
' Second Class Postage paid' Vol. LXXIV. No. 19 3. Pages '.. • CRANFORD; NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY.25/1967 'Cranford, New Jersey 07018 TEN CENTS Reveal Parade Plans N* Union ForMemorialBay y Cranl'ord's.-'annua l Memorial Day parade will asseinbli^irt 8:30 a.m. Harmed Tuesday, at the. Walnut Avenge School yard. Marchinfc^CyiH" begin at


[j;, •.,. Two CRAWFORD (N.I) •rmZEX AND riTRONICLE--TnUllSDAY, MAY 25>UM5? will be. stationed at Family senal, Mrl.-

AtSt-Michaet'g Men irv Seryice .lacoby,' son of Mr. OnTnesday . It. .John G. Hurle>rtJSA, son Qf- ^Aftjujf E.'Jacoby of 424 Mr. and MJS. RiphSril W- Hurley of, JJH'961 from Cranford Jjjgh School, .\^V;ilage, has b'et'ti pro- Features ~ot the Spi'i.ng Family 345 \yalhut,Ave.,.hrrivcd home.Ffi- 'Lt. Hurley aUerided' Washin ' .•airmail first Class in the Festival 1o be hold on the,grounds clay'-from tamp Friendship Korat, and Jefferson^Coflege in Force. Airman Jficoby is.-a' Thailand, after- • being stationed ton, Pa., ^herc he w of St. Michael's ScheoV'" on Me- in 1965c ' plumber at'Plattsburgh APB,-N'.' Y-r- '"ITiuuial; pay..Will -inoJudo a -Uxltiat there for a year. He received His He is a member of- the Strategic •lTiii.ii' 11,lining n\ Gawp Gordon,- •A-ii' Command,—Awi&iwfe Innfi- shgvy.dirt'cUHl by William Balerftan. Ga, and then was sonKo Thailand. .Added attractions at the talent M^ao, USA,-^rm m)g, nucicur bomher apd missilc Following.a monUi^jneavc^Lt. Hur- ^., arrived home Fri- . . airman amended Cran- contest wHl be the Mary Kosk6 ley will be stationed af.V^e U. S, force Th( Army Infarftry'Center at. Fort B y following oompetion of a year's ',ford Hi^h School. His-wife is the Tvvirlers, a group of 20_ young maj- tour of duty "at Cam Ranh-Bay in former t.'ecile Labonlc. .- orettes who will open, thjs event at as an instructor inborn s.• After Vietnam, where he served with 1 p.m.'Al 2:30, p.m., several ad- the 9tSpp96th;Supplyy andd Service fiat Richard J. Plant, son of Mr. and vanced students from the Yvotte talion. Spec. Marino,'who is mar- ,yp^^Franklin f H. Plant of 169 Hillill- Laitala walke scored on Ar- d thp , crest "Ave.A ; hah s beenb promotetd tto School of tlie' •Dunax.will perform. Tied to the former Ruth Glogbr rtesen's dj>ui51o. Bender's bingje. of the above address, sa airman, second class iri the Air . Entrants in the talont contest fn Arnesen. After Ferraro three-and-a-half Force.. Airman Plant is a weapons include.the Moon Dogs, a band of Chuffo's. single -scored ,d son, SPRING FAMILY FESTIVAL CONTEST WINNERS — Shown are to right- in picture are: Peter Lyons (cash pwz« wfilner), Donald Scott Allen, for time Fri: meehariic at Griffiss AFB, N. V.,, .musicians 6 to 10 years old; choral Bender, day. The sofrofjtyftC'ani d Mrs. Geh'e and.a member of the Strategic , groups, (lancers; singers and an ao- children in grade's 4 to 8 who w^re winners of cash, prizes or bon- Carolan'v.Ann Babits.-M.ark Smith, LeighJJtfufrrian, John Malaspina-,-' Cranford' | : Scotch Plaliui L. Marintf'of ^Greaves Pi., he re-.Commai^d which maintains Am<r t'q|]|etv nwH- hip *Aitn*\n*A t.rnininrf nt 'jflfl^iQfiDji&LjIUSSiles bomb- be held On'the,St. Michael's School grounds oh Memorial Day. Left winner's'. Paul Boffa and Sister .Geraldine Marie, principal. •Dhismorc. II) 3 10 also will offer many sports events, Knauer. i; 3. 2 3 uEerrao 0, 0 6 Fort Riley, Kans. After a 31-day, ers. Thes airman is ^graauaie oi handicraft 'and art contests, a Ger- Ross, p 20 0 Jliurro.lt> Heller, LI ' , 4 12 Dnililhcrty, cf." 2 0 0 leave wi]th his family! Sped.,Marino Cranford High Sc man band, truck rides for children, of the Cranford Mareh,df Dimes in of ,a Cinder block in a patio wall to Mrs..Kling, Mrs. Joseph Laurent, Olson, If -: 0 0 0 Todirro. c, 3b 3 0 0 i'ood, and a teenage dance in the 1966. .. being constructed at his home on Mrs. McCormick, Mrs. Michael Ettel,.cf ' 3 1 3 Baldwin, rf 1 0 0 -school gymnasium at 6 p.m. .;. I Democrats Nolan, of 1 0 0 Hillej, rf, 2b • , 2 0 0 be, James • J. Kinneally, county Tuesday. The"ehtjd was freed with- Shiels, Mr>s. Werner Speer, Mrs. SleBe^. lib- al«. 3b, If 210 ~TThe're also will' be an auction, out injury'by. breaking the cinder Eliazbeth Swanson and Mrs.. Gen- Deinaey, rf 3 0, 2b, 1U 22 1 conducted by Mayor Edward K. chairman; Freeholder Director •v, .. JC 0 OIKlasUva, p ) 0 1 To Install block. nafo Trotte. - • rcV/i's •>< 3 1 HKlldtiff."l> i o a • Frank Cuehie -of Cranford and Her- x Gill,; of a variety of items- rang- Mrs. McCormick. conducted .a -'' ' bCorinian ' 1-0 0 ing from a television set-to.live bert Blaustein of Union, candidate short business meeting during .^TomlK '20 913J Touls • • 25-»s poppies. , . .. : ' , New Slate a Pinch "bit lor. Pa^ko. In the 7th. for Assembly. ' . .... which pla'ns were discussed fo|va Pinch hit Tor Kilduft In 'the 7th. The Cranford Democratic Club' Winners eiI for< Also to be installed are Andrew pool-side picnic to be heW ojfl "" i ••• 260- will install James M. Bell of 21 Capellini and Edward J. Toy, vice- June 15 at the home of W& Trotte, SOtU pll° ' ° Golden Age Luncheon Morse St. as president at 8:30 p.m.presidents; Sophie BaranSki, treas- Qi Red Qak 302 Edgar Ave.' '.- urer; Kay Cappollini, recording Whole-house More than 100 members of. the • Wednesday, at "the Veterans- Me- Refreshments were served by Pool Opeuing; Cranford Golden Age Club, attend- secretary, and Marge. Raczkowski, The Cranford, Swiniming Cluh cooling... morial Home, South Aye. corresponding secretary.' Trustees Flower Show Mrs. John Baytala and Mrs. Wer- will open its 14th season on Me.: ed a luncheon meeting at Calvary^ ner Speer. . ,, Lutheran Chufich. Oh Tuesday. Al- , Mr,. Bell, 31 "years old, is a law-are Tax, Collector Harold Seymour, . Mrs. Rudolph-Danish of_LUiden jnorjaTDay. ,A poolside reception up to 2.000 bert W. Bai.rd' of 15 Dunham Ave. ye....,r practicin_ g with a Newark firm. Joseph Walsh. an.. d James Grindrod. and Mrs..C. H.. Holmqvist of Crari- will be" held Monday e~Vefrtmrfor[ showed-motion'pictures of a vaca- He is a graduate of the College of] James Ward will be sergeant-at- •ford, were judges of the closed all new families. A brief indoctri- tion trip: to New and Ni- Santa Fe, N. M., and Fordham Law|arms- ' . . flower show of the Red Oak Garden Tigers Take nation to" the pool staff arid board agara .Falls and a boat trip, around School. He has been active in po-l^ The meeting is open to the. pub-Club last Thursda'y evening at the rnemjjers and^a_ preview of the home of Mrs, Robert? McCprmicU,. 4 club facilities wilT "complete , Manhattan Isknd. June meeting of litical and. civic affairs...... He. headed- T''c.. Refreshmentr,.r.._.L. *_s wiU,.be served. .the -club will bo. held at Cranford the Lawyers Mildred Barry Woods Hole RdV Written, and oral evening program. Baptist Church. .: ' Hughes in 1965 and was" chairman co,mments were made of all the ar- Girl Scouts rangements in the show. InAL AluAihi Dinner-Ih Blue ribbon-awards Wiere given [The Albert, H. Ant.oine- Tigers The-'ahriUal djnner-jiarice of the to Mrs. Walter Kling for. a: side'^ moved into- first 'place this week Union Junior -College Alumni As- HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUTS • Brownie Troop 826 Enjoy the .effect'of-central air-conditioning at a much Three members of Junior Troop Jjoard arrangement', of - candytuft^] in the American League. sociation, will txf h^ld' Saturday, lilac's, and tulips in shades varying •In their first outing the-Tigers June 3, at th^Twin. Brooks Coun- 314 presented'a program on "What lowir cost>^xclusiye "COMFORT GUARDS control •••• 0iT t ' pink to lilac; to, Mrs. Robert nipped the Ranki'n Fuel. Co. Redtry C-lub, W.ney are which yoij; can complete in you'r spar^ time and in youi* owfr nprne,, , ; 826. The Junior Scouts of the sis- Bay-tala, Grassman • and More Ck^rfge E., VanDorh of 100. Bfenja- •^28,000 BTjLJ: . '.-.:.''• ter troop are: Wendy Woehr,'Les-. sary" made up. of carnations, The National .School Diploma helps Qualify yoy for many jobs in both Civil -daisies, fuji mums" arid, sJiapdr-ag- helped the cause.'R-dss and Walters mn St and Prof, and Mrs. Elmer, Se.rvice and private industry Ihat ordinarily requires ' a" fufl four year High i lie ,Winoku.r and Linda Campbell. were the pitchers for' the. losin- Wolf of 116 Kenilworth Blvd. fpeln School Diploma Qr "for collfteje entrance. ' ' A total- of 75 flash cards (image ons in different hues of yellow, and to Mrs. Adam Vennettill'i for an teani with hits made by D^D Cranford and Miss Michaeljae Kiss Free Full-Year-Service pictures) have been completed ,by of 131 Winslow .PL, Ga ATTENTION VETS -. APPROVED NJEWG.t. BILL | the Brownies as a community serv- arrangement of red carnations with "Mark, Mac'. Whirter,. and .Oriental accessories and an ar- Evans. Terms No Down Payment , For'', a Free HOME'STQOY-f+IGH SCHOOL BOOKLET* Call 201 - Bl 2-«100 in ] ice project for use byvthe'Cerebral The Medics N, J.,or write.'JO_; National Scrrpol of Horhe Study, Dept. NJQ 229 Park' Palsy Treatment Center of Union rangement of Swedish glass in a tics over- powered the ReeK POWER>#ESS QPERATQRS . S.. N. Y; 3, N. Y.". ' '. ..' •'- ' • . .'. ' •• •-•..; ; ....•„ County-on Holly St. . modern composition with- wisteria, ohg Fuel Co. ' Mrs.- Donald H. Pettit and. Mrs: and one tulip." • White Sox ;17-2/Mike Occi pitched DAY & NIGHT SHIFT David Crane are leadens of Brown- Red ribbons were -awarded to well, for the/AthJetics,. with tre- Mrs. A. J. French for a,dining mendous^hftting -from the entire Experience, only. Pay Is- hlslver than ie trsop £26, which meets at Mrs. you expect, up to. $2.00 ail hour to, Pettit's home on Wednesday after- table arr;ipgo.mfeiiLs-. and In Mrs, team. J?aiil .Lawless had foyr hits i •tyASHUR - DRYER.- DIS1UVASUHR S noons. • , •^Everett ^lyiorrisom for a sideboard whiljp^Jim L'Heureux ^ arrangemen't. • • . . Higgins and Mite Walsh We Repair ALL Types Of ;' Yellow-ribbops were received,!^ ' had.Jwo. Mark" Rin'aldi was • -. ' ' National . 1 Firemen to the Rescue Mrs, L. A. Ferencz for a deik dr- the losing pTtcherT ' .; . Manufacturing Cov Inc. DRYERS •WASHERS • PJSHWASHERS • The SpoJ'tsman's Shop Senators Fireme-n in charge oC Chief Joh.n rangeme.nt; Mrs. Alan Turner for a : N..Schmitz were called in^tg hplp! bitffet §rrangemenf a,nd Mrs. Paul lost a.-seve.n-in.ning ''encounter' to 12 River Road/chatham, N. J. 2? ALpEHST. ;""• 27o2224 CRANFORD when Miehael Maloney, ^."iiffiars ^hjith "ior an end table arrange- the- Builders General Yankees, : » Call (201.) 635-8846 • ' , Opcai'rhurs.(ia^; Eyenujgs — 7.to 9"P.M. oldld, atf 2|| B Burnside Avcs., slipped mant?,t ?- « 5-4. "The Yanlcs collected 13 hits and caught his leg in the opening ,1 Honofable mentions were -given and had' fine pitching by Lancas- ter and. Clausen. Daly and Clark for the Senators. The Packing Engineering Indi- ans won over "the Martin Jewelers Orioles, 4-1, DeLonge, was the winning pitcher. Fitzgibbons, DIAPER & PANTS IN ONE Lynes,' Giordano, Stranton, Austin- ahd DeLonge hit we'll'for the In- soft, comfortable & absorbent dians. Dan Burke, was the posing pitcher and'Kevin Hopkins had the ,.. and they're only OriolG hit. flushable.too! The Tigers won over the White Sox, 9-1, The Tigers. s.cored all .for your Iheir runs in the fourth frame. Mc- PAYTIME N-ali'y was the winning pitcher and Cucchie tdoK the loss. We>b, Van ••.".' 15's Shaw, Baytala and Storch hit well Memorial Weekend for the Tigers.' The Indians ..won their fifth WITHOUT straight game • by ' trimming the Athletics," 4-0. DeLonge homered FUR Parties for "the winners. Tim Fitzgibbons. -rots—the winning—burlier, and allowed only one hit. THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL The Senators beat the Orioles, &4, behind the pitching of Barry May 25th * 6 to 10 P.M, UNION CLUB GIN $7.59 Ryan. Fine hitting by Ryan, Daly, beautifully Brooks, Sommers, Specht and Rod- cleaned man accounted for this victory. and TEX TRIVIL T00THBIBSH1 BLUE CHECK GIN Irving Adams was the losing pitch- finished The Tigers posted a 9-4 victory . Bwy One at $1.00- over, the Yanks on Sunday. Fine BARTON'S RESERVE $9.69 pitching by Webb and.hitting by Baytala, Shaw.'Crabtree, Webb and McNally aided in this victory. Ser- FREE-ONE CALYPSO HAT FREE BREEN'SDELUXE venti was the losing pitcher, In the on\y other game, the with any incoming combination order of A Straight 6-Year-Old Bourbon Yanks won over the Red Sox'by FOUR SHIRTS and A FLAT-WORK BUNDLE THIS COUPON WORTH forfeit. ' KING WM. IV SCOTCH $11.99 Men's Business Ea. FLATWORK SERVICE CHS Rolls Past SHEET 28c PILLOW CASE 15c 5Oc up BOISTJER CA5E . . '• . . 2?c TABLE CI.OTH SHIRTS 25c $1 25 up AMBASSADOR SCOTCH $14.49 Scotch Plains, 94 QUIIT COVER 50c ROUND TABLE CLOTH C 10c MAnRESS COVER 5Oc NAPKIN By BICR WAGNER 50c i SINGLE SHIRT 28c 10c PADS - SINGLE BED fifck"'Oiut XQ DISH Tovya 75c 6ATH TOWEL '..• . : , 1Oc DOUBLE QEP BLACK & WHITE 15.991 walked £iy& as t g? an. I LARGE. BATH TOWtl . •. , . ... "iOe baseball team * defeated Scotch 3Oc ea. LAUNDRY BAG : 10c WASH CLOTH/ 5c toward the purchase of DISH CLOTH 5c Plains, 9-4, on Wednesday at th (More Than b We Will Be Closed All Day losers' field. The losing hurler wa CHENIUE SPREAD $150 up PR. of BABY PANTS Klastava. , , Cranford scored first, with two Beautifully Laundered and* Finished Tuesday, Memorial Day in the first Inning. Roy Koenlg. singled, . stole second, and took Open Memorial Day, May 30 third on an error on the throw. , ON Roy Knauer walked, and also stole FEATURES GARMENTS second. A sacrifice fly by Ross BROUGHT 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. brought in Koenig, and a single by IN BEFORE Jim Heller scored Knauer. Scotch 12 NOON Plains came back with a single run Serving Cranford in the second, when Arnesen walk- HOUR SATURDAY ed and scored on a double TJiTRYa- For Over 30 Tfears stava. i Bell's Pharmacy The'fourth inning was a big one SERVICE ffSR for the Cougars, bringing in seven on DRY CLEANING & SHIRT LAUNDERING Call: FREE 17 N. Union Ave. runs. Thte team batted around, col- 2760062 lecting tn.r»>e doubles and two trip- DELIVERY les on its way. Rick Ettel led off NO EXTRA CHARGE with- a double, and wentja third AT REGULAR PRICES ONkY on Jay Siegel's, double. Both • Thursday NighMs Cranford scored on Ken Munkel's triple. Koenig and Ken Dlnsmore walked [Family Bargain shopping tyighr to load the bases, and a double DRIVE - IN by Knauer brought in Munkel and 100 NORTH AVEGARWOOD Koenig. Dinsmore scored on Hoss' STORE ,„. : QPEN DAILY i-r 8:30 A.M. to 10 P.M. WE DELIVER— sacrifice fly. WA Knauer scored STORE HOURS 7.30 A,M,to 6 P.M. ON ROUTE.28 on" Heller's triple^ Seller ^en LOT IN^£AR QF STORE. 21 UNION AVE. "•''.-'. scored on a single by EtteL ' • " Scptfih Plains wrappfed up. the -scorwig ^.th th>JB* in th» ' ../••

