Ci Council Agenda Item Meeting of May 5, 2020
Ci Council Agenda Item Meeting of May 5, 2020 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Monte K. Falls, P.E. - City Manager {V\~l,.bO ,i.,.;:;., 1' f;t-t(~~ DATE: April 23, 2020 SUBJECT: Water and Sewer Department Service Truck Replacements - $75,000.00 REQUESTED BY: City Manager/Water and Sewer Director The following is requested as it relates to the above-referenced agenda item: X Request Council review and approval based on the attached supporting documentation. No action required. (Information only) DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT To: Monte K. Falls, P.E., City Manager From: Robert J. Bolton, P.E., Director "- Date: April 15, 2020 RE: Service Truck Replacements, $75,000.00 Recommendation: !II Place this item on the City Council's Agenda for May 5, 2020; • Approve purchase of two (2) service trucks to replace existing service trucks in the Lift Station Division that was not budgeted in FY 19/20. This request is for approval in amount not-to-exceed $75,000.00. Funding: Costs will be charged to fund 423.9010.536.616050. A line item budget transfer has been prepared to transfer funds from account 423.9010.536.673161 (Gravity Sewer Rehabilitation). Background: The Water and Sewer Department has two trucks Nos. 9804 and 9805 that are in disrepair and need to be replaced. No. 9804 is a 2006 truck with a bad engine. No. 9805 is a 2008 truck with a rusted out body. Both of these trucks are in the lift Station Division and are used to lift pumps out of the lift stations for repair via a crane that is mounted to the truck body.
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