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GEOLOGIC MAP of the GREATER DENVER AREA, FRONT RANGE URBAN CORRIDOR, COLORADO by Donald E U.S DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MISCELLANEOUS INVESTIGATIONS SERIES I–856–H U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Version 1.1 105°22'30" 105°15' 105°7'30" 105°0' 104°52'30" 104°45' 104°37'30" 40¡0’ 40°0' Qs Qv Ql Qes DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS Qco Qp Qlo Kp Qp Kp Kl Kl Qb TKda Ysp Qes Kf Qb Qp Qco Qv Xbc Kp Qb Qes Qp POST-PINEY CREEK AND PINEY CREEK ALLUVIUM (UPPER HOLOCENE) Kl Qes Qes Qco Qlo Qs Qlo Kp Kl Qb Qrf Qls Kf Ql Ysp TKd Qs Qco COLLUVIUM (UPPER HOLOCENE) Xbc Qp Qv Ysp Qp Qb Kl Qv Qes PPf Qp Qco Qco Qrf Kp Qs Qls Qs LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (HOLOCENE TO MIDDLE? PLEISTOCENE) Qs Qv Kl Qb Qp JPml Kl Qrf Qco Qs Qco Qv Qp Qes WINDBLOWN SAND (LOWER HOLOCENE TO UPPER PLEISTOCENE) Qv Ql TKd Ql Qes Kd Qv Kp Kl Qes Qco River Qco Qp Kf Ql TKda YXp TKda Kl TKda TKd Qs Xbc Qrf Qv Qp Qb Qb BROADWAY ALLUVIUM (UPPER PLEISTOCENE) Qp Qco Qs Qco Qlo Qco Ql Qp Qes Kf Ql Qco Qp Qv Qs Qrf Ql LOESS (UPPER PLEISTOCENE) Qrf Qs Qlo Kf Qs Qco Qco Qp Qes Qp Qco Qp TKd Qb Qco Qlo Qes LOUVIERS ALLUVIUM (UPPER PLEISTOCENE) Xbc Kf Kp Ql Qs Qrf Marshall Qv Qb Ql Kl TKda Qes Qs Kl Lake Qv Qs SLOCUM ALLUVIUM (PLEISTOCENE) Qv Ql Qco JPml Ql Qco PPf Qv Qs Kl Qs Qco Qv Qco Kn Qv Qs Qs Kp Qrf Qb Qb Barr Lake Kcgg Qv VERDOS ALLUVIUM (PLEISTOCENE) Qs Qrf Qco Ql TKda Qlo Qp Qs TKda Qp Ql TKda Xqm Qlo Qrf Qs Qs Qs ROCKY FLATS ALLUVIUM (PLEISTOCENE) Qp Xq Kd Kf Qco Qp Qco Qb Kl Kp Qco Platte Qlo Qb Qrf Qs Qn Qls Qco NUSSBAUM ALLUVIUM (PLEISTOCENE) Kp Qco Qp Xbc TKd Qrf Qrf Qv Qco Tg Qv Qv HIGH-LEVEL GRAVEL DEPOSITS (PLIOCENE TO OLIGOCENE) Xbc Qp PPf Qb TKd Qb Qv TKda JPml Qv Ql Tcr CASTLE ROCK CONGLOMERATE (LOWER OLIGOCENE) Xq Qs TKd PPf Kd TKda Qlo Qlo Qn Qv Twm Kp Kl WALL MOUNTAIN TUFF (LOWER OLIGOCENE) Xqm