FLM302: READING GERMAN FILM 3: CONTEMPORARY GERMAN CINEMA Course Outline, 2019-2020 Semester A 15 credits Course Organiser Dr Alasdair King
[email protected] Arts 1: 2.08 Office hours: Wednesday 11-1 Timetable Screenings: Tuesday 10-12, Arts 1 G.34 Lectures: Tuesday 1-2, Bancroft G.07 Seminars: Thursday 2-3, Arts 2 3.17 Course Description This module will allow students to analyse various aspects of German film culture in the new millennium. It explores developments in recent German filmmaking in the context of the increasing globalisation of media industries and images and in the context of contemporary cinema’s relationship to other media forms. Stu- dents will explore the dynamics of recent German cinema, including its successes at major award ceremonies and at film festivals, its relationship to Hollywood and to other international cinemas, its distinct approach to questions of the audience, of auteurism and of production, and to transnational images, particularly con- cerning the emergence of Turkish-German filmmaking. Students will also address the representation of politics, terrorism, history, heritage and the national past, the engagement with issues of performance, gender and sexuality, the use of genre and popular commercial film styles, and the re-emergence of a ‘counter cinema’ in the work of the ‘Berlin School’ and after. Seminar work on current trends will allow students to work independently to research an individual case study of a chosen film and its significance to contemporary German cinema. Recommended Reading Abel, M (2013) The Counter-Cinema of the Berlin School. Rochester, NY: Camden House.