WEATHER far a I Cta* today, teeright at* OTMKTOV* HttgB tSUJ BB8 SSW SHodyid* 14010 tsabjkt hi tha Us. Chase* af rala taeasrmr, U|h ol N. HotoT ttmifk Tridw. tnun* u tteeol CMM Sbtttr PAGE ONE VOLUME LXXXn NO. 65 AM Buk, H. /., mrfir tt* Act ol tank's, im. RED BANK, ,N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1«, 1959 7c PER COPY Gloucester OfficialBystander, Two Cops Hurt Plane With 40 Bars Sunday Sales In Bandit Chase, Aboard Feared Defies Order; Car Strikes Local Stores9 Hold Man for River Phza Down in Gulf Girl When Business Brisk Stickup; Seek Two Others Boy, 15, Dies Weather Delay. Highway stores sad others Brakes Fail normally operating on Sunday in Crime and violence erupted in Mtddletown and Search East of Monmouth County reported brisk Police Guard, Other Red Bank Saturday night Nine police departments Of Sandlot business yesterday as a court or- New Orlean§ der blocked enforcement of the OiUdrai Miss Injury formed a huge dragnet for three men who held up Grid Injury Sunday sales baa approved by Chris' Delicatessen, 483 West Front St, River Plaza, NEW ORLEANS (AP) - jbt county voters Nov. 3. At School Crossing Injured Brain Coast Guard sent out three sea- Only In Gloucester County waa at about 8:10 p. m. RhrarvieW after their ear was planes and four patrol boats to- the Sunday ban enforced. There HIGHLANDS - The driver of Making Tackle in day in the vicinity of Chanaekmr the car that struck and seriously Here is the situation this hk by aasthsr ante Saturday n determined prosecutor stopped it The tieteetfvea were oa Game at Leonardo Island, off the Mississippi coast, most sales and two clerks of ia Injured Virginia Acampon, 10, morning as told by police: w to search for a DC7B National their way to Marhsa Park aa ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Wil- large discount store which re- of 4 Bay Ave.. Friday at a school Airlines plsne presumed dawn David Jones, 28, of 224 aart of a police dragnet when liam R. Peer, IS, of 20 Eighth mained open, wen arrested. crossing on Rt 30, has been with 40 persons aboard. the aceUoat happened at Front Ave., died yesterday In River- charged with operating a car Shrewsbury Ave., yesterday But the search was hampered Gloucester Prosecutor Guy Lee, St. aad Wharf Ave. view Hospital of Injuries suffered enforce which had faulty brakes, Police was held in $10,000 bail in by a low visibility celling of 100- ' Jr., had said he would enforce in a sandlet football game last Chief Howard Monahan reported. 4, A large cache of guns has 300 feet from New Orleans east the ban approved by the voters Middletown on charges of armed Wednesday. there. Lee did, but not without The driver of the vehicle was robbery. A hearing in Red Bank been recovered by'police, be- to Panama City, Fla. All air- He was the son of Mr. and some trouble from police. lieved to be part o| the loot fields In the area wer ported James Cates, 10, of Battery C, this morning on a charge of Mra. Andrew R. Peer. State police refused to make taken several, weeks ago from socked In" and unable to Fourth Missile Battalion, Fort atrocious assault with intent to William had been playing ball arrests and local officers first Sean Roebuck and Co., Red or receive planes. Hancock. kttl was postponed until Wedaes- with several friends at the Leon- balked, at making checks at The Aeampora girt la in fair , Jones was held in $10,000 ardo School when he suffered a A National AirUnst stores. Lee finally got the local Police an searching the Red condition today In Monmouth brairt injury after tackling an- asaa at New Ortsaaa said Sha police out after threatening Dept- on that charge, Medical Center with head Bank area for the two other men other boy. He waa unable to get last esataetwM the faaae,ae* ford Township Public Safety Di- J. A bystander. Robert J. Kirk- believed to have been in on the internal Injuries. Ian, 25 Harvard Rd., Fair Haven, up after tho tackle. rector E. J. McCaffrey with In- Orleans, waa to the vfcsssty si According to Chief Monahan, is in good condition this mental He was taken to the hospital INTO HIA09UARTI1S—David Jones, 21,; of M4 Chaaaslsar Mead, ft salsa esss Charles Stress, the special po- suffering from gunshot wounds Jones has refused to give a by the Leonardo First Aid Squad. Gloucester and Monmouth were seatb of BOext, Maw. lice guard at Our Lady of Per Shrewsbury Ave., Rod Bank, is lad into R«d tank police he received during a gun .battle, statement, police said this morn- William'had been in critics! among 12 counties in the state The