COAL INDIA LIMITED A MAHARATNA COMPANY (An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 50001:2011 Certified Company) CIN: L23109WB1973GOI02844 PRODUCTION DIVISION COAL BHAVAN Premises No. 04 MAR, Plot No. AF-III, Action Area-IA, New Town, Rajarhat Kolkata – 700 156 TELE FAX:033-2324 5123, E-mail:
[email protected] Website : Tender No. CIL/C-1/F-37/20-21/NIO/343 Date: 15.06.2021 Notice Inviting Offer Open e-Tender Tender Document For Verification and Certification of closing coal stock as on 31.03.2021 in all mines, washeries and coke plants of Coal India Limited (CIL) Invitation for Bids (IFB) 01. Coal India Limited, Govt. of India undertaking with its registered office at Coal Bhawan, Premises No: 04, Plot No. AF-III, Action Area-1A, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata -700156, invites online bids through its e- Procurement Portal from reputed Chartered / Cost Accountant Firm/LLP Firm(Limited Liability Partnership) for verification and certification of closing coal stock as on 31.03.2021 in all mines, washeries and coke plants of CIL spread over in 8 states (West Bengal, Jharkhand, MP, Odisha, Maharashtra, UP, Chattisgarh, Assam). 02. The complete offer document can be downloaded from CIL e-Procurement Portal and also from Central Public Procurement Portal i.e. CPP-Portal. Complete tender document shall also be available on Coal India’s website 03. There will be no physical/manual sale of tender document. There is no Tender Fee and the bidders can download tender document free of cost from any of the websites mentioned above.