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9-6-1917 Clovis News, 09-06-1917 The ewN s Print. Co.

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FARM LOANS-L- OW FARM, GRAIN AND RATES,EASY TERMS 1 guittvP' "T. Eatrw441 HAIL INSURANCE Qi Baker Brothers AgtaminA 1 'WA , Baker Brothers 11 (II I opiLvir tg9S AGENCY AGENCY Official Newapaper of the United Staten Land Office and of the People of Curry County

IOU ME NUMBER 12. CLAMS. NEW MAIM THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1917. $1.50 PER MR o. '11 'Mrs. R. Vi Dies fi HOST MåN NOM COUNTY Duke :SOVEENMENT MD From Gasoline LEFT FOB FT. HUI TRH Bums1 MEAT IS $M0 PRI DEE Mrs. IL V. Duke was fatally hurtled Issistative but the burns were severe by Ilip gasoline explosion lit kike 111111 death elided her intense suffering farm IS miles northwest of Clovis Washington. A (in Tuesday morning of this xveek nholit :00 o'clitek Monday morn- It. r. priee of 12.2o Iimor Minim $2.21. Minim bask $'2.'J). LITTLE (1111,1) BURNED Sunday about midnight. Miehttel 1)1111116w left l'invis ing. a bushel was fixed on the 11117 crop of red Minim $2.13, reol walla harot Ttl DEATH TUESDAY. Bland Esti is anti his mother and sis- for itiley. lions.. to take his alike haste $2.20 $2,14, 1t ters were returning from Clovis and Mr. Intke was iliP411 severely burliest wheat by President 1V1 ison on the soft while pints. oolong the Stiliiirni truitting for while ellito $2.16. of enell wrielo ilurvey Joeksom Ilia little having rim 41111 gasoline stommst at tut both OEMS. W'hile his injuries lire reeommestslation of the wheat pries. service. Mr. O'Connor goes its the liNt Thomas a is :le less. No. 3 lie less, No. 4 gel enough gasolhte very pahrill !hey will not prove tidal. Ilk. less. shit of Mr. still 5list. T. IL Jotk?kto. the Duke home to eossonittee headed by Dr. 11. thir- 111011 1.,S111 front the melertive &lift Although the 'whops to in Duke Mrs. 'Hike, with her husband. hail are fixed im who tive oil North Prints. street, wits rim their car home. TIW IMS'S Will IN' Nit. 1 Northern lived NPW Mi1411 fin. several years. l'overlittitout purchases only. the food sit badly burned 'rites' thst his drew the gasoline tor Ilw neighbors spring wheat delivered at Chicago. lle is provided by tht loott administration through its wheat por holding 141 vowing here lit the early flays. She was liesth amtirreol totir hours and when lantern close Representatives of producers be- with tionsportntion to Fort Riley, Its the 'monition recently organized expepts to 111P 111111141 V1.4440 111111 140111111111441 11 born in Mississippi lit anti mime The iiiiillipr IS ?ram MI gan by voting for a price of $2,10 wt.!! its expense money for moils ton Imo and Tim porporntlion will make all ilowern but eX111414,111111 1111111.1.1.41. 1.111.11 the gasoline to Texas hi ow seventies, moving front A4911.4111w Oil. Mime ill the time a( the nevitival labor's representativN tor $1.84. The the Irli to the plait Texas to state. She eon. moot snot allied purchases and ham um suppaseil the fellaw in lite pail Devalue ignited Mr, Duke this wits ust vont lot Ow quoin fit enmity it is litut little Iwo ex reuses event ily borrowed 'HT Nut names ig- ',indent ChliStillit 111111 11141 consioltorntion plans to imy for pillying with huddles mill got his threw it front Idol and the the down the votes were only a 6:1 to 11111Py thiS WPPli. ass until few l'ort r she proressed. For litany years millers. It it otervom as broker between dishing Malted. Ills brother. luðy u nited the clothing of Mik. hike who vents aparti soul most later voting tht 1111 t men to go from tills thoo tortnimil thp Mr. she been a member or the itaptist and 'lour mills the itiol all ha vault! to pull hall. unknown to Duke. dressed anti showed only a slight differenee. 11(1111 eininty only 24.. one nom V111141111110 porponition 'alit twosome purchaser of Midi iitT MUM mane out to the garage where the gus- Church. and Culpepper, pastor of MP Sept. ltelt illa !miming that iir the factions appeared uneomproottising at first ptr vent. int here. istuilucted the tiatell- virtually till the country's wheat crop. ismiti ilitt ilit berttre lie sits tily was being tirawa. Itetore Nirs. the lite start. forty rel rpm !Hurt. wili littollter sit Duke's vitithilw could lie put out she log funeral serviee. She left litSiliPs stst fnrly per eent on out. 2. mill the re- the basis of 1220 ritiesisto the brought 1111. 'MS10111111 stVI1111 01111111.11 WILL OK REAM SOON. rithersi services wets- held tit the wits fatally burned. She wits food administration worked out dif- 11,01111w isr WI S4i11 111P- Steed rilliertukiliM parlor reline:May to Clovis where she reeelved medical grand eltilihrit. ferentials for the grades reApr 11.4 prartiothle. various and imatilivtol by (lasses Lester Stone. manager of the Clovis Inv tire the men hop arteraintil wets. itq. and for several termlnals. or Mill & Elevator Company. mays that been .tilitol by the tlistriti bonril Culpepper the th.tilkt The inlet. fixed is 2th higher titan Clovis people will moon be able to eat The hmvfiveit imreots Imre the sym- PHISONEDS TO PEN NEW SOLDIEH that named for the lists erop by con- am! are stibjeet to oat on the thilts set MU bread of sill. gress In nututifitetureil right here at above Tiw wiii 11,.1 is voted 111 pathy the food eluting bill. The mili home. Mr. Stone mays ItIP tuill will ------s2.1s1 priee set by eloilgriNg was taken the ord..: given below hot in the sorilet be ready into by for husinesm In about 30 daym theit WPIV firil Wit the &tat.: MANY NEW BUILDINGS. AND IIEMM SC110015 WEAD eonsideration eommittee intðes OHRE tool with the epuipment being in- Toni York Utley, considerating st fair valuation for thin mtallpit will turn out flour of the high- IVitt Thomas Chirk. 'rexteit. A itiNNI 11104 wriiten Omni year's crop. est grade. The mill will not retail itimes Chtrontee Ithotint, the building 114.1111y thnt has gone on In a statement aceompanying the Sheriff Nloye lefl the lirst of the Cutup 1.1111s11111. Fort Riley) galT.; flour but will have an exchange plan City tOorge Idling. Clovis. in Clovis (luring the pus! year and sTnnoutseenteitt of the prim President week for Simla Pe and Springer with Kept. Mafiosi tuts: from: Missouri. whereby the farmer can exehange his Artiotr Owen Conley. Melrose. various est linn es ha VP Iteen mole 11'llson declares it is the hope of the the prisoners for mate penitentiary Kansas stool rooloornolo in the Fourteenth wheat for flour. sm, w-- w Win. Mielinel o'Connor. about the nmouni or eonstrliction work food administration and his own as tool refonu school thin were sentetteell cantomment ut rump Emotion t Ross Everett Dols. Clovis. that Ints been done. well iliP fixing of the priee will datikattomottotmtm ut the term of eiwitit eotirt that closed here will dig trenches and drill lo blue !. Mnek Therinnto Itonelt. St Srnin. D. N. Croft WI IS 111P News that he stabilise the market and keep DEMONSTRATING lost week. The following prisoners overalls, ir suggestion tunoloo It) the Osent W. ititiskinittl. Belot. has kept a close watch and kept an prim' within moderato bounds for all FEDERAL TRUCKS. were token: wor department toy Mii.lot Wesley T. Knight, Clovis. nemirate amount of the totinlmr of transuellons during the current year. litirvey Rooth. vonvicted lissolall. Wood is adopted. E. Selnbtr 1.. Chninnati. St. Vrilln. building's that have been Martell slime The prive of flour awl bread. too, W. Curtis. ilistrbt distributor of sentelessi to pen for IS '41 24 months Not only will Ow government sure The distri1 lins not litt'shett I'M,. 1st of this yeur and that an ay. the president declares will be kept Federal Sales Co., is hi Clovis itonteris. senteneed to hittioltssis tor thou- fOr Jose of thous:mils doll:ors, demonstrating the Federal Mr. possing .41 the names mitt ethers will erne ii VP DPW struelnres have been down. Trot. pen for 12 to months. ersol Wood oleetures. bolt the use of issiteO nt Inter ante. So far the started eneh month. Mr. Croft says The t:onnuittee lit its report to the Curtis says he likes Clovis so well that It. F. Itohlosoli, convicted of forgery. overoolls will help the supply ilistriel bottril inittolleil tilt of the he has ottempted to keep no amount of President gave as its three chief con- he may decide to stay here aud work sentistessi to pen for 12 to ill months. or uniforms Wiðell 111 flil fr1111 1111141111111 010111. h. N4411111bigideð by the loot! additions to buildings ntni generni im- siderations that entered into its delib- this immediate territory himself in- ilverett Brandon. forgery, sesteneell 1111W, OW0E1111114 111 1111111,111 111.111. holm!. provements that Imre been going 011 erations the following: stead of appointing ti local rPpresen- to reform school. for front three l.1 All this ham taken pines, In the Nee of VIP fact that the l'uited Stales is In I tiVe. H0 MM. gr111 t 1)41841)111f IPS tor three years. S. H. 11111 DEAD. NOP tropics. 411g ADD A REAL high wipes! imildinK Material told la- war: ItiP tilm.11 eneouraging the pro- the of he says. this ) MIL Steve Maxey mill Jack 54nrtiti. ESTATE DEPARTMENT. bor Von Just clin't keep town ducer and the neeessity of motoring the rapidly developing part of the taste. tenets! to front two to two and one-ha- S. 11111 ðitsi Monolay al his home from growing. Come to ("lock. esist of living to the consumer. All years in reform school. the southeast part tor town. un Raker Itrit. how fitted n new members agreed in their discussions BENEFIT PERFIMMANCE. Judge .1. P. Noble mill J. A. Nichols illness of only shout it week. He was filet, in litoir suite of ottieog to he Judge C. V. Steed retiiriwol the that the priee fixed will permit of a went with Sheriff Nloye to iissist hint atoventy yenrs old anti leaves 1111 11041 11441 for their ronl PNIIIIP of the week from 8 inisiness trip to fouteen ounce of bread for 5c, allowing The elovim Male Chorus im working in getting the prisoners snfely honied wire. Mr. and Mrs. Hill W1.11 marrits! ThiS oloptirittient tho Itiotot will MOWN. Konsni.g. and oilier points. a fair profit both to the flour manu- on a program that will be rendered lit their new boarding plitcvs lu 1147-- and seven rhildren hove pre- ho untlor the. 'Wootton of W. T. Knight facturer and the baker. .100I1 at a benefit performance for the mien 111P tither to the greet beyond. who will MVP hero from Motion, Tex All Mode ot fruit jars at Model The price differentials worked out eroms. Thim enterpriming bunch of KU LIGHT l'OHTALES. The funeral sturvices were conolorted by PA. Mr. Kuhr formorly Clo Grocery. by the food administration are: No. 1 young fellowm will render a program Rev Itedmon of the Methodist church. rim end 14 on experioneoll retil estate dark hard winter 12.24. hard winter that will be to their credit am well as George W. Chalfant. who is president The grief stricken wife hoot the sym- i mon. Prompt Joh Printing The !Owe. basie 2.20. red winter battle 12.20, help along a worthy num. 'rim data Of the eontpany that has reeently put lit! pathy of all. yellow hard winter 12.16. soft red win- will be announced later. the electric plant at Texico-rarwel- l. ter 12.18, dark northern spring 12.24. says that arrangements are being THE PROGRESS CUM. rod spring 12.18. buutpback 12.10, am Prompt Sob Printing. The New& worked out with the eity officials at SEER MEM DON Porta lett to furnish "Juice" for the Tuesday afternoon. Reptemlier llth. lighting plant tlwre. Should the deal the Progress Club will he entertained be cousuntated a wire containhig the hi a social meeting at the home of current will Ile run from Telleo-Farwe- ll Mrs. E. W. Bowyer. 010 N. !Well. 1 MODE DOPE NOM THE SALE000T to nortales and Ito light plant will ; At this first meeting of the your EEO be maintahted at the latter town. each member should be present wlih her annual dues. Current events will Just reeeived some extra good Jon- he a feature of the program. Washincton. C.The opening of hut will approximate $:1000.1i00.tion. athan apples. ohne at $1.50 per I COM OPTION DOE the twit liberty loan entupaign hen Whether it will be advertised toy the bushel while they last Laing's Cash Thirteen harm Kwitra White Imp been set tentatively by the treasury government through paid newspaper Grocery for Mc at La latex Cash Grocery. department Air thtolwr I. Subserip- spite. is under consideration. but Sec- The local exemption board has ex- Charlie W. Ledbetter. Clovis. books will close Noventlwr I un- retary Me Adis) has said the eost tot thin empted from military service, on ac- Jacob Hillery Ott. Claud. less the proKrum altertsil The mutt an undertakhig would exceed the count of dependencies, the list of men Fred MTN. Clovis amount of thp interent rate, the tie- apionopriatitin available tor the purpose. Americans Are not to Be given below These UM OM of the Not Enough Vet. nominations of the bond and other Under the war revenue bill, passed last seventy-liv- e examined and of W. C. Zerwer. clerk of the lama (Malin will be announced after con- last April, $7,000,000 was made avail- cootirse must also get exempted by the board. ligures that it will be a close grena disposes of the pending bond bill. able tor expenses tor floating $5,MO. on the Firing Line Soon Aistriet board before their final tits- shave for Curry county to get its quota Indicationm are that the nett offer 000100 hi bon& and C2.000,000.000 la eltarge. of 24 IDPII from those so far examined short term certificates of indebtedness. and in all probability more men will it is reported that about onto-ha- John t'. Whitaker. Clovis. Major lielleral Pershing has declared army. Vt'y have always been peace- have to be exembted later. before the already has been disbursed In connec- Reborn C. Johnson, Clovis. hi commetion with plans for the etoming loving people and undoubtedly the remaining few are secured. Theaire tion willi the flotation ot the $2.000,- - Caleb Chandler, Tex leo. Lyceum 009.0n0 liberty immilio first offered. and winter that the Amer lean people must great majority hoped wo would be Al 1111PW J. itlicrease, Texiett. !Par the meaning und value of pa- PREPARING FOR WHEAT. Wholesome Entertainment for the nil. ðie certificates oI hidelopolmoss put out spared war. tio now WP nowt build a Daniel Drum, ciovis, ten, Nis Witt. Wis Child and His Friend. thp tience. and not expeet thoot the expe- 1). Texico, lit advanee of loan. now organization and inalki It po big l'hirPlICY In the liwreasing toontative program ditionary forme landed lit Europe can Elbert W. Rogers, Texico. J. A. Wallace. manager of the Plains hP immediately end strong that we can take our place PROGRAM for the second eampaign. MeAllooto rushed to the front- Verdie J. McReynolds. Roswell. Buying and Selling Association. who line trenches. To put till inadequate. with our allies. who already hilVis purchased a ease tractor a few weeks September lith to Septaniter 15th. appealed too the liberty loan (Millittlitt4441 David W. Criswell, Clovis. histilliciently supplied how ago he too perrool their organisations anti pre- force actual threeyears experietwe. Jefferson D. Bryant. Havener. says has been putting it to Saturday. Sem s Attila King and good pare tor the next eampaign by getting etunboit. he says. would merely be "I realise how very difficult It is for it. A Secretit. Roswell. pretty advantage preparing land Wa!ince Reid in "Thp (holden Fetter." making a mistake the ilerinans 00(111111W for Mr. William says he lin tondo with the various federal re- Well the people at home 10 tilt. Titonots J. Christian. firmly. wheat. has M.usluy. sem. III -- 11port White in Moped 190 I morve unquestionally and expeeted the war. to visualise the effort that Wm. C. Holton. Clovis. neres all really now to drill in Ring". 9. Puthe rhp Fatal chapter l'ilited States would make. It is the behind lite war. Our problems are Swoop, W. Mitchell. iteliview. excel).- the harrowing whieh lie expects News 11110 Kt8ysifille twiereel pointsly determination rather that when Amer- greater to lio innuediately. soya he figures SEED WHEAT COMING. than any France and Great Luther R. Johnson. Son Martial, Ile - " y.. 1'1144111y. Sept. II F80 11 ica does lake her phoce in the line Britain lid hi SIIIVP Nit WP are solving Thomas J. Newman. that he will wait untli after more Rough 'biome." M118148 Arbuckle in "The next year she will be fully prepared them and will continue to do so. moisture comes anti not plant at pres Agent Clyde Minx. tinily. 111 8110 W8811." county Peterson says tinit the 'NINO "1080 to go thrmigh MP mummer campaign "It ix impossible to create a vast E. Cain. ent as mome aro planning to do. in of to Taunt F841111. 12Marip Dressler ear line seed whent oiderell be W141114,010 and make the liermans feel the weight lighting machine tnewly by the wail, Wm O. Reinhart, Clovis. fliMP we should be a little shy on wet Fp" ntld distributed among the farmers In "Tillie Wakes of her military power. of a wand. I wish it WPIP possible to Walter W. Wohlington, Ciovk nem he figures be will not he out MVO shipped Ind Will be here soon. "Those of not who have fully studied do so and that we might be lighting John it. Renton, tirody. anything by preparing his land now 13- - Kimball It will be delivered from the Clovis Sept. (luta the situation and who know what the tiertnan government this minute W. 'Woody. Ho Ilene. an It will be ready for a row crop noel Co. John. anti a Mill Elevator who ore turn. 114.1111 Young. in "Thp Rise of Susan" must be done." Gt. 1'44'41111g We know that lite only way to defeat Lamar Smith, Melrose. early nest spring. kiting their servieen tree of (urge, ono-re- comedy. tO illP Assoe looted Press. "are 'noxious the, tierman army IP to hammer and Tony II. Farris. Clovis. Holmes In mai the fanner nil( get the witent nt Friday. Sept. 14 Helen that the people nt honie shall etrive keep on hammering it. This is what John M AleConnell, Clovis. QUICK. Salo actual cost. Mr. Petermon nayti he In tto "The Railroad Raiders." Marin realise the immeimity of the task we expeet to be doing with all our Nathan L. Tharp, Texico.1 Amerlean very atizioun for every farmer to get in "The Adventure of the in which we aro engaged and shall, fresh strength and enthusiasm during Henry L. Metutosh, Grady. Aet quiek. awfully quick. it you want POMP to on good and Rini of thin wheat plant um windmill. Rift" Pulite New anti liam through patience and care, help to next yearP campaign. Rut until VP Jesse H. Green, Clovis. Ala no acre& fine well and clean ground no we mnypget ot start improve- comedy. neconiplimh that task in the, ahortest (nth properly take our plaee in the 1111P, Carl E. Osborn, Clovis. pure shallow water. lot of In or good seed whoat In the county. Saturday. Sept. 13Vivinn Martin possible lime. Everything la going well the people must be patient and as Harlin O. Dorris, Clovis. ment& tight land. well locitteil. 320 acre "The Wax Model" and a one-ree- l com- with not, both aa a nation and as an conedent so we are." Roden Fos. Clovis !PIM tor IS months. 640 aeree in all. Twenty-thre- e or potatopos edy. pound tor army. We are making gigantie strides t)r. Carver Hendrix, Tuscaloosa, Ala. tor only S3000. Easy terms. 19 29 Rex $1.00: $4.00 por cwt. Loingo Cosh lout Co. Coming Sept. and we are just started. Swift's Breektagt won. 40c per lb. The following WPM denied exemption Wag? Land and Cattle (1roppry. Itearh's "The Barrier." "We COMO into thP war without an by the strip. at Lolog's Ca.h Groeery. ttn the claims Mil(IP tio the local board: Prompt Job Printing. The Newt '

