TREBALLS 1 DEL MUSEU DE ZOOLOGIA Illustrated Keys for The,Classification of Mediterranean Bryozoa
/ AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA TREBALLS 1 DEL MUSEU DE ZOOLOGIA Illustrated keys for the,classification of Mediterranean Bryozoa M. Zabala & P. Maluquer 1 BARCELONA 1988 NÚMERO 4 Drawing of the cover: Scrupocellaria reptans (Linnaeus), part of a branch with bran- ched scutum, ovicells, frontal avicularia and lateral vibracula. Treb. Mus. 2001. Barcelona. 4. 1988 Illustrated keys for the classification of Mediterranean Bryozoa Consell de Redacció: O. Escola, R. Nos, A. Ornedes, C. Prats i F. Uribe. Assessor científic: P. Hayward M. ZABALA, Dcpt. de Ecologia, Fac. de Biologia, Univcrsitat de Barcelona, Diagonal, 645 08028 Barcelona. P. MALUQUER, Dept. de Biologia Animal, Fac. de Biologia, Lniversitat de Barcelona, Diagonal, 645 08028 Barcelona. Edita: Museu de Zoologia, Ajuntament de Barcelona Parc de la Ciutadclla, Ap. de Correus 593,08003 -Barcelona O 1987, Museu de Zoologia, Ajuntament de Barcelona ISBN: 84-7609-240-7 Depósito legal: B. 28.708-1988 Exp. ~0058-8k'-Impremta Municipal Composición y fotolitos: Romargraf, S.A. FOREWORD Bryozoansare predominantly marine, invertebrate animals whose curious and often attractive forms have long excited the interest of naturalists. In past times they were regarded as plants, and the plant- !ike appearance of some species was later formalized in the term "zoophyte", which also embraced the hydroids and a few other enigmatic animal groups. As "corallines" they were considered to be close to the Cnidaria, while "moss animals" neatly described the appearance of a feeding colony. Establishing their animal nature did not resolve the question of systematic affinity. It is only comparatively recently that Bryozoa have been accepted as a phylum in their own right, although an early view of them as for- ming a single phylogenetic unit, the Lophophorata, with the sessile, filter-feeding brachiopods and pho- ronids, still persists.
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