Resilience of Long-Lived Mediterranean Gorgonians in a Changing World: Insights from Life History Theory and Quantitative Ecology

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Resilience of Long-Lived Mediterranean Gorgonians in a Changing World: Insights from Life History Theory and Quantitative Ecology Resilience of Long-lived Mediterranean Gorgonians in a Changing World: Insights from Life History Theory and Quantitative Ecology Ignasi Montero Serra Aquesta tesi doctoral està subjecta a la llicència Reconeixement 3.0. Espanya de Creative Commons. Esta tesis doctoral está sujeta a la licencia Reconocimiento 3.0. España de Creative Commons. This doctoral thesis is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Spain License. Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals Doctorat en Ecologia, Ciències Ambientals i Fisiologia Vegetal Resilience of Long-lived Mediterranean Gorgonians in a Changing World: Insights from Life History Theory and Quantitative Ecology Memòria presentada per Ignasi Montero Serra per optar al Grau de Doctor per la Universitat de Barcelona Ignasi Montero Serra Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals Universitat de Barcelona Maig de 2018 Adivsor: Adivsor: Dra. Cristina Linares Prats Dr. Joaquim Garrabou Universitat de Barcelona Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) A todas las que sueñan con un mundo mejor. A Latinoamérica. A Asun y Carlos. AGRADECIMIENTOS Echando la vista a atrás reconozco que, pese al estrés del día a día, este ha sido un largo camino de aprendizaje plagado de momentos buenos y alegrías. También ha habido momentos más difíciles, en los cuáles te enfrentas de cara a tus propias limitaciones, pero que te empujan a desarrollar nuevas capacidades y crecer. Cierro esta etapa agradeciendo a toda la gente que la ha hecho posible, a las oportunidades recibidas, a las enseñanzas de l@s grandes científic@s que me han hecho vibrar en este mundo, al apoyo en los momentos más complicados, a las que me alegraron el día a día, a las que hacen que crea más en mí mismo y, sobre todo, a la gente buena que lucha para hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor y más justo. A tod@s os digo gracias! GRACIAS! GRÀCIES! THANKS! Advisors’ report Dra. Cristina Linares, professor at Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals (Universitat de Barcelona), and Dr. Joaquim Garrabou, research professor at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC), advisors of the PhD thesis entitled “Resilience of long-lived Mediterranean gorgonians in a changing world: insights from life history theory and quantitative ecology”, INFORM, that the research studies developed by Ignasi Montero Serra for his Doctoral Thesis have been organized in five chapters, which correspond to five scientific papers listed below: three are already published, one is under review, and the last one is to be submitted in the next months; and CERTIFY, that the work has been carried out by Ignasi Montero Serra, participating actively in all the tasks: setting the objectives, conceiving and performing the analyses and writing the manuscripts. Finally, we certify that the co-authors of the publications listed below and that conform this doctoral thesis, will not use these manuscripts in another PhD thesis. Barcelona, 2 May 2018 Adivsor: Adivsor: Dra. Cristina Linares Prats Dr. Joaquim Garrabou Universitat de Barcelona Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) List and publication status of the chapters of this thesis CHAPTER I Montero-Serra I1, Linares C1, Doak DF2, Ledoux JB3,4 & Garrabou J3 (2018) Strong linkages between depth, longevity, and demographic stability. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285(1873), 20172688. 5-year Impact Factor (2016): 5.417 CHAPTER II Montero-Serra I1, Linares C1, Garcia M3, Pancaldi F3, Frleta-Valic M3, Ledoux JB3,4, Zuberer F5, Merad D6, Drap P6 & Garrabou J3 (2015) Harvesting effects, recovery patterns and management strategies for a long-lived and structural precious coral. PLoS ONE. 10(2): e0117250. 5-year Impact Factor (2015): 3.535 CHAPTER III Montero-Serra I1, Garrabou J3, Doak DF2, Ledoux JB3,4 & Linares C1. Marine protected areas enhance structural complexity but do not buffer the detrimental consequences of ocean warming for an overexploited precious coral. Under review at Journal of Applied Ecology. 5-year Impact Factor (2016): 5.989 CHAPTER IV Montero-Serra I1, Garrabou J3, Doak DF2, Figuerola L1, Hereu B1, Ledoux JB3,4 & Linares C1 (2018) Accounting for life-history strategies and timescales in marine restoration. Conservation Letters. 11(1), e12341. 5-year Impact Factor (2016): 7.316 CHAPTER V Montero-Serra I1, Linares C1, Mumby PJ7, D Macías D8, Benoussan N3 & Garrabou J3. Predicting depth-mediated impacts of ocean warming at the end 21st century in Mediterranean coastal ecosystems. In preparation. AUTHOR’S AFFILIATION 1 Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals, Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBIO), Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. 