieler (1998) has jaeva and Tereškova (1983), Benedí i González (1987), demonstrated when discussing the diff erences between Fedorončuk and Savitskii (1988), and De Leonardis et al. Chapter 38: Anthemideae 655

(1991), pollen grains of the “Anthemis-type” were found solely reported for Argyranthemum of Glebionidinae, the to be rather uniformly sphaeroidal, trizonocolporate and tetrasporic embryo sac development observed in Anthe- spiny, with tenuimarginate, sharply pointed colpi, and mis (Harling 1950, 1960), Cota (Harling 1950, 1960), lalongate, tenuimarginate, sharply pointed ora. Detailed Nananthea (Martinoli 1940), Tanacetum (Harling 1951), SEM studies by Vezey et al. (1994) demonstrated that pol- and Tripleurospermum (Harling 1951) constitutes an im- len grains of Ursinia are qualitatively diff erent from the portant argument for the monophyly of Anthemidinae common “Anthemis-type” because grains lack the infrate- with a parallelism found in Heteranthemis (Harling 1951) gillary baculae (“basal columellae”) leading to so-called of Glebionidinae. As in the case of chromosome numbers caveate pollen (Skvarla and Larson 1965; Skvarla and and karyotypes, more extensive and taxonomically com- Turner 1966; Skvarla et al. 1977). They also found that plete studies on this character are needed (especially for pollen grains from Artemisia are characterized by infrateg- the southern hemisphere representatives of the tribe) to illary baculae (“basal columellae”) with complex and fully appreciate the power of embryology for the phylo- interwoven branches. Both conditions were interpreted genetic classifi cation of Anthemideae. as being apomorphic relative to the common “Anthemis- type” with vestigal infrategillary baculae observed in Ursinia being a reversal towards the plesiomorphic condi- CHROMOSOME NUMBERS tion. A further exceptional case in Anthemideae is ob- served in Adenanthellum (Cotulinae), where the pollen is According to Heywood and Humphries (1977) and hexa-panto-colpoporate rather than tricolporate (Bremer Bremer and Humphries (1993), x = 9 is the most com- and Humphries 1993). mon base chromosome number in Anthemideae. Other Gadek et al. (1989) were able to provide light and base numbers occur only in a few genera. Based on our electron microscopical (SEM, TEM) evidence for the present phylogenetic reconstructions with the basal po- dismembering of the former “Cotuleae”, with Cotula, sition of Osmitopsis (Osmitopsidinae) and Cotulinae and Leptinella, Nananthea, and Soliva having anthemoid pollen, the base chromosome number of x = 10 found in Osmi- but Abrotanella, Ischnea, and Centipeda having senecioid, top sis (cf. Bremer and Humphries 1993) and a number and , Dimorphocoma, Elachanthus, Isoetopsis, Min- of genera of Cotulinae (Cotula, Hilliardia, Inezia, Soliva, uria, and having helianthoid exines, leading Thaminophyllum), the reconstruction of character evolu- to their exclusion from Anthemideae. Detailed pollen tion shown in Fig. 38.8 indicates that x = 10 is the most morphological studies (LM, SEM) in Artemisiinae made reasonable base chromosome number for the common by Martín et al. (2001, 2003) demonstrated that besides ancestor of the tribe. A transition to x = 9, however, is Artemisia and the closely related genera Crossostephium, observed very close to the base of the tree and this base Filifolium, Mausolea, Neopallasia, Picrothamnus, Seriphidium, chromosome number is reconstructed for most of the Sphaeromeria, and Turaniphytum, the more distantly re- subtribes above Athanasiinae. lated genera Ajaniopsis, Kaschgaria, and Phaeostigma are Descending dysploidy is found in Cotula (x = 8, 9, 10; also characterized by smooth or microechinate pollen Cotulinae), Ursinia (x = 5, 7, 8; Ursiniinae), Athanasia (x = grains, while Arctanthemum, Chrysanthemum, Hulteniella, 8; Athanasiinae), Myxopappus, Oncosiphon, Pentzia (x = 6, Stilpnolepis, and Tridactylina show the normal long-spined 7, 8; Pentziinae), Microcephala (x = 