Pope John Names Local News &4ST WEEK's PAID See Second Section CIRCULATION 8 New Cardinals, Frffltm HIWSPAPIR €F
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THE CATHOUC Pope John Names Local News &4ST WEEK'S PAID See Second Section CIRCULATION 8 New Cardinals, frffltm HIWSPAPIR €f 71st Year BOCHESTE3&, N. Y., FRJDAY, NOVEMBER20* 1959 c PRICE H3C Two Americans "Vatican Oty — (RNS) - Pope John XXIII has named eight new cardinals, including two Americans, to the Sacred College of Cardinals. The new appointments were announced exactly one year after Pope John raised the College to 75 rriembers, or five above the normal quota of 70. -Four cardinals have died during Pope John's pontificate, but the Col * - • *" ' lege now has 79 members, the highest in its history. The American cardinals-designate are 56-year-old British Girl Giv^s Aj-chbishop Albert Gregory Meyer of Chicago, and Archbishop Aloyslus J, IMuench, Bishop of Fargo, fi.D,, 70, who has been serving aince 1951 as Papal London 'Straight, ®<^ririe Muncio to Germany. ,' • ': By JLAMES M. SHEA The other six new cardinals Julien, who was one of the 23 include two' more Papal Nun cardinals created last year. He Cincinnati — (NC) — Crovrds' eroef|lhg 1mm the cios, and four officials of the also has served as president of Loudon subway at Earls Court or Leicester Isojaarfe are Human Curia, the Church's adthe Court of Appeals of Vatican City. likely to find a tall woman standing on. a little nlltfojan, ministrative body in Rome, jat a nearby street corner, preacWng on the divinity of FATHER BEA has served as Among the Curia officials Is consultor of the Sacred Congre Ghxist, I Scolllsh-born monslgaor, who becomes the tint native of Scotgations of the Holy Office and That young woman, Cecily Hastings, ctriie to Cin- land to be turned to the Sacred of Bites. A noted Biblical College, and a Jesuit priest who scholar, he also has been a ciraiati to address Xavlpr University students. She said via be the Only member «f the member of the Permanent Pon that slue gives, ihe cro'wds^'straliht doctrine," and that tifical Commission fQr Biblical Society of Jesus la the Sacred Studies. their attitude is ''rarely hostile." CARDINAL KEVER College. He was a prominent speaker Miss Hastings, who received her degree in French The Papal Nuncios are Arch bishop Gustavo Testa, 73. whoa t the International Congress and German from Oxford University, ii equipped with of Pastoral Liturgy held at lias represented the Holy See Asslsi, Italy, In September, a classical Oxford accent — and with a generous sprink irt Switzerland since March, 195a. In his talk he urged re ling of sterling British sjang. ("All that political jiggerj- 1033. and Archbishop Faola MtreJla, 64, who has served In vival of the ancient custom of p^ery,''-she was heard remarking at one point) reading a portion of the Bible i Paris, France* since April, 1953 at every Mass until the entire :• |Mb$S- IIASSlilGS'ls* repre Pope John held the French post Scriptures are covered during sentative of the Westminster •To many of (hem it's just , before being made Patriarch of the couno of the ecclesiastical Catholic Evidence; (Julld. Ac- casual sort of entertainment," "Venice and finally elected to year. custotned to an average of two she admitted. "But often 111* papal throne. public talks a week—In. Lon enough, I daresay, their sur- The four others made Princes Father Larraona, who belongs don's, Hyde" Park and olher prised amusement develops into «t the Church are 76-year-old to the Missionary Sons of the places where crowds congregate somo degree of Interest" Mwr- William Theodora Heard, Immaculate Heart of Mary, is *-4he took tlmo out a couplo of dean of the Sacred Soma Bota, not only secretary of the Sacred weeks ago in her tj.S. lecture Heckling by atheists and by Vho was horn in Edinburgh; Congregation of Religious, but tour to mount a New York bigots is "fading away," she Tather Agoitlno Bea, SJ„ eon- a consultor of various other Catholic Evidence Guild plat- said. And when there Is evi lessor to the late Pope Plus bodies in the Roman Curia- He form in *Tlmes Square and speak dence of genuine hostility by a 311", and a noted Biblical alio is a member of the Ponu- for an httllrpa "Chrisf a* Cod." heckler, "on the whole, the t^holar; Father Arcadia LIN ileal Commission for Motion crowd usually wants is see fair Tic-cru, secretary of the Sacred Pictures, Radio and Television. Ostf ofabot^t 80 lay speakers Playf Congregation for Bellgioua; and In 1952, he was awarded an hon- UrSie weitmlnsteac <3uild <there *s«r. Francesco Morano, secre- (Caallnwed en Page 2) - This jlrt MKI IhoniuicU like her Will be tided *y yow generoii* T«P«BI« ' awr-two other diocesan Catholic Questions commonly asked include "endless variations on : htar of th*.Suprera« Tribunal io the Tb*i*a|iYliig W«k Clothlnj Collection, See editorial, Kefttjeei Evident quildr in London), S?