T.C. Süleyman Demġrel Ünġversġtesġ Fen Bġlġmlerġ Enstġtüsü

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T.C. Süleyman Demġrel Ünġversġtesġ Fen Bġlġmlerġ Enstġtüsü T.C. SÜLEYMAN DEMĠREL ÜNĠVERSĠTESĠ FEN BĠLĠMLERĠ ENSTĠTÜSÜ GELĠNCĠK DAĞI TABĠAT PARKI VE KOVADA GÖLÜ MĠLLĠ PARKI (ISPARTA) ICHNEUMONIDAE (HYMENOPTERA) FAUNASI AyĢegül ÖZDAN DanıĢman Doç. Dr. Mehmet Faruk GÜRBÜZ DOKTORA TEZĠ BĠYOLOJĠ ANABĠLĠM DALI ISPARTA-2014 © 2014 [Ayşegül ÖZDAN] TAAHHÜTNAME Bu tezin akademik ve etik kurallara uygun olarak yazıldığını ve kullanılan tüm literatür bilgilerinin referans gösterilerek tezde yer aldığını beyan ederim. AyĢegül ÖZDAN ĠÇĠNDEKĠLER Sayfa İÇİNDEKİLER ............................................................................................................. i ÖZET............................................................................................................................ v ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ vi TEŞEKKÜR ............................................................................................................... vii ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ ................................................................................................... viii ÇİZELGELER DİZİNİ ............................................................................................... xi 1. GİRİŞ ....................................................................................................................... 1 2. KAYNAK ÖZETİ .................................................................................................. 15 3. MATERYAL ve YÖNTEM ................................................................................... 34 3.1. Örneklerin Toplanması ................................................................................... 34 3.2. Çalışma Alanları ............................................................................................. 35 3.2.1. Gelincik Dağı Tabiat Parkı (GDTP)’ndan seçilen alanlar ...................... 35 GDTP I. istasyon (Garip orman girişi) ................................................ 36 GDTP II. istasyon ................................................................................ 37 GDTP III. istasyon (Kurtlu Sızak Mevkii) .......................................... 38 GDTP IV. istasyon (Tomsu Mevkii) ................................................... 38 GDTP V. istasyon (Hoca Çeşmesi Mevkii) ......................................... 39 GDTP VI. istasyon .............................................................................. 40 3.2.2. Kovada Gölü Milli Parkı (KGMP)’ndan seçilen alanlar ........................ 41 KGMP I. istasyon (Kanalağzı Mevkii) ................................................ 41 KGMP II. istasyon (Yarımada Mevkii) ............................................... 42 KGMP III. istasyon (Tesbili Boyun Mevkii) ....................................... 42 KGMP IV. istasyon (Tuzla Mevkii) .................................................... 43 KGMP V. istasyon (Baldıranlı Mevkii)............................................... 44 KGMP VI. istasyon (Bağcağız Mevkii) ............................................. 45 3.3. Verilerin Analizi ............................................................................................. 46 4. ARAŞTIRMA BULGULARI ................................................................................ 47 4.1. Tür Listesi ....................................................................................................... 54 4.1.1 ANOMALONINAE ................................................................................ 54 Anomalini ............................................................................................ 54 Anomalon cruentatum Geoffroy, 1785 ............................................. 54 Gravenhorstiini .................................................................................... 55 Barylypa uniguttata (Gravenhorst, 1829) ......................................... 55 4.1.2. BANCHINAE ......................................................................................... 56 Banchini ............................................................................................... 56 i Exetastes adpressorius (Thunberg, 1822) ........................................ 56 Lissonotini ........................................................................................... 57 Lissonota culiciformis Gravenhorst, 1829 ........................................ 57 Lissonota (Lissonota) frontalis (Desvignes, 1856) ........................... 58 Lissonota (Lissonata) fundator (Thunberg, 1824) ........................... 59 Lissonota (Loxonota) histrio (Fabricius, 1798) ................................ 60 Lissonota (Lissonota) proxima Fonscolombe, 1854 ......................... 61 Lissonota unicincta Holmgren, 1860 ................................................ 62 4.1.3. CAMPOPLEGINAE............................................................................... 63 Porizontini............................................................................................ 63 Campoletis viennensis (Gravenhorst, 1829) ..................................... 63 Cymodusa (Cymodusa) australis (Smits van Burgst, 1913) ............. 64 Dusona intelligator Aubert, 1966 ..................................................... 65 Olesicampe fulcrans (Thomson, 1887) ............................................ 66 4.1.4. CREMASTINAE .................................................................................... 67 Pristomerus pallidus Thomson, 1890 .................................................. 67 Temelucha schoenobia (Thomson, 1890) ............................................ 68 Temelucha discoidalis (Szépligeti, 1899) ............................................ 69 4.1.5. CRYPTINAE .......................................................................................... 70 Cryptini ................................................................................................ 70 Aritranis director (Thunberg, 1822) ................................................. 70 Aritranis longicauda (Kriechbaumer, 1873) .................................... 71 Buathra tarsoleucos (Schrank, 1781) ............................................... 72 Cryptus tuberculatus Gravenhorst, 1829 .......................................... 73 Cryptus viduatorius Fabricius, 1804 ................................................ 74 Mesostenus albinotatus Gravenhorst, 1829 ...................................... 75 Myrmeleonostenus italicus (Gravenhorst, 1829) .............................. 76 Stenarella domator (Poda, 1761) ...................................................... 77 Xylophrurus augustus (Dalman, 1823) ............................................. 78 Phygadeuontini .................................................................................... 79 Arotrephes perfusor (Gravenhorst, 1829)......................................... 79 Bathythrix strigosa (Thomson, 1884) ............................................... 80 Charitopes gastricus (Holmgren, 1868) ........................................... 81 Dichrogaster saharator (Aubert, 1964) ........................................... 82 Dichrogaster schimitscheki (Fahringer, 1935) ................................. 83 Eudelus simillimus (Taschenberg, 1865) .......................................... 84 Gelis areator (Panzer, 1804) ............................................................ 85 ii Gelis gallicator (Aubert, 1971) ........................................................ 86 Hemiteles similis (Gmelin, 1790) ..................................................... 87 Tropistes falcatus (Thomson, 1884) ............................................... 88 4.1.6. CTENOPELMATINAE ......................................................................... 89 Mesoleiini ............................................................................................ 89 Mesoleius melanoleucus (Gravenhorst, 1829) .................................. 89 4.1.7. DIPLAZONTINAE ................................................................................ 90 Diplazon tibiatorius (Thunberg, 1822) ................................................ 90 4.1.8. ICHNEUMONINAE .............................................................................. 91 Listrodromini ....................................................................................... 91 Anisobas cingulatellus Horstmann, 1997 ......................................... 91 Phaeogenini.......................................................................................... 92 Heterischnus truncator (Fabricius, 1798)......................................... 92 Colpognathus celerator (Gravenhorst, 1807) ................................... 94 Dicaelotus pumilus (Gravenhorst, 1829) .......................................... 95 Herpestomus arridens (Gravenhorst, 1829) ..................................... 96 Diadromus albinotatus (Gravenhorst, 1829) ...................................
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