14. I A GER3LAN BALANCE MEET. Lo, Three years ago Germany began this war for Ono conquest-tot middle Europe. o1N e lint has she gained? What hots this gain cost 'her? oln She gained by het: arms the territory of Belgium. Luxemburg. Serbia. a small a '11-- but rich section of northern Fromm, C a 1 and parts ost Lithuania, l'ohunt and - Ittnunnia---1- total of a little less than 2040141 square miles. She Mot lost "BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Nor Except for itti insignitimint its southern Arvin'. all her moloasies. noire . d 111H11 It SqUilliV Practically sill lier shipping not bot Most Any 11141 up in Bremen and Hamburg. st loss estimated loassisZo ist:1.000,1aso. LAUNDRY Of the flower youth. over of her Case Tractors of two million. represent the highest development 'ran do up a shirt. In tart NOMP In cash. nearly twenty billion Mil- tractors. They are the pioneer tractors of America. They "do up" a in one or laundriea shirt Mrs to be added to iser national deist. are backAd by threequarters of a century of successful two washings. you Before the war. though unpopular as ENI'RUST YOUR LAUNDRY To us peopito, ilsormany was honored anousg experience in manufacturind farm machinery. They are all nations for her Intellectual ticholar- it will he dome up in the proper Mill- a proved successnot an experiment. ship and her Industrial ettlelsoncy. She iIto anti rereive prompt ram ham lost irretrievably this respeet and Case Tractors are fully tested before they leave the won lit its plave the sysigivol hatred factory. They must develop power in excesss of their rat- and contempt of the civilized world. a eonsiderable neutral lint ion ing. They must qualify for the hard work demanded of IS len twpt mos.. whuse sarety them on the farm. Clovis Steam Laundry thor neutrality. Olit. hitiliS (4.1111110' Van retain Case Tractors are made in five sizes. Each one car- The Old Reliable. D. R. Shupe, Prop. her phis No one imagines that she ries a guarantee to perform as well, or better, than any cons reeover her losses. It is ma strange this, some of the (Motion peo- other on a given job. There's a size for you. - ple are seriously discussing among' .11,141 or Mow ittmies ill Clori, themselves the question whether it is The Clovis News hut Imlay Ilw demand ftir houses h lud 11111e lo clams:" their lousiness maw grelitvr 1111111 it Wits lit this lime lost agers. Tile out look. yettr. L. EDWARD MANSON GIVES $590009 Editor and Publisher The News mon math. It trip to 1111, TIIE REI) I'ItOSS. high 11111111111g 14919111y 111111 was impressed wilh the preparation being I'lit girt a $500.1stil from the rills! Entered at the post Mee at Clovis, A for it of profitable sehool LEy tint& yeitr Motor Company. of Detroit, Nth, to GU h. ..4ew Pit (.7( ICO, as seems! class matter work. tine thing tint, e:livelittly was me wader the net of March 3, 1870. the Allier blot Reit Cross nreNseil the writer. was tho preparation tionneeil 144441'1y by the Heil Cross war . being tintile to give the high seliool 'rhp gift is in thp form of TEitNtsi OP - BMISCitirrION lokinoss trultilint it credit 4111 thp Foril tapholes for half . )ne Yet.. WityP4 siP111111 It MISlit proposition for it of $1.50 dollars worth sittionie ONI.1 ONE PRISONER NOW. '.11,ANS FOR FORT l'OsITION FOR Biz Mouths tt boy or girl to lie compelled go .75 to to biles. litillinhinees parts. SUMNElt Itt.11.1)INCS. it eiillege. alloy business gruilititting ete Cross inny ihisignote. 1111 IS its the Ti HMV Only oplie prisoner ill nu, resigliiition tif front high 4elitiol, heftily he gel by us N'ith the responsibilities nssittnisi CHM ii 31eXieitil be- of. Register tit the 1111"11"1"' "I Ftiri Sinn. 4'0 your money ready. Uncle Sion it working knowledge Merin Mower. ilw lordittonl. of the 11Y 80 the Iteil Cross for the support of the ing IttIll tou of nitirtivr. tits Is elittre This tier tins iito thitibt otpetteit tiw eyes soon going to tisk for liw second issilis way type- vinitoor Fi OW first id tir kept or the u Amyl Ain billions. in Fronts the is ftw !trimmers tts hove itt tilt. 'Liberty Loun its isstt tht, it number itr tile N1114111 lititt gissi writer is manipulated. year the De- mk. has Thk Ford gift is plirtietthirly valuable. motility's isittrilititt plum Air it bong lonyeð 1,, job will moon he howled mit tit slime- Clovis high school will give it thorough spite the large 'mintier of ninistinneys ohms lind loyal. time. toile. is elltintis row thoo :1:50.111H1 it mit know!' just when Ita Ilas enmity. Texas, is now in litotinesg training to pupils who desire hi servive on the western front. ninny ollow imirt house to: iw pivot:it ilwry. ttloologliiiillni"l""'"1 will 14' the middle of it prohibition vontest it, unil this hello; along the movement .iire lire needed. Iteports flint no Mr. IV'. buy, sell or trail'. l'411 nil- is Ono nor that will he stifled next Monday. This to equip the high school gruiluate to chines being m44101,41 for this oft:mint! phoos thrtw newt Lund will rentolvtoovn too too Willi comity has repeatedly voted dry in inithe it ittior he gets diploma. thentre of war are without founiintion. in the new ir it's trnit Jun; yt't set, t lie 1,1vo. Sttsk Co. :21e county r I statewide prohibition pleethats in the lit addition, iinibitintwes may he sent sent wilown county. Nitoolvt Itrtweryo past, mot if faci(ir that Port n or Heti cross old to ito ex-