• —-»

• ,t CI«ldNICtE~-THURSDAV, M^Y V>i 1953. Page Three BayakB^ks iM

icers : -New ritck Bayak.lj4-ol- placed • Busines^n.d Professional Women's first a! i\Vf WatcluinjK'Conference and save Club/were installed by Miss Mary Meef at Scotch I'!>hfs on Thursday. Jjlis mark, 15q>fi;e{ 7.inches, lopped ni Wetjon, first vice-president of .. • ,-i . - :/-.. t]ii; ulub TS'H U-vt hy"Briice Weberbauer. held its 12th annual dinner last; Jim Dow took a, si^rfid-in the week at. the Holiday Inn; Kenil-' invelin, In avintf it-rtf2 feet 1 .inch. Mark X'ordStr.oiTf' put the shot. 49 HGLO worth. . ' : They are; President, Mrs. Jo- frot, > inch'for a second place. In "the 440, Paul, OOHCIHT placed third sephine Rudnit'ki; first vice-presi- in- 51,4, .4 second behind the two deni, Mrs. John M. D"uryee; second loaders;'.who tied-in 51.0, .vice-president, Miss Carolyn Ran- .I Dick 'jacksun won the novice hwfi-r; t recording" secretary, -Mrs. 880 with'a time of 2:06.2. at the Eflward '.kuiack; corresponding sec- Meet On Saturday. Also retary.' Mrs.- Frank. Loehr, and pj? was Nordstrom, who took treasurer, Mrs, Richard Mauthe. '. a third in the novice shot-with, a Guests included "Miss Charlotte jdistaim: of 48 ft. 2 in. . • ;, McCracken- president of the State rtTBT Lean.'state president-elect.' rcit Woint'ii llonort'U Admitted to membership were Mrs. Jack Irving of 12 Connecti- Dorothy. Proe and Beverly Murray. cut St.' was elected tliirtt vice-pre- NEW AND RETIRING- BPW PRESIDENTS — Mrs. Josephine sideju'of the Unio'iT rpunty Ameri- Rudnicki, newly-elected president of the Cranford .Business, and can Legion' Auxiliary last Thursday Student Council •jlHlu; Martin -Wallberg Post Home, Professional Women's Club is shown at left, and at the right the Westfield. Mrs.'Calvin Walck of Of ficers Named outgoing president, Mrs. Mary Knierim." • ' '" . Kenilworth Was named correspond- ing secretary.. . • <•..'. At Orange Avenue ' After a week of vigorous' cam- paigning and speeches, the follow-i Rutgers Club ing-students were elected last Fri- CRANPORD'S day bry the students of Orange Ave- nue Junior High School, to leader- Open House ship positiorjs on the 1967-68 Stu- • The. Rutgers Club of Cranfordf SUNDAY MB H dent Council:.;President, Kenneth will hold open house thi.s -evening j OrgeJ; vice-p'Resident, Sandra Sel- for all area alumni..-at Veterans' by; secretary, Kristin Swansoh, and Memorial Home, 479 South Av«,'J - treasurer, Robert Reynolds. " j. E., commencing' 3t 8:15, it was an-' .' The election this year featured I nouriced" by Chairman Harold J, . the use of. voting-machines tinder j Seymour, JrV Guests w'H include actual election conditions" Robert many of the university's faculty, BARON'S Belle, faculty sponsor of the.Stu-1 with Varsity Baseball Coach Matt 276-6100 dent Coulnc.il/stated-that tjiis was B'olger as th;e main speaker; ' one of the best electiqjr proceed- Attending with, Coach B.oJLger ings' in the school's^history, "'•. ' will be Mike Delia" Rosa,, current Scarlet Knight pitching star and Cranford resident. Also attending 9 AM. to 9 PM. To--Pejpfiofni HI Recital will be Coach' Robert Bahetski of CRANFORD PHMCY." •BELL'S •JJiffa. .Hodge', daughter of- Mr, Craaf.or4 'High-School• with mem- SEAGER'S • SGHER'S afid Mrs. A. L. Hodge of 414 Man- bers of this.year's Cougar team, Pechglo, which is an inspired combination or . A've., will perform "Clair de and Coach Peragallo and members Lune," pV Debussy, and "Wedding of. the Clark High Sehoolteam. WILL BE CLOSED, -of rayon and nylon, feels so luxuriously soft Day at.TrqlcThaugen," by Grieg, in The club's scholarship program and cool it's like a fresh fluff of a piano recital Sunday at 4:30 p.m. will be outlined by SchQlarship . A. "TITE" PANTIE - at the Maplewood Woman's Club. Chairman Harold Steven^. * • ••• • powder next to the-skin. No wonder so .. " (Your ehoift oj ihrte lengths.) Medium Icn^ib shown, The recital is sponsored by the -..'...•.••'' \ ' size* 5 to 7, regularly $2.00 each, • . Music".Educators Association -of many devotees insist on it all year round- New Jersey. Nina is^a, piano stu- There-will be about .5.80,000 new 276-0062 and remind us they're waiting for our NOW 3 FOR $5-15. ' ;• dent of Mrs. E. M. Gilmore of 107 cancer cases..(diagnosed for the sizes 8 and 9, regularly $2.50 Glenwood Rd! first time) in-1967. • OPEN TUESDAY special savings on threesomes. . . ' NOW 3-FOR $6.35 Long length iligfilly trgb'er. . ' (MEMORIAL DAY) FOR A. LIMITED TIME ONLY, so d"o come in Directs Poppy Sale TOOL & DIE MAKERS • and scoop up your favorite classics irom B. ^SMORT PANtlE Louis Kleckner "or 2 Che'Stnut St. DIE REPAIRMEN 9 A.M. to 9 PM. bur great Pechglo-Collection. sizes 5 to 7,-regularly $1.75 each, has b'een najned. By State VFW MACHINISTS NOW 3 FOR $4.50 • BARON'S r SCHER'S All'in Star-Wbite • Commander Vincent L. Brinker- LATHE HANDS sizes 8 and 9, regularly $2.25 eachr hoff, also of Cranford, to direct the NOT FlY BY NIGHT JOBS! " • CRANFORb PHMCY; f SEAGER'S '. jNOW/3 FOR $5.75 • statewide '.'Buddy Pop'py" drive. Steady permunent work. Top' pqy for top men. StartiuB ro(«.^3.75. per hour The drive officially opened^last _ i;p ,to 55 hours per -week. Pay. is WILL BE CLOSED c. BRIEF" ..••". . • .-.^ weekend and "will run through higher than you expect.. All -benefits. -Only men who arc experienced und sizes 4 to 7, regularly $1.35 each, Memorial Day._ Receipts from sale workint .need npply. * — ' -: ' ' : " "" jof the hand-made-flowers are used NOW 3 FOR $3.50 for veteran rehabilitation purposes. National Your Cranford Pharmacists size 8,'regularly $1.65 each, . Sale of a half-million poppies is this Manufacturing, Co./ Inc. • ' — Open Thursday Evenings — NOW 3 FOR $4.25 year'-y go.al. • . 1.2 River R6ad, Chatham, N.'-J. WISH YOU A-HAPPY HOLIDAY! 15 N. Union Ave. ' ' . "Cranford . Call (201) 635-8846 Reviews Stejmbeck Book "The Winter' of Our Discontent" by Joh"n Steinbeck was reviewed by Mrs.'Vincent Bongiovanni at the GREAT GllEGKERINO GAPER May" meeting of. the-'Llterary He'r- . aids at the home of Mrs. Frank E. , Expose' of Ring of Underwater Agents Smith, 39 Iroquois Rd- Next meet- ing will be %at the.home of Mrs. Daniel Sc«ro, 109 Richard St., •Someth'ing futvriy going on here. Check in-ro" it. Name: Clark, and. the reviewer will' bo -Jantzen. AAembers of the notorious Checkeriho Group. Mrs. John Leone. • • Description: Gingham with a checkered background., -,.4 - ' in pinkapoJco, and bahama.blue. • • Very big_on_ruffles, bows and floral braid. Secret undercover activity: Use of such-devices-as the soft foam b/a to make million dollar figure's. Study this lineup: KODAK INSTAMATIC •. .A.'Checkerino waistpder, 8-16, $-16:00 cameras.,. B. Chec'kerino bikini,-8-1 4, $1 3.00 are Ihe world's most (jilted cameras C.-'Checkerino hiprider, 8-16, $.15.00 ". DEALERNAME >'(4,s/fj;yV;(or our.prices-flfi't. D, Chec-kerino swimshoN, 8-18, $16.00 BERGEN CAMERA E. Checkerino beach- shirt, S-M-L, $10.00 >.%. (65% Dupont DacronU!) polyester, 35°o cot!o;v) EXCHANGE ''.< < Watch for them — you'll get yours! . 34 NORTH AVE., W.

w^ just wear a smile and a



MEMORIAL DAY Let this be a reminder of the rmjn who fought and died for love; love of freedom, not of war, love, of country they fought for. And, lov» of peace, cspeci- 'al.ly for all the world's humani- ty. In Viet "Nam ... no matter wJ^ere . , ...we'll pray to keep them ia Clod's, care.

