THE OSCAR 613.241.1010 The Ottawa South Community Association Review l The Community Voice YEAR 44, No.6 June 2016 Volunteers Honoured by OSCA

Some of the 2016 OSCA Volunteer Award recipients, both as individuals and for the groups they represent, at the OSCA AGM. (Left to Right) Anna Cuylits, Peter Wells, Kathy Krywicki, Craig Piche, Catherine McLaughlin, Linda Thom, Dianne Caldbick, Eric Bays, Robert Taylor, and for Leo Doyle (who was out of town) his son Matthew. For more on the volunteer awards and the OSCA AGM, see pages 2, 5-7. PHOTO BY OSCA STAFF

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Wednesday, June 1, 20:00 OSCA Summer Registration Begins Online. Friday, June 3, 19:30 Seventeen Voyces Presents “Tales Of Shakespeare,” Southminster United Saturday, June 4, 8:00 - 22:30 City of Om Yoga Festival, Lansdowne Park June 4-5 Doors Open Ottawa Saturday, June 4, 21:00 Ottawa Air Guitar Championships, House of TARG Sunday, June 5, 10:00-16:00 OSCA Windsor Park Art Show

Thursday, June 9, 14:00 “Artists in Residence” Art Show, Colonel By Residence June 11-12 Giveaway Weekend Saturday, June 11 19:30 Piano Recital Series presents Simone Dinnerstein, Southminster United Wednesday, June 15, 19:00 Chamber Opera “Führerbunker”, Mayfair Theatre Saturday, June 18, 8:00 - The Main Event - Garage Sale, Old Ottawa 12:00 East Saturday, June 18 13:00-15:00 Third Annual Belmont Paddlefest, Windsor Park Dock Sunday June 26, 9:00-17:00 Community Cup, Brewer Park

OSCA Windsor Park Art Show Sunday June 5th From 10:00 am until 4:00 pm

NEXT OSCAR Deadline: JUNE 17

To see the latest listings, go to the online calendar at Page 2 THE OSCAR l June 2016

This Ottawa Tween is the Leader of the Brewer Park Cleanup Jacob Griffin is like a lot of it laminated and posted the signs head.” people. He just wanted to help. along the park. “We want our park litter-free” But the aspiring 12-year-old It was a big decision, one that he adds. “To get there, we need student from Westboro Academy, involved a lot of time preparing, people to stop littering. We need whose school is on the border of organizing and recruiting the people who go to the hang out Brewer Park, took on a job that volunteers. spot that is hidden in the treed no other Old Ottawa resident “I designed the poster. I sent area near the river to put their would consider. This spring, emails. I guess it took 12 to 15 stuff in the garbage can. Stuff Jacob Griffin embarked on hours to organize over a couple of like fast food containers, cigarette leading and organizing the Brewer weeks.” butts, smashed beer bottles.” Park cleanup. “I ordered the starter kit from I asked Jacob how does it feel “I chose to step forward to the Cleaning the Capital project to do a job that normally is done cleanup Brewer Park because no and they knew that I was 12-years by an adult. Here is his candid one else answered the call for help old.” answer: and I knew that someone needed On Saturday April 23rd, Jacob “I found it very difficult to plan, to do it,” he said. went to the park and waited and and it felt good when it was done. His experience has given him wondered who would show up. On the day of the event, I stood a much better understanding that Thirty-six volunteers showed there with a map of the park and “somebody needs to be willing to up: adults; classmates; soccer and directed them to various spots. I step up or a great project like this hockey team mates; neighbours got cold standing there so I started won’t happen. I wanted to make a and community garden to move around.” Jacob Griffin PHOTO BY GEORGINA HUNTER difference.” volunteers. “Afterwards I felt great to see File Name: Log #037_Apr - Fallis Group - Newspaper Ad_5in x 2.25inWhile still in grade seven, Jacob City Councillor, David the park all cleaned up. I feel Creative & Production Services Trim: 5”x 2.25” Colours: CMYK 100 Yonge Street, 10th Floor Bleed: 0" Safety: n/a Mech Res: 300dpi Material Deadline: April 29, 2016 By Toronto,Georgina ON M5C 2W1 Hunter had his heart set on organizing the Chernushenko, along with his accomplished that I have been cleanup. He prepared a poster, had wife and daughter, came to help. able to organize this and have In fact, Councillor Chernushenko people come out.” was so impressed with Jacob’s “I want to lead this Brewer Do you know how much you need to efforts that he wrote a thank you Park cleanup next year. Hopefully, letter to him. more people will come and we retire comfortably? When asked what sort of items can tackle the football field and the group collected, Jacob said: the area under the graffiti bridge.” “There was wood with nails Thanks to this tween, Brewer (613) 782-6773 The Fallis Group with it, pop cans, wine bottles, Park is cleaner, safer for children, ScotiaMcLeod,® a division beer bottles, cigarette lighters, lots and more enjoyable for all park of Scotia Capital Inc. of cigarette butts, lots of broken users. glass, and even a broken hatchet ™ Scotia Capital Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. For more information visit Green Team Cleans OOS Receives OSCA Award By Georgina Hunter sidewalks. While some may regard stooping The Green Team cleaned Windsor and picking up others’ litter an act in Park, Brewer Park, and Bank Street futility, since litter quickly reappears, on Saturday, April 23rd. I look at this troublesome issue OSCA acknowledged the Green differently. Team’s efforts when they presented Litter creates more litter. But a the team with a community award clean community is safer, has higher after the May 3rd AGM meeting. property values, makes people more For the past 19 years, Windsor Park inclined to stop, shop, and feel good has been cleaned by members of the about themselves. Windsor Pups dog walkers and other Picking up litter is a year-round volunteers. The Green Team’s calls activity. Please take a bag with you for a leader to tackle Brewer Park when you go out and about in the have been answered, and now this neighbourhood and pick up just one park has been cleaned three years in a piece of litter. If everyone did this, row. Bank Street – our community’s there would be no litter. flagship street – has been tidied up Margaret Mead’s words ring for the past four years. true when it comes to grass-roots This year, Bank Street looks movements of keeping communities great thanks to Grade 12 Glebe clean. “Never doubt that a small Collegiate students who stooped to group of thoughtful, committed pick up masses of cigarette butts and citizens can change the world; fast food containers that litter our indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Isabel Hunter, Brooke Jennings, Jordan Brazeau and Georgina Hunter who picked up litter on Bank Street. PHOTO BY JAMES HUNTER THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 3

Annual Windsor Park Cleanup Finds Garbage and Snakes

By Don Cummer

For two decades, the residents of Old Ottawa South have gathered each spring to cleanup the parks from Bank to Main Street. In the early years, this was known as the annual “Pick-a-poop Harvest” and was organized by “The Windsor Pups” under the direction of Peter Wells and Brian Tansey. Dog owners showed their civic responsibility by spending a Saturday morning searching for any souvenirs that their dogs may have left over the winter months, when it’s harder to keep track of what a doggie does and where a doggie doos. Over the years, the “harvest” evolved. People brought their rakes and garden waste bags and worked at raking the leaves and winter deadfall. Then under the guidance of Gary Lum, the scope of the cleanup was expanded to include cutting back The Windsor Park cleanup crew, 2016. PHOTOs BY PETER WELLS on the brush and trying to eradicate the Manitoba maples that sprouted sending out posters that read, “Do what you’ll find; never know what Don Cummer has attended nearly along the riverbank, choking out you love Brewer Park? Do you love you’ll learn. And the park always every “Pick-a-poop Harvest.” In other growth. Olympic gold medalist, to play in the park? I do!! Let’s clean looks better afterwards. past years, his dog Zoscha used to Linda Thom, took responsibility it up for summer.” write about them for OSCAR. Selec- for leading teams of volunteers to Apart from joining a city-wide tions from Zoscha’s articles can now cleanup the park named after her. initiative, there are other advantages be found at zoscha.

⨀⨀昀爀攀攀 猀琀爀攀攀琀 瀀愀爀欀椀渀最℀⨀⨀

伀琀琀愀眀愀匀甀瀀⸀挀愀 椀渀昀漀䀀漀琀琀愀眀愀猀甀瀀⸀挀愀 ⠀戀攀猀椀搀攀 䌀⸀䄀 倀愀爀愀搀椀猀 漀渀 刀椀搀攀愀甀 刀椀瘀攀爀⤀ ㄀㌀㄀㐀 䈀愀渀欀 匀琀Ⰰ 圀愀琀攀爀昀爀漀渀琀 Linda Thom leads the cleanup of the park named in her honour. 氀椀欀攀 甀猀 漀渀 昀愀挀攀戀漀漀欀 渀攀眀 渀甀洀戀攀爀 PHOTO BY DON CUMMER 㘀㄀㌀ ㈀㘀㌀ ㈀ 㘀㤀 爀攀渀琀愀氀猀 ␀ ㄀㔀⼀栀漀甀爀⸀ 洀漀渀ⴀ昀爀椀 ␀㈀ 昀漀爀 ㈀ 栀漀甀爀猀 There’s such a wide range of to cleaning up the park later in the 爀攀渀琀愀氀猀 ⴀ 氀攀猀猀漀渀猀 ⴀ 猀愀氀攀猀 ⴀ 猀甀瀀 礀漀最愀 spring cleaning chores and such a month than is our custom. For one large space that the volunteers now thing, the stacks of hockey boards have grown well beyond the original piled up by the city have been (613) 824-0441 “Windsor Pups.” removed. The sun is brighter. More “Thanks to great dog owners folks are out and about on their and previous pickers, the park was bicycles. already in pretty good shape this But another result of the late- year,” says Peter Wells, “but with the season start is that the cleanup this Tailored insurance solutions for: work on the brush and cleanup, the year corresponded with certain cycles • Older or heritage homes park is looking its best.” He reports of the riparian wildlife that inhabits • Custom built homes that some 50-60 bags of garbage and the riverbank. As the sun climbed • High value homes leaves were collected. and the morning chill evaporated, • Cottage or rural properties This year, the 19th Annual garter snakes emerged from their harvest was delayed twice because hibernation. We found half a dozen of unseasonably cold weather, but other snakes, swarming in a warm spot, rolling together in a mating ball. Home, Tenants, Cottage Marine was eventually held on April 23rd – Condominium which corresponded with the annual For those of us working on the Tim Hortons “Cleaning the Capital” clean-up, it was a fascinating lesson GREG STRAHL, CIP initiative. On the other side of the in natural history. We encourage [email protected] Auto Life Travel Proud life-long resident ‘hood’, 12-year-old Jacob Giffin more residents of Old Ottawa South of Old Ottawa South launched an initiative to cleanup to join us next year for the 20th Let us earn your trust Brewer Park for that morning, annual cleanup. You’ll never know Page 4 THE OSCAR l June 2016

Food Fundraiser for Refugees: Sunday June 5th in Windsor Park By Georgina Hunter fast and she promises to whip up some of her all- Come and experience the time favourite dishes for the cuisines of Burundi and crowd. Syria at Windsor Park Equally delectable on Sunday, June 5th from Burundi dishes will be 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and prepared by Anne Lyse, help raise funds for the partner, Max Karikera and Syrian and Burundi refugee her sister Eliane Ayinkamiye. sponsorship. The food kiosk Please come, taste new will be part of the OSCA- delicacies and support this organized Art in the Park. great cause. The food kiosk is operated Can’t make it to the food by the Ottawa South sale? A financial donation Committee for Refugee is also an option and tax Sponsorship (OSCRS). receipts will be provided. Funds raised will help One option is to mail a support a second Syrian cheque payable to Trinity refugee family sponsorship Anglican Church. Be sure along with the sponsorship to write “refugees” on the of Burundi parents and step- memo line. The mailing sister of OOS residents, address is: Trinity Anglican sisters Anne Lyse Irakoze Church, 1230 Bank St, and Eliane Ayinkamiye, who Ottawa, ON K1S 3Y3. came to Canada as refugees. You can also drop off The Syrian dishes will a monthly or one-time be prepared under the donation at the church on guidance of Nirmeen and Bank Street at Cameron Jehad Alsebaee from the first Avenue, from 10:00 am Syrian family sponsored by to 2:00 pm Tuesdays to the Committee. Thursdays. Word of Nirmeen’s reputation of being a fantastic cook is spreading


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Refugee Committee Wins OSCA Volunteer Award

The Ottawa South Committee for Refugee Sponsorship, an “OSCA Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award” winner. PHOTO BY KATE JAIMET

By Kate Jaimet the family, arranged for the rental of OSCA Board Executive, nominated its experiences and promote further an apartment in Vanier, welcomed the refugee committee for the award. resettlements. A group that sponsored a Syrian the family at the airport when they In her nominating letter, Taman Taylor said that the group pulls refugee family has won an Ottawa arrived on December 22nd, helped wrote: together people from various South Community Association’s them get settled in Canada, and are “Since arriving, the family has different Old Ottawa South Outstanding Volunteer of the Year continuing to provide support with been well supported by the group. organizations, including Trinity Award for 2016. daily living and English language The three older children are in school Anglican Church, Southminster The Ottawa South Committee for learning. and the parents take English classes United Church, OSCA, and the Refugee Sponsorship, headed by Although the committee is only every morning, following which Colonel By Retirement Living Robert Taylor, raised funds to bring legally required to support the family they receive additional tutoring Residence. Jehad and Nirmeen Alsabee and their for one year after their arrival, Taylor from [Ottawa South Committee for “I feel that if there was ever an four children − Abdullah, Mohamad, said that he’s sure the bonds forged Refugee Sponsorship] volunteers. award for a group, this is it,” Taylor Zeid and Lyana − to Canada and will last longer. I could not be prouder of what this said. “We are a large group, with a lot support them for their first year of “I think, given the friendships and group has achieved in assisting this of people donating a lot of time and living in Ottawa. But the committee, connections that have developed, this remarkable family in their transition talent and emotion in this effort. The consisting of approximately 40 is an ongoing thing. There has been to life in Canada.” work on the ground – it was really a volunteers, went beyond just definite bonding between the family Taman also commended the group community effort.” fundraising. They also collected used and committee members.” for its initiative in writing to the clothing and home furnishings for Emilie Taman, a member of the Minister of Immigration to explain

Three-Storey, 11-Unit Building Proposed for 559 Riverdale Ave By Brendan McCoy Street. The 511 square metre site is currently occupied by a single According to City of Ottawa Planner, detached house. The development Allison Hamlin, a Site Plan Control proposal is for the demolition of the application has been submitted existing dwelling, and the construction regarding 559 Riverdale Avenue. of a new apartment building with an The application is to permit a three- underground parking garage. The new storey, 11-unit apartment building. building will be clad in metal and brick The site is located on the east side with landscaping that will include three of Riverdale Avenue, east of Bank new trees.


CHRISTY’S CORNER OSCA Volunteer Awards By Christy Savage initiative, a 2-year commitment. volunteer here in Old Ottawa South. To quote: “When it comes to As an OSCA Board Member, and Summer is right around the corner Dianne and Eric, the old adage seems Chair of OSWatch, he worked and we do have a number of fantastic to hold true: ‘If you want something tirelessly for the interests of this programs running even though the done, you ask a busy person to do it.’ community. season is a little quieter. Please go Dianne and Eric are very generous Leo has been a tremendous asset to online to and with their time, skills and talents. the growing basketball community in read our Summer Program Guide. And they do this with a great deal of Ottawa as shown by his dedication to Registration begins online on June 1st professionalism, common sense and the sport, his work with the Shooting May 2015 which raised over $10,000 at 8:00 pm. good humour.” Stars, and through the countless for Out Of The Cold. A reminder that the OSCA Windsor hours he has spent in gymnasiums Other areas Craig has given Park Art Show will also be held Robert Taylor and the Ottawa advising, coaching and refereeing time to include: delivery manager on Sunday, June 5th from 10:00 am South Committee for Refugee youth. Leo’s exceptional commitment for the OSCAR, lawn cutting at until 4:00 pm. There are many local Sponsorship. in building and sustaining the Central Southminster Church, starting a Ottawa Artists and Artisans, and This group was one of the first Ottawa Basketball League over the “flowerbed adoption program” and a some fabulous live music with John in Ottawa to successfully sponsor past four years has been a terrific volunteer tour guide at the Billings Allaire and the Firehall’s own Darcy a Syrian refugee family when the accomplishment. Estate Museum. Middaugh. Liberal government announced its Leo has been a spirited supporter He also volunteered his time to ambitious resettlement program. of the Old Ottawa South community manage his son’s hockey team, was Volunteer Recognition The family of six, consisting of for many years, and sets a wonderful the OCMHA representative for the I wanted to take this month to two adults and four children under example of community involvement annual year-end city tournament and personally showcase, and thank, the 9, arrived in December and were and engagement. on occasion helps out at Hopewell many volunteers who were recently warmly embraced by the Old Ottawa PS with their Junior Achievement honoured at the OSCA Annual South Refugee Group. Kathy Krywicki program and cross-country teams. General Meeting (AGM) on May 3rd. The group has also undertaken In addition to being a member Craig is known as a tireless and The AGM is a great opportunity some important advocacy of the OSCA Traffic and Safety modest volunteer who shows up for us to review the work of our initiatives, writing to the Minister Committee and the Communications without being asked. Board and Committees over the past of Immigration to draw from their committee, Kathy is also the OSCA year. We could not do the work we experiences and promote further Web Editor. The Windsor Pups and the Old do without the countless volunteers resettlements. The group also raised Kathy was part of the Web/IT Ottawa South Green Team on our Board and Committees who significant funds, largely from within team that reviewed, redesigned, and give back all year long. But we also our community. For the past several revamped the OSCA website in 2008 The Windsor Pups wanted to use the opportunity to months, they have been hard at work and has been adding new content For 19 years now the ‘Windsor honour and showcase those special trying to secure a second sponsorship. online ever since. Kathy took on Pups’ have been working to grow volunteers (not necessarily involved editorial duties in 2012. Kathy also the community of Windsor Park dog with OSCA) who have gone above OSCA’s Outstanding Lifetime serves on the current Traffic & Safety, owners and park users. and beyond to give back to Old Volunteer Award went to several and Communications Committees, It started with an annual spring Ottawa South. This year, we had a very well deserved volunteers. and is a former member of OSWatch. cleanup of the park to remove number of well-deserved honorees. In addition, she has been a distributor, garbage and dog waste; but over We have two volunteer awards: The Anna Cuylits deliverer, and contributor to the the years, it has incorporated BBQ Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Anna is the former co-chair OSCAR newspaper for many years. and Wading Pool dance parties, golf Award, and the Outstanding Lifetime of OSCA’s Planning and Zoning Kathy is an invaluable contributor tournaments with doggie related Volunteer Award. Committee, represented OSCA to our neighbourhood in her prizes to the winners, and even a for three years on the City’s Infill committee roles and as the editor of fundraiser dog-swim at Brewer This year OSCA’s Outstanding Housing Consultations regarding the community website. She is also Pool. The objective has always Volunteer of the Year Award went two Zoning Bylaw Amendments as an integral part of ‘The Ottawa South been the fostering of a casual social to two very important groups and, well as on the FCA Infill Housing History Project’ and co-edited the environment, and responsible more importantly to the people who Committee. Anna was also a member book, published jointly by OSHP & stewardship of the park along the played a key role in making their of OSWatch for several years and Heritage Ottawa, “Exploring the Built Rideau’s west bank. work happen. represented OSCA on the FCA at that Heritage of Old Ottawa South”. Peter Wells and Brian Tansey time. It was said that: “As an historian have been the backbone of both Eric Bays and Dianne Caldbick of As co-chair, Anna organized and resident of Old Ottawa South, the Windsor Pups park-list, that is The Green Dreamers information sessions on the Kathy has an amazing knowledge of a resource for dog owners, and for Eric Bays and Dianne Caldbick proposed amendments in our our community both in her head and the annual Spring Cleanup. Gary answered a need in the community community, reported on the issues at her fingertips via many websites. Lum has played a key role for years, to beautify the many garden beds in the OSCAR and in Between the If she doesn’t know something working with the city to develop along Bank St and Sunnyside. In a Bridges, coordinated a community immediately, she knows where to a comprehensive Park Vegetation very short time, they created a solid wide questionnaire and presented look for it.” Management Plan. plan and gathered together a very our requests to the City’s Planning “Kathy gives generously and dedicated team to see the project Committee. willingly without any complaints. The Old Ottawa South Green Team through. She attended and chaired numerous She is a tremendous resource to our The Green Team was started Dianne developed and guided the meetings on the Zoning Bylaw community.” in 2014 by Georgina Hunter who proposal and contract with the City, Amendments, and advocated her wanted to broaden the scope of organizing meetings with gardening personal views to the city regarding Craig Piche the cleanup efforts to the larger experts and the selection and City Ambassadors for Citizens, and Craig is an Old Ottawa South community. Over the years, Linda purchasing of plants. the monitoring of the new “Infill” volunteer in many ways. Thom has been the coordinator of the Eric’s work involved urban Amendments. Many people know him for his local cleanup of her namesake park. planning skills in identifying and voluntary work with the Out of Depending on the interest and mapping the various public and Leo Doyle the Cold dinners which are held at resources, they have also cleaned up private sites and designing the Leo is a former OSCA Board Southminster Church every Saturday the wading pool, play structures and Sunnyside public garden beds. Member, Chair of OSWatch and evening from October to April. Craig field house area. Local businesses Dianne and Eric worked as a team strong supporter of basketball in the has been on the organizing committee have kicked in coffee, people and to organize the weekly gardening and Old Ottawa South community with for almost 20 years in addition to a dog treats, with much of the supplies cleaning crews, and were quick to the Shooting Stars and the Central hands-on role providing meals for provided by the City’s Cleaning the address challenges in the short time Ottawa Basketball League. special diets, as well as preparing Capital Program. allotted to them to prepare, plan and For almost two decades, Leo has and serving meals himself. He also deliver OOS’s first adopt-a-garden been a passionate and dedicated organized a fundraising dinner in THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 7

