Student Guide List of Contents

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Student Guide List of Contents Student Guide List of contents Greetings from the Rector……...................................................................... 3 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………..... 4 Studying at …UD............................................................................................ 6 UD Services ................................................................................................. 10 - Student Services office ………….……………………………. 10 - International Relations…….…………………………………… 11 - Deusto Campus ………………………………………………… 12 - University Guidance ……………………………………………. 12 - Library and and digital facilities……………………………......13 - Cafeteria and meals …………………………………………… 14 - Travel Agency …..…………………………………………… … 14 - Bookstore .………………………………………………………. 14 - Computer Lab & Printing / Photocopying ………………… ….15 Living UD ....................................................................................................... 16 - Buddy-DeustoKide ………………………………………………16 - Tandem ……………………………………………………........ .16 - University volunteering ….……………………………………... 16 - European volunteering…………………………………………..16 - Queries Space …...………………………………………….......16 - DeustuSare Space ...……………………………………………16 - Deusto Excursions …..…………………………………………. 17 - Job center ………..……………………………………………… 17 - Employment Forum………………………………………………17 - Faith ………………………………………………………………17 - Solidarity ………………………………………………………….18 - Culture …………………………………………………………… 18 - Sports ...………………………………………………………….. 18 Alumni …..............……………………………………………………………...... 19 Getting to know Bilbao and San Sebastián….………………………............... .20 - Language...…………………………………………………….... 25 - Climate.………………………………………………………....... 25 - Personal Medical Insurance..………………………………..... .25 - Visa procedure …..…………………………………………..... ..26 - Transportat………………………………………………………. .28 - Communication..………………………………………………... .31 - Health Care ………. ……………………………………………. .32 - Reporting a theft and robbery….…………………………….... 33 - City socio-cultural activities .…………………………………… 34 - Food services……………………………………………………. 35 - Shopping ………………………………………………………... 37 - Religious services ……………………………………………… 38 Tips ………………...………………………………………………………………. 42 Some useful vocabulary..……………………………………………….............. .44 2 Dr. Jaime Oraá Oraá, Rector Dear student, I am pleased to welcome you to the University of Deusto- a university that strives to blend contrasting features: our local roots and global challenges, knowledge from a historical perspective and concern for the future, leadership and social commitment, intellectual rigour and experience-based learning, competition and cooperation, tradition and innovation. Deusto will be your educational community for an important period of your life and we trust that the Deusto Educational Model, which was designed with students in mind, will help you to develop your enterprising, creative potential as you study, make key decisions, take part in teamwork and make commitments concerning your future and the persons around you. We aim to ensure that your Deusto experience is rewarding in every way, from relationships with classmates and lecturers to our administrative and services staff. We hope that you will find it fulfilling to be part of our diverse academic community, with people from over eighty countries. It will afford you a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and explore your own ways of thinking while learning how others see the world around us. We also hope you find friends and enjoy your stay in Bilbao and San Sebastian . We have carefully prepared this guide for you, to make sure your time at the University of Deusto will contribute to your success in the near future and will be fondly remembered in future. We are pleased to offer you the assistance of our highly qualified staff who can provide you with the inspiration and help you require during your stay at our University. Our very best wishes for your present and future endeavours, Jaime Oraá Oraá Rector Bilbao, 17th February 2012 4 Introduction The University of Deusto was inaugurated in 1886. The concerns and cultural interest of the Basque Country in having their own university, as well as the interest of the Jesuits in establishing higher studies in some part of the Spanish State coincided in its conception. Bilbao, a seaport and commercial city which was experimenting considerable industrial growth during that era, was chosen as the ideal location. Bilbao is the centre of a metropolitan area with more than one million inhabitants, a city traditionally open to Europe. It is, in addition, an important harbour, a commercial and financial centre of the Basque Country and the north of Spain. In September of 1997, the city has undergone a significant transformation under a symbol, an emblematic