miles away, still is hi the wet tentiott Itossio Sorttio--Sttot- o , . ' ,4. v011111111 11414S hoot 111111111111. (Oil According too IT(M.ili many reiNorts sold oill Er ç votes, Olt' largest illy in Texas tally by the itopoortinoitt lot Agrlytilitire Ilw 77 r ,8,.,,,,,,, ' THE ORIGINAL Tiil soon be saloconless. 1.tillosi Stoles Moos ot big shortioge ito CERTAIN TO GO HIGHER. 4.) --- toll hinds of olitiry loroolurts two' it ro, V 0..u-z-fse-.- ..N ttl4NUAC This seek the Net Vo4 Hindi. 1111 Ow vivid tot this hohostry is to boo vol. "New Moxieto hind," snit! Lund Com- 1840 qicrnm- .- 11.1.. 1E; Itoothwohootit of ti slight incroolosto in 'oily:Wit to ii'l! rtilit'st othlit missioner Ellyn' in nittiressing tt roma KE TouR vf.l.tising r1,.s. 1iii. 1,....,..,,,1.y hy in. rio null.' tolotoiji ti 3(ir :woo vastorti etinvontion of New Mexico stoat:row- rro.iisoll otost ur lit,ð11..liull lito Illitt,,Nmv Nit, leo mlit mit thotisnos a ers, "wilt never Ito nny ehentior than it ritil. Vo litivo hosittitod for soottio limp otitis of pronto' for the toiatinftleturto of Is DOW, SOP litT11111)S Sol c:::i i.o doo but it too I bill '1(.1)11.041ml. isom this ,Iii,t !hid coin.. built for sumo reason or tidier or oval inkiness "IMO I:igiii how Ito viiiit Ito thilitli the Choi is filo 4100111g itiollistrY has been rolo- Is 199111111 to go higher. 'There k totly ..,dt business noon for boo libortil ptitroottogoo giotrol to thoo past in thisI m4414111, loot, ono (Top of client) bind awl that crop 0 !Novo tos Ise tolootig. 0000.6 till', ain't! told lioioo pronli..o..1 have tossortost all tho pool- is being harvested right now Yon 000,0 ifTL",.,,,,,,,, flip N00vs, No kicks otolotoo oili Ono Hilo Pio tiro' iZolitl4 l.iooli too milking mod soil- 1114.I1 Who 111111 hind WhO Hilt ç ''''' :: riiko olo have litiodoo in our nolo., its hig orotilli for 1110 oish ðivro is ill it. OlitOp, WI Odd Will to hily it IOW." took' tows! Id Ow business loolmv prolty I'lloo orotion lootsintoss pin to largo twin- ...., i IG ', i ' WILD' 1pH 1101' rinot he a ViTilge lipr,11;11)1tr 111:1 II of dry fiirttiors ton their foot to rov 1ff) DISPIA('F: CASOHNE. t I is olgtinot. NONVN tigo.lvlitoil ' lip 'rho Iiii. lilt, 1! yo.trs lithos von, lotird. find 't innoi kiwoor Inivo.oming r,11.. 111:111 it11111 thvy aro tiohig ',tool; filo ,m to it. mill Ill 111111 THREE GE1), ANIMAL Itt'usitlitN't.'4 ihottlice p:114,1s flip 1;11.. tigtoloo - Nitil "n"...iivniiiii.." s....o.o.t ...nolo lir II, start iijo the ehemical yet ipt.ttiet lite; Wee per- , ,,, 11:g WHIT it t ill hp ots mid lilt. votil ,,,,,Ì, rr rpoot by a wan that obi, ri CIRCUS itlimity. RING will hike the phtee, eeller.4 nit !tight ilmv Own, iq it sh..rhige kinds. Of gliM)11111 l'APP111111111111 11111S 111 reppivoti Ihat is gvilitig Just stylps of t, E. 113t1E. 114'141 1111141P, it 1, lit Isi ,orhills A Nottiptou's shops iv:14 board to tor nu.n. Itt colts worth Of the eileipmilel 3 RINGS2 STAGE3 SMEL ARENAWILD WESTHORSE SHOW ol:ty 110s mark thsit had J Hodes, 111 11:04 141- II r htlitlintpð 11. movp vtiq Xeviltillvr ear. parrying seven ilasmligor,, tho, 111 THE BIGGEST WILD reshivilvt 114 reilihig SALE bon. nod loo ovpr oatiltry ANIMAL CIRCUS IN tHE WORLD:1 ,ijt .1;0 suveval popht tiNt litittst Hort et Mvt lushvy 111. 11.4.11 althaalItilv NI. eliti- , tlif. Wave V:IlitiTIV Tio till. prtoperty, Moyors $250. roll! (;rwery. Privo Mrs. lptlkit to pay the !weld price for gle4 1qCoutatBILI0E61.07rGeTillihittlrSs -- ,s, oil Is high .1. M. 1 Trained notcrini hilt thert Is. Stipliptig !qv 'dine wiettlit K0404 tute siblett the 30 prosplwi id' II giIlitig 103yr ,. seine ete,ittititt. were he able te 4-;- ,") ''..,',-- owl if the zrowth or town 1)4 no If you are n pule LIONS the thinlaux linvhitt 1114 PEOPLE var at It rot,t a vent :, ,,,:--- 0-:'- Inor. re.,1:lenee,4 uale4t Ile soh lel the New,: print 700 r) -- i, LEOPARDS 141 your salt: lamp ria motive power, a., a 11,,IIte '?, Th .'':-- ' 4, tt built hy ,othelioðy. the pHs( We ran get your work out wife were the te sett 'n, grioeer HORSES ''' 14' PUMAS year there have litp4sil.dy ii proniptiy. ;',14,1,'11! '' Item' at $2 it lairril 500 11,. ' 1,) -- -- 1'1 '' " ' ' i' &AIIMMMiiM11m0MmwmMftmon.E...E.I.olf,.1..Imm.e, ; TIGERS FOLICATED - ' ..i''' - -, li ANIMALS LI: v--- Nr1; ii POLAR BEARS :lob Printing Thi, Nvws. l'romilit 600 .,' 4, 74' IY. T BLACK BEARS : ),, í 't q' AC010 TENTS 4; 1.0 'A ''!VI' '' SEA LIONS , .1...:f1 ,,',;Iiii4:ii(,':';', 11,1,11ELEPHANTScAV, PL.s ,'..N,' ELEPIIANTS f::,,,,x,,,4..,,,,;:,,,,,,.0, New t :,.! t: ,..,,,, Animnis Exhibited CAMEL'S ... Ifia Wild. (1.,! lull FREE IN PARADE HORSES , ()del S-- 23. And - ZEBRAS 108 WAGONS ( , SSSS ., , PONIES -) Used 6- ELECTRIC LIGHT ;,2 MONKEYS Parnier: dila - - I PLANTS-- - ,'-' 4:4- , Your country is calling upon you to give all - 'fit THA,T --- y(mr effort toward winning this war. It is the duty Furniture 50.clioll'alZss 5 0 ) LION Loops the Loop of all to do his part. Our fovernment wants you to grow mon. wheat and has made a price on the 1918 !lining purchased the 1...1..I.ers PARKER'S CARNIVAL. SHOWS COLLOSAL ZOO OF WONDERS crop that fully justifies you in buying a Samson new and second hand furniture Sieve4I rip Tractor. It will more than pay for itself. business. We are prepared to Col, EOM's $10;000 ChAl'tnge Dancing Horses nionIrsa ceselhoorwk It is built for universal service out of the best mate- make you prices on both new I rial obtainable and sold low compared with eost anti tised furniture kith we sFit GA HR TR 1ENRG ApNADR TS NO ELRD EanRd WcolmTpHa loSf n product ion. you can perrorm no better service than think will intermit you. BATTLING NELSON Trainers. showing the famous fighter in action to buy a Samson Sieve-- flip and put it to work. Cali anti see us before inning GREATEST OF ALL CIIIIICIPIONS Wili Positively Appear Twice Daily in a THREE ROUND BOXING CONTEST with the YANKEE ROBINSON CIRCUS All parts carried :nid a service or selling. , titan at your rail. 1 See us and arrange for a demonstration. Two sizes. WILL POSITIVELY EXHIBIT RAIN OR SHINE 12- -23 and H. A. McMullen & Son Stalcup & 0 luitors in the State of N. M. Baisden Tuesday Office with Curren Agency at Foreman Tailor Shop Corner Mitchell and timid tr. ALVIlag PHONE 32. CLOVIS, N. M. Lli 8 Croft ituiliNnK. September !' .

i t . ,''' , 1 1

-- --J-- ---L ------, . . ' 71. J. R. DENHOF LINCOLN ITEMS CAMERON NEWS FREE! HELPING FARMER vmmNmm Registered ORtometrist The crops are still looking fresh und Thp singing tit It. F. Condi Ins Sun- Eyes tested and &tames fitted. Best WITH THEIR green after the generous Janis we have day night was attended by :t large Tailor Shop Phone 246 hail at Lincoln. equipped optical parlor 111 the state. .ino. Watt:, from 'fiipelo, Tint Vosnotett a meeting at Blair For the next thirty days we will IS here with friends. Tuest My 'kid. CROPS Albert 'eters made n business trip John ilrowto family of iteliview give away hells' and monogram buckles All Work Guaranteed. to Clovis Thursday. :41144111M the itnily nt North Item! Charlie Mines is on the slid; list Solt otrilay. with each suit order. E.. V. lenelt bought Arthur The Federal Reserve Banking System en- this week. lionotors1 These hackles will be furnished with The singing given tlw Palmateer boron last week Mr. Letteh sold itis Denhof Jewelry Co. able us to offer special facilities for carry home Sunday afternoon was well at- etor tto Mr. Inman in the dent. lodge emblems or patriotie design. tended. Mrs. Ilisitey hood a new shaek built The belt will be ot sante material as grain in elevator. A strolling party was given at the on the sphool ground. mai is living hol teneloing. Contract all kinds of l'aper Hanging Molt home Saturday night. it while stilt. I lir. and Mrs. Everett Johnson. who Frank Davis hauled a load too rigatoni and Painting Jobs. Can Furnish You Reserve 511111 is your Otani. get 140Ine All of The vast funds of the Federal spent a few months hi l'exits, have Tuesday for Toolholt. as 51r. 'NI- This to Estimates on Classes Work. boll 11101111f to itott.t., KIVA (.0111ItY returned to 1.11wolii neeompatiled by fine clothes that fit you tor a moderate only for legi- Ti.N1114, Banking Systen are available an Want dsughter. lAndi Ines. this week. JERRY DEWEBER A party wits given at IIIP Westfall Jim Nlayto has sold ills farm null prim, and alien. free that is strictly PAPER HANGING business needs, and in too go timate farming and home Monday nighli A pliwasinit intends east, AND PAINTING , IVillie Johnston wits getting wood is given evening was spent by all who attended. Phone 449 some respects farmers' paper Mr. mid Mrs. Armstrong and family from the bretoks Monday. 119 South Reid who have bePii visiting here with relit- Jasper tlatin niol wife are ntlentling CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO preference merchants' paper. the meeting Copropk. over lives returned to their home at Wills itt East R. S. Whiteley tioint. Texas. J111111Stoll WI.111 tO the mill Next door to Belt Tel. Co. 1;411 Palmateer has re- Mondny If you are not already one of our deposi. Oregon, Mr. null Nirs. Cleveland Johnston turned from l'orthind. where P.IMMIMMOMMIENIOME,. she spent several weeks visiting with and philoiren spent Sunday night with The Sanitary tors drop in and let us tell you how this ltrover Cogtilli and flintily. ,.,.., her parents mill other relatives . Rome Isier Is sowing ingot for ills lb lir. tittle ilibilid Carl :,16'4 ,,,,,e,.. i Barber Shop . system helps you. accompatilisi by Misses Ilertlia father this week. 1r , , Alf.' !el 4 ''Pe Sunders mill ila were Clovis The lioney sphool opened 51ontiny Ns. 1. V. WHITE, Prop. t - ''N-- visitors Satitri laY. mornhog with Nfrs. Itisney tenviterl ', ot ."', Mr. and ltrs. John Sherwood and the Blair school with Mrs. Wright ,'..., All that the name signi I 4 teaphert ' , Clovis Bank family spent Sunday al the home of moil the North Bend sehtsol ,..1141"', i fiesSANITARY in National ' . Al ,,, , Mr. and Mrs. George Gilliland. with Mrs. Demo biter teat-her- 0;y' ire-o- i every respect 14. l1 Mr. VIII Owen who sold his farm Mr WnIker ions moved his family Accommodate" here time go has froni lido ilo.lon"s mod & "The Bank That slime returned his t ' I at i i Baths. Join our list of oldidionni and will buy stiotiwr Olive philliren are going to sellout tot (Inlay. , ,,,) regular customers in Chortle lintelolsom ottentiosi eltureit , - - .1 it. Cross of Textro. made a busi- tot hodepentienve Sunday atoll Sunday 41 ) being ithistoti huzitrillins than ness trip to this pimp liondny. night. '7 t VP Lit le ..... 110010 KU THE- i front u front. hurt. seen ititn Cricket. lbw. Sparkman preapited at Nevv iai, DRS.. SWEARINGEN onginos Hope Sunday morning. . tactile prizetlultiors mill steam ,4 Von AMEN A GREAT FAIR. The Sottolny seltool rally al North . tool susponsion britigori--tott- roll thorn '' ot Rowell MSalES IAIEHIN; Bend host Salon-tin- was a superss , night of stnirm that nie tothor man Wilt be in Clovis on the 1st, 2nd .tt Thal the Ft 11114.11104111 Slate although kite WIN very rainy. aw! 3rd, and on the ltith, 16th and .eottill roil thorn null stirrivo. 'o intro held al Amarillo. ticioher Nth to 1:1th. A111111.11 lit the tolVIIIHM till. enter- MAZIE Dozo 17th of each month, treating diseases soon him shot anti tirownoti anti thrown will be intuit Winter tool better than tained ton interesting S. S. pro. 14v It is said Mot Charlie Chaplin has with od--r AND Ai of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and Fit. ever is now an establislwil 0 eruggy preeiplees, und alwoys he fact' grout. after whiph Rev. Payne gave 4Altrbe.-PAaAMOV11 enlisted or is going to enlist in the 'wee ting Glasses. There will be upwards of ipts,04MI Inn expellent school Next Rough able to get up awl wabble away Mutiny talk And "Fatty" Arbuckle lu "The army, git to the trout as a soldier. wits and premiums tool purses to be entitettileil olt Program wns tt somoptutnet dinner House" at the Lyceum Tuesday, Kept. W1111 1114 1'144 111 1111 SIIII1P relotivp posi- It he Mies, it is ail met ; the enemy for. There is $111.iitat the eattle Obit was enjoyed by all. Afternoon lith. matinee eveutug. Om thpy allwitym PI,Inti of- will kill themselves laughing. division alone. whieli is the philtiren gave it thrilling moil en- . Merts Glover fered in liw Hereford ehiss. Airenity J elimbing out tot u Dkpitteli. thused temperanee program. which was illumine Churn.. of Clovis Inter- enough entries hilve been minimums! to poompleted by Rev. Moyne. Everybody The tall term the ARCHITECT trench some line morning anti limbling Conservit MU BE ARMY SURGEON. make the coming exhibition hi the went home in the mull anti water. both State briinvit of the Western tot Any- Room 6, Rodeo Building aeross Nlans in full view class with the Chiengo 1'10 show and glad for the progrnm and glint for the tory of rhiengo beging Sept. 1st. KI111811.4 one desiring a thorn eduention In mu- Ihe enemy. Certainly the pima. would 11)r. A. J. Evntts, roglstor tho the Royal tit City. mitt it will ll'e would also stale thot 51r. Clovis New Monies tool sty should lie so convulsed with luttuliter it could Fit Itoll Stittog lunð ottloo lat Fort Sinn- he heifer than the Hower the anti Mrs. Ash of (trolly hall n stand on shows. the people of Orphn M. Appleman, not shoot Anti even it it (IR wouldn't nor. ton.sotl through Clovis Tnotility Fort 'iortli if the grounds and were kept very busy Inter-Sin- Uti 11 be brought to re. Faculty 'reacher Charlie grab the shells mid do slam, toortilna otirouto to Fort Mol'horson. the southwest refreshments. E. M. CKAPMAN alba, lig 118 75010 pt9.1)11. thipu ritilettlous with them? lie would lie will bo IIIP this fuel Of SIIIIPg army. Dr. 811401111 'MSS n1111111411 the gales tit the DENTIST not litPl 11111111Ill il etintillb With it Mills ihP But battery, or get kleked by an army mule. Evans wog n000ptoil for IIIP trovorn- fair to see this feature alone. this only one multi Over First Nattonal Bank Ve bays...seen Cliar110 'miry wont sorvioo n tow Mtn. k of the nttractions of the hest agricultural displays Phone during thititts than eintrue a battery. taw 95 ever shown is already promised M14 We have seen itim mune through sate It to pity cloth at a ettmh More. all papi Be Progressive Clovis, N. M. 1111. Panhandle section. Never the St1111111 from tunny lilt litiViglitire 1A. J. Roden. i history of the flair has the amusement ..... end reeelved much iittention as is Whig given it thiS pair. gecretary J. THOMAS W JONES L. Van Salta informs its that there Curry County, the Banner Votorinstion are moire than fifty itiwses airenity en- lit be ex tered the harness races mill County of the State 2011 West Otero Strom ' LISTEN! ports 141 Mt.t. tilt. 111111110Cr eighty before the entries eltli44.. There Moo 45 Clovis. Now While crops are good look ahead. next year may not do as well4 Melo $4,000 hung up in purses for the A WORD, NOT PROM THE BIGGEST why not build a silo? JUST races. Then Mr. Van Natta has se- Prepare now. Loan miggesta DRUG STORE, BUT THE MOST COMPLETE. (aired several clean 'amusement feat- The very lint point that the Government Penn Chocolates ures whieh will praetleally make is a silo. W. A. Gillenwatei Lowney's "somethhig doing" every minute and James Cameras Burke Among these latter. Mlle. La Bella We are agents for the famous LAWYER and Photo Supplies and Ilare Hurley 111)114.41r twiet. CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO ' Victor Talking Machines daily lit their great automobile cloud Tulsa Silo and Records. swing. whieli has tio be seen to tw appreciated: Re 11 and Eva do erecting. Palmer's aerie We hate on hand two 1320 Tulsa Silos, all ready but the DR. B. hole and clown stunts 01111 are right J. WESTERFIELD the same can be hauled and put up in a day. PHYSICIAN AND SUBUSON Hudnut's itietit-tiow- ; Grnee Ayer, said to be of lumlwro building materials, eement, Djer Kiss premier roller skater of the world We also handle a select line OMee in Jackson Building. Opposite good grade of Rockvale and Colonuks Mary Garden pelts oil two exii.1.tions every dav. lime, posts. paint and a very PoetoMice Vivadous Mavis These ore oil free entertnitiments Coal Oaks Phone 231. Residence NI Vivadous Lady Mary 111,,sc who iittend the fair. tulle' free iittroetions are being sought. Vivadous Arly R. R. DUNCAN N Lazell's To Trade or SellLight hardware Kemp Lumber Co. DENTIST Babcock's anti blacksmith shop awl garage all in Office Opposite CLOVIS, N. M. CHARLES J. MACKEY. Mgr. PostorBee Colgate's connection. VIII trade for Curry Phone 89 ty Have Komi building mill resi- Palm Olive lies's, : - - N. IL dence. well watered. located at Cuth- Hyglo bert. Mitchell county. Tex. Well establ- business. Write me itt 141 days anð it complete Hue of all standard toilet prepara- isiwil IIER its I 1111VP Itl go to war. C II. Glum. LIED VERY tions, Popular anti Standard Sheet Musk., Current reference Colorado P Cuthbert. 'rexas. W. L. JOHNSON Magazines and Periodicals. Fresh Cut Flowers in National Bank. Colorado, Texas. season, (lifts and Novelties suitable for all oecasions. 12211). TO IIER DEDSME CHIROPRACTOR telephone 101. Clovis, N. M. Consider your shopping place before you buy. Re- Att Unusual Bird. Corner Lane and Monroe. member our candies are received weekly by express, A blnek loon wits shot in Washos Lake. Cul. Such n lois never been Mu insuring fresh candy at all ime:;. Sheet Music re- Years Ago, Thinking She Might Die, Says Tens Lady, But Nom seen Own. before. and it 14 supposed i ceived wive a week, Popular "hits" rereived imme- to lutve been &heti out itt 1114 efill1101 She Is a Well, Strong Woman and Praises Cardui For ' necorðs by a storm while 1014r.titig south from diately after publication. Our vioor and Her Recovery. the Amite reizion4. 'Hie bird WWI n n Talking INlachines are positively new stock, records cT Plitl monster, measuring 1.!,.C.It feet front tip A 41 c received twiee a month. glimpse at our toilet to lip of UPI wititDi. mot !wort- n Rom City, Ter.--M-m. Mitry Kil the better. That was six years ago rb reI. ; goods department Will rolIV:Ilee pill that we haw )? six feet from the point of its bill man, place, says; and I gin still here am g Cr complete line. to tits end of toil. of this "After the and a well, 2 strong woman, Your Patronage WiT Surely Be Appreciated. - birth of my little side cont. and I owe my life to : 2 Cardul. I had only taken half n Individualism Destroying Family. muted to hurt me. I bad to go back the X It "(1(1 It At Chap's" btr. Tokutimil, one of Japan's tore- bottle when I began to feel better. in iligclissing ques- to bed. We called the doctor. Most writers, the The misery In my side got less tact I tion of the family. laments the treated ine...but I got no better. I DR. H. R. GIBSON The City Drug advancing individualism et continued right on taking the Cardul Company, Inc. 1 thst the OSTEOPATH undermining the power got worse and worse until the misery until I had taken the notion is tbree bottles and Treats all disease". both alum and Phone 162. Pree Delivery. the family council. so long the P4(1 of was unbearable...I was in bed for did not need any niore for I was well chronic. Special attention give OW bulwark of Japan. A strong tinn- TILANI) CHAPMAN. R. C. HUNTON. dal never of women. Patients examined ily system. says, will the three months and agony and felt better in my life miss he relieve suffered such Free. Office 103 North Main Straill police and hiw courts of many cases have never had any trouble from that that was just drawn up in a knot... OMee Phone 383. Hasidim NO and shnplify intermit administration. day to this." thus leaving the state free to devote told my husband if he would get Clovis. N. M. Do you suffer from its energy to world polities. "It must hcadache, bads. me e bottle of Cardul I would try Dot be forgotten that tiro Japanese it ache, pains in sides, or other discom Wood's Transfer and Storage Jap- family pram is the heart of the i commenced taking it, however, that torts, each month? Or do you feel DR. L. M. JORDAN I anese empire where the spirit patriot- All Kinds of Transfer Work Solicited.STORASE FREE evenIng I called about weak, nervous and tagged-out- ? IrETIMINARY SURGEON ism Is first cultivated. and that it is ml fatal' It so, First Claes CAR SERVICE M All 'limo. essential to make this family system me... for I knew I could not lut give Pardui. the gonlan's tonic. a Phone SO PhonesOffice 65. Res. 399. CloWs. New Mexico. perfect iMd to support its growth." illanY dare unless 1,bad a change for J. 71 Sneceenor to Dr. L. IL Blum b Clovis, N. M. i

