3:00 P.M.

North Peace Cultural Centre Carpet Room 10015 100 Avenue Fort St. John, BC PEACE RIVER REGIONAL DISTRICT INAUGURAL MEETING AGENDA

for the meetings to be held on Friday, December 9, 2011 in the North Peace Cultural Centre Carpet Room, 10015 100 Avenue, Fort St. John, BC commencing at 3:00 p.m.

1. Administration of Oaths of Office

2. Call to Order by the Chief Administrative Officer

As per Section 66 of the Peace River Regional District Procedure By-law No. 1633, 2006

3. Election of Chair a) Call for nominations b) 2 – minute address to the Board by candidates c) Poll

4. Election of Vice Chair a) Call for nominations b) 2 – minute address to the Board by candidates c) Poll

5. Adjourn


1. Call to Order by the Chief Administrative Officer

2. Officers and Officials

Hospital District Act. RSBC 1996 Chapter 202:

“17 (1) The auditor and the officers and employees of the board of the regional district that corresponds to the regional hospital district board are the auditor and the corresponding officers and employees of the regional hospital district board, and the regional hospital district board may specify their duties.”

“17 (3) Despite subsection (1), the board may elect from its members a person other than the chair of the regional board, as chair of the board.”

3. Adjourn

Peace River Regional Hospital District

Peace River Regional District

3 p.m. Friday, December 9, 2011

at the

North Peace Cultural Centre Carpet Room 10015 100 Avenue Fort St. John, BC

Downloadable Version Printable Version

Additional Items / Handouts will be available the week following the meeting PEACE RIVER REGIONAL DISTRICT


December 9, 2011

3 p.m. Directors’ Oath of Office

- administered by Judge Brian Daley

immediately following Regional District Inaugural Board Meeting

- Election of Chair and Vice Chair (procedure attached)

immediately following Regional Hospital District Inaugural Board Meeting

- Officers and Officials pursuant to the Hospital District Act RSBC 1996 Chapter 202: 17(1) or 17(3)

immediately following Regional Hospital District Regular Board Meeting

immediately following Regional District Regular Board Meeting

5:00 p.m. Adjournment - no later than

œ œ œ œ œ œ

Peace River Regional Hospital District

December 9, 2011 Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Directors' Notice of New Business

3. Adoption of Agenda

4. Minutes

HM-1 Regional Hospital District Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2011.

5. Business Arising from the Minutes

6. Delegations

7. Petitions

8. Correspondence

9. Reports

10. By-laws

11. Diary

Regional Hospital Diary

12. New Business

13. Consent Calendar

14. Notice of Motion (for the next meeting)

15. Media Questions (on agenda items and business discussed at the meeting)

16. Adjournment



DATE: November 24, 2011

TIME: 10 a.m.

PLACE: Regional District Office Board Room, , BC

PRESENT: Directors Alternate Directors Director Goodings, Chair Alternate Director Christensen Director Hadland Director Lantz Director Hiebert Director Saugstad Director Jarvis Director White Director Caton Director Anderson Absent Director Bernier Director Ackerman Director Clark

Staff Fred Banham, Chief Administrative Officer Shannon Anderson, General Manager of Environmental Services Faye Salisbury, Corporate Officer Kim Frech, Chief Financial Officer Bruce Simard, General Manager of Development Services Trish Morgan, Manager of Community Services Wendy Rockafellow, Manager of Communications Sheila DeCosta, Secretary – Legislative Services, Recorder

Others Jim Little Margaret Little

1) Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.



Peace River Regional Hospital District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 2


2) Adoption of Agenda RHD/11/11/01 (24) MOVED by Director Bernier, SECONDED by Director Lantz, that the Peace River Regional Hospital District agenda for the November 24, 2011 meeting be adopted: 1. Call to Order 2. Directors’ Notice of New Business 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Minutes HM -1 Regional Hospital District Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2011. 5. Business Arising from the Minutes 6. Delegations 7. Petitions 8. Correspondence 9 Reports 10. By-laws 11. Diary Regional Hospital Diary 12. New Business 13. Consent Calendar 14. Notice of Motion (for the next meeting): 15. Media Questions (on agenda items and business discussed at the meeting) 16. Adjournment CARRIED MINUTES:

3) HM-1 RHD/11/11/02 (24) Regional Hospital MOVED by Director Caton, SECONDED by Director Hadland, District Meeting that the Regional Hospital District Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2011 be Minutes of adopted. November 10, 2011 CARRIED

4) Diary RHD/11/11/03 (24) MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director Lantz, that the November 24, 2011 Regional Hospital Diary be received. CARRIED 5) Adjournment RHD/11/11/04 (24) MOVED by Director Bernier, SECONDED by Director Lantz, that the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.

Sheila DeCosta, Recording Secretary Karen Goodings, Chair

CERTIFIED a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regional Board of the Peace River Regional Hospital District from a meeting held on November 24, 2011 in the Regional District Office Board Room, Dawson Creek, BC

Faye Salisbury, Corporate Officer


LAST DIARY ITEM DIARIZED COMMENTS REVIEWED 1. Northern Medical 02/11/28 - the Board requested an update from UNBC Nov 10, 2011 Program Trust - University of Northern BC

2. Shortage of Nurses 07/04/26 50% increase in 2006/07 nursing spaces at UNBC and initiation July 14, 2011 recruitment initiatives: grants, UK recruitment, revamping website, specialty education to existing RNs. – Diarized, to see how this affects nursing shortage over time. - October 28, 2010 Betty Morris provided a updated list of Northeast Professional Vacancies. Overall the vacancy rate is less than 2% for the 1613 medical professional positions in the Northeast. - Item C-4 in the PRRD April 14th Agenda - this letter is to be sent to NCL and UNBC to see if there is anything the Board can do to help move the Baccalaureate Nursing Program forward. - Received UNBC response (C-4 in July 14 PRRD Agenda) –to forward it to Northern Health to obtain requested data.

3. Fort St. John 10/03/25 - September 7, 2011 Northern Health News Release: Northern Sept 8, 2011 Hospital and Health will divest itself of the current Fort St. John Hospital and Residential Care will explore market interest in the buildings and land together, Project or in demolition of the building and sale of the land alone.

Peace River Regional District

December 9, 2011 Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Directors' Notice of New Business

3. Adoption of Agenda

4. Minutes

M-1 Regional District Meeting Minutes of November 24, 2011.

5. Business Arising from the Minutes

6. Delegations

7. Petitions

8. Correspondence

C-1 December 1, 2011 UBCM Notification of Executive Vacancies.

9. Reports

R-1 November 29, 2011 – Faye Salisbury, Chief Election Officer – November 19, 2011 General Election Results.

R-2 November 28, 2011 - Faye Salisbury, Corporate Officer – 2012 Meeting Schedule.

R-3 November 28, 2011 – Chair Goodings, Wildlife Committee – November 22 meeting recommendations. See MA-1

R-4 December 2011 – Faye Salisbury, Corporate Officer – Insurance Services Proposal. (to be handed out at the meeting)

10. By-Laws

11. Diary a) Regional Diary b) Agenda Preparation Schedule c) Schedule of Events

12. New Business

13. Appointments

14. Consent Calendar

15. Notice of Motion

16. Media Questions



DATE: November 24, 2011

TIME: 10:30 a.m.