. -•• -•

•'.•"*. .' • ;i^i' Four PRANEORD (IS. J.) CITIZEN AND CHKONICrE^fHURSDAY, MAY 25, 1907 On Commejoli Drlvo ,\ • this year about ,890,000 •Ameri- On Mrr'tie StreeV tfaia tlj.e easterli nown a-S' 305A SprlnKfleM , 'Jiue. Crnnford, N.' J. >"'" NOTICE OF INTENTION . • yS cans will, be imder medicaj car* Sid* of Bryantr Avenue to the. west- It. -was the decision--61 ^iKi Board that Stephen qymboluk, 139 W..- Edward Tnke nolice thnl TH.E' COACH ,& .J»OUR Roosevelt PTA ..-f'rly side of'Bliltlrijore. Ave. IK application hjf unirf Stre&t.'Ist'lln, Jf. J. ..-'' RESTAURANT, INC, lias applied to the* OBITUARIES for cancel'. . • '' On the. wosterlv side of Wulnut Copies of thp-torr ute-dn -file of'tho Harry Browcr. 229.4 Colcjt-'A'venUe, Scotch Township -Committue ol the.jXciwnshlp of v nuc trovfi fhe LchiBh Valley R .tunlclpal BwllcUntfT .-"•" ' •' Plains,-N..J. ' • >-••'•• ; Cranford, N. J.. lor. a Restaurant-Condi^ Installs Of ficers "to .ftarltan- Road. ,,- • ^,-- pefkRD••• or ADJUSTMEN'T . Rdberl Hanii, 1 Besler AVcnUfc'. Crnnford. tlonal Plenary Retail .Cdiisumptioh Uceji Friday. .He'was 72. The i Section 2. This, prdkiance amends and y-* 'By; S'. B, SweMserj Chairman N. J. ^< ... lot- pri-inlsvs situattrt'al 24 Nur.pi Aj^eiiur, A. Fav ' JVIrsi. George,-Chase was installed Public Notices supplements Section 9.08,-of Chaptpr 9 ..-I*'" M. J. McHuitl/,- Secretary .T-reuMirer ^pthur J. Beamun, Jr., 17'.Berk- East, Cranford, .N". J. /* jj-was An Monday from the Dooley of the 1931 Code of Qegiefai Ordinancoiv >d: May 25, 1967 eley Plate. Cruiiford', N. J. . ' ' Names- and addressi-s of the^<)nlcers afo: A. Fay of Berkeley Vi ! Wfild ith as president- of- the Roosevelt Section 3. ThLs.o^dthonce. shall take- Ef- ..Pee:,SO.10 ,. ' , • .5-23 Socrciirfy: • William Shrumelc. 10 Collins Pr-esldohp Aloxajidw; A. BitiUy. 423 'Manor Home! W-extfield, with a fect ' upon final,.--e'llssaBe and. publication '^Street, Crnnford, N. J. • ]lcii;!)i>. yof Oranlord, NOTICE OF INTENTION Avenue, CranlorU,'N-^J. high mass of requiem celebrated in j .School' I'.TA at thc_ school last as provided by statuto. ,. •' '' ObJoctlons.~lf any, should be made Im- VIce'-TPri'sldent- and^Trcasurer: William A. ;,i Jiis home Monday at the age of St Anno's chucch.'Officiating.were j ,,.-••' EDWARD'K.'OILL. Take notice that HAROLD SCHEflC niedlately. In writing-, to.J, Walter Coffee, Deliinls, 10 eonneclicut, St., Crahlotd. Thursday. ' --' Chairman. Tortnshlo Committee,, rnd^htt as, COMMUTERS TAP ROOAC Has CK'rk of.ahe Township of Cranford, N. S. fW Ser\ii:es will be .concluded to-, 3SSjstant pastors.'Michael R. Mas- NOTICE N. J. ••''• ' '• • •• • . • Atlent: ' ipplled to the Township Committee of the (Signed) • • " .•••••• Director; Carl Todt, 208 Bender Avenue, ,l.^.,ii 10-3D a.m. at thfr"Burroughs •„„„;!• ^i^nnt nnrl Martin .1. Sil- Other' new officers installed 1. WALTER COFFEE. 'ownshlp of Crartford;. N. J.-'^or a Plenary Kenneth Porrostal is iiKREny GIVEN I*osei1e Hark;' N. J. imp Tuwiismmn l' ' un'iuLw.1 •f illUI (xOHT rnrinacijl nuiia, rn. rtryer. who read the committal piuy- i Mi's. riWr icls oh" June i:t, nun, nt H::IU P.M. Uiatcd at 112 S<*ith,Ayejiuo. East, Cran- CRANPORD ELKS, ' E. mediately, in WBltlnc, to J, Waiter cone Mr.. -Kay. active in the realty ers at Fairview (•'ernetery,' West-j vice-president; Thomas Tipaidi, h. S.T.I "I 111 < - 'Municipal . Bnildinu, 8 Statement ord, N. J. . • ' LODOE NO. 2000' Clerk of the Township of Cranford,-N. J-.^. • lVHVf • for more l.han 30 years, was Spi'iM«f!i'ld Ayi'iiuf.•Oranforcl, Union Cqun- The -foregoing ordinance was Bnalh Objections, If any, should be mode lm- Adv. Pee; S18.92 . , iSignedl . • • ' y^ lield. ' " !principal, third vice-president; Mrs. y.N Ji'i'so>! to uporatc ihr Vefrrsh- oaased ot a meeting of the Towhshlo icdlo.tcly, In writing, to J. Walter Coffee. THE CpACH &-.FOUR' RESTAURANTVrlNC. an .iilliciul of Hie Federal Depart- min'i imllHU'.s lor the convenience ol U»' A native of Italy, Mr. DiCirazia'j Daniel Swintpn>'freasurer; Mrs., Committee, of thp. TownshlD of CranforA lertc. of tho TowiiEhiD of CranforcS, N. J. Aloxandej- A. Bibby, President /.. . ment itf- Housing and Urban De- was a .Gax.wood resident 30 years; j imhhc ul Itu- (.'jinifurd Community 140.0! N.' J., on May 23V 1907.' • ! (Slsned) NOTICE Adv. Fees S1232 . .._'.' 5-25 Gonar.ro Trotte,; comispdnding n.ihi'.T-ownsliiu of Cruiilocd, Union Coiin- 3. WALTEH COPPEE, HA BOLD SCHEIN Take, notlce,*-{hat STEPHEN AND velopment, a position he had held > residing previously 1n tin' West-1 y, Ni'W .Iwsry, lor \)\v l?07 Benson al a ! Township Clerk. 11 Canterbury Place, nlcr i'xprt'sf-cd in le-nns of a percfniiiiu' STELLA REDZlNAJt, trading as RIVER- [ secretary, and 'Mrs. Robert Weber, l Dated:-May 23. 1907. _ cmnford, N. J. SIDE INNVHave 'applied to the Township i'oui;.-->'enrv - . - . ' tield-Plainlieki area. An Array, vet- ; f the i;ro.-.s Tiicrlpts n ci'lv('d lroiy..lh(? .Adv. Fee: $11.00- • .. • fi-2B dv. Fee: $7.92 • " •: 5-25 INTENTION pi'ru.Uon of said c6nc<.*.ssj on (no bid for ComMlJtee of the Township of Cranford. .. Horn, in iJi.-yokl.vn he lived in jeran of World Wai: 1, he held the ; recording secretary. 1 N.^JC for a Plenary Retail Consumption Take noUp nut R. J". PA.MM CO., N oss tliuii 10'. of sVh K'oss-reci'ipt.s, 01; NOTICE OC* INTENTION » • Sinnmit and ('Win-ford before mov- Purple Heart medal for wounds \ he .sum of. Pififi'H Hundri'd. DOIJHT.S mse for premises, situated at SB North JuT CRANPORD GOLF ClA)ir has Mrs. Nornjan Gorringe was in- TOWNSHIPJM^CRANFORI) Take notice that SIDNEY SCHER, t Avenue, East, .Cranford, N\ J. to the Township Commlnoo of ^he ing .to Berkeley Heights 20 years suffered .in France: He was former: iSl.500.001 whlflifviT shall be tlie urtmi'V, Inu as SGHEIVS LIQUOR'-STORE. ha>-)ip ivill-liff coiiMdi'i'i'd > in lan'orditnct' wilh llic Cranford, New lenty Stephon and Stplla Redzlnak reside at lp of Cranford, N, J.,..for a Plemiry stalling officer, and Mrs. J. Pv Sonv plied to the TownahijJ Comhilttee^of the j proprietor of Randolph's. Barbel-1 erins and condllliin.i . more panU'vil.nrly 1JOA1U) OF. ADJUSTMENT 56 North Aveniia, E., Cranford, N.-J . ' ctall Consumption .Jiccpse for -premisKS 1 Township of Cranfard,, N. J., for-^a Plenary A .graduate of Cranfprd High shop in Plain-field.' merville, retiring president, pre- hi'l forth in tli-c 10rm of the proposed S (Zonins) ObJoctlons, If any, should bo .-,.-_. situated'at 27 North •Avenue, Bast, Cran-,.- contriict, on file in tin' oflice of the Buper-. Retail Pistrlbutloh! UceriSf'-'for premibeg mediately, in writing, to J. Wttltorxe&'ffeo, •ford, N.-J. -• • ' • ..'••'•' ;. ; "NbTlCE OF HEARING ituated at 104 Wainut, Avenue, Cranford, Vhool and l.ehigh University, he sided. . ' - - ': mendt'iit 01 Kfcrealion In said Municipal .-The Board-'of Adjustment (Zoning), Olorlt o!'.the Township or CftinfoM; N. J. The officers, directors and stocltHolde** of Mr. .DiGrazia held membership ti., J. . - y^ ••. ' ' • • ' (Sinned) —• . ^ was a member of the American Iri- Buildinf!,. which suid coiHruct )s uvuil- Township of Cruriford,.' County of Union, the R. J.' Piiiiim>.Co,, Inc.. are nH follows: The new first vice-president'will for [nsDcction - by prospective bidders Objections, If ,ony, should be made lm- . ' Arthur W. Brlnkmann.-President in St. Anne's Church, Local 802, New Jersey, will.hold u public hear I nit on STBP,HEN and- STEIiA REDZINAK stirtite 'of Fteal Estate Appraisers be jnnounced at a later date-. between Ihe hours of B;30 A.M. and 4:00 ledlutely, in.wfitlnia, to J. Walter Coffee, 56 North Avej " . 935J Kearney Drive, flptth Brunswlofc, r.t (I,,. X)narr 1 Associated Musicians of Greater on regular business' days. Monday. June 5. 1907, al 11:15 p.m. in lerk of thi)'Towndhlp ofCrahford> N. J. Crnnford, Tfa-fn t,h*• Mnnirb 1U1K, dnci Ody following: John J. Blumb«^;'M.D'.. Vice-President .(.I' Education.of Union County Reg- certlflod check payable to the Township SIDNEY SCHER WaVerly Plase, Elizabeth, N. J. : VFW, Garwood. 7.87: Postponed from meeting of May 104 iWnlnut Avenjie ional District 1. . PTA Discu&sion Group of Crnnford/ or' by a bid bond naming the -' Mortimer, --'domhman, Sefrelary-TreaB- Township of Ciantord as the bbliuce. ex- 1,. 1907. Application of LEjDN R. DON- Oanford, N. J. NOTICE OF INTENTION : He is survived by a sister-in-law, OEL^WICS^ for u, variance from the re- ^ notice that DONADASE, INC., • 'urej;.:.- :' .' , * Siwyivors are.his wife, Mrs. Wil- The last meeting of the Lincoln ecuted by u corporate surety company ,dv. Fee; $7.92 5-25 : Mrs. Arthur DiGrazia, with who"m [School PTA Discussion Group will licensed to do business Ui'lho State of quirements of Section.1003 (e) of-the Zon- -trading- as THE LODGE, has applied to the- 9g9 kipling Rood, Elizabeth, N. J. ''hflminc. Ray Fay; a son, Douglashe made his home, and several N«iv Jersey. In th,e slim of One Thousand Lntt Ordinance-to-permit construction* 6T a NOTICE or INTENTION' Township Committee' of the: Township • of ••'Paul chodosh, M.D., Director ' be held at the school at 8'P.m. Wed- Dollars L$l,0O0.OOj' a« n guarantee that the one-family drjcllinB with Ions than mi 1 Cranford. N. J., for a Plenary Retail Con- '• "99 North Avejiue, Hillside". N. J. A, at home.; a daughter, Miss Bar- Take notice that CRANPORT - Miirjorle Lesaner, Director ' '. • . nieces and aephe'ws. nesday. Program topics for the eve-bidder will entcj • into- said contract with Iroum lot; area on ' tat', 43, Block 253A, fl. P. 6. E.., LODOT. NO. 2006, h>< sumption ltoonso for premises situated at jiani Fay'''GJT MetuChon, and. a the Township. Cortif'led choGks and-bid known as 20 Qreaves -place. 3-5 South Avenue, Weat, Cranford, N; J. 801 Knollwood Terrace, Wastflold, N. J. to the- Township Committee of the Town- Richard V. Mulligan ' . brother. ^Hamilton of Roanoke.Va. i ning will include Kindergarten ori- bonds,will bi-,returned, .tp tl\e unsuccessful • 8t!7: Application of PRANK ihlp of Cranford for renewal of Cluh li- - The fames and addresses ot all officers, i entation, ITA and individualized bidder's as soon as practical afler the con-KRAUSE, for . a variance under the re-, cense for, premises situated at 951 Lincoln directors and stockholders, pf said corpora- 22 Dewey Drive, New Brunswick, N. J: Mrs. Susan Siitton trnui hiis bi^en an'a'rdcd. qiiircrwnts of Sections 1001, 1002, and Avenue, East, Crttnford, N[. J: tion are. as follows: ' J. William Pleree ,, .. . , reading, Parents of children enter- Bids must be submitted In sealed en- •417 of. the Zorunu Ordinance to permit Names nnd Addresses of the- officers are President: James ' Brunette, 10" Helnrl'ch Canal Road, East Millstone, New Jersey GARWOQD — Rev.'Stephen Sza- 1 ', Street, Cranford, N. J. • Mrs. Leanoru, Austin I ing kindergarten in September as velopes.-clearly marked on the, , outside the construction, of. a professional medical Exalted Ruler: Martin .Christian, . Ill Raymond Stone, M.D. bo, pastor of St. Paul's United with tile niimt dj The bidder and the des-building in an R.-2 done . ttnd the -con- James. Street,. Cranford, N. J. . Secretary: Frances -Brunette, 10 Helnrloh -.•' '666 Union Avenue, .Elizabe.th, New Jer- ' Graveside services were conduct- well as. those entering first; sec- struction of a fenctf in .excess ofrvfour •feet . Street, Crahford,. N.- J.' • . Church of Christ, officiated af the ignation •'"Relri'shmcnl icpnceisloh. fc'jun- Leading. Knight: Gilbert Orrok, 949 Orarid sey '• . , - ' i '•..'.' ed yesterday at Fairview Cemetery, ond or third grade are invited to fo,rd Community Ptfol —.1067." Thf hlKh- on Lot 1'. Block 2. known as 101 Holly view Avenut, -Westfield, N. J. Treasurer: Helen Manury, 17 North Unfon .Objections, U any, should be made lm- funeral of Mrs, Susan SUtlon, 80, 6M bidder, must be prepared to ^nter into Street. '•'-''. Loyal Knight; John J. Juszek, 48 "Winans Avenue, Cranford, N. J. - mcdiatfly, Ih wrltlns, to.J. WaTter coffee. WeKtttf'ld. by Rev. Richard l^Wil' attend'. 1 a, column .substantially' In the form of 9'07: Application of ANTONIO DELLA Avenue, Cranford. N. J. Objections,.'if o,ny, should be made im- Clerk of the Township 'of Cranford,. N-. J. of 337 South Ave., on .Monday at mediately,'In written, to J.vWalter Coffee; son,--associate pastor of Cranford sajd conirnci.. jui file In the Office of 8EBRA AND CONCETTA DEIXA SERRA. jcturinc Knleht: Robert Shramek, 16 Col'- "(Signed) . , the Superintendent of Recreation within Clerk or the Township of Cranford, N. J. Gray's, Westfield: Mrs. Sutton, wid- 'or a va.lance from the requirements of Uns Street, Cranford, N. J. .- .'...' ARTHUR W. BRINKMANN •Methodist Church, for Mrs. Lea- len (101 iluys aft^r acceptance of the (Qlsned) . uoi'a* Gibson Austin pf £00 Park-, ow of William-F. •Siitton, died last bid. or In dcfnult thereof such bidder Section 1501 of the Zonine Ordinance to Trustees: .. - " R. J. PAMM .CO., INC.. In Menioriam , permit the noncontormina use of a beauty .Kenneth Ni Porrestal, 10 Crane Parkwuy ••'',. DONApASE,. INC. - 2T North Avenue, East . Thursday in Muhlenberg Hospital, slmll forfeit the bid bond or cjish deposit James Brunette, President \\-aj-; Village, who died "Sunday in forthwith.'.to the Tpwnshp. •- parlor establishment in the basement. m of - Cranford, . J*. J. ..' • . . * Cranlord, N, J. " Kah\va"y Hospital at the age. of 83. Pla-infteld, after a long illness. PE.RNICE, LYDIA I1ALLENBECK " The.-Township,',restf"Vjes the rinh'i' to re- a one-family dwelHnir, on Lot 10, Block Raymond.,Van Jaec'kel; 220 Retford Ave- Adv. Pee: $14.08 5-25 Adv; Pee; S18.04 '• S-25 158, known as 10 Hcjlnrlch Street. Mrs. Austin was born in'Pough- In sad and .loving-memory.of a ject nny and" all bids. Born in Brooklyn, she moved J,. WALTEH COFFEE, .10/07:, Application! <•£..—ANGELOL LAB- BATE, for a variance from the require- kecpsie,' N. Yv, ami lived .in the •hcr'e 53 years ago. She was, a mem-dearly beloved,, wife, mother; moth- Town.slilp -Clerk 'Bronx before moving here 50 er-tn-law, grarulmother and sister Dated;. May 23, 19(57 menls ol Section 11011 lej ol the ZontaH- ber of t>e GarwooiJ-Senior Citizens Adv.' Pe«: $i:t.8O 5^25 Or-dinunee to permit the construction of years agGk She. was the widow of Club and St. Paul's United Church who passed away suddenly, on May a-onc-tamily residence with less than tho 'lierkcloy ^Austin, former .township minimum lot area an. Lot 20, Block 74, ef Christ and its Ladies Aid S.ocie- 27, 1961 . , ,. C'ltAVFORl* PUBLIC -SCHOOLS known us 25 Woodslde Avi;. ;iHoiT!t>y. ....•-•• • ^ We, -who were closely related-to • . • Cranford, New Jersey . At the above time and place opportunity NOTICfe TQ. BIDDERS will be given jiU per.sons who wish to be , '/Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Surviving are a son, William E. her, will always • "remember hgr PROPSAL.S:. AIuslc Equlpmont . heard., /. Laura G. Laury of Redlands, Calif., of Cranford; and two grandsons, quiet gentleness, radiant ..person Medical Supplies By Order of: . • . • •' IS OUR BUSINESS • • and two nephews. ' • >• ality, kind-heartedness and • fine Physical. Education Supplies . DOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Richard S. and Frank W. Pita, chil- Sealed proposals will be received at the S. B. Sweetser, Chairman Christian character.... Buslness^-Of'flce, Bouid of Education, • Llni M. ,J>- Mc'Haeh, Socretary And when you put Rekenieier's in dren .of a daughter, the late Mrs: coin School, Thomas Street. Cranford.. No»y Jersey, at 'two."o'clock P.M. on Monday, Dated: May 25, 1967 Mildred.Pita'. •. • • . Bereaved Husband, Son,. Adv. Fee: -S2S.0B 6-1 I charge o-f the flowers for your'wedding 'Martin DiGrazia June- 12, 19(57 for. the. (urnlshlnii Hnd der i'•= Interment was in Fairview Ce.ni-' --. . ;Daugliter-in-Law, Grandson 11 y<• r inK of. . ..'.•,. ' •.. . ••,'•. GAR WOOD "-' Martvn DiGrazia .NOTIQK OF INTENTION you can be confident that every, min- of 306 Hazel Ave. died at home etery, Westfield. ' .-' and Sister. ' '•-• ' Miisio E(iuipmpnt,.r ' ' Tako notice that SIDNEY BBEEN" has ; Medical Supplier • i applied to the' Township Committee of the iite detail will be given our careful Physical Education Supplies ; Township of CrarifordrN. J,,for a Plenary to the Cranlord..JPubltc' School Sy.ftehi.. Retail Distribution- license for premises :: t Spcoificjitfou.i and proposal forms mai/ situated at 21 North Union Avenue, Cran- attention. . . : b'e serured upon aiv)licitlitfn ut the Busi- ford, N. J. ness Oflice, .Board of Education," Lincoln School, Thomas Street,-'Cranford,- tl. J. Objections, If any,.- should be made lm -Tht- .Hod£it of Educatiqn' reserves the (Hodlately. lr.v wrltlns, to-J. Walter.Coffee, Clerk of the Township of Cranfdrdi N. J OUR GIFT TO THE BRIDE . , . rtuht to' reject any .or all bid.**', •waive Jn- 1 tai'iimlitlcs and tt'ft'jird contract as raay he. • • " • csiined) " deemed best for, the interest of the. O'raH- SIDNEY BREEN, « . ASETOFtHACE " ; I'OTd Public. Schools. • ._. " . 3fl Npr'th Union Avenue Cranford. N. J. 11 •• Of. Zimtneriiiim,. Division of Business- and. Adv! • Peo:. $7.92 , —tlFETlME-CANDLES ——- • - Plant Operutlon ' Dated: May 25. 1907 •NOTICE OF INTENTION . - Adv. Pee: $6.82 5-25 Take notice" that CARL' BELLA BERRA These" beautifiil canc[leis: are given u and JOSEPH OIANNOBILE, of Crantbrd; tradlni! as MARISA'S RESTAURANT, .have' FREE with each wedding-order.. TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD applied, to the- Township Committee ol the Township of Cranford, H. J.. *6r a ' CranXlSrd, New . Jernejr A deposit and a copy.of thisadver : Restaurant - Conditional Plenary Retail : IX . ' . • ..' .ORDINANCE NO.


