WEATHER far a I Cta* today, teeright at* OTMKTOV* HttgB tSUJ BB8 SSW SHodyid* 14010 tsabjkt hi tha Us. Chase* af rala taeasrmr, U|h ol N.

. HotoT ttmifk Tridw. tnun* u tteeol CMM Sbtttr PAGE ONE VOLUME LXXXn NO. 65 AM Buk, H. /., mrfir tt* Act ol tank's, im. RED BANK, ,N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1«, 1959 7c PER COPY Gloucester OfficialBystander, Two Cops Hurt Plane With 40 Bars Sunday Sales In Bandit Chase, Aboard Feared Defies Order; Car Strikes Local Stores9 Hold Man for River Phza Down in Gulf Girl When Business Brisk Stickup; Seek Two Others Boy, 15, Dies Weather Delay. Highway stores sad others Brakes Fail normally operating on Sunday in Crime and violence erupted in Mtddletown and Search East of Monmouth County reported brisk Police Guard, Other Red Bank Saturday night Nine police departments Of Sandlot business yesterday as a court or- New Orlean§ der blocked enforcement of the OiUdrai Miss Injury formed a huge dragnet for three men who held up Grid Injury Sunday sales baa approved by Chris' Delicatessen, 483 West Front St, River Plaza, NEW ORLEANS (AP) - jbt county voters Nov. 3. At School Crossing Injured Brain Coast Guard sent out three sea- Only In Gloucester County waa at about 8:10 p. m. RhrarvieW after their ear was planes and four patrol boats to- the Sunday ban enforced. There HIGHLANDS - The driver of Making Tackle in day in the vicinity of Chanaekmr the car that struck and seriously Here is the situation this hk by aasthsr ante Saturday n determined prosecutor stopped it The tieteetfvea were oa Game at Leonardo Island, off the Mississippi coast, most sales and two clerks of ia Injured Virginia Acampon, 10, morning as told by police: w to search for a DC7B National their way to Marhsa Park aa ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Wil- large discount store which re- of 4 Bay Ave.. Friday at a school Airlines plsne presumed dawn David Jones, 28, of 224 aart of a police dragnet when liam R. Peer, IS, of 20 Eighth mained open, wen arrested. crossing on Rt 30, has been with 40 persons aboard. the aceUoat happened at Front Ave., died yesterday In River- charged with operating a car Shrewsbury Ave., yesterday But the search was hampered Gloucester Prosecutor Guy Lee, St. aad Wharf Ave. view Hospital of Injuries suffered enforce which had faulty brakes, Police was held in $10,000 bail in by a low visibility celling of 100- ' Jr., had said he would enforce in a sandlet football game last Chief Howard Monahan reported. 4, A large cache of guns has 300 feet from New Orleans east the ban approved by the voters Middletown on charges of armed Wednesday. there. Lee did, but not without The driver of the vehicle was robbery. A hearing in Red Bank been recovered by'police, be- to Panama City, Fla. All air- He was the son of Mr. and some trouble from police. lieved to be part o| the loot fields In the area wer ported James Cates, 10, of Battery C, this morning on a charge of Mra. Andrew R. Peer. State police refused to make taken several, weeks ago from socked In" and unable to Fourth Missile Battalion, Fort atrocious assault with intent to William had been playing ball arrests and local officers first Sean Roebuck and Co., Red or receive planes. Hancock. kttl was postponed until Wedaes- with several friends at the Leon- balked, at making checks at The Aeampora girt la in fair , Jones was held in $10,000 ardo School when he suffered a A National AirUnst stores. Lee finally got the local Police an searching the Red condition today In Monmouth brairt injury after tackling an- asaa at New Ortsaaa said Sha police out after threatening Dept- on that charge, Medical Center with head Bank area for the two other men other boy. He waa unable to get last esataetwM the faaae,ae* ford Township Public Safety Di- J. A bystander. Robert J. Kirk- believed to have been in on the internal Injuries. Ian, 25 Harvard Rd., Fair Haven, up after tho tackle. rector E. J. McCaffrey with In- Orleans, waa to the vfcsssty si According to Chief Monahan, is in good condition this mental He was taken to the hospital INTO HIA09UARTI1S—David Jones, 21,; of M4 Chaaaslsar Mead, ft salsa esss Charles Stress, the special po- suffering from gunshot wounds Jones has refused to give a by the Leonardo First Aid Squad. Gloucester and Monmouth were seatb of BOext, Maw. lice guard at Our Lady of Per Shrewsbury Ave., Rod Bank, is lad into R«d tank police he received during a gun .battle, statement, police said this morn- William'had been in critics! among 12 counties in the state The plane left Tampa at 12:03 petual Help School, had stopped allegedly between Jones and Lit-Ing. condition since being admitted that adopted Sunday closing laws headquarters after hi* jrratt Saturday niojht. At left is i. m^ bound for New Orleans. two can in the east-bound lsne tle Silver Special Officer Richard •1 feel that they're all local to the hospital. at the election. The ban was sus- Patrolman Richard Deiclcmann. Detective George H. Capt Frank E. Todd, the air- of the highway. Several children Tetley on Prospect Ave. in Red in," Red.Bank fWJee Chief A sophomore, and. honor stu- pended, however, Friday by court craft commander, reported at order until the constitutionality of started to cross the street, when Clayton, Jr., Is on tho right. Jonas was arraigned this Bank. Jones allegedly was fir- Seorge H- Qeyton said. dent at Red Bisk Catholic High 1:33 a. m. he was over a check the closing law can be deter- the Catei car swusg around the morning in Red Bank on charges of afrecieut assault and ing with a sawed-off It-gauge Capt. James Egidio of Atlantic School, William was a member point 1IM miles east of New Or- mined. parked can and struck Virginia, pumpgun. Highlands police said ihat Jones of the freshman basketbsil team battery with intent to kill. He was arrested in connec- last year. jeans. That was near the Island. Lee defied the court order, say- he said. . 1 S. Dstaettve Us. Beajamla will be charted with armed rob- tion with the armed robbery Saturday night of Chris His mother said that he was It wss tha last contact with the Ing he was acting on the basis Sams Lives H. (Haver aad Irving L. strike. bery there In connection with a Delicatessen, 413 West Front St., River Plsia. hoidup of a grocery store Nov. planning to try out for the var- plane. of the voters' decision. State At- Chief Monahaa credited Mr. watch are sa aaad tiailia • 4. In that ease, three men armed sity team this year. The plane carried IS passen- torney General David Furman Stress with saving the lives of with shotguns got away with $150 School authorities said he was gers and a'five-man crew. said he would not act In the mat-several other children. He said in cash. of the classical club A spadaOy asndppea tfrfsst ter until he has been officially that Mr. Stress pushed the chil- notified cf Lee's defiance. Three armed Negroes pulled the a member of the Forensic Coast Oaaiil searchserf i dren to safer/ when be saw the stickup at Chris' at 1:10 p. m. Club. "About 00 per cent of the mer-car coming, Mr. Stress narrowly kup C p Std d d ith bt *"Willia" m also was a member of Mais., to Jets the search." MM chants In the, county observed the escaped, injury, the'chief said. Saturday and escaped with about bsn," Lee reported. St Agnes tare the NHeot eatter "NnW* left Bargain City, V. S. A., a large The Cates car collided with Some 44 minutes Ister, a ear aad Its Junior Holy Name Society. OaHaort, Mhav, asadal asses highway discount center In Dept- parked ear, starting a four-ca: carrying three men was spotted His family moved htm three Wtttl tV# *iMt#fS MM aU aMfloF ford Township, sold any and all chain reaction crash. i Little Silver by Special Offi- yean ago from East Orange. eal sasallis aboard. merchandise, however. Catee was admitted to Patter- ir Tetley. The family had spent many A special search helicopter was A salesgirl, Viola Rehert of son Army Hospital, Fort Mon- Officer Tetley chased the car summmin the soon ana prior unable to leave New Orleans be- National Park, was arrested and mouth, with bead and wrist In- from the A*P parking lot at to moving here. cause of the weather. then freed In f» bail tor selling Jurle*. high speeds. Tl» suspects' car William waa bom in Monmouth Toe Weather Bureau said-the a house dress. A clerk, Charles spun out of control at Prospect Medical Ceater. . tow celling waa expected to start Two passengers n his ear. Pa- He Is the second boy to dk fa W. WoOc, of Camden, was ar- ,ve. aad Hardlag R4 H bounced HNng about 0 a. as. mall Nletety 16. of Oaeida Ave., Haw Jatsay this faB from Jut- rested for seniw light bulbs. Hilton, Park, and Dorothy Law- The Iw^.Sunday sales of " ' m. : . - ' ''. fSkswiBfsj nfutofftt HUDMra MM* cws parents, he Is sar- ware, appUanees-almost every- thing but essential iteods drugs. •'••. > • ties*reported that they Lie said numerous merchants apd fled a»a hill were in good conditkHi, today. Ite plane was owned by Delta called him during the day to ask Red Bank reservoir, Howard. 15. of Easl Jones' car A Ugh requiem mass will Airllnas. was operated tf It was legal to sell particular started and rolled back onto the Items. Orange, and Susan, Kapauleaa, 1, offend Wednesday in St. Agnes Natioul.crewa on a DelUNa- Catholic Church. Burial will be Lee had asked state notice at of Hilton Park, other passengers tioaal-Ameriean Air Line* intctt- Officer Tetley Bulled Jonas fat Mt OfivWCetemteiy. Middle- Mantua to Investigate sales at In the Catee car, were uninjured. change between'Miami aad Wast bshmd ths steering wheel, town under direction of the Con- Bargain City, but State Police Chief Monahan said that Coast' dan FuaataJ Home, hero. Superintendent Col. Joseph P. and Patrolman Alfred Horay Other members of the Rutter ordered tha trospan^io taatsd the brakes oa the Cates As Tetley mi potting hand- were Identified as: First Officer make no checks at this time, car after Me crash and found euffs on Jones, tha suspect be- Dick S. Beebee. FUght Bngtoosr gan to straggle. Jones knocked Leo gave no Indication of beck them to be faulty. George H. Clark and Steward- Officer Tetley to tha ground, and Holmdel Asks rag down. The Borough Council for more esses Pat Hires and Donna Os- nached for-a 12-gauge pumpgun "Next Sunday, if I'm not re- than a year has been unsuccess- burn. ' on the front neat of his car. strained, I plan to do the same ful In having tha state Install CLOSI CALL — Red lank Councilman Everett C. Baynton, second from left, chair- OK on School thing, if necessary." light at the school crossing. Mr. Kirklaad and Mr. Bayn- man of the police committee, tells local policemen how he narrowly avoided being ton, who had come out of Mr. hit by shots from a .12 gauge pampgun allegedly used by David Jones on Prospect Baynton's house when they beard Sewer Plant Charge Four HOLMDEL-Mlcklewrlte-Mont- Ave. Saturday night. Robert J. Klrkland, 25 Harvard Rd., Fair Haven, was hospital- noise of the accident, dashed Red Bank's Tree Planting (See HOLDUP Pg. 2) ford, architects for the local ixod with wounds when ho was hit by pa Hats from'tha gun. With Mr. Baynton, left Board of Education will appear With Assault to tight, are Patrolmen Paul P. Lang, Joseph Calvar, Jr., and Peter DePonti. ; before the state Department of Project Ready to Start Health this weak to gain ap- Board Gets proval of a "package sewer On Girl, 14 plant" for the proposed addition Step one of a tree planting pro- MTODLETOWN-Msglstrato W. New Suspect to the new elementary school gram in Red Baak to expected Tax Board RendersProgram Gilbert Maason yesterday ordet*. Hall Seeks to start tomorrow or Wednesday. "Ht,. ;! ed four Cartem youths held for ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP - Act The first 34 trees win be plant- According to George S. Kin- action of the Grand Jury on Interrogated Hal OQ *nQ Qi 4% ed In the White St parking lot. kade, board secretary, tMa type charges of canal abuse against jsions special committee, the Board of Re-Trial In Joseph R. Serpico, chairman of il of sewerage unit Is being used a 14-yeaMHd gjrl Satarday la Education,outlined plans Friday the Shade Tree Commission, yes- by a school In Cape May County. East Xeanaburg. In Burglary night for renovations inside the terday ssld the trees will tie Estimated cost of the system The youths an Walter S. Mes- Murder Case Owners of Bank Building school building. Is S2M0O, Mr. Kiakade said. planted at 49-foot intervals along MIDDLETOWN - Detective Lt. urot, It, Lewis St.; Lawrence TOWSON, Md.. (AP) - At- the center island of the parking Joseph McCarthy reported this The committee, set up to re- The plant is placed below J. Gudmesttd, 20, 13 Claua St; ground and completely process- torneys for Leonard B. Hall, Jr., lot, and five will be planted at morning that a new suspect has Given Reduction of $19,000 view school facility needs other Robert M. Varga, 21, of Riosa- es, treats and chlorinates effluent convicted of murder in the death the entrances to toe lot. been picked up in connection than classroom space, offered a veK Ave., and Peter Slca, 10, ak with the $1,303 burglary Friday four-part improvement program. it handles, ha said. of a Baltimore County woman, FREEHOLD — Decisions a Lewis St., Carteret. No re-deslgn . or structural Tha board Is considering use have filed a motion for a Benches will be placed under at the Middletown Lanes, Rt 15. 471 appeals from local tax assess- INDEX changes are included. of this package plant as a solution Capt Wailing said that twa> trial. the trees at the entrances to give The man will be interrogated •an menu for the 1900 tax year wen Regarded a* most pressing of •*• the Problem of supplying other youths, both juveniles, are • "park like" effect, Mr. Serpico today. w The motion was filed with the* banded down Friday by the Mon- sewerage facilities for the six- being held In Freehold pending said.' Five trees also will be Police ssld entrance to the the needs Is replacement of the elerk of the Baltimore County mouth County Board of Taxation. room addition planned for the Juvenile hearings then. planted along the rear Una of the building was made by chiseling front doors and inside front stairs. Circuit Court yesterday by de- Among those from the Red school. According to Capt Raymond lot. out cinder blocks in the rear d The board expressed hope that fense attorneys Robert J. Bank area are: According to Mr. Klnkade, the T. Walling,.bead of the detective This Initial stage la expected the building. , work on these items would be Dougherty and William R. Sutton. Broad and Reckless Inc., own- plant would require part-time division, the girt said that tha to be completed In 10 days, Mr. Capt. Raymond T. Walling, completed before the flnt of the Hall, 32, a former resident of er of the new Merchants Trust services of a licensed engineer, youths forced her and another Serpico added. head of the detective dlviilon, Keaasburg, N, J., was convicted Co. building at ISO Broad St, The amount rt time the engineer girl Into a car after the Middle- A total of 8,000 trees are sched said this was the only point en- lost Wednesday by a Jury of nine would have to spend at the plant town High School football game women and three men which dell- uled to be planted. Coat of th< trance could have been made from $41,1)01 „, „,„„„, ^ project Is IM.OOO. Tho trees an along the wall. He said "some- sessment mtm to M would be determined by the and drove them to East Keens- berated more than three hoars. state, ha said. burg, where they assaulted her. being donated by local mer- one really knew the building lay- to CT.000 on tha building. the library. The principal's pres- , He was found guilty of slsylng secretary rnoted that the Police ssld that tha other girl chants, and Red Bank Street out." . ^ Broad and Reckless, lac, ent office would be made Into The Mrs. Anna B. Oaff,«, an Essex, claimed it owned only the shell a male teachers' lounge, aad tha board has not made a succeeded in fighting off the at- Department employees are plant- The thieves cleaned rat the Md., taverakeeper who was gsg- tag' ' them. of the building, and that all the library would be moved to the final decision on use of the plant tackers, bowling alley safe and also took pending approval by the state, gad, bound and stabbed i StaUaaNexl Interior work - including paint, currant music room, The four youths denied as- times with a butcher knife during money from the coffee shop. The board is faced with the saultlng the girl. Mr. Serpico said the railroad finished walls and flooring, was are • hokhsp last July M. All doers and windows in the problem of either using the statloa ana also will be plant- owned by tha bank, Ronald W( Magistrate Manson placed building were locked and hooked be bald Angular classrooms un- package plant or tying into exist' Under the conviction, Hall facet ad this monthmonth. If time and weath- Allen, Fair Haven, Is president Ul coattnetloa of a new mom them under 11,000 ball each up to' a burglar alarm system, Ing sewerage. Ufa Imprisonment or death In er permit, Broad St. from Rack- Assy Vaaaarkit of Broad and Reckless, Inc. It pending the grand jury hearing, Capt. Walling retorted. Tho existing septic tank drain Maryland's gss chamber. He did lass Pi, to Linden PI. also' will J. M. Huber Corp., Red of the board not testify during Ma three-day be• planted. Entry was made before the fields can not handle the volume was granted a reduction from today. Nov. increase anticipated from the trial. The trees to be planted In the building opened in the morning Railroad Signal 1207,400 to $227,400 on 102 acres 21, to Iron cut details necessary school expansion. Worker's Leg White St, parking lot u* three- The theft wss the first of two of land owned by lbs coiponttoa for obtelalag bids for the planned quarter alts hybrid locust ind In the township la a two-day Mr. Klnkade Mid the board Earle Depot 1 Knocked Down in Mlddletowa..Thla wit granted willow oak, They an about period. Chris Delicatessen, Riv- feels that the package proposal Broken on Rt. 35 with the content of the town- In a move to derive added Is the "most economical solu- feet high, and grow to IS feet er PISM, was robbed by an MATAWAN TOWNSHIP r The benefit from last year's budget HAZLET - David Rivera, an To Be Biggest New York and Long Branch rait ship assessor, tion" to the problem, at maturity. armed bandit Saturday night. surplus the board voted to pur- employee at Kahlert's Nursery road signal post In the middle of Other decisions wire: The board, its architect and Mr. Serpico raid the trees ha chase 110,000 worth of Treasury Farm, Rt, 35, was reported in ASBURY PARK - Earle Nav- Cllftwood Ave, was knocked over Frai H. , and tthe township treas tap roots which do not spn bands maturing May 11. 1000. good condition this morning In al Ammunition Depot, a NO mil- Saturday morning as a result of s urer, will sppesr before the lion military Installation, out, and will not disturb side Problems and Inadaaaaclaa of Rlvervlew Hospital after an ac- and building foundations. Bridge W[ll two-car accident, police reported, Division of Local Government cident Saturday night, will become (he largest on MM00 ea twe tracts af laad the present bus routes were sis- Nov. 25 to seek spprovst to Bernard Kellenyl, Red Ban! Police aaid Victor B. Baker, East Coast, according to Its com- Mtallag Itt acres which ha cussed at length, George Handxa, hold a referendum on a 1190, State police said the man was minding officer. architect, and a member of the 36, of 10 Pine Tree Rd,, Old head of the transportation com- crossing the highway In front of Be Closed Bridgo, stopped his car at the Rt. H, 000 bond issue for the school Capt. Jesse Motes told the As Planning Board, drew the plans mittee, pointed out that average Kahlert's st about 7:30 p. m. OCEANPORT - Gooseneck tracks to look.. His car was hit addition. bury Park Klwanls Club that de for the planting. trip bar bus is about 31 minutes, when he apparently walked Into Drawbridge, connecting this bor- In'trie rear by'a truck driven by An appeal by Prospect Point This figure Includes the cost activation of the Boston and the rear fender of t passing car, ough and Little Silver, will be Psul J. McGIII, 27, ol Ml Bound Gardens Inc. of a Ml,780 assess "The kindergarten bus," said of the sewer plant. Philadelphia depots on the Edit- HAZLET MAN INJURED driven by Miss Prlscllla Taylor, cloned today and tomorrow, Leo Brook Rd., Duncllcn, ramming ment on the firm's 41 unit gar Mr. Handia, "takes over an hour The board hopes to sdd six ern jesboard, RARITAN TOWNSHIP-Soutl 21, of 22 Albany Rd., Avon. ' K, McKee, county engineer, said, the Daker car Into the pout, den apartment on Proipcct Pi. to complete Its route," clsisrooms, storage room, and Capt. Motes i«ld tho Installa cy F. Taylor, tB, of 10 Ann Ct A storm drain will bo Installed Malawan, was Ulsmlised. The The board decided to conduct teachers room to the north end Ills left leg was caught in the tlon Is "sit safe an a «o« sta- llazlot, was Injured Friday who on Myrtle Avc. and the dock o No one was Injured, police ( company had sought a reduction a thorough study aimed at de- 01 the existing school. rear bumper of the car, police tion." Thnro are 700 civilian and he lost control of his car on Flo the bridge will be repaired, ho said. veloping more practical bus to $41,000. Tho board now Is using the said, resulting In a double frac- 200 Navy pcrionncl at tho depot. once Ave. end It crashed I til said, No summonses woro Issued, routing for next school year. school library ami two baiemcul ture of tho leg. Me was taken to Atlantic Township — liar He showed pictures of the a fence, police reported, Plant are to have tho bridgo pending further Investigation, Joseph J. Seaman Company, rooms In the Centcrvllle Scho./l tho hospital by the Rarltan Town- Berth, RD I, Freehold, bulldin ssfcty prccsullons taken st tin Mr. Taylor wss trestod In R ready tor opening tomorrow , Pollco said tha Baker car was Perth Amboy, waa reappolnted ss m emergency classrooms to ship First Aid Squad, base, orvlew Hospital. night, tho engineer added, almost totally wrecked. (Sou TAX BOARD Fg. 18) board auditor. handle the student load. No summons was Issued, 2-Monday, Nov. 16, 1959 RED BANK REGISTER Yule Club Gtiecls Widows of Todd Plane Crash to Get $59,000 Total $7,470,040 Christmas Club checks totaling Bank sn increase this year and win be mailing out Mr. Todd had leased both the FREEHOLD — The widows of $7,470,040 — another record — checks totaling $M7,7W. plane and the pilots, but he was two crew men killed in the crash are going out today to 60,613 not brought into the claim action. Keystone Savings and Loan as- «f showmsn Mike Todd's plane members in the county socsociation, , Asbury Park, agaig n •received i tentative settlement The hearing of the claim was to have gotten under way Satur- There are 19 banks and nine leads (hat group with a total of of 158,000 in Workmen's Com day before Deputy Director Har- savings and loan associations $553,912, pensation Court here Friday. ry S. Medinett, but this dispute who participate In the plan The all-bank total is I5,»H,753 According to William T. Wich- delayed the'hearing. Judge Meal- Last year's total was $7,010,- as against $5,606,588 last year. mann. Red Bank, ittoraey for nets adjourned it until Friday. 606 while the figure in 1957 was The all savings and loan total the two widows, the Judgment Mr. Wichmann said Mrs. Bar- S6.85S.173/ is $1,5U.1I7 as compared la $1.- probably will be entered Friday. clay received the larger a>ard Monmoum County National 404,011 in If* '•'_, iXj-'d: Mrs. Barbara B. Verner, 59 because her one child is younger Bank, Red Bank, will send out Here is.a breakdown of the Battin Rik, Fair Haven, widow than any of the three Verner the largest amount — $685,173. amount saved and the number of of die pilot, will receive 128,1)00; children. 30.YIAR MIN — Tli* Fair Haven Fir* Company fated old-time members at dinner Saturday night Jri th* fir* house, Merchants Trust Company, Red members: 7 •-* ;.:',....':'. and Mrs. Olga T. Barclay, Vine- ttt Weekly land, widow of the copilot, will whei n AAIl Robbins**_f_i-f , company president' •-*.-_•., praientaM.-Jd 30-yeaIA ....r. membershi._L,».L?ap» pin••?*s« 4d*i AlaJkatA MiiAlttuTmm. ''"AtbAW* ' w»with fh4fia*a Each family, will receive S40 when Al Robbs, copny presden, paie y p p qy • .940 receive $33,000. Allenhurst National weekly, the maximum undtr the year they joined thhe company, are, |*l|l t to righth , itandingd . VernoV n SnyderSd , IW2I ; Leroy King, ItHfc Ctjarla. Doughty, Asbury. Park National 4,200 -The claim* were filed in Com- law, until the youngest child Is 1929; John MeCue, 1921; Mr. Rebbint; Thomas Cleary, 1922; Robert Amandt, 1927, and Jemei tanVIn, 1921. Asbury Park-Ocean Grove ... 5,179 pensation Court by the two wom- 18 years of age. Atlantic Highlands National 1M.944 :; 1.769 en against Linden Flight Service, Mr. Wichmann said he is pre- S«at«d, Harry Varonaau, 1927; Mayor Rusiall Minton, 1929; H. Lynn Wihton, 1929; Pater Alex Egeland, 1.921: Belmar-WaU National ...... 208,480 ,1.900 162,478 1,523 Me., nd Aver Leue Plan, Inc. paring a $1 million damage suit Alfred Marcallui, 1921, and Thomas Emmem, 1929. ~ '• •...'.' • Farmers-Merchants, Matawan both of Linden. Farmers' National, Allentown M.213 268 to be filed in New York on be- 223,110 1,900 «1,MMM Salt la Fallow First National. Bradley Beach .. half of both widows against Lin- WEATHER First National. Freehold ~~~ 251,369 1.848 Th« Ayer firm has admitted den Flight, Ayer Lease Plan and 412,062 3.556 Northern New Jerscy-^Msst- Central Jersey Bank It Trust. Freehold,. ownership of the plane, but the Mike Todd Co,, Inc. The suit will 3M.1M 4.220 ly elaudy today with little tern- Keansburg-Middletown National two firmi disagree as to which chsrge negligence, according to (Continued) Long Branch Trust 2.S38 peratar* change, ne highest in Mr. Wichmann, because the for cover when Jones sprsyed Manasquan Nationa • 1,032 of the firms the mea were work- the 4*s. Cloudy taadght with Ing for at the time of the acci- plane's engine and de-icers were the air with shotgun pellets: Matawan Bank - 1,268 lowest about 4t. Tuesday meet- 4,263 dent. faulty and caused the crash. "We all deve ... aad this Merchants Trust, Red Bank gay aaeaa up *a Bob aad me," ly ejtady aad'a little warmer N. J. Trust, Long Branch -•: 2,513 with chance *f some ran aad Peoples National, Keyport .— — . 3,100 Mr. BayatM saM. Th* first 699 shot Just about hit my-beat*. highest la th* Ms. Sea Bright National .....„._. ».3» Monmouth County National, Red Bank W.173 8,232 Hawaiian Volcano Eruption The aecoad saet hit Bab's lags, sad the third shot leaded by Block Island to Cap* May: TOTAL $5,M«,733 48,948 Small craft warnings displayed. Bob's feat.", Savings t Leans NsrHiaast to north wlads at IS In Third Day; Draws Crowds Officer Tetley returned the fire Shadow Uwn, Long Branch I 501,582 4,100 » m.p.h. Today wlU be- i Jones jumped in his car. and Keystone, Asbury Park 4,206 HONOLULU (AP) — Angry t eruptions were no threat to sped away. • The special police- ta I to IS m.p.h. tonight. 661 Wlads Tuesday -east to south- Red Bank ~ ..•'• • tAfjoa 910 Kilauea volcano belched forth surrounding f%rm areas. man hit the fleeing auto with six east at 11 to 11 m.p.h.. Cloudy Mutual Aid, Manasquaa - WMJJ 590 streams of searing hot lava and Kilauea lki, one of seven cra shots, blasting away the rear sent a gray pall of thick smoke ters that make up Kilauea vol- with accastoaal rala er drink Belmarq •-.:. '••*« m window. SO cano, last erupted in 1S68. Ha aft share today. Rala Tuesday. ManasquaKeansburgn •;• ™'JJj High into the sky today as the The chase continued up Pro* 5S.44O 400 eruption roared Into its third aii's last major eruption cc Visibility I to II miles, tower, Freehold 87,432 pect Ave. until Jones eluded Tet- lag to S miles er less Tuesday. Allentown 65 day. ^ urred in thi ley on Mechanic St. The 4,690-foot volcano's Kilauea area in 1955. In the meantime, police from TOTAL $1,8M,3O7 11,665 lid crater showed little sign of The present blow-up is not con- NEW YORK (APHWeatner Red Bank and other communities •araaa farscast far MUM* At- GRAND TOTAL P.470.040 73,170 abating its fiery temper. Two sideredd d an explosivl e ttype or converged, on Mr. Baynton's waterfalls of liquid rock - bright deep. Seismologists call it an lantic Stole* tomorrow through house. Saturday: red-orange in daylight - gushed isolated flow in the caldera, or A tear gas bomb was find from a 300-yard rift in the crat- summit of the crater. TJamperature will average 8 Into the second flsor of Mr. to I degrees below normal. ' ar'a inner aouth wall into its pit Rayatea'k, garage. Polite some 300 to 900 feet below. Normal high aad tow temper- OBITUARIES thought on* of th* Seeing mea atures New York City, n and Kiliuea lki — or Little Kilauea Striken might have aMdaa nan. N* U. Colder Wednesday. Warm- - on the touthea*: *ide of Haw- •as waa toad, but tba bamb er Friday., Colder Saturday. aii Island some 200 miles south- a beach, umbrella to Precipitation occurring, mainly EDWARD C. KEYES Surviving are his mother, Mrs. east of Honolulu, began erupting catch Ore. Sgt. Albert E. New Tuesday may tottPK-lncli. Edward C. Keyes, 44, of 398 Jlna Holvorsen Bronken of Nor- Saturday night. White-hot rocks man, Jr., pat art tba fir*. Branch Ave., Red Bank, died in way; four brothers, Haakum and )laf Bronken of Chicago, Snor- were blasted up to 100 feet in the Red Bank Police Chief George Riverview Hospital Saturday aft- Bronken of Norway, and Har- air before they tumbled into the H. Clayton said Jones then drove AISINAL TAKIN — Red Bank Peliea Chief George H. GEORGE VAN BRUNT er a long illness. old Bronken of Washington, D. C, mile-long, mile-wide crater. to Marine Park. The chief said Clayton looks over some of th* weapons confiscated by He was born in Philadelphia, HOWELL TOWNSHIP-George two sisters, Miss Odvig Bronken Six volcaaologiiti, led by Dr. Jones tried to drive up Proal's police) after they arr*tt*d David Jonas, 21, ef 224 •anBrunt, 83. of Rt. 33 died Fri- son of Edward Kcyes. Wildwood, Hill back to Front St. However, and Mrs. Herman Brevig, both Jerry Eaton, of the volcano ob- day In hie home. He was born and the late Mrs. Amelia Keyes. Norway. . aervatory on Hawaii Island, because of damage to the car Shrewsbury Av*., Red Bsnlr, Saturday night. The chief in Eatontown. the son of the late He was an electrical engineer climbed into the fiery pit Sua- as a result of the accident earl- worked around th* deed oirttie ease.- Police think th* Charles and Mary Davlson Van- with Ballantine in Newark, and The funeral will be today at 1 day for an on-the-spot eurvey. ier, the car could not make the Brunt. . was a member of the Red Bank m. in the Bedle Funeral Home, guns are part of the loot taken from Sears Roebuck and (atawan, with Rev. Lawrence R. Wearing thick asbestos gloves hill. Mr. VanBrunt formerly oper- Methoidst Church. Co., Whit* St., Red Bank, several weeks ago. The lailey of the First Baptist Church and protective hoods, the group Chief Clayton said Jones then ated VanBrunt's Tavern ip this Besides his father, he is sur fficiating. Burial will be in Old walked between stream* of mol- abandoned the car. When the weapons in the foreground are sawad off shotguns. The township. / vived by his wife, Mrs. Made- 'ennent Cemetery. ten lava. They stuck thermome- car was spotted a little later, gum against th* wall are .22 caliber rifles and thotguni. Surviving' are his wife, Mrs. liene Gilbert Keyes; a daughter, ter* into liquid rock and took Jones, name and address were Elisabeth Lemon Van Brunt; a Miss Dorothy P. Keyes, at home, daughter, Mn. Margie Calder. MICHAEL M0R1ZI0 samples of lava for testing. on a letter in the car. Shrews- Hack walked up to see what was been a special officer here seven and a brother, Milton Keye* of Allaire State Park; two grand- Thousands of spectator* dog- bury Patrolman Robert Hoffman going on. Mr. Hack then saw years. Doylestown, Pa. . - . MATAWAN - MlchaelMorirlo, spotted the car. children; a sister, Mrs. Nellie Au- ged roads leading to the volcano, „_„,.,, , .Mr. Baynton and Mr. Kirkland Mr. Kirkland is an Insurance The funeral wUl be tomorrow, of Lloyd Rd., died Saturday mack, Red Bank, and several Monmouth Medical Center. tying up traffic for mil**, when PoUce found Jones in • second- ^^ the cars and executive with Fireman's Insur- at 10 a. m.. In the William S. nieces and nephews, He was torn In . It became aparant that the Ut- floor apartment bathroom at 224 turn* toward them. Mr. Hick ance Cor He and his wife have Anderson Funeral Home, Red Jehu J. SasU Services will be held this after- Surviving are his wife; Mrs. Shrewsbury Ave. la on the ar- la Mr. ftirkland's brother-in-law. four children. Bank. Rev. Roger J. Squire, pas- noon at 2 o'clock in the C.H.T. lary Glannlni Morixio; a daugh- GERARD'S CROSSING, Eng- rest were Detective George H. When Jones broke loose, every- tor of the Red Bank Methodist Clayton and Son Funeral Home, Mrs. Peter Galetti of Haz- land — Johan J. Smit of Point Clayton, Jr., Officer Tetley, Lit one scattered. Church, wilt officiate. Burial will Adelphia, with Rev. Fay H. Smith let; three sons, Angelo, Leonard Rd.. LltUa, Stiver, N. J., is r tle Silver Sgt. James Fia, and "I 4*va behind a tree," Mr. be in Fair View Cemetery. State Trooper Charles Clowes. Takes TboU, of the Farmingdale Methodist and Louis.Moriiio. all of this cuperating here after suffering Hack said. Church officiating. Burial will be 1 Jones lives in a first-floor plsce; seven grandchildren; three stroke while in Nice, France . Ike ibsiUat toddeat brake in Glenwood Cemetery, Long MRS. ELIZA F. WAITE apartment, police said. brothers, Louis Moritlo of Bronx, Moamaatt Medical Ceater He is at the home of his up tk* start ef a bridge party Fined $60 Branch. - . RIVER' PLAZA - Mrs. Elizs Two .22 caliber rifles, two 12 Nicholas Morizio of Brooklyn, and Mr, and Mrs. John Thompson, Walpole House, in this Bucks at Mr. Bayate*)'* hem* with Mr. Robert S. Megill, 36, of 1410 F. Walte, 3 Hillside St., died yes- Dominick Moriiio of Italy; and gauge shotguns and a large Rd., Fort wracn is moo aad Mrs. Rlrkbad. Corlies Ave., Neptune, paid a $50 HENRY MCCABE terday in the home of her daugh- (wo sisters, Mrs. Maria Ger- Windsor. amount Of ammunition were "We had Just dealt out the fine and received a M-day sus- mouth, daughter. Friday. HAZLET - Henry Me Cabe. ter, Mrs. Charlotte Thorsen, animo and Mn. Teresa Di Gl- An 82-year-old retired diamond found behind a junk yard fence cards," Mr. Baynton said, when pended Jail sentence this morning Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson. An- infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John 453 Branch Ave.. Little Silver. ambattlsto, both of Italy. merchant, Mr. Smit founded 25 feet from Jooes' apartment, they heard the noise outside. oa a patty larceny charge. gel St., Cliffwood, soa. Friday. F. McCabe, 21 Cornell Dr.,..died She was bom in Dunbar, Scot- High requiem mass will be of- Youth's Friends Association, detectives said. Also behind the "W* were one card short and The action came In Red Bank Mr. aad Mn. Henry Cerwmeki, Friday in Riverview Hospital land, daughter of the late John tend tomorrow st 9 a. tn. in St. philanthropic foundation, 2f years fence war* the handcuff* which were looking for it" » Johnson La., Keansburg. son, Municipal Court before Magis- soon after birth. and Charlotte Fairbairn. Mrs. Joseph's Catholic Church, Key- ago. Owner of an impressive Officer Tetley had snapped on Police converged on the Old trate John V. Croweli. Saturday. Besides his parents, he Is sur- Waite lived here three years, for- port, by Rev. Cornelius J. Ksne. M-. and Mrs. Joeeph A. Han-»«««<». Mr. Smit was Instru we of Jones' wrists. The hand Union House. Wharf Ave., at On Saturday, Megill was fined merly living in Eatontown 27 cuffs had been sawed in,two vived by a brother, John F. Me Burial will be in St. Joseph's ley. 41 Fish Hswk Dr., Mldde-"»««»•> lining «»e Gir 11:15 p. m., when Red Bank po- ISO in Eatontown on the same Cabe Jr., and two sisters, Ma- years. Cemetery under direction of the Scout Arts Caravan which is toui with a hack saw also found be lice headquarters received a re- charge. town, daughter, Saturday. donna Ann and Theresa Me Cabe, Her husband was the late Wil. Day Funeral Home. Keyport. ing the nation. It wa* tint (how hind the fence. port that a man was on the He was apprehended in that Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lecler, all a{ home; his paternal grand- iam H. Waite, who owned Waiti Detective* Krakswitch aad roof. It was a false alarm. borough by Patrolman Lawrence S5 Locust Ave., Red Bank, son, at Fair Haven this past Octobei parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Gardens, Eatontown. Mr. and Mrs, Smit were on Glover wera oa their way te DeVito, who saw Megill buryin; MRS. CARMEN J. LUCADAMO Saturday. MemenU after the River Me Cabe of Jersey City, and ma- Also surviving are two "othe Mr. and Mrs. John Goett, IS business-pleasure trip when Marine Park la search ter Plata robbery, Middletown pe- somejools in a field off Hope Rd ternal grandmother, Mrs, Agnes OCEANPORT - Mrs. Carmen They were taken allegedly froi daughters, Mrs. Margaretta Nest- , Lucadamo, 48, of 34 Pember- (Beachwood Ter., Matawan, son, was stricken.' Besides their homi Jones' car whoa la*y were la- nce broadcast an alarm, ' at .VlcCann of Brooklyn. ler,. Eatontown, and Mrs. Edith Saturday. in New Jersey—Welcome—the; volved In the accktnt. 8:18 p. m. Red Bank poHce the Hendricks Tool Co., .Red ton Ave., died in Monmouth Med- A requiem mass was offered Nabb. this place. Mr. and Mn. Jay Brown. Til- have a similarly named home age i* Ike detecthrs's car, was threw up a roadblock at Roe- Bank. ical Center Thursday. Saturday in St. Benedict's Cath- ton Rd.. Middletown, son, yester Holland.. estimated at $M. tar PI. aad Wait Front St., tat The funeral will be tomorrow She was born In New York City, olic Church by Rev. Edward P. at 10 a. m. in the Robert A. .'day. • . Leonard Duke Curl, It, a Navy tsek It dewa at fc» p. m. WALTER VAN BRUNT daughter of Francis and Marjorie Blaska. Burial was in St. Joseph's Braun Funeral Home, Eatontown. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Vaughn. warrant officer attached to Earte Police from Rumson, Shrews- LONG BRANCH - Walter Van Russell, and had lived here 12 Cemetery, Keyport, under direc- Rev. Allan H. Tongue, rector of I Penning PI!, Keyport, daugh- Former Fire Depot, has bra charged .with bury, New Shrewsbury, Fair Ha- Brunt, 75, of 304 Rockwell Ave years. tion of the Day Funeral Home, St. James Episcopal Church, Eat- ter, yesterday. ven, Little Silver and Middle- died in Mi home Friday. She was a member of th* In- careless driving as a result of Keyport. ontown, will officiate. Burial, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jonas. M Chief Dies at 43 the accident and state police from He was bora here, son of the, ternational Ladies' Garment the convenience of the family, Workers Union. Her mother-in- Borden St., Shrewsbury, daugh- There were many unusual cir Shrewsbury, Keyport and the late Benjamin and Margaret Van Garden State Parkway combed SAVERJO SCAL2O will lie in Fair View Cemetery. Isw, Mrs. Mary B. Lucadamo, ter, yesterday. HIGHLANDS - John W. Simp- cumstances Involved in the three- rde te Pakay combed Brunt, and was a lifelong resi son, 43, of 24 Bay Ave., a former Rd Bk d h di NEW SHREWSBURY - Saver died Wednesday. Riverrlew Hssaital hour manhunt. Red Bank and the surroundinding dent. He was a retired foreman fire chief here, collapsed I area in search, of the ' h Th P C L io Scaizo, 66, died In his home, MRS. WARREN MATTHEWS Surviving are her husband, Car- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boncada Mr. aad Mrs. William Hack, men o' the Thomas Procter Co., Long died Saturday while working vv»nted for the robbery. Branch; and was a member 8 Stratford Rd., Saturday. HAZLET - Mrs. Marie E. Mat. men J. Lucadamo; and two sons, » Nevada Dr., Hazlet, son, Frl Crest Dr., Little Silver, wen hi* yard. Red Bank police said they are Simpson Methodist Church, thii He was born in ttaly, and was thews, 49, of 1693 Union Ave. Russell Krahnert and Gerald day, beaded north an Prospect Av*. Mr. Simpson, who was fi checking to see if Jones has a place. a retired mason. died Saturday in Monmouth Med Krahnert, both of Linden. Mr. and Mrs. David Croweli, and bad stepped st Hardtag chief in 19S7, was employed in tl previous record. The only loca Surviving are his wife, Mrs, Surviving are his daughter, leal Center. The funeral was held this morn- 128 Fair Haven Rd., Fair Haven, water plant at Fort Hancock. 1 Rd. whea Jenes' car reared conviction they know of is for a Grace Stewart VanBrunt, and Mrs. Lena Donoghue, with whom ing in the John W. Flock Funeral ' .daughter, Friday. Born in Woodcliff, she had livec was graduated from Atlan past, followed by Officer Tet- disorderly conduct in Fair Ha. sister, Mrs. Oscar Hallbauer, thi lie lived the past four years; *a Home, Long Branch. Rev. Robert Mr. and Mrs. William Dereck- here five months. Highlands High School. ley's car. ven last July. He wss fined $50 place. lister, Mrs. Catherine DiLorenio She is survived by her husband, H. Reid, pastor of the Long son, 13 Peach St., New Shrews- had lived here 17 years. In eai Jones' car spun, out, rolled up ud^recelved a 60-day suspended The funeral will be held thle af Cornwall Heights, Pa., and Warren J. Matthews; three Branch Presbyterian Church, of- bury, daughter, Friday. Her years, Mr, Simpson playe a bank in front of Mr. Baynton' sentence for allegedly assaulting afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Wool ,'our grandchildren. Bd M i cl r Jou ln| daughters, Miss Josephine Mit- ficiated. Cremation followed in !. .- ! «.?J ?. !l- -« -P"> «"*•»• house, and stalled. i woman In Fair Haven. ley Funeral Home, Long Branch. The Robert' A. Brsun Funeral thems, at home, and Mrs. Aileen Rose Hill Crematory, Linden. ancau, 12 Lake Blvd., Matawan Surviving are his wife, M When Officer Tetley was put Officer Tetley, an emoloyee a Burial will be in Greenlawr Home, Eatontown. was in charge Cochrane and Mrs. Patricia Costl- daughter, Friday. ' of local arrangements. Dorothy Horan Simpson, and ting the handcuffs oa Janes, Mr. the Little Silver Post Office, has Cemetery. gllola, both of West Keansburg; MRS. MARY W. HARVEY Mr. and Mr*. Karl Strauch, son. John Kejth Simpson, bo five sons, George T. Mstthews of LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Mary St. Peter'* PI., Keansburg, daugh at home; his mother, Mrs. Al Jersey City; William J. anc W. Harvey, N, of 14 Slocum PI. ter, Friday. Simpson, and his grandmothe James E, Matthews, both in thi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoyt, Hill Mrs. Alta Woolley, both of Oak- died In Marlboro Stste Hospital Army stationed at Coraopoli Friday. : aide St., River Plaza, daughter, hurst; five brothers, Herman! Pa., Thomas W. Matthews, in 'Saturday. Simpson of Little Silver; Paulj the Navy stationed with the At She was born here, daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, 174 Simpson of Verona; Peter Simp- Untie fleet, and Robert J. Mat of the late John and MaryRoache Burke. Seabreeze Way, Keansburg, son of Atlantic Highlands; Clif- thews, in the Marines stationed _ daughter, yesterday. ford Simpson of Eatontown, and Okinawa; four sisters, Mrs. Am Mrs. Harvey was a member of Mr. and Mri. Frank Gabriel, Norbert Slmpion of Delaware, Bartkewlci, Mrs. Rose Gallaher St. James Episcopal Church, Morgan, son, yesterday. and three sisters, Mrs. Alta Mrs. Grace Goraki and Mrs. Lu- Long Branch; of the Long Branch Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ksmlnlskl, Moore, of Eatontown, and Mri. cille Russo, all of Jersey City; Woman's Club, Long Branch Pub- H Center St., Red Bank, daugh. Rella Kelley and Mrs. Dolly Heb- two brother*, James J, Napollcllo He Health Nursing Association, ter, yesterday. erson, both of Oakhurst, of Colonls and John J. Napollel and Pride of Crescent Council Mr. and Mr*. Alan Noe, Nave- The funeral will be tomorrow of Sayrevllle; and eight grand- Sons and Daughters of Liberty. sink River Rd., Middletown, at 2 p, m. in Posten Funeral children. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. daughter, yesterday. Home, Atlantic Highlands, with Fred Streckfuss of Passalc, and Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kecnan, Rev. August Klebsattel of El A Rosary Society service wll several nephews and nieces. Ml Crestvlew Dr., Middletown, beron, a retired minister, olficl be held tomorrow night at 8 The funeral was held this (on, yesterday.. sting, Burial will be In Fair the Mehlenbeck Funeral Home. morning In St, James Episcopal Mr. and Mri. Alfred D, Gul View Cemetery. The funeral will be held Wed Church. Burial wss In Glenwood llanl, 4« Helms Dr., Eatontown nesday at 8 a. m, from Mehlen Cemetery, under the direction of son, yesterday, EDUCATION IN YOUR HAND beck Funeral Home, to Holj the John W. Flock Fuaersl Home, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ryan, 401 ASBURY PARK - The Asbury Name Catholic Church, Unior Long Branch. . ' Johnson Av*., Union Beach, son, Park Branch, National Council of Beach, where Rev, Joseph Pox will offer a high requlen yeiterdajr. Jewish Women, will hold Its fifth EDWARD JOHNSON Mr, and Mr*, John Sneddon, 4i mass at A o'clock. Burial will b annual forum, "Education In LONG BRANCH - Edward Helms Dr., Eatontown, ton, thi:Your Hand," tonight at 8; 15 o'- in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. morning, Johnson, 54, of IS Laurel St, died clock In this city's YMCA build- In his home Ssturdsy, Mr, and Mrs, John L, Due Inn on Mair St, Speakers In- GEORGE S. BRONKEN Ho was born In Swanesboro, anin, Essex*Avc, West Kcam clude Dr. Harry Hill, gtiperln- MATAWAN - Georgo S. Broi G»,, and had lived here three burn, ion, this morning' tcmtait ol Asbury Park Schools; ken, M, of 124 Main St., di VOUI-B. Ho was a portor at Hazard Muhlenberg Hospital, PUlnflcIC Ur. Wlllluin Ned, n teacher ut Thuracluy In Monmouth Mcdlc Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Peter C, Wy Monmouth COIICKU; Dole 11. Otlo, Center, Surviving. Is Ills wlfu, Mrs. VI- born, M Chestnut SI., He, td of (|i« New Jeroey N« POST OFFICE UN DIP. WAY —Ground wai broken Saturday morning (or new Rumion posr office on Hunt St. bo- Born 111 Nunvny, lie Iwd opii "In T. Johnson; a ilstcr, Mm. Bonk, ion, 1'rlduy. The child hi lurnl Gnu Company, nnd Nell tweon Bingham Ave. end Washington SI, Officiating, left to right, were Ray Gearing, regional real eitat* officer, otcd u bnkcry nt the Main Si Matldlo Lawrence ol this place, h*tn named PuU:r Oorord Wy Rtlhcimui Philadelphia; Charlsi A.1 Relit, former Rumion.Rod Bank roildont, roproionllng the Post Office Departmont't field berfi, Jr, Mr, WynbrrK In employ address, and iwu nuphews, office In Camdo'n; Mayor Peter Cartmoll; Rep, Jamoi C. Auchineloii; Poitmailer Paul Petonon, *nd Rumion Coun- Ho wun a member of the R The John W, Mock Funeral ad In The Register'* clrculndo »«>• link I Hank I;lks Lad^o and tlio Mad Ui'imrtinrnl, tor quick r« cllmon William P. Htlleran and Harry Sundormcycr. Home, Uinit llranch, ID In charge wan Lodgo n[ oi nrrungomenta, Testimonial Dinner Condudeg iFbr Zager Dec. 5 Art Show RUMSON - The Jewish com- with the Jewish community as J. MIDDLETpWN - An ISth cen munity of Red Bank will pay co-chairman and secretary of the U. J, A., a trustee and past presi- tury ffluticsl recital brougb: tribute to Abraham J. Zager ot dent of Congregation Baai Isra- down the final curtain on a four Shrewsbury at a testimonial din- el; past president of the Joseph day Community Art Obtervancr ner, Saturday, Dec. 5, at Congre- Finkel Lodge Bnai Brith; judge sponsored by the Middletowr advocate and vice commander of Township Recreation Commit gation-B'nii I jrael. . aion in the high school. It will be sponsored by thethe J. W. V; past participant in the Monmouth County Emergen- A court assembly scene served State ot Israel Bond Organiza- cy Zionist Council tor Israel, and as backdrop for the musical art- tion, Dr. Victor Siegel, chairman, has actively supported the State ists: Miss Gertrude Neidlinger, has announced.. of Israel bond program since Leonardo, soprano, and Herbert Born in Perth Amboy, Mr. Its Inception in 1931. Burtis, minister of music of the Zager attended high school in Red Bank Methodist Church, at Red Bank, and received hit B.A. Mr. Zager hat been past chair- the harpsichord. degree at BuckntU University, man el the Sister Kenny Fund and the March of Dines cam- Chosen- to reign as king and and his taw degree at Rutgers queen of the "Pageant ot Antique University. paign] He participated in the YMCA and Boy Scout Fund drive Music" were Percy L. Clark, in Shrewsbury and has been «• Long Branch, director of occupa- ecutivt council and captain of the tional therapy at Marlboro State Independent Engine Company, Hospital, and Mn. Herbert Bur tit, Sr. of Battle Creek. Mich., Red Bank Fire Department, a ; WHAT II irr—Neophytes of art, Berate and A?*s)! member of the American Legion mother of the 'harpsichordist. and attorney for the board of Ed- They were selected from the au- Yemc, are caught pondering about sculpture exhlbWeal ucation for Rumson, Fair Haven dlence ot 200 exhibitors and vi- in the Middletown Recreation Commission art show.' OTR THI RACI — Donald Voorheei of Uneroft receives congratulations from Mn. and Eatontown* siton by Trav Neidtinger of Stu- They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Yemc of dio 17 Associates. Leonardo, art Dlivar A. Wyman, Militant to th» dean, on winning boittn show for his water col- In announcing the dinner. Dr. New Monmouth. Sarnie was overheard to say, "' Siegel said, "It Is extremely director of the observance. or, "After tha Raeas," anforad In the Now Jersey Chapter, American Artists Pro- gratifying to participate in this Selections by Mr. Burtis in- but what is it?" J.— faisional League, exhibit currantly on (how at tha HorhanvMidiion campus of Fair, expression of recognition ot ourcluded three dances, Pavan and • community for the many and GaUard by William Byrd and a leigh Dickinson University. ' varied services that Abe Zager Pavan by Orlando Gibbons. Also, Lincroft Man has rendered. In view of his ac- two sonatas by Domenicb Scarlat- Police Pre?| 4 tivity and unselfish dedication, it ti and a suite by Johann Matthe- In Air Exercise American Artists Is we who are honored with theam. ELLINGTON AFB, Texas- Staten Island CPA Institute opportunity to belatedly acknowl- Miss Neldlinger's selections in- Bruce K. Fredericks, Wide Hor- edge Abe Zager's contributions, cluded "Cam Mlo Ben" by Gi-izons. Laird Rd., Lincroft, an Air "It is my firm belief that ordano; "Nina" by Pergolesi; Force Reserve lieutenant assign- Bomb Prolje Display at University Tomorrow "the Lass With the Delicate Air" ed as a navigator with the 512th NEW YORK (APKPoHet £§> : Seidman, Abe's many friends will join with MT a/ .'.••': Y NEWARK - J. S; S us in making this dinner a pleas- by Thomas Arne: two songs by Troop Carrier Wing, Willow iratory experts are trying to|i> president of the American In- PurceU and "When Love It King," ermine exactly what type asps- MADISON - American AH stitute of Certified Public Ac- ant and memorable tribute to an Grove, Pa., participated in the outstanding member of our com-traditional English. world series of reserve troop car sive fatally injured Mn. Cokst- Weak was climaxed last week countants, will address the annual ZafSf The show attracted hundreds of with the presentation of award* EAC Names American Institute Night dinner munity." rier wing competitions, at the ta Giarietta 41, last TueMsy visitors to the art and sculpture Continental Air Command Troop night when she lifted the garace and other prizes by the New Jer. meeting of the New Jersey So- Mr. Zagerg, , who,, served as a Invitations to the dinner for a sey Chapter of American Artist* Carrier Rodeo, here. door at her Staten Island how*.. ciety of Certified Public Account- captaiin In thh e SignaSil CorpC s in being mailed and reservations houn during the four days ot Professional League at Falrleigh Gerson Lewis ants at the Down Town Club. World War II, Is active in civic, can [be made by calling Dr. school bolldayi. Fragments and residue lefts* Dickinson University. The appointment of Genoa The president of the 1S.Mreligiou0 s and philantrophle ac- Siegel or Congregation Bnai Is- An exhibitors' tea wu held the scene ot the Mast are batag Sponsored nationally by AAPL Lewis, Teaneck, as vice presl- member national professional so- tivities. He hat been associated rael. yesterday at the closing of the carefully analyzed chemically. and commemorated for the 39th dent of Electronic Assistance ddy will soeak on "What's program. Mr. Neidlinger, who al- Police admitted that they ratMnv yeif by tha New Jersey chapter, Cor., Red Bank, wu announced Ahead for the Accounting Pro- 6 staged a show in the high ed stymied la the mysteries* the American Art Week show- today by Robert Edwards, presl. fatskw." Mr. Seidman, managing Adventures in Reading' school hut year during American bombing. ' ^ '•& attended by more than 100 art-dent, partner of the national' account Art Week, sponsored by the Meanwhile, Staten Island'rsf- lists—comprised one of the larg- The appointment of Mr. Lewis ing firm of Seidman and Seld- American Artists Professional dents continued to report hoife est exhibits held on the campus. to the vice presidency was made has served in Washington Is Theme for Book Fair League, was presented a trophy threats. One was written hi' Mas) Johan J. Smith ot Little Silver by the board of directors at itsIn many capacities, including by Mn. Victor L. Fox, president chalk on the walk outside ttw contributed thre« prizes tor the tart meeting, that ot accounting consultant to OCEANPORT -"Adventures of the River Plaza Woman's home of Adele Junquet It said: "Motherhood" contest. Mrs. Ed- the House Appropriation Commit- tt Reading" Is the theme for the Club. "You will die tonight by'• ward Garvin of Orange won tint tee, The Budget Bureau, and thebook fair, which opens tomorrow 2 New Polio The trophy had been awarded bomb." .•!,•.••'v3. prize for her oil, a sensitive study Hoover Commission. for a three-day run in the pub- the club last week by the New A dentist, Dr. diaries Ssal- of a Negro mother and child. As chairman of the Institute's lic school, under the sponsorship Jersey chapter of AAPL In Its man, said he received a phone Mn. Florence Pomeroy, West federal taxation committee, Mr. of the Parent-Teacher Association Cases Reported annual presentation of awards to call from an anonymous voice Orange, won second, and Herbert • recommended a com- Mn. Edward Laurino, Jr., Is New Jersey Federation of Wom- who said: "Your garage Is next" WyUie, South PlalnfieM, third. ASBURY PARK - Two Eaton- plete revision of the nation's taxchairman, assisted by Mn. en's Clubs for contributing out- Police are watching both Donald Voorbees of Ltocroft structure to wipe out what he Charles Pules and Mn. Peter Bo- town boys have been listed as the mnflnfc Mpport to American homes. ; won the Pauline Wick award for termed "built-in inequities." va. • .• . • • ; • . ninth and 10th polio cases in Art Week. Mn. Giarletta died at s hos- the best painting in the show. 0. Jay Silverman, Atlantic City, VakU S. Marls, New Brunt, The fair will be staged in theMonmouth County. Mrs. Fox stated that since pital Thursday after amputation president of the Mate group, will Board of Education room, and Roland J. Hlnes, chairman ot many • group_ . s supported last of both legs. wick, won the Grumbtcher award Reside. for the best oil painting other will ha'open Tuesday from 10 the Monmouth County Chapter of year's program headehddd bby Mr. Police are exploring all types Testimonials will be awarded to a.m. to 4 p.m., so that teachen Neidlinger, the presentation was ot grenades at Fort TUden fat than Motherhood entries. Second the National Foundation, yester- K. Fredericks award went to Maxwell Stewart outgoing offlcen of the society: and pupils may look the display day said Louis Nettles,-], and made on behalf of her club to the Queens to obtain sample frag- Fred Rohn, Jr., Madison, past over, as part ot the school's us-Donald Chunn, •, have paralytic director in recognition ot an out- ments and residue to compare Simpson, Scotch Plains,'and hon- ual library period.: Lt. Fredericks is employed is orable mention to Armando So- president: Max Bussel, Plainfleld, polio In Monmouth Medical Cen- standing cultural program. real estate manager, Keator with that found at the darletta zlo ot South Orange for hit can- Harry Rubenttein, Perth Amboy, The fair is open for inspection ter. According to Mr. Neidlinger, garage, A fuse found at the vas "Along the Jersey Coast." and Jay M. Squire, Englewood, and sale Wednesday and Thurs- Louis, of 271 Grant Ave., is thethe community art observance Mr. Pomeroy won first award past vice presidents. day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. andson of Mn. Margaret Nettles, program - hat now been ~ under-unto partidpted ia the third en- «• mnsdet. in water colon, and second award . Five outgoing trustees will re- 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Freehold. He was reported mak- taken as an annual event by themiel competition. went to Mrs. Florence Mated of ceive service awards. They are The fair Is well supplied so that ing toed progress. He was ad-recreation ^ontmisaion, and the All told, 42 C-Ut aircraft and Atlantic Highlands. Henry Abnmson, Bayonae; Lou- beoka may be purchased during rattled Nov. I, and wu reported trophy wu presented to Jack W about 350 men took part in thePair Deny j Judges tor the show, which will Is D. Cole, Clifton; C. Bergen the three-day period, but it the Moody, supervisor. Grcendyke, Trenton; Louis S. to have had three Salk snots be- he on exhibit at the Mansion stock is depleted, orders will be fore being hospitalized. through the month ot November, Korb. Teaneck, and Franklyn S taken. Teaenera will be present [li jacking Truck Welnberg, Asbury Park, DootM Is these* of Mn. Rbea Alexander Farnham, Boy- Prior to joining EAC Mr: Lew. at file Wednesday night sessions Chunn, H Richardson Ave. He Is Dr. Tebo BRfBLLE — Two men charged Ian Flu-Gerald and Stephen Ju- More than 17J CPAs from over to help parents with selections. Dismiss with MJackmg as Asbury Press is, an electrical engineer, had ISthe state are expected to attend •ralyzed from tht hips fan. H6 haros. i years of management experience To help publicize the fair, til two Salk shots, It was re- delivery truck pleaded not suBty American Art Week awards al- in such firms at Sylvan Welling- fee meeting. Among the guests school pupils made posters, using ported. ' , .-••;i Speaker At to the charges Friday night and will be accounting student* and the titles of their favorite books Gambling waived preliminary hearing. so were presented to members of ton Co., J. G. D. Manufacturing There were Is polio cases In the Federated Women's Clubs ot Co., and Loral Electronics. faculty rrwnben from Rutgen, u the theme. These posten will Albert BoHerman, Preventorl- New Jersey for outstanding work Seton Hall. UpsilaUpi. RiderRd. . FairFair- be displayed, and prizes be the county in the same period Convention um Rd., Howcll Township, and Electronic Assistance manu- lileighh DickinsonDiki , St. Peter's and last year, Mr. Hiaes Said. Most Indictment ATLANTIC CITY - "Science George Balsehi. Nepstna City, In cooperation with the AAPL factures electronic equipment in- gt awarded to the best illustrations for observance of American Art in three different age group lev- of those cases were mild ones, he FREEHOLD - Superior Court at the elementary school level, were continued in P.ONtwl! to eluding a beer foamer used by Monmouth-Ocean chapter mem- els. added. ^ Judge J. Edward Knight Fri- and in a great measure at theawait grand Jury action. X -' Week in 1958. breweries, radtr altimeters, River Plaza Women's Club won ben planning to attend Include day dismissed a gambling indict- high school level is much more The pair allegodty hijacked tha. wave analyzers, power convert- Preliminary Judging waa con- ment against Pssquale SUnoaetti. Important for the child who Is not * silver trophy. Other clubs re- John W. MeCormack, Elberon, ducted by Mr. Pukts, eighth grade truck Oct. 14 ca Rt 71. Batochi en, airborne pewer supplies, and William C. Merrick. Red Bank, Ave. C, Highlands, son-in-law of going to become a scientist than Is accused of driving away the ceiving awards for support of a Signal Corps field. telephone. teacher; Mn. Florence Jackson, last year's observance were Con- and Franklyn S. Welnberg. As- Cranberry Vito. Genovete. it is for the potential scientist.' track and 1U load of first grade teacher, and Mrs. These were the words of Dr necticut Farms Woman's Club of bury Park. Norman Franks, school secre- According to' Prosecutor Vin pen. The truck and Union; Woman's Chib of Orange; cent P. Keuper, who recommend- E*"* J- T,*°« •n wtrophysicist found later near AUaln™ State tary. inference 0 RIvordale Woman's Chib; Wom- Maj. Turnier ed the suit be nol proseed, there •* ,f * Monmouth, when she Park. an's Chib of Maplewood; Worn Final Judging was done by Mn. NEW BRUNSWICK - Weed wu Intufficient evidence to con-spoke to the New Jersey Science en's Club of Chatham; Woman's Fire College Lloyd Miller, a local commer- control In cranberries will • getvict. Teachen Association Saturday. Club ot Hackensack, and the Visits Parents cial artist. Winners will receive special treatment at a meeting Dr. Tebo is a member of theSay Youth Had their prizes at the PTA meeting Simonette and 14 When were Womaa'a Clubs of Wtldwlck, Pal- EATONTOWN-Maj. Walter C. of the state's pesticide dealers arrested March 14 at S Third Shrewsbury Board of Education. isades, Leonia and Ridgewood. Turnier, an Air Force pilot, vis-Course Set Wednesday night in the school Nov. 24 at Rutgen University's The association wu one of 40 Beer in Car auditorium. Ave., Long Branch, when police Mrs. Theodore M. Marko, for- ited here recently with his par- SEASIDE HEIGHTS - Chiefs College of Agriculture. broke up a dice game there. An- groups meeting in conjunction RUMSON- Roache, 11, mer art chairman for the River ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tur- of paid and volunteer firemen and At the PTA meeting at 8: IS Dr. Donald A. Schalkck, e* Kelo Marangello, Chelsea Ave., with the New Jersey Education of Lewis U., Fi Haven, wU Plaza chib, accepte/1 the award nler, Rt. 35. members of industrial brigadegads p.m. a movie, "The Impression- tension weed control specialist at Long Branch, one of those arrest- Association convention here. face a hearing Nov. 21 on charges from Mn, Franc Brockmeier, are being offereoffedd a trainti - able Years," will be shown. ~Re-Rutgers, has enlarged the topic ed, has been given a suspended "Our future rests not so much of possession ot alcoholic bever- New Jersey State American Art ing course by the New Jersey freahments will be served in the originally assigned to Mm so that state prison term. n the number of scientists and ages by a minor. Week chairman. Also attending State Fire College here. school cafeteria by a committee he can bring dealen, service rep- engineers produced each year u Roache and a juvenile were At the same time, 102 other in- picked up Firday nigh; when,they from the local club were Mrs. The course will be Dec. 44o,f sixth grade pupils' mothers, resentatives and others up to date dictments were nol pressed by lt does on the,intellectual and Victor L. Fox, president, and and ia limited to ISO chiefs. Itheaded by Mn. William ReiUy. on the cranberry situation. He cultural climate in which they were found drinking beer hi • car the Judge on the recommendation on Carton St. - ':- Mn. Maurice L. Toulme, art is sponsored by the State Fire will answer questions about weed of the prosecutor. These Indict- work." Dr. Tebo said. chairman. College, division of state Safety eootrol la cranberries and other John Kuhlthau, Long Branch, a The juvenile wu released; h» ments were the tint dismissed custody of his parents peodiag a Mn. Harold B. Stoddard ot Council. - Parents Inspect School wops. by the court m more than a year. Fort Monmouth weather Instruct- < . West Orange, president of the Only one officer from each fire Some cases dated back to 1953. or, explained the advances being hearing before the JuvsjtUa System in Middletown The conference, which attracts made in meteorology. Conference Committee. chspter and Dr. Samuel Pratt, company will be accepted into hundreds of dealers and others According to the prosecutor dean of the campus, welcomed the course. M1DDLETOWN- Approximate- every year, will be held in Col-some defendants have died, com- the guests. Charles Chapman, N* The program of topics and ly 2,000 parents of school chil- tint Auditorium, Blake Hall, be- plainants have moved from the .M tional Academy member from speakers will be: Saturday, Dec. dren visited the local school sys- linning at 10 a. m. H I, morning setsion-V'Dlscrimin tem last week, state or declined to press charges, Leonia, painted a demonstration Rutgen planners have divided some men charged with desertion Sptar, Leeds & Ktllogg landscape hi oils, ate Use of Water," Newark Bn The program was arranged by he program into four sections, have returned to their families, Chief George Scraeffer, and "In-the school administration to give Members surance Rating and Municipal information on frul and some defendants have been parents a chance to observe the crops, farm crops and livestock, cleared without the need of a New York Stock Exchange MacDonaid Grading," Newark Bn. Chief Hen- school district in operation. ry L. Schoettly; afternoon sea- vegetable crops, and turf and trial. American Stock Exchsngo In most cases, the teachen fol- ornamentals. Research and ex The majority ot the cases, how- Heads Drive regular routing tensioi n men will discuss insect, ever, dealt with open counts on ROBERT D. VISCOUNT, Manager so that the parents could ob- Materials, Including Vehicle disease and weed control, with Indictments to which the defend- serve the activities of their chil- specific ndatiw for ants had pleaded guilty and been For MDA Fires," Newark Bn. Chief Joseph ZL. sentenced, the prosecutor said. CHECK NOW! Drew, and "Organizing and Con- use next dseton. Red Bank Fire Chief Albert Ma|. Walter C. Itoaler ducting an Effective Fire Depart The- stocks you own now may not be the ones you Mac Donald la chairman ot the ment Training Program," Jer I bought originally! Nothing is the same . . . than Muscular Dystrophy Association #Accompanyinw __,„g. „...him. were hit sey City Bn. Chief James Mul- price,, the companies' earnings, future prospects . . . Drive which opens In Red Bank Wjf« nu taut children. ligan; Dec. (, Sunday sessioa to all have changed. You may be ahead ... but how, He has left for Italy where he noon, "Understanding Built-in do you know, It you haven't had a checkup recently?. Chief Mac Donald and Samuel is a squadron commander after Detection, Alarm and Extinguish- Sctlto, deputy chief of the de-completing an assignment In Tur-ing Systems," Montclalr Deputy DAVIDSONS tHis may be the time to take a profit, to sell a weaken-' partment, have placed collection key. Chief Theodore MacLechlan, an ng stock, or to add more shares at an advantageous contalnen for the drive In all of Ma). Turnier and his squad- "What the Chief Officer IIMKUY 1vice. Check now! I the borough's stores. ron flew non-stop from Myrtle Know About Fighting Fire Mr. Mac Donald also has The man who can help you is at Spear, Leeeds k Kel- W Beach Air Force Bate, S. C, to Where Electrical Equipment I: Sl!. '?J!!!!« ^'i^B- Nouasseur Air Base. Morocco Involved," A. E. Allen, senior! logg ... a registered representative experienced, in- tains: Mrs. Allan B. Kendall. The flight of F-100 Jets flew staff assistant, Electric Distri- FOODTOWN formed and alert to put our firm's investment know- Atlantic in three waves, led bution Dipt, of Essex Division of how to, your best use. For his suggestions, send your urnler. Two alr-to-alr Public Service Electric and Gu Mn,C, i stock list today with the coupon below. were necessary Company. I trip non-stop. Enrollment forms may be ob- A. Dupree, M. Mrs. Gordon Wil- The squadron flew on to Avltno tained from New Jersey State SUPERMARKET son Is in charge of publicity. Air Bass, Italy, tha following Fin College, 24 Braaford PI Spaar, Leads I Kellogg M iMM „„, day to replace a unit there. Newark 2. Members M §**, H. j. • Say Juveniles N. Y. Stack Exchange utadMtu* t MM la . t ^ • ^^ A VnBJBjniSJSJ fJOw*wlSfv^ B^B^BH TO SHOW CATTLE Is now the exclusive Foodtown Market v spent 12.10 ot the stolen money. American Stock Esehange Robbed Girl The elRht-yetr-old allegedly CHICAQO-Fredertck Frellng ASBURY PARK - An U-year My lilt •? ilMIll rt iMailitd Itr »«»f tpliil**, tmt •• grabbed the money from the huyien, Holmdel, N. J., will show my ln«HtM«iil •k|t««««, **<»* It eld New Shrewsbury girl was girl's hand and ran, The 19-year six bend of purebred Shorthorn in Red Bank and Little Silver. Shop and rnbbcd of K while ahe was wait- old companion watched, nnd tticr csltle In the 1959 International •Ml _ .,.._ ID Inn to get Into the Cnslno iikatlng Joined In a chase of the younge v? Slock Exposition Nov. 27' rink Thursdny, boy. Dec. 5. compare everyday low, low prices... I Two city boyi, aged 8 and 18, Sift. Joseph Slicchan, Juvenile are charged with taking the mon- i - •• officor, said the pair met later In 185B, a coatt-to-coait trip BUy ....,« «... «•«».. ey (mm Betty Copeny of Strat and divided the money, A tip Ice required (00 hours and the trav- ford Rd., to tholr Identities, He said, The eler would have eaten 75 meals en You'll Save More! Police said the pair were ar- boys were turned over to juve route. Today, the jet passenger luted In their homes after they nils authorities. . tiles cout-UKoatt between meals, IROAD ST. KID BANK MA MOSrlCT AVI., UTUI SH.VM n \'L ft" ,'.«. ii ".•?•?''i 4-M«d.T, No*. U.VW REP BAWC RECISTEg Civic Capt. Ho was bon ia We Gire Qufefc, lilsHear King, China, and was evacuated ConcertSeries Sale Held Reliable Service! to Taiwin in 1M9. At Fort Monmouth, he is tak- YMST electric system b the very Chinese Officer Opens Dec. 5 By Cosmopolitan UfaliM fer everyday ing courses so he can introduce UTTLE SILVER - Capt. Shih Monmouth Civic Chorus' will [LONG BRANCH - A "foreign Amerii open its concert season Saturday, bod sale" was featured at the CM* Ho. a Chinese interpreter November meeting of the Moa- Tol. SH 7-0*12 who is an exchange officer from Chins. Dec. S, with Horatio Parker's The discussion, which was fol- Hora N.oviisi mouth County Chapter, Cosmo- the Republic of China on a six lowed by a question and answer polltu Associates, Inc., ia the Triii cantata, although it has America* Legion Home. Each ALLEN ELECTRIC week stay ia America, spoke at period, was he!d in Mrs. Marbee- n heard by the put three gen- a discussion program in the Mark- g^t King's classroom. Pupils member donated food from her II Wilt* St. Reel lea* erations, is ttill among the leas respective country. ham Place School for the eighth of Miss Marie Koskey'a class al- well-known master works in so participated. American Music. The eatartainmeot committee, The da** is studying the FarEast. Arangements for the speak eoMiatiag of Mrs. Reane Moir- bert HartnU of Fort Moamouth er were made through Mrs. Her- am, Mr*. Denaw Green, Mrs Ann TorcW* and Mrs. Iris tor cliia, all of Leag Branch, an- ALL-DAY BANKING nounced holiday plans for the group. Member* will have their ChriHaas dtaaer at the Paddock, LION'S Loag Braacb, xat I p. n. Satur- A l : > \> I ' day, Nw. JsVTIie chlldrea'e Christmas party frill be heldSun- On P Dayy day, Dee X. at 131 p. m. at the Aaxrieaa Legion Home, with erchanls At Our Call Offfe* on the Christmas tree being donated • DRY CLEANING • SHIRTS by Patrolmen Demote Angerio. Refraahmeata war* served by • FLATWORK Mrs. Andree Batchelar. Mrs. RED BANK Marine BetU and Mrs. Ana De. M-74WHITIST. 110 IANK sarno. The group will meet. again Tuesday, Dec. t, at the Legion Home. 8 DID YOU KNOW Teachers Favor New Taxes Bankers Set MMONSTRATION THAT FROWN'S... MATIN* oftthe W. G#nfM Ftfdtat To Pay Proposed Hikes Mock Trial DAU CAJtMWII Re-Tefws mi Re-Cer* yew W. Gordon Pagdln Is conduct- FREEHOLD— Central Jersey! COUMI Re-Olem mtf AMMM ing the chorus, now in its 11th ATLANTIC CITY (AP)-Gov. The minimum salaries fornoa -Conference, of NABAC, the as- year. The cantata features solo Robert B. Meyner hu urged degre- e. teacher„„s woul. d ..rang e sociaUoa for bank audit, control Stem Whitowt and chorus parts. tt teachers to rise above material- fro«!*"»_m HIM to!*"!.«!Sfi W.3M annually usE - -d operation., will wltaes. . RcScreeu AhMiMMH WWiw The prose source of the work ism and guide students toward der the new plan, as against the mock trial staged by personnel waa taken from a poem, "De values "worthy of a great civ- present $3,600 to $5,400. of the Ocean County National RIIHOLD W Cootemptu," written-by Bernard illisUon." Teacher* with a bachelor's de- Poiat Pleasant Beach, at Amerleaa Hotel de Ckiny, A Benedictine monk, He spoke to the New Jersey gree or its equivslenUwould re- its meeting Wednesday night ( • Moa.,Nov. II around the year 1.190. This poem Education Associstion Thursday. ceive from M.4N to $6.M0 per the American Hotel. UKCWOOD also constitutes the origin of the The association members are ad- year, u compared with the ores- Dramatized will be the case ol Hotel New Irvlagtea WITH THIS AD text for two well-known hymns, mating that salaries of teaeb- eat $3,Mt to I5.S0O. NABAC versus "I. M. Honeit, I p. m. • Toes., ww. If oWt I "Jerusalem the Golden" and ers in the state be raised at all A salary range of from $4,701 cashier of "The Poorly Run Bsak "For Thee, Our Dear, Dear Coun- levels, IB some cases by more to $7,300 is proposed for teach-* Trust Co." RID RANK LOCKED try." than $1,000 a year. ers with a matter's degree or Y.M.C.A. KEY In speaking of the forth-coming Meyner told conventioners that equivalent The present range is Weak points which may occur OUT presentation, Mr. Pagdln said perhaps a false sense of value from $4,000 to $8,200. in bank control will be highlighted I p.m. • Wed., Nov. II Arwtyt («ry "From the first bar, of- the or-hsd crept into education and oth- To finance the salary increases, ia comedy fashion. ASIURY PARK DUPLICATED chestral prelude, to the last chord er areas of American life. the group recommended a state In the course of the trial It Hotel1 Berkeley Carteret ta fitrikev ia the great, chorus, the listener sales tax or income tax or both. will be brought out that even 1p.m. • Tburs, Nov. If ^^^ -a jSet|scr I* key Weak Asked the governor "Haven't Is aware that this is music o( we for quite a while palmed off The association feels that all though bank mansgement mty la exceptionally high order. The the notion that boys and girls teachers should receive at least h»ve set careful audit and eon LONft BRANCH score abounds in a wealth and should rematr in school or go to800 increase each year until they trol procedures, they need con GarfleM Gnat Hotel • HOUM KIYS variety of expression, and it iscollege because high school grad- reach their proper level on thestant review to keep them oper- . I p. m. • Fri., Nev. M • CAR KEYS considered to be the finest choral uates mske more money • than salary scale. ating effectively. orchestral work ever written." "I. M. Honest," and the meth- presented by • CYIINOW those who didn't finish and that college graduates make even ods used by his staff will be used THE LtAOUSHV ft CARTRIMI, Ire. w HIGH DRAW more?" Heulitt to demonstrate how a bank WlNtlPMENtlifPllH * SAUSIRAININ03 ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - No Meyner said, It seems to me should not be operated. ' INSTITUTI OP N. J. trouble to open a drawbridge? that teachera have the. ob- The conference belongs to the EBUDGET TERMS DAVID V. KHES, DAILY and Sat. I AM. to I PM. The averagg e yyacht skipper ligation to be thoughtful, to look Heads Grange National Assocfstion of Bank Au- Controllers, along Area Manager WED. aai FRI. I AM. ta I.PJM. might thinhkk not, bub t AAnn e AArun< beneath the surface of our' COLIS NECK — Howard Heu- *•«* • Ontt*$tff.CMfi«NM del County officials toted up the breathless activities,' to find the UK was elected matter of Atlsn with more than 5,500 other Ml NerlMew Terrace banks, all dedicated to finding D cost of operating one over Weemi truth and separate Grange last week In the Springfield, N. J. , better ways of operating banks Creek and figured it amounted fslse." grange hall here.. Tel.: DReiel e-SUS to 9125 a draw. The. teachers themselves spent Also elected were John Twar< for the benefit of customers and That was for opening the span most of the day dus. overseer; Mrs. R. D. Heu- stockholders, 47 KM* St. SHetfyiMe I-75M Raw leak their salary problems. litt, lecturer; Dsryl Lowry, stew- lr 25 times from May 1 to Sept. 30 ard; Garrett Thompson, assist- Leu than 5 per cent of Wyom- at a total cost of I3.US for main' ant steward; Mr*. Benjamin Bay- ing or Aritona is arable. tenance and operation. ample, that the salaries of non-lor, chaplain; W. Bernard

