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i J u l y 1 8 . i 9 A« THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Page 1 Sec. 2 = Mile High Entertainment Scapegoat Hy I ‘*m OfficcT TV Role slave from Ephesusi would 4 is the miijor work on the 111 th.- t'liniriK week. he enough to provide a Cleveland Symphony con iM the Denver good evening of entertain cert on KF.ML at 1 p.m. Criticized I'-ll li:i I op|M)r- ment. But. the addition of July 21. t u n u v hear jazz, sym . the Rodgers-Hart music- Ix)s Angeles — The ccxir- phonic music, and a now- lyrics makes the show dinator o f the National claKsic (ii even Ixetler. Catholic Office for Riidio rmjin operetta- LOUNGE: For ji change he rnu'-u'.i) ol this ceniurv. Nora .Jam,* Ihiiliff as "z\d- and Television told a group Fust riana." tlie w ife -of the of pace from Wagner and of TV executives that te ess 'Ihormis Lawlor Valerie Master.son "II. lliere is the S^hhi/ ■'.ilia,- Ephesus master, was in Brahms, one can citlch the levision may be taking an •ad ill U.i) fine voice for two of th<> ciilyp.so and Atncricim folk unfair share o f the lilamo to h'Kk> .July " 0 . It .song.s |>erformed by Lulu- Homecoming Stars \Mll !e.4Uivi- l)ionne Wiir- show’s threi* iKJst-known for violence in Americiin lot helle at the Tiki Ixtunge in wick ihe Thei>loiiius Monk numixers; "Falling in l^ovt? life. idy Denver. Her stylings - of Father Donald F. X. to (’central City — Members <if the D’Oyly Cart«‘ (|U.u l4 i . ( ;;u\ Ihirton juar- With Ixjve” and "Sing for such numbers as ".Matilda’’ ( ’onnolly, addressing the his- D|><‘i-a company will ainjj at the annual Homccom- lei. Alirn.id .J.miiil. nd the Your Supper.” the latter as injT Masses in historic Assumption church (left) at <‘iiniKinUiiU .-\dderl part of :i girl trio. She also and "Across the Wide .Mis- T V officials here, agreed jet <|uiii- .souri” make ii nice coun lb and llrllO ji.ni. July 21. let. sc.ng a reprise o f 'This that the media have res ley .\. {,’an’l Be Love.’’ terbalance to classical mu- ponsibilities relal(7d to vio *ds I' Ihc Koval lence but observed also 'I'his yciir’s homecumin)' is a special occasion; Philh, Jacqueline Davis as "Lu- arm.mic Orchestra ’ of that parents are usually MMiH is the silver anniversary year of the ordina L i i i k Ii cotKlucled hv ciana,” her sister, Jind I)o- AtUid rinda Ix*vy as "Luce," the TELEVISION: Georges more responsible. tion of Father Francis I*. Fotempa. pastor of St. I loro I i ;it K,.,| Simenon’s "Tlit> Lodg(*r ’ Koek- .Julv maid and wife of tluj Eph(5- un I’auTs parish. Idaho Springs, and of Assumption will open Thirteen Ami sus slave, teamed with "ALTHOUCJH it is true ed parish, who will celebrate th«* Masses. liy. there i.s the Against Fate, a series t>f that television d«K>s portray I invei .Miss Bailiff in "Sing for in- of Denver 'I’hea- hour-lor : drsiinas based tin violence, very often chil Your Supper.’’ the best ad Principals and chorus members of the musical t - pi <jtl ,icl ifUl of the liis woi. on N.E.T. Play dren in a home get condi received number of the tc . compjiiiy. now performing in the Central C-ity Ihecht-NVrill The 'I’hreo- house tin KIt.MA. channel tioned to brutality by ob show. ht Opt*ra House's (ulbert and Sullivan pro^jram. whc) peimy Opera ai Bonfils 6, at 9:30 p.m. July J9. serving their own par will lake part in the .Masses are V a lerie Master- theater .July wil h .Miss Davis and Spencer ents. ('hildren hear T - son. 'rhoinas Lawlor. (iail Kyan. Patricia O’Kane, m.ii nice .lulv "a. .Smith, the Syracuse mas their parents make bigoted f , ■ .Mercia (itossop. Pauline Wales, and (iordon ter, were well-matched 'fwo fine film clits>ics remark.s about ethnic, reli Mackenzie, aiul organist Faiward I.. Benoit. 'S ijraciisr' vocally in the maiiv rendi will he shown on KHTV, gious, and racial groups, tion of "This ('an’t Be chiinntJ 9, this weekend: and undisciplined com It m,t\- lie Ijn ycjir.s old. 1/Ove." Rebecca with Joan Fon ments about political can ?y Vaficon Tax Plan Gets Opposition bin I he Hoys From Syra Other principals were taine. Laurence Olivier, didates for public office.” he cuse l.•maln-i ,i bright, John Helzier as.the Ephe •Judith Ander.son, jind Father ('onnolJy also ig N’aticim ( 'ily - 'I'hc Ital done unilaterally, in con tiiin of the ( ’hristian Dem- emptions. a \'alican press >jYaiklin;; niusiciil comitay. sus master; Danny Turner George Sanders (who c<in suggested that parents ian Pri-miers proposid to flict with the elementary iK-rat.s. .Smialists and the statement cited Italian 'flu' --Hvut musical. as the Ephesus slave: Dave fVirget Judith Anderson as "sh(»uld outgrow the ide;i P- rec|ulre the X'atican to pji.