OSCA PRESIDENT’S REPORT OSCA President’s Report, As Given at the 2016 AGM

By Linda Hancock, channels in future years. Thank you can always use more - so that our OSCA President to Brendan, our very capable OSCAR important community work does not Editor and to Kathy, who manages fall on the shoulders of a few. We our website for all that they do. have some succession planning to do. I am pleased to be able to report to We have hosted a wide range of I’ve already informed the Board that you on the activities of OSCA over community special events over the this will be my last year as President. the past year. past year with excellent turnout I’ve always said that I believe Overall, I would like to make and participation from community organizations benefit from a change the following observations. OSCA members. We have been engaged in of leadership every 3 or 4 years and who help ensure that our activities continues to be in good shape a number of initiatives to advance I’m staying true to my word but I and programs take place effectively financially; revenues have been the views of our community on will definitely see you at next year’s and efficiently. strong and we pretty much achieved important municipal development AGM. We are looking to add some I would like to publicly thank our objective as a “not for profit” in issues from zoning to infill housing, support (and, perhaps, successors) our staff who work hard to make 2015. Our goal is not to have a large traffic and safety. We have kept our as well for some of our Committee all of what we do a success. Our surplus nor is it to have a large deficit. committee structure in line with our Chairs. “core” staff - Christy, our Executive As some of you may recall, we did priority areas. We haven’t made any We have much going on in Director, who has gone above and have large surpluses for a couple of changes to our committees as the and around our neighbourhood. beyond during some challenging years following the renovation of current model seems to be working. Lansdowne, Main Street, lots of times…and her team Sarah R, Sarah the Old Firehall. Those years were As a result of some concerns we, potential development sites along C, Darcy and Jessica. an anomaly but, thankfully, have left and the community, have about one Bank Street and, someday in the not I would also like to thank Janet us with a healthy operating reserve. of our major programs, After 4, a too distant future, redevelopment of Conley-Paterson, Centre Director, We were able to offer much more sub-committee has been set up to Brewer Park. We need to press for a who works alongside our OSCA in programming with, essentially, proactively manage this program. Community Design Plan for OOS so Staff and has responsibility for the the same “infrastructure” that we We have changed our entire that we can be proactively involved in Customer Service Representatives, had before the renovation. Without registration system – to a new system the future of our community. known as CSRs, who work mainly at rehashing the past, OSCA also took called “Legend”. We have had many Your Board/Committees have our front desk. Thank you also to Don on all of the programming function/ challenges (as can be expected with worked hard this year on your behalf, and Leo from the City of Ottawa who responsibility from the City of any new system). We appreciate the helping to make Old Ottawa South a have been working closely with us of Ottawa during this time. We are very patience of all – we are confident that better place to live for all of us and I late. We appreciate all that you do. aware that we need to “invest” in this new system will be much, much would like to take this opportunity, on Speaking of appreciation, our City our operating model (mainly staff) better than what we had before… your behalf, to thank them all. Councillor, David Chernushenko, to achieve our goals and address our but it does take a bit of time. We are A vote of thanks also goes to all our attends our meetings regularly and priorities. We have identified some almost there. And finally, we will volunteers and staff who help make is quick to respond and work with gaps and opportunities and the Board soon sign off on a Service Level OSCA the great organization it is and OSCA and the neighbourhood of Old has approved a $50,000 deficit budget Agreement with the City of Ottawa Ottawa South. for this year. that will outline the respective In 2012, we “checked in” with the accountabilities and roles that we community to gain some insight to each have in planning, developing what OSCA’s priorities should be. and implementing programming at We made some changes, set some the Firehall. priorities and adjusted the way we Thanks to OSCAR’s While the year has generally been operate. We did another survey this a successful one, as always, we face spring to do another “check in”. a number of important challenges many volunteer writers Overall, I think we are on track and in the coming year: We need to you will hear more about this shortly. address some of the gaps we have We have continued to expand how in our operating model and in our and distributors for we communicate with OOS – not staffing structure as I have already only do we have a successful paper mentioned. I am thrilled that we in The OSCAR and a great website, helping get the news will have a full Board for the first, but we time that I can recall – 20 talented also have a social media strategy individuals – a great balance of that continues to expand and evolve. to you! “old” (12) and “new” (8). We have We’ll be looking at ways to leverage The OSCAR is a self-supporting newspaper, a strong base of volunteers but we all of these great communication paid for entirely by advertising, and reliant on volunteer contributors and distributors. Thanks to the Dairy Queen for contributing to our community through its support of the many OSCAR volunteers.

Dairy Queen, 1272 Bank Street 738-7146 Page 8 THE OSCAR l June 2016

THE OSCAR 260 Sunnyside Ave, Ottawa Ontario, K1S 0R7 NEXT NEXT DEADLINE: FRIDAY, June 17 ISSN: 0715-5476 The OSCAR is published eleven times per year. Upcoming deadlines: [email protected] June 17 (July/August issue); August 12 (September issue). Editor: Brendan McCoy [email protected] Layout and Design Editor: Bess Fraser Copy Editor: Michael Thibault To book an OSCAR ad Distribution Manager: Larry Ostler 613-327-9080 [email protected] call Gayle at 613-730-1058 Business Manager: Susanne Ledbetter [email protected] [email protected] Advertising Manager: Gayle Weitzman 613-730-1058 [email protected] (not classy ads) The Old Firehall The OSCAR is printed by Winchester Print. Ottawa South Community Centre Volunteer Proofreaders: Lida Towstiak, Maura Giuliani, 260 Sunnyside Ave, Ottawa Ontario, K1S 0R7 Mary Low, Scott Valentine, Roger Williams e-mail: [email protected] The OSCAR is a community paper paid for entirely by advertising. It is OSCA on twitter: @oldottsouth published by the Old Ottawa South Community Association Inc. (OSCA). PHONE 613-247-4946 Distribution is free to all Old Ottawa South homes and businesses. It is Monday To Friday 6:30 am - 9 pm available at selected locations in Old Ottawa South and the Glebe. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of The OSCAR or Saturday 8:00 am - 5 pm OSCA. Sunday 9:00 am - 5 pm Contributions should be in electronic format sent by e-mail to oscar@ in either plain text or WORD format. All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. The Editor has the final say about style, WHAT’S THAT NUMBER? WHAT’S THAT NUMBER? format and content. The OSCAR Editorial Policy, and Guidelines for Submissions, are available on the OSCA Website. The OSCAR is available Ottawa South Community Centre - The Old Firehall 613-247-4946 online at Some articles will be posted on the OSCA Ottawa South Community Association (OSCA) 613-247-4872 Ottawa Public Library - Sunnyside Branch 613-730-1082 Website. Shawn Menard, English Public Board Trustee 613-868-0515 FOR DISTRIBUTION INQUIRIES, ([email protected]) call: 613-327-9080 or e-mail: [email protected] Kathy Ablett, Catholic Board Trustee 613-526-9512 Centretown Community Health Centre 613-233-4443 The OSCAR thanks the following people who CARLETON UNIVERSITY brought us to your door this month: CUSA (Carleton U Students Association) 613-520-6688 Graduate Students Association 613-520-6616 ZONE A1: Kathy Krywicki (Coordinator), Mary Jo Lynch, Kim Barclay, Community Liaison 613-520-3660 Élie Cantin Nantel, Wendy Robbins, Carrol Robb, Becky Sasaki, Kevin and Mediation Centre 613-520-5765 Stephanie Williams, Christy Griffin. Athletics 613-520-4480 ZONE B1: Ross Imrie (Coordinator), the Gref- Innes family, the Fegan CITY HALL family, the Montgomery family, Laurie Morrison, Susanne Ledbetter, Torin and Konstantine Assal. David Chernushenko, City Councillor 613-580-2487 ZONE B2: Craig Piche (Coordinator), Pat Eakins, Hayley Atkinson, Leslie ([email protected]) Roster, Sandra Garland, John Callan, Diana Carr, Caitlin. Main Number (24 hrs) for all departments 3-1-1 ZONE C1: Laura Johnson (Coordinator), the Williams family, Josh Rahaman, Community Police - non-emergencies 613-236-1222 Jesper Lindeberg, Declan and Darcy McCoy, Bruce Grant, and the Woroniuk- Emergencies only 9-1-1 Ryan family, Bryan and Anneka Dallin O’Grady, David Fisher. Serious Crimes 613-230-6211 ZONE C2: Craig Piche (Coordinator), Alan McCullough, Charles and Phillip Ottawa Hydro 613-738-6400 Kijek, Kit Jenkin, Michel and Christina Bridgeman, Melissa Johnson. Streetlight Problems (burned out, always on, flickering) 3-1-1 ZONE D1: Mary Hill (Coordinator), Emily Keys, Ekin Kiziltan, Gail Stewart, Brewer Pool 613-247-4938 Gabe Teramura, Oliver and Claire Waddington, the Sprott family. Brewer Arena 613-247-4917 ZONE D2: Janet Drysdale (Coordinator), Caitlin, the Adriaanse family, Anna City of Ottawa web site - Chernushenko, Jacqueline Littlewood, the Rand family, Aidan and Willem Ray, the Stewart family, and Mary Hill. ZONE E1: Brian Tansey (Coordinator), Karen Wolfe and Curt Labond, Norah INDEX Hutchinson, Steve Adamson, the Sanger/O’Neil family, Robert Trotter. ZONE E2: Mary-Ann and Jim Kent, Glen Elder and Lorraine Stewart, the OSCA 6,7 Hunter family, the Brodkin-Haas family, Allan Paul, Christina Bradley, MUSIC 14,15,19 Caroline Calvert, Larry Ostler, Chris Berry and Frida Kolster Berry. ZONE F1: Carol and Ferg O’Connor (Coordinator), Jenny O’Brien, the Stern POLITICAL 11-13 family, Ellen Bailie, Paloma and Liliana Ruiz, Peter Kemp, Malachi Winter, FILM 20,21 the Goutte family (Joshua, Leo and Alina), Walter and Robbie Engert. ZONE F2: Pierre Guevremont (Coordinator), Paulette Theriault, Torin and SECOND THOUGHTS 29 Konstantine Assal, Judy and Pierre Chamberland, Luc and Sydney Grenier, Mary Johnston, the Walker Family, the Polkinghorne Family, The Kushner FOOD 32,33 Family. ZONE G: Larry Ostler (Coordinator), Cindy MacLoghlin, Bernard and POETRY 28 Simon, Luke and Robin Eriksson, Gillian Hurd, Joanne Monaghan, Susan CARLETON CORNER 35 McMaster, Steve Mennill. LIBRARY 36,37 Echo Drive: Alex Bissel. Bank Street-Ottawa South: Joan-Foster Jones, Tom Lawson, Paula Archer. AROUND TOWN 38 Bank Street-Glebe: Larry Ostler. MARKETPLACE 39 Other: Maya. CLASSY ADS 39 THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 9

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The OSCAR welcomes letters on subjects of interest to the community or in response to previous articles. All letters must disclose the name of the writer, as well as their address. Letters may be edited for length, clarity, and libelous statements. The opinions of the writers are not necessarily those of the newspaper or its editor. Email your letters to [email protected]

Ghost Bike ------removed from their otherwise lovely, hubcaps growing!) Notes From Sunnyside residential street “for the safety of Parking spots have dropped from To the Editor, the children.” Apparently the kids an okay number to barely any at all. To the Editor, on Sunnyside could get run over (Maybe the City figures we have few Three years of Meg’s ghost bike is like squirrels and the elderly who friends or relatives or they’re mostly not enough! Some Notes From Sunnyside. Not absolutely depend on the buses being in jail.) It was honorable and civic-minded the same side of Bank St. as the a doable walk from home could use That bump-out puts cyclists in real for Paddy Dussault to advocate in the Community Centre hub, but the other food money for taxi – but Grove danger of being sideswiped – they OSCAR for a longer display of the side between Bank and Bronson, the could “go up a notch” for some should be directed to Hopewell as a memorial to his cyclist wife who was not-so-good part. Sort of like storage mythical status reason. much safer street and one where the killed by a car at Bank and Riverside. class on an immigration ship. The City of Ottawa has blessed sidewalks go up and down so much Meg’s memorial has become a Things happen. Last year, the old our strip of Sunnyside with traffic and slant so much it would keep modern urban symbol of car culture. hydro station lot was turned into a control measures and ditches we’re them on the roadway where they Our city council should confront small park, as we mainly wanted. supposed to tend. Well, after the first belong. Thirty-two years ago, when serious rates of pedestrian and cyclist But, an expensive iron fence was month or so motorists figured out I moved here from the Glebe. I was deaths and injury by car on many erected ending our access to the park, that the bump-out mid-block was not happy to find a real down-to-earth levels. One small move would be to which we had always enjoyed. really much of a speed deterrent, so, neighbourhood, friendly, a great mix leave this piece of very human art This block – Bronson to Seneca – speeding past our doors by all and of people. That’s what makes OOS a alone. gets bus service both ways, and that sundry continues, and has changed lovely place to live. is a good thing, we don’t mind. Some not one iota. (On the upside, my Tracy Morey years ago, some residents of Grove neighbour who resides right at the Yours truly, petitioned to have those nasty buses bump-out, had a fine collection of Jean Currie


By TheBrendan McCoy,Work EditorContinues were big challenges, which are editors before me. apparent if you read the early years I recently attended the Glebe In the fall of 1974, the first issue of of The OSCAR. The paper struggled Report AGM, just a few weeks The OSCAR appeared in Old Ottawa to find and keep staff, especially an after OSCA’s own AGM. The Glebe South. I know this because I have editor. There were constant worries Report, like The OSCAR, is a project, read a recently produced digital copy about how to pay for printing. The which nearly a half-century on of that first issue. The inaugural task of organizing distribution across continues to thrive. The evening’s OSCAR was just eight pages long, the community was one that would featured speaker, Ottawa Citizen including a full-page ad on the back take two decades to produce the reporter and Glebe resident David from the now long gone El Dorado finely organized machine that we Reevely, observed that community Steak House at 1069 Bank Street. enjoy today. papers are great at covering the very spring flooding – many topics of The paper looked a bit rough by The digitized OSCAR archive, local stories that larger city media community concern and interest, today’s standards, but it was the now produced and gradually being shouldn’t, can’t or won’t cover. from programing to traffic, remain. beginning of a very successful released online at oldottawasouth. What were the big issues in the The work continues. community enterprise. ca is a testament to the hard work of October 1974 OSCAR? OSCA In this June 2016 issue of The Looking back more than forty starting and running a community programs, a traffic survey, some OSCAR, you will find some years later, it is easy to minimize the paper. The content of those early history of OOS, information about wonderful stories and hopefully some challenges of creating a community papers is fascinating, at times flood control measures. While useful information too. newspaper from scratch. But there amusing, and I am humbled and some things have changed - dykes inspired by the efforts of the many now protect us from much of the

John Lebrun and his garden, from the September 1993 OSCAR. The issue featured the library garden on the front page. John is now retiring from the Library after 30 years of service. See story on page 37. Page 10 THE OSCAR l June 2016

GREEN DREAMERS Spring is Here with Another Growing Season west of Bank − our goal is a more sustainable, liveable, and beautiful neighbourhood!

The Sunnyside Rain Gardens The rain gardens installed by the City of Ottawa on Sunnyside in between Bronson and Bank are under private contract until July 1st, 2016. The contractor is responsible for plant maintenance and watering. Once the contractor is finished the City will follow up with those members of the community who have volunteered to oversee their care. This follow-up will likely happen in cooperation with the Green Dreamers. In the meantime, cleaning up the beds and assessing the quality of the maintenance by the contractor might be helpful. Coordinators are asked to provide information via email to the Green Dreamers over the next couple of weeks. Green Dreamers will share this information with the City. An evaluation by the City of Ottawa of the rain gardens’ traffic calming benefits will begin this Green Dreamers outside Patty’s at 8:30 in the morning on Saturday May 15th: Catherine, Brian, Mike, Christine, summer. This will include a Barbara and Jill. PHOTO BY WINNIE PIETRYKOWSKI combination of speed surveys, traffic counts, and site observations that By Winnie Pietrykowski The goal this May was to clean up We have identified a liaison with will allow us to compare the previous existing public garden plots, prune the City, a coordinator responsible conditions with what exists today. On Thursday, April 28, the Green and cut back existing growth, turn for the Library, and a list of garden With respect to the environmental Dreamers of Old Ottawa South met existing soil and prepare for much- beds that have been adopted. For benefits of the rain gardens, they will for the first time this 2016 spring needed compost. Public beds in need more detailed information or if you be monitored for a total of 3 years season. of new compost were located at Glen, would like to add your name to (starting last fall). This will include Yes, you guessed it, it’s time to Grove, Ossington, Cameron, and the list of Green Dreamers, please water level monitoring within the pull out those well-used and new Riverdale. email adoptgarden@oldottawasouth. rain gardens to assess how well they gardening books, thumb through The weekly call-up for Wednesday ca capture, slow down and infiltrate “green” magazines, scroll online & Saturday (8:30 - 10:30 am) seemed As always, new gardening road runoff. Plant health will also for new gardening tips, inspect last to work in 2015 and will continue for enthusiasts are welcome! No be monitored over this period. An year’s inspirations, and devise new the month of May. For a couple of experience necessary. Share this annual monitoring report will be strategies for yet another growing Green Dreamers, Thursday mornings article with family, friends and prepared by the City which they are season. would work better but until we get neighbours. The more the merrier. happy to share with us – the first Included among the many a sense of your preference we will The Green Dreamers want to report is anticipated for late 2016. gardening topics discussed April 28th keep to the Wednesday & Saturday work with neighbours and local For more information about were: liaison with the City, priorities schedule (or perhaps introduce a businesses to build a greener, lovelier the rain gardens check out the for this spring, scheduling patterns, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Old Ottawa South. We hope to following link: documents.ottawa. walkabout with new members, and schedule). Your feedback is welcome. accomplish this goal by revitalizing ca/sites/ coordinators for specific garden A walkabout with new members and nurturing the public planters documents/sunnyside_en.pdf plots (including the Sunnyside rain is in the mix of things to do, so and garden beds along Bank Street gardens and the OOS library). stay tuned for more information by between the bridges and the rain visiting gardens on Sunnyside Avenue

The Homework Club Third Annual Belmont Paddlefest All Girls * Only Girls Academics, Arts & Yoga Saturday June 18th Affordable, Quality, After-School Care Between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm 3:30-5:30 pm ** Grades 1-8 Join family, friends and neighbours in Windsor Park at the Tuesdays are Conversational Cafe French at Stella Luna Fridays are Yoga with Surround Circle Yoga Studio dock to celebrate National Paddling Week. Let’s all paddle together on the Rideau River. Bring whatever watercraft Register NOW for September you have and then try something new like SUP (stand up On the Sunny 2nd floor of Southminster United Church paddleboards), surf skis, outriggers, rowing, etc. Hope to Supervised walking from Hopewell see you there, and remember to bring your lifejacket or Call 613-818-3006 certified PFD and your sense of adventure! 15 years Academic Support & Quality After-School Care Excellent Local References THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 11

MPP’S REPORT Giving Everyone a Place to Call Home By Yasir Naqvi, MPP already doing or planning to do. has received over $70 million over Making the most effective three years to combat homelessness. Availability of good affordable investments based on evidence, I am proud that the government is social housing is an important lessons learned and best practices is guided by our community’s vision issue that is often raised to me by more important now than ever. that every person should have an the community. I am pleased to As a result, we are investing $178 affordable, suitable, and adequate share with you several initiatives million over three years to provide home to provide the foundation to Ontario government is taking to housing subsidies and benefits. This secure employment, raise a family, make housing in Ottawa accessible, includes: and build strong communities. affordable and good for the • the construction of up to 1,500 We are serious about supporting If you have any questions, concerns environment. new supportive housing units; initiatives to address and reduce or suggestions, please do not hesitate Our government recognizes that • improved access for up to homelessness in Ottawa and we have to reach out to my office at‎ ynaqvi. there is a need for more affordable 4,000 families and individuals the numbers to prove it. Since 2003, [email protected] or 613-722- housing in Ottawa and across the to services like counselling, the province has committed over 6414. province. The update to the Long- dispensing medication, and life $237 million in total assistance for Term Affordable Housing Strategy skills; affordable housing in our city. This is bold and transformative, and • additional $45 million in includes investments in new rental supports our goal of ending chronic new funds to the Community and supportive housing, affordable Yasir Naqvi, MPP homelessness in 10 years. Homelessness Prevention homeownership, rent supports and Ottawa Centre Ending chronic homelessness is not Initiative (CHPI) program social housing renovations and an easy feat. We know homelessness to accelerate our goal to end repairs. is a very complex issue. That is why chronic homelessness by helping In fact, just last month I announced one of our first steps was collecting municipalities develop local $12 million from the province to Here to advice from experts and those who solutions; Ottawa Community Housing for help you! have experienced homelessness • $17 million to provide a portable their retrofit projects. This grant will themselves, to better inform how we housing benefit on a pilot basis help energy-efficient retrofits of up define and measure homelessness. to eventually support up to 3,000 to 23 older high-rise social-housing For the first time in Ontario’s survivors of domestic violence;‎ buildings, to make them more history, we now have a standard and and environmentally friendly with less • development of an Indigenous carbon emission. accepted definition of homelessness, Community Office Housing Strategy in partnership I am encouraged that we are mak- which was recommended by our 109 Catherine Street expert panel and adopted by the with Indigenous communities. ing a long-term commitment to stable Ottawa, ON K2P 0P4 funding that will continue our trans- T 613-722-6414 | F 613-722-6703 government. We are also planning [email protected] to require data collection at the local CHPI is a consolidation of five formation of the affordable social level about homelessness, building homelessness-related programs into housing system. For more informa- b/yasirnaqvimpp | a@yasir_naqvi on work that many communities are one program, under which Ottawa tion, visit

OCDSB TRUSTEE’S REPORT Budget and Secondary School Review By Shawn Menard, refugees and school office staff. The to eliminate Grade 7-8 schools OCDSB Trustee School Board is mandated to balance and move to a model of K-6 or its Budget every year, however, there K-8 and 7-12 or 9-12 schools. are moving pieces and options to • Specialist High Skills Major Summer is almost upon us, yet much refocus on priority areas. You can Programs: The clear articulation important work remains at the school also go to to find out that a placement in an inter- board these days. more information. I am concerned school program does not require On Wednesday May 25th, at Glebe that the draft budget as tabled may a cross-boundary transfer and Collegiate, my colleagues Trustee result in negative outcomes for allowing the student the option Braunovan (Somerset/Kitchissippi) student learning and well-being, and to finish their high school and Trustee Ellis (Rideau–Rockcliffe/ I will be bringing amendments. graduation requirements in the Alta Vista) and I (Capital ward and be the focus of the Board over the host school, if so desired. Rideau-Vanier) hosted an open next several years. On May 17th, Secondary School Review • French as a Second Language: discussion regarding the Ottawa staff brought forward a discussion Secondary School Review The expectation that all Carleton District School Board. report outlining a multi-year strategy consultations are coming to a close secondary schools that offer The topics included the recently for student learning and pupil and staff will be reviewing the regular day school programs tabled draft 2016-2017 Budget, accommodation reviews, which could community feedback before making will offer both core French and proposed changes to secondary result in recommendations for school final recommendations to Committee French immersion courses, schools, as well as information about closures, school consolidations and of the Whole on June 7th. There is thereby making all program upcoming accommodation reviews significant boundary changes. I will still time to express your views at pathways (core/extended/ being planned city-wide. remain active on this file and will, as well as during Trustee immersion) available to students As this print edition overlaps be working to ensure our downtown deliberations on June 7th. based on the number of credits in with that date, please find more schools remain vibrant. The Secondary School Program French that are undertaken. information below on each of the Review was initiated in 2011 to • International Baccalaureate topics. As always, if you have any questions review the way programs and /Advanced Placement: or comments please send me a note services are delivered in secondary Consideration is being given to Budget 2016-2017 or call:[email protected], schools, using the lens of equity of making application for a second The latest staff tabled Budget @ShawnMenard1or call me at 613- access and breadth of programming. IB site in the western part of the contains many measures to return 867-6772 Recommendations will outline school district. the School Board to balance for this changes to the delivery framework. upcoming year. Concerns have been The Secondary School Review is Accommodation Reviews expressed regarding the amount of proposing several major changes: Multi-Year Student Learning and reductions, particularly to special • School Configurations: Moving Pupil Accommodation Planning will education staff, assistance for Syrian Page 12 THE OSCAR l June 2016

