
November 1, 2020 | ORDER OF SERVICE

For the full service go to https://www.facebook.com/gracelongbeach ​


SONG 1 | Here Is Love

Here is love, vast as the ocean, loving kindness as the flood, When the Prince of Life, our ransom, shed for us His precious blood. Who His love will not remember, who can cease to sing His praise? He can never be forgotten throughout heaven's eternal days.

On the mount of crucifixion, fountains opened deep and wide, Through the floodgates of God's mercy flowed a vast and gracious tide. Grace and love like mighty rivers, poured incessant from above, Heaven's peace and perfect justice kissed a guilty world in love.

No love is higher, No love is wider, No love is deeper, No love is truer No love is higher, No love is wider, No love is like your love oh Lord (x2)

© Public Domain CCLI Song # 526631 -- CCLI License # 4246

SONG 2 | How Great Is Your Love?

Your love makes the galaxies turn You spark dust into stars and they burn All creation will sing out Your name for endless days Beyond what the eye can perceive Lies beauty wrapped in mystery A million invisible suns cry out Your praise

CHORUS: How great is Your love? Who could ever hope to measure? How great is your love (That) you'd love broken things like treasure?

You are beyond time and space Yet you took our flesh and disgrace Bore the wounds of a world that had turned its face away Your kindness we can't comprehend Oh! the depths to which you would descend To name us Beloved when we had gone astray


BRIDGE: How wide, how long, how deep is the love of Jesus? How wide, how long, how deep is the love of Christ? How wide, how long, how deep is the love of Jesus? How wide, how long, how deep is the love of Christ?


The universe rests in Your hands Every sorrow we can't understand Yet somehow the darkness is never dark to You Come, Lord Jesus, Your kingdom unveil Let Your justice and mercy prevail You died to redeem the whole world so make us new



Luke 10:35-37 ESV

And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’ Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” And Jesus said to him, “You go, and do likewise.”

SONG 3 | Humble King

Oh kneel me down again, here at your feet Show me how much I need humility Oh Savior, break my pride and lead me to The humble heart of love I see in You

CHORUS: You are the God of the broken The friend of the weak You wash the feet of the weary Em brace the ones in need I want to be like You, Jesus To have this heart in me You are the God of the humble You are the humble King

Oh kneel me down again, here at your feet Show me how much I need humility Oh Savior, break my pride and lead me to The humble heart of love I see in You

© 1999 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) CCLI Song # 2650388 -- CCLI License # 42469


If you regularly give online, still go ahead and pray this prayer as a way of engaging with an act that is otherwise possibly out of sight, out of mind. If you usually give in the offering basket on a Sunday morning, please consider switching to online giving at least for this season. https://www.gracelb.org/give LEADER ALL ​ (LEADER) Life-giving Spirit, bring to the bones of these gifts the flesh of our actions and the breath of our caring,

(ALL) that our church and our service to others may come to life in your name. Amen.

SONG 4 |Hands And Feet

For all the strides we’ve made, for all our blessings, we’ve fallen far away from truth. Turning our face away from this hurting race, we’ve turned our face away from you.

PRE CHORUS: We wanna be your hands, your feet; not just words, but let our actions speak. For every broken heart, for every widow, for those without shelter from the rain, we lift our eyes to you looking for answers, when we have been called to ease the pain.


CHORUS: So here we are, words can only go so far, draw us closer to your heart. Bring us back to You, bring us back to You.

We wanna be Your hands, Your feet not just words but let our actions speak

CCLI Song # 5242542 -- CCLI License # 42469

SONG 5 | God Of Justice

Fill us up and send us out Fill us up and send us out Fill us up and send us out Lord. x2

CHORUS: We must go, live to feed the hungry Stand beside the broken, we must go Stepping forward, keep us from just singing Move us into action, we must go

© 2004 Thankyou Music CCLI Song # 4447128 -- CCLI License # 42469

COMMUNION Led by Diana Steenbergen

“The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, [pick up the loaf], and when ​ ​ ​ ​ he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” [tear it in half] ​ ​ ​

Leader: The body of Christ broken for us.

All: The gifts of God for the people of God. ​ ​

Leader: Let us partake together. ​ ​

[partake in the bread; 10 second pause]

In the same way, after supper he took the cup [pick up the cup], saying, “This cup is the ​ ​ ​ ​ new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

Leader: The blood of Christ shed for us.

All: The gifts of God for the people of God.

Leader: Let us partake together.

[partake in the wine; 10 second pause].

BENEDICTION May Almighty God make us faithful in his calling, Joyful in his service and fruitful for his kingdom. May the blessing of God almighty— the Father, Son and Holy Spirit— be upon us and through us with all those to whom he sends us, now and forever, Amen.