
November 11 1994 AEr BRITAIN'S BIGGEST WEEKLY STUDENT AMTU CO E NEWSPAPER the private lives of public HO WA NTS T• BE A MILLIONAIR schoolboys - Your foolproof guide to winni the notional lottery Rosa Prince PAGES 10-11 page 7 LEGITIMACY OF UNION MEETING CHALLENGED Exec 'cheats' cost union £17,000 HUGE sums of students' money are to be spent by union chiefs who allegedly broke official ROOF STREAKER FAILS TO IMPRESS regulations. They deny union rules were breached. but are s.aid tc1 he privately gloating Over their successful deception. The row entptod al lcr u meeting this week at LUU. Specific union lows were allegedly bypassed to `LYING enable the meeting to make decisions which will east Levi, CHEAT NG Uelvcrsily studrnts it leasi ▪ 17;000 pet year. The resignations of Robin Johns BASTARDS' and Ellie Clement, LUU General and Administration Sectotarim,„ have now been called for by members of last ACCUSED year's Exec. The Special Civostilutiumal General tine till than" Meeting voted to creme sabbatical post,. - Sht taa1 ul her colleagues. 'They art the wages for which 'Mil he taken from lying che.uing haiLinds." union funds - for a union Societies Robin Johns admitted co 61 Secretory and an nf ricer lo co-nadirmi[ Sriiiideur reporter ilsiong.thc messing dim he the ielephonr counselling believed it io be nromorme v4r he ryti. service An anenclanCe of MN] student. I. 411114• Iht ecinsaiLitian was ignored and necessary to snake ell SCGM auurate, claims died:it-Won& taken weft k-gltirnalr grunion; it ourvastuticinal decriatitt-rna► ng However, the legitimacy of the moan: powers lexklpeniken C11411111 put the figure was nvevioned by tan year' of students present this week at below Adminastralma Secretary and cv-editur of 3111) the Uniama cuagitution. Outs Weianuoil Rona .Senealon, ■sensor member of -The meeting was eitely lisquornte: he Cart, sold. 'I NM till 3.1111.1rIed 0111l then said "IR IA a fact that F.sec can ki rn am Wete .IID people there. People wens underhual a " leaving while voting was pima on I wit And according so onr anion iroader. "Psec officers xerepiling u1 each fisher arler,sards ■h,lus gmung away ...ils it in niche rules Them art calls the resignation of member. iif Elm: by ihesr pirdircessorii "In these circumuanees 1110 should qutl said Ceri IT MUST HAVE SEEN COLD: Thine Leeds lasses give their verdict on the antics of a naked Nurse-. e farmer ithler man who bared all outside their window. Passeee-hy stated In beenuserneni as the man climbed on to a shop roof and encouraged A quellicri over thr them to adopt a policy of universal love. The emergency services were called and the man I I h.. .ACGIld wa, was evenluehy taken away for questioning after an hour, present .1.. 2, COI.. 6 Full eteley: page 4 1121C2 Disbeshis Singh Inside: News 1-5, Comment 6-7, Music 8-9, Features 10-11, Arts 12-13, ma 14, Books 15, Menu 16, Sport 18-20. Plus 12 page blurb pullout uNvisKA ,F LEEDS irene

▪ 2 News Hunt for sex attacker Fair shares are booked

MILLGARTII Pr.lr a ■'4 sr-ill Preirentloe Offerer, has warned BIPOK-Ift'N1 /tit: students al Intl" Phillip P Yite. Library Sera-Ice. 115 cl..1111 Ea nalimi F7 ai~I m Wii.mr. ► appeilang L,r inforanamon about in female sillidells dr Ilse fili$A of nalserskIles In Ibnrds will +a hr ahk Slane per of I. M rejected indecent umiak ua a female sliudenl walking /14.11:1FE: LS our always at to use each olber'silbrarletnest year. suirgenliorm that Ills sebum Ls LLEIA.Ir nn 2'1 5.4-ineinI5rf Mrs ye-21 night when nlearks Slake Owe ■na die) arc nssr 11w wlWtlyll ,CSC inf the Rbrarin at LAE.. wind I,. II.S111: ku.04-nik. 01(.4031 Not* it...rc Bedard The ;Mark rook place 21 I LI.Oarn on the always on young ■laraclise 14.1.111{11. A4111EkS Leeds E'rdsershly 'was armed hart week. access to Leeds L'nireritly cornrr L.1 HrudericII Pintot end ..91.411 (117.7.0 Tor Orly IirYM iihrsillrec and ■o-rest of Lin Thr I !Hari rs it ulreuily open In Ell. "'TIN Is a ship forward. hull not us much as I 1.K) r•r• Did radian 1.1.1.t.11 her persaml rarely n a To-rends! victim. ball claps cat be Laken is Access to Leeds 1 niverdt5-t llheirles. &swayer, ▪ am:knit would like.- he nada. idardi but 11 ii+lab iinore4 A UAL p4, 44e by lout deertase iho will become restricted Ln rord•holders next FLeMJey, Nire•Prenirknt Edurieltur look nu notice of her predicament. .4 ylce from Harris nc I udel: "When aid Yeg-r• wliii&tinatrahtlei PO stodeoa The aswda101 is iltseintLed an Aaron mak% walking. thank ahead and he L.IIyour guard and l'aidir renal:haute-a .II 1.4tU should 1014.012 GI ▪ ure 11411.0 gating to GRIM tur bailer ihoill •.SL:ilft year" old and 5'9" Ht his a Csen do,ri fcell ,:ss.nr*deritlena. Cnnfiktill FrSlrr ..r r (Min their St Laden L's Focillriewand at lent the unirersitles ore plump. round fate, a Eveg fringe omrr tail left Walk down the meddle draw premedl and stay Tutor 3.1bririun If the hunks they wadi art not trying Ln arramnrandLite File the Lir* of or....rxr, eye, a medium refflowelie Aegl a mud Ln wen-ht urcis ariallahlr wilt [Ism he able Io ore In so-am issy." ITI has left cur. Anyone who recoginses Hui "AI way I walk Facing noccienreg rraffic vas deeds I 1511i.r5115 `n Ilhrarlrs nor gerer rre e air ■F...1. EH. 11.2 ■1-0114.S the drierlgalii.M. Oil 1LSIhki they' May dirt stet illas ■scod kerb-trawkri LI yuu think you are being purgnwes. ine of 1111J-illE1 Huddersfield. theridweilde man amenity_ should contact hilidlgardi Police followed cross she idad and keep wnlimg fl rieherairlacillr rewrralwri. as (NI.: can ntralo Mid iihriTlehl Hallam noi-rersitles In a you am 1011 being Followed, head Pori-mi.). areas ■11h0LI-T card which grunt birrnsolog right. irePpimead e4theisiti0lhit serfrian external Jahn Parris. Wesi Vorfr'hire Police ("rime or a hadred Lr,xLi.r 1 ask for Ire IC Freln orriiiinweettorn Ire 'And, scar. librorlet borrower% viral"


.mdrprziLr.f 13471. impel' serous; LW:10M 1.1 Lends Unraersuy, Leah Cut-price education: rierirenlay age caned 443:•1., 1 I is and lards Mims flan:alba abide by a code of .ann.lort. Inn if y,.. bars .riav firdbleion mensal the Eda Per the cost of the market? !sail Samba I. I Lesio-Finstessirgl.slm ad TEACHING standards are under threat duo to the rirLrt Exec iffge cammercloliallOn Of university orgarasation. an academic has ram claimed. `cheats' flikliaglxr ▪ Leo1. 112Lrmasm 1.1110E1 :lc under 'La of CONTINILTDElltAl siLP rorrsilF Enter isrocizyg primenrc and are ifiruhn-g it dirrieult In Mae RSVC, maritalLa high ganzlarIEL5 of araklu4 Clue Clemens. m 1.11B chair, "There is a feeling of hasty 3.41.1111434A by 'PA Ira 404 efieenUers Net lei Ark FAIrirs attendance Elul the foiled io a roproisna. lianas dirlrieti From star brae wrialablo ordel a fecisPHI Harness • Ito Lcuuiuiu and research," sari are &Mem, who muilenl dad ms "per:ilia:AU) ask ElraiLr Liam, ties witty .10 he named. "Them is ■genera l Martel among academics against marnmerced Lew irIc ▪ Eras I nillinneel M err urg En iatxm.' - 0411)41.1:1E who heard the Irwin PU.1E...as A nuitersity spokeswoman saki.: "Itisrillasi icaimal taxi dida's tank tl vas •hiders have- Pod lir rare Ilk Lm leetwerp due qua ss !ail Of whether there hooka Man were enough pruple in IBC I it Fkiand hi WIFE camperipmn Kiikecn 14.1w/wt. -MD. I. .Inosituir nankuhrly had rn okkr mein hat Aka, amused re 1.*,n1 need+ thgu haul see* ilifferniar Ird1vrrris c...11141:1,• 07 said Elbe Frrottda.luelv issisessa.Aiss1]...15 LE resporre 11r Lix general morn 011Yekg .1JII i-matc..si Allan Seemiry 1 1111 nee adrinneolidikr uidehirr Ilan Ilia. work lrcen WHINED POR MAD: Ow- Mallon mambas., Bosnia lima ants down Ins dares Chris W{1.1W134.113 added implemental L amide wpm and ananaurare 'The n tit Ronde with Friturm IrEirklnic LL-panunerio AieLavk Palomar'. u, charge sot f I crept knowledgr in lialr Elk era ElmaimItrrarrrInl Support Unit, mul. 'Thin yew ihe rm.-miles:Pas TURN ON FOR STUDENT RADIO quinine wore Liam in ...harp: windier rims in gine howd. wigwam In 5 to rillivicrwr and qualily wf service il Restated Mal- in the Mirk Mien 1111 ,Ind-„is Iv is, ak Lur watrt Iron, Hu V ler-iniasserllor 5.1 Lirds Lmsrnnl- Nick Maize We aim IL. It Chip II Lore% way% bunk RP proceed walla iirsi week liar launch of hr {l_norls Shorkrit Prudesinr Alan Wihrnn, in pundit a umiak 11.' 11014 arm. 1'11 11 'what aardind i utiwr Leeds rhcprindli mOirlingi rind nil ..urr n far. Shaker( Steven limier raft resil 5 hose reilzned just tern start utter Proieo Mow mayame to challenge Itenut oppotriled. Anti I lirLa ate lilah• to lasoch Leleriiien BKhord Dural_ Nelmark TY minim said stabon fix simian; this yew. The atierirdohntor.Reubarar yew wdl tat tXrcorencrioA Were 11 f tra A scarce close la Ears Pied iiirrisnuel feu rah. hardid mtrall trt mark prink* programme Mind Dale maxi cam. I-idum Newcomb_ will be kating at Ltir rind, sd confessed: "The Meister% of Dune: broadi Nanrrrater .18 and LW be rousted axe the &mien.) Penn 40 Lake up lin swab Wale si ‘lanehenter "Neu Mir All the halls should midi re cable Tr' Exec premut wen wrong o.LX Nicol., Y.' FM. LnlYrn4ly.14.roarire LPireet.w.hrhn t 'lemmas failed LRSd and late ernemps cant he hoarderu rrmapa the to ipanktinn it epaufley. I FA 11w iSchnur% scsicly has Lilo) recessed copped louden resurnatmal bckair heir In rrilum 1, i isucla idler t- very unpick:1Es and didn't Stara Hir brtic.e w urea hen." Ulm Clanged has rcturest Sprem Residents strike for action Smart cookies excel Eu insfureitri Robin lobos drried RENT urn . -.•, . r 11 F. i T y aviAlsihOri OW the eneellog 11 5 .55 sas I ar• I FTP ,sasANA FLU ant far rim:: the eCtIMIll NI new unaiienn i, rain lei Hie l hil.susies Lied buddiEla Keith sludents rill he had been on 'Exec -HILO-up. sirecrernixiiiiisn hitter nacatiors_ in this Fiords ire Wing marked on 11141g "The Liirmuy was Chinni:IFNI grsldtnit all Oxley flan aim week intik more than. ihe mirirrium madam der chiliare thelr woe. tat port of their Haul bid Llx MUT was mat, in the agreed to Mose a mac 'Nem trait. grant culinary skills as ire? examinations. emir "monied their war ass Win ceinuessium. Goodall proposed I hot "Ludes.'" ter', esinarrenel dishes aA Mesr111 Twee• moo-mire salapectium." he sari "f don They are being dlurg tt 61,684 per denimrd a reducium area per week, and a Lee& resh u rant. id. eh. uulle a rosined Lora d 'Imre were 51.13- pLeaPle thar. kV I leo-sills` MULTI-" NEWSOM g ar.. and ca' Ian rune green nu delay II's-Orate ,mill elem. icrro. •1-4, NI I s From restaurant, this reek chalet orrr ..'hSTB IL) Inv. OE 5. Ilnes Meanwhile he will continue ir Thrums Oink. i'nliege err ruull he was Tellers -.west at the dery of d ✓ iInc 141.1c, 0.532 id ribl. appear Its the alhl veil ii) Minnow 'wadi the k1111.11"til9r Fur a teller car kinu Impressed- blab ilise prasjecsue demi .51911:1411 LILM the V ice- rhiirs at The 'rialto-IV work and that it each shade or who entered-. 434727 The problem was LINYCL111.01 a1 a Whey clicked 504 uniun Cha:ironer, Prinfasser Alit, *Asian. F irribirtirs Resta urani as t impani eery Lasinerably mewing of lib residehli it Lt LL eepreSse4 lirrixiTe on henna' lhar rend eriair sperlidirien with pristexidodill uournist ioerarlers - Julie live above than Advertising M' Inman Tien GoodoLl. union Welfare mini:resew for gooney .5111 ML high. such is smoked al, twine. tanker}, John El Doi h, Sccrrlary_ esnaused 'hut R-14.11, base Too) V.:chile. who helped organise ■nal 4 urinal In chanarisiguni lareiod■Hyman, Ernm■ The desision of the 110E7.1 0532 an pay Leass CS coo still In nstritirraed al per week un ibis week's meeting of resident'. mad' VIVr land rh oic Oat e Pease and lianie I Hudson Ibrir weekly ipendirg up 10 1.1110'1 Amino-al geacral 314251 The htghlIAM.L.WE renequi lie kirfnzlh wire par Neu Iraq., 55 on .E£CDTFLEIN1Rillinfl iiiferimi over ibc But tru ritcrirrace coinumesded, MorElnic nen year

cc-ls I t ...vim Ngy unker IL ies-i I — News 3 London demo claimed as triumph by NUS devite Government accusations of 'scaremongering' FIGHT FOR LIVING GRANT

Win %Vermin Pie • kJ.. Psyched on GOES ON IN ALL WEATHERS

television 111:. Own..

THE national demonstration Ili of ecstacy London against grand cuts has ✓IC% bn)&11 tlestribed as a success by 11.11.112111C1 L I WY? friaOrlOir 4:14 those taking part. ItcluPer Mach waierman iimund 151:160 duckni, rngiy .iirrAyiyd She ovuatry an ihe use of th• liar ruin Ill disphix Ilcuacy, .cirri estrum Llts ir IhuuLhlt Dri prf...1•11( GrernlanUIL g ;0; .:117111141:111- The oxon.hroterx. 'Rave Kr. , umensgeted the rave F-Ncept for too bold ..p ;lured Ill the Melts dorker Student Soci41.2, crsie Had the drirgEr slay End prodincem recruited Mitch in an Ilyek Pork i"rnl kivi.ory roltlyuChr wei also pescrfulE3. II, 1, g...Tr made 1.1.1 the asked to appear In from of the pulivr lie dui.. .Muse atiernlieg Mere cameo". Mei+. from the in.lurkd 4-1a1 liNliv..pnim Ts:Lchulogy depanneru n dw S I wir 111131kIlded in ihe trial qa. isnocrstiy. wa, praised with MOWN') .1i.• WWI Ilse p..441Wmrlur d inu,l int ob ed. One min-cher %Like: I 15.-r, Police sta cheer; from ho triawnr., named rapt.) lectures on Monday khan r hlllnk illw ruin made morning .L...rryvor more melon% hi ltPt N pHs due ill wog nu yi.rt ellnugh! II 41 rfrLnl .91 r The pwamme inyall.ed au Irk-ELVIII /MAI inw Ihr nullatc clear of The ',Jude .uo. Idned ..14 It ..upporik ibr rare rainne, Inc wild the niernhir.i. or Ilse pulillt. Est YAW An I hr Equhrios Wan OM Io Alm IdAillainAn+1 1.11Arkin Ehrr, Cr i,Y doir ter Rumen Atieo wad at the Shampoo .irrLiorr -{sh 41 ...ere in Iniuble_ iituoc FaViody What 11141c. n our crawl'. hrLiY rut aril our !war% been rotest Liunlionnoirvtlesisned by Nriich war used so rel. die bean. order IL. depusiure /Nem rayvholnewaliLinir .1 she non. liNEIrl-si Cllr rriarth paned Nlorhar .Arch firr rail, ..at Use nnh lei. down II, an olherxia kw titaitt or IN- Allai niarpArn ilrll.il Fir added' ihat II 1.1, ri thi." ptlrnl Ihul Ibe the rIh repre.r.iluille; from the You've been mludient I ,11FAIILAIL, e rn 117111.AmILIrn and nIalLim. Vim. LI IN•Ar thin nuL stir Rrtl Mire rillr.flAl 1141•u 1111ril AL I het ...rife u 11.1.- I upf r Br All rill rtlyrr lining It. r altnallir a, irate eta Lirmith. Quangoed!? Uppruckaw ist the mujiiriii. ti MILIAN „ Ire' Ton ilird rime demon...Ireton. Itokhi. bud reolinmed Wit rliri slu r, dove ow SIM:4M UM and Irk Frier, 1341E11 fiindlrIn. J1 .1 I I, t II I 9-111.111 group disirnrIsanded bh Ihr npparrna Lerd..1 rihrmiry., hs#pn1 Junk in. lit thuiersoy ei being Irendbunzed 6.4. a Not ii ncia...6.11., dMI eut% conolderiog k H 1.11CirM4, Mal „a rrrl'I by a Goverrusneni QUANGO arid whidend Wens. Irproited by the rally. vAr I,. ahl. whJa arm ham. ikce n.cu, The. t in-NI drool' twilled radii nr 1FL" chief executive, ri has been .pulkert Le turn, u mono than 51 IN_ Sing rarri 47/ 1S150N hailed ...Lich a !arm rtititntd Weimem repan in irit ✓ipcinernuilym Iif iruchrr,' anions and %I.'S isi....;emitessei ...."uls.11.11 null Ilk int TiBIA Mg folinrAmor .AIILL. ft.iil ..unpiici coffin." upplemtra, wribri Seri ROM. Ih student euni-r. Part included Nth The I iu.erniruni Ia Ire de rrnd1 ,1 On ArAcedhwialhc vrjale. Vice 1.41-411,rni lies \ 1111141, *•. Isom Foorol 1.11 11114 .... NI,. I mods. I im Memel!_ Chareellor Alan Winn has lurnalrour jookir echiranicii Jur Mt"...; been thtedilard by thcl-tie. Raisin Johns. Leeds L'riiierslly 1 non's ....a, nerdy -Lwarrirmialigcring- II. nritAllkUlki fiducatiou Funding inanxil :corral NetTernr5, kir 11.41 Iris red .4 the Ulu 414.11no. hit !si L i rejected Me ebiin_ Bemused builderowNEchlhe march Pic: Ed Crtipm along with annegl. eight albIf urnvernirY wc-chamallan. Wilson's seereLuy desrdbed die apart n, "Nati-mon " A cpokesrean For the HEM, whiLsi Late night the Ritz Youths on attack admuung that there was -a NH 4.r vac-4,14rweowim.ho•amli l-,S131F.N13 u ■Oilsccr. 14. silt ceplaie che present dud RITZY. the laser.' awerers of the nearby ▪ ro. .1.4.n.n11 I FInt or L redo Rs (Ann Sircuiaas !klerrium Thisile unit eirsiiy Fish hair added emmuSi%c- doe Weft nigbtapots, has prulourtni ii a mean' -They 'I's alw ays MIL1 Lhcar, mods Ni clear thal ea holt!. ifli/VER.hal ENT plans la app I cd In i he EOLI i Charlune I6YELIITIEE113. eniriro privorr hint." ...lib of a tacit from laced youths, banging urtiund Wes We One diortlisl bed -yei been made r..inging Irons prr.orial abubl ,e nrr4 shay were *cowslip kid..., LiernSing eo !waive ant A ipub.c•worn•h rot the the ■drnillItlraliou of hi ...ken *.ndwa kind lireVrOrliS. NI a disabled student Li4•in$15.....gei longer opening hours. ✓hIsilt Harel group said We Unite/1i loons. here been The Pew lIcerict would, will always pui tie imeresu or S1ose Hunt. President or imiu Isla 4ar get ,.t,, the leaked id Ihe BBC building behind people as diry allow Riley la exiend Iu hours ncr Ii any prosruerne, firer affid Raw . 1.2.11r. hit Green failure he en t he t iciun at several let themselves unill tram Aural Mondry Lo possi Ili y !he y may he Graduates in debt will ineldrnis. We had ■Mond}• "les very easy to gel Trio the A RECEN-r tcoort [us crinicizrd Finurday. -disturbed. ihen we will hr flier commercial race! or univerunes fnc User Untidily Le The application lesis Leeds' de Fills re Ft .11 1 ht £1011 rkan2c4 iibrOwn. ilwoingb our our purl behind i he flint - the interesi ii lbe Formals pa ri aide opera once implerneIVI Frhiri MICI.1•. p:1101# 141 bc.iotn4 n boor ouirome urthus application - &kali krichen window au bonfire gars hes ke- the beginning of lerm.- iterrrrjel PfInJar. The Liberal peassibLy bringing ii Lo.141. line Ne-hord it.trice.. 121m1.3/1. of the plant are night. There WAS a kid irte wrier Democratic Youth & Stolen.' will ulbif dubs in the city the late I can te Andrew to be revealed in a nigh iakjPJL pot than outude die Raffle". Ryan. Recidential coney hishiithEtd 54-14-r341 urn noel al 'Vague' Nr4 lilt go MeDOsiald. on Engineering building with in airguo. old late eirrixtr Al the cucnuicelgd tiepArrrneni ear IF-ducarion sed to 511111‘11 uruyeesities, including BesaLs' "ruder.' F[ 11.141.,1 declared. darument. awlsl direr or lilt tilie Nitro nil -They're jusi iukeriiker, u those to Leeds, could irnproYe Urpfrwrum.10). Sht eishiaub "Riley is superb: all nighi NOS Prt*Idrinu Fen fluor flat. gal burgled. ilutI I shtlr Eirvironencmat pracIlee. will only he able io serve fond would be ranting M.urphy ha. criticised the "The Malice IOWA whin the -The peo thewew nren'I The suggened mecemaneadminuni End soil drinks &fur 2.m. However, upon heanng ihai neon impair are. We'te called used LoL tirernaloessi of die scheme ti king ninrilerfil local kids." mralox an initise ell recyamiii Neither Ibe cauncil nor the nicohol was unn..nFiablt ilitr Yelpraci Leak. Them out marneraus iinaes_ bail had nid [here's mach [bey eau de (scilines lad a greaser effort Su pulite appear in object to ilie 25m, Isis ipirus dampened ■hake said ix tTtk is not ▪ abain .repuerin improve Transport and energy prioposii I or. Mc only -TberciL be less Chalet phial to %mg w lawn itiart. oppoailion cousin From the of romance ilsen,- he Tiered The itiviiinr Re F4aerkEibi Tivno Vrio,rand

Feeds Sowienr ledependent Nricapnxr Nirotinlier II, I'M]

News 5 Soprano hits the perfect pitch Battles on and off the sports field A rkftSlillile.11..).5. selmfaiship has been career In her primary school choir, THE unitising straggly to keep Vfedoesday Skedneschs afterwons. I. semester two, this -, warded to an ambitious Leeds dreams of tinging professionally. gifternonoi• free for sport at Ueda Unlvervily retire ION Meteoric to 171 hour~, soprano, near frown Ru...-Jerre and According to John. Brodsrell, the b.n re.rmrrged this year. .rife[ fermi' The unko• committed Hsieh, In Iltrtplog ?ow krrharitr Honour! Secretnryof the Witty, the W ed ***** y afternoon% fret al an OGhl ;Edith Caplan. si third you music additional lomat will greatly increase Sinury students hare protested that their .1111Z ho years ems. Se-i•ertlarlo%%. in 1991 Modern ai itCnir Umsessity, has woo a her chaneei of Obtahlutg a Moor at one timetable presents them from parrllrlpallnrg kh the unirernhil'a •ciptiev departmeno. halmn li itholarship from the Leeds of ihe highly acclaimed London music twain sports. tinielahlr lecture an Wednesday afternoons, Philharmonic &wetly. The award will college,. A Ed rah by Fiona timraten, and ihe prwrtler has spread i41 ...her help pay for singing tuition for the Thrt robralarship is mu.lr dppres mita General Allh1elirt gerreirry. has shown that deparmsrnis daring this academie year those Judith Caplan •:_tr . by Judith -11', pre', hie ...levee in during semester one of this }ear 7S hours of with air erealesi number of hamar% Ii-log f4C: elerelee Lee ludiih. who begins her tinging what I lose rot luck s luck I. I are. and tailor-151k were 11theriabled for Ahoeliriokir% and 51artroretelim Gas leak puts lives FALLEN ANGELS VOW TO FIGHT ON THE opening night of as award 111.141.!111 staged al Leeds Univer%iny Union had to he halted early due to in danger !ethnical 'niches. leaving the madienee disappointed but organisers rowing that the shoo will go on„ wirer Chris Alanufron. SEX, FLIES A POTENTIALLY fatal gas leak threatened the lives Tuesday eight was the UIK amateur Of two students, It was revealed this week, premiere of ilia Obsier award winning show Cir.' of Angels in 1.4 The rotidcun Sul lerrtil fi isiayu.k gals mown the gas fire 1Lr's Kiley VIDEOTAPE Smith .Hall.; however, the show hod on be in their Hozetas hoitne, &Wee being assured hew dew mused slopped elm Getty Wee WM1 when the [THOU shall We On [oral and to that tare). cfroks had been made on the prorcely. multiply mem week Nu, thou re-cot...lug liare broke down mad Athena Bradley. an LIkt final douppoimied theatre-vas had to to sent scam shah penctine safe AM eisarkly Poloerrons ping on f Tim Goodall and Canine taUttL rtart CARBON nom Ple2 Pat* Belk) . organisers of dos= "We'd been living there for four The night was net in he i Ingliaipi iii couple of months ago we snamed %on. tipT said Healthy Sex Week, 10111.1 915:1" 9,1b2, Frei' lweii,tiralc Sash the hinory of LEIN Thc-ator tint M.A.: Theater director Graham Whiikek think became it is She was Med. Mt MONOXIDE Comps who picked up Ihe rights to the was Stihmeatly diffieuts .abet amateur groups may Goodall, 1-1. and her inctligiom slams when they became available 1.6."P burl put oil - bid we Neren't 1 1:'s Welfare WI" 'it'd" Secretary and Beoiley, NIP of eyes loaliaal awful and was in FEAR IN Pdionr.h. One of the reasons I wanted 1.44 411./ 41 sas Education and eampaigna or n right male. She had oi Xo ro .4.1.111 R. the 0011 became S•PIllabld heciuse .1 the 14 ttalkr4.1:, LheLr. atm itWmww anmininss hospital he cheeks rid ended up HOMES abort the icrimlnure d safe ICI rimming a ;seek' a work and a netgrUtera.- seriously_ Bison. policy in ensure by a PIWO.4411 on of infernsmoon. a advice mull free cartilmina I After onso.-hon% were diode ohille 11111 all properties under our thhAriglauta the wed. gin fine. !he prublem was managememi are sale for holii.us we The manta planned sbenikl thionmod awl the rthoionr% alma nrAhroli•Ah 4115 Irul nemrolni e xcite the Most limp was annlotiaed 14. the Irak Thr emphasis on gas and eieLtrica' difficulty posed by detecting .nailliaons We rook this rinesit. imaginations. A film entitled ■carboy, asonoside and the ort-r from lbe proorra• agents -FREE "Limn* y U Off wooed iu know about sex but were too consequences if it had not been September and were mooed than Arad to ask..- will kick non the iminedimely hkrinfics1 owned. the solely ataxia had been to out week on Monday students. -1 was scared stiff, We had no rearm ai (IJOCIICSt Turstlay gives would be net esocciilly when all its toil were At a result of stanskud procedure theropois iho chance or host, coming bock plume:. raid Sarah are carnal in inspeanini on the Hag, an. LMU Undone. 1 daft property in October omil after SAPIRe their prowess in a sea nisv quo, whilst The Revolution' Anew what was wrong with aria. Contitmning IL unsafe. i71.1111:d 111.1! warless cob, safe sex my; pony The doctor Mill thus he H V4 per mina Mabee um instA will teach WOMEN to -Please cent definite that the carbon Flowerer, the resider-1, monoxide ass the cause If it annoyed at the insonsrniensr ycsaself, not your ran Ravi., ova, things hot up hadn't bee. detected, I dread PO caused. Bradley commented /74/R OF think whin wild law happened' -We'd born paying rent whale dm sin Wedosedar woh the 'Live Sea Show' by contagious The landlordism tae fused meal fora wax meg on and ape from ;111.1.11.elly on the beug wirried &am cur heddis, we hula-hum This is hair de more heating Into the otiventurcset, lemmas A luta- recommeadalenia of ihe elute hal no boning fur a one'. Prop* then. Life model of the female q uits managing the Frapeity. A were walking in and out od the .:GLASSES 4i the mac agents home 1/) do Jr west mid the riser rncradia aid ueTetrig aderet no 1a11 11 2:1I. Man I88 t u txrp,4?),Prf :e1E'kt=t4amkel Pernidom insetting. LCD will dm boar estremely was aim discuss safe homosexual sex on Weitesday and 011 Thursday the Chnulan Onion mks -What's • HUGE UNISEX RANGE Move got to do with it'' DOWN WITH EL PASO nit nen of a nun St..4•PIPty OVER 700 FRAMES ON DISPLAY High and rising armed with hsv cATIIPP4.4 1‘14,11P Moloch slow • screwdnver taking rtgooval de law THIS year the number down the sign rt1 de 'EJ Pao' food nod yellow tign geese the came:- • FOR A LIMITED PERIOD students at Leeds University has captivated don m in 13,111's nib hit trusty soreonkner. has soared to a new high. Old Bar that wont. The drinkers acre +Wind Etna 'Sop practice tar &gotta Is-rues Jo-Anna Oweru. Onlookers wait had In cheerful lip was replaced with A The amount Arit15.114 Ilhe arreumement as LL'U Societies wage vnnoudy attacking dr "U 'trendy crowded aVaialrshonent Paso feed" has swelled to the record Nome Ah onlooking student of 11.705 commenied ilut Moira' s action However, students teem 'was a hit unprofessional .mane more bothered about the atah from u union smarmy.'" at the Ohl Bar 'hoe the Tun GucdalLWelfme Socraari ISION prospect of missing out on at 11.11I. mlmirsed "The sign thdn't study hooks horn do Weary. lit in with the image 41t the Old „ ,c,,iis Nyehology student Helen Johnson complained: Old He whiled: -The Knots +Wald par If always far too tewee Ground it- libiadkIlfp • 1140•11. t.111.1Virary • 11,$1 MIN • 1,14461. Tel 0531 421684 have been iaken only with the tramped" Rietordlaimai 11 tar onussi of Ezec."