In nusllal rfnas • lor today's brMn art cepyinf the fa*Mon of their feat grandmothers In the wearing of wide (and handsomel) weddmg band*. SAVE WITH U.S. SAVINGS Fran poMMd goM to Florcntinc-flnlshed • from Th* V. S. Government doss not pay for this advertisement. The Treasury De- Decorative Arts Center plain to dlamomNtudded • our collection It n!4t. partment thanks, for their patriotic donations, The Advertising Council and ,., 630 Broad Street, Shrewsbury Left: Irlght Finish, Mk Yellow Gold $27 IENDIX AVIATION CORPORATION t: Ten Star Set Diamonds, Ilk White Gold, •ATONTOWM . KID IANK . LONft HUNCH . Satin Pinlih $ I SO We are \ilcaw] to announce the opening; of fhr> inenmpar* ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES. INCORPORATED Prices Include Federal tax Charge or budget IQW MANCH •hit; Dccuialivi! Aria Cfiiilcr . . . l'

Keansburg 2.57 EACH Mr. and Mn. Charles Rose, Maharas Ave., entertained Mrs. iityte! William McKeevea of Arlington > ink! for her birthday last week. Also present were Mr. McKeeves and • MMfrift Mn. Mae Havens. •iNHsl ImMtii WB BW, Barbara Leach, daughter of • Mw John Leach, West Keansburg, ttHil celebrated her 13th birthday at Sff&m\ a pizia party. Present were Pat- V . • • Cholea: eait It middy atylat! • Each pair la In a prot«Uv»jwly; ricia Boyce, Patricia Pavlak, mSfanH-41. \ \ " • Full-eutfaney pitttrm! kagl Man'a aim A, •, C A D. Gail Sorensen, Penny Englemann, Judith Calamari and Cynthia Walling. lil . . ."..:, Mrs. Joseph Carlo, Oak St. entertained members of the Bay- M ( . view Social Club. Mm. Maurice 10.95 CKILD'SAiminTK l1J5 W0NMr Mil MM SIMM! ' 39.95 MYSf CMS' ,..-' Wotffle will be the next hostess. Also present were Mrs. Harold Young, Mrs. Andrew Cannon,! 26 " SPORTS BIKE Mrs. Edward Kinlin, Mrs. Tho- COLONIAL NURSERY mas Kipp, Mrs. James Gunther, Mrs. Robert Geisler and Mrs Charles Hlggins. PONY Ike Loyal Order of Moose, 'Bayshore Lodge, will hold skating parry Nov. 30 In the Belvedere Arena. A square dance HiaiilmimUiii was held in the Flamingo Hotel last week. wMpMna*! • • Ntw, eantlltvaMtyla framal Mrs. Edward Westendorf, Mn. MttkHiMlihUM! = • Kiekttandl Raea^H tattl • 17% KM I tt" fa. • • Dtuklt adjuttasl* handlakan. George Reinlcke, Mrs. Donald * ttrittMtfirfKU Merker and Mn. Edward Ma- • • R»d(Mk«y«,blu«f«f|kt*. bafey recently visited the Copa. eabftna Club In New York City. A record, "The Old and The 19.95 UCfRK, HtASS-mitSIKD New Testament," narrated by 89.75 SEBVKE-POK-EKHT Dana Andrews, waa played at the x . Women's Society of Christian SUNNRST WALL OOCK Service meeting last week. The 52-PC COMMU annual bazar will be held Dec, from 10 a. m. until 9 p. m., with a lunch at noon in. the church 97* SILVERWARE hall, and Dec. 2 from 10 a. m. until 2 p. m. Larn,2S"*pm! Mrs. William King, Mrs. Char- Eaiy-to^Md fact let Temmler and Miss Almeda with tilt hand* and Paynter wen appointed on the nuiMralt! parsonage committee to tak charge of redecorating the par • FuHy SuarantMdl aonage and attending to an: • Yaunvaavai'50%1 other heads. Children from needy families will be given a hlrkey dinner and supplied with clothing M5H"WWIi# SIX-FOOT 4.95COI4Nim,ITALUUHMPQRr * after Christmas in the church hall. Hostesses at the mectln VIHYL COVERED HASSOCKS were Mrs. Anna Horner, Mrs. JUMBO TURKEY PUHER Edward Rockefeller and Mrs. Raymond Harrison. A Christmas party will be held Dec. 1 by the Catholic Daughters of America, and a Christmas 'charity card party will be held Dec. 4. Miss Ann RelUy and Mn. Kathrvn Huber are chairmen. t MM* ky WMkhfaiMM OMMa, IM The state court card party will •MMM MffMiw*Star pattartii flMtt be held in McGuire's Grove Nov 31. Proceeds will go toward »WHt»*rWpHt»l scholarship for priesthood. • IttraftehattlNKIIffltodaupply) A Thanksgiving masquarade party will be held Nov. 28 in the an raw mn aamwaT Knights of Columbus hall by the Ancient Order of Hibernians. The KING-SIZE TRAY TABLES CANNISTER SET S CARVIMC BOAJIO SETp business meeting was held last week. A party' for members and friends will be held Dec. 13, and 97 gifts will be exchanged. Mrs. John Flynn and Mrs. Agnes Hughes were hostesses. 6. • Irati-flnrthad tub- Leonardo ular Ian... madarnl Nbicg Ledge, Sons of Norway, • Smoetn>ralling eat* will hold ,an anniversary dinner tara,feranvmavini! Nov. 21 in Cabin In The Sky • Larta \%tir tray Atlantic Highlands. The card party which was to be held thii •••••• ••••• month has been cancelled. Me and women. of the lodge bow! every Sunday morning in thi Save 10c on 2 Bottles Mtddtetown Bowling Lanes. FRESHLY GROUND HOT HOUSE Edward Lassik, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lassik, Burlington . Ave,, celebrated his birthday recently. Present were Mr. and SNIDERS' Mrs, William Morris, Oceanport, GROUND Mr.; and Mrs. John Wheeler, Queens, N. Y., and Leslie and TOMATOES Daniel Lassik. BEEF CATSUP FIRM 14 RIPE LB. Bottles 39 LB. 39 2 23 I'LL HELP YOU FOCUS ON BETTER LIVING Let me help you sight I ho cash for dolnu the extra things you'd enjoy. I'm 0. llnwlo Hustles, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED! Ihc RcRlstcr clnsclfleil who RCta you easy money by llntlliiK liuy- PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th-WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST I •ars fast for things you own but don't use and enjoy. Dint Sll 1- "010 now to focus yuuiH'K to- TERMITES f THESE DAYS Ked Hank tUgkta By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY N. 1. State Highway H, MdJktft** N. J. The time has come for the United States to assert EataMtohtt 1171 by Jehe H. leek and Htary Clay itself as a nation against a petty little tyrant who em- THOMAS ttVTNG MOWN. FaMlsher HM-lsW ploys anti-Yanquiism to keep himself in power. Fidel JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor M. HAROLD KEUY. Business Manger :astro needs a target to stir up his mob but can the W. HAMY PENN1NGTON, Prodnctki Ma-got', Jnited, States tolerate his making us his target? Must we tolerate it? Member ol the Ataoclated Pren Cuba's two principal sources of Th» AuMIMtfl frw U •ntlllil tiduMviiy to Uu lut loi tapubllealtoo U aU Ik* laul MWI i* uif uiunw «• w»u »• «u AP ntwi diucnn income derive from the United States. Member Audit Bureau ol Circulation One is the tourist trade which, in the Th» Mt BUI Itesifttf uiua no fininclu ptipomlbliult. lor tjposripMeai irran In Mtiitlt*. latter years of the Batista regime, be- unit. M w)» rtprtnt, wlthnu ektrit. that pan ol in iav«rt!«mtr,i in wtiich u» ireasripniui mac •conn. Almitimn «ltt H«a« notltr thi manamratnl imnud1at!ij> of an; trrar »mch nar oeetir. came the leading source of income and the tourists were mostly Americans; the ThU nmptptr I i a* mpoDMblllUH lor •ttumiaU al opinion* In '•"•« Ircn tu raaotn. second source, of course, is sugar of tubwrtptlea Film la Adman OH TMr' SUM: •U monuu KM. aiifia tatj at maUr. T wau «nnt eopr'br mall * Mat* . which commodity Cuba has been the SOtioUKY largest producer in the world. MONDAY, NOVEMBER II, 1999 The United States permits Cuba to provide more than one-third of the sugar consumption of the United Forget the Old Days States, over 3,000,000 tons • year. The United States pays Cuba three cents a pound more than Cuba could Secretary of Labor James P. Mit-absolutely no good. get on the world market In a word, the United States chell, Little Silver, makes good sense Mr. Mitchell called for both labor pays double the world price for sugar and Cuba gets when he called for a halt to the and management to . respond "to an additional $160,000,000 a year thereby. "orgy of name-calling" and hysteria creative and compelling new mo- If Castro desecrates the American flag again. H of "sloganeering" in labor-manage- tives—motives of a partnership in he makes any more anti-American speeches, we ought ment relations. a troubled world that needs their to stop buying sugar in Cuba. The United States can purchase all the sugar it requires within the United Mr. Mitchell suggested the atti- strength." States and in Mexico and the Philippines. Castro might tudes of labor and management in But, more important, the labor attempt to sell his sugar to the Russians but it is doubt- the steel dispute and other industrial secretary says the time has come ful whether they would pay the price the United States conflicts had been echoing outmoded when a "third chair" should be at pays by law to maintain the economy of Cuba and it slogans. every bargaining table—the chair in is more doubtful that they would want to disturb the "The class war is over, but top which the public sits. economy of the Ukraine, a large beet sugar grower, by bringing in an enormous Cuban crop. often the rhetoric lingers on," Mr. Too often, self-centered interests YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Events Of Fidel Castro, like many revolutionists, needs, to Mitchell said. dominate in an attempt to settle dis keep himself In power either by genuine reforms or by How true. putes—with the unfortunate result By SYLVIA PORTER developing a foreign target against which he hurls im- Both labor and management have that nothing constructive happens. Years Ago precations. It is unsound for the United States to toler- When my husband changed jobs this past spring made niany advances from the trou- Responsibility should be a major MYMM Ago ate Castro's impudence because it sets a bad example he stopped buying U.S. savings bonds for the both of for other Latin-American countries. There needs to be bled days of the early 1900s when consideration in labor-management The Middle town Township us by having his corporation deduct a specified amount dignity in such matters. bargaining was unknown in settling relations. Instead, many of their from his paycheck every week. Board of Education at a special meeting voted to dismiss Paul I. The United States recognized Castro too early and a dispute. leaders have gone back to the days He thereby cut off a way we had been saving reg- Redcay as principal of the town' , But still the old battle cries of of self-induced hysteria which many ship high school at Leonardo. too rapidly. The State Department assumed that he ularly and automatically for years, and was a reformer who would end the reign of a dictator. those days have been brought forth Americans believed had left the na- J[ I vividly recall my pledge at the time. Herb Hunter of Fair Haven It has never been explained why dictators are bad in and at a time when they are doing tional scene. "Out of every paycheck that goes former big league ball player, had some countries while acceptable in others. Stalin was into our joint household account, I'll ust returned from Japan, where he conducted the Harvard Univer- an absolute dictator as Khrushchev declared him to be 'earmark' exactly the amount we have sity team on a tour. at the 20th Congress of the Russian Communist Party Don't for Your Child previously been putting into savings in his Cult of Personality speech. Nevertheless, Frank- bonds. Periodically, I'll draw it out of Rev. Edward V. MiUer, pastor Here art seven "don'ts" and one pied buildings or vacant houses. of the Red Bank Baptist Church, lin D. Roosevelt sat and dined with Stalin and we en- the bank and then we can invest it as was elected moderator of the tertained Khrushchev who is much like Stalin. "do" for children, any one of which Don't go to shows or amusement we think proper. You can trust me to Monmouth Baptist Association of could save your child from harm — places with persons you don't know. PORTER do this." New Jersey at the 36th annual We objected to Batista because he was a dictator meeting of the association at thebut took Castro to our hearts without much knowledge or could save your child's life. . Don't go with strangers who ask Because like most wives in America, I manage Middtetown Baptist Church. of the man and surely without foreknowledge that he Provided by the American Safety directions to a place. the household account, I was put in sole charge of the Assessor Wslter J. Sweeney would attempt to arouse all of Latin America against League, they have been printed many Don't sit on laps of strangers. earmarking and I was enthusiastically faithful to the Sea Bright had completed ar- us and stimulate an attack on the Panama Canal. This program at the start This week-end, though, as I was rangements to re-assess the en' times before. But we think the ad- Don't accept candy, ice cream, tire borough. we do not need to take from anybody. The soft policy vice bears repeating. money, or> anything from strangers. glancing over our November bank statement, I sud- toward Castro was probably inspired by those in the denly realized that: Clip this, save it, and read it to Don't accept offers of a ride from August F. Schweers of Little state Department who believe that when a man shouts, (1) It hu been months since I've done any ear Silver Point was appointed «* Democracy!-,-_„_._,•, he must be accepted as an honest and your child twice a year. persons you don't know. ing postmaster of Little SUvtr Democracy!, marking—physically or mentally, I think it was in Au succeeding dark P. Kemp. decent person. Do they not know the allegory of "stop The rules: Write down the license number gust that I forgot the whole thing, '• . thief!"? Don't accept rides to school with Telephone coin box theives, be- of any suspicious car, and tell your (2) The extra money we had been saving so pain lieved to be part of a gang operat- The United States remains the best market in the strangers. If you go by school bus, parents to tell the police about it. lessly over the years isn't in the account. The total ing throughout the State, wen world for the sale of raw materials and manufactured is about the same as it was before my husband stopped successful in looting nine coin wait for the bus. Always remember that the po- boxes In a half dozen Red Bank goods. It is sound to use this advantageous market for Don't go into empty or unoccu liceman* is your friend. the deductions from his paycheck. stores. political purposes. If Cuba seeks to disturb the Latin- (3) I don't know where the money has gone. We American world to the disadvantage of the United haven't done or bought anything unusual. Our cost of WIUlamClark,Jr.,flve aad cat- Ming block, or a suggestion where another teacher, when as much half months old, eon of Mrs. Em- States, this country need not assist Cuba economically the answer may he found, and national attention has beta fo- living hasn't been bounced sharply upward. ma Clark of Long Branch, so that it might be able to do us more harm. That is a helpful suggestion that gives cused on one teacher whose pre- (4) I have no valid excuse for what has happened. selected as the winner of • beauti not only turning the other cheek but it is humiliating EOTORLU VIEWS that student an unfair advantage cepts stem to teach otherwise. I can only admit that the money has been frittered fill baby contest conducted by th« over his fellows is a difference —Wall Street Journal Schulte United store at Red Bank ourselves before a bewhiskered clown who seems so often too narrow for the sweep away in dribs and drabs. The fudges were Mrs. Mildred much like our own anarchical Beatniks. OF OTHER PAPERS of the law. Here, in our own experience, is the key reason Congdon, *Mrs. Ottmar Phillips SAUCE, FOR THE GANDER Cuba is now a definite peril to the United States. But it is not a difference too why the U.S. savings bond program deserves continued and Mrs. Hubert M. Farrow. Another Teacher** UHM small to be felt inwardly. Nor If the subject were not so seri- It has interfered in the affairs of the Dominican Repub- We hop* you had a chance to Is it too small a difference to be ous, we think it would be tunlife and our support. This little anecdote goes to the The Naughtright Legislate lic, Haiti, Nicaragua and Panama. It is too close to wid Hi* story about the Free- discerned by the public at large for agriculture to turn to bus!- heqrt of the program's value. Committee resumed ita probe Florida to permit it to fall into the hands of Moscow- held, New Jersey, teacher who when a given case Is put before "•»» •*> l«n°r at thli time with Despite overwhelming odds at times, the program alleged political corruption in con- gave hii Ugh «*«»' them. No one, really, has anythe suggestion that they take nection with the expensea of Pros- controlled Latin-American Communists. It stimulates practical letton In tht difference trouble distinguishing between some of their own medicine. has survived magnificently' through the years since ecutor Jonu Tumen's office and rebellion in other countries and maintains an agitation- between law and morality. For the deception in a store-window All of a sudden, it seems, we're World War IL It didn't die even when inflation was the activities of a private detec- al atmosphere which Imperils the peace of the tte lesson to u useful for us cake made of cardboard and discovering. in business that most virulent in our land and every dollar we earned tive agency working for the coun- ty. Caribbean. grown-ups as for the teenagers. paint and the deception Involved we're smarting under World-Wide in interest on a U.S. savings bond was being eaten up It seems that the students at In the moral pretense of "win- competition. Our imports art It is bad enough that Castro exists. He need not 0M Freehold high school, like nlng" a fraudulent quit. exceeding our exports, valucwlte. by the climbing cost of living. M Years Ago good many other people around Indeed, to make tht distinction The balance of trade is going tht But in the past year, as interest rates paid on al be subsidized by the United States. His government is wrong way. There even is a flow The "Call of the Wild" being subsidized by the United States despite the fact the country, were arguing that one of tew sometimes mikes types of savings have soared, it has been in a serious "The Woman Pays" were beini "since there's nothing illegal the difference more, not less, of gold from Port Knox. Wtare, UunU r Ma retreat presented by the Charles K, that American property and life have been endangered •bout rigging a quit, show, and obscure. We can all fall Into the l > < uaderprictd Champlaln Stock Company at the and are constantly being threatened. since money's tempting, ifi trip of Freehold's teenagers, some products. Steel it a good The program hai been losing ground because even Frick Lyceum. pretty hard to condemn the prac-and by relying on tht law to example. Foreign steel has been Our policy of weakness makes no sense at all- coming into tht United States. the new higher rate paid on U.S. savings bonds—3 % tice." So history teacher Melvin make the distinctions for us Joseph W. Johnson bought five not in the world as we find it, today, Willett decided to do a little come soon to think that since This la one of the Issues of theper cent if the bond is held to maturity in seven years, steel strike. old fashioned wagons for $100 at rigging himself, and see how the something Is not illegal it is, by nine months—doesn't match what you can get just by an auction sale at William Me case looked then to his students. that very fact, not something to The export business always hu putting your money in many savings institutions or by Farland's at Eatontown. The technique was not unfa- od been important to farmers. When farmers try — through tht gov-buying marketable US. Government securities or othe miliar to all of us who have put Yet the essential point of Mr. Arthur E. Roberts, son of J. M "21" behind. Ha drew up a parWillett's lesson is that cheating ernment — to hold domestic topgrade bonds.. Roberts of Eatontown, had left to •Jcularly tough quit and then se- Is morally wrong, law or no prices above world prlctt they take t job at Kansas City, Mo, lected three of the class to whom law, tnd that even young peo- run into trouble. They have been The program has been losing ground because U.S. he surreptitiously fed the answers ple art capable of teeing tht told, lo these many years, by savings bonds have become almost too familiar and Frank Curley, seven years old, in advance. The result was asmoral wrong unaided by legal others outside of farming, If they haven't any glamour these days. You can't make mon son of Patrick Curley of Holm- expected. The spoon-fed con- want world trade, they should "rules"-lf only they wilt be ey on them; you only can get back what you invesl del, tied his express wagon testants scored top mirks wh1l :aught to look. meet world prices, they must be Crawford Brothers' wagon most of the rest of the class, It's a good lesson to have from more and more efficient. And in them plus the interest due you. catch a tow. He fell off the wagon including some of Its brighten of course this has been true, even And it has been losing ground because lots ol and Ms foot caught in the wheels, members, didn't even pass. though we have resorted to gov corporations, weary of the trouble and expense of main He was dragged in the road, • The reaction, too, was expect- ernment subsidies in an effort face down, several yards before Merry Washington® 1 ed, when Mr. Willett unmasked for equalisation. taining payroll savings plans, are not pushing them the driver knew what had hap his calculated deception. "Th Now It looks as if business, they did. pened. Those who aaw the accl kids shouted Indignantly," he re- which means both labor and In- dent thought the boy was badly, ported, "that It was unfair, •es- dustry, is in somewhat tht e nnote In the first 10 months of 1959 new sales of sav hurt but except for a few pecially as I'd Mid these marks boat. Iff It wants to matt compe- ings bonds were down 8 per cent from 1958, cash-ins scratches, he was all right. were official for the record.' tition both within tht Unlttd ware up 14 per cent over 1958 Aid then when the Indignation States and around tht world, It Edward A. Bowman of Littl wit at the highest, Mr. Willett will have to gei more efficient But the heart of the program's value remains as Silver had just purchased a < quietly reminded his students — and so often greater efficiency strong as ever. It lies in the discipline of savings which harvesting machine, that he knew of "no New Jersey means lower prices. Indications a payroll savings program Imposes on us — in the Laurence Thompson was elect' ttate law prohibiting me from are Industry Is aware of the situ- ed president or the Atlantic High' giving out the answers." ation. Labor aeems a little les "magic" way a few dollars saved regularly every week lands High School Athletic Assoc The teenagers, we gather, got Willing to accept me existing becomes hundreds of dollars saved over a year, lotion, the point' And it's a point that facts. As farmers know, these Would we have "lost" our savings had my hus ought not to escape the reit of fscts are not always pleasant, bu Shipments of produce from th u>, now that so many sages are arc difficult to refute.—Weekly band still been buying bonds via payroll deductions? Mlddlctown Village freight sta rushing about proposing laws to Star Karmer (Kansas City, Mo. No. The money would have gone into the bonds b'eforc tlon had dropped to eight cars establish codes of ethics for tel I got my hands on it, night. Thu price of tomatoes hi •vision executives, Madison Ave- dropped to much that the shl; nue admen and the quit show MOSCOW'S LIBHARY Would we have been squeezed by the lack of those pers were receiving an average eontoitants themselves, MOSCOW (AC) - A new arldollars In thhe hhousehold account? No. We weren' 5 cents net per crate. It would be pretty difficult t< jfullury will be built on the bank squeezed in the past, Mrs. James S. Wilson had i draw up a "law" specifying ex- of the Moscow River adjoining Before you shrug off a pnyroll deduction for sav> actly what help a teacher could Oorky I'nrk starting next year, placed Miss Charlotte Applcgn give to a student and whnt would Uvostla rcporld, Art lovers will ings bonds because you can get an extra per cent b> of Sea Bright ns primary gra h« a crime, A part of a teach- saving elsewhere, think about this warning. Ask your teacher at the Mlddletown Villa, bo ahlo to walk the equivalent ol School. er's duty, In fuel, Is to Rive spc- noiirly i 1-4 mlks throuHh Ih self if the extra (I pur cent on $100 equals only $1 clnl attention to nomo of his halls of a tlircc-Mnry building students beyond thr- KMnral clnsn covering 12,(102,000 cubic fort, I year, Incldentnlly) is worth the risk of giving up the The Went Furniture C'omnpnn room lectures. The difference will In- IIIIU (if Moscow's blunts discipline. Your nnswor will, I'll wn/jer, put the pro of Kcyport was (cnturlnR Royii between a little help over o Blum- 6—Mondxy, iW. ISO, ]%<) building, gram back in Its right perspective. pushbutton Morris ctinlm lor SG, Unblock U away due lo ilttuu 75. wswpjajrf Ws was placed on thmembere s of the CsthoUc Youth taken up at the church on Sunday. present ngulatta covering the need for enlisting the cooper* orgaaliatioB held a meeting After the meeting, Rev. James .1-1400 speed in school tones to amend- ttoo of parents to help solve the Wednesday night at St. Doro- McConaeU . accompanied the IMfll- od te reed "» miles aa hour problem of bicycle accidents, thea's CathoUc Chinch, at which group to Eta Leaes for bowling. when paastag through a achool Tto committee recommended i children are going to that provision to made la the tit leaving *chool>'-upre*ent reg- law for reprimanding or penal v.'.'aUon covers during opening and king parenta who permit their dung hours." children, especially those under] Central el Inuri n y**** of •£*• to violate tie Tto tommltteTcMceded that *»* regulations. dimply Wonderful" Meats tto pnbkm of controlling speed The committee further reconv fca anas where the limit is 50 mended that each community in mile* par-hour when ichooli are *• county study tto bicycle ac- la such' areas demand*cident P«btan end through mu- Plus Greater Food Values! speclsl study. Where then are dclpal ordluaace promote more no waning lights or traffic slg- effective control of tto operation Ati antic Ml* in operation, tto nfecoa- °* • bicycle, and when this I* recommended that com- «* P0*""* ****• «•»•* P«>- . and school author!- «»»» «houM to developed ties should apply for a traffic through cooperation of officials light with a pedestrian button to ud tMe organUations, to operated only when pupils are These recommendations will to going to and from achool. forwarded to appropriate state In rural areas when then Is and municipal official*, Saperama STEAK SALE! a small amount of pedestrian pu- alga calling "for reduced°s£ed U. S. Graded "Choice" .. /Fork Tender... Western Steer abould to in operation and the __ , _ spied should to realistic and rea- /V«/>/7«o/f Super Market aonable enough so that motorists *•" W%MMSw wiU not dlsngard it. Am. %M It Price* EHeelrw Hiiu Wed., Nov. IS. Racommaadattoiia covering the A% 010*100X0 W« iMerw me right to limit cjuontmes. Sirloin Steak 79? MARLBORO r- Quality and U. S. Graded "Choice"... Fork Tender... Western Steer quantity of personnel la one of the largest factors in successful IKAUSI we practice QUALITY COtiiHOL. mental hospital programming. from the open range to your kitchen range. One of the alma of the Mon- This means complete supervision ef the cat* c mouth County Mental Health As- He we select through the packing deuces un- sociation, as a part of the State til It is delivered and thoroughly Inspected in Porterhouse 85 Ib. and National Association* for Mental Health, has been toIm - MCAUSE we select only the finest grades of prove me ratio of qualified pro- choice beef Ihot H bound re ecrtiefy the meet A Real Taste Treat For The Whole Family... Fresh fessional personnel in all cate- discriminating shopper who vWte our mark- gories reycnlsirist*. psycholo- km. All moate em U. 1 OUADH) end In* graduate nurses, del workers, occupational, re- creational, and music therapists la our state hospitals. Route Baby Spare Ribs 39i In addition, because ward per •IS ill!) aonnel-pysehlatrlc aides and at- tendant*, and nurses aides-spend off Shrtwihury Avtmt the largest portion of time with HELLMANN'S tto patients, then has ton a Shrewsbury, H. J. steady effort to upgrade these Quart Jar positions and tto ojMllfjcattoaa Mayonnaise 59* for thentt Tlw uftbnstt objective Compare TIMK IvtrytJay Is to improve the total thenpeu. tic program, and the dally «nvi- Low-Low Moot Prices! roointtt la inslcb nctita] pattcntt Uve. ctni. At Marlboro SUte Hospital, a Tomatoes ^" 229* program of psychiatric aide Cube Steak rr * 99* awards ha* been in operation several years, as a part of the Winesap Apples Jd 5£39« Floftdfl Orttwjei/y 10 29. program to encourage and re-Rib Steak HA Ttwftf ward aides who show particular / aaVaVaaflMasTNaVai^^ devotion, and give outstanding California Roast JWQtSONBROS.ioc service to patients. Psychiatric aide* and technician* are offered -69c In-Krvice Mining programs to Ground Chuck £i •MlMeeJMkSf.Reelleal |«J iJ 1_ Afa^aa a«M*ula^aB*>AafejllaM p IB ntir «BKMc*naBQUa§ Green Peas-2 15* of patient needs, end to develop Port Chops TEL SH 14030 skill la their ward service. Abo, a successful program, de- veloped as a partial answer to Pork Chops ««-# ^ C tto shortage of qualified nurses, was instigated by tto county as- Baby Spare Ribs &-••• sociation. Tils plan was the Cream Cheese™ 21 bthO f . George S. Ita*. Pork Roast enson, Mtddlotown psychiatrist, and a consultant of tto Monmouth ShOtfMOJT Ib. County Mental Health Association Ferlb. as well as to the National Asso- Lamb Chops ciation. Under thb plan, psychi- atric aides who have di*tln|ulso- ChestatNv Lamb Comb. FrankfurtereOVRMIT SfKIAU s -• 49* ed themselves on ward service, •re selected for scholarships In -35c Week ef Nov. 1«rh—Tlitv Whole Week Jack Froit - Domino Cookies the School of Nursing at Mon- Lamb Shank raouth Medical Center. Under Shoulder 19« thia program, now jointly worked Raisin Tea Rings Granulitod Sugar Saltine out Dsiween MarmoTO ifospitai Veal Chops Per Ib. •ad tto School of Nursing, and Raisin Bread financed by tto state, ten regis- 55c Elbow tered nurses have been added to Breast of Veal -35c Apple Pie — tto nursing staff at Marlboro. Student* In this program serve Veal Stow Nf ft. ». 69' Sugar Doughnuts 25« Cheese Hugeb^X the State Hospital during train- ing, under a special schedule ar- rangement, ao that they really Compart The Savings With Our Low.. Low.. Every day Shelf Pri cat.. Spend A Minute And Save! "earn" moat of the money In- vested In their training. In spit* of tto Innovations, liMefl NOUM SEE US FOR Ml Marlboro Slate Hospital continue* [Sugar Jock Prott# Dotnino Cider -59c Fruit Oftft to have shortages In professional YOUR PHOTO NEEOS and non-professional personnel. Poaches Many reasons exist for these Raisin Brand Tomato. Juice 2^57* g shortages, and a serious problem We eanf a comalefe oontuiiJes to to tto tatary ached- Sugar Crisp Prune Juice Walnuts '—39c French Dresslflf line of famew arena! ule.Marlbore has e position cate- c Mixed Nuts gory-"Cllnlcal Director in O.K. Cereal itvk**.»M27 Apple Juice »-43« g eemerei end Meeuer* Charge of Research and' Train- ing"-whlch has been vacant for Corn Flakes Pineapple J Diamond Walnuts 2 L" 27c lei, Irlnf your eamerai Steak Sauce more than a year. In addition, «*»• «•»•» Mttft Sauce *»**««••»» 2 'S* 35« here lor expert ropeir there are vacancies in the posi- Special "K" Grape Drink Mustard tion ol "Clinical Psychiatrist" linden Home terviee. and for senior and Junior physi- Campbell'i 2 no,. 27c eea.|er cians. There are 34 vacancies In Beans with Pork Potatoes Coffee Inifonl Ass't Sodas St SET the registered mine poiitlons, s. cam fcl W* Hat* Everything whereas there If a small number Undid H«uw' —1«—of vacancies In the non-pro- Tuna Fish MM r«k Wtita salt Marshmallows for the foll nursing staff. Turnover CAMERA FAN in the letter category—"Institu- Macaroni Black Pepper Soups * Mixed Nuts *•»••- tion Attendants" and "Psychia- **•*«• tric Technician"—runs high be- Spaghetti 'Ttilft 2;;; 25c Flako Pie Crust Mix 2t°.;;.31« Evan. Milk 8 1.00 Whole Cherries <>*»**••«.*> 29< cause of (he low salary schedule*, c, M, DORK'S Photo Shop hospital officials say, Marinara Sauce *33 Bread Crumbs JX """23c Eyap. Milk C.rnollon 6 189« Olives "ST 33c M.lni tmi aoii Mtdo1 H ik fiHih b e Att't II Wetleee Street HVi *i. MU lguatsu Falls, tilRher and wider Spaghetti T.matt Saw* Flour ' *"' "y '* °* 24 Bib Baby Juices timvmtl 3IV. 28« Dill Pickles "•*£- «--4tc $«PP»IH M4 lavlpmenr than Niagara, Is on tho IKUASSU SH 7.2271 ** SH 7.SM0 River topuratlnK Brazil and Ar- gentina, pledged to serve you better thun ever before... • You pay less everyday! NOW JOIN TOGETHER » You enjoy "SIMPLY WONDERFUL" meats

