UC San Diego SITC Research Briefs
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UC San Diego SITC Research Briefs Title Red, But More Expert: The Evolution of China’s “Two Chiefs” Program Manager System Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/13v9h80b Journal SITC Research Briefs, 2015(No.4) Author POLLPETER, Kevin Publication Date 2015 eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California STUDY OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN CHINA RESEARCH BRIEF 2015-4 January 2015 Red, But More Expert: The Evolution of China’s “Two Chiefs” Program Manager System Kevin POLLPETER his research brief examines the role of project management in China’s Tdefense research and development system, in particular its chief commander and chief designer system. Spurred on by technical failures over a 50-year period, China’s space program leaders sought to address and fostered better coordination. In doing so, China’s space program has deficiencies by instituting reforms that gradually exerted more control administrative leaders in favor of managers who are both technically and clarified the chain of command and reduced the role of pure political and managerially competent. The study concludes that for large defense programs to be successful, a strong systems management approach is required that entrusts a single person with the authority to run the program. In making development (R&D) management structure has moved to increase the this conclusion, it finds that since the 1950s China’s defense research and authority of its program managers. This study aslo concludes that effective communication and coordination of knowledge flows facilitated by a single programThe Study office of isInnovation essential and to Technology the success in China of large-scale (SITC) is a project R&D programs.of the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. SITC Research Briefs provide analysis and recommendations based on the work of project participants. Author’s views are their own. This material is based upon work supported by, or in part by, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office through the Minerva Initiative under grant #W911NF-09-1-0081. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Army Research Office. 1 INTRODUCTION chief commanders have overall re- tion as a deputy chief designer. Most sponsibility for their particular proj- commanders, on the other hand, had Defense projects, especially aviation ect within a program. They approve been laboratory directors. In addi- and space projects, can be complex its design, plan, budget, and sched- tion, many commanders had experi- endeavors that require large numbers ule and submit these for approval to ence as an institute director or dep- of personnel from a variety of organi- the program’s chief commander. The uty chief designer before becoming a zations working in a coordinated way project chief designer reports to the to accomplish a common goal. The program chief designer and is respon- the desire to balance managerial skill complexity of these projects requires sible for the design, testing, and man- withchief technicalcommander. competence, Probably thereflecting quick- a program management structure ufacture of their particular system or est route to a chief commander posi- that can integrate numerous people subsystem. tion was to have previously served and organizations into a multidisci- The State Administration for as a deputy chief designer, whereas plinary workforce capable of creating Science, Technology, and Industry for those who mainly served in the com- National Defense (SASTIND) nomi- mand track had the longest road to and within the required budget and nates and selects chief commander becoming a chief commander. technologies to desired specifications schedule. and chief designer candidates. Prime Chief designers had two career The science and technology lead- contractors nominate deputy chief ers who manage these efforts are commanders and deputy chief de- balance managerial skill with techni- an important part of this structure. signers as well as project-level chief calpaths. competence, Again, reflecting the path the that desire led to These leaders must have a combina- and deputy chief commanders and the quickest promotion to chief de- tion of technical and managerial skills designers. These nominees are then signer involved managerial experi- necessary to understand the technol- selected by SASTIND. ence as a laboratory director before ogy being developed, organize the In order to be eligible for a chief being promoted to a deputy chief de- technology development effort, and commander or chief designer posi- signer and then chief designer. The effectively interact with subordinates, tion, candidates must have had pri- other career path involved a career superiors, customers, and stakehold- or experience as a project-level chief path entirely within the designer ers. Moreover, these leaders must be commander, deputy chief command- track as a lead designer, before be- entrusted with the authority to make er, chief designer, or deputy chief de- coming a deputy chief designer and decisions and compel others to carry signer. They cannot be over the age chief designer. out those decisions. of 65 at the time of appointment and Research was also conducted on they must step down from their po- the backgrounds of 42 chief com- CHIEF COMMANDERS sition at age 70. Project-level com- manders and chief designers who AND CHIEF DESIGNERS manders and chief designers must China’s program management system have participated in at least one com- program from 1992 to the present. is bifurcated into chief commander plete project or participated in the Theserved average in China’s age humanof these spaceflight program and chief designer lines of author- important phases of two or more managers was 46 and they took an ity that are loosely broken down be- projects. Newly appointed project average of 21 years to reach their po- tween administrative and technical commanders and chief designers can- sition. More than 50 percent have an responsibilities. Under this system, not be over the age of 56 at the time of M.S. degree, only two had PhDs, and chief commanders have overall re- appointment. Project chief designers just two had foreign experience, sug- sponsibility for the program and re- must have also participated in the de- port to the program’s leading small velopment of a system or subsystem, industry derived from foreign educat- group or lead organization. They are have demonstrated problem-solving edgesting personnel that benefits may be forlimited. China’s space responsible for the management of skills, and have at least two years’ ex- There are, however, noticeable perience as a deputy chief designer. differences in the backgrounds of personnel management, scheduling, The maximum age for project com- those who attained their positions andthe project,overseeing including the work financial of the chiefand manders and chief designers is 65. in the 1990s and those who attained designer. Chief designers, on the oth- A 2014 Chinese study of 84 chief their positions in the 2000s. The av- er hand, are responsible for technol- commanders and chief designers re- erage age of chief commanders and ogy development, including research, vealed that the career paths of chief chief designers in the 1990s was 55, design, and manufacture. commanders and chief designers con- and they had been employed an aver- Below chief commanders and age of 35 years before they reached chief designers are project-level chief above. The study reveals that all commanders and designers. Project chiefform designersto the qualifications held a previous set posiforth- decreasing age of China’s defense in- these positions. Reflecting the overall 2 dustrial workforce, the average age of tent program managers more control existed with the delineation of re- chief commanders and chief design- within a streamlined program man- sponsibilities and the lack of a formal- ers appointed in the 2000s was 45, agement system. During the 1950s, ly designated program head. In fact, and they had been employed just 20 Chinese leaders’ view of the country’s command of a project was shared be- years before they reached their posi- strategic situation dictated that China tween the administrative command- tions. Moreover, whereas those pro- needed to develop strategic weapons er and chief designer. Moreover, the gram managers who attained their that were technologically complex administrative commander and chief positions in the 1990s were educated and novel to China. China, however, designer were often from different at a variety of schools, those brought - organizations with different chains on in the 2000s were predominant- cilities to develop nuclear weapons of command whose organizational ly educated at Beijing University of andlacked ballistic qualified missiles personnel as well and as thethe cafa- interests and views on how the work Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nan- pacity to manage programs involving should be done often differed. jing University of Aeronautics and hundreds of organizations and thou- - Astronautics, Harbin Institute of sands of personnel. came evident in the mid-1990s with Technology, and the National Defense At this time, the success of China’s a seriesThe effectof launch of these failures deficiencies that result be- University of Technology, indicating weapons programs hinged on the ca- ed in more than 60 internal investi- the importance of these schools with- pabilities of a few top scientists who gations into the R&D system used by in the defense industrial system. No had extensive foreign experience and China’s space industry. These investi- chief commander or chief designer who had to rely on their own individ- had formal business education. ual abilities, rather than a program two line command system. In doing The hiring of a younger cohort of management system, to bring proj- so,gations it changed led to reformsthe name that of theunified admin the- chief commanders and chief design- ects to success.