ASSOCIATION OF SOClET!ES FOR GROWING AUSTRALIAN PLANTS THE AUSTRALIAN DAISY STUDY GROUP NEWSLETTER NO. 63 CONTENTS Office Bearers 17 Leadets Letter and Coming Events Species or Forms New to Members Podolepis heiracoides Ros Cornish International Flower Show Jan Hall Judy Barker Mallacoota Magic Joy Greig Brachysccrrnes in my Kingston Jeanette garden Closs Alpine National Park Trip Esma Salkin Leptorhynchos squamatus Christina Flann Leptorhynchos nitidulus Judy Barker A Propagation Experiment Judy Barker ADSG is a Student Resource Judy Barker Members Reports Daisy World and Gaia Theory Bev Courtney Snippets, New Members, Seed Donors, Seed List Leptohynchos niiidulus xl13 Illustrated by Betty Campbell OFFICE BEARERS: Leader 8 Newsletter Editor - Joy Greg, PO Box 258. Mallacoota, 3892. TeVFax: (03) 5158 0669 (or Unit 1, laBuchanan St, Boronia, 3155. Tel: (03) 9762 7799) Email
[email protected] Treasurer -Bev Courtney, 9 Nirvana Close, Langwamn, 3910. Conservation Officer (including ADSG Herbarium Curator and Provenance Seed Co-ordinator): - Esma Salkin, 38 Pinewood Drive, Mount Waverley, 3149. Tel(03) 9802 6213 Garden and Commercial Seed Coordinator and Convenor, Publications Committee -Judy Barker, 9 Wiford St, East Hawthorn, 3123. Tel: (03) 9813 2916 Fax (03) 9813 1195 WEB PAGE: DEADLINE FOR NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER - lSTOCTOBER 2002 LEADER'S LETTER I am delighted (and relieved) to report that the book has arrived at last. After a disappointing setback when our publisher rejected the first print, we are happy with the final result. I am sure that 'Everlasting Daisies of Australia' will be an excellent reference for gardeners, commercial growers and naturalists. Because of the delay with publication, the promised book review was not available in time for this newsletter.