Leeds Student lodependont Newspaper November I L 1944 4 News

- Lod %If yet 111.1kItI ....rx- Greek society has a smash ip3f1; rr$ 46 kocw114 1, MESIEIERS al a tourer Lill; }Fr!Iron: niornirlp. 'The morn star. in ■bell or a ' - ' &brier/ .1 Sociel. meeting lilt Imlay roghl !eh a 1 lir.'..tar. Vr1-...-ash 1110‘. Matre alb eel lead half on inch of fueiction l'IPOITI Et...[ red thick with broiled. glass on.the ilnor including glass CiAnp2711 orfaken glow. from do.o. light.. II scorned as if people had been The society dial giros Lo hemp Lusether Greek lreading or dozing on glows."

d tot I iludeDir for Oleo 1.4111-,;....410•eii -11CdrlishirS' ll;iill Whitthead. LL11: Societies Adreininielunr, ill.....0 parties", had booked ldbe R.I.1 Es ani Luunsc for WWI We Ere !eying tit VI io the bcatorri of ibis. 11 Happy Hacking,

an !kit 'Too LEGO lo Cone" basil and bud CoLICCIrtd Would seem Char dancing on ilats in twig of the ' slaws fpnen tiers 'mond the union rot' their use. WietY's strange nruulishe eusloroa_ tut there Li no

in HIA1FC'.'er, Llbe Efinosprore %AI lea much fur einem for this hired of behaviour ra.ph tt t nnaparrt prorarri hat leen found ' e...... sorne or !how in uster•Jance and Ike CrtIrthilli011a • Wtirt trying to conlad die merehers but tree APG'"H Gr . - tamed iMe. a slam smashing affEir with partygoers phone nurnhen we hood lat hesnalhable End they In the Uris.elarilt His network being ortroved ....r a.rliirre.se13. slam Ping oh 1hr apprat b.. he Icepirs • low profile Thr Arse,ery will in Whitehall. The programme glasses. tie filial fine rile si4rhaEN giti5..nd al future everds 11111 igennates colour Beiges the 1.1151 rollers iltwoscred Ihe first the ors' they will be Fanned horn using pia...sex' of gay risco engaged IN col. was diatovered by ofTwdals at Dcpisurbrnr eye Trade krad I rausiry kit week.

othropologial Desmond r2.1.40M4 aoys' "Pr all bsslll TIDDLER ON THE ROOF dimwit to erechle tan'. The bigger your 11.111, Ilse more Impurtant yen,appear 10 the Psycho hits tie belie,,e1 Uml lie su,lde• A NAKED roan Vaunted his wares immititco to bag boulfanr Inns on Ire roof of a shop In Leeds B If Firth,: its ibe Iwtis low or the road last Saturday afternoon, the created moo ke} When CArtiltd_ tree enuakry stdilERWAS daunt dim dilsors An 'audience iplickl.t. formed outside the bis body hair In appear wire loo into morel:eft Wrenelst?mgce shop bur t he min. aged :would 25..orldresied behind the wheel. has/ eel thorn Frani his lofty position iiie nearly Ian refuted by e. Fellow of Leeds hour_ rd 'Thl, 1.• I YY-1 ull lose nor soritIser." pr.orauloied hi all those Aliening 141 Tripping 7'roop5 Nyelooksras in line US tress his speech. idenfified a new disorder Ile wau soon exeraird gat ihr soot by lire-woo ell l sin seer I remelt. we re w ' car ul isms known in lc "ailing policemen who whisked him Away given payg:har71r drugs road rise syndrome Amord.ng final lt1.4- xrtille- int impri 4$e. 4:11.111141 per rri Is. stabiles. 1-51K1 'Foyle Ivrrc ilnr of 1hr three Leeds. I. nirervaly grEduates eiperirnents carried put al lolled or 'injured last year In the Ilring In lilt flee ..15.1..r 1 he •Sup cobarbeo rd: Fr' on Down. Videstlit. The Sours -ON main of dirrecr.drrss Thought our nut leak CI lire when we teats were everuualiy staged rdok-dEns-ideral Lass the- &Tina', at our Ilait'lorti 15m:utile- Ihc still of b. HlowUsCr. lsain lr..514V.ger. On hauling. oulxide the Kirk sow the OHO in but side effects such as belhav Et Ike Driver Behnoiaz all Cr Ski naked hL11in Peraehlag Iii (Se ha Illue hairier:1a ertualinur mwst We-caisd Una ir ranee:mill, erased. than sears inner lin, carried out simile.. of road The MLR had reroteel lie sae. ti ■ rope Ski iftsniroed lardslitend to lare*CfsV 1Ple 1E24 'IeSiilee% Cr his Mal some reullk rhanRr Llirir dierily: hnEiewer, wheel hr did *error ill. gilt Krvonably Mural the idirel." bn "be kapl IlfelnA 11 up lo shwa his lore esplarread. lhars sirnp15. OW truarlienn.." said ane or ihr holenitril steslitenit or the 11x1, 'The al money boa "rwilthe Sllostirins such as The girl. weer AI.,r surprised limit he had driving Ili lie prujIr Flit chosen surb a chilly time of the year lo Milk{ Pdrli Laken on Sex !neaten: wish the Lake ere& rani lo epponlimily io huhure more Cr; Fl4:11411q LIN:Hat affew%uly *an nornini En Dill being Judgrairnial hal side cram tell 511 I he. kirtcm N inIELISISIS Mick Jagger's Dui Grasser divagreed Our hr was ;Ads' clot Iif thrm added dircsell feel a Wed lo brhave The opinion of the ill.1111 DWI ljer, famous bpi and a .110140ertnE lie 'ankle trans iinit-oitcly. SlualnlellSrl. Mal the mat seemed to he under lamer MII la, a Mild ytur the Influence Clidr1114, sea. lour lewd 110 duderu ltilmarphy. was ilia line Ertcrinical of the toad rife partial's Wild dunorder. "Volu'd h.,syto, br [EMI ldleikV} ua get out of your rtut und hit iornetine: he sad Pick up the bubbly: Total Tr h PrOfelsor claim ikro hate Found • delleeliue Mystery death Football news on page 19 true which email explain thr GOEMACKED: Heightantert Ehoelosd Me the Wool} Pre.' Chharrale treble petuanallfira that Till. dealh Lad a imelist bpi lead 40 als.4811.11en and drug di...Asti fellow sluderai in the • Peeriemi Midi!. lido Arabic Sfisches Ilegsntirneni. [LKAJElie addo1141111 back dp the writer ll.11rr Eldridge Fears after attacks WHAT NO SCHOOLS? phAr 11111COIOTIA4 ale sear Camp Glendinedep, ZS- Biome that EddlcrIon MP& he yEra•dd Lucas IJnincriily ANOTHER spate of kips rnoiNir. TRAWEE teachers ate xei to nu,. barn atInhuded us a sarrrnmrne the Ernes Modem trialli Dewsbury, was howls endured Si Lille' students. dm 'nark. MECO esprnerioe if direcriec xentilis Lhai Teaching 1.0.1 aline no Dmohes. al herlerl I Perk. hose hod Ln patrol In slab!. plmeemerux caw' Iii Ike Placrmeens muse ht organised Ile was foe of .11 3 I October flasuki. paFrs For their OW% safely, found_ w ther Nu? ialrar through he Paalnership scheme comEauffiiiims: 115 la. Itarellile al his borne in A twin guard temreventiv rednelng cadrrthes-lisrnee. A tnalilhr .4 UK' Educarion whereby collegel hys € Welke! Road_ Leech ausalred smel freshen are Will Andrew Snow-Mill. Pr...Wend uudenls_ tsho are xupp.ue.J so ipa uorernound link. with shim s, ana A P044 loorlrm has been bring hNrnwd eif LSI I.1XL -I bore is ■In Te.ahIng Illwrincnt as pat of P-1}. It rake studarrus graa'r of I_cu, 141 Ln nne iroodrol ■ carrie4 out mad an Lagoon is group or awl for smoker its Element It rtourse. could he forced I. The situalma Is aho euethes 1FAUN I 01111, u NI' felle15' beteg held, but Eno ginnuecrt trOole fire rear Mader& hag lo weevily. In. not Judd the Lionel u ric ne cliz041114 Of Pampa 1241.1.: uk.rary as they Elacmpl eI is set to botoaac I platIrl $sti. olfisE hti. !aid there il eu chase four Er* lrillrtlden out of of lilt biainkuoihNi thrnild he or Ike thaltte IMP IC Cale file Illairaind burden Thu Lack,. Lisle* good Dial( for lampiciort greasessee_ I ielight4C 11•I x Beckett Pori- cooror ■hue I h El of the SlalT 2=1;4 Flail arc The). spend tots CEO= in help fortune Mad 11.041r NAM:WI the cauie all drain 1{ mtLIL ElleslakIE tins. We enranagenleri eluderiew" worried ACKIE fllartrile lax nor& lhe doily travel cows lair am an 1111 Feeley Own Him d L111141(44.15 ike EnallPl►t has ants iornessami hen patters. iecurilr nod 01 mostly ad their rlileote, uladem has to or to Lhe ores 1938 ha; heed Emil& by E A Maur from illeilegartinent We hombre of xecurlts sutras Triroormaiudimlkm. remove IM those tesluiri hclwint ogiratk whEti is 'nut .rel bualdlok tOthrwity. of Amble laudim 'h hat Sf lrar Ned threw Err dill omit. JAIU, sold! -A high level ■r eaFervellOr in Flume EcticooncE trhlr1md het niulti bitorg-ned corrsinielv .51.11 Ihr like guards for a einets rr ▪ 111011.41) is targeting the And Dotign Terhnology Tutu &Edema are LirlIana depressed the blue. IL i1 sal loser him pa tanpus. SRN,. where people air tooling 111Ye11 are made no easier by the 111(Z=. One durd !his ran. li ;alto NI ■:rem tie.e doubled that an. pr riPtell of hexing 1.i supervise .a.ho Need sea COrnpiledh) ankh- St. the other %rudeh the aLtnekti will abate with lir addled; "lEe're ..brknrd ay.:teals placed 14 Ilia l. Week' a ErkNCII11113 td. Harriet Walker who all knew bun will." lotruden b.r.dri Ire.- alsai the LICLIirlt414r-mr ieleed Name Citlide. • "rm fed up and hloorly Line Eamilsen through ■vublir n'AC'14 rd E.11. The blame for 11x- !thiamin has sewed fir roc depot -

lartrIsSualcril hal-perm:km riewi{apir Notember ▪ ▪ Comment & Analysis 7

A Poppy Culture: cRoia We will 21. Eat .g3Liagriaa400,(B054,

Pna5. dad* dui . • hiended veer, suLl UMW.* Ilk Y.supioltalay pubbtly urrogani arid in isalc:t lcrril mod remember them rbelieve that with the Resevou Dogs re them To makeup for this Lack of pin-W.4CM toUghl Ch.rik the llpnl fern& eteitpvdt)_ PSILJ aprepil ell d.1 proof oak godthe rarefuilv purked hole their hero trying to pull. Yogi-, boa s who in ymar 1.11EiriligC)15104eadd toily 111. ngropulig n As: rentehErance day approacho, TANYA VEINGAki) lnokw ai the significance chinennume ie RMav, al i Him:Loy pour rnaage Foe Student 'Fad elf peppies to the memory of the war rh'n, pad vt sicAileti We's e nigg dead. 1.1:11Tnuiriber, we know who ynu air thore aro who am now he paw. It 111'11.11JAIIL the lu„s1 Remembrance 1)o v ▪ Wert Mc1Str411d 2,01.1 IMP Mir ong wurridd Mal poor bell sdgrilliront Ihroer in the ws.rld. - the i'alinumo Refute 11:12114.10ErcE i4 121.10111431 me mansitirryfnefogitudenl Loom ileners1 T!And sot do we rtHIIF k11111.17. Soldier_ the el.pipin NU jag WAN' A MOM welli Rowley is Boob& ithinlbuy_ bar .km1 II signifies'? Earl year the Uera.siaphi. Mt te• In a puhbr whoa that &Mini Pit 4 IalWrIhef Id Other OM MBA krmrmhranel` Play 11.0irSt •141-11. mature sIlteee, 1 he ullothieletallY leaks halt *POW' sills vomit - Mir Rulwil. They 3140 411111i4115. roil '.4 when lir pid moors puppies - ore wheylboy • or a SIR for iheie days 111:01111.0 ill 11ppral bine• lin iv w e re member rig 1' *km m1, arawribrntarte. will do In *LEES% • preferably the tin club You'll ken.s obere it is golin:s7 I No we rare: ReapedI ng the rad_ Ira es.rn been lead of fir i.rttn iiiwjl dwell ..an hi.11tir I..Cuks Nesenly 'me iii the srlders who 0%4 ...Wont Wins dl's anrnd publ ic 12niversrly scarf or Loire Fele' - lhar hest &arils. identifies was de...eloped. up their liven by -school to became a public 'chi:ahoy pleasing bard lobe wearing a uniform A fl•.er, E popps. o 14101. 15 NO I lint fro- cot Theist onfronWier Wall madly Mart Du uodiarl. ague. (1 yn 4i re mill rem Canordlae voluelter medico! nilficee. OTEITi-011.11.11 Li one parrunar 'cher!l and were &media vane_ clink then uruk-morar. If it's BO{ A Colonel John Alecroe. uarilltimptis 11111r4X, 1,111 play nor Noirm4 nth lw.p. Elia1411111yeill4ErWe )1.10tt. jd J MI* Ithe tutu Ii ctioutdn't ever mid pus hands. he wrote a poem ablaut the ihr fm nut quite Purr whin nano It PUY sPOMIII-PC Da he 11.0 silk a enenweulne troligery Mall the puppies remembrance m we perum s Mt And be rem Jima tumour; go al 11X1W4141t gra bemuse of lbrir Krowing le llanckm fields breath) 1 a lit by u ldalil whopa lo fee-poymg dawn edueminoui esiublithrociii mind. lI won puhlisherl In Punrh th cm of their: schrol lei sonrethitig In On Yonne oul alluniedlii pick Iva lrhotabs. moKoalike sere #1.541 then tilicn with whodUr they were bran/ or hunk WA:Emus mIhtkursris anymore. sista:. reprinted around the 5•41.1.11., L. hose bete fed 1-lnwever.ahlisughifis an Pali? dogill'inaRlthyt to this !limn! y,gr was 19E5. ihe war -as not ore, ✓r ISI..11511trinit WM! mimeo:bug 1111.51.11.72 f teukrta that a Nuititobou where all Paulen& ;ire caroled ..ml !...ruilw....h.arl.13 had helms. 1%.1. muck neve irripnagnt wane u hint to mud emal dill itivi 1 MI ha n J02!_ the }ria r t,r 1hr forrlintion sear, and . hal spot n silculdpou E.719W WPM. cormadh? aim idea_ kilt dourig; IF the krhlsh 1.eluluil which fought Lit Isms, through ■tingle lecture on Marx isn't help r ,ww I Laub it Wurea, the Posa off minx ...book hops me xl ak WKS the clan 4r111.= ilart of the Poppy Appeal. A French htwk !Rads, the utaudly fairly goes:MM. In fart ire :FS .1-lemay ant la mjusiorecEuely_ Y7sIt'.4 worker whosc knorrican Gulf, Northern *Mlle ;Loge% 4141inxtri prOdern few but deep deird hr tlinkt the mitt of IA. trired had horn 141 mc. red 1.1.4. 114.srldo• nimbi:1 Cureless )nuniwatoerituga are pporanrs..Aad If you enough guru rent .hr 5.1155n11 1.. The problem is 44',1r441 cholam t1l illtrati In dirk hisisry conning, ...ha uhocabo) . mar ■poppy WI' evermore. ils10111 lire In ■d Is Ided and rughttisaint, and bcfore Lisp trim II are neionoinly at Insidnua the oewht formed 1-.ENIEF11 ISSEri1114, cern& sprier., am di ilcy'se gime xtd !Allen fur a KB. clgir Mum], Met:rub will %dawn of urlJtl.Jai papplei 1.1t hod le a tilde de-allcaLtel lkioromi thrre radii dwelt W. a Ifni will (mil ball Mi*. pybllt mode. !ler iisions of ■'PoPPI. 1105.' to nruclatar vopotts. hsfilime kie.6.4 traded]. (can solorrilhoin inerript to dimple their to raidk iht anniseriar, of the We virevinienil, Pk7Erateredi. lee hint it happens Omagh Pala hale migins aid trick sou iglu thedung dolt Arrelitice and money la help !Urge! Ihr hurrots• what nirmius Indic hairdstwriglikie viand rejliy. fire initaoce, provide Frooplosduant mpg support FDI- the eigunies, tar grkf, Ihr tragedies of repp. Appeal mid warn PIC Join 111 di Eh{ PUNK Schmilicy IlmrruL short when ] lira Erni tog. to winvorsilly. I in-iersleereen., become reality_ (hi vier_ r runlinnirdt make be mirrir the silence on Suoday. back and odes end floiltrY 4dl 14.11 They' thought Inns) illInktlike Mil All there II November 19:1. Ilk mistukrs .pf hr. shot lour reaper! tai ItimerLY ey lute eLeor .:Lanplesiont. an orrybil "IVA' I &countered hulpurenli %Oho. Leglin raked tlinhAltld selling mail kern from our pool_ kin] From r•Entipbreirpg Ihr 4t11d hub hr being ▪ el rung reaugh In Join together In walk conliderrl turbo end a Finn Lis/rico Ilunbaystil marries &!1P% WIT leA. thine who Kase up !dela Pines 11.., thslr handshake. iher.w prervw t.,wel enmeuaiuns YL.,11.11 hwlnni thessfinl nitres Ihv puppy km. tr.11/411,1, 11.r rhor fIghtine mill determined .01011 Me prate, Va PM:hare okays citrrmels point Married me no the hunible Muth - no deep ar 6t1.14h and 71,11y bust. been in sain. If we don'! Nom coumwd Ilse in the pail, WE have to AlthutliEh Ill, manrt hea Itlje appem. w hin sse lJriek of Renacinbm our 1 kriy and Nil In rd114 time rywrr f 6on, Wok Lu be future. inply open charming al lino, uLnY be lee in ineviiahly cJeeenly. inc Wil{ Lily poppy And all 41 xi- will end up IMAM kink in a iii.c nil. It is up F. cur Itelt.111111141 Lakeo in Your oscrogr PS& dm Cgotl iignifin- Elul hit just death Ilual it 'bird world war wed Mr. at .esool, ,Lridi du- grorrallumi lo rm. In midst eirnimodh diva Anti ant Llarl extern nit cool e shirsiliv, 1.r should Is iI guise Phi n sure I ha! situ liar l ruKedirs d,. mut ihit7 I Ise whale cull iurrawincliez in bee !ISM ICL1.i your mune) 1'a Ilir lorpprn AgAin.

P141•:5r111-;Nr...; err 1n ihr sews. lull ('linter Ls %a bleb end one m11111 I knobs by g gleknonie that wounds ciaelgIrgt the buleb but mil the rimming helots, burin ior roil holm eipertLed *nag lle Armes. ALL had Prinisimil Chirp). Ronald libragao her Just niggard qqqqqq nue art PaiwIrtf the Imirt gm An* the II ahould be natl., deaf Choi 11W Prmidenc3 the hici knout her resin *Zaddaro Ifiraeiri • Ai bark am! kW& main Certards. ▪ alpiati 1.• ht iiimuned hr a parnuL fldrps • u helm; an mutinying Mir peg, Ilk( a rilerhy dui odd. *err mum afar limo- words, :it schen Lit 11w 0.410•11 &rave Swaim" mew. hale, • sad &erg* limn • had thee life Tum.dis.'s SRC. ii swine it du Actium for whin Rowed like only he cot. The President rli1,51-1141L' landed in slowild represent the union on 112s wedeln's' horse breathlmtly NM: trel-Tamcl groin Ills tveelec Slci -e kip, titan it Clarke- Mood. all curs ...no lorrink lo lint uh, he should CK ■Rip: ....,.111E le sued so 1 Lao stand Far ■higher lump pig a{ Si Winn Represeafialse Courird. though They. mink] A weektv sketch of sti i • en! politics onold hate Ilex • a* raryjrclure would Well -1111ennik} from grpt Nor roil I rut thin midden rust sear - Iaunkulr PbracIrOP" Fu w aluruhie 'in'. there un- puccirs. Arid there me tardy. A rugby II noel Proved a +, ryes turned reverend) Putracel hint Snor.)• Kuril mit tr. for democrats .v..cr Ina trot!. twrIlt.1,15 twee ihrlefl his grand add brisifinw (gst irsitinsvii waild prohahly hare Istmli egiserli If II sboold be made clime IR god at ISIPS1'. If Innasel awl weft Jugxling it tikr o hog potala Ins budge! din cuml 'antler: "I no. klahularinr at Chirp) had got igt bow nigh sir rush and -darted mese Km a 12191h1E111, and sae 1:171 find PM' the hes& come the bin man_ Sn.nne's• 51-La honor." nit .4 1hr ',emblem of I lt1 1'Si'. With diming peogge *hes to sole him in But -do- wp Stour's :Lour min. And unit JLikt N115 111311. 1,510lWbe IC WOW ruin ftalAsalkm. wx. RlexPlisr.II nun Him MnAndo. Whop:in stork on IP while 1hr altowiltirr mime NwilinC. For twr114.11c the first parbrertully.lmalt, 'N41401114 mum.k renowned on lint sinlplee •7vorry. Ills nett mimed 1 he meet:in proceeded &coiner. time In political histoes...... memie win rating Elemil plus knit &lel. for his might+ dseds. hi the userlig "Mere IN kids trt Iliclary. flapping al...al The see- real problem surnsursdinK Snosty a the 415w1111WW MINIM behind stantang 0811m- Skim, is die Ripe oho mid 1,. hunt through mod the table App," lie then verdured u gninclibrod dreaded question of wboun null. In iboirkk le Not for Chirpy Km of Ms *bb. Mem! mad blink) In Ow whew! rugloy Wit Ilnlshl i'"Ii9hp don't we defer it It the nevi Replace •Ino. -At elertiorw never option lo be push ',hum the rights of min. Lbw mud for raiher klela oat In the whinging reprints. VI hen it intetingt''' le a Ua. of Pistilli...0.mo grab..., aierfinst lou with leKkorsofpotential ranclitiori. At drum rack Kostronnot End Stu Irlwrratleal ni die rooter I.43 tILt, Sternty mares lilt rootirrporl NI Snows had reserved estiyore rrom o foie 'arse Ihrfe wan a turprite opprrste.t. Aur esvn ansibing about ale Li u, rkranm Jinirre- leek rimy. ilhanudmirtingtrityclideep noon nisi' ludo, Luirosion-rniau In sale man 1•ho would hi kin. rinporlance III rep resenting tintlents' slows El Ardi het Irma are 1.K1 without him. 'Mar were 'flea it it Eire reprirts_ At this Ceiling Ilan. 11/.1=1411W lho rivs.-le el la ■-laAr meeting- manageonma ktel i5 hid xr did get Min fur WOW 'fad% ;waled espersandie and gene! each offlarr 1),4* 4.5 11114114 o prong !Mir -mirth tic load dara,whirrei himself us. Simon_ Ile hod noon ✓trhhl,lnft ,and lo. the probal: pure. unadlilteriled beim with dripair, bow d hem ion& shim( their ■cthities our the last fen ronnths. 4hrough the cneelhau-s Jamb. lily Int-re was no Ind for power. Vutc 411irpy rwee..eirfrw. arm' a, /no& than lima i prrtly boy then Emmy Ite lirdoil *wad eft fo 11114 11.11:4917 - ▪ as 41 turpPrIlent had bargalkri al about Iiindorrux. 7511irdlrillt0) of all, Ir is offortionalrb

Siosatwilstt 11. 1144

6 Comment & Analysis eisiarawity resiremniaerre minority haw THIS week IWO Dee member' hfine OknIcoad tan. And WWI pulsed ditnelgh bruakral the trust or ever/ 4nembli of noes Smeaton. a clique. The tame their say. Leer'. University 12tIoan. Rohm !ohm Bite offr.W. iF adoninl clique dominates Ell IP} mearivroaltnisit 1hr...41h /1 plrkt td mid Ellie Cleo/cell were flfidell 10 tis is 11w ease Yr' 'bey union Nifslira When legistsrion, Leeds 1..:ni seri ill Union rh54.111{1411, Cl nIMFIVITIlk.11.11)- In Wt 01 UN still deny that Silt something Ion wreck Exec. 1110 guardians mil abilities Ol the inErn.ett 4 ielWr110&119. w ake 41211 11101.11.12te - I IIC MOOdiy . . onvoiivrion, hose cheated girl EMMY On Monday. ■Wile! C#1191111010901 Roble confesses he dimster • the chime member of Lhear 1.11110•. Hui their General Merung was come/led to tamale "Ilse* b the 'loin rink. ]1 is ooly drcrgaiun treat more tun thit mecum iwo ma• salaam:mai ollii.m. a Nighllioe constitui km. As Mid OPINION throwith brave By pretending that its meeting was .u.reic.rr Ned a fialli line Sca:ietie'l solo.' he icelo.iike M. nal r 'dealt like cmorate. Exec has Undermined sire 54cretary. be rest of them wok recto if i he General The mac.... Nrre,neei Lldlt the Eiger waI1411%' of previem. lawman! meetings. will be at least fl?.rfal cvery year. Arid Secretary or me mom has LJLmhts Lester wine Erie; a: : n I, J he pointed at !duel and The caenpaigou the. went LUcreate the ;1', 344s•-•••4). diry' II bra:perdu.% .11{ qui:Enc. of a rekebnp_ Ihm norly 1w legislation. through? has co/longues. puanuan of xrcsi5 5,110Mill0J. tx 4.1. kOL11. itharle by its own Toler, Wednesday afternoons free for wort, Yei this wee ii 11101011er4 of Exec has some mum ! publn Putsiga, dice !Wig atkiegr0.91 VIM rua Hy rilled civic rip ihey ore supposed stn calls hi4 In [Lee %Ha the rule*. it ticroonuration two weeks ago. LU U LfJLI Elm h.a succeeded in expanding TKtd 11.31 1914r hum ;Avowed gr WISLI34 appear on ihe ainength of ibis represent Aeeottli rig ar. the 1..I.R1 chould live by dem. readers were teat 10 §111:11! ItPCY fin the Clique Anti Ih.. eau 'lid ,...amilub.41. gia people are Deeded 10 Adminislintion. Secretor} Ellis Ecioully angaterie lhElf way Wit of a taps:Moe will be coming of of onion week's debacle. En the s;outl old days, au chimp. in.., miry had in suck an groin ■meenws decrildii-thithillg ('!wisest was ebairwomah al rh• paper bag. A 1/11X{.191.0 meeting 51....altl ban& powers. W.:Miley. meeting If she .1# [Kiang impartially. ✓emove wane thr Lttrt ou from sharer fore White i1 would be naive ro experl she nalm. Now. to il seems. all you. hare li was clear that dem were not the nhe Isme demanded a howl wont II-lowever, diem are more sinistre es cry student Et Leeds University ID ludo b 'Wiwi& Esse than your door enough. people Iv Ptak Ilse ITICV1.114 w ben the Ihr 'r i air wax implication. or the Mc-cling 1114L sole Mend union encelialita wariby II rum a blind cycled:1e sly ume. bur counts proved dm. Robin 'parried 'he Tammy i1 met to maintain !hal a relr. they Ibenorh.c.3c1 Jr Dear Editor... "Continual haranguing by Leeds Student reporter" week. we give you rite -oppurilluinLy 11, expruss AM wraiLng mrojny; thr.....winnu11 The Chau cElbe Ormenti 'tak the in:14ov Coomiutim of Ihr Union was IsilLow td Berl your °pukes and goulincs. The viewi. expressed MC 1101 it.uorigump $y not or your ReFs-irlen ,ndi asked the Tellers, who Luton Liar aJ.at of the Intim golarrior was ;ought nectssoril, elicast L1I Leeds Student 111111 Lbe paper viahnika reFanlanF the meMslutitshel ..A11401 or ihr the people watering aitillratirig the boll, (de which haeked.up bow die Meting Inane take any resp•rim ire .}111.5: Offence caused kl an Monday 7th of Neseenber. Ihr oururef.prewen T114 Man' rend 0111 the acid mint mork.ruenly hawlhecballeriie to The Reporter iouuestion Foug-4 ihas Ike figure, robarb indicaleclthat ihrrr inert !Re gunncy win disci.' with rionalsm at tiro 101411113.1 clod Oat mach the sullicient niatter1111 She recd 1uomake Lire I hove nu embus &mar imeaugame MIRACLES IN THE AIR gummy level needed iu make the IlltiClrig coroariutiona]. 1:19..14.1 Smith did Mg joeirnaloan What 31 aaoo 1ngn the way in CER/1.11mlartIal The riunita fequiran3(11) challenge chat figure Ind therefOra Ilia Chair which reporla uf sons retells 40:4•Nially LAMPS dhe meeting my member of Ihr weir "ha dig challenge was uliallied. where ibtre may krt wow Imhtiral cscqui1 I am 1... i.ir ...... i.....•...... ■„ •.' ...I .....11 1. ..1 assembled body may chalkrigt the quork:y meeting and the edit! KY[ Met and always subject to the Maser wealth" in ...A net4 headaches, colds. hinds ori ibt LI%l1d, Inielnihy Or: a.t thanktr* Ill 04 eririeril. Anyone rnmy are now "WEI) filrifiCalleen bgg the Aosta] Irving hi make Iler11111rtsrlaM1111,' diabetes. 1.4 E.-Caliktr. 1ht she Emer dropped. The-dm-1W dwell:rage the quoracy and the ehalkdat Moir (`Kraal Meeting on February 23rd from Dand $rnathl. Accurate and fair in. partial blindness, irtIveal Its rind het leniperacure be take scrieusly be the Chair. What is oixicerhkg is Chia Nei= Leeds repotting encourage' ate winch Me nut nal deaf hrs.! or rqui?1,.ii• .of nil warms! Or mother keel, Iasi Gant Swath {beds Student Report. rs). Sunkist Irelr Olathe eneeiin was i .Kr utisier of frta ta 'make' • atty. distreasio.g stares of mind. week C}14 give.' km form Use balsooy Ihr Riley fidniih even though the numbers...est else=} Jcprrodos iatis, pliblhim, impending divorce by acked for Um numbers to be checked... he fat! the hart Ilse NOE aurnficne anyone in YcNra*IKerely menal1 imtabiliny, suicidal superanuralLy reconciling quesisoned the enotbers oireople pr&Lern their Tong lime opardIrsa It ihr Ihr Rolon Johns. licrideacits, ay. pca4c. UM COY* in uneorr la oar relief ....arid anal rumpwlsiona hearcfcb prayer ..nd addiesion-s winch chrearen If /DU word 1:91nnw who I.. !!twirl)* in-44111; ansitc1111, responsilde for the hearrwrhe. Grolsch Ball: the facts WHISTLE BLOWERS oFrohoNsan_ drop khliction. pain and wfirertni ill the honsowsoalily .. world, X.' the devil (who is a I am wriiiris 10 express my tin Wuodhoale Lunt it Mint DM earth 11 Ilie poinf rIllrri whorl aril rhrucli Ion surprise Et Lit OM the nirkm•nii lady you Droilled iiig (1.04 'filhni PIM he pilaff lu powerful!, either. denordy or CIO eel. Halloween Pal. As nee print! We also raised over ytoradiala meet ).riur needs? No Et all. else indirectly animal] of the cop Eel I writ 1190.00 tut LOWS P.il To an du record ErELIIEL k u The rriremilnlily oaf ens Ednabea elahrn If you suffer from any .uf them runkm4 The manorial. of thSewrIaltd al [kit ircioak Idea ht is 1.1411 th.11. the conarwrti Female thew c...n nekren. b b 16{....edkr!,,A.le*.ohOlka1C1F41. Minds to cabers. lake ahem, 14141 what now happens oo earth is by Lee. Student Why mini }we. altitude or ■swat] iiitiatruy will rms. wrwie aintanSito rleme_ could. do wrth a miraebr. *Doe IteCalsile. O 5.0,3 11141.15 On ale ilg$0114C7 ',one I.eecic {VET the Limit .11:h jaw Kuldi0111 • di t Math. ■ We belle-ye .n a Cod who e; unlike ihe the rd. God 11 111.11 war iced. biliae11 V.01' 11:12 Ee qushty student Ball II lank• all of orgrarlas wrAmore LPL che Neasion refer ma tc, in yaw wade, prinuenely more enteresled in IViinf He woh-l. student boll L3.1.1•11. people (144`r14-1. lawn's% m sil■Msafrwaisaka was. peek Itri Ike .rery ,liAs Y.11101 Who .11Wr enemang 14141i needs 1601 .n into a ssioatiem unless he' mended. We bought a rest style VIM1/1-15112critly. 7c;x1 r115158911. fie ae Err a. Obesmesly ;11.1 w3/1 1 Very n000limit Rime *twine or to pin his club. brivistd of ball to Leeds aced 93% ..1 Aminey Elticon r..:oritamlar• brim Irri ism's UALI warron.7.K.11,S5.proOffee min IrAlIrd Ile doesn' I need you re. join Univernly of Leeds. people conlidered .11 la be an mehy 0415 war a kw ikels ammo ce Ord a referee he larkho eha Spy 111.‘ .4 11.-T. wisyway. Ihria.r...r he .s.*' re prmythir **-reftrelying ourdanding MAN a,dmorwsle.) Med i 4 l asoln-la ki Imam In MO only ank CP= a own. this ionearie, se W. For you that Cud will come L would aho like to pant our 1{. are poirkas them Wedwidosmniageonammeadliteloosi. only the desire ea give ro you down le power and wreck die rbtl The Maw 1. Prim] 1.411 tbe 1111.941.1061' Jena Srawl..ar With .13 snub dub. a wild In rrmir fir Sena One doff b 111- ort4 hap WO -.}.I. Nal IL' We devil"' wort al a btu... Ire Oil SUES. were yank( in (Erma of I& both Enlierday Urals uLtlfule ItitrEtI ere everrne are .1/till ii n911111.140 itimmirminM radial From y'eli or tort you 091 llial place. And we believe that legal minimum and Eclu iiI PO Boa 1” Rif no on We we well owns if Or reableroa of wing lams m Weems* motisnea hire. there Wining a C1914 when rriough ipWr win 11.1(sidrd 1..1 Leeds LS! III! aildemsem Jim We Moth Bilveramil Spam Fw.xrv. wag ern effort isame A* ii Otrsiinia Frum the GULF! supernatuial power will over 25IX1 people (Thar silo a v. rtmlr io aolatioo le be problem world around you. be alcel one he V, itrang on Ma. campus ini.peci id by etlia Id LEM MEW kat iddrwei lOrprider At Ira tam `unisterMie to eeemwteir, tw,i 11. rrpritt Emig wry Merril le laok want to roll you of y inn. lath! pt..ple will Esll 'fawn =Admit irludiee mamma. Scrxires.IF During Ihr INS!, IC. LOOM marmousilkwida alma area m. he wauld Mar fond Ere parm. foorhal 10 choose. even when he meets under IL Es they are walking with I_eedt Student I Elln aeldi add to weirs lbw X1111#41. your nerds, because he along. IN months ago, I runup:Ed blogELITy rah aiwrird him II id Yaws sr err h wowing iwalkiikw reilwit.ls }rtiLl He Winn 1., Z40 M54#11 wag knocked 2 II be found at University securely IT.r F.... S.., • *yam with nu sicanp sideways by thin sir as I allacaml.1-le dernaadc nealtukg mimed a bets nrie lire WI 1..0 In Ittillaft• learn Ihr ramous. Hail I not NHS prescriptions - give them a task' of i heir ilia ri iiirrIrcine We 11..e personal been, I sht.ulabene called experience ...I. Oslo .11.el I sienithi Into the promudirig About a week ago, whilst Kidnap rhrouph the know a corner of a }wading We lactantaina prilek. in Leeds. %Alma student 111 e tocespl. ol a giptrumettu loan. wlEctfr C'Isnioaa hellai lam partirulm lw-king in the corner of the page. Ire au gnu hate breed wuery and are Waggling on I. ....-- ...tudrni supernatural 11113%1C.119. %KB declieatd she prei4rirmiktn vh•rjrn. I trod 1.1.11h Full grant mars nu difIrrirn•e. 11se fact dal yon who hid happen let pen wohutal Mem disgust the manlier in which NILS weduct6oris are miphr he in fir .141100 poorer than the Cw.versorleel ...uncoil t,ess ...Lim@ ere expecting cadrolziect 1 &HIE ihisik dui ibji. angle Wpr.. Winn) Yeahl ywr to be mha as dirfamme enale0 with the o change in die so, aid rx ',sr/ prisou•lx not Ell Padua' Ere rolling ire cash, I here recently had sir fillin;p. okay. rm slut Heiman 11CYCVC Mir 11-1 va 'Ill way same are actually cenremed doom !he raw, ',Loki with My let-di Ned kruun that wmald 131 psi...Ion in In ihe rocas:three, if you iticy`n. gemng Ikon drt dOnertenblisar ilEurnmnien1 For an; :Unimak! tumour I ..:10 nol have `# low Leeds. One Icy. wed hrtliDowhavi us tai ibis. lair. It roars me 14' frustrated that there sari.nui ernulb income", t %mania menu haw wdergone the an unehgrrjEj Chtialim lielpline number preernfWM Wanks lie intecdaveciia74 ptopktiOn'l aosmao worrun arc v:145J...pnis wp m deft-ace. mir ow L. they require denial Inn miry Pane Minister, 1 hipyrtlx Ire 11d14-.1.1116t rolled no her. COIP 5Pr" Umsbnall=tratmespi of a Ihmic whicigith. haring Fthifltrtil ;oxr•iiim ynnz pocks Px allEr I:4061 den t:Maul I aria nalt Iiliatddlausall0 nes I mime for or food or clothes on yatit HKk, 11 a fell) law became her Chrbrtlida ktlitle iI ite•lan, WW lwligsgML/ spy with Itureauoacy. 3211.11 the waffle! This is soerribiesdial num me co Ike loved only Leech. l'olversday pOverinneritdetal-cledIra order di s:Pik.H•likre wheubor p0111 Uf violtixe sowiodi /irk 01C11 li lrmY I c.E.--1menu im =Mid to i MCI:km or Mak ebeciitim berg eimerylersc=aralce ▪ s from DIMS alines, the Benefil I Di 'mien roust

tedepeselrri hew.paper ha:member 11, Y444


Carter US./211 - Lig% get Woos berecrte ii•A 101.w/A to presension as lea bovver o Single of the Week It MO be my errs use rit-ger ahle1u to a hire r. LTIOriated elarfeil of IlInvfhInil. The ceanbenrics • Ode so coy family mnuivly tereinblioy, utiginalsty and the lOn anythlrIg recorded by }nnathan King's EsN'nfid Anit.nv 1.511.5.11! vocal!. draw On the see. hi-lbw seconds of myriede- liminie Nand, arid Mr Callefs IOWA Driering Le tour minute. and Fu- its Carly -Sorkin and S4ascatiOt smnor Ftuder mill& is no ex rp&in Perferk la( the avold Iii Lite Torhste and Yet Vili manage' U. s1e..1%,1! an innorkani..- midnight slot on a Monday at Rilxyy. espet-Lath z.-Jitein 1. ,dryglhl Lv sm... lls.. ,ultisha torchesiral The Pasedente - lairiOng tar sonsenlie with a in-Arlie riff Wird Ihaanelev from the. • ,Lrigement Nvork.., and. pi. ink rip dide t think thia lot were silo Opt isaid Cure; check out a set-Stein Of reamd r_ILSL91: .5.11141 1 alley.' portent hialy Dream machine on die S. ladle Rehr SlialiiLly friend upon interrupting Trly . Everyone with .2, „mak." nerrkeen.a. ghtOnT, unpfeterrS1Ons telastar Patties- maps 61.1111 :.I • a : • • • but how nuaill eke? .9ix year% on and these Ewen with my reit ear ri.) sethapy-eniffect millings with of potential Suede-The wild ones 6rigi Iharmordsdrig ipound to no•mares land awl:mimed epealaer.I.Coailtinl fur the hie of me The Floppy Quilted C. an the other hind, has am work out what this loo Were about Nasty lilartyn Beauchamp r- r La