Only 26" wide, it fits almost anywhere, saves you money too • Kolds 10.7 cy. it. of frozen food • Big super-storage door • Adjustable temperature In Westfield, It's control • New "jfl6ating-flolet(> compitesaor • MILLION-MAGNET* door. Yk, 8PBINQF1KLD AVKNUB, CRANTOSO (-. < 'n WADE Free Full-Year-Service LINCOLN MERCURY Easy Terms * No Down Payment A Million Dollar Name In Service • CONTINENTAL MERCURY Fred H. Gray, Jr. WUUao A. Doyle COMET TRIUMPH COUGAR Manager Managet- . 301 SOUTH AVE. WESTFIELD COFFEY'S AD2 6500 . WASHER-DRYER-D1SHWASHERSPECIALISTS W© Repair ALL Types Of Funeral Directors USED CAR LOT DRYERS •WASHERS • DISHWASHERS ...• ' . ' • '.' '.•».• !> ; 12 Springfield Avenue • 31« East ^road Street ! 27 South Ave. "Fanwood Z9ALD^N ST. 27^224,, 4 N. J^60 FA 2 5155 ,.

'V * '$^9L^J^Mks&i^ >2v^iiZ^.Lx*Jii'- ^^-%^.?'k'ji:Cy iA...*>::i'^i-^:±xlkxJL~»J~i:l.'>i _1 •_. . j*

CRANFORD (N. X) CITIZEN AND CimONICLJ^TflURSDAY, MAY"'25, 1967 Page Five cers by frequent averexposure 46 cu-patiohal factor^— particularly diroct sunlight. These can be pre- bliadder cancer in the dye industry New Members Welcomed Receiving Eagle Scout Awards Tonight veoted by avoiding their ••causes. —have been prevqn,ted^ by elimi- 9 William Paul Guinther, son of Also, certain cancers caused by oc- nating the causitive agents. Dr.-and Mrs, .1, Paul Guinther, and At Newcomers Club Tea Jeffrey II.. Miller, son of Mi\ and Threi' new members of the Cranford .Newcomers' Club were wel- Mrs. W; Jonathan MiMcf, Jr., will comed at a" tea last Wednesday aULhe 'home, of Mrs. Benjamin News- be presented with their Eagle. Scout .wanger, 114 Claremont P.l. Mrs. Michael Mc/Vflarn, chairman of the awards as •Boy Scout, troop 80 holds its Coup Council in Fellow- FOOD SAVINGS -tra.-aftd-M-rn. Sal Conti Mrs. Jack' JKelfy, president, welcomed the guests and presented a Hall of the First Pnrabytma-t* summary qf the club's setup, origin - Churcji-tonight.. , • BONELESS IB STEAKS Ib. 1.7? r ^StTout Guinther was a member of and activities. held at the home of Mrs-- Jop^Cn- The new members are: Mrs. Baul Pack 103 lor three years, went CHMCK TIES ,lb. 79c - • , ., v j ^ n» i • derson 300 Riverside Mi.-'' through the ranks and- earned the POT ROAST <: Ib. 79c Gramley, Mr?-- Leonard GodU-skr ' Webelos award! He joined ..Troop 124n. FRANKFURTERS, Rolls to Match Ib. 79c '"and Mrs. .John McKenna. . i Past meifibers.interested in acti- 80 artd. was-an assistant patrol It was announced that the next .vitfes sponsored l)y the NevVcom- leader and later a patrol leader. He »ARIS GRILL BROIL I b. 1.69 luncheon will be a social held on ers''.Club ar

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26 EASTMAN STREET ,276-1776 (Opp. Cranford Theatre), Cranford Pp«n Mon., Tburs. ft'Frl. Evenings


'. ':<'•.:•" '''. >. .•'•'•"* 'V ./:- •»•'•', '.', •,,*•'•• ••••,•... ••'.•. '.-^ ••'.; ';•'...'.'.'- • '". *':;'• "v..'-/-iy ; '*!•< •:.:•&+.' .,;':^fe;^feffMifeiSi, - • Jk• ,y-.il-ikL: Page Six E-THimsnAY, MAY 25, 1967 Dance to Benefit Marian• Partelow Andr Di Benedetto, Holds NSF Fellowship, Boys' Baseball To Receive MA Degree ''Marriedfat- Donald Currall Are Wed Program Miss Marian " Partelow of 48 Miss Jane Susan Andcusfdaughte^6f. Mr. and Mrs* Edward Andnus Miss-Oiane Mary Di Benedetto, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Eti A limited number of tickets are Morse St. has just feTiirned home of 45 John St., becaincfhe bridal Stephen \. Eschbach of tedyard, Benedetto of Elizabeth, and Donald J. Currall, son of Alfred L. Currrall still''available for the annual Cran-, from spending the past academic Conn., son of Mr. and Mr^tfoseph Eschbaeh of Roselle Park, on of 3 English Village and the late Mrs, Currall, were married Saturday., ford Boys' Baseball Leagues' dance year at Louisiana State University Saturday afternoon in th^Church of the Assumption in R°selle Park mprting at St. Michael's Church in •• r—^~- schteduled for June 10 at the Ken- in Baton Rouge,- La., where she- ~> Rev. Sebastian Ohfegu, pdbtur, offfcmtedHfr-tnci aoupio-rlilts n-ir- lworth Veterans' Center, it wasstudied; under a fellowship / 'mon'y and, celebrated a nuptial Rev. WilUam Harms, assistant toaay—&y—^ftarles Hay-. Mnt-wnnl —pound ci mass, ^-reception was held at the pastor, officiated at the ceremony Jr., chairman. Academic Year Institute. She ex- Pql'is^'National Home in Linden. • and celcbratedsfl nuptialmass. The Ther dance js held annually for pects to receive her master of arts Escorted to the altar by her fath- reception was held -at the Town all Cranford adults with the pro- degree in mathematics in Augiis.t. er, the bride chose Miss Carol Bal- and Campus Restaurant, Union. :eeds, going to' the local little "fhe daughter of Mr, apd Mrs.' chunas of Linden as her maid of Miss Mary Lynn Iozzi was. the league. Tickets may* be purchased Fred E. Partt'low of the same ad- honor. Miss Janet Andres of Mad- maid of honor and Ronald Reid from Mr. Kay,'Jr. at the. Citizen dress, Miss Partelow received her ison, Miss Rosemarie Rutkowski of was the best man. and Chronicle office or at the door. bachelor's degree • in mathematics Clark; both' cousins of the bride, The bride, a teacher, is a grad- Music will be supplied by Joefrom Davis-and Elkins College in- Miss Adrienne ,Galli of Jackson uate of Caldwell College. Mr. Cur- Gatto and his orchestra and a free Elki,ns,,W. Va. She will return to_ Heights, N. Y., cousin of the bride- all, a graduate of Seton Hall Uni- fl will be served. Dress is in-her-teaching assignment at Frqnk- groom, and Mrs. Ronald Parry of versity; South Orange, is an adver- formal. '--•» lin High School" in Somerset where Elizabeth Were thc'-Encresmaids, tising representative with the Star she taught for six years "prior J.6 her leave of absence, \\ ^^ BXt it \ i I^j3< ledger,' Newark. . Mrs..Loyd A. Briggs of 31 Spruce brother was- Alan EschbacjM5T Ro- St. had as tier weekend p.nosi rp- selle Park. Jellrey Wtffnock of cently her' granddaugfiter,. Miss ;.Mr. antl Mrs. Clinton- E, Crane West Roxbury, Ma^T^ind Edward, Kareti Fitzgerald, Peggy Downing of s'mithfield,, Me., af 3 Mornin'gside Pi:' and; Mjr. Gregory, Paul^aMi Christopher An. formerly of Cranford.. Miss Dowh- Crane's brother-in-law abd sister, cirus, brothe-r^of the bride, \vere LeRpyE.Rugg mg attended the -Cranford High Mr/ and Mrs. Robert F. Goecker of ushers^rAnother brother^m the School Senior Prom as the guest .Morrisville, Pa. spent last we^ek at brichjf'Peter, was theiHfig bearer, Betrothal Told of Gary Bradfield of 31~Park Ave. the Horizons in Bermuda. he-bride is a gpatfuate of Cran- KENILWdRTH • -^ The engage- ford High ScjKfol. "Prior to her ment of Miss Karen Elizabeth Fitz- marriage ^sJke was employed by gerald'toTJeRoy Edward Rugg, son MISS JOYCE L. ARNESEN of Mr. and Mrs.iJames Q. Rugg of Weldotpern Corp. in Newark. itiiiLWMkJ • - -J GIFT YOUa GRADUAtE Eschbach is. a graduate of 575"Quinton. Ave., has been made tfselle Park High School and New- known by her'parents, Mr. andJoyce Arnesen, ark College of Engineering, • A Mrs., James E. Fitzgerald of Spring- with the very finest field. " "" • former member of the( New'JerScy Former Resident, All State Band, he is currently em- MRS. STEPHEN L. ESCHBACH The prospective bride is employ- a ployed, as - an electrical engineer ed by the Prudential Insurance Co., with Gener'al'." Dynamics Electric Chatham. ' ,, . - _ Engaged to Wedr Robert Gottfried was in celebration of Kirn's con- of her freshman year at Hartwick : Boat Division in Groton, C6nn. firmation-at Sft. John the.Apostle College in" Oneonta, N. Y. Miss Mr. Rti^g will be graduated this Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Arne- 1 Troth Announced Following a teri:day honeymoon, Church ih Clark on.May 17/ •• - aiger^. who is majoring -in' bi- June from. Newark College of En- sen of Colunjbus, Ohio, formerly of Kinpering with a bachelor of sci- from MARTIN JEWELERS Mr. Tafid Mrs, Alexander. Benson in Nassau' and the Grancl Baharjia?, •', i ' —o— ' • ... . ology, is a member of Gamma Phi Cranford,' haye_ annou'riced the en- the couple will, reside at 340 Meet- Mr. and Mrs. Gebrge B.'Spohn -of Delta Sorority- ' • * ence degree in jchcmical engineer- < ,,CIou'd, of-7 Central Ave. have made gagement of their daughter, Joyce ' known the engagement- of their inghouse Lane, Ledyard,.Conn. 6 West Holly St. left Cranford ing. He is a.rnember of the Ameri- daughter, Elizabeth Stuart,'to llob* Tuesday to make their, home in" Robert CopelancLsOn of Mr. and. can . Institute of Chehiic'al.. Engi- Laurerie, to Philip D. Brust, Jr., er-t.Eli Gottfried, sort of Mj. -and Bricktown. With* the exception of Mrs.-William Copeland-of 2lfr Ret- neering and the Ametican Chemi-,son of Mr. and. Mrs- Philip D: •Mrs. Maurice Karl- Gottfried of « E:Kowalischuh five years in Scotch Plains, ther ford Ave., has beeh pledged to Ph cal Society. .. •' '.••'. Brust of Springfield, Ohio. Spofvns had lived.in Cranford'since' New York City 'and Westport, N. Y. Kappa Tau Fraternity at Westmin- Miss Arnesen is a .graduate of J.Milkosky,Jr. 1937: TJiey have been. active in ster College in. New Wilmington Robert H. Leary of 1G1 Cranford , Miss Cloud, a;n alumna of Vail- the First Presbyterian Church. Ave., -a sophomore, is among 125 Walnut .Ridge High School in Col- Deane SeJiooJ-in Elizaljeth, expects AreBetrothed top scholars who'.have been/ named umbus, OhiOj arid is currently em- to be graduated in j-une'frorn Pine • •*—o— • • 'The engagement, of Miss Doro/ winners of the Dettir Award of ployed at Shopper's Charge Service •r • Manor . Juriior College/ Chestnut • The Manor in. West Orange was •' Thomas R.' Beam', son of Mr. and Harvard College at Harvard Uni- Hill, Mass. • . '„•."-.. thea H.'Kowaltschuk to John Mil- the scene' of a luncheon for a Mrs. Thomas R. Beam;' Sr.', of ,21 in -Columbus.. ". kosky, ..Jr.",- scin of' Mr. and Mrs. versity, Cambridge, Mas,9. This Mr- .Gottfried, a 'graduate of .group of . Cranford residents- yes- Carolina St., has.'arrived home book- award honors "distinguished; , Her',jjance is agradaatre of North John Milko.sky of 609 Lincoln. Ave., terday. Participating were Mrs. W.from the University, of Penhsyl High School in Springfield, OhiOi . Cheshire Academy, is a stuctent at E., has, been announced by her application to studies" and is pre- • Boston University and is employed Kenneth-foweH, Mrs.' Fred Schan- vania in; Philadelphia, . Pa. Mr sentcxl to .students- who have made and 'is in his senior year at Ohio parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kp- er.Mrs. Herman Oemcke, Mrs. V. Beam, who-has completed, his jun State University. He is enrolled by Polaroid Corp. waltschuk'of Iff Cranford Aye. all A's or seven A's alia one B in The prospective bride is a grand- J. Qxunewaider, Mrs. John I. Kiri- ior; year; ma"de the dean's list for class work. ' •;• ' • • in Army ROTC and will tie .com- The prospective bride, who ney and Mrs. J. Mascuch. ' They the past semester: " . .*. . • . missioned a second lieutenant up- •daughter o£ the, late Mr. and RJrs. moved, to the United States-from were accompanied • by Mrs. John on graduation. . ~ '.- •> • Joseph M.. McCready' of Philadelr Germany in .1958, is a graduate of Maher of Je.rsey City, a former res- Miss Karen A. Kochera; a sopho- phia arid, on her paternal side, of Miss Virginia . Anderson, daugh more music education* major at The wedding is planned for early 1 Cranford 'High School She is em ident.of Noniahegan Ct. •• the late; Capt. Herijamin Watktrrs" ployed by" Stein/Hall & Co., inc., m ter of Mr.s"'. -Elizabeth Anderson of Trenton -State College',- was install- spring of 1968. / . Cloud, USN Ret. and Mrs, Cloud! 12 Roger, Ave., has "been accepted ed, as vice-president ot £cia iau Plain arid fancy for the- vvoman who cher- New York City. into the Columbia Presbyterian ishes simple elegance. The dash of diamonds, A September wedding' is planned. - Hpr fiance ^tterrded Ulfion Jun- Sigma social sorority- on' Sunday at C Medical Center in New York. City the annual parents' day banquet at Miss* Suzanne -Simons,' daughter a simple shape, and th.e proud.perfection of a ior College • and is employed by She will complete her second year of Mr. and Mrs. Robert,C:. Simons Esso-Research ajid Engineering in Barrett's Resffuraril, Trenton. At- Movadp watch. • , - . •M- Augustines Visit Shrine of a pre'-nu'rsing course.a-t Madison tending were her parents, Mr. and of 112 Park Dr., has been elected Mr. and Mrs. Michael Augustine Linden. Miss Susan Kolbe. daughter of College in Harrisonbur.g, Va. Mrs. Joseph W. Kochera', and broth- vice-chairman :of the," Carolina (A) 14 kt; white'gold.'afid diamonds. $4K). of 3 Fifth ..Ave., celebrated their No datt has been se^ for the wed- Mr, and Mrs. C, Clayton K'olbe of er, Brian M.. Kochera, of 12. Hem- .Women's .Council at the University "• *2(ll'ir*wed(ling. anniversary 6n Sun ding. ' 21 Greaves- PI, has been elected loclc Cir. ' ' '.••'•• ' of North Carolina,' Cha"pel.Hill, N. . (B')14 kt.. white gold and diamonds faceted : day by taking a trip to Doylestown, first vice-president of District V. Miss Michele Weiner, daughter C. The women's coordinating body Pa., to visit the National Shrine Mr-.- and Mrs. John Mcllarg of of the Student.Nurses Association of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Weiner of 5: functions as a service organization, . crystal pi synthetic -sapphi re. $24!}. , 42'4 North Union Ave. were hosts Morse St:, fias been- elected art Robert M- Ackland, son of Mr. of Qur Lady'of'Czestochowa. The of Virginia. She will be responsi- apt! Mrs. Robert B. Ackland of 13promotes joint dormitory, and ". Augustines were accompanied by Saturday evening for duplicate ble for programs for the corrling editor of The Glassboro W-hit a residence college activities, works ' (C) 1,4Ut: white gold.and diamonds. $2d?: ' bridge. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Grass"borp State College, where she Hampton" St., - has been namecTTo Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donaldson of year. Miss Kolbe!" is completing the honor roll for the. last ma rkmg with other campus organizations in Cxan!£oxd nf .George . D/ Qilleri,; • Mj. and her junLor,_,vear at the School of is a sophomore. ; sponsoring dormitory and campus .(D) 14 kt;-\vhitegold and, diamonds.' $I(TJ. •• MJS. ,John • Firik"e, Mr. and Mrs. —o— .' • period-at Nichols College of Busi- Linden. Nursi.ng of the -University of V-ir- ness Admirristration, Dudley, Mass. events, strives for intellectual at- James Walsh and Mr. and Mrsginia. , Charlottesvillei Donald B. Sharp, son*of Mr. anci tainments and promotes-and en MARTIN JEWELERS' CONVENIENT CHARGE Douglas Prior, all of Crarrfbrd, and He is a member' of the Class of Mr. and Mrs. James Connors of Mrs. George C. Sharp of 7 Wade 1968. ' ' ' courages 'high social standards. . OR BUDGET PAYMENT PLANS 207 Walnut/ Ave. and , Tpwnsend Mr, and Mrs. Francis McEntee of Steven Aagaard, son of Mr. andAve.,. has been) pledged to the un MacCoun of the same address were Whippany. ; Mrs. Charles" W. Aagaard of 117dergradualc chapter _of Alpha Ch •rout msoNAi JEWEUR* • .guests of soprano Olga Jamas at a Epsilpn Fraternity, at.the College o o County Park Dr., recently became .it When you Compare, Swan aluxrys fiarty.'on Sunday in the Blue Rooni Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cross'a member ofthe Gamma Kappa Insurance, • New York City. Mr .,'•'••' ]• ^ of Carnegie Hall, New York City, of 21 Sutton PI. returned home Chaptor. of the-national- classical Sharp; is a graduate.of Jonathan 1 Gains a Customer" following the singer's performance Monday following a three-Sveek. va- fraternity, Eta Sigma Phi, at-Heid- Daytqn Regionill, High School in. a recital. cation trip to Austria, Switzerland,'! elberg College, Tiffin, Ohio. Mr. Spfingfiefd.' He'is sponsored at the college by the Hartford Insurance permaily and' Holland. Aagaard, a- sophomore economics 27 No, Union Other Stores Mrs. George Porcolla of 3 Bal- l-and business administration major Group.', " . •••",' •• •- • • "!— °— • • » •Cranford in miere Pkwy. entertained at bridge 'Kim Urban, daughter of Mr. and student, is a member of the Nu ' '.,— Q— " • Monday evening for Mrs, John Al- Mrs. John Urban of 13 "Oneida. PL, Sigma Alpha Society." •'•-•'. Miss.Paula Selby, daufihter o 276-6718 Westfield & Plainfield len, Mrs. Frederick W. Baumann, was honored with a-buffet supper —°—'' - ' .-; Mr. md Mrs.-Paul W. Solby of 210 Mrs. Wallace II. Chapman, Mrs. Saturday evening. Guests were Miss. Cindy Staiger, daughter'of Beech St., will, arrive home today r'.Gail Howard, .Mrs, David Ellis, Mr&. from . Kenilworth, Hillside, Cran- Mr. a.nd Mrs. Hugo Staiger of 711 from - Gettysburg ( Pa.) College Louis Mackey' arid '. Mrs. Joseph ford, Chatham, Somerville, Scotch" Brookside PI. will arrive ho-rne where she lias completed her s.oph Schroetter. Plains ajjd Lakehurst The"'party'"Saturday following the" completion omore year.'

