Annual Report FSG 2015 Discrimination and the Roma community FSG Cuaderno Técnico nº 120 C/ Ahijones, s/n - 28018 Madrid (España) Tel.: (34) 91 422 09 60 - Fax: (34) 91 422 09 61
[email protected] Informe Anual FSG 2015 In collaboration with: 194 cases of discrimination Legal judgments on anti-Gypsyism in Europe Social awareness raising campaigns Discriminación y Comunidad Gitana Annual Report FSG 2015 Discrimination and the Roma community 194 cases of discrimination Legal judgments on anti-Gypsyism in Europe Social awareness raising campaigns Author and editor: Fundación Secretariado Gitano C/ Ahijones, s/n – 28018 Madrid Tel.: 91 422 09 60 Fax: 91 422 09 61 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: Technical coordination and drafting: Department of Equality and Anti-Discrimination - FSG Sara Giménez Mª Carmen Cortés Javier Sáez FSG Area of Communication Translation: Stephen Carlin Design and printing: A.D.I. Legal depository: M-43093-2016 © Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) Madrid 2016 Serie Cuadernos Técnicos nº 120 “This material is free of charge. All forms of commercialisation are prohibited”. Contents Introduction . 7 Cases of discrimination . 11. 1 . Conclusions and recommendations . 13 2 . Cases of discrimination gathered by the FSG in 2014 . 19 . 3 . Cases of discrimination in Europe . 85 4 . Presentation of disaggregated data . 89 . Headway made in combating discrimination . 93. 1 . Legislative progress and positive case law across Europe and in Spain . 95 I. Infringement procedure against the Czech Republic and Slovakia for their school segregation policies affecting Roma students . 95 II. European judgments on anti-Gypsyism: Italy, Bulgaria and Hungary .