All hell to the kings of ROCK as they return. brandishing a collection. of acoustic revbrorkings of some of their classic But do the undisputed heavyweights of the /Ws stilt have anything to offer? NICK MOFFAT dusts off his flares and investigates... re-

This. is already brew:amp an The main problem t encountered cannot Fail to be a ireannhil king na „L coreinely ditfinall ankle' se. when listening to this album was mane' what happen! to ii, and with tsar these reLnierpretniensi DS the old the ((mime 'C.-allows Ps1.1.0. Li Mil w rile. mainly beedliLit. 1.1111.11►42111t aninuttli. Of facial hair keep nu ambers were otters obacuted bw at.Mnas oholee for tlyn prove. what with being num the iicuusHe ...prowling from the page !Very what had been dons to them- allwm !line the worth 'Led" or Quart!' ltria the epic magic which. IN "3'. -Four Stick!" was always a real loom m, &Tile its fulkinenear led Zeppdliti- us. nen Sp much as at itimecl III those veal" mainly ...yerdionell.The idea of a litrnmy due io the lack of that ethereal 'Naslif is s tiLl sal vIliertMOLIS nine. kuesboard which uncle the original Being 10 all acid rage and ROhati. Marl Marmon s has had Led ]yep fans [such its so154N-KI and, lite lad that /kit Plant a Led Zymelin album, 1=t bring in hi say 1 doril iskysell) frankitally playing air earl get any ad those istiJkant high that Filed m- kir list lasli Irsu months, but notes any rove. -KO ()miner", bulas a fan I cannot ['mum ray that She end retidiact of The steamy rlanNle "Since I've bring myself Ur say I Ilke it tither. 11's 41 thisal pni.ant 1 a I ii. godlike ikon 1.ovin.g You" bemrs most nos LBW the [prigs don't stand up by wIlaboralitm as ull LiStillidr resemblance io Ito origfinal, being a ihomFrivrn, but theft LS a fussy dliappDinling,. ILve wcpsicin cif the album with feeling to thin. alhsi in, in =tram to -chi. is the album Spinal Tip a much lempLel gui tar aoko. hi: raw energy at the originals. alwayi. wanted I u make, a olsvinonLv Disappointed fans should perhaps veLetlion tri their aCOUSIlli The It ail te.i.pr gangs. an the album fornerder Out old Sex PriSIOLS adage. 'never [Wintero done with an nerhestra. are Ific bens by tar, 'King ihe PPS% but made vaguely nineties by the which, gain i•ornething from LuppS l.... Ineluei.in 0/ a collection of all the talk malarky which accompanies IN`rn. 'That's the Way" - Moroccan tnaisiallial-

Airman Rnp*.ters with a conscience The Black Crriets{Amuicanill LIN-orfginalaR $tereolab breezed into the Irish Centre last week, thrilling f Liu can't begin lu th.it Ihic Crowell JULTI.F riv r er if implussid rrica,r, PIERS MARTIN in the process Ni ticigiital Merely retreading di.. beards and dkrrda that rTY Nir-Litnd gra Lel Zerrielim. are Top ten top Rollers MIA, Kee and 'KM have aLl trodden 2U YeArE. before IS old hat eke ;rapid are oiling 11 !tit terra ourtiv? Waver., but when "modern' rack is mill Iforv-leedin_g a ow 'goal cros'r iur arm:Mix Comeh'nitty /slow irriciSrevr Or US BEM lows. Statikin and she Spiv 1.3..mior4 in the genuiTie babel sm burr Laika's band bench Chan- thing.' Crush that thtsse fro Inspired, rredslale musical artist!. then it rout be rubbish ". 5s. fun Fn peer nrckwir of lost about every begin la take shape tixne10 recOnsider. onsnLifri aw rawer our 101I71 Iuric would an it tIve, "Crest- berates the lira ibis corporate blandness, so taken Iv brie an AmetIC21. miff Firm 'UM Igirkink no one lkiww. an airy], chugging, chirpy 1 Nirvana Unplugged LhaL tits Urark cs xreorfilligi.r" mock, from the 'AT/indica' ✓rawree Fielders band number It was rneank 10 2 Ash Trailer Me with its curslotainmaut =meal Wrai b Ise She tiolp.-drek coniNne limn and tribal Ne and the mrerlapping coutr hhawing a cheeky fnutge pubic [tab peeknag over a laiutheehre ✓hythrns. jagged slices of harmonies of !AMY sirip.m. niesstige which Ginger ChTin Bereurtd Buller pillar and noises R2D2 Flani•en and Laetiria Arnket Robinson is keen ta. Preach; rail against would he proud of. In Sedier Five -Romeo 4 MAE. Atomic D41,5E1..111 5.22 LnaIirrlIV Who relnainuThawilfe 401m- own iii.judged , ihc Beal the erhertIrtafil Sympathy' a 8.erille, and narrow-rnindedtritolomdry Ltithapry Bet aria/ Siistiin S REM Moteder is even more apparent: studied tool, molcing Pr 'Arnanira- sees. the Black Crowescpresaling thela musical Ryder "COM in Pawn Gtoss' the highlighl of a more Solidi Carry On Up Wing Frorn the firg track "c..;orer; Ilse bongos latch onto the peal -Honey tn. Heat aim self•Lnaulgent.. 011.1dienre the Charts chirppyriyakowah guitars. whilst the innocuous openingsidSa underpinned by frenetic unfriendly set "NO Head Ohio . witivehrtesy porno krytnarsla and pirrriqiiiiis nun gLe Massiv U2 bongo playby whereas Yea Ste•olin trump "iympalhy for She Ovvil" a/whelk suddenly liun.in`sft MAO id Robbers is loftLy card if, /bow! all Melt CralLetlive 2 ▪ suiginK waLl ,d ihitortion, enan-hed only by Chrii RobLnason's ✓apped In the singers sound. The moDg'ii izitinrstior SrmuPc hubb 11.1e1{ and C L Snspot own lameriag. hush. hush swal. purigekt mooeues. told On 1he beautiful Velin-esque 'balladry rau-sed Stereulah. mummerkik- b lend with l.eti[La:a lqr,nedienls Diamond." kuhin..on '"!oinettinex.. L fatal!! nwi.elf, I rrught NirTherd continue with their 71 it mthILIne iioFilig Cr! gRed iiol Chi Li i Pepper! light nwseli but then I make amends- before ming. 1 hate ain't broke, don't iii Lt' their Longs a ICOnvE Lam Plasma Shift myself. &mut* earerybady hale thermal...ear. TfUt i61.11{ isn't the philosophy. Five year's hypnotic crualtty whiLel pltillUL ,elf -k%iithing of a whining tock-Aar, h s lusl .trigmg the th 11.1131ncli Crimp Amain Ent areard and AS man albums.. the Tlirri (Ingle Flais. e rotues which is what this bend have learnt to do best format remain. the &may eescli. wide hie r.P.CL your records al Crash, The Wade Crnwes have never really clothed that cad cliched name ate frantic guitar Foga**. inkflOple AtegEreallii Present the 1.Syle-uf naels'eruLl. UPI liars album they've Merely feeniarininied II Conceptual recurs„ the The lack of SurreDt kidLS_ ...ilk NOME useful new hirnds. From hark room bar band MID politiraliY fuelled lyncLs Single; 1.41”., and dope-headed nxii. gods. Mee musical purvey b•asicr and the' opoonfulz af Flume. mid Ow nbsoine era rtly as the maw flat% but now they've finally kW • Underilr Latirriale Kaos music theory, but It's eilom. of •r-ioldrto Bar Only now that due group ✓nh nerd *elf Landrrpanrl Carfrr seem in hr enpnying U cam iSL erg 411111 4111° 4.211 Steve Cooper) thr..raSeh-its on Stage. attitude. leaving the VW" So. after a passionless crowd bemused bu t

lisrkprwIeni Ne.ipapt-r NaLrnitro I I 74-1. Music 9 AKIN OJUMU hooks at the es sapper who quit the force to save rainforests

Tv. 11141,111A difficult witching yuur 5..urgrb.o.fc Se! r hem rr, .or 115) 1 ILvfg.ges hie irrelinhlY Into The Best DI punter in ilse Whiled. and resubis middle age, but with Sting the thereafter ate inixed. In general th 1-97,3rihutg of the process can br graced 01.11) best tracks arc the- upkrtrifu. A weekly column of directly to molten!. in I'M when The Despite being a cu lled:km ofgreatest 11. flaRhalrikrinV 1ighlWVIgh1 tunes sie sycophantic fawitin9, Police d lsbanded Since then Sting's ila8N half ihesc songs aro g3orified .11' Be Together and Nothing 'aimzr him album career Ilan followed an album tracks which gees a !Mg way to Sting mill hais the alsl/iLy Lo wriie a This week meet the unpredk-tablr path; Henke g with tans exptainirkg the noticeabk decline in the great prep son& but wiihnut rise unpl, Clew,i prince of hip .•nth Ver i)rrori fr (kr 'Prone.. barium-a 1:6 his trur Ls compared ID the struourc of The %bee behind Mk he navelling through moody introspection meteoric success ofTio rotice ;Vier the -.en, 1r.r Fir. previous effergler, trap, Flavor Flev. I IL TPrr S1,1411 beirOPC. WAIN demise ot Ihr irlumphani threesome, mastery Iii returning in aduli pop In a 'shower of Sling Km Made a 03R10116P6 410,391OR 10 the direr and Iliereceasahlthfs Rova2.32x! cnticall aKdilm ind commercial lurres4 .1-`01. t .2 i sellOUAgglikelt1 411- 11 41_ 1111' ria half rrilino. 1 Riser Flair -ro.14 hard with Iasi year-a Ten 51arriMerneen TATO 1-11‘ fir? proper +info srrsglr If You l',72%• wonder cheer Yes, it s the Flavor ,the blesmset -Om the rap world. Since Public Enemy F.torracd Orlin the 90f14. in the late eighties alert-has been no-tme (and prubablv helset 6.0 ru epoch him Ire's get this sirsight not my VeCegn analyse die bands prifincs Of to ]rink °tall Viqum Uni4-Iun - ICT his sieve ego I'm herr to praise - Flavor Flav • t/ iv Muer. the itnur, the sparkplug. ind du, Juice unk L4 li. al him HI!. aispearariCv Jamiroquai's wonder-IuIF roadshow touched down slammed land him this column R.impeel is due tulle only person in Filarial Leeds this work. STEVE RANGER sot his in history to look 0.1.01 in A shellsuil: Loot. al hos shade% look phaser to groove-yule and headed for the T&C. at bin top hat -but moss of all check that clack_ The big. One. Amend his nick. Way-ing in your lace- INhai lime is it? Ewe minwies to midnfghi - which means that you're up rap's creek without a CMS fades. mates- When Flavor 6111.iirly131.1 Pere sell mutILitlrei of Van Iiihighuggi proportions. "What's your name mate?. gise in 8 grin. right - I num PIA; his Wine' embereed on NA meth ui sotid gold. Flavor on the toy, Flay an ihe bottom bordered tri. two starry 'FwoSFArr.InCasld This man knows his worth 1• mere F.-toward it takes more ihaii beirIng .11-,,v on 'tip' 10 gain. streei The prulsiern with ifsailtiri and mimic 11 distill brKi niter, Wien 'Amiss in prea ♦ting to the concerted. PUblic enemy's. main menage leas always bow educate eoursclers- Krany;ledar povrer. On the albums Vou hear hlm in the wingseWngChurk D 4Iffl, horrithoys to !Wen 10 all in the hat, I dunk to rsyse1.1. wrank.rtnir cneg7the boy From Ealing voice, surpriSLOgly subtle and more •:•s, people begin SO Chutk inakirissibre the inemage 1u0 .11K lsouocep about the slaw ion hither thrinuso.d audience. edpple, 6ornehing that Is a rarity form... and ,.■.11111? lnio the vibe, Os arrow Iles rid the street s Without the .fatnous Hitruiliptii lee And 'bemused !hey should he. and usually an obstacle go gruaineSS and as band break IMO wise elder brother - more ale cosy. ihere would be within% to this everything is In plats' - 11ie 443101... the in thin buniness. but en-en this is met Journey grrte Ainfremfold ew..115. thin% sued wilh brains, %Mind Wen:. band apart tram a dew cheeky Nina, ihe willing audience • bui enough In ger the evening ix of the tensity (Taws tom theT 1311.0 Men Flavor Rub- the sgs:ALighl - Stevie Wonder pirstkhes Indeed, Fist doesn't seern its be working glorkius groove. The atmassEhcfe vOUr OAFS SWF bleeding and YCH-Ir tonight W, she Gal in i he ho t, Ls Eve ryllhiftg rust a litilv But then something amazing ale nges Into one huge kti l'art inA. Riving hImsell an Wen crtsts orchelitrated, right denim cram OK's happeris A man appear, to massny thai derzmY strig unlit Ike out A hiNk thorny Alklurn wishnut while trying to do a bit a unwa weirdLy Tamed danLing tu his Mess applause, with 0 huge didgeridoo pi ibis workl bunkinein of tier finale flavor would he u 1 that pleasing. Mus is the /sat Northern alts orris only a phrill min' for As everything elm.' slop, he Marla There is UMW to hmlrognai ikon Condemned to div world of 1..ase city we arc playing beinire We go dope kipumboo. Event so, there's no playing. Al Firs) everyone treat. d di the hat it psi Ulm a n40.1 lac this show beard KraIchim, Therefore south 10 entertain the cricknes denying that 11* frulti has a staperh 3 ho info duke. hilt at Ow rhythms. go (and a didg) to prone 11. nog important. Cracking yokes. ielling you how IA is. prowktiris Torleamiand 3 - Qvl of Coo trol Blues and Soul 15iterlials colouf - this it Flavor ]la•'s. }rpm, and mission. We saltibe 10it Voris' Olefin Various Intel Ye)

Hatt Mali can't come much harder than Mb, thank Cod. Or much dieesier in let Me led your body next to mince Canoe girl t wands sec V111-1 deeper. more Ihoughitul devil when even ;um& has &Med out and ■•fiere NIF VMS, ieee l NOW put me 'inside of You/ AM' do golsurnrelot DJJ1.iaKstin.e'sl'ochriotirtael remain.; unfashumalsty Committed what you want to du." Go on Mr5C111. 50 loam' R.Kay, currently Tiding high ILI all ihings Dutch. NIB and over bpm_ This is the third in his series of al ib,...f.,uriti.itiempi with .7/ilor and the heavyweight NORM 4. hues di Sou]. LLir,11 double nuaripileiton album...and very pewit& the ..utt1 magayirei first endorsed compilation Du you ever gcl the munchIS? Tlus scll of easy chocrvir barn burn Cahhadain IA not ...withaari its mnribrras. R sem the ivrie !Or Much of lift album: you know the store - sureet.roul hump however. ILsa Gold l'a. -4131nride Mind builds up to a ridioulvin rum. of askl grind end silky beartfell &anon nwiyeli dealt with her more efficiently 5 51:1Kildcats 7ind a pack of distortion 'before someone skluts Shv this tucking hardcom and Omni' lux wars ava.ltry lawn...F(3A and 14•1119 Sweol Former CAn.. ineentstm Aaron lung. size rizlas smut smeolhle liorege l7wcatrCra awes Pifindbanger. is the mast arid Damon Hall clue -01-1.:1 tontriNitions hut, kirerams accessible -5omething hke sesey Brio tit Sr•edt. and ',User Noun' by Chosen whale bey. remain, you cannot help wondering Of 'Eta...itials' is a ihnle4.1- 4 reingles Few is a stupidly towial Wesibann-typc punt f give your brain behind.. tare down re-issue of a corryibtion fun. released in the your Lridurtnal.b(1151:11 pognatick and you mighl 181301 Pt IWO. The bawds are inrecaperied with putketn of surrinsingty gann.. few 3 Murroilt on tom' There's i.alJler 10 &Me of the !racks - Turbulence's 6 Million Wars seem. of it vocal. although dvis

Throw a dice• limt's; the It it's a six, go :spirit! JAIL straight to Order a hospital and GO STRAIGN stay there for double and I three throws' own it in on

It's your round! Give We person on your rig ht drink-

Feeling merry yet? Get in a more jocular mood with a round of jokes. If no one laughs you must suffer a penalty — drinking two fingers should do the trick.

of enthusiasm, you must chink TWO pints in this pub I I 2 On your rdi no I marks, sm• !Throw a dice — if it get set lands on an odd Love number, down your st tar off GO! Ipint. If it's even, down Snag the person on your LOur mate's pint. left

What's five miles long, dark and makes you feel sick? `pup, the world famous Otley Run. Now for the h dice and a well-stocked bevvy cabinet (sorry, we can't help you out there) and a bit of luck., Fill your p11 counter on to the next pub- Repeat this procedure until someone succeeds in moving round all the put

■11111, II WO. 5.1142.61 !.1451.1Nrei NJA KrZul I it


_ All drink •-•-• two 41, fingers / i ley Run \\...... _ ../ Game


YOU FALL IN FRONT OF A You cause a Your mates are 1eaving,down Your drink BUS - GO TO HOSPITAL fight. Go to (after a medicinal and go straight to the next pub jail and stay brandy of course) there for two throws

hme Leeds Sitio:fent gives you the opportunity to do the Otley Run from the comfort of your own floor_ Al you need is a glass and move your counter round the outside of the board once. if you can still see the thing, move your second -This Lucky, lucky person is the winner and should be bought a strong coffee or a Vindo.loo by the others.

I exleperiek NcrintEnter H 191 12 Arts vans Above c75,

They say that a sense of humour is one of the T biggest turn•ons, Just as well, really. Lee Evans is hardly a pin-up but this hasn't stopped him becoming one of the nation's favourite live & Silly Symphonies comedians. Last week he appeared at the City Parities with Red computer babe, Hattie HANNAH JONES trashes her HayrIdge. BEN COOK was there. Lion King scum:Hauck and reminisces about some old

ee Evans is a shod, thin bloke with sticky-nut-ears. He is as normal as Disney favourites. they come, with one exception - he is incredibly funny. He looks funny, he dresses funny, he talks funny, and most importantly, his jokes are L funny. He Weill got run image like Newman and Baddieri before their split, but that's because he doesn't nerd one. He doesn't need 10 be sesv on stage because everybody in loo bull/ laughing all hill gap. He dternirl gel at famous people in cadet to wl nlaughs, nor is he racist or repel. His tontine is based on observations about ever..day life. things that immediallelY strike a chord with his audience, and this Is why he in so good. Car keys, gandmothers, household pets andjuvenile crime are a few of the things that his wide rangin g art take In, and by the time that he has finished with his famous Bohemian Rhapsody moll or. lire Sadliente is .in exhausted as he is. Evans is the Isnghtest talent on the remedy circuit al. I he moment. and is rightly playing to tell-ool an 1,..1.1 JR.L'i ky, St0Wain throughout the country- Ile Is sincere. intelligent and funny. and when }use put these bloody likely. grandad. Despite th, components together the result is a hugely entertaining evening which leaves you aching but happy. success of The Lion itiog's muse: Sharing the same hill, Hattie Hay-ridge is providing audiences with 4 very contrasting brand of humour and awesome animation, Eln eciniedy than her male co... Lan It is true 1114 they lal I about the same son of things, hot their differing John's worthy-but-dull soundtrack e. styles And vests nomplerneril one another vary well and add up to a very rounded show_ non-starter. Where's he gone wrong' Alter a nervous start. and a few Halloween jokes that didn't go dawn too well, shr quickly settled in Taking It all a bit too seriouely, Ihal In a warted routine, and graduallii won over the audience. The women ern palliisr with her_ the men are where. 'The Circle of We" may have gars embarassed, but the laitcider is forthcoming. This is why Hartle Havrldge and Lee Evans' reputations Top Twenty but it won't be as fond: . me no deserved remembered at the following

i. The cart NeseasItlie rhe definitive Disney take.it.easy tune, I sharneiesely rewritten into the flak LOOP? Kiev incarnation "Kiruna Matat.a" (an Oops, vicar... means no worries) L I Wancla Be Like You five above. J4itSJv Rua ciassic pitifully ...there go my cricket pads. Outside S S linfokxxl in the horst Tharasy Mort When winsome here,'S beat friend creates a Edge i s the latest production to grace diversion with 'What do Von want me the boards of the Civic Theatre. LIZ do put on a SAM and do the hula'!" WRIGHT sends back a report from 3- Heigh Ho, Heigh He.. Off to work we go, lompiralgon Amateurville, House of Horror, surely for homage-laden Reservoir DM. i re number One advertising slogan And t was the flyer trial gave it away. Thr amateur-drawn Incitement to action "Les go In veiwk" kg% kined CaVarlkINg IWO In a pair of cricket pads did nut Robin Williams' vehicle Mrs. Doubtffre is Ibode well, but dad not prepare roe for Ihe true honor of the 4. The Wendy/NIT/sing Abeam! Timers Limelight Drams group's produtleon of Richard I tarns' tolsa now out on tape for you to take home and They're flOunety, bouncry. pounces. rho: (which f Incredullustsfy read had recently been serialists' on nuencry, Ne, fun, fun, fun, fun. TV 1. l7Ltrgaf f.:41ge opened in saline bongo drums of Rivulet cherish. But remember, kids, a video is for D ynamic Internal rhyme shit, all over Usually ASSOC-Wed with frenth and &WM/M. -Raw Sex- and life, not Just for Christmas [Boris clitiund couplets continued in in tecturingly dubious 'Otlf1 toe full cinnpkvnen1 of cliched Characters - downtrodden hot unccunpkaining cede, espite the peesetice of suave smoothie and new Janws kktnd 5. Everybody Waits To BC A Cat , husband obsessed with cricket, tart with a heart, Orb, fret!, ritm.:e Brosnan. and frumpy, fluffy Salle Field, it is the ever Laid-track blues number breaking ink menu scat limbo in a puffball skirt, yupN' etc incorrigible Rohm WIlliainn who cornpfeely make this. film pp. session. DLsney composers D kick butt Using strictly slapstick. no Thu story unfolded aroongit monotonous details of cricket Williams play; an actor who specialism in doing wacky VUtfel teas and the acquiring of a team now 01 whom seem very keen repercussions type klolence of c 01"tiFY Panil•s. I hear You en). and manages in kire'hes ph. his toy and were more abioehed with the pedantic neiVetsibiss marriage In Field and eustody .of his beloved kids, all in the mane he rig middle clan. - housubuying, expensive new MI5 and ex- week, Same week! • adm•tii ins-chf telt wives. The play sank to its loWeist do-j ito as the lad with a head Accused of immakrrity„ irresponsibility fallowing barnyard Dick Va.! 111,1‘.4.0 rounds an entire ac.iderm reamped the& only lungs she was goods! were no dodgy rrighsh ascents Current schol.., -toast animals lino the hoax for lib eon's bkrthtla•), and being unfunny lir- marmalade and 40 and head bun Keanu Reeves. -'and revealed that she let her Inamand beat a social workertk Williams is completely miterabk her. I watched in despair at the men placedcricket and the Faring the prospect of only wing hit kids name a week, he diodes women Made tea, whilst allowing theiriF ctrbands to commit to apply for the positkin of housekeeper to his own family. posing as 7- MR Arlatoerau Adultery, insult their intelligence And demand drinks of Nlaurice Chevalier is the king of via..., Mrs Doobtlire, an aged and uunewhat eccentric woman. 11w lemonade. I-renrh vocals_ almost eclipsed makeup Is to good and wolsiensso etinincing in a dress. BIM it's Cu-sr' harLil oilenog drewtoa close with an admission of often hard to remember that there. a guy underneath those lights Itinnere's rendition oil "Be Orr n.solihsies in Dorking - on the pail t ,t a husband, Sri w6.th his And lavers ol latex. Mrs Doubt:beacon impresses the fundy with Beauty And The &mi. flappmpt wife could only return "Td better pill the kettle on" The her rnoking and (loaning Antrim, and generally brings them all limbo made me tang viand and torched lie sums.% Mudge tar. doter together (aaaht, whiht tarn to OVA Brosnan, who has designs & Ueda The Sea One could not help hoping the bider had spieid onto gage and en has wife. "Darling ire bettor dawn when! its wetter. incinerated the lot of 'Fiera tort they would have burnt rawly, then The very possibility. of Williams and Field ever being married, tale it from me'. Hummel. mins being as wooden as the net II is hard in believe that with a SWOPS mind reproducing. renuowr.strensely Althcmh et poor..04Se for splay:U.01dd to rerrianlod oi the Ws., when all tinnen [Cs slow and predictable, the films dames visgai 9, When I See An Elephant Fly ihe values it is based upon are hopefully dead, apart from Soundtrack artists using hallucinogens h• gags revolving around fake, teeth and hotly suits are good for a mungst member.. of mime isolated subiorN. that have had their alai the creative process' giggle The ending in disappotnnng and an ams.eigrux alb, all a r heads stuck up their arses for the pact twenty years To the slapstick action, but Mrs rienbrfire atQwe Robin Wilharns, if on-nne intelligent audience thus was not only the Ouhatie Edge cut reality else. an his best. 10- Fantasia but .1114 the Outside Edge of enAertaiaursent Clansicalle soured throughout, but he-y. Mee Nuippainal by HaadlinoIsy Moblra Ytoiso Eton, no tunes is berier than your lyrsts. peas Srs.kr laaeomle=e 14.n. ace* rev, amine r I . Ieve 1 Arts 13 • imam Dead Again Finn,

Resurrecting classics used to be cosy Ken's speciality. For his latest project, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, he's roped in the usual Renaissance faithfuls and the world's greatest living actor (bet that hurt. Ken) but has he played a blinder this time? You know you're in trouble when the wife won't come along, if only to see Ken gallavanting around, peas out MATTHEW GOODMAN was not revitalised by the latest retelling of the monster myth.

enrioth Branagh brings his mg r I: will be iTftrcwiing to cot whit • E,....., L111-2,:0-1XlyiSli Charm next itabert 'Levis Stern-noes to bear on a new adaptation rfychr won't fit REM arly marquee] know. of Mary Shelley's classic of The lirningoosildif t have been much worst either with the nation stili mouteung the death Kgothic horror, FrarthAstein. oil Peter Cu5.1,ing. While armories cilia Baron Unfortunately it's an overblown persist, Oranagh 4ppe2c a mew uppitari, a effort, seemingly weighed down by pas cinder, tL] L darning to he iruLy driven_ lie dinnris, hnweyey, with acsuml pomp and the leaden boots worn by Einril.i. 1Jrurorprisingily it's the scenes In Karloff in the definitive 1931 version which be cie•e4n't feitUitt !hat are I,exi mod he of the tale. je.iimees great perrorrnanee, loam his support. 'form Hulas', Jam Rirbard IRriq-ri end lam Whri..4.1.41ted1 kg Mt in his trerber luvvle- Holm oil do good work (the Lena raid about TemWend V, Prfer'g Frirrid and Murk Ado ...thou! Helena flonhanwC.arier the triter h buil the reel !Irani* simply dunra aqua re with le loony 5.43141-oui u &bell Ul! Mr% V.1141. (Willa one of lab-COal Wpm thal wr haw-comic 10 iiiwc-tatii thy. twoer creatures in FranLrostein movie lore. with dr ii.ari of Vat-1pr Frankenstein. "ifs. alive:- The monsim ha, usually bt•ert portrayed as on cried Colin Clive in 1911 While this '....1- ..ni. .. anornanoi.n. shambling, killing machine rather afalemmt a rrfreihing isptirnirrn and ..:!.....-. &or a NilicLitariV LarkalrOC or sk'mpathcfic seanunallitm his become lwe-a-penny me,: O.,. anirnAL 1.14e Niro has o o at each. though the (with eyeeporr from Andy ihratol to Mei transition grain one to the other is a little rough Brix& hauhm thy!! say), and when Branagh Ileum. At hLu tle.hr krin fs tdyd Q.iribbnially lair Wens those trumpliard words you kali expect 13e hawk the 5:1uletwituren are Imply Gina Liar hlb InI/VW dairn. fit walk tinsel mil give him a all over again. with scars inatvad 4.)F Lathing.. The previously al awl: the Victiauct the atIncannhaii been film is unbaldofted by lhechangean the Creatures aLlihnle_ the hearty pal an the bark. the &Irwin'. Thin In where the pralken lies- mill raletiEril Id switch from pity In rage happening lax too fan in be entirely He dawns that his veswin ri !nom faithful to Ihe hoa ihan cam gulf between nineteenth century melcidearnabg paMp. am- previistra wntm adaptation, but ii a pregiseLy this suns' ul ilei,igned Iwo shuck and LidlIrle a mine mix...4rd erne an ihr mai:dna:ma that spun& /h• death bill for thoillrn Thue nun' laded. Leerriball.beFoer creature (Datum lam of the 11990s. The Mary Shr'lkw's.rielginal waG rlicyirdlethe.Head end 5.pine_ bur for all its worthy inhwilionN eranadf!, be the caring. sharing ninelick bra we like our mad geniums'bu rush turread Hailer Man goos icor lu dillurent gori chill Iii' iiay sid. Branagh's Victor I9 spurred on by a. debirr• in pilriim Inc dues noithey. appnirnale.li'.. fora Frankenstein flick. the of li.r.ndar., amide monster: the am-km.. Li's no rumriderice. 1 Iyc pain( pamias_ The image of the aloof scientia bostLing the forte of an bor.....y. !Iva Fraud...Ford C a, whd bialantlw Iciumd up Olen It ullimarvly. kturn sf uninformed_ lanfocw•ing and dwIntrrr-steid brrrbetY Ike iff.rxiii St ;art.' .! Pnte 14 a euta -of ....sirs ng.i_ had hin hand Lit ghia

moot le Peter Bowles ventured north of the Watford Gap to appear in Hidden aJenda the touring West End production of Noel Hidden J. Sounds weird. It i3 weird. But don't let that Coward's Present Laughter. put you off. CAROLINE BANKS has her mind blown by the Forced Entertainment Theatre Company at the 1pfrsleek Coward, die Author 151 PertvIt rasslOren. dvscTiEk-d his play as 'a very Light Study. 1_611./ ronseell[. This Is. an underbtatemeni. ri is patinae meringue of a play. fluff'''. enjnyahle- and 9uickty dianolwinK leaving nothing but a ad news, Bid .prople, aid debt‘ i....0.1rding t...i. Iii.....alri.calliqurt..1his it what firddroi ,I (by Pureed Entertemment theaire nurnpany) is about scrambled stlou out bri'vell aftertaste all -a weird lnuch as ihesr 6s one, consists of nillniaan in 144 This In ectrIairdir PM VI:ar average ilent-enbenlonnwnil olio.. The Is The plpl, in ec B an Aging but Miami:dui Actin seduthis i tad al. a dia4imn lack ad coherent plat. near of ihr characiers are named, and a Kraal deal ad the gorsocao women.' In ao undk•rulaJled 194(PP dialogue In a a errrge C1019 L..ween Rlasbian Ara Gentian. Thin la. theatre Tu. r ehn NO,. apparently. fashion dim appear Mille mornang wearing his pyliunta] wKilebeIng henpecked by his ecru/Illy Ilie play is kaki* based on the [anti= Ewa" of ow xnarki bk. Hs RA drunk. weevil to gargoon Tx..wifs AM staeury. I. votdaing.gol nes more drunk wen! 10a parry. mei an angel and i dea.a. and got upial Peter Bowie n redriarknhly good &tithe urbane gout dinl wars and refugees. There in•lapping modern day. adventures are prescribed in Gary Essencline, particularly oonudering his the play by a lengths:Med caries of scenes which reflect the Individual search Inc in Isit-nility history of dubious sit-rums (Choy acre 11443. find . viol (way within urban life. but 36L1 Ihnkl t llurrlarl history. the Mirror Boni , etc lark t.4 suprorfrcl. Ia..). a inui=51 of the tplay is periunned in the east Cbrou aim and ihroe solid cant and an impressive rnOectian of wrmwrii Nanny Hi ou a d mach. delaancheroun date goI MAW Wr• quits dzensami gowns. teary.So !Aube rum around with his kit off fve, theres a ME of Full frontal nudity rn The play is iv! ore al Coward'x best rachary thee! WO), a VI stt.urIblei unsaid dancing oil ttie kitchen table, and everyone downy' lu popular belief, a few of them do echiallw hAve bottle. ueiapkrita and taI1,4 a lot of nnamsym • retinal ? The monologues 94.me subeuirot - but It as extremely fumy'. nipplettient the bursa of action with all onslaughl1 at Lynio.S.M. itildletbeCnnt* A serously_piswd cili-looking ViOrnall...s.pirtinic a Cdr &cur ...1 51%71 SirnItady, the production and net could not he LIA11,, wag aria hue /mute hsi of reas.oris se hilt Ilw-pr.411 and at other times the}, all speak at once aboui the lies and deterlium" in "a accused 411 beutg over-itniStunlive.. hut it? am entree cavintry crilkbd Englaricr. Very cheerful. appropinato to the outdai but wanderh v dui iiatenarit rambling seemed L be inaLlung a osh! illvil.1 the la& c rorrsrriunacition in the world Mary. The ellaracters an.. desperate to atmosphere of the Grand and. indeed. rolhc voice their own Reek* a divvy show and ih.rieli. unbl the audience sits op and take notice of their LSln of Wei anti injustice. intitelken who were roos.th.nveY sixty. AL] castle This Ls at] very deep and meaningful Ridden J ii. the 3,31i of play that anable5_yota to annoy the hell out of your Friend,. with hours of •rearrd r-arteF gresli 41:1012 no.wilgb ands pretentious, any and. MC dIdulfd Ctimplmely inaoruirage ihecariel about tlx pfay. The characters am irk tarn amazingly funny, aretrr. j6t0Vikali► perfed ant docu Io n grim Jay in the li/trarv. Antra or late prain dnpresand. erbsunns.thal the whole experience was irdird-16.1nrilne - bud mum seams that after two. boost litial didn't have a elaM What I-Wen .1 JaLlalLY was. F101111 Spence

Lat.& Sexier!' klkirpr.W.r 14 Cinema MHORTCUTS

Pulp Fiction Dream II s seq., al, groovy, ifs husky, ifs fah. it's wild.. Quentin, you-ne coo 15 the best ever If% Star Brute MM.,. Loges down and groove to the h11117M11 Ming arOarld Unman& hal.. done it again and this time it's rove' ti©Bc4out bigger and better. There's grskiins, sex. drugs, gore and rock 'n' Not to he missed n the Urn.a Thurman and John Travolta dance sequence - play that In the same week as National Lottery fever funky ormac, fin boy sweeps the country. it Could Happen To You opens at the Odeon telling a whimsical tale of Forrest Gump one lucky gambler...