Mr", and Mrs. Warren Rankin of —at- Lantana Cottage Colony, Bermuda. Mrs. Joseph Babinee of 16 Mac- Arthur Ave. was hostess Monday evening for mah jongg for Mrs. VV. J. C'ampjon of Westfield, and .Kirwaj-ifld Mrs: Alei Left- One piece stretch, apphque. panels. Yellow or Pink, '•• ' •- 10-T"6 $23.' - •-••. .cw- ' ;-'- 'J -'• ' ' •• cu Mr. and Mrs. John J. Humphrey, Front: Black and white cotton stripe with* embroidered This nylon-ancl-m;igncsjuin Lark.-Pak is as Jr., of Eli/.ahoth, entertained week- pipue Hm. 5-13. 2-pc. hiprider suit $13. li^ht as air and as .spacious as all ouuloots. end guests at the summer home'in Matching jacket, $9." Its main compartment carries two men"s High Bar Harbor, Long Beach-Is- land, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. siiiis or four dresses ( plus extra skirts) on LaWric Montgomery of 22 Colby Swan's exclusive professional process t nun skid convertible hangers, liig inner Lane. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. pockets hold shirts or hlou$cs,.hnrulkcr- Robert Wood of Cranford, Mr. and thiefs and hose. Outside, two big doublc- Mrs. Kenneth Walsh and Mr. and 121 Quimby St., Westfield AD 2-1131 DECORATOR FOLD zippcred poikets pack Mrs. Lloyd Szabo of Clark, anct Mr. . Parking in rear . . . walkway to Quimby St. and "Mrs. Robert Garringer of underwear, iii|;lHwear and • Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Piscataway Township. DRAPERY SERVICE extras. '1'he toilet kit zips on Evenings 'til 9 P.M. •fc Swari's famous custom service' for homea, offices, .and ofT for extra convenience. banks, restaurants, motels is recognized by in- • His in black, green or tanner. Hers in navy, "best-in-the-trade"! "~ • ' . tanner, green or black Substitute Swan "unconditionally guarantees" no shrinking, g no distortion, no sagging, no bulging lining! $3*00 for Swan "unconditionally guarantees" every fold will fall beautifully in place! • . Knowledge Swan offers complete removal, rehanging and cus- tom storage service! SWan truly makes your draperies more beaut.ifull STORE YOUR FURS free estimates, with a pick-up and delivery Master Furrier 276,3300 • Miuimunr Rates' ' ' - • Maximum Care • fully Insured —Remodeling, Repairing— Custom Cleaning ambwta Etrytlcaners, Shirt Launderer?, j Wesifield's Distinctive Fur 4 Westfield 249 B. BROAD ST. Cold Fur Storage, Rug Cleaners j 129-139 Central Ave. - CRANFORD « WESTFIELD j Mon. and Frt. till-9 I/ •.••;-.;•• ADM42? : Free Parking at 132 Elmer St. , ELIZABETH « ELMOBA !

"Z=j.JT*-.» *vn**."d ™. \, ' r*"*" J : ::-;';:. f•'.•'. • -^/-^rr,^^ i

•\ ti. ,.•-./...,..!,. ^-.-^ — CRANFORD (N. J,) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THURSDAY,. MAY ?J>, 10fi7 ... .Page Seven-. daughter of Mr/and Mrs. Ernest F. John Miller, VlJVIoh'iiwk D>. the assembly, which represents 791 Miss Carol Koziar, daughter of '••" MwT; Jane Sullivan.'daughter of CHS Senior Prom Willgeroth of 4 Crescent PI.,, at Refreshments were served by congregations and • 80,QQtf Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Koziar .of ; Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius "Sulliva/i of graduation exercises Sunday -at Mrs. Ber.nharrl .Anstutz, .. Mrs. people. Also signing .the telegram 320 Retford Ave., returned home Feature Crowmj Imn'iacuJata Junior College of .Anstutz. was the assembly president, Rabbi Sunday Irom Drew University. .24 Shawnee Rd.. has completed her George > Ks Jjunioup r year -at^the College- of St..1 Washington,••.I*.-**? She served as • Mrs. Charlesjstanley Bramnicl< of Congregation Madison, on completion of her: .s l Of King vice-president' of the colleRO Ath- Papxoeki and IVfrs William Thomp-I'fl'nai Israel, Fairlawn. " .! freshman year. . ' , ,"|Klizlizaheti h jjKConvent. Highlight* uj>rhe Cranl'ord High letic Association. . •' ' . ' son,. • ' p . School Sejiitfr Prom at the Coro- Next business meeting will be net CjUVfers in Irvingtoiv was the meemcnt -tftot tJhurloB Arcfa- Senlemhei- lft aMhc home of Mr ifoacon and Linda Selby had been iind-Mrs. Waller .SosniVvvski, 1042: chosen by their classmates to lliiritan Rd.'- :' -J: reign as king, and queen. Plans Program JUNE 26 • AUGUST 4, J967 Mrs. I. M. Kerzman, class ad- l?6r Coming .Year" viser, crowded fhe king, and Dr. Regular Academic * Special Coyr^$ Charles Post, principal, presented Activities for the'coming' year Rabbis Urge "were formulated -at a .recent meet- Psycholpgy - Great Books . .TVllss Selby with her crOwn. After p / Ages $ to 14 . ing of Sujmy AcresOtivic and Im- LBJ Statement >-'• Review - Preview - Cjedit 3D ArK^omputer Math • two Swims' Daily the crooning the king and- queen provement Association at the home ; danct!d""iogether and others ..jpined English - Science ^-History ...typing - Drama Sports - Games gf Mr. a.nd Mrs. Charles Stclzer. Foreign Languages - Math.. Study Techniques '%• $hop - Art - Models " in. '•' -". Twenty-six members, attended. On Middle East Dinnec was served and the a: specjaj- ' meeting •:Metropolitan Adventures ^Crafts \ , guests danced to the "music of Ber- The •• program will include a Public Speaking 1 "mystery" bus " ride for young Sunday in Faiiiawii of the Rabbin- ic Reading Clinic nie BeVgeTs orchestra. They also ical Assembly of Northern' New Composition Tennis.Clinic , ' \iorp entertained by. Lenny Welsh, people 11 to 18 tyears of age. in rfane •oii~Septe#vbea " Jersey concerning the'cr*sis in_ the. "vocalist. - ' ' Middle East, the tffRowmf TTele- The dance ended at 2 a.m. with deacon, who were crowned as queen and king'of the recent CrahTor.d tember 9, a rummage ajid cake sale * Developmental , . ' , " • Individual or Group in October, Christmas part^o, ^ — M- « Rabbi the crowning- of the king and High School Senior Prom. y 3- or 6-week cdurse • Scholarship Program Le^om : . queen,- • " '' . .' • . sinall rhilHren in Docpmber. a Val- . . _••...... entine dance v sent to President Johnsonr idenf °Mi's ••Hueh- Delano first / . February 17, an Eas- Advanced Chem. 8, Biol. * Testing Deparfmapt iaeni, MIS. ..iiugft ueianp, nrsi! ter eg

June of 1968" * - * *.• * * * * *, Holding Banquet, John . Thdmpsojn, recordhig secre- Mid East, calls upon" you to reaf- tary; Mrs. Arthur Kiamie, corres- . The school -tras - committee was Mr, and Mrs. Robert "E. Price of ., -^...... >— "T,f, irrm DUu bliclUcJv tnathalt lliethe Dolieollc v ofl Of ficerCeremony ponding seeretary; Mrs. John,' formed to arrange transpor- tP .° y. . P y ° PINGRY SCHOOt.,215 NORTH AVENUE, HILLSIDE Midland, Texas., announce the.birth Avenu(?. ,ScnQ0, he. United StateSvgguarantees the The annuaH>anq.upt and installa- Hughes, federation secretary,' and crcr t0t0 al v '"•-•' . , Telephone: 355-6990' of a san,.\Jeu"rcy Robert, on May 7. starting jn September. Persons in-HH " " border^^ of al xountnexountnes tion ' of officers of the Cranfprd Rogu Jiiown tita uiei in The baby joins a sister, Karerr-E., Junior Womari's Club will be held I tercsted in using the bus facilities U^ part of the worldd , 3 Mrs. -Price' is the' former Ruth have been asl^ed to contact Mrs> RanT SJiank.en is viee-presidtfnt of Goetz, daughter of' Mr. and: Mrs. tonight at Wieland's Steak .House Albert Goetz of 317 Elizabeth AVe. on . Route 22- in Mountainside at 7:30 o'clock. It will" be a'mother- —o— daughter affair. Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Pfarrer •of-403 Orchard St.^have announced . Mrs. John Coogan will preside. • .the birth of their first- child, a Guests will' include, Mrs. Monroe daughter, Suzanpe JVIason, ori May"Westpver-r president" of the Village .10'at Elizabeth.- General Hospital. Improvement Association, and Mrs, The maternal grandparents are Mr. •Sidney Nunn, adviser to the Junior and Mrs. Frederick Woodrick of club. . ./-.'.' illerkimer, NY. and the, paternair ' Mts.- Nw-nn- will ins.tall the fol- grandparents are }Ht. and Mrs-. Al- lowing members to their respective bert J. Pfarrer of Roselle Park. iM Richard Kimball, pres-



.-. •* "•' '.• "•' >•• " •' ' ' •• -"•••• . . Sizes 3 thru 15 — Keg. $19^95 ' Food Industry Lodge : Honors Hilary Baro"i.i Special $13.95 . Harry Ba.roii'of^05 Walnut Ave., was installed as • third vice-presi-* dent of B'nai •B'rjth Food .Indus-' . • ' '. Graduate' To " try Lodge 2558 at-.Chez Piefre in . •' '-' ' •.'•••. • - •' Woodbridge last TlTursdhy: Mr. Baron received a special | award.ahd citatian fOOITI ; outgoing j I'residenT Charles' Feuereisen "of j The ^JLjress^ f\-




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D207 EAST BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD #233-11710 6 P E N; M ON DA Y E Y E N I N 0 S T it L $

