Linklaters supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Pro bono Solving challenges, addressing injustice Challenging injustice and innovating solutions to social problems is part of being a lawyer at Linklaters. We improve the lives of Best International thousands of people through free legal advice and representation Firm for Pro Bono 2017 every year. We contribute our skills to eradicating poverty and European Women in Business Law Awards protecting the planet through the United Nations’ Sustainable 2017 Development Goals.

Asian CSR Initiative Recent highlights of our programme include: We have a strong focus on minority rights of the Year 2017 and gender equality, and on fostering >> Impact – informing Acid Survivors Trust the rule of law. We support a range of Legal Awards 2017 International’s campaign for crucial causes from access to justice and human changes to the law to tackle acid rights to social finance and international violence. development. But more important than Distinguished Pro Bono >> Innovation – innovating and the themes of our work is our focus on Award documenting a charity bond that is impact – selecting projects that will make The Law Society of Hong Kong 2016 financing over 900 new affordable the most effective difference to a social, homes and the development of social humanitarian or environmental cause. housing. See over for impact examples. CSR Initiative of the Year >> Scale – furthering the rule of law by The firm’s pro bono practice also has a creating ongoing digests of the entire positive impact on our lawyers. A recent British Legal Awards 2015 case law of Liberia, so that judges survey revealed a 94% satisfaction rate can apply precedent. with our programme, with 88% reporting that their pro bono activity increased their Standout in Social motivation and pride in the firm. Responsibility FT Innovative Lawyers Awards 2015

Standout in Social Pro bono is free legal advice and assistance for a social, community or humanitarian Responsibility cause. For further information about pro bono and all other aspects of responsible business at Linklaters, visit Finance, American Lawyer Awards 2015 Linklaters LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC326345. It is a law firm authorised and regulated by the Regulation Authority. Authority. Regulation Solicitors the by regulated and authorised firm alaw is It OC326345. number registered with Wales and England in registered partnership liability alimited is LLP Linklaters Please refer to to refer Please on or England office, 8HQ, EC2Y registered its at Street, Silk One inspection to open is qualifications professional their and partners as designated are who non-members the of and LLP Linklaters of members the of names the of A list equivalent with qualifications. and entities or standing firms affiliated its of any or LLP Linklaters of consultant or anemployee or LLP Linklaters of amember to refer to used is LLP Linklaters to relation in partner term The Goal In achangingworld,trusted partnerforyourgreatestchallenges. Great changeishere. Investing for Good for Investing Executive Chief Burnand, Geoff in society.” our disadvantaged most of the lives the improve of many to are used funds these of this activity is that The direct consequence market…. social investment missionour the grow to essential difference in “Linklaters an has made Charity Bondplatform. We devised thelegalstructureofRetail exploitation. workers againstslaveryandlabour strengthen protectionsforfishingindustry We providedglobalresearchaimingto account thedynamicsofdomesticviolence. in practice,manysystemsfailtotakeinto partners afteryearsofviolence.Inlawand women whohavefatallykilledtheirabusive justice systemsgloballyarefailingmany We documentedhowarangeofcriminal discounted ratesbasis. outcomes areachieved.We actedona increases andimprovededucational enrolment ofgirlsinschoolRajasthan bond thattriggersfinancialreturnswhen We pioneeredthelegalstructureofa funding. operations afterasignificantdeclinein a criticalmergerrequiredtosustaintheir We actedforasmallchildren’s charityon What wedid 158 law projects last year last projects law of rule on volunteered our lawyers of


for important information on our regulatory position. regulatory our on information important for

£100 pro bono on havewe acted structures finance through social date to raised and such persons are either solicitors, registered foreign lawyers or European lawyers. European or lawyers foreign registered solicitors, either are persons such and Acid Trust Survivors International Executive, Chief Shah, Jaf we raisingawareness work enormously in the alsobut contributed policy within government in impact an influencing had has verywork much Linklaters that confidence “I say can with some individual investors. the UKraise£147millioninloansfrom This hassinceenabled5charitiesin double theirusualpay. protection andearningmorethan reported havingaccesstomedical Fishers inthePhilippineshavesince Philippines totacklelabourexploitation. Stronger legislationintroducedinthe are monitoringongoingimpact. against Women hasalsobeenbriefed.We and theUNSpecialRapporteuronViolence UN CrimeCommissiontomemberstates, partners. Thereportwaspresentedatthe violence victimshavekilledtheirabusive reform globallyincaseswheredomestic by PenalReformInternationaltocallfor The reportisusedinadvocacyefforts on tracktorecouptheirinitialfunding. hardest toreachgirls.Theinvestorsremain significant progressonenrollingthe enrolment targetsofgirls–evenmaking of childreninRajasthanandexceededits of itstargetlearninggainsforthousands Two yearsin,theprojecthasachieved50% Tiffany Garside,CEO,ActionforBrazil community memberswesupportinBrazil.” risk childrenandover10,000family for Brazil’s ChildrenTrust andthe3,000at “This mergersecuredthefutureforAction Impact have conducted.” m

Key Contacts Death row inmateDeath with intellectual difficulties Moore Bobby Ihave received.”support optimistic all about the with ablessing really as Iam this away from experience come all we that and best the may everything will for out turn pray and Ihope concern. all for time and your there heartfelt gratitude you to my “I express to just want and human rights human and equality gender to devoted was year last activity bono pro our global of 23 Tel: (+44) 20 7456 3230 20 Tel: (+44) Partner, London Clay Owen [email protected] 7456 2790 20 Tel: (+44) Advisor Legal Bono Pro Loxley Olivia [email protected] 7456 3494 20 Tel: (+44) Associate Bono Pro Global Brambley Sophie [email protected] 7456 4973 20 Tel: (+44) Manager Bono Pro Global Elsha Butler [email protected] ,