PLACE: Regional District Office Board Room, Dawson Creek, BC

PRESENT: Directors Alternate Directors Director Goodings, Chair Alternate Director Christensen Director Hadland Director Lantz Director Hiebert Director Saugstad Director Jarvis Director White Director Caton Director Anderson Absent Director Bernier Director Ackerman Director Clark

Staff Fred Banham, Chief Administrative Officer Shannon Anderson, General Manager of Environmental Services Faye Salisbury, Corporate Officer Kim Frech, Chief Financial Officer Bruce Simard, General Manager of Development Services Trish Morgan, Manager of Community Services Wendy Rockafellow, Manager of Communications Sheila DeCosta, Secretary – Legislative Services, Recorder

Others Jim Little Jill Earl, Northeast News Margaret Little Tim Toews Kirstin Ridout, CJDC TV Caroline Toews Jason Gowda Andy Anderson Matthew Bains, Mile “O” City News

Prior to the start of the meeting Chair Goodings was pleased to present Christina Wards, Assistant Treasurer, with the Peace River Regional District ten year service award.

1) Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:34 a.m.


Director Hadland Cemetery Site Designation Director Caton Invasive Plant Council Meetings

Peace River Regional District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 2


2) Adoption of Agenda RD/11/11/01 (24) MOVED by Director Caton, SECONDED by Director Hadland, that the Peace River Regional District agenda for the November 24, 2011 meeting, including Director’s new business and additional handout items for the agenda, be adopted as amended: 1. Call to Order 2. Directors’ Notice of New Business 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Minutes M -1 Regional District Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2011. 5. Business Arising from the Minutes 6. Delegations 7. Petitions 8. Correspondence C-1 Notice of January 25-27, 2012 Leading the North Conference. C-2 November 7, 2011 - Sander Rose Bone Grindle Chartered Accountants - information related to audit. C-3 November 7, 2011 - Sander Rose Bone Grindle Chartered Accountants - confirmation of acceptance of audit. C-4 October 27, 2011 - Deputy Minister of Finance response - BC Hydro's Exemption from property taxation. Referred from November 10th meeting. C-5 November 8, 2011 - District of Chetwynd - Recreation Centre Right-in / Right-out Highway Access Project. C-6 November 14, 2011 - UBCM Member Release - CFIB's Fourth Municipal Spending Report. C-7 February 28, 2011 - Big Bam Ski Club - request for a "Resolution of Support" for NDIT Application. C-8 November 15, 2011 - Whiskey Jack Nordic Ski Club - request for a "Resolution of Support" for NDIT Application. C-9 November 16, 2011 - Kwadacha First Nation - request for a "Resolution of Support" for NDIT Application. C-10 Invitation to November 28, 2011 Septimus Creek Wind Power Project Open House in Taylor, BC. 9. Reports R-1 November 10, 2011 - Chair Regional Parks Committee - November 10, 2011 meeting recommendations. See MA-1 R-2 Temporary Use Permit Application 143/2011 (Haagsman). See R-5 R-3 Development Variance Permit Application 173/2011 (McMillan). R-4 Non-Farm Use Application 176/2011 (Hall). R-5 Non-Farm Use Application 184/2011 (Haagsman). Handout: Ten letters in support of Grizzco Camp Services - received November 23rd and 24th. R-6 November 17, 2011 - Kim Frech, CFO - Disposal of Assets (Director Laptops). R-7 October 28, 2011 – Faye Salisbury, Corporate Officer – November 17, 2011 Electoral Area Directors’ meeting recommendation. Handout: R-8 November 16, 2011 – Trish Morgan, Manager of Community Services – Community Recreation Grant Program. 11. By-laws B-1 Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1950, 2011 (Rocky View Investments) a) November 8, 2011 report from Owen Bloor, Land Use Planner; b) "Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1950, 2011." CONSIDERATION OF THIRD READING AND ADOPTION continued on next page…

Peace River Regional District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 3

Adoption of Agenda - RD/11/11/01 (24) - continued continued 11. By-laws - continued B-2 Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1986, 2011 (Pollard) a) November 14, 2011 report from Owen Bloor, Land Use Planner; b) "Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1986, 2011." CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION B-3 Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1987, 2011 (Toews) a) November 9, 2011 report from Owen Bloor, Land Use Planner; b) "Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1987, 2011." CONSIDERATION OF THIRD READING B-4 Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1989, 2011 (Thompson) a) November 9, 2011 report from Owen Bloor, Land Use Planner; b) "Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1989, 2011." CONSIDERATION OF THIRD READING AND ADOPTION B-5 Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1992, 2011 (North Pine Community Church) a) November 10, 2011 report from Owen Bloor, Land Use Planner; b) "Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1992, 2011." CONSIDERATION OF THIRD READING AND ADOPTION B-6 Wonowon Refuse Transfer Station Agreement By-law No. 1995, 2011. a) November 16, 2011 report from Jeff Rahn, Manager of Solid Waste; and b) "Wonowon Transfer Station Agreement By-law No. 1995, 2011". CONSIDERATION OF FIRST THREE READINGS AND ADOPTION B-7 Regional District Building By-law No. 1996, 2011 a) November 17, 2011 report from Bruce Simard, GM of Development Services; b) "Peace River Regional District Building By-law No. 1996, 2011". CONSIDERATION OF FIRST AND SECOND READINGS B-8 North Peace Leisure Pool Boundary Amendment By-law No 1997, 2011 a) November 19, 2011 report from Kim Frech, Chief Financial Officer; b) "North Peace Leisure Pool Boundary Amendment By-law No 1997, 2011". CONSIDERATION OF FIRST THREE READINGS 11. Diary a) Regional Diary b) Agenda Preparations Schedule c) Schedule of Events 12. New Business NB-1 Cemetery Site Designation NB-2 Invasive Plant Council Meetings 13. Appointments 14. Consent Calendar MA-1 Regional Parks Committee Meeting of November 10, 2011.See R-1 CA-1 November 2, 2011 District of Hudson's Hope - AgriRecovery 2011 Canada-BC feed Assistance Initiative. CA-2 November 9, 2011 UBCM In the House - Legislative Updates. CA-3 November 7, 2011 copy of Director Hadland's letter to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages - Rocky Mountain Fort and Portage House. RA-1 September 2011 Building Permit Report. RA-2 October 2011 Building Permit Report. 15. Notice of Motion (for the next meeting): 16. Media Questions (on agenda items and business discussed at the meeting) 17. Adjournment CARRIED

Peace River Regional District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 4


3) M-1 RD/11/11/02 (24) Regional Board MOVED by Director Bernier, SECONDED by Director Caton, Meeting Minutes of that the Regional Board Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2011 be adopted. November 10, 2011 CARRIED

4) BA-1 Director Hadland requested that the use of water for fracing purposes be included in the Item 4, C-1 Water Act Management Committee discussions. Modernization of the Water Act


5) C-7 RD/11/11/03 (24) February 28, 2011 MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director Hiebert, Big Bam Ski Club that the Regional Board forward a letter to the Big Bam Ski Club in support of their - request for a funding application, in the amount of $30,000, to the Northern Development Initiative "Resolution of Support" Trust for the rebuilding of the Big Bam Ski Hill Facility. for NDIT Application CARRIED