MP’S REPORT Ottawa Centre Updates By Katherine McKenna, MP and easy access to the Rideau Canal should be ratified later this year. Our for paddlers and their canoes, kayaks Government views climate change My first six months as your Member and paddle-boards. This will allow not only as a challenge, but as an of Parliament have flown by at even more community members opportunity. It is a chance to build a an incredible pace! Every day and visitors to enjoy the history and clean growth economy that will help is a learning experience marked beauty of our national treasure. to fight climate change, while also The new paddle docks are part creating well-paying jobs for middle class Canadians. We know that to move towards a real solution we need to work LeBreton Group. with all partners – including at the As part of my commitment to you, community level. That is why I was I called for NCC reform to increase very pleased to host a climate change openness and require stakeholder consultation in Ottawa Centre on engagement, particularly for major April 28 at the Glebe Community developments on public lands. So I Centre. Some 250 constituents am really pleased that close to 8,000 attended this very successful event Canadians contributed their views to provide input on mitigating the on what a redeveloped Flats should effects of climate change by reducing look like and another 3,000 people emissions, putting a price on carbon, participated in town halls leading up growing good jobs through clean to this announcement. technology and preparing our In the past, I have also called for communities and protecting them formalizing the participation of the from the effects of climate change. two National Capital Region local If you missed the consultation governments at the NCC board level. Ribbon cutting ceremony for the new paddle dock on the Rideau Canal session, you can still join the So on April 28, I was thrilled to on May 11th. conversation and contribute to the see Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson and climate change debate at www. Gatineau Mayor Maxime Pedneaud- with major developments and of a series of Federal Government I want to Jobin attend their first NCC achievements along the way. infrastructure investments along the hear your ideas! board meeting as ex-officio board length of the Rideau Canal, between members! New Canal Access Points Ottawa and Kingston, totaling $57 On May 10, I announced the million. This is the largest investment installation of two new paddle access of its kind in the 184-year history of points along the Rideau Canal. the Rideau Canal. The funding will These new paddle docks, which were be used to rehabilitate and repair installed in response to feedback bridges, dams, locks and historic from the community, will ensure safe masonry structures in communities along the Canal, more than doubling Catherine McKenna, MP previously announced federal Ottawa Centre funding. One access point is on the west Working for you! side in the Glebe at Patterson Creek and the other is on the east side in Community Office Old Ottawa East at Clegg Avenue. As 107 Catherine Street the weather warms up I encourage Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0P4 you to get out your canoes and Tel: 613-946-8682 kayaks and take advantage of these Catherine McKenna canoeing on the Rideau Canal. Fax: 613-946-8680 new docks! McKenna.Ottawa At the same meeting, I was @CMcKennaOttawa Climate Change National Capital Commission also pleased that the NCC board On April 22, I had the honour On the same day as the climate approved a federal land use request of joining Prime Minister Justin change consultation, the National that the Memorial for Victims of Trudeau at the historic signing of Capital Commission (NCC) board Communism be built in the Garden the Paris Agreement on climate announced that, following a broad of the Provinces and Territories. change at the UN in New York. On consultation and rigorous evaluation I support this new location, as a May 6, I tabled the Paris Agreement process, the Commission will begin much more appropriate site than in the House of Commons and it negotiations for the redevelopment what was originally planned in the of LeBreton Flats with RendezVous Parliamentary and Judicial Precinct on Wellington Street.

New Central Library Project The Ottawa Public Library board is in the planning stage for the new central library project. Ottawa residents will have an opportunity to help shape the criteria that will be used to evaluate the potential sites. A public consultation meeting will be held on May 16, followed by online input. I hope that you will give your thoughts on location selection criteria for the new central library. Visit involved for more information. THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 13

MAYOR’S REPORT The NCC and the City By Mayor Jim Watson to participate as non-voting members commercial, office and retail spaces. on the NCC Board of Directors. I The proposal offers important I have long been an advocate for was delighted to be able to bring my community benefits, while reform at the National Capital voice to the table, and it is my hope maintaining historical features and Commission (NCC). Since being that this change will lead to stronger our strong culture. RendezVous elected Mayor in 2010 it has become federal-municipal collaboration Lebreton will be accessible by two more apparent to me that change towards our common goal of building LRT stations, Bayview and Pimisi, is required or else risk hindering an even better national capital region. and promotes connectivity with its the progress of our great city. Until On April 28, we attended our surroundings, including the City of will be built, as well as updates on recently, most of the NCC’s board first NCC Board meeting, during Gatineau. the NCC’s initiatives for Canada’s members were neither from the which the Board voted on the The City of Ottawa is very pleased 150th Anniversary in 2017 such as National Capital Region nor chosen LeBreton Flats proposal. The highest to work with the NCC on this very Red Bull Crashed Ice, which will see by its residents, and that should not ranked bid was revealed and it was exciting development. My recent Cross Downhill world champions be the case. selected by unanimous decision. appointment to the NCC Board of crash and glide through the Château As a first step, in 2014, Gatineau IllumiNATION LeBreton, by the Directors will facilitate a crucial Laurier, Rideau Canal locks beside Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin and Rendezvous Lebreton Group, was partnership which will help this Major’s Hill Park. I wrote the federal government to chosen. RendezVous Lebreton will monumental project to become an My first NCC Board meeting was make the case for better municipal feature an impressive Events Centre, iconic staple in the City of Ottawa. an exciting, positive and fruitful representation on the NCC. which will also be the new home Amongst many others, topics one, and I look forward to continue On April 11, 2016, we signed the of the Ottawa Senators. It will also which were discussed during the building an open dialogue with the Declaration which welcomed the include a large residential component Board meeting included the approval NCC and a better City for residents, Mayors of our respective Councils, with affordable housing, four-season of federal land use on which the visitors and tourists alike. accessible public spaces as well as Memorial to Victims of Communism

COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Echo Drive is Fine... Except for the Guide Rail By David Chernushenko “I’ve never really noticed.” Having extra chargers at a City staff considered removal convenient distance for many Recent issues of the OSCAR have without replacement, but ultimately residents will help reduce the “range included various reports and letters concluded that a barrier is needed for anxiety” — fear of running out of related to the status of Echo Drive, safety purposes. They decided on an power — that’s known to discourage which slopes downhill from the easy-to-maintain steel beam rail to EV ownership. Sunnyside Library to Riverdale, provide the greatest protection for For those more interested in car and then, after a short green pause, pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. sharing than owning, Ottawa’s onward to Old Ottawa East and This project will go out to tender this Vrtucar has electric vehicles in its Immaculata High School. fall. fleet. Or, if distance or aging knees the province to install photo radar Echo Drive is a semi-closed right are part of your cycling reality, within the City, but only after it of way that has evolved over the Electric vehicle expansion you might consider an electrically was diluted to allow photo radar years to accommodate all kinds of Ottawa will soon see more electric assisted bicycle. only in school zones, and only as users, mostly sharing a roadway, and vehicle (EV) charging stations thanks a pilot project. While this is better mostly doing so very safely. What to the province’s Electric Vehicle Where I stand than nothing, I do not understand might seem to some like an accident Chargers Ontario (EVCO) grant Constituents often ask me what how something as fundamental as waiting to happen is, in fact, a great program announced last December. my positions are on any number of the safety of our roads could have illustration of what can happen when The winning bidder for almost all issues. In deciding how to vote, or been resisted on the basis that it is you force people to slow down, pay charging infrastructure in Eastern whether to argue for or against a “just a tax grab.” I was glad to get attention and watch out for each Ontario is Electric Circuit, a division position, idea or project, I do my best 95% support from Capital Ward another. of Hydro Quebec. to balance my personal views with residents for instituting photo radar. The mixed-use street, which The province approved all six the best available evidence and a resembles what the Dutch call a City-owned priority sites included in healthy dose of public input. • Ranked ballots: I believe that “woonerf” (literally “living area”), our application: Terry Fox Park and Sometimes this is more art than when voters can rank their candi- works for everyone precisely because Ride, Fallowfield Park and Ride, Ben science, but I always endeavour to be dates in order of preference, we can it is not “owned” by any one type of Franklin Place, Fire Administration as transparent as possible. Here are move away from so-called strategic user. So, whenever someone calls Building (Carling and 417), City a few contentious issues and where I voting whereby ballots are often for Echo Drive to be fully opened, Parking at 687 Somerset St., and City stand on them: cast to block the undesirable, rather or fully closed, or to have more lines Parking at 141 Clarence St. than choose the desirable. painted or sidewalks added, the EV owners (or wannabes) in OOS • Photo radar: I am very much reaction of many users — myself may already know about the EV in favour as long as any revenue • Election financing: I support a ban included — is, “Nah, leave it as is. chargers at the two parking garages is specifically dedicated to traf- on corporate and union donations. It’s working fine.” in the Glebe (Lansdowne and Third fic safety measures (which are This being said, the cable guide Ave.), and at City Hall. chronically under-funded), as long As always, I welcome your rail separating the road and the steep In addition to the City-owned sites, as it is installed on streets that feedback. treed slope down to Colonel By Electric Circuit will install charging are known to suffer from chronic Drive, between Bank St. and Avenue stations at three St-Hubert restaurants speeding, and as long as drivers Rd., has deteriorated to the point of (Airport, St-Laurent, Gloucester), and are clearly informed of its pres- Councillor David being almost useless. Views on what IKEA has been awarded funding for ence. I’d rather discourage speed- Chernushenko, 613-580-2487, to do about it range from fix it, to an additional charger at their Ottawa ing than make money off speeders. [email protected], remove it, to build a higher curb, to store. All should be operational by Council recently approved a March 2017. motion requesting permission from Page 14 THE OSCAR l June 2016

MUSIC MPRS presents Bach’s Goldberg Variations with Star Pianist Simone Dinnerstein her independent recording of the regarded among the most respected Goldberg Variations, which she works in the Western musical canon. raised funds on social media to The artist who will play them for produce. Later released on the the MPRS in June is a graduate of TELARC label, the album ranked The Juilliard School in NYC, where No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Classical she studied with Peter Serkin. She Chart in its first week, and was cited has performed the world over, in on several “Best of 2007” lists, venues including Carnegie Hall, the including those of The New York and Vienna Konzerthaus and London’s Los Angeles Times. Wigmore Hall, and with orchestras Ms. Dinnerstein’s four subsequent including the Vienna, Montreal and albums released on the TELARC Tokyo Symphony Orchestras. and SONY labels have all been best Between international sellers too, which helped to place engagements, Ms. Dinnerstein her among the top ten best-selling invests in her community closer classical artists of 2014. to home. In 2009, she founded Ms. Dinnerstein has played in Neighbourhood Classics, a public Ottawa before – In 2011, as part of concert series hosted by New York the Ottawa Chamberfest. But the City public schools whose performers upcoming Ottawa presentation of donate their time and talents to raise the work that launched her career is money for education. She has also an MPRS exclusive. Due to its great given performances for inmates in difficulty, the Goldberg Variations are the Louisiana State Prison and the not often performed; hearing them Maryland Correctional Institution for presented by a major artist is an even Women. rarer event. In presenting no less than seven American pianist Simone Dinnerstein. Based on the harmonic outline of concerts in the 2015/16 season, the the simple ‘aria’ that opens the work, MPRS continues to break down PHOTO BY LISA-MARIE MAZZUCCO Bach’s thirty variations traverse an barriers to experiencing live classical By Roland Graham, Artistic American pianist Simone encyclopedic breadth of textures music. Tickets at $40 for adults, $30 and temperaments. Following an for seniors and $15 for students can Director, MPRS Dinnerstein, whom The Independent has praised for the “majestic inspired structural arch, the variations be purchased at the Leading Note intersperse moments of unrestrained (370 Elgin), Compact Music in the Bringing its 2015/16 season to originality of her vision”, will perform J. S. Bach’s monumental exuberance with heart-wrenching Glebe (785 Bank), at Southminster a close, the Master Piano Recital melancholy. And Bach’s mastery of a United Church, or online by credit Series (MPRS) celebrates another Goldberg Variations, BWV 988, on Saturday June 11 at 7:30 pm at complete array of baroque idioms is card at Special successful year of concerts, seldom if ever more comprehensively group rates and pay-what-you-can presenting its most high profile artist Southminster United Church. The New York-based pianist demonstrated than in this single arrangements may be made by to date in an offering of a crowning work. calling 613-862-2084. glory of the keyboard tradition. gained an international following after the remarkable success of One of a small handful of compositions published by Bach during his lifetime, the Goldberg MPRS Concert 7 Variations is among the most ambitious pieces ever J. S. BACH’S GOLDBERG written for the keyboard. VARIATIONS, BWV 988 They’re also formidably difficult to play, as if Simone Dinnerstein, piano Bach wanted to leave behind evidence of his Saturday June 11, 7:30 pm virtuosity as a performer Southminster United Church - too. Beautifully served 15 Aylmer Avenue by the modern piano $40 Adults / $30 Seniors on which they are most / $15 Students frequently performed, the Online: ‘Goldbergs’, as pianists refer to them, are timeless pieces, deservedly THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 15

MUSIC Ottawa Premiere Of New Opera “Führerbunker” Andrew Ager`s chamber opera last May. That same summer I spent “Führerbunker” receives its Ottawa a month in Venice. It was boiling hot premiere on June 15, 7:00 pm, at and crowded, so I stayed in all day the Mayfair Theatre, 1074 Bank writing and only went out at night to St. (Tickets are $25 at the door). restaurants. I finished the score a year The composer, and starring Ottawa later in Toronto. soprano Bronwyn Thies-Thompson, As to why…fellow baby-boomers were interviewed at Morala Café in will understand when I say that we the Glebe by Matthew Larkin. One of grew up in a sort of “post-postwar.” Canada’s leading liturgical musicians, That is, things were great for kids, Mr. Larkin has served as Director but the presence of this huge and of Music at Ottawa’s Christ Church tragic event not so long before Cathedral since 2003. permeated public and to some degree private life. A bizarre and evil person Matthew Larkin (ML): Tell us about was at the centre of this event – in “Führerbunker” “Führerbunker” he is forced to Andrew Ager (AA): Simply put, it appear…which he would not have is a chamber opera about the final ten wanted. days in Hitler`s Berlin Bunker in April ML: Writing “edgy” contemporary 1945 operas is “in”. Is this what you have ML: …unusual… done? AA: How? AA: “Führerbunker” doesn`t have to ML: …as an opera theme… try to be “edgy”. AA: The first time it`s been done. ML: Why the Mayfair? But the death of a tyrant is an old AA: Atmosphere and location. It’s theme. perfect. ML: What did audiences make of it ML: I know some of your music. It at the first performances in Kitchener is both intriguing and attractive. Could and Toronto last year? you say a few words about the score of AA: All I heard beforehand was “Führerbunker?” “you shouldn`t do that”. All I heard AA: The accompaniment is afterwards was “I see what you were very spare. The idea is to create a doing.” People were both shocked and claustrophobic atmosphere, in which Toronto tenor Robert Kinar as Hitler, and rising young Ottawa soprano fascinated. the voices of the characters seem Bronwyn Thies-Thompson as Eva Braun. PHOTO BY DAVID ROTH Bronwyn Thies-Thompson (BTT): trapped. I consciously chose to They would not stop clapping, it was write this sort of score, rather than as though they were mesmerized. anything full and soaring. However, ML: How did the roles affect the the performers and audience said performers? they also felt as though they were AA: The singers were pros. Hitler trapped in the music once it started. Brokers Diane Allingham & Jennifer Stewart 613-725-1171 was portrayed by Toronto tenor This was my intention. Robert Kinar, who is also performing BTT: Andrew has written quite in the June production. His focus a bit of music for me. I find it is on accurately playing Hitler as beautifully written and evocative at a murderous, ill, and drug-riddled once. This summer we are recording despot. By the end of the war he was a new set of songs. In this opera he almost non-functional and extremely uses an economy of means that sets paranoid. the tone perfectly. Tightly structured, JUST SOLD! NEW LISTING! ML: Bronwyn, how does it feel to direct, pressured. GLEBE SINGLE WEST CENTRETOWN DUPLEX portray Hitler`s girlfriend and (briefly) ML: Interesting – a sort of 178 Fifth Ave 1 Spruce St Listed at $689,900 Listed at $669,900 wife? cinematic approach to opera writing. BTT: She was a party girl, fun- Do you have other operas on the go? loving, close to power. I play her AA: An exciting project with as such, vivacious, very youthful, Ottawa’s Pellegrini Opera. But I in stark contrast to the grim war- am not allowed to tell you about criminals around her. Whether she was it, other than that it will be huge. manipulative, had hidden depths, we More immediately I have been don’t know. I am portraying her as a named “Composer-in-Residence” NEW LISTING! NEW PRICE! bubbly girlfriend. It feels a bit odd, as to Ottawa’s Seventeen Voyces WEST CENTRETOWN DUPLEX LOWERTOWN END UNIT though I am playing in a dangerous Chamber Choir, conducted by 514 Cambridge St S 5 Rose St Listed at $547,000 Listed at $379,900 sandbox of sorts…her ending – was Kevin Reeves. I am writing an it tragic? Heroic? Devoted? Simply electronic score for the 1926 silent insane? All unanswered. movie “Metropolis”, which they are ML: When and why did you write presenting in April 2017. That same OVERBROOK CONDO NEW LISTING! this opera? month my work “The Unknown 969 North River Rd #304 AA: The idea for it came to me Soldier” is being presented at Christ Listed at $297,900 some years ago while working Church Cathedral, as part of the for the Centre for Opera Studies 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge. JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! OVERBROOK SINGLE CENTRETOWN ROW UNIT (COSI) in Italy. It was summer, I ML: Well, Andrew and Bronwyn, OVERBROOK CONDO spent a lot of time pondering larger thank you very much for this 43 Prince Albert St 568 Maclaren St 203-950 Marguerite Ave Listed at $547,900 Listed at $629,000 projects – and one day the thought interesting preview of what should Listed at $279,900 came spontaneously at a café while be quite an evening. And thank you [email protected] Proud sponsors of I was talking with some students. for the coffee. #200 –1335 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 8N8 I mentioned it to Darryl Edwards, AA: A pleasure the head of COSI and he took it up BTT: And thank you to Morala… immediately. COSI ultimately gave excellent spot! the second performance in Toronto Page 16 THE OSCAR l June 2016

HISTORY Proposed Billings Bridge Streetcar Service Never Materialized The new Bank Street Bridge over Street) as far as Ridgemont near the Rideau Canal opened to traffic Walkley Road. This was for a one on July 25, 1913 after the temporary month trial starting on May 18, 1927. swing bridge malfunctioned. This Average daily receipts were only made way for the streetcar extension $10.93 and the service was cancelled into Ottawa South, which opened following the trial. This proved to on October 10th with a 4 minute be the death knell for the Billings service frequency. The route fol- Bridge streetcar extension, as Ot- lowed Bank Street to Sunnyside then tawa Electric Railway officials saw looped by Sunnyside, Seneca, Grove little hope of significantly increasing and back to Bank Street. This route receipts. remained in service until January 12, Jacques Greber arrived in Ottawa 1959 when streetcar service ended. in 1937 with his ideas opposed to Interestingly, streetcar rails extended streetcars. The National War Memo- southbound on Bank Street from rial was completed in 1939 and the Sunnyside to Grove Avenue but grand promenade on Elgin Street was likely were never used. They were not considered suitable for streetcars. likely a relic of a proposed Billings On April 24, 1939, the Elgin Street Bridge extension. and Ottawa East car lines were aban- A new bridge at Billings Bridge doned and buses were placed on the The new Bank Street Bridge over the Rideau Canal in August 1916, with a was in greater need after the earlier route. In the weeks leading up to this streetcar on it. LAC Topley Collection PA-011237 collapse had created treacherous conversion, there were increasing crossing conditions. Following a demands to extend service to Billings ing the Rideau Canal. At the time, considerable discussion on whether Bridge via Main Street and Riverdale swing bridges existed on Bank Street By Glenn Clark a temporary bridge was needed (a Avenue. The Ottawa Electric Rail- at Lansdowne Park and at Argyle Av- temporary bridge was finally built), way resisted those requests wishing enue and could not carry streetcars. The idea of extending streetcar the new Billings Bridge (the current to wait for the results of the switch to Almost immediately, new bridges service southward began with the bridge) officially opened on Septem- buses first. were being planned. annexation of Rideauville, and ber 2, 1915. The bridge was built to A six month trial began on Sep- On March 21, 1913, the centre Wyoming Park (now Old Ottawa accommodate streetcars. tember 1, 1939 with bus service span of the old wooden Billings South) and the village of Ottawa East It was not until the Robert M. terminating with a loop at Riverdale, Bridge collapsed from high water. by the City of Ottawa on December Feustal Report was produced in 1922 Bank and Cameron. This trial was This blocked vehicular traffic and 16, 1907. But streetcar service was that further streetcar extensions were extended another 6 months in early began the process of planning a more dependant on suitable bridges cross- considered. This included an exten- 1940. Ultimately, it proved to be too permanent bridge. sion to the Elgin Streetcar line into successful with many Gloucester Ottawa East as far as Main Street residents taking advantage of the and Clegg, and an extension of the service immediately to the north of Bank Streetcar line across Billings the bridge. There were complaints Bridge to a proposed passenger rail- of overcrowded buses and with war way station on the Canadian North- restrictions on the hours allowed for ern Railway line there. bus operations, the route was short- The streetcar extension was part ened with buses turning around at of a four-year plan, with the Ottawa Belmont Avenue starting on Decem- East extension to take place in the ber 14, 1942. This ended any service first year, and the Billings Bridge to Billings Bridge by the Ottawa extension in the last year of the plan. Electric Railway. The former began operation on July From then on, bus service to the 29, 1925 with 10 minute frequency Billings Bridge area was offered only and 5 minute service during rush by Uplands Bus Lines and starting on hour. July 1, 1950, by the Ottawa Trans- In order to test the viability of portation Commission. transit service in the Billings Bridge area, bus service was provided from First published, with documentation, the Bank and Grove streetcar termi- in the Gloucester Historical nus south on Metcalfe Road (Bank Society newsletter.