Forrest (lump seems lo have seen and d he Mi. 1.1,1 lo adroit that 11.6se newt twn morning Frilliarra,ed lo of done everything in ihr short hiuory a Mg fan of Nicholas Cape I didn't [hart, IOW he has rasa money ftxr her America,. despite being, bit on the much of hint iri Raison; An:arum the tip_ Charlie not only promises simple side All very politically appalling rem Si. eref Ildamni rather. her half his kitten, prize if he correct, but are we really expected to tioweverwhen it (vines 10 Its Writ film, wins, but actually keeps to swallow this crap?' Torn Flanks lust ova 1Li Cora /*qieti TO Yew, I'm more than willing the bargain and returns to the same since he made that incredibly to take b,iia . my words and eat humble pie. give her $2millann, a promise sensitive Okra speech. this in what a Cage. with a newly muscled torso and &VW' Fs a promise, after all new man then give me thr old vote, stars opposthe the hnlliant Ilridwt Nevdless to say Monet_ version please. Fonda.From her Golden Globe nomination for whose idea of being born Scelidaq. to Singfei. Saute 4YTieto Pcmalr and again in rejuvenation by Alamos, Fonda has gone irom strength to bread implant and a morning The Client strength. I would never have thought of the at Tiifanv N. is none inn Iwo aa corripadbk in a him, but they are pleased (if divorce Sassy Susan Sarandon proves once ex.tellent together and it maker a change from pnxeedings are any again that you can be a woman in ihr usual Torn Elattlxi./ Steg Ryan sympathetic indicatory The film charts loilywood, and trt dram role, Irk rho. and vulnerable types who more commonly fill the media's lotion-up oil the gal to latest of ,ti.hn Crisham-a le thriller them sorts of order. stow, which New 'York's punt. consumes with well used, and without sounding too hit the kg sereen.. Sarandon plays a Cage plays Charlie Lang, an estraorduurily a vciracimis appetite, and shoves that schmaltzy, it's an all round fed-goodturn lawyer defending • boy who is caught decent cop and all,rnund 'nk-e guy', married to (predicatablyImuney isn't everything. Susie Adding another triumphant string to Fonda's up In mob troupe Tommy Lee June: no-one mentions this to Muriel bow and n...■6 Muriel IROsie Tema, with her infamous mile-a. ■ supports as ponecuter. minute mouth at iO. broil, a materialistic and Asa lose nory, It Could Hamm To You is the alit d • . • ambitious hairdresser. Cage mexix Yvomaw reminisceM of Frallbf &Antra and the nearer Chr • • • Biasi (Fads I. a terminally unlucky coffee shop classic it', A Worralnial L:see. The setting. Nigger hit The King w.nr,i-,.. wh,,I,a.. 14,..ric it.inkrupt unity that various locatiorts around New York City IAN! Michelle Ansher racked with all the usual Disney Lrieiudbts the added boron 17:021oTItEL oho singing away on the t a Californian college dorm, Alex 4Lara Flynn Boyle . What • treat. Good, but not remember Donna to Twin Peaks) is rtlaraakealV allocated a as good as Disney's Rearliseris anti Ashared room with Eddy (Josh Charles) and Stuart (Stephen groaatatieke Bring back Angela Baldwin). Saw fall% Liar literacy Eddy, who realims he lakes lansburs. Stuart. who at turn I.4 in love with Alex_ And SU the bizarre t.tueesoine' situation begins. Threesome b. a reluigly hUrriMUOUstWila away from the Major League II usual American coming-of-age comedy. It's a film that manages to be 'n.glia-urf without being pretentious as a hangingsoul,wittea.girl The Cie-Mind Indian!, mixt be killing situation Inms Into a complies three-war relationship whist gots themoehrm for al/owing their Mine to beytmel du. bounds on regular friendship. There's plenty rat be associated with ihn junk, Charlie erukaiitzli -about as Alex pumum Eddy round the Ilibrady land Sheets to kick-start his fitting supposedly clinkases on it table as he reads to heri arid Eddy career but faih yri again. joined by mistakes drunken bonding with Stuart for something, Tom lietenger and Corbin Hemmen, the it mutilate trio Continue their antics playing ■ Thankfully, there 4 no glamounsation of student life (gnu may be lophisticaird game of ruunders. 4 • .,_41ffir,■, able 10 Compare sums. scenes. to the Leeds experience) but neither is it a hell-hole cal human angst There arc some pretty down. to- This week in Leeds, Nightmare on earth pillow light antics as well as, yes, the three-in-a -bed acetic. Reservoir Dogs/ Yuppie Street in Dream Lover, and The threesome situation is obviously not an ideal or perwament True Romance one The character. come to realise that there's Las solution to kinky campus antics in Threesome, Isle . s little problems and you may as well nuke the' of what you've goi_ This is particularly irue of Eddy who manager ID Not a teten1 release but Still shown it every ain.gle week at the Hyde Park dig.-met hit semialitv With Irainldirs.s..ind without rtVOLlfm• r.. dm r.cerr it the' MOM.' of REV Ite.114441. {Immo bpaderi who usual cliches. Picture House. which n reit v I•di • in 1.0.1: synth his ..umisWed ideal partner Sadly for him Pus impressive land nu. at al/ due to the TN. hlitl's ISM! sttlfsl lends it more rratism than trassi 4,: :.• .. , Dlulu re wife. Lena I lidadchen Arnickl is a haealy• intelligent and Wen fare. Add to 'luta soundtrack packed with class.- su sand fart that troth tulles remain unavaLlabLe detlOas grime frank' who ties to him, cheats on M and Imally hat if1:1Stunm and you hare an above average piece IA eSCripts111 sisiettli. A double helping of ham tximamited. Thum the dream turns to nightinate. tit Tazantinais inimitable style. Wald). With thks plot awn, es potential for great intrigue. but the ovoid' enjoy aril admire. They're weeks of art . ttect is turgid and unusleresling. From die start it is unclear what Chris Williams the Wen it driven{( Ai. Ii. it male paranoia? Female power? obsession ... Ilh rantasy7 Problems of the postmodern condition (after all Ras' Monkey Trouble ,sue% pick up Lena in a mipeernaelas i? oi Whilst Amick Mys.•■ respectable pty...hO. ase other perlormances More Harvey -fur your ha rd earned As. la.l.hpAre •se contribute to • painfully slow moving film grant errancy, but don't shell out for this indeed, ant opportunities to keep the viewer interested were plartrd5r nut, in which everyone's favourite ignored by director. NochoLas Kal A N. Too many' rennifeesern film gar shares the semen questions stifle tlhe Film's /Alan in excite. Wo never discover what it worth a mankey; nut the Inert idea for a • Lena wants faro 114r. from her relationship wadi Ray, er why she comedy and anyhow. didn't Clint has hidden het Not horn him Elually the film's. ending is Eastwouel pull exactly the same %tort aneIlhafactert.dw peadtcansent at the characters nernairung fifteen you% ago MO. orang.0 Weg ..select. All shear weakneasea art' by several naft sul, I liidunckian dream sequentes. in which a down corrunents on the uPPitobd PsYchulogicnt Wei of Ray Dream Later le. only tin release I iii.- so it's probabh Pa..; worth iii Fire of m'our pen. .1 Helen Whiteoak Duncan Collinson & Patrick Garton

`Leeds Seminal Inieseriest raewsparea Piwnithrr L 1. 1s94 e.," Books 15 The Cad Filaasen Omnibus by Carl HipaGen Picador EPA?! nelerlive halms is easellikilly a Off the -en track a—rlooped mer2ry forms_ Any author who thooaes bo work within Beat the genre is lured with mantled cfptiena- There met of sown be . three names ihrov u,. crime; and thus the presence,. in Books aren't hip ! arms form or other. of a drterlivr. NI-mod mkt the canon uF modern classic'. William Burroughswet ',Try ulna the ' The mark of the sueceralul crime ad, but •rnos.tly - I rul.:.- They Waiter ii ems the abilily to subvert elder statesman of the group, as different Add a new bring to mind must}' old From the proba.hippy poet h Mtn 1114 seeurring pollens, So d Intension to 1 laminar and pipe-smoking dons, rather ai from Me reactionary and eventually nuar- rshausted. tradition. Carl I Hasten s of alcoholic nuvrlist ]acli Xomusc. if these than the sharp exuberance three wrote Ili alt down, other figure?. eornee.tamallabrigly close. This arurtibits consists of the cutting edge with-It-ness. !crooks, is - the line Mien blurred) ! iiiiii0e5 first three 150eeltc TindriFt rose, if not totally useless. epilorruwil for therm bealoesV Youth- ritsirol. Dimide V ✓ 111111.195. and Skier Noel Cass.ady. whu bridged the Noweverr if you have. a mood Tis_kt. All three novels ire localed generation gap Lnin hen Kesq..1 Mewl- in Florida and. as well as sling of rehel[ion, hberatinn - sexual Irranksiers; Herbert Irrucicke. tne dole lermlioe all are rencernrd with music. Creep'. who ccieir cl the term -bear and and spiritual - good goad the more unpleasant "wets of drugs aid a creative impulse to made o living stea brig overcoa th: and contemporary American culture. In Gregor:Cane, who draed Irom hustler to Trildrifi 5.nrifirl, a fanatical group 44 make 5ornethin$ of it more than poet In touch She !Larne sunnier terrorists embark iin a killm.0 spree then Just dm our media lumped em the as mere Hedcntttic binge, awned at saving Florida from Generation X ?Griliuge Seem_ building it up you. re really onto sornefhing. commercial destruction; Double only to knock iL down, Por} the Iteals The last tune our 'Western CUltiLni, Wax Whammy dives into the ainynatngly mutated into ihr Beatniks. a plague of treated to such I hip ['Inane' raoverneni STIOITISC drop Mgt% 111 black tartar necks lethal world ol poofessions I. was in the so-s, when the Beat •ion rompelitlee ashinit, and In Afrr smoking pot and pretending to be intploded. onto lilw Sin FranCibtO Mere. rirf, the tonal conveuteanal clime ltuddhwim. '1-hry Iss•ed fast and to the hii/, mnany story of the three, a mystery involving night■spent in ]ace clubs, The music changed limn be-bop to rock, involving a plastic sau-geon and a the drug from 'bonnie- No acid. and the evenings minting flout kw 10 bar In Mich wLscal-thred der bnrip PAW dangers hippies took over. The Scala 6ther evolved of A weed contaci and days diking Cress her our unumpecting hero. along with the new youth movement, fell country to ovate kettle hillkilegl deadline. A. the plot outlines isuggasir 1w live wayside or transcended it all to Lhe !runic full of beers, and ■woman litaasen•s approach ID deteCtive become true fJ ferair wa1tin patiently at each end of the ildlirn is tether unueual.rw 'body Wills the publication of Burroughs; jOurney. in the parLeire syndrome I-4 However, while doing Ibis, they round letteft. the Beal GuneraIwai wseris lo have sorcessEuDy avoided and the genre become the very Eslabliihment the} once time DI write i•Onle Of the most vJbranl, ...1 Is appropnated as 1 vehicle with but that's the way fashkm revolutionary. heart-warming prose and hiv-01Wd Spins!, wharf to esplohe limner.. beyond the work,. squat!: holk-a corlihnuallv inutatinK peeley also' the First Warkl War. It was a centimes oldie proverbial attvb*.. to accommodate lines Sorest.. period of intense ereaLl.fith. - new poets . \ borne wringing up left right Grid centre - bus Pato.. Walla" no buresboth■In ernemanbeese a Nebo° Lunch! Jonathan GIbbe Running thtotighoul all three novels, for email-Tie, is an urgent aiMile. of Florida 5 environmental The Letters of William S. Burroughs proirleena, not IC mention. the rorruption of such Institutions as ed. by tpliver Harris the ToLFri. and local government. Thew throe nove:c demonquie the Pocacicer £7.99 Under the influence author's acute ■wa/C[1061 01 has co n ril ry's demise, where the A dictionary of literary addiction American Dream has gone 'Mir, life of William h Llutiought stubbled the 'routines' included in and the moral elements. embothed Trio acquired somel inns. Of the his keglers winch later formed his in the lonely debectode. hew been typewriter. your statue of la. legend. Li is a !Ile ad anti-novel Nakd Bra it batter A good strung cup Cl 05Ifee. ddiashiray by the ill b almost consistently biZarre as his finally conquering his addstiket that +Ma %Trip Alihor rives-% a reitan !ctimulus iu Iheep.going Into the Sufiutriwamitiled' what could so rap& hive ftoc he is, Or has been, a Rivard Burroughs produces mum Merl become political diatribe is Eracued early hours (ON pour leiltrs' AlCheerkirrke, however take il a li[f]e graduate., a petty crimin-al„ Prat"' remarkable let term. de•cr I twig a a devastating sensc of humour. and finally an author,. whale radical psyehieak 'conversion fee Livrif 5:ruiferrt chooses cLiFht book.. in whel,. via-itance..7.1er.s1 and i,i1Sei3 IWAFil Raymond struggle with his bisexuality WaS Emotions lain dormant for years illegal bad a big hand. Jr.! : ..1110.1 • • • auvridlerrs cool for the bluds Milk' teMpOralriLy Jcaoieed by him erupt violently onto the pages; after eye of Karlin Arnie and the arddental stooling of his wife. the monotorcais and catatonic order deaeetiva. Kiwi is trandurnsed into Id is the Loa me distinctive. prnposed by iunk. he hs an arena in which almost ewers, Intensely personal, pros. oea Me, overwhelMed by the chaos ni elerneill of Asnenran culture ' from obscene, ]"come voice that haerits identity, pond1■71.g weeks in .1 TV e va ngel i NM to iliVetIlligitLY0 his fiction, which develops mystiml state oI withdraw/L. Thew jourrielLstrk - ia salbrically reposed.. Lhrou5houl this selection of ide genuine postcards from the -It it not man, to forget suds correspondence. rndecd, this edge. characters as the plastic suegeon 14;10=7-Ti: volume cowers a crucial period Lu -"stthough Burroughs has /Nap P M- ird . is kr Ill whose atilludo towards medical Burroughs' life. beginning shortly been frank about his life. this al; 1 11 ,41i ... lekE•ra i6 " co rnwUrsre to a link (ballasting. airier he embarked on his Hist volume provides a subjective and - e k 2. '- lry Cr/whine WU 2 IKSTued serious addiction and ending With thus more revealing and intimate physician. and fegally that meant his rise to notoriety with the record than the hitherto bold he could ire any dames thing he pulaticali of Noted Lame, and siatemenn of his bioprophers. Thew wanted.' The style ia sharp end the eventual distancing lion Ille Beat JeLlers have especial sagnificame in pace frenetic, mteraper bed With ports. Appfeciahng Burroughs work - nut sour! unlikely comic hrtrig.ea. is lo Allen Ginsberg - his CT- only are the., rle5... 111011Ned and Deepile the satiric sirluld on 1 love - to Whottt the hulk of three neurotic obsessions diarussed„ they liraviee repeated ambled. the three letters are addressed, cinaberg actually form works-in-ph:Ile-S:5. notchfail to kncik through the functiorp= agent.. editor and Often three is an Ince-atuous Absirrthc.; ihr krne(vr} of reel confihrs of the keret Perhaps It v most Muse. relation-ship between the two. That as a retuLt of reading them ctriAto-, Fria - Ann Ke&ey The earlier lettars induct-ed. here which di Fier enti Lek !elle if. and Chide; Daudelatre eonserutiveLy„ but the elements or sobriety and MidillanstRratirs. Sarrdapitt. the formula wand out for all to roc; &read ]es intern!, it was" relatively literature is. however, Alcohol., Wider Mirk Wood - no end of political or cultural undikurbed aid uncreative period ecstasy: his literature iSike Irrational Allen Cinsberg of stoned ahrielazium. teryLng expresii00 01 I he sine sell' in 13yLan lhunas comment can diagutse for lisaasen Fernft. All hough the il.rbol ra ry Lipilial; Mirth/ Khml - who the daddies are and whoa. Oil Mexico after his wife's death. iiI iknZfiling;Tke sathrotrarreskis Burroughs' tetiers become structure of hi. novels mica+ the Sanhuul Taylor Coleridge. 11104c: guy will get. increasurgly more absoolAng. He historical narrative In order 1.1.) - tack ket01.niC voc.rnisheevi.,.r ent-ertaichwrthoroneri j wituSMilie.uac Yazt•: The Tar Leritts spent moncht in South America espreas the contused arid. tnchoare Amens-sal Pry.r.ho ha ng for the toB ende ry nahire Cad etperienee. hi-s.krters ere CLICiliati ElrOTULleti. /4:1043d iryEeid Ing.poyiond that, his a realistic account of a Charade!' Comae ....1 the weight or telepathic drug tage Olt Found 10. gem Futon All of tile -above; Fear arid 'Libre-gum& relocating to Tangiers. shaped by 16. firkiM trig esKrIrrirr, an Ed McBain or In Elmore Here he discovered art unklehLted formingproba%the most coherent Heroin; Naked tam* • William brdthillg JR Las ]'egos - hEunber S. Leonard with little inrinrerittOn In wapply of heroin and young Arab account Burroughs 111a Teel written- Bunroughi. Tliornr,oit inspired:he tradition boys, and in protracted states of Mork Ralph Tuber imuwarix,Th or Inaptration he Graf MODIRO Lermid-rd N.riniber I. wa

16 Travel

Art the youth of !taly more mouth than machismo? SAM MOUNTFORD investigates Reign of Spain why Italians are i033 keen to quit the nest than their British counterparts-. INTER-RAILINIC gives the travelling backFucker b6sclks of Madrid. OssernbarkMg from rny rurn cool aryl opportunity to..explore a vaRt area isf Europe carriage at Chamarbo siation I felt the worched air LITTLE-KNOWN facts. CA MIT time ]. 1121;1111 WM actually an halm. Mier aLl. Ln depth. sizzling against my skin It was ilhe best reminder that he thought he tit as the sun of Gnil. 114nil di.hdarin till he was thirty and Fcr neat' Ira w•ls... I concentrated urn I was in 4aio Felseved Ins mother In be a virgin. apain guided by visions of sunny beaches on the Befme thisviRlr, I was a Madnd virpon hot sine rare Hoorn been s.7hg of course. is the parilar eliale about leallians- they an. LOISbri lid. Sill, and pure geogrophicll, MX Folk rnis:..ed is the Plaza du Espana Sitting at a arrnsant. fanallieallw devoted In thou family and have. ahem. old fa....fuoned divermily from chi rush green lands. in Me north Utile 011 MC of tar numerous bars one can relax ideas about women_ But it isn't still true is it? Surely indium rr. equal to the torrid deseri3 of the south looking MET the cabled courtyard al the adourful opporkunlike, posi-post modern world thtlegerdaty haws %ea v of Cite mural!' that &coral'. ftae ornate archiierture.. lisitenhig doesn't stand a rharane? traeolled Itiv train from Landati Intim twans7 vibrations of SpariNi• Otar. rmuldn'l Well, maybe. 'But il'snertairily pultinj51.ap a fight. The Livaraw halloo MOM RV?. 11114 Involved a dad' 3CLWR the Channel in a stall long Madrid ns the red of the couriar; 1•101,e.. &sr A Agin, {kW& noi appear ha anguish Catesively 34.41..Ln 'r•broll and !hurl a raprid 4YRknirrs~cal France until aw-ailed nr aboarl politically ourrect ways or main:wing Wtellral FaXIV) passirt*int.) - pain throu.sh ibebodder tymn of Iran. Crahada is undoubledLy one of the must beautiFul women. lh pirtLetile, &he there bp be ogled at and shouted at Ai irvirri Pia•si irons nowhorn !he rirrenners sprung op; Merle European chtli-s The Stem Nevada mountain tangs ,rpporrunity, eitroafly Lf they're clarity enough to show their Om, Demaie friend. 44 111i710, white living m PlUrrlICO,Criaelplairkith 11.11. tips being oh►somed by the clouds Mrs was kilt leaves (Me breathless.. i ravelled ladle CIIITISElit.nr Basque. counini which was na green, lush and V4.11111h the s"..cond highest peak Ow a malterol a few 404.1 step OA df Veri.lit ltiatl 4.11X4 'flux. Nays ale wee knowing mi. mountainous that you find it hard io believe thai leer,. lius is def not ens for (Inc laird 1i1 heart - I around shoulinieHry Blinder, &Jodie. give iks s Fry ► I wouldn't mind iermierr in Spain and nal SWiirerland. Auftered from altuulde stickoria an the way down. id them had had any teeth." This repull the suns heat the mast Lunking Granada also &auk Moons. Alhambra palme.. a 3lalian women, h basic' be said. seem to be MR. LLS sash subtle karlia our of Ihe win:Um in VOlif cramped Carriage all Yost throwback to the Mouriah cluminatian cd Soulhym Under a cerblin amount of prewure Finn parannid tFw'r keep their tattler iS scorched taith and irigguid 'Sierra& UM the Spun. LinfiltilnalleiV. the 11.051 mar[-sly was lost amid brads down and chastity baits lira". in erase. / remember mentioning tonne horizon. Out of this wasteland emerges the high rise the CA111-0:1176Cr toUrisa F11-117.5' 1•101ner while waLkhijithrough Floreikt. Mal I A•42 fOreVit /he remainder ed Warnril Were SO rnocll More Ease naffing than Italian& "YOU MY duDile girls my pnurrwy 1110 ever there?" he Paid. -Well IknOw they muarbe fur.CV. - - I asked hint how Granada was a bit IrS 4 Wpm. Any det'vrit Italian pirl wield be safely Indons by now.' rushed F briskly viAted Enough said. Seville. host in the 1992 The legrodary [tahan (=IN Ion. in alive and well and living Ln jug every NKr. tf }real get the plaer horn Tunn IC. Palermo. Moat people don't actual leave Ismine Lis Lisa ir5 also worth same way the do. Ironically.. the macho oulivaa nor aerrn ID wander around the rre.'Lrili you kiln 65.-iing5 with your mamma when yiw're Moe mom whhtl, ge.risb Main stisiare, who most people& There s certaLtly tea traditum of eighteen year olds built in an art noidveau diaappearinis of-F to the €14hri ref of der cnvairr kip to-university. Pail of hely the reason for Ibis 15 l&ecalane, int An Italian mokherdw. thought Dam Lass ...top on cmt cilk-jaring leading a rg %es, dnigs, rock as roll and prawns sindalean 213.orn whislle-stry into war. wiltherut twee an natra vrat would br Ion hntentious to conbemplia. But her GIN...khan Mai its cidhip probably wouldn't be 100 intersalcd in the idea either. Thr itchy English shops and iretsyndrtarieikat hits nutigt Ekri40115 at about abl.e 18 lust doesn't seem to CUITLTICV. ham...lover here. You've Rot a perk-Lily geed bone with your folks - why The RATAG.aeted as a Leave it? ocal bufkr bvtweilli the But hang um British family life in the 90s. in whieh meal!' gerieraliv man ru.gsed Spanish terrain a Biters Ew.e Menufiliaater in httrrtial Home and Away, and parent, And ',hi, and old Mie,,itiv art Mile mom than noddfng acquaintance-s. isn't patiieulatly apped.i.e Arnylhe not that suprising that purl Nigel it sn keen to • • TOOT WAIVELY oprkmIscrills..

Rt• +.1E5E-Yrs COO a ElEgr d

tL L.

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Classifieds 17 Veleta-Elie ehristreue... SI NAIA BERRI Pill DS t hr 5Irs1"..1.2d.r.I. 4 1p.en to Find. \ led in Shmlenl.....,6. norsivikr Parkianni. la rEL Burka. Tr! as. hrm per, for Flit Pon! hunk .4i s If. 4.1 IMP. HAIM Mena eitr arr. Tel clines ISF.FLIn F !Flu's; Arl'ikS1311.1.11 ,.1def iiinxharkog a onmpletr prom. 24:1142114 111;STlifl. So 3 Lading prchivin..11r4pline Tdl vour friradv - hr.( end Plru1111 mailer.. porky!' drko. phaias. Mui - ison. mar. 1111 get barer. LC317. enrni = MIKIS 14.1.1111.,11 .4111.1rIleOr% Ell *seeds - eh xtl STRAWkIN wine liVedvirsdni• F.31Nrii • Fres nekam Islapriphy. r- Who nerd." a degree 3E) WeLy I Bookings take I -$1, Tele. larliallrn: Far 1.w Double Qr., Vodka. Harmonicas lien11h 4. murk_ obin, awl Irbil Maws 11- Lur Wanda. Lo all one re 41.,l1S IS ppuriklAILNAIltu rrli hull rind! whikr. Rum l K, awlear 1%i. • 41•141.134 nick_ Mose wad INE4 yuu re. Big Itaxelni for eltia,14.1 11ers OS I 1.-aFel El Aim der...via mirk R sierra 2.1i TWA.. fur krnOng half the nem. Vic u pr, pal len.,-0.70 and cesnivaLvisr rr11nl. Fn. .1.1111 more dreolds and hirimanusivio Stiawkitykkb Bigto. E. Lhr r;.14-.. hiaLliin Carel eseeLlerri rade '3;4. psuli 39W srsi rth.r. Ivm crown • wank f=3411 - 11 MI Iltok please onedacii h:1111 1m 441:11X GS LB Sri or Dare - dleerk NKIL •aidaretiaFmai na Lim .1.1.ur i'.ansiphonei .rile Takla - nallkneatithicia • Ilirhaeurl I Oink .} MI NCI I7 furl hrr Info conlerl III an Eleorioe. limn., MAIL 4 L ti,,g - 1111.4.441 owign,i. P4.1..1341.1.IIPe., I Atli} LSD irten More .Foirrrifoir dbt la Er reel,. lovely. I'11,15 good. coLurnn rri'doar. FILIDIFERSPEEIJ.) NV. /P. ki Jan!, scare. SIM Nue Mita,* c. the Rachel. l4 far .4.=ne the Landon kr:MOM Starrerdghlre elose-4 year name apievian-si airs Aardvark • The cheaptu along and anyone eke rye week'. You're cheer, for Hvll 'I'ereirrL 11-r11145$ with a gun, • /bra Rent DIV arkEr riAlyi near ✓i.rn.Lhini. Brio:1214mi Along a hiic diess. -..11-vsk1k aids Mari nnst. 1...41:01he Atirvieri.e raairdalreagrAhMitozazmisorianiarachw2crab'msetir liprabwit "hill on chra stuck Slha'f rughi. 's thr rrsi ehmi dianr• 41.15 %LIAO ilkurrourku. WI:44w - sorry. liyar Idler NCO enahev. Please Illuale Bukowska etc.' A USTRAVEL'5 GREAT ESCAPE lio You were o1 the larniniquat chicken I'm very r.v.s v.v r MAMA Frleodly 1-}ping seri. ice TRAVEL EVENINGS Ylludiid a ill vvonr a hoge dress. Year male hlel or ihc young. indepetiont eravrilitr. i1:4i..1 PL. IV .1eW scpih011 111111 WORD PROCESSINO ih."41 if sIVII11e *pit N..1%41..1.11 II.1 And AA. ANL F.1..ialni± LI. M. it I .1.1,41 LII BLT ANI/SEU, YOUR malr Call' I MI kr Grin ruin HI? 411 n•..d.fisi. i.i Mi. can hr'Ir !.1,11 r..1,1.... 'Ole .. al. •■Inra.... am ini dnarrylhol, Fil Inds Promicr Typing 1 5 r F E101.51.0 AT liktoliMENT elbow. Yuu ra-dui.o.1 11% inay. Istva.ing eh: iinu. fle...ible irineesne, io Linv.viiii. ii..• C...,-si ivvv. I> rpuvenoF BOOTS I. env icionisdhaad melon Semite for Students it Spr.....1 szn.r .4 9..rikell ih)114 Ube 44-0.11.1 ul n....1 Air rul 6mili LI. I, baukabuip m thit silvkal Minn al rp.pao of kwr snuck Phoenix I,. ,I...., Ow.. rw• I..' ..prrirnreF and iliere4 eveii Flu. &awe hi u in 1.,...i rdi the cry role L1f Lrois 10094114e. Why Laser priniod ...ei lii r.r...... 1 5iiiir cr9.1 Merropolrwittniverlai Imes r. hub?. DC Essiv & Mildew ions P.<1 (arm F-....1..- I.-..SI .-.....nirips am all you need. go W-1. 7 42as ..-till I Ponlarri Wo.y CnifMnL-01.0Fen Student onll:t £5 54.) per LIM words In. 3601 Thmadary 3r11 November-7pm Wreidel CV 's only E113.00 Ix. 6.1111- % I D_COB boaks an slock. Eitsikv Discounts The reterei'vel Centre. Wide Line. it reievami ta all eallepes freC COpicS1 16411 110041 YOIJIR FREE PLALE•C.151-L Lucy DoAvr ON: kil I iniews F Fully cballOrtd rr-aleanr Mai h- Equalions. Churl s, 071 27'02I- Fernulo irsIrJrlars TithIcs. R.I.P. : 164 Itrornareroded Ivy liana Rena].. tl ..• rIvr Hest Inborn. in IVA El IIe 51:14.1r Binding Service FA- dmornirp! Fm F'Ick ...4 AL STRWEL F.151 Hour% luiuliFli Free CedietlitxtVineli very • • • EMI .13.12 2443 GUTAR 11;f7JON Vcry Rohm. in 6:0 within the Lents were concatitive ran. firsZ Irsssgl ikihi1 XI) 1248 Call uur 24 hour line on - • Julrrniee, ri11 Ben 15:4141. 0977 515452 Ilaseartlizater. 'gar '7. frr wrirs.Anturai7Fros,FALNFaCcririllrAiii


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TL'ES BEC10.7rTS PARK BAR il..1.140PAI RH EV_ANS LOUNGE .8.040P)11 CONTAGIOUS PRODUCTIONS THE REVOLUTION Live SPY. thy Risk" ErnliP clothe& toys and gilts, 41Yumen Only! &Joni SEX QUIZ Dandle organdies and special games; 'I.VEDNF'S ISE('ICETTS R.A.11 - I 1 pm RH EV.FINS LOUNGE 8.40PAI CONTAGIOUS PRODUCTIONS Live Eel Show 'Rau the Risk'


1 ;-.0;.-1 h.., entre 11.1.4411 18 Sport He's lanky, molca-ndinoted and he scored minus 2 moll 1006011 p-oints so.. WHY DON'T PEOPLE HATE Runners outpace the rest SA-UMW : num."' NA 111.11MIN VW] PJ L 1.41; 131.14 Alma 11 26 1.1;:nda1.1d11-Md1). dab Saiiarda Ia.I9, Raga *la:War.' Irn.r1 De [0:112ve3 Piet Scaeffirld kir 111..11and Pol Solikkam 11.17 rale,"• ReuYr oil Ally 1:41.115 .111..6% Tte verriivs-4 Jliaelm Alm Clad away nt prinri CARLTON PALMER ANYMORE? Pt Ale mem teal* mite A.team atl poi V fm cher iheaMing r es•reilleat kit out debe ha tea" -.Ommittor hihrim. flit Ham In am matarimidthi &wain ..sr ...war 2 rail, e.g.* i $4i nire, lama ..ariLnm chara...an_ dad mizeme BMW of Mete warm %uremia' troop tie warn home ln iY,1Lld mom, one can see why he 1. ••111.-:••• TIC k • -.II • .-ny• tlibbems set Ii. tram allno a iwitialag streak 'behind SheffirkilL1i tw the Cm! k7m atom of 1 t•_13 On the ball with: 4 found 111 difficult to •MDLI Lint Ielk einat4i n Daim• 15 .wt. l* a ill the 4111 most.' mieril I an 1152. K5:41149 1;1 .1.nmy t ri.lci trifnwil in 81131:11 Moe M Me day. NW Calpal her de Hamm mar iresi &Milian %mom Jusu oyerulten try ma I Poui Go1Wrmi0h lank nmiam his Lug 0 930. to ever that ki vs* n,-; lArmsmaham 4.a •■•in a Rome fnaski She na a nroe or wteii• IiI,PWC.Ct. hie 1ia•c • Mho mace tic lkity Auld Cwaper wpm ;#2,-+J ]11a411. I 111. 1.114.a fir thpd a1a4 ilml foe Ingh wax . • • . • . • . :i1,III PRIM im IN 0.41 • : Whinoilay HP 1305 1:rdicii in are ream third ID femh. weer Fie aremi or Lsed.. lunar um. overages by a Arne; rerattlag SterfirAi Nay namlia 403 for die thud kg. dierar.tr. a all Imam:hi the warn lower for Ini r a mere ••• 5i :15 doe; everona hair Carilcc sumiter coincided web a change from midfield lo Its ratiatr Mair, Saha" *conned lid Snad mid 31 4.1, Nth reama amr. Palmer"'. En the !nick made. Palniti dtiltddrd the trout ui der.encc, where hrt her. nrrtorthni Iii P.N1 nal aim from the secund wil21 meaLeg 4.211 the ime camp gin imam also roe well ..: bend! grunm Lilt innolic by the pets Pteis Ailocution joarmali 01 Musa Ctowilier, Ai Wan Liallie 410, R∎ann Heap lamada the brain cam .trlf keberh 12-51.1-Men Willi 12 an and ibe public. of his dertforrnoricti. 11 "cternhohed his delitralithailivri and nialrigeiliNtrier.a. •.ie N. line aryle empire." die ramie .11 9:23, de Arld . Ralik 1111 ID die R-teen lid Kit Tam didn't immured hie. Krierlinret•Mi were tti the fell which bl be, rilway‘ hems mewled. with !Mei/ liar mderall la: LIL Ruth Schofield Li. 9b and. Lora WM/mien. tel'ICa jrprL ignored hkm. But when he struggled. Lire L11.Ennettoce EIUl always cretrated. h. harlir Even '4113 :Itt WV; dun tan WI Bingham in Sit naming wawa keen 11 4#, for the C.-team tritits lipped bins open. ikserl hes/ lam A. rrorupwe Iii' ;1111hlikt4 U;41 ipi perralrnences, or, at The i2ILV.ar. mirk 1111131tpion Yu A The pi...mem/en niteepid La pm order kyrivioniebk Llare failure of the England nnienal especially targeiiog his leadership...Crowilort -41111r* its b 11-.33. Tool Remain dad 1011 for 'MAC !Dm wIloch fmoked En 3tlti Farr and cDnamed ,ied441, Ran 4.511, May' Prliailla ID 1, mid kip eif Sim Awkland 141. .11.k Maellind v 111. Drahan team le ratify For the World Cebu. Al ka..i wok of Mors,. "P•rillnd Wry Mcsilniug.. Palma Purl hteu Om team km rde■ip 1021 The Evart 11:14. 11111 Tiyln1 12 Oh alit Marna lemur this hourtd and rcctimirbuilon Gould /lake htem Lands' hem 'dope this swam. Although he thd in ■•... i•- .-rddrldr :lib and tnraprised nff &untied as maNer. lie wan the Chin Embank id mime rW ;:k•ininiit Me some mairakm. ihq. mr frwrr. fit Land ai LJrrt MC: heVaille I • 4m1-1 he a becoming more rehainle %rine...try game" fa iglu the mould of w The Prnii migIn conaaikr One elf Palmer's most itringserl1MLN ALL aFairui • . 1113 hie u f‘icifill iheiLitat*at CrICICLW Lint. llafgrri Laitd Wilma dowel bother me 'dive I knurl p. m yen/ colours. constant!). vim/del and utIdes ,viol Concentration lapse costs effective.- Nowadays. FILM lust PsEroer whir lushalling the Gtrrnian wilt) hit drligtni NUMBER llien.t11 effective INV; carlicin He ewn kaind lime is elcimplif) hit new. fiogrid a:. H.N L.A.1.1r Pelmet has meowed. amend eaclusisely.. praise. confidence hr charging dune the wing near the end victor 1.3111 2.2 N1104111 'l1 111.:411.4.N11. 211 OF THE Why? • Fu reit Wald Lied,' lur She Iaihrle-r 1 ml4flrldet, pd.er awr quick. in, End. Althouxh it would he rinerturnme edniecture III WEIDN•SI ,A) ssa inruki brad vlinang Ihr yip stnumg 11:1 LIT! 31.1' end in wooder whether he will {4er play Again faT 1.611.11/1.34C 1ammial mai &Wen. uhri latany 7L.1... Ley eat WEEK Die sewn an far aL inc iaelde_ their quahisci hit/ifkk Pahlirr urn la- 4111X11 errors L'oblelil =Shame L'OMMILOO. had to combine to "intik mei 1.noehall life And repasalion Watch Leeds Heremor Kalhumberlindl manerkd Thr •ci.dani 1CSN 11.11 raid' 114 -eau khataege ian 4.mA tee, his eleficienchts to 1:1111 Unshed ploy_ End you will see Mir_ nobody liars JOINER F cod, ta CILICO1fEt btu Iasi l.R Leeds 1{{E111111§. Marine Mid 11117' Fe {5,Cli1V11Ally Caflia0 Palma 4nirgrrt Norihurtikelimilfy 2nd item multi Meal in The fine 11.....c.n Orr tam Ilse). laded • Eh wnettd eye pin 'I ti al NI Earn and 11a-rear 1111lid art ..... nom the dErc Imlo relh challzegti CHANT OVER1EF_ARD AT ELLAND ROAD. ea Lead.' BUM gamed ix", prat /1 irtepretutle Slider and PAM Chain 6 rind go. c Lhe hidlawiy In *IRO MI UK* prot tax. tmnii deism mi.: Llatirroui iamitiorn. Mid THERE'S ONL'f ONE CARLTON PAlirlhlt The 1-..e warn /mattes Nrianhaiiiistriceel iftry Intl 11 in. Ihr rn play mere inermuialik we made in) Ijar 111.1111bdr Witt& dim. to ha,. gragt} T1-111.•10.14 f5N1.3 Crab CARLTON t'ALVIE.7 lack fool. ;am. hy • WI/Fr drank. ,dl plo. In lilt Gal !ma-, : i LC Walker diirevilion and Ion 11.E'S WALKING ALONG tae cee.mil Lail curled MEIL ;Lob unaesthetic reserohlance SMOKINC. A ROW defence 1011 onucenocurii Heulhumbeelenel isertnt almo44 Wortlionahrdand. fArniler Lo 4444 achicwd aI Evcrtori WO 1'4011;41AF DIT.11 WALK.E.!..11] IN A PALMER WONDERLAND emoneLtmely 4D 14-11 Lemti in mg Mecum de rleas-F L.. LA a .• .-401ifte TOP 1„o 4$ t last. A pub where the wallpaperis on the wall, 4 not on the 'ukembox. •Le - , 0... A - '41 el l'i 411111 .... . . *941/14 KI 49-11:;• ...... riem. P111010Alf Endar - Dare to itrnebreqjrr IT •INKY Dance Dow. to.. and spiain out Or TURratION Reck add - Corne adoniancf.iaia e feat 5A191ILIA! Classics Tn 1:100Dad Of rjor if. Dori•ixie pothers* / I e w-lak WIDAISLIAT 3.0.,, - okrrwirit,r otirrie,ery r lake 'L... Pari.9.1 Sofa 7 I / i • maw 5,„irsnio,cd Ws -. roue' 3 for %Imlay' 1-1111/WAT • fa.d...... re to rrrak in Peered as am Or.rtraie .. a mar urnr ip)ter.e.re4;...y'r.•e.,14 re

Griffin Pub, Selby. Whatever the right`, the musk's right at-The 11141 . . • • p_ t a S e wilt 'EL

Lenli siudmni In.rirprndrni Me...sniper Sirreinkrr I.