Qs Xq Qs Qco Qv Qb South Ql Ql Qco Tgm GREEN MOUNTAIN CONGLOMERATE (PALEOCENE) Qco TKda Xbc Kl Qco Qlo TKd Qes Xqm Qp Xq Ql Qv Kd Kp Qrf Qp TKda Qn Qv Qb Qlo Qb DAWSON AND ARAPAHOE FORMATIONS (PALEOCENE TO UPPER CRET- Xq TKda ACEOUS) Qes Qv Qb Ql Kl Qv Qco Kp Qs Qlo Kl Qrf Qco Qco Qlo Qco TKd DENVER FORMATION (PALEOCENE AND UPPER CRETACEOUS) Qp TKda Qco Ql Qrf 39°52'30" Qlo 39°52'30" Xq Xg Qp Qp Qs Qp Qes Xqm Ts SHOSHONITE (LOWER PALEOCENE) Qls Qv Qlo Qp Qp Qrf Qco Qs Xs TKd Qco Xbc Xa Ql Qs Qb Qp Standley TKd Kl LARAMIE FORMATION (UPPER CRETACEOUS) Kl TKd Qs Xs Xqm Qco Qlo Lake Xg PPf Kp Qp Ql Qs Qb Qs YXp Qp Kf FOX HILLS SANDSTONE (UPPER CRETACEOUS) Qrf Xfg Qco Ql Qn Qv Qv Qes Qp Kp PIERRE SHALE (UPPER CRETACEOUS) Xg Kl TKda Ql Qrf Qs Qp Qp Xs Xg Qv Kl Qco Qv PPf TKda Ql Ql Kn NIOBRARA FORMATION (UPPER CRETACEOUS) Qv Qco TKd TKd Qv Qls Qs Ql Ql TKd Qp Qco Qco Kcgg CARLILE SHALE, GREENHORN LIMESTONE, AND GRANEROS SHALE Qco Qv Qes JPml TKda (BENTON GROUP), UNDIFFERENTIATED (UPPER CRETACEOUS) Kd Qco Qlo Qv Qb PPf Kl TKda Qlo Xbc Qls Qlo Ql Qs Kd DAKOTA GROUP (LOWER CRETACEOUS) Qb Qco Qrf Qp JPml Ts Ql Xs Qb Qco Qs Jmr MORRISON AND RALSTON CREEK FORMATIONS (UPPER JURASSIC) Qls TKda Ql Qes Qp Qlo Qp Qp Qb Qv Qlo Qs Qlo Ql TKd Xa Xg Qrf Qp JPml MORRISON, RALSTON CREEK, AND LYKINS FORMATIONS, UNDIFFER- Xfg Qco Kp Qp ENTIATED (UPPER JURASSIC TO UPPER PERMIAN) Qco Qs Qco Qlo Kd Qco TKd YXp Qlo Qes Ql YXp PPf Ts TKda Xa Qp Qb Qs TRPl LYKINS FORMATION (LOWER TRIASSIC AND UPPER PERMIAN) Qb Qls Xg Xs PPfl Qlo Qco Qes Ql Qp Ply Xs Qs Qlo LYONS SANDSTONE (PERMIAN) Qlo Qes Xfg JPml Qco Qv Qlo Qp Qco Qb Qes PPfl LYONS SANDSTONE AND FOUNTAIN FORMATION, UNDIFFERENTIATED Qp Kd Xbc Qb TKd Qes Xa Qls Qv Qp Xs Qs Xa YXp Qs PPf Qs FOUNTAIN FORMATION (LOWER PERMIAN TO MIDDLE PENNSYL- Qs Xg YXp Ts Qp VANIAN) Qlo Qb Qes YXp Xg Qs Qes TKd Ql Cr UNNAMED ROCKS (CAMBRIAN) Qp Xa Qp Xs Qb Qls Qlo Ypp Qlo Qco PIKES PEAK GRANITE (PRECAMBRIAN Y) Xa Xfg Qp Qlo Xfg Qls Qb Qes Qlo YXp PEGMATITE (PRECAMBRIAN Y AND X) Qs Qco Qco Qrf Qp Qes Ql YXp Ql Qls Qlo Xa Ts Qp Qp Ysp SILVER PLUME QUARTZ MONZONITE (PRECAMBRIAN Y) 39 45' Qp Ql 39 45' ° Qs ° Qb Qs Qp Qes YXp Tg Xg Qv Qs Qp Qb Xqm QUARTZ MONZONITE (PRECAMBRIAN X) Qs Qes Qlo Qb Qrf TKd Kl Qp Qes Qs Qv ]Pl TKd Qv Xbc BOULDER CREEK GRANODIORITE (PRECAMBRIAN X) PPf Qco Qp Qb Tg Xbc Qco Qco Xa Xa TKd Qs TKda Qp Qco Kd Qs Ql Qlo Xq Tg Kf Qs Qrf QUARTZITE (PRECAMBRIAN X) Qco Qb River Qp ]Pl Xa PPf Qp Qes Qv Qb Qp Qb Qp Xs SCHIST (PRECAMBRIAN X) Qp Xg Qs Qp Qs TKd Ql Qp Xfg Qco Qs TKd Qp Qco Qb Xg Xa Qrf Qb Tg GNEISS (PRECAMBRIAN X) Qp Qp Qs Qp Qp Qv Qb Kp Qls TKd Ply Qco Qb Xfg FELSIC GNEISS (PRECAMBRIAN X) Qp Ql Qv Qb Qb Qp TKda Qrf TKd Qs Qlo Qlo Qco Qco Qls Qls Qlo Xa AMPHIBOLITE, HORNBLENDITE, AND RELATED ROCKS (PRECAM- Xa Qlo TKd Qv Qco BRIAN X) Xa Xfg Tgm Qp Qp Qp Qes TKda Qlo Xa TKd Platte PPf Kf Qes ]Pl Xfg Qs Qv Qp Ql CONTACT Qp Qes ]Pl Qco Kl Qco Qv Qp TKd Qlo Qco Kd Qp FAULT OR FRACTURE—Dotted where concealed Qco Qs Qs TKd Qp TKd TKd Qls Kp Qlo Ply Qv Qb Ql THRUST FAULT—Dotted where concealed. Teeth on upper plate Xfg Qp Qs Xbc TKda TKd Qlo Qrf Qs Qp Xa Qv Qlo Ql Qlo Qb FAULT ZONE—Zone of intense fault brecciation, usually associated with Qp ]Pl Kcgg Qb Qlo TKd Qp Qp PPf Qes Qes Qb numerous en echelon faults Qco Qco Ply Kl Qb Xa Qs Qs Qs Qlo YXp Qs Qp Qs Jmr Kf Ql Qco Qlo Qp TKd Xa Qp Kp Qb Qes Qb TKd Qp Qs Qco TKd Qs Ql ]Pl Xa Qlo Qv Qco Xg Xfg Jmr Qlo Qco Qb Qb Ql Qs Qco Ql TKda Xg Xbc Ql Qb Cherry Qs Kp Qv Qes TKd Ql Qp Qlo Qp Qco Creek TKd Ql Qlo Qv Ts Xg Kd Qs Qb Ql Qlo Qes Qp Qp Lake TKd TKd Qls Qrf Qv Qv Xbc Qp Xfg Qp Qs Qlo Qb Ysp Qp PPf Qco Marston Ql TKd Tg Qco TKd Xg Qs ]Pl Kl Lake Ql Qb TKd Xfg Qco Ysp 39°37'30" South 39°37'30" Qp Qco Qv Qlo Xa Ply Kn Qb Ql Qco Qls Qs Qes Qp Qls PPf TKda Qes Qlo Kp TKd Qlo Qs Qs Ql Qb Qb Jmr TKda Kcgg Qp Qb Qco Kp Qp TKd Ql Qes Xg Qco PPf Qs