\- principles of international .•'inall Kepul)lican iiarty. jjains from the Holy See. I*>o,-ei\ taken from Shake- Leonard as the Syracu.se . h(‘ si nisti*r housekeeper? f that movies and television I tiixes on its <iivid«*nd in- law." LeoneV withdrawal of Includintf "(he vast contri >[ieai-e- Comed.N- o f Kr- sliive:, and (Henna .New at H:;jt) p.m. .July 20. were devised to he free bahy-sitfer^.” I’oine w;is assailed !>>• the L'Osscrvatort* Komano llu* as yet unratil'ied ajiree- bution which the Holy rors. proved the right se- comb as the main courte Witness for the Prose- N’aticaii City daily, L'- rcfeiTcd to an exchan«e of tnent with the Holy See See’s apostolic activity lL*ction to open the Univer san in Ephesus. f'ution with .Marlene Die Osservatore, as a "unilai- notes between the X’aiuan sity of Denver Theater’s ewniptinji the Vatican's jiives to tourist traHlc. in .Among the supjxjrting trich and Charles Ljiugh- era! * act in op|visition to summer of musicals at Open 11 a.m. 2:00 a.r and the Italian Kovernment stock dividends from Ital addition to advantages cast, there were thr«;e lon 'remember the surprise "elementary jn-incijiles of Bonfils theater. lEi-n/. T.llrini-H in In the exchanjie. ian taxes came as the which Italy derives from standouts; Jim Hamel as a twists at the end of this Choi.-.- ............ inteniidionul Jaw." a Chnstian Democratic 'flic othei selection.s are Agatha Christie classic?) at C.S. ('h«»ic«- ......................... Premier faced his first vote j > ro pe r (V i n es t m e n f s. police sergeant, who led r.S. Choir*- Kih'l .Mil-. The Threepenny Opera If the projjram oC J’le- n nance minister as.-ured of I'onlldence in le.ss lluin which contribute to the the chorus in their num 9:.30 p.m. July 21. and Sweet Charity. mier Ctovanni Leone were the Vatican it would lie two week.s in oflice. growth of the national in bers; Stephen Scott as a The comic aspects oC • * adopti'd hy parliami-nt. the exempt under the 1 f)"tt Defeiidinjj the tax ex come.’’ sorcerer: and Voris Mitcli- plot 'mi-tiiken identities of An examination of black Vatican would he required concordat with Italy from a ell as "Fatima,” a coui le - • to pay back taxes amount newly jiassed hiw’ reijuirinti I Wit t <jf 1 wi n.s - u attitudes toward whites Hdhhul '*ir.ik ................ (.(Ml san with some mighty fine All Dinners complete niii.-tfi and ,-lave from and white toward blacks ing U> over $7 million. holders of securities to [Ya>- gyrations. We Serve Only the TOP QUALITY L’Osservatore Konian- taxes on dividends. NCOMP Hits Big Lack SyracU'i' and a master and will be presented in the MEATS. U.S. Choice or Prime <»*s statement iiulicated Premier Leone told thi And a special nod to the J’ourth segment of (J.LS's COLUMBINE STEAK HOUSE stage designs hy Lewis Of Black America on & LOUNGE that Premier I.eone had parliament f-Iuly 5i that he Of Kids^ Film Fare House of the Lord not consulted the Vatican would not oppo.se the ma ('rickard and the musical KLZ. channel 7, at H p.m. :«>1—:H)1 F .-d rr on his ]>n)|)osal. In puhlish- jority view of the last jiar- New York — Those par doubly welcome, although Panelist.-, on Jlou.se of the direction by Genevieve July 23. inj? tht? premiers decision liament on the issue, ’i’hat ents who ship their chil a third v’crsion of the same Lord. KI.Z-T\’ ('hannel 7’s .McGiffert. who had a to abandon an aj'iccincnt session indicated it wanted dren off to the Saturday story also underlines the religious panel >how seen small, hut most efTective. with the A’atican, L'- to end the N'atican's lax afiern(X)n movies face the very fact that there is too every .Sunday at Mi.'JO a.m.. orchestra. Osserva tore Komano exemptions. problem o f finding suitable little imagination at work will concentrate their dis F A S H IO N ^ said: A Christian Democratic cinematic fare for them, toward production o f ac cussion July _'l on the I’nl lioiirri move to block i ne taxation according to the National ceptable children’s enter provocative and ihought- Catholic Ofilce for Motion "W E C A N O N L Y note was defeated in committee tainment.” full title, "(lod Is Doing Pictures.