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Experimental Study of Automated Electrical Car Power Window ‘Preset’ Position

Experimental Study of Automated Electrical Car Power Window ‘Preset’ Position




A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement of the degree of Master of Science in Automotive Engineering

Kulliyyah of Engineering International Islamic University Malaysia



This thesis is made to present the development and prototype, of an Experimental Study of Automated Electrical Car Power Window with ‘Preset’ Position and anti-trap system. The main reason of developing this system is, to produce the new invention and diversification of the car power window technology. The idea is purposely to fulfill the demand from automotive industry which drastically require up dated system in their vehicles technology especially in power window development. Nowadays, a lot of car manufacturers produced their own style or method of controlling power window to make it more ergonomics, user friendly but still emphasized the safety element in their system. For instance, KǕSTER Holding GmbH Germany produced its safety system called, Anti Trap System with immediate reversal of the window in the event of entrapment. Thus it gives full and reliable protection for children’s hand, neck and any obstacles as well. In this research experiment, microcontroller PIC16F877A is applied as a brain to achieve the goal. In general, it will control the degree opening position of the window whenever the user or driver require, as well as anti-entrapment feature on window lift control system. By doing that, drivers could give full concentration on maneuvering their vehicles and let the power window be controlled by this system.

ii خالصة البحث

تقدم هذه األطروحة طريقة لتطوير النموذج األولي ، لدراسة تجريبية على رافع النافذة اآللي مع السيطرة على عدم انحباس النافذة. والسبب الرئيسي لتطوير هذا النظام، هو النتاج إختراع جديد في عمل النافذة في السيارة ولتنويع تكنولوجيا صناعة السيارات وذلك لزيادة الطلب على الحصول على آخر ماتوصلت اليه التكنولوجيا وبخاصة فيما يتعلق بنافذة السيارة. في الوقت الحاضر، الكثير من منتجي السيارات لهم أسلوبهم الخاص في االنتاج أو في طريقة السيطرة على نافذة السيارة لجعلها أكثر مالئمة للبيئة وكذلك سهلة االستعمال ولكن مع التاكيد على عنصر السالمة في هذا النظام. على سبيل المثال، فان شركة كوستر االلمانية انتجت نظام سالمة تم تسميته )نظام عدم االنحسار(، والذي فيه قابلية الرجوع الفوري للنافذة في حالة االنحسار. وبالتالي، فانها تعطي وقاية تامة ومعتمد عليها اليدي االطفال، الرقبة أو اي عائق امام النافذة. في هذا البحث، تم تطبيق المسيطر المايكروي )بي آي سي 61 أف 788 أي( كعقل للوصول الى الهدف في هذه الدراسة. بصورة عامة، سيتم السيطرة على مقدار فتحة النافذة بواسطة هذا المسيطر في اي وقت يحتاجه السائق، وكذلك يعمل كمسيطر على عملية االنحسار في حالة حدوثها وذلك بالسيطرة على نظام الرفع الموجود في النظام. بهذا العمل، فأن السائق سيعطي كامل تركيزه على المناورة في سيارته ويترك السيطرة على النافذة بواسطة النظام المسيطر.


I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion; it confirms to acceptable standards of scholarly of presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Science in Automotive Engineering.

…………………………………….. Ahmad Faris Ismail Supervisor

……………...... Amir Akramin Shafie Co-Supervisor

I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion, it confirms to acceptable standards of scholarly of presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Science in Automotive Engineering.

…………………………………….. Mohammed.Ataur Rahman Internal Examiner

I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion, it confirms to acceptable standards of scholarly of presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Science in Automotive Engineering.

…………………………………….. Shahrul Naim Sidek Internal Examiner

This dissertation was submitted to the Director, Advanced Engineering and Innovation Centre and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirements for degree of Master of Science in Automotive Engineering.

…………………………………….. Agus Geter E. Sutjipto Director, Advanced Engineering and Innovation Centre

This dissertation was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Engineering and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Automotive Engineering.

…………………………………….. Amir Akramin Shafie Dean, Kulliyyah of Engineering


I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions.


Signature:………………………………….. Date: …………………………..




Copyright © 2010 by International Islamic University Malaysia. All rights are reserved.


I hereby affirm that the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) hold all rights in the copyright of this work and henceforth any reproduction or use in any form or by means whatsoever is prohibited without the written consent of IIUM. No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.


…………………………….. ……………………………… Signature Date


Dedication to my beloved parents and my wife


In the name of Allah, The Most Compassionate and The Most Merciful.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and highest appreciation to my supervisors Prof. Dr. Engr. Ahmad Faris Ismail and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amir Akramin Shafie for all the guidance, advice, technical support and constructive comment towards the completion of this project.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to Advanced Engineering and Innovation Centre (AEIC) especially for Sister Rohamah for her endless support and motivation.

