The Ukrainian Weekly 1992, No.3
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb lished by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! rainian WeeklУ Vol. LX KNo.3 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1992 50 cents ATATto build, operate and own sharesTensions with Russia of communications network in UkrainePortio n of Black Sea Fleet NEW YORK - ATftT on January between Ukraine and other countries. 14 announced the formation of a joint Thirty circuits will link Ukraine to to be under Ukraine's control venture company that will build, own, North America and will be operational operate and modernize much of the by the end of this month. Another 30 JERSEY CITY, NJ. - Tensions contended that the Black Sea Fleet was communications network in Ukraine, circuits will link Ukraine with Western between Ukraine and Russia over who part of the commonwealth's strategic AT AT will own 39 percent of the Europe and Israel via the Netherlands. will control the Black Sea Fleet were fleet, and therefore ineligible for take venture, which has yet to be named. Today's communications traffic to and eased with the signing of a joint commu over by Ukraine. PTT Telecom of the Netherlands will from Ukraine is routed through Mos nique in Kiev on January 11. v Ukrainian leaders argue that the 300- own 10 percent, and 51 percent will be cow on only 150 circuits. At a meeting between delegations of vessel fleet is a non-strategic force owned by the State Committee of To connect the country's telephone the two countries, headed by Ukrainian because it does not possess long-range Communications in Ukraine. districts, AT AT will supply 13 5ESS Minister of Defense Conversion Viktor nuclear weapons. "This is the first time ATAT will play switches to Ukraine, with the first Antonov and Deputy Prime Minister Delegates to the January 11 meeting a major role in building, designing and switch due for delivery in May in Lviv, Sergei Shakrai of Russia, an agreement also agreed to refrain from demanding operating a long-distance voice-services The remaining 12 switches will be was reached to classify part of the fleet loyalty oaths from officers and enlisted network outside the United States," manufactured in Ukraine and will be as a non-strategic force, thereby men stationed in Ukraine by both Randall L. Tobias, ATAT vice chair delivered over the next two years. allowing a section of it to be transferred governments. man, said. In addition, the joint venture partners to Ukrainian control. Earlier, at an open meeting with top The venture has two goals. First, it In forming the Commonwealth of former Soviet military officers in Kiev will build, own and operate a new will work out plans to nearly double the number of local lines in service from Independent States, all member-na on January 9, President Leonid Krav- international network, directly connect tions had pledged to keep strategic ehuk had displayed a telegram from ing Ukraine to the rest of the world and about seven million to about 13 million lines. forces under a unified command. Marshal Shaposhnikov to all com laying the foundation for business and Both parties agreed to meet within a mands in the former Soviet Union industrial expansion in the country. "This is a profile in partnership," Mr. week to negotiate division of the fleet, insisting that all troops take loyalty Second, the venture will build, own and Tobias said. "PTT Telecom of the reported the Christian Science Monitor. oaths to Russia. operate a long distance network con Netherlands, the State Committee of According to the Financial Times, Ukraine has demanded that all troops necting 13 of the country's 25 telephone Communications in Ukraine and Ukraine and Russia also said that both stationed on Ukrainian territory swear districts. AT AT will be working together to lay countries would ratify the START allegiance to the Ukrainian people. At a The State Committee of Communi the communications foundation of the nuclear weapons reduction treaty and January 13 press conference in Kiev, cations is adding 60 new circuits (Continued on page 4) the treaty on reducing conventional Ukrainian Defense Minister Konstan- forces in Europe (CFE). These treaties tin Morozov said that sailors who refuse were not ratified by the USSR Supreme to pledge allegiance to Ukraine will be Bostonian named deputy head Soviet before its dissolution in Septem transferred to strategic forces under ber 1991. unified CIS command. of National Bank of Ukraine Conflict over the status of the Black The commander of the Black Sea NEW YORK - George B. Yurchy- functioning last September. Currently, Sea Fleet has escalated since the begin Fleet, Admiral Igor Kasatonov, said at shyn, vice-president of Claflin Capital there are 60 registered commercial ning of the year when both Ukraine and the January 9 meeting that any insis Management Inc., and former senior banks in Ukraine, and part of the Russia claimed control over it. Some of tence on loyalty oaths from the fleet vice-president of the Bank