6) C-8 RD/11/11/04 (24) November 15, 2011 MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director White, Whiskey Jack Nordic that the Regional Board forward a letter to the Whiskey Jack Nordic Ski Club in support Ski Club - request for a of their funding application, in the amount of $20,000 to the Northern Development "Resolution of Support" Initiative Trust for the trail expansion project at Beatton Provincial Park. for NDIT Application CARRIED

7) C-9 RD/11/11/05 (24) November 16, 2011 MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director White, Kwadacha First Nation that the Regional Board forward a letter to the Kwadacha First Nation in support of their - request for a funding application, in the amount of $20,000 to the Northern Development Initiative "Resolution of Support" Trust for development of a combined heat and power (CHP) biomass system in Fort for NDIT Application Ware BC. CARRIED

8) C-10 RD/11/11/06 (24) Invitation to Septimus MOVED by Director Jarvis, SECONDED by Director Clark, Creek Wind Power that the Electoral Area Directors be authorized to attend the Septimus Creek Wind Project Open House Power Project Open House on November 28, 2011 at Taylor, BC. CARRIED

9) Vary Agenda RD/11/11/07 (24) MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director Caton, that the agenda be varied to deal with item B-3 at this time. CARRIED

Peace River Regional District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 5


10) B-3 RD/11/11/08 (24) Zoning Amendment MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Alternate Director Christensen, By-law No. 1987, 2011 that “Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1987, 2011” be (Toews) given third reading. CARRIED REPORTS:

11) R-1 RD/11/11/09 (24) November 10, 2011 - MOVED by Director Hiebert, SECONDED by Director Lantz, Chair Regional Parks that the Regional Board adopt the "Peace River Regional District Regional Parks Committee Committee Terms of Reference”. - November 10, 2011 CARRIED meeting recommendations.

Recommendation #1 re: Regional Parks Committee Terms of Reference

Recommendation #2 RD/11/11/10 (24) re: Regional Parks MOVED by Director Saugstad, SECONDED by Director Bernier, Committee Terms of that the Regional Board adopt the Terms of Reference of the Parks and Trails Master Reference Plan Advisory Committee. CARRIED

Recommendation #3 RD/11/11/11 (24) re: Appointments to the MOVED by Director Hiebert, SECONDED by Alternate Director Christensen, Parks & Trails Master that the Regional Board appoint the following individuals to be on the Regional Parks Plan Advisory and Trails Master Plan Advisory Committee: Tim Bennett; Rob Hergott; Lloyd Cushway; Committee Heidi Elias-Bertim; Pat O'Reilly; Jaqueline Walmsley; Sean Whitford; and Helmut Patzelt. CARRIED 12) R-2 RD/11/11/12 (24) Temporary Use Permit MOVED by Director Saugstad, SECONDED by Director Bernier, Application 143/2011 that item R-2 be tabled to later in the meeting, following R-5. (Haagsman) CARRIED

13) R-3 RD/11/11/13 (24) Development Variance MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director Jarvis, Permit Application that staff be requested to schedule a public information meeting prior to Board 173/2011 (McMillan) consideration of Development Variance Permit Application No. 173/2011 for Carl Young and Barb McMillan to increase the maximum accessory building floor area on Parcel A, Plan 30749, Section 34, Township 83, Range 18, W6M, PRD, by 121 m2 (1304 ft2), from the permitted 187 m2 (2016 ft2) to 308 m2 (3320 ft2), in order to build a new 223 m2 (2400 ft2) shop for a home based vehicle repair business use. CARRIED

Peace River Regional District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 6

REPORTS: continued

14) R-4 RD/11/11/14 (24) Non-Farm Use MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director Caton, Application 176/2011 that the Regional Board support Non-Farm Use Application 176/2011 for Lee and (Hall) Kristin Hall to utilize ~9 acres of the parent parcel of Lot 2, BCP7979, District Lot 1242, PRD for the development of a year round campground facility consisting of 50 spaces including manager’s quarters and laundry/shower building; and authorize the application to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission as it is supported by Section 7 – Policy 2, as agri-tourism in the recently adopted Peace River Regional District Rural Official Community Plan. CARRIED 15) R-5 RD/11/11/15 (24) Non-Farm Use MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director White, Application 184/2011 that the handout package of ten letters of support for Grizzco Camp Services Inc. be (Haagsman) received. CARRIED Handout: Letters of Support RD/11/11/16 (24) MOVED by Director Lantz, SECONDED by Director Anderson, that the Regional Board refuse Non-Farm Use Application 184/2011 for James and Fred Haagsman, as submitted, to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission as the proposal does not meet Official Community Plan and Zoning Requirements.

NAYS 2: Directors Bernier and Saugstad CARRIED

16) Lift from the Table RD/11/11/17 (24) MOVED by Director Hiebert, SECONDED by Director Lantz, that item R-2 be lifted from the table. CARRIED

Since the Non-Farm Use Application 184/2011 (Haagsman) was refused, no decision was required on Item R-2.

17) Recess The meeting recessed at 11:32 a.m.

18) Reconvene The meeting reconvened at 11:46 a.m.

19) R-6 RD/11/11/18 (24) November 17, 2011 - MOVED by Director Lantz, SECONDED by Director Hiebert, Kim Frech, CFO - a) that the Regional Board approves the disposal of twelve laptops purchased in Disposal of Assets 2009 for use by the Board of Directors for electronic agendas; and (Director Laptops) b) furthermore that the laptop used by that particular Director be offered for sale to that Director for a disposal charge of fifty dollars; and c) that all remaining laptops be deemed surplus equipment and be made available to Regional District supported not for profit groups and organizations on a first come, first served basis. CARRIED

Peace River Regional District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 7

REPORTS: continued

20) R-7 RD/11/11/19 (24) October 28, 2011 MOVED by Director Saugstad, SECONDED by Director Hiebert, Faye Salisbury, that a letter be sent to the House of Commons stating that we do not support the Corporate Officer proposed Bill C-322; which is an Act to amend the Health of Animals Act and the Meat – November 17, 2011 Inspection Act, to prohibit the export of horses for slaughter and horse meat for human EADC meeting consumption. recommendation CARRIED Re: House of Commons Bill C-322

21) R-8 RD/11/11/20 (24) November 16, 2011 MOVED by Director Caton, SECONDED by Director Hadland, Trish Morgan that staff be authorized to submit a joint application with the District of Chetwynd and - Community the Chetwynd and District Civic Properties Commission for the Community Recreation Recreation Grant Grant Program for up to $660,000 for the “Right-In and Right-Out Recreation Centre Program Access Project”. CARRIED Recommendation #1 Recreation Centre Access Project

Recommendation #2 RD/11/11/21 (24) Whiskey Jack Nordic MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Alternate Director Christensen, Ski Club Trail that staff be authorized to submit an application for the Community Recreation Grant Expansion Program for up to $130,000 on behalf of the Whiskey Jack Nordic Ski Club for the "Beatton Provincial Park Nordic Ski Trail Expansion”. CARRIED Recommendation #3 RD/11/11/22 (24) Kwadacha First Nation MOVED by Director Hiebert, SECONDED by Alternate Director Christensen, Ice Rink that staff be authorized to submit an application for the Community Recreation Grant Program for up to $760,000 on behalf of the Kwadacha First Nation for the "Fort Ware Ice Rink Infrastructure Project”. CARRIED BY-LAWS:

22) B-1 RD/11/11/23 (24) Zoning Amendment MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director Lantz, By-law No. 1950, 2011 that “Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1950, 2011” be (Rocky View given third reading. Investments) CARRIED

RD/11/11/24 (24) MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director Lantz, that “Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1950, 2011” be adopted. CARRIED

Peace River Regional District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 8

BY-LAWS: continued

23) B-2 RD/11/11/25 (24) Zoning Amendment MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director Lantz, By-law No. 1986, 2011 that “Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1986, 2011” be (Pollard) adopted. CARRIED

24) B-4 RD/11/11/26 (24) Zoning Amendment MOVED by Director Caton, SECONDED by Director Hadland, By-law No. 1989, 2011 that “Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1989, 2011” be (Thompson) given third reading. CARRIED RD/11/11/27 (24) MOVED by Director Caton, SECONDED by Director Hadland, that “Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1989, 2011” be adopted. CARRIED 25) B-5 RD/11/11/28 (24) Zoning Amendment MOVED by Director Hiebert, SECONDED by Director Hadland, By-law No. 1992, 2011 that “Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1992, 2011” be (North Pine Community given third reading. Church) CARRIED

RD/11/11/29 (24) MOVED by Director Hiebert, SECONDED by Director Hadland, that “Peace River Regional District Zoning Amendment By-law No. 1992, 2011” be adopted. CARRIED 26) B-6 Withdrawn Wonowon Refuse Transfer Station Agreement By-law No. 1995, 2011

26) B-7 The update of the Building By-law has attempted to harmonize, where possible and Regional District practical, with the administrative schemes of the major communities of Fort St. John, Building By-law No. Dawson Creek and Chetwynd. This new by-law will also meet best practises for 1996, 2011 building by-law administration as recommended by the Municipal Insurance Association of BC; of which the Peace River Regional District is a member. This has been a consideration to provide greater continuity in the application of the Building Code in the Peace River Regional District.

RD/11/11/30 (24) MOVED by Director Saugstad, SECONDED by Director Hiebert, that “Peace River Regional District Building By-law No. 1996, 2011” be given first and second readings. CARRIED

Peace River Regional District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 9

BY-LAWS: continued

27) B-8 RD/11/11/31 (24) North Peace Leisure MOVED by Director Saugstad, SECONDED by Director Hiebert, Pool Boundary a) that “North Peace Leisure Pool Boundary Amendment By-law No. 1997, 2011” be Amendment By-law given first three readings to amend “North Peace Leisure Pool Local Service Area No. 1997, 2011 Establishment By-law No. 995, 1995”; and b) be forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for Statutory Approval. CARRIED


28) Regional Diary/ RD/11/11/32 (24) Agenda Preparation MOVED by Director Lantz, SECONDED by Director Clark, Schedule/ Schedule of that the November 24, 2011 Regional Diary/ Agenda Preparation Schedule/ Schedule Events of Events be received. CARRIED


29) NB-1 RD/11/11/33 (24) Cemetery Site MOVED by Director Hadland, SECONDED by Director Hiebert, Designation that staff be directed to apply for cemetery designation status for the old Fort Site - Hudson’s Bay Cemetery. CARRIED

30) NB-2 Director Caton provided an oral report of his attendance at the November 21-23, 2011 Invasive Plant Council Invasive Plant Council of BC meetings in , BC. He stated that the name of Meetings the council will be changed to the Invasive Species Council of BC. Regional councils are not required to change their names; however they will subsequently not qualify for grants regarding the species portion of the council. He recommended that the Board send a representative to the January 24-25, 2012 meetings, in order to keep current and become involved in the province’s management of invasive plants/species.

31) Recess The meeting recessed for luncheon at 12:10 p.m.

32) Reconvene The meeting reconvened at 1:02 p.m.

minutes continued on next page…

Peace River Regional District November 24, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes Page 10


33) NM-1 RD/11/11/34 (24) BC Utilities MOVED by Director White, SECONDED by Director Hadland, Commission Review of WHEREAS the Clean Energy Act has exempted a Utilities BC Hydro’s Site C Commission overview of certain projects; Hydro Project AND WHEREAS the involvement of the British Columbia Utilities Commission would bring another independent transparent overview of major energy initiatives;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of the Peace River Regional District requests that the Minister of Energy and Mines amend the Clean Energy Act re-instate the overview agency, British Columbia Utilities Commission, into this Act.

NAYS 2: Directors Saugstad and Bernier CARRIED

34) Adjournment RD/11/11/35 (24) MOVED by Director White, SECONDED by Director Caton, that the meeting adjourn. CARRIED

The meeting adjourned at 1:18 p.m.

Sheila DeCosta, Recording Secretary Karen Goodings, Chair

CERTIFIED a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regional Board of the Peace River Regional District from a meeting held on November 24, 2011 in the Regional District Office Board Room, Dawson Creek, B.C.

Faye Salisbury, Corporate Officer

MEMO December 1, 2011


The purpose of this memo is to notify members of the direction taken by the Executive at the November 25th Executive meeting with regard to Executive vacancies as a result of the Local Government Elections.

At the meeting, Executive members were advised that there are four vacancies, and the process for filling those vacancies in accordance with the UBCM Bylaws and Policies: • SILGA representative – SILGA to make a re-appointment • Third Vice President – Executive CANNOT appoint a Third VP, but has option to appoint an ‘Acting Director at Large’. • Director at Large (1) – Executive may appoint an eligible elected official. • Vancouver Metro Area Representative (1) – Executive may appoint an eligible elected official.

Based on the direction provided in the Bylaws and Policies, the Executive ‘may’ fill vacancies or may not (see Appendix A for extracts of both documents). Upon consideration of the Bylaws and Policies the Executive endorsed the following recommendations:

That the Executive proceed to notify the membership of the vacancies on the Executive for Director at Large and Vancouver Metro Area Representative and seek expressions of interest based on the process and eligibility criteria outlined in the policies for each of these positions; and

That a process be put into place to provide for the two vacancies to be filled prior to the next Executive meeting scheduled for February 2-3, 2012.

The Executive chose not to appoint an additional ‘Acting Director at Large’ to fill the vacancy left by the Third Vice-President. The President has asked Chair Al Richmond, EA Rep on the UBCM Executive, to serve as a ‘member at large’ to the Presidents Committee to fill the vacancy left by Third VP. In accordance with the Bylaws, SILGA has made a new appointment to the Executive, Councillor Harry Kroeker, City of Merritt, to replace Noreen Guenther. Notification of Executive Vacancies page 2

Next Steps This memo serves as notification to the membership that the UBCM Executive wishes to fill the vacancies for: • Director at Large (1); and • Vancouver Metro Area Representative (1).

As noted in the endorsed Executive recommendation, the process for filling vacancies will follow the process outlined in s. 8.5 of the Executive Policies.

Eligibility for Office Director At Large – this position is open to all elected officials of UBCM.

Vancouver Metro Area Representative – this position is open to elected members of either, or both, a council of a member municipality of the GVRD or of the GVRD Board (a list of eligible local governments is attached as Appendix B).