Special thanks to my colleagues in UniKL, especially Br. Ismail Adam from UniKL- BMI for his support and guidance in microcontroller program and hardware development.

My hearties thanks to my wife, Wahida Mahmor and family for giving me full moral support, patience, deepest encouragement in completing this project.



Abstract ...... ii ii Abstract in Arabic ...... iii iii Approval Page ...... iv iv Declaration Page ...... v v Copyright Page ...... vi vi Dedication ...... vii vii Acknowledgements ...... viii vii List of Tables ...... xi vii List of Figures ...... xii vii List of Abbreviations ...... x viiv

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1 1.1 Overview ...... 1 4 1.2 Problem Statement and its Significance ...... 4 18 1.3 Research Objectives ...... 7 18 1.4 Research Methodology ...... 7 18 1.5 Research Scope ...... 7 18 1.6 Dissertation Organization ...... 8

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ...... 9.. 18 2.1 Introduction ...... 9. 18 2.2 Power Windows System ...... 10 18 2.3 Sensing Element System ...... 13 18 2.4 Summary ...... 20 18

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY ...... 22 18 3.1 Introduction ...... 22. 18 3.2 Method of Control ...... 24 18 3.3 Hardware Development ...... 25 18 3.3.1 Introduction ...... 25 18 3.3.2 Motor Selection ...... 25 18 3.3.3 Power Window Motor Selection ...... 27 18 Mechanical System for Power Window Regulator ...... 28 18 Load / Window Glass ...... 30 18 Load Force & Torque ...... 31 18 3.3.4 Conventional Power Window Circuit ...... 33 38 3.4 Motor Driver Selection ...... 34 18 3.4.1 Motor Driver Specification ...... 35 18 3.4.2 Installation of Motor Driver ...... 36 18 Battery & Motor Connection ...... 36 18 Microcontroller Connection ...... 38 18


3.5 Distance Measurement Sensor ...... 38 3.5.1 Measurement Data & Plotted Graph ...... 40 3.6 Microcontroller Selection ...... 41 3.7 Sequence of Operation ...... 46 3.8 Anti-Trap Position ...... 48 3.9 Compilation of Design Mechanism ...... 49 3.10 Software Development ...... 54 3.10.1 Introduction ...... 54 3.10.2 Choice of Programming Language ...... 54 3.10.3 Microcontroller Interface ...... 55..... Switch/Contact with a Digital Input ...... 55 Position Measurement by Potentiometer/Sensor ...... 57 Anti-Trap Interface to Microcontroller ...... 58.... 3.11 Schematics Diagram Development ...... 61 3.12 Programming Flowchart ...... 62 3.13 Summary ...... 64

CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS OF RESULTS ...... 65 18 4.1 Introduction ...... 6.5 18 4.2 Result Analysis ...... 69 50 4.3 Summary ...... 69

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...... 83 50 5.1 Conclusion ...... 83.. 50 5.2 Recommendation...... 84 50

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 85 50

APPENDIX A: Source Code ...... 88 52 APPENDIX B: Software Simulation ...... 97 57


Table No. Page No.

3.1 Normal operating condition truth table 35 3.2 Measurement data 40 4.1 Data Climatetepm.info 70

4.2 Bearing and Winding Characteristic Life - B and W 71 4.3 DC motor life cycle determination 72

4.4 Type of motor determination 73


Figure No. Page No.

1.1 Electric window motor and regulator 1 1.2 Experimental project overview 3 1.3 Power window regulators 5 1.4 A flowchart 7 2.1 Electronic power window circuit 10 2.2 Power window mechanism 12 2.3 Transmission mechanism 12 2.4 Ball-type cog 12 2.5 Sensing edge front view 13 2.6 Cross-section of sensing edge 13 2.7 Obstruction simulation 14 2.8 Sensing element 14 2.9 lid sensing element 15 2.10 Sensing element detectors 17 2.11 Cross section of the window frame 17 2.12 Infrared sensors for smart window system 20 2.13 Histogram detection of the sensor 20 3.1 Flowchart of research methodology 23 3.2 Pre-determined positions 24 3.3 Positioning for the window opening and closing 25 3.4 DC motor & power window regulator 26 3.5 Worm gear 26 3.6 Spur gear 26 3.7 DC motor gear ratio 73:1 27 3.8 Pulley Diameter 4.8 cm 28 3.9 End to end distance window glass movement 28 3.10 Window Regulator and DC Motor 29 3.11 DC Motor Internal Structure 29