2 Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA 3 Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC, Spain. 4 CIIMAR/CIMAR, Universidade do Porto, Portugal. 5 Institut Pytheas, UMS 3470, Station Marine d'Endoume, France 6 LSIS UMR CNRS 7296, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France. 7 Marine Spatial Ecology Lab, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia. 8 European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate D - Sustainable Resources, Italy. Contents Summary / Resum 1 General Introduction 7 Aims and thesis outline 23 Chapter I Strong linkages between depth, longevity, and demographic stability across marine sessile species 27 Chapter II Harvesting effects, recovery patterns and management strategies for a long-lived and structural precious coral 48 Chapter III Marine protected areas enhance structural complexity but do not buffer the detrimental consequences of climate change for an overexploited precious coral 69 Chapter IV Accounting for life-history strategies and timescales in marine restoration 91 Chapter V Predicting depth-mediated impacts of ocean warming at the end 21st century in Mediterranean coastal ecosystems 105 General Discussion 129 Conclusions 151 References 153 Annexes 173 Published papers 269 SUMMARY Temperate benthic communities face cumulative impacts from multiple stressors acting both at local and global scales. Understanding how local management and ocean warming affect the dynamics and resilience of dominant habitat-forming species is central to marine conservation. In this thesis, we combined long-term demographic surveys and large-scale distribution datasets with innovative population and spatial modeling approaches, and meta-analyses to unravel the causes and consequences of extreme life-histories. The final goal was to understand resilience patterns and mechanisms, and to assess the effectiveness of widely used conservation tools such as fishing regulations, marine protected areas (MPAs), and active restoration. A comparative analysis across marine sessile species revealed strong linkages between depth occurrence, longevity and demographic stability. These results demonstrated a fundamental role of environmental gradients in shaping the evolution of life-history strategies in the ocean and suggest that deep-sea benthic communities tend to be dominated by long-lived species that are very vulnerable to external sources of mortality. In addition, we demonstrate that life-history strategies play a role in important conservation issues such as recovery processes. For instance, recovery times after fishing or restoration actions for long-lived species can take several decades. Thus, accounting for the temporal dimension and life-history tradeoffs in conservation efforts is essential to avoid potential long-lasting impacts and enhance the recovery of damaged ecosystems. Focusing on the Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum, an overharvested precious coral emblematic of coralligenous assemblages, we revealed an extremely slow life-history strategy characterized by low reproduction success, high natural survival, and extended longevity. These traits drive a general pattern of slow population dynamics and suggest low resilience to human-driven stressors. We then show that local and global stressors such as overfishing and warming have strong impacts on different demographic processes of red coral populations. 1 Harvesting causes dramatic decreases in total biomass and strong shifts in size- class distribution towards populations dominated by small colonies. More broadly, MPAs strongly enhance structural complexity of red coral populations but, contrary to prior expectations, have little effect on their long-term viability and associated extinction risk. Population recovery after harvesting is a very slow process that can take decades. Interestingly, recovery is not driven by sexual reproduction but by the capacity of harvested colonies to survive and regrow new branches. This recovery mechanism may explain the persistence of this historically overexploited long-lived coral. Unfortunately, novel impacts associated to climate change threat shallow red coral populations. Recurrent warming-driven mass mortality events had detrimental effects on affected populations, causing long-term declines and potential local extinction. While MPAs have been proposed to enhance the resilience of marine ecosystems to climate change, our simulations suggested that MPAs only have a weak buffering effect to climatic impacts. On the other hand, spatial analyses revealed that future climate change may cause extensive impacts on shallow populations of the red coral and the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata (another emblematic species of coralligenous assemblages with an important structural role) across the Mediterranean Sea.
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