building, the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum. The central headquarters of the University of Deusto is situated on the opposite side of the estuary, facing the Guggenheim Museum. In 1916, the "Universidad Comercial de Deusto" received the first group of students which would be the first graduates in Economic Sciences in Spain, 25 years before this degree was officially recognised. In 1963, the Institute of University and Technical Studies of Guipuzcoa in San Sebastian was formed by the integration of three already-existing entities. This institute, years later, would form a part of the University of Deusto. Therefore, the University is located on two campuses, in the two coastal capitals of the Basque Country: Bilbao and San Sebastian. Beyond individual research and that research work which is co-ordinated from chairs such as Law and the Human Genome, Leisure and Disabilities, there is, in the institutional sphere, a clear option for the social topics of interdependency, distribution of resources, migration, human rights, development, poverty and environment, ethics and society. There are also studies about cultural identity (individual and collective), and European integration processes taking part in various international research groups. Internationalisation, without excluding other regions, demonstrates a clear commitment to Europe and Latin America, having signed agreements with more than 200 universities. With a mobility of approximately 1.300 students and 50 professors, the faculties, institutes and schools are also implicated in intensive programmes, European modules and joint curricular designs at various levels, at the same time as they participate in cross-border activities, integrated languages, ODL and Leonardo programmes. The entire University adopted the European credit system in the year 1994, and works to promote it and improve its quality. As a matter of fact, Deusto was the first European university to extend the European credits to all its Faculties. University of Deusto at a glance: - Students: 13.173 - Teaching staff: 2.800 - 21 degrees adapted to the EHEA and 3 Deusto University own degrees - 3 double degrees adapted to EHEA - 62 post-graduate programmes, 31 official masters and 31 Deusto University own degrees - 10 PhD Programmes - 7 Erasmus Mundus Masters Programmes - 38 Specialisation Programmes in Continuing Education (and the recently created Deusto Business School) - 15% International Students - 16 Joint / international programmes - 13 Regions worldwide make up the Eramus Mundus External Cooperation Windows: Rusia; Ucrania, Moldavia and Bielorrusia; Yemen, Irak and Irán; Kazajstán, Kirquistán, Tayikistán, Uzbekistán, Turkmenistán; África, Caribe, Pacífico; Afganistán, Bután, Nepal, Pakistán, Bangladesh; India; China; Brasil; Paraguay, Uruguay; Argentina, Bolivia, Perú; Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Cuba; Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and México; Colombia, Costa Rica and Panamá. - 320 Academic collaboration agreements - 4 networks and numerous international projects (31 of which are coordinated by the University of Deusto). - A recently opened avant-garde library - Resource Centre for Learning and Research (CRAI) at the University of Deusto with 1,000,000 volumes in the collection. - A dynamic university publishing house with over 800 own titles. - 9 scientific journals and 6 series of international publications in different 6 research areas. Study at UD Degrees at the University of Deusto: •BA in Law •BA in Law+Specialism in Economics •BA in Business Administration •Double Degree in Business Administration+ Law •Double Degree in Business Administration + Computer Science •Double Degree in Business Administration + Industrial Technology Engineering •BA in Business Administration + Lidership Development Programme (Deusto Degree) • Bachelor´s Degree in Communication •BA in Psychology •BA in Social Education •BA in Primary Education (Specialism in a Foreign Language and Special Education Needs) •BA in Social Work •BA in Tourism •BA in Modern Languages and Management •BA in Modern Languages (English Studies and Hispanic Studies) •BA in Basque Philology •BA in Humanities (History; Philosophy and History of Religions) •BSc in Computer Engineering •BSc in Industrial Technology Engineering •BSc in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering •BSc in Industrial Management Engineering •BSc in Audiovisual Systems Engineering •BSc in Telematics Engineering •Baccalaureatum in Theology (remember that the UD will unable you to study a semester or full academic year at a foreign University, while you are studying a degree) The University of Deusto offers around 70 postgraduate programmes with a wide variety of official masters (Spanish diploma), executive master's degrees, Deusto degrees, diplomas and expert certificates. This
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