I .. MEE 241 Acre trout, rod how "441 and windmill. barn, ehleken lotuses. rte. 11 Would eell ur frit& for house HMI hot. lih all-wo- Clirry Comity Lund tool 1,11e Stuck Co. Prices At mo ol Some Regular uy Clothes Ikb Idiot boo( rettiriteil from Ka (Isom (11y whyre has been al- tending 11 sphool for Illy Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are pug several weekm. Our Store 'McCormick TWIIIP Itcpairs ut absolutely guaranteed to satisfy you Alvitaate a time when every dollar you spend ought to Kerr Self Sealing Fruit Jam guts., thnen ATbe looked twice before you part with it, .Freil W. Jumem Hod Dr. J. rosier at just Self Sealing Fruit Jars, gal., SeoIt were Fort Sunnier visitorg herr dozen MOO remember you ought to look more nesohty. They shipped two corm of that than Self Settling Caps and 11.1th for Mason 1 steers from there to the Konstot 25c twice at what you are going to get for it. niorket. Jars. dozen Anterkan Non Skid Casings, 30,014 each $10.00 FOR n hoiNe bl- Hart Schaffner & Marx have based their whole busi- Anterican Smooth Casings, 300412.00 eated, pritibil right ,w4m141 lit Tulles. all-wo- High Test Gray ol Fun. ness on the belief that for men's and young Motor 011, gallon. Glie Curry Comity Los null Live Stiwk Teuteo wire. panded 100 Ilm...44.115 4(), 2te. Itarhed men's clothing; that cotton mixtures, though some- Sugar. Pure tone, 100 Ihs. $9.25 what cheaper, are not economy. r. Nirs4. Wm. T Pelermilli and children ref iirtied Iasi week frill!' all 11111111111111011P trip in l'alonnis Springs.. all-wo- ol They have maintained a strict standard in spite of New Mexico. steadily of rising costs fine. wool, in the lace of the clamor for List your farm with us. we ore sell. PLAINS BUYING AND cheaper clothes. know hug kW every tiny mei knew wite We that the men and young men of wtints to y Comity Laud mei Live Sleek 114) 2te. SELLING ASSOCIATION America share this belief that all-wo- ol Is best; is real eco.nomy. May 111111 at notary A sin. BUSINESS IS GOOD Good clothes, like everything else, cost more than they for. limns! ill visilint his ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE ELEVATOR. loather. Mrs. Motu II. nnil his griiiiii- merly cost, but if all4vool is best and cheapest in the long run, malhar. Mrs. H. Itrisisia. first tin. yak you ought to have it. It means more style, more service, more 444,44444.144444144441.41.0 1V(. lirt 111141 lilt, INSI Kentucky Groin Drills noel Osborne W1.11i Mill IWO illrelilly 11114 wpri, satisfaction. It's worth the price. Diqe Harrows Watch for 141r still. unit its iip, rizrry "SEVEN CROOKS." In spite of the war the weavers of England, Scotland, Ireland, and oaratterelSeposeavonrì anol Live Stock CO 21o voll will know them, or N UMW America have supplied the wool goods for these clothes. minmor as each luta a valuable pearl. 1Vtsies it. Huss. who Iliv We believe 4444444.144444444444444444 itrigliblorilom)ð, was we are upholding and strengthening the call for econo- F. Solon of Itoswoll spent several visitoor '49111(..ilny. Mr. )tiolm all-wo- linys Clovis filo filly ruin fiql In lik iwighltiortiood Slit my in offering these ol clothes, with an unlimited guarantee of first of tho week. Mr. Solon is MIP of tho owners of the Miss Marguerite Williams 14 satisfaction. Siiiisithio Shop bore. returliell i'Mvis Itt.4 tqo resume her duties us timelier 111 her Is poor tor The Hart Schaffner & Marx label in a garment is the sign of allwool farm sole? It prke Sam (I. linitton, Geo. W. cholfilot department. of the rliivis selusis. It right owl list it with uswe will and an absolute guaranty of a small thing to look for, satisfaction: a big met liPV. Wilmot' were vi.ltor do the rest. Corry Comity Imml soil leg thing to find. Porta Tuesiloy. Live Stock I'm 21. if pm mint ',, ter A411 11 The Fall Style Book is out; let us 419. IN,- - Curry .,y Loodi and 1.1vp Slovk Co know in case you didn't get a copy. SOSINSOIMPOSSOOS01100000011116 8066111118MM1001111101141110410011 Clara Kimball Young in Clara Kimball flipt. Perry Keewti WIN I oimg "THE RISE OF SINtS" a few dart the lirq "THE RISE ()E St'SAN" at the Lyceum Theatre Ilw week. Copt. Itt now rule al the 1.)relont Theatre The home of Hart Schaffner Thtsreday. 13th. M ettttally 'made tip from Tharolay. 13th. MANDELL'S & Marx clothes IPorittlemi having been trow.ferreð eftOOSOOMPOINNNPOSSINNOSIDSOO few weitio age. I MEMEIMKftoll 11W 44444444444444444HP r. IV. Harrison. tho Farwell.banker. rrirtrersrsrsrsrPsrirsrsrtriesroll There are Watrii tor was it Itusitiess visitor to Clovis more thrills in Rex Ileath's "SEVEN CROOKS." "BARRIER." von win know them wANTE1)--Sewlo- g of Hoy and ull in eight reds JEWELRY as, oath halt a Auld& pearl. kind 1.y exiwrivilePil warns' reQs. 4;11- - ihan hi a hole serial 14Nit le Howl. :1:11. 2tio. 41404440444141.144411. esa444444saistisisasaistsH14,44

1r your liri.iiirty (lir snip SIP Get your turnip spoil nt lin'A The Vipfillttleil will Maur Mill MVP Sliwk ilk (;rovery. Malin they kiiinv vim wools to Sop !ember 13. Is Tlitt Wil!4 itoi ifferend it Visitor to Dm That ON0004)00000000000011000 WelitiPstitty. lieusem met ftir NIIIP f'n4Y Clara Kimball In imam terms lolly like puyiug rent. rhea') Auto pointing. Bert ruriegs. Pipoie "T1110, HINE OF SUSAN" hilereq, County Lund null Live 254. t at tho 1.)rettat Theatre Stsek Thursday, 13th. Ben (Wing tilt4 tretilliy Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smiler len the We Select Our Jewelry Stock With Care. it Itiqv 911111100406060061100110009001006 first tir the week rm. Dewing r.,r

. visit with their son whit is a stliolier boy there. When you buy a piece of Jewelry from holt SALE -- 10 hill Mood Toni Bar- I ron strain S. 1'. White Leghorn ptili our store you KNOW it is good. The lets awl one cockerel from 300 egg hens. Call tit S2:I North Whiling. "Jernigan" stamp is a guarantee to you "THE BARRIER" lItte. that you have gotten the very best value J. It. Iktittrlirrty, state titteiit for the wow, Stato Lirl 11111111nm WI price By Rez that the you paid for the article can Beach lieniiiiiiiirtend oil IttrwtIL wtot clovis The story tells of the love for Merridy, a pretty visitor Wet ItiPmtlity. buy. Our stock is so complete that it con- young school leacher from Venitiont, by two sturdy men, honest John Gaylord, NMI gambler Han Kennett. 11, Stimbirit, thP Standard tains everything from a baby pin to high Volk beeonte suitors for the hand of the pretty maiden. Sign U'orkm of Antall Mt, ham liommt Bennett wins her alutost against Iter and Gaylord retires to his mountain hut, erushed and hopeless. rinrim thim wmic. Mr. Standard im valued diamonds and your purchase, no The nuirder of Merril ly by her Jealous husband, who planning to move here. aeCtIM14 Gaylord of the crime after the latter has tied matter how srnall, will carry with it our with Itennett's little daughter, she ma,v be saved that Attfirtioy (;plwrill Harry 11111011 front infiltrates Hutt surround her. V11.1 111IP 1.11r 11 tiqr days firq best advice and judgement in helping you The child "Nevin". grows tip in the belief that Gay- thP IVPPk. Mr. 1111t011 SION he is :II. lord IN father, her and an Indian squaw. with loom ways Kind in tusk', si make a seledioni When you select a gift he lives is her mollwr. To the cony com- district a Clovis its it is without metplion pany of United States soldiers, and one of them, hambsome young Lieutenant litter, II, Imes Neel& rpry loest town in NPW MPNIPo. for someone else or a piece of Jewelry for who worships him. lint tile Indian blood that is supposed to run in her VPIIIN is "the barriee' Iwtween Round Oak !lunges, the be41 by test yourself re- them. l'oleon lioret, a big hearted Premium' st. also 10VPS4 the girl, and it Is through his nobility antk ategt1116(lothaile tiutt happiness comes to the girl and her member that mddier 4111, lover, after ntany cyciting eperiences for 40r to "NUNN MOM DOW them ail. The arrival of Dan Kennett. his recognition 0 R stamp of his long-los- t daughter. the renewal of the rontest c6 Iwtween him and Gaylord and partielpation in -z; 9f666 the !Ritual Chapman lett Taeatlay far a the plot of a smother of other charaelers cause a sue- gives it a eession of happenings that produce thrill after thrill. lat.titiess trip tot Kattmla City alai Chi- There are setend terrific "outsittenutn" fights, and ea tot. badge of many scenes Of mmtiment and humor. 1 The Southwestern Drug Co. hits roll- good 1 The, mountain. desert lake and river seetwo are taste tract's! with the News for it Mee lot beautiful and pirturesque and the difficult, tharart- 1 erizations are carried out in an able manner by a of advertising to be used during the and judge- - careftdly selected east. next several months This enterprising , r 0,ERS firm will have immething new to tell ment. tu i 1 yon raft week. September 19 & 20 , 1 irororortrartrnrortrartritararatill IINCEUM THEATRE There are more thrills The Store Of ,112 N.MAIN ST. in Rex itrath'm "BARRIER." Quality CLOVIS, N.MEX. in eAght reels than in a hole wriai torero', orterestarertrortrorarte , 4., A

IOU NMIti;Momvale liamilllIMMI



, 1 i ,A i SERVICE If you want the highest class service, together with the best merchandise that money can buy, at a price that represents the real value of the item, get it at the SOUTHWESTERN and KNOW that it is RIGHT.