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v i ! f i :;?: ; ^:r[f.:to :',,i''j;.;'•< .;;;,,.,••,,,:,;. .jrf*:?'..(..' *-,vJ.. *>.':.'. 1yJ>-..'-,- ^..;';.u'.; -».h '*.''-..'•>.^. •• \ Page Eight CRANFORD (N. J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE-J-THURSPAY, MAY 25, 1967 ~ I Susan Florence Fecho and Susan Works Commissioner Malcolm- S: Chamber of*Commerce and"often ing'"brings glory to all of. us and i Ann Fecho. . • Pringle reported..the recent garden has attempted to get the retailers We are ptfbud of Union Junior Col- The Cranford Memorial and In- refuse clearwp cost approximately together. He said it is a, healthy lege and what it brings to our dependence Day Committee in- il,800 as compared with $8,500 for situation to see so many retailers town." cludes Mayor Gill, .honorary chair- he annual fall cleamup when large interested — even though they are Dr. Kenneth C: MacKayi UJC OPE man; Thomas Leahey, chairman; terns were carted-away. He said it against something. JTe said -the president, and Anthony Paon-e of. Joseph.Tineo and Jack Irving, vicer s difficult to make comparisons Township Comrnittep, the Chamber Westfield/ president of Amateur '•• "• MAY 29th chairmen, and Margaret-D. MeCul- !rom year to year because the nunV- of Commerce and residents are all Astronomers, Inc., who. will "oper- lough, secretary. er of loads of large items varies!interested in improving the central ate the observatory jointly wjth BEFORE THE Mayor Gill has. invited the Gold as .well, as the distance hauled. business area all have a com- UJC, extended' welcomes.- The in- mon vocation was delivered by the Rev. -Spprrv, retired roc- N". Uiiioiriwerchants torof Christ Episcopal Church, De- (tottfinued from Page J.) Thousands Visit troit-," Mich.,, and the dedicatory paMlot/No. 6 on High St. gives (Continued from Page Vf prayer was by Dr. Ge.rshon, Gtier- FOR THE WEEK! (prfntinued from Page 1) commuters ample replacement shown over the years on.the educa- lolT, rabbi of Congregation B'nai man of the commercial div-i: parking. Lot No: 6 is closer to tional front. Indeed, if every coun- Israel, Elizabeth, and a WC--t«ts- last year. the station^lhan Lot. No. 1.- ty, in New Jersey had been as for- tee. Dr.!Henry J, Miheur of Cran^ "We ask and need the>ot3ive sup As a,safety precaution, it was tunate as Union, the' state would ford, a UJC trustee, presided.. • port of every busjpe&s anrf every suggested that the township in- not face the crisis in higher .edu- Dr. Harlow Shapley of Harvard individual to tjurKe thq campaign stall liKhtinfi in the walkway from cation. R docs today.!' . University delivered"the dedicatory this fall ajedmpicHe. success," lie North Union A'vo. to the Mi In St.' In .''welcoming t-h'o fiuosts to address. He discussed 10 major said. "We^nave over 150 local mer municipal parking lot. 'Cranford, Mayor Edward Gill ex- [discoveries or areas' of'advance- chaijl-s' and business establishments Herbert- Mason of Bell's-•Phar- tendetr congratulations to Un- j.ment. which were unknown at the Freshly Ground and Frozen r— 4 to the lb who have shown their active sup- 17 North Union Ave., a Vice- ion .Inpior College on. behalf-'o-f the iturh of the- century,v port irf previous campaigns and we president and chairman of the re- entire-community. -•. f. Speaker, atjjthj' professional meet- di vision "Thf ohservatory will-be a focal .ing, for astronomers on Saturday yvith an. enthusiastic corps of work- Commerce,-said the chamber did point, and makes .the Union jun- was Dr. Kobi'1't l>tmtcl«oii je& ers' who know by now what we ior College campus the center of ..Princeton University, who--'told AWARD FpR SUPERIOR BALLET RATING ,-^tfna Ostrove, not- endorse or oppose the pro- need to do and how to go about it.' posed plan, and,- that the chamber culture of Union County," Mayor.'abput the difficulties ofydesigning daughter of Mr, arid Mrs, EdwarcJ.O'strove of 106'\Vilshire Dr.,.is Robert M.' Crane,-United'Fund, had riot been advised of any oppo- Gill said; "This reniarkabl.e build- space-telescopes. ;; shown \vitfi. •h'er dance, instructor,'^ vette- Weisburger; after Nona president, noted that "an importan sition by retail members..,'' received a gold cup from the dance department of the New Jersey part of the United Fund program Milton Schlenxovitz, proprietor of Whole or Either Hal Federation of Music Clubs for tier superiority in ballet technique. last year, and the year before wa Milt's • Luncheonette, - 20 Nojth Nona accumulated ,16 points over a fouivyear period of examinations to select an' assistant-in-training to Union Ave:, declared his business and"was the first student of the Yvette Dance Studio to receive this work with an experienced chair- had be"en hurt in the first four, man in each of the major' uivi WEEKEND PARTIES days. lie said residents will not honor. Sixteen students from,the local studio received ratings of Siohs." , excellent or superior irvthe'federation auditions this year. Excellent ,walk a block and a half to buy 1 "This system has proved very their newspapers and cigarettes at START AT ratings were received by Leslie Strauss,'Carolyn Barchard, Cindy effective to provide a back-up for Doewv Sandra :Rocttker,-Barbara Ostove, Martha Crane, Patricia his store. . .''...... the trained leadership, required," Rudy Klemp'a, proprietor of the Gilroy, Lori- Conn,, Louise Dalton, Wendy. Garcia, .Linda Rooney he reported. Colony Delicatessen, . 12. North and Wendy Lesko. The highest rating of superior, went to Nona Union Ave..,;said' his business was. arnctt s WHOLE or CUT UP Ostroye, Terry. Weisburger, Patricia Morton.and Deborah Strauss. Weeks'Weather off 27 percent last Thursday com- ..(Continued from Page 1) pared to* other Thursdays' during HANO^SELECTED RIBS total for -the heating season the past six months- and that be- OUR EXCLUSIVE Clubs Win 5,316, Precipitation * totaled ,.2.2' cause the meters.were bagged his 90 inches, including 1.98 inches o Veceipts dropped more than $100 Awards Here at May 19. Fog occurred on May 18 on Sunday, which is normally a big SPROOF 19 and 20', . ••/'.* • day.iiihis business. ' County Show This week's temperature recerd Mrs. Mildred Vioiarite, '-proprie- or — The Pussyfo'oters, a 4:H cat club, • . Degre tor of Chez Carmele, 107 North -'of £ranford received a plaqtie for Min. Day Union Ave., reported she has re:: .--* '.100 percent member participation Thursday 76 40 7 cehtly purchased the IJinrnan pro- 3 JERSEY DRESSED / in the annual 4-Hi- demonstration Friday 83. 56 "0 party at the corner of North-U.nion ' lasi, Frtday- evening at the Walnut Saturday 75 51 -•2 Ave. and Alden;St., formerly occu- IMPORTED RUM lb ^venue' School- The. county^wide Sunday 55 40 17 pied by Stuart's Audio and plans to program ranged from care of ani- Monday; ...'; 74 40 .8 build new stores. However, with FRESH SPARE RGBS mals, to sewing -and.'fodd .prepara- Tuesday 64 46 10 the elimination of parking''on that tion.''MrV Gail A'racb of Summit, Wednesday 60 44 13 side .of .the street, she contended >3.45 $4,25 CENTER CUTS INCLUDED CHOICE MEAT VMrs. New Jersey,'' presented the that it would not be a good invest- awards." ' • ' ^ ment.- . •••••: - '.,-., ^0 : fv\\ Qj. Among those scoring-from Cran- Commencement Sidney Bfeen, proprietor, of ford were: Gourmet Club, one ex-, • (Continued .from&Page 1) green's Liquor 'Store, 21 North cellent;/.Sappy-. 1-Ja'ndy -Workers, I feld pf_ Summit, chairman oi the Unioii' Ave., contended that traffic OUR EXCLUSIVE five- excellent,. Jour very good; h humanities department. is not sufficiently -4 heavy "fo t.^ke Snappy.Zippers, four excellent,- one |^ "very good; Sewing'Sisters', five ex1-1 Spring, Md.;-and a former resident.^ his evohin{, Busi-ness'-hus. drop- ROASTS • Calient, two very good, one go.6d,i «of. Hiljskle, is'a member of- the I d bccau^ residents who normal- K-9-Barkers, four excellent, three' MISS DIANE PITZEL. Class of 1936 of Union-Junior Col;,ly k on ^ Me Qf lhe .strect very good-;-.Puss,yfooters, three ex- lege: In 1962, he was named the; ^' tronize his, storc have. nol VODKA * GIN cellent" and two... very good; and alumnus who was most outstanding |done S() during the past i Miss Ditzel Graduated in his'.chosen field by the Happy Homema;kers;-4hrce excel-1 . Morris Rockoff, . pr.opj'ietor of lent "and \vior very' gootC •--,:'.... - | At ScllObl of Nursing Junior College Alumni Associa Jay-Mar, 6 North Union Ave... said tion. • • • • *3.99 The' Garwpod "Nature Club w^ -Miss Diane ,:daughte• " r of .many out-of-town patrons have 4/5 Quart complainecl as well as JOcal patrons. ceived ' nine excellent, six very Mr."and.Mrs. Louis A. Ditzel of 316 Fuji Qt. good and two good, /f He asserted the move is not good CHOICE CUT High Str"~was graduated .Friday One. of Final for the township's' business ••.cen- evening "from Airiri -May; School of (Continued from Page- 1). ter. •..'.-•* foot high stockade fence at the VALUES IN ;••% GALLONS Democrats Map Nursijig at the Jersey Shore Medi- Craniprd Community .Swimming In-response to a query from Saiil cal Center in Neptune. Pool to help baffle tjie noise was S. Schutzer, proprietor of Seager's Blended Whiskies: 1 Drug Store, 104 North. Union Ave., Plans for Family The ceremony. marked 'the com- awarded to Joseph Ale'sci Construe- • , ' Va Gal. tioji Co.; Inc., Elizabeth, oh his as to when the merchants eould ex- RIB pletion. Of three "years' training, pect .an answer to their petition! Barton's . , ' $ 9.69 Ib. Picnic June 4 of which the first year was- spe.nt bid of_$600. The Cranford Democratic Com- On recomlmendatio,n of Board Of j Mayor Gil! said . the cqiomittee Calvert Extra 11.59 mittee, under direction of its-chair- at Monmouth College, Long Adjustment, permit to construct a would take it under study. man, Salvatore V. Maggio, is mak- 'Branch. . Four Roses 11.59 1 • i.dwelling on. a substandard tot" toon Mr. Klempa sard he is "oppose^ ing final arrangements-for its fam- While a student at the School of Springfield Ave. was granted to to haying^his living referred eas- Imperial ^ 10.15 ily picnic to be held On Sunday, Nursinu, Miss Ditzel served STEAKS William Iiancy. The board noted; Ually to committee for study." He June 4, at 1 p.m. Ja't the Lithuanian class secretary. the lot was less than five feet un-!declared that sufficient reasons Seagram 7 . 11.59 Liberty Park, Mitchell Ave:,'Lin- Mr/and Mrs. Ditzel entertained dersize. have been offered to ,warrant Schenley '. •' .-. ' 11.59 lifting the .ban.. In a survey of FULLY TRIMMED den. Proceeds will be wed to fin- a-Uun open house Sunday ia honor! Complaint of j'arnes Smith, 341 apce committee activities over the/of their nearby.communities., he said none *Barnett's Supreme . B.95 Centerunial Ave., of • three -families •/; next year, among which' will be i , • • residing in the same' hbuse ad-1 have s.uch restrictions and* that *©arnett's Deluxe;/ . 9.25 TOP SIRIOBN the caiWpaign for • re-election ' by | ; jacent to his home in a two-family j there: should be some alternative. Public Safety Gommissiorter ' AcljllstllK'nt Board .J- izone and of a violation of the'fire! A resident of Beech St. who op- Charles Siegfried to Township: code was referred to'the building \ crate's., a hardware store in Kenil- CROSS RIB Committee^ inspevtor and fire chief. j worth reported his business has in- Board of Adjustment will COJV Senator Harrison A. Williams A resident of Riverside Dr.-rt-1 creased since last Thursday and Gins: Stale Senator" Mildred" Barry !ducl,a publi^hi'aring at 8:15 p.m. BOTTOM ROUND Monday, .June* 5 in the Municipal quested that the 'Planning Boardj.he now knows why. will attend, along "\ Building on the application of Dr. K' .ronuestcd to remove Riverside Public Works Commissioner Calvert : $ 9.49 er elected representatives l._ Dr. as a'through street-from the Malcolm S. Pnn^le saidktnc corn- Gil bey's . ,- . 9.69 state and county. , Frank-W. Krau.se of 501 Spring- EYE ROUND ROAST field Avt for a Master Plan. Mayor Gill said he j mittee was happy, to have tlte corn- There-has been a substantial ad- '-- variancprofessionae to permitl :med-;i would transmit4tbe request'. ments of the merchants. He said he Hiram Walker's - 9.29 TOP ROUND ROAST vancc ticket sale and-.a large at- ^•onstrijction of a In-.rcsponsic to a question, Public has seryed on the, board of the FleUchmann's . 9.4? tendarfee is expected, the chair-'1."1 building at 101 Holly Sf. Also man .reported. Tickets will beirectlli->stc'(l is a variance to con- Seagram's 9.99 RUMP ROAST available at the gate. The public is struct a fence in excess of four feet invited. — |in height. . -, *Barnett'*_ 8.29 — j Antonio and Coneetta Delia Ser- ra have requested a variance to Sauer Elected permit the non-conforming use ol'- GROUND BEEF SPEG1HLS a beauty parlor in the basement of Secretary of a one-family ((.welling at 10 Hein- Insurance Exclusively Scotch Whiskys: rich St. ROUND .. lb.79c Junior College Other applications to be heard Since 1917 Ambassador $14.49 _• George S. Sauer of 4 -English, are: A,ngdu Labbate, to permit Black & 15.99 CHUCK ..;. ..-.. Ib. 63c Village, local attorney, was elected' construction of a one-family resi- secretary of the board of trustees of dence at. 25 Woodside Ave with B & L 10.98 Union Junior College Monday at the ioss than the minimum lot area Ballantine 15.99 LEAN GROUND M£AT .. 3 Ib. 98c annual- meeting.. -Ho succeeds d tho postponed application of ;m Cluny — 13.98 Warren W Halsey of Springfield,; Loon'K. DonRflcwi« to permit con- THICK-CUT BRISKET a former local resident.-who destruction of a oju-famiiojie-familvy dwelling Haig 14.98 clined reelection alter serving for t 26 Ore;] a •ives PI. with less than INSURORS 16! Ib. 10 years. ' •. minimum lot urea 100 Pipers Hugo BL Meyer of Summit, pre-, - " Teacher's 15.60 CORNED BEEF sident ol U.S. H0 mtmo ial serv FREE DELIVERY on Decoration Day) A report on.the-45th. -n.iu.1 con- g* «« r " icrencc of the A^mUon of Jim T , N wj of gt 30 Eastman St. I M »d the bene- CRANFORD (Opp. Cranford Theatre) MEAT MAKKET Tuesday evening of the Junior League of Elizabeth and Cranford The volley will be' by a firing 11 WALNUT AVE. . CRANFORQ at the Elizabeth 'town and Coun- squad commanded by Capt. Frank •• try Club,-Elizabeth. The conference Diefcman of Post 335, VFW., and STORE HOUl^S 'wad', held recently in Montreal, taps will be played by Ronald N. Perrono and Hank Cielinskj- •Canada. '. • <_^ 1 8 to 5 P.M. * Lunch Hour — 1 to 2 PJyV (>)-. -• • . —-s——••—r^ | Wreaths wrtl be placed by vari- ' • *" Cancer. s{rikes at any ago. It af-t ous organizations and by the fol- HEDENBERGMacBEAH Open Friday — 8 to 6 F.M. •''•. lowing flower,girls atjd piri Scouts: fects children as well as adults, but^ SOUTH AVENUE opp. RAILROAD STATION* Tell BH6-3000 Telephone-27^1113 / " it strikes witlt Increasing freguency1 Mary Donnelly, Barbara Mealy, WINES AND LIQUORS '•i \yith 'aclyflBolftfi age:; ,• Marjbrie Nolan, '«^-*-^' "«»«»•

