Ljerbyshire. [KELLY's Gill Thomas, White Swan Inn Mt>Rry .Amos, Relieving Officer No
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364 SOUTH NORMANTOS. lJERBYSHIRE. [KELLY'S Gill Thomas, White Swan inn Mt>rry .Amos, relieving officer No. 3 Silkstone Henry, boot maker Goodwin J ames, greengrocer dist. Mansfield union, Hilcote st Sims Thamas, farmer, Commonside Goodwin Joseph, confectioner Merry William, outfitter Sin field Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress Greensill Edward Merrick, chemist Moore William, farmer, Hill top maker, Queen street &c. Main street Moore William, printer, Hilcote st Sisson Thomas, joiner Griffin Charles Wm. confectioner Mugglestone Arthur, farmer Slater George, farmer Halpin Jas. Eaton L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Mugglestone Joseph, farmer, The Corn Slater James, grocer Irel. physician & surgeon, medical Naylor Albert &: Ernest, carters Slater John, poor rate collector, Vic- officer to the Mansfield union (No. Naylor Albert Edwd.farmer,The Corn toria street 5 district) & public vaccinator, Nelson James & Sons Ltd. butchers Slater John Wm. Miners' Arms P.H Avoca lodge Oldham George, greengrocer Smith Sarah E. (Miss), dress maker Hardy IHerbert, shopkeeper Ottewell IHy. farmer, Woodhouse frm South Normanton Colliery Co. Lim. Hardy Joseph Andrew, tobacconist Page Abraham, insurance agent (H. J. Mein, agent; James Mein. Haywood & Lane, furniture dealers Page George Gill, builder, Church st manager; Andrew Mein, coal Haywood Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper Page William, grocer agent & William Hartford Mein, Hemm Charles, tobacconist Palethorpe Richd. grocer, Market st cashier). T A "Mein, South Nor Hemsley .Arthur, draper, Church st Parsons Richard, confectioner manton ; " Telephone 22 .Alfreton Hill Frederick P. gardener to Stephen Parsons Richard, farmer Spaven Frank, cycle dealer Sampson esq. The Gardens,Prospect Patton James, hair dresser Spaven John William, boot maker house Patton John, cab proprietor Steel cteorge, carter Hood George, draper Patton John, farmer Stevens Mary A. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hopkinson Daniel, shopkpr. South st Patton William, hair dresser Swann Joseph Fletcher, Prince of Hunt Waiter, farmer Peate Emma (Mrs.), clothes dealer Wales P . .u.. Water lane Hunters (The Teamen) Lim. grocers, Pemberton Luke, chimney sweeper Tarven Henry, farmer High street Perkins John William, news agent Taylor cteorge, farmer, Water lane Jaques Samuel, grocer Perkins Sml. Thos.stationer & post off Taylor George, shopkeeper, New st JenkinsAaron,pork butcher,Church st Perkins Thomas, shopkpr. Ball hill Taylor John, cowkeeper Jenkins Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Picture Palace (Woodhead & Powell, Taylor William, grocer, Water lane Market s!reet proprietors) Titterton Arthur, grocer Jones Abel, shopkeeper Pinxton Co-<>perative Society Limited Tomlinson John, architect & sur Kay Noel E. Devonshire Arms P.H (James Clark, manager), Victoria st veyor, clerk to the parish council, Kerry Ell en (Mrs.), fried fish dealer Plowman Oliver M. plumber assistant overseer & collector of Kirk 'Harry, farmer Prigg Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer water & district rates Knight Arthur, baker, High street Prince George, shopkeeper Topham Albert, farmer Lane Charles Henry, furniture dealr. Proctor George Edwin, watch & clock Wainwright Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkeepr see Haywood & Lane maker, High street Walker .Albert, beer retailer, High st Lee John, herbalist, South street Read Charles, fried fish dealer Walker Arthur, butcher, High stree~ Lee Thomas, shopkeeper Reader Albt. pork butcher, Church st Walker Hagar (Miss), shopkeeper Lees John, farmer, Common Revill John Joseph, greengrocer Walker John, baker Lomas Richard William, carter Ripley Provident Industrial & Co- Wallis Alfred, confectioner Lowe Henry, farmer operative Society Lim. Market pl Waiter Edward, cowkeeper Lowery William, beer retailer Robinson Henry P.fl.orist & parish elk Ward Solomon, confectioner, High st Machin Joseph. wheelwright Robinson Solomon,hair drssr. High st W eightman Moses, builder Marriott Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Ber- Rodgers Albt. shopkpr. Alfreton rd West Martha (Mrs.), house furnisher ristow farm Rowe Edward, news agent West Herbert, beer retailer Marriott Jsph. farmer, Birchwood la Sampson Wm. Chas. 0. solicitor Wilkinson William, shopkpr.Church s• Mars den J sph. Derbyshire Ltd. grocrs Searson John, White Hart P .H Wilson Charles, grocer Marsden Thomas, boot dealer Severn John G. miners' toul dealer, W oodhead & Son, grocers, High st Mein James, manager of South Nor- Sutton rd.Blackwell rd.