The Ottawa Transportation Commission (OTC) central bus terminal at the corner of Bank and Grove. It was demolished in the early 1970’s and is now the site of the Campanale Building which houses a Bridgehead coffee shop. LAC CA-15053 THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 17

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HISTORY Élise Déroche, Aviatrice

(Left and right) La Baronne Élisa Raymonde de Laroche. PHOTO FROM US LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, PHOTOGRAPHER UNKNOWN. Plaque (center). PHOTO BY BRUCE GRANT By Bruce Grant, Flâneur this woman’s life? Petersburg. She charmed the Tzar 1919, Élise was killed in a plane Born into the working class family of Russia who addressed her as La crash while training to become a test Wandering about in Paris recently I of a plumber, Elise Déroche became Baronne and so this name that she pilot. Audace et trajédie? Mais oui! came upon a plaque, bolted to a wall an artist and actress, took the stage had brazenly taken on acquired, in La Baronne Élisa Raymonde de at 61 Rue de la Verrerie in the 4th name of Baronne Élisa Raymonde de her view, a degree of legitimacy. Laroche is buried in Cimetière Père arrondissment. Wandering about is Laroche. She also became the “amie Élise was flying now, in more ways Lachaise in Paris. my favourite activity in Paris. Let intime” of the artist and aviator Léon than one; 1910 was great year for others wait in the long lines at the Delagrange who introduced her to her until a crash in July at a show in My candle burns at both ends; tourist sites (I’ve done all that) or his friend Charles Voisin, a builder of Rouen put her in hospital with 18 plunder the shops in Faubourg Saint airplanes. fractures. Not expected to survive at It will not last the night; Honoré (I’ll never do that); I wander There is an interesting chronology all, she recovered over a period of about. that indicates a life full of tragedy, two years and returned to flying. But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - So, who was this Elise Déroche a life that she lived with intensity In a car crash in September 1912, It gives a lovely light! a.k.a. Baronne Elisa Raymonde de and audacity: Léon Delagrange Charles Voisin was killed but Élise Laroche, Aviatrice, the first woman died, January 1910 when the wing survived with injuries. She married Edna St. Vincent Millay pilot in the world? I took a picture came off his Blériot airplane. Elise the pilot Jacques Vial in February and resolved to look her up at home. recovered quickly from her grief of 1915 - her first marriage. During Here’s a brief outline of the story; and appealed to her new ami intime the war, she was not allowed to fly I encourage readers to look for her Charles Voisin to teach her to fly. but served in the military as a driver. Bruce Grant is a retired Engineer, on-line. Many sites relate her story She won her pilot’s licence Her husband served at the front and resident of Old Ottawa South, who though with some contradictions in March 1910 and participated died in action. In 1918 her only child describes his current occupation as among the various accounts. Why with Voisin at air shows in Tours, André (with Léon Delagrange) died “Layabout”. hasn’t someone made a movie about Rheims, Athens, Budapest and Saint aged 15 of the Spanish Flu. July

GMSElemAdGeoGR15.pdf 1 15-02-04 1:12 PM An Invitation to Celebrate Glebe Montessori School’s 20th Anniversary! PHOTO BY LAYLA RANKIN









By Dijana Bate, standards and child-centered GMS Founder learning, offering the best in a Montessori education for students of toddler age through Grade Six, We are delighted to announce is a testament to its success and that Glebe Montessori School (GMS) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this academic year! GMS’ reputation for its high Cont. on pg. 19 THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 19

MUSIC Ottawa Choral Society: Elijah ascends to Heaven! By Maggie McCoy exultation.” The conflict is straightforward– On Friday, June 17th, the Ottawa Elijah supports the God of Abraham Choral Society (OCS) brings its while King Ahab and Queen Jezebel 75th Anniversary celebrations to promote the idol Baal. Elijah’s a glorious conclusion with Felix people have broken their covenant Mendelssohn’s beloved oratorio with the Lord and there have been Elijah. dire consequences. In abject misery From the enthusiastic amateur and laid waste by famine, plague philharmonic choir it began as in and drought, the Israelites cry for January 1941, the OCS has become help —Who will deliver them? The one of Canada’s most prominent God of Abraham or the heathen idol, symphonic choruses. Always Baal? All is resolved when Elijah at the heart of Ottawa’s vibrant challenges Jezebel’s prophets of Baal cultural life, the choir is a regular to a contest to prove whose is the guest of the NAC Orchestra, and true God. Returning a widow’s dead a frequent collaborative partner of son to life, commanding spontaneous the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra. flames to burst out upon an altar, and With five international tours that summoning the terrifying storm that have taken it to Italy, Spain, (the quenches the blistering drought, the former) East Germany, the Czech triumphant Elijah leaves Baal in the Republic, and the UK, the choir dust and is carried off to Heaven in a has become an ambassador for the fiery chariot. Below him, the Tribes city. In the Millennium Year, it was of Israel, their faith restored, thrive the subject of a widely broadcast and prosper. BBC TV documentary that followed Under the masterful baton of Russell Braun will appear as Elijah in the Ottawa Choral Society’s the choir’s tour of Ireland and the two-time Grammy award-winning performance of Felix Mendelssohn’s oratorio Elijah. UK from Ottawa to Belfast for a Maestro Duain Wolfe, Chorusmaster performance in the legendary Ulster of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Regular $35, Students $10 with ID Maggie McCoy has been a soprano Hall. Chorus, the Colorado Symphony Party Tickets: Single tickets $10... in the Choral Society forever, and has The precocious young Chorus, and frequent guest OCS Subscribers $7.50 performed Elijah many times on OCS Mendelssohn had just turned 20 when chorusmaster of the NACO, “Elijah” stages and in NACO’s Southam Hall he resurrected, and conducted, J. S. stars baritone Russell Braun. As By Phone: 613-725-2560 under the baton of the great Helmuth Bach’s long-neglected St. Matthew well as the historic OCS Russell Rilling. Passion. He was hooked! He wanted has also performed with the NAC to compose such stirring musical Orchestra, the Metropolitan Opera story-telling himself. In the biblical and the Canadian Opera Company. The major e OTTAWA 75 stories of the Old Testament’s Book “Elijah” also features the illustrious CHORAL th of Kings, he found his superhero. concert artists Monica Whicher, SOCIETY Anniv ersavery Rhapsodizing to a friend, he told soprano, Susan Platts, contralto, tenor nt of our him “I picture Elijah as a grand and Isaiah Bell, and, as the Youth, Christ Season ! mighty prophet of a kind we would Church Cathedral Head Chorister, do well to have in our own day — Graeme Thies-Thompson. powerful, zealous, but also harsh Following the concert, guests are and angry and saturnine; a striking invited to raise an anniversary toast ELIJAH contrast to the court sycophants and to the OCS at an after-party hosted Felix Mendelssohn the rabble.” With its charismatic by prominent journalist, Paul Wells— leading man, his inimitable way with birthday desserts, sparkling wines FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016 at 7:30 pm and waters, a vintage popcorn cart, St. Joseph’s Parish Church a beautiful melody, and his genius Wilbrod Street at Cumberland for orchestral and choral colour, selfies with the stars, and a draw for Mendelssohn’s Elijah was an instant next season’s tickets! Our 75th Anniversary Season hit. He was ecstatic! The critic for concludes with Mendelssohn’s great The London Times described the Felix Mendelssohn’s Elijah oratorio ELIJAH under the masterful work’s thunderous reception: “It Friday June 17th, 7:30 pm baton of Grammy-award-winning was as though enthusiasm, long- Maestro DUAIN WOLFE. : Sophimage Photography Photo checked, had suddenly burst its St. Joseph’s Parish Church, (Wilbrod Featuring an illustrious cast of bonds and filled the air with shouts of at Cumberland) soloists and the NATIONAL ARTS Concert Tickets Reserved$ 45, CENTRE ORCHESTRA. MONICA WHICHER, soprano SUSAN PLATTS, mezzo-soprano A Child’s Dream,” produced by ISAIAH BELL, tenor RUSSELL BRAUN, baritone Continued from pg. 18 senior students will be premiered. Innovative projects prepared by our junior students, classroom tours, Join us to raise a toast at the post-concert ANNIVERSARY PARTY, longevity. Scientific evidence today hosted by PAUL WELLS, with special guests and historical moments. an international art exhibit and a continues to validate Dr. Montessori’s silent auction in support of refugees discoveries and philosophy. We thank sponsorship organization FACES will the vast number of local families who highlight this evening. Chef Scott have valued a Montessori education at Adams’ culinary delights will no GMS for their children during the past doubt add flavour to the occasion. 20 years. GMS staff and students look REGULAR: $ 35 RESERVED: $ 45 GMS will open its doors to 613-725-2560 forward to hosting this community FULL-TIME STUDENTS (with valid ID): $10 current and former students and PARTY TICKETS: $10 OTTAWACHORALSOCIETY.COM event at Glebe Montessori School, their families, and the general public 650 Lyon St. South, Ottawa and hope on Friday, June 10th from 5:30 to to see you there! Please contact us 7:30 pm to celebrate this landmark. if you have further questions at 613- The independent film, “Freedom: 237-3824. Page 20 THE OSCAR l June 2016

FILM REVIEWS Arabia, the film crew faced various natural obstacles, including a sand storm which delayed the shoot for two days. (The director wanted to make the film on location in the King Abdullah Economic City in Saudi Arabia, but permission was denied.) The underwater sequence was filmed in the Dead Sea, off the coast of Egypt. Tykwer’s celebrated career includes numerous awards for wife and child. Living in the projects directing two films,Cloud Atlas ringing Paris, he takes on the role (2012) and (1998). of caretaker in a housing project, Tom Hanks was also Tykwer’s lead bringing order to what was a violent, actor in Cloud Atlas. Sarita Choudury drug fuelled chaos. The former Tamil is a 50-year old British actress who Tiger (LTTE or Liberation Tigers received her undergraduate degree consists of Alan and Yousef’s of Tamil Eelam), earns the respect By Tony Wohlfarth from Queen’s University in Kingston myriad misadventures in the Saudi of both the gangs and the police, and eschews Hollywood. A Hologram for the King desert, trying to meet the elusive through his vigilance, fearlessness Based on a 2012 novel (of the same and practical skills. This part of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and king. He visits Mecca and has name) by Dave Eggers, A Hologram Dheepan is especially moving, Muslims are rarely if ever portrayed various health problems, leading for the King had its world premiere overcoming myths and deep-seated positively in a Hollywood film. to a romantic liaison with Doctor at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival stereotypes about child soldier Thanks to veteran German film Zahra Hakem (Sarita Choudury). The (TFF) in New York this April. While refugees in France. maker , his latest film cinematography (by Frank Griebe) the novel is not a comedy, Tykwer Dheepan was filmed on location accomplishes both in an entertaining is stunning and the live action is at leaned on Hanks’ personality to in the refugee camps in Sri Lanka and romantic comedy, A Hologram times hilarious. build the funny elements of Clay’s and in the housing projects in La for the King. Clay’s checkered career includes a predicament. Coudraie, Poissy, Yvelines in France. Tom Hanks plays Alan Clay, a stint with Schwinn, at the time when Directed by Jacques Auliard, burned out executive with Reliant, a the failing bicycle manufacturer Dheepan Dheepan is the second feature film by Boston-based tech firm (circa 2010). moved all of its production offshore Refugee resettlement and the civil the French director to win numerous A single Dad, Alan travels to the to China. Flashbacks to these war in Sri Lanka are the backdrop to awards. In 2012, Auliard directed Middle East to pitch a 3-D imaging unfortunate events force Clay to Dheepan, a stark, gripping drama set Rust & Bone. contract to the Saudi King. His rethink his career and are reminiscent in suburban Paris. Dheepan had its world premiere guide is Yousef (Alexander Black), of the current debate around Antonythasan Jesuthasan plays the at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, a versatile American-born actor who outsourcing, and the future of US role of Sivadhasan, a Tamil Tiger where it won the coveted Palme D’Or trained for the acting role in Saudi manufacturing. fighter, fleeing persecution who Award. Its North American premiere Arabia. Much of the live action Filmed on location in Morocco, 5,000 kilometres to the west of Saudi enters France accompanied by a fake was at the 2015 Toronto International


southernosie’s kitchen & raw bar Claudine Vinasithamby and Jesuthasan Antonythasan, in Dheeppan. 895 Bank Street.613-234-7674 r Film Festival. Dheepan is also a moving story for Canadians. During the 1983 Civil War in Sri Lanka, an estimated 200,000-300,000 Tamils found refuge in Canada – most of them in the Greater Toronto Area. A generation later, Tamil Canadians have been elected to the House of Commons and dominate the Sri Lankan restaurant scene in Canada’s Big Easy’s largest city. SEAFOOD & STEAK HOUSE Tony Wohlfarth is an Ottawa-based freelance film writer and critic. He 228 Preston Street.613-565-3279 covered both the 2016 TFF & the 2015 TIFF.

Dheepan was released commercially on April 8 and is screening at the Mayfair Theater until June 2nd. THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 21


Beautiful Bachelors and ‘Marvelous Realism’keep them on the path of a full life. Drop in, have a piece of pie and Although the documentary has think about how creative work been ‘on the shelf’ during my enhances all our lives. surgeries , Helene and I have continued our photo/art collaboration that we call ‘Marvelous Realism’ and For more on this, and other Peter while I’m shooting in Old Ottawa Evanchuck and Helene Lacelle South looking for comments from productions, go to movieshandmade. bachelors, we’ll have our Marvelous com. Realism images hanging in the Loo (that’s the Loo not the Louvre ) at Life Of Pie, 1134 Bank Street in Old Ottawa south - the show will run all through June in the loo.

for your home ElegantCertified Colour Consultant Strategies and Canadian Certified Staging Professional “Make the most of your home” Home Staging – show your home to its best advantage when selling Colour Consulting – refresh your living space One man filmaker Peter Evanchuck (on the right) shooting for his documen- without fear tary “Beautiful Bachelors” with bachelor Tony Kelleher. Evanchuck is not Room Makeovers – enjoy your home every day only cameraman but producer/director and editor of this documentary. Nancy McPherson, BA (Hons),CCSP PHOTO BY HELENE LACELLE 613-286-5414 By Peter Evanchuck and adding the fact that I shoot, [email protected] edit, direct and produce it without In 1939 when John Grierson having others hovering over my came from Scotland to head start idea wondering if it’s marketable or a Canadian national documentary suitable for their many obligations organization called The National because the age of digital filmmaking Film Board (NFB), he along with has allowed all of us to document James Beverage began what would various subjects without having to become a Canadian way of making be a slave to the raising of large documentaries - the real deal raw and amounts of money to complete one’s rugged. Grierson’s honesty wasn’t work - this is a miracle for the artist anything like the phoney, scripted filmmaker. hogwash of the extreme nonsense of Beautiful Bachelors has been a Michael Moore or others who really long term, passionate project with make dramas that are staged, scripted me since I’m shooting from Ontario and edited into preconceived stories into the Maritimes and since I have a to fit what is on the page rather than lifelong fight with cancer. Last year allowing the real nature of the subject I had to attend three major surgeries to unfold and tell its own story. to remove tumours and part of my Years back I co-wrote a book lungs. During the 2nd surgery a on the work of Richard Leiterman nerve to my left vocal cord was who made all of Alan King’s severed thus causing my voice to be documentaries, shooting 50 and 60 altered so that now I sound like Tom to 1. That means in order to ‘catch Waits on a bad day. Of course when I the moment’ they shot 50 or 60 hours contact a potential bachelor by phone to get 1 hour of finished project. my rasping, hoarse voice sometimes This allowed enormous work in the scares them into wondering who editing room where the director, could sound like that and be an King, could look at the footage and active, producing filmmaker. So each find the story structure. An enormous time I have to introduce myself and amount of time would be spent in the my voice problem − which quickly editing room for the director since resolves their concern − and we get he was often not present during the on with the shoot. shoot. He would see the footage for The documentary has been on the the first time and his ‘eye’ would not shelf during four serious surgeries/ recall the location events surrounding procedures in 2015 and only recently the shoot but would make the have I taken up my cameras to documentary from that footage continue the project. My creative without the emotional side effects and life partner Helene Lacelle has that might have surrounded the actual been a huge help in allowing me shoot. to follow my creative life which of In many ways I’m taking the course enhances my ability to come ‘cinema direct’ notion of Leiterman/ through each cancer setback and King and the early NFB’s idea of carry on. There is no question that all what a documentary should be those suffering from life threatening problems need involving projects to Page 22 THE OSCAR l June 2016

Kids Get New Hangout, Adults Get New Pub at Tennis Club

Lauren Perkins looks forward to enjoying the new Juniors offerings at the Royal Oak Pubs has teamed up with Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling to OTLBC. PHOTO BY PAUL SUTCLIFFE operate its café operations. This is the Royal Oak’s 13th location. The pub By Kate Jaimet can hang out?” said Molly. café is open to public, just as the clubs previous licensed café was. Lest the adults feel left out of PHOTO BY BRENDAN MCCOY Molly Perkins wanted a place at the the fun, the club also signed a will be put toward renovating and train with the pros for three hours tennis club where she and her friends new agreement with the Royal redecorating the club’s old tuck in the afternoons. As well, the club could hang out this summer. She Oak to open a summer location shop into a Juniors room, based on a is offering one-on-one competitive imagined a room just for ‘tweens and on the second floor of the OTLBC design by Molly Perkins. coaching for teens who want teens’, with couches, a TV, and a DIY clubhouse, offering a selection of Pierre-Noel said the club intends to compete in Ontario Tennis crafting space. Add in some youth beer and foodstuffs from the Oak’s to hold Youth Nights on Fridays, Association Tournaments. Junior nights, juniors tennis tournaments, popular pub menu. Live music acts and she is in discussions with OSCA match play on Saturdays and a series beach volleyball and pool parties, will perform once a month. about bringing the popular Firehall of three Juniors Singles tournaments and it was starting to sound like a “The Oak is your neighbourhood Youth Nights to the club for the throughout the summer round out the dream summer. pub. Everybody meets at the Oak. summer months. offerings for kids who just can’t get That dream is set to come true, It’s a perfect fit,” said Royal Oak The club is also expanding its enough tennis. thanks to the efforts of Molly and the manager Mihai Gutuescu. tennis offerings to Juniors, both at the For younger and less competitive other Juniors at the Ottawa Tennis At the club’s opening day on recreational and competitive ends of kids, the club will continue to offer and Lawn Bowling Club (OTLBC), May 14, Molly and other juniors the spectrum. its Saturday morning progressive with enthusiastic support from − including Emma and Charlotte “This year, we’ve focussed our clinics, and a new parent-and-tot the club’s Board of Directors and Bickerton and Zoey and Molly efforts into integrating our junior clinic for tennis toddlers. General Manager Maria Pierre-Noel. Purves − were hard at work members into the structured offerings For those who love to watch “I was talking with Maria, and I hawking baked goods, t-shirts and of our club,” said Pierre-Noel. “We tennis, not just play it, the highlight said: we have this empty room, why raffle tickets. Their effort raised want to make sure the membership of the summer will be the Steve not turn it into a place where teens approximately $450.00, which

Molly Purves, Charlotte Bickerton, Zoey Purves and Emma Bickerton sell cupcakes to raise funds for the new Juniors room at the tennis club.


grows with the club. The club has Stevens Tournament August 21- existed for 135 years and we want it 27. This Tennis Canada sanctioned to continue for another 200.” tournament will bring 500 players Summer tennis camps will offer aged 35-85 from across Canada to an option for more competitively- compete at various venues, including minded kids to train with the the OTLBC. pros. There will also be a Junior “It’s an opportunity to put the Summer Training program, where OTLBC on the map,” Pierre-Noel intermediate and advanced players said. THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 23

MEMBER REFERRAL PROGRAM ON NOW! SAVE 10% WHEN REFERED BY AN OTLBC MEMBER Until the End of June Only Tennis & Pool Memberships No Initiation Fees. No Court Fees. 100% Access. 18 Har-Tru Tennis Courts 10 Beach Volleyball Courts Newly Renovated 75’ x 35’ Outdoor Swimming Pool Tennis & Swimming Lessons for all Ages FREE Organized Activities Facility Rentals, Corporate Team building & Wedding Venue Summer Camps & NEW Junior Programs REGISTER ONLINE TODAY JUNIOR PROGRAMS | MEMBERSHIPS | ADULT GROUP CLINICS WWW.OTLBC.COM The OAK at the OTLBC OTLBC Summer Camps Two great players... what a match! Daily Drink Specials Half Price Wings Monday & Tuesday Competitive & After 5 PM | With the Purchase of a drink Provincial Training Join us for our Live Music Series! June 15 Amos the Transparent July 13 Birds of Bellwoods And Stay Tuned! $20 Online | $25 at the Door | $60 Series Pass Search OTLBC on Eventbrite for tickets

DON’T MISS A THING! Sign up for our Newsletters at STAY CONNECTED & FOLLOW US #OTLBC Page 24 THE OSCAR l June 2016

Ottawa Air Guitar Championship to Rock House of TARG

By Sandy Gibson and having a good time. Under the guidance of Air Guitar Canada Before there were lip-sync battles, organizer Tim Evans, a national Rock Band video games or even competition has been held annually karaoke, there was Air Guitar in Toronto for the past few years for and it’s coming again to Old three reasons: Ottawa South on Saturday, June 4th. This phenomenon, which 1) To raise money for the charity involves participants dressing up in Right to Play Canada, an organization outrageous costumes and rocking out dedicated to using sport and play in grandiose fashion on imaginary to educate and empower children electric guitars, has re-emerged in and youth to overcome the effects the past few years to electrify many of poverty, conflict, and disease in Canadian cities and all for the sake disadvantaged communities around of charity, promoting world peace the world; 2) To promote world peace since “When you’re holding an air guitar, you can’t be holding a gun”; 3) To choose a Canadian representative for the annual World Now Open 'til 9 Thursday thru Sunday Air Guitar Championships - yes, that’s a real thing - in Oulu, Finland New desserts designed for sharing! in August.

