i J u l y 1 8 . i 9 A« THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Page 1 Sec. 2 = Mile High Entertainment Scapegoat Hy I ‘*m OfficcT TV Role slave from Ephesusi would 4 is the miijor work on the 111 th.- t'liniriK week. he enough to provide a Cleveland Symphony con­ iM the Denver good evening of entertain­ cert on KF.ML at 1 p.m. Criticized I'-ll li:i I op|M)r- ment. But. the addition of July 21. t u n u v hear jazz, sym­ . the Rodgers-Hart music- Ix)s Angeles — The ccxir- phonic music, and a now- lyrics makes the show dinator o f the National claKsic (ii even Ixetler. Catholic Office for Riidio rmjin operetta- LOUNGE: For ji change he rnu'-u'.i) ol this ceniurv. Nora .Jam,* Ihiiliff as "z\d- and Television told a group Fust riana." tlie w ife -of the of pace from Wagner and of TV executives that te­ ess 'Ihormis Lawlor Valerie Master.son "II. lliere is the S^hhi/ ■'.ilia,- Ephesus master, was in Brahms, one can citlch the levision may be taking an •ad ill U.i) fine voice for two of th<> ciilyp.so and Atncricim folk unfair share o f the lilamo to h'Kk> .July " 0 . It .song.s |>erformed by Lulu- Homecoming Stars \Mll !e.4Uivi- l)ionne Wiir- show’s threi* iKJst-known for violence in Americiin lot helle at the Tiki Ixtunge in wick ihe Thei>loiiius Monk numixers; "Falling in l^ovt? life. idy Denver. Her stylings - of Father Donald F. X. to (’central City — Members <if the D’Oyly Cart«‘ (|U.u l4 i . ( ;;u\ Ihirton juar- With Ixjve” and "Sing for such numbers as ".Matilda’’ ( ’onnolly, addressing the his- D|><‘i-a company will ainjj at the annual Homccom- lei. Alirn.id .J.miiil. nd the Your Supper.” the latter as injT Masses in historic Assumption church (left) at <‘iiniKinUiiU .-\dderl part of :i girl trio. She also and "Across the Wide .Mis- T V officials here, agreed jet <|uiii- .souri” make ii nice coun­ lb and llrllO ji.ni. July 21. let. sc.ng a reprise o f 'This that the media have res­ ley .\. {,’an’l Be Love.’’ terbalance to classical mu- ponsibilities relal(7d to vio­ *ds I' Ihc Koval lence but observed also 'I'his yciir’s homecumin)' is a special occasion; Philh, Jacqueline Davis as "Lu- arm.mic Orchestra ’ of that parents are usually MMiH is the silver anniversary year of the ordina­ L i i i k Ii cotKlucled hv ciana,” her sister, Jind I)o- AtUid rinda Ix*vy as "Luce," the TELEVISION: Georges more responsible. tion of Father Francis I*. Fotempa. pastor of St. I loro I i ;it K,.,| Simenon’s "Tlit> Lodg(*r ’ Koek- .Julv maid and wife of tluj Eph(5- un I’auTs parish. Idaho Springs, and of Assumption will open Thirteen Ami sus slave, teamed with "ALTHOUCJH it is true ed parish, who will celebrate th«* Masses. liy. there i.s the Against Fate, a series t>f that television d«K>s portray I invei .Miss Bailiff in "Sing for in- of Denver 'I’hea- hour-lor : drsiinas based tin violence, very often chil­ Your Supper.’’ the best ad Principals and chorus members of the musical t - pi <jtl ,icl ifUl of the liis woi. on N.E.T. Play­ dren in a home get condi­ received number of the tc . compjiiiy. now performing in the Central C-ity Ihecht-NVrill The 'I’hreo- house tin KIt.MA. channel tioned to brutality by ob­ show. ht Opt*ra House's (ulbert and Sullivan pro^jram. whc) peimy Opera ai Bonfils 6, at 9:30 p.m. July J9. serving their own par­ will lake part in the .Masses are V a lerie Master- theater .July wil h .Miss Davis and Spencer ents. ('hildren hear T - son. 'rhoinas Lawlor. (iail Kyan. Patricia O’Kane, m.ii nice .lulv "a. .Smith, the Syracuse mas­ their parents make bigoted f , ■ .Mercia (itossop. Pauline Wales, and (iordon ter, were well-matched 'fwo fine film clits>ics remark.s about ethnic, reli­ Mackenzie, aiul organist Faiward I.. Benoit. 'S ijraciisr' vocally in the maiiv rendi­ will he shown on KHTV, gious, and racial groups, tion of "This ('an’t Be chiinntJ 9, this weekend: and undisciplined com­ It m,t\- lie Ijn ycjir.s old. 1/Ove." Rebecca with Joan Fon­ ments about political can­ ?y Vaficon Tax Plan Gets Opposition bin I he Hoys From Syra­ Other principals were taine. Laurence Olivier, didates for public office.” he cuse l.•maln-i ,i bright, John Helzier as.the Ephe­ •Judith Ander.son, jind Father ('onnolJy also ig N’aticim ( 'ily - 'I'hc Ital­ done unilaterally, in con­ tiiin of the ( ’hristian Dem- emptions. a \'alican press >jYaiklin;; niusiciil comitay. sus master; Danny Turner George Sanders (who c<in suggested that parents ian Pri-miers proposid to flict with the elementary iK-rat.s. .Smialists and the statement cited Italian 'flu' --Hvut musical. as the Ephesus slave: Dave fVirget Judith Anderson as "sh(»uld outgrow the ide;i P- rec|ulre the X'atican to pji.