• You receive the friendliest service V




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(U«lw«rdtnyMirlinimwlrhym«wMiPHI) be final. All entries, contents and ideas therein, become the property of the King Korn Stamp Company to be used for MMfMnnlfMJ Wjf 4VAfy#ffM) HI InA any and all purposes. 7. In case of ties, decision of the judges will be final. 1. Simply print or writ* plainly th» last lint of th» JIPMJHI. I. This contest is open to everyone, except employees of Mayfair Uit m offklal Mrtry blank available at your ntarttt Mayfair. Super Markets, the King Korn Stamp Company, members of 2. Print or writ* your namt and addrtu, and ttttphonc numbor advertising agencies and the families of all such exempted on your official eonttit trrtry blank. personnel. The contest b subject to all federal, state and h> 9. Deposit your •ntry, or tntrits, only in tho eonvtnHint boxoi l placed throughout Mayfair Supermarket Stores. All tntrles 9. No entries will be returned, nor can we answer any corres* must be deposited at the close of busbies*; Sat. Niaht, Nov. 28. pVIIBJVIIwVi , 4. Contestants may submit as many entries as they wish. 10. WlMMn will b» MMM by Mil. ' CONTEST aow MtMSHT. Nov.m.mmmnumuimvK.t\ii 56 Newman Springs Rd. RED BANK

MMIM TWIN COUNTY OMCIM. 'Prtai l««ilv. Hifu Itl,, Nt, Hit, Wtnitni M» rl|M I* IMM •MMkht, HIM MU H4MWH. IB Mmfcy, Nov. 16, M» BED BANK MCMIBt TELEVISION Favlcy INMANAPOUS (AP)-Taa Campaign is On RcsohrttaM Cceaattte* of AFTERNOON EVENING :1»- (I) Weather and Sports Sigma Delta CU, (sanaBsm 11:09- 0) Lov* of Life N-(|) Cartoons (4) Weather fraiaralty, astoed dew* to caa- (4) Tic Tac Dough (7) Little Rascals (7) Weather alaor nwttm tt* frosaom*f (7) Across The Board (ll)Popeye U-(2) Movie WIMMMIM lUt VMk WBCA QM (4)JackPaar hotel rawa dear oawasd.. (9) Movie (II) J. Fred Mugga elections are a eftller, (U)French Through TV M- (4) Local Newa (7) Everything Goes months away, musing Republican Max FriotosdorL aa la- (11) Cartoon Jamboree (I) Our Gang (11) Sports aad Weather dliasrlaplt Newa reporter ear- eriag the traternlty'i utieaal 11:99- (1) Search For Tomorrow (I) Yesterday's :1MU) Movie & set gan its presidential campaign horse. conveatJoa, said he wu toM: (4) It Could Be You Ncwirccls - (I) Movie i wversge. . This Is a closad meetlag. (I) Cartoona (II) Superman (It) Keory Morgan A doll's House." Ibsen's 90- It wu a half-hour film clip- Ptease leave." (7) Pantomime Quls (lt) Rate The Records !:Uf (7) Movie year-old classic, bad a first-rate itery show called William Palmer, a Newa phe- (11) English U :4a- (4) Weather ( liti^U) Ncwabeat revival last night on NBC's Hall 'Politics lMt" describing briefly tograpber, aald bo wu told the 1*49- 0) Oatdliig Light :4t- (4) Newa 4»-(l)Paul coatet of Fame: It wu live, In color the current activitiee of seven MBM tktag aad wu shoved cut 1:99- (1) New* (7) Newa :M-(1) Movie , and wu graced by such skillful (4) Consult Dr. Brothers men who are acting like candi- (4) Joyco Brothers :M- <1> World News performers u Julie Harris, Chris- itlS— (4) Itth Hour dates, and discussing their po- (I) Cartoon* (4) Shotgun Slade er Ptummer, Hume Cronyn, (I) Newa and Weather tentials. , (7) Musk Bingo (I) Charlie Chan _ others. *- (4) Nawa; StntoMtta : The NBC poUUeal observers (in (11) Fun At On* (7) Rescue I television, a political observer The play .wu probably a shock- (7) Evaoing Prayer (19) Movie (I) Terrytooni seems to be any fellow who men- er in 1979 wu interesting 2:4r-(2)N*wa (11) News tions poUrJea, particularly when •sough u adapted for modern 1:09- (i) Burns and Allen 1:41- (1) Give Ua This Day (lt) Highway Patrol he hu an enlarged photograph television by James Coatigan. US- (4) Newa Time and the emancipation of i 1:99- (Z) Ai The World Tunis ;«-(!) News TUESDAY MORNING of the nation's Capitol behind r IIRI.TOIl him) didn't contribute to much women have not helped the play (4) Dial 4 7:1*- (1) Weather I:H- (4) Sermonttte to the average newspaper read- at all, however. Nora, the child-II (9) Movie (II) Newa I:M- (4) ConthMBtal er's information. They decided wife, at first seemed silly and' (7) Memory Lane 7:11-(2) News IM Clsitroctn the top Democratic contenders empty-headed and needing par (9) Film Drama 7:1S—<11) Weather MATINEE AT 2 P. M. 1:11- 0) Previews are John Kennedy, Lyndon John- eat-like supervision. And Torvald, (II) Growing In Spanish 7SH- a) Matquerade Party IHI010 SOn SHOE — Gwset tun 0*MM 0*w" lit*- 0) For Batter or Won* (f) African Patrol sympathy or even understanding II I:M- (2) Sunrise Semester son shows "enormous strength." •/o*oarwiv»^ — — - _ LAST TIMB TONITI ~-«*l*n Mi* NBC-TV N*tw*rfc.# (4) Queen For A D«y (7) Cheyenne (I) Day la Court (I) Movie (4) Continental Only two Republicans, they uy, when he revealed Mi clay feet (9) Fuin Drama (11) It's A Great Life CUssroom are in the" running: Richard When Nora, after Torvald failed II Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller, her miserably in crisis, suddenly ll IHF Hal H—iphrey* (II) Almanac (It) Newsbeat 7:W- 0) News (U) Movie 7:KMM) Weather (4) Today The program wu primarily de- walked out on her marriage— fcH(1) Texan 7:H-,(7) Morning Prayer voted to showing tbtse man- and her three children-one felt DtVllS 1:99-(!) House Party none of whom hu announced hla It was Just more of her doll I (4) Love and Marriage 7iM- (7) Early Bird Cartoons (4) Thia Maa Intentions-acting just u canal bouse plsying, not that she was Shows to Watch (I) Dial N» 7iH-(I) Preview; Can To (7) Gal* Storm dates usually do, ahaUng hands, striking a blow for womankind. DISCIPLE: (9) FUm Drama (II) International Prayer TONIGHT nesey (Jackla Cooper), who be- smiling, waving and making Perhaps we have been considered (II) Basic Russiu Detective lit*-<1) News speeches. David Brinkley, head to be human beingi for a long cornea a temporary baby aitter. Abo M ActlM Hit The "biby" ii me of those dev- t:99- 0) Big Payoff (It) Play of the Week (I) Encyclopaedia man of the program, did mention time now. Vlewtag) iliih kind. Not too far removed (4) Young Dr. Malona S.-M- (I) Father Knows Beat Brltannica one new modification of tradit- The SO-minute play dragged at (I) Orient Express (4) Wells Fargo (7) UtUe RascaU Howard DuH makes like hit old from Jaekie'f other aeriei, "Pec- ional campaigning: Dandling first. Costigsn might have made nuwmu uuu «,•»*• •»« —» «— —— -r——- -—- --i— (7) Beat The Clock (I) Divorce Hearing l:W-(2)News "They are dandling—not US' it more effective by tightening "Sam Spade" character as he pie's Choice," but better. (9) Corliss Archer (7) Bourbon Street Beat I: II- (2) Captain Kangaroo tracks down the story ol the CBS-Jaa* AOyso* sing-babies," uid Brinkley, it into (0 minutes. It wu, how- (11) Movie (II) Kingdom of the Sea "Small Bouquet." Duff is a news- Miss Allyson doubles in brass ItM- (I) Sandy Becker hu been leaned that kii ever, a decidedly superior effort, Mar or man who is assigned the job of as she hosts and stars U> "Child Verdict la Yours () Danny Thomas (7)Beulah babies upsets mothers who havi and one gratefully received. (4) Peter Gunn finding out what waa behind the Lost." Steve Brodie co-stars. (I) From Thau Roots Mt- (1) Topper , read Dr. Spock." Recommended tonight: Danny IOUTUW (9) Racket Squad - (1) Theater 8 deatiTbf a young recording star, Story is about an adventuresome (4) Movie Brinkley reported that an NBC Thomu Show, CBS, 9 p. m.; (1) Who Do You Trust? (t) Science Fiction Steve Allen Show, NBC. 10-11 The trail leads to the Orient, four-year-old who wandera off (7) Personal Theater poll among 109 political experts (9) Movie p. m.-with William Bendix, Jack and when ha gets hit story he and leaves a nurse with no clue Theater' kit- (I) Our Miss Brooks in broadcasting found that 40 TUESDAY (U) Curtain Time <11) Silent Service of tiwrn'thhuTkennedy wlU be|kerouac and Frankie Lane; June his misgivings about releasing it. to hit whereabouts. Then a aer- (7) Romance of Life ies of phone calls start coming •iM- (2) Ann Sothera the Democratic candidate; 3! Allyson Show, CBS, 10:30 p. rn.|| Reliable anthology aeries. it*- (1) Brighter Day OI) Exploring 1 (4) Alcoa Theater Stevenson; iTjohnson, and'aeven'-Mlss Allyson In "Child tost. ABC-Adveatara fat Paradm* in from a young voice on the («) House On High street MalthCBUtlCt other end. Nothing to rave about (7) Adventures in Series based on James A. Mich- ' (I) Douglu Fairbanks ifcH- (2) On The Go so far. Paradise (tier's novel has recently made (!) American Bandstand (4) Dough Re Mi (t) Crusader Improvements, the moat notable (11) Amos W Andy (7) Memory Lane Mort Sahl Seeks Remedy LOADED-Wrnt LIPSTICK (U) Richard Willis (II) This Man Dawson being Gardner McKay's emoting. H) Our World Neighbors] TULSA, Okie. (AP) - L. Har- *«- (I) Secret Storm ItitS- (2) Hennesey lfcM- (2) December Bride But this episode, "Safari at Sea." (4) Steve Allen was only the second one filmed. old Wright says Us wife, mint- 1:19- (1) Edge of Night (4) Treasure Hunt For 'Sick' Movie Industry (J) Walter Wlnchell FUe (7) Star Playhouse Consequently, (4) Split Personality (I) Strange Stories ll:4*-(li) Science Around You Ino actor who gets billing above draw a few comparisonsi7*?t. Diana heer gun to fire, but there waa (9) Mr. District Attorney By BOB THOMAS (11) SA 7 11:41- (I) Newa and Weather [the main title can take orders." Lynn is the guest star, 'and she (II) Abbott and CosWllo AP MovW-TV Writer (It) Full Coverage enlists McKay's aid in trying to (It) Junior Towa It:!*- (I) Looney Tunes She, had shoved a tube of lip- 1:09- (1) Lit* of Riley lf.»t- (2) June Allyson U:M- (1) I Love Lucy HOLLYWOOD (AP) - ^^liW&.Wti^! MATINEE AT 3 make a man but of her husband sick business." ' stick into the chamber, thinking (4) Movie (5) Manhunt (4) Price la Right an auto firm next January. He EVENINGS.FROM I (John Ericson). They all go div- This wu Mort Sahl biting the it wu a shotgun shell. (I) Big Boa (7) Man With A Camera (7) Time For Fun admitted that what he does is not Coat. Sat. aad Sm. tress I Ing tor eels! hand that is feeding him. Sahl (9) Riders of Death (I) Movie (II) Reading Workshop 1 new, but goes back deep into ; Comic Joey Faye, veteran of ii noted for nibbling at every- LAST TIMES TONTTE Valley (11) San Francisco Beat (II) Ding Dong School American roots with figures like dozen Broadway stage plays, por- Tho United States produces thing in light, having set the LESLIE CARON (11) Boxo The Clown (It) Mike Wallace 11:M- (I) Top Dollar Will Rogers and Peter Finley trays a milkman puzztcd by the about two-thirds of the peaches style for the new crop of HENRY FONDA la actions of Lt. Charlet J. Hen-'in tho world. I:2MU) Clutch Cargo U:M- (2) Newa (4) Concentration "THE MAN WHO clastic comedians. Since he was 9:10- (I) Movie (4) News (I) Romper Room "I'm Just the guy who revived UNDERSTOOD making Ms second movie, I ask- (7) Rin Tin Tin (I) Movie (7) I Married Joan it in thia generation," mid Sahl, WOMEN" ed him to analyze the industry's (9) Movie (7) Newa (II) Our Number System and he's mighty glad he did. RADIO ills. His comments: (II) Tores Stooges (II) Newa U:M-(11) News STARTS.TOMORROW 'Acton, can't produce picture!, 779 W0R (19) Ask Tho Camera (11) Dance Parry (It) Physical Culture RITA HAYWORTH WABC nil but they're trying to. They're WPAT "•ILDA" WCBS n» buying screen stories — largely King Korn WRCA fellow writers at the movie WHTG 1419 Westerns and war picturea — WNEW 1191 WQXR studios. The pay la good and NEW LIVING ROOM then art no rating points to that they would take suspensions Trading Stamps COMFORT LOGES Corltra Krodorlck* woriy •bout* < for it they were under coo- naa—waw NOWOJ AIM mod VIEWING TV tract ... : Nowo: Dick Bkoponi Skow . comisnviD WCM Nowo; Los Ailor WOSj Coiltoa Frodoilokt With HAL HUMPHREY The producers can't get a At Mayfair WHT0 KfiMB klnuto Nowi aiaa wets wo>u lo^xkt rage up at anything any more. Witt Oar, WO* Nowi; Jobs IMt WO* Kowi, World lodw Supermarkets, with 31 WM* Now.; It'o Natwork MOVIE TIMETABLE came out here 30 years!,,:'";: .„ metropolitan New Jer- W*e* Mowii Uoaitm 1 Tim* I*—WCaa Tkroo Guooooa RED BANK ago and insulated themselves in sey and Staten Island, today will Ult M—WO* Svorul Miuio from the San Fernando Valley. Every- We*wn * TLossI y Jiooo Stadlo Z Opinions Sought Caritaar-Day of the Outlaw begin offering shoppers King EATONTOWN taiSw—WHTO County A(OIIt US*—WAM Mowoi Alu rro«4 J:M, «:J5; Devil's Disciple thing they do is on film — little Korn trading stamps with all pur- DHVl IK INI1J1I t*iS» WABC Dick Shopard i|»«—W0a Mowii U.K, Tod.7 bits and pieces far removed WCM Hiloa Trout ait* Waa Muio from Studio X 3:38, 7:04, 10:09. chases, it was anounced Jointly WHf* Niwo. Kalaxins Wae* Mowi; Monitor EATONT0WN from what life really is. They by Stanley P. Kaufelt, Mayfair UZ-T740 Huilo ei»a -WAM Mown Alu Rood HOLLYWOOD - Luckily far alt all have no contact with real live DrivtrlB-But Not For Me 7:05, President, and Peter Voiid, chair- L Mta-mmml-W aVafeta. iai«a—wcaa Ooimlo Noxt Door WCM Nowo TV viewers, Rod Serllng stUl Twilight ttrnf audiences Sill WCM WhUporina elroota WM Nowi: Doeco Mulo 10: SO; Ten Seconds to HeU •: IS. man of the King Korn Stamp IffWI tlPpnWIy ifvrVta WHTO UMdllnoi, Elf from Stadlo X nopas to prove that wo an not a . UtoBfitti "Our government ia worried Company of Chicago, fricoi. Muiio NOW WRCA Nowoi Bob Hirno , pack of wide-eyed morons. M the viewers bat abBoty **» HAZLET about Fidel Cutro'a brother; I'm tin run. WOB NIWI; P. Koblowo US* WAM Nowoi Qatar Uowo The adoption of the King Korn WBCA No»o Most of the other angry young tertala them hi a little differ- Laew's Driva-Ia-Cartoon 7:00; more worried about the relatives WCM Km VuVonkk [program wu the firat major tit* -WCM Ma Fotklnt WM Nowi, t»lo Vu men who were writing mature 10:00; Room 43 7:05,10:15; In- in the movie business ... WOB Corltoa. Ftodirleko WMA NOWII Bob Wilioo move aince the chain's formation BUB WCM Youns Dr. Malou drama for TV a few years ago Not all of the halMwen shows side the Mafia 8:50. II*—WAM Cloir Hiteklu "What would I do If I hadsix weeks ago. On Oct. 1, an- WMT* NIWI. Soluins WCM Btullakl Sklat* gave It up for In* freer and lush- Rod hu had on"Twilight Zono" ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS two million dollar* to make a attuio WM Mulo tram Btodlo X er movie vineyards. Rod hu tar have been good cots, but nouncement wu made the Illl—WABC Nowo W*CA R*r RottkwMa Adsatto-For tho First Time picture? I'd do a story about to- merger of the eight-store Food BlS* WABC Rot RfltklM Skow SSlSC—WAM 5K World of hu stayed with TV because bt |at lout two have ban excellent 7:30, »:». day — not in costume and not WCM Bllkt To HapplaoM hU still angry and balievu com- Tho others still rat* far above Farm chain on Staten Island with WHTti Hoadllaoi. Mulo WCM Mulo Til Do.w* LONG HUNCH on the moon — about the pro- the 15-store Mayfair group, and WOO Nowi; LOO Bmltk mercial TV should not be left to par established this season blems of America, such u the WMA Nowi; Ed H.rllk, WM Mulnii ojo fro.m Stwllo I Baraast Man Who Understood purchase of the eight-unit Nation- Bit*—WO* Glim l)r«ko die of peralcioua anemia. by weekly series generally. relationship of men and women v Lone Job" Women 2:20, 7:21, 9:30. al Grocery Co of New Jersey. WCM Jut Entottalunont WMA Nowi Riporta But right now the three-time What bothers Rod now is allASBURYPARK and how they are competing for .«ll» WCM All«» Gray Emmy winner ("Requiem for a' of this trade talk about the series Mr. Kautelt who spoke for PLUS 2ND Hit WHTO Nowi. Rolsilis MOBHIIIO nOOBABM MayfaJr—They Came To Cor-domination! And I would make Msyfslr along with Board Chair- Hulo Heavyweight") needs our help. being too "long-hair" for the dura 2:40, 7:15, 9:40. it with actors who can act, not JEFF CHANDLER BIS*—WAM NIWI * WABC Nowi His first TV series, "Twilight average viewer. man Julius Tantleff, former Food Oil*I WCM Niwii froomu ond St. James Hound Dog Masomn e tired, old star, a girl one- Farm, head, uld that the stamp "If Socoa* to H*J" Hiyoo WMT« 1'lfton itlnu sown Zone," launched on CBS lut"I would like to know," he wlCM 3:19, 7:00, 9:49; Alligator Peo- third his age and a bunch of TV Hoadliaoo. Hwlo ™._ £»• month, is being watched by only says, "it the viewers think 'Twi- program wu adopted because ..... Nowoi brio Via We* Nowi; ple 2:00, 1:35. actors in the background." the expanded position of the new, W*C* Nowoi Bob Harauo John CunbllBf 20 million people every Friday light Zone' is 'too far out' or Lyric-Love is My Profession Angry? Well. I guess. But Show WMA Nowii BIU Culloi night. over their heads. Tell them to larger chain allows It to make op- ail*—WOB -Marti fi4S—WNTO ft. MoamoiU M< 7:00, 9:00. that's Sahl's stock in trade and timum use of the "King Korn ail* WHTO Nowoi That may aoaad Uk* all of la* write, me a card or letter he's making a tine living with it. Hulo plan." to Hulo . BMBia • tho world t* torn* *t send it to me at Metrc-Goldwyn- The lastett purchaser of the ailB—WABO Norn WOM Nowo; Jack Statins Mayer studio, Culver City, Calif." He said that King Kom'a "pack-1 *iaa WABO Hartla Block HBOW as, bat t* th* aUttsUe-crased Rebekahs Plan Sahl talent is producer-director WOM Nowo; Itoomw aad wmwSmm OXwmmrn BmmTOf XV maammwaBU m\ WOB Nowi Watt, gssrtl* viewers, there la Hall Bartlett, for whom he ii age" of outstanding premiums | Boyoo WBCA ami BIU CiUoa ommVa WoW WGj M¥ pnywli m and conveniently located redemp- WNTO Cloola* Buck M Bwitatts*. Writ* your apt*. making "All the Young Men.' Roaort; Mailo aiaa—WOB Dontk*-«ad DM •W latfas saaku 'TwBght Yiile Party tion centers, plua promotional ai**—WAM AI Ukaaa BMM t* Rod. YM may ha datag True to form, Sahl expressed Mowo; Jokm WI Zaat" a barotrttM caa*. support for the chsln to keep1 NOWII WHTB Nowi, BolullS y y ysaneivee aad him a faver. Ii KEYPORT - A , Christmuj somi dubiety about the project. Huiio Already tho soothsayers In thia customers and store personnel Mow wcM j»Yk" storiioi sko* Bcrewball business are laying X prefer watcktsf "Twilight party was planned at a meeting, 1 "One good thing about the constintly enthused, wu the fin- WM_Dorsth7 and pick wreaths Of) Rod's shOW. "It's tOO Urn" to a cop aad rebbsr sa- lot Lady Colfax Rebekah Lodge •lOO—WAM Brookhit Club movie business," he cited, "is est Mayfair management could WCM Nowii Arthur far out," says one. "It's a think le*, er the Friday light lights in Odd Fellow's Halt Wednesdsy »oS:£ that produceri are willing to locate. l«*kor ttw To Votim" Godfror show and viewers don't want to] (Nit's OBMSIUM la mast mid-1night. bring In personalities who have *W Mortla Block WHTO Hoadlloon Strlotlr for Wwoo think," says another. West aad Easier* cities), It'a The party held Dec. 9.made names for themselves in A mammoth customer contest OM Howo; JnauM ul| Nowo; Qaloa Driko a asad tun* 1* tay a*. A turkey dinner will be featured. Is scheduled to kick off King Nowo, BUI Calloa At a party recently Rod wu other fields. This Is true of rec- till WHTO Nowi, Rolulac confronted by an executive from Rod Serling's chief worry iajGifU will be exchanged. ord atari and' night club perfor- Horn's entry Into the supermsr- Sill—we* Radilao Now Tork Hvilo keta. Hundreds of prizes, includ- tita— WUra Nowi. ABC who said, "Rod, that's a that he won't be given the timi Mrs, Alvin Fitigeraid conducted mers, like myself. ing 91,000 mink stoles snd W*M Nowo humdinger ol a show, but you're to prove hla point. Most sponsors the meeting in the absence of . "But when they do bring ui in, Martko WiliM operate on a 13-week basil, Mrs. J. K. Geasner, noble grand. scarvea, will be distributed, The WHTOJ Hoadllioo, Mull doomed becaus* you can't com' they make us tit the sime old pit* with The Detectives the ratings don't "measure up' A special prii* was awarded to pattern. I'm a comedian, so 1 contest begins today arid runs,to J In on* of the rating polls, at the end of that period, th*y|Mrs. Fitzgerald. can play nothing else but thThanksgivingi : •it*—WAN Howard COMII My Trio Stor» Rod's urits came within a point start shopping for another show, The next meeting will bo Wed- leading1! man. bait friend. It's How about a good crime show nesday, Nov. IS, In Odd Fellow's WkM m ootiM about M* to toll un "'•-wrS^SSiu I of ABC's competing "Th* Detec true now with me, u it waa 20wokMm with no ftNtiurs tit eiae—waM K«W., jok* ItiSt—WAM BollorMortlao JllooBolltook Muom | UVM," but sponsors have like the one that but ui?") Hall. Refreshments were servsdj years ago with Phil Silvan." ; WCM Bill Loorard WNTO. Nowo. Rolulit known to drop a serlu which Jack Benny might very well by Mrs. Fitigeraid. ' WOR Nowo, Hour . Muto As la Ma first film, "In Lovi I WM Intonlowii Mortko trailed by a elngli point. It Is have been just a second-rat* fid- Attending were Mrs. Donsld and War," Sahl playa a Marlni. ! aidt Burgess and Mrs. Gilbert Raynor, •i**—WAM AlrdnTr Via Hon ridiculous, of course, because no dle player, if thia rule of i,i» 3nce again, he hu the prlvileis *|«S—WIN HHnor Walloa TA Mirllkf, Union Beach; Mra. George Por liOwol' ill l Triomoo Trao Story riting service take a big enough had been used in the esrly day sf writing hla own diilogue (In ter, Mrs. Louis Shuttenberg, Mrs "GIGI'S" HELD OVER Rporti, . Stoj Lomol till sample to be that accurate — bui of radio, Very few shows can he early epic, he as a communl- WMTO HoidllMii Mulo .Daniel Clark, Miss Amille Baum WOO Nowi. P. Robintoii that's the way the game is play il a rating in only 13 weeks. 3ND H9> WMK ornn gsrtner, and Mrs. Fitigeraid, Key :stloni man who answered the RESTAURANT Nowo I Amoi •» Aad: WMA NIWI! Radio Ttioatir ad. It takes that long for TV viewers Falto* Uwli IIUS—WOB McCinai at Homo -hone with, "World War II"). "It's true," aays Rod, "thai to discover a new show. 'port; Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Atlan k NOWII Art Fort IliSt—WAM Mirtl« Block, Matt tic Highlands; Mrs, Russet "1 don't know how It's going to Till—WAM Ut'o Trovil TwIngBt ZOM* la a this* shew. Rod is not running scared. N SPICIAUSTS WOB Todty'i ~ Wyckoff, Keansburg, and DeWIt :ome out," he aald. "I write my w»M»/s?d'X" YOB caa'l afford I* nuw a IIM turally, ha would Ilka to pro\ Till WABO Alan Frooo WHTO Rod Bank RtfliUr Carhart, Red Bank. iwn stuff, but then the dlalouge IN Aidr Orlfflllii __... Maw. Poll Hofrawi at aWog*. without maybe I a point — namely, that you ci " Alloni Bob 0 Bo: ]ots chugsd all around aad tbo| WOO NoCaima at lag the ptft. Bwt Is Ibis ba a success on TV without HOMI STYU , OoMil WMA \m Bownaa :h*racttn gst mixed up, My own nMM erUMf NuNty par coat at TV trench coat or a hona. But It Belford HmtoSBl B> WHM Nowo, Worn* ISIS—W*M Not'? ~ character Is confused. I play a not going to be any akin off h •ttr ISiSS—WHTO Mlddar Itook Ratarl •" • a* Mrs. Paul Morris, Church It,,corporal aad It's difficult because I'M |Mt trylmS B) Ml TV 10 hid* If b* is proven wrong. » chairman of Parent and Family DIIHIS ^afj^ BmM ftBmmmm%Mmmmmm m •^SB^kf-B B^B rrooaoty' ae. Kelly. Be sure to enclose stamped, self-addresed envelope, • Many Rare Books conducted by Mrs. Leonard Tern- been just one girl after another aevor eves stoticod that yoa .MV mmm....m with him. Now, a young wom- had chaagtd. Take advantage and address her care of The Red The library houses many an — married, but separated Bank Register. books, including a I51S'Volume from her husband — at his place of poems by ancient 's lyr The session is geared to theof business is pregnant by him. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS • REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNTS • SAVINGS ACCOUNTS • AUTO LOANS • SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Ic Poet .Catallus, 1557 commen

State the present crisis la yew home has given your hus- baad same rsalUatloa of alt sharuomlagt, there Is a goad I960 CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW OPEN chance ot telvaglag aapplasss from the preosat wreckage. A CLASS FOR EVERY PLAN AND PURSE Lagal aM skwM bo sought a wook and receive 25.00 to determine what supper), ote., he OWN to the other worn* wook and receive 50.00 aa'a child, but donf lot any- weak and receive 100.00 UUag persuade you to five him wook and receive 150.00 a divorce to marry her. Her kactmaadaloMiwcciudNilie wook and rscaivo 250.00 Idea that tho would make a Pay $10.00 wook and racaivo 500.00 load wift, aad your promt Pay $20.00 and raeoivo $1000.00 eoacora is to save your am •MM - net wreck it tether. On arrow Jib, ktyoar has. kfssi MM Ms place as load NO SERVICE CHARGE of taa faally aad, by gradual,

Otar KKty KeUyi Last summer I went with a fins boy, but todk a sudden dis- MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL BANK To Lov«, and Chorish Forever . . . like to him, and haven't talked to him since. Now I feel ashamed . MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Your own wadding gown, tymbol of tho grsatatt of myself, and would like to re- sume our friendship. I sea him ALL OFFICES OPEN 4:30 TO 1 P. M. FRIDAY EVENIN6S svant In your Ufa, now can bo pratorvod to latt for- at school, but don't have much chines to speak to him. Should over with our flxeluilvo procen ... packed In a ' apologize?—Deborah, ALL DAY • ONE STOP BANKING beautiful air-tight Woddlftf few* TrMMra Chotr. Dear DtVorah: If you did Mmothlai specific that war- rants as apology you certain. Phone SH 1-1208 RED BANK / LITTLE SILVER / KEYPORT / PERFECT PAIR MILWAUKEE (AI'J-Nupoleon ENGLISHTOWN id Josephine look out a mm- Little Silver Cleaners •Jgo license here. Thuy urc ipolcon J, Murtln of Blue 601 BRANCH AVENUE LITTLE SILVER mid, 111., and JMtphino V, HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS • REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNTS • SAVINGS ACCOUNTS • AUTO LOANS • SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES •esta o! Milwaukee, RED BANK REGISTER ' '• •' ' tm..«*i.i/ 9 menatta* tmdmt, by trawl. par Mat bat . . New Position fag all over theB EasEastt aaaad Midwestt sMaace to taJ* 12-Monday, Nov. 16, 1959 Mr. Gootee has been associated "Good Teachers to search out the top candidates very nigh. with the Army in conununicfr from'teachers' colleges. He also Hostesses were Mrs. William J. For Gootee tlons electronics work since Theme for stressed the importance of keep- Russell, Jr., Mrs. Morris Tar- MEDICAL MEMOS World War II. ing in close personal touch with diff, assisted by the Kindergar- WASHINGTON - Thomas E. At Fort Monmouth, N. J., fie new teachers to help them adjust J£," and first grade mothers. Gootee, formerly of Eatontown, was manager of a division of thePTA Session their new situation. The December PTA meeting N. J., climaxed a 17-year civilian Signal Corps Publications Agen Mr. Howard said that there are will be devoted to Christmas pro- By H. I. Herschemolin, M.D. FAIR HAVEN — "Good Teach military career with the Army cy. hree reasons why teachers at both schools. era" was the theme of a discus- ap-grams Friday when he left govern- In Washington, since January >ly for positions in Fair Haven, sion held at the recent meeting n order of importance they are: ment service to accept an execu- 1956, he has xen a civilian liai- of the Parent-Teacher Associa- TWO JAILED tive position with Page Communi- son official with the Office of the ~irst convenience of location to tion. :heir homes, second, size of Harold Briggs, Freehold, and At what temperature should • cold weather. cations' Engineers. Chief Signal Officer. Speakers were S. Vincent Wilk home be kept? Members of a As civilian chief of the Office of :lasses, and third, salary. Allen Doherty, Kenmore, N. Y., Assuming that such ideal con Page, a subsidiary of North- ing. psychologist and manage- were sentenced to 25 days in jail family frequently argue about djti0M do exist there can be • Technical Liaison, Mr. Gootee In the general discussion which rop Corp., is located here. ment consultant; Robert V. S. each Friday by Red Bank Mag- this! Some Bay the house Is too was concerned with government- followed it was brought out that difference of opinion u to wheth- Reed, superintendent of the Sum' istrate John V. Crowell. Both hot; others claim it it too cold. Industry relations, dissemination the difference between cost of a er or not the rooms are comfort- mit Schools, and Charles How- were charged with being drunk able. There are many reasons. of information about communica- mediocre school system and ard, superintendent of':the Fair and loitering at the railroad sta- For one, older persons are more tions-electronics equipment, and top-notch one is only two to four Haven schools. tion Thursday. __^_ sensitive to cold. What may be public relations for tlw Signal Drew Brlnckerhoff of Fair Ha- too hot for an exuberant teen Corps. ven was moderator. He spoke on ager is too cold for the grandfa- In World War II he attained the shortage of qualified ther. A woman who is bustling the rank of lieutenant colonel, teachers, and the need for each vena STOCK MCHMMC CNKAM MM» •• HUM about performing her household serving with.flritUh «nd Ameri- town to seek the best obtainable. chores or preparing dinner is go- can radar elements in tht Euro- He suggested that a, town', should ing to feel much warmer than pean Theater of Operations.1 develop a "corporate Image" of EISEU ft KING. UBAIftf, STOUT I CO. her husband who is sitting mo Prior to military and civilian itself as a good place to teach, tionless in a chair reading the government service, Mr. .Gootee by improving work conditions and newspaper, was a field engineer with the Na-salary of teachers, in order to at- aJSMICAN STOCa IKCHtNU tional Broadcasting Company in tract better teachers to it. Persons who are not feeling aunt orrtcct as a*oaa *CU SB 14SSI «r SUKRAMA terns engineering — particularly ment over rent money. DOES IT AGAIN! GET A FANTASTIC,-£


Lancaster Brand Boneless Brisket Corned Beef Is The Finest Money Can Buy!