7; Handeliinae), and to a “Anthemis type”. considerable extent in Artemisia (x = 7, 8, 9; Artemisiinae), while ascending dysploidy occurs more rarely in Leptinella (x = 13; Cotulinae) and again in Artemisia (x = 8, 9, 10, EMBRYOLOGY 11, 17; Artemisiinae). Polyploidy is common in the tribe. Extensive polyploid Anthemideae have been thoroughly, but not comprehen- complexes are found in Achillea (2x –10x), Artemisia (2x –16x, sively, studied embryologically by Harling (1950, 1951, Pellicer et al. 2007), Dendranthema (2x –10x), Leptinella 1960), who concentrated mainly on northern hemisphere (4x –12x), and Leucanthemum (2x –22x, Vogt 1991). representatives of the tribe. Sparse information on embryo Uitz (1970) found prominent diff erences in struc- sac formation for southern hemisphere, i.e., the basal gen- ture and total size of karyotypes among Anthemideae. era of the tribe (Cotula [Harling 1951], Ursinia [Ahlstrand However, these observations were only based on north- 1978], Lasiospermum [Harling 1950], Oncosiphon [Harling ern hemisphere representatives of the tribe. Despite the 1951]), suggest that a monosporic embryo sac develop- lack of a more comprehensive study on the cytogenet- ment is the plesiomorphic condition in the tribe (see ics of the tribe, also including representatives of the reconstruction of character evolution in Fig. 38.7), and southern hemisphere and Asian subtribes, some inter- that the bisporic and tetrasporic modes of development esting evolutionary patterns of karyotype modifi cation are apomorphic. While the bisporic condition has been were observed (Uitz 1970). The low recombination rate 656 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

Osmitopsis Hippia Soliva Cotula Leptinella Adenanthellum Lidbeckia Thaminophyllum Hilliardia Inezia Schistostephium Inulanthera Ursinia Leucoptera Eriocephalus Adenoglossa Hymenolepis Athanasia Lasiospermum Eumorphia Phymaspermum Gymnopentzia Trichanthemis Allardia Microcephala Tanacetopsis Handelia Pseudohandelia Sclerorhachis Richteria Xylanthemum Lepidolopsis Cancrinia Myxopappus Foveolina Oncosiphon Marasmodes Cymbopappus Pentzia Rennera Hippolytia Nipponantemum Stilpnolepis Leucanthemella Artemisiella Brachanthemum Kaschgaria Phaeostigma Mausolea Turaniphytum Filifolium Elachanthemum Arctanthemum Chrysanthemum Ajania Neopallas Crossostephium Sphaeromeria Artemisia Picrothamnus Seriphidium Brocchia Leucocyclus Achillea Otanthus Matricaria Heliocauta Anacyclus Tanacetum Gonospermum Lugoa Cota Anthemis Nananthea Tripleurospermum Phalacrocarpum Castrilanthemum Hymenostemma Leucanthemopsis Prolongoa Daveaua Heteromera Chlamydophora Otospermum Coleostephus Mauranthemum Rhodanthemum Plagius Leucanthemum Chrysanthoglossum Glossopappus Lepidophorum Chamaemelum Cladanthus Santolina Rhetinolepis Mecomischus Endopappus Lonas monosporic Nivellea Aaronsohnia bisporic Heteranthemis Argyranthemum tetrasporic Glebionis Ismelia

Fig. 38.7. Evolution of embryo sac development type, as reconstructed based on the nrDNA ITS maximum likelihood tree topology shown in Figs. 38.1 and 38.2. Chapter 38: Anthemideae 657

Osmitopsis Hippia Soliva 8,9,10,13 Cotula Leptinella 10 Adenanthellum Lidbeckia Thaminophyllum Hilliardia Inezia Schistostephium Inulanthera 5, 7, 8 Ursinia Leucoptera Eriocephalus Adenoglossa Hymenolepis 8 Athanasia Lasiospermum Eumorphia 9 Phymaspermum Gymnopentzia Trichanthemis Allardia Microcephala 7 Tanacetopsis Handelia Pseudohandelia Sclerorhachis Richteria Xylanthemum Lepidolopsis Cancrinia Myxopappus Foveolina 6, 7, 8, 9 Oncosiphon Marasmodes Cymbopappus Pentzia Rennera Hippolytia Nipponantemum Stilpnolepis Leucanthemella Artemisiella Brachanthemum Kaschgaria Phaeostigma Mausolea Turaniphytum Filifolium Elachanthemum Arctanthemum Chrysanthemum Ajania Neopallas Crossostephium Sphaeromeria Artemisia 7,8,9,10,11,17 Picrothamnus Seriphidium Brocchia Leucocyclus Achillea Otanthus Matricaria Heliocauta Anacyclus Tanacetum Gonospermum Lugoa Cota Anthemis Nananthea Tripleurospermum Phalacrocarpum Castrilanthemum Hymenostemma Leucanthemopsis Prolongoa Daveaua Heteromera Chlamydophora Otospermum Coleostephus Mauranthemum Rhodanthemum Plagius Leucanthemum x = 5 Chrysanthoglossum Glossopappus Lepidophorum x = 6 Chamaemelum Cladanthus x = 7 Santolina Rhetinolepis Mecomischus x = 8 Endopappus Lonas x = 9 Nivellea Aaronsohnia Heteranthemis x = 10 Argyranthemum Glebionis x = 11,13,17 Ismelia