\- principles of international .•'inall Kepul)lican iiarty. jjains from the Holy See. I*>o,-ei\ taken from Shake- Leonard as the Syracu.se . h(‘ si nisti*r housekeeper? f that movies and television I tiixes on its <iivid«*nd in- law." LeoneV withdrawal of Includintf "(he vast contri­ >[ieai-e- Comed.N- o f Kr- sliive:, and (Henna .New­ at H:;jt) p.m. .July 20. were devised to he free bahy-sitfer^.” I’oine w;is assailed !>>• the L'Osscrvatort* Komano llu* as yet unratil'ied ajiree- bution which the Holy rors. proved the right se- comb as the main courte­ Witness for the Prose- N’aticaii City daily, L'- rcfeiTcd to an exchan«e of tnent with the Holy See See’s apostolic activity lL*ction to open the Univer­ san in Ephesus. f'ution with .Marlene Die­ Osservatore, as a "unilai- notes between the X’aiuan sity of Denver Theater’s ewniptinji the Vatican's jiives to tourist traHlc. in .Among the supjxjrting trich and Charles Ljiugh- era! * act in op|visition to summer of musicals at Open 11 a.m. 2:00 a.r and the Italian Kovernment stock dividends from Ital­ addition to advantages cast, there were thr«;e lon 'remember the surprise "elementary jn-incijiles of Bonfils theater. lEi-n/. T.llrini-H in In the exchanjie. ian taxes came as the which Italy derives from standouts; Jim Hamel as a twists at the end of this Choi.-.- ............ inteniidionul Jaw." a Chnstian Democratic 'flic othei selection.s are Agatha Christie classic?) at C.S. ('h«»ic«- ......................... Premier faced his first vote j > ro pe r (V i n es t m e n f s. police sergeant, who led r.S. Choir*- Kih'l .Mil-. The Threepenny Opera If the projjram oC J’le- n nance minister as.-ured of I'onlldence in le.ss lluin which contribute to the the chorus in their num­ 9:.30 p.m. July 21. and Sweet Charity. mier Ctovanni Leone were the Vatican it would lie two week.s in oflice. growth of the national in­ bers; Stephen Scott as a The comic aspects oC • * adopti'd hy parliami-nt. the exempt under the 1 f)"tt Defeiidinjj the tax ex­ come.’’ sorcerer: and Voris Mitcli- plot 'mi-tiiken identities of An examination of black Vatican would he required concordat with Italy from a ell as "Fatima,” a coui le - • to pay back taxes amount­ newly jiassed hiw’ reijuirinti I Wit t <jf 1 wi n.s - u attitudes toward whites Hdhhul '*ir.ik ................ (.(Ml san with some mighty fine All Dinners complete niii.-tfi and ,-lave from and white toward blacks ing U> over $7 million. holders of securities to [Ya>- gyrations. We Serve Only the TOP QUALITY L’Osservatore Konian- taxes on dividends. NCOMP Hits Big Lack SyracU'i' and a master and will be presented in the MEATS. U.S. Choice or Prime <»*s statement iiulicated Premier Leone told thi And a special nod to the J’ourth segment of (J.LS's COLUMBINE STEAK HOUSE stage designs hy Lewis Of Black America on & LOUNGE that Premier I.eone had parliament f-Iuly 5i that he Of Kids^ Film Fare House of the Lord not consulted the Vatican would not oppo.se the ma­ ('rickard and the musical KLZ. channel 7, at H p.m. :«>1—:H)1 F .-d rr on his ]>n)|)osal. In puhlish- jority view of the last jiar- New York — Those par­ doubly welcome, although Panelist.-, on Jlou.se of the direction by Genevieve July 23. inj? tht? premiers decision liament on the issue, ’i’hat ents who ship their chil­ a third v’crsion of the same Lord. KI.Z-T\’ ('hannel 7’s .McGiffert. who had a to abandon an aj'iccincnt session indicated it wanted dren off to the Saturday story also underlines the religious panel >how seen small, hut most efTective. with the A’atican, L'- to end the N'atican's lax afiern(X)n movies face the very fact that there is too every .Sunday at Mi.'JO a.m.. orchestra. Osserva tore Komano exemptions. problem o f finding suitable little imagination at work will concentrate their dis­ F A S H IO N ^ said: A Christian Democratic cinematic fare for them, toward production o f ac­ cussion July _'l on the I’nl lioiirri move to block i ne taxation according to the National ceptable children’s enter­ provocative and ihought- Catholic Ofilce for Motion "W E C A N O N L Y note was defeated in committee tainment.” full title, "(lod Is Doing Pictures.
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