House made Cheesecake Contestants are evaluated by a Pie with Pascale's All panel of judges using the 4.0 to 6.0 Natural Ice Cream figure skating scoring method. They Trifle are evaluated based on the following Crème brûlée criteria: originality, ability to be taken over by the music, stage charisma, Join us for breakfast on Saturdays and technical skill, artistic impression and Sundays ‘Airness’, There are two rounds of specialty coffee - tea - bread - baked goods competition − a one-minute song clip dessert - breakfast - lunch - family meals of the performer’s choice and later an improvised round of a one-minute 1134 Bank St. 613-693-1853 song clip chosen by the organizers on [email protected] the day of the competition.

Centretown Community Health Centre Annual General Meeting 2015 Canadian Air Guitar Champion Jason “Thrust” McNeely. PHOTO BY CULTURE SNAP PHOTOGRAPHY

2015 Canadian champion Jay second and third place contestants “Thrust” McNeely is returning to the from 2015 out of town, this year’s Get involved in your community’s Ottawa competition he won last year, contest is wide open. There are health and wellbeing. but this time as a judge. still spots left for those who wish “It’s all about creativity,” he says. to register and enjoy the fame, “You get the chance to really create adrenaline rush and free drinks that Know what’s happening at the health something out of nothing, all the come with being a 2016 Ottawa Air while pretending you’re a rock star, Guitar Championship competitor. centre. but you’ve got to be a little crazy. While it is an event for those 19 or You have to have a couple moves on older, the songs and shenanigans

stage that no one else is going to do appeal to a wide variety of people, Join or renew your membership. that puts you apart.” and the unique atmosphere of Last year’s contest saw McNeely House of TARG − not to mention enter the Ottawa contest as joke with its scrumptious perogies − make the Vote to elect board members. his co-workers. experience a memorable one. To “I just showed up in street clothes. cap it off, the competition will be I didn’t know it was a costumed kind followed by a performance by the Thursday of thing,” he recalls. “It’s like if you “Suns of Stone”, an Ottawa blues- June 23 show up to the prom in shorts.” rock band that recently released their However, he soon wowed second CD last December and is 5:00 pm spectators, competitors and judges excited to be back again. For those with his acrobatic moves and who enjoy rock, dance, silliness and highly interactive stage persona. just plain fun, the 2016 Ottawa Air 420 Cooper St. Other performers had excellent Guitar Championship is not to be choreographed routines and some missed! even signed up on the spot to perform The doors to House of Targ in the Dark Horse round, embracing (1077 Bank Street) open at 9 pm on the “Why not?” nature of the contest. Saturday, June 4th and the action Prizes were awarded, money was starts at 9:30 pm. Tickets are $10 raised and when the dust settled, and can be purchased online or at the 420 Cooper Street, Ottawa Every One Matters. McNeely was on his way to the door. To learn more and register, go national championship. to . Chaque personne compte. With McNeely as a judge, and the THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 25

Katie’s Tulips

Children planting tulips at Hopewell Public School. PHOTO BY KATIE BREEN Tulips blooming at Hopewell Public School. PHOTO BY ILIA FABBRI

By Ilia Fabbri Ave., you will be greeted with a spent part of his youth propagating Katie declined my request for a photo splash of colour. That’s because last flower bulbs in Holland; and Petra of her at the Tulip Festival, saying: If you look closely, you will find that fall, Katie had the idea of beautifying Heitkamp with her smiley kids “it’s about Hopewell students, our Katie Breen is part of almost every the green spaces around Hopewell planting and distributing to all the wider community and the importance initiative to improve the community School by planting tulips. With volunteers. of creating beautiful, green spaces or the school. Although some the support of the Principal, Lynn As you see the tulips now, you will for us all to enjoy.” So when you see projects she has given her time and Watson, Katie adopted 300-400 tulip notice the varying planting styles all those beautiful colours around the expertise to are grand and glamorous bulbs from the National Capital adding to the atmosphere: from school, if they make you happy, blow (i.e. Hopewell’s new yard), she’s Commission’s recuperation program clusters to perfectly aligned rows. Katie a kiss the next time you see her. usually a behind-the-scenes kind of to plant along Hopewell Ave. My kids and I had great delight in A wink and a smile is good too. gal and you wouldn’t really know On November 1st, 2015, Katie watching the tulip patch we planted For more information on the Dutch she was such a driving force unless recruited a dozen volunteers for by the school entrance budding, tulip legacy here in Canada, visit you participated alongside her. Rest the project and we got into that soil reminding us that summer is but a assured, she will never brag about it. around the school and planted those stone’s throw away. If you’d like legacy/ So this time, allow me to brag on her bulbs! Quite befitting of the occasion, to make your tulip mark around the Ilia Fabbri is a local real estate behalf. a couple of Dutch families joined us school, call Katie; she’s planning on agent who grew up in Old Ottawa This May and June, as you walk that day: Jodi Browne and Henk van collecting another few hundred to South and now calls Old Ottawa East by Hopewell school along Hopewell der Molen, parents to Fenna, Jasper plant this fall! and Sadie were there, Henk having Knowing my sneaky intentions, home. Page 26 THE OSCAR l June 2016

A Plug for the Arts… And the Art of Unplugging

didn’t even have computers, let alone However, I’m also told that they will Witches Go?” and Old Ottawa South iPhones or Galaxy tablets, we relied quickly forget about their iPhone or residents), urban dancing classes and on our imagination!” their Galaxy Tablet after 15 minutes inspired choreography, to include I would then quote the great Albert on the grounds of this Utopian 350 dance styles from classic tap to Fosse Einstein: “Imagination is more acres of campgrounds and awe to other rock musicals of today. important than knowledge”; and inspiring wilderness. Creative writing is also part of the might add Twitter and Flickr. “Arts by the Lake” it is called. The arts curriculum. Sadly, these words would fall name itself evokes an immediate “Arts by the Lake” also offers on deaf ears; mainly because the sense of calm and tranquility for courses on how to record music in kids had their Beats by Dr.Dre me. But this is the interpretation of a a professionally equipped band- headphones on. My children find it middle-aged adult. To children (aged ready barn. Arranging songs, past impossible to believe that a previous 9 to 16 years old), this camp means and present is an added option. As world actually existed without social so much more, even without their I cruise through the website, (yes, media. But I remember, and I so long beloved gadgets. Created by an Old there are benefits to googling as I for that world again. Ottawa south resident, Ott Reynolds noted above), the options and choices I have been searching for summer who thrives on establishing a warm are numerous and might I add, activities and camps this summer; and healthy community among the wondrous! a place where my children can tear camp’s staff and campers. Ott is While my children may find that themselves away from what I believe no stranger to community events being without their much cherished is certain slavery to social media; as she has, during the past 4 years, electronic devices may be some form PHOTO BY KAITLIN SIBBALD despite the obvious and undeniable organized “Pumpkin Alley” along of ruinous punishment, I choose to benefits. I want them to know Woodbine Lane where hundreds of think that I will be providing them By Kelly MacAdam the world from whence I came. I gloriously carved pumpkins are lit with rewarding and memorable want them to trade in Googling for up on Halloween night as part of a experiences which they will never I shudder to think how many hours Gauguin; Volleyball instead of Vine, magical community event. forget. I’m also hoping my kids can my teenagers spend googling, on Tap dance instead of Twitter, Song A typical day at Long Bay Camp, manage for a week or two without Instagram, Vine, Tumblr, Snapchat… instead of Snapchat. nestled on the shores of Bob’s Lake knowing how Kim and Kanye are the list goes on. It’s scary really, and I think I have found the place in Westport Ontario, encapsulates not doing, or where Justin Bieber might kind of depressing. More often than where my children will be able to only arts, dance, music and theatre, be dropping his drawers. not, I find myself pontificating on enjoy those lazy, hazy, crazy days of but also volleyball, soccer, ultimate Pablo Picasso has been quoted my soapbox: “When I was your age, summer, without the bombardment Frisbee, paddling, swimming and as saying the following: “Art is the I was up in the morning, off on my and nonsense that accompanies social so much more. Flickr is what you elimination of the unnecessary”. No bike and gone for the day. The wind media. They may not be happy at see in the campfire at the end of the truer words have ever been spoken, at my back, the sun on my face, every first with the rule that all electronic day, when tired, (but happy) campers and he wasn’t around to witness the day produced a brand new adventure, gadgets must be handed in before assemble, laugh, talk (yes talk!) and scourge of today’s social networking and what adventures we had! We camp, (although I will be elated). sing together, and not online for a society. It has also been said that change. creativity is the power to connect When the weather permits, the kids the seemingly unconnected. In all of spend much of their time swimming today’s connectivity, we have never prior to a home-cooked and nutritious been so disconnected. meal. In fact, they can smell the However, I think Dr. Seuss says FEATURED PROPERTIES mouth-watering aroma of flapjacks, it best: “We are a little weird. SALES REPRESENTATIVE baking banana muffins and toasted Life’s a little weird and when we Focused Excellence in Real Estate granola during their morning “polar find someone whose weirdness 154 HAWTHORNE bear swim”. Campers are then off is compatible with ours, we join CANAL AVENUE to a fun-filled day to include story- up with them and fall into mutual Unique semi with renovated kitchen & bathroom, hardwood fl oors, telling, guest musicians, artists, weirdness and call it “love”. private drive and garage. Dramatic and open main level with ceiling drumming, music jam, jewellery I know my children will love heights over 11’. Upper level with natural light and vaulted ceilings to 9’ accented by skylights and large master bedroom. Lower level making, and so much more. There are the gift of this camp, despite with walk out basement. All of this a walkable distance to the newly classes for the budding filmmaker, some trepidation with regard to $550,000 redeveloping main street and Greystone! who is mesmerized by special the removal of their electronics. I effects. There is an Amazing art race also know that the weirdness and 1432 PORTAL (taught by Susan J Atkinson and complexity of the life in which we APPLEWOOD STREET ACRES Elizabeth Todd Doyle, published live will be somewhat assuaged by Well located in Applewood Acres on an oversized lot. This four writers/illustrators of the children’s the tranquility of camp life and the bedroom two bath updated home has great natural light and story book series “Where Do exhilaration of the arts! hardwood fl oors. The lot is well landscaped and has a mature canopy of trees. This centre hall plan home has a versatile fl oor plan that provides great options as to how you could live $500,000 SALES REPRESENTATIVE in this comfortable space. Focused Excellence in Real Estate 53 WAVERLY . c o m GOLDEN Flowing linens STREET TRIANGLE Historic 3 bed, 2 bath renovated semi detached! Beautiful red brick, . c o h r a n e p t and crisp cottons w stone foundation and charming front porch. Elegant living & dining We have a remarkable selection of rooms with high ceilings and baseboards and the original stair case. gently worn, favourite labels in-store now. Renovated kitchen complete with island, den with views of the private back yard and a 2nd family room with access to a private Animale • Bryn Walker • CMC • Click comfy USA • Cut Loose • Eileen Fisher roof top deck. Detached garage and 2 car parking! Flax • Kaliyana • Sandwich • Simpli Affordable, comfortable and unique.

SALESSALES REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVE Focused Excellence in Real Estate Focused Excellence in Real Estate TOP 1% FOR ROYAL LEPAGE IN CANADA* | 613.238.2801 165 Pretoria Ave. Ottawa, ON K1S 1X1 Mon. - Wed.: 10 - 5:30 • Thurs. & Fri.: 10 - 7 • Sat.: 10 - 5 • Sun.: 11 - 5 Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale or buyers under contract. | *Based on closed and collected earnings 613-730-9039 1136 Bank Street (1 1/2 blocks south of Sunnyside) Ottawa ON K1S 3X6

SALES REPRESENTATIVE Focused Excellence in Real Estate SALES REPRESENTATIVE Focused Excellence in Real Estate THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 27

Not All Families Are Looking Forward to Summer By Jennifer Graham Center to create a summer day order for this camp to be a success, 3. Donate Items. Our first fund- camp for Ottawa’s underprivileged over $7000 must still be raised to raising event will be a Garage The Rideau/Rockliffe district children. The camp will run 8 weeks cover costs of employing sufficiently Sale and BBQ. Consider donat- of Ottawa, which includes the of summer break and will offer qualified staff, purchasing materials, ing used, unwanted items to our neighbourhoods of Vanier and exciting, engaging, and educational providing transportation and garage sale. The camp is also Overbrook, is home to some of programming including 9 field admission fees for field trips. looking for specific craft and art Ottawa’s most vulnerable and trips, 4 specialty workshops, sports, supplies and bus tickets. For a underprivileged families. The art, fundraising events, volunteer How you can help: list of items needed please email: population is rich with First Nations, opportunities, 4 captivating 1. Donate. Sponsorship groups can [email protected]. Metis and Aboriginal peoples, competitions, and a finale Art consider donating a sum as a 4. Volunteer. PEACE Summer refugees, and other newcomers Show and BBQ where children can group. (If seven groups offered Camp is looking for several to Canada. Over the summer, showcase their creations. $1000 each, we would reach volunteers to help at fundraising these families will struggle to find Although the camp will be located our goal!) Individuals can also events and to work with the kids affordable daycare and activities in Overbrook, children from all choose to donate. The simplest at the camp. Camp volunteers for their school aged children. The areas of the city are welcome to way to donate is by following the would be asked to work 1-2 average cost for summer daycare for register. The camp will be able link below, click the DONATE hours a day 1-5 days per week. one child is $2013.00; day camps to accommodate 60 campers per button, in the scroll down menu This is an excellent option for average $1530.00 for the summer. day, between the ages of 6 and 12; select SUMMER CAMP, chari- high school students looking to Imagine being a low-income parent campers will be asked to register for table receipts can then be down- gain volunteer hours. with two or more children; what a minimum of 1 week. The camp will loaded and printed instantly. 5. Spread the Word! Please con- would you do? In Ottawa, there are run July 4th through August 26th from sider sharing this information over 1,200 children on the waitlist for 9am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday. ties/rideau-rockcliffe-communi- with your personal and profes- subsidized daycare, and children who Camp fees will be charged according ty-resource-centre/ sional contacts. do not need care during the school to family income using the city of 2. Corporate Sponsorship. If you year won’t make it to the front of the Ottawa’s online childcare subsidy own a business please consider For more information, to register line in time to receive funding for calculator. Any family on Ontario sponsoring PEACE Summer for the camp, or to help out summer care. Works or the Ontario Disability Camp, or consider asking your please contact Jennifer Graham at To address this problem, Support Program as well as any employer if they might be inter- [email protected]. the non-profit organization, refugees in their first 12 months ested in helping out. Corporate Pro-Active Education for All in Canada will automatically be sponsor logos will be featured on Jennifer Graham is a member of the Children’s Enrichment (PEACE), registered for free. camp t-shirts and advertising op- Old Ottawa South Committee for has partnered with The Rideau Running such an exciting and portunities will be available at all Refugee Sponsorship. Rockliffe Community Resource dynamic camp comes at a cost. In of our fundraising events.

Rainbow Kidschool (Carleton Preschool) It Was the Best of Times Carleton Preschool had a job opening learning. Each and every day has given for me. I knew, following my placement moments of shared laughter; that’s what with the centre, that this was where I I’ll remember most, the laughter! wanted to be; it just felt right. Rainbow Kidschool will always be In 1989, the position for Director very special to me. I wish the centre became available, and the rest they say many, many more years of success as it is history! continues to hold an important place in It has been an incredible history for the community of Old Ottawa East. me. I have had the pleasure of knowing And so, in the words of Dickens so many children and families over again, “It is a far, far better rest I go to the years. And although those children than I have ever known”, but he wasn’t have grown taller, and some even have referring to Nova Scotia! children of their own, it still only feels Please check our website at like yesterday! The full circle effect soon has begun in recent years too, with the for information about a “farewell children of children now attending the gathering”. centre. Where did the time go? I can’t imagine a more rewarding career, having the opportunity to guide young ones on their early path of Nancy Marshall, Director of the Carleton Preschool – Rainbow Kidschool.

PHOTO BY PHOTO BY J. MENDES A bridge of opportunity By Nancy Marshall to relocate to Lady Evelyn Public School. I was the first Charles Dickens said it Algonquin College Early Morning & Lunch Preschool Program perfectly! “It was the best of Childhood Education student at ages 2.5 to 4 years times” and has been the best of the centre back in 1982. That was a year of big careers for me. Afterschool Program For the past 31 years, changes for Carleton Preschool. children 4 to 9 years Rainbow Kidschool (Carleton Once located at Lady Evelyn School, the centre dropped the Preschool) has been a part …children learning through active investigation. of my everyday life. Our “university” from its name. That ______connection actually began was the year that Lady Evelyn 63 Evelyn Ave. (off Main St. near Pretoria Bridge) became an “alternative” school 34 years ago, when Carleton Tel: 613-235-2255 (University) Preschool moved as well, the first in the city. from the university campus It wasn’t until 1985 that Page 28 THE OSCAR l June 2016


Puffing Smoke Spring Woods By Konstantine Assal, aged 10 By Susan McMaster POETRY WANTED! Submissions of original poems Speeding down the empty track staring at the Walking through light coal neatly stacked. our many-layered darkness by Old Ottawa South writers Shovelling the coal into the boiler it’s getting shadows us are welcome. Please send up very hard to control beyond each tree to 3 poems, no more than her. Billowing smoke rolling over her shoulder I ask the engie to 30 lines long, and a 1-line make us less speedy but he’s already jumped Under leaf rustle bio to the Editor at OSCAR@ and I start to get queasy. She’s going too fast to make my escape the listen smoke in the night sky like a flowing cape. I freeze in panic not sure twigs and hearts what to do, the train breaking bouncing like a kangaroo. I hear a screech I feel my life stop. I hear my back crack; it seems this is the end of my (c) Susan McMaster, from “Pass this way track. again” (Underwhich 1983)

The Boy on The Ground By Rowan Hughes

Where does the world begin? He has a pair of brown eyes big and wild. And where does the ocean end? Wearing what once was a tee shirt Some questions come with the Now so covered in dirt it blends the color Promise to never be answered. of his skin.

Thoughts of a thoughtless fourteen-year-old A handful of seconds go by Overlooking the city of that echo’s the Until he is the first to look away sound And as the fourteen year old Of peaceful prayer and Djembe drums in Starts to contemplate one He turns his back and Heart beat of a coastal city center. Starts walking away.

Images of yesterday remember A whistle whips through the air and he can Among the collage of culture Only stand and stare Half parts of cars and trash littered streets As nearly 5 coins Women wearing head to toe rainbows Fall through the air. Walk impossibly weaving their way Between horse carts and cars. Finally he smiles and turns to go But she is left to wonder The ocean leaks fragments of white peaks Do his parents know that he will never In the vast grey and blue of wandering come home? waves, Thoughts of a thoughtful fourteen-year-old See the sea turn waves of salt into floods of girl. fish DOORS OPEN OTTAWA See men running to reach the tide Does he believe that his future has the Before the sun is set to rise. Potential to be more than a life on the June 4 and 5 streets? Wind sweeps her up until she can see Maybe one day he will see. Explore Ottawa’s culture, history, and The city for what she believes it to be But as he turns to leave she knows, architecture for free June 4 and 5! During the In this moment, the ugliest most Some questions come with the first full weekend in June, buildings from Carp Beautiful place she has ever been. Promise to never be answered. to Cumberland will open their doors for free, and invite you to discover the secrets that lay An empty street and a promising sunrise within. Take Question how could she even find herself Rowan Hughes is a student living in advantage In this position for such a reason as charity. Ottawa, she has written several articles of the Doors Until she sees him. for charitable websites; Open Ottawa and based on experiences with Shuttle Bus, Wisps of sand whirl around his feet international volunteering. In Rowan’s operating His eyes are alive despite free time she enjoys reading and writing within His life of lies. fiction and poetry. walking distance of They each stand in frozen space nearly 50 Forbidden ground beneath him participating While she’s standing above in buildings. A position of freedom They meet eyes for a while They will stand here For a moment. THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 29

