Pope John Names Local News &4ST WEEK's PAID See Second Section CIRCULATION 8 New Cardinals, Frffltm HIWSPAPIR €F
THE CATHOUC Pope John Names Local News &4ST WEEK'S PAID See Second Section CIRCULATION 8 New Cardinals, frffltm HIWSPAPIR €f 71st Year BOCHESTE3&, N. Y., FRJDAY, NOVEMBER20* 1959 c PRICE H3C Two Americans "Vatican Oty — (RNS) - Pope John XXIII has named eight new cardinals, including two Americans, to the Sacred College of Cardinals. The new appointments were announced exactly one year after Pope John raised the College to 75 rriembers, or five above the normal quota of 70. -Four cardinals have died during Pope John's pontificate, but the Col * - • *" ' lege now has 79 members, the highest in its history. The American cardinals-designate are 56-year-old British Girl Giv^s Aj-chbishop Albert Gregory Meyer of Chicago, and Archbishop Aloyslus J, IMuench, Bishop of Fargo, fi.D,, 70, who has been serving aince 1951 as Papal London 'Straight, ®<^ririe Muncio to Germany. ,' • ': By JLAMES M. SHEA The other six new cardinals Julien, who was one of the 23 include two' more Papal Nun cardinals created last year. He Cincinnati — (NC) — Crovrds' eroef|lhg 1mm the cios, and four officials of the also has served as president of Loudon subway at Earls Court or Leicester Isojaarfe are Human Curia, the Church's adthe Court of Appeals of Vatican City. likely to find a tall woman standing on. a little nlltfojan, ministrative body in Rome, jat a nearby street corner, preacWng on the divinity of FATHER BEA has served as Among the Curia officials Is consultor of the Sacred Congre Ghxist, I Scolllsh-born monslgaor, who becomes the tint native of Scotgations of the Holy Office and That young woman, Cecily Hastings, ctriie to Cin- land to be turned to the Sacred of Bites.
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