▪ Sport 19 LUV- LEE BUBBLY Midland Lad presents thei TOTAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE

2 PHU, eltaiSal 71-IE ELI .T7 3 PA1LICH DLIPrif ; IRMA:4) 1.37' EVEPTON and Tottenham look no further. I X.5F1tAll F1DLWI4 5 IdICHREL. !ODOM RUP:1KY tiONEERER5 • Leeds has the answer for your management 6 srrsturri akrimert ALL-S71tA NAPA ;51 blues. Economics student Carolyn Finlay 7 0210 MAKER 1.171/1/ 131311111.1.011 29.1] El RACHEL, L . Lail YOUNG MC PM/ 21.1 25-9 has scooped our first "Manager 01 the 4 BARRY 0 KANE UP 'FEE METH 26E1 Fortnight". bottle of bubbly. In •A111211,1 EMS Ihr-CRESTER WV. 261 Caroly nis team IA Ilic un.ly• unit of the thcrus.0.11.dacplar L ..tatamaii TDOIAE Pod PAD Riairt 265 • L1116 IIITaillItqaf REAL .X1C11,112# Rat procesied loiop Ole mop; ill(] pair" marl!_ Arimeao ,nuaraug ..thcrsCri VILLA Hersecret? -I Ent roe' AtleSIN LEE EX:f; 6PAIDS 3.01" I WS 219 Ilk: ticanhat and broi her to choo5.e the 1.1•11i, tlColet srrni istilltlt Fe 270 :earn,- says lbe furl( year End Ins /earn Lee leads. Lee's 1:0 vTo• 7.11T5a,ITE TO EREP:rf Ilaq111fli flOuL P =14 102:117:Ll6LE-4 I NAN 275 ersuile-ne of Badington BALL. Lads. Andtels• 'Imbed up on JAM wawa liArP3 TS CROP 275 Whales...0r her ■enoinksioig 445. prima dos weel. DAVII2 bp1LLWOW SAL.r.ALS UNTIlsd 275 1113.1111gCMC11 11 o4rel$ hc]pcd bk I won't ill-mead Rack"' QILLERATT111 273 deleisait.e performance and a ▪ CI-ITCTEN ANp EIPAM CA.ffilyn's learn is certainly .FrAVENSCRCet Fou...g[x RANGERS 273 Fowlo• - Kbrairnaria 'mkt force 1.65•FIKE 274 impressive. ■■, Andrew 22 DOA JET SET wILI.TPS ■A Tellentlifal f DRA DOBSON Mbillio17.PE 041-Elita 270 Tm warn boasts safe pair of EcosibLy EyoLitorl pieking. 541 h and, in seal wi.th Peed. 241 T1h CARE.IMI TWIE:11. 9PIRTT Cimptell ind cu. u'4 vfrumpecl • MX PLtiiti moor% Mb 5JLY malts 267 sgirne.cli.sl , mato I t defensive for safely rum with Plendes . pack' i■Gordon End 11:01.2211141 EARL AVM Porn-oumes 20 rowel_ atriii 'IlEFIILN MAUCH otki 1ks WILI 267 kart the Yvir mrilkinE isulnershirl his hack four take ante End of Fowler Lod Walsh .6"s'LVAIN ARTIGALI SATUWAY's ST1551S 266. Mae. P=. Ft nap:et 141Z4JSZLEY WALIDIERMS 265 Can.4511 fl.Vd 1..orking. INV placei behind pains sap DSC/ Iasi : SPA EALRIT 265 Phase high flyers 15 the PAUL IterlArtaq 711N FirLARP'i S141.3151KFAS 265 LLIBLIV-114, nil I El thiO4 Ind Illy atiracwelly "idled Paull TOWS - lute) The elide. Rut wilb 40a ENNA STEaPiSer THE MLA MAVENS .165 brainchild pi marmeeress Sarah • KATT =0PF*1 CLAM SAPPER'S P.C. 264 learns width 100 pie% or Cric *run" 'I chose the players :66 my owes/11bn play foe. etakLef LA:Aq because they h.as the haze • •5/1411FZ- F.1,3A5 OZA.1.141.A.ZEI.W Despite km- 5114. VS onefta.' Dipa SAM% gives 114 !dello* ea asigh fan Carolyn Iati PrAFAN GAMIN' 41 CAVila,a pride In plEer NIXCI POILM WY'S doesn't feel she has any ii TAN WHYTE Niparrireaan JULIAN MISS [YID JUJU 'LA-WADS iffer giry.re Ruthann. thank hi. 'Fir has Elh- Ine job o safe.' Usc conickso.. the tapLoinl Deapila her Roble loom ornegailtrjEllif Tani Football polail • • Carol). n`i Full Warm I s 1001Tia poor "hs■SsiThe ton 1545: Sc h arca c Gordon. droinu. Cafe., CalenLao, Lee, Roy, •1 dunk I dweidhc [ We Milli have a few entries to process, Whclan, WEL•1, caeca the England )tam.' shr Captain Cuurageuut added. and some scores lo update. These ?Lk-roan/atm Watch out Taro. Venable' Pluweier, perforrnance of the Lreit, Ameleni 1..1*1 should be completed heK1 week. "Iretk naval go I 4,cc riaoRgeen cram rimer Job


1;11 4 1.1%. ..1nirrnr 141 • • I. .• s• . Irr.;i=,;11F1''' hk.1,411 i". y,L 1 111Wil LI • 9121 !TALWLUTI 411' ; w lid RMal 4'L. S IN i ? 1.1.1 4145104.42.14 111 /14 irsiwcarii I Icres, a rough guide. to your league pose ion: All III 1134 LEEI 411 II kW. IN lid IMAM TIE M , sr` 1.4.11.*II 1• • MU I 4 to4 L.E.noi/ . IM •1.41T1141 415 2 la WALKEN. NM • ha *I *Wm I OD 249 points .600 L81 SST 1 co. anon 114.4 4 11, IN INIELE • 1 5.I 5 Nasky rig. len 11,4 3411.111.4 LP, 411 4; 101 ME•/ 4.14 I ir LULU INT i MI NEIN 700 163 NA I. I i stlAaalt 0:1 CAJLEINIX11 717T aitU1.1.4aD 2r1.11 231 MA 41... Mona rig IMKTIZE Ma:MN 11. 10.-1111E4.3.411 Tin 1 ill 044747 0.1 ItHeAlat OE a IN44ICEECN C11- a 0 1. F.A.4601, TPT II 8EA21011 Km 219 800 140 401 MITI-WOES CM NI NUN INL a I-4 IN MR 1..2. 4 k5 4 4 Ill FITT* 1,14.4. TI 134 IR= aft eta isOldla•S CO* * 5 Ill ALI 13 L4 Ill YLA/144 NM EL as meitls VITIA u I1 409 207 900 99 =="1" ill- 4 1041141:1M aro a a AU KE04511 4.14.5 0 1 4.4 ertauesuau asat E4W111114 LES 4,1.130102SNti CCrY 5 WI EMMY ova a Jr] 5C414511.1 4-1T .1 4 a aa:C4.111iTEO MO ER AMMAN aza dISW1LD OM I. L03 moo rue a 3 IN bump 411 4 P 111 Noramte LLJ 509 193 10(4 40 011 3414.1114.E. 111 414.111101110.111 OW 4 .5 IV PEAL. a FT 0 2 tr. 41144 11.4:1 Bo eramoso& as a a AN 144142NY MA 4 Li PMFIELD 17111411411414014 LE 414 olsaitTem Cl • a 410 HNLP15117 .1 • NI 1144101.12:04 II .1 -1 111 MILE Lk 1 II 711 MUSS LS a 01.4 ■WI IN I or taaLrr 51 I .5 Ile POMEN el* a 4 ID PRIdlA 4.01 • ru Lid Ian IINLILIWAS M .j NI I c..0411.LLI. 41A1 111{44704A 141.411 1 2J 91, LINE LEE 1 0411 KELLY US .1 11 11$ 14;444.1:1 ilna0 4 a EINE4 131.01 1. 41.5 CANCOCO.NOILVI 21.3SINCLA/L .142 4 2041111 WE a 1.1 IN 4411 I 14 oil bunk LEE / 451 laN111:41 um ID .] 111 caumin CIE 4 4 E WIN/ YEE 5 P041101•13515 LIT I SI4 IINT.EN Fa a i FAL9K41411 AFT a 134 ETRE a I • 114111. LJI M"; ISETPNETRINLM .1 3 IS TIN.44.0 4.511. a .1 121 14.414.01,11 W144 I 111 ICYLLNAPLN.0 LIT 1 NI Tral,Po fa o a sai AMMON 4 TT LIP larAlloOLAT *me 4 II No mai 411 4 4 on onalleol in 0 45 IN CPULIarr. CR I .1 ulasaa kW F 4 4444-101 UY TN 1141=14.14 SFE 0 -. 3.41 (44444d14 ker • c% 114 (GI/ .'serf 9 41 tosasion L/1; 1 4T4 1i71 Los 4 i I Alparnmacia cpi. a 1 o maim aiL3 4 I 1L1 144/14161 LEV I 17.1 11124.441"41.11,041 ME I a 145 i3aL1 121141 *IA a a 1-14184.11121 DEW 9 V 1111Inkiarab 1../i a a 4115. le1.031,M. LE 4 13 IN. ILSST ON 1 .1 VENUE all 4 1144111,43 UV I a RS IST/LICAE14141 INF a a on "Lune' Li 1 4r 142 NEM M4 I IT 411:11;1:1111;11 lIt'7 4. MS 12101 LJV 4 IL Wont Oire 5 a Dl 15.44:1F4 AST I -4 sow =Min Lr.. ill a. .I IDE 9 41 3M REARM 1012 1 IS 3...1 LION', DIM a o MAC 0 .1 Fr, aininiista Leo J 1 14 114.1710 Poll 4 1 1101C.1.LAS1141:14 AST I .1 .5.•11akoz. ido-r TN Le Team ort a ii CI& 4 NI SINEE 14.044 9 V 4LS >ba,rsoa Kari 1 11 ali. MI 161-•1 3 IST15.413014 MR 1 .1 14 TINCISEDE. AST * .9 Ll.l LE1LILUICN .4112 rla NAltebh 94.1 . 4 lab 010141 (1.4. 4 4 1-44 OULLT14411! 14.4 I Fr 004 1140114TWIli WC 0 .3 4.4 NALL MI D .1 VD 1444.4114fX12 AST I 4 asormaate line 5 Ila NAM-TM 101 .i 111 3/01403 t IP in LE •up: e 0 *Pi leatilt MAD •I ✓ GP IRON= MIN 1 74 om nao..044 DUE .2 a LP/ Likpaii.e.r. Po a 1 *I '1141011 CUL 2.4.4. Wit-WM *44C YR II' CENETCON SLIT - 11 1.0142LT404441. (Cu. I * Las 6rii4.014*, 14114 a 0 14111. a •11 NI 41141474 14Lik. 1 14 ma Ve.11111. IF1 I 1 79 SKEN40:4:30 CLA 1 1..COXI# um: k rrl bantesa Eve ' ' 111 00115 Col a 1 44, REDL44.4.50} a 154 NO OM* MN 1 4 M. p nom MM.. II 4 L41 WELT1014.1.1. LEE 1 4 Lunt 105 4 114 4.4.4411i1.13 WM' 1 ill" liAtAab Fir I I 111 NWT. CIS 1 I NI 1:441.J.L51 7 I 001‘ NA 1 4 MP LEN 14.1.11 0 IT 42 'woo" tze I I Cu II Ina FL. 1 11 244 WILL .**5• ati111111AS TNT k 1 L11 .41-4111.0 COY F II 64. rb3L10 " 0 11.4. YEINS1:14 Nea a 1 III sann4Pe,44 U111 4 44 41711.1( EL% 1 12 IA' rail 5M1. NI MEMNON NIT I 4 on. &erre a LSD MINT NIL 11 4 1111 callfaI NY 1.04 7 } ■ 18:21,411.4114T KIN ■* tan akkatilkeiob alea e 4 14. NC. 1/1 11 1.4WILLI L1W. 4 • 1415111 LIAL 1 no tamer InT a a 1.1 LI14:1/1.* OW 1 1; ill 14.141IT mit a I 1411 OREM 1 IF 11111I0T aro 4 4 1,4". WWII LE 0 -I 4, 441.1".74 111.1, II a IN MI .4.40 Yak y 5I L511.1.11411F1K1. 'MT ] 1 i is 1114011! L%1 • 1G : SAGN E 414 1. r NT 4.7144E.4 ma . IT 14 444:111,WY LE 4 0.111. Cl!. 1 14 1N 14.7411324143141 MU •2 L 41F Ask-Noscio ewe " y” 11.414.1:Ey SGT el A EA 11111121744 ISACL).-E. ME e • 61E-L1 4114 I 4..4-1 1.51:4VE Ng 4 :1 ▪ 111204414,4 RRA I .M. CILIAISSFPLE 112 MN n n Mr ELM 4014 LW. I IL 1121 4.1.1.L.44 •73.4. 2 .1 111 4•44/.1.1 L•E a 494 memo SIM 15 NV 01.4:1144N 154-4 0 I. LM MIN LIT 2 1 4/011.14.1.L414 Leif n 1.44.1TINA1 1 rra• PIE 11411414 •14.4 7 P Ni YrEfiNa... /41. r 04 %LAPILLI WIT ii Ii 1137 QIAAL IDE 44 SEE .2 12 i. JC-4.1.101 LIT r . MI DLL ATKA, c1111 A 1. 411:0. Jel minim MIA 4 1 IN 4 114 FAIPIPT TNT ' 10 001 1.1.TTLI: 1a21 .2 t ,Al Atkal. Lso a j a55 0.11 aro. •1 1.4.4 1.53. no iouLairl •11.4. • 1 .04 11442.40 Lea 111 11NENC41.4.N ENT 11 1.2 4:4 •401.41241 P MAC II 1.• 4414.7114LSTE LTL WAIF. KINA 1 ll 1. al d 1,41 141.2.04411.14, MK 4 11 rri =we Toe 04.2 LAwl Pa* .. 4 III •.111.4 Luan xi. sotekta .1** ... a 515 11,..11.4L1 TNT 111. pp} al anajj a ipt s 4 C32 0 041.04E01011.44.4.- 9 11 314 144L-414. 1 / ;-.• rlra:S. • 510 a IOW 1415 1 4 3.144141 1.11: 4 II .4 I 1rETLP: .4141. n 4 DM 111,1N4 = .a2 .41 u" rum .a..C• 5 I 294 1.0.10 27m11 My NA RAE 4114 4 a Lr. 124.70114 La. 1 41 IE./ .111A.1431.04 411L4 11 4 IN MIME, 2,4 4ALL114101140 MI4 a /121 1 414 a CRS ANON/3N -.4.. ham 14541 N II 1014191Y1421. M. rn nmitz .1:11 2 , us S •aL511 a 1414 344.4.11.4T 41141 I 4 NAI itrLYal WILD 4 gpy mrirkEscu 41*. 4 4 31.11,411.1213:1 41411 4 31 N? CLEM reL - •4 LW 1124 4 NI WAIL MN a i 14 WPM LE I 4 42 1:4-11t rm.& Wild L. 1 O44 }0011'121 WIN 9 n "1.1 NOLAN SHE 0 I 334 ALMON 440{ a •.• NV Isaahli WI EWE isOP a ii al L4111. SIN 4 41 I PD 11:111 .121. a N 111 anaarn Wila 4 4 444 ECC4,4 LIT -4 a 111 Pd 1551) 14111 1 7 Nil 444 laNd ITN' 0 5.51 nalLtel MN .3 Il rowLan 1J'e a. 144 ILIUM 4.10/h1 4T44 4 4. FIELL loacpr.,s mg a1un..p714 aarr I i IN 1111TPREMINT14.44112 0 II 100 .11.11,414 Lute 4 11 244.44.L1141.4 145 I. CEPaTRE.FONWARDS 14J *WALSH. DUO 1 41 •.1.1151r1 911 ? 4 1 4.4 1,4 ER, .0. 4 ... 2... Wu rrn a a PL•WIMPI Mr 4 I.. NOW 4 14 t - ••• - -".. ' '` co• e II 33.4 SAWN 0/11 A ILI .15 1,4 f n i rew • 1 744 6.14E1 OM 0

115.1xL3era Indr1sndrtn1 E4044.1{44M N=.4•NA3.00.LI ▪ November 11 1994 Women stay on the ball ceeized. Fondling she half minute entt thr bleak. sii2 si 0411..11111V. • 10E4 Lu 1i ! • 1 up_ LUU wear ■wasr dais as Reed completed she ... • N111■41..411. anal, =1. -. i defer mpilialie sq.:luny satinldhe &VW t1451 more A Few perform.:. York Yrnt -;•••• •••.- .comas Fc BUSA inalificamma And Me deferce h5 Faaromee_oons, STUDENT her 2 111 ,crone ha:11110k York enaroble nhai Y..rk effort., ro •corri..• ,ICTSOILV I, 1.4 I •1;.:•11 hick zeal. under the coostani pressure of irtwuried I •rs-d2...-di tk• ..rtaiting ihnoughaa me Oro rum leedc erealive 4.11•Prk ID keep up their moine-ni.. SPORT I nth erm,n-loic lw• of the man) lulled Ueda" third pool one ionhortning 11111.:1‘,

4 Gold 2 Silver 3 Bronze as WU martial arts team tom fetes im ressive medal haul in British thorn 1 ionshi r s LEEDS TAEKWON-DO TEAM KICKS ASS

LUU Taekwon•do Club sent a strong learn to Worcester for colleague .1tEssrl I Smith in the nerni•fin.al . a the 0T1 British channpieneh1ps last Sunday. Hopes were rnaseh ibis Many IhtnigIll should have been the foul itself high amongst the Leeds COmpelitorS, and the expectations 171 the Lathes seclivo. medals prirreik were justified by many line individual performances. harder lo or by. Many sass/ performance. The hy a Liming went aihncreardeil. but cVen su, Ise medals n ern.. w hr. nnl anti were *OR IP Lbil Rai kola kalavo Lit Girdle LICIT1r1.111.1111C1.1 111C0 supplcecls 131114 1611.1rY. won the Mirldleuright hnosiae and Emasu Ina alto walked ns.ay with four sold medals. %tstrtiNs. pnovina ora.'rt again Ihni we ale Ihr Snack Wise leek triunae Its the Yellow bell harde%I cluS in the land 1...1 ndre h -San ish Middleweight division, 111 complete 1W.1.111),(1-4 and. bItIrldir sun o gold medal HY the Red bell deltruchon salami:tory days murk for Leeds_ rho IMIcFfn ..tcriMi or ik Bi.11CIF Young eacelled i. hit 4.ki.TiliCa. 1111.11...kr.....411X 11..111 ran lid ...rap big bras i Ihr rime of piing to p gess 11 was till •ainc..d in hall' A tope& performance in the known whether .1111.417 ■..ay 4111111 lh,C }.c11....1 bell ;old nos Aos4ly NrIsirrdy hire MiddIrweighi lighting %edam won ham ■*nor ariyihins an the Black hell Light Filik-whicic.Pauill-nridrcit- 3mirh Wei dented ■gold motto] by an uncharacteristic wand gald heaNywright di 41.1pOn Cihane Blake 1111:1111[111521t 51.11.Trb Driple •••o-dies ■warn or smellier than Illii‘ULke in ikc Red. kb "'nitro and so had le he content wilt I I% cr Ands 1...... 111.1 ohnilnalcrt in be win ycl ira.ual site 10 111c Championship. many Murray ■Isu leu■tsbver in the block belt arobrher gold in Lhe irrrten h411 hildkkirneilithr triedoln were won and file L ttJa Eanergo.1 purern location. SCC1[4.115 with much credit. As !he sire and standard, Id was io 111C fig3rsiof .2111Lk LI4A111.1:1111.111. 10 Ihr Yellow bell Lighlwrsght dasisismClahs vi 1.11C learn Coilleauc It' folure NIFCCEN, arras ihmi Li-rdo cthnpetitora enjo)rd min.! llohne won hrorhie after •ilefe_d.o:: •:luir. roan sureLy he looked fonaad Iii Ultimate frisbee fun CATCH a2, LUIY 8x YS'it 5r. • Hiedulfs Pink P11111. Lltlimare Frialcc alab LIMIATEIALSIM. Bnbaliza and Simon liaol cd ill lira! ever Hill r 7..nrre's Carped i.Aimarnena In .ht 6.9mna int rulo p411 had iteir Crniadtra In ■ t-c n Ire Las! Sunda} fina Lan!t a competition defealioe, low secures THE h i rly 1CVEn. 1:14.dyrtri. Uli %mare LE a Liiimi• itt41111 line two Morita from M 111317111C 11 I er_ moving. non.conloci entered the liar minute of FINAL WIIISTLE rodf1514.1 .11.111 Lee .1.1. all 1.2.114. I l.4.1.111 alai rl Ihr !bully al 6 - 5 to IN CONTRAST Lei Rugby League. where chided and weft put of proved either indoen er iorro's. In the ...lying •.•faenHt lif•r" ibt cl Ione, atil aha random_ into sir. Learns Rh 1-114.1.0 411 c111.11.1C•1141. ,l•sihilis a hammer Lbnyp. first iess. sympathise% user the lace 414 Culp itiq -"The Ball In Ida?. Coals are 'cured tram A.P.B. trim the Shaun Edwards and Numb? accepts Lhr the Naeth" hs. u•otner looked like way the 'Rana overwhelmed ua Iasi The teams were the disc Lollar opponenis p.1.1111.51 the Finch thin. Saiurday. the s acnr's usher node it divided ildO iww groups. End-tune. like American sodden-death but was calk as i igen in crisis the losers el each FoalbyiL 111 Lads Urnorrsitv regained the lead priertlibily sinned by a Urine is in Ircubir. Ile Welsh and Engl briefly with ,sx`4%...hdl try_ thrs. tune nice' ing iv• On Sunday. man) of flying Bradford player, ant lorlfriiinIllia and rallaaaltd: !heir 1„1.11. had 31 [NU bad La harp the eurallan J, Ina 1..61/.1 the Spook second plans l`ACh :2i ilaggifirrt look cirri:1001y martins the leagon are perpetually darmnaled thin vs. second pluce for the pan in I tnerauenent fur malch for Zacro-s. EvENTI2ALLV Tromped co worcd again - Jimmy Thorpe wait Oohs !rival drar tin IotYrrtirnllrri genies a try airier a bud Medrear A,r.h1 and the the feral Lime, yel lire The most revelled ilea aliri-rues, ihe loading 'Aoki. ST2 victory in lhn mauls, atlti ickerly rrIM.Lp wanton eLeeesard Plod half. Thangn Lhd dw drum. [MU then wail 12 PP up an sinridard nt Noy toot likard. Slimy' of the indisciplines]. on drug' and aver herr. 11X.C111112 fat the Urand very high. Mike Yoltes Game, W11 given co book goad liar 1111.: 'Sr% Mew their}' wss C.1f+0144..WPJ SAS•Cni1C1/ lomard Ink iltnariY Mil .10l41004117 the hind ream teriatned P.r.B My all the other Fames now only thrive on Acraurnedris are Noakes, VIAL 1111C11 threat Iced with a try by Simon Riche Male She Enos', Ihemlelars the 0-ne- pInl•Crld lot cll4ir tram in finni!-ah nisoadc, rn _cud An with iry SD. vff injured drier only i nannies. Herbal A }MCI vi Iles LLTU though, Remedies n...intern after busing Ell ihe aseelleui atmosphere caned assort, game of the talk is Justifird - LAW *I'M quick Co caphaline esrritually Ian our Ile group morello. by im then opponent% Ion. going - 0 with three le 011 ,e•yond gl•crarcd Sianday mins is lint realm of she untie-feared ....men, alter 11141 margin. a Plano *Lai Mall Hinkel:1_ the club hyperbolic. alp with I rry Ind con.rnion. LMLI 4htai rd that they regained dominance of die m..acil red ended vary c•swilinr End cant hound Imo Ins tonal and it aeiPPOPrillit In ■way. she ia-Rwitan LSt1 lofbrtil from refuse 1s1 kw demoralised Ire.weser. enjoyable final up as winner, by an I* point vgainoi Ari hilly Awful COMTE nlc'd 'Fitiac3s la the name's atd boys ii itevirable as it is 11n1J cqualkd rho iWtkrit oficr Alex New,: ormeri lu i he The moil nail. hirLng •iing4wriiiiii. hull 5•14. McDougal-% CIS' W111 convened. margin perdniable. they slew lime rem were incrialoced in rinalsb was lsrlwrcn Moll much neuralgia as the old age penaioner wlu mainlairn 7.hinEs 4ocrrn.1 like Chat in my day, young lad In indh. rhey rola want 9Li lye hack &mai ins the rffid, mrgr Celtics' win is not American dream Man up it nets koi indeed. oneembanta isarriewhgi IMAM IAr esSoblrshed aerlauna Of Ihr tutus InnthIc an hss own rase wilily paper% she beet., even Shaul. perneernarat by ibr Csluel they .1111 Ilyrlagad La I KU...A 1 L lanehocker Andy HOrkY FRianc'•1 1:P4Fric,. ina Skye are so frcyuenl And Ppm L•crrrigiagn u Iva itedur the score la -0 w hemene claw they have held a /nudge with an unpociani kraory. The win Cellies 30yards lo pto 1.. Pante]; madly crc...t4eid Leeds alter igninq the game ever mill oho 'Wm howaYer, u000rd more 141 a Wir111 ihroming hfrten }Aid The ate evarsios they did male &own their lima outl hell and sold lure! 'PEWIT MA disc lark. than lo a n• W Rwhhunr hick Slet•e ir5ide lie Celtic. 20 yar4 line •••• •. instaisadi drug wilh 1l My advice to Roany tlniim's iDalc also rani the ulnae 5617,1% En add a snuffed our by bilharier Si. • ha:maker' ready slum: La nest yen's eve Lards opening drive Fluncd. but a two penis c■-we•uai. and give Lenin bygALJ, win. nalercepird a WY'. - owlion, arid_ tcat-T Mt WPM Car I. Ina./ tionace air r Slime Widcaeli+r ell >t-lF !cad. Shartky idierward•. Paisley pasaillseal dr win. Sias ,haw' )••••• LILY Ile game con art raml lima ?aisle). ployer,allt.wing Biel prnall,e. lanced 111; l'atithera hack Lee ii V, on Ihr nail in in, LIr ek• hic and Cortina la rtcol.•11 set up the •i 1.11%ff4.1.4 their mvn goal Line. where rail .wuka kreowins dud a al - eb,rimus pots aruun..I sfferlsk% C ILL good field pu...lawn pttsysre 171}117 OLE deltn...i.nr line of inteasiny may he QualrAack 1.r.,1 the caused in. P. .malty 9111drthan. 40 +Ewer oprRimipan. Murray WliherS