••( -r

•X : * , t • •• •* f'.v; •

L f m r r i^t^ 11 ^.» -L.' — ^. -^.'^-..-«. — -^. —. ^. »* ^L *^. .*- ^ .A .^ A A i ••''• *^ •••'»-* '**• m "• ^ ' m~ 'M' m *k' m m ^ * 'm ^**'" *•*•• m '^^iV*L'*f*l (N. J.) CITIZEN AND. CHJtONICLE-^THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 SECTION TWO Ave., corresponding secretary, and^ Mrs. Dennis Diamond of 57 Len- Historical Society Presents ilo Is District Chairman home Dr.. and Mrs. Laurence Fischer, of 38 Lenhome Dr., main- Photos of Local Police Chiefs Boy Scout Camp Drive tenance coordinators. . .- The CrarifQrd Historical Society recently presented to Chief Mat- Former Mayor Wesley N. Philo thew T. Haney a collection of portraits of police chiefs of Cranford has accepted chairmanship of. the Western District •division of the Complete Planting from 189t to the 'present,,. v '• , ' . $50.0,000; Boy. Scout camp develop- -[^-making tho presentation. ''•" ¥"> Dorian, president, and Roderick ment program. Mr. Philo, staff FprNomahegan W. Srnltfo, 'tru.slee<'congra(ulated Chief Haney. on ms appoinmrcT fiTr ihp KnjayLJ]iieni §taft:d: /<''''" /'0. • BxajecL Co., Linden, will' spearhead the The plantings have been com- "The .^responsibility . of police fund campaign in Cranford, pleted at the>Noniahegan Triangle, chief>s^a hj&avy one, since the safe- Kenilworth, Roselle and Roselle at the junriion of Springfield Aye. ' and/SWurity of the whole com- Floraphile Park. and KeniTworth Blvd., it was, an- <>munity, are in-your hands: We know " "Mr. Philo will name a special nounced by the Cranford Council of, you will carry out the'duties of your Project Wilts gifts chairman for the .district and Garden Clubs, sponsor of this " 1 office with distinction. ' a chairman •-for each of'the four endeavor. :••'"" ' • ^Included inihe pictures are Wil- Grmdof$W0 communities,, and .will supervise A contributiori^of $10 was re- ..-: liam Jennings, 1897 to 1920; James campaign activity, in the are.a;- ceivdcTrec^ntly from MR,and Mrs: . E. Hennessey, 1920 to 1933; Carlan- The Floraphite^'Garden- •The Cranjfofd' resident has a long Kennetb-'DeLonge of .215 Central geto Massa; 1933 to 1944; William been selected as a red pi association with scouting. He is'a Ave. A^Fischer, .1944 to 1955; Lester W. $100 gptffl for its dev former Eagle Scout, a former .$378. The committee had origi- area at the pEf CHIEFS OF CRANFORD — President Ira D. Dorian of the .Cranford Historical Society, Powell, 1955 to 1967, and Chief n scoutmaster of Troop 79, Cranford, nally hoped to raise $1,100, but Girl "Scout .H from right, and.Trustee Roderick'W. Smith are showjv Tpresenting co)lectio.n of pictures of Crarw, and Troop 44, Clark, and is the the lanSscape architect was'1 able to From J869 to 1897 the police or- •4nrH pTTl-m-rHr.lm.IY .in,... 1007 W. V'lii..r M iltluml T tt mnu ' »Wiin>rt jrf the PJCtUTe WJthin a pictUTC are, s,on of a retired scout executive."^" revise his figures by using smaller. ganization of the township was spon- i from top left,,y and Sears^ifoebuck & Co. 1967, And.Chifji'.Haney. Scout Reservation • in Jlockaway. project planted at one time. It group of citizens authorize; "Your prpjgetis^a commendable Township, program center for '7,- would, have been much more ex- one and th«Garden Club-of New 1 . state legislation " with lege for eight years and is a candi- 800 boys in scouting in Eastern Un- 'pensive to have planted in stages, Jersey^proud of, your efforts and Bankers Elect Bauer' ' $, ion County,.'including .1,818 in due to added labor costs. • power of arrest. date for a B.S. degree in electrical, Guanl Going to Gajnp The first unifjHTpeif policeman ^t spirit,'.', the accom- . Raymond W. Baiier, president of Coif William L. O'Dea of 24 Con- Cranford, Kenilworth, RosQlle / Cranford Council of Garden nyi?rjr~citation read-. ' . engineering on June 8. A night here was Jaines^E'." Hennessey, a Union County-Trust Co., was elect;, necticut St. is commander , of the Roselle Park. • Mrs.- Robert President Clubs has purchased a concrete , 'The announcement was- made by student, he works during the day pointed mAttd?, who served ed vice-president of the New.^Jer- Third Brigade of the 50th.Armored planter for'the center of .town, to Mrs. Robert Hpyt,' retiring presi- as a senior technical aide at Bell Of Deborah Jr. Women be filled with upright and. spread-,, years ahe police depart t,,th'e sey Ban.k,ersJ Association JaSt week Division, New Je'rsey Army Na- Mrs. Albert H, Robert of 6,L€n- Il dent, who was hostess at a luncheon Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hi-Y Club Danee jng junipers. It is hoped that, as as chief/ for members. Mrs. Hoyt "was pre- at the 64th annual .conven.tio.i in tipnal Guard,- which will move to- home Dr. was installed kst week Hill. • ••' ••-.-•••.'..•" morrow from home armories- to The Hi-Y Cljjb'of. Cranford High added funds come in, more of these' sented with 'a -silver gift in recog- Mr."and Mrs. Wood are the par- Atlantic City, .ty reside.n,t of West- School wilL-h'old its annual dance as president of -the Junior Women may be installed throughout the Camp Drum, N. Y., for 16 days' an- nition of her two years of.,leader- ents of three children, Roy, Jr., field, he formerly resided in Cran- in thcjfeiiodl- gymnasium at .-8 p.m. of Deborah at the Union YMHA. business district, .to .replace the nual field training. .Several Cran- She succeeds Mrs. Louis Diamond ship and Mrs. Sumner Sweetser re- 4V2; Lori Anne, 2Vi>, and Steven ford. Mr.'Baiier also was selected tom.o?row» Music will be provided present wooden boxes as they de- ceived the geranium which is.tradi- Edward,, three weeks. The. couple ford "residents are members of the .fry"r a group known as the "Six -in of "Westfield:/•• • : - teriorate. The new concrete urns Leader Session, as, -an alternate member . of the division, which is one of the two tionally- given by the outgoing to moved to.Cr.anford two, years ago : the Mourning." Dress will b& cas- Also installed were the follow- will be more permanent, and will the.incoming "president, after residing 3Vi years in Gar;,, nominating committee of the top-priority .armored divisions in ual and tickets will be available at ing other Cranford residents: Mrs. not be subject to disintegration Seminars Slated wood. • ' '' American Banking Association. the Army's reserve force structure. the door. • Sanford Osofsky of 16.. Men.dell from the elements. " Mrs. Harry Baron, present coun- selor and immediate pa,st president 1 of Kadiniah Chapter of B'nai. B'rith 'Textbook Widow Women; will be the Cranford rep- resentative at a B'nai B'rith leader- Awarded Ph.T., . ship. session to: be held from 10 Mrs'. Patricia Anne Wood 6f 44 a.m..to 4 p;m. on Sunday,:June 4; Burnslde Ave. and 86 other,'-'text at the' YM-Y.WlIA iri Union'.'-.; bock, widows" of Newark College of Engineering were honored Sun "The following members of Kadi- day afternoon, .at the l'7th annual man Chapter will attend seminars awarding of honorary "Ph.;f.". d< ..on youth to, be he.Jd at 8 p.m. dn grees to wive-s, given for the Work, Monday, June 5,. at the. Coronet in of "putting' hubby through" col Irv>ingtoh: • '

lege: "Mrs. Allan" Kanbi. a past presi- " - - - •'. ' ' ,--;..' -/, dent of Kadimah'arfcr now adviser Each- wife received a '•bouquet of to the B'nai B'rith' Girls in Cran- flowers and a parchment diploma ford; Mrs. David LefkoviC; Hillel' acknowledging that"She .is a grail ehairrnan;'' Mrs. Stuart Kabach, -VQ-" uate of thev trial* and tribulation of cational- service" chairman;. Mrs. helping: put her'husband through .Nathan Kaye,' first executive vicVV- NCE. '••::'' , • •••'• . president, and- Mi'tr. Fred president has' been attending 'thc.col magitie! fame

DAY? • phone decorator btd • 1 1

GET THE WORKS! You won't find a better bedding THE BUTCHER BLOCK buy anywhere! Uac'e-tufted ' for. superb, comfort and firm 209 Centennial Ave. 276-0587 ' support, this mattress is. superbly constructed by -famous Free Delivery Simmo'ns td provide.a perfect night's sleep! With- its own matching' boxspring it's the ideal -sleep setv a wonderful Buy at $771 Not just a headboard, but a. complete bed WE ARE ABOUT THE ONLY including head and footboard! And you can PICK YOUR PRIME MEAT MARKET STYLE: Colonial spindle in .a warm maple finish, Contem- IN THE*AREA porary in walnut finish or Provincial, antique white. It's a . : . . • ' ••• • •' • • FOR THE VERY BESTJN MEAT very special purchase and at this low "price it can't' last. So Ask To See The hurry to your nearest Koos. Why rjot pick a' pair of twins U. S. PRIME GRADE STAMP df this price and double your savings! Convenient terms!.

V. S. Prime Grade Beef Cut and Wrapped for Freezers. If you are tired of Steaks that ssxe^tenderwly once in awhile and Pork that is tender once in awhile, and claims of Top Grades nf RpfiL-JMjLdaweiL grades mixed in that are treated with iender- izer, then it is time you tried the PRIME MEAT from THE BUTCHER BLOCK CHICKEN LEGS BREASTS On Sale at all stores. .'• Open evenings, ejien Saturdays

IMPORTED POLISH HAM ib. "| 39 } • ' Tobin's First Prize Meat Products ^ ji 8-3700 •.j^REErlOi.D Rt % ^>Q323 •' PARflg^W &'** 1^^6880 • 'fjUL OPEN EV^


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the Cranford Chronicle, e9tabljshed 1893; The Cranford Citizen, established .1898 18 -N. Lehigh Aye, country, and especially tM'ose who •••/,••. '•'•.-.• (Combined in 1921) " • Cranford, gave theiii.all— their lives. May 22,. \<$&i It is a time for sober" thought CHARLES M. RAY, Publisher CHARLES M,. RAY, JR., Associate Publish and speech: It is a time for an • earnest search by each person to