The Safe Druggists F4 For the convenience of For anyone who does our customers who live not live in Clovis, we in Clovis, ?Pia will we have two 1,11114,1s it 'Arjat71 telephones, 58 and 71. send, by Parcel Post ,, Call either one of them , WE FILL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY AND WE PAY THE POSTAGE. charges prepaid, anything and we will deliver at FREE DELIVER! PHONE 58 once. We make charge ordered from us in our no CLOVIS. MEW MIMIC() for delivery. line. You safe when you trade at 1 are the SOUTHWESTERN , lb

I NM - listed, recleaning Sitttil rfts11114 all thwhel sold ills nosilipare SEEM FUTURE MR THE County cycli St111111 llitt tittlti protelleal- Local and Personal Hie efolirt 1)1011.1 .111P C1,011S MUNTRV. WT1111110 Ily till the seed omit will it NMI Will WV.. 1111P from Fort News healthy plaid. This is 'North.- - 0,440 ha the t'hom. J. Ntackey, who 1111,4 'mouldy 1:1111fributpð Farm 111.11 1111. Marty Milt itt titille 410. iv.illulwe Stirtsi si Ivo( p.m tourist to Clovis trout I:1 lila. mill is kEEPS ON Try a pair o! Nett letmfm shoes DIMINO the crop is subjected to dry weigh- by E. 1.11t1111,y. Booth 'leak the new mummer of the Kemp !mother by E. Petermni, County $100). J. Rados. Agent. 4.0ftly after planting Another re- were 11 11. Ihe St 110001 Agvi roininitly. says he sees it great, future . 41111 of rimming the seed will be round tor Clovis Mr. Morkey says we IIIIVP Witril Croft Ints roomed from ttl the tiok 11 NeW the better totality tht (Top grown 114Pit tilth Thu walls fur tits ittox building tit more fortunate here hi regard tit s. trill to roltrortað, .1111X11111 A111111111 1,111' 111111 A111 As'4111111 si;F:1) it3T. from this tatittl. Like begets like, and the yultdi sterviost (tamp hurt. begun rainfall this year thou they have been !lit. seed was and im- 111111 111111141 1111.111 111 pay Its eighth that shrunken tit tt ult. Thu isittinteitors tut this In the El lilt' seethin isinsisittently I larvist Stipp owl Imbrivolitig violin Ito the ilesith Nit's. it. V. thile mature will eertithily bring forth 'm11111111 II1411 props vitt loi looter. Nir. holt tirstut red nil frumps Mickey 1,13's Niq the Hale planting 1Ii i 111 oroorriol Ali 44111. Ilarresl smaller grains lima for ttwitut 44111(944s button, starting the ismittry lit the seeiliiits lie lois 3. I, iit Illit 11111111 die plump. ell tilled that l'he Assooloothat respoolled 11'0'111)11y ler heat betties are tot u.trk null thurs should Hut he it grunt lived lit hos mode ;treat strides itt '6711ðiaae pilytnont $1,1111o. ttile11111 ihe seell that when the seed hots boson ov. 11 111111 nith oltioh paid planted Vat 111411 Itt dello. in golfing this building tillSilli!01 illt SHIP of ,ee,I only ',goal's. Ihe 400llis well for tho stability of the The no cleaned. ettustrisiud. prelim brings quite it lilt of revPiloo 111111111Z11111111. '11111 1114 death among germ of life of the plan'. but al... mast Mitch et the seed that ls being plant to the country. Ile figures that the 4.41 the members oeviirroil several mouths f arisi.11 foist for 'he young phew let should have nearly 211 per pent re- silo owl fluky 1:, . V0111'11141 WPA the elm together will mrs .1. tvw ago awl at flail the pulley the risa. have hewn' to take tap moved lit the 'leaning. That is one. T. Siulkor spekti help holder thilit II lit I 1k1111141i1114. erentuolly to make this is rich In loq owls. pall 111 tho noighborlooml $1101), abol,tine, and the green ,letsaes ;ire linti id' ow seed thill is being ',hinted Puri Simmer sect Ion. its Wel! IIS 110111tS '11.xa., attnallnil surfilee od the ground. 1, better rm. reedillw or thus the immolation has gained ovor the the .1(1 rom,fallerult. volition ut pet 1111111111111N 41111111 11 p11111 11114t lien this is aeeouipli.1101. the seed, mid ilie oiler Highest cash pricc for hhicq, poul 11APTIST CHURCH. TaNum, whilt. ha was uwny v1111111. S1111111 ex Ilk organization throe has performed 11, duty. 1ttst st better crop or wheat ir try alit' cggs.--Al- Ivo Co tit illiNsion .tlym ht. bad u time. Lawman 1, not Omit wen. yiigro ggo the has shown Mai after geintinallag. there planted alone. ir the seed Company. S141.14444 ut 11 in Iti 11111,41 elitireli ttor .tom im 4114 In Ilia, 'Hirt at liklahn evory ha the seed to support vitliont cicaning. steady growth claim showing ati rallielent food 'Mottled mn 1.1slitml Sunnily, Sni 1114'111er D. nail that ernio4 Ihnra will hiormiseil mm001..1111) over thp be- lt 1. firmly e.talillsho,1 instance, Ir a acre 11HOI ow Ihe polio atoll For hundred Mrs..I IV. Miller awl 1m. Sunnily Se limn lit 11:45. unanly a fullare. fore. liver the period of throw years in the The plant will die laid the is to lw planted 10 whent. al the Josephine. iit Prem. Inns 11 a. in. SuIdnet lull doubter. 11111 1.1,1 5I1 bushels members of tho immolation have well is 1",1 or al prodnees a weak regular rale of planting. of TI1111 111' 1411,"41,O 111Nt week ait litthings 10 tlin the l'romlorldgc IN. Ow sccil were or Iter. IVulter tit mit only got Olean itistiraiwo have plaint wheal easily stieetnall, to drought. seed will sown. It tootle tit Mr. owl Aldo' C. lien lq. Eve Ong S41110. S teritiCk. Su 10141 Mittilesit Cliy. coseiteled erviees hail the salisraotion of tailoring or inseet pests. Omni the overage Its grown in the Iku that at Ow I.:111.4010 plum!, Siktplity, thoy Imre doubt beim histrinnontai live.toek breeder, know that 1.1 pm- isintily this year. a good fanning mill !Ong hiltirm VIM SALE ttarstge. geed leentiton. Tritwilriolgt Prnue at bulb ho laighesi the remove about 20 per cent, or will emote services in slimming tivighbor to carry insur. slave an unload of the tpe. tally in Hight pin,41tir elle omit. prim for lit the ellitrull here ell sisl who mould possibly in lie.1 one-tift- of the wheat. leaving Omni ,atior not have young qua niu.t he kept the githig S. 11. itillek sale. Hensel' for wiling. 111 114. will sisti so In eondition. and mast he ',al. III bushels of good tilting) kernels for dime organization differently ts..sible tot war Address Ts. Muleshoe. IIIIIIIIWr who,. totee,,,, hi 111110, serve the the assm Ntillii iy groaing. for a st se441. (Or 25 pounds per 10 a it's fortniol.. The. ot.eatly.growth Te Nits. 124ltp. Jona :11.oly fruit jars yvl want, sue the 1111.41116 state will ticoo Oar make elation aim Imo aim too prioniptnesz animal never heelane4 IN good elceenetd reed for hogs anti Model Grocery. Ills holm. tit itelsi cosi with If given goad care. horses. It II were desired too Mood :is whillt aro handled io should have been Mrs. J. 4'. Davis mai daughters will ectitrslly Iftentst f.'r 1 wk. pretty gimul tumor 11 is being Yet ill planting the small. slarnaken and pounds of reelettimil seed per stem that leave 401111 611 iteswell where 1110' will Would Take Any Color. oly nag's!. grain,. as. are 'air lonslirls of tinclesitioN1 seed would toe eitimervait immature 'petal the whiter as the youtig The fniolly with ;mole ere Eseeni way Unit tussled (or the tio.141. lir. mid Mrs. re new ertill giala saell will attend wheel there. Mr. Itsivk bled ut the vvviling meld. riithil Itirms1 this .1, rrom, mipttqlve SERI ICES AT METH. we may expect slanted plants. will continue his histirattee ItteIness th 'lowed the roost dilekvii, itt holds irate in 1101III ODIST CHURCH. This rale especially of Mechanical Mitkers. turned to end, permet lie Imp 'loll Use WINI WP 1111. 1$1'llyS V4.414.111 11:1". a the stoli.. v higher &irk or white 1.4 di, (tarry manly. where Tim time suNen' hy the the of the omit ilnaight. says thil Oro!. Wool 11 Mr John's (lime lig is the order 1.f morvices mere 4a les, subleel meehnnietti milker Mere:wept ulth the It. P. Kirby of Nieh4t4t. mos ellivi. iorn HI II, I 111 gem! slam! IQ Olen II OH sollip I if it Ite looked prevely into) Om rOtileflt lit the likt ignite)) next SunðitY! gviiing a Menlo,. in the size er the herd. Thus visitor Ow lirst for the week. Mr. Kirby 111 .petiiing 9111. It when Ihere loam fore and groelously replied: 11101 si tur Soloto14." Many thaept .H9I planted with herds r, emvs the nit- is to movs planning to Parks. Ariz.. Poi iiiit I 1110;1III till gottil donstet mutter Molt !like. 141141 p. lb. to Who." is barely sgillelent tallistare the ernge time rf (mired to milk emv by 114, "flow has n flinch. ill nly .111 give liftle sir oil ollict entp,4 ir:,,u11,1! the ..1x1 111. 1.0411L111'. too ihe Prop. and the small hand is tt frnethin Ill IT se en minut.,8; :fro 1.:11wortit germinate bon plenty of grnot then. and thinks okra thot ttr,1111anted." rhanes. innehine 11.11111ml 'miler the mili NIP11,1,P hernels have a very' slim lins location. mil-- 4. Mill hords 111 lime, ;Itt enws ever prodateing a plaid. Poor seed way (1.01.1S WOMAN'S (tilt. It slightly limier seven mintileto Physics and P,oriculture. prodats. as strong ST. JAMES guranituate. seldom lipv, Ittigerg, i T lit milk st tinti hilt 4:11; whit Ives miles Ione remiiin why the sit often former Clovis Woutatt's Chill held its phial. innehine. tiorili lit (inlay. wits it Clovis visitor ,nnloc moon the reprmientittives vt Pei- Is Il i;111111 Will 111110 114Xl No1110111 of this problem Thi SI. , first annual meeting Tuesday afternoon Tht 1419' iirrit 1111 tilt. WPtak ityr. ititgerS ituricillture iniprnetieni may reeleaning the seed. A fanning mill lit Writtii olity Itt 2:311 !hi. Nue tiitinfl in tiel:lect study at the houte of Mrs Elinor Ashernft. Prompt Jtob Print 111!,, Tlw News. blirt stile Mr iiiiter port of this the et the 'shrunken mi... 1:tititti Miirtitt. J1 the !toll van was vaeo etivP illi lanialatiare. month mill will 'Holy nom, motirtinie or pityqies tim milled to living tunt responded to by abase broke"' 111,11 lactlillit ihe foil mid wintow. sif Wive gen, lion echoes. Following roll all and small grains. and also during tilt. Motor to Negri'. ter. thir physics call Beeswax Used for Lighting. 1111 by the separator and damaged hy wee- tli,!titoprq PEP 11411111.11Pol 10 IMMO. ernily been efolltiliell stood anti sang "Anwriett" in neeord How used for 111 111111 most of lids seed if planted, Beeswax and to were 111111 11 le MO. ilg 1.1;(1.1 1.1111C anee with the request of the General vils. The Wned- lighting purposes by the Romans. Ciller His ludeller Ileorge W. tionp !lip pint$1s pro oses..01 wetnist toting WI return. prastneing MERU MATRONS MEET. reiteration Mot all clubs sing either Lengths of cotton tiax tiller were ward and Mrs. Woodward returned priiwth trim' uneven stand. or ratting in the aromal. the notional hymn or thn national Itir dipped In substanees. and they a CI licitKo And neglected. A ker- these ink week trout Irip In Imre been study tif the yea. wheat these 'small and broken am; lit Poet' meeting. usually burned mith much smoke other lit Hie north. Ti.ey insole Pe's. 110111ill Reed entertelinel lysics o:f the tis well the good seed, whits A mos rendered, nels are Rewrote. from the T1 delightful program soot and little Ow home u new Elgin cur Merry Mitt reins leseiny leftertioseto met ,teti II mutter vim MI Innen tenArt1 for milling trill land pleasing the read- no valuable middle ages. even of r,egt,t Is. el to esperittlb wits they are ahnast of the tool Str. Woodward while away. les guest elf thei rilth, Mrs. M it bringing light no ninny or lite Intmer's high In intrinised ing gives' by warpasos. Snail! kernels are limes. were rushes that bail been M;er.efteltier. The eternise:, was must limpet perniesing prnblettni, find make lirs. 1'to. Poulson. ghtten. and wake easeellent stripped hearty to the dry pith and tor everydity emtmerittliin between The Club adjotorwl to men Wednets bran and Her. Heo. E. Harmon of this eity to easel:01y spent. Iteefreettiments dell- are seldom illserinalnutost dipped In wax or tallow. when mein- practical omit scientific tiirming.--Lo- s any. Sept. Huh. al two oeloek with foss!. and Her. W. H. Shoot of Colorado. ' ill 'sly prepared were served. The any elevator when gold for die power" WWI adopted 1101 the unit ot Angeles Times. :Mrs Win. Pa I against at are voniliteting evangel ist le services this i"etto members present were. Mrs. Nay- measures by the gas act Club Journalist. warpage's. hall, Mrs. Jellin Burry. Mrs. Hurry Wil- of IMO. It nits taken to mean the week at the tabernacle erected on Beaststeg resultinat in an aetnat ?W- light Melt would he given (trawl Avenne. NPWS ier, Mrs. hem O. Pritetthrel, Mrs C. A. Oftenond Gum 0111PrWifte amount of opposite the VMg that Wfitilli Web of the held chewing gum Is Prompt Job Printiug. The News. of grain by it sperm candle. six of which would OMM. :4illetirieb, Mil. Jefferson owl Mrs. lid to be made front the of the .... weigh pound. mill which consumed Merest. runt ehlelezupte tree. found In Meilen,. It 120 grains of the candle each hour. vis-- 1 00001100000004100,000000O011 J. Shelton! snot fondly WPM was erftt introdueed Into the !lotted iturs Roswell the first the week. Auto minting. Bert Curless. Phone 114100000001111 Clara Kimball Voting ho a ittn:11 In 1470. tont noon litritety re Clara Kimball Tome la Mr. Shepard snys Nivel! 27PC pinee61 other Kinn matt:Male then in "THE RISE OF SUS tN" "THE RISE OF SUSAN.' ' Fiiit SALMTour room house owl streets lissk gond Hull he betioqe., we 41111114ln UR.. ' 161 Ike I.yertim Them Ire 111,4 the Lyre Theatre lot. house north of MiCiumkey htive sums! oreru.1 Clevis.1 Just rweived five style of A. E. at 13I11. & Moyerm 112:10. Niro. Tim Noisy. thoeery. Prim us he figures itt st few Nettrs we WWI tiPt011.4 qt1004 for wen. It ptlyg to pay cash sit ett.b 'tore Tht"day. 13th. J. M. Stephens. litte Ruing grliw bigger that) Roswell 1 A. - A. .1. 0001100060110000010001100009 J Hodes. 000000601100004100001110110001111 . a