PLUS EVIL EDNA TV PUPPETS at film IBBC 1 1I friday 11 pick of the day irry 1M1 Law oil Me Sareuntlia 17.3qcsn. In Your Fact: Carsful 11 1.45pTh. I 0.0 [NM .3552-4521551 six kw.. Braakrssl Sounds 7.3d 13133 linriklial Maws E312C2j oho] 9 25 $611141f MOJA 5141ilik PAN ff.; Portia Comp 421F4 W. orlirily Mita ordain maim kr Dv auk I po 9025 XlIray Gel your Re IPA:sand PA Pre heti 11112 eacinda Onfroier.ey IXifitsg. and 136 lha1 special 47.31a1.31 Dept re CUM 3.19' 11 1.0 OD 1444.4: Replee11 111m1 Wildinhr on, ra'S ski Sink .417404 shoiild knack thoraces ;pass midi worth 9 55 Hera I:wormer Four lararJdrP EN ■16..wal $0.1011 GRSOCI d184r kl9 WIRIl Anne. Ana ric.Lt of Ms famish matt disco 1731:1 On wm thing. 115pm IS ./Tp■Mick Ina 5hcrie. 10.50 The Time- Tha Kam.. 10.35 Tb41 Polimnirto 11re Adriwuros a !rich!. Cludail 1200 iniara: negionsl Moms Washer News: Mather 0 re Neel P t7 I5 Pebble MID 12.29 CLOW. - Thelisedrsrt Ms) 0.0.42Clogi Hama. kilaalher 12.55 Cairommnial 56MP1 025321312311 1.505 islanhimur. 1.25 Home sad awry. Irina berm Om Warr 5rillsys irersmallia 139 The Grain @rant.. 0e1L4 thy 011 MOMS .1 MY Sian &cam I BBC2 E4 13 erriserk on a Manus winToni iI 3 55pr. rarr. a TOcr. 7.15 Holldoy. May bay Saracen-or mfr lAco• Ws 1316.. 53.. 2,45 The Flying DEICIEWS. Pao.o trout. • I MAIN Inca natlic 1.55 1 Country lArstlks, So. tStil ▪ 151arr. I 3p.r. ▪ ,Ininf&11 ihAry5 41:13 waalded 7.011 Teddy Trucks 5.3.5 lararl hone ▪ Dm:Igl Ilippm, To 'Ow sXirn Aollobio sr. COC•Pert Ch:141134 7.95 PhIlberr the Poi 7.09 7114111.; Manama 1 Ner•onlin # gamed Is conironi Fast ICI1Ar. Dirn 0 nOcr. 3.34:1 Sacral LH, Of Toys. 0., Wm! IlTa 7 14 Yeansp Pinta M Piero turtles 9.04 TAU 041 VOW 1-111 horror. .nth 4ia orrral or ha molies Julio Lamb miii3 tutor. Zorn T U•ntoll Horny does wilco he 7 24 Wirt Pater 5.30 Schools Sphal F a4pn 1 anon 4 2Ocr. • 11nall1 ners 1111 5.110 Biaoh100 trirkri 12110 Proillae Of nature 0.20 Mwd4a, She Wrote Mee Porn -/....:Nn$111.*.. LSI 5.4.5 roc Fako voivr, Konelper O.15 Pride at Dr.... 12.41). &mums 5treat 3.10 Kis Yourrall 10.3F.7,32.;451 4.02 The likho Ye.? 11444 MOW. &ally 525 01 Masan mid EMIT. - 179 Litt 413 3.11 1 Minutos. Thore's no dwrinrip 5641 Pure norce 7 1017n Memel horn eni Old TO9. Bear C rty ark 11:* Cahn ZOO FILM; 3,4,16611 (111;g51. 3243 Taws ?,w P...narro' lte.wele Dap Show, 14o.1 Mink 059 Eurhpern.s: Maly 3.218 Mkt GO 55...#4111.1 [1441:4, 1.30 ChllenPrelP Titirt The alodrrt Kama Ulm ■ 4.19 4741 yiren Clan Back. eaamman 11.00 551.4011. Posetty a 111.-^ about 40010 5.45 The %mak 01 BoNe 361 1.45 Germs Ckaildo Dud won whr-h molts. greens. 4.03 keener Peagulos 4.35 flikord naethara. tiff 0.9 2.40 Fireman Sun 011021 Ord t114.144 4.75 Tao Piama bock Was; and saio-crehlars 215 SpOrl 011 Frifrol 4.04 141110291 4.40 polgrurrare tliFmamitr appererMy. EaDioxls Pike ore Inc all 3.515 Wow WaotPar 4.34 Pirtion To 0111 5.10 Horns Angl Awe. you 51D114 44XMO41. Them 400 Today's The Put Tsd■r. 41.119 5110 Cutting He Tr; idoph LAMY 6A9 Now.: Via.thar 5.05 sloomarcored F11011y. y the 111.1100 Out 540 Blossom. Pm bre Ihe hal 5..55 talerraw Hews: Weaker %NM Yecahlte1111761.01.1 9¢ 5.10 034,0 WWI halebnila me w041.141.11 Own cophsat %kola 8 79 On Your Piarlia- CVO V.210441611• apefy H11 LiaAs Laos 5.35 1.1olghlroor. MA were laisilliafir Clies ¢533x121 r1 warrteise a/ 79 etc. 'Cc OM Moor Osyr. 61111544011.0 ISiw 15.1113 Hews: 5So-ether Lao INTchphreoe. flay Milker clots la Pap Ora= Mo. Ln. Lwow Hama 4.30 111544119 Uw4 Came_ More Th. 7.110 Chanamt. Ileapc. Weather 790 Tilparout_ The shove Ica Mae. 7.55 Tau slue wiyF 11 an1iribarti "ay AS.. Flit-Trile br 1119114 at* OM 1101hed Da/41101os al• sal arm Irwtiournii 3:mum fro DM. 11.115 Class Artlixs Channel res hank etal SEW 1911345;11t0 514 In* ■1.30 lri:o•nowraeri World. Ca ICe SAO liable. Eithear R102341174411 1A1152 001U114131s1 Win 115110.4141 kind o101111 Iney amen 09444 Oil Ncraw.lhow: For. 1 with. their mambo 011 *omit rier 54.surtimwsk A lauw-.w Vardaman islecm610.110ti.M91 new people mei wawa 03:1410110144. will in .m44141555 000 Mari. .a.5 o04 m tam controwersy aril Wang dews Inclisin lostii. Nes. 535a 1,{,0 yes.Old umriatilly WAN& 60.145 Pdarnorp S magma Da "her. 1.141 Catchword 8.30 Brookside. 1.50 Cart:COMM TrbviV$ tyke kleberoir 151561.1 d 141:1 09 Ca Mean 501r111 hail 474 9.50 Elan. 611on Is, psis Mason Fthis. 61 11te Mb* When Wets ha en arnharoaly GYIS wadi Owe, Thaiers &on GOod Forlinio 1.1p04.414.4 Mliliam11 lora bsi MO. new &Wenn* Thsaira Oran. crtsarta 'Ea* ELM] ill PIIMW. Spam 111111980. Spik o 6.25 Randall And %pith& .101444114.din rtily (=n9 gilt Oa teao *be NFIV Carlos Fehr I 5:9e. Mew alaa Wm two:caul reef Thee Mew lhuangler Encrodballs. A pkal, 5 04 T114. HIIL M4I014111 5441 alled ON 014 IrelOn 1er.alvl4 .e agrl'y 13uccu9 raukrtla rouirm goes 9.11:1 Park LA Solitude, Depend Rickel 548413411114]. 161111114 111411500011 Flisr, amen me 14111.0441444 Gati NY* Low FF4 5111 rrarx *rang for MAIO hal Say451 wanb b be Alone Pa Asa eIAI#FiI thei earn sal OA Marra prong. sed Paula Pram b.f.: J mown I* rondreaolar The Frrhu&or. mapirebon for I-6 not And so he can hat same 0 PM OriailiTa 'Car 0 Areas" 7 35prt. *n-+1 whold ataffro Pah 116 Elua Firtrarkra. whin 4 Nara baba 4% sh:orl loudly In *COMM eithoul roar amine:Int Comely ormi• rim dip morn. h.r.lirnm WAWA/ 1}1 4 064 taw aG minhialson. al his fart .1.31. 0118 News: 1 New. 54o-other 1.15 115*0-Zaro 10.30 Chairs. pick la the 'good old ■36 573449.1. Bart Tiksh N1ps11M AWN 0.30 HMV). Ennead And Chums. Nei 7.X &kind* Of Tra Scarabs: Shut oari.Af ta.irri rid Owns. 11013121114414441111111.101 SEM* Armalirm9 avow s. on 1hn See 1.10 Aid L.1141n. and Canso, M The IOU Own Assam= Toth Itmrk adn H61 P*1115 91454.-144441. 1113.6riaaue Groltssro. ad Tan Mica cod al Ow Sea. many se w& 15.16 Eaolrook. PoPeoilsro- Jem.Peol am:mot' and risomenalk,ai. Pit Iikrestomei tliihm-ENT 41sT-dm biearras a Lards mom. essocuelo0 wn1l 11ri one ear* O61.0144 trod Anbileel Lie CIAmei • 110119.111Pena nabs NNW likoderea Dam 1544 SUL 11,14.1. 444141111 already pommy' lo d'7118re - i1110*.rt* -*Plea R4rtsb. Ora 0 C a 4114 111 Kehl .aid reseals Pa 51orto .1oria Gnaw Near' Send-WV Maki MC red Jun ion rid:ming Our synthealser, and Saa. UWE. (*yr broad ot porn mos. otko imdrnirc a7 Invosarbors who I-ald ihrtailon a Moen Imink-ra.e led by Bobby. 5...celard run birth ore of :he tairily4 ▪ wpb 133 iry and ward Lauds 114614th lobo toideebrod 14481. Sapersbad Vim &AN Polak Eye hypos1 corn widiataa. 'dud% pate:poet ackety. H you coral Pady i 1051ndam der loador, may iaha Waive In ■139:1 Po rpm.. 1/014111. TFr11414 Float prtriane .13141.12 £141111 6144d cm arF aspaclany .bad Atari an dr. Pink Fair/ lispwaris Ear arms Scrd•, than 111111m0 irwp Hair in i•:1,11 •4.411411 apluselsabc Vol awed tar 4441 show. Cod 144 Caly Wan. Lora rraatilkiniai 0401441 tato Km ours noel'' r_14.3..♦0 one a si rthe mar twebood to Mays sax Per I 4103 Pod, Radice. Jar& d.u.A•erp. Ham How 5pm • 7.50pm to 444 411 arsl&tie is rh4 Altaperg PIM Naked Yldec. 33 113 wFE11draf.Fke sea. limb NOW' cr covAlry Ire ...ken a 13e0.16 Sao Vegan. ■sletue cr Me Madonna 1341 Clad Eastwooda Favourite F Ilms. i_15 relit In Vnor P.m: Combo! ham oparlom Irb licvm In .1 Underwasui ▪ corrartnernty placed miler lc loan. ▪ Earptapd arks atonal Mc .11194 Taring Inspirsicn fives rho CAMINO WOW Thin NB aria trrohigellikel L.. roof Se Him stars in Ira darkly liyourtla MILO dr. Inc ci Porto v169 dap 0 cloWcal aid Min dapper. Inc.chid. Bar probate,. Thu ccrah Dania scnorad by Clookl Ilia WO* 401111.44.1 yowl Wrong ii en ex rood_ comet 4. 54 roaming womb! throatiarl. Napa Marna and ages,' by Dui 1955 10.50 Hama II Got Home Fee Tow Vralao. apb• orloinet marorove Ivry ce MOD mom Warm/ EMIL Irtuar ► 11091111 ran or e.1 58iia NW*, Marts ate MA* Alio In oorrmani War al 10.410 Pock Of The HOWL 1"ft. Carr hniniorl5114ri1 thAaCtIrh.Tr. Chasm.? Prato. kis* 1140 FLU: Tha. Mummy 111611I. Pare. 10.35 Moworr14.1ht eraimiches who Fare learn! 53 11.as FILM: May Loa OW 7154 Ihiessee name C..arirci mars as JIMA Eanomii. Pia 11.15 Plowman And noddle! In Pleces• speak 5,1417. Erin !cur enough 1.19 wham CM-, ilom.rencl by Haw. Pasoton Sirai, 4s4c 440661 0 a lOn-carrery And I Put AwoyChildah Things. Rees Up war Rom.* ammaaoliol sopacacn lo Evrp1. 11.45 144e Lary Senders Show 1.36 POI: The 1319 taxa (1941). 2.011 The eV S Crazy afthm• n 774 Taw I Cooney Oak Thrt usual ociroy somas i tunas 12.10 Warthennew elaiSIC Nam graham Nara In 5.15 FILM; The Only Way Cu, la Mad ertalukci Ikea Lake van. Mirmruirtil boirts 1411 12.15 FUJI: Yollsoloo 11451 ) which Grauoho Chico land 1-4.9a2 (19ad). Thai 004.611.51amd riey Lbw Tim - :Ms Dios ‘aLlerabled.}. Inks place I rn olual hypes Ur" .1 you 14.1443 nal 144-1C1 or ari. les kase o a city Ortpartmairn pleose11.684 67 1-10 Walla* rrrrg shao 4_45 -.1abilarlar 1 15 Clear 2.10 Close 3.10 Clare L70 WWI. "1I■A - - - EVERY tief

$C4i FRIDAY 4244-1.44 HAPPY HOUR c‘co ar FROM 3PM TIL 5PM


GLOVE 'EPA AND LEAVE 'EAR Hands up! IMO EN RID WAY discovers why puppets still pull the right strings

VERYEKDDT knows the Mery Of how a young Flom- direction of 1114. Ia14 Jrm Hen..A.n. The WLIMber 1141 'Map' rotdm oval Ft found a canon ,..vtlow bear puppet in a Quip ,.tars, real Foexiarru John Deese 1!1.- not r1.1%1 the usual B-Lial wEridow, stuck 165 hand up lis botham and adeniced In the 'This is Your Life .."eirA9 who t Ohneirdy teak pu-t in ihti show dlaLty heights of showbiz stardom Although other pnppct and i.l 'ArrrliNu with Frulde, Piggy and iht. RI! Mre sliosies %sure un SettliklOn At the tint, thil Vaguely Mardi(' indication of H. popularity. and 14er r Much-publicised ensepaquienni etc. arty/ibis of Sooty node him ao in hit with apprilealWeal OshriatrUninn the other w.i (neaten though Ilse sassily kICES-'-ekegl-Where., and the Introducilon. of Ilirther f..Wford Uninn geLnerall). pneity ketin on self-publicity) rust shows the Orograromerau01 the attention nl both children how popular these 1'q ii rs still arr. adulm suprio5odlls, serious newspapers running atHelt, Sn, will the rest of dirt 199111 herald d,lew era fur those arrs w! outrage al the lest that Scio*• was to /.squire a girlfriend. us who le614t an puHing_thrir hands up the. modes aimed! loin ram Islet,-&ocrty as inerealbto poliular, and aliji'L creatures? These diVS. Norm in fii into Iwo categone-A Matthew Cachets's hand in the furry fabor. Sweep Ise Frii as - the satirical and the .. The satirical - Spiting IgnsTe - ksaa. is, drid newsp.jm an: ru..w speculating aver alanum wait Mir, orral lly swami yeat.mir. and gpl away wilh hasher Soo is elipealrlg.- 011/1 esiactly what t1r. offspring oa a that pour average-Dome:ban, CW111 slybc ledikey2 JO a bear arida pretend panda with fin- nbruiui grnitiaia would Masai silos. can]. lell on Ilia- box But - and I'm aril th• rte I =body's gues4 person WhOr5aslicd this . are theY cps NMI: as !hew us rd io SoOt•'S 4IdtlaNues'es9 could be put down to the fact that moat Poi.siblY not - tan Hislop and Nick Kewmin nu longer wni• 1hr popper aids at the time were .cilher refiarn 41.n FkrtfICS and scripts, and Curious a crrpresainnists who hme pre virasoly ,upphyd tlyteMre eluirtSe, but nOt trItinck raaliitir fmowl ).,1}1.1 131211.1gh, l'd the Yoicee. tor the chnratiers - Flarry Enfield, t-.00gan etc-, WA' El) is7OrlUffirli the Note have a go at Becher's L3rat kk yr rhoA. longer work on dielikltY liOlVeVer. MR1411115 CUTIILTX1{10 make. rtrendtiltib at Music Hall, the trentrilociuu.1 and his dummy. Why is set loom of ihktmsehaft in public, the Royal Family are still that television auctIcncef have been taken in he vrai1rilo4una Fite xdi and showbiz Celeba still can't gel then love lEvee sorted ODE. mum' }'oars? Itegardless of whether cc not vriu can me 4rniting 5h13W like Spitting Image sera.. a purpose . in the same w fOt wntnloqiiisis usually ski's Op Mewing, it's bloody Sun does. I suppose you can understand what dhe dummy Ls saying, Its 1-r On the ether hand, the pmfilabk t.pe=s seers to n di.541.5rivated inan "es aid Iii %vice being so Tcae 10 fill 140da' Christmas s With useless pit the only jokes the audience am al* by produrts such es board gashes, pencil cases and of course in alone laugh AL al* those that in...ware si.1.11.0 minim pum•bi iherraelves. I can una•rstAnd *el young lad or 1.4 in. applied the lauFpctrzer. To tap ilus, the puppoa beeilerg. fa%Aird wtlhS u lv use thhe eel him &nitro that if Santa are la% odious eteSiUrei.- JI‘shribkk uverl the doesn't do the business with the proper Yarns presents then there'll 20..M the quivering bps of veritrilozprio • quite be a row, but crvailog pupped with the solo intention Of markrun asant characierrair, -raid ar. Sp! 1114.- Dui4 fhe '.hem Ix toys Is a bki sospeel. AlOaa.o.O . hllhp Schoeld wes (hubkm.rshmoorel. Uld Orvi]le . wonderlul etc. err. fit says htmv have Audi. an Al • the whole country wants to sin him point. awful lots at money horn Cordon The Co,re- Cord, .n v IF that ihr populanly...f rupprtts Go her de-leer and n the Gopher It rfi . &al I -. whether they speak or not; thine a probably} lust ralou, ihink of Lh - 41,1 P. I Irlllted bt 9n Wive ars. tlh Bic -handing cunt speak because they rosier. with .1 eacap r. Miami are given the hruw homily I dimly' !nerally prod, the mins* ee torch are vnti? _gli Wadi-Ion and 'Fmu have wilfinut act'. a ng % phme now w iL /heir PIrlk Windt's lc...kali:kr* I without their assistance LTI thr m AN", weer would haver -13211E4 out km HOWEVET, NCR' an those pu with silliness. s.uvh as thr

What an earth were Lord Soap creole thor Own ofien9lYel,r large wins or the and they're not even real people_ Gross•rnan andSavage- doing. characters Out - they needn't evil horses that he really does need to hut these characters worm their on Brookside Iasi week? Fl just rely on those third: axle are meet two large men in a dark alley way intn our HUM several times a !..how. &tsar s it, that minor oda...). stars in nrcter to gain extra cord wins - and helpfully they'd give him a wink - and evert If enti're a head- w ILI do atrsolulely anything for a few IreiOnS in. 'lint treating your up-the-am.. aria student who poinla The characteis lhat soapG would be fair to inflict violence ors bad free pathilit-ny. Brookle Tana - 4.-yeate affect us all, whether we girth-bend like an Object'. while they ch..errel see the 'culrunal value' of him as wen. they don't need the occasional ware- at it. soap 41F1C-1,36, r bet your houseman admit to II or mini - and although 1 OirijOillthr Min Ferguson from appearance el someone whip got-. Like to think of myself as a padrest. Alan Fm Weatherfield. UP131{ and du - and most or us can Identify. Primmer: Cell Block H des.erYcs CIE s lot of game show• in Order to Derek Wilton are eandidabrs for and rommenl on. their faults. ik-s• them area few NI em from our something %nary naray indeed. bui bOvii.1 the ratings most popular inapt who I'd like In eLOlen1 act, although possibly LI l'rn not personally planning on Ily veaking. -hi rather tool This practire must he slopped . would be a suitable enough running off with a young Ner sateen a good kicking. Carl one to inflict it. 'cos she's. Neel's House Party, Celebrity &rookie for one- II teas = 11daturrLICLI foe their Uribt•ArabLV Mororran, or spending Weerell bigger than I am. and she's got Squares and ihe liLrOvstlete bad. enough when he shamed. scenes larrsonlinF she possible munthA in an Australian women'. Ir Ponds In hIgh.lsh places. And people and !Mr ilinost-as-famou s laalu Uuion and pmmptLy col apse of their marri.agef death pocon, then I duet / can't then there's V%' eyrie from awns and daughleni the chance to dumped herr but t of ihr budgie if 141:1MialiC were to walieh eihrt5, even though they he wtradow Neighbours, the mere thought of make bob tit themselves In front round Ittuainna and then working go Lnlai their home and change don't actually exiSt.. do 54 whom leaves a nasty lahte in the audirrarea or million; perfectly for a loan shade orally knishes' Li around the ronlemc of all the Hoyvvedt, although' may EOM mouth, User in sunny goad shows don't have iojoin in off. I'd like to nomtnatt Terry Iron' cupboards. And before you say fAldpirE really don't want to ht` in Weallieriteld, Sieve Macdonald. has by offering yet more exposure to Brookie as well, bail as he's quite -but if.% not. real homer, of vile. and not should you, Lord hitcurat ie. smarmy of late with his our fa rourire advert CAN* obviously nuts I duet think it count. I know It's not N real Maw, Costume/1 rk

BBC1 saturday 1 Pick of the day- mai rem knee Have I Got on Piro (1)irrs, YTV) .5.00 DIM/ 0:622-4531.11s.. 790 ._on-e 725 Nears. 7.315 Palau 735 News Far T0u7 19pen BFIC.P I driirge. • IMPE 5.211 Ines LID Doc? WWII Formai Cow 1 auto 544" Happy Ti.elbaLme, 2.43 klarlene Itorkete Yougod the FicturB. IM:1911' only he. the Brlitimi 14.1. Ian 114... loirestgalse; 11.05 ADM T1. Filth As you 040130bly 1u550c1 th.ss 1151 elm Gans 1 Mr444 L item kleatalate. 011 174 Nen AZI1*111LillA n1 11L doe 10 the loci 1h1 it EMS walchtfog thouA. 17Orn1BP11., 10 ray h tad II sow symaiinp asd a Roam! 54.1pm A.S.15 Lbw arcl XickAg. 11.15 Friday MA Mt pubs 51619 Merl . YWIEF r:41 1154. Sawn The Land hdlartreri Saba; 12..12 Weattel With itartipht You know you want to 1130 The Me Curt Mau the olsteethor, d Reda. Maws 1211 OrandloteUl: 1220 Fdratbah Focus. 12.70 Ilawkla.Glaffria any 'Man PI &y l>11.11 trel 17.3.5 ifInthig hem CheErntiern; 1 .50 Malty; 11141,14C W W1- T1r eerier 11 50 Feed:41120M f.13:1 Nees 1.10 The 1411 'Mt Woos Our p1=-131:ftf Sasweert: 1.05 Radice; +rads 2.118 Milt A Tomah 01 lotorry mom. imry SmikkfiFfrianslon Chaharharn. 12517143y Uiden. C.01.0112/ 1141111•91•1141111 WW1 A 1..5fgat Sam 2.112m, 1.415 -g,16:114,..gitry dare.; !draw erkereeihs weak - Th. Lai, Keg F 3tiren 21_65pon England v AMINfq 1.04 Football as 'lemma Ifs his 611•x.11 iMt9m Hee firm 4 05 poi' Orion; 4 B.06 Jrsoorsity; 10.110 Aso. lee: 1.35 le rycer.s. 7.1:0 1-42412141. 0.15 sis Nis 144;kown. aditmtiens Wig 14 Code Hamm To You 1.2(p.rn Haw fiaceng. 3 44 F1n11 EMI. C Weak). a, 10.40 ada *ye Dirta; Sunc TN, Hedgehop; ?ASO-UK 660}1. 141 hit deli Hight! Armlike, 44014 igen 113111:54s S.11 Nova; Winter 14-50 6144 Tie) BOWL Cul; 11.119 MIN sgs Transwuld Sport 11.00 Racing: 0.41 Whoa* rind' deckles to grey day ha No Famed ltiri 7.41orn Al. Regions! NM►is Woothor Tiy notyproxl 7 DAC. 11.14 Fin 114 Var. 11.55 ForE:Bor Naha: 42_01,1 Bich Cla hal 1M Fmkr1 k lei gri rErh. /pick 9044141 i erom &Mini 11202415 540 The Chillies Show =In haw Bert'; Pitmen 12.20 FILM Mid'a 12.50 TM .12.411 Pftrithl 71 111 F so.gs Sinridm and Pews their Ilrudinal Mae, U4 thirds all ielaing Mutt 179041; 158 The PM 1110 FILM: Ezatarli Cl24.9). Ef•4 Peace Errenetuk !mewl a special &nom Shim; a.20 1-10112011, 1.t0 FILM: or the birth lamps ol the sEidis 3.45 Kedged Rids. Nap Ram ran prdwaedend tram tre 154 ApAo. ea trace) 119471; 5.13 tiduideir Wads Israel. Wed eh Leon Ord 4.45 NEW!: Lamy POKE. OSP MOOT hoe news on Wel ell the Catwal, TO7F7 15355d4r4ay 71001, L law 12441341Iat. id-ldWralc PIO 1.1:10 Cole/We. Hem.: ifiriorthor loatun og tee boil, The brawl and• Wilk II.P 5 14 50e4tans. F:.444 with Beards Ms bre Erre. Ann The bkedy Say. Me 1.i511oe SINX: 4.15 MIDNO'l PC1Pale .itellgit.16152w1C1 6.20 New Barrigial. Mulch mid ma , tee 7.15 Anigntrean. by Dawn GOBI aartabli if•PipLEPIII6aM M. both thiecatra, 614 • Ftioirsrdas Gene.rE Eon L4 Later With -loom Hunan& 3.01 grocasede OrrinItEm cri 314 Drycli. yowling TMs Owe Or1I., 61 F.:~ k3 WA Wel Faatunog Aurtrata's magastara 6.36 Riga to Reply 4,14:1 In kw why Wore sa clamor. Wed ratline Mayhem me Frei yrintri 01 hn. -0amcdrem Game. perlacmg taw recant 1st 7.04 7.20/ Thidtid kt h.. Tlap sew tra While ye% NI tiiwr4, latit Cluarri Ha emit L 214s TO yet Bruce and ROStrrnalea BMW, Mot 5haredar Pugh/ Sawa k or* or Ire Kew airrervirp him& $01 any lard of ilSoc Coke 053-44251 I I ramarata moments. Hy personal On:10,111nsle Si inm4s. hates. SAO Hers I OM Henn Fdr NOW II 0111 01161. mama skiehly lkesara. ▪ taralteldte eltr..rrt 14 the Eild 411104. tel Mild coirtrits r>n dvirth. Ike. She LID 010:0010ea. Me Ihechlearla Vrr. 7 LW" h./ewe/mar Ancensy 7.10 Male Modal EMcorredasn Leo Hurst rB113;43 411 1105.1BEIKLEMIENE of en rile Meld foil fel hone make - e1~ nice UnIsmrsIti Union NO 01 1.40 Iwitbrismia: The 04pip 9116 Sem- • 114411 WWI Mr. 11 41111. such rive =train Mead ire AV Casual* Damp a lartyaaveld pamm. May RE-en Therm Mgr 4 Mil: tty 1.14441.13erur Mel il•ir Up. ErriMi11131. 1110 NM playl therm BMW pmeer4 071. sh00.0710 Ina his ralekr • efider0630 stickle In 01a Ilif tut dermal 11 fri4t. beehese deaden TAO BIM OWL Wan 04 WO hash's Comorl F. 11 uhttetstedus Thu moiety CO sre ahe shwa with her runget hem. 400 Rot 10.1$ Ort 'Imre, Da l4 al Mit EM rNO t24213301.0.80 iX lunpilianui Ebbe! the tatigelidiaili es-1111, pilot Fistula Page. F redde 14•4011 DI FP' kW Or PCOMulilikAlrog Our ore. ter EVEN Ries tenth Hal riot 0.y Eden [banner is Walt maces a JO etmad erg Eltrar Piontsripackalocl 15144115 Km" 2340101, /OW bfnL.lama1ruin Sheltie BMW And Muss llhaelna slithelm fi the closet mated oiled *Welds cldampl. 6411ch ma 0111 41111* 14EAde Medi U421413291. CAN 840.3 Pteat d ram TATp or Prole 7 M'xii 50 Paws. 511117 Weakturi Maier lorhbot het oho must !corm I'Mr&ISSIngi44 ormWrittl. Their* Wilt Ottii2442•1 1131411e4. 9.10 Royal Drama 1.14low F..V1a1 of Id be Nedra Wand-Jischofin trovols the mess Flernarkrni. Raymond gleatm 11.10 Leal Wised Arnim 1-klaynnOr1F104,1 Wig ski End L10 Faltilit Ramie. Lem Clietnia aNd Sficrtia thi amino in 114 %Nal 1.55 F1L11: / dellaiude swim of 114110 K.0119 11 the Inemarrual creme de LE creme gle.gibbs /Wart 1181 Ii 1-14r Mai. sly TTY Pa rsilEknx40 Melo. Minim Frank We. blemittrty of 1111 ken*, 0 4141‘71212 4214.411146. FERH Thd. (1544E. 0.1 6/.kwa Yee, wee. sh0160 Civiitito sacked houielc. hers! too wow"! wrownwi 01.1ther. EYielelh .' i'*'danoelalt serFreailhdy large Kum Aka FsMr.II. cm own Rio. Feakt~ r4W-14111 Pieneit=sta. Et.m.rasmi Mar mg ❑woth MagNtr kird ahem. co clew BM &Poi* Of Crtslet Sunda Fricke.. 2.154"01 prur.r0 RoWl 131.244 101 C45 L rw.to rneds1144115 .11 Pkryal Fir*. torn 1.10 Welds Nuked UncuLA radical some none and s mine' Minssetie Kato Henke glean t•e emer ca Bar uw.r .S dr., 64541.114do bt Ihe !loyal Brie& sore et read 144.aures mare 19_419 Fkury Drummer - Hoehn Elam/ Ted armed robber who. m The only Cs_c c.;en h.1 3ae W ed. ta, then mensal Festreal al ndasnrunhe mode 'Wad, harem sating Flory Brannon tehersani 14 1960s. became lEarlalrer rre!el 4.1.2iemPri Wen Flereethborde. tied 6123et4 Stew% withoul soy Prier el !he 15193 GO Me Weedy POI; wanted roan 114 mide1.4 hayir. Rap7leste ilpintam ICLIO aleadla ON Ti,. Day. Desmond •ftlftlop btr the 1313.e. Terzley'o Tip rap tilt* greedy NM' WNe1 - operate., leurFcl-ed 1.6 461141.441 Nm U eda Pielepellim Latmetty Lynam eel:duces hIsialagM■or pniViliffi edict well:ma-1p llke GinGINEWe' leit.lit041. thee led ki the 12-agc ishot0n-42 trl #42w.+ Sad yes irsl.nx.nd matches wenring storm's. tram a Dakota past a dole. rob a peramilarsir wormy 11.1100134T1 n-ae. Lidieges5 544.4222 Cake eirn- 4,-.~1-oggpuo Clideron arguing Arita whir The map rs one.' 1105 ALP& no. Unlor Venn onal. 220. twiE %SF aid TTEVE• p4641p - 3151 514•842 Wimps law Po. *oar_ So rani 10AS Flit inimik City 11066 Loa, t Lazne We'15am starrng Rawl The If Pawn and ForiVais from Melon Ors - Earn. pad a Weaver In Ins kale's maaterrir ocanrwly drama tromensir and Auks•, Kroburn. Li.di Mow, ILsisss an Faked by *16 irueeeiehi rien- =rely weal mash gore daring Corer amino' and HAMA Thy Mae lincl* 61* Yn nies54 h 156€1. Vhei LiRbtik • Ueda amok Ades who tams battled Mew Ws Bow se:/cla K RICA MI fhb Fiwara.k4nner Do uncomic OP an haw the ladera dale. thr a Bun &Emil - SeLly wrio. way tromp. Ina towns. Chni VI he enan'etoll_ had language eldtehr %inner latlEID• dal WOW enember col a whoa Teem Ian* le 124a NINedureEpe 1 1.44 71111 bilMily War 5244.45, Hell- are taSocsnee !drawer!' well =MS- roe E1 their own, both &dim decide Scowl. Sem, Lois hels-r14423h1 WOMB Yew a5.1512 140 1.45 FILM: !!minim b1 Lied {1.2111:1. cr Dupe. SLAM Siffifiebh ki eta revenge, and Ma ✓igo. alb etmbdes "Porkinscre For one you MD noun, Mk Md 1WW1 her crooked huleserk %hal day. 111111 4o.s4J pot troo:o2m MIMEO Mims ✓ant, ne•s. irricsiried Carew m ■yarn bw lob sporting Imam about ILES Leto Licence What we rasa al to! be %•b!. Loom 'Morten 314 . L FAIL arrumi sun win same cackrery a man airriasE ftsarlion 4th Ma pubs had an a Saimaa si richt, ino 1_11 Coach kuit• models? Ire a hough dan.shon • Fsrlaie 1:I4 491,0 laws his 0+0 1.:04.1.1 4¢4414 core lane 1.45 TOW 01 6ULy,1DPI:MbEP trf News Rie's ceuldn't I have a packa I a4 CIE2 ire nr.1.4,-,mh !hr.) Ulmer 06411. Weds pa riCnal isMarmc. tt rxi ova< 2.40 BPI& Iseissislwryin, Initlamel7 eon wham Kw wad of 12.15. Herenerre Head 1.40 The Mlle Pleura Shaw. LEFEst The tr-M nLik umPion um"- 0104 Gen, samseiThrg. 1.15 Bun Peaked. Na a paracuakly nice news on rhe 2104.0 rchbang Craisiklteeft hos bow an a 14-iong cruser Fet 3.11 ailertl I3tai Darrral, trait toe vory bed 61 a• near 04161:1101 t led WO Suft - Jam emenierl egentin Oa ahem he roam She pan11 1111 Suit leneesg Elneterea 100 Let The Bleed Run F,.. Air the Ihroory kikine114 Fannlap • Inns liCop*, Onli 04 BM Parker_ W canal sad w- sici The Pink led tiW. Soren - sarrh5151 220 lever, 9 tr I • urrnarna aunty has 10 122 an Co34orligh 91,1.411..11 hine cciadadaY. Ma *Fe oterripro Garrison mann of der:meat I hope 11'1 The 2 341 Viz Thu Decumenterir. Nero 4thlaBlm ql 20741.11:1-5T• Top Bawd s7e21Wo ranter one a5 hoe 441n5 1rlr 4.34 cuo. T•rt#11.04 2.50 215 0.50 Curran...etre 1341 Close 5.30 trews 1.1,11-111/bs -i'd(itI• s I' Iihi-Irwir N1141:11-1 - 1.2.; FLOORS OF TOP TUN ES FREE BUSES TO & (NN 11 1 I- 1. i I 1 I.Tit)I4; IFF 1- 1 I Pi 5k FROM CLUB!! 1:1'1 ittliPs 1 1 1 1 11 UP THE JUNCTION ',..V11-111 RI-L.1 1 3.11 r +Pr. Mira? . ff ri I r: Rd A "rc ON's' I.Ik I I .1 CALLING AT: 1 /iliR ..4.1.1 IS NOW X1' 13011111)/NGTON HALL: IV% HIV 111111)1..F. FLOOR: FLAT OIL 'U. 9.45 10.15 10.45 11 Ohl 1 F1 THE>MUSIC:FACTORY ill. A..1111.41..1 I 1. 141 ti 1.14 11.0 III S.1.4 1111.11. 151r.l.s Y 1 11ME.:4 1.114.1111 0. 11F 1111 IL}' N.C . HIMAI 6 7VIAL11),IE 11.1. 014 I 3 FLOORS OF MAYHEM EVERY MODAY! %.[ {7. N.FIZ.1 17• 9111 RISEMENT: ■ 4.11. 11 10.(1N11(- 1.20 1)0)1 1 11L_1'. 514.-.^.../3.4.11 I dilu‘Ves;.5 T4.1.0 ISRA.1.4./ I I% DU IgEN I C //EN r1.1.1..L1,. 11C .1.'r . 1 1 91; 1'1 1_1.; I I r..4 3.11.4 . 1- 14vt ,11.11. " -111 A. I) EL' 11 I4. I-, , k k. . k --II FROM THE STONES T() 0 ALSIS RF:M TO THF. BFATLFs To L-I I I 14 10 TILL 2 - ONLY £2.50 ADMISSION NUS