xii 3.12 DC Motor Gears 29 3.13 Weight of the window glass 30 3.14 Upward window force relation 31 3.15 Downward window force relation 31 3.16 Toyota’s electrical power window wiring diagram 33 3.17 Motor driver 34 3.18 Standard circuit connections 36 3.19 Independent motor controls by switches 36 3.20 Clockwise switch closed 37 3.21 Counters clockwise switch closed 37 3.22 Interfaces between motor driver and microcontroller 38 3.23 GP2D12 sensor 39 3.24 GP2D12 internal block diagram 39 3.25 GP212 output response –Provided by SHARP 40 3.26 GP2D12 tested on the PIC board 40 3.27 Experiment result 41 3.28 PIC 16F877A 42 3.29 PIC 16F877A architecture 44 3.30 PIC 16F877A mapping configuration 45 3.31 Sequence of operation 47 3.32 Weather-strips 48 3.33 Simulink illustration 48 3.34 Cross-section of weather-strip 49 3.35 Overall design mechanisms 50 3.36 Actual project testing 51 3.37 Project block diagram 51 3.38 Door structure 52 3.39 Assembly of the equipment 53 3.40 Distance measurement sensor 53 3.41 Contacts with a digital input 55 3.42 Alternative circuits 55 3.43 Oscilloscope output on the bouncing signal 56 3.44 Micro C and potentiometer interface 57

xiii 3.45 Micro C and GP2D12 interface 57 3.46 Anti-trap system 59 3.47 Connection of anti-trap to Micro C 59 3.48 PIC 16F877 Board Circuit diagrams 61 4.1 Sensor location 65 4.2 Sensor Alignment 66 4.3 Reflector’s illustration due to manually fabricated the reflector’s 67 track in a farthest distance 4.4 Gap between window and door structure 67 4.5 Power windows fully open 68 4.6 Reflector illustration in closer distance 68 4.7 Cable pulley failures 76 4.8 Overview of Kaptoris DAQ system and power window regulator 77 4.9 Kaptoris DAQ systems 77 4.10 Measurement Sensor & button down (auto mode) 78 4.11 Measurement Sensor & button up (auto mode) 78 4.12 Preset position & button down (preset mode) 79 4.13 Preset position & button up (preset mode) 79 4.14 Measurement sensor & button down (manual mode) 80 4.15 Measurement sensor & button up (manual mode) 80 4.16 Manual – preset –Auto modes and down button 81 4.17 Manual – preset –Auto modes and up button 82


PIC Programmable Interface Controller μC Microcontroller DC Direct Current DAQ Data Acquisition




In early edition of the automobile window design, the car manufacturer used hand- turned cranks handle to raise and lower the windows. But nowadays instead of hand- turned crank handle, electric or power window is used to control the window by pressing a button or switch as shown in Figure 1.1

Window motor

Figure 1.1: Electric window motor and regulator Courtesy of DaimlerChrysler Corporation

With safety and technology advancements, most car manufacturers upgrade their power window mechanism from time to time to be more efficient and user friendly.

For instance in early power window system, its usually inoperable when the car is not running as the electrical system is not 'live' once the ignition has been turned off.

Therefore, some manufacturers use a time delay for accessory power after the ignition

1 switch is turned off. This feature permits the driver and passengers an opportunity to close all windows or operate for certain period of time or until vehicle door is opened after the ignition has been turned off.

Some vehicles are equipped with an express down window feature where this feature fully opens the window by holding the window switch down for more than 0.3 seconds than releasing it. The window may be stopped at any time by pressing the UP or DOWN switch. This express window option relies on an electronics module and a relay. When signal detected, the module energize the relay, which completes the motor’s circuit. When the window is fully down, the module opens the relay control switch, which stops power to the motor. Therefore, the most attainable method on improving the power window system is to add several innovative features to comply the advancement of the automotive technology.

Conventional automobile power window system comprise a switch control in which rising the window for closure requires a “manual” operation where the up switch must be manually held in an activated state to power the window motor. When this switch is released by an operator, window movement ceased. Typical power window switch is placed on the arm rest or the side panel of the door. The problem with such manual switch is that they require an intention of the operator’s physical and mental during their operation as a safety is concern.

In this research project, the power window system are divided into two modes; manual and auto mode. In ‘manual mode’, opening and closing of power window is just like the usual passenger car. In ‘auto mode’ without pressing setting mode button, the window only able to fully open or fully close. Whereas in auto mode with setting mode button pressed once, the user able to set the degree of window opening at any time the user required as shown in Figure 1.2.


Manual indicator Control Switch

Auto indicator

Set Button

Figure 1.2: Experimental project overview Courtesy Free Patent Online

In both modes, the upper and lower limit of power window was set in the range of distance in order to prevent the overshoot current on the motor winding which can ruin the motor itself and window regulator.


Some motorists are still trying to close their window even though it is already closed.

The motorist is unaware of the maximum and minimum limit of the window. Due to this consequence, it may damage the power window regulator.

