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Action2-2020-Summer LUC ACTION League of Ukrainian Catholics - Summer 2020 Л і ґ а У к р а ї н ц і в К а т о л и к і в - Л і т о 2020 • Відкриття конференції спільною молитвою і Вітальне слово. Віртуальна програма о. Мар’ян Процик, Національний Духовний Директор Ліги Українських Католиків Обов’язкова реєстрація розпочинається Америки; 1 вересня: Софія Щур RN, CDCES, Національний Президент Ради Ліги Українських Коли ми, вірні УГКЦ, перейшовши від «Візії Католиків Америки; 2020», взялися до глибшого вивчення питань еміґрації, міґрації, поселень та єдности нашої Леся Муращук, DDS., Регіональний Координатор Спільноти Матерів в Молитві Церкви, не припускали, що невдовзі опинимо- ся перед ще більшими випробуваннями щодо Північної Америки; нашої єдности. Тоді Ліга Українських Католи- • Вступна доповідь ків та Матері в Молитві були змушені на дея- кий час навіть відкласти свої численні духовні Архиєпископ-Митрополит Філадельфійський УГКЦ у США Борис (Ґудзяк). заходи. Сьогодні ми сприймаємо це як виклик • «Час для зцілення» до об’єднання, зміцнення та зцілення христи- Владика Павло (Хомницький), єпископ Стемфордський. янською гідністю . Ми вдячні нашим дорогим архиєпископам • «Християнські моделі єдности в часи лиха» та єпископам УГКЦ за цілковиту підтримку нашої ініціативи та бажання духовно з’єдна- Владика Богдан (Данило), єпископ Пармський тися з нами через цю он-лайн конференцію. Від імені ЛУК та МВМ щиро запрошуємо при- • «Духовна гідність у часи хаосу» єднатися до нас. Владика Венедикт (Алексійчук), єпископ Чикагзький. Софія Щур та Леся Муращук • «Розрізнення трансформації після пандемії» Владика Андрій (Рабій), єпископ-помічник Філадельфійської архиєпархії. • Панахида За померлими членами ЛУК, МВМ, Духовенство і Сестер. Конфереція буде у обидвох мовах. ПРОСИМО ВЗЯТИ УЧАСТЬ! Пам’ятаймо – Реєстрація 1 Вересня. Якщо хтось хотів би стати членом/членкинею Ліґи Українців Католиків, просимо поговорити з членами Ліґи. Про членство для україномовних або про більше інформацій по українськи просимо зголоситися на: [email protected] Letter from LUC President The Holy Feasts of Transfiguration and Dormition the Old Testament where it was known as the Feast of the Tabernac- les or Tents. It is a time to rejoice, to thank God for all that God gave Dear LUC Family, During the month of August the Church celebrates two us and we give back to God in return “Everyone shall give as he is In preparation for this issue of ‘LUC Action’ I was reviewing our great holydays: the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ and able according to the blessing of the Lord your God that He has last edition published this past February. This issue was full of the Dormition or Falling Asleep of the Mother of God. given you.” (Dt. 16:17). Our Church up- plans taking form for the spring and fall. Our Lenten retreat with Fa- The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our holds this tradition by blessing the fruits in ther Canavan, North Anthracite members trip to New York City, our Lord is on August 6th. This feast is de- church from Apostolic times. In about 220 much anticipated Convention 2020 in the beautiful Mohawk Valley. scribed in the three Synoptic Gospels A.D. St. Hippolytus mentioned these fruits Even though it was February, spring was definitely in the air. You (Mt.17:1-8; Mk.9:1-7; Lk. 9:28-36). were blessed: grapes, figs, pomegranates, could feel it, taste it, smell it. We were all looking forward to this In II Peter 1:16-18, we read “We have pears, mulberries, peaches and almonds. glorious new year 2020. seen His majesty for ourselves. He was In Ukraine the fruits of the season are ap- On yet another horizon, we were concluding the UGCC Vision honored and glorified by God the Father, ples, plums and pears which were brought 2020, shifting focus to the impact of ‘Immigration, Migration, Settle- when He spoke to Him and said: 'This is to the church and blessed. In the United ments and Unity’ on our Church. In this context, parishes gathered my beloved Son, in Whom I am well States other seasonal fruits are also together to discuss what unites us to our fellow UGCC faithful and pleased.’ We have heard this ourselves blessed. what stands in the way. spoken from heaven, when we were with Little did we expect to be catapulted into the biggest test of unity Him on the Holy Mountain.” On August 15th we celebrate the “Fall- in our time. Who would have predicted our lives would be tossed The Three Persons of the Holy Trinity ing Asleep of the Mother of God” or the around as it has been these recent months? Who could have pre- were manifested for a second time: God Dormition or Assumption of the Mother of dicted our Great Fast and Resurrection would be so hands off? Who the Father spoke, God the Son who is Je- God. It is one of the twelve major feast would have thought our churches, our spiritual home, would be sus Himself, and God the Holy Spirit in the days of the Church. Since the beginning of closed and off limits? Our dear clergy, thrown into an unthinkable form of a cloud. Jesus leads three of his the fourth century, Mary was publicly ven- situation, barring the very people they serve. Our loved ones dying Lesya Muraszczuk, DDS. Regional Coordinator Mothers in Prayer of North closest disciples on Mount Tabor. There, erated because she was the Mother of America (left) and Sophia Shchur, RN, CDCES. National Board President alone, without the benefit and dignity of sacraments. Lay and clergy before their eyes, he was filled with the Christ our God or the Theotokos. This was League of Ukrainian Catholics of America (right) with Very Rev. Archpriest alike, cut off from the very spring which refreshes and sustains