Norway in the Creative Age, 2012

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Norway in the Creative Age, 2012 Report June 2012 Norway in the creative age Irene Tinagli 1 Index Executive summary ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 PART1 Chapter 1: Talent ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 The Creative Class ........................................................................................................................ 9 Human Capital ..................................................................................................................................... 13 The Talent Index .............................................................................................................................. 15 Chapter 2: Technology .................................................................................................................................................. 16 High Tech Industry ..................................................................................................................... 16 Patents ................................................................................................................................................................. 17 The Technology Index .......................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 3: Tolerance ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 Diversity index ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Bohemians index .............................................................................................................................. 23 The Tolerance Index .................................................................................................................. 25 Acknowledgements: Chapter 4: The Norwegian Creativity Index (NCI) ................................................ 28 I would like to thank Chapter 5: The NCI, economic performance and Statens vegvesen Region sør for sponsoring the territorial aspects ............................................................................................................................ 30 project, and Tor Atle The NCI and economic performance ....................................................... 30 Odberg for providing all Non economic variables: proximity the coordination and the administrative support and connectedness ....................................................................................................................... 33 that are so crucial in Chapter 6: Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................ 35 projects of this kind. Also, a special thank to Dag Petter Svendsen PART2 Norwegian Cities over time: Analyzing Trends in eMind who patiently Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 39 collected the data used in the present study and Chapter 2: Talent Indicators´ Trend .................................................................................................... 40 built the geographical maps, and to Chirantan Creative Class Trends .............................................................................................................. 40 Chatterjee for his support Human Capital Trends ........................................................................................................... 44 with data analysis. Talent Trend Index ........................................................................................................................ 45 Chapter 3: Technology Trend Index .................................................................................................... 49 Rapporten er laget High Tech Industry ....................................................................................................................... 49 i samarbeid mellom Irene Tinagli, Statens Patents .................................................................................................................................................................. 50 vegvesens prosjekt Technology Trend Index .................................................................................................... 52 Bystrategi Region sør og Abelia Chapter 4: Tolerance Trend Index .......................................................................................................... 53 Foreign Population Trends .......................................................................................... 54 Bohemian Trend ................................................................................................................................ 56 Overall Tolerance Trend Index ............................................................................. 57 Chapter 5: The Norwegian Creativity Trend Index .............................................. 60 Chapter 6: Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 63 Appendix I: Norwegian Creativity Index, all by city size ............................ 65 Colourbox Foto: Appendix II: Methods ............................................................................................................................................................. 77 2 Part I Foto: Colourbox Foto: 3 4 Excutive summary The research presented in this report measures and analyzes three key dimensions of Norway’s economy and society: talent, technology and innovation, and the social context in which they are embedded. It builds upon the theory of the “3Ts” of economic development advanced in The Rise of the Creative Class by Ameri- can professor Richard Florida, but it expands it by integrating the analysis with a wide range of additional connectedness. variables such as new firms formation, employment generation, house prices, geographical proximity and The work builds three composite indexes (Talent, Technology, and Tolerance) and a synthetic “Norwegian Creativity Index” that summarizes all three of them. Data and indicators have been collected for all the 429 Norwegian municipalities, and analyzed with reference to the most recent data (Part I of the report) and to the trends registered over time (Part II), thus offering a unique and detailed socio-economic picture of the country and of its trajectory. AThe CH analysisANGING has SOCIE providedTY AND many ECONOMY. interesting findings. Norway is undeniably changing: its society is getting more open and international and its economy more three hundred and twelve thousands people working in science and engineering, research and development, technology-baseddiversified and creative. industries, Almost in the one arts, fourth music, of Norwegian culture, or workforcein the knowledge-based is engaged in creativeprofessions occupations; of health - creativecare, finance occupations and law. are An Stavanger,amount that Sandnes, has grown Trondheim, by 45% Bergen,in the four Oslo, years Baerum, between and 2003Asker. and 2007, increas ingThe its changes weight concern on employment Norway’s from society 20% asto well.23%. MoreThe cities people that are exhibit coming the from highest abroad, levels especially and growth from rates non- of implieswestern a countries.growing diversity The share of background, nonwestern ideas,population culture is and almost skills. 20% in Oslo, 16% in Drammen, 13% in Lorenskog, and in many other cities is between 6 and 8%. A trend also found in medium and small cities. This PATTERNS IN ECONOMIC GROWTH. High levels of talent, diversity and creative occupations appear to be highly correlated to economic growth, new firms creation, employment and property value. The Norwegian Creativity Index (NCI) is positively corre- thatlated a withsolid newTalent firms’ base creation.and an open Interestingly, and diverse Talent social andcontext Tolerance are key have elements a strongest of new entrepreneurialcorrelation with acti the- vities.rates of It newalso worthfirm creation, mentioning, than that, high although levels of manyTechnology small cities(as measured do not perform by high equally tech industry) well on all suggesting the three dimensions considered and tend to have, on average, lower levels of creative occupations, the correlation between the Norwegian Creativity Index and the selected measures of economic performance also holds for municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants. A CHANGING GEOGRAPHY. geography of the county is also changing. Despite the long-term effort of the Government to “spread out” resourcesOne of the and most population interesting throughout findings ofthe the country, research patterns is the ofobservation geographical of howconcentrations much the socio-economicemerge clearly, particularly among creative resources and innovation. For example, while Oslo
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