Ilurh NinCrrilhn I I . I9Q-41

BC1 sunduy 13 pick of the day ILLTV 1., Elorion• Fink CI 07n, Cha) NOY knew Lane [atli MDR& 15. 3i5Oril. [1d3C 750 %inky Olt 7.519 Postis4:111 Hoorah! William arg1.1he au Caws are . 50 I MOM I hawen't Sidualy &atm 11.00 GurviL la flip Ulnae) Raabe ■ t0559.462055) extritifedt 1114: Frog; 4.20 Arir.k 3nd ihis tuna wilhoul Btdin id. Lh19 libh. but I've hbArd things row& pp d m* w1:k1i prperamm Farm& Dunn I Myr. Spin Eass. 0-216 Say inly. 10,00 See MGM; Lan:fiord No doubt he behaviour will faCkrr 4. Whieh wourd seen Ike as grad 40 Lb 114C4011414:1&14 10.30 Candwa; I Li* Sammerbraens ; spark Win or topytd1 appla- roadng denalli BE Shy 00width the mos% m. Pion onci %NA The Mask fpm 5wn 12.00 Dourinfrlia; 1735 Warther fix the SULIMINTO incident!. Prineforl Pam Pegligrigali. The Marl 3. Wm B.19tirri Week Maori 121L0 Wows: Oh The 7.00 The &nay Pralitaana: Fax Wedinga and a Furor& nowt 1.90 Eaigenftri Akaak puma V* *lac 1.115pn 5 20prn 2.00 NEW Cherillew11- Maur& cork nr"1.10.1 4011 5(1411* MOW T1. dirciarawm Pristdla, inie1I1dt94444.11411444117 90121107 111141V1Pii We, Cr maior WOW ci Las Mem&y s 91 IAN Diparil H. 19orn Lod** A p00041 sled I1 %PI* el AD Wpnidele. 810000 dip alloilOrhi WAY OB, NI ■adoiani7181.0111.0 Keith Alan. amt 444 tovirkv-wi-L441 IBBC2 IChet poach 111* watica11,4itee INV Damn DA Miaow oil a ivanar 0001 I I -Pi rilbr14 1011 ilairc manta 11445 Drort ROM an 19502.49491M1 Gil Loafs Mark od !how* • rPoi ii &40 Lindh al Ms Des. - Thic goodie, 0.41 Eau; 7.10 Pad.:6-gan. 7.15 Llt Col. 1114 Mir w}i. W ry ffnadays Frankorrshon ■Ina tad! Wormlike,. 7.45 Or .6.416444, 4.10 Irophoirir Catipp. IWO 141 014•4y Club 1 4011n 5pirn H. Mph 4.15 '170 gookiremi GrilT Wye JAMS 7.45 4:144thil PrIc 4.35 041 Aro Tela Aitrarcules. 14.41 Lark The Lieri i ki 1.30prn .2.55pm Iletto out rot the elenity and 10 04 Tigneowv• 1.145.kric The Fleduatcl: 0.}) BA& 14.00 Sunday idollars. Sue Cook 5 1.5prn 4.95iAn denrspalon n Sed=Zoi d 10 25 C..••••■•■•• Nall FrElin Mars. 10:C•2 DelnEs: 1015 presenis the magarrie programem h Could Happen 1a YElia IP* co***=14. 'warp 10 -5) The &um Thrall gam Same Th. S41 1446 Fle.whiden11.46 that lac uses Warrant rabic Iran nowlp pr Suaan ■ ■reirgraut arid grand pareinachwa 1.2(Ipm #1.1S4n4 11 4 Artratcrou Linde Huila On The Amine. 12.40 'Ryan 4.40 Judd( Pesetramt- Lee 11.41 The 0-2orw, &cgs ,oracer Slula; 1.16 FILM: Man n 11.011 Yarning Marla 11:1 9..35pnt 1119407401 Bred 0.1111 12ibti Chaenture Leap Grin Fianna! gLitlises} -.75 BhAl 4. yaw mmri* Pulp Flow Zgel 7.414:qw hr0S0411 May MO OBIS Walt 1245 snowy Riqu 496 Asuagarn or per Ow whir, Illy &Wok Nal 'Mawr! Lell &Demi 1.15pen 5.05cen creations. rig 001 ihrti aredilles 'KM nolorial Firagrornrewr 51.1igianian Aarlocin 7 Dr perhaps 9041 01 yip" MOWN rmy Omar 11..200m. liharrouthiso - arlith would Pula ZOO wil•rillsOlasic• ✓eeiner7 roor are!Nith was 1 rthil smashrip Orly. LW FILM; [Aim (10421, Enitfoie."9 4.95 54ispa1o1i w aives! FFrdr Pmk - Brirdafal1 Road. Lliollne MOM. ranem or lure Fil 13,94:008 4.50 WWI Lesions 1 21141 talonder Mem LES 5,35 Awl WMLow eanmel. %Priam N14;inee bowed Gel Trio Ids 5.05 Kira Eurormaril; Motor 'LOD been. W mother 1.10 Walden Pup Rao! 7 411v6 Min.rr ere ow firAng sidle imarkrulle Elul Marna Pious end 5.10 FILM: Trio Day 0.• EarlrShMe aregtharc i41a s4 the vilsga Pala WIT her lino druchlars Baby June and SWF Cr9411. Po-bp& %Ws 7.95 19I9 Fight awl* &Swathe* ara10110-vard.714na Diray Flaw Loa. SCICIPCEI M1c1141. thole, 245 MAL 71iilkccdr,Spinriirl (14144]. Citingh ;gold COW= start to go ospecosly badly whirl I 4.-15 AL49117f COMO. marigra II roan 7.09 Spate 500ttle Doscacrery. Another 0.1.a., Feria* helsdiricrra M ere Cramp Rawl. Fur CleettriOlery black coal swarm to have Own enolends end Intarnaional al tha nanon lo se•D On .n damrth snow ai n elsrd al Crete when islao Wei head Th. Program YOFECE1 stolen hy Mrs Batt 1011011 ROBrer FOrrarail repo Spawe Shsfille rrisaun, narraliad by aver tech! ror a rmislierksis mon. cos Nam Wistr44 TioaDlierinWr. 'Orth Ole Fire telatill' 1-18errierCOrchar But ...earn Yoe ilscewers a plot IO Lowy* Olranw 5.25 Scorn d PrIWk, Brook-as( &AM raitthee. OD etre& aid the WOOL 1.1:43 Defend Trali Cibutle The Flael ei Lae If Wand as a a L..r Me sole Wei Lim 145.410gl4v Meru hot ihr horror 01 the BMW Cm, in Saudi *Mai Nall May, Mu Igrx TWO WV or straw arraralds. Ira must masses.' her leslincis roc Fen Wrth KWO Army. to meal Ace& whore. islith Ls an niporlant Indicator ci Soren, her ir•uel opriu-nreti lace ID helilr hos noon chrinsitiorxid awl whom and to oprircei, thl9hi, ad As Wart A Ore cell lar marles1 .1Mo-rm. 1%1.1 Hoy*. Mac elt W =rob oast Polar AOC hare teem crarcled t.p. Thu Clanks IEn keeping rre up So dale LikreEnary Pro-Fortino! may he new! lo MAY Mr Provillid Iry John Witienerch el rah Pravda*. eras 5.00 Olnasouro ■lieratim • reormrlion Ins 0,04 Chileln•n Pr Nand - VIM Henri 0.10 MO P169 Bn61fit Dop.19 *I, 1.13e the Lost Inset 04 Quasialcruse4. 5 30 A Mum! Country 95>3 75150l 7111 Loarlo7. inky. nos IG hrdfur wry el•r11a3 Of s•a Rip* For so rem. ih• Bankr 610 Calm-Aar: Westhar put or ■tricky slIL,aion Mien he Guaalmanal. Old or iha term 6.30 Flaws. Wrath*, iNNe SinTikrt 1.1":1 &WI ■ showcase anostiod ice possa-sson d ChibIOLIS ellihT0101101011 T114 481,114•17 ✓ocinar4 n Vranr*F1/4/ 6.40 Sch.431iekl Guess .34 Harrilaaal aektura E14:00 Erotic antiques Icr FilacSharei - itoorarglic rearyerbere marl be cm caramdip. 14111 4. *ft ED an enjga Malt masa m nenatti rimdriory. Hiairric•r, Last sunrrar Or e. ay You're Said Frim441- Owl cin (0024-42C6221 .170.44 Illy 4r Weigh of Or Summer Wind arynkpalban And Me stab taw 000 BUird Ohe rasa who huirderestl for tuna Mir. LAW • 90 w Farther. rind tetca are M is probably host amt olootswed U1. Dranict Maimed to who Lituth al eery aid arip 11 CAM 1-119pla To V441 Tram sun a oar. &Jurassic Mai:et WAHL 111 14F1 in the mai Peorfrc Thera 9.04 4_ oncisn't 5040 14, Ea* %Wei alp The CWini irer401140411098 T..05 The irigmrrinin- Sarah • sapiorlirrsied sabrrnmin Ertl amazed by the timothaaranoa FOrralZ Garde 1014-04*0 fl 1020,0112weif 1041' A* Spilv irrraollgarai the 097110Y011101 .arar-110 bled Kt Wile lad fan Chan:arm, Ka began! ararcala ooh l'Alet. I IMP Lerreik I Mewl opposed lo dirty will new 0usints14 44 Pie1alle410). NON some d Me 50 b41114104114 regain trot, corner:sus they aiii 9.93 iarturSi- bob's %Din ioDuld •irL serployeee Feld•oga may dastroyant Mal lei Wee bar pkriperl wean. Thirascrne ICAO Spiriting innaips. Seraraleffealc.sitra The LlaillCrig big order 0 I Doininchl 110X4'9,170( pec9101 War piv•p404. yet Ell4P0 On IN Mikan Mrs. ;Nye* pi IF* ovielions ars Wino: 10.00 floc. amino rin• 411191). Joel ace nfibba. Mr, Shellay'• #rN1k601101 Dr. Sere, tul1ha Or r3YPe INT hid x0 tco reel D4 yroy wornm7 Da rou Open Croarrs datilleo.Carriee 10..16 News; Yes!Eliot Pulo FLcLers ma sow", Clank Shaw. rhos 9.59 Hews: 411loaOrtir nt 11104-91mr Palm, reek &loner, are in 10.11 who has %1001 113115 The Fun *sr- Ruby 14110a throntrti7 This import shed Bee On lishricoad F. Mir 40. where Wew 1100 The Monkey Trouble mosedno paranoia and hen 8 listlohost, Wang atimMer I is 1104: plerelchi Jaw Twiurro. made Mar rears m cramesty an9 FjMu Danger itiroilidoern taitsuil Pichaml open le 001 54.140" 1141 lxiagtrl cal to Wii• Angeles 10 wrier appeftrance4 leraralpIS kaiir Kals. 45 hate. 441 1911 and e hen 1st whs=ra Trrti.44 er sra•111100 10 days her ah Itch 7.411 Video WIWI Wilethi•Y INN 8flrtlrt frUNO114011•01 Loofas''. u mass plot oil a 4-aatra. 4n111.53 10..36 Plead or That WOW LLI1104o0ds 1.00 Can °tape! 111011014 TAD PA Farpod end a 4‘ersai *Morro Dr !mews jai.*alars and Sir Dirk Demons The Made AMMO. Iron wrrimes black 014,0140. relationorips berworifi 4,94 CL rind Pala 1110 FLI,Ilt Lamina!' Haire !item. Drat Bevan* wawa aro "Warm at& Mirk 1.64 inmenatel. III :an to idea 101( ei come Alnitannerwich polite %.48 Maw 40101.4maL'inloaeel by Mews c1411 106 10.15 Scarndarn - rsodardom 0. TOW engirt Win 044014 fn . 10 Trilkii 1.41. 0504144 Irrelar>t18 CialleK cram+ 14071 1E40 Tho KIIIh1p FIMtlO (1904). 00141. V1TrM 1,01.014•Mrli4cl down 1,05 GNU NigilL OdEUIBT IMO! ndrun 01 net! COPOILd MIAOW Nem 51eal and tha mai men al tnr 11.10 11MMT01149001. A ITIKIliaal LGe Ow Eno story dl Matt YVIC TcY011 uy Ilia Franel. Cake a1 Pada 44170.11 oar/ Yea Fternamtira nce rop•lw &limy 1r.ai1m6e1 aid his BA shooting A wirciiiihAl by all • 1:4444. ti• they uridless ■ruodricice 810tenare 50* riacAdo The Stegall' cnel 11.25 RIM 14h111ha44. .11?0. Aft Mails la owe tee OWebadaal rirrigant Pram Mali. :45 Ur. 5410 firrinlear we 7-11 pen (1954 imilk c 1na Hard find Isiraddri Nan •14.4r onng. -the ig-e oppmit ha ass ulea011:411574. ALM turit vrealir i4 FL* Cakardramokil i Tyr Sky Al INIsM. Dark ome let - Owner Ftouita. abut UI'One max 81141114100110o 3 4-5 MaArwlef 7,29 Walther. 1.25•Clash 1.G4 Claie 7. 10 Deasy ',341 Nalma

• every alternate wednesday from 26th october THis FRIDAY at leads metro uni su b AlND EVERY FRIDAY

.11 riliaMit • adv id E2• 00 Olg LEEDS E2.50 on doorVw - ...... a pIms-wrin •r• xv.••• r• METROPOLITAN lots ofglive.aways & 0 UNIVERSITY attractions J144D1E CRUNGE GEETAR

le film IBBC1 monthly 14 pick of the day v Red Sonia I I.11 1 laprn. juinan Barnes in Ten aO4 a I-Palf Waal Vlow Law, asci) 500 13.,upixs E.,oakral-. TIM News. Ft 05 Brill *awn and Arra,- ii.C.03 Cherelers l i 1 l5prn BBC:: I 4.00 41.1P1 I know thrs it II Lars &Why 1hIr9 125 Sopermilehal Swing. Gdno I .30ren lfrn err 14.00 10.05 Lime HaT111119 War ,erns filch. One for all you tans o1 MI', Aerie AraiNrtk. I8A4504m. 12-05 Jaer's. PAO% ly Thin , I raPKI. bul I Ore leluibty informed Isar JUIIrkn 1.55 News: Weather SFr. 14,041 The Time._ the Place_ Mr Cana 3 Po-pr. PI lOgen P443.124a M81. t2.53 51445. 1 -X Barnes is E11209111 Neigabours: 1.50 T1'4.11441 51,05 OW. voider 10.35 Thli IlernIF10 Fed Weedy eal a riteral 1220 Ci440014i11445.4; mother 1 15pm 5 Xerr. 215 Knoll Lord% 100 T441410 QIc...arnel: 3_30 Secrol ire DI Tays. 3.45 - I 1230 Neme: Weattyr The achnot.ren. d Pr6cae shier $5 Comedian Sipe Pnr bewl •.100* 54an414i Cain. 4.00 Liartmor Arthor. ▪ 4.15 Th4 An Mow Papeoi Shaw 1.75 HOMO enp Amy. argol irralwi O4.4= -114.144**441. 4.35 P.11101w klda Mine 511 aro he MI Wills. All 401132-4-lanal 4_50 POrpeurourril 12BC2 iCh4 4-1 evedat T1 ion an LereVOClite slew share. Fga.e wvrarn 5_415 blue Peter. Foolver.. We. 5re ■Own lux, ircen EIntarro ben.l.knany 4.55 A Celerity Ihatriem. awoke try 1b,161 1 Xlise 5&5!en onadoen's ete:ra rash Eliene.bo-urse 1.06 Teddy 4.55 Terryloon■ 1-fwleon M Itiooliad Men New and • I5o.n 1. ken -Wean. TVS tlkseer4 Rod bluer) 7.10 teenage kranarrt Nam Turves, 7.35 T.Q0 TIM Bit Brost-NI:6r Berle *NM lillWealIN MI LIM !cede Nome, Tana ',Mot Roe a recap art the -dews of Rowed larsakem ILIA News; 5.11 Palm 4.00 You Be Your urii. yell Nye IfOrerslit. T.2o nee? ?nil *Eape. 11" &Wee. me 1968 Chritortaa Weal O1 Rem: 4-15 Ark./Awn; 030 A Weol4 1.30 School■ lbw §wit. Jen, 7.e5p.n 5.31. Neighbour& Top tarbie acme. To P4•11411■ber. 194 Sc000k; 1,41 Wares 12.60 PIM To Reply 1-41rfetw1eef Saver I ascas, 5 Edna &Mem Irani Dawn Under aM Pxr4ite.2A0.14.el 50 Scoriae: 2.10 12.54 Sesame Slrvel 2.55 The Your.; Eliwkaas. Jo awl lira • Cel Hews! Weather MM. The tom Summer lD1 1.10 H.11ph411oa FOLJFINNyi Fann haws a ralingli. Widk1 Tana le aria e'er - ee.ians• Pawl, Li/ 6.70 Roger* Wee magmarre Aroma 11982); 3.10 Newt: 410 TCrtley'S 11:0 FILM Derionn Fn TN' Dark 01 aorli dismcnowlad lo kid ?woe Peeks; 1...kcn Y lam 'KM Tells! 1401o1!. ► el EtYroxle Armal The Day; CM Reedy, SworPr. Cock SAO 3.41:1 so. Y661 NINA Yea Pind 41annb- wogs d Opplcsavy pier Pare Matte /ha kr, srrsw Ihs1 014.0.4 h Okirpee WW1 5.3€ Calchward 11-4ri 617. I %/1414 oa -.TM, chart Linda 14 nr:arf.:140 441i HO. but el !he boll d Eirrhsh TV - paw End O,0:1 gleek. Haws In the 35th Onntury. ntal ray Daimon sap_ anyway - IA 0 We thwatror pro-carm l o-olay lire 'Addams 11310114 fral4110..04013411 IN 0 RO4* arra I believe turn 5.06 Flom: Weether Fambe' loam plia}. Its 'Chas mei 0Cerew.410 Rae Ire Meal& 5041 1.00 Fal laaa Atreltne Another tt3¢ IYV: Rainbow 17.0 WOroBr-lank. ar4 Itle1.a 4•Irh cum ninp Jai Eland.'• *VI VIrraGe Yerion'o rrPele 3..4e 1e4111 tha rnfel 0044 -C4ve44 awns .rnp no-rotas Jai en t he Wore Isle. Protak 3.30 S TIOneln k lee Ww.I.Y.a■Sanke elarteuse 45'Q* IIM A Soo-1n deo Lwan, ihoa 1.511 Lucinda Laretiaii• Alphsbrl Of 4.30 Minoan 6.05 Sooty and Ce. Whars Thor_ CLL..•l -.I Te One 7.30 Watabok19.A1111*Fiabrman 5.00 Ths LIII Late Shaw Swoop', rhino's a mar's hand up tEla. Mee Or-1-44211” &Ift21111. 1.140041141eraarri pawed' the ow ralfrarl 5 0.0 Harlin' With Sir Casper vow 1),cEForn7 B ee art Jieei !axes, 0ityBirey 110-40 OWIIIIrsNe OrlartealralaB 4.30 Tiny Icon MN dram roe 7.450- Yeft.th 4peak Roll Or Week 20. I hey. 30 The COON. Shew the irexem of maim eels. r.I110 The Weed At war 1.00 Chinr4F1 l Haw*. W4411144 4:60 Flays 2, Fred alteorpe. rre 10511.4 arming Merl:km tin Harlem. Taros beak n Catlarnto. 1.50 Beam!. Lessons mar's Benny from Crossroads. Ind COO Ceeterelare-m2ed 4dalo Mem G511641C104 Lr1tl TeIen14, rums 10 500 People F Stolen The rr4.n► Naga ablacts n prirr.aey FIB Will:hill IND 5114:0111 OWN* Cal picro The the ha reef lh4 alg shock.ng ilrAN ol Pour gooplo who CORO PM. Ken, enema oa Fell 151fera Bora). tirry *WM erpolsWell 10 lir:1.*11y wa*4 t1a avolereks al 5.10 1.10M4 00.3 Away some Name Inalts. wild* Mee* era become hop orlealer. klearorr403 Pith COW., Op 5.1111151 3.40 Wilisthe. mate* la talk $haran 01161 5.50 19x FEL A -maple co„pk rehrn 61ecIkms n Le4ti Lars!! SCAN? 535 INIersti• hews: Weather 540 c10114413appars 5pool11 earitlp ilfecurr Otereleo Tre axto.re their How Work 11.51 Ea 1110 • jinn al slot kLaw /twee. toes deole to overate Us PM 114y rear Ile 111444•01. 91101alr 530 Desmond'. A lunky arnencnn 710 111.0 KIB04410 WI710 0l Paul 20 The DMus lEtholta. WWII Nun Loannh•. I aluoirumes1 atriums of Thh LsoXn In 00 IX ▪ -'11whIsita Wan TFa a Oa istrie0 iriathine. 43401. iewNeew Forne .1 Al Brunel" Ming rllornmaad Inc 010 !mime led SOM. With WA INAVIrK47150 Bee DEIELrarteal turned hycnotit 1,47.011:11n rthe'llt BS No pros a rm. lob 4.4 European Branhell. Harry le CM:ow Me kW INOemin &MVO Ste {sit he had ho seeds Mn mom norrbirri al die tcornrnissdonor iar 6fk:61, Pima ore ever epeed• al Um -*mak- sacern him beers 1¢14114 WIF freoniha 01 awdonce Liver Ile arieckel rag of MR gang weeny_ al Wheo-ufy which was first broadrost In 1052 eternal dined& Ple ISM le Weer hypnosis is MeV Inhibitkle laeranterdni Nowlown tredsktro &wire kV Conn In khrhddi Fi Cart411 Is rnamulalad shema.as ra armor Raul upts them up mai $1...5pra skirl i-1 Iran wal probably claselep ■rung gang Mr led Dad. are rays Icreevive 0.010 Cutting. Ed.64: Meallrig mono& 4.011'-B1 Ln aCHR91h,ey Waal! Ira Mks pm. wc,nd Amity add rnsassn- raw ■lag. Cc. LIS 'rears. Ore Berell sty 01911 01 rile show marks So 9.00 News! Rippkinal News: Wiether ram Amor emkinssaalt enadtv • ambulance minace has wislaal }-.sail'* En104041-taing offloe Noy. 1.54 PlhOiraffaS summed by a gentleman herons the the !ranee d i &Mei]. dry IrsN AP 'l.Ird Itwn Wald 56dern Nger 14.10 HOC 11441 ROO PM). 5.rOal• PidanrIli MUM to Witidre. is atleraino bard:eV& ergo:1mi era 7.90 Ireeeriatkra Mee Cho-sr tome art itAl-aartelyiehoMitxa ye. 4411, 0W col o. Warhol orders Paler e nalstras dewy bees. IN-41Y1 a urn SAO Wheal 01 Peewit Cm! Serial Boone. Allelseci Mod Arnie lender oaring from Sirs LA:wo, Mark mows the courage one hurler. Oa and hhcky Caro-0011- y le tempt trill IISI Moak Frew. Senairienener NI the aerpori. Tapley semis young Marro lo a Ore crews and thwi casustbot. woes.'s conloilanls Aberdeen Lower Erpgari. csa.14. geockleo. Newel rein sacral reorlsrdaus with Mari Exasordirmy Navin mods the stir C..rane bedroom kirrquni Up ma .hrolor. .islrieedlealy•Ontel. Ate lithe 00 13r•harn. The Msrlop We of IM pchl, Sl crie nagli. of 13 mama 191 5.30 Wurhiln Action Three Iniws • El plaboe the eve Perpli* or mepalemonific ChnIZSPrell !WA 4 1044114 °Wagner& arKlatInrill. 11.00 Qrsokar. 1 ho Irlci Crunch - Pori 1. nuals1 Gideon 10.111 Neon night 10.00 Fly Aiway, Mem TH time per 5Tairng Rc.rhlue C.onrare. 1135 Fins 94 WWI !Wry Narrnan_ 1/sp 11.16 Jullih Rimer Pe Ten AM Alla* WM. TOM 10100 NNW Welliver rmolIa.the PaparsetlIke lama ander rater. TN:awe* oCkele Maoism Jukes. Banes, one of 14.55 The Axtrekan MOW!! Ma 10..40111 Tr, Fan. CIF, Baum Ueda T1W, 5hr6ole. tratrino it &Owen. anten's mod soccerads1 and lartat The led of Le be rrielthee Lie The Mond Sam Bells, Sam& Cons Ma one' Broome Big. sal In enollaleal151 Inwrallwk resvlela. Lori," Is the dash bemoan the "elms DrKengEll COMM UAW hie taw T kit Herm. Po-ohm Weirs ere stretiv 1NEan Hie, lalltz la fle:hael Sprl Priming Napa and they arch tee probain erre al IWO CLarki 51.13. 510a, Ea~ 54 93 end I Lore Tro-ubis aim Julia came+ and ik4 *Mina - a riff a Nal the Oulu taatora try Torii:Pt .hy IL itkeeey ea impure 11.4151. Wain Park 411.33 9 5411. Few kiwria and +10 more elarnog ap rat aeries. boo-lleicei. rarely in- word it ■Pew tea of 'Co** le it fc. 5a0? Fro VAN, F sr itaaf/ I Pm& 14 w. I WO noel roporkera eeecetlea for a rrhvorn and pheceopity roblein Maxtor *WWI. Pee* Idly tareltly Mal they arSteana SI ram tree bane of weep Nos Phoebe Cable ic~ [walled describes 07 'Mang Thr 1111 Trearrodel Bicel ars orerwrIfy hinatie:Ark. And new mew sea lore Let' ow art, Lataher. novel roan lo des.19..ctran 1_11 Eveydreo Weeds thee we width the Wleraarde vl Swn writi PIIIN:014.Catabee. 11.55 Wealhornew 1.541 the Nan Who 8001W 1111 Bieok Ai 11,410 Priwearn CAI 1141olkeem 1245 FILM Dirtalisia 01 MP. Founds 12.06 FILM. amain 131 A Bareaoc cat mom. dada 0034 Parl'HIMK hy Neer itkidis4 weeielor reinabhi On I.19561. All rionniwn Nock comely comedy slaty koala Carron 1133 FILM The koxprfigurp. 1167); It" MO, • .64 raw **S. O,,p:■urkg the awls al rod tape torn with ern earth sang pow prods Minn 1-Xl Weather sack it c.a.• yo-Lx moon. kids are always snip% 236 Ti,. .1444r Wink 135 time 1.25 Mae 3.110 Orme 334:1 teach; 3.55 J•atrhnrimc; 5 X Nees

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: 1.1Y-611 ▪

film to day 1 pidc of the day ITV Yy MIA VFW Lena [Heil Wm..* LSprri BEIC2) Wihout Weer The 013111uary Show .10512-4.52M51 44...rem-5.15:eee'eg. l'ittwt. 1.14 COD GMT's' Itrafrity. 14441 NIT& GO:41 FIECiEll len.S-70r1 in 19.505 Los Angeles Morn. Ch 41. 9.25 Sow-mm*50 Warw. Cr -Hew o Ferrer & 1.30onl 5bm W141 Mal MONA. 12.40 hews. 12.05 the Intik Wed by ri. ygialg block Nbribarai Waldsor rend* hor own came Volt ',ikon iv once wivin Penn POP. 1245 Nepri: 1.34 foxrfte. leozang Wan even1uS, 171121A11 But iprotatty IN in mai palre.lrerwild.oro 15. slowing ItTenilia Mgr 1 Fin Terri PielOteurs 1.54 Sitary Oerry's meiti PuliliOr Pri,ta Carry OR -ha ha ha lot4r Wiry 14:12 'Cal the 'rc pi On" The caws 5.. loam 11.10Frs Car*: 2€0 Cartoon. 246 FILM Toe Care manner 9.55 tieor■ Fox. 1110* - 91. and ■Pirlord Lamp 41.950.3.54 The LrIllis Peter Nor 11L00 The 111ne... The Piece 1.151111 5.343crs 3.3.6 PflItiarree Wish WellIroylens 1 OM This lelornlog Agaiertures al Prtecile, 3.40 FirturruP Sem PZ21 News 0.44.1 el the newel I 1 Dom 2.S1 CFnealiderielan 12.55 Enerreordale 4.19 The hew Vogl Baer Stara 135 Home End Awry &Ai Omar/Eta BBC2 155 A comintryerablibo Often • Heerlen 435 It11Writ Work The MOM gragral 259 imbue 405524 54-23:11 Irre**1717 lob 01214-114144 244 The Yetrin Datiors. tyyey 417eley'■franks413-nerl T ipi. 7-105 1q IRO& 45.5 Tarrytown 110111110100 14 be WV -11•4 We*. 7.10 roanipe %Aril Hero 11,04n: 4.30 7.00 The eig Wialtrisst botubSil 815oul Dam an 1,45m 5pcn 'LW 1:04 1114101111 1Mpr 4w 44114 Eke POW ROO new 035 PREJA IF 140 Toe TM Tour LIM I sorry-no:r. ral Lion King 1 310prn a Wob C.17 1115t drivoi twee Mark Prill: 425 .10114147n. 460 The 9.54 3.20 haser• 3.55os 8.15;rn amprn Fx Ceibe ea him We Eurojnere. 1..4:0 somas. 1,40 12.00 Mute Fa Haman 320 0111drerre Fri: Gigglleli Aliso-rim =7.1ent.W7111 Eli Mil ablubey Is. 3.40 Team Tie ▪ citiol*444145mo To You Theralertalele Finns. 1.45 11.54 Woos* Met I 211711 3.1.Com ken 14agrn Iskenterikte: 2,00 CH rfai aceperC romtlAP. 110 Treanolco. Ifilldead by Utile Brno 3.50 The Rego Deno 590 Newiround 1.115 tartan._ Tope N, thoseig wed be a .l Bee 2.4aprn 2.[6 Soot 2.10 Hoe The 'Weal Wee Lam: IGO Mil: The LIi and AssaisInetion 5.70 &pew Offeust_ P1:flay's pratestlume DwAirrl 13.1175, Ch.* %Said 1.651301 5.15gen 3.50 Hem. Weather. Volefietil Mornay: cie 010 Ilefirpther 1114175. mossy AAP News: Today's The day; &JO Faiormling reel produced movie 4,15 1111116511•41 11.X1111 5.15 fielohboora Regional Progrmirries 200 Esther Diagram). al the motr...a rabble. 4.40 CORPreer. Irani 690 W11 weather s.s. Oedema' renal 19:591 American portioun 5.10 Home oril Aiary *O. Fork - Orselonell Rom!. OM Ware! 141101. Megarlrei 6.40 1110 Falcfh Mr.:10,51L Ali 1-1..my Loh9. cEiberea1Afirleri 5.40 Meek lailaseher LOS 7400 140114i7r. -141 DertiXt celebpatee 6.25 111411404441.404.POtutortglth1 1145 115grallitekk 111 Calendar. Nos c Weuther Pap F-..char 7 50prn Crpicapfkez 25th bat dal' by paring teiflOrt d141h.414.44POulPut. 140 Cr**Prne POMP Acrylic*. Who 2.30 11m."... OK - you . where ▪ superwric flight id Jordon. SOO rkieothlieflidleli aloe liter14111 a Irmo!. a 1:07 Leeds Univerally Cook arel her coati' loll Ito ammo ?ally Muhl Id WO the here* 110 Fifteen To One 7.811:1 lEdunerdile- 1,W WoN1444 711011044i UI h an Robert EtiCh143 Lecture Nurse ei amnoliesre WM AP10. 7.14 ktlll's PIhdFFantlaal 5.50 The 430.11 Metric Wien,. (Web!. mleeeatrer. *We May 0151 *NO maim MAIO 1111004110 714 Tea Eatelera Large queen Viday Wowed Their dreams Sept sakeg tert thee big dip Raj Film 5.-x Fifteen! Ihe Pei10111 µre Icone-refer *Inuitl anal. and 54.11915M1 settnge ell to make a successful hie Now. d An 45 dorrInbrrlixl by ejeekiam *DJ, &nem gear 7P11 de the Mute • OfIndin1fIrDtvievi 10 round. El.:cogent music iaa 1 kitorrod my dolma, rd he ruff way End Frank Tale Ihmly learns tie Joidan Si. the weekend seem lir aced the Fierldneen Clock Tared inAli Nobel his sari ▪ prayed Wigan! 7.54 Ow Space. In ma +bur oars. r-ranchis/ A giant bawls 101 now 731:1 The World It O Elpreal_ 111.1 T-M1 ETIITErobier1- grant W 14 roe Jaram ierarpen. Man Awes. and 5.50 144 y1a6rI 741 'Writ perk hap INF co.d.0 Ibitig411 1ei>J1ps YeL O di Dray hare edge:shed ■9.40 fltabren 0441.441e1*/ 01:7111 In I Died tiiIde 0.011 A Ouettlan Of OFFMII. Wind missing persons charily at new 4.10 Gamernvster reiddifto riKritekork Caleman 110615 The sport' oat Lakes 019 024]. cases a year and 7.00 t hannel 0 Nowa: Wee Sher 410 The ail A rrgaiset 4 truipeIenfol piquet thr Imam *Winn El aches 70 par care el our Thu 7.50 0.11.01 Lessons When Them Iv a isecorby leek el West YciPtihirilleirhOUSO U461.417001 end Ion Dawn. with p14;111111V5 Idiom Mig hewn as 13.1:10 111de On. Wool Grey and gear. 1111. O.41tIO lid Mount Lescl$ ghee. John Berme. Bp. Claeke, trey wank WARN, norarasys nr0.10 Lake d yerbir Waal the 0.30 3Ift10k 11 Leaky. ma. 114 Juno! 1134:4 Mee [45324121111 Mat Reaeomplobt gun Paw sart i:oke alrgo Flavor I X111 sorriehino ▪ idlne eels On .1a taey d al ape51 kW Oleg &Wetly Jamie 5lairdng MI Wads of lovely dee LW Nape Talk ThIFErn• faaws the 11.20 Hraekalde hl' Sri lasevapre. 5.0 Achim 7.15prn Pimple sweater. pewees cri Ctorke Waleson as eir s.oa WIthate The 0b71IARry men ueril has Naomi whhoirl orre 11.20 Nahlrr Nekaltg101iFF: Addicted To olniklem #14140 'ears al gala. SkI117. Barb.* Wilsneer. Elarb.wa hands Swans. Grr11 Pere" Jones Woks ar eddcica aa0 lame% 113401 Writ**. *ads drys cblicarin can SG1dIar, Somer. As wedding rho 41kirionInary istationsteps tgridlief ie oar is ■hztt ib s pro v.:kw Er,. I. ItedB hvbh e4 Arthor ti wow &Ens ire Menem Baer 0 club Moore people out ardErWa- ram unteatalty too lamp 1:44:071r klulinrd and Dant* Jarrow lecke forward to a perfel day. Sul week hi YFS IS 111-0414111•41 co-KAM/eV ibOLI the duro on 53e without Wile; Tale* Fro. A rl•Ogl 0:44424r elreallef ramythe tussle iddcraf b Ned carl eery your Leads 6 wait Ns la real Darkened doors. Thoi own dui. on Its lea 11•1411111 10 111* mem are eirt weedel ditkuty. peynhokKecal tale of Arthur Creme rescue now. 4ld11110Wi4 r Men. 5artlt1 Ripermis ass 190 Newer Pappeamil 1....111 Food Arid DrInk Cumin-um c-olio. Inman tRochiod !Rammer?. on about line 40~1 al TYer4 OWN le city Sawn. LOW% 1.31 Now To lrflin 11Iii Len4rk. ,ore end mare Ynvrtl wino rod No ubilto derearram her art Omer, Ile gel Tim NW* Noll Janathen neer 11744.4aile m Gontle ho AM FILM; Heel Wave 410.3)- laaas4 persuade earner. way weir legit Fiffel WOO! COW Ma. the 'Herron& LOW'S.. and ialg4S ■1245 KIM rot Or aehrarry sirangere la corns ta Inwri 41114041n41111C*114111* la* a well miarakee. art We NT mewl W0. Mar ramous aro:Filler alai ore the MOM. 14 With Gan LOW Molt Isackerp expeito rand 654 speold M ■PlehollROnfor proasrisse tr.eams se Their hoifon. Flinging 14.44 llifarthde Lopes Eloaoahk Ueda VOW** 17111 LAIN bigot! ever potluck* III I% ate*- 10.40 Network fleet 1b..110retk -1110 dew And 1InIw wry cedes h m a ll err eii .10 Fled work in Journahme. pew Hut *Rt.-Lend (1 6411.. Adrifeed 11.40 Senoomiliern • Kali Noce 011 TOW dhow 0 &el Sow.. rhe La 5155 lora OP of pervolloly- art when race note break aul e1174 From elfsharn Reel s 7.0 rap alai Perteeeek Sparta Of roe. Hem - awl marg. Now mit Oreeten. 04 an IneoPuMeo *o- Waite bletrkl, Um Time are unakiks Wacolargl it a aePrre. Paring Year kuottls Cmgr 400 01 &Swim u:4-iiirrre any 11 MR F10101 woe bb eend on err" be their odoellike Jeremy beta as Tom Dick Tom lop 156riiiiuM are snrrierk Sorg Fib's coricerIa at Earri Crea1. art and Alitherdien Kilo-Mem to Wier has nether! a olsie Merl veal odebr*le kern WW1.rl sin phar5eirmse. yew win Can billeiTIon Czars mew.y mart. tha dee al The story Fla oldie. moo Pam the marriage atler rem al supp=3 orribouret bruit& irom Ise oh 54 14. 11w oloNt whrwr+ • Able eto 1* WNW/ 151011 1000111:541 teinilm• Tures'. first kid( reports and froblialrie 1'1111. Don melted itor paper b win the Pulitzer 11.45 South Derbliei cr‘sParmaaols owe. Ofrisricsly- And urehlueakeir 416 reve 14 WIWI Triasperm and nate Sithere fiX41* ▪ Felltenoil 171 Nation Sheds I11 1S WW1* argl The Lon !Jewett*. Mot 14_5.5. Pula norm ConoWL PI* 1130 Neprialrahi Cerheelri thorn Barde? WA Floyd eica4.1 el Ter WPM 11.15 ThrLaila Shaw 1.15 World Tema 1.40 The LIM* Nukes Mum; Were re4 met OCerlIefla *1 Earls Coot 1135 Wee1hervlove 1 40 Urbana. Cast Tirol would be Gond 2.40 sport MI Sell-CIA? F11-1.64. Nreir We En 12159 A Filghi In Ham*: Dewy ya.n..01,rh 15401 3.35 Elleterer Criferneleo t ome dean sari at are hick 13111•440e 111.04111.. 2.24 FILM: Eye/ In Mt 111Ord I1V42} 4.00 Jobibpder 125 1141017.14. 1.9g ICklea 1_30 Uwe 1.45 Clam 5.7.3 hews LOGO compurrxer4t VeZi4 100 POINC03 "' DE6IGN A rfilke UNX0111 LOGO.