Other than mentioned above, there are several other instances in the control of power window; such as:

i. Monitoring the window position can distract the driving focus.

ii. There are some cases where children unintentionally get stuck at the


For example, the article from CBC News February 21, 2007:

"She climbed up to pop her head out the window, to get some fresh air or whatever," said MacLeod. "But by doing so she lifted her feet up on to the arm rest, subsequently stepping on the button, which released the window to go up."

Witnesses heard the girl yelling for her mother. When one witness got closer to the vehicle, he realized the girl was trapped in the window, police said.

iii. The power cable may pull off and get twisted due to prolonged usage

(Figure 1.3) which may deteriorate the DC motor and power window

regulator. This may occur due to the over current that entering to the

motor and ageing factor.

4 Overlapped cable

Figure 1.3: Power window regulators

iv. The recent news related with power window faulty occurred on Honda

Jazz where the power window master switch is exposed to an excessive

amount of water (such as rainwater), especially when windows are left

open for prolonged period of time, electrolyte materials from rainwater

would seep into the power window switch unit. This would decrease

the insulation resistance between the electric circuits, which could lead

to current leaks. In severe cases, the switchboard would melt or burn.

The article from Honda South Africa website dated 28 January 2010 is


Honda SA has announced today a safety recall of the previous generation Jazz to inspect and modify driver door power-window switches that may, in some cases, short circuit as a result of water intrusion into the housing.

Following the tragic fire in September 2009, Honda Motor Co. has launched an extensive investigation to determine the cause of the incident. Whilst the cause of the fire remains indeterminable, the investigation has shown that water intrusion into the power window switch housing may, in some instances cause a short circuit, which in exceptional circumstances, may lead to potential damages.

As a precautionary measure, Honda has decided to implement a safety recall of all 2002-2008 year model Jazz units in South Africa.

5 Realizing these critical issues, the system proposed is able to overcome the consequences as well as to make it more efficient for the motorists.

The embedded system design nowadays is the utmost important application not only for electrical and electronics fields of engineering, but also applicable for engineering discipline. Many control problems previously were used mechanical or electrical switching systems are effectively and reliably handover by using electronics devices which is microcontroller.

Therefore the significance of the thesis involve microcontroller interfacing with the existing power window system with the maximum and minimum limitation setting, contribute to the new innovation development especially in automotive industry.

By having the microcontroller in this power window system, the controller circuit design will be more compact, small and suitable for any power window mechanism in real industry and able to lasting the power window regulator’s life cycle.


The objectives of this project are as follow:

i. To design and develop the automated “preset” position hardware for power

window system.

ii. To integrate the hardware and software to achieve the requirement needed.

iii. To analyze the positioning data of power window regulator.


In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the following procedure are considered:

a) The research begins with the understanding of existing power window

control mechanism.

b) The proper selection, design and fabrication of plant to be used as a case

study in the experimentation.

c) The hardware development.

d) The software development.

e) The hardware and software integrations.

f) The analysis of result.

Literature Review

Development of

software and hardware

Overall system integrations

Analysis of result

Figure 1.4: A Flowchart


The scope of the research is about car power window system which emphasize on anti- trap system with preset positioning where the minimum and maximum power window glass limitation is only within the predetermine position.


The dissertation organization as follows:

In chapter 2, the literature review on technical papers which comprise the mechanism of power window and safety elements from the car manufacturer has been discussed.

Material and methodology for hardware development consisting of motor driver selection and installation, and PIC interfacing was discussed in chapter 3.

Software development on how the communication between PIC and the outside world, in order to give or receive signal from position sensor, an anti-trap sensor and controller button as an input signal to drive the motor was also provided.

Chapter 4 presents analysis of the result on completed design and summarize all the results obtained from the previous chapter.

Chapter 5 gives the conclusion and the improvement needed for further study.




The first electric power windows were introduced by Lincoln which operated under the (SAE 100). These windows are driven by a small electric motor inside the door and have come to be universal in the industry. Prior to that, in the few vehicles offering this feature, the windows were driven by hydraulics or off the engine vacuum. In the 1950s, electric power was applied to the tailgate window in many station wagons. In a typical installation, there is an individual switch at each window and a set of switches in the driver's door so the driver can operate all the windows. However, some models have used switches located in the center console, where they are accessible to all the occupants. In this case, the door-mounted switches can be omitted.

Conventional power windows are usually inoperable when the ignition is turned off. However, many modern have a time delay features and according to

Wikicar, first introduced by which called retained accessory power. This allows operation of the windows and some other accessories for ten minutes or so after the engine is stopped. Another fairly recent innovation, pioneered by Nissan at about the same time, is the express-down window, which allows the window to be fully lowered with one tap on the switch, as opposed to holding the switch down until the window retracts (Kiichi Konusuki, 2003).