CENTRAL COALFIELDS LIMITED A Miniratna Company Govt. of India Undertaking) DARBHANGA HOUSE, RANCHI -834029 Phone : (0651) 2360369/2360114 Fax : (0651) 2360369 / 2360007 No : Wsry(CCL)/EOI/Dhori reject/12/ Date : / / 2012 Expression of Interest for Purchase of Washery Rejects. This is for information of all interested thermal based Power Plants / Fluidized Bed Combustion Technology based TPPS that CCL would like to sell 0.74 Mtpa washery rejects to be produced from upcoming Dhori Washery to be installed under turnkey concept. The rejects will have GCV 3640 kcal/ kg(as per TEFR of CMPDIL, based on one sample test result which is likely to vary on either side depending on characteristics and quality of Raw Coal Feed) . The rejects are expected to be available from June 2014/commissioning & starting of the Washery and its price will be as per the selling price of rejects as decided by CCL/CIL/MoC taking into account the situation prevailing at the time of commissioning & starting of washery. All interested thermal based Power Plants / Fluidized Bed Combustion Technology based TPPs fulfilling the requisite criteria as given in EoI document (see website www.ccl.gov.in, having requirement of rejects from June’2014/commissioning & starting of the Washery onwards, may please submit their expression of interest to the office of the General Manager, Sales and Marketing Division , CCL, Darbhanga House, Ranchi (Jharkhand) at 15.00 Hrs. (IST) on or before 30.03.2012. Clarification required by the Respondents may be submitted on or before 19.03.2012 through email Id :
[email protected] or through FAX.