Fig. 38.8. Evolution of base chromosome numbers, as reconstructed based on the nrDNA ITS maximum likelihood tree topol- ogy shown in Figs. 38.1 and 38.2. 658 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt caused by long generation times in perennials seems to falcarinone and its derivates in the southern hemisphere be compensated for by the prevalence of allogamy and genera of Cotula, Inezia, Lindbeckia, Schistostephium, Tha- polyploidy. The relatively high recombination rates in minophyllum (all Cotulinae), and Eriocephalus (Athanasiinae) annuals, due to their short generation times, are com- and in the northern hemisphere genus Artemisia (Arte- pensated by the tendency towards autogamy and struc- misiinae). Most of the northern hemisphere representatives tural heterozygosity, along with higher cross-over fre- (including Artemisia) also contain acetylenes of the C13 or quencies during meiosis. With the exception of a cyto- C14 pathways (Greger 1977; Marco and Barberá 1990; genetic study by Mitsuoka and Ehrendorfer (1972), who Christensen 1992). It is interesting to note that the mainly included Pentzia as a southern hemisphere Anthemideae southern hemisphere genus Pentzia (Pentziinae), which is member in their study, more detailed surveys on karyo- found closely related to the northern hemisphere portions type evolution in the whole tribe are lacking. Only some of the molecular phylogenetic tree, is also characterized by studies at the generic level have been made in the last acetylenes of the C14 rather than the C17 pathway. three decades, e.g., Ehrendorfer et al. (1977) in Anacyclus, Other groups of acetylenes have been observed (or Oberprieler (1998) in Anthemis s.l., or Mendelak and studied) mainly in northern hemisphere representatives of Schweizer (1986), Oliva and Vallès (1994), Vallès and the tribe. These show only restricted phylogenetic and/or Siljak-Yakovlev (1997), Torrell et al. (2003) and Garcia et taxonomic signifi cance. For example, thiophenes (consist- al. (2007) in Artemisia. ing mainly of C10-, C12- and C13-monothiophenes) are found regularly in Artemisia of Artemisiinae, in Anthemis, Tanacetum, and Tripleurospermum of Anthemidinae, in Ana- CHEMISTRY cyclus and Matricaria of Matricariinae, and in Argyr anthemum of Glebionidinae. Aromatic acetylenes and furan acety- As Christensen (1992) pointed out, the tribe Anthemideae lenes are mainly restricted to some Medi terranean genera is one of the chemically best investigated tribes of Com- of the tribe (Anthemis of Anthem id inae, Leucanthemum of positae. According to Greger (1977), polyactylenes, ses- Leucantheminae, Santolina of Santolin inae, Argyranthemum quiterpene lactones, and fl avonoids are the three main and Glebionis of Glebionidinae, and in the unassigned classes of interest to systematists. However, as Bremer Lonas), but also occur in Artemisia (Artemisi inae). and Humphries (1993) also noted, information on micro- The presence of amides, which are frequently respon- molecular substances are still diffi cult to utilise in a taxo- sible for insecticidal activity, was considered signifi cant nomic or phylogenetic context because these data have for the circumscription of Achilleinae in Bremer and often been collected in a rather unsystematic, uncom- Humphries (1993), but it now seems that these second- prehensive and sporadic manner. Further, these studies ary compounds are characteristic of a broader array of often do not indicate the absence of a particular chemical Mediterranean genera (Achillea, Anacyclus, Leucocyclus, and compound in