Study Guide study & research in austria The OeAD ist the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research. study & research in austria Study Programmes A Brief Guide for International Students Vienna, August 2019 Preface Welcome to Austria Are you interested in studying in Austria ? Due to its rich cultural past and present Austria is cherished by people all over the world. The varied landscape is of great importance for tourism, there are many skiing resorts; in the summer there are lots of opportuni ties for hiking and climbing or for water sports on the numerous lakes. Other factors for a stay in Austria are the great social security, the economic stability and the great hospitality of the Austrians. The Austrian educational system offers you a broad spectrum of educational oppor tu nities. This is why Austria is an ideal place for studying and living. This new edition of the ›Study in Austria‹ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Editor and Publisher: OeAD [Österreichische Austauschdienst]Ge bro chure will provide a general overview sellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung. Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and serve as a basic guide: By providing and Re search [OeADGmbH] | 1010 Vienna | Ebendorferstraße 7 | T +43 1/534 080 |
[email protected] | information about entry and residence | Head Office: Vienna | FN 320219 k | Commercial Court Vienna | ATU64808925 regulations, general conditions for Responsible for the content: Eva Müllner, Julia Auer MSc | Translation: Mag. Irmgard Schmoll | Graphic Design and Cover Design: FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences Graz / Bettina Hoffellner, Daniela Bisail | ad mission and necessary steps to take after Illustration: Daniela Bisail, Birgit Preiner | Printed by: Print Alliance HVA Produktions GmbH | Produced and financed arrival in Austria we want to help you plan with the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research | Vienna 2019 your stu dies in Austria.