, . . ' . OW TIME TO CET , ,,,

, . . , .. P01 ... , -- ii HEAR NH WHEAT ,i, ,,, it ... , , - ( )(..,,, . f4t,e J 7 41110 . ii - OpliKt , II Is now time lit sow winter wheal. ip-a V t a 1 b" 4 . 41 :ilar .'t 7-- 1 - - S111111111 111 V 0 r ;44.,,, 7 r. owl inueh VIM. Ili PX111141.41 fl i 1 r .ettztstÁ..1'' 1,14 itl the preparation of the St441 1114L the .,, 4 t-1- 1 ,y,lit' ;1 )1 SO1.011111 of good semi. and tht. ilute of ' '. 1 t ) 8 . til-- , ;1116... - plaid lug. lii ,,,... 1 ', .:, Alliii '4,11:' --- ,,,,,F It is ',stint:tied Ilint about two- - , ) at , , thirds' tA"t' A, 51 Molig----; i4 ir h Ah zr. of wheal acreage A the entire of the t., I firm " 414,a4 ill ' ,!"' UnitedI Stifles is sown lit the fail In Ipp I : 40 . 1,' , Nvw Mexico both whiter find spring el It 0. . . 104 is, 20, Re -,- l N, ---- 410...... " 1,-;.- wil Is tint grown, lout this year. idiom, ;I .....oltemr2 mill all other years. winter wheal should 15 ILitit, , be 411Wil, wherever it Is tit till practi- cable. Fall sown witent has many advan- Roofing That Lasts tages over wheat sown lif the spring. ' 41 in this It will ritsql fitily slate. two s'IrtA Panorama of I half a lifetime is not at all expensive weeks earlier. thus allowing lime.I in N., d lino lower altitudes for a semonol prop. I$ when you I consider durability and Fall sown wheal ttlforils a whiter pust Telephone Activity h... AlIEL live and Abilimmlik freedom from the expense of repairs. tire for stock. requires less bird's-ey- A e view of this country today would show seed per 111'11'. The 111111.r is till Inc a panorama of countless military and industrial activities. There are many kinds of composition portant emisiderntion with high mired 0 Rere the smoke of a thotuand stacks obscures the view of arsenal, steel and 0 roofing seed. Fail sown wheal economizes toot h-i-, in our stock that will give gplk iron works and inntunerable guntoor hibior, for the work of setmlitig can be factories. OM. There the sun's rays flash upon complete satisfaction. done when the rush of summer Is lover; thousands of glittering bayonets and rise and set on many new II and strange looking citiesthe mobilization camps of the , and is harvested before thp slimmer armies of begins. the Republic, or gild the wings of swift aeroplanes gliding to and fro in bird-lik- e flight over broad aviation fields. Explain Needs Us The Himont', of moisture is mito of Yotr to The National Capitol would be seen, from which all these vast enterprises are liw determining fnet 11'4 1110 and lit gill', directed and with hundreds of telephone lines radiating from we will tell you the particular kind tion fall or spring seeding Full it for to all parts of the country, and linking it to each military and industrial best suited to your purpose. If you will sown whent must have suffielent moist- center. too insure proper rlifil (iiVill1111111.111 1 show us your plans we will show you how tire A veritable maze of other telephone pole lines, covering the whole country itall,P 1411i1 Wt.IIIIII.I. 44'14 ill. tor it will with a net-wor- of wires, would be visible, connecting city, town, camp, ford- to save money on material and labor. winter kill find the stand will be fication, navy yards, military headquarters, cout-guar- d stations, and light- greatly reoliteed. In tuft in mum. eases. houses. . Aii Our Building Supplies . entire Whim. may result.' Everywhere busy groups of telephone workers would be disclosed erecting ið, Wheat usually floes better till a poles and stringing wires to meet new and extraordinary demands for service. Are Guaranteed 11111111y $1111, 111114Ply 1114'1111SP type a this All this telephone activity is but a part of the vast work the Bell System 1,r holds 111,4,4111v moll. Avlit,11 is doing. sown it cultivated crop. such after Join WI in this patriotic service, by remembering that the more careful you Isom or kultir. it is necessary Lorie Co. hot are to3 nuke only telephone calls that are necessary and to confine your talks Star Lumber butt a to plow firm, utibilow the land. as much as possible, to the less busy hours of the day, the better we can moot Telephone 23. Clovis. New Mexico seed Iasi should be made on the sor- the needs of the Nation. row by iliseing and harrowing. I houble

oliseing is preferable: that is. hipping, 1011 The Mountain States telephone and Telegraph Company M.4 knit. whieh prevents ridging: then if the hind is moss harrowed. II will bei lett fairly level for the drill. Some 1 1111111. i FREE YARDAG soils will require work than oth- ers. but in nny event, n well 'imports! At Dr. Jones' Veterinary Barn and Feed Yard seed bell is tossentini. Vheti when! CARD OF THANKS. follows other timii eultivitteti (Top. WAVIAND (1)1.1,E(iE PLAINVIEW. TEXAS. f malt its oats. bisrley or wheat, the land nigh itititude. m4111'11'111 pinnate. P.,ceelleill aðvallitagvA itt 'Alits,le. Art. I have recently purchased the Berk Bell wagon yard, one block the timierAigimil iit It. V should be Wowed as soon as possible inisinesq. Kxpre,odion. Mention. en Students prepared for mate leach- west of the Clovis National flank. I will still maintain my veterinary Nike. isit tinpriiis 'lining!' pint. lifter the 1)1:n44401m: eroop is harvested. ers eertitientes or to enter 3lithor year of Collette or tilivermity. or given office there, and during the monk; of July and August I invite the far. otiti grent ninireeintlint tio imr Enrly plowed hind should Ite worked well roweled synnnetrieal prepara ion fnr life. $1;11.110(11 rout ribtilest mers to come here and get FREE yardage, fOmni nod neighlimie their kimititivi 11011 1111(4 tW114 ill kill the welsh. lie41 year (roils eninpaigu. Ville for enialoote. in the rerent sail 'evident mid nini get the soil in mellow monolition. R. E. L FARMER, PiroNident. tit moo. dela neither. We idiot thank the Whiter wheal should be seeded with ror tliPir very Dr. peopie Clovi4 . Thomas W. Jones grain drill. as the seed Is tims more thiinglitrni mm1114111 mid fir kilo. VETERINARIAN. evenly over land find distributed the iiiitir. Phone 45 M. liesis tit MO14 N. plowisi tiw 111 11 1111111'11M 111.11111 tire intiMir tit carry if it friendly imitil Till 114101 Ilt M44111114 &MIMS 111 tint find II SYillpitilliZtilg extent on the moisture supply. 1114114 YOU ARE WELCOME Where molstifre is plentiful. I lop Ils.t 1 i;. V. Mr. IV. NI. hall deep is sultielent : but under dry hike. Mr mid MIN. IL Duke. Mr. rtirtitititt this win havi hp itiereit-is- t. mid MIN. Nike. Nir. end MIN. W. SUMMER 114 ill intr., litt stssi comp isilit;let LOW K. RAES NI. Mr. mid Ills. T. W'it with tit.. 'twist twii itt sue!' mist's. mini. Mr. 3Irii II. F. Quails mid We are ready to serve you four or five Welles is not 11111 1114'11. Minnie Indic Great Lakes, Eastern Points SPV1.111PIIVI 111 eighty-liv- pounds of cool and refreshing drinks of all 02 good. Mean seed per nen, m1111411411 in irrigated distrivis. while thirty-liv- SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN kinds. Drop in to see us. We - Pacific Coast to forty-fiv- e pounds is tumidly enough THiS CHM'S PROGRAM A Colorarado, (firming. I under dry always appreciate your trade. setsling ion sev The thite depends I oethee Robinson Show Otters on Ely erni fuelors. null 1111 general rule min Orel). New List ot Features. be given. Early setsling is usually Tidcets on sale daily til September 30th. Au elaborate elimpitsh Inn (of Final limit October 31st. 10141: especially is this true If ilw words. with ponfusing generalities. whent is to be pnstitreol. At tin higher circus words particularly. convey Elite Confectionery eorlier seeding is required 1,41110111 meaning. unless stile For particulars call 156. sta tit la tett toy convincing facts. tinin in the lower valleys. 'rill:Weil Yankee !toil ileum's :1,1ting Whiter Omit womilly he sown as Animal Circus romps Ili Clovis ion late its Ort the higher itilitholes. 'Nest lity. Sept. Is. Agents hare been G. C. HESTON, Agent. foal tip 1111 111441101i4r the lower filth fidly Instructed to 111VIT 'WOW 011e IIIISIPH1111110( r. therefore I he pitblithd poofillenee lit this Turkey Bell is proloubly the most showtt honest statements. G. V. STEED popular vitriety of whiter wheat 111(.1P IlY gri.111 or this MOP. fool yields quite well hu 'most merit to n big enterprise this when it mill minimum. unit meetions. IIIVY 1144'11 si- calibre. present such a high class list of itt Undertaker Embalmer ocured til the New Ntioximo Inlet ive Owns features as tire of- ITo Foiperiment Million with full sown fered this tour lit n hong prodson It tmly Serve All the People Enrly Mart whent. Sonora is it turi- wort hy progrnin. is not Manager Clovis Cemetery commendable to I ill 111111111;04114111, ety that is most eommonly mown in the bid pleasing to the 'introit. PHONII 14 110T11 spring. It is usually Massed spring DAT AND NIGHT its The opening rosily. georgeous hush- wheat. but yields of about forty mimic display Is rapidly followed IMMEIME els per Here linve been secured at the by thrilling ling:rum of skillfully IrAperinicin station lien this voiriely executed circus acts impipin led With the highest type of Irving's double group vim seeded the fail. It Is one of merit. rapt. pei forming lions. Alber's wonder- . service; to welcome every the earliest heats flint has ever been ful (n1111141 polar WM'S. VIM A illi grown in the lower ollitudes of this rews. mixed group of leopards. Ja 9eace 'educated Viiien 11'1411141 1,p War or account, be it small or shoe The seed slionloi be for guars and pumas : Huth Nora A smut before planting. in order to lessen mid her performing mount n lions. Women ,Advance large; to extend to every the 'longer of serious inhiry to the all these wild hind ions arp and Yager and Yarther troll from this disease. The semi given lit t he big protected SIIM1 Any young pillion of average ability and In good health ost patron the utmost courtesy should Ite thoroughly wet with n there tire scores of educated an education ir he has the will to do it. Inn& up of I Phil lor 111.1. ;Nudes. dogs. riding monkeys. ;mil 1.111111111111.11y111' 111111 111 fir wilier. brown bears. herds of elephants : and to make loans at fair 11111.1 led by The simplest wily of welting the semi Col. lobbs educated 'Fangio Chief. all blue ribbon whi- Universitg of is rates is the constant aim to put about n bushel of sots' ners nt the hist Boston horse show in it gunny stock mill immerse this in ita t I lug Nelson mid ills a him lc this old institution. the formoilin solution. 'Mowing it to, show will be seen twice daily. staw; few 1141 tit 111114'11 illi111111.4 11411111 grand concert is alum ys given P41111W 'few 11011r bert)No IIP We t ort till' WOW!' 111111 S1)144111 11111 111 ilrY. for litt. heighis by t hp excellent band of S111111111 1N AT ALBUQUERQUE exereisell to disinfect hirt skilled soloists. M'itter the grain drill mid sucks thoroughly. proof (4111V1S 111111IP 1)1'014.- - Is mainiained by the state to train young men and women for useful In order los Avoid conlantintation from; 11On hi elISP of inclement weather. service 10 themeelven, ihe slate and the nation. The University la ready and enact' to help those of means find a way by this source.- llovermumit Bulletin No. limited to which they may become educated. trained and ready to perform BETTER The 2711. THAN THE AVERAGE PERVICE for state and nation, and at the 118M13 time take advantage ot those opportunities that multiply on WARNING. NIORPHINE every band for those who are PREPARED. During the last year 65 per cent of young men 25 per 41M Day and cent of Parents are kindly regneoted to warn McKenna Three young women at the University of New Mexico earned all or part of First National Bank Liquor Cure their college expcnses. 'rho University has helped these young men their ehildren against entering mill or It No loss al Unto No suffering Strictis private and W0111011 ready to help you. elevator at any time. Fatal aceldento Dr. Mc 'Canna. the Of linitter of the The University opens for the 11117-19- 18 college year on Monday, Clovis, New Mexico lowur about pimp et lido kind 140t114, Throe Day Cure. in charge October 1st. or where In the eountry almotor dolly. Thirty YISIT Success in the Treatment Liquor and Drug MOIRA There is plenty of time for YOU to arrange to enter. Write to- Plenoe help no to ;mord twilling it. CREDENTIALS ON REQUEST day for detailed information. Ask for particulars about the now si- SAFETY FIRST Located In the Heðlithkeð Cite it the doodahs lver University schedule. It Is of 'slue to every student in economy Diattid CLOVIS MILL Å ELEVATOR CO, of time, money and effort. Addreen David R. Boyd, President, Unk We do strictly banking, that's all Dili J. J. McKANNA versity of New Mexico. Albuquerque. N. M. Fruit jitrA, all kiwis' model Hal 157 Ty leDhcmo 98 at the MAGDELENÅ NEW AMR 11 Groeery. - W.

mEMMEm meama BA'rTLI NG NELSON A Rik Feature int the Yankee Kelp 1 ATTENTION, Mr. Farmer! 'mon Show.