SECOND THOUGHTS Interesting Times By Richard Ostrofsky years, and that the two had dealings Dominican friar and preacher who with one another. The lives of held great influence in Florence, The Chinese are alleged to have a Shakespeare, Cervantes and Galileo Italy from about 1490 until 1498 way of cursing someone by wishing also overlap in this period. In the when he was tried for religious that their children ‘live in interesting early years of Elizabeth’s reign, the error and sedition and executed by times.’ This has admirable subtlety: Council of Trent gave shape to the the Florentine authorities of the The curse does not speak bluntly of Counter Reformation. This age was time – in fact, the Medici family ‘vexed’ or ‘dangerous’ times, but the climax of the Renaissance, and and their followers – having been of ‘interesting’ ones. Why curse the the beginning of a reaction to some excommunicated by Pope Alexander children but not the loathed parent? aspects of it. VI, himself a Borgia and architect and disempowered by modernity’s Why call for ‘interesting times,’ as On a smaller scale, the U.S. Civil of the fortunes and influence of the achievements. If modernity was a way of wishing that this person War period is an ‘interesting time’ in Borgia family. In February, 1495, about economic growth, then should know no peace? North American history, for reasons I Savonarola organized the first of his postmodernity begins to see that In fact, we ourselves are living won’t go into. It was no coincidence, famous ‘Bonfires of the Vanities,’ unlimited growth cannot go on in interesting times, and it is more suffice to say, that 1867 saw the which became a regular occurrence forever, and begins to talk about than likely that our children and our Confederation of Canada and the for several years, reaching their sustainable growth. children’s children will still be doing beginnings of modern Mexico in that climax in 1497 – just a year before he In short, this postmodernity is so. For this reason, it’s worth some war’s immediate aftermath. himself was hanged and burned. ‘interesting’ for all the reasons given: effort to understand what makes a An ‘interesting time’ is not just We ourselves are living through The possibilities of a human life are period ‘interesting’ (rather than dull interesting for the history buffs who an interesting time of inexorable changing; human identities are very and tranquil), and to learn to enjoy read about it. It is interesting too, change and culture war – called much in question; there are issues the tumult. After all, if the times are however dangerous or unpleasant, for ‘postmodernity’, because we in play which may decide the long- dangerous they are also exciting. If the persons who were formed by it, have no better name for it yet. term fate of our species and planet; they are turbulent, at least we won’t and who find themselves having to If modernity was characterized and there is no way we can be sure be bored. live through it. by a faith in endless progress of what their outcome will be. But, if A period may be interesting for and improvement of the human you try to follow the action and the us, or may be interesting in itself. The Chinese are al- condition, then postmodernity is a scorecard, it’s much more exciting Both conditions are possible but basic skepticism about progress – than a hockey game. they are not the same. A period leged to have a way an awareness that progress always that’s interesting for us will have has a price that someone will have Richard Ostrofsky, formerly of resonance for historians and readers of cursing someone to pay. If modernity entailed the Second Thoughts Bookstore in who are living today. It will attract extension of reason and rationality OOS, now lives in Montreal near current attention, for some reason. by wishing that their in public affairs and private life, his daughter and grandchildren, It will provoke people to read and children ‘live in in- then postmodernity is a recognition but still writes his monthly column write about it, watch or make movies that these have their limits, and for OSCAR on whatever catches his about it, understand what its issues teresting times.’ that Man cannot live by Reason interest. were, and try to imagine what it was alone. Postmodernity can also be like for people who actually lived seen as a reactionary movement of in it. Ideally, it will also have left modernity’s long-time enemies – a sufficient traces for us to learn about Typically, such a time is marked resurgence of power and influence by it in detail. The interest of prehistory by a rising tide of social change, factions that felt displaced, despised – of the agricultural revolution beyond anyone’s control. Some are for example – is impaired by our for it; some are against; but no one ignorance of what really happened at all can shape it to their liking. – by the fact that so much of what Traditions and the authorities behind we think we know is guesswork. All these are challenged everywhere. history is guesswork to some extent; Elites feel themselves under stress, and even knowledge of our nearest and frustrated by their loss of control. and dearest involves significant Controversial ideas are in the air, and guesswork that is too often mistaken. there are cries for reform. There is But unfortunately, there are epochs agreement that reforms are needed, and specific questions about history but no consensus at all on their for which we just don’t have enough details, nor even the direction they information to tell an adequate story. should take. Some want a radical I can’t say what make a period break with the old repressive regime. interesting in general, but can at Some believe that strict enforcement least mention several that have been of the old rules is the only solution. interesting for me. The collapse Under these tensions, there is a of the Roman Empire in the 5th culture war in which communities century is something of a bore as and families are torn, and individuals history, though the general question feel themselves pulled in different of why societies decline and fall is directions and compelled to choose. a fascinating problem of sociology. Demagogic politicians and religious But the end of the Roman Republic leaders exploit this situation, by from the time of Marius and Sulla projecting a certainty which is either to that of Crassus, Pompey, Cicero fraudulent or deluded, as they know and Caesar is very interesting for no better than anyone what really its interplay of persons and events. needs to be done. But they rise to Also, it was in the period that the power, often just for a short time, Mediterranean World first came but sometimes for the long haul, by together and then began to come feeding their follower’s hunger for apart. certainty – for certainty at any price. The Elizabethan Age is also Such culture wars were common, fascinating – not just in England, but even in the ancient and medieval throughout Europe once you realize worlds; and I will let one example that the reigns of Elizabeth and stand for all that might be given. Ivan the Terrible overlapped for 30 Girolamo Savonarola was a Page 30 THE OSCAR l June 2016

BUSINESSES OF OLD OTTAWA SOUTH Responsible, Reliable Pet Care @ By Sheryl Bennett-Wilson she says. Hawke comes to your home, in your neighbourhood, for any on-leash Laura Hawke has always had a passion dog walking. “It’s important for pets for animals. As a child growing up in to keep a routine and having familiar Toronto she had rabbits, birds, cats and smells and routes that they know.” And dogs. She loved them all. “I always Neighbourhood Pet Sitting and Walking wanted to do something with animals,” offers the option of once or twice a says Hawke, “but life gets in the way day pet sitting. Hawke also knows that and you end up doing other things.” things can happen last minute, so she’s One of those things was working as a very flexible on schedule options or a Chemical Engineer. But after her last hasty last-minute requirement. “It’s just contract ended, she took stock, decided me running the business,” says Hawke, life was too short and went for it. Last “so I can adapt to sudden changes in month she opened her own pet care, plans or be there if you need pet-sitting walking and sitting business. “I’ve been immediately. Also because I’m a micro- taking care of my neighbours’ pets for business, I can keep my rates really years and really enjoyed it. So I thought, competitive.” why not turn it into a business?” She understands how important your Not only is Hawke St. John’s cat, dog, fish, bird or rat – she’s had Ambulance Pet First Aid Certified, her own pet rats – is to you. That’s she’s fully insured and bonded with why she’s passionate about forming PROfurTM. They specialize in pet care a special bond with the pets in her insurance. She’s had an Ottawa Police care. Neighbourhood Pet Sitting and record check done and maintains a Walking covers Old Ottawa South, government of Canada “Secret” (level Ottawa East, the Glebe, Little Italy, two) security clearance. Sandy Hill and the downtown area. Hawke always likes to meet her four- Contact Neighbourhood Pet Sitting and legged clients first, so she offers a free Walking at 613-730-5126 or by email Meet and Greet. “I think it’s important [email protected]. Visit to get to know my furry clients and get the website at www.neighbourhoodpets. precise instructions from their owners,” com.

Laura Hawke, Pet Sitting business owner, and friends.

Handy Mates PHOTO BY SHERYL BENNETT-WILSON •chimney repair•

•brickwork •stonework •restoration •stucco & parging

Frank Schmidt (613) 791-5656 The Three-Month Revolution [email protected] By Leigh Swain credit card information is stored at Rather it uses stripe. The newest retailer in Old Ottawa com which is certified to PCI Service Area Worship Services South opened earlier this year. Provider Level 1 (the most stringent is an internet- level of certification) and uses two- based subscription retail service that factor authentication for your account. Location Times is proving attractive to many local All of the products provided by residents. have been selected provides busy and tested by local families. For families with a simple method of example, the doggy bags were torture Sunnyside Wesleyan Sunday Worship buying household and personal items tested in Windsor Park over the winter Church Services at 9:00 am and that must be replaced regularly. The 58 Grosvenor Avenue typical life cycle of many items is 3 All items sold by 11:00 am, Children’s months, hence the name. The initial (at Sunnyside) program offered during offerings include toothbrushes, furnace Every3months. worship services. filters and dog waste bags. All items sold by Every3months. ca combine high St Margaret Mary Mass Sunday at 9:30 and ca combine high quality, minimal quality, minimal Catholic Church 11:30 am. packaging and low cost. As well, free 7 Fairbairn (corner of delivery is provided within Old Ottawa packaging and low South. Sunnyside) An early adopter of this service is cost. Bryan Delaney who said: “I have a Trinity Anglican Church Holy Eucharist at 8:00 large family and a business to run so by dog owners. Internet retail is increasingly the 1230 Bank St am and 10:00 am with anything that can reliably save me time and money is hugely advantageous.” default source for many consumers. (at Cameron Ave) Church School & Choir. is the brainchild However, most of this is handled by of longtime OOS resident, Dusan Amazon, a global conglomerate based in the U.S. offers Southminster United Sunday Worship & Kids Hoferek. Dusan is an IT specialist who identified the need for similar services local residents an alternative, directed Church Church at 10:30 am. such as those offered by Amazon. to, and based in Old Ottawa South. 15 Aylmer Avenue Dusan believes that people recognize Leigh Swain is a resident of Old Ot- the value of neighbourhood businesses (at Bank & the Canal) tawa South who joins others supporters and will support them. of neighbourhood businesses. Online security is assured since no THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 31

COMPUTER TRICKS AND TIPS Windows 10 Progress Report By Malcolm and John or two. A very important caveat is has happened because Microsoft don’t want to be locked up at a point Harding, of Compu-Home that you really must have a backup of arbitrarily changed the status of where you cannot go forward or your data before starting the project. the Windows 10 upgrade from an back. Once the Windows 10 upgrade Most of the time the upgrade goes “optional” to a “recommended” is complete, you have 30 days in It may surprise some people for us to without a hitch, but if a problem does update recently. Usually, which you can change back to the say that the Windows 10 Operating crop up there is an outside chance recommended updates are the benign old OS. We recommend that you System is going very well. After a that your hard disk will have to be and unnoticed little security patches take the time to read BOTH of the few days of grumpiness at having to erased (and your data along with and tweaks that happen overnight following articles for guidance before become accustomed to things being it) before you can go back to the and so many people have designated you embark on the return leg of this in different places, most users are old Operating System, or forward in their settings that this sort of journey. From www.howtogeek. having to admit that the Windows to Windows 10. (Of course you thing can happen automatically. com ( and from 10 is very stable, reliable, and often always keep an up-to-date backup Although Microsoft did announce ( just a tiny bit faster than their older of your data, don’t you!?!) Contrary that this change would take place, q7bfnn8) will be helpful. operating system. If you feel pretty to our earlier predictions, there is no owners might be forgiven for being It is easy to imagine the angst comfortable with a medium-level indication that Microsoft is going astonished that something so drastic that must permeate the labs and computer challenge we would to extend the free upgrade program occurred by surprise. If this happens offices at Microsoft and Apple when suggest that you go ahead and do beyond July 2016, and so time is to you, it will mean that you are now the subject of an operating system the upgrade yourself. Otherwise, beginning to dwindle. being forced to make a decision: upgrade rears its ugly head. On a technician can do it for you at a Something that has caught a If you go with the flow and accept the one hand, most users want to charge of about an hour, to an hour few people off guard is that their the upgrade, you have a bit of a be able to get the best out of their and a half, and your computer will computers have suddenly begun the learning curve ahead of you. In most hardware, software, and websites, have to be in the workshop for a day upgrade process on their own. This cases the upgrade will finish without and today’s flashy innovation is incident and all you will have to do is tomorrow’s must-have. On the other to figure out where are the shortcuts hand, the expense and inconvenience and your files in the new system of installing and mastering a new Why is 2017 So Important? and how to navigate as efficiently as and different environment every few you did in the past. We have found years will be guaranteed to infuriate a a couple of articles that may ease large percentage of the customer base the transition for you. They are at who would be delighted to see heads ( rolling because this was inflicted on ptvkv9d) and them. ( and provide overviews of how Windows 7 or 8 compare with 10, and show you some Go to for an basics and tips to make life easier. archive of our columns (including On the other hand, some users are this one) and lots more tech-related so satisfied with the older OS that articles. There is a space right after they are unhappy that the automatic each item for you to make comments update is taking them to a place and suggestions, and ask questions. they don’t want to be. There is a You can even sign up for automatic remedy but you have to follow the updates. Have a look at compu-home. steps pretty carefully. You must com/blog soon or call us at 613- allow the upgrade to finish, and only 731-5954 to share your opinions and then follow a fairly simple strategy suggest subjects for future columns. to revert to your previous OS. It is Our email address is info@compu- important not to abort the upgrade while it is underway, because you By Gail Stewart time to dare to dream. There is also time to act or at least initiate Earlier this year the OSCAR and action. And there is time to be the Glebe Report published lists of more inclusive in our thoughts and ideas for marking 2017, the 150th actions and projects. anniversary of Confederation. Let’s not pass up this opportunity: Mainstreeter, the Old Ottawa East Canada’s next big birthday is fifty community newspaper, carried years away, in 2067. Let’s seize two articles on 2017 initiatives in 2017 to think and talk and imagine its April issue. In the Ottawa East and invent together as Canadians, News, in May, Charles Gordon in community. And let’s invite our called for marking 2017 with institutions, at all levels, to join significant projects. (He suggested us. It’s a changing world and 2017 that, in Ottawa, we might address offers a grand opportunity to catch homelessness.) up, deepen our foundations and Clearly 2017 is in the air and we build anew. can expect to hear more of it month by month. But why is it important? The Saturday morning 2017 Drop- It is important because it is an in from ten to twelve o’clock at opportunity. In normal years we the Sunnyside Library ends on celebrate Canada in a day, July June 18 but will start again in 1st. With a whole year though we September. Bring your ideas or not only have time to celebrate but your projects or come and hear also to take stock of where we are about others’ ideas and projects. at home and in the world, where Meanwhile, ideas may be sent to we want to be in the coming years [email protected]. or and what we can learn from where added to the book at the library. we’ve been. With a whole year For information e-mail: aa750@ there is time to reflect, time to talk, Page 32 THE OSCAR l June 2016

RED APRON COOKS The Edible Garden Project By Jennifer Heagle and • Every plant has a good side even need to trim some roots to preferred suppliers – Rideau Pines Asia Dewar or a ‘face’. Decide where you encourage regrowth. Farm. Visit their website for picking will most likely be viewing the • Begin backfilling the hole using details - garden from, and turn everything the soil that you’ve prepared. Here are some of my favourite If you have been following our so that the nicest, fullest side of For trees and shrubs, I like to fill ways to enjoy fresh local articles for the last few months, each plant (the face) is pointing the hole about two thirds with strawberries: you know that we are working on in that direction. Have a seat and the prepared soil, and then fill it • Make a daiquiri by blending 6 the design and creation of an edible take a few minutes to make sure the rest of the way with water. cups of ice with ½ cup of sugar garden in my small yard across the you’re happy with everything While waiting for the water to or honey, 200 grams of fresh street from the Firehall. And it’s before you begin planting. absorb you can move on to the strawberries, ½ cup of lemon planting time! • Prepare the soil amendments. next plant. Once all of the water juice, ¾ cup of rum, and ¼ When planting, there are a few It’s important to amend the soil is gone, you can finish filling the cup of triple sec. Add ¼ cup of tricks to ensure that you get the best at the time of planting, so that hole. sparkling water. Stir and enjoy. results. the plant has everything that • Water, water, water. For the • Make buckwheat crêpes by • Lay everything out according it needs to thrive, and you can first few days, give the plants a blending 2 cups of buckwheat to the design before you go avoid disturbing the roots by drink every morning, and then flour, ¼ cup of melted butter, 2 anywhere near the spades. cultivating around them in the begin tapering off. First every whole eggs, 2 cups of milk and • Step back and decide if there are future. Dig your hole twice as other day, and then twice per 2 cups of warm water with a any adjustments that need to be wide but no deeper than the soil week, until eventually you are pinch of salt. You want a soupy made. Things you will want to level in the pot. Take the soil that only watering during periods consistency. Allow the batter to avoid doing are lining up plants you’ve dug out of the hole and of drought. You want to water sit for 30 minutes, blend again, one behind another; it looks put it in your wheelbarrow. Mix slowly, and for a long time, so and make your crêpes. Top them much more natural if you stagger it with a shovelful of compost that the water has time to be with fresh strawberries and the plants. You’ll want to help and a handful of bone meal (or absorbed into the soil. This will whipped cream. plants stand out by putting fine whichever amendment is best for slow the speed at which the • A great simple treat. Slice the textures against bold ones, or that specific plant). ground dries out and will help the berries into a bowl and toss with vice versa, and do the same with • Remove the root ball from the plant to establish deeper roots, a pinch of sugar, then top with colours. pot and loosen it, pulling the which will make it much more a scoop of vanilla ice cream or • Make sure that all of the plant roots out and away from the resilient in the long run. whipped cream. material is spaced according plant, so that they don’t continue • Remove the tags and do some to how big it is expected to to grow in the shape of the pot. light pruning where necessary. We have expanded our collection grow. You want to make sure Skipping this step could cause of in-store cookbooks, with a focus that as the garden matures it the plant to decline, eventually One of the items on our plant list is on local ingredients, Canadian does not become congested and causing it to fail. Don’t worry hanging strawberries, and although authors, and healthy, creative recipes. overcrowded. about being gentle; you may we may not see any strawberries on The following is adapted from a our plants this June, we should be recipe from Roger Saul’s Spelt – seeing them at the Farmers’ Markets. cakes, cookies, breads & meals from When local berries are available, the good grain, available in our retail especially when it’s a good year shop. for berries, I get really excited. I rarely eat berries the rest of the year, Jennifer Heagle is a chef, foodie, waiting to gorge myself on them co-owner of the Red Apron and a when they are in season. longtime resident of Old Ottawa If you are in a ‘pick-your-own’ South & East. Asia Dewar is an frame of mind, there are a number organic gardener, horticulturist and of great farms within easy striking owner of Plan It Botanic. distance, including one of our

Summer Strawberry Cake Ingredients then add the flour, baking powder ¾ cup unsalted butter and salt. Stir until the batter is 2 cups sliced strawberries evenly blended with no major ¾ cup light brown sugar lumps, but do not over mix. Fold 1 teaspoon vanilla extract in any remaining strawberries. 2 eggs, lightly beaten Spoon the batter into the 1 ⅔ cups white spelt flour prepared pan and smooth the top. 1 cup ground almonds Bake for 45 to 60 minutes or until 2 teaspoons baking powder a skewer inserted in the center ¼ teaspoon sea salt comes out clean. Turn upside down on a wire rack to cool. Directions When cooled, remove the spring- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees form pan and serve. and grease and line a 9 inch round spring-form cake pan. Arrange the strawberries across the bottom of the pan. Beat together the butter and sugar in a large bowl using an electric mixer until pale and fluffy. Stir in the vanilla and the eggs. Add the ground almonds and stir, THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 33

TASTY TIDBITS FROM TRILLIUM BAKERY “Soleil”: Investments in Sympathy and Serendipity By Jocelyn LeRoy intimacy afforded by contacts on the rocking horse that they rode on when buns, I watched the busiest Mothers’ Internet and the feeling of safety by children, they almost jump for joy. Day yet at Trillium and the adjoining These investments can bring big remaining anonymous. Perhaps some They light up the room recalling their Alta Vista Flower Shop. The floral dividends. By “investments” I don’t people like to feel safe that way. But trips to the bakery for a “Big John” staff created hundreds of exquisite mean “If I do a good deed I will I contend that face-to-face contact cookie and a ride on the low-slung arrangements for lucky mothers in surely reap a benefit later” or “He is more real, more grounding, more horse. Some of them, in turn, bring Ottawa and beyond. Beautiful results. or she will forgive my thoughtless- rewarding than any other kind. their children in for the same cookies Gruelling work. Long hours. Careful ness, and peace will return.” Rather, and the same ride. timing of deliveries. Careful place- by nurturing the positive, inviting Some of our custom- ment of flowers so none would get something good and looking for the The Thousand-muffin Man bruised or fall out of their groupings. bright side, I make a better choice ers naturally project a One customer wrote a piece about We kept the coffee pot going all than cold calculated plotting for the how he discovered Trillium 35 years day, and we stocked and re-stocked greater good. blend of contentment, ago. He had read the book “Sugar our shared washroom. I’ve noticed that, for the past 36 Blues” and decided to kick his sugar As in years past, many of the flow- years, Trillium Bakery is a good good will, kindness, habit. He couldn’t find any place – er-shop customers noticed Trillium’s place to observe human behaviour down-to-earth joy, certainly not a bakery – where he cakes and cupcakes made especially (as well as the behaviour of yeast, could buy no-sweet treats. Two of for Mothers’ Day, so my staff and I flickering pilot lights, thermostats, and acceptance of the his professors told him that they kept replenishing our shelves. Windex, and the hot-water spout that wouldn’t buy bread anywhere other When everything wound down, my unexpectedly squirts a burning spray shifts and changes in than at Trillium, and that the bak- husband declared we would find a toward the coffee machine). ery sold many other items without restaurant patio for supper and relax. Some of our customers naturally daily life. Serenity? refined sugars. Easier said than done. We tried Peli- project a blend of contentment, good This customer went on to say he can Fish and found a long lineup. So will, kindness, down-to-earth joy, and Likely so. loved the muffins. He ate one to he popped into Farm Boy and bought acceptance of the shifts and changes three muffins a day, five or six days a a picnic’s worth from their fancy in daily life. Serenity? Likely so. Pri- At the General Store week, 52 weeks a year, for 35 years. prepared selection. If worst came to vately I’ve named these persons and Last summer I went to a country He did the math and declared he’d worst, we would eat in the car. instances “soleil” because of their store that sold old-fashioned ice- enjoyed thousands of muffins. And he But then I spotted outdoor tables ability to persevere and to recover cream cones. People gathered on the looked forward to eating thousands and chairs behind the garden display. from vicissitudes with aplomb. big porch and licked their dripping more. Perfect. We spread out our feast that Is this ability a gift? A blessing? Is cones on a bright sunny day. My included shrimp and cod cakes. Hid- it for the lucky few who have more friend asked an elderly couple next to My 28-day Woodpile den from Bank St. behind bushes, we than we have? Or could it be the her what kind of ice cream they were On my first real holiday away cut up a lemon, squirted the juice on natural result of anyone investing in enjoying. The couple was delighted from the bakery, in the Gulf Islands, the shrimp and ourselves, and wolfed some form of gratitude? I’ve watched that someone was interested: they I made a 28-day woodpile, all by down our meal with some fancy fizzy customers frowning as they grab looked at each other, and they said in myself. The higher the stack grew, ginger-beer in an elegant bottle. And a loaf of bread without looking at unison, “I forget. But it sure is good.” the happier I grew. In the end, it was for dessert, a small piece of high-end anything – their minds are elsewhere. Soleil. a top-notch woodpile, all measured, chocolate. In a quiet, almost roman- But then a kind word or even a smile waterproof (bark side up), windproof, tic, spot. from one of our staff erases the ten- The 35-year-old Rocking Horse never to fall down. True soleil. Soleil and good night. sion from their faces, and the custom- Some of Trillium’s customers come Jocelyn Leroy is the owner/manager ers usually respond in kind: “I feel in after spending years away, travel- Mothers’ Day Madness of Trillium Bakery in Old Ottawa better; you feel better.” Soleil. ling and working in far-distant places Last week, looking across the room South since 1980. I think about the illusion of instant around the world. When they see the beyond the cookies and Chelsea

French Toast (One of my mom’s “apology meals”; one of my family’s favourites)

Ingredients • 4 eggs • Milk or milk substitute • 5 or 6 slices of day-old or 2-day-old bread (Raisin or Carrot Currant or Upper Canada Old Fashioned) • Cranberries (optional)

Directions 1. Beat eggs together with a little milk or milk substitute in a shallow pan. 2. Dip bread in the egg mixture. Turn over to soak up more liquid. 3. Add cranberries if desired. 4. Sizzle the slices in a buttered frypan (medium heat) until golden. Flip over. 5. Serve with maple syrup and a handful of berries if desired.

