Wilderness and Human Communities s Proceedings from the / TTlr smms UNLNERNESS coNGXASS trt lllt *rrf* P ort Elizabeth. South Africa Edited by Vance G. Martin and Andrew Muir A Fulcrum Publishing Golden, Colorado Copyright @ 2004 The International'Wilderness Leadership (\7ILD) Foundadon Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data \(orld'l7ilderness Congress (7th : 2007 : Port Elizabeth, South Africa) 'Wilderness and human communities : the spirit of the 21st century: proceedings from the 7th \7orld \Tilderness Congress, Port Elizabeth, South Africa I edited by Vance G. Martin and Andrew Muir. P.cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-55591-855-2 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. \Tilderness areas-Alrica- Congresses. 2.'\Tilderness areas-Congresses. 3. Nature conservation- Citizen participation-Congresses. I. Martin, Vance. II. Muir, Andrew. III. Title. QH77.435W67 2001 333.78'2r6-d22 2004017590 Printed in the United States of America 098755432r A Fulcrum Publishing The \7ILD Foundation 16100 Thble Mountain Parkway, Suite 300 P O. Box 1380 Golden, Colorado, USA 80403 Ojai, California,USA93023 (800) 992-2908 . (303) 277-1623 (805) 640-0390 'Fax (805) 640-0230 www.fulcrum-boolc.com
[email protected] ' www.wild.org *1, .1q1r:a411- t rrr.,rrtr.qgn* Table of Contents vii The Port Elizabeth Accord of the 7rh Vorld Vilderness Congress ix Foreword The 7th \Vorld\Vildemess Congres Renms tu lts Roots in,4frica Andrew Muir xi Introduction \Vild Nature-A Positiue Force Vance G. Martin xiii Acknowledgmenm xv Editort Notes rviii Invocation-A Plea for Africa Baba Credo Mutwa IN Houon. oF IAN Pr-AyeR, FownEn oF THE .l7rrorRNpss \7op.r"o CoNcnrss 3 Umadoh-A Great Son of South Africa The Honorable Mangosuthu Buthelezi, MP 7 \ilTilderness-The Spirit of the 21st Century Ian Player PrRsprcrwrs eNo Rrponts pnou ARotxn tnn t07oRtt 17 The Global Environment Faciliryt Commitment to 'Wilderness Areas Mohamed T.