11111 110 ildAt1.1111 v1411 001)11NO AWL) We Want the Banking Business of lookout for rent worthy nttritetive g, lentum mkt:rifles. big thrilling nets eoterfield ALL THE FARMERS anti meritorious athlisi lit 111111111011 10 the regulation amens: menag- ch program anð an extensive CI GARETTES - erie that :done eosts thousands of dollars awl is only mentioned M- 4444444:44444444444 -- lb44,4qp441444 el:lent:illy. ' ofiMPORTEDand DOMESTIC Expense is no eonsitierattion when tobaccos Blended UK HAVE JUST RECEIVED A tile right eireus headline eau ite 44r NEW SUPPLY OF FARMER'S REC. eured. Frisi nintinger of , IViloi ,, r' ORD AND ACCOUNT BOOKS. WE the Yankee itobinson .. ð WANT EVERY FARMER IN THE Animal eireus, atinnunees for this . (OUNT1' TO HAVE ONE. PLEASE season's tour. the grentest sohlost eliovvil0000, CALL AT THE BANK AND ASK feature attraetion that any tentol FOR IOUR COPY. THEY ARE FOR ortnitlizat litts ever offert41 the ,--,- 6 FREE DISTRIBUTION. 1;elleroits patrons of any strena Iwo - gram eireus history. . : Ilattling Nelson . . 444.,1444444144444e 1 ellamplon light weight of the r , 4444444p I , I 1:, c , prize is ti example 44 1 , ring. Mean cut .1 i , ; Ill 0 I es- IftiltirifÇ: l' of the stitrily youth. hiss alwitys , i ,..): c)If 4,, ,y,,, . AA ',--t . chewed liallits,fer never 11 4, kill he has - i It .;, , I , elewki. lir 11411111P lir .i011 T.... ii41 - 1, . vs0004.- 0., ,4)' ..,,,,,,,vi,&41.,,, :4 The Citizens Clovis dissipate:I tiny A ,,,,..,.. , 0 Bank of 'fht 1).11IP 1111S Par11(11)111111 ; , ,4,60. ,71,,,,,,,,7-- ...,, f ..,,:);è1.:::,k w,,,,b,v .. iirnr :ion ring hattle4 during his t A' .I 1, 4 L ;11, ?. fe,, "THE FARMERS' FRIEND m enty yen rs 1111 11 professional 1 ,t N.,, 0;21,1 moan tighter. Nelson is n wealthy ;,4,....,,,,,, --1. totinv :t genuine erollt to the .434stii e ; se!eillifie doctrine of P1P1111

1111 11) 1111 111P11 111111 Farm Loans Negotiated Cattle Loans Our Specialty -- lillyS lir 111011114 I ) kid ,, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS 1)111Allii lir 111P 11111.1011 cities tills '1:i'Ati. . , - will lie the first lippearniwe of the ,'' Si A. Jones, Cashier ,,, ! eiltuonion or 11.1IP 11E0111 1;xii I , .1, , P111111 111 profession .; ., ti - NO his ðel .,,,,PJi i' '', ', i ,1 mai in private life. lit ills en- , , '.,. liner s) .1! 4!,,,,, l'r. :710,- ..mommlb tire eareer iniplientell or involved in . ! '''' i ' ' 341 ally shady op dishonest transaction. Ý;41 : vt..410" . einsso, him n 1111111 11111t0111t men. IMMO i t. i. ti; I , 41;... it:titling Nelson the greatest of all , , , , whit his sparring partiwrs , ', ' , r, ' di; A LAND GOING UP FAST ,st, ,.i. IS of the prin- 4.1. ' 'Ý' A' I el:int:any trainers. k it. , Opal otitriletion lit the big uthielle c,.....:,,,: . I show. mai will appear !why :tally in tii If you buy adjoining are going to land ytu, Clovis with lite Yankee Robinson on Tuemlity September 't Df tter do it at once. ells , There's more to this OMINIABEEEMONIMMIED WE WILL LOAN YOU THE MONEY and you (110) OF TILANKS. ciga'rette than taste get it now. NO RED TAPE. IV pwish to Mink soar friends (or the kindness aml sympathy oxtmolt41 , , You bet! Because Chesterfields, zs 7 tho staltioss that rommtly heron besides pleasing the taste, have 7 , 'IMP...Nail, Titi IIISpt 11111' 11111P Co. oar stepped in with a brand-ne- w kind The 11111 14 Union Mortgage Imarthron king Mil the kinoltioss of etijeyment for smokers CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO of our friends hops as to hoar IV . 1;;P 11E11'111.11. Chesterfields hit the, IMIMMUMIIMMIllidliMALKILIIIIIMIMMINE1111111111 amok- Mr. and MIN. '1'. II. Jaok 4o11. they Lt yon know you aro I ing they "Satisfy"! igolt SALKIlighest bid, the build- And yet, they're MILD! log how on lilt 2, block 100. (north of eta lippot.) The Seheorich Ageory. The blend Is what does itthe efr, new Ilcnd cf pure, natural 1m. ,,k The Newq for Joh Printing. ported and Domestic tobaccos. 17 ' ------And 1.7.10 Lt.cnd can't be copied. B. RESULTS TELL. E. Eastham Next time, if you want that new feeling, Chesterfields. l'here Cult ite No Doubt About the "Satisfy" say nemills in Um is. r,, MYMS Staple and Fancy Z.gfethriffý...Vamoalt co

!testi Its tell the tale. t3114-k------Groceries All tionlit is retnevist. - The te.tilitens Ve tliwtiys apprecinte business. l'hione um the your orders and visit easily lit 111111 SA" they Will ilk' 01'11 eittallt Prl 111110 and pr011tpt dt,therý. Vim! better proof of nitwit Ili rtrif Wrapped in OfOr Phone 75. IIIIII? glassine paper 2 WEsT GRAND AVENUE 111.S. 11 lilt' Aildi'lWq. 7011 IN 4dd astð yet:MeVI 1114 keeps them SI" says: -- My to impute. fre.h. 1C) sintrerititt (rani olistortlertsi hilitieys IMNiMME1 to try tonit.t Kidney rot. they eertaitily tire tine. 1'4114111 YVII g... I 1114 Mum for weillow,4 illy NOTICE OF surr I .iiiii,.. No Tick; pi I Fo it iii.icATIoN 1110 41111er sYmpto111.1 sif Idiliwy 14ml. AND AT'utclimENT 'rho tho uttorney for phtintlir is A They oliti WAIL certainly what Wil' ---- - IV. Ilockeilloill whose iðedoess ci.:c. 0I5191 P110111141 sinol Si rom.ovi,t1 eiððressi for them Mtn IN TOE DISTIIII,"1' CI ItsItT (IF is elovk No,w 31oxloo, 017514 the lititt4oylittctb. 11,4:1)4 Kidney tity ciItuy 4.4)1yry, Ni.nv mExico., hand anti the sell' et i Itelittrittletit tit the Interim., U. H. unð I itri. rim. van stilt! etturt 111 Clovis. New Mexie" - 1,8114 'Incl. lit Ttlettitictiti, New Alexi.--- 11,tr.o thl'i I thou." 111111 IIIIS cit Ang"t "17' The Ingit Sy,,Ivtit rottilffitiv la viol, cm Aut.!. tOth, 11111 Olt Mister-Milbur- i lit all &alert. t ' V. r. Zerwer, lutrittlittit 1'1111101T, t Wit: le (later, Atritrs.. 11111Tak N. Y. Suttee itt hereby ghet, !hut ihtur) Derewhint. Comity .n41 k . Model Steam Aug. 16-1- 4 T. Ililler, or Hollow, New Mcsice, Noi 1150, who, on May 2:1111, 1912. made To the almott ntlitusi &fondant, I original '. ;10'4' Ibmwslool Entry, No. 0151111, tor ot 1 ' Cartor. NoTiet; pritlicArtos, i e ' - 4 swt st.e. mut tm ties. 21st. 1414,. Zet , ft,'1.,Vik You are hereto. ..041in it snit Department of the 1'. S. ' made Addl. 1:, No. 017514, for the ITILI. , i', ,..,.1 t'' ,, has boon tiled anti it writ Laundry .... - , , Iwo talks, at Fort Sumner, N. N1..1, talio. st.olot, Townkhip 7 N., attitehment hir: Won !,stioti out er 2nol. 11117. ' ' Hauge :17 N. NI. Meridian. Itas '',.2,.2 tho 1 .. District Clan of Cm ry Comity. N"11(4' is 11"I'llY 1. Virtðr - 01'11 that Mod 11111111' ,!,' t ,.t.,.! ,. .,.; intentiou to make Flual 1 ... .. Now Movie, wherein 1!, Ingle Sys- 3"litis"11: 1.1"vis , 11' uti live year proof on Original mai three ' 1 tent ro.mplin : p1:11111ÏC lio,,'Ç.,.., and yourself Morel) :1, 11111, made homestead entry i? , yeti,. lima tot ittittittotioL to 4.4tabash ...41;.,,f,,,,, .;,..,1,),s: 4t. f tho derma; No. 14, tit tor Sb2 Seetiou Tiovo chtito to the land above 111.4'01441, iii,, ,.,01.,,,,,...e.,., .. 1 Yon fill'Ilier Om , lire 'tined that p 4 N., Range :14 , . M . Me -.-4.,-- F fore IV. J. Curren, I S. Commissimer, Venetia ti!ij,ots suit pre to vol. or ,,,.,s,, t rbliam has tiled notice intention to tit Moxio 2011, ,,,,,,, , ),,,:,,'0 1.100. st.. oil tho WET WASH '',,t.,,, 11 ,tA, 'eel the tin or $136.00 anti interest .et7 , Axs;,11 : - make three-yea- r proof, to estalt- day or September. 11117. i., ovilletteeil by a 7t, ,,:,lf; i.,1;',,,,,, prilliiissory note und 11,11 to Cialltund names its witnesges: given by you to the plaintiff, unit In eloini the land above described. John 11. Northcutt. James S. Iller '';1kl:' ,1;;;;'''e,:k':;i'',.$;s inifnEet Ii: MITA or !itt the following betore W. J Curren, 17. S. Commis. '!, ,o' ,',;i3,',,4,2,::,., son. Walter Potts. and Jefferson Brow g '') Aloseritivil property hollowing to yeti stoner, in his othee at .14)VIA, N. NI.. i',. i ', k; 7, ';',,e0',.11, ,3 mot. ail of liollene. New Mexico. ' i 11114 bet ;I Leis 4$ ;ow, iPti tiny 1917. tfo,ot the 12th of September, 14 P. DoNolloo ltegistrt 1, 2 mil 3 Ii7 tlio original Claimant names as witnesses: town t Num Mexivo, anti that ROSCOETATTY'ARBUClilt Samuel E. Hill. Johan. Flinn, Eimer tho has ordered police of publi- choice alfalfa hay at all Phone 47 4. It. Kirk, E. F. rimmiler, ail ot Omni at cation ksitell notifying you pow lonest market Your order; that eller X M wive. Ire "A Hough 111111.4". tylolotl Iwo req.! pteperty has boon pit:wiled solivitPol.-1- S. DI and A. J. EVANS, Ri 116ter.. 1 Fort Sumoet. Arlowldp eionelly toll clittivivil lip with ,fliat imiefot you appear tit the return IN. M. S vhilvkles tal thr Lyil.11111. '11114411w, SPIol. flay er him Notice of 'Publication. illilg- -- 'Mt. with Ninth. Don) In Lost mill ationt tvill be rendered 111:11111st P1111111,1 II ighest enli vire for 10(1PN, pm1X Won." the liboVe ol(Nertheil property ordoreil wevansuntsingainaingentima try. owl exgx.---- h: ex leo Com missium L 01;11 In sntisfy Light Housekeeping einpit ny. 1:011 ore furthor notified that imiess yiiii oppetir mill timer or Wend tit mob 1 Rooms and Furnished ., Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Clued ' inst. tm lir before the 27iii tiny of ' The .".., by lor141114,11C311..116. as they cannot mesh ''. St pimplier, 1917, Will be nut- Rooms M , ðir.lis: the dierasid portion tit the enr There only one wit) to cure tinaleelst. City 7 bqs' dorm' against you by default titid the 'marina' Furniture and 1 1111101111 Magic a Contill )' Perferektk and that is be ilitt , ., !diet:014mm lit plmititifrit coniplithit will Catnrrhal Deafness is retied by an lie -- irkir rrroronsfoRderi ALL MODERN flouted Condition of the MueuUll lining of 4t:,Ìott: per...tiaras he !liken etitiremmed by you anti your the gustuebien Tube When tube IS plokions you Undertaking Co. for reborrutosio talented have a rumbling Mound or ina. prtiperty hereht will be mold to mangy pertect bearing. and when it entirele VI it PUNS. 'NAPO 66666 GILLESPIE cleed. Designees is the result. Unless the (JOHNSON BROS.' intianitnillOn COP be reduced and this tube MILK to Its normal COMM' Or. hrarilq GOAT Rooming House wi" be destroyed f hinny cases itel Embalmers and Funeral Directors otootadt Vollsol 6048 COL B. S. ORR deafness are caused by catarrh. whirl' to an inflamed condition of - bidding it the Salerno preportio. laces Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts ibis Vagsrolled baby food. the blood ea the alumni surfaces of the ASSISTANT AMBULANCE SERVICE T LIADING DAUGGIITS The Clovis astern. LADY i ius lino, Auctioneer JOHN SCOTT, Prop. We wilt fief One Hundred Delhi, fog - 14 lay rase of Catarrhal Destines, that casein Night Phone To teptialle Nu. Mt. Day Phone 211 235 WIDEMAtIN SCAT-MIL- EEL 1 be eured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. ill. -- I MIMI free All Drupelets 7lic phy.,,,,.,,4 bro. ,...... -- 5." 1, Cat Satisfaction Guaranteed. UNIENIENOMMEMEEIMURUELo Y. CHENEY 0, kV. Teled4 k 1