plane left Tampa at 12:03 petual Help School, had stopped allegedly between Jones and Lit-Ing. condition since being admitted that adopted Sunday closing laws headquarters after hi* jrratt Saturday niojht. At left is i. m^ bound for New Orleans. two can in the east-bound lsne tle Silver Special Officer Richard •1 feel that they're all local to the hospital. at the election. The ban was sus- Patrolman Richard Deiclcmann. Detective George H. Capt Frank E. Todd, the air- of the highway. Several children Tetley on Prospect Ave. in Red in," Red.Bank fWJee Chief A sophomore, and. honor stu- pended, however, Friday by court craft commander, reported at order until the constitutionality of started to cross the street, when Clayton, Jr., Is on tho right. Jonas was arraigned this Bank. Jones allegedly was fir- Seorge H- Qeyton said. dent at Red Bisk Catholic High 1:33 a. m. he was over a check the closing law can be deter- the Catei car swusg around the morning in Red Bank on charges of afrecieut assault and ing with a sawed-off It-gauge Capt. James Egidio of Atlantic School, William was a member point 1IM miles east of New Or- mined. parked can and struck Virginia, pumpgun. Highlands police said ihat Jones of the freshman basketbsil team battery with intent to kill. He was arrested in connec- last year. jeans. That was near the Island. Lee defied the court order, say- he said. 1 S. Dstaettve Us. Beajamla will be charted with armed rob- tion with the armed robbery Saturday night of Chris His mother said that he was It wss tha last contact with the Ing he was acting on the basis Sams Lives H. (Haver aad Irving L. strike. bery there In connection with a Delicatessen, 413 West Front St., River Plsia. hoidup of a grocery store Nov. planning to try out for the var- plane. of the voters' decision. State At- Chief Monahaa credited Mr. watch are sa aaad tiailia • 4. In that ease, three men armed sity team this year. The plane carried IS passen- torney General David Furman Stress with saving the lives of with shotguns got away with $150 School authorities said he was gers and a'five-man crew. said he would not act In the mat-several other children. He said in cash. of the classical club A spadaOy asndppea tfrfsst ter until he has been officially that Mr. Stress pushed the chil- notified cf Lee's defiance. Three armed Negroes pulled the a member of the Forensic Coast Oaaiil searchserf i dren to safer/ when be saw the stickup at Chris' at 1:10 p. m. Club. "About 00 per cent of the mer-car coming, Mr. Stress narrowly kup C p Std d d ith bt *"Willia" m also was a member of Mais., to Jets the search." MM chants In the, county observed the escaped, injury, the'chief said. Saturday and escaped with about bsn," Lee reported. St Agnes Catholic Church tare the NHeot eatter "NnW* left Bargain City, V. S. A., a large The Cates car collided with Some 44 minutes Ister, a ear aad Its Junior Holy Name Society. OaHaort, Mhav, asadal asses highway discount center In Dept- parked ear, starting a four-ca: carrying three men was spotted His family moved htm three Wtttl tV# *iMt#fS MM aU aMfloF ford Township, sold any and all chain reaction crash. i Little Silver by Special Offi- yean ago from East Orange. eal sasallis aboard. merchandise, however. Catee was admitted to Patter- ir Tetley. The family had spent many A special search helicopter was A salesgirl, Viola Rehert of son Army Hospital, Fort Mon- Officer Tetley chased the car summmin the soon ana prior unable to leave New Orleans be- National Park, was arrested and mouth, with bead and wrist In- from the A*P parking lot at to moving here. cause of the weather. then freed In f» bail tor selling Jurle*. high speeds. Tl» suspects' car William waa bom in Monmouth Toe Weather Bureau said-the a house dress. A clerk, Charles spun out of control at Prospect Medical Ceater. tow celling waa expected to start Two passengers n his ear. Pa- He Is the second boy to dk fa W. WoOc, of Camden, was ar- ,ve. aad Hardlag R4 H bounced HNng about 0 a. as. mall Nletety 16. of Oaeida Ave., Haw Jatsay this faB from Jut- rested for seniw light bulbs. Hilton, Park, and Dorothy Law- The Iw^.Sunday sales of " ' m. : . - ' ''. fSkswiBfsj nfutofftt HUDMra MM* cws parents, he Is sar- ware, appUanees-almost every- thing but essential iteods drugs. •'••. > • ties*reported that they Lie said numerous merchants apd fled a»a hill were in good conditkHi, today. Ite plane was owned by Delta called him during the day to ask Red Bank reservoir, Howard.
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