Process Eligible elected officials interested in applying for either of these positions are encouraged to submit an expression of interest for one of these vacancies, as outlined in s. 8.5 of the Executive Policies. We would ask that potential candidates complete the attached nomination form (Appendix C) and return it by email or fax to the attention of the Immediate Past President. Candidates are also encouraged to provide a short bio of themselves (not more than 300 words) with their nomination form. All materials can be sent to the attention of Immediate Past President, Councillor Barbara Steele, care of the following email address: [email protected] or by fax: 604-270-9116.

The submission deadline for expressions of interest (nomination form and bio) is: Monday, January 9, 2012

The Executive will consider all expressions of interest and make a decision regarding whom they will appoint to fill these two vacancies.

Following Executive deliberations, all members will be notified of the Executive’s decision. Newly appointed board members will be invited to attend the February 2-3, 2012 Executive meeting in Richmond.

If you have any questions about the process please contact Marie Crawford, Associate Executive Director at 604-270-8226 Ext. 104 or by email: [email protected].

Thank you and we welcome eligible interested candidates to apply. For further information about UBCM and the Executive please see the UBCM website. Notification of Executive Vacancies page 3



UBCM Bylaws Section 2 of the UBCM Bylaws provides the following definition for officers:

2. The Officers of the Union shall be: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice- President, and Third Vice-President.

Section 3(d) speaks to filling vacancies: (bold italics indicate relevant sections)

(d) No person shall hold a position as Officer of the Union unless elected as an Officer by the membership of the Union and no person shall be elected more than twice, whether consecutively or otherwise, as President of the Union. …

In the event of a vacancy: • amongst the Officers, other than President, the Executive may appoint, from amongst persons qualified to be elected to the Executive, Acting Directors at Large equal to the number of vacancies; • amongst the Directors at Large, the Small Community Representative, the Electoral Area Representative, or the Vancouver Metro Area Representatives, the Executive may appoint a person qualified to hold the office to fill the position for the term remaining; • in the position of Vancouver Representative, GVRD Representative or amongst the five Directors appointed by the Area Associations such vacancies shall be filled in the manner of the original appointment.

Executive Policies Section 8.5 of the Executive Policies outlines the process for appointing replacements:

8.5 Member notice of vacancies on the executive

If there is a vacancy following a local general election that will require the Executive to appoint a replacement, the following steps will be taken before the matter is considered by the Executive.

1. Councils and boards will be notified of the vacancies that exist, the procedures for replacement and advised that the Executive will accept expressions of interest. 2. Any expression of interest must be endorsed by two elected officials of UBCM members. 3. An interested candidate may submit an expression of interest for one position only. 4. Expressions of interest will be directed to the Immediate Past President, who will prepare a report for the Executive on the materials received. Notification of Executive Vacancies page 4

Appendix B

Vancouver Metro Area Representative – List of Eligible Members

Abbotsford Anmore Belcarra Bowen Island Burnaby Coquitlam Delta Electoral Area A (Metro Vancouver) Langley City Langley Township Lions Bay Maple Ridge New Westminster North Vancouver City North Vancouver District Pitt Meadows Port Coquitlam Port Moody Richmond Surrey Tsawwassen First Nation Vancouver West Vancouver White Rock Notification of Executive Vacancies page 5


NOMINATIONS1 FOR THE 2011/2012 UBCM EXECUTIVE We are qualified under the UBCM Bylaws to nominate1 a candidate and we nominate:

Name: ______

Position in local government:  Mayor  Councillor  Director

Municipality or Regional District represented: ______

Nominated for:  Director At Large  Vancouver Metro Area Representative


Name: ______Name:______

Mun/RD: ______Mun/RD:______

Signature: ______Signature:______

Date: ______Date: ______

CONSENT FORM I consent to this nomination and attest that I am qualified to be a candidate for the office I have been nominated to pursuant to the UBCM Bylaws2.


Name: ______

Position in local government:  Mayor  Councillor  Director

Municipality or Regional District represented: ______

Nominated for:  Director At Large  Vancouver Metro Area Representative

Signature: ______Date: ______


1 Nominations require two elected officials of members of the Union [Bylaw 4(b)]. 2 All nominees of the Executive shall be elected representatives of a member of the Union [Bylaw 3(c)]. Nominees for Electoral Area Representative, Small Community Representative and Vancouver Metro Area Representative must hold the appropriate office.

Peace River Regional District


TO: Chair and Directors

FROM: Faye Salisbury, Chief Election Officer

DATE: November 29, 2011

RE: November 19, 2011 General Local Election

On November 23, 2011, the following election results were confirmed:

1. DIRECTOR - Electoral Area ‘B’

Karen Goodings (Incumbent) - By Acclamation

2. DIRECTOR - Electoral Area ‘C’

Arthur Hadland (Incumbent) - By Acclamation

3. DIRECTOR - Electoral Area ‘D’

Wayne Hiebert (Incumbent) - By Election (see page 2)

4. DIRECTOR - Electoral Area ‘E’

Jerrilyn Schembri (Candidate) - By Election (see page 3)

Staff Initials: Depart. Head: CAO:

Report to Chair and Directors November 29, 2011

2. Director Electoral Area ‘D’ Total Number of Valid Votes Cast 410 Candidates Valid Votes Cast HIEBERT, Wayne 202 MARCHUK, Ian 147 PETERSON, Elaine 61

Ballot Account: 1. Total number of ballots received by the Presiding Election Official from the Chief Election Officer for use at the voting opportunity; 4000

a. the number of ballots given to electors at the voting opportunity; 410 b. the number of ballots for which marks were accepted as valid votes for the election without objection; 409 c. the number of ballots for which marks were accepted as valid votes, subject to an objection under Section 130; 0 d. the number of spoiled ballots rejected as invalid without objection 1 e. the number of ballots rejected as invalid, subject to an objection under Section 130; f the number of spoiled ballots that were cancelled and replaced under Section 118 0 2 Total number of ballots given to electors (b+c+d+e+f) 410 g the number of unused ballots; 3590 h the number of ballots added under Section 127(3) to the ballots for which the ballot account is prepared; 0 i the number of ballots not accounted for 0 3 Total number of ballots not used (g+h+i) 3590 4 Total number of Ballots (2+3 - must equal 1 above) 4000

WAYNE HIEBERT was declared Director for Electoral Area ‘D’

Page 2 of 3

Report to Chair and Directors November 29, 2011

3. Director Electoral Area ‘E’ Total Number of Valid Votes Cast 169 Candidates Valid Votes Cast KABUSH, Elmer 58 SCHEMBRI, Jerrilyn 111

Ballot Account: 1. Total number of ballots received by the Presiding Election Official from the Chief Election Officer for use at the voting opportunity; 2800

a. the number of ballots given to electors at the voting opportunity; 173 b. the number of ballots for which marks were accepted as valid votes for the election without objection; 169 c. the number of ballots for which marks were accepted as valid votes, subject to an objection under Section 130; 0 d. the number of spoiled ballots rejected as invalid without objection; 3 e. the number of ballots rejected as invalid, subject to an objection under Section 130; 0 f the number of spoiled ballots that were cancelled and replaced under Section 118 1 2 Total number of ballots given to electors (b+c+d+e+f) 173 g the number of unused ballots; 2627 h the number of ballots added under Section 127(3) to the ballots for which the ballot account is prepared; 0 i the number of ballots not accounted for 0 3 Total number of ballots not used (g+h+i) 2627 4 Total number of Ballots (2+3 - must equal 1 above) 2800

JERRILYN SCHEMBRI was declared Director for Electoral Area ‘E’

Page 3 of 3

Peace River Regional District REPORT

To: Chair and Directors

From: Faye Salisbury, Corporate Officer

Date: November 28, 2011

Subject: 2012 Meeting Schedule


That the Regional Board approve the 2012 Peace River Regional District meeting and location schedule.