a taxon. The hardly accessible, and in many Otanthus of Matricariinae, Chamaemelum and Cladanthus cases unknown, background information on biochemical of Santolininae, Leucanthemum of Leucantheminae, Argyr- pathways further complicates exploitation of micromo- anthemum and Glebionis of Glebionidinae, and the unas- lecular data for systematic studies. Nevertheless, in the signed Aaronsohnia). following we will try to give a short review of important groups of secondary compounds in the tribe. Terpenoids The strong aromatic odors found in members of Anthem- Acetylenes and related compounds ideae are caused by the presence and high concentra- Acetylenes and related compounds were reviewed for the tions of monoterpenes. In several members of the tribe tribe by Christensen (1992), who noted that a wide array (e.g., Achillea, Artemisia, Tanacetum) essential oils from of acetylenic compounds are present, including aromates, leaves and/or fl owers are used medicinally or industri- lactones, isocoumarins, cumulenes, pyrones, spiroacetal ally (Greger 1977). The “pyrethrins”, responsible for the enol ethers, furans, thiophenes, thioethers, sulphoxides, insecticidal properties of some Anthemideae species (es- alkamides, and straight chain acetylenes. Only in some pecially of Tanacetum cinerariifolium), also belong to this southern hemisphere representatives of the tribe, namely group of secondary compounds. A comprehensive study in Athanasia and Lasiospermum of Athanasiinae, Eumorphia, of monoterpenes and their bearing on the infrageneric Gymnopentzia, and Phymaspermum of Phymasperminae classifi cation of Artemisia was conducted by Stangl and and Ursinia of Ursiniinae, acetylenes seem to be com- Greger (1980). Oberprieler and Vogt (1999) used a gas pletely absent and are found substituted for by character- chromatographic survey of essential oils to study species istic furanosesquiterpenes (see below). delimitation in Anthemis from Cyprus. An additional main pattern of chemical variation in Of the sesquiterpenes, bisabolol from Matricaria recutita the tribe is the predominance of C17-acetylene dehydro- has gained some pharmaceutical attention due to its anti- Chapter 38: Anthemideae 659 phlogistic activity, while the occurrence of furansesquiter- BIOGEOGRAPHY penes instead of polyacetylenes in Athanasia, Lasiospermum (Athanasiinae), Eumorphia, Gymnopentzia, Phymaspermum Anthemideae show a mainly Old World–centered, extra- (Phymasperminae), and Ursinia (Ursiniinae) was consid- tropical distributional range. Primary concentrations of ered an important character to circumscribe the subtribe genera and species are observed in the steppe and semi- Ursiniinae in the sense of Bremer and Humphries (1993), desert vegetation of middle and southwest Asia and the which now appears to be highly polyphyletic. areas with a winter rain, Mediterranean climate type in Sesquiterpene lactones in Anthemideae were re- southern Africa, and the Mediterranean region (“etesian viewed by Seaman (1982) in the course of his study on climate”). While both the boreal and arctic zone is inhab- this group of secondary compounds as taxonomic mark- ited by numerous species of the large genera Artemisia and ers in Compositae. The simplest sesquiterpene lactones Achillea, other members of the tribe (Cotula, Leptinella, are the germacranolides that are converted into more and Soliva of Cotulinae) occur in the southern hemisphere derived guaianolides and santanolides (Greger 1977). (Jäger 1987). In addition, representatives of the tribe are Sesquiterpene lactones are very common in the genus also characteristic at high altitudes (Meusel and Jäger Artemisia, in which they constitute the most character- 1992). The adaptation to a winter-green and often annual istic chemical markers (Marco and Barberá 1990). While growth rhythm in the Mediterranean climate types has the santanolides are only known from Artemisia, the other led to the enlargement of distributional areas of numerous two