FRANKS 4pkg. 9 lampoeiiCampbell'si Tomatlomaro Rice or Cream of Vegetable Virginia Lee FRANKFURTER

Package Soup 4 Rolls of 8 Heinz Oven-Baked Virginia Lee Special! with perk 16*z,AA< ( i 4 cans MsJI ^f Blueberry Pie 49 t ' Xleenex Faelal Farmdale Enriched White

pk0i 16-oz. |7c 2of 40 Bread sliced loaf Ubby's Froien Orange Sunshine HI-HO FOR CHRISTMAS ( C While diamonds never change, their mountings, like fash- Juice 4 79 Crackers 29 ions, do. A. modern mounting will give all the glory of a Roman Froien Party Jack Frost or Domino Granulated new ring without the chief cost (that of the center stone) 15oi CA< C and will be a constant and pleasurable reminder of Christ, Pizza pkg. $jjM Sugar 47 mas '59. We shall be happy to make up custom sketches., Domestic Louella Evaporated ( tall $|00 WILBUR'S JEWELERS Swiss Cheese 47 V cam SINCE 1883 Another New Acme Market Opens 9 A. M. I1N5 IROAREDD BANSTREEKT INPROSPEC LITTLTE AVENUSILVEER § I- Tel. SH 1-0848 "Ar fht Shopping Center" Wednesday, Nov. 18th— T2£V W. Long Branch ALL ADVIRTKID PNIOI irrtCTIVI MONDAY TMH0UOH W»0NI1P«V, NOVIMItN I* TO II. Open Wednesday and Friday Nlghti Until Chrlitmai Met Monday, Nov. 16, 1959-13

Section Two RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1959 7c PER COPY Pope John Meyner Seeks Rail State Cranberry Names Eight Cardinals Aid From New York Crop Found Fit TRENTON (AP) - Since New U. S. Archbishop. _'ork is taxing New Jersey in- ZOA Head comes, would New York be will- Agencies Find Meyer and Muench ing to help New Jersey solve its Sea Explorer Speak commuter transit problems? No Evidence of Are Elevated Gov. Robert B. Meyner sug- Headquarters (AP) -Pope gested this yesterday as one way John XXIII today named eight At Synagogue in which New Jeneyans might Contamination new cardinals of the Roman get something for the dollars they Dedicated Catholic Church. They included RUMSON - Hirsh Schpoont are taxed in working in New TRENTON (AP)-N«r Jersey's two Americans, Archibishop* Al- president of New Jersey Region York. cranberry-crop It lit for human ..ATLANTI. C HIGHUNDS-rThel bert Gregory Meyer of Chicago Zionist Organization of America He conferred with Gov. Abra- consumption, iccoidiog to the newly completed Set and Aloysius J. Muench of Far- will speak Wednesday at 8:30 p. ham A. Ribicoff of Connecticut •tate Department* of Health and Scoot buUdlnf «t fee go, N. D. m. in Congregation Bnai Israel, who was here to address the Agriculture. harbor wai formally here. State Magistrate'* Conference. .„ _. yesterday afternoon by Edwin P. The Pope's" action increased The twe agencies issued week' the College of Cardinals to 79 The meeting will be sponsored Waits Meeting end reports after surveytai thePhUltpa, who origtanlly planned by organization's Red Bank Meyner also appeared on a tele- it some 12 years ago. members, its largest size in thechapter. New Jersey crop. history of the church. vision program in New York yes- There was no evidence of ami- Partielpatini in the ceremony terday and asserted that the gov- notriazole in either fresh or pro- were Harvey H. Bowtell. Harbor The elevation of Archbishop ernors of New York, New Jer- Commission chairman; Phil Han- Meyer, 56, had been expected cessed berries. since he succeeded the late Sam- sey and Connecticut should dis- This statement was issued by son, Recreation Commission cuss New York's income tax be- P. Deader, uel Cardinal Stritch as Archbis- Dr. Roicoe P. Kandle, state member; Joseph hop of Chicago just a year fore January. He expressed hope health commissioner, and Philip commodore of tha Yacht Club; that the meeting could be held ago today. His archidocese is the within the next two or three Alampl, state secretary of agri- J. Fred Blllett, Monmouth Coun- largest in the United States, culture: cil Scout executive; Edward C. ADVHfTISTS MiAK ©ROUND — New Shrewsbury Mayor Karl K. Baron, extreme weeks. Walder, chairman of the Sea Ex- having nearly two million mem- 'Evidence to date Indicates right, and William E. Boaty, Red Bank attorney, extreme left, join officials of the bers. The new.American cardin- Residents from Connecticut and that fresh cranberries and cran- plorer committee; Leonard E. New Jeney who work In New Hofman, skipper of Blip I; and Seventh-Day Adventlsfs Church in breaking ground for a new parochial school at als are natives of Milwaukee. York an taxed by New York and berry jelly, nucas, and Juices Those named with the two offered to* the public in this site, tie Sea Explorer Stouts. Shark River Rd., near Shafto Rd., New Shrewsbury. Others equipped with shovels they do not now receive the saline Mr. Walder said Mr. Phillips Americans are Joseph Heard, deductions New Yorken get. are safe. •ro J. A. Toop of Trenton, public relation! secretary; Elder M. K. Ecktnroth, pretl- British Daaa of the Holy Roman Mostly Local was the guiding force behind the New York's Gov. Nelson Rock- drive to get! • place for tha Sea dent of the New Jersey Conference of Seventh-Day Adventisfs, and Elder G. W. Rota Tribunal; Agostino Bea, efeller has indicated a willingness "The normal commercial flow German Jesuit, who wu confes- of cranberries if from east to Explorers to meet With the eo- Rhodes of the Aibury Park church. to work with New Jersey and west. Most/Cranberry products operatloa of tht Lions Club, who sor of the late Pope Pius XII; Connecticut to resolve the prob- offered for sale In New Jeney staged a show to earn funds, and Arcadio Larraona, Spanish secre- lem. are from New Jeney. Other tha Borough Council and Harbor tary of the Vatican's Congrega- Meyner, a Democrat, was ask- sources of supply an Massachu- Commission, which allocated a 14 Lose Lives tion of the Religious, and three ed it he thought that New York's section of the harbor ana for Italians, Archbishop Gustava Tes- Republican governor might be re- setts and Wisconsin. ta, 7), Apostolic Nuncio to Switz- "All laboratory tests of process- a building, Mr. Phillips, then luctant to work toward a solu- skipper of Ship I, saw the founda- In Accidents erland; Archbishop Paolo Marel- tion because of party differences. ed and fresh berries collected so la, 64, Apostolic Nuncio to France, far are negative to test for ami- tion laid. First Offer and Francesco Morano, 87, secre- Replied Meyner: "This has notriaiote, a chemical weed kill- Helped la Walk In New Jersey tary of the Ecclesiastical Tribu- er. Hlrsh been going on for 30 yean and Dominic Caruso, Weaber Brook NEWARK (AP)-Fourteen per- nal. this is the first time a governor "Consumers in New Jeney sons were killed accidentally in Mr. Schpoont has a long his- have been protected for yean by and John Pilltbury worked with Rome Ceremony Dec 14 tory of service in Jewish and gen- of New York has said he wants the system of Identification, sell- Mr. Phillips to raise the walls New Jersey during the week-end, to do something about it." and roof, and lay me concrete Three died in plane crashes and The eight new princes of theeral civic endeavors. He has Meyner also reiterated hi* ore and destruction when neces- floor. eight perished on the highways. church will be elevated to their been president of the Jersey City pledge that he would try to sary. This practice of the state high office Dec. 14 in a consis- Jewish National Fund and was Department of Health continues When Mr. Phillips moved to The victims: a leader in the Israel Bonds avoid state income taxes for Coopentown. N. Y., the building tory at St. Peter's Basilica. New Jersey residents. with respect to cranberries as , Franklin Township — Esteban The naming of Archbishops Campaign. He was also in charge with oner food stuffs." remained unfinished for seven iota Ruii, 26, of Vineland, killed Meyner was asked if New Jer- yean. The Lions Club offered it Meyer and Muench brings the to-o' the regional United Jewish sey could aid the railroads in the Last Monday, Arthur S. Flenv •esterday when-his car crashed tal number of American cardinals Appeal Campaign Committee of to the Recreation Commission to headon with another driven by the ZOA. state without a tax increase. He mlng, secretary of health, edu- be made into a community cen- to six, highest in the church's replied that he wu pessismistlc cation and welfare, announced In Kathleen E. Lelli, 23, of Vine- history. The others an Francis Prior to his election as regional ter. Plans were drawn up, andland. Police said Ruiz* car wan- president, Mr, Schpoont served u to "any method... for more Washington that part of the 1958 presented tor referendum. The Spellman of New York, James than a year or two or three." and 1959 cranberry crop from dered across the: dividing line on F. Mclntyre of Los Angeles, as a member of the ZOA Nat- $1,500 project was tuned down a curve. Miss Lelli and a passen- ional Executive Committee. New Jerseyans recently voted Washington and Oregon was con- by the voters, Richard J. Cushing of Boston and down Meyner'i turnpike-transit taminated by the week-killing ger of Ruiz'-Manud Ortiz, Vine- He was elected recently as The See Scouts continued to John F. O'Hara of Philadelphia. chairman of the membership bill in public referendum. This aminotriaMle. land—wen in serious condition With its new additions, the Col measure would have diverted He said the substance induced sell soft drinks in Jhe harbor at Elmer Hospital, Elmer. campaign cabinet of the organ- tret, uid nld pftjwrf tnd-scrtp THI $11,000 ftOAL WAS ACHIIVID this week by Red lege of Cardinal* will include 31 isation's metropolitan regions. New Jersey Turnpike surpluses cancer growth In rats. Fort Lee-Mrs. Adeline DePas- Italians and 4> of other to distressed commuter railroads. Demand Geae to keep the ship running. When quale, 38, of New York City, fa> Bank Auxiliary of Riverview Hospital when fhe president, Recently returned from an ex- the Yacht CJub assumed spon- nations. Of tte non-Itaujn con- tended study lour which led him The reason for the defeat, Mey- Subsequently, many stores tally injurej d Saturday night when Mrs. Thomas B. Ford, Jr., of Fair Haven, right, gave Mrs. S. representa- e y ner said, was resentment of using throughout the' country have sofsbjjLtwo years ago, aaw heh r husband'hbds' car, coHided^vifHiddift ththrough h tthhe SiSoviet UUnioni , siix ! Ml* hIrjroekmorton, hospital administrator, fh* auxilj. p the turnpike for a topped selling cranberries and two others oa lt'4*V Wlre'ieid European counUie* tsid •Israel, use," housewives have stopped asking ing. ary's cheek in final payment of the pledge they made for Mr. Schpooqt, a keen observer The club donate? the heating Joseph DePuquale,'41,' appar- The consistory on Dec. 14 will for th ently, lost control In a skid and the new building. Members pledged $15,000, and prom- be secret, and at it the Pope of social conditions and inter- to good new* his car jumped the center island. ised to pay it at a rate of $3,000 e year over a five-year will deliver an allocution to pre- national' relations, will' discuss the New Jersey cranberry crop, No one elft was seriously hurt. many of his experiences Wednes- New Jersey Atlantic Supply, Caruso Construc- period, but the fund-raising events have been so sue- sent members of the £oiiege layoffs in the cranberry Industry Bound Brook-John A. Wright, naming again the new prince*. day night. have begun, tion, Marine View Savings and «, of Towson, Md., killed yes- A question and answer period Loan, New Jersey Natural Gas, ceitful that the goal was reached within three years. The latter will be waiting at var- News Briefs Seven cranberry canneries of terday in a collision on Rt-22. Pledges were raited during the administrations of.Mrs,, ious buildings in the Vatican or will follow his address. Refresh- 14 in America are in New Jer- Elmer Burden, Viktor Habeck, His car collided with one driven ments will be served. BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) - Victor PerotU and Kenneth Wil- Clifford F. Coring, Red Bank, Mrs. Anthony J. Perrotta, in Rome to.receive official notifi- sey, employing about 400. by Peter Rowe, 24, of Basking cation of their elevation. The meeting is open to the New Jersey* Gov. Robert B. Only the Ocean Spray Canning son, amoag others, to help make Ridge. Rowe and a passenger,of River1 Plata, and Mrs. Ford. public. Meyner and a New Jersey news- Co., Bordentown,. said it would the headquarters one of the finWright's- , Mary Hand, Naiareth, The secret consistory will be Rabbi Gilbert Rosenthal Is paperman have been cited by a maintain normal production this est In the country. Pa., were in critical condition in followed by a colorful public con- president of the Red Bank national fraternity for their con- Mr. Phillips thanked everyone train Friday night and killed. to a farm field, gouging a 16- sistory in St Peter's Basilica week. Somerset Medical Center, Som-Police said the man was walking foot deep crater. The crewmen, chapter. Dr. Milton Green is tributions in the field of Journal- The others—Morris April Bros, who helped to make his dream a Dec. 17, at which the new car- program chairman. ism. Meyner and Lloyd Felmty, reality. ervllle. along the tracks near the Little who had taken off from Intern* dinals will receive the broad- and Mlnot Food Packers, both Absecon — Raymond Conover, former editor of .the Newark Mr. Bowtell presented Leonard Ferry -station on the Central's tional Airport in Philadelphia, brimmed red hats, or galeros, News, wen died Saturday night Bridgeton—reported they started Jr., M, and his son-in-law, Jacob west Shore line. sir rank. layoffs last week. Hofman, skipper, with a deck 38 ot by Pi Delta Epsiloo, national Naglee, M, J2, of Seweli, killed Harvey Cedars-George - *• P» . •»«• Capt Youth Spared Ocean Spray uses only New officers' glass in behalf of theSaturday night in a head-on col- Harvey CedarsGeorge Hoep P p Vatican source* said all of the honorary journalism society. Harbor Commission. ke, 5555 , off PlPaulsborob , ddrowned Theodore BalosinBli , thh e radard op- new cardinals except Archbishop Jeney cranberries. After the closing ceremonies lision on Rt. ». Conover waa the era tor. Meyer will be brought to Rome Jail Terms Some cannery spokesmen said driver. The other driver, Sher- Saturday, when he tried to re- Malaga—Mrs. Sarah Mae Da- SOMERVUXE (AP)-A me- by the Sea Explorers, refresh- trieve his hat from the ocean to become part of the Roman FREEHOLD — County Judge ter** driving down Rt, HI to they were fretting as much of ments were served and about 100 man F. Hayden, 34, of Absecon, vis, 28, of Newfield. killed Sat- Curia, the Vatican's central ex- the cranberry crop as possible for as in critical condition. and tell off a party fishing boat. Elvln R. SUnmlll recalled two a feetbaU gasaa Saturday wu visitors inspected the building. A line was thrown Hoepke but urday when police said'she Jump- ecutive group, to strengthen that Red Bank youths sentenced last storage until the situation Is re- CresskllUJohn McGauley, 17, three companions on the boat ed or fell from a panel truck driv- body in preparation for the Ecu- kit la the bead by a abetgaa solved. and Edmund Sutton, 16, week to Annandale Reformatory, pellet, apparently find by a wen unable to pull him In. en by her husband, James, 29. menical Council of the Church to and suspended their sentences. Cressktll, killed Saturday when They had been arguing Just be- be held In about three years, hunter. The maa, Taaw Malla, Ike Confers McGauley failed to negotiate a Moonachle—Margaret Ferdon, The judge said he wu giving • MfMMHatsf^MaaaVmI^ •MMnHI ^mtmSmfllMI ssiBoaVANMifa | 4, of Moonachle, suffocated Sat- fon Davis rounded a corner aad the number Edward J. Shea, Jr., 4 in Prominent curve and the car crashed into then turned to see his wife was 2Mthe Curi1 a cardinals from 24 to 31. bad Just apeaei Ha ear wh- ' a bridge abutment. A third per- urday in a hope chest in her par- 20 of West Bergen PI., and An- dew. There in* a lead Mast With Aides ents' attic. The girt and a sister, not in the truck, police said. It will include an American car- thony Scopetani, II. of Leighton son in the car received minor In- The fatality occurred on Harding dinal for the first time in his- by the side of ike read aed , Family Slain juries. Denise, 7, crawled Into the chest Ave., an "opportunity. . .against wemeats later Malla teK seme. while playing, police said, and Highway near wher Ruiz wu tory. Archbishop Muench. who my better judgement," because GARDEN CITY. Kan. (AP> - On'61 Budget Chester Township—Donalpd d W, killed. will give up his post u Apostolic thing strlka hi* head. He step- P««nam. 28. of Montpeller. the lid slammed down and lock- clergymen and friends of the ped the car aad ran back ta In a farm home far off the beaten AUGUSTA (AP) • Vt ed. An older brother found them. Nuncio to Germany. youth* had interceded for them. path of this vast wheat area four FIRM FOOTING Had three yeaag auahn with Elsenhower, hopeful of balancing single-engine plane-he was flyDenis- e was revived but mouth-to- PONCA CITY, Okla. (AP) — He ordered that both young shotguns. They said they had members of a respected well-to- the 1M1 budget, confer* on the mouth respiration on Margaret men attend church regularly as do family were murdered over ing home crashed into woodlands Because of the spike heels worn net fired iksir gaa*. Malta wu was unavailing. by women today, the city re- New Blizzard a condition of their three-year operated on at Morrlslom Ma- the week-end. defense and financial counselors, probations. They also were fined Herbert Clutter, 41, his wife, in the wreckage. Williamstown—Two Air Force placed brick surfacing on four mortal Hospital te have Ike At Eisenhower's request, Sec- Rldgefield Park - John Kirk- reservists killed yesterday in downtown crosswalks with new $900 each. pellet removed. Dr. Eugene Bonnie, 45, their If-year-old of Defense Nell McElroy Rips West The two men had pleaded no daughter, Nancy Mae, and 13 land, M, of EngMwood, hit by anearby New Brooklyn when their asphalt covering to prevent the Watklu, who named the pal. . | the military budget down New York Central passenge F8SH twin jet fighter crashed in- heeig from breaking. DENVER Sub-zero temperatures we April and May and stealing (245 in cash and merchandise. the Clutters. TheThaVen't de- charted and wind gusts up to 10 WASHINGTON (AP) - David m.p.h. were clocked in parts of A. third defendant, Ronald R termlned the motive. Huff, IS, of Frances St.,, Shrews- W. V. Peacock, Jr., of Flanders, Nothing In the house was In the Dakotas, Montana and Kan- N. J., hu been named a special nations in Europe, Asia an sas. Blowing snow reduced visi- bury, received a suspended sen- disarray. No valuables appeared tence to Annandale. He was assistant to Secretary of Com- rica. bility to near sera In some lo- merce Frederick H. Mueller, summoned calities. fined $300 and placed on three placed In an envelope for church "••• years probation. Peacock, a 3J-year-old graduate lay Mherbsdroomdreuer along- Low temperatures included 32 of Princeton University, formerly tide a diamond ring. Mau- below zero at Butt* and -2} at wu staff assistant to the late The Clutten wen community and the chairman fo Helena, both In southwestern Secretary of State, John Foster leaden. Clutter waa a founder Chltfs of Staff, Montana; -23 lewlston, Mont, UN Official Nathan Twining. Dulles, and executive assistant of tha Kansas Association of 1 and -14 at Sheridan In .northern to Sen. Kenneth Keating (R-NY). Wheat Orowen. He was a past b this year * budget, for I Wyoming, U month* andtni next June ; Posted in Laos Ho also served on the Morris president of the National Wheat^f"** •«« '»»• The sharp temperature drop County Board of Agriculture. Growers Association. President «•• »*** •« titimatad at warranted cold wave warnings UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. of the Garden City Equity Ex- "Mr » bUlioa dollars and do NEWARK (AP) - A eeeter change, a director of the Con-*"" «nta at nearly 41 billion. central Nebraska and northwest- •umeri1 Co-operative. President "" «lv«ncelwork In Washington other Soviet protest, will leave claims two womea laid him wu ern Kansas, a Finnish UN official in rebel "to go to HcU" whea he asked Elsenhower appointed him In 1M4 *•' *• Mmlnlitratlon wanu At Scotubluff, Neb., the tern- to the Federal Farm Credit «> hold defense spending In the ridden Laos ss his personal rep- them to gel off the party Una perature dropped from an after- resentative. so he could call aa ataMaace Board, new bdbudget t att 41 billbillioni . OOtheh r noon high of (4 to zero by mid- Hammarskjold, now visiting possibly could go up a night, Tho temperature fell 29 tar aa aUlag patient. Dr. Mar- UNO MEMORY the Indochincae kingdom, called via Backer, chief ol the cardi- or two, degrees In one hour here last ex-Premier Sakari Tuomloja of LYNDHURST, N. J, (AP) - But revenue also Is expected night. ac clialc at Bets Israel Hos- Finland to join him and to re- pital, saM he tried to call for When Dr. Lambert Klopman was to pick up and Stans has said tha Helena, Mont., that took the main up to four weeks In Laos a young soldier on a World War 1 INI budget probably will be bal- brunt of a record storm last after tho secretary general leaves aa ambulance for Mrs. Sophia troop train In Philadelphia, he anced. midweek, reported Wetsel, N, who suffered a a 20-Inch next week-end to return to UNheart attack Wednesday la Id* give a dollar to a boy to get him There have been report* that snow depth with about six Inchei headquarters, some bresd and sardines, He Eisenhower is striving to show a of new snow, Tuomio)t Is executive sec re home of her daughter In Mill- never saw the boy again, surplus, a big one, for mi, to tary of the UN Economic Com burn. Dr. Becker saM he had Moro than 40 years later, the demonstrate that his administra- GOLFING AT PINEIIURST mission for Europe, In Geneva, to wall seven minutes because dontlst says, he got a letter from tion knows how to manage its Officially, hu Is to study the the womes reluscd to slop C, O. Perkins of Philadelphia, money. Mr, and Mrs, Robert A, Dud- their conversation. "They told OROUND MIAKINA - Red Bank Mayor George A. Gray, left, and Rev. enhop of Ridge Rd,, Rumnon, and economic Munition of Laos and Apologizing and olfcrln« to return This year's budget has been Mr, and Mrs, Norman Bndcnhoptho little* country's needs In UNmo la 'go to Hell' and that tho dollar, Perkins said he still teetering between red and black. Charles E. Bourne, vice chairman of tha Red Bank Homing Authority, hold ihovsls *f of N«vc»lnk River Rd,, Locusl, old, Hut tho Laotian govern' they didn't euro anything about had I ho chnnu.0 and tho key to the It's a quostlon now whother It can ground breaking for the 40-unit public houiing units called "Montgomery Terrace," incut hopes his presence will my patient," ho said. II* llml- sardine can. are vacationing Rt I'lnchunt, wind up with a surplus alter the With them, left to right, art Harold Baynton, executive director of the local author- N, C, where they are nlaylnu. serve as A restraining Influenco ly used the phone next door, Dr, Klopmnn replied (hat PerImpac- t of the slocl strike on I'ollco and tho Now Jcrsoy Bell ity; John L, Montgomery, Sr,, In whose honor the apartmaMi are namod, and How- liolf at the Sandhills. They nro on thn Communist robcls opcr- kins could keep tho chnngo nnd personal, corporate and govern' fluents at tho Carollnla Hotel In Minn In various ports of* thoTi'lcphonu Co. aro Investigate offered him free denial work. mont Incomes, ard Collins, Aitiitanr director of the Fedoral Public Homing Authority In New York. Plnohurst, country, Ing. RED BANK REGISTER Despreaux-Irons Art Course 14_Monday, Nov. 16, 1959 For Club HEADS CLEANERS MATAWAN — Mrs. Peter A. EATONTOWN — Mn. Herbert Nuptials at All Saints Read conducted a metropolitan ., Anthony wai elected president of art course last week at a lunch- the Gleaneri of the Presbyterian ton meeting of the art depart- Church. Also elected were Mrs. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Fill ment pf the Woman's Club in Harold Morgan, vice president; lore Despreanx of East Ave. an the home of Mrs. Peter Ten Mn. Eustace White, secretary; Needlework nounces the marriage of his Eyck, Ravine Dr. Mrs. Edward Emmons, treas- daughter, Miss Catherine Des- The American Art Week ob- urer; Mrs. Vivian Bennett, cor Guild Meets preaux,- to Robert Irons, son of servance conducted by the dub responding secretary, and Mrs. 1r. and Mrs. Cecil Irons of Way- contained 50 paintings and photo- Harold Francis, nominating com ide, Nov. 1 in All Saints 'Epis- graphs in the exhibit at the mittee. An organization meeting Wednesday opal Church, Navesink. Farmers and Merchants National will be held tomorrow in the MIDDLETOWN-The Middle- Rev. Charles P. Johnson, rec- Bank. church. town Branch of the Needlework tor, officiated. Hostesses at the show and Guild of America wiil hold its A reception- followed at Me- members attending the meeting annual in-gathering Wednesday iuire's Grove In Mlddletown. were Mrs. Albert Abell, Mrs. Smart Sailor The bride, also' the daughter Henry Zucker, Mrs. Thutman C. at 2 p. m. in the Reformed r Church parish bouse on King's if the late Mrs. Florence Des- Nealis. Mrs. A. Edgar Palm, Mrs. Hwy. . preaux, was given in marriage Read, Mrs. Michael Brown, Mrs. C. Lester Greer ot the Chil- by her father. Her floor-length Joseph Dietrich, Mrs. A. Rulon dren's Home Society of Trenton, satin.gown was made princess Smith, Mrs. Johnson Cartan, Mrs. will speak, Last year the style, trimmed on the V neckline Ten Eyck, Mrs. Bayara Urn- branch sent garments to the with sequins and seed pearls born, Mrs. Donald W. Robinson, home. Mrs. Greer will explain Her finger-tip length veil fell Mrs. Charles Ralnaud, garden the work of the society, which from a tiara of sequins and seed chairman, and Mrs. Robert B. is New Jersey's oldest child-care pearls, and her bouquet was all Butler, art chairman. and adoption agency. white chrysanthemums. The art and garden depart- Last year, the Middletown Mrs. Alice Sherrill of Keans- ments are conducting a 'Tour branch collected 1,180 new gar- burg was her sister's only at- of Neighborhood Homes" this af- ments, which were distributed to tendant. Robert Roche, Wayside, ternoon at 1 o'clock. The tour the needy by officials of the Mid- was best man. will start at the parish hall of dletown Township Public Health The matron of honor wore! a Trinity Episcopal Church, and Nursing Association of the Hart- ballerina length dress of light end with a tea at the home ot shone Memorial Health Center blue taffeta, with a matching Mrs. John Egglestbn, Holmdel. at Campbell's Junction to pa- headpiece. Her bouquet was yel- tients at Marlboro State Hospital, low chrysanthemums. and to the Children's Home So- Mrs. Sacco ciety. Miss Van Kirk Wed Donna Laurel Blair Officers in charge include Mrs, Engagements Heads Party William A. Carwile, president Mrs. Vincent Sacco was named Mrs, Paul' Bova, Mrs. Nelson chairman of the Liberty' Hose Weds Charles Matches Maxson, Mrs Philip Leonard and Announced At Mass in St. Agnes' Auxiliary Christmas party 'for SHREWSBURY-Mr. and Mn. blue, green and black tweed suit, Mrs. Henry, Starke'.'vice presi- Mrs. Caroline J. Belus of 106 children of the firemen and aux- George A. Blair of Buttonwaod, with black accessories. dents; Mrs. Paul Braun, secre- McLaren St., Red Bank, an- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Mr. 18 months of which was spent in iliary members. announce the marriage of their The couple will make, their tary, and Mrs. Frederick Krip- nounces the engagement of her and Mrs. Howard G. VanKirk of Germany. He is employed by At. Tuesday's meeting in the daughter, Miss Donna "Laurel home in Newport, R. I., where pendorf, treasurer. daughter, Miss Patricia L. Belus, 32 East Ave. announce the mar- the Elizabethtown Consolidated fire house, it was announced that Blair, to Charles Walter Matches, the bridegroom will attend the Directors include Mrs. Harol to R. Theodore Biddle, son of riage of their daughter, Miss Pa- Gas Company in Perth Amboy trustees will present a new slate Cantrell, Mrs. Ceret H. Conover, Mrs. Theodore R. Biddle of 350 of officers at the Dec. S meeting. r, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N«Val Officers' Candidate School tricia Mildred VanKirk. to Ray- W. Matches, also of Buttonwaod, The bride attended Shrewsbury Mrs. Chris Dietz, Mrs. Waltei Branch Ave., Little Silver, and mond M. Terpanick, son of Mr. Smart, Slim, Young A covered dish supper will be Nov. 7 in St. James Catholic and Red Bank Schools. The Kinsella, Mrs. Gardner Klein, the late Mr. Biddle. A February and Mrs. Michael Terpanick of served and secret pals will be Church, Red Bank. bridegroom attended the Delbar- Mrs. W. Irving Matthews, Mrs wedding is planned. Woodbridge, Nov. 7 in St. Agnes revealed. Father William, Order of St. ton School and was graduated Harold Robinson, Mrs. Kenneth Catholic Church. Printed Pattern Mrs. Frank Cannava was Benedict, of the Delbarton School from Colgate University in June, Robinson, Mrs. Paul Smith, Mis Rev. Joseph Lease, psctor, of- named chairman of the annual at Morristown, which the bride- where he was a member of Tau Reginald S. Wood and Mrs. WylU iciated at the ceremony and cel- installation dinner. , room attended, officiated. Kappa Epsilon fraternity. G. Pate. ebrated the nuptial mass that Hostesses were Mrs. Cleve The bride's ballerina-length Followed. Brown and Mrs. Nancy Genova. vvua* gown was made of satin and lace, Mrs. William Mulligan was the Mrs. Genova won the attendance prize. Sew V tave! Make this tmar and her finger-tip length veil was School Children to Hear organist, and Andrew Kozak, sol- tailor dreu of remnants — gay illusion lace. Her bouquet was oist. The church was decorated in navy and white with red trim. carnations. with all white chrysanthemums, Da one version with embroi- Miss Diana Clark of Shrews- The Pittsburgh Symphony reception followed at Dop- dery — other in plaid V plain, bury was the bride's only at pelt's Haufbrauhaus. tendant. Her gown was pink Pattern 922: child's sizes 2, 4. 6, The music advancement com- fternoon in the Carlton Theate The bride wes given in mar- chiffon. Her flowers were pink S, 10; tissue pattern; transfer; mittee ot the Monmouth Arts The orchestra will be directed riage' by her father. Her court- roses. Paul O'Connor of Red easy directions, State size. Foundation will present the Pitts- by Karl Kritz. styled gown was silk taffeta, Bank was best man. * Send thirty-five cents (coins) burgh Symphony Orchestra in a John Pfansteil of Middletown trimmed with re-embroidered Al- After a reception at Shadow- for this pattern—add 5 cents (or special program for Monmouth till do the commentary for the encon lace. The lace applique on brook, Shrewsbury, the couple County school children tomorrow program, open only to children the back fell to the floor in a each pattern for first-class mail left, for a wedding trip to the The orchestra will' play the chapel-length train, and the ing. Send to Red Bank Register, Poconos and New England. The march from Wagner's "Tinnhau bride's elbow-length veil was at- tfeedlecraft Dept., P. 0. Box 161 bride's traveling costume was • Old Chelsea Station, New York ser," Beethoven's Symphony Om tached to a cap of Alencon lace, 11, N. Y. Print plainly pattern Fourth Movemert; Rimsky-Koi trimmed with seed pearls. Her cascade bouquet was white chrys- number, size, your name, ad- Miss Goodwin Joins sakoff's "Scheherazade," thi anthemums and ivy leaves. dress and tone. Cedar Crest Choir movement, Dvorak's "New World" symphony, second move- Miss Patricia L. Betas Miss Dorothy Bonz of Atlan- New! Newl New! Our 1960 ALLENTOWN, Pa.-The Cedar ment; Tchaikovsky's "March tic Highlands was the honor at- Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book Crest College concert choir ha! Slav," and a medley from "My Miss Belus also is the daugh tendant. The,bridesmaids were is ready NOW! Crammed with announced the appointment of Fair Lady," the Lerner-Loewi ter ot the late Andrew J. Belus Misses Mary1 Malone, Atlantic exciting, unusual, popular de- Miss Pamela M. Goodwin, daugh- musical. She was graduated from Newarl Highlands, Elizabeth Davis, Leon- REUSS1LLES' signs to crochet, knit, sew, em- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips M. Schools and is officer managei ardo, and Jeanne Ann Kurutz, Mrs. Walter Johnson of Locust, U MOAD ST. broider, quilt, weave — fashions, Goodwin, t West Cherry La., for Dick and Bob Matthews' Ret Elizabeth. a Forrestdale school teacher home furnishings, toys, gifts ba- Rumson. N. J.. to the choir. Bank Auto Imports. Mr. Biddle Ail the attendants were dressed MDIANR Rumson is chairman of the com zar hits. In the book FREE - The first off-campus appear- a Middletown township higl alike in sheath design dresses of mittee in charge of arrange- 1 quilt patterns. Hurry, send 25 ance of the 55 voice-choir will be school graduate, is manager o green taffeta, tied at the waist- ments. She states that mo-e than cents lor your copy. in a concert Sunday at 4 p. m the Local Finance Company's o: lines in matching green velvet 2,500 are expected. Laspyeai in St. Thomas Episcopal Church, fices In Carteret. cummerbunds, and styled with the Foundation presented a sim Fifth Ave. and-53d St.. New overskirts of matching taffeta. ilar program, featuring the Cleve York City. Wilbur Holman is MISS LAMBERSON All had matching green velvet director of the choir. Later in land Symphony. \ That was KEYPORT—Mr. and Mrs. El bow styled hats, trimmed in the season several joint concerts well received, another conce: mer Lamberson of Fulton St., an green veiling. will be scheduled with leading was planned for this season. nounce the engagement of thei The honor attendant carried a men's college choirs and glee Serving with Mrs. Johnson art daughter, Miss Joan A. Lambei cascade bouquet of yellow and club. Mr. Pfansteil, Mrs. Howard E son to Harvey L. Brandt rust colored chrysanthemums and Miller and Mrs. B. C. Thompson Arlington, Va. ivy leaves, and the .bridal at- ETIQUETTE In planning the programs, the Miss Lamberson attended Key tendants' bouquets were all yel- music advancement committi port Schools and is employed b low chrysanthemums. was assisted by superintendent! Meridian Industries in Keyporl For her daughter's wedding, AMY VANDERBILT of Monmouth County schools, Mr. Brandt attended Wakefie Mrs. VanKirk wore a gown of Wide collar poised on a slim' principals and music teachers! High School in Arlington. Va periwinkle blue velvet, with an ming sheath — a smart line, and Curtains Busiaew Introductions "Can you suggest a setutloa? and Mrs. Morris Miller, Shrews and is serving in the Navy. overskirt of taffeta, and a cor- so flattering to short,, fuller fig' "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: Quite often the west who was Jury, county music helpini sage of white orchids. The bride- tires'. Choose cotton, crepe, or Draperies teacher. One question 1 have sometime: first In the office does ml MISS WALUNG groom's mother wore a navy wool — jewel button trim. To- been in doubt about is how fa necessarily stay for the ensu- Members of Foundation servin, KEYPORT-Rufus O. Wallini blue .costume, trimmed in white morrow's pattern: Misses' dress. Slipcovers ing conversation after the to go in the way of making h> were Mrs. Pfansteil, Or. and Mrs of Broadway has announced th chiffon. She, too, wore white or- Printed Pattern 9032: Half amenities have beta obterv- troductions. When I take a guesl Ernst Theimer, Mrs. William M. engagement of his granddaugh cbids. Sites Hft, 16'/,, 1% 20'/,, 22'/J, Bedspreads ed.-E. R.. Wheeling, W. Va." into my employer's office, Connolly and Mrs. James Law- ter, Miss Caroline M. Walling, Robert Tympanick of Iselln, the 24%. Size W/ requires 3% yards You are doing exactly the righ 2 usually say 'Mr. Jones (the em lor. Miss Jeanne Wirth is Robert W. Phelan, son of Mi bridegroom's cousin, was best 39-inch fabric. Linens ployer), this is Mr. Brown (th< thing. It is up to your employer charge of publicity. and Mrs. Theodore W. Phelan man. The ushers were Allan Printed directions on each pat guest)' inasmuch as he seldom to make the other introduction Monmouth County citizens who Matawan.' Jordan and Gerald Lanzotti, both Venetian Blinds tern part. Easier, accurate. has guests appreciably oldei In any way he wishes. contributed to make the concerts The bride-elect, a Keyport Higl of Woodbridge', and Richard Send fifty cents (coins) (or than he. possible were Dr. and Mrs. School graduate, is employed b; Kurutz, Elizabeth. this pattern — add 10 cents for "However, when my employei "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT Theimer, Mr. and Mrs. Jra Kat- the Gale Gas Company as a sec For her'Florida wedding trip, each pattern for first-class mail- already has a guest in his of I work in a beauty parlor pa- chen, Mr. and Mrs. William retary. Her fiance, a Matawai the bride wore a beige knitted high school graduate, is in bus ing. Send to Marian Martin, Red Home' Decorators (ice. but has indicated that hi tronized by a lot of society wom- Bell, Dr. and Mrs. Willard T. wool suit, a beige tweed topcoat iness with his father at Phelan1 and brown accessories. Her cor- Bank Register, Pattern Dept., 4S Bread St wants the other guest shown it en. Sometimes a customer aik Somerville, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- anyhow, I usually Just make th< me to introduce her to one of garage in Matawan. ' sage was Beige orchids. 232 West 18th St., New York 11, RED BANK ard Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Theo- one introduction to the employei these women. I don't know if Mr. and Mrs. Terpanick will N. Y. Print plainly name, ad- dore D. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. 4M Bread St. and allow him then to introduci this is proper. I am just an em make their home in Atlantic dress with zone, site and style costs so little Donald English, Mr. and Mrs. Article Published his other guesl. My employei plovee.-M. J., Montdair, N. J.( Highlands, The bride was grad- number. David Freeman, Mrs. Paul Switz, means so much always takes up the cue am Don't take a chance en such LITTLE SILVER-Mrs. Evelyn uated from Atlantic Highlands u makes the second introductiot Introductions being welcome. Mrs. William Wyer, Mrs. E. J. S. Kraut, 3 Silverwhite Ave., is High School and Jersey City | .70* immediately, but I sometime! There might be, however, some Finch, Mrs. Warren Wilkinson, represented in the. December is- Medical Center's School of Nurs- feel that I have •only half-per very special occasion—far ex- Mrs, Charles B. Gallagher, Mrs. sue of The Instructor, nationally ing. She is assistant head nurse I 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE formed my duty and at timei ample, you know that MM cus- Walter Johnson, Miss Florence circulated teachers' magazine. on the medical floor at Mon-|| I a* MM uti Urn Artui> r«k the other guest momentaril tomer raises poodles awl aa- R. Kridel, David Woodward, A substitute teacher in North- mouth Medical Center. MWIKMXtMMrfrt gives the impression of havinj other his a great Interest hi Richard Castino and members of ern Monmouth County schools, The bridegroom was gradu- been left out of things. them. You might ask the first the Atlantic Highlands Parent- Mrs. Kraut wrote an article, ated from St. Mary's High customer If she would be ls> Teacher Association. 'Regular Teachers Can Help The School in Perth Amboy, and FURNITURE tweeted la talking le the Substitute," served two years la the Army, FRENCH LANGUAGE LESSONS Generally, though, it is well I assume that such women whe AND taught by they go to beauty parlors wan privacy and quiet. If other cus- NATIVE FRENCH WOMAN tomers ask to be Introduced them, just say, "I am not • Small Group* According to Age lowed to introduce our custom CARPETS • High School Student* oho Tutored' ers to one another." If you {ay this in the proper, REASONABLE TVITION more or less regretful, tone ol BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED voice, the customer asking fo IN 1-7U7 ARM 1:30 ANP WUIMNDS such an introduction will not be IN YOUR HOME OR AT OUR PLANT offended WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS CLEANED < ALL TYNI 09 RU1S CLIANID