^w™™, !3r2rr2 , «| tha Apostolic Signature,' Sk»keOarC»aKlea*eef,'oni«|e4. •' ' ' ' - MlsaHastlngs i* chairman, of «*«* *$$* <*«*9 & %,£urcf*t practical training wtatifttte. JJJ| gjjgJ,f',h f ^J|^ iTathtr larracona U Spanlsh- Prelates Named tocn.-and Father Sea was bora »it[ Ikmjuuay, The olher Curia ToRom«Cuii& »!l»d«lt, «c^tlt*iT. Httri. TtmrJtmfcv^ (NC)"- A ttn-,w*ltf«.u »Ilk' tawa af fklals, chWlfabla a«lYte^of%h*Po* Mtttr»aft * —- " naniing eight new Cardinals, polntnlents, (he Sacred College alio announced sew appoint- year-cl* fdri, wept Mttirli'i fc»- tke*t i«i«-wtri large tsttagh tificat" -Awh*. c»*-i»i*il*Ji Beglnncrif i'tak im *»t»ie «»«<*: ttat. Catholic* ' don't ^AL STOKNCK canta so* was lick, hnftgry and #,#OIMMMLaft aslpHietrain thrt>u^lut,-»i1y* A " i SWn r -mm .consists of St Kalians and taenfit-to the Soman Curia, thi ifnid. Sha stood i|| tb* center km ^7Tf5*U Hit ah* it* subjeet th'atyo^ean *Hftr?*< :<» >*w, all the answers." ~***f: 4*T-'0lh««: niUonaUllw. Church's top admiaktratiT* llnet around, such is Obhfes- of. tli< ^raa»vtri»»w4 little fewn salMrfas tt the satire w*rl«V TttK GLOBAL- wlislom oper- "MANY PEOPLE think we're 'tt .inur annotmesd that the' bod/: tted by Cutbollc Relief Service! lion, or the visiWo Cteurcb. new eirdhsali will receive (heir And they always hava a veteran awfully sraur, you know, and Cardiaal Tardiai, papal secre •t Ku^in^iwfiat* - ; '^jh^^^^gjj «nd vail qttt»ntltl*i pt *uppli*l that wo think we know every, Beat H«U.. at'a consij1ory~to be overt***,-: ta 'laeh defreisek ort-Bo with them. Miss Hauling* htiW In raid-Dccetnber. tary of state, is given additional Oa« wj» ip«tt*l tM«>«thetic fey j6«U#t sirugfM aMWnung UmStW atiftt*. T6ta*-relie added. thing," she said, ies duties - ai archpriest of St • The Uaittct SUtei for the Peter's Basilica and prefect of - tight-wa*-'stag*. Ktlward* IS; ranks of uuemployed, aod.Udc stfoptiis', sent', tar ' Cffif-NCWRO Cecily Hastings was bom'in Swaisatrc^ .wacutira abactor of adequate hooilnt, hetlth durln* the paw two- y*a«V •* Speakers range in age? "from first time has she members in its special congregation. < of Citholic R*U«f S*rricM-N»- facilities ind medtot cart. 18 tip to heaven knows -whit,' the British Colonial -outpost of tlie Sacred College* OnlylTrance, c«d* eii» miilllon tdjnt. , L she aid, adding* that "cow ofKual a Lumper ('^sjuddy river wluh seven cardinals, and Italy AatleU Cardlaal Clcegasal Is N«r # ipicittttfe of Hie jteae our .speakers is a woman about junction")! now capital of the hare a higher representation. named secretary of Oriental 60 areajsv old." Malayan Union, where her fa Churches. Cardinal Tisserant, tirl^r.'PktW'ft ott j»ste» ther practiced law* AKCnMSHOP MXYKK, for Vsp. SwtB*t«ia willted to saw iocM -center ivrwr* the henddin* Swainnjial l»5i Citbe- merly head of the Milwaukee former secretary, will concen th* little «irl, who was shaking and h*r family were put under Atout half of the speakers archdiocese, was transferred to trate en plans for the forth He«i*«pr^htttte|Wn»Clot*' are women, and about half, her Her studies at Oxford were In January coming' Ecumenical Council. from wbbiar. He put hl» hand the «*r> of th« agency. As he Jng Collection, The appeal interrupted in World War H, the Chicago See hi September, oft hei* itwulderv She looked* up, left ttae building He knew that self included, arc cradle Cath KISS, fallowing the death of scheduled for; this week, NS* ollcs, she laid. when she was drafted for work Garrison — (NO — Pope Cardlaal Kabertl is named fend two ht««.t*»« fathered inth e child won would have,suf vembef jiar tt,2fc If the Uth With the British Foreign Office. John XXIII has urged that the Samuel Cardinal Strltch, who ficient food and clothing. - succumbed in Rome, four Prefect of the Supreme Tribu her tmmw tiwk' '••' annuajMri^, held by CRS- Itwes it take a special type et Before she was 21 she was Chair Of Unity Octave, Janu nal, the Church's final court of NCWC Onfcftnidt of the Catholic n serving as acting vice consul of ary 18 to 25, be widely observed, months earlier before he could To It***,- Swanstrsm,, who Her family would be given rwm? m, I don't believe it siname the new post of Pro- appeals. was (a atilels t# d!»cuM 1(K»I medical car* from the vast bishops of America, es," said Miss Baslliigs, "Jnst Now York City, where she re*especiall y because of the com Kabout anybody caa^eveJeip tae sided for two years.