of Boston, central bank's function is to supervise the disagreement stems from the inter could only damage it, as it comprises has been named deputy chairman of the their activities. pretation of the term "strategic," which people of 46 different nationalities. Of in international arms-control termino the fleet's 70,000 sailors, 30 percent are National Bank of Ukraine, the central On its road to establishing a new bank of Ukraine. logy distinguishes long-range, or strate ethnic Ukrainians. currency (called the "hryvnia"), U- gic, weapons from short-range, or On January 14, a delegation of Mr. Yurchyshyn's appointment is kraine first issued coupons as a form of tactical, weapons. Ukrainian military experts arrived in part of a plan to re-organize the bank currency to pay its citizens; the one-time Air Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov, Moscow for talks on dividing the Black ing community in Ukraine and to coupons are handed in and not recircu acting commander of the common Sea Fleet into strategic and conven attract foreign investments to this newly lated. The second step in the program wealth's armed forces, had previously tional components. independent state. was a more sophisticated multi-use At a press conference Wednesday, coupon. January 8, with Gennadi Udovenko, Ukraine had proposed to introduce Ukrainian National Association executives Ukraine's ambassador to the United the new currency in June, after the Nations, Mr. Yurchyshyn, who was government enacted financial reform born in Ukraine, said he and Claflin legislation, including a balanced bud meet to approve new projects for 1992 Capital Management had been pur get, liberalization of prices, demono- JERSEY CITY, NJ. - The Ukrai ed the Supreme Auditing Committee as suing activities in the former Soviet polization programs, privatization, an nian National Association's Supreme its chairman. Supreme Vice President Union and consulting with U.S. firms effective tax system and a social safety Executive Committee held its year-end Nestor Olesnycky was unable to attend over the last year in order to establish net. meeting here at the UNA headquarters due to professional obligations. the Ukraine Fund, a venture capital fund. - As a result of the decision of the on Friday, December 27, voting to pay The first report on UNA activity "I view my primary responsibility as Russian Federation to enact a radical association members SI.2 million in during the preceding 11 months was to help build structures that will imple economic reform program on January dividends in 1992 and approving finan delivered by the supreme treasurer, who ment policies of the Ukrainian govern 2, all plans toward a new Ukrainian cial support for various projects aimed rioted that during the first 11 months of ment in establishing their banking and currency and a new banking system at assisting independent Ukraine. 1991, assets of the Ukrainian National currency system," Mr. Yurchyshyn have been accelerated, Mr. Yurchyshyn The meeting was chaired by UNA Association had grown by S400,000 to a said. His appointment represents a explained. Supreme President Ulana Diachuk. total of S65,039,160. In comparison, commitment of at least one year, after "Russia has moved ahead on its Participating were: John Hewryk, during the same 11-month period in which time he would remain involved in economic reform program by raising supreme director for Canada; Gloria 1990, UNA assets had decreased by Ukraine through Claflin Capital Ma prices now and planning to stabilize Paschen, supreme vice presidentess; 5339,000. nagement and the Ukraine Fund. currency down the road," he said, Walter Sochan, supreme secretary; Mr. Blahitka noted that income from The National Bank of Ukraine was adding that Ukraine's currency intro- Alexander Blahitka, supreme treasurer, investments is less than during the established in March 1991, and began (Continued on page 3) and William Pastuszek, who represent (Continued on page 5) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1992 No. 3 SI Fund for Ukraine to assist SSU TORONTO - Social Services of Contributions of SI a month will Newsbriefs Ukraine, an organization uniting volun assist SSU in establishing a commu teer and community societies and nally supportive, self-sufficient social from Ukraine organizations, has been formed in system. Assistance programs will focus Ukraine. Headquartered in Kiev, SSU on the creation of community centers, counseling services, medical care for has active chapters in Lviv and Ter- ^ KIEV — Former Secretary of factories, the Darnytsia silk factory and victims of Chornobyl, rehabilitation for nopil, and plans to expand to the State Henry Kissinger visited Kiev on a chemical factory. They were protest victims of Chornobyl, protection and Donbas, Crimea and Odessa regions. January 10-11, meeting with President ing the lowered standard of living care for needy children, care for the The World Council of Ukrainian Leonid Kravchuk, Minister of Foreign and against price liberalization.