Notes • You can choose rice-, soy- or nut-milk as substitutes for cow’s milk. As to bread, a cohesive gluten-free loaf will suffice: millet works Selected Saturdays at Lansdowne Park well, as does Pure Oat when handled with a wide spatula. • Cook the bread as long as possible without burning. Pour any leftover egg mixture onto the centre of the slices when they’re half- May 28, June 11, July 9, July 23, August 27, September 24 cooked. June 25, August 13, September 10 • Substitute for maple syrup: a dusting of cinnamon. Page 34 THE OSCAR l June 2016

Abbotsford’s Summer Menu dining room. and our annual Strawberry Social Start your day with a fitness class. Luncheon. It will take place on Enjoy a cup of coffee with your peers Wednesday June 29th at 12 noon in after class. Play a hand or two of our dining room. Enjoy a delicious bridge. Watch a movie. On Tuesdays, light lunch, topped off with local treat yourself to lunch. We will be strawberries, homemade shortcakes serving lunch this summer at noon and ice cream. La Ridaine will every Tuesday. That means soup, entertain you with French-Canadian sandwich, fruit, dessert and a cup of folklore songs and reels. Do not wait tea or coffee; all for seven dollars. as space is limited and this is a very Call in advance to book your meal. It popular affair. Pick up your ticket at is a great occasion to make a friend, reception now. This not to be missed meet a friend and/or bring a friend. event is open to both members and When the weather is too wet or too non-members. It is a tremendous hot outside, come in for a game of opportunity to come and see for pool, air hockey, Ping-Pong, shuffle yourself just what Abbotsford is all board or floor curling. Yes, floor about. curling in our multipurpose room! Summer can be a “delicious” The wheels on the rocks make them time of year. Come and check out spin and glide along the floor. No ice our fitness, social and fun menu at is required and the atmosphere is very your leisure. We actively encourage cool on Thursday afternoons. Look loitering for the 55+ crowd. Come to our guide for details of this new cool down with us. adaptive way to curl all year round for folks of all abilities. May and early June have been Abbotsford is your community support eventful with Abbotsford…“The centre for Adults 55+. We are the Musical” working its magic on the community programs of The Glebe crowds, the Great Glebe Garage Sale Centre Inc., a charitable, not-for- keeping us busy raising much needed profit, organization which includes funds and Doors Open helping us a 254 bed long term care home. Floor curling in action. PHOTO BY PATRICIA GOYECHE to reflect on our past. These events Find out more about our services by all showcase the Glebe Centre dropping by 950 Bank Street (the old offer fitness classes over the summer. By Pat Goyeche Community Programs at Abbotsford, stone house) Mon-Fri, 9-4 pm; phone Come visit our Centre from Monday which have been serving seniors in us at 613-230-5730; or by check out to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. You The hazy days of summer are coming, Ottawa since it was established as a all of The Glebe Centre facilities and can have a tour, pick up the Summer so plan now to keep fit, connected and seniors centre in 1975. community programs on our website Guide, ask some questions and enjoy cool. The Glebe Centre Community Late June means fresh strawberries Programs at Abbotsford continue to refreshments in our air-conditioned

Bringing The Glebe Centre’s Art to Centretown life. Their painting sessions not only is cordially invited to join us on produce enjoyment for residents, but our Opening Night of the show on beautiful works of art as well. Tuesday June 7, 2016 from 7 pm to 10 Two years ago a friend who worked pm. There will be live music featuring at the Glebe Centre invited me to local musician Eric Rouleau, select attend the November Annual Art Show paintings available for cash and carry and Sale. I was delighted by the works that evening, and a cupcake drive by that I found there. Having studied Art Kleine Cakes to benefit the Resident History I was excited to find a variety Art Program at The Glebe Centre. of painting styles from Chinese ink Come prepared to have a good time drawing inspired watercolours to those and support local talent! Funds from that reminded me of Renoir, Monet, the sale of the art will directly support and Van Gogh. The bright colours the Resident Arts Program at The used were joyful and vibrant. I was Glebe Centre. happy to support the Residents’ Art Program with my purchases and I Details at a Glance left that day with several paintings, UPLIFT: Paintings from the Residents including one inspired by Tom of The Glebe Centre Thomson’s Wildflowers (1915). I The Atomic Rooster, 303 Bank Street left thinking “these works should be June 5-July 10 “Summer Sails,” by Lois, The Glebe Centre, 2016. One of the paintings shared with more than just friends and created by residents at The Glebe Centre available at the upcoming Art families of the residents.” Opening Night Exhibition and Sale at Atomic Rooster in Centretown, June 5 - July 10. I returned to the sale again this past Tuesday June 7, 2016, 7pm to November with some friends in tow. 10pm. Live Music featuring Eric PHOTO BY TRACY CROWDER We each left with at least one canvas. Rouleau. Featured Paintings for Cash Within a few weeks I pitched the and Carry. Cupcake Drive by Kleine By Laura Deschamps The Residents’ Arts Program is one idea to The Glebe Centre to have a Cakes. All funds from sales go to such program. With the support and public show of the artworks mid-year, support the Resident Art Program at Just a few blocks north of Old instruction from local artist Patricia determined to share the works created The Glebe Centre Ottawa South is The Glebe Centre, Doyle the residents enjoy painting, by the seniors, bring exposure to the Come prepared to have fun! a charitable, not-for-profit long both individually and as a group. program, and help bring in needed term seniors care facility that has Painting provides these older adults funds for the Arts Program. Several been serving the community and with a therapeutic activity in which months and many emails later that Laura Deschamps is a former surrounding areas for 130 years. they can rediscover creativity, exercise idea has become a reality. academic, art lover, baker, and The Glebe Centre relies on generous self expression, and enjoy themselves. UPLIFT: Paintings from the volunteer-at-large who lives in South donations from the community It is an activity that promotes physical Residents of The Glebe Centre will Keys with her husband Dan and pup in order to continually improve and emotional wellbeing, encourages be on display at Atomic Rooster Daisy. their services and programs at the relationships, self confidence, and on Bank Street in Centretown from Centre, and within the community. enhances their overall quality of June 5 to July 10, 2016. Everyone THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 35

CARLETON CORNER Innovative Designs for Accessibility Unmanned Aerial Systems Student until June 2017, FPA will share the Peoples Hall. The event featured (IDeA) Competition stories of five distinguished graduates, a number of musicians and elders, Two Carleton University students Carleton University’s Blackbird which you can read at as well as keynote speaker Murray from the Faculty of Engineering and UAV Team was also recognized last These alumni represent the Faculty’s Sinclair, chair of the Truth and Design were awarded top prizes in month when it was awarded a prize mission to prepare graduates who will Reconciliation Commission on Indian May at the annual Innovative Designs for innovation at the 2016 Unmanned address regional and global challenges Residential Schools. for Accessibility (IDeA) competition, Aerial Systems Student Competition. with the aim of fostering informed organized by the Council of Ontario Blackbird UAV was one of 14 student citizenship, and building better Spring Convocation Ceremonies Universities. Micah Rakoff Bellman teams from across Canada to compete democracy and better societies. Carleton’s annual spring and Melody Chen, both students of in the final stage of the competition in Convocation ceremonies will take Carleton’s Industrial Design pro- Southport, Manitoba, from April 29 Indigenous Post-Secondary place from June 7 to 10 this year. gram, found their way to the podium, to May 1. The competition required Graduates More information about Convocation with Bellman’s design of a flexible students to fly an unmanned aerial Seven Indigenous Carleton students is available at: kitchen work space taking first place vehicle (UAV) over a farmer’s field took part in an honouring ceremony convocation/ and Chen’s design of an accessible to examine crop health, then measure for Indigenous post-secondary closet storage unit in third. Carleton soil conditions and map the location of graduates at the Museum of History Carleton Corner is written by Car- has placed first in the IDeA competi- the crops using a sensor system. in Gatineau on May 3. They were leton University’s Department of tion each year since its inception in among 63 Indigenous students from University Communications. As your 2012, with at least two Carleton teams 75 for the 75th campaign Algonquin College, the University of community university, Carleton has finishing in the top three each year In honour of Carleton’s 75th Ottawa, La Cité, McGill University, many exciting events of interest to Old since 2013. anniversary, the Faculty of Public Lakehead University and Heritage Ottawa South. For more information Affairs (FPA) recently unveiled its College in Gatineau who participated about upcoming events, please go to 75 for the 75th campaign. Each month in the event at the museum’s First

FINANCIAL PLANNING Give your Investment Portfolio a Spring Cleaning By Bob Jamieson, CFP different companies that sell similar your relative weightings back in tidy your investment holdings are up-to- products. Instead, you might find it’s order, especially in light of the stock date, appropriately suited to your With the arrival of spring, it’s time much better to exchange one of those and bond market changes we have needs and well-positioned to help you to tidy up your investment portfolio. for a different company in a different seen in recent months. make progress toward your long-term Here are three financial spring sector to boost your diversification. financial goals. If you would like cleaning tips you might want to While diversification cannot guarantee By working with your financial another opinion to help you with this consider. a profit or protect against a loss, it advisor for your portfolio’s spring clean-up, please give me a call at 613- may help reduce the effects of market cleaning, you can help make sure 526-3030. Get rid of what you no longer need volatility. When you clean your home thoroughly, you end up disposing of Put things back in order all kinds of things – some of which Many of us tend to have messy you may have even forgotten you closets and storage sheds because To Help You Manage own. The same principle might apply over time we’ve haphazardly tossed to some of your investments. Speak item after item into them. There may Unexpected Change, with your financial advisor to see if not be anything that has to be thrown you still have some holdings that are out, but a good clean-up is needed We’ll Consult with no longer appropriate for you, and are to organize everything properly. best removed from your portfolio. Similarly, your portfolio may need a an Expert — YOU. good spring shake-out. For instance, Trim back your duplicates you could have too much of one Changing markets and our changing lifestyles can If you went through your house investment and too little of another. send a once-balanced portfolio into disarray. That’s carefully, you might be surprised This could mean you are taking on why it’s so important to take advantage of our too much risk or, conversely, that at how many items serve the same portfolio review at least once every year. Together, purpose. For example, do you really your holdings have become too we’ll assess how changes in the markets, your career need two toasters? There may be conservative to provide the growth similar redundancies with your you need. Some investments may and your goals can impact your investment plan, and investment portfolio. For example, be better suited to an RRSP, or to a we can make adjustments to help keep you on track. you may have two stocks issued by TFSA. As a result, some important Though we may be knowledgeable on the markets, re-balancing could be required to get no one knows your life better than you.

Call or stop by to schedule your portfolio review today.

      

Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund Page 36 THE OSCAR l June 2016

SUNNYSIDE LIBRARY PROGRAMS Sunnyside Branch for publication. The workshop will Knit & Knatter: Learn to Knit Thursday, June 9, 6:00 pm (120 min) Ottawa Public Library provide writers with encouragement Have you always wanted to learn to 1049 Bank Street, Ottawa and constructive criticism from their knit or improve your skills? Come Seed Saving with Kate Green 613-730-1082, peers. Author/Facilitator: Michael F. to Sunnyside and bring your knitting Even if you only have one plant or a Adult Services, ext 22 Stewart: needles and yarn to begin or share small mixed vegetable garden, you Children’s Services, ext 29 Registration. your project. Enjoy conversation and can save seeds! Learn how to have Mondays, 6:00 p.m. (120 min.): June a cup of tea while you knit! Drop-in. good harvests year after year and CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS 20 Wednesdays, 1:00 pm (60 min.): June become self-sufficient. Offered in 8 & 22 partnership with Just Food as part of Silly Saturdays at Sunnyside / On The Writer’s Room the OPL/BPO à la carte food literacy s’amuse les samedis à Sunnyside Two hours – 1,000 words. A place ADULT SPECIAL PROGRAMS project. Join us for board games, wii, Lego or for writers to meet and write without Thursday, June 23, 6:00 pm (120 crafts. Ages 6 & up. No registration distraction in a supportive peer How to Take Better Travel Photos min) required. environment. Learn how to tell the story of your Joignez-vous à nous pour des jeux de Mondays, 10:00 a.m. (120 min.): travels, more effectively, through ADULT BOOK CLUBS société, wii, Lego, ou du bricolage. June 20 pictures. Also learn how to use light, Âgés de 6 ans +. Aucune inscription foreground, people and framing to Second Friday Adult Book Club requise. Ukrainian Conversation not only create a better picture but Meet new people and join in Saturdays, 1:00 pm (180 min.) Would you like to learn Ukrainian? to enhance the sensation of “being stimulating discussions on selected Les samedis, 13 h (180 min.) : Join our group to discuss interesting there” when viewed by others. titles in a friendly and relaxed January 16 – June 25 / 16 Janvier – topics pertaining to Ukraine and Presented by Lynda Buske and Chris atmosphere every second Friday of 25 juin its culture. Build your Ukrainian Taylor from the Ottawa PC Users’ the month. Newcomers are welcome. language skills led by a fluent Group. We will be discussing the selection Block Party / Ça dé “bloc” (Family Ukrainian speaker. Discussion and Thursday, June 2, 6:00 pm (120 min) of 2016-2017 titles during June program) instruction is in English. All are meeting. Building Boom: show off your welcome! Canadian Citizenship Test Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): June 10 architectural creativity with Lego®. Mondays, 7:00 pm (60 min.): June 13 Preparation for Newcomers Archiboum! Architectes en herbe, à & 20 This two-session workshop is Mystery Book Club vos Lego®! Drop-in / Programme intended for those prospective Do you enjoy reading mysteries? portes ouvertes Conversations Among Canadians candidates who would like to know Share the enjoyment of good Monday, June 6, 10 am - 3 pm In this program, we will continue to more about the content of the exam, mysteries in a relaxed atmosphere. Friday, June 10, 1 - 5 pm share our experience, knowledge, the format and how to study using Join us for discussion usually every Friday, June 24, 1 - 5 pm reflections and ideas relevant to life the Discover Canada guide. Offered third Friday of the month. Thursday, June 30, 10 am - 3 pm in Canada, past, present and future, in partnership with Jewish Family We will be discussing the selection doing so with a sense of community Services. of 2016-2017 titles during June TEEN PROGRAMS among Canadians and with others in Tuesdays, June 7 & 14, 6:30 pm (120 meeting. the world. min) Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): June 17 Totally Tubular Tuesdays: Teen Wednesdays, 2:00 - 4:00 pm (120 Drop-In at the Sunnyside Library min.): January 6 – June 22 Media Streaming 101 Sunnyside Adult Book Club An open, inclusive, fun place to hang Broadband internet has significantly Join in stimulating discussions out, meet people, procrastinate, play Drop in meetings for 2017 Projects transformed the delivery of media on selected titles in a friendly and games, explore your artistic side, or As the 150th anniversary of content to our households. With relaxed atmosphere on the last Friday just be! Open to all 13 to 17 yrs. Confederation in 2017 draws near, more content readily available, a of the month. Registration. Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m. (60 min.) some Canadians are suggesting we growing number of Canadians are We will be discussing the selection mark the occasion with projects large cutting the traditional cable and of 2016-2017 titles during June ADULT PROGRAMS and small, focussed on our past, satellite umbilical cord and opting meeting. present or future. A workshop for for online alternatives. Jeff Dubois, Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): June 24 The Writing Workshop people to discuss, brainstorm or work Program Coordinator, Ottawa PC An opportunity for writers of fiction, on their projects. Users’ Group, examines some of the non-fiction, poetry, and experimental Saturdays, 10:00 am (120 min.): alternatives, restrictions and solutions forms to gather. Our emphasis will January 9 – June 18 used to maximize your streaming be on developing works-in-progress experience.

Sunnyside Library Branch Honours Volunteers By Deniz Bokesoy

The Sunnyside Library Branch hosted a tea in April in honour of National Volunteer Week. We celebrated with the many volunteers who play an active role, enriching diverse areas of the library programming from Book Clubs, to Conversation Groups to book re-sale. Some of our volunteers have been with us for over 30 years! A big thank you to you all for the many hours of service you generously donate each year that help make our library such a vibrant, positive community hub.

Deniz Bokesoy is the Acting Coordinator at the Sunnyside Branch. Sunnyside Library Branch Volunteers THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 37

Thanks to John Lubrun for 30 Years of Service, and those Beautiful Gardens!

By Deniz Bokesoy

John Lubrun, whose beautiful arrangements of the Sunnyside Library garden earned many fans and awards over the years, retired in May. John has been taking care of the building, and the garden, of the library branch since 1984. Everyone at Sunnyside Branch would like to thank John for over 30 years of dedicated service!

Deniz Bokesoy is the Acting Coordinator at the Sunnyside Branch.

John Lubrun in his garden.


OSCA JOB POSTINGS 1- After 4 PD day Counsellors job requirements and day to Rate: $13-$17 per hour communications. The After Four/PD day counsellor, day operations, the Coordinator The Outreach and Communications as the employee of the Old Ottawa will be responsible for the daily 3 - Communications and Outreach Coordinator must have a strong South Community Association operations of all programs listed Coordinator- part time contract passion for the work and mission Inc. (OSCA), is responsible within their portfolio. This includes, Reporting to OSCA’s Executive of OSCA; strong knowledge of the for programming, planning but is not limited to: managing Director, the Board and various community and proven outreach and and animating age appropriate and maintaining all budgets; Committees, the Communications networking skill. recreational programs for school overall program development and and Outreach Coordinator will be Part time contract aged children in the After 4 and PD promotion; ensuring the creation responsible for the development and day programs. of age appropriate specialized implementation of communications Annual rate to be negotiated. Requirements for Position programming; overall staff and strategies and initiatives for the • Standard First Aid, CPR C & satellite coordinator management promotion of OSCA programs, AED/ Valid Police Records and development (recruitment, hiring Committee work to engage Check/AODA and training); adherence to, and the community. As well, the

• Strong leadership and teamwork creation of, appropriate operational position will be responsible skills; procedures (attendance, sign out, for creating OSCA’s quarterly We raised $1263 for the Run • Excellent communication and group control etc). guides, promotional material for Women on May 8th interpersonal skills; Additionally, the Coordinator is such as posters and social supporting The Royal Ottawa • Strong interest in working with expected to promote effective media posts, and communiques. Hospital. Thank you for your children communication among: staff, In addition, the position will support Old Ottawa South! • Energetic, yet patient, when deal- administration, clients and be responsible for engaging

ing with youth; coordinators of other partnership the community and sharing • Skilled in planning and organiz- programs. information that may be of Come in and speak to one of ing activities; Requirements importance or interest. our Pharmacist’s regarding General Responsibilities • College or university degree in Key Responsibilities: RELIEF of your allergy Working with a group of appx 15-20 related field; • The graphic design and symptoms. We can help! children daily and with one co- • Standard First Aid, CPR C & creation of print material. counsellor the After 4 and PD day AED/Valid Police Records Specifically, OSCA’s quar- Speak to one of our Beauty counsellor is responsible for: Check/AODA terly program guides as well Boutique Experts about great • preparing and animating age ap- • Word, Excel, PPT, and database as one summer camp guide, gift ideas for DAD. From propriate programming; experience; posters for events and pro- fragrance to skin care, we • safety and security; • Minimum 2 years proven and motional material for social have something he will love. • leadership and engagement as successful coordination in recre- media posting. well as mentorship; ation; • Working with the Commu- Summer is just around the • safety and security; • Experience in a non-profit envi- nications Committee, Web corner so don’t forget to In addition to: ronment is considered an asset; Editor and Web Administra- stock up on sunscreen, bug Regularly and accurately following • Exceptional administrative skill tor to review, update and through with policies and procedures with high attention to detail; implement recommenda- spray and all your BBQ as expected, especially with regard • Excellent communication and tions of the Website Audit. essentials. to OSCA and the City’s health and interpersonal skills; • Regular and consistent so- safety policy. • Ability to work independently cial media posting. Senior’s Day- Senior’s save 20% Hours of work: daily from 3-6pm within constantly changing envi- This position will also be on regular priced merchandise Starting rate: $10.55 - $11.25 per ronment; responsible for the annual every Thursday! hour • Proven success in taking initia- Communications budget; tive and problem solving; collaborating with staff and the 1080 Bank Street 2 - After 4 Coordinator • Proven success working in a col- Communications Committee; 613-526-1800 Reporting to OSCA’s Preschool/ laborative/team environment. achieving brand consistency; Open 8am-10pm 7 days a week Child/Youth Coordinator and Hours of work: daily from 1:00- coordinating messaging, and Program Director for general 6:00pm daily -25-30 hours weekly ensuring high standards for