DISTINCTIVE ladies' hairshaping 10% DISCOUNT l>y michael ON PRESENTING THIS AD! Cardner's SST ACME CARPET AND 12 MKhsjfiic St., Vi klfck «ff Iread St. A DICORATIVE CHRISTMAS (roe skirt, one of the gifts to bo sold at ths bam thi Woman'i Guild of Trinity Episcopal Church will hold Thursday, Dec. 3, in the pnriih Upholstery Cleaning Co. hall on W»i) Front St, ii boing examlnod by committoo aidos. Loft io right aro MM, Allan Frost, Mrs. Elmer A. Niolson, chairman, Mrs, Alfred Malhiaion and Mrs. Martha SH 1-4255 RED IANK Manning. MaV; rfcr. U, W9-1S Game$ Party STEVE ROPER Iff 8AUNBKR8 md OJMGAWb Bridge MHANDf RED IANK RECtSTER , to t»«vtM y* my- You an wMng to give «s> ForS&D NORTH either the Brat or the second dia EATONTOWK - A fames par. 47 64 mond trick to an opponent, and ty conducted by Mrs. Walter Column • •72 you thus main sure that dummy Dangler and Mr*. Cora Wagner •AKI64 wins the third diamond trick. was held last week by Pride By ALFRED SHEINWOLD • 74 The play would neces- of Crescent Council, Sons and WEST EAST VM. Masters Team ClumplM * J 10853 A Q9 sary if dummy had a side ace. Daughters of Liberty, in borough • Q9J ¥1*10 4 3 You could take the first two dia-hall. Oae o! the most important ani- • 10 7 • QI» monds, give up a diamond, and Mrs. Mae Aumack and Mrs. mall in a bridge player's zoo is• KQ1O ••913 2. then get back to dummy with Henry Snyder received special SOUTH the duck. This is the name given that side ace. Since entries are awards. * AK2 often scarce, as they are in the 'to a very common and useful •AKi Mrs. Fred Hartley, president, *> S3 2 actual hind, the duck is a very play-allowing an opponent to win useful play to know about announced that a penny sale will an early trick in a tuit rather So*** We* Norta East DAILY QUESTION take place at Tonight's unit than the same trick. later on. 1 • Pass l e> p«u meeting, with Mrs. Elizabeth Partner opens with one spade, Sorenson and Miss Sara Bowater Today we tee an example of 2 NT Past 3 NT All Pass and the next player passes. You the duck in its simplest form. Opening (tad — AS ' in charge. The president also bold: Spedet-7«4H«erts-I7 3 stated that the Christmas party South must make the play in Diamondt-A K 1(4 Ciubs-7 4, MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY handling the diamond!. What do you say? is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. II, at Circle Inn, Wanamasia. It it in South'! power to winlowing the defenders to win the Answer: Bid two spades. Your the tint and second diamond trick without even a struggle. hand isn't strong enough for • Attending the- reguiar meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Wal- -THAT FELLOWVSH0 tricks. Then, however, the oppon- If South gives up the firstdia -response of two diamonds, so you JUST ents will be able to win the third mond, he can win the second and must choose between a rise to ter Dangler, Mrs, Florence KlNPOf* NOISV1 diamond trick. Dummy's last two third diamonds with dummy's ace two spades and a response of 1Knight, Mrs. Ralph L. Lewis. diamonds will be good, but there and king. By1 this time dummy's NT. The raise with only three Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. will be no way for declarer to test two diamonds will be good. small trumps if unusual, but de-Marilyn Long, Mrs. Aumack, reach the dummy. The establish- Even more important, declarer scribes your strength better than Mrs. Sorenson, Mrs: Cora John- •d diamonds will languish in thewill then be in the dummy, ready me response in notrump.' son, Mrs. Minnie Griggs, Mrs. dummy, while South goes down and willing to win tricks with Edith Lewis, Mrs. Florence For- at his game contract. those test two diamond*. Asia is the 'most mountainous sduter, Mrs. Cain, Mrs. James By this means South wins four continent on earth. It has the Riddle, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Harry South avoids this fate by duck- diamond tricks. His contract is largest mountain masses and theDean, Mils Bowater and Miss lag one of the early diamonds. thus easily made. Henrietta Merrmtnn. That ii, he leads a low diamond highest peaki. from, his hand and plays a low Win Third Trlek diamond from the dummy, al- The purpose of the duck In this By Ceean Antww to •aturalair'l •ASTRO-GUIDE" CROSSWORD PUZZLE For Monday, November I* ACROSS I.Bmtu SECRET A<5ENT X9 By MEL GRAFF l-HonultM Prtiant—For You and chill I-Slnki la l-Pronoun Yourt- • • Mixed aspects in- middle ••Strip ot dicate unsettled conditions both S-Ocein leather on the domestic and work H-Slnglnr vote* It-Babylonian il-Chler god ot deity fronti. People tend to be some- Mampfila 11-Nur what skeptical, but cm be con- 14-Make lac* 17-CooUd lava ll-Bnabol (or ll-Pald notice vinced by sincerity and frank- flodnlnra . nets. Make the day count by H-Lwe doing something nice for tome- ll-Ortan at •tudent hearing one else. Don't let HsV» accu- M-Prfnter1* Il-A UBltiBf mulate around the house at aeuur* MoKii. company may drop in. tt-nth aauee M-KoolUh 17-Cod of mini' lT-Matt»M .. ?outh 43-Nanibtr is-SMck Il-Man'e ntme Il-Junetura ttrrockl P«lt • • • Aftur»Toscanini, Future • . . The first trip of M-Throus* 10-Ltvantln* 41-Klns ot tO-LImb the nuclear ship "Savannah" ketch beam -Ctit timber The Day Under Your Sign 47-Peliet 10-Rlver la AMES (ten Merc* ill* April If) • UIRA (Sept. » «• Oct. »| Siberia Yea Mr let) • link intl K*UI, tul Take itcaiy and let trinera come to you «-r,lme tre» Hlifci nmtlr ta tandem. with thtir propwah. Hut be available! «4-Stlnt rahbr,) M-Rmatl lump TAUkUS (April 201* May N) SCORPIO lOeiJl fa No.. 21) HT-Ballot VM'D be IrmclH to 4» thinp vot like OIM« file up and have ! cat indulging in wishiul ihtnfeinK. Put exeffla energy into cuutructive «l.rhln»«e LtO(Jgl»HteA«a. Jl| channel* by hrlpiflg wmroflf in trouble. fa«ttrtn An indication o( allntim will tltair AQUARIUS (Jen. Jl to Ftb. U| a Imrd cut mere thin m ntfaviiant Since you thrive tjn the etttem of f o DOWN •itt. 1-Mov* from intimairi. try to ptfaie them. •III* to ild* vmeo(A««.»'*s*pi.u) PISCfS (Feb. 20 to kW, 20) •.•Formal N«w may W t^* time you have la fay E«en Ihough yen don't like the hoe- averment lifct trice tor <|mri»i aarninit eboal light, citcumiliricei majr out you in it. t-Pronona ' MMUH. «-Wateh I»<*et __ eiM». Field Enterpriaei, Inc.






THE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY REVEREND By BILL O'MALLEY lfr-Moaj»y, Urn, 16, 1959 BED BANK REGISTER Rumson Cops Title; Red Bank Wins, Caseys Tied

91 SIIS TROUIUE — Bobby Bossone, Red Bank Catholie High School quarterback, ts attempting to get by a hard- charging Chris Loupassekis, 33, South Plainfield fullback. Tad Bremekamp, 64, Casey tackle, is blocking out Bob Palanchar, 36, whila Jay Abbas, 55, Caiey and, dashas in to give assistance. The Caseys had to eoma from be- hind lata In tha ball gama to protect their undefeated r.aeord. They protected it, but had to ba satisfied with a M-14 daadlock Saturday. Eric Donath's Pass Snag Leads Caseys