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g El3C1 wednesday 16 pick of the day, LP/ Rank Itairaict L 14.409m. YTvj One Good Tern 11.1 Onn. CM} 111341 flc.rLbw E.c41 Business Elreaktael. Wm Nov ar wa►t`t thav Gut 1:1* lass Tally ho hoorah, and dItiar arrikar add G1 14. ratty (06.112-152665] 7.00 UAW Meek-Awl Hawn &tart* sestnel A mum tads Ii phr.A.a.da ghihe Eirali_sh rem irasuaini or retinae Matt I tlpm Rah 9.05 Magi bream 'None sad 1FKIWutat hold dim 1 31as. HOT A {header 0# tha 11.26 Uporrearkeil Sweep. 10.00 News.: Regional. Haw Warther thou Ogose.r0 and wails lower classes In soir 6.66 Nowt-. Wilthie the mailk 1 Fan 613rn 10.415 Good Honors WIC% Anrii Anhy 6.CO T hu Tine_ The. Flaw._ Trd• OW 3. lupin al !ppm' NW; 14-35 mi. DLornlnp 13 Id calonelar News: INOrthor ✓toal hrill5141060 oral a Fowl! 10.40 The Mere Clpenirep FIErliernen1 1L35 444.40; WiethOr 1.15PM 5.30106 ladi4 News: Regional News: Weather MIM 12-66 Coreelenen 312-1011 The Anten06.400. d F1-6415. 12-0 POIRAD li-S1 head 155 Marne and Omar . SI-Age's plan lo Omen ol the Debell 6 KIM 1.341 Haightteur■ gat iota Paters geld bo:A.s rurz IBBC2 Lh4 1104Yla. anciail decides ID pein 1.50 The. Great BrItAh 010 ❑ elaarli • Tea .14•Ndlrerk. 2.16 Thy Nackhard Flies. Jen rip-open: J Tkillecire.prbeN Warn The Midi firS4A44111:4141#11110 7.1:19 CrWal Two!. 1416 Node frio.:".. 5.35 rerryWOW 11A A Cavitter Israelites. 94th Mom Mary Siseley's frankreilen 6011111. Aft. 50/,06005110 ■1131=0111 1.34 Miasma* 7,351,11 Ueda Wok: TX* 1114 @I9 0016118611 Owen more withrahlulun Shah CRAM aten he paw the school bard I 55ern .Spa a. Icipm academia 515041 8.91:1 P30w.; ILl1 Pi.OFduns. 4-211 OM 'too 61.61 Your 11.He 1148.11.1a1 king Blare 5.55nm &CS Lltelno. Olin Munpihrrs MOO. ..bikebben: 1450 A 664014 Ya Fbilrbernstr. 9.16 Schools 729 LOON And 4440-5410i11 enl rreMi 8.1.5ra1s 6.35geri 61, hat= n11 Vallee th• niSInnal 6.0:1 Sithedie: 116 Tea Z43: 1,46 VW Old 12.116 House To House haa •.Rriip.s.cri Ice hcreolues Lso TON Y4urrq 111011011. OArlid And rr Carla Hamm Tv 'iski Me 244 Rewrre CraKM. 2•10 Seegri Ol 1 Simone Shoal 6.15 Dritsally DOW, DIV. 1101 ham .'ice make ■startling slatedery. 11.24:ari 1.40dis 61691 634ian Pra.se 2.364ixt. NM *roc 1 30 Fluillaball00, LI•2 And Dug 138 Scowl Ltre Of TOO Vl Oxen near with MN foss 2.* FILM: A Shlea Fa/WM.53P. 2-4 Ted maim a snevitep propcialion ir ion 4.11 7.400fi1 544:1 Noddy 5.6g Naomi Weather 134500 AMMO 44474•11110 10 Ada Speed I 4Sprn 5.06414rt 5..S11 Marllener And Airehet 1,051 T04•01. The DIY resemble kethrloin itaraawr Wait 2.20 Howl BROpm 4.10 DletoaalaW 4.312 FlaidNr Sloady 116•60 Lirehelh Stoll Lin ■OW role). a.ao cud... ETV: Alpihrhal Candle 1.70 Cla•ateia Up Terry NulAin• 2.03 5.20, Le PaLllatti CirLik *Nei despes 3.40, Meador. HO, Pooh • tl nasbrall Flout ir4W18 beile 5.34:1 tellchward Lai: r,3 A Le.* French I psi 3-50 Old DIM Stead. LS4 culosy-Yruleity trAle ADO Star Trek: The Neel Gent:Irak:in slide 1.06 Cer1000 1.151 Ft 40533-75234.51 4.53 Nawareund 6.45 The Sada' From Nen. his* 2.111 belden Voyages 546 Orange NIL &•irris money spreing 4.411 *doh Pup Flt5to 7 30pm Lennon LARAS Ihrotaln l r}-gia 0.60 Waterways ...E. .1110 66:0b110 11 lob VieN 4.316 Mbar& To One 5.10 Marra Anil Maly 6.1.5 belohbOunk 7.156 LibilwA00 .10Ornane How' tosOes 5.00 RISW Lehi SAO Masai: We:WM 5.60 News: 'Arrather pieces with Sindor Spoil MTh 5.93 Tweri cols 2.55 Calumdan Weather 4.341 Regional Rove Pillaisednos heehaw censoquancee 666 Wes And kinds 4.30 Craw *Ma_ anal. !wanton. and theistrin T.00 Thl1 b VMS LIN. $4eFrrs4, OICCJI T.30 E•Wildiewere - TT* Animated L ac Bar Moots World. Scrideorltal rigni 1n wish Or...maar. of haft'? Maw wI4 A:tithed N.4441 Trate: AA 54.1 Like II marls dole cl-Acp0 7,04 Take Tatar PIO_ 11.4 acclus-Leres react when Michaud Amin preterit 502 Y111dIHe Shorrc■w. lire.r you woe' 70,9 Charred 4 hallwa: vrtwlhaa arleglY1 rid 18 say "edit Or 'NO' Ikmt Vorkahlta thorn 44th that gig lied CiaoI42 weaxlared Arai a 1,}111543117 s •sallv 750 Lossone The DMZ where they hare 1w 44144tei of "Won the mooch Deo-public las•Ery RR IMAM Leary Thirif it Ito 1:166451 914.3 ct tv 4;10.11g whoa rl Ands an yore larn ▪ Oa lEITookalda_ kel ilha Paarque 4411 aitoaattra. rM wriserant. opt proposed b ne iha knot - bur wit l aLa WC The mucberr_e 'Hemp! le OW 015024142111) Derlehd44a it4thdeilety - I rg WOO T.35 Nom And Nom The 96. answer ld arms!. al 1I avaitasat lzreta ba for hear or worse sus Atrise. Ma CO* MI6 by Jarmai Natineoldie. untarbela•ly waxed halms. war* you wry mute 6 50 Impalas this wank Alarm- ,30 Commands Swam Mare to laalmoa 2dil 715p11 The ikslIallaaaPrIc #4104. El kgnk 4f 70 Ublogreler Cholingis. Jeremy Marillara •a4***6 Bonn io wtgt arl rout news for the 61;400464 Putman Weis We @•orel place* l'reaN 144 delft pas!Very concerning Sieve, and Dekko 14.1:41 Mae 40 They 4V 1116447 130inVeel 110100114191 #110 gthOk 011.4 91' Rrra days in Ire 5010 ard Ida. M aea pal:area hp lad Treey aticil her Lirhins We Jeffry HA amaaat 114 raw, 011601411 Mate fe Thine acre uerir propariaa b Bowe* IS...No...IN malt* ilitiquerfune we, the inswers. The chelarga 01:14l140 p PAWS 51 1..ce again Gurrrarres canned COO The War Tlw Livalg* ✓ernees nl hen ar.d leleetkon ere 4141 14P4114 11:dinIS 01414 WOO Dispatches The Lliarr. The Mil Noy ca Sean groveled. thee sparing annotate 0111111111611 -1441ef4 P01114 0nf14 4.45 Co-writer Enigma: the Procne!. Daimr..tr_ a LANICIEF ald waiter er11.70..P..k 41 then' lever-ale whoa* PP1:4114~1 CICbItiil rlen Thy 4.hopkeapers d arm prontet spa await h aan-lami Smola. 3099 and brigard an !role 'WI Dm sure CIMOVill [PIM*. hive IllaileganCed 1111107 Gparga Away. aelaage UNell trier a real imbed!" COTRYITIMIEVIS SKI GM! Undor PM Flaming, rake* ,PbtOrlip Sind LOSISES ChM 117 aud) Nairn 101045164, to an end a beeli 1066 I haw 1phin el Ow port or despise 16.43 RAJA: amnia ImalnO1 Al 1.41 Poled* Al Snow d.1814'9114 l,'' WilFIVIP ew 14.01) NYP41 Man A liliuddien Fish Aver 6.e0 Frndom 00.00.0. Nick dal! News: Andenel Mom; Waedrr COM. K0541day. HeT•Na.0141. Odin rechge and mugged. disablad 01011111 STOSSINKIal the murder oil a. 11.314:1 Between T31 Lime Sceneora Med 411114 Het LiVedirmale polaw ebb seele ner•Ola 60301100 wares la be Mimeo. ;worn 1•16 Groat 1190.11160111e Min SIMI. 411 4L440'1 ard 1614ea 144 14MIden.SrS ael•ridwi Irk a daddy smaX cienmey bider Ea pataajam otra Trim& dinunehalei filibutrIg 111:400it PAN r,0111:1e. Keay • irreatong TM* mow. IMO YAM • liar eVerl AMA No ai,46 whin and 301 barthectuard - f•m* IMMI:p6li6d Math* kg the Arra wairti la lake De. alxgolcia Cornaglianno $andiradtrsrai 0111 Itia person he 0 1=1. 13 guild Cailgarko Tramal A I heroiald ■ 30W la take- WI %tram, or... to dAnde ladAl tart Zetrtheili la Ina otinproroleng y•goo keener rnarliars haw heal red lale hilthef WM het L340:1 1 1. 40 Mori' MOM • WISO WW1 44110,4 W 7 ti V.Wridna h'ISth %IN 11124 0.50101/66111L 161e4niinal055155 Lnninced she uttnli obi& Thu Algae 11.44 Pi30d1d1415P40. Esc Mw lrYa•WeA Ca Ehelleite 9r044411e0 011414111411 Wiwi tap Miry WO" WM mho encourrlars n wig& wed (Len Seal.) &urea Wilda the 11104 Or Bath Gunn it 1 policrt Ergilland Pacing hiy kit Wariddler tosepor Own ter chillond sigh and haW Carrel {Petal partuogag. otaavaliniairT. WM Tony Vassahlaa rrialrawi his merre;41e4 She corns won an Urapurjr) .red$a1(bald Thrall!' SKa awid try Coq. rlhda isobeilon rower Pass sclon1rorn. larphara stoin try •Oa end ce4ar616 Sargaio 0061 karEhdar . Nagel trovaiid In 1441 tjAITNeerd in European ChirrisOnghdp SnIDO C10010011d 10 60inwe161411.8 12.10 LA Lew murder gamic Dan inn it lariddeal dash 1.1) FILM; Cane hired Turn 1111051 12-50 Thu !VANN 12-50 =d1.4184P1,46~ Oen). A TM eurnydnoad by crocadoes and Yinlicte BAIA =MA* 41411144:1 1.46 HoMnieseid NO"110444 info lidirrsi011 MVO 01n4r0 01 I Leila Foam 41, a coded-NM WOW 5.16 Inciebehien GIVIlflitry WWI re WM* n MONO MX Hawked vita, with 414 as eldani Georige 2.46 nag /Mail VMS,. low t010111 lap a Jet. as a 1$.15 The Lad Shear Harris. sawn 310 my when a htlal 3.15 way Hamm When lino leltbss ichggttaakor 11.51 Walharriew producer fiancee tem lanatindy and have baen damn 1t1afla6 a Mot 1.35 Writhe, 12.00 161WV. The allidWen. Maur her doulder ..lcaMador 1.10 Close 1.01. Clow 2.25 Miaadon Eureka; 3.22 Clew 6.710 Name ASTRA TRAVEL Coach Tours Et ucter t Spew I VIE ESSEND L "THE AMSTERDAM FLYER" ONLY £35!! Seel-04 Reft

(Not E2RAI...adYerti5ed Iasi week) 11 14 I ♦ I N. C. Departs Every Weekend eiwcuilweGgeoldspons Leeds University at 6pm FrAsy evenh31 . arrives ni amstardarn IC IP tir.e l 1,,p i P':411. Mg nit: 21 ‘4.i - 1311.1/111 9 -nun Gaturdril- COMeh la unisig in I.1:lbarh SWIalhY In a, rive hark In Leeds 01 4.00pers 1.1011, .1414.1.11, (1171 F.nta Ilall appr ox. Dlachunea rat virOtep 1600kInige. Tar. Thor lirckeir% Perk Chtivk 14 TO nook: Tel. ASTRA TRAVEL an Harrogate 042188a 194 L ■I•■ 11.11,7i IBBC1 thursday 17 pick of the day irry

O.01:1 guavas b•e.s,"ns: 7.0:1 Nom. 5.05 Mareehgti Men (1 / .25prn, BBC' i Finney egprn, Y111) II 00 C.i1T V. 9.2$ 8upermaraA01 2.•1op. ?Orme. 10.00 Na.ws 10.115{.k.:41 154YraN4 ark arirAricr 'him I think I shmid ham" A drama series set in Noiscast 455 Ht,.}. Vkletrler. 14110 1 ha Tune IeLliTh Anna And Nsdk 12.60 News: 92/15 sawn. but riamenl. 1-103tah - the wriNcut Jlrnrny Neal T19anl. Gegt mar me. P14 :4 . 141.15 Pkrring Pebble 1141, 12_55 Nom: 1_30 n.Nondn c.in bra rKlifeci 1hot ttd$ ratio be 1310 ralswg. No-10-8mm 1.50 Story Barry's 1.214weIN *aid hrng 13-55 Enemy:be Calms 2M Rod and Blau Canon 706 125 likrna and Array FILA1. 'Doane In 4Nora 119531. 3.30 The 55 A Couninr Prodko. MVO :Ala Polar bop r. 5_94 Wile m:9 war. Sir3{1{{41 pa.alysod Whir Wittraccmi. -4C F•ernem 31e+.I60 LlCup-ris7J re trarknart D urn.105 TP•0 AMINALO N FeSsint• WOW 210 Stomas.. Yams. Flab howls 1635 The Side Mho-ire Elihrsd I ',els' %now art iLeAre.* and mos 6.06 hilineeteeresi IBBC2 2 I Ch4 re mad Opmkei 0690 irpleof Si* Sim Pair. The Loom anno.r.ce OPrkil 411.1 . Very 140)10 &glad. the shrine or Ins 100.1 Smones 7_013 C-5.stral -hops And Ahstam, 7.05 5.13 Ic-n-..s.sri 7 On Tie Ormakrgot 2.56 The YrnarKillkchon Boob Pare Ora pruner Isc•x loin Trope, 7_1 P Frar•lor Care 7.44 Yoh Eel To.' I. rle LSO 3.26 tenni inward tor chrear &mean by Growing Up YAW; 111.00 Hem WS The 14441 11014.4 Ta AAA'*; 1240 Severe? 3.30 Chlidrin's ITV- The Oilmen dsiornn PIu4 a Int•An La ArnafereN Record; 4.06 Jorusaren; aum Sawa ; Wren 130 mit Marl; 2.124 FILM Fey 3,415 'Akio-dons MN IP dew Glenna rte. or•o Oed 1A5 5.Ioryeno, 2-00 Medi% 2.10 Una Rolla Harr 1 3.50 La ArN2 15.4. 3.6} Sri! 'lcraft ■Magic 4olvenlunt ■ 44 5.9.3.••• 110.• •••,94 did COrripany. 2.86 Milt A Carry OW_ 4.W3 We/1W* ow 4.34F omen TO One; orldurntle. 5 M Aleighboori TAG t.44.1 Wenner; Vilsiararolig: &SD 5J01G Corals Mew 5.50 Tenryixire, GAO ADS Antra Farm el CC News. Wealher Nose Wes Nig, 4.9:0 TOW' Iris Mai 1401110 kn410nerren1.1.30 Pc•pannor 4.20 &riled And Frlands. 6.31 Pleolonal Neer. PrlagaLtIrow 4.3e From lhr Ease, Comm WW1 7.1151 Channels rings Weather 4.40 Bad Irsiloonms a anyora Asa 0.1141 icy 41 the Pops horn a thssiatt.t. pigsmattst Tile OOw Lamson. yo.. !Pm ssorr..Nrg This oro4rs9vre 7.30 ERNI:Endow, Non-,. dame al the BM Ham ra Rost s1 peke ot ■5.161 Rani Thal !Amain. F1cre.r1 s.-4•••■.0osa •itr nosorusl to clecrwor OW ree *wets blearloa►y corrw1 pent BLS rose, Winch ens hIS. kern Ow Nic. al 5 10 Harr* Andl Away 1-05 N $ker0r1 Pop MAN% owlimny, a III. aourusg that .mo load the lalo an 0 540 Nrm-s: Writhe rrp 010 Cusci! cakes 41 0-110 Calthinee. Toe gem, erg+. Mr e RAP Mermen lying el 1200 her, 555 Caen der skim • Weather 704aBh WWI ore drtoi inecrytl'ari3 MOOS dl IshIckPactkall Lye 1. tel haE any eels •InlaO owl el Vera 6 Nil Roo-aim eo. Men Gran has is stronsa TI 1a14G Sep avelPari her After! 59. arry 91.114111 W 10111E 1:141:441 t.01:1 Emmen**. Rar-nal ono-taro' ig horn tar hIsgel and Sappy. Waal his ro One. 00411 MOM. Ot7 li• or Iona Soo wango. mitha oak Ih.ffikiNg tamper ahem ha dawn erre MI MN: no Spy 10 Tr* 91mgi Hal olartkifel IN morseled Akan is eg.ggia 404 gwoors r. seeing with an Major othacha Mani ..10000#1 tea.) s a (1109.► Oiegagegl Ia S•dily Pa NOM 570 Straomena 1944111, WC.* ',dome.* *trawl as the kriC eA leSitlitrai plc PO deg INN ChM GAO, .1 MONA Of winle 0.13An4 pet frelithsid Wm hire. If9.17.9 &nen! 8.1:63 Crildtsn's NN F.ItM. NNW e %Piers 01 &rem. Erie recioulAshieLlICLE MOP I am air rn asearch al Groner 110 4 11.1166hr Nen 2oce e at &do-ran Rom So-ifield due gal atop In omega! Maroon tharrel triers Lien its Homo-eel The parson ar own aaerga silt reato:l rraOolare 4.04:1 Siltrets Ms Beards For Allmon 1.345 The 619 Spry: The War Machine. yrs" lookkenla ..hr. pone! FAG flaclorml Pwomas iiiesiersplii. In 10.111 Ahiaa JOY. fleffilG4 Murnorpon and Ire 510-ry learn am they Woe ym 50:011 Ore LiCed *1 • Ian nce•Ning ▪ CC Forth4w qa d4. IMF meld. 6460;104,11:1,6 el..41;11ieri SODOM' Hit ic ly manse Aferiathim hero-deo- lo-old di NO. Ire F01e 0Por1011 Chnsfidis chissedeled bitercl el* hareems El Sur 1:-Grga NI sarrrfral Ira a lace rhirr099 biggest Lite( groat 'f anks,. sends lona ilna alteala U1 licy •ano olory of the mere[ for teem kaa'N Eimplairs but Mans lionlyelSOpee mamas trre mare aorta al 110 akOrr 01 Irestri arcing crown! Olen Dori &wow al mamma Prim Engltill coorbyeda. Pita, bel NIS ersef td In irasggi oho*. Sisarfl. ■ L BO ktw vicar Or C1101ay• Tho Scena doll 11 andernkrra Otirsyme: In ith XI Crop The Deal Toomiey- .Georpa .00 1166 &II An old man to gr•rog Pralof maim K 120kra4 NO PIP pooh Ebel kw gere rid to 7 (Alf Finial hire irarl awereepra onsonalvor taw No wasp theism. Is 10 meet la NNW IMIVIA LIcrialhan tabula& WO Mere w ar imam ma nine room Nal hi rue lard e.sd loners.. kr Olen he LfriOrkahllelly kR Grarraltlisk the e ronsIng Irdhabhirits 01 rha Home 114 alwava el 'J. Soly Or1 10 rwra o more ornshr. nur00607 drams Is rift* ittro, trailra Moe Cowman Scaland, Japan and to MO) la gapalanialAMMO:I call rre orl-loshened. 1146 coridrum it] be desiciralinty helm reisocinirs 64515 PIM 6014. End NOM) Piled SION *IS her sounds lull I Fcrip Ii Po Oa loped psr on ihs 1p grant And Must 1.20 Top Ow- **111**1*na1li dg all *a orlielle. al Sane Claus ... French" reasonably wad% IrNielFS NOWA Q FILO Flay. tel $0.50MkM iIiP. Pours ex-wring r 444) 7n.Soak p4PaL New Series. 111.0:1 Plasm liligiracrai Pion: Wragtkrag WI the prelim et asdpirigam. ma 4 w hoa from 111al1repe DC 4101 Row Cool and MY bas chairs!), IOC Cr male Stoma. Ada 110-r-errell *344* 01 WOWS sh9NO 91111 a142.4042 Web gen Waned Pe ampler Shady crummier or .4d ramping arra vets Ada on 'Tog Sir' We root aiscaver. cranks ties bona Iras carver And aamsarry. And prebeter goi Sea PICetetc I Itiral on* end Jed eArnithen. Wks Las hen way Hammon MOM re, mane Paqt 4#1Glid MI Mx doormen. Naw gm% p u for Ito n The horror Iron SeraburiN lo crania en 11_05 Facade Pols- -1-Pe madding alkal awls pumaliam. sy Im ■ TONIC knelbelta- And I FM rani RILL Rabicd qtr Yry own. 12.10 Caaooiches pee Amory. Now awns Earls ank% u0SIloLNItend i. Wahl earn dIrTNITY L W 'The 12_55 KIT WOOL The 34wa:F111y le O0•••5 islarreery End 1911eme MI am Mid y reskilic cases sorra hie lam of tha 8rairrin. LOOS ry aimed' MI oarviefe PIncersr. *ha! PIMP 100 .0o. Fr, Ole seek 010W FBI Awls girah rarararara9 irarai■t to liocongwey abotrilaNe SIMLA Of ovine" Porrotr. nooarrir $ Opining Or Pielernem. 06•i4 Ol O'Neal Semen* Yr61446 sO luturriotp NagNiirk ¶1.14101114 DirriliNhy Mb= • stela ea:m0l PAS Frbidtla18rlNIn. The ROY}, el on his wand err us if.so Week rear murder dr& tarot, a p•rpriard dill rsitt 11 11 and public figures Pats fairrtrark a reguLir %Mute 01 *wagers 105 910 &cram [0 On MINIM te101e dn vha dale lag Y1 UN, Int MA an. i10fillly, InD.ohr SPEW rot $1 rriMen.* n emil 1094 NSW Venreler Gana eneXele 1:1ffirrte 8euraeary YINNS*1 WO* hid* Shy Y*** north juit 122 59. Es ciwgrasswl. 1'0.40 Ecall V HaIrcam altd the 9e460.4 race rkea of MP 414 gespwro, wears he can 1125 Prisoner Cell Slob Hl NMI 2,...eralaro Jack Singe. ',arctic' of Ihe 1 KC* swels Pro canto...87 VPJ rat Yeri. I maid II I 1220 FILM: Via IhrdarThat Trmichvi 11.24 FILM, lAserthon ltae <1024 Ismslren uts by no-ice. Wiser hips el ....eta a garnterci woman 034 (11149], lolowed by Near, Mien eliO fide* 1.41i1 111 bed lorgoLlon Tb sororronen hill 155 I:even 514aeoe 2 05 aeradca' a Too Tom Tree EDP lorl New Vat f110110:011 Ohm olskorlad or s_eprossail 2.15 FILM: Palmy 014 11110}I. Sermon ' 91a1? Ou *eV Ploodorrl47 $anai clrosseNorCei. a gradallit SholartE rroeshron 101 ml Gal rimer' mein' mere Ude Kt IWO Anna beellitafIspillorl 16;38 Pioneterill Canlar so a listra solithalrars 2 35 Okhena, einem, COMA 4:4111WIN6:41140110.11tOr0hor 11.15 Late Ftwelie gisaga silo Pais a plgc 305 Plienpries Of 1112121•104 'L. Growing Nati caraccirssisn ChM Mar 11_65 Wasibinewr onolv to robs nth barmy L. 1 duktrterl .n *warm 13.00 Peewee: The litliq111g Haw owned 4.04 JekraNdlie 1.923 dens 1I55 Close 4.10 Clout 0.30 New

ACIVIR Down *Fmk dpreipp:. Fcser. dd. Ease (So ilzwrp anis* Cirvo r,y kw • la.Yr aloha' zro.read it•31 IP Tweak 44 SIN Si Irre 41.1 enema • •41•=m 1!••••••1s,•••-e • F L#411.1413,1.7 •hrlai Ill rlycmerrr •bc•iabrE 191 9 One., doe lip 1 Ermeari 44140 {N. err 4 Ih••wyp •iaArd •.11=11161:40 ENO 44 SI The lint c owed I I. 491# WWI r#P1. ill amazami:mead ..., an rwrr Iii ana:=3 fl•f ib S TILE op 134 5IFN • or Ill &sec Frei a h.0 51.11 44-d. 13. A dr.:69t.e4 raid 01} Asrm • Ciotti 1. !mei bosun 911 .E5 auchrr Send A.v.e ctieriel. *3 re NNIWILZ I-5.1 I Tylmi64 1 414.0 1.11 srl.ural II Ambslawizikk tiyite 101 me Nukes to 10. he• imp op • ph Ojai aft& 11 if 10 1101 &pm of et pee NI ex. gst s•sr•tr... 19.11 [wigs Seeker tsliesteow . Lpladp. 7a Male II tr, 11 WEI 2k (=Rea.Nt we rake 4 NOP MI Ie IA la} see mile] rrdmiat L!} Leak Wreak, I. c.v. aErrwBJiami '1 IS hp* Lay 154 OPPs le WV. W.. Ow_ 11 1.•■1 PO Bras 151. 211.5 IT lits man 6r. Arm 444 INPR# .14#4. voles Lail Sulk. ■ Srmitermli1ki1 Mt 140 Mee rs ildsCIE1.2 F. e11k 6F111 jh lint 4¢6:4pireed .q, Anson marl emir{ Is? ham. art Yaw WY 1:421 eon, Wrdors..3N4 11,111 SI MINIM MI is 47 44∎'Ime Ill n IT Lon. bp pa e4 NMI rheridl e.l Si SINEW 1 'Wm" I I 11EIYMY... .1:■L •n1ft:■. 1.11 Ffiaseastat ■ 74 Maar rrita him 4r astatiell6mry Ii War Ii Idoln.. 1i E•scs IYals iintotleni CrspworrL rk, iwik ■ 119 IA 31 Tril VMEM. 0=1 • ZS .lJ1 p5r/Or Demi -n . rr Ygn r 11111 11 wan 131 AusTicks liNIVERNITY Bookmil()P. 21 BLENHFIld nut %ICE MIST OPPOSITE THE NI\ E1.SITV1.032 4324.k (BRANCHES '114R61.1;1101UT THE CITY II

It is nearly upon us! From Monday you will be able to takepart in what some have claimed will be the world's largest lottery. Noel Edmonds could soon be tellingyou live on BBC1 that you have won £2 million, Julie Scragg and Gareth Hughes The Natio, got their hopes up.

ho I Ir.:. !National Lunen: lor recognise cri•bSeS, as Min Mahar iavilltaele the claiming I'd wet 150 ywan prornINN to dIscoveted during a loklenr prizra, retailers w1.11 pay ow create a new millionaire demonstration. hie union. d ha mpoil PNUS of op to En diretily and sear ...v.ure .rdevk Out 17vfore you hLe paper when be croeved hie tut to (20..¢ !Larger prlora must be air el wending you r selection Rrrnember En 'rep your lthriwd Item n I km I Lottery Pot.1 yonaW cannot tee ciaLmed (lificee Or iron one of Resell Tw inn lele And priarroin hefty slams al Dean without IL reisional Mien. Winning Mitch ate to chanty, remember that the odds • air Li trillium to oor agails5.1 you All you then hay.2 ludo then IS valid day; winsang Lbw jackpoi watch Ow TV lu find oul Li rad have It n• aniscipalled that many Elia I Ainund 10 million are wain new auI du- thissiamisi of phis-4 have not reewieumle gambled mil

expelled to play the lirst game. begLn pLaOrig the National And fur every pound wagered, loiters% since over a quarter 31 pence kw-4 .‘ir-titthr it inlooll the mtai.e guexdirertl.e Du charity The Naisunal 1.:niteni offers lit •S.Vilise. Teri pence gum to air retailers and tilt' opera ko r%, a tor better chance of winning mirEton poionds. than prerninrin Came101. A mere 2E1Net-i In .good ratiSea r..1)::n by bunch The nil& that ERNIE. will Parliament' Clidarn make you a noLlem ace about benefici fines Include the Arts timea tgrraq...r than with Ibe Council. Spoilt council III, Nabollhil Heritage &Iv ni iiN. I Then Are t•everal propened hand and the 2412iLirnommi.:.1 Vanadium to elle Ntandard fottars. 21+% nlighE auk Kama' much, dame. yopTirl In to offet but when act-aunt la In .isf an second chance to Po-Arm. By misarted Animal revenue art a 5 sending in their h&c's they ran lhiiii)rt ii 61-•1,1141401 clear dui ii i‘ vorriprtia ayr aln for a t1041.0011 a big potential Thrinev -spiainer prier. An instant win game, lot Ihe ppt.eilleiidari-ties. baledon wraidk cards.. will alas} II should be fairly easy iv be. launched next year. take pall in lhs Na.lional Dertn Moore had to aim. with IAMely. -there will Pt Robert Flardlord. Gamblers on tier approxiroatetv LO. COD outlets at Fool', have to elk through a the launch, lixing to ID. cool by the live draw will be made by rpirming Irnglhy veinal s ser Site eve ry Kraft of 114lf You will be able IS: plek 44 numbered 'balk timIde a Clear &Inner-3y. The notional lottery often LIP a payslip 2et el YANKS. id Odors, plank drills and II dam I:nattier you a muck raster akerniCite_ lh ;Lich AL superrnaTisels, ravvraagenti. lit Which order fht numbly-1.6 are !Hine over a wed; you ctuld. hr and 01E -1iernies selecti`d if no player has the Bridain. newest Trililiarhatre. Six numbers should be melertml. Wlibla TINISIbL91, thr pc16.p451. 19 5...rnuone hat to win End aLtlinugh bciwt.eri 1 and 19 and marked wiih 4 rol le d DWI. and added to the 11112 tsdek ace fiLst oh you/ aide, kE vertical lbw. Tile .1 wihople-r, du nut toltowtngwvek'n jackpot e0Old be

A lotion! %Inner I h U14Lo couldrit sell his lupine lire Q1.1.-..D tilitIbrfh r ran the liril risoon,11 lottery in A Li- ar,iIJ wIte-iwerir he wen! In eillier because es eryone assumed he dkeln't tired ate 1:).Aland king ago .34 1.9.4 to Finance ihe Virginia carried a tAmiteri Free n w1th ilk a I Ii. Nalkurial Lollery woe. mow, itietefote deckled ro hum it drown. .twist 'Pleat{ Lard. 4.) sou that Wirulln$ 65, 51 Malkin arid a suspended rascal auLeibenee. and d group or tora•err ninety will lot spill 11i0 wisp El:m-1,0.ov ran alt withal! Hsi rliaX • money to iiiardwd clIvirkLinooretition

CamblinA ht-w.t - expert' ninwomend dial AillieficaP1 Marx.. Dude refined Nr Plare !n. r fLavoLEt your 6•1x are no mor • dun IN. vii VOW' Islitarp whnii and wit Meld by her e•huaband, her thodier, direr '1.141 ate kai alma, titre ararregi" means 11101 for Ktv.:61-0 no art average rrkesinima.n.ne. sluk'm arid 0 }Srli..6 Li the end she was left wadi les., FITAnt. a Fwelv-filbal 22 gamin can he played Iselote si u3 on el dire than win tiie ttillitanat leiter/ ihadi a warier el her orkrninat 530 mill:sin Litt ii.LLIke.beRan in tip ihe Wnlatg Way How to hit the jackpot!

It seems obvious that taking part in a lottery is merely a question of luck. Yet a mathematical system, or evenjust consideration cif those numbers that are Likely hi be picked by others, can drastically reduce the odd5. in your favour.

LJl Cuuree, illere are no cerlajntim Sure-tier 4M...rue if.00 emelt and i .err, 6arnuut be guatartieecl. flowen.Y. rnaIfirdlACkilt Rot.erl Eirtvide LB &rived tdied= called' wheeti ou'. Thri is yskifin le dinned e‘trurnie L1-.L.51 E.17 reduce normal odd.. frorn 1 lo 2,130)313 I in 1.5re This is Ills coethiud.

▪ Pith 11 numbers between I APIJ 44, lull ul which ihmakl be over 11. litu is beraiusrt nungt-c-rs bell...ern 1 end 31 ATLi biriluday corniAmations which would MR21111 xplittinit yuuf trio:lamp with -even...:..0 else born nn lid3sti dare. You should alai. have a all, of odd data emit nsicribrrh and avoid all those obviaus al Lottery • Asaigri radi number a ktler. ▪ Su•ltilule your number instead of the mirrr in tho wowing Burnie,.

AHD G lICEVHK ABDC 1-11) EH [ A B C.1 C EH 14. I HLT 111K ACFCIL DEFI 1ti /. ACF111, FIEHrtell, U 11111 ■ CDFCIL MIN ADECIL CDFIIL C IFCI AS D D A 13C hill. • Taking eachlw... as a game. fur CIII a .serund or third From etatictirally much mr•r.- probable 5 YOU think thn. al.] 'tut theory . 5k-robe tta15,011. nine lottery parkpoisi wince developing hr. • And 41 itithreafite. X0 57 {9 91

11 12 L12 7 13 Wironina Select ions Odds Expected Prize

Jackput 1 in 13,k1113,Zii1i E2,000. WO Match 6 main number,

Match 5 main 111.1111bliff... 1 in 2,110,636 CHIC, ChEIC 16 TAUS b4.11111I5 number

Match 5 main numbers I in 55,492 CI, 500

Match 4 main numbers t in 103 L65

Match 3 main number:. 1 in 57 CIO

the overall odds of winning a prize are 1 in 54

NA-% I:F. Is, !WM Cell I110 a0d 19.1, dy5litikek,IN IL.I..• typed Zak.. Rareogajor makes a lbririg your thanr•s of whoiing a•rpe.n 'Lt La a Aquarians as the muitIl lath,. winner,' • bul who 21) 11rt *Sad In *rend Lip Lu hours a day planning irnprobabdity that an uniKalanced helleven deb...194kt.; anyorre belling slrategieg. His methods Deems to be 2ame with nunnbe-rs than don't &hi LIp ti...y.fr 1W ..ueekutslul - wins Include/17r SIM 4:10E1 p3 onthi wit win d Hillery Sydney 1011.2ty A search Iii find a regular kvl•hrih N.-le-rum For the IL is slatislicilly Full d4 111144.1Y that §i 4.,141NrCLIELW the orKandwn, were I...N.4E31V tlu• Wtlhlnr rn ArtierbalfHt kip In 52 ouLlion inper,-41 AdiddIthms.i.r...araivri ar. nori-coniimutrou number!. Yet draw lurr.ed Juwn. Apfurerdll-, MAN Oct Il would bit beoluw hi: took a year 40 0351-1 his ticket it hat never been knos•ll k...r 4 lOtlerf 1441114,- I.. iiraW nurnIN-ri 'pei5uned &AIM!' aka woad gyprcard Item Arid itleir careen.

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