Page 38 THE OSCAR l June 2016

AROUND TOWN Are you a parent looking for home daycare? and is affiliated with the Rotary. The Alta Vista A caregiver with space in your daycare? Come Probus Club meets on the fourth Wednesday of to a Child Care Connection meeting on Monday, each month at Gloucester Presbyterian Church, June 13th at the Ottawa Public Library Sunnyside 91 Pike Street in the Conroy & Hunt Club area. Branch (1049 Bank St) from 7-8 pm. For more The gatherings open at 9:30 am for coffee and information regarding this meeting or other socializing, followed by a speaker then a question meetings around the city please go to www.ccprn. and answer session. The monthly speakers are com or call 613-749-5211 Ext. 24. Child Care knowledgeable individuals with a very diverse Providers Network is a non-profit, charitable range of topics. Guests are always welcome at the organization that provides information, training, monthly meeting, annual membership fees are resources and support to home child care $25.00 for singles and $40.00 for couples. For providers. more information, call Colin Galigan at 613-730- 7649. Just Voices Choir is on the lookout for new Native Plant Sale, Saturday, June 4, 9:30 am – members! Just Voices is a community-oriented The Ottawa Zine Fair will be held June 4th, 12:30 pm. The Fletcher Wildlife Garden, located activist choir in Ottawa. We use our voices to 2016, at the Bronson Centre. This celebration of off Prince of Wales Drive south of the Arboretum, celebrate life, inspire social change and contribute idiosyncratic, self-published, DIY writing and art is an entirely volunteer project for the enjoyment to movements for social and environmental justice, will bring together over 40 exhibitors selling their and education of all Ottawa residents. It is open for peace, racial and gender equality, and struggles zines to the public at accessible prices. anyone to walk the trails and learn about the native against violence, war and poverty. We seek to plants that help support bees, butterflies, beneficial challenge the status quo through engaging and The Glenn Miller Orchestra Returns to Ottawa! insects and other pollinators. Our annual Native energizing music, and we encourage the wider The greatest Big Band of all time to perform its Plant Sale on Saturday, June 4 is an opportunity community to join us in raising our voices and greatest hits show at the Centrepointe Theatre. for people to buy local plants and learn which ones opening our minds to the possibility of a better Friday July 8 at 7:00 pm. The legendary Glenn are suitable for their own garden. world! Do you love to sing? Are you passionate Miller Orchestra from New York will return to fletcher about social and environmental justice? Consider perform one night only in Ottawa as the iconic joining Just Voices! We meet every Wednesday band tours the world, bringing timeless classics 2017 Is Coming! The 150th birthday of (Sept-June) from 7-9 pm at the Bronson Centre, like In the Mood, Moonlight Serenade and Confederation is cause for celebrations. It is also a 222 Bronson Avenue. See: Chattanooga Choo Choo back to the stage. 19 good time for gift-giving to our communities and musicians and singers will bring the unforgettable to Canada. Do you have a 2017 project? Come tell Just Voices Concert with Paul Weber and Loic Glenn Miller sound to the Centrepointe Theatre, us about it, or work on it, or be inspired by what Martin at Abbotsford House, 950 Bank Street on performing the favorite songs that everyone others are doing or thinking about. Perhaps there Wednesday, June 1 from 7-9 pm. Just Voices, a remembers. This is a must-see show for jazz are some things that might be developed in Old community based social activist choir, has sung in and swing fans alike as well as the incurable Ottawa South as 2017 projects: new ideas, new concert and at community events in Ottawa since romantics who want to step back in time. The amenities, new practices, new services? Everyone 2004. The choir uses its voice to inspire social legendary Glenn Miller was the most successful is welcome to come and stay or just drop by. change, peace, environmental justice, gender and of all the dance bandleaders back in the Swing Saturday mornings, from 10:00 to 12:00 at the racial equality and to highlight the struggle against era of the 1930s and 40s. Tickets on sale now at Sunnyside Library. poverty and war. Paul Weber and Loic Martin or by calling 613- are founders of the world music quartet Main 580-2700. Tickets: $55 and $68 (plus HST and A refreshed and renewed Art Lending of Street Market Band. Their music, a blend of jazz ticketing fees) Ottawa returns on Saturday, June 4: 10:00 and folk, mixes African and Latin rhythms with am - 5:00 pm. Since 1970, this not-for-profit tribal voices from around the globe to provide an The Red Shoes. An original play - for the organization offers a large selection of visual arts energizing world music show. Doors open 6:30. Ottawa Fringe Festival - by Moon Ballad Circus. by local artists. One may lease, lease to purchase The performance is from 7:00 to 8:45 pm. Wine, Featuring Old Ottawa South actor and fire artist or purchase original art at reasonable prices. RA tea and treats will be available for purchase. Zoe Georgaras. A thespian, a fire dancer and an Centre (Outaouais Room, east entrance), 2451 The sliding scale admission is $5.00-$15.00. We Australian contortionist, let us bring you into the Riverside Drive. Free admission, free parking. welcome you to an upbeat evening of inspiring world of Baba Yaga: a mythological dimension of Visit for complete music! old gods and new ideas. Expect fantabulistic feats details and an artists’ gallery. of acrobatic prowess and fiery mayhem that will Helene Lacelle and Peter Evanchuck Present set your mind ablaze. June 18,19,21,23,24,25 at 9 Art on the Farm - Sat Aug 13 from 10 am to 4 pm “Marvelous Realism – Photographic Art.” pm. All ages, $12 at the door. William square (on in the Arboretum. Friends of the Farm’s premier In “The Loo not The Louvre” at Life of Pie all the corner of William at and York St in the Byward summer event “Art on the Farm” showcases local of June. Combining the “Beautiful Bachelor” market.) and regional artists. There isn’t a more beautiful photographs of Peter Evanchuck with the art of and peaceful setting in Ottawa than under the Helene Lacelle, “Marvelous Realism” is produced luxurious canopy of the Arboretum next to - a modern new way of looking at image as a start Building 72 on the Central Experimental Farm. not an end to the reality of the moment captured The event is FREE to the public and runs from 10 by the photographer. To make the show even am to 4 pm Saturday August 13 with a rain date more interesting it’s being held in the Loo (the on Sunday August 14 (10 am to 4 pm). A silent WC) - not the Louvre - at Life of Pie. So drop over auction and bistro will also be part of the event. investigate the images then settle down to a comfy piece of delicious pie. We hope to see y’all there in “Books for Blooms” Friends of the Experimental June. Farm Used Book Sale Saturday and Sunday, June 18 and 19, from 10 am to 4 pm. Enjoy browsing Ottawa Quakers hold a largely silent Meeting outstanding selections culled from the home for Worship, Sunday mornings at 10:30am, 91A libraries of friends and families from around the Fourth Avenue in the Glebe. Newcomers welcome! region. It’s a 2-day sale for a reason! Stock up now for your summer reading, find that very special Parking Lot Sale and BBQ on Saturday June 11th elusive title, and don’t forget to bring Dad on his -St. Thomas the Apostle Anglican Church, 2345 special day. This event is also part of Garden Days Alta Vista Drive (beside the fire station) 8 am to 1 2016, a three-day celebration of National Garden pm. Spaces available in advance for $20 - includes Days held annually near Father’s Day. Have more table. Call Jim at 613-523-2487 or Church office books to donate? Hang on to them for the Fall weekday mornings at 613-733-0336. Used Book Drop-off on Saturday October 22 (mark your calendar). Probus is a non-profit, non-sectarian and non- political organization comprising retired or Fire Play “The Red Shoes.” semi-retired professional and business persons, CITIZEN ATTILA PHOTOGRAPHY THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 39

CLASSY ADS CLASSY ADS are free for Old Ottawa South residents (except for businesses or for business activity) and must be submitted by email to [email protected]. The editor retains the right to edit or exclude submissions. The OSCAR takes no responsibility for items, services or accuracy. ------For Sale Childcare Summer and/or Fall Nanny Help For Rent Needed. We are two families with For sale: Antique Upright Piano, Looking for a babysitter? I am a 12 3 children (ages 3,5,6) –looking for For Rent to a responsible female original ivory keys, 58” wide, 52” year old girl with 3 years of mothers a summer caregiver. We live close student, non-smoker. Bedroom and tall, 27” deep, plus bench. fdoy@ helping experience. I’ve experience to Brewer Park. Hours will vary study room $695.00 Near bus stop on with kids aged 0-7, and have also between 8 to 5pm most days but Belmont Ave., 613-730-6180; please tutored. I speak French well, as I am some days will be shorter. There leave a call-back number. Wanted in the French immersion program at will be two weeks off over the Hopewell Public School. I’ve also summer. Our focus is outdoor fun passed a 10 week babysitting course and activities. We are also looking Wanted: Empty plastic containers at GNAG. If you are interested for a school drop off/pickup through with a pump nozzle. i.e containers please contact me at; jaimiecoplan@ the 2016/2017 school year. If you are that hold cleaning solution or or interested in either of these – email: window cleaning solution. Please [email protected] [email protected] call: 613-730-0033 for pick up! MARKETPLACE Attention high school students: •Delivery of the OSCAR counts for volunteer hours

OSCAR Zone Coordinator Needed: •For Zone G, that includes delivery routes on the following streets: Brighton, Fentiman and Belmont

Please contact the Distribution Manager Larry Ostler at: email [email protected] or phone 613-327-9080


Local House Painter - Bonded OSCA With 27 years experience on Customer satisfaction ALWAYS GUARANTEED For a free estimate please call Rory 322-0109 Book now for your painting needs

DESIGN DILEMMAS Picking Colours By Vanessa Riddell for the walls in her new home - a complementary colours can be more there are many directions one could great idea! An extra bonus is that she visually challenging than using take. One complimentary approach, We’ve recently finished some will look great in every room as the analogous colours. Using analogous while remembering the 60/30/10 rule renovations. We live in an old but colours will match her complexion! colours creates a more relaxed space could be to maintain the white wall renovated home. Our walls are white Of course picking colours from and can be just as satisfying visually colour as the predominant colour, and our kitchen and bathrooms are one’s current furnishings (carpets, art, but tends to be simpler. then use dark colours predominantly white. I am very happy with our new upholstered furniture) is important To simplify the process further, for the furnishings and then add any renovation but I would now like to too. Why pick a paint colour that is an important rule to remember is accent colour. This would make the add some colour. How do I do that then impossible to match with your the 60/30/10 rule. The dominant space more dramatic. and where do I begin? current furniture? colours take up 60% of the space, the To maintain that light, bright and Once you have figured out a few secondary colours take up 30% and airy look one could focus on adding I think the most important thing colours that resonate with you and the accent colours 10%. Wall colours many neutrals and off whites to the to start is, what colours resonate that match your current items, you are more predominant colours. mix. This would create interest by with you? Some people like need to figure out how you are going Furnishings, flooring, cabinetry, and having various hues but the overall cooler colours, some people feel to use them. trim are more secondary colours. And feeling would be relaxed and easy. comfortable with warmer colours. Will you put them against smaller items like accessories make This would combine colours in a Sometimes an easy way to figure out complementary colours or analogous up the 10% of colour. more analogous approach. what colours works best is to look colours? Complementary colours are Also don’t forget value and flow. Good Luck! at one’s wardrobe. Often this can those that are opposite on the colour Colour value is the lightness or be a great cue for home decorating. wheel, such as blue and yellow darkness of a colour and generally Contact Vanessa @ [email protected] I recently had a client who had her or purple and orange. Analogous travels upwards from dark to light. for more information on your design colours done, she decided to use that colours are those within the same Colours should also flow nicely from dilemmas. template to figure out paint colours family of colours such as yellow and one room to another. green or red and orange. Combining In a predominantly white space Page 40 THE OSCAR l June 2016

HOPEWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL Another Successful Year for the Hopewell Bands at Kiwanis PHOTO BY KATE JAIMET

At the Kiwanis Music Festival in April Hopewell’s Senior Band got gold and was invited to Provincials, which they won last year, for the 2nd year in a row. The Jazz Band also got gold, and the Hopewell Junior Band took home silver. (Above) Marya Woyiwada leads the Hopewell Junior Band to their silver finish.

LANDSCAPING Go with the Flow: Water Features for Old Ottawa South Yards By Jay Ladell Water is a source of life and it dip their feet in it to cool off on a hot ground that is covered with round draws us to it just as it draws birds day. Now water features are child river stones. If you are like most Old Ottawa to our water displays. Water features safe thanks to the advent of under- Thanks to this new technology, wa- South residents, you may think that improve our moods, reduce noise ground basins from which the water ter features require less maintenance your outdoor space is too small for a pollution and delight us with their is re-circulated with a pump. Since than ever before. In the spring, the water feature. But now you can have sights and sounds. there is no pooled water, children maintenance can be completed in as striking water features - that add sen- I love how my outdoor water can engage in natural play with less little as just half an hour. sory appeal to your landscape - with- feature lulls me into a deep state of worry for parents. Simply connect the pump, drain, out taking up too much space. relaxation. The sound stops the chat- Installing water features is one of clear out the debris from the river Moving water animates our out- tering going on in my head and also the most enjoyable aspects my work stone, clean the stone and refill the door space as it flows, interacts with filters out traffic noise. because of the many creative choices basin. Very occasionally you might light and delights us as it trickles, Children gravitate to water. They available and the enormous benefits have to treat the water, but even that gushes or splashes. play in it, put their hands in it or even which they provide. can be done simply with natural bac- The speed, size and volume of wa- teria or organic amendments. Shut- ter movement will determine what ting down in the fall often takes 15 sound the water will make. minutes just to disconnect the pump An energizing choice is a cascading and clean out the leaves. pond-free waterfall that mirrors the Another great option for high vi- sounds and look of a natural stream. sual impact is a vertical water wall Other clients may prefer to medi- feature. The effect of a screen of wa- tate alongside an overflowing vase ter is dazzling. Water is pumped up fountain with slow moving water that and sheets down either a mirror, sheet pours down the sides and sounds like of glass or textured metal surface to the soft overspill of a spa pool. create the effect of rain on a window. A quiet fountain, or a pond-free These stunning fountains can be pur- waterfall feature will fit into any chased as free-standing features or small patio space typically found in they can be custom built as a garden Old Ottawa South yards. divider. I always place the water feature as When considering what water fea- close as possible to the outdoor living ture is best for your yard, choose one space so people can physically inter- that is proportionate to the size of act with it. your property and select a style that For one client, I located the water- complements your existing garden. fall close to the patio so they could Water features work wonders: they hear the rush of the waterfall. For turn back yards into a peaceful re- added viewing pleasure, I snaked a treat, enhance the existing landscape stream around the seating area. To and their sensory appeal encourages travel from the house to the patio, I us to use our outdoor space more added a stone bridge so the home- often. owners had to pass over the water and perhaps be tempted to sit and dip Send your topic ideas to oscar@ their feet on the way. or visit: www. The most popular water feature is a Jay Ladell is bubbling rock. The bonus is that they an award-winning landscape design- are extremely easy to maintain. er, industry certified-installer, mem- The water is cycled through a hole ber of Landscape Ontario, and owner in a boulder so it cascades around the of Ladell Landscaping & Garden. face of the stone. The flowing water is caught in a basin underneath the THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 41

TRAVEL Travelling by Train to the Big Apple Afghanistan to Zaire, and you hear so Vancouver in Canada, and in the many languages, it is simply unreal. USA I have gone to Florida, Iowa There is an old saying, dating and Illinois. I am waiting for an back to 1777, that: “If you’re tired opportunity to go to more places, of London then you are tired of life” and if train tracks would talk to me I and in my opinion, that can be said of would say: “Yes let’s go and see the New York City as well. world!” I have traveled by train so many times, and I never get tired of it. I have traveled from Halifax to

By Anant Nagpur I mean who can forget An affair to Remember and Sleepless in Seattle? Looking at the train tracks from the It makes it more meaningful to visit last compartment window, I kept each time and every time, and to see wondering what this train track all the lights from roof tops, and I would say if it could talk? I felt that it think it cannot get any better. My was asking me “Where do you want ultimate favourite is walking on 5th to go? Just come on aboard, we can Avenue from Central Park, looking go places.” That’s when I decided to at all those world famous iconic go to New York City for a short trip. fashion shops like Gucci, Prada You see there is something very and Tiffany’s. Every time I pass by special about New York City. I do not Tiffany’s I always think of Audrey know exactly what it is. Perhaps it Hepburn getting out of one of New is an Affair to Remember, or A Love York’s famous yellow cabs in the Affair, or simply New York Stories. wee hours with coffee and croissant Perhaps it is all three. But with a looking at Tiffany’s store window New York State of Mind it is hard to with “Moon River” playing in the argue. It doesn’t matter how you see background. it, you always end up saying: “I love With a quick stop at the Trump New York.” Tower, now more famous than I have been going to New York before, I have a snack, go up to the City since 1979 and I like going by Rockefeller Center, and stay there for train from Montreal. Amtrak has a while and watch the world go by. a daily train to the Big Apple, and In the evening it is a must for I know going by train is not for every tourist to go to Times Square. everyone, especially if you are in a With all the lights, glitz and glamour rush. It takes close to 11 hours from you know you are in New York Montreal, and out of that anywhere City, and it is magical. You will see from 45 minutes to an hour-plus goes people from all over the world, from in crossing the border. (This is likely to change soon when a preclearance agreement is introduced.) Each time I have been to New York City, during the day I would visit the World Trade Center, go to the rooftop and enjoy the view. The last time I went up was in 2000 and after the tragic events of 9/11 it was very sad. But when I visited in 2011 the new Freedom Tower was under construction, and it was already up to 80th floor. I was told it would be ready by 2015, and it was. It was hard to imagine how the whole landscape has changed so much, and it takes only 59 seconds to go to the 102nd floor. The view from the new tower is just as beautiful as ever. Give a task to people of New York City, and they will do it with the same love they have for their city. Next I visit the Empire State Building which has been romanticized in many, many movies. Page 42 THE OSCAR l June 2016


Beautiful annuals (left to right) the Bractenthea jumbo rose, Celosia and the Sunflower. PHOTOS BY ARTISTIC LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN

flowers. One can let it go to seed and moea (morning glory) growing as a have plants in a variety of colours hanging basket; the plant does best in The Annual Garden the following year. Robert showed semi-shade. Helichrysum (strawflow- a bright orange calla lily. Calla lily ers) may grow in a dry part of the gar- By Carole Love feeding, Robert suggested fertilizers grows about 18” high and can take den. Bracteanthea Jumbo is a newer with a high middle number such as semi-shade. Blooms are long lasting, variety that looks almost like a daisy According to Robert Wolodar- 15-30-15 to promote flowering. Some produced throughout the summer, and with unusual orange-pink flowers. ski, Manager of Perennials and slow-release granular fertilizers can come in a variety of colours. Tubers Robert showed a stunning Amaran- Greenhouse Operations at Artistic be applied once in a season. However, can be dug after the first frost. Suc- thus (love lies bleeding) with deep red Landscape Designs (www.artistic- Robert still likes to occasionally use culents like full sun and need minimal flowers spilling over a retaining wall., annuals are incor- water-soluble fertilizer. care; they can be used in beds as well Lobelias like shade or semi-shade; porated in perennial gardens for many Robert shared news about annuals as indoors, and can be a perennial for a trailing lobelia, Robert said to reasons. They add colour, fill gaps new on the market and other plants he contribution to containers. seek out plants with blue flowers that in newly planted perennial gardens, particularly liked. He had two trays of Robert also talked about true an- have a “white eye”. Dragon wing and create colourful containers. An- intriguing plants, and images of vi- nuals. Butterfly daisies have flowers begonias, more robust than the com- nuals flower from early in the season brantly coloured plants accompanied in the yellow range and tolerate dry mon wax begonias, are excellent in till practically the first frost (some his talk. areas. Pinching spent flowers encour- planters or as bedding plants. For a resistant to about 3°C). One can ex- Robert included plants often grown ages more blooms; cutting back, sunny dry spot, Bergenia is excel- periment as every year there are new as annuals in this area– though not perhaps in late July, encourages new lent. Leaves take on a beautiful red or varieties and colours. If one starts strictly annuals. Canna ‘Cleopatra’, growth and plants bloom on new bronze colouring in the fall and flower from seed, they can be inexpensive. for example, displays eye-catching growth. Robert talked about new co- colours range from the palest pinks to Plants grown from cuttings (F1 gen- flowers in sun or semi-shade and can leus colours. Coleus ‘Campfire’ has red or dark purple. A prolific bloomer, eration plants) will be true in colour be used in containers. Growing up to red-coloured foliage and can take the trailing habit of petunia ‘Million and size for a consistent, uniform look 6 feet, it appreciates regular watering some dryness; morning sun and after- Bells’ makes it great in hanging bas- whereas plants started from seed will and fertilizing. The flashy flowers last noon shade are recommended. Coleus kets, containers, or as a small-area exhibit some variety—part of the fun throughout the summer —pinching ‘Ruffles Copper’ has multi-coloured ground cover. Portulaca gives a rock- of growing plants. spent flowers promotes continued foliage. Robert showed celosia with garden look; they self-seed. While Robert said, in general, when one bloom. Lift tubers in the autumn. Like gorgeous yellow and orange flow- gerbera don’t last through the sum- interplants annuals with perennials, most plants with darker foliage, Hibis- ers. Growing about 36” high, celosia mer, they have bold flowers and show the annuals need more water. Annuals cus ‘Little Zin’ grows mostly in semi- blooms in sun and semi-shade all nicely in planters. Cathedral salvia do not have an extensive root system shade. It has inconspicuous maroon summer. Another celosia had a bright grows tall and straight and is avail- and will wilt if they dry out. In con- flowers and reaches about 1.5 feet. red, odd-shaped blossom; Robert said able with blue, deep blue and white tainers with perennials, the annuals Rudbeckia hirta (black-eyed Susan) it was actually a virus which created flowers. Zinnias are disease resistant, will need an extra shot of water. As to is a biennial with tremendous yellow the shape. Robert presented an Ipo- come in many colours, and toler- ate full sun and dry areas. Colourful marigolds are excellent to interplant with vegetables, as they repel slugs and aphids. Ornamental cabbage of- fers fall colours and combined with asters can create a beautiful display that stands a little frost; the colder the better the colour. Robert talked about more flowers and answered questions such as beetle problem on hibiscus. (Robert uses a hanging trap with pheromones; the beetles fall into a plastic bag which is disposed of after a few weeks.) Rob- ert’s love of plants was evident. For the last few years Robert has given regular presentations, open to the public, in the “Gingko Room” at the Artistic nursery. All left hoping to see similarly spectacular blooms in their own gardens.

The next meeting of the Old Ottawa South Garden Club will be in Sep- tember 2016 at the Old Ottawa South Community Centre (The Firehall), 260 Sunnyside Avenue. Watch for announcements in the late summer. Happy gardening over the summer! THE OSCAR l June 2016 Page 43

Windsor Park Toy Bin

PHOTO BY BRENDA LEE By Brenda Lee enjoy them. “It’s a bit of a social experiment to see what happens” Tired of carrying toys to the park say the caregivers. “We hope that every day? A group of caregivers everyone will take care of the toys have started a bin at Windsor Park and that this will become a tradition filled with donated toys. Please feel in the park that everyone can take free to use them, add to them and advantage of.” Brewer Park Sand Toys success plus fi nal release makes last chance!

Your fi nal opportunity to be part of the spectacular success of Greystone Village Phase 1! Nestled between the Rideau River and Rideau Canal, Greystone Village is a 26-acre, master-planned community of homes set PHOTO BY BRENDAN MCCOY By Phil Montgomery toys please write “Brewer Park” around a vibrant central plaza, complete with pathways, on them with an indelible marker promenades and trails. Live a life of elegance and The City of Ottawa, thanks to and leave them in the toddler sand exclusivity in a scenic riverfront setting, just minutes Councillor David Chernushenko, area (weekdays would be best). from downtown. has provided a lockable bin for Volunteers will be collecting the the storage of community sand toys as they arrive and giving them a Phase 1 Final Release of Singles, Condos & Towns toys for the toddler area at Brewer much appreciated second life. Park If you have any surplus sand in Old Ottawa East from the $300’s GREYSTONEVILLAGE.CA Free Ice Cream at Brewer Park Metcalfe Exit

Lees Ave. 417 Queensway Exit

Lees Ave. Rideau River

Oblate Ave. Colonel By Dr. Isabella St. SITE

Main St.

Pretoria Ave. Canal Rideau St. Paul

University Queen Elizabeth Dr. Elizabeth Queen Brantwood Park Clegg St. Southbound only

PRESENTATION CENTRE 175A MAIN STREET 613.569.3043 [email protected]

Real estate agents Diane and Jen brought The Merry Derry Ice Cream Truck to Illustration is artist’s concept E.&O.E. Brewer Park on a warm late afternoon May 12th and handed out free cones.


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This is not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale




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