groups are found both in the basal subtribe Cotulinae taxa due to their co-migration with humans as members and in the more advanced ones (Pentziinae, Artemisiinae, of a segetal or ruderal fl ora (Meusel and Jäger 1992). Anthemidinae, Matricariinae, and Santolininae). Most The biogeographic signal in the evolutionary history important in phylogenetic respects is the observation re- of the entire tribe is apparent (Fig. 38.9). Members of the ported by Seaman (1982) that many genera of the tribe basal subtribes Osmitopsidinae, Cotulinae, Ursini inae, are linked together by the presence of C6 trans-lactonized Athanasiinae, and Phymasperminae form a mainly south- guaianolides, and that these constituents are missing in the ern hemisphere grade with a concentration of genera and southern hemisphere genera Osmitopsis (Osmitopsidinae) species in South Africa. Only some members of Cotulinae and Ursinia (Ursiniinae). and Athanasiinae occur outside of southern Africa. Members of Cotula are found also in northeastern Africa Flavonoids (C. abyssinica Sch.Bip. ex A. Rich., C. cryptocephala Sch. Information on fl avonoids in Anthemideae was reviewed Bip. ex A. Rich.), Australia (C. alpina (Hook. f) Hook. f., recently by Bohm and Stuessy (2001) in their compre- C. cotuloides (Steetz) Druce), Java (C. elongata B. Vogel), hensive treatment of this group of secondary compounds Central and southern America (C. mexicana (DC.) Ca- for the whole family. These authors consider the tribe brera), and the southern oceanic islands (C. goughensis as moderately complex in its fl avonoid chemistry and R.N.R. Brown, C. moseleyi Hemsl.) or have conquered fi nd that fl avones and fl avonols are about equally rep- vast areas as widespread weedy species (C. anthemoides L., resented in the larger genera (Bohm and Stuessy 2001). C. australis (Spreng.) Hook. f., C. coronopifolia L.). Leptinella, While anthochlors (aurones and chalcones) and isofl a- a derivative of Cotula, has a center of diversity in Australia vones have never been reported from the tribe (with the and New Zealand, and Soliva is mainly American and exception of a chalcone derivative reported by Huneck Australian with two species widespread as weeds (S. sessilis et al., 1985, as quoted in Marco and Barberá, 1990), only Ruiz & Pav., S. stolonifera (Brot.) Loudon). Finally, Ursinia a few members were found to possess dihydrochalcones, of Ursiniinae and Lasiospermum of Athanasiinae have an fl avanones, dihydrofl avonoles, and C-glycosylfl avones. extended distributional range to northeastern Africa When information available from Bohm and Stuessy (Ethiopia) and southwestern Asia (Sinai), respectively. (2001) is compared with the presently suggested subtribal Subtribes of the intermediate Asian-southern African classifi cation only two interesting distribution patterns grade clearly demonstrate that the evolutionary history of emerge. Firstly, it seems that a 4-hydroxylation with the tribe obviously passed through phases of migrations extra oxygenation at C6, while present in at least some out of Africa into Asia and/or the Mediterranean region. genera of the other surveyed subtribes, is completely Pentziinae are mainly southern African, but some species lacking from Leucantheminae, Leucanthemopsidinae, of Pentzia are also found in northern Africa (P. hesperidum and Glebionidinae. Secondly, fl avanones are absent from Maire & Wilczek, P. monodiana Maire) and in the Horn both the basal and the advanced subtribes and char- of Africa region (P. somalensis E.A. Bruce ex Thulin, acterise the intermediate Athanasiinae (Eriocephalus), P. arabica Thulin; Thulin 2001). Handeliinae are strictly Phymasperminae (Gymnopentzia), Pentziinae (Oncosiphon, Asian with most genera stretching their area between Pentzia), and Artemisiinae (Arctanthemum, Artemisia, Iran and Afghanistan and China, while Artemisiinae Filifolium). (headed by Artemisia and its allied genera) have conquered 660 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt

Osmitopsis Osmitopsidinae Hippia Soliva Cotula Leptinella Adenanthellum Lidbeckia Cotulinae Thaminophyllum Hilliardia Inezia Schistostephium Inulanthera Ursinia Ursiniinae Leucoptera Adenoglossa Eriocephalus Athanasiinae Athanasia Hymenolepis Lasiospermum Eumorphia Gymnopentzia Phymasperminae Phymasperma Trichanthemis Allardia Handelia Pseudohandelia Microcephala Tanacetopsis Handeliinae Sclerorhachis Cancrinia Lepidolopsis Richteria Xylanthemum Myxopappus Foveolina Oncosiphon Marasmodes Pentziinae Cymbopappus Pentzia Rennera Hippolytia Nipponantemum Leucanthemella Stilpnolepis Artemisiella Brachanthemum Kaschgaria Phaeostigma Mausolea Turaniphytum Filifolium Artemisiinae Elachanthemum Arctanthemum Ajania Chrysanthemum Crossostephium Neopallasia Southern Andes, Sphaeromeria southern South America Artemisia Picrothamnus Seriphidium North America Brocchia Achillea Mexico Leucocyclus Anacyclus Matricariinae Heliocauta Matricaria Europe Otanthus Tanacetum Gonospermum Eurasia Lugoa Cota Anthemidinae Anthemis Eastern & central Asia Nananthea Tripleurospermum Phalacrocarpum Southern Africa Castrilanthemum Hymenostemma Leucanthemopsidinae Madagascar, Leucanthemopsis tropical Africa Prolongoa Daveaua Northern Africa, Heteromera Mediterranean, South Europe Chlamydophora Otospermum Coleostephus Australia, New Guinea, Mauranthemum New Caledonia Rhodanthemum Leucantheminae Plagius New Zealand Leucanthemum Chrysanthoglossum Widespread or Glossopappus ambiguous Lepidophorum Chamaemelum Cladanthus Santolininae Santolina Mecomischus Rhetinolepis Fig. 38.9. Biogeography of the tribe Compositae- Endopappus Lonas Anthemideae based on the nrDNA ITS maximum Aaronsohnia Nivellea likelihood tree topology shown in Figs. 38.1 Heteranthemis and 38.2. For a complete biogeography tree of Argyranthemum Glebionis Glebionidinae Compositae see Chapter 44. Ismelia Chapter 38: Anthemideae 661 areas of the northern hemisphere beyond central Asia Anthemideae. Variation in perennials occurs on a larger (e.g., Arctanthemum in arctic Eurasia and arctic America, geographical scale, and morphologically divergent forms Chrysanthemum and Leucanthemella in Japan and east- are geographically isolated but often connected by mor- ern Europe, or Artemisia, Picrothamnus, and Sphaeromeria phological intermediates, which results in clinal patterns in America) and made their way to the Mediterranean of morphological variation. In contrast, annual taxa show (Artemisia), South America (Artemisia copa Phil., A. echeg- more restricted, allopatric distributional areas, and mor- arayi Hieron., A. mendozana DC.), and even back into phological variation within taxa is rather small as com- Africa south of the Sahara (Artemisia afra Jacq.). pared to the variation among taxa. Evolutionary diver- The Eurasian/Mediterranean clade of the tribe which gence appears to be more rapid in the annual representa- comprises the most advanced subtribes Anthemidinae, tives than in the perennial ones. However, exceptions to Glebionidinae, Leucantheminae, Leucanthemopsidinae, these rules exist, and we often fi nd narrowly restricted Matricariinae, and Santolininae shows a strictly north- perennials (often paleoendemics with remnant popula- ern hemisphere distribution with a main concentration in tions or neoendemics due to polyploidization), as well as southwestern Asia and the circum-Mediterranean region, widely distributed annuals (especially weedy species that and only four species of Tanacetum reaching the New followed the human dispersal as members of a segetal or World via Siberia (T. camphoratum Less., T. douglasii DC., ruderal fl ora). T. huronense Nutt., T. bipinnatum Sch.Bip.). This mono- Anthemideae provide several impressive and fascinating phyletic group of subtribes is the only part of the tribe examples of polyploid complexes in Compositae. Without for which detailed statistical biogeographic analyses have exception, these are confi ned to perennial taxa (whole been carried out (Oberprieler 2005). Based on a com- genera as in Achillea, Leucanthemum, or Leptinella or peren- bination of dispersal-vicariance analysis (Ronquist 1997) nial members of polymorphic genera, e.g., as in Anthemis). and molecular clock dating of calibrated, rate-smoothed As noted above, the most comprehensive series of poly - maximum-likelihood trees based on ITS sequence infor- ploid chromosome numbers exist in Achillea (2x –10x), mation, Oberprieler (2005) demonstrated that the ances- Artemisia (2x –16x, Pellicer et al. 2007), Dendranthema (2x – tor of this clade diverged from the basal African lineages 10x), Leptinella (4x –12x), and Leucanthemum (2x –22x, Vogt in the late Early Miocene (18 Ma), presumably in con- 1991). In Achillea, the best studied genus of the polyploid junction with the collision of the African and Eurasian complexes in Anthemideae, various studies have demon- platforms. Recurrent dispersal/vicariance events during strated numerous cases of polyploidy, transition zones be- the Middle and Late Miocene (16–11 Ma), both between tween species, hybridization, and excessive polymorphism the eastern and western Mediterranean region and (in the (Ehrendor fer 1959; Vetter et a l. 1996a, b; Saukel et a l. 2004) latter region) between the northern and southern Peri- leading to the conclusion that reticulate evolution was not Tethys platforms, caused the further diversifi cation of the only involved in recent radiations but must have been al- clade. This led to the paramount role of the North African ready active in the early diversifi cation of the genus (Guo platform and the Anatolian region in the radiation of the et al. 2005). On the other hand, however, studies pres- tribe, causing the present-day generic richness in the ently underway in Leptinella (Himmelreich, unpub.) and western Mediterranean subclade and richness of species in Leucanthemum (Hößl, unpub.) demonstrate that the present the large genera Achillea, Anthemis, Cota, Tanacetum, and polyploid species evolved mainly from their diploid ances- Tripleurospermum of the eastern Mediterranean subclade. tors during the Pleistocene. Using AFLP analyses, Guo et al. (2005) were able to decipher some relationships in the Achillea millefolium complex which contains species with EVOLUTION diploid and up to hexaploid chromosome numbers. The Macaronesian genus Argyranthemum of subtribe As Ehrendorfer (1970) pointed out, the main changes in Glebionidinae with its 24 endemic species provides a evolutionary patterns and processes in Anthemideae have spectacular example of adaptive radiation at the diploid been observed in connection with the switch from a pe- level (Francisco-Ortega et al. 1996, 1997). Using evi- rennial to an annual life form. According to the survey dence from phylogenetic analyses based on nrDNA and made by Uitz (1970), perennials of the tribe are mostly cpDNA, along with the characterisation of the ecology of self-incompatible, while annuals are nearly all self-com- each species, Francisco-Ortega et al. (1996, 1997) dem- patible, more or less autogamous, and much more variable onstrated that the primary avenue of taxonomic diversi- in karyotype length, symmetry, and chiasma frequency. fi cation in this group was extensive inter-island coloniza- In these respects, the fi nding made in a systematic study tion between similar ecological zones, and that hybridiza- of Anthemis in northern Africa by Oberprieler (1998) may tion and diploid hybrid speciation played an important be roughly generalized to most Eurasian/Mediterranean role in the evolution of the genus. In other genera of the representatives of the tribe, if not for all members of tribe, diversifi cation through hybrid speciation is often 662 Oberprieler, Himmelreich, Källersjö, Vallès, Watson and Vogt hypothesized on morphological grounds (e.g., in Anthemis are described for A. abrotanum and A. annua, respectively. by Oberprieler, 1998) but remains unproven using mo- Matricaria recutita is known