Suburban Rail Loop Stage One: Glen Waverley

A new Suburban Rail Loop underground train station at Glen Waverley is proposed to be located west of Springvale Road, connecting more people to retail, restaurants and entertainment and providing a key transport link to the Glen Waverley line.

Stage One overview Connecting Glen Waverley Suburban Rail Loop will transform ’s public to the Loop transport system, connecting our suburbs and The new Suburban Rail Loop station at Glen Waverley making travel easier and more convenient. is proposed to be located west of Springvale Road, It will connect every major train line from the making it easier to access retail, restaurants and Frankston line to the Werribee line via entertainment facilities including The Glen Airport and improve access to housing, jobs, Shopping Centre. schools, universities and hospitals in Melbourne’s The station will be in the heart of Glen Waverley’s middle suburbs. thriving activity centre improving access to Stage One will create a new standalone line local schools, community facilities and with 26 kilometres of twin rail tunnels and new government services. underground stations at Cheltenham, Clayton, The new station will be configured over two levels Monash, Glen Waverley, Burwood and Box Hill. underground. Access between street level and the station platforms will be provided via lifts and elevators. A single station entry, oriented towards Coleman Parade and the existing Glen Waverley Station is proposed, allowing passengers to connect directly Glen Waverley railway line with the existing Glen Waverley line and bus interchange. Coleman Parade Glen Waverley Accessible drop-off and taxi bays and bicycle Station storage facilities are proposed for the new station. Improvements to local roads and intersections will support traffic flow, with landscaping and upgrades SRL Station to pedestrian connections also proposed. Myrtle Street Suburban Rail Loop Authority is working with key Springvale Road stakeholders to identify opportunities to improve pedestrian and cycling connections.


Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. Stage One: Cheltenham to Box Hill Indicative underground stations and alignment What you told us about Glen Waverley Whitehorse Rd KEW Box Hill We’ve been capturing feedback since June 2020 on how Suburban Rail Loop can contribute to making the areas around the new Stage One stations even better ALTONA NORTH BLACKBURN places to live, work and visit.

Elgar Rd TOORAK CAMBERWELL Glen Waverley railway line You’ve told us: Burwood Coleman Parade ALTONA WILLIAMSTOWN Glen Waverley Burwood Hwy Station BURWOOD The mix of retail, food and ST KILDA Whitehorse Rd High St entertainment offerings is EAST KEW Box Hill valued by people

CAULFIELD SpringvaleRd SRL Station FerntreeBox Hill Gully Road Myrtle Street ALTONA NORTH Gardens Glen BLACKBURN

Nepean Highway Elgar Rd Springvale Road Carinish Road Monash Traffic congestion and parking TOORAK CAMBERWELL Clayton Road MedicalWaverley Madeleine Road Glen WaverleyHaughton railway Road line Centre is a key challenge, particularly Sir WilliamGardiners Fry Creek Deakin

Presbyterian ReserveElgar Road UniversityWHEELERS Kingsway Warrigal Rd Burwood near the retail hub and existing Coleman Parade Station StreetSRL Station ALTONA MURRUMBEENAWILLIAMSTOWNLadies’ College HILL Whitehorse Road Glen Waverley Burwood Hwy North Rd BURWOOD train station

Station Station Street Nepean Hwy ST KILDA Monash High St Burwood HighwayEAST Bay Road SRL StationSRL Station Pakenham & Cranbourne

railway line CAULFIELD SpringvaleRd Centre Rd SRLSRL Station Station EAST Market St Myrtle Street Better active transport BRIGHTON Blackburn Road Glen Box Hill Southland Monash Fwy

Springvale Road connections are needed, Station Station Westfield Waverley Clayton Howleys Road SRL Station Southland including safer pedestrian South Rd WHEELERS MOORABBIN Kingsway Warrigal Rd Centre Road MURRUMBEENA HILLcrossings and cycling lanes Normanby RoadMcComas Grove North Rd SANDRINGHAM SPRINGVALE Nepean Hwy Monash


Princes Hwy Bay Rd Cheltenham

Reserve Rd Moorabbin Indicative only Airport CHELTENHAM Building a new

Reserve Rd underground station


Y Airport odedos Legend Construction of the new underground station in Melbourne e Y Airport Glen Waverley would be staged to reduce impacts Bundoora Y SRL Underground Station – edele BALLARAT esevo on nearby residents, businesses, roads and access oncaster Stage One Y o ll to the surrounding area. use SRL Rail Tunnel Alignment –

eee Stage One Works would also involve tunnelling activities to GEELONG Burwood link the new Suburban Rail Loop station at Glen Underground Station Area TRARALGON le vele Waverley to the rest of Stage One. Monash Transport Super Hub Stage One You can read more about the proposed techniques lto Existing Rail Alignment to build the stations and tunnels in the Building DANDENONG elte Suburban Rail Loop: Stage One fact sheet. STONY POINT Protecting places and the environment How can I get In order to construct a major This work, alongside involved? infrastructure project such community and stakeholder We want to hear your feedback as Suburban Rail Loop, we feedback, will guide the on Stage One, including what recognise there may be some development of mitigation and areas, design considerations and impacts on the environment management measures and construction impacts are most and future land use. help us shape the design and important to you. construction of the station and A range of investigations and tunnels in Glen Waverley. Feedback from the community assessments are considering and key stakeholders, along with the potential environmental Like other major infrastructure technical and environmental effects on the Glen Waverley projects, Suburban Rail Loop investigations will be considered precinct. Specialist studies requires extensive statutory as part of the planning and in this area will assess approvals. Rail infrastructure environmental assessment process. ecological values, soil and for Stage One of Suburban Rail ground conditions, traffic and Loop will be assessed through To have your say visit transport impacts, as well as an Environment Effects land use and amenity impacts Statement (EES). You can read associated with station more about the approvals infrastructure. required in the Planning and environmental assessment: Stage One fact sheet.

More information To fi nd out more about Suburban Rail Loop:

1800 105 105 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) It should be noted that this information is current at the time of printing, however changes may occur. Please visit Suburban Rail Loop Authority suuranrailloovigovau for the latest updates. PO Box 4509, Melbourne, VIC 3001 776