9 Off A •AIN —Jim Jakubecy, Rumson-Fair Havan Ragional High Sehoel, gives Tarry Slag a ra>,t a« ha lugs fte ball himself for a short gain In tha Keyport gam a Saturday. Tha Bulldog quarterback guidad tha Purpla TO A14-14 Tie With South Plainfield •nd Whita team to a 22-6 victory ovar tha Rad Raidan and a Clan B Shore Conference grid championship, tha Red Bank Catholic High School, good blocking, passing for one-Lucas, faking beautifully on a hard-charging line, which wai first in tha history of foofball in Rumion. Claaring tha way for Jakubacy it the rugged gridder J. V. McCarthy, 66. undefeated and untied in seven score and then putting his team bootleg play, circled right end breathing down his neck all af- games, tripped over a South ahead with a pretty bootleg play unmolested for the score. Loupas- ternoon, trapped him In the end Plaintield 11 Saturday afternoon for 21 yards. sakis kicked the point setting the zone. Just before his knees hit and had all they could do to The Caseys chalked up the first stage for the late Green and Gold the ground for a safety, he fill* Rumson-Fair Haven Regional Makes emerge with a 14-14 tie. points of the game near the endrally. ped the ball sideways. It rolled The battling Tigers took the of the opening quarter. Tackle The game was far from over loose in the end zone, but alert play away from the Casey athletes Ted Bremekamp recovered Craig after Red Bank Catholic had tied Loftus scooped it up and brought History in Copping Conference Title and, except for a clutch pass play Loupassakis' fumble on the Tig-the score. Jay Abbes tried an it out to the six. Bossone then with three and a half minutes er 24. Ryan plowed for four yards onslde kick which failed, the Tig- found Chris Abbes clear on tha left, would have walked off the and then two penalties moved the ers taking over on their 47. A 2} and hit him with a pass. Tha RUMSON — History was made On the second down Charles Bulldogs Start Moving McCarthy again carried for the field with the win. The ggame was ball to the five. Ryan took a 15-yard penalty helped move Casey end momentarily broke here Saturday when the Rumson- "Pumpkin" Brown tossed a pass Rumson started moving after pointit - played at the Red Bank HiHighh pitchout and went around ieft end them to the-13 but here Chris clear of defenders and raced for Fair Haven Regional High School costly roughing the kicker Along with McCarthy. Fallon School Athletic Field before I,- for the score. Bossone's place- Abbes intercepted a pass to give the goal line. However, he was football team received the honor most of the yardage in the drive. penalty. The Bulldogs took over and Mclaughlin, Peder Lund 000 fans. ment was perfect and it was 7-0.the Caseys the ball on the 14 caught from behind on tha South of being the first club to bring t started from the Keyport 34 turned in a great defensive game With time rapidly running out, Early in the second period, Bossone trying for a score in tha on the Rumson 47 and soon had a (Continued on Next Page) • Shore Conference championship and wound up on the Rumson 32. first down with Sieg carrying the despite having to put up with a halfback Eric Donath intercept- South Plainfield marched from dying seconds, faded to pass, A and trophy into the school's tro- The Raiders got Inside the Rum-oval to the Keyport 44. Jakubecy bandaged forehead. ed a Frank Luca pass on his ownRed Bank Catholic's 41 to the son 25, but couldn't crack the got loose for his best run of the KwnMB-Ftlr linen Kxflmtl 17 and returned the ball to thefour, but here Eric Donath re- Kna»—TUsrln, N1_)it>l_, Boardmtn. In so doing, the Bulldogs did itBulldog*' strong defense. One day when he ducked his way to TaekiH—Buck, McLnittilln. Teller. South Plainfield 49. This effort covered a fumble by Luca the hard way by eliminating their play went for a three-yard loss, Ou»rdi—hud. Kelly, Zinca. ignited the tying touchdown temporarily stem the tide. Bos- the 27. Here came a Keyport clip- CM...—F«!!on. main opposition, Keyport High two pastes missed connections ping penalty. Sieg was held to Backs—J-Jnib-cy, Bowers, Bier, Mc- march. sone picked up four yards and School, 22-6, In the Class B. Di then McCarthy drove through to Carthy, Deasorit, Atom, Moncralf, Halfback Ed loftus got two fullback Jim Nugent the same, two yards on tire downs, but MMunferu . vision of the circuit, Both clubi break up a reverse with Kennedy Bowers took a hand off and went <«> yards, but Ed Ryan waa stopped before Ryan, running and driv- entered the game with undefeated on the receiving end for a nine* End-—Burke, Heale, WtiartonW , to the Keyport six. One of the Ti.klM—takln, Chapman, Dlekr f no gain. Quarterback Bob ing hard picked up six yards he records In a drive down the home yard loss. Guard- — stryker, Cbenowettv>' Ca-Bossone faded to pass but finding never would have had with a few times McCarthy failed to gain ca..Hl-, Miller. atretch. It was Rumson's last In Rumson's turn In this period _._,__, „_,._,_. . - _.,_" _ the no receivers open, circled left little less effort. Bossone attempt- fame of the year in the loop and the Rosatlmen started moving 52fiJ J2~ iZl*!£7_ Back-—Browii', Dane. Kennedy. Zll end for 13 yards and a first down ed a pass to Jay Abbes, but Paul by going through undefeated, the and finally got to their destina Raiders stopped him when he was hi-ltl, F«lf--wtnt_r, Acker*.-, Not, on the 30. A pass intended for Phillips intercepted on the 25. attempting to get a first down. Top-MmM, Graf... Bulldogs wrapped up the bunt- fion in the early minutes of the Keyport _. « « . end Jim Savage went Incomplete Bill Bausmith got three yards tog ia grand fashion. At this point Keyport got into ftum-on-FalunwonF&lr Har«H-Y.InI 0_ 6______sqoond quarter. ToucHdowni — Ruirnon — _..» 3,but halfback Ryan got three and and then Luca passed for 1$ more, Tha doaast Rumson eama to Slog TO Caned Back its safety difficulty, tarry Dane TfcVjj» 10 in two tries, placing tha ball to Paul Slkaniwlcz. Luca got two winning a Gccfenaee champion- was stopped by George Fallen after touch-own—McCarthy 3, Rumson took over on Its own on the 17. sad then two more after an in- ship was back In the early 40s after he moved to the nine. Ken- B-tety—K.jjwrt pa*a (ram cantor complete pass. He then passed to 3J and after Jackubecy had a nrIet And tow. At this point Bossone complet- when another run down to the nedy lost a yard and Zilinskt was omcltl* — ftlvo, Koll-O, Btrtha, halfback Ken Rlber for the score. carry for a yard. He lateraled to Valentine. ed his first pus of the day in wire settled the Issue. This time shoved back to the five. Jim Noe, eight tries and it couldn't have Loupassakis added the point from It was Thanksgiving Day in a Sieg, who want all the way for aa freshman, went back to kick touchdown, but it was called back come at a better time. Jay Ab-placement to knot the score. game with tha then' Leonardo but a bad pass from center rolled bes, streaking past the secondary (Middletown Township) team that due to a forward lateral. into the end zone. Big Blue The visitors threw another Tan plays later the Bulldogs took the spiral over his shoulder scare Into the Caseys near the tha Bulldogs lost out on the final Sieg Runs 75 Yards day In the late Lou Jacobs rein. advanced to the Keyport 14 as on the eight and raced into tha end of the half. Taking over at In •, the 'final session the Bull- Romps, 27-0 end zone. With the pressure on, mldfield, Luca tired a 'pass to Once again It was Coach Joe the period concluded. In Die drive it was McCarthy's plunges that *>«* m«*«i •» « '•«*«• offensive MANASQUAN - Vic Kubu, the Bossone calmly booted the extra end Jim Neuman for 35 yards. A Rotati's bread and butter run- point to give the Caseys the tie.pus Interference penalty moved ner, Terry Sieg, carrying the of-got the Bulldogs when they wan. P«e, axorlng two TDs to widenspark of Manuquan High School, ted to _,_go. . the gap_ . The first one came on a' scored two touchdowns and pas- For the second time this sea- the ball to the eight on the next fensive burden with some great 75 v son it was a quarterback that defensive workings coming from Fran this point Sieg ripped oft - «rd Sieg run. He picked up sed for another to lead the Big play and then Loupassakis tried ap front In the forward wall when fiva yards and then McCarthy Knntiy'i pass out of the ozone Blue to a 27-0 win over Free- gave the Green and Gold trouble. a field goal which just carried It was needed. plunged to the one. Sieg went on his own 25 and like a deer hold Regional here Saturday In aEarlier in the year they had out-wide. he dalhed down his Ieft fought passer Vlto Conforti pf Winter Sure Retail's Secret Weapon through center for the score and ' splines Class A Shore Conference encoun- Midway In the third period, Bowers missed on a plunge forfo r «h.e «»«• McCarthy plunged ter. Our Lady of the Valley and South Plainfield marched 70 Rosati tossed another weapon over for the conversion. emerged with a hard-fought win Car Safety Into the battle when he moved the points for a M score. Defending champions of the cir- yards in 10 plays to break the Regional had another threat go- Late In the session Rumson cuit, Manasquan failed to repeat However, the South Plainfield tie. A 17-yard run by Ken Ribar, I. V. McCarthy to offensive full- signal-caller, Frank Luca, waa back In the game for all the ing In the quarter when moving took over, after a Keyport kick, this year, but they did slide Into and two passes, one from Luca to ^Check marbles. Mentor Rosati tried Mc- from its own 45 to tha Keyport 14. on the Rumson 45. In four car- with five wins in not only a deadly passer, but al Phillips for 10, the other from Carthy eat la this position In prac-Here a "too much time" five-yardries Rumson had a pair of first six outings. so a tine numer, who moved al- Luca to Paul Slkanowicr. tor 21, tice sessions and in last week's penalty and a miss with a Jaku- downs with Mike Bowers getting Freehold, a power just a couple most at witt behind waves of placed the ball on the 21. Then tana for tha first time. It turned becy flip cost nine yards and theboth, the second on the Keyport of years back, suffered Its seventh out to be a most profitable move. Bulldogs were back 14 yards. 19. On second down Sieg took a defeat in eight games to tie with When yardage was needed The half ended with Keyport Jakubecy handoft and moved the Red Bank for fifth place. The VhsM through any kind of a line the tossing aerial after aerial, but pigskin to the 13. Jakubecy then Bucs earned the tie by winning new Bulldozer McCarthy lugged not one was good for a com-crossed up Keyport's defense with their first game against Neptune, VwSeeTSaLaa the oval. It worked Saturday to pletltlon. a Jump pass to Tharin for the TO. The strong Big Blue defense the tune of about eight yards a had little trouble keeping Free- Ballantine carry average. hold In its own territory. On the Sieg scored two touchdowns, offensive end, Manasquan racked light lag Fred Tharin picked up one on a up 14 first downs and scored in cross-up pass play and two pouts every period but the third, came on a safety resulting from George Metz and Lany Mor- a bad pass from center to a gan posted the other TDs for a freshman Keyport punter. powerful Big Blue club. Keyport. started out like It Manasquan scored first on an meant business In tha first half M-yard drive with Kubu climax- by moving In the first quarter ing it by canylnig through tackle and holding the Bulldogs to a from the three. Delcke, one of M first half acore. tha best extra point hooters In The tide turned rapidly in the the Conference, kicked hi. first third quarter after Keyport wss of three successive conversions. called for roughing the kicker, Kubu went through right guard and then later the safety which for the second score in six plays went against the Red Raiders from about mldfleld. It wss a after they had suited a Rumson 21-yard hike.' offensive that was down within Larry Morgan scored from the the five yard line. At this spot It four yard stripe for the third was one of the few occasions mat score and a Kubu to Metz pass Keyport stopped tha ball-like drive racked up the final TD. It covered of the tackhvfuBbacfc. 30 yards. Ksypaft MksM Tastt Muanutn ..-.-.._._ T t • IS—17 Keyport, minus its teeth used In TnieMewni-Kuliu (9), Vtti, Star. f» MetBehen game, scored only •net and than It waa dus to s had flip by Rumson's quarter back, Jim Jackubecy. It cam' early in the fourth period. It wa* LADIES DAY ajar after a Raider kick. On the firs for longest play Jackubecy was attemptlnr 1 eut of your a flip to one of his trailing bade; who wasn't there. The loose ball Try it now I BaJJtntine, the'crisp'refreiher, was scooped up by Kayport end Jim Burke 00 the Rumson 40, proves a beer can be truly light and itlll Burke picked up speed aa he give you all the honeat-to-goodneu lager headed goalward and not a Bull- dog tackle could stop Mm. A beer flavor you want. No wonder Ballantine pass play for the extra point ia the largest-wiling beer in the Eaat . Firestone missed the target, Naxt tlm» ask tho> man lor Possession of the ball was .AUGHT IT, IUT DIDN'T GO PAR - Rut. Zilllnikl, Key. pretty evenly divided In tho first port High School and, heulod In a Charles "Pumpkin" quarter with Keyport tossing up Brown pen for A gain through the air, but Fred Tharin, STORES a drive right after taking I'red Ballantine Tharln's klckoff. The Raiders SB, Rumion-Fair Hnven Regional end, hold the Red Raid- took possession on their 20. Wally er In hit track. In the third quarter of .ho contoit, The Maple Avt. at White St., Rtd Bank Kennedy carried on the first tight layer Bulldogs stayed undo.oa.od by winning, 22-6, Saturday SH 7-S700 three downs to net the Raiders n "llnvo you been drinking first down on their 32, at Rumion, njjnin?" „ t. B»U«NTINC S, SOWS. NCWUBK. W, 1 1000 ASIURY AVI. Aibury Park PR 5-1700 •UbtwTak UD aMMK HORSIER faW.K'1 Matawan,14-12, tanmckaefr 3 Touchdown* In Rugged Tilt Defeat Middletown Lions TOMS RIVER - In one of the MIDDLETOWN - Carteret ea of violations called against By Hy Cunningham toughest game* on the Saturday High's Rarqblers, rocked Middle- he Ramblers, Middletown almost football menu, Tons River elted town TowiuhJp with two early tallied again before halftlme. The out a 14-12 victory over Matawan touchdowns Saturday and rolled Uons moved from their own 42 PEOPLE ARE FUNNY — A TV production called High School in a nigged contest on to « 21-6 victory «t'the'Leon- Carteret'g eight before running "People Are Funny" also is produced day in and day out played here. ardo Field. ut of steam. right under our noses, your noses and your neighbors' After the final whistle, a fracas It was the second straight de- Actually the steam wai pro- broke out when Tom Morris tan- feat for Coach Arnie Truex's ded by the officials. Middletown noses. And when we say funny we are not connnecting gled with big Mitch Hamilton, learn which has suddenly turned gained only four yards In &9 this with comedy of any sort Matawan's center, who was one complete about face. Lesa than drive on its own power. Two per- During the past weeks In this corner on the of the blocks of granite In the a week ago, the Lions boasted sonal foul penalties, an offside, Huskies' forward wall. Toms four-game win streak and a 4-1 and a pasa interference call took day before the big Saturday football schedules we River police won this one and record. Now their record la 4-3 care of the rest attempted to make selections and without a lot after cooling showera lowered with tough Asbury Park corning The local team reached the temperatures the gridders shook up on Turkey Day., Carteret'a height of futility when three of fanfare. However, well brag a bit, because record ia 5-2-1. passea Inside the. 10 failed to they've been pretty good. All of the scoring; action came Key to the Rambler'a success, i. Once, with a receiver in in the first half, and it waa the u it should be for any team play- clear In the end umt. Pitta We've made some real blunders with tome that ability to get conversions that ing Middletown, wu the bottling threw low. Another pasa bit me should have been easy. Saturday was one of those won this one for the Indians. The up of Al Pitt*. The star tailback, intended receiver in the back. Huskies scored touchdowns In the who usually averages over four Carteret'a final touchdown days, but we picked Keyport over Rumson-Fair Haven first and second periods and so yards per cany, netted only four came just before the third quar- Regional after watching the Red Raiders defeat Metu- did Toms River. The difference yards In the entire game Satur- ir ended. chen in one of the hardest high school games we've Jj°*evejr, was that the Indiana day. Middletown'a George Ulaaerleh made their extra points on Mai The opening kickoff gave lndl- had' ended one Cartartt threat watched In several years. We expected to see the same Gannon's kicking. cations of what was to come. by recovering a fumble on the brand of football at Rumson, but Coach Stan "Tuffy" The Indians scored first in the Trying for a shoe-string catch. I16t . but me Uons couldn't move Baker and his gridders came to,Rumson without it So opening minutes of the game Pitta hobbled the kickoff and had and Pitta had to punt. when Charlie Wsthington lost the to pounce on the ball at his own Pettua took the punt on me we were left holding the bag. It wasn't the first bag weball with the help of Dora Browne, HEADINO FOR TROUUI-Edw.rd Ryan, Red Bank Catholic left halfback, la about 13-yard line. SO, slipped away from several were left holding, and it won't be the last Indian end. Watfitagton was skirt- to plow into four South Platnfl.ld grMers after ha picked up a short gain in Satur- After three playi gained only Mlddletowners, asd almost want ing end when he lost the oval five yards, Pitta punted to mid- all the way. He wu finally day's 14-14 tie gam*. Jay Woodring Is causing Ryan's biggest trouble as h« makes Before the game had the opportunity to get on (he run. field. Thirteen plays later, Car- mocked out of bounds on lha Mike Llllle scooped up the loose a j.rt.y pull 'am down tackle. Ryan would net have gene tee far with Jim Kaho/a teret had the first score of the Uon three. Four line bucks, the cold and before we had the chance to relax at gam* last by Carmlchael, provided me ball on the Matawan 45, and was roaring in en the play. home, the phone rang. It was Mrs. Jack Zinga of off for the touchdown. Gannon The march wu featured by two visitors with the game clincher. booted tho» extra point. clutch third-down passes. The Hudak completed the scoring with Fair Haven asking how I liked the lame. We re- first, a 15-yarder from quarter- his third perfect placement plied, "It was a very good game." "But you picked The Huskies came right back back Joe Bodaar to rangy half- when the Indiana* kick went out Tht fourth quarter ni dto- Bucs Break Seven GameLosingtack Eddie Canntenael, gave Ungulihed only by the abscnee Keyport/' she said. We Informed the lady feat It Is of bounds. Wathington, Bill Mab- Carteret a first down on the Mid-oof good football. The ball bit and Bob Rukl combined, the our privilege to pick a winner or loser, and this dletown i». The second, Bodnar changed hands no leu thai aeven lugging chorea to tack up four day we had a loser. Nothing to grow ulcers for. to Bob Pettus, went for 2* yards times, twice on fumbles and rapid Brat downs in advancing the Streak By Trimming Fliers,28-0 and another first down ot the 18. twice on pasa interceptions. We had other losers during the season. We even ball to the eight Steven Kondrk then carried Coach Trues decided to give NEPTUNE — There'll be no getting the extra point on • hike he made it had a loser when we could have had a perfect Rankl pounded the line to the seven straight times before Car- Pitta a nst m the final stanza Them was not even a slim Saturday by records. But this particular on* we ant and then the Indians were complete losing season for Red around 1left end. mlchael barreled over Cram the tad replaced him at teHhack after doubt tnarthe Bucs were la com- penalized half the distance to the Bank High School in 1969. Coach In the second chapter, two on fourth down. JohnHudak Int with sophomore Fred Rich- went along with the coach, but bis club lost No mand all the way for their goal for offside*. With the ball on Bob GUsson'a Bucs snapped their the Fliers lost the ball on downs first added me point from placement iidrdes and later with Jim Rouse, harm done, there has to be a loser unless a tie the three, Bank" ! bucke' d through seven-game losing" streak Satur- on their, own 40, the Bue> were score. Red Bank clipped off one to make It 74. who usually plays fullback. Car- eaters the. picture. the Una for the score. Jackson's lay by romping over wialeas Nep- off and running again. Again yard abort of 300 from scrim- Mlddtatowa managed a tint terefa coach, Dang Kmg, used kick for the conversion was tune, 28-0. Sellers mixed up his carrier* and mage to 75 for the Fliers. In first down following the ensuing Wck- his reserves for most of the Mrs. Zinga then said,'well you are down on Red Bank cracked the Scarlet plays to get the ball down to the downs, the Buea scored 20, while off but shortly afterward wu isriod. Early in the second quarter, the Fliers' goal line In the first quar- two-yard line from where Long Neptune had only five. forced to punt again from Its Rouse eld well in Ma new role. boys." This wasn't quite clear. But we checked the Indiana widened the gap with ter which ignited the dub to the went through right tackle for Neptune almost had a touch- own 29. Throwing puses on every play, papers and found where Rumson-Fair Haven Regional Dick Bryne tossing 27 yards to victory taste. When they did score the six points. Sellen passed to down, but a backfleld in motion The kick wu poor, giving Car- he led the Uons 41 yard* to the comes in for its share of glory on the sports pages. Browne Iri the end zone. An off- It was a sharing piece of work. Don Sweeney tor the first of three detection ruled It out. Paul Reid teret possession on ita own 49. Rambler U a few seconds befort sides penalty nullified this one. The TDs were scored by tour pointi s on thhe same playl . hauled in a four-yard jump pas Bodnar went for all the marbles the final gun. It was only, back a couple of weeks ago when But later Bryne went to the air backs, John Sellera, Warren over center from quarterback on the tint play and got them. - - (i) Later In the quarter Gliison's nahar, Auar, Kadaa, a letter arrived from a Red Bank Catholic fan giv- lanes, again repeating • pass Utah" Scott, John Schwenker squad took advantage of a thort Dick Chapman and hiked 50 yards His long pan was grabbed on the ing us old-Harry because the Caseys were being play to Browne for six points. and George Long, Neptune punt and scored again, to cross Red Bank's goal line. Lion 20 by Carmlchael who Gannon kicked the extra point. The Buca opened In the first Taking possession on the Flier But the officials said, "No, No." waltzed the rest of the way for (Warda-Wflllamann, rtoantkar, Mia- treated harshly, unkind, etc. "It want necessary Red Bank (M) the score. Hudak added the point, um, Raaaa, wuiuma. Matawan fought tight back and quarter with a touchdown, added 37,the Bucs recorded the third Ertft—Rujtei, O»tt». Castar—Sulahaw. to mention fumbles by the Caseys. They don't mean The two in the second quarter, one TaetiM-Xantanl, R. Scott, OarbMk. and it wu 144. Baaka-ntta, K W. Smith, scored after the kickoff. score In five plays. Scott was ouard*—Ballon, wiuon, OuHHaff. Paralaaa, lr Starting from its own 14, It," was one cry. Must be the Cases aren'4 funuV Huskies worked the ball up to the > A third, and nothing in the handed the scoring chore and he C*o(*r*- •*•»* Mtt- Rankl went around end to the made to make it perfect in the yards out Ntftmw (•> Bndi—Adama, Rolf. Sohuck, Jullino. ing the game into a rout Tacklaa-R. Wmiama, Hudak, aodar> four for another first down, Wath. scoring department, The final scoring drive covered atad, Csioatl. tulllrao, Praea, Paltnkaa. Taeklaa-Twtdti, Oornan, Santu< After Walt Smith gained six, ^Ouarda-TaklaaaaB. Koch, Carney. We think it's grand to have parents of some of tngton was smothered on the next The first Red Bank score came the most real estate, starting Ullo, Ourkln, Ulra«r. ouaMt—intrabartoio, mulch. Pitta connected with end Sam these gridders steamed to the point where they'll harp piayi Rank! sliced off two yards, as a result of an 80-yard drive, from the Red Bank 29 after the Center—Walali, » Canttn — Blatowanwk, Tthotaky.' Calpalbo, on a long pan up (h. Baraaba. and then Wathington slammed John Sellers, Buc quarterback, secon... d half kickoff. The BaotM-Chapmati, P. Raid. T. Rtld, *"• Baefca-Bodnar, Oarmldiaal. Pattva. at us. It proves they have the interest of their boy and Ifoffan. Lrou, Watson, Moore, K»m middle. The play covered SI to Kondrk, IWaaalla, lUanUto. linnantu tackle for the score. Again Jack- mixed up his plays and his car- fouir backs poured on the power tawan. Kasln™ Dacko, Walko, Kt- Sad Bank TUT to Carteret 29. his team at heart Such interest from parents gives son's kick attempt was blocked. riers to move the ball to the Nep- to roll up five first downs hi a tftna' , 6 o e With Smith doing the bulk the youth incentive to play harder bail, especially Maaawaa — Newman, Fatua. ParotlnoPara , Reoordi • Touchdown*—Mlla.- Rank!, Browns, Mm rxainplo, Mlnnltct, BauMi, laatallallm C. Watlilndon. Branch High School posted Laao'a A Rumson football team came close 19 years ago Pointa anar touchdown—Oantioo (I), TaekMa — Baaet, Onaeilla, Torkk, klekt, luikatt Red Bank Instrwari WINTER 14-13 victory Saturday over As- when it lost the title on the final day when Leonardo Oldclali — . Wafnar, Xnop, Davllii, Ouantf—Acarrai SloenSam. CfcaM. Ml>c. « „ UarriU. Ctntar—Stroftollno. RapUr -^— bury Park, the llrst win since BtekJ — Muicino. Fran* DeOtaplo. Had Bank Una _. _ .. defeated the Bulldogs. This was way back in the days o« Dtstttplo, Motor, Homer, Mines/. 300 Club; Morclf JIT. »cbml*]»r SI: of the late Coach Lou Jacoubs and when the present mt [apian. Hanbauer Ml. Qua Ml. So. Regional After playing a scoreless first (IS) WOMEN* COMMtlNITr at a coach Joe Rosati was line and assistant coach. Brtla — XlUtar, Honaaabars, Rud4, or WDDUTOWK half, scoring action was Inserted W h Rumson had won seven straight games and shortly after the second half got TacUat-Htola, aavaa*. Menon .. Loses, 39-27 auarda—Duiao, Bartola, aawKan. Wta Owia .- ,..,.,' .,,,„•„• ~i> a then lost, 134, to Leonardo. It was on Thanksgiv- .'Oiling. Ontar—VandariioM. Bay Bladaa .______H • STAFFORD TOWNSHIP - In Joe DeSheplo took Anbury's Baeka-mai, Vu, Matifar, Skaplra. a u ing Day and was a tough ball game. Joe Bolger, an tott, Vasoaan, WUlln|ham, Banrdeios. i» is BARGAIN! a contest with plenty of scoring. •Jckoff on the Wave 15 and ran it latta, Atham. 81owpok*a 11 14 assistant grid coach at Long Branch today, scored Holy Spirit High School of At • 0 T-14 B. B. aadt . Hit 14 ,>ack to the 36. In eight plays Oay Dacalvara .12 19 both touchdowns. lantic City nipped Southern Re '.ong Branch advanced the ball Lattortra — Loei Brasak—rraak Kopy Kaia . glonal, 39-27, here Saturday. toSkaplo, laa OaSaapia; Aabnrr Park o the Asbury 20. From this Draamtra » i> 'Dint Frank DeSheplo scored the -OattaTawt. That 1940 year, Leonardo won Its eighth straight Holy Spirit wrapped up the en taocadowa — Lmt Win iaraa^M. Millar Ml; Hlfh game and the Shore Conference championship. Rum counter In the first half by scorin >st TD. Joe DeSheplo booted the laplo S. (Uaka): Aa- Uuaa iam< II. Millar 52?: Hl(h Ham u many points as Southern dl •jtra point inr P»rk-oatu late, Conference Branch, N. J., sank in a storm, to spend this Thanksgiving ctear- deadeye passing attack to defeat making. At the end of the initial Mr. Joyce and his three crew- Ing the 15-foot high undergrowth Villanova, 12-6. Saturday's Results •} quarter the score stood at 7-6. Loot Branch 14, Aibury IS. But the Eagles started flying in men were rescued by the Coast that covers the area. The Scarlet saved the game Mrs. Joyce had planned to fly in the final second* after Villa- Manssouan 27, Freehold •. the second quarter to roll up 19Guard. to St. Maarten'to meet her hus- nova had moved 74 yards through Red Bade M, Neftaae t. points, and added seven markers Mrs. Joyce, who hadn't heard the air to the Rutgers 6 on three Rasas* a, Keypert». in the third to wind up the trip from her husband since Nov. 6, band. striaght passes. Toms River 14, Matawaa 12. to the slaughter house. waited by a telephone in Long With «ix seconds remaining, Oeeaa Cesttral It, Mat Pleasant John Sprague opened the scor- Branch for news of her husband. Wildcat quarterback Nick Lan- I. ing for Central when he took a . St. Maarten Bound DaleCarnegie gone faded back for a final piss Staadiags of the Teams Point punt at the SO and worked the schooner was bound for St. but the Scarlet forwards poured A Division his way across the field to the Maarten in the West Indies. The in causing him to fumble. - Meetings Set W L Tit goal line for the score. Frank crewmen, O. M. Karinis and Rutgers recovered and a parti' Long Branch Hay, quarterback, booted the Adolph Rothman, both of Brook- FREEHOLD — A demonstra- tan crowd of 14.500 breathed a point. lyn,- and Matthew Gruen, Vent- tion meeting of the Dale Carne- • igh of relief as the gun sounded. Middletom . The Gulls got right into the ball nor, N.M., had planned to flygie leadership course in effective line Holds ea 1 Aibury Park game on the first play after the home after the yacht reached its speaking, human relations, and Earlier in the fourth quarter Freehold CLOSf DICISION — Keyport and Rumsen players ware taking ne chances en this kickoff. Ed Schriber tossed a destination. memory training will be held to- a Rutgers goal line stand halted Red Bank ...... call and they watched the officials' like 'hawks.' It was on • first down decision for pass to Roger Williams that cov- Mr. and Mrs. Joyce had night at 8 o'clock in the Ameri- the Wildcats on the Scarlet 3. NeptiUM ,. ered 83 yards for a touchdown. planned to build a home on the cut Hotel here. Keyport, end efter some deliberation and close measurement, Keyport wet awarded Other meetings will be held Rutgers scored in the first two B Diviikm After that, a Point fumble on mountainous tropical island. period* on $6 and 74-ysrd drives it. Bulldog captain George Fallen is on one knee checking the stake with almost the Central two was turned into After working on the boat for Wednesday in the Red Bank YM- RumsM II CA, Thursday in the Hotel Ber- But Villanova, held to only two the entire Rumson team checking the decision. a Central > touchdown and this 1«V8 IIIUltMI0months,| thu**e* cre«iabiwv nwaset* area**ssil* ^^wwNovp. -»-~-^ w-— — ~ Keyport w first downs in the opening half, Toms River ...... spark lit the fuse for the Eagles 7 with six and one-half tons of keley Carteret, Asbury Park, and attack in the final halt. Friday in the Garfield Grant Ho- Matawaa ashington Ave./'' Leonardo, $8,- $M,«M te $»,!»; Mrs. Julia to explode. supplies. Saturday, 300 tnjles tel, Long Branch. All meetings Early in the third quarter Vil- Lakcwoed Tax Board 150 to $7,000; Cecil C. and Pau- PoletU, land and building on Later a blocked Point Pieassnt northeast of Bermuda, Xanadu I lanova took a short Rutgers punt Point Pleaaaat. ine B. Simmons, building at Oak Rt. S5, $t7,7N to $*1,«47; Louis kick paved the way for another sent out a distress call. The men begin at 8 p. m. (Continued) The Dale Carnegie method of that hit on the Scarlet 35 and Oceaa Central Lincroft, $28,100 to $25,900; K. Tlmolat, Naveslnk, bull- Central score. It was blocked on were picked off the the bounced back to the 25. Villa- $1,200 to $900; Maurice A., A. and 'eter H. Eggiman, Navesink, dings on River Rd., McClees the 17, and on the first play Hay Coast Guard at 12:45 p. m. training wilt be explained at the nova marched to the Rutgers 1- Mary N. Druesene, RD 1, Eaton- uilding on Osborne Ave., $15,100 Rd. and Bowne Rd., $IU,SM pitched to Sprague, who made At 3:25 p. m.. the scHooner meeting. foot line, the shadow of the ball town, building on Rt. 539, $3,000 $13,500; Frank and Anna De- to $li5,M0 and John Con- his way to pay dirt territory. sunk below the water. It was not Several graduates of the course . actually falling across the goal Lakewood Forces to $2,500, with consent of asses- ereaux, Jersey City, building in roy, land and buildings at More fumbles and another insured. will speak. cracked the line but didn't move sor. Irevent Park, $6,800 to $5,400. 5M Rt. 15, $82,8M to $72,H». blocked kick led the way to the High Waves David U. Kees, area manager, the ball an inch. But on fourth Atlantic Highlands - Joseph Also Elvira Colluuoa, 2*2 Matawan other Central score*. Waves were running 15 to 20 Springfield, is in charge of pre- Brick Township feet high at the time, and the enrollment, down fullback Leon Horin bucked De Groot, 35 South Aye., build- Main St, Matawao, land on Albert R. Stultz, buliding at Ktmtni a>n«uH (« winds were clocked at 57 miles through to make it 12-6. ing $1,500 to $1,200, and Maria Wilson Ave., $4,7H to UJM; 86 Jackson St., $3,500 to $2,700; Endl—Firth, Baulnder, Keyier, Tackles—Brewiter, OugUlon, Turner, an hour. The conversion attempt was In 14-7 Loss Doppelt, Ocean Blvd., building MUdred Russamano, buUdlng Arthur Creager, building on Hard- HorowltE. ' Ouards—Beavera, Short, Worth, Alt- Mrs. Joyce was waiting yester- fumbled and that was all theBRICK TOWNSHIP - Lake- $20,000 to $15,000, both with con- at N Ideal Beach, $4,1M to ig Blvd,. $1,600 to $1,400; Luigi houie, Lees. day at the home of Mr. Joyce's Bribe Trial scoring but not alt the excite- wood High School climbed sent of assessor, and Vincent $3,IN; Paul E. and Mary Dl- 'elos, building on Van Brackle Centera—Koch, Rldie, Backi—EeUriIns, Sprague, Sllventeln, parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Caleb ment. abord a high grid horse Saturday J. Maloney, 60 Ocean Blvd. Rogatls, 17 Clifton Ave., Id., $3,750 to $2,750; Louis W. Hay, arucbeni,, KInj, llym, EtrJey. Joyce, 475 River Ave., Long At the end of the third period to hold a highly regarded Brick building $1,800 to $1,600. building at 127 Sycamore ucker, building and personal Postponed Pollt NfMMt (•> Branch. Villanova was flying again and Township 11 to a 14-7 decision in Eatontown — Fred J. Kapp- Ave., $4,4M te $»,•»»; Doro- property at 14 Schenck Ave., End!—WiMUmn, Hurley, Boeri, NEWARK - The trial of gar- Tackles—Cromarty. Dougherty, Pet* Langone passed and ran thwhae t turned out to be a thriller roth, 21 Oak Rd., New Mon thy S. and Walter D. Venable, $6,200 to $3,600; Raymond V. z&rek, Wynn, Churchill, bage disposal company executive Wildcats from the Rutgers 43 mouth, building at 28 Neptune building at 31 TIKon Rd., $22,- Sasso, building at 292 Main St., Guarria — Cooper, Conroy, Melllo. Alfred J. Lippman, New Shrews- for the Piners. Center—Belardl, MMklni, Swallck. Jersey Kacer Second to • fourth and one situation on Brick scored first in the first Hwy., $5,000 to $3,000, with con- (M to $ll^Ni Otto and Edna $4,100, to $2,300; J. Wallace Me- Backl — Hollowly, Bakker, Bctarlber, bury—scheduled to start today- the Rutgers 3. But the Scarlet sent of assessor. Doucha, building $I7JM to Cue, buildinf at 294 Main St., Swell. In Daytona Car Race has been postponed. quarter with Lakewood matching CeMra T 0—33 line rose up and threw Langone ; Nicholas W. Kaiser, the seven points in the second Freehold Township - Manor $4,100 to $2,700; Virginia Meier, Point Pleasant . 0 O—6 DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) Last February, an Essex Coun- back a yard to take over on Real Estate Co., land from $31, building at 54 Appleten Avt., Touchdown* — Central Regional: period for • 7-7 knotted first half. buildinig at 201 Main St., $4,500 Sprague (2), Hay. Oughton, Behrlng. — Defending National sports car ty Grand jury indicted Mr. Lipp- the 4. Leonardo, $II,NI to fl.MI. Point, Pleaianl: Wlllami. Brick sewed up the tight affair 900 to $26,500; Green Pine to $2,500; Genevieve Donnell, racing champion Walter Hansgen man for-bribing a union leader Rutgers threatened minutes Also Michael V. and Mary V Point! after touchdown — Central: by scoring the winning TO in the Estates Inc., Newark,.land on Rt. building on Maiden La., $3,000 toRay (2), Behrlng. of Westlield, N. J., placed second to insure labor peace and John later when wingback Artie Byrd elly, building in Lakeland Park, ornclali — Applefatt, CHimberlln, V. Serratelli for accepting the third stanza. 537 $2,000 to $1,700. $2,400; Gerard A. Devlin, building in a lights-on finish of the fea made a splendid catch of a 40- 14,600 to $12,400; Elizabeth Clirk, Ctnnell, bribe. The Piners did well in holding Fair Haven — Samuel Swartz on Miriam Dr., $7,000 to $5,600, tured big car race won by Alan yard jump pass from Sam Mudie Connor, building at 96 Main the favored Brick team even for and Philip N. Pica, Rumson Rd. ind Stanley C. Rittenhouse, bull Connell yesterday. Mr. Serratelli has disappeared only to fumble when tackled on t., Port Monmouth, $5,800 to and police have spent the last almost three periods. The climax building at 553 River Rd., $2,000 ding at 115 Broad St., $3,300 to ding at M Waterman Ave., Hansgen streaked his Lister the Villanova. $4,000; Annie A. Zuewsky, build nine months looking for him. Mr. came in the .third period when to $1,250; and William P. Scott $2,200, all with the consent of the $2,1M to $l,tM; Bernard R. Jaguar across the finish line in Villanova recovered and with ing at 18'/j Highlands Ave., Leon- Lippman was scheduled to stand Lakewood's fullback Stan Sam Cooper Rd., Middletown,. land, assessor. and E. P. Barrett, land at a Sports Car Club of America Ed Roehre passing reached the rdo, $12,650 to $11,000; Alex F. trial alone. , uels missed a first down by 02,000 to $100, both with consenl Also Richard J. Lewis, bull- 41 Buena Vista Ave., $),3M to race shortened by spills and Scarlet 39. But Rutgers line Hay, building at 222 Wilson Ave. inches. of assessor. ding at IN Broad St., $2,SW U,m, and Ralph P. anddarkness' at Daytona Internation- Their indictments came as the •gain came to the rescue, dump- Coach John DeLaurentis didn't Also Elvln W. Welch, build- tort Monmouth, $15,700 to $12, to $2,*M, and Patrick and Louise S. lannarone, building result of a state Senate commit- ing Roehre for a 21-yard net loss al Speedway. agree with the officials, and he Ing at M7 River Rd., $M«* M0; J. Howard Smith Inc., build- Grace Dapollto, building at at 12 Blossom Rd., $4,4H to tee probe of the state's garbage on the next two plays. When went out onto the field to ques- to $>,(*•; Michael S. ikono- ing at Port Monmouth, $73,400 to III Freneau Ave., $2,3M to $4,M*. disposal industry. Rutgers punted to the end zone tion the decision. The call stood moil, building at SS Kemp $33,000; Joseph J. Gallagher, Jer- $2,*M. Red Bonk Eddie Lc Baron Hurt with ISO remaining, that seemed ey City, building at Ocean Park, pat, but Lakewood had a penalty Avc, $2>7M to $2,1N; and Monmouth Beach Pauline Drazin, Auldwood La., to be the game. $4,850 to $3,000; Arnold J. In Cleveland Game called for unsportsmanship. It Columbus Club of Red Bank, Catherine E. and Louise D. Rumson, land and personal prop- Auto Death Schwartz, building at Lindy La. WASHINGTON (AP) — Eddie But Langone completed three cost the Piners 15 yards, and building at Third St., «.SH Dresser, building at 3 Navesink erty at 933 Broad St.. $3,200 to straight passei, • 37-yarder to Lincroft, $34,400 to $29,400. LeBaron, Washington Redskins' took some of the punch out 6( to $1,5*1. Dr., $1,000 to $500; Margaret E. $2,100, with consent of the as- Ron Meyers, a 22-yarder to Haney, Harding Rd., Little Silver, quarterback, may have torn a rib Hearing Delayed their offensive. Freehold - Stability Savings Also, Isaac B. and Eugenie Me- sessor. Frank Ficea and another 15- land and building, $6,950. to $7,150, cartilage in his team's 31-17 loss On the first play following the and Loan Association, land, Nee, land on West Front St., $6, Estate of Roberta D. A. Pat- LONG BRANCH - A hearing yarder to Meyers on the Rutgers and John F. McKenna, building to the Cleveland Browns yester- on charges of causing death by penalty, John Gant, Brick quart- building and personal property 400' to $3,400; Salvatore V. De- terson, building at 30 Monmouth at 19 River Ave., $3,000 to $2,000, day. auto and reckless driving against erback, fired a 15-yard pass to at 5 South St., $7,000 to $5,900, Marco, building at Lakeland St., $2,300 to $1,500, building at The stadium was bedlam as the ill with consent'of the assessor. LeBaron was forced to retire Richard Tretchell, 531 Long and Joseph Klein Inc., Wood- Park, $16,000 to $14,000; Paul J. 28 Monmouth St., $5,500 to $5,000, Red by Bob Cla who Also Ruth, Frank and Martha in the third quarter. Whether he Branch Ave., have been post- bridge, personal property on Hemschoot, building on Spruce building at 27 Monmouth St., $13,- Hawk, building at 37 Ocean Ave., 500 to $12,000, and building at 60 will be able to play against the poncd until Dec. 3. pest try, knocking the ball out Osborn the pnpointt . Broad St., $2,000 to $1,000, both Dr., $30,200 to $27,000; Mary with consent of assessor. $3,500 to $2,500 and building at 33 Broad St., $24,000 to $20,000; Pro- Packers at Green Bay next Sun- Jretchell's car collided Oct. 19 of his hands. End Marv Engle Brick scored first on a 27-yard Egnatovich building at 32 Warren day should be-determined by a Hohndel - Issac Slott, building Ocean Ave., $3,500 to $2,500; grcssive Life Insurance Co., per- with an auto driven by Mrs. Kate recovered for the Scarlet as Ms run by its star Sam Riello. This PI., $12,700 to $10,100; Monmouth close examination this afternoon. C. Turner, Red Bank, Mrs. Tur- and personal property at Tele- Peter E. Fleming, Middletown, sonal property at 365 Broad St., teamates showered him with *c°re climaxed a drive from County Welfare Board,- land and ner was killed. graph Hill Farm, $23,900 to $14,- building, $1,300, to $1,100, and $3,000 to 0; John Morris and Wit- bear hugs at the gun. Brick's own 35. It took nine plays building at 75 Chestnut Ave., $6, I'HU t'OOTBAIX Mrs. Emily Brazer Ford, a for the score. 750, with consent of assessor. 150 to $2,000; William A. and Edward and Rose Sell, building iiam S. Noglows, trading as NaUoMI Leaf» on River Ave., $2,500 to $2,000. B» laa A«K*la<*€ Inn passenger in Mrs. Turner's car, After taking the kickoff Lake- Highlands - Timothy Quatey, Wiackelmann, building and land Strand Restaurant, personal New Shrewsbury Katltm Vgaference still is hospitalized with injuries wood started a 65-yard drive personal property at Bay Ave. •a Newman Springs Rd., $31,200 property at 47 South St., $7,000 Pel Giants Lose I from the accident. Neither Tret- which concluded when Steve and Valley St., $700 to $100, with to $27,000; Dr. C. Malcolm Gil- William K. Buettner, land, buil- to $4,000; and Stalder Realty Co., Cleveland .... • chell nor a passenger in his car Zacks scored from 13 yards out. consent of assessor. man, building on Blossom Cov ding and personal property at 209 858 River Rd., Fair Haven, build- Pkuafelpkl* . Riverdale Avc., $5,400 to $3,725; rilUbarih were hurt. To Steelers Zacks was back looking for a re- Keyport — Dr. Joseph B. Rud- Rd., $97,900 to $77,900, and First ing at 157-159 West Front St., Wklh 1 .315 ceiver, but when none could be Mortgage Investment Inc., Perth Eleanor W. Crowell, land and $10,000 to $8,600. Cklcaiu lata, .3M By The Associated Press nick, building at 101 Atlantic St ttnu-ra I i found he ran the ball for the Amboy, land on Rt. 35, $35,000 to building at 210 Riverdale Ave., Shrewsbury W I'd. Hunters Fined $5,500 to $5,000 with consent o: Saa I'randico $27,500, all with the consent of $3,450 to $2,690; E. Preston and Margaret Kearney, building at » .1X1 assessor. Bernice D. Alexander, land and Billlniura 5 .899 Keansburg - Winifred M. Har- the assessor. 34 White St., $1,650 to $1,400;€alc*|g Brata 4 .500 In Eatontown - building at 224 Riverdale Ave., Fannie Newman, building at 17ft ur«e» Bay J 1 .375 Ukewaoi (?) greaves, 84 Lincoln Ct., building Uelroill m.j tustrious Cleveland teammate Also Julia M. Kurz, build- $1,625 to $2,340; Margaret Surles, j .tm EATONTOWN - Three men \ WyclraH, at 95 Myrtle Ave., $875 to $600, Patterson Ave., $3,110 to $2,570; tat Aagelei . while pulling the Browns into a ing oa the Middletown-Lin- building and personal property at and John McGolfrick, land at 3 jult] .3N were fined $15 each Saturday for Tacklea—Levin, Moore, B. Wyckoff. and Catherine Sloan, N. Y., build- rillabircll II, mr lq,a • tie tor first place in the Eastern auardt-Lev«, Pettraon, gacki. croft Rd., $14,Ma to $U,MS; 24 Cherry St., $1,900 to $1,100; rkllmfelpkla 17,, ttlcaio CardCardi 11 violation of the borough's hunt- ing and personal property at 47 Borden St.. $380 to $300, all with rkllfelkl 1 Conference of the National Foot- Center—OJamma. Alfred and Elsie Arnold, buil- Attillio, H. and Yolan B. Gentille, Baiumor. 31, Wa-alaiiuali . 