for its antibacterial and anti- lecular techniques. Since intergeneric crosses between infl ammatory chemical compounds. To a lesser extent, and among diff erent genera of the tribe produce fertile members of Achillea (A. millefolium as an herbal treat- or semifertile off spring (cf. experiments of Mitsuoka ment of arthritis), Anacyclus (A. pyrethrum as the source and Ehrendorfer, 1972, with representatives of Anthemis, of ‘Radix Pyrethri’, pellitory), and Tanacetum (T. corymbo- Chamaemelum, Cota, Matricaria, and Tripleurospermum), the sum providing an antibacterial oil) may be similarly used. prerequisite for diploid hybrid speciation is highly plau- Artemisia is also an important source for species with sible and may be responsible not only for speciation events high culinary importance. Artemisia absinthium (absinth), within genera but also for the reticulate combination of A. genipi, A. glacialis and A. umbelliformis (genepi liqueur), characteristic morphological features of diff erent genera and A. pontica (fl avour of vermouth) are used to fl avour al- of the tribe. coholic beverages; A. dracunculus (tarragon, estragon) and A. vulgaris are important spices. Additional economic importance is reported for the ECONOMIC USES two species of Glebionis that are cultivated in China and Japan due to their edible leaves and fl owers, for Crosso- Members of Anthemideae are used and cultivated for a stephium chinense as a source of cotton-like wool that is broad variety of purposes, mainly as ornamentals, but also obtained from the hairs on young leaves, for Cota tinc- for their medicinal and culinary importance, as well as other toria that produces a yellow dye, and for Chamaemelum economic uses. For the southern hemisphere representa- nobile, the source of the “Roman Chamomile” oil that is tives of the tribe, cultivation as ornamentals is known for mainly used in the cosmetics industry. Some members of species of Athanasia, Eriocephalus, Oncosiphon, and Ursinia, Anthemideae are known for their insecticidal potential. while members of Cotula and especially of Leptinella are This is mainly exploited in the case of Tanacetum cinerarii- well-known carpeting plants also in the northern hemi- folium, the important source of “pyrethrum” insecticide. sphere. From the Asian subtribe Artemisiinae, the au- Some Asiatic, North African and North American species tumn fl owering garden derived from of Artemisia are relevant for pastures and fodder. Pentzia Chrysanthemum grandifolium (probably a complex hybrid has also been introduced (with little success) in North group raised in China from Ch. indicum) are of high eco- America as a fodder plant in arid areas. nomic importance as ornamentals, followed by mem- bers of Ajania, Arctanthemum, Artemisia, Leucanthemella, and Nipponanthemum. Ornamentals from the Eurasian/ Acknowledgements. We would like to thank the organizers Mediterranean clade are found in Tanacetum (T. coccineum, of the TICA meeting in Barcelona in July 2006 for the op- the garden pyrethrum), Leucanthemum (L. ×superbum, the portunity to present our results on Anthemideae phylogenet- oxeye daisy or marguerite), Mauranthemum (M. paludosum), ics and for their invitation to contribute the present treatment and the Paris daisy . To a lesser to the joint Compositae overview. As editors of the present extent, members of Achillea, Otanthus, Cota, Heteranthemis, Anthemideae treatment, Vicki Funk and Randy Bayer are es- Ismelia, Glebionis, Chamaemelum, Santolina, and Lonas are pecially acknowledged. Comments of two anonymous review- also found in ornamental gardens. ers improved the manuscript considerably. Peter Schönfelder Medicinal importance of Anthemideae species is (Regensburg) is thankfully acknowledged for his contribution mainly restricted to members of Artemisia and Matricaria, of nice Anthemideae photographs for the color plate. where, for example, vermifugal or antimalarian usages

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