'AvAVAVAVAVYAVAVAVAVAvAVAVMVAVVA V Don't Drug Your System ',y,'17v41, " VINVA vAAN.v ,,se, lA A AA ,- , . 4- , ,400. ,c41 M drugs?1 ..016111 Why ruin your stomach by taking poisonous v arie Doro !niAAlA" of 4444t ' Thousands die early in life as a result internal' t:'1 , Af , t vfx., , . AAA, will medication. Chiropractic restore your health. , , .1 tt, , , ' handle all phases of abnormality both acute and chonic ca4pcusoncylltd,r correcting the SPINE. .4' Nervousness, Heart trouble. Stomach trouble, Liver trouble. ' J1 z' WV ti Kidney trouble, Rheumatism, Appendicitis, Fevers, etc, quickly i4 AVA i '. , ,1.1i'l respond to Chiropraciic adjustings. ' 1 'i4;,,,. : , Don't say it can't be done; that is what they said about telephone, wirelEss telegraphy, airplanes, etc. Hund- .;c 'y the . ILY 4" vicinity ready reds of my patients in Clovis and are to 4, o ) WI of wonderful results. I invite you to INVESTI- , Marie Doro testify ,7 .01 , tha ; GATE CHIROPRAC the system of healing you will ;; , Appears exclusively in the screen productions of , Wv ' 4e4( .f eventually 1" I. use. ) ;41. ;.1. YOURS FOR HEALTH )) , ( Co. iA ;1,, , Famous Players Film ',kV , ;ALI 1A'.A W. L. JOHNSON, D. C. , if , v ,?V . st'l'' , , ,, N. p , , none 101. Office 121 Lane. , "LOST WON" ,V.V ,,, , and d ' We do not use drugs. osteopathy, eleetric vibrators or adjuncts of 1 1, ' ' , ' ' 1"1" any kind. Just pure unadulterated Chyopractie. It you want liw best in the 4 , Do you think that a ragged little news girl '',, see Art. svienet. and Philosophy of Chin, pritetle. me. - f, could be transformed into a society belle? i''Avl ,:' AV ý, ., :1-?- ' AV, 6001100110000011106000066011006 . Walter Crane wagered $50,000.00 that it could NV;-- , ðA - Watch fur be done. ,A7 'I, ",,,,,, ,." "SEVEN CROOKS." - h , , 4.:," i, ,,, How he "Lost and Wen" is interestingly told in this 'v':, 1P1 vim will know them , ,k , ' ívv, as each has a valuable pearl. , , , picture. : ..,:,,,,',,,,:, AA'',!,' ,,,,,i,,,,, ,,,, : AA ' ,,,, ,.,....,.....i,. - .!4 41k ,PP1.k- AA f- . '. AlV '- - , ,t'-- AA 1;', el AA Á :,,,:4;Alitooto,'"" . t (ratty) Arbuckle TUESDAY AA ISETAIRES j',.;t Otiew ,', 'SI CANNNINS '- , ' ''' X ' .07,- lik,,, in , 4) 4, "1 ,,,,4:,14,4 t"' . September 1. I w Rough House" '4 1; , "The ,. , - 4.0110111g i ' 'nip ors, mieps emiskt., '''' ' NAto , I , , , Two reels all clutter- lth 1; stool 1114101g 411' ,'Ittl,, MIF yogi. r,N., the preptiration - :( -- ,,,, v 14'.411:- '''.1?.,.. lid r -- with Iti uoilETEArtiVE Matinee & WM nolo preparation of the , .,.,, , ,, ,. ed up chuckles Evening ''''''& '1 t ' ' ' 4 :Ýr Torough 111101111S 111 be cottoned by wasithig. 'Sk Ite Look 6 ' - q1:0,.;!': , I , . 4 Ns, ',,. grading. tote. , '"7"-ag- .7 "AAAMV i Rings engaged in be , Our Those the work should il,,,!let'Ç', , AAAVAr,,,,AAVA". 1.A. sure too start with Henn hum's. clean VVVViAl.V.v.XlkZNYNLV: And yoli'll 11411 be nide io 0411460 poor utensils. clean. sound. fresh prosituots. ilelight with the ehurni of the stooes , atoll good. pure water. Soo vegetables A Healthful Drink. nod the taste of the settlims Itrhig e Auk, painting. Bert t'itriesm. withered nil. 440 4.114444.4114444.14 Wien IA ludo.' or or fruits which are or lortitiliv Buttermilk k n must liettlthfill drink. expert along owl he'll itssinv pot for Ito PI 14111- - 27k1. 2 sound should be emotes!. and only vett- Watch bliss' in northern crifla sod .tt people wituld drink buttermilk ill tr. their high 41111111ty. Compare our twice Isi a hove n heittill 26 etaloloos picked the day lot eantilim Ito arc of stead of whisky. It mutually and you'll lie 444411villeoil t the great "SEVEN CROOKS." foot, fool there is no hoc...yr tiny flues. should be least. Peas mai vont should he better fur nil concerned. Scientists Owes we offer. will know them oft their 100111111g 111 this Nom htli as that there ore germs in Watch tor boo canned within live hours later ismr I ry good vanes coin pit roblo to hose milk whieh tignittst is am ham a valuable pearl. the germs it u eitolhoe probed desired.' each 111 produce Chitin mill, Ju emoting 'tenth too the hittimn body. "SEVEN CROOKS. lit pan of mill it Denhof Co. the Jars water Ito n. A quick Mel hoot of their propzi Jewelry 144 Is Ms mild Mut termilk hos a tend. them Hull stove. they will then he listsi I 11 loll mit ham put on the gittlini liven wort:ell out so liti it envy lit letirleen life. People In Keine Jewelers and Opticians veg- Womble pearl. hoot awl really tor Ilse when the n ill Ito now possilik to supply tiro' piript (ir Europe drink forger itt N)ur a rack hm a Official Santa Fe Watch etables lin VI, prepared tor palokitin the proeessing period. the Jars must be pip ofiLth quantities of the young Ill nri" milk. null these ilve to a very great Id Inspectors Atter vegetables hove been Ileums! wool spa led HMI too set out ninny small areas t hrolinic ngePriat. H. It. Penn. in which they are out tho Stott h. front he (enroll s pill intil the shape 1111W11 lit Pool HMI PX111111iiii for Wok, klliolg tit 4pit4 Cull or is. All turnip. at Lterar 1100000096000000110090011010011 to lie emitted and Jars have Issoit test- flouts where there sullielent if leakage oeutirs the eovers sisothi be moisture null the hi nil is not too high 'rhe Nirs for Job Printing. 1111's t;root.ery. ell. the oonnuilig promotion. for most tightened up until they are completely priced to admit of their unitimation. Graphite as a Lubricant products by Mt' cold-pne- closed. ilrophite, pinyi the Si iontitic Ameri- 1.111DISIS ot stoops. Getting Something Out of Lite. eon. le tint a bibrirant. but lin aid to packing processing Home made outfits for processing init. nitwit lett working or- ore omit as Tom tire not goting linif let keeping a bearing in good anti sealing. ronstrueled of utensils of us pm it right to itilleo. der hy Oiling out the minute irrcguler- wash boilers. lard mins. tin polls. or life hoe The vegetaidem to lie hilinched ere in I miring. pro. you seek to diseover the prineiole idelentthe 'Mott atul and how milk vans. but whatever is used must marquee. put hi n (Nose OM) bag or wire volved la your every experienee owl &icing beautiful, nollehed have n elose filling (slyer. false ket mini placed hi boiling water and In every let of knowledge ihni Ysin ne sad in this way reduces frietion. To sor to bottom or lifting platforms metal of weulih (Pt title result only a very small quite allowed to remain from one fifteen quire. The nemilmition or wood ThP latter are to support or fume. the tity grephite le necessary. end if initiates. depending on the kind of power. the guretering the Jars and to present direct emoset morrow elm is applied it simply eolloete product In blanching greens and sousing of Joy, end other with the heat. also to permit free cir- moon nothing itt themoviree. The lie weal and dotenin the pimping iti green vegetable& however. it is more len Lyceum Theatre culation of water nod stetson around reunion for till iNlberieltiM 14 the sieve- tended. It lotions thet the proper way satisfaetory to hinneh hi lire steam. RN opulent uf the mm411411110 in order fob le use graphite succeatifully Id 10 MIX suisitaneem re- and under the Pontsiners. Villain(' oils awl other et tho with the Vegetables mat as WA Willi.. okra, broaden the vonmelousnenw noir, PRO(igt lbortingtily a smell quantity main in the food under this treatment. !Orienting oil eititahht Intermix. cabbage and brussek of life. As soon as the prodiiet is removed vett pepper' and not to apply It enntinuonely, for sprouts should be stertlixed for the Monday, September itith the boiling water or steam it Prionipt Joh Printine NNAtivs, when the above niontioned pollithed froiu tilos, givim cold sod leogth below: Pearl White in "Tbe PMal Kinit" formed It will Nod quite a should be dipped into water. aortae is Water bath. home 111111IP mitt "Tbe Diee of Deane Chaptee 9. requiring renewal. immNliately removed anthirained. Cockroach Cigar Than Man. tag tims before 5 lb steam pressure tin min. Paibe News sod Pack hito Jars am soon as removed. Thp despised and ninhalorous pork. lb steam pressure 11) kepitene two reri rowdy. add one IPWPI tea spoon salt anti fill ronplo im imp or tho moat ronwirVatolo Pies Without Victory, In using the steam both lw sure the ereriees hi Jar with hot water. The or living thing. la has picketed ha Rs The ancient Joke anent the Winged itt boiling vigorously before be. 11 tops of are water prettont form pep, mince tho Aridanena Tuesday. September lb ?Wort IS its present battered state scalded rubbers and Jars ginning to could time. Water must ago, billion of ypor ago. !warrior that Resew "ratty" Arbuckle in Ilea revamped in the llght of later Ma- put into place. but oto not seal tightly; rover Jars at least two inehms. This timP wholp (annoy hove lirott nod ttle4. The Rough House" 1017 th an art clays. A pinator east of the prodnet is now ready for process. is ot 'standard recipe tor cniminit. and in a npetvontot oa the. ?obi. of rho Merle Dore In NI and Woe" Go Victory wan before the elask The Ilan there is no reason why even the begin- parth pompoirod to rho Porkrottett. Thie Peng modelers in cloy pottered Processing is the first appilisition of nor to min this retteta show', that this liniovi is a type 4r4oip Wednesday. September 12th around and wont away. tine of the product anti is con- should hesitate heat to sterilize the Molly Ilited SltreiP. DC ill tare modelers had ehomen only to work hies mentioned by this method. fast Marie Dressler in tinued for a period determined by the moat WWI. Thor tho only form ton the hem of Victory's garment, so SIRS J. T. STALKER. 'riffle Wakes character of the prodnet and the kind of life which man ha not ptorptorpe Cr ID speak. and left behind a replien of Dome Demonstration Agent. riktry. and rielmCartrmt. of apparatus used. and are tor that rosion hi mow dam sere fragment of the Vietory, The Roosevelt and Defines t'onnties The jars should he placed In the aprons eaemipot in the animal world sect day the student found uritten on Thursday, 13th provessing vessels as soon am they are Minimal, Ida fragment this inscription: FOR SALK - hittot tot 'inky otttle Clara Kimball Young In This la a piece without vletoeve, tilled. Prompt itgb Printing TtoP New4. and tense on 2011 Hero,' of WM month of "'Mr Rho of Susan" Immediately after the termination of town. II. Milburn. Clovis and a oneereel wordy. MM Watch tar Something to Prattles On. Friday, September Ilth 10111600011090110 rorrestrorrstroriv Helen Holmes la Clara Kimball Young in Them are mare thrills Anna knocked at a neighbor's door "SEVEN CROOKS." in Reg Itearh's and asked for the loan or her "The Railroad Raiden"No. II. SUSAN" ball. You km)w them "THE RISE OF you neigh- Marin Sale In an adventure of "What do want It tort the as each has a valuable pearl. at the 1,)eettm Theatre "BARRIER." bor asked. "Well. we urp learning to "The American Girl" in eight reels wash noel dress huhles nt otehotd. Pally NMI. and Thumlay. 13th. .., than in a nhole serial we only have a doll. I thought yon . HAM and lind comedy. limning your , OWOOSOO...01.00000000011 werwerirwirertrerwsrsrorortro would tiot mind holly until r...,...... A..., ...11,,,,,,,;.1 r,...,r so wp pooh' 1 tomorrow have the reel . ! Saturday. September 15th thing to wractlep on." ,;, . i Vivian Martin in , a 4 í , "The Watt Model" i ' ' -1 1 r. . 1- :( g , , I e, - Ri h... 1 t, Coming September 19 & 20 CROOK to , "THE ROUGH HOUSE" i , j gait 1 L,:14 t Reit Beach's IP" STOVES, FURNITURE 4 ,4,41...... , ',I, "The Barrier" V 4 , , AND RUGS. ( ' . 11 I IT .,6;,, tit Watch for SEVEN CROOKS I in the Market for good 104 ' am 11 6 6 I with seven pearls. A .6..

"THE Etsfk, RRIER" SECOND-HAN- 1 i D FURNITURE Roso,.1131:Clai RENN.I.ifh',9 H PlF60,0t.1 ISWIS 41 4CSI ---- Phone South Main St. let thrilling omppr-fmitilr- e to he prPtip- 67. tilTuesday, September 11 th nt Lyirtini Theittrr, Matinee and Evening Titur.lay, sppt atm 20.