17 ing ordinance. Bidu-Olbno, Zacka, Curtii, Sam- Sunset Ave., $1,400 to $1,100, both the consent of the assessor. Uelrmt 23, Ito Aage£i 17 ball League. mil, Worrell. ding and land at • Momlng- building at 84 Leland Ter., $3,400 t'aleaao Brare K, MM t'nwclaco 3 Fined by Magistrate Peter J. . Brick Tewukla (111 with consent of assessor. - Fred and Madeline Tapper, With the 225-pound Brown Enda—Carter, Hudak, R. Blllenblni). slde PI., East Keansbwg, to $2,850; William J. and Ingrid building at ITS Patterson Edwardsen were: Donald Byrde, stymied, the 180-pound Mitchell ar. Franglpane. Also Ida Martin, 1 Willow to $S,5M; George I. A. Engle, buildine at. 55 Leland I-IMI RASKKTHAII. 19, of 30 Corporation Row, and Tacklea—Hentuuy, Qlynn, Wright. Ave., $137* to $2,42*; William By Ike AaaochMed Pie.. took over yesterday and scored Ousrda—Caanlni, }. Bltttnbinder, PI., bunding at 111 Carr Ave., Walling, building at US Ter., $3,100 to $2,500. i. and Kathleen V. Lambert- George Reed, 20, of 2 Corporation three touchdowns as Cleveland Ooeckler, Olbom. Ho»l,m $l,Mt to *»7S; Richard and Church St., Beltord, $l!,«t Also Theodore Palumbo, Jr., son, building at II East Pat- Row, both ol Eatontown, and overwhelmed the Washington Cenfer—Woolejr, rhlladrlphla .HWI Backa-oant, Rlallo, aelohauaer. Robert Storeh, Belleville, to $ll,M; William Pomp!lano, building at 436 Shrewsbury Ave., tersta Ct., tt,tM to $2,Mt; Frank Milligan,, 26, of Haskell. Redskins, 31-17, for a «-2 record. AUnauer, Ludovlco, Lampert, Coke, New Votk""!™.!! Hughca. building at 114-116 Beachway, Sr., building at Sunset and $2,000 to $1,375; Roland M. Brown, Sarlla V. Wood, building on Wealeni UlrUloa They were picked up Thursday Mitchell, who is in his second Jric* Towufelp . _ T 0 T' O-H $3,6M to $4.7M; Norman and Sis., $12,2*1 to land and building at 48 Garden "• on the property of Charles Stochl, LUUW004 ...__.. _. 0 1 0 0— 1 Sycamore Ave., $1,«7I to SI,- SI. Um year as a pro, scored Cleve- Tnididcnraa — Laktwood: ZacM; Kalhrya Alexander, building $l*,Mt; Clem and Rachel PI., $2,725 to $2,300; John H. Cook, 4M; AmerMo and Ana Bruno, llrtreu Tinton Ave. Rlello, AUnauer Ml land'a first TD by scampering "JjJJ,. at II Snore Blvd., $2,M* to Cockroft, 71 Maple Ave., Red Jr., land and building at 721building and personal pro- Donald Carlson, 29, of -47 Sooth M yards to pay'dirt, then tacked ~Polnli after touchdown—Laatwood: $l,Mt, aad Arlene Russemas- Bask, kolMlag, $24,(M. Sycamore Ave., $4,250 to $3,100; perty at 77 Elm La,, $5,1*1 Sataraa,-. Kt..l, Bay St., Highlands, was fined Samutla (pluniDi Brick: Oibora (2) rklMelpkla HI, Miaaeamiia M on runs of five and 24 yards for placaminuacamuta., no and Julia Hoffman, build- Also John T. and Elizabeth Naomi Taylor, Eatontown, buil- to $4,Mi; Rey N. Koealg, •loa IU, HI. Loalu III $35 for being drunk and loitering additional tallies as he amassed omclaK; Maiwell, Klappar, French, lag at 1» Port Monmoutb Brockwell, building on Middle. ding $1,000 to $600; Louis Cassan, MyMcian III, Sew Voik IM at the Las Vegas Motel, Rt. 35, e building at 21 Sumybsnk Dr., Uelroil 111, Claclnaall Jtt.l 232 on the ground. Rd., $1,2*1 te $**•. town-Lincroft Rd., $16,200 t building at 448 Shrewsbury Ave., $5,171 to $4,Me; Joseph I. HaaaayV Hr»iilli Oct. 20. IM, Clncmaall Hit The 23-year-old Mitchell, using Little Silver — Mrs. Vincenw $14,500; James M. and Edith $2,000 to $1,375; William F. and Bayer, building at 21 Frances Dorothy M. Evers, building at 71 Mlunuwlii IM. rallaiflpkla IM rapier/like thrusts to open the Soviero, building at '284 Branch Connolly, building on Flomai St., $2,82* to Z,SM; William Uetralt 10:1, New York M Talk Scheduled Monmouth Drops Woodland Manor, $3,400 to $3,100, Toninrrow'a Htaedule defenses where Brown's bulling Ave., $4,375 to $3,675; Thomas B. Ave., Leonardo, $9,600 to $8,000 and Teresa Schlndkr, build- Alvin Kress of Little Silver,;.a and Frank B. Lawes, building at Hu>lun at Uelroll rushes fsiled, averaged 16.6 Judge, building at 508 Branch Douglas R. Niven, building and ing at 31 White St., $2,ue to Claclaaall vi. MynKUHi al Mew York psychologist connected with Poli- 15 Newman Springs Rd., $2,500 Ml. JdMla al New Vork yards a try to come within five Cage Opener Ave., $3,375 to 13,000, Anthony J, land on Nutswamp Rd., $10,100 $2,4N; and William T. and clinic Hospital in New • York yards of Brown's single-game Bublln, building on Branch Ave. to $2, Clconv, land »l MI Rt. 33, (13- IKM HL'IICII Wulrr CM., Cllfl I ami Klcinor Tlmli-r, nor nf Gcor«ctown University nnd Al IMIIIKH of St 2M (0 |I2,]2O| l)drl« Zllly, U mul pi'rsonnl property lit Washington, D, C, cdjjed mil •runcla, cm I rolled llu> buck mill, piw'tuinnl properly, $H,II land and bulldlii|| nt 12 Wt'il Mlnujiain Ave.. $111,200 to' $7,f compare everyday low, low prices ... Princeton's Dennis Wrlirtit foi jounls. I $,1,(11)0, Will! ('IIIIM'Mt of ilSHC Morris Avc, llolford, $M,. Inn Chance Trophy yenlordfiy l>y iir; Knyniond mul Muile l.env 000 In jn.OM; Rlcluinl I', mid Cnrol J, Kelly, building winning three «>( seven dlngliy In 1045, Alnlinmn ncori-tl 3!H 'CXIIH ltd., IIUIIIIIIIK on We nnil Marllynno A. l.udwlg, porsonnl properly nl 80 Rumson sailing racci, O'Connor topped ,)oj/i(s In nine football names hn iiiiiraljiirjj Mil,, $1,200 lo $1,0110. building st 3 llcallicr l.»,, ltd,, $11,100 lo $7,200, nil ' You'll Save More! •Itlht other skipper* with 7R i Soulhosilern Conlcrcnco ic Mlddlolown - iimlly nnd W New Mnnnnutb, $III,«M lo the content of the nimosNor, point*, Wright had 79. cord, Hum Luwkr, Jr., building ,it 4I5,«M; Harry Morrli, land J. Gordon C., bull- If7 IROAD ST., WO IANK S0« MOSNCT AVE,, LITTLf SUM* .."- :•*#, 'RMl tfTATIffM 4W f uu BEDBAW NOT MM MU Hovmtnmwon HOUWt Nov. W, 1 Day „_— KAUflCIAN UOtttL flit PREfOHT. trUMUflg l/Kn isttrBnoH cartAa% inin ntumtSi. SALE •uadr or seven later model can, M MCttoni Rent Id. CaUU RU 1-1721172JJ betwMn S Dayi Caaiecatlye. d orKM CO 1-3846l . HAMMOND trsck, R.C. switches, sold with or with -5 p.m. Aluminum ii OM of A* I 4 Dayt Couecutive . Me Line MAKE YOUIK mmR CHRISTMAS MERRY I out 275-watt transformer. Bsrgalr /URN1S1IBD six-room bouse. Three WALKER & WALKER most •bundMe <• «*• tuftfM Bright — Sell nationally advertise ORGAN STUDIO priced. To see In action call SH 7-0334. bedrcxims. located Hwy. 35, Mldle 5 Days Consecutive. 25c Line SALE — CONTEMPORAitV SOLID cor REALTORS crust. It is found in moit ooiniwm M Dayi Couecutive. products In your nelghbor&ood. Imde Of ASBLRY PARK .own. Call Ell 1-0773. 24c Line Hate placement In Fair Haven, Rei dovan mahogany dining' table chulrr .'1VE-ROOM bunnalow with garden and LITTLE SILVER rocks except limestone tod §ui- M Dayt CoatecuUve. 21c UM Bank", Itlddletown, Atlantic; Highlands Sale! — S,ervle« — Instruction and triple length sideboard, cost STU."» barn. Two box stalls for horses. Free stone. For Information call SH 1-43)3. Wr!t< RENTAL, FLAN ON ALL JIOUJCLS new, sacrifice S20U; upholstered clul> lold, Coil's Neck area. AT 1-2218. RAND NEW SPLIT-LEVEL IN Yearly Contract Rates On Request 25 Elizabeth Ave,, Hulse Manor, Polnl ipen dally 'til » p.m. Eat. 'til t:30 p.m. chair and slipcover 125; Magnavox ra- :XCELLENT LOCATION - Pleasant. Jookmaa Avt.-llaln Bt., Asbury rark dio record combination n" T.V. $35.1ELFORD — Three bedroom ranch. Minimum lasertfM rtre. Uaes All cash and carry. RU 1-182C. Close to schools and transportation. ear schools, bus and station, MO.VMCltTH COtTNTV CODBf DEPENDABLE. PLEASANT W0MA> ',125 per month. CHarler 9-S600 betweer Blind ads ustnt The Register's P. 0. Bo* 2!(! e*tra. to care lor two children. Monrla: PR 5-9300 ZENITH TRAN8-OCEANIC F.AniO. llkl ood construction by well-known PnoBATB BlVISfOW Th'ite "stcr"1* ' ""' °r "'"' tnr •dvertllem«nt •• "serve* and Thursday. Permanent poeltlon. Rel ntw, |>0. 2 Wall St.. Red Bank, ical builder. Living room with DOCKET NO. 66304 i rresr apartment), 6*9 p.m. URNigHED BUNGALOW — Living We will cot be responsible- tor errors, unless they art detected >rences. LI 2-2307. ALUMINUM COMBINATION ood burning fireplace, dining OP.rjKR TO SHOW CAUSB before the second Insertion. ^ LAB TECHNICIAN or practical nun FACTORY OUTLET SALE — Child room, dlnlig room, kltnuen, two bed- .n the Mutter of the Eitata of BBR< ' TILT WINDOWS -ooms, anu balh. Newly decorated $05. oom, spacious kitchen, three NARDO LO BIONDO. Deceased. * No cancellations win b« accepted or changes mad* In advanln- for doctor's office urtcrnoons, Ttn't snow suits, Indira ear <'uat3 jowstra Agency. Sif 1-8700. raenti one hour alter receipt at office, , LI 2-0033 All Sizes To Giant 36>6S 1 Rttl barnKlns. Tunl t'rncks. 7S WcK edrooms, l'/ baths, family Upon reudlnit and filing the em*. Genulns Alcoa Aluminum St., corner Oakland St.. Red Bank iPACIOUS OUR-BEDROOM ItOIiSE 2 pUlnt of James \jr> Blondo: DKAPERY 'OPERATOHS — TWO tspconri floor) 5*8 p.m. on larj;e lot with beautiful treus. Con ootn. laundry room, basement, It la on ihlr 13th day of Novembtr, DEADLINE 5:00 P. M. Day Men Publication steady work, good pay, experienced Mfgr's List 'enlPrt Rod Bank locntlon for shopping, ttached garage. Lot 125x100 lf>5a. ordered that Antonnfno Lupa, tfia only. Apply The Interior Shop, 23 DUCK DECOYS illhlic school, parochial school, station alleged daughter at Bernardo Lo Bl* CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Broad St., Red Bank. Call ENSIBLY PRICED AT $24,500. sgu REG. $17.95 ml 7-1GC5 ind bus. The Dowstra. Agency. 1)1 £. ando. show cause befors this court flt OFFICE ASSISTANT — PART-TIME Front St., Rert Bank. SH 1-8700. Wednesday the .'3rd day or [Member. Minimum 3 Window! 1&50, at 10 a. m. nt the County Court 1-5 p.m.. liv. days. Call IK T-2M0 Installation * Delivery Optional 21" RCA table model TV. $75. Inquire 10 a.m. - noon. ervlce Department, Entontown TV, VALKER & WALKER House, Freehold, Kew Jersey, why U» Frown's, 47 Broad It., It. 8. Hwy 35. Eatontown. LI 2-0400. monies deposited In the MonmmUl - Call Classified—SH 1-0010 or OS 1-0525 HOUSEKEEPER FOB WIDOWBB, In SH i-noo LAUNDROMAT (WESTINOIIOUSE) WANTED TO RENT County National Bank In th« account Calla on private telephone! an toll-fret to Oi/l-08'a from tht lol. Long Branch. Children 3, 0 years. REALTORS number F.11303 set forth ai Bernard* lowmi iutiou: LOw.ll «, coital 4. KBUubDsf «. WHItney I. Uvt In. Required December 10. Write Iictllent care and condition. US. LoBlondo In trust for Antonnfno Lupn, pnvltt 8H MJ« TWO-THREE BEDROOM ranch. 1100 -,, 2!"" 2?., «•'«*<»•• «• toll-lrw to SH 14010 from On qualifications, minimum salary, refer- to $115 per -month. Two In family. ighway 35 Shrewsbury should not be turned over to the estate gllowini mumr. ATlutls Hlihlandi i, CApllal J and S.Ubtrty J. ence! to. "December," Boi 811, R COUNTY ORGAN & Call after 6 p.m. OS 1-3254. ai part of the fund! of Uit estate of HJIhlandl ). OBborne 1, RUmion L 111 Brlfht >, and IBadrilda.l Bank. SHadyside 1-5212 Bernardo LoBlondo. ana 7, LADY LOOKINO FOR a good home, PIANO COMPANY MERCHANDISE WANTED FAMILY OF FOUR desires unlurnis'iiert And that the said Antormlno Ijipn ts may obtain same by writing anil apartment four or five room! by No- »tul livlnsT !nd sh* last railded In Call, Authorized CONN ORGAN Dealer u. s. COINS - STAUPI - Top price vember 30 or Drnpmber 11, Red Bank OPEN 7 DAYS giving full particulars about lelf In . B. VUinB — BrrASSS^ — lup prices vicinity: SH 7-8374. fornta and has not leen heard of for first letter. Full particulars win be Visit our studio-showroom. See and paiaid for gol(oldd , old currencycurrency, colleccoile - over a period of 40 yean and after ANNOUNCEMENTS •OATS i ACdSSOMB sent you upon receipt of your letter, hear the beauty of the CONN ORGAN. tions, odd lotli eld correspondence. I.OT OWNEliS diligent search. Mil address can not Wm. Hendrlckson. 554 Jtriey Ave Estata appraisals, Monmouth Stamps company moving from this area be ascertained. Union Beach, N. J. Then convince yourself that you can LOST AND FOUND NOW IS THS TIMX to order your play In 15 minutes. Coins, go Monmouth St. BH 1-0826. FURNISHED ROOMS Ters a lovely modPl hotnn at a sacrl It Is therefore ordered that a copy winter atortft coVtrl M'ori season- PIANOS — Highest prices paid. R Trn- ce price. Three bedroom-i, hllchon of this order bo advertlMd I" • LOST— GRANDMOTHER BRACELET. Hwy. 39 »U 7-2268 tilddietown Shops Intns; area. l»r([e Hlry LvinK room al rush. Call LO (-SOU. Larrf's Up- open 'til • p. m. except Saturday nr. Sot Main St.. Lakewood or Lake- MODEHN ROOMS FOR FOUR - Hank Register for (our successive Two disci and locket, engravei holstery Stop, Ilauwaa, N. J. wood «-2190 I10O monthly. TV. maid service, THE ttached hreezeway and Karaite. Thin weeks beginning November 18th; 1M9. "ll.J.N." CA 2-3160. ' HELP WANIED-MALE ADVENTURER OCKANFKONT, Long m will be moved to your* lot. Cat COMB BUB uu world"! flnnt boat! OLD FURNITURE — Antliiues, bric- 2«5M .JOHN C. OIORDANO, In New Umf* lawn ihowroora. ATTENTION, a-brac. Anything old. Clean up your Branch, CA 0-1000. Bujr now & ter savings trtnt at A • B Boat to cash. Phone CA tMMM. able. Reitomble rate, Osrsgi oen. Composed Copy: AUTOMOTIVE •am. AuthortMd Mercurr * Oils Buc- THRIFTY BUYERS! LOTS AND ACREAGE John Petlllo, Attorney. caneer Staltr, Hwy M, Bsltord. KX TELETYPE OLD PURNITVRB — AntlQUSl. calm. Uemen pceferrld. M Wallace at. SH 1 If you have limited flnaaelal resource! glaiswars. art ooleetl and bric-a- 1397. RUlNaDLAX is acres uncleared 12 Broail St.. AUTOS AND TRUCKS «-3838. — and an in need of furniture — may Red Bank, N. 3. we suggest you visit our Morale brac. Immediate eub for anything and ATTRACTIVE ROOM In private home, land fronting on Yellwobrook-Sfjunn. II' RUNABOUT U h.p. motor, Irallei PERFORATOR warehouse? everything. Ruicll'i, U But Front It. wllh bath. Kent and water supplied. urn Rd. Brook at rear of property. Nov. 14—23—30—Dec. 1 HT.W ISM BUICK K8TATB WAOON, radio, and ueiMorlM tuo. Oc ' 8H 1-UM. Quiet section. SH 7-3742. H 1-T2M. " " better, dynaflow. Call A7 l-MM. Three-Room Outfit! such u BIOS WANTED RU 1-0097 FOR BEASCOUT. ship North Star. FURNISHED ROOM — Frlvate bath, LOTH .-OR CUSTOM built homes. ACME RACER, with atatrlnf wheel. OPERATOR OUTFIT NO. 78111 Navy uniforms, dressj blue preferred. private entrance, excellent location. Sugar Maple ''ane (off Rlveraldale Tha Little- Silver Boar! of Muea- W53 FORD TWO-DOOR sedan, ««l llkt new. 175. KX 1-M4S, lea Elbtroo SII 1-4083 after «:30 cm. . Ideal for school teacher. Free parklr ~ e.l. New Shrewsbury, ndjncent new tlon wilt receive MAterl propoeals cov> . lent condition, radio, htattr, ntw Dely Comparliool ering labor and material for landacaa. Ave., Atlanhurit, USED SPINET PIANO Monthly basis only. Inquire SH 7-2. _ rlmmlnE River crade school. All utll- tlret, KB (-14S9. 120 Wilson Avt., Port v Three-piece bedroom suits or P.O. Box 55. Red Bank. N. 1. .les, new road. Plots average 1215x3011, Ing the grounds oC the Little Silver Monmouth. 11' RUNABOUT. U h.p. uutbotra mo- • Three-piece living room suite IN GOOD CONDITION: hnrie trues, Sft.OOO up- Douglas Downs, Point Road School. Sketchei at th« tor, contrail, complete outfit, I32i. NIGHT SHIFT i Five-piece dinette — plus losds of Phone CA 2-7562 STATE LICENSED — Hlllton Private Llverdale Ave. BH 10246. propoied work to be done with In* .JW7 OIDSMOBILE. Good concision. Call Oa HIM after I p.m. accessories Nursing Home. Inc.. Kings Hwy, Mid Rtructions are available at the Littlt (TO. dtetown, X. J. Vacancy available. Kea< Silver Bchool. ^rarkham Place, Mttl« BH 1-7237 Excellent working conditions . Take over balancs sonable rntes. OS 1-0177. Silver. New Jersey. Office of the 8ecra# PITS AND LIVISTOCK tary of the Board ot Education. A "LOT" of FOItUS—1352 through 1055. Many company benefits $166 REAL ESTATE WAMED All model!. Levlne'a. Hwy. 36. on- IUSINESS NOTICES Proposals should be In the hands of joslte Crand Union. KB tMMll. pay only 11.75 weekly CHIHUAHUAS AKC REQISTEREI1 pur ELF! We navs sold lei many proper- thR Board Secretary not later than No- pies. Also Hud service. Call LI i UNFURNISHED ROOMS ties that we want nori good lutings. NASH 1955 BIX CYLINDER FUEL OIL • HBATINO - Call SH For appointment call CO 4302] ran us now (or prompt professional vember 30, 19&9 and will ba opened Beautiful, two-tone, hydramatlc aedan 1-0610. oil Dtllvtry, Inc., Sarvict A29. nt the public meeting of the Board WRITE "TELETYPE" SUNNY Studio Room, heart of Lorn. ervlce. Walker and Walker, Real Es- of Education on ^December 3, 193* at took*, *runs like new. Ambassador Sales. 3 Herbert 8t, Red Bank. FIELD FURNITURE ONE YEAR OLD Branch. Ideal for seamstress, mas- ite. Insurance. Open 1 days, shrews- Country Club hardtop Continental. Pri- E. w. HOOFING, casiktof, and norm Box SH, Red Bank, N. J. Wooley monkey. aeuie, teicher. Interracial. Utilities. tirr office. SH 1-3212. Rarltan Office. 8:00 p. M. vate, one-owner well kept car. Radio, THRIFTY WAREHOUSE CA I1O16. ,O 4-S2I2. Nov. 16—IT M.M tteat, dependable, economical, complete- Hamate repairs (uncial ilx snlngles Light housekeeping. CA B2177. ly winterized, mow tlrea. Price S79S or ieis Including venl and chimney • or 7-11 E. Front Street OUERNSEY firm. No dealers. LO (.3882. Ml iulK»ig $12) 2« hour lenrlce. FR »-M2: COWS Maroy after 5 p. m. PALNTINO UNLIMITED—Interior and Apply in Person Keyport, N. J. OB 14861 ei terlor, quality painting. No job too COLLIE PUPB — Championship stock, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE QUICKIES By At V REYNOLDS 19M VOLKBWAQEN. Excellent condi- small or too larfe. Estlmtttt enter- 40 Broad St. Red Bank sable and tricolor. tion, au V.W. accessories: 1935 Bulck fully fiven. CA 2-30.1t. HAVE YOU A DOOItt •peclal two-door Riviera, excellent con- Convert It to team nibbtr soft. BH 1-7710 HOUSES FOR SALE dition; Ifi28 Pontlac coupe, restored. PAlNTlNa, Peperbanglni, Cellini Tilt, J-OAMAP.T. me. Jl, EATONTOWM CHINCHILLAS AND CAOE. 120 pair: 5, no cash needed. TREES AND LARGE LIMBS removed, Vacations, holidays with pay. Apply 34, Colt! Necki WH 6-4323. Bvenlngi, and four room*, boat dock, elevator. buy as a veteran with no money down, 1955 English Ford 1899, four-door He- Utility, tlai antenna poles let and in person. Eatontown TV. 10 Hwy. 36. WH 6-4333. patio on river. SH 1-2399. ai a civilian with low money down, or dan, no cash needed. 1950 Ford 195, framed. Fully Insured. SH 1-T83T or Batontown. roUK ROOMS fully furnisned. til util- by auumlng another "veteran'! mort- no caah needed. Levlne Motort, 4< BUB DRIVER — Full time, steady COMPLETE FIREPLACE SET brand gage, (3)—How much you want you new, two maple bedroom seta full ities, private entrance. 15 Third Ave., monthly payments to bo and in (4)— ©ceannort Ave., Went Lone Branch. work. Commercial experience abio- slie good condition. 08 1-OK8. Atlantic Highland!. OA 2-2468. lutllr neeessary. But experience help- What area you wtih to live—We will ful. Apply Rollo Transit, 275 Bwy, WEBCOK wire recorder. Built-in pre- FIRST FLOOR apartment — Two bed.locate a number of houses to choose J95S HUDSON FOUR-DOOR, tlr con- EMPLOYMINT Keyport. AMP, mike and spool of wire. Wed- rooms, living room, dining room, ^, call you to iet up a definite - dltloned, all.power units. Call Ocean* ding gown, size 12. KB 8-05ZI). kitchen. One-car gar&gc. Immediate oc- tjtpolntment and In one iwoop ntlafy tort Tap Home, LI 2-977«, HELP WANTED-FEMALE OFFICE WORKER — Experienced, for cupancy. SSO per month, no utilities your needi because we will bt pre- •JB51 CHRYSLER WINDSOR two-door record keeping, typing and general 17 CUBIC FT., upright freezer. Per- Included. Call Ayers-Trutolo Agency, 1? pared. " hardtop excellent mechanically, new office, work In Chemical plant. Good fect condition. Call Church St.. Little Silver. SH 1-2B38. ariuw tires. LI 2-3075. ELECTRONIC ASSISTANCE salary, employee benefits. Apply Cen- LO 6-2519 tury Chemical Corp., Horseshoe Rd EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS, weekly Being New Jdney'i largest residential BTUDEBAKER '58 SCOTSJfAN. fall CORP. at Main St.. Sayrevllle. N. J. FURS (new and used) at reasonable rates. All utilities, utensils supplied. real estate brokers offers us many ad* sue lour-door. Economy car, A-l con- prices. For appointment call CA 2- Riverside Motel. Foot of Cooper's vantages we can pans on to you. We liltlon, one-owner, low mllcnge. very 20 BRIDGE AVE. RED BANK MAN with minimum 1-2 years machine 5428 after 5 p.m Bridge. Rt 35, Red Bank. have more listings to choose from— reasonable. KB 6-1073. shop experience for general setup AMERICAN MAPLS Covcrnor Wlnlhrop TWO-ROOM Furnished -Apartmrnt lor we have over fifty (50) salesmen to HAS OPENINGS FOR work. Call CO 4-30SQ. desk, American large p!ne corner business couple. Adults only. No petfl. give you our individualized "Person< 1957 PONTIAC — Thlt Catallna four- all zed Service" and we liava four of- door hardtop hat power steering, pow- EXPERIENCED ELECTRONIC ROOFING and tilling mechanics; In. cupboard, American cherry Governor »H 1-2715. er brakes and a genuine loatlier inter- suiation mechanic. Apply 9 a.m. In Wlr.throp desk, unusual pine corner flcei covering rlno countlea. sulatlon * Siding Corp., 905 Main 8t. waahstand. old double and llnlle stu- APARTMENT on Riverfront, Rumson, DON'T DELAY—WRITE TODAY ior. Stop In and drive It. Maurice WIRERS dent lamps, large pint bellows, colfie Three rooms, bath, utilities Included, Schwartz A Sons. 141 W front St., Asbury Park. 195 monthly. HI 3-1204. " If you wish to lafco five minute* o fled Bank. SH 7-0787. SOLDERERS table, rocklnr chairs, putt Ntw Eng- your time to write us you can b# LABORATORY TECHNICIANS —Exper- land commode (suitable for HI-FI) pine THREE ROOMS furnished, utilities worry free on your homing problem* 'OS MERCURY MONTEREY, Willie. MANY FRINGE BENEFITS. ienced, organic and inorganic analy- grain bin, unusually large carriage linens, parking Included. Clean, dc Two door hardtop, only owner, mov- sis; also laboratory development work llghti. Can-lute Home Antiques, Syca- and not spend needless weekends |rop PAID HOLIDAYS, PAID VACA- on dyes, organic pigments and organic ilrable neighborhood. Adults only. 89 plng in the dark and wasting valuabl ing out of town about December l, more Ave., at Shrewsbury Ave.. KewProspect Ave., corner John St., SH 1- time. .Wonderful condition, Power steering, TIONS, HOSPITALIZATION IN. Intermediates. Good salaries and em- Shrewsbury open Monday through Sat- 26S8. available Kov. 16. radio, heater, brand new battery. ployee benefits. Apply Century Chemi- urday 11-8:30. ... , Monmouth County Office Jl!»5 SH 7-1747. SURANCE. cal Corp, Horseshoe Rd. ft Main St. LONG BRANCH — Three-rooms fur Sayrevllle, N. J. OIL BURNER — new hot air lumance, nlshed, tile bath. Convenient to bus™ -MUST BELL — 1DM BUCK Special. APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL complete with all controls, Reason- shops. Renufvnnnip rent. Includes utili- Four-door hardtop, power steering MAN FOR MAINTENANCE: work. able. LI 2-2607. ties. CA 2-5330. CA 23481. THE BERG AGENCY and brakes. Excellent comlltlon. f!)50. SH 7-5100 - ASK FOR MR. C. Must have tome experience In car- "Personalized Service" Call Wednesday a.m. Jtl) 1.0880. pentry. plumbing and able to drive ANTIQUE BHEBATON SIDEBOARD or MODERN LARGE ONE-room etflclcne. VAN ATTA. truck or tractor. Olva full particulars buffet, about 1820, nMhogany veneer apartment, private bath, e.iragc. EOTH DSborne 1-1000 HS to experience ttnd references,) "Trac- on pine. OS 1-OOM. location. Refined woman preferred. SH MIDDLE-AOEO WOMAN, IP htlp with tor", Box Ml, Rtji Bank. 1-8394. Rt. 35 " "llWdietown, *N. 9, HOUSE TRAILERS children and hbtistworll In exchange USED FURNITURE — Crib, S!5; u Daily 99 """ '"'" ' 'Si'Cteiinl lor loom and board, vim email allow- SERVICE STATION SALESMAN — right piano, |50; electrie stove, tl35; PORT MONMOUTH — Four roomi ance. SH 1-4H9. Full tlmt work. Days. Must be me- breakfast set, $50; conference table, furnished, All utilities. Adults only. 1IUST SELL—Deceased party. Frlvate chanically inclined. Good references. •HI; files, |35 to ISO; one tmall isle. KE 6.(156. ASBURY PARK - beautiful houi* foi "Tha dryef I wanfed in +h. R«giitar Want Ads WASN'T tale. 1M9 Orand trailer home, two OPBKATOR8 Apply in person to make out applica- 110; one large sale, .1135; desks, $40 tfate contains four apartments nnc bedrooms, air conditioned, 10'x4r, full Pocket makers, lining makers, colU tion form. Icenlo Bsto Station, Rt. 36, 0 1125; chain »20 to S50. AlberAlb.rt THREE ROOMS furnished, tile bath •lx renting rooms. House In good con 40 faat of clothatlina!" aluminum awnlnr. Cost 15.340. Will tell makerf, collar tetterf, single needle Highland!. Burdge jV Son (nut to BKInbaeh'l i fireplace, electric kitchen. 1110 in d It Ion. residential lection. Good monej for H.50C. Lived In two months. KB «•operators. Steady mark. Shore Clothing parkins lot) 34 Clay St., Red Bank. ciudta utilities. Also two rooma un- maker. Inspect and be convinced Jt'i Co., W Leonard «t., Keu Sank. BOYS — 13 to 17, earn eitra money furnished, tile bath. J65. Ott Agency, nice. PR 6-8717. 0921. in Christmas Jobi, Part-tlm* work, BABT CARRIAGE T Highland Ave., Rumson. RU 1-1140. MATURE HOUBEWORKER to help Ptione ail 7-0661 from 4-8 p.m. good condition, SIS. SPLIT LEVEL — Living room, dloinj NASHUA 1998 HOUSE TRAILER 28', with house and children, 1-7 p in., lix SH 1-7077. THREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED room, four bedrooms, family room .like new, 1U00. ay week. BH 7-3470. ELECTROLUX CORPORATION needs apartment with hath. |H,«0O. Mortgage, V6%, can be as- men for tales and service depart PIANOS—Save 1200 or mori olf list AT 1-S8O7-M. sumed. |110 monthly carryJnj chargei. KG 4-2981 EXPERIENCED fountain girl. Apply ment. Apply Ht 508 Prospect Ave., Lit- price on brand ntw 81-note spinet pi* In peraon. Howard Johnlon'e, . tle Silver Shopping Center. anos. 10-year guarantee. Corns see andModern 214 rooms, furnished, utilities FOR RENT — MOBILE homa 10' WwI1.?.w* asI., Mfddletpwn. save. We service what we sell. Tenter's supplied. 100 Wallaca St., Rei SUN RANCH HOME — Living room, 50' long, $100 per month plua utili- OPENINGS Uusle Store, SOS Main St.. LA «-2l9O. Bank. dining area, modern kitchen, four bed- ties. Call CO 4-1286. COOK-HOUSEWORKER for two adults Due to Increase In business, we need rooms, patio, |l,700 down. $16,500, must be eiperlenced cook and do four men who are Interested In the Evening and Sunday by appointment. FOUR LOVELY R00M8 and bath. 1957 VACATION TRAILER — 15', rst floor houiework. Live In. own retailing business. It you are chosen, CLEARANCE SALE — Up to 40 per' Oarage. 151 Wall Street, West sleeps five, stove, water lank, ice oom. bath, TV. SH 7-2M0 after 7 p.m. you will he expected to start work cent off on drapery and slipcover Long Branch. Schanck Agency hot, gat HfliU. Call CA 9-35(3. at once. For full Information apply fabrics. Draperies made to order. SI- UNFURNISHED SECOND FLOOR, five I Uaan PI. Ktd Sai 'OUNO LADIES, must bs wtlllnar ti by letter to "Retailing," Box 511, RedMON'S FABRIC CENTER, Sunset Ave. learn to tress shirts and wearing Bank. room apartment. Two bedrooms, heat SH 7-0397 MM ANDERSON. 44'. 8' wide. Two ipparel. Permanent minions open. Ap- at Hwy 35, Albury Pirk. jnrt water supplied. Excellent residen bedrooms, new lilile-a-Iied. carpet ply Donald'a Laundry. 44 Marlon St., MAINTENANCE MACHINIST — Must LIKE NEW RCA Eitata delui electric tlal area. 1120 per month. Call Ayers Plus all accessories. Reasonable. LI ted Bank. BH 1-0203. be well experienced with use ot ma- stove, two window ovens, griddle. Trufulo Agency. 16 Church St. SH 1-2838 VETS OR NON VETS t-2339. BOOKKEEPER — Accounts Payable. chine ihon tooll. Should have Ingenuity M90 model. SH 7-5104. KEANBBURO — THREE ROOMS fur- $1,000 down and $70 monthly buys Experienced. Knowledge ot typing. for maintaining, rebuilding machinery. nished or unfurnished. this four-bedroom home. Good Call LI 2-1200 between » a.m. and I WINDOWS. TWO D.H. Mul., 2'S"J3'«" KE «-15C2 Pleasant working conditions. Liberal pffn. for appointment. each with combination aluminum location. Oil heat, sewers, alum- employes benefits. Canterbury Knitters storm windows and venetlu blinds, TWO BOOMS FURNISHED — Avail- TRACTORS I,td., Locust Bt., Keyport. 'ART-TIMB TRUCK DRIVER. Musi 115. BH 1-3372. able December 1. 18 Beacon Blvd., inum siding, completely redeco- have, own transportation to and from T YPIST FOR EVENINGS and ever, work. OS 10118. MATCi: ;.O SOFA BED Keanaburf. rated. Price $10,000. 5>A% mort- MODE I, 641 WOI'.KMASTER Ford trac- other Saturday. Must be huh. school and chair, dark ft. 123. THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED all gage. tor. Front end loader. iradtiate anil rapid typist. Write full SNOINEER8 (Mechanical, General and LI 2.2304. utilities supplied. Immediate nci-unan- OS 1-0S6I etalli. P. O. Box 148, Red Bank. Industrial) starting salary S6.285 per annum. Naval Ordinance Kfaterla: FR1O1DA1RB REFRIGERATOR — 11 cy. One or two adults only. KG 6-2391. Handling Laboratory, u. S. Naval Am cu. ft., small fretting compartment. LONG BRANCH — Clean, nicely tur- ELLA WILTSHIRE AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS munition Depot Earle, Red Bank, N. J. JSCi. SH 1-4411. nlshed three-room apartment. Tile. These position* nr« in Career Civil COMMERCIAL TYPE paint iprayer bain, moilern Kitchen, conveniently lo- Service. Must have degree in engineer- 3-gal. capacity. »i h.p. electric motor. cated. CA 2-5808 or CA 9-2576. AGENCY ing and two yeari professional engineer- Jacobsen rotary power mower, 31" cut TWO AND THREE-ROOM furnished Ins; experience. Recent engineering Excellent, reasonible. Llncroft Oulf Sta- apartments and bath. Rents for Sfio- 1480 Ocean Avenue Sea Bright graduate! and those wltb, less than two tlon, Newman Iprlngi Rd. ss Iwlmmlng 190 per month. Includes all utilities. ears experience will also be con- River Rd. ' SE 2-0004 sidered at lower salary rates. Apply to Private entrance. 8H 7-4574. Industrial Relations Offlctr, SH t'20M REFRIGERATOR — Frstatr. combina NEW, large, riverfront. «8S and 1100.ALMOST NEW 8PLIT.LEVEI1. Very or FR 1-1000, ext. 2M. - tion, two years old; gaa dryer, v 175 Monmouth Blvd., Fortaupeck. CA large living room with dlnlnK el. yeara old. LI 2-1937. 2-1610 or CA (-1371. largo kitchen, (our bedroom!, two IUU11 Tht calls that rtnt vacant HI-FI component! — compute Ht-uu COMPLETELY FURNISHED and re- and a powder room. .°5. bath. All utilities Included. Coupler Tivo-burner hiillt-ln f»» range (op, only. 185 per month, nvallahle Nov. 1.>.F.H.A.- Only J650 down! Four-bedroom ciai cett d»«rly—but tha Cl 134.95 regularly 141.95. Built-in ovens CA 8-4831 or CA 2-7291 after S p.m. Colonial. 1J4 baths. Full basement ARE BOSH NEK. SITUATIONS WANTED, Female 120.SH nnd up. FOUR ROOMS. UNFURNISHED. Hctit Only *90 yearly luel Mil. IU.86O. Total adt that bring good tonanti don't raally CROWN KITCHEN CENTER and electricity supplied. Immediate monthly payments J11S.97. Read Prl. BABYSITT1NO, at your home oi mini. !Iwy 35 BH 7-2553' Hlddletown occupancy, alt 72287. day's ReeHter (or our extensive list cost at all—thay pay. Ings. Or light houtokeeplng. WASH1NO MACHINES AND DRYERS TWO-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. SH 1-toSl COIN OR NON COIN OPERATED Private entrance. 219 Monmouth St., If you hava a vacancy now, or havo WOMAN Will care for preschool child- METERS. |50 AND 175. MUST IELL Red Bank. Ray Van Horn ren In her home. 111 week or DVER 30 PIECEB, CONTACT MR. 804 niver Rd, Fair Haven » cent! hour. SH 1-1924. CAMPBELL, 39 CHAPIN AVE., RED ona coming up, dial SH I-0010 today and/RiAn old Mfayin gElsewbert ... but In this case! BANK ANY EVENING AFTER 6:30 EXPERIENCED Steno-Seoretary wlitieL EXCEPT MONDAY, NO PHONE, COMMERCIAL RENTALS batwaan I A. M. and 5 P. M. for a truer thin aver before. Our stock part-time work, »:M to a p.m. Mon- ALLENHURST ty thru Friday. SH 1-3157. Two 4'4"l*'o" storm sash: one 4'4"lOFFICES FOR RENT - In heart ol is at an all Urge high; come in tor «'S": storm door, III light, 2'»»i"j One of the older nuBllty homes of iun< ikillad and helpful Ad Writar. Sha'lt BABY IITTING DAILY In my home ' LI 2.2K8. Red Bank. the deal that's an absolutely amai- betwien now ami Christmas, Call 811 7-1100 confjtrnctlon on large cornet halp you placa a vacancy filling ad in Rll 7-0323 'ABLE — DROPLEAF, mahogany Dun- plot, twn hlocks from the ocean, Fnui ing money saver! can Pnylc, ojiL'n* to f'al n. cus- FACTORY lofti and storage ipsce tor inrRti berl rooms, two modern hattm. tom par?s, Reasonable. BH 7-3072. rant. Also itore on White 91. walk-In closets. In hest a?ctlon oi a hurry- Call SH 7-1100. town. Worth Inspcctlnfi. $37,000, TV — OB, 21" table model with tins*. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE Excellent working condition. CA 2- ONE OR TWO-ROOM olllqp. Broun PI Call today and boat your rant low 6.2I17. Shrewsbury, fhone RU l-lia.'! or 81 JOHN C. CONOVER AGENCY UALE, whlto licensed practlcnl nurse 7-3001. 110 Corllei Ave. AHentiun problem. ^"^. TYPICAL VALUES! MANY MORE! wlahfs private home cases, medical, STflAIOIIT STOLES — Black fo» with •rglcal. U p.m.-7 i.m. CA M2!)l, HiaHLANDS — LAFtflE STOKE for KE 1.2500 Eve*. Pit 3'4l muff, blue fox. «' long. 160 each, rent. EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE, honest Onod condition. SI! 1-7211 htfore 2 p.m. Ill •59 FORD VICTORIA $21151 man wlihei part-time Janltorim work, . — Christmas or utility. Fine fiTri KE" BE D jwoirniwe i R1H, V-t, F0M, W/W. loaded, Exceptionally clean ill aftnr 5 o'clock. Ill 7-M31 materials. Completn selection. Call tH •PAC1OUS AND ATTRACTIVE home \\'i per cent mortifufrc. Mvlny mem •7211 rielore 2 p.m. located In tho huslnrnji ?.onc of Itnl ith dining «r«n, lergo IcLtchun. «ll"h onMmntr car. MAN will to yard, cellar cltulng, Bink available fnr rent. Bultable lor washer, Kursco, basement. PulHMlv f -i window wishing, light trucking, floor 9111 BEIOKTONED lUIO, «3S. Twooffice, nhop, etc. The llnwstrn Acen'-v, Ished recreation room. (15,W0. tilt 7-5M ileanlng, waxing. AT 1-1IM. 1)1 E, Front Bt., Red Bank. SH 1-B700, '56 FORD FAIRLANE $915 I each. WII.LINO TO HACIlil'-lCH lor i|u:c CARPENTER - THIRTT YBARS' er nOUND FLOOR OFFICE consisting sule two.he(]TDDm CanD Cotl, expsr Mr, V4, F0M, R«U1, rad and white, Immaculate. ptrlinM, wants light carpenter work OltOAN — CONN MINUET. Ill month! of three rooms ami powder room slon attic, full cellar. l).»''.i-nd •"•"' qiilct neighborhood, all 7.2144. REGISTER by day, hourly or contract. Rate! rea old. county organ • piano Co. HwyIn excellent Reil Ilnnk lnr>atlon. Knr aonabli. CA (-I7M. M. Mliiilletown Khor«. Slf 7'22O», op«n meilr tisetl by a Doctor, Tile Dowstra CUSTOM BUILT — Twn-year old ...... •57 PLYMOUTH SAVOY $195 'till 9 p.m. exctM Saturdays. Agincy. HI E. Front St., Reil Hank. room Cape Cod, two lull bnths, base 4-dr, I eyl., ilaadard, gray and white. FORD RNO1NE — V.a slity. Com- BH 1.8700. ,,i»nt, caruKe. drslrahle sentlon. Ne* This car turn and looki like a new one Plele *ilh starter, generator, dlttrlb- TWO STALLS In garage, ench apprnx Monmouth. OS 1-07811 nfter 8. Classified Ads FINANCIAL ulur, transmission, etc. Good condition, linntely 5O'xl2' with overhead doors. 1.15. FR B.046S ivtnlnn. FRKKHOM) — Inccmie" pro|i7rty prlc iUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Rltltsljle for plumber. riirju'nU"" • flfl.iVK) two apflrtltienls that will glv '56. MERCURY $ IAN1) TOOLED LKATIIKIl tooils. other contractor. Additional space ava 1200-ll'U) per moulh, One apaltinen DILICATBI8EN AND Luncheontltl In Place ynur onlrr now for Christ- able. Rent all nr rart. Also nlgrat., renlril, nun available, Located floulh Mr. Sedan, HIM, light green, priced below wholesale nils .HllvtT.v. WailcK, oowllng bags, of aiitomnbllcs. Wrlls "Onrsfe," P.O. l.lnoroft shopping enntjr. Eacillmt Box ]|], rtumson. Hi, yn n-KBo. Where good tenant opportunity. Call «U 1-OSBS, iilrses, etc. C. L. Marker, RD S, Fret- KKAN8F1UItfJ — Two-sl'iry IINUI '56 FORD VICTORIA $995 iQlil. Fit B-(l23tl. Call liftweon «-9 p.m. cnrnrr lot. Klve rmnn*, hot wstel Light Blue and white, R*H, FOM, W/W, One cf the >HK1NO |H» FOR OR portable illsli- hrnt, city water and sewers, M.900, uatcfi for your washer,. rlnari, wisliti, and dryi HOUSES FOR RENT KB tew rest creimpulfs, Priced right, INSTRUCTION dinner inrvlce for 10, one-yesr rjhl, 100 off i^irrhnift price. FrlRldalre WIDE SELECTION UP~~RENTAL* - HIX'HOOM VAl*a f'OO Mil Miff ncre, IBM,, TAB,, KEYPUNCKEPUNCH nshlng machine complttely iiiKimatlo, nnn In towit ntirl nchnoiH. Two-C* rental offer •58 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN $1145 rurnlihed and unfurnished, Immedi- inruRO nntl muny exirnn. Hliovn by Wiring iictuitiicttl mtshlnn.mhl DaD y nr Kt>«»K - nlnrlt>r and rsloriur In excrjlent con- ate occupancy, Ssm'MI T«lcn»r Aiencv, npfiolntmrnt nn\y. flll lM'tS • pan, V->, RAH, FOM, gray and white, ing. uniioni, oc IIU»INBBR MA. lltlon, 165. fill 1-SliH Oceanport Ave., Ocennport Call or dial :HINES. 7D0 Rrnnrt II.. Newirk LI 2.35WI nr LI 2.3501. SIX Iton.MK, porch, hot water hpat Can pats lor brand new. JIA 4-I3DI — It B. Watt St., Trtnlon UNlNri-llOOM HKT — MshiiKnny ' I' Karniie. fS.noo. Four foomi, EX MOM, tirnnk-front, ilrnn-Irnf ladle, two srm AVAILAIILB NOW - One b«lr«m 'hairs, 1115. Kllfhfn talilt wllh six bungalow, unlurnlilied, Yonrly, mi. Oil A»oncv I nnhiand Ave, ilinlrs, ISo^jColl inter llp,tn. I.I_2-147I. SII I-Hai nson. III! MMn, HKVKN liooMH, «ur««», 1H IIKYM, OHlKY llKFItirKiUTlRKr7|p IIANCI1 IIOMK IINFIMtNIHIIKH, Iwi: riunlFiil lirnnut rock flreiii AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER MERCHANDISI me cnmiinrtincnt. pxcellrtit condition, lirilrooms, 112.1 inmilhly, yrnrly rmt f'li!iriniti|{lioino,lW{) liloclm Iroin IH' FOR SALE 1711, Dll I HUM, n) nml jii'Vrni! liimlMlicil nri.l mi CALL IKIHHKT II 'rf)T'"nliii|..i "»lllnr l-CMi.!- liirnlilii'd ri'MnH In sll sl/i't im,| prlri l"r. 17 MlrlilKan Mr,, ]',,i| >t,,ii- r^incri, Kiln Wiltshire A RI'III-V. MKll I.TVuuoV'\* - t-nH>IIIMtil11 KROLL MOTORS, INC. liNHnIXSlW fur ttltCFiiii Mil l»i- until ln-twoiin [)U;:lD nirirrilii«n. DlTllll AVr',, Xl'll_Jlrlt)ll. UK VIMIIII, Kcrrctii'il [IMM'1M, , ftftnjl jjmniiMlnl fnrn your puri'linsn If your chliil is l 1> . tirr i-rtit O, 1. 471 BROADWAY daiiiniilr. Kull allowaiM'i] uf nil rentnl r\V(»*ni:hiiT7oM norni'i cm n«i|,i. IUI" !tl7!ill<), H|[ l-;i|ll. SH 1-0010 LONG BRANCH i ctiirfmitc. .CUiilim |,'ii| |nr I'lllrlllirv IMntrl- 'ri"1VK iM.V.'ll" Tli CA 2-3600 -, lull l rfrio maaiiTniT nd InrRii stiirHKf srrn. 1,1 'J-U^l'J. •J.nv.'fl nr liio H«I:I, dt lirii.tfx tutit Unit Lnh All lilltk^s. nrw or ilit'tl, nuarnntofd. im iMnrtciu" ''mi I"1 itiy lernii. "liny am whnrt limy fix .IDYIt1' milTH, CAU l't)AT,"«lit~lll, !•'•' I'i'Mt InfT-ll \sl «m." Inw «! yit. Kurplon's, 1 ul Mnn. goo1 cotiilltlun, rrim'tiinlilit. liaili. l.ili fli'Min A>V, fea tltl«lll .Mnnifiiy iiiiviiimiC*, *"*'. moiilh Rl. N««l m ilmittir. HI! lolKt OH |.l(il« lownmn M AxtlM'n, PK Slllli, «»-M>tAT, KM. 16. 1989 HEP BASK BECISTEB Double Hits County Motorists TRENTON - Thirteen has proved an unlucky number tor C Q M PA N Y MonmouUi County motorists. AStUIV PAIK Ned J. Parsekian, acting Di- rector of Motor Vehicles, announ- ced here that 13 county drivers had their licenses revoked for as- sorted violations under the Point System for periods up to six months. He said 13 others lost the driv. ing privilege for a month for speeding faster than N miles per hour on the highways or 70 on the superhighways. Wha They Are Here are his lists: Robert B. McGeddy, 20, of 23 Maryland Ave., West Long Branch, license revoked six months for speeding twice, care- less driving, reckless driving without a license. Revoked for four months each were the driving rights of Stanley Nixon, Jr., 22 of South Bridge A IOOK MIR will epm tomorrow at OcMnport School Ave., Red Bank, for speeding and under the sponsorship el the Parent-Teacher Attodttion involvement in a prior point sys- for a three-day run. Arranging book fair, left to right, tem cue; Lewis Wynn, 74, Engllshtown, for careless driving, are Mrs. John Nagel, Jr., Mrs. Harry Kedney, Sr., and leaving the scene of an accident MM. Edward Laurino, Jr. and passing a red light; and Philip B. Washington, 19, Asbury Park, for speeding three times, St. Agnes PTA PTA to Hear improper passing and going through a stop light Book Fair Set Stopped for three months each ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Dr. Lovett were Anita Narducci, 32, of 361 A. Book Fair, sponsored by St ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Fairview Ave., FaJrview, for Agnes Parent-Teacher Associa- Dr. Gabriel H. Lovett of Mon-speeding twice, and disrageard- tion, will be held Sunday, Nov,mouth College will be guest ing a stop sign and traffic light; 39, through Tuesday, Dec. 1, speaker at a meeting of the local George H. Cambeis, 19, of 89 conjunction with • file of religi- Parent-Teacher Association on Neptune PI., East Keansburg, ous articles being heM by the Thursday night. for speeding three times, going Rostry Altar Society. Dr. Lovett will discuss the through a stop light twice and The hours will be Sunday. need for foreign language educa- making an improper turn, and a. m.-3 p. m.; Monday, 9 a. m tion at the elementary and sec-Anthony Ricciardi, 35, Point Rd., 3 p. m. and 7:30-9:31) p. m.; Tues ondary levels, as well as in coVLittle Silver, for speeding and in- day, 7:30-9:30 p, m, lege. He will review what is be-volvement in a prior point sys Books will be available for pre-ing done, and what could be tern cue. achool and school age children done along these lines. On the list for two month re- as well as for adults. Dr. Lovett who entered Mon vocations were M. Joseph Zandy, vramerc Mrs. John Fina, PTA presi- mouth's modern languages de- 32, of 131 Hudson Ave., Red Bank, dent, alto announced last week partment in 1957, is currently for speeding three times, and that a pantry shower for the sis-conducting an experiment in Lit-Maximino Gomez, 29, Asbury ters of St Agnes will be held af- tle Silver, teaching French to 69Park, for speeding and involve- ter the PTA meeting tomorrow first graders, at the rarest of ment in a prior point system . night. their parents.,Once a week, af- ease. ter school,' the youngsters learn One-month Point System re- French conversation, songs and vocations were ordered for HOME games, assisted by Mrs. Helen Charles E. Sigler, 38, of 20 Al- Pike, wife of the head of Mon- bert St., Red Bank, for speeding IMPROVEMENTS mouth's language department twice, Improper passing and fail- • Basemeato, Deos Flnlabed Dr. Lovett has taught at ure to keep to the right; Edward • Ftat Cabtaet Work Washington Square College of H. Kip, 59, Allenhurst, for speed- • The first Bra thai Always fits'BOTH eupt! •-Fermka Week New York University. ing three times; Andrew Beres, His publications include articles 29, Farmlngdale, for speeding • Even "in-between" sixes achieve perfect fit. LAURIA Manufacturing in his field, text books in Spanish twice, careless driving and driv- « MIC - Free Estimates sod an encyclopedia of Latin ing without a license, and Arthur • Each cup gives and adjusts individually to each side 2.50 American History. - J. Rlegert, 33, Farmingdale, for speeding twice and going through • You get perfect fit all day, every day! two stop lights. and 5.00 The W-71 List • And all at a price as pretty at you'll look—from as low as 2.50 Speeders who lost licenses for month apiece, upder the 60-70 m. p. h. campaign included Ho- "Tomorrow" Long Lino, 5.00—B and C, 34-40 General Electric ward Davis, 28, AUentown; wU liam. Griffin, Jr., 34. and LeRoj Brown, 21, Asbury Park; Prank L Gaskill, Jr.. 23, 27S Ocean "TOMORROW" is a truly new kind of Bra—new and young from Warner's. . . and the nicest, nafuraf-esf Blvd., Atlantic Highlands: Ralph W. Crowley.' 51, Brielle; William shaping bra you ever saw! Truly magic design to fit to perfection due to the seam-free power net sec- S. Burton, 31, Fair Haven; Wil- FILTER FLO liam Allan, 4t, of 132 Twillgh tion around the cupi. Fashioned of fine cotton broadcloth . . . "Tomorrow" Short Bra, 2.50 Sixes A.32-36; Ave., Keansburg; Cecil V. Mur- rell, 33, of 125 Liberty St., and B, 32.38; C, 32-40. ; solves bleaching problems Donald Stokes, 36, of 99 Cooper Ave., both of Long Branch; STElNBACtrS CORSET SALON, Street Floor and Asbury Park Frank O'Donnell, 44, Matawan; AUTOMATICALLY! Clay A. Barnes, 40, of 3 Warden Ave., Rumson, and Charles Bur- ger, 41, of Short Hills. Through the state, Mr. Parse- Uan aald, 197 license revocations were made for the week ending Nov. 6, of New Jersey Residents convicted under the 60-70 pro- gram. Since last Jan. 1, when the campaign started, 6,740 resident drivers and '3,789 non-resident operators have had their driving privileges revoked for such ex Anticipate Your Hosiery cess speeding. Home state motor vehicle departments of non-resi< dents involved were notified of the revocations. Needs and Save! ATTENDS CARRIER SHOW Noel R. NUson of 40 Birch Ave., Little Silver, last week at- Nov. 16 thru Nov. 21 . New, Exdmlvo tended the first showing of I960 model room air conditioners by G-E BLEACH DISPENSER' Carrier Corporation, for Carrie dealers. The show was held in totems ALL TIMM Servlcetl the Concord Hotel, Kiamesha This is Lake, N. Y. The new conditioners are styled by industrial .designer iMMithtiitM immttm Raymond Loewy. The new mod' els feature a line of ins talt-it-your Hosiery Week self units.