& Market st Wright Newton, Shoulder of Mutton man ton Colliery Co. Limited, & Shardlow J oseph Thomas, butcher, P.H district councillor,Normanton lodge .Alfreton road Wright William, fried fish dealer NORTON is a pleasant village and civil parish, 2~ building of stone, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave and miles from the Beauchief station on the Midland railway, a western turret containing one bell : a lectern was pre- 4 miles south from Sheffield, 8 north-west from Chester- sented in 1902 as a memorial to the late Rev. William field and 164 from London, in the North Ea.stern division Mercer M . .A. vicar here 1874-99: there are 300 sittin~s. of the county of Derby, extending to Yorkshire, hundred The register dates from the year 1877. The living is a of Scarsdale, Eckington petty sessional division, union of vicarage, net yearly value £3oo, and residence, derived Ecclesall Bierlow, Staveley rural deanery, Chesterfield chiefly from the alienation of part. of the income of the archdeaconry and Southwell diocese. By the "Sheffield vicarage of Norton, in the gift of the vicar of Norton, Corporation Act, 1900," which took effect October and held since 1899 by the Rev. Vaniah Odom B..A. of 31st, 1901, a considerable portion of the ancient civil the University of London. The church of St. Chad is parish of Norton was transferred from the adminis- now (1912) in course of erection in Linden avenue. trative county of Derby to the Sheffield county borough, There is a Mission room in connection with St. Paul's and the remainder re-named Norton Without. The church, Norton Lees; a Ba.ptist chapel in Chesterfield church of St. James is a spacious building of sandstone road, erected in 1910; a United Methodist chapel in in the Late Norman and Perpendicular styles, consisting Derbyshire lane, with a Mission room in Valley road; · of chancel, nave, aisles, south-east or Blythe chapel, south a United Methodist chapel at Woodseats; a Primitive porch and an embattled tower with pinnacles, containin~ Methodist Mission room in Chesterfield road; a Wesleyan a clock and 8 bells: the Blythe chapel, a structure of Reform chapel in Bromwich road; a Wesleyan Methodist magnesian limestone, was erected by the family of that school chapel in Norton Lees road, and in Chesterfield name in the early part of the 16th century; there are road. :M:EF:RSBROOK, a Congregational chapel, erected monuments to the Blythe and Bullock families, and a in 1892, with 6oo sittings. Norton Cemetery, in Derby tablet with a medallion portrait, executed by J. Heffer- shire lane, was opened in r869, at a cost of about nan, to Sir Francis Chantrey R.A. who was born here £4,ooo, and contains a monument erected by subscrip- 7 April, 1781, and is buried in the churchyard; he died 1 tion to William Swift, a local genealogist; the cemetery 25 Nov. 1841; there are also several stained windows: is under the managemPnt of the Sheffield City Council. the church was restored in 1882-3 at a cost of £4,000, Several small charities, bequeathed by benevolent the chan-cel being restored at the sole cost of Mrs. individuals, produce a sum of £8o yearly for the poor of Cammell and family. The register dates from the th-3 parish; Sir F. Chantrey R.A. left £roo yearly to year I559· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value the poor of the parish, which amount is divided between £570, including 61 acres of glebe, with residence, in five old men and five old women. The Norton Plough the gift of and held since 1888 by the Rev. George ing Society meets at "The Bagshawe Arms"; E. M. E. Walker Hall M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cam- Welby esq. ~LA., J.P. president. Scythes, sickles and bridge. There is a vicarage library, bequeathed by the saw files are made in the township. Norton Hall, a Rev. Mr. Cavendish Neville, a former vicar, and contain- handsome stone mansion, in a finely-wooded park, is the in~ about 300 volumes. I seat of Bernard .Alexander Firth esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor ; The Oakes is the residence of Henry NORTON WOODSEATS is an ecclesiastical parish. B;radsbaw lsherwood Bagsbawe esq. J.P.; Norton Green, 1 formed 15th May, r874. St. Paul's church, erected at of Col. Sir Nathaniel Creswick K.C.B., J.P., V.D.; Norton Lee:i in :r877, at a cost of £4,200, the greater por- :Xorton House has been rebuilt, and is the residence of tion of which was given by William Cockayne esq. is a Edward Montague Earle Welby esq. M.A., J.P.; Col. .