us. Kiril Angelov, Pastor of St. Michael Ukrainian Cath. Church in Yonkers, N.Y. glory that is His as God, his face shone confirmed by the Council of Ephesus in Additional distress from parallel and equally disturbing events like the sun, and his clothes became white 431 A.D. According to tradition, that at the have weighed heavily on our souls. Much needed spiritual support this online conference. Please keep them and all our clergy in your as light. (Mt. 17:2) Then behold, a bright time of Mary’s glorious dormition, all the was withdrawn and withheld: Retreats, pilgrimages: cancelled. Con- prayers. cloud cast a shadow over them, like the apostles were miraculously brought to- ferences, sobors: cancelled. Gatherings of any kind: cancelled! With sincerest wishes for your good health, dove at the Jordan, and from the cloud gether to Jerusalem. They prayed and We are all familiar with the saying ‘when one door closes, another Sophia Shchur came a voice that said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am of commended her holy soul to God and carried her sacred body in a one opens’. Our National Board of Directors met with Archbishop President the well pleased”. Peter, James and John then saw the same reve- procession to Gethsemani and placed it in a tomb. Angels sang Borys Gudziak on October 11th last year. He listened attentively to LUC ADOPTS ZOOM lation of the Trinity that had been seen by John the Baptist at the above her tomb for three days. St. Thomas was not present but our concerns and challenges as an organization. In turn, he offered River Jordan. came three days later and wanted to some sage advice. ‘Listen in silence…listen to God’s voice instead This Feast of the Transfiguration of Our honor Mary and venerate the body that of your own…what is it that God wants you to do”? Eventually, we Lord was celebrated from the fourth cen- gave birth to Christ. Upon opening the discern His will for us, understanding the ‘other door’ opening as a tury. Saints Cyril of Jerusalem (386 A.D.), tomb the apostles found no trace of new opportunity to shine by serving Him, not ourselves. St. Jerome of Bethlehem (420), and St. Mary’s body but the tomb was filled with The other phrase which comes to mind “adaptation is the key to Proclus of Constantinople (447) all testify fragrant flowers. After closing the tomb, survival”. That day, Archbishop Borys gave us each a beautiful that Our Lord was transfigured on Mt. Ta- the apostles believed that The Son of God book: ‘Persecuted for the Faith’. This book is a testament to the re- bor. who was the Son of Mary took her body silience of our people, our Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which There are several themes presented by to heaven so that it would honored with under the most adverse conditions, struggled to survive by adapt- this holyday: first, theologically, it mani- incorruptibility forever. In the sixth cen- ing to underground conditions. The need to unite, to be stronger fests the divinity of Jesus Christ—his tury the Feast of the Dormition was estab- than our adversary, transformed surviving into thriving, a testament body is glorified; there is the testimony of lished and celebrated on August 15 in the to our strong and courageous leadership. How prophetic that Arch- Moses and Elijah and the Father’s voice entire Byzantine Empire. By the seventh bishop Borys, on that day, gave us these spiritual tools for us to put from heaven. century it was introduced to the Western to use today. The second theme is the encourage- Church or Rome. There is no doubt that this storm is longer and stronger than we On July 27th, the National Board tested the ZOOM platform for ment of the Apostles to trust in Jesus as In preparation for this major feast, a were ever prepared for.
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    Official Publication of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia VOL. 80 - No. 19 OCTOBER 6, 2019 ENGLISH VERSION Metropolitan-emeritus Stephen Sulyk Celebrates 95th Birthday The Ukrainian Catholic of God was offered Archeparchy of as this was the Feast Philadelphia celebrated of the Protection of Metropolitan- the Mother of God. Archbishop - emeritus The main celebrant Stephen Sulyk's 95th of the Moleben was Birthday on October 1, Metropolitan-Archbishop 2019 at the Ukrainian Borys Gudziak. Bishop Catholic Cathedral of the Andriy helped in Immaculate Conception leading the responses in Philadelphia. A Moleben to the Mother (continued on next page) Archeparchy News pg. 2-25 Holidays/Feast Day pg. 32-33 Catechism pg. 25 Advertisements pg. 33-37 Children’s Corner pg. 26-31 Church News pg. 38-50 Archeparchy News Metropolitan-emeritus Stephen Sulyk Celebrates 95th Birthday (continued from previous page) to the Moleben. After Angelica on TV. At the the Moleben and a reception, Metropolitan- group photo, a festive Archbishop-emeritus reception was held in the Stephen Sulyk thanked Cathedral Hall. everyone for coming to celebrate with him. Bishop Andriy Rabiy During the reception served as Master of Fr. Daniel Troyan, Fr. Ceremonies and during Taras Lonchyna and the festivities a video was Mrs. Jaroslava Lonchyna shown that was recorded spoke with great gratitude in 1990 of when to Metropolitan Sulyk. Metropolitan Sulyk did an interview with Mother (continued on next page) OCTOBER 6, 2019 2 Archeparchy News Metropolitan-emeritus Stephen Sulyk Celebrates 95th Birthday At the conclusion of the Happy Birthday, festivities a gift was given to Metropolitan Sulyk Mnohaya Lita, and a special bouquet Metropolitan- of flowers was given to emeritus Carol Nunno who helps Stephen Sulyk! care for Metropolitan Sulyk.
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