Corps Association.-wishes to thank which have" made these "United^" everyon>Kwlio helped to make-our, Stages- a great nation —t>rjse- Affiliate Member success. We .thank *the>e^' .principles.Which have caitse'ci Wen fl merchants for displaying" our NATIONAL EDITORIAL and women for nearly 'two hun- -. •'•-,. 5 Years Ago Fire Chief Howard. G. Schir sity College,; evening division posters, the wonderftrT"' police dred ye-atsto b^wil'ling to make, at _thtne war dear! than 200 taxpayers at- . . . ..--'.'. ' ' /' . Entered at the Post Office at Cranford. N. J., as ^econcPuass Matter:' P^Hshed Thursdays at flog.s,ar.d manned the ticket boo'ths will be used by some.to attack or* would be condWted. AmojTfT.the a, meeting in .Cleveland; or •%. •^'~" Cranford; .N.J., by the CranfordI Citizen"and Chr iiU'week. ,• defend present military actions participjnjy'wduld be>Ruward fehool audjtorium to discuss local-V ..' 25^'ears Ago ''-.''^ Garwpod and KenilworthT SuBscriptiori Rate, An extra special thank you to in Vietnam. The two subjects are Me M ajjatfof 20 .Packer -assessments' MULT, consider the,, •'." The pranfoi-^1- Physicians'>€tub States. STS.OO'^a Year Overseas.'Advertising Rates on the cpmfjjrd. riifccn and Chroni- Thosb who want to ^uest. was^to be • gra^nf'nTais npcessity^and .desirability of^iin petit-roned the . Township' Com- 9 cie ior: au the, publicity during of the.. > r office: 21-23 Aldan 'Street . Cranford, N. J. 07016 Telephone 276-6000 4ielp this nation re 'equalization ;ind ns'f s'-'ni' r f pro- iTiiH'tM' tu Viponjor in'^jppl'iLjtiuu the weeks pr-eecding'the Fair. "keep the subjects different. LaCorJ^fwho Id (Helivdr the granr; finance C'ommissiowrJPr to the .proper Federal authorities We "^specially want to thank -Cranford will probably welcoming and EdW'ard P. Andersen, moderator, ^pamed ' l'or- funds lojxfhe construction of and command;our town's .teen- - -lunate, to-have np demonstrations.'., iross. . Roderick W.. Smith, president of a hospital-fn the township;,in'the •K.' ,of Cranford agers, who were our best custom- against the • Vietnajrr War on- _-..„ -yy, iiiv Region, who the -Granford Taxpayers' As>soci- ' peti|i«tf the'club pointed out that , ers, and were perfect ladies and Memorial Day; j^htJpe- so, Tt.-wljr ..ation; and Charle^M. Ray, editor ^thio'need of a hospital in C'ranford- would'De master of eeremonie.j;," gentlemen. We were so proud of also be helnftrt if our JVlemorial ^'' • -.'-.. . . -.and publish,er of the Citizen and^ had lon^ been, g subject of public" them all.. Day speakers1 take ^.eare not to,, .,-"' . .t. * i!i • . • Chronicje;' JJS co-chairmen tp^-o'f- discussion and the situation had * Memorial Day: Time to^et Involved Thank you, Cranford, for help- confyse peaceful 'dissent about An old-fashioned country .fair gaflize'an advisory committee on became acute because of.-tlie would 'it^iamong the attractions of ing to fget our Corps started. The ojir^Vietnam,policy with ingrati- , an; assessment study „ steady population increased ^ A five-divigion parade followed bjT/ draf{-'card 'burnings, flights. to Canada money we raised will, help buj1, '"tude to thCse who have died and the Cranford •'Days, celebration, it '* "....-. ••••.-* *,,-'•#'" , ' more instruments,' fjlags ,arfcl thbs.e who are presently serving, was announced by the Junior Martha Jane Berry; daughter, services at. MemoriaK Park will iiairK,, and legal maneuverings \p avoid serving; . Township Committee issued a equipment for 70 boys ,^rici 20 in the military forces', "Patriotic", Service League, fair sponsor. An- of Mr. and'Mrs. D.'Sm'ead Berry ill the armed forces, which must seem- other attraction planned was a ti Crawford's Memorial Day tribilte,- to girls. On July 2nd wij^-wlll have a "does hot automatically mean sup- of 406 Prospect^ Aye., and Miss strict warning that no .persons or Gay Nineties fashion stew at -the. like a personal'affront to.themselves and Drum* and" Bugle^QtJrps contest at porting present Vietnam policy. Betty Fenderson, daughter of Mr. ' corporation would- be permitted our country's/ deceased^ servicemen' Cranford Dramatic Club theatre,. to a negation of the democratic -principles' Memorial Fiejd'with some-6f the ' Congresswoman Dwyer is &• ancKMrs. George Fenderson of 209 manufacture, store, keep, sell • next Tuesdayraorning, ^h.e ]5rpgram at Locust Dr., were recipients of. the , ,or have in his possession, any leading corps attending. Wo hope ' good deal more patriotic when for which they are fighting.-, :.'• Cranford College Club's annual gasoline, nitroglycerine, dyna- . the memorial tablet' will include a roll everyone who can; will attend. " she.supports serious crjtieisfh and The Cramfprd College Club an- scholarship awards. mite of giant powder, crude pe- And it must make-a.serviceman feel ' .-''. ' . .Very truly yourv . debate over Vietnam (as she did nounced the recipients of scholar- call of/tnis township's 76 honored war ships totaling. $2,500. They wef.e *.. '.-'..••'.* * •* ' ... . troleum, earth or rock soil, haprn- x like a really forgotten man t6 learn, for, . Cranford Drum anct last we6k before the New^ Jersey tha r •*-- I5 'men in World War I, 57 in instance, that when a Wobdbridge veter- Bugle, Corps Assoe. Daily Newspaper Women) than Gretchen Angle, Susan. Babcock, - The ingenuity of former Army . ° benzine, gun powder>6> any .••'•""' . . Ruth M. Becht the several Congressmen .wh^ Barbara Ornv. fflirnhftth •Ski Curtis. G, Culin, III, of New combustible substance unless by Wrffld-War II, 2 in the Korean Conflict ans' group set up a. program to provide : Fit . publicly urged the Attorney Gen- Susan Rotinlund, Shirley Rakacs YorW, son'of Mr. and~lfi sTlXtffrs~^ ^Hl>ermlssion'oy the ftoy*rn-_ \ 2 in the - continuing Vietnam.. Con- tape-recorded messages from relatives .22 .Doering Way eral of the U: S. to ignore the and Dorothy Turner, all seniors at G. Culin, Jr., Of 215 Holly St., in. mgbody- , : apd' friends for men in the Vietnam "war -Cranford, N. J. First Amendment. Cranford High School; ingeborg inventing the hedgerow cutters - "...-'' **,-*,' Fey, who was to enter her sec- Dear Sir: ' , . ; . -In.the last analysis it is only the for tanks shortly after the Nor-. ~A,musi-cal program to colled . .It is fitting that we pause to honor zone, not one person .showed .up for'the ond year at Union .Junior Col- . ", Memorial. Day is; almost here. igriorant and the fearful wh.o try mandy. Invasion of World War II, Musical instruments for men irt lege,, and Kathleen Fritts, who i the memory of those who have made the first taping -session — or; in an example Orire again we have the fippo?- to stifle discussion or .-peaceful was dramatized oh DuPont's I' -tKe nation's armed forces Was to was to be a sophomore at Lyndon supreme sacrifice for their.country, but closer to home, that Garwood Girl Scouts, .funfty to recognize fhe contribu- demonstration. alcade Of America"- pcogram bn be presented_ by 20a Cranford Teachers College; Lyndon Center, '.". "'••• Yours truly, Radio/Station WNBC.' John Hor' chiidien: Musical' instruments, .the Memorial Day observances also af-ter. writing. 150 letters ior. servicemen,• tions of. those'who have-served, Vt. Rita Bernstein was to receive W. T. Knox diak portrayed Sgt. Cufiri. '.'..• records.or music books were to be .. |hould serve as a reminder that there are thus far have received only about" 10 re- and those who are serving their a special silver gift' from- the, club^as the "year's top-ranking ', ' . • '.' " • • • '• presfwited ".as... admission. • • " others who are still laying the,ir lives on ,pl.ies"to their call ior addresses of sol- ; diers in Vietnam to send those letters to. girl stfrdent at "the high, school. ';•;-, 20 Years Ago '_•:: '/ '•'•',,,,". .V •''.: the.line In support of the principles for • Opposition to a newly-adopted 30 Years A^O ' . which those 76 died. . ., • . ; . We can't all emulate the example of : , compulsory vaccination ruling on "~ jn keeping. with a" program . ' Memorial Day would b,e an approp- £>6nator Clifford P". Case by visiting Viet- 10 Years Ago;..-. religious grounds was expressed- adoptcd by -tne Union Qounty • riate time to rededicate .Ourselves to the •.nam ;to get a fbst-hand view of what is The'Board of Education ap- by members of the First (-hureh --Modicai S^ociety; tuberculin tests support of those* men who ar.e still serv- going oh..there and. personally showing By FARRIS S. SWACKHAMER 'proved an elementary school re-, of.Christ, Scientist, to the Board Were to ba given, to ninth grade zoning plan to take effect in Sc.p- of: Education.. The church board pupils in Cr.anf6hd High Scho6l, ing in the fielcl of battle, even if onlyjn- our support of otir bqysin the field, but '.tember. TW plan, authorfeed, the of trustees contended thai it was H R.;BeSt, .supervising principal, . the form of a little more encouraging each one of uscan '.demonstrate his sup- . I feel like an accountant, trying wood" thrush, Swainson's thrush, setting-up of classrooms and the "belief of many persons that announced.:—;.._•..--_.. • - • news from the home front. ' : port by taking, a little more personal/in- to keep up with all. thip" phone phoehe, bla^k-thrbated green teacher and administrative as^ it was unnecessary in the interest cal.ls and cards telling of new ar- warbler,- redstart, and Blaekburni- signment under' a 6-2-4 rebrgani- of good health to force compul-. Much ot the-news we read-today is terest.in projects-inaugurated for service- 1 sory procedures upon Christian rivals of' birds'in Cranford. On •a'n, ' ehestriUl-side'a, blue of all elementary, Junior Mrs. Otto de Wolff was. Scientists and take away precious elected president of the .Wedges- . •discouraging.even for us here' at home. men on the'ho.rne front and counteracting the sixth of May our tally, forthe myrtle 'and !magnolia School and Senior High r grades. It was adopted in religious rights, especially when day-Morning Club at its 46th an- Imagine what it. must be for the 'boys wherever- possible the "don't- want .to get year stfrod at 57."species iind- id those* people were 'showing a . «»•«! i,i»nafc a (i M Afhn^1 A,,r Beach backyard looked, "like a •anticipation of the completion of a nual business mmeetinga n . Other'n new sweating it out in Vietnam >•—especially involved" attitude #so discolira-girig- to -two short we,eks it jumped to 90. health record considerably above The .last two weeks were ideal Christmas tree." Among others six-room addition to the B/ook- officers w'ere Mrs. C. H. Strett the average." ' . • when they hear about such thing's as those whose very lives are involved. .:._, for bird-watching. Mrs. . D. W. •there were •• bay-breasted and side Place School and completion and Mrs.'j. E. Garrett, vice-pre- ' •' ' *- *.'* sidents; "Mrs. Adam Earl Robin-. • Beach of "Oolumbia -Ave. spotted Wilson's warblers'orThahd. Then of Blooniingdale and- Livingston. "•. Phyllis. Pftrrfer,"-Mary--Fratfces . son, recording . secretary;-^ Mrs. 42 s'pt'cy^Sn a single afternoon> in the woods behind Oak Lane .elemen.fafV schools.. ; !.. t, Robert !>ouis G. Adam, outing. J3£,'*; 1%' If you were readihg this column low warbler, yellowtHroat,, indigo awarded $1,600 in scholarships t© to speak at exercises on June 18 North Union Ave. Parking Restriction Too Drastic bunting and olgckpoll warbler. Ciiester D> Marsac, treasurer," and last year about this time you'llre- -N&ney^Tidabock, Beverly- Tyree in the high school auditorium. The Iwanskis on Locust ' Dr. Mrs." Homer Dickens, auditor,, call Mrs. James Daubert rescued '•.''• * * .. * | - Merchants along North Uhior* Ave., ing it as easy and convenient as possible and Phyllis Smith, high schools * * . * a, tiny female Baltimore oriole had a Canada- warbler run into seniors, and. Elinor Wilfred, Jean . .Largely attended funeral scrv-' •for choppers to reach the stores in the. the side of their house, probably between North... and Springfield Aves.,- fromthe wilds pf-suburban back- Llska and 'Carole Smith, 1955 ices were held for former Sheriff A memorial service marking the in^o a windpw, and stun itself. shopping area. -Eliminaticm of parking yurefsartd nursed it tq woman- scholarship winners who qualified Samuel M. Tool, onetime member sixth anniversary of the'death of petitioned Township . Committee' this Mrs, Iwanski' picked up the tiny hood. -When.it was old enough to for reapplicalion. Doaella Jean of the ' Union County Board of "Mrs. Edythe M'. Currte_ who for along one side of-the street, even-though mitt! and cared for it until it-was 'week to lift the parking.ban along .the" fend for itself, she let it go in MacNeitl was named wjnner of Freeholders and a former "tne'.n- years had hecn actively engaged 'only a few spaces are taken away, also . back on its feet agaih! easterly side of the street which went in- ;thc yard. It stayed around look- the VIA's nurse's scholarship. -— • bcr -of the ' Craniord Township in temperance work, was conduct- • The Patbergs on Willow St. • * * * eliminates some of the conveniences to ing-for handouts and visiting its ""•Committee. . -. • : - ed by Currie- Memorial- WCTt). played host to- part of the big in- j to effect last Thursday on a trial basis. shoppers and makes it more difficult for foster family. Finally the urge ' More than 300 persons were ex- *. • * v. - • Mrs. .Currie also had served for flux of Baltimore orioles that to migrate became too strong and; pected to, attend a testimonial Col. Ernest E. McMahon of Me- four • years as" presfdenl of the. While, a smooth flow of tcaffic is es- •merchants to attract customers. . came.to town. They also tallied away it went. dihner-danee in honor of retiring tuchen, assistant dean of Univer- Union County- \V-(.TU. sential • in the business district,; it has If it is found that there is sufficient .Well, ft's back this spring,,sit- a female *searlet tanager and a been the observation of many residents cause tQ restrict parking during heavy ting "on a bush in the DaUberts' yelltiwthroat .with, his }aunty yard. It won't sit-* on anyon.es' domino.mask. . .,'••. and merchants .that North Union Ave. traffic hours, such as was done on Ndrth shoulder now but it ventures Kenneth Apps of Columbia Ave. has not been so "jammed" with traffic Ave., this might make sense.' But to. >mu«, h closer than its mate. So spotted the blue-winged warb- that such a drastic step'is necessary. eliminate parking entirely on one side of r maybe the pair will settle down ler, Wood thrush, parula warbler Around.the cprner on North Aye., Nor,th Union Ave. in the two-block area, near mother^s old home and his-.' and a-yello.W'th.rpated'vireo. He tory will repeat itself. also saw five- white-thrffated which carries a heavy amount - of in the heart df the business center at a Now to the new species '4hat' sparrows that were still lingering "through traffic," the restriction on park- time when steps are being taken.to try arrived during the last two weeks waiting for the ' right. moment to ing is in.effect only between 5 and 6 p.m. to improve the area does not appear to be —Mrs. Be>ach has the longest list. 'start north. Even the quadrangle • It includes the veery, -spotted at English Village was visited'by Rejuvenation of the township's busi: in the' best interests of merchants or sandpiper, bl.ack-tbfoated blue the warblers. The. Gillespies ness center, in our opinion, implies mak: townspeople. - . • .warbler, northern waterthrush, spotted a black and white there. great-crested flycatcher, Lincoln The'Morrises on Willow St. were ' sparrow, white-eyed viero, barn visited by the only Cape May warbler reported. The Heneys'on for less thai swallow,' solitary sandpiper, green heron, Canada warbler and told Maple PI. reported a bobolink eagle. That was one day's count. and a dicksissel on their feeder Atrother day. she saw catbirds,- earlier in the year. This is the first report of a bobolink ever in one penny! town that I know of. On my walk through Nomahe- reports to you Take Five 'gan_Park, I tallied -a sanderling. By FRED W. KOKE

Saigon — As this is written, I the rural .population of South namese government and assigned The Office Cynic returning to work this morning after two am at the mid-point Of a long- Vietnam live — in the Nhpn to the countryside. weeks home, says: "I have finally pjanned study mission to East Trach district of Bien Hoa. pro- These teams have a multiplicity recovered from / penicillin • and Fascinating Spots Asia- and beginning a week of in- vince. of tasks in the field of education, aure'omycin. Oh, yes, almost for- Evergreens with brown spots -got, I alao hatl a virua infection.1' • siwr—ptseTVation In South We reacnea ben i>y - health oaro, community dovolop- are fascinating 1,o|jiub -af-canyer- Vietnam. from Saigon in an hour's time. ment and political indoctrination, .sation. .'.^ * with an overall emphasis upon Now that the Wijet (World- • My conferences with Ameri- There we received a briefing, And so are lawns with yellow, self-help. For example, an early can and Asian officials in Tokyo, Journal-Tribune to you Charlie) brown and bare spots. from the Vietnamese and Ameri- step in their program, which 1 has gone to newspaper heaven, my Taipei and Hong Kong on the way You know just how fascinating can officials . responsible for observed, is assistfhg the villagers . friend, Moronica Mary says she to Saigon were a useful prelude if they're your evergreens or it's .carrying out the Revolutionary to build fences in and around the will never know what is going'on to plunging into the complexities your lawn. You .may have had Development program in the pro- hamlet — partly as an exercise in in cafe society. That's bad? Per- that characterize the situation a chance to discuss either or nd distrirt self-help arid partly to restrict sonally I couldn't care less. here. both with . Rutgers experts who What is called —'for lack of u Theso included the chief of • freedom oT moverneril by "the •The--hrte—Franklin. JL. .Adajfls_ •manned the information booth at' better name' — "pacification" is, Bien Hoa province, Lt. Col. Tran. Viet Cong. (FPA of Conning Tower^a-me) the New.Jersey Flower and Gar- for example, a central concern Van Hai and his military adviser, From Ben San we moved by summed it up so well in just four den Show. of mine, as it is of Ambassador Lt. Col. Earl 'Casner, USA; the helicopter to the headquarters of lines. The- experts assure me that BunkeyJ- a^id his oides. The.Rev- district military adviser, Major our regional director for Civil MONOTONY evergreens and lawns are the olutionary Development program .Edward P. Tompkins, an8 two Operations, John Vann, a forceful Day after day-, night after night,. chief causes of worry now, judg- is the latest of several efforts to young Foreign Service officers, Rutgers man of 4^ whose experi- My life at home is far from bright; ing from the number of questions Electricity is still an exceptional bargain! bring security and stability to the David Konney and Robert Franz- ence in Vietnam extends • bacl< But even hvme has more variety put to them at the show. blau. . ' morethan a decade. Vann, vvhosV countryside, and my first field Than 1 find in caj'e society. And so if you were not able to outspoken' criticism of earlier While the cost of living has gone up 120% . trip was to observe the prdgrum A battalion of regular Viet- ; t ' ;* . * be present to get the information pacification efforts led to his re* in operation in nearby Bien Hoa namese Army troops is .the basic The following ad appeared.in a you need from the experts, may- tireniont ironvtho Army »£Uir-21. "in the last 25 years - the average unit- cost province. security force for the district, in N«w York paper; AhVKRT1SIN(j o'u'd"like to-- years of service, • is now back in This province, which lies im- which Viet Cong units continue COPYWRITER — must be brilli- written in their publications. of electricity has gone down 45%.* You mediately to the east of Saigon, to operate. The degree of security ' Vietnam as a civilian with en- ant, have 15 years experience, be Your Own" Diagnosis afforded the inhabitants of Ben has a population of about 370,000, larged responsibilities for con- un.der 30 years, think he's worth • For example, after reading the can rely on a dependable low-cost powe,r San ha^ improved, however, in the of which perhaps 40 percent is ducting what has been cajled "the $15,00,0 but will settle for Rutgers bulletin, "Care .of Ever- judgment of our officers, who $6,000. concentrated'around the city.of other war" — that array of ecor greens," you can decide for your- supply-to help you Live Better Electrically! cite the fact that the hamlet has nomic, social and political meas-' Bien Hoa, where. a number of Worth' ioG's artd work for 6: self if yo^r rhodies, azaleas or regained about 70' percept, of its. ures designed to, help build a ?Rate reductions and Increased uso have made this:po»sJble. Amerieju** units are headquar- That's brilliance? Whatnot had., tod much winter or -tered'lind wheje, I am told, the original, population, from a low nation. • * * Of 30 percent who'had remained. whether something else ails them, airport is now handling, more _ Colonel Vann's frank and in- • A'nd how about that bit — 1£ Could be insects or under- . .flights than: pny other in the Working in~Ben San and BJI, formed assessment of our assets years experience itnd. under .30—T r .nourisTiment W improper plant- PUBU1D. SERVICE - world. adjofmng.hamlet is one of khe 59- and liabilities in this task was why "soon they'll be putting high- ing. The bulletin makes q.uite a , , Our destination was the hamlet member Revolutionary Develop-' rnost helpful tor njjy;, study of the chairs in the conference rooms of ' ELECTRI..C AND GAS CPM.PANY JL Ll point ,of. telling yjm that, any 0 m^y/ipcbiilems'WBfater Jn Viet- . of. BteirSah — p'oe of an.^stJdfeiSd • '- - .teato8,'bf ffltiieh fcbptit, 500 those ~ Madison Av«. Adjective-v- eVfergreon; yon pjajit, mi^Btr not.' y ftdbO tiny* communities' in whjcji • by the Viet' slinging (tontihued JJn page J3) , *• ' . • i - • •. ',;.. •-i •"•