A Virtualized Infrastructure for Automated BitTorrent Performance Testing and Evaluation R˘azvan Deaconescu George Milescu Bogdan Aurelian R˘azvan Rughini¸s Nicolae T¸˘apu¸s University Politehnica of Bucharest Computer Science Department Splaiul Independent¸ei nr. 313, Bucharest, Romania frazvan.deaconescu, george.milescu, bogdan.aurelian, razvan.rughinis,
[email protected] Abstract 1 Introduction In the last decade, file sharing systems have gener- P2P sharing systems are continuously developing ally been dominated by P2P solutions. Whereas email and increasing in size. There is a large diversity of so- and HTTP have been the \killer apps" of the earlier In- lutions and protocols for sharing data and knowledge ternet, a large percentage of the current Internet back- which enable an increasing interest from common users bone traffic is BitTorrent traffic [15]. BitTorrent has and commercial and academic institutions [22]. proven to be the perfect file sharing solution for a de- It is assumed [15] that BitTorrent is responsible for centralized Internet, moving the burden from central a large portion of all Internet traffic. BitTorrent has servers to each individual station and maximizing net- proven to be the \killer" application of the recent ears, work performance by enabling unused communication by dominating the P2P traffic in the Internet [24]. paths between clients. During the recent years BitTorrent [16] has become the de facto P2P protocol used throughout the Inter- Although there have been extensive studies regarding net. A large portion of the Internet backbone is cur- the performance of the BitTorrent protocol and the im- rently comprised of BitTorrent traffic [18].