Featuring Now "Diamond" Pattern Eye-Catehlng Taxfurad Vlu$ fomoui fxduilVo G*I Nylon Hoie. Buy the 3-Peir Box for Extra Wear, Extra r" Non-Clogging, Moving Flltt* Pont Wear Them l Savings. TTW^fAutomafk Cycles u l/fj£ Mony Other Important Conveniences! ftraet < By the Yard ^ Reinforctd Shetri 3 potn, 4.3S v Micro Mtih Hoie 3 pain, 4.35 Lath* ft* I 3.00 3 Dtmi To* 3 path, 4.10 Five wonderful yards of Coro's a pull-aptrt fake, pearli to mass Service Shetri 3 pain, 3.90 about your throat, to weer any one of • hundred different ways, Sandal Foot 3 pain, 5.70 rovu woHY-nu WHIN YOU BUY on to give to the fashionables on your Christmas Hit. Have them Diamond IM*d. Lath. Only) 3 pain, 5.70 Mi—iMth County's Largest Sain and Service Ortanliallea with a creemy cultured finish or i with the white look of fresh wafer Colors; Shell, Bali Roie, South Pacific. pearli. EATONTOWN Sizes I'/j.ll, Short, Average, Till STEIN It ACII'S 1 Elf KIM TV ft APPLIANCE CO. Street tluur mid Asbury Park \ 50 Hwy. 35 Eatontown STEINIIACII'S HOSIERY Street Floor and Asbury Park LI 2-0400 3 mln, itillon nil from Alburn fjf OMM DAILY TO 10 P. M, • Mil PARKING Mnl ML lOtfU

,.;«•-• J