Inversion Analysis of Initial Geo-stress in Tunnel of DaPing Mountain Zhemin You PhD candidate, Faculty of Engineering, China university of Geosciences; No.388, Lumo Road, Wuhan, 430074,
[email protected] Jianping Chen Professor, Faculty of Engineering, China university of Geosciences; No.388, Lumo Road, Wuhan 430074, China.
[email protected] Yongsong Li PhD candidate, Rock Foundation Division, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Hubei Wuhan 430010, China, song90397@sohu. com Ying Xu PhD candidate, Faculty of Engineering, China university of Geosciences; No.388, Lumo Road, Wuhan 430074;
[email protected] ABSTRACT Based on the geological conditions and measured data of in-situ stress in DaPing mountain tunnel, the initial geo-stress field of tunnel area is analyzed by 3D multivariate FE regression. A 3D FE computational model is established to compute geo-stress in four cases, including gravity, tectonic stress field for horizontal extrusion and shear. And the regression coefficients are solved using the least square method , and then the calculation value of the measured points , eventually the regression stress field of the whole area especially important engineering parts .Through comparison between the calculated and measured geo-stresses of measuring points, it is found that these two are similar, which suggests that the geo-stress field obtained by regression is reasonable and conforms to the historical background of geological structure. The results of the geo-stress field have important reference value of the dynamic design and construction of projects. KEYWORDS: DaPing Mountain; deep buried tunnel; initial geo-stress field; FEM; regression analysis INTRODUCTION Guzhu (Gucheng-Zhuxi) expressway in Hubei province of China is an important section of the skeleton road network planned which includes six longitudinal and five horizontal and one - 2255 - Vol.