Ysp Xa Kp Qv Ql Qco Qv Qco Qes Qs Qes Xg QpJmr Kf Qlo Qp Qp Qco Qlo TKd Qlo Kn Qlo Qco Xg Kp Ql Qlo ]Pl YXp Qs Qp Qp Kd Qp TKda Ql Qco TKda Jmr Qco Qlo TKda Xg Xg Qco Qp Qv Qlo Qco Qls Kl Qb Kp Qp Xg Qp Qco Xg Qs Qp Ql TKda Qlo Kf Qp Qco Qb Qes Qp Xg Qco Qs Ql Qco Xbc Qp Xg Qs Jmr Kn Qp Qp Qs Qp Xg PPf Qb Qp Qp Kp Qb Qco Xg PPf Qp Ql Ql Qb Qp TKd TKda Qv TKd Xbc Xa Qs Ply TKda Qs TKda Ysp Qco Kf Chatfield Tcr Ql Ql Qp Ql Lake Qp Qlo Qb Xg Xg Kp Qes Qp Qp ]Pl Qs Qp Qes Qp Qco TKda Qb Qes Qes TKda Kn Qco Ysp Ql TKd Xq PPf Jmr Ql Ql Qs Qs Qco Qs Kd TKda Qs Qp Qb Kp TKda Qp Xg Ql Qs Kn Qco Qco Qp Qls Qs Qb Qes Qco Ply Qlo Qp TKda Qco Qb Qb Xfg TKdQp TKda Ysp Ysp Kp Qes Qp Qs Ql Qp Ql TKd Tg Ql Qlo Qv Ql Qls Ypp Qp Ql Ql Qp Qb TKda Xg Qv TKda Qs Qlo Xq Qs PPf Qrf Qb Qp Qp Xbc Xfg Qv ]Pl TKd Qp Qs Qb Qes Qp Xbc Xa Kd Qes Ql Xg Qp Kn TKd Ql Qs Qv Qco Tcr Kcgg Qp Qco PPf Xbc Qv 39°30' Qp TKd 39°30' Ql Qs Qs Qb Qs Xbc Qlo TKda Qp Qlo Qs Qb Qlo Ysp Qb Qp Tcr Xa Qs Ysp Ql Qp Qs Qs Qlo Xbc Jmr Kn Qv Qs Qb Xa Qs Qlo Xg Ply Qp Qs Qs Xg Qb Ql Qp Qs Qb Kd Kp Ql Kn Qlo Qs Qb Ysp Qv Qs Qlo Jmr Kl Twm Qb Qp TKda Xg Ply Qv Qp Qlo Qlo Ql Qrf Qs Qb Qs Qv Qv Tcr Tcr Ysp Qp Qb Jmr Qv Tcr Qp PPf Kn Kp Kf Qlo Qs Tg Ply Qs Qlo Qs Qb Qp Qs Qp Qb Qp Qs Xa Xg ]Pl TKda Qv Qp Kd Qs Qb Qb Qb Jmr Qrf Qv Qp Qlo Xg Kcgg Kf Qlo Twm Tg Qp Qp ]Pl Qlo Qb Tcr Qs Qb Qb Qs Qb Ysp Qs Qp Qb Qlo TKda Qs Qs Qlo Qes Ypp Qv PPf Ql Qv Kf Qv Qp Qv Qlo Qlo Kd Kl Qs TKda Qb ^r ]Pl Qs YXp Qp Qb Qb Ypp Qrf Ypp Qlo YXp Xg Qp Qv Qp Qlo Qv Tcr Qp Qp Qlo Qs Xa Qb Xg Tg Tg YXp Qb Tcr Ypp TKda Ypp Qp Twm Qs Qp Ypp Qv Qs Qlo TKda Tg Qp Ypp Tcr Qp YXp Kn Tcr Qlo Kcgg Qb Qb Qp 39°22'30" 39°22'30" 105°22'30" 105°15' 105°7'30" 105°0' 104°52'30" 104°45' 104°37'30" Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 13, 1927 North American Datum 10° SCALE 1:100 000 Geology compiled in 1973—1977; GIS database by Theodore R.
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