The proposed meeting schedule for 2012 has meetings scheduled every second and fourth Thursday of every month, except September and December.

The September meetings have been changed to the first and third Thursday, so as not to conflict with UBCM meetings during the fourth week of September.

The December meeting is scheduled for the first Friday following the first Monday in December.

In 2010, three Regional Board meetings were scheduled as Outreach to Community meetings, in the following locations: Chetwynd; Tupper and Buick. In 2011, meetings were held in Hudson’s Hope; ; Rolla and Upper Halfway.

Due to the low turnout from the public, and the higher cost of advertising and travelling to these meetings, it is recommended that only one outreach meeting be scheduled per year. For 2012, Director Hadland has recommended that a meeting be held at Tower Lake, to include a tour and lunch at the South Peace Hutterian facility.

The long range plan would be to have the 2012 outreach meeting in the South Peace; the 2013 meeting in the West Peace; and the 2014 meeting in the North Peace.


January 12 Dawson Creek January 26 Dawson Creek

February 9 Fort St. John February 23 Dawson Creek

March 8 Dawson Creek March 22 Dawson Creek

April 12 Fort St. John April 26 Dawson Creek

May 10 Dawson Creek May 24 Dawson Creek

June 14 Fort St. John June 28 Tower Lake

July 12 Dawson Creek July 26 Fort St. John

August 9 Dawson Creek August 23 Fort St. John

September 6 Dawson Creek September 20 Dawson Creek

October 11 Dawson Creek October 25 Fort St. John

November 8 Dawson Creek November 22 Dawson Creek

December 7 Dawson Creek

NCLGA Convention, May 2 - 4, 2012 in 100 Mile House FCM Convention, June 1 - 4, 2012 in Saskatoon UBCM Convention, September 23 - 28, 2012 in Victoria Peace River Regional District REPORT

To: Chair and Directors

From: Karen Goodings, Chair – Wildlife Committee

Date: November 28, 2011

Subject: November 22, 2011 Wildlife Committee meeting recommendations

The following recommendation arising from the November 22, 2011 Wildlife Committee meeting is for the Regional Board’s consideration. The minutes are on the Consent Calendar for information.

RECOMMENDATION: That the Wildlife Committee recommend to the Regional Board that a letter be forwarded to the BC Agriculture Council requesting support for stackyard fence funding in 2013 “outside of an environmental farm plan”; with copies to , South Peace MLA; , North Peace MLA; the Honourable Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and the Honourable Don McRae, Minister of Agriculture.


Staff Initials: Dept. Head: CAO:



Director Jarvis and April Moi attended Tourism Day on Parliament Hill in November 2007 and had good discussions with ministers. Mr. Mgrath and Michael Audy from the Historic Sites and Monuments Board said even though the bridge does not meet the criteria for historic site designation, they will work together with us – possibly through recognition of the whole Alaska Highway. The paperwork (Federal) is underway for national heritage designation of the whole Alaska Highway, which will include the bridge.

Staff reported on the process required to move forward with regional / provincial / federal heritage designation.

Staff was authorized to develop a new Heritage Services By-law establishing a Regional Heritage Service Function 1. Kiskatinaw Bridge - Federal Heritage 07/02/22 “Peace River Regional District Heritage Conservation Service Establishment By-law No. 1943” received first reading Designation on May 19, 2011, and authorization was given to seek consent in writing from the participating areas.

An update report was received on August 11, 2011 and the Board resolved to continue to seek creation of a Heritage Service over time by obtaining regional agreement and confirmation of full Board participation.

At the September 8, 2011 meeting, the Board resolved to provide a grant to the Alaska Highway Community Society Sept 8, 2011 to fund their Alaska Highway National Historic Site Project (538,060 over three years), in order that the Society can research, prepare and present an application to Historic Sites and Monuments Board/Parks Canada.

Regional District involvement would require creating a Heritage Service Function and establishing a Commission; creating a community heritage register; acquiring the land; and compiling the necessary documentation to be added 2. Charlie Lake Cave - 09/10/22 Heritage Designation to the Provincial Heritage Registry.

3. PRRD Strategic Plan 10/03/25 Feb 10, 2011

PEACE RIVER Peace River Regional District


1. Work together and "!97N B support one another

Fort St John

2. Be a unified voice… be "!29N C Taylor Hudson's H ope "!97 a “player” Dawson Creek 49 "97S "! ! Chetwynd "!2 "!97S "!52N 3. Be a leader in E "!29S PRRD British Co Peace River D sustainability Tumbler Ridge "!5 2E lu mbia Regional 4. Be fiscally responsible

5. Maintain a professional District

working environment Jurisdiction Area (Hectares) Chetwynd 6,442 6. Provide quality service Dawson Creek 2,375 delivery Fort St. John 2,310 Hudson’s Hope 93,370 Pouce Coupe 324 Taylor 1,784 Tumbler Ridge 159,129 Electoral Area B 8,816,630 Electoral Area C 60,609 Electoral Area D 1,180,550 Electoral Area E 1,675,960

Dawson Creek Office PO Box 810, 1981 Alaska Avenue Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4H8 Phone: (250) 784-3200 Toll Free: 1 800 670-7773 Working to support Fax: (250) 784-3201 E-mail: [email protected] rural, community Fort St. John Office and regional 9505-100 Street Fort St. John, BC V1J 4N4 interests. Phone: (250) 785-8084 Fax: (250) 785-1125 E-mail: [email protected] What we do... What we strive for... Our Mission Our Values The Peace River Regional District works The following values reflect what the Peace What you can expect... cooperatively to: River Regional District stands for and believes: x Provide a broad range of local and regional services that reflect the interests, values, and x Accountability: taking ownership and goals of our citizens. accepting responsibility for making decisions and following up with x Provide leadership, in changing environments, implementation of those decisions to meet the current and future needs of our residents and businesses. x Integrity: making decisions for and acting in the best interests of the Region x Speak with a unified voice on behalf of rural, community, and regional interests. x Fairness: acting in an unbiased way, with a sense of fair play x Respect: showing consideration for people, lands, and governing bodies The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) was established in 1987 when the lands x Trust: in one another formerly included in the Peace River-Liard x Credibility: ensuring the business of the Regional District were divided into two Region is transparent and believable regional districts. The PRRD encompasses approximately 12 million hectares (120,000 x Cooperation: willing to work together square kilometers) and includes seven and support one another incorporated municipalities and four rural x Leadership: making sound decisions electoral areas. The Peace River Regional today and demonstrating vision while District serves a population of 58,264. focusing on the future. Regional Districts in British Columbia are established by the Provincial Government for three primary purposes: Our Customer Service Values x To act as local government for their What you can expect from the Peace River (unincorporated) electoral areas; Our Vision Regional District when you come to our offices or do business with the Regional x To provide the political and administrative The Peace River Regional District strives to: District. “We are…” frameworks necessary for member x Preserve and enhance the spirit, traditions, municipalities and electoral areas to ! Friendly ! Helpful and unique character of the Peace. collaborate in the provision of services; ! Fair ! Cooperative and x Create sustainability through a diverse ! ! economy, high quality rural and community Respectful Consistent x To be the regional service body lifestyles, and a healthy, safe environment. ! ! responsible for providing regional services Resourceful Professional to, and undertaking key activities on x Unify and strengthen the Peace by providing “Our bottom line is...let’s get the job done.” behalf of, their entire regions. cooperative, innovative leadership.

