University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clovis News, 1911-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-6-1917 Clovis News, 09-06-1917 The ewN s Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clovis_news Recommended Citation The eN ws Print. Co.. "Clovis News, 09-06-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clovis_news/228 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clovis News, 1911-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. County Clerk 0 FARM LOANS-L- OW FARM, GRAIN AND RATES,EASY TERMS 1 guittvP' "T. Eatrw441 HAIL INSURANCE Qi Baker Brothers AgtaminA 1 'WA , Baker Brothers 11 (II I opiLvir tg9S AGENCY AGENCY Official Newapaper of the United Staten Land Office and of the People of Curry County IOU ME NUMBER 12. CLAMS. NEW MAIM THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1917. $1.50 PER MR o. '11 'Mrs. R. Vi Dies fi HOST MåN NOM COUNTY Duke :SOVEENMENT MD From Gasoline LEFT FOB FT. HUI TRH Bums1 MEAT IS $M0 PRI DEE Mrs. IL V. Duke was fatally hurtled Issistative but the burns were severe by Ilip gasoline explosion lit kike 111111 death elided her intense suffering farm IS miles northwest of Clovis Washington. A (in Tuesday morning of this xveek nholit :00 o'clitek Monday morn- It. r. priee of 12.2o Iimor Minim $2.21. Minim bask $'2.'J). LITTLE (1111,1) BURNED Sunday about midnight. Miehttel 1)1111116w left l'invis ing. a bushel was fixed on the 11117 crop of red Minim $2.13, reol walla harot Ttl DEATH TUESDAY. Bland Esti is anti his mother and sis- for itiley. lions.. to take his alike haste $2.20 $2,14, 1t ters were returning from Clovis and Mr. Intke was iliP411 severely burliest wheat by President 1V1 ison on the soft while pints. oolong the Stiliiirni truitting for while ellito $2.16. of enell wrielo ilurvey Joeksom Ilia little having rim 41111 gasoline stommst at tut both OEMS. W'hile his injuries lire reeommestslation of the wheat pries. service. Mr. O'Connor goes its the liNt Thomas a is :le less. No. 3 lie less, No. 4 gel enough gasolhte very pahrill !hey will not prove tidal. Ilk. less. shit of Mr. still 5list. T. IL Jotk?kto. the Duke home to eossonittee headed by Dr. 11. thir- 111011 1.,S111 front the melertive &lift Although the 'whops to in Duke Mrs. 'Hike, with her husband. hail are fixed im who tive oil North Prints. street, wits rim their car home. TIW IMS'S Will IN' Nit. 1 Northern lived NPW Mi1411 fin. several years. l'overlittitout purchases only. the food sit badly burned 'rites' thst his drew the gasoline tor Ilw neighbors spring wheat delivered at Chicago. lle is provided by tht loott administration through its wheat por holding 141 vowing here lit the early flays. She was liesth amtirreol totir hours and when lantern close Representatives of producers be- with tionsportntion to Fort Riley, Its the 'monition recently organized expepts to 111P 111111141 V1.4440 111111 140111111111441 11 born in Mississippi lit anti mime The iiiiillipr IS ?ram MI gan by voting for a price of $2,10 wt.!! its expense money for moils ton Imo and Tim porporntlion will make all ilowern but eX111414,111111 1111111.1.1.41. 1.111.11 the gasoline to Texas hi ow seventies, moving front A4911.4111w Oil. Mime ill the time a( the nevitival labor's representativN tor $1.84. The the Irli to the plait Texas to state. She eon. moot snot allied purchases and ham um suppaseil the fellaw in lite pail Devalue ignited Mr, Duke this wits ust vont lot Ow quoin fit enmity it is litut little Iwo ex reuses event ily borrowed 'HT Nut names ig- ',indent ChliStillit 111111 11141 consioltorntion plans to imy for pillying with huddles mill got his threw it front Idol and the the down the votes were only a 6:1 to 11111Py thiS WPPli. ass until few l'ort r she proressed. For litany years millers. It it otervom as broker between dishing Malted. Ills brother. luðy u nited the clothing of Mik. hike who vents aparti soul most later voting tht 1111 t men to go from tills thoo tortnimil thp Mr. she been a member or the itaptist and 'lour mills the itiol all ha vault! to pull hall. unknown to Duke. dressed anti showed only a slight differenee. 11(1111 eininty only 24.. one nom V111141111110 porponition 'alit twosome purchaser of Midi iitT MUM mane out to the garage where the gus- Church. and Culpepper, pastor of MP Sept. ltelt illa !miming that iir the factions appeared uneomproottising at first ptr vent. int here. istuilucted the tiatell- virtually till the country's wheat crop. ismiti ilitt ilit berttre lie sits tily was being tirawa. Itetore Nirs. the lite start. forty rel rpm !Hurt. wili littollter sit Duke's vitithilw could lie put out she log funeral serviee. She left litSiliPs stst fnrly per eent on out. 2. mill the re- the basis of 1220 ritiesisto the brought 1111. 'MS10111111 stVI1111 01111111.11 WILL OK REAM SOON. rithersi services wets- held tit the wits fatally burned. She wits food administration worked out dif- 11,01111w isr WI S4i11 111P- Steed rilliertukiliM parlor reline:May to Clovis where she reeelved medical grand eltilihrit. ferentials for the grades reApr 11.4 prartiothle. various and imatilivtol by (lasses Lester Stone. manager of the Clovis Inv tire the men hop arteraintil wets. itq. and for several termlnals. or Mill & Elevator Company. mays that been .tilitol by the tlistriti bonril Culpepper the th.tilkt The inlet. fixed is 2th higher titan Clovis people will moon be able to eat The hmvfiveit imreots Imre the sym- PHISONEDS TO PEN NEW SOLDIEH that named for the lists erop by con- am! are stibjeet to oat on the thilts set MU bread of sill. gress In nututifitetureil right here at above Tiw wiii 11,.1 is voted 111 pathy the food eluting bill. The mili home. Mr. Stone mays ItIP tuill will ----- - s2.1s1 priee set by eloilgriNg was taken the ord..: given below hot in the sorilet be ready into by for husinesm In about 30 daym theit WPIV firil Wit the &tat.: MANY NEW BUILDINGS. AND IIEMM SC110015 WEAD eonsideration eommittee intðes OHRE tool with the epuipment being in- Toni York Utley, considerating st fair valuation for thin mtallpit will turn out flour of the high- IVitt Thomas Chirk. 'rexteit. A itiNNI 11104 wriiten Omni year's crop. est grade. The mill will not retail itimes Chtrontee Ithotint, the building 114.1111y thnt has gone on In a statement aceompanying the Sheriff Nloye lefl the lirst of the Cutup 1.1111s11111. Fort Riley) galT.; flour but will have an exchange plan City tOorge Idling. Clovis. in Clovis (luring the pus! year and sTnnoutseenteitt of the prim President week for Simla Pe and Springer with Kept. Mafiosi tuts: from: Missouri. whereby the farmer can exehange his Artiotr Owen Conley. Melrose. various est linn es ha VP Iteen mole 11'llson declares it is the hope of the the prisoners for mate penitentiary Kansas stool rooloornolo in the Fourteenth wheat for flour. sm, w-- w Win. Mielinel o'Connor. about the nmouni or eonstrliction work food administration and his own as tool refonu school thin were sentetteell cantomment ut rump Emotion t Ross Everett Dols. Clovis. that Ints been done. well iliP fixing of the priee will datikattomottotmtm ut the term of eiwitit eotirt that closed here will dig trenches and drill lo blue !. Mnek Therinnto Itonelt. St Srnin. D. N. Croft WI IS 111P News that he stabilise the market and keep DEMONSTRATING lost week. The following prisoners overalls, ir suggestion tunoloo It) the Osent W. ititiskinittl. Belot. has kept a close watch and kept an prim' within moderato bounds for all FEDERAL TRUCKS. were token: wor department toy Mii.lot Wesley T. Knight, Clovis. nemirate amount of the totinlmr of transuellons during the current year. litirvey Rooth. vonvicted lissolall. Wood is adopted. E. Selnbtr 1.. Chninnati. St. Vrilln. building's that have been Martell slime The prive of flour awl bread. too, W. Curtis. ilistrbt distributor of sentelessi to pen for IS '41 24 months Not only will Ow government sure The distri1 lins not litt'shett I'M,. 1st of this yeur and that an ay. the president declares will be kept Federal Sales Co., is hi Clovis itonteris. senteneed to hittioltssis tor thou- fOr Jose of thous:mils doll:ors, demonstrating the Federal Mr. possing .41 the names mitt ethers will erne ii VP DPW struelnres have been down. Trot. pen for 12 to months. ersol Wood oleetures. bolt the use of issiteO nt Inter ante. So far the started eneh month. Mr. Croft says The t:onnuittee lit its report to the Curtis says he likes Clovis so well that It. F. Itohlosoli, convicted of forgery. overoolls will help the supply ilistriel bottril inittolleil tilt of the he has ottempted to keep no amount of President gave as its three chief con- he may decide to stay here aud work sentistessi to pen for 12 to ill months. or uniforms Wiðell 111 flil fr1111 1111141111111 010111. h. N4411111bigideð by the loot! additions to buildings ntni generni im- siderations that entered into its delib- this immediate territory himself in- ilverett Brandon. forgery, sesteneell 1111W, OW0E1111114 111 1111111,111 111.111.
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