AGENDA PREPARATION SCHEDULE for 2012 (dependent upon approval of proposed schedule - Item R-2) January 12, 2011 (Dawson Creek) January 26, 2011 (Dawson Creek) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, January 5 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, January 19 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday January 6 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday January 20

February 9, 2011 (Fort St. John) February 23, 2011 (Dawson Creek) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, February 2 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, February 16 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday February 3 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday, February 17

March 8, 2011 (Dawson Creek) March 22, 2011 (Dawson Creek) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, March 1 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, March 15 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday March 2 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday March 16

April 12, 2011 (Fort St. John) April 26, 2011 (Dawson Creek) Agenda Preparation – Wednesday, April 4 Agenda Preparation – Wednesday, April 19 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Thursday April 5 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Thursday, April 20

NCLGA – May2--4 in 100 Mile House May 10, 2011 (Dawson Creek) May 24, 2011(Dawson Creek) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, May 3 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, May 17 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday May 4 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday May 18

FCM - June 1-4 in Saskatoon June 28, 2011 (Tower Lake) June 14, 2011 (Fort St. John) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, June 21 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, June 7 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday June 22 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday June 8 July 12, 2011 (Dawson Creek) July 26, 2011 (Fort St. John) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, July 5 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, July 19 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday July 6 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday July 20

August 9, 2011 (Dawson Creek) August 23, 2011 (Fort St. John) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, August 2 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, August 16 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday August 3 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday August 17

September 6, 2011 (Dawson Creek) September 20, 2011 (Dawson Creek) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, August 30 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, September 13 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday August 31 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday Sept. 14 UBCM - September 23 - 28 in Victoria October 11, 2011 (Dawson Creek) October 25, 2011 (Fort St. John) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, October 4 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, October 18 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday October 5 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday October 19

November 8, 2011 (Dawson Creek) November 22, 2011 (Dawson Creek) Agenda Preparation – Thursday, November 1 Agenda Preparation – Thursday, November 15 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday November 2 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday, Nov 16

DECEMBER 7, 2011 (Dawson Creek) Agenda Preparation, Thursday November 29 Post Agenda to PRRD Website - Friday November 30


DECEMBER 2011 December 9 - PRRD Christmas Party – Fort St. John, BC December 14 - PRRD Board of Directors Orientation (10 a.m – 2 p.m), Dawson Creek December 25 - Christmas Day December 26 - Boxing Day

JANUARY January 2 - New Year’s Day Stat January 3 - PRRD Strategic Planning Workshop (1 p.m. – 5 p.m) Super 8, Dawson Creek January 4 - PRRD Strategic Planning Workshop (9 a.m – 3 p.m) Super 8, Dawson Creek January 11 -13 - LGLA Elected Officials Seminar for Small Communities < 10,000, Richmond January 19 - Elected Officials Workshop (10 a.m. – 3 p.m.) Pomeroy Hotel, Fort St. John

FEBRUARY February 8-10 - LGLA Elected Officials Seminar for Electoral Area Directors, Richmond February 14 - Valentines Day February 22-24 - LGLA Elected Officials Seminar for Large Communities > 10,000, Richmond Feb 28 – Mar 1 - LGLA Elected Officials Seminar for NCLGA Members, Prince George

MARCH March 11 - Time Change

APRIL April 6 - Good Friday April 9 - Easter Monday

MAY May 2-4 - NCLGA, 100 Mile House May 8 - Mother’s Day May 21 - Victoria Day

JUNE June 1-4 - FCM, Saskatoon June 17 - Father’s Day

JULY July 1 - Canada Day Parade and Celebration – Pouce Coupe, Chetwynd, Fort St. John July 2 - Canada Day Stat

AUGUST August 1 - Civic Holiday August 3-5 - Kiskatinaw Fall Fair August 7-12 - Dawson Creek Fall Fair, Exhibition and Pro Rodeo – 90th Anniversary August 17-19 - North Peace Fall Fail, Fair Grounds, Fort St. John

SEPTEMBER September 3 - Labour Day September 23 – 28 - UBCM, Victoria

OCTOBER October 8 - Thanksgiving Day October 31 - Halloween

NOVEMBER November 4 - Time Change November 11 - Remembrance Day November 12 - Remembrance Day Stat

DECEMBER December 7 - PRRD Christmas Party, Dawson Creek December 25 - Christmas Day December 26 - Boxing Day

PEACE RIVER REGIONALDISTRICT Wildlife Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: Tuesday, November 22, 2011

TIME: 1:00 p.m.

PLACE: Regional District Offices, Dawson Creek, BC

PRESENT: Director Karen Goodings, Electoral Area ‘B’- Meeting Chair Dan Rose, Alternate Director, Electoral Area ‘E’ Don Dunbar, South Peace Producer Burnem Grant, South Peace Producer Nick Baccante, Ministryof Environment Julie Kline, Ministryof Enviroment Mark Phinney, Louisiana Pacific Corporation Darryl Kroeker, Ducks Unlimited Canada Julie Robinson, Ministryof Agriculture Rick Mayor, BC WildlifeFederation Vern Goodings, North Peace producer Suzanne Garrett, Corporate Services Coordinator

Guests - via teleconference Jeff Morgan, A/Manager, Wildlifeand Private Land Stewardship, MoNRO

1) Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m.

2) Adoption of the MOVEDby Julie Robinson, SECONDED by Nick Baccante, Agenda that the WildlifeCommittee Agenda for the November 22, 2011 meeting including New Business and additional items for the agenda, be adopted as amended. CARRIED. Minutes M-1 WildlifeCommittee Meeting Minutes of March 1, 2011 Correspondence: C-I March 31, 2011 letter from Dale Morgan, Regional Executive Director regarding Structured Decision Making. C-2 July 6, 2011 email from the Peace River Forage Association of BC regarding a Wildlife MitigationStudy. C-3 March 8, 2011 letter from Brian Baehr, Manager, Agriculture Environment Initiatives regarding disposal of screenings. C-4 Various emails regarding changes to Hunting Regulations. C-S Re: Chronic Wasting Disease a) October 25, 2011 email from Helen Schwantje, Veterinarian b) October 25, 2011 letter from Rural Budgets Admin. Committee C-6 October 21, 2011 report from Jeff Morgan, MoNRO, regarding development of a website to link hunters and landowners (handout); C-7 November 22, 2011 letter from Rick Mayor, Vice President, BCWF regarding an amendment to “PRRD Solid Waste Fees and Regulations By-law No. 1928, 2011 .“ (handout) Reports: R-1 Draft “Agriculture WildlifeCommittee Terms of Reference” R-2 Stackyard Fence Survey - results R-3 Wildlife Mitigation Sub-Committee Diary

Page-1- Peace RiverRegionalDistrict WildlifeCommitteeMeetingMinutesof November22, 2011

MINUTES: 3) M-1 Wildlife MOVEDby Dan Rose, SECONDED by Darryl Kroeker, Cmte Mtg. Mm. of that the WildlifeCommittee Meeting Minutes of March 1, 2011 be adopted. March 1,2011 CARRIED.

BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: 4) Item 7 re: Members were advised that a proposal has been drafted to ascertain ifthere bison in the Pink is an interest in having a “shared LEH hunt” program for the bison herd in the Mountain area Pink Mountain area.

The Committee willrequest copies of the Bison Management Plan for Wood Buffalo (Plain and Woods) from Mr.Thiessen.

5) Item 12 re: Mr. Morgan advised members that the 2012 /2013 Hunting and Trapping hunting regulations Regulations Synopsis willcontinue to be available in hard copy (paper) and on the website:

Itwas noted that hunting regulation changes for the Peace Region were not on the website. Mr. Baccante advised that the Ministrywas aware and the revisions willbe posted soon.

6) Predator It was felt that changes to the Predator regulation need to be expanded. Regulation Current regulations are not keeping wolf numbers down. South and North Peace regions are experiencing an increase in the number of wolves, resulting in significant cattle/calf losses. The Predator Control Program, currently operated by the Conservation Officers (CD) has not been effective. At the beginning of the program CO’s were vague in their abilityto supply control measures on Crown Land, this was cleared up however resulted a confidence level drop of the program. There is a need to gain better control of predators.

Itwas noted that two Alberta counties are now using a “bounty”program for wolves, which is showing good success rates. Itwas suggested that a recommendation for the implementation of a “bounty”program be forwarded to Mr.Al Lay, Provincial Coordinator of the WildlifePredator Working Group. Mr. Morgan willprovide contact information. This is a regional issue and should be dealt with regionally, with a focus on private land, need to broaden scope, i.e. special permits for targeted removal of predators.

Another concern expressed is crown land under tenure, i.e. community pastures and grazing. Allof the crown areas are under a trappers licence system which means no one can trap wolves on crown land unless given permission from the trapper. None of the trappers are interested due to low prices; and unless the producer is a registered trapper they cannot trap even ifthey have permission.

Mr. Morgan advised that the MFLNRO is currently developing a wolf management plan for the Province, setting up zones, identifying different densities, etc.

Cougar season - September 10 to March 31 - needs to be looked at as well. Concern was expressed that the Wildlife Predator Program requires numbers before embarking on a management plan, main concern is too few cougars.

Page-2- Peace RiverRegionalDistrict WildlifeCommitteeMeetingMinutesof November22, 2011

Business Arising from the Minutes: (continued) 6) Predator Mr. Morgan willinquire on the projected time frame for the release of the wolf Regulation management plan for public input. (continued) The following Committee members volunteered to participate in a teleconference (to be held as soon as possible) to discuss with Mr. Chris Addison, Regional Manager, Fish and Wildlifethe implementation of a plan to deal with wolf predator issues in the region: Karen Goodings Don Dunbar Nick Baccante Dan Rose Julie Robinson Darryl Kroeker Rick Mayor Dave Harris Rick Kantz

CORRESPONDENCE: 7) C-I re: Structured Rather than undergoing a Structured Decision Making (SDM) process it was Decision Making suggested that the formation of a technical working group could be more effective, i.e. set targets, develop pilot projects, apply for funding, etc. The working group would report back to the WildlifeCommittee and Regional Board for ratification.

Discussion ensued regarding the formation of a Regional Agriculture Wildlife Committee (RAWC) - consisting of the Ministryof Environment, Ministryof Agriculture, BC Agriculture Council, BC WildlifeFederation, and local agriculture organizations, etc. The RAWC would make recommendations to those Ministries, agencies and organizations involved in the delivery of programs that address agriculture/wildlife conflicts, environmental stewardship and private land access. Itwas suggested that the Ministryof Environment be the lead with the Regional District acting as advocate.

Willthe RAWC be able to make decisions and act on them? Too many processes make for poor decision making.

Itwas felt that the WildlifeCommittee, as it stands, is more effective for individuals bringing their issues forward.

Members felt that this topic should be discussed on the conference call. It was requested that meeting notes from the conference call be provided to Committee members. These notes willbe on the next WildlifeCommittee agenda to decide ifthe Committee remains as is or changes to a RAWC.

8) C-4 re: hunting Ms. Robinson to contact Gary Falk, Director, Business Development and regulations request a copy of the Agriculture Wildlife Program annual update.

9) C-5 re: Chronic The Regional District’s Rural Budgets Administration Committee approved Wasting Disease an amount of up to $3,200 to the Fish, Wildlifeand Habitat Management (CWD) Program for the installation of a billboard at the BC/Alberta border to foster awareness of Chronic Wasting Disease to the motoring public and hunters. The Regional District has been advised that the billboard costs exceed those approved.

Mr. Baccante advised that he willinquire ifthe Ministryis able to make up the shortfall of approximately $2,000.

Page-3- Peace RiverRegionalDistrict WildlifeCommitteeMeetingMinutesof November22, 2011

Correspondence: (continued)

10) C-6 re: website Mr. Morgan encouraged everyone to visit the website designed to link (handout) hunters and landowners.

11) C-7 re: solid waste MOVEDby Burnem Grant, SECONDED by Darryl Kroeker, fees by-law that the November 22, 2011 letter from Rick Mayor, Vice President, BC (handout) WildlifeFederation requesting an amendment to “Peace River Regional District Solid Waste Fees and Regulation By-law No. 1928, 2011” be referred to the Regional District’sSolid Waste Committee. CARRIED.

REPORTS: 12) R-1 re: draft MOVEDby Julie Robinson, SECONDED by Burnem Grant, ToR that the draft “Peace River Regional District Agriculture WildlifeCommittee Terms of Reference” be referred to a future meeting. CARRIED.

13) R-2 re: SY fence Members reviewed the Stackyard Fence survey results. A majority of the survey results respondents felt that the stackyard fence program was very beneficial in protecting stored feed. Respondents noted that any form of funding program should not be tied to the Environmental Farm Plan (EFP). Many producers practice best management practices now without an EFP. Tying funding to an EFP provides no benefit and increases costs to producers.

MOVEDby Burnem Grant, SECONDED by Darryl Kroeker, that the WildlifeCommittee recommend to the Regional Board that a letter be forwarded to the BC Agriculture Council requesting support for stackyard fence funding in 2013 “outside of an environmental farm plan”; with copies to Blair Lekstrom, MLA- South Peace; Pat P1mm,MLA- North Peace; the Honourable Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and the Honourable Don McRae, Minister of Agriculture. CARRIED.

NEW BUSINESS: 14) Next Meeting To be scheduled for January or early February to further monitor and discuss the issues.

15) Adjournment MOVED by Julie Robinson, SECONDED by Darryl Kroeker, that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED.

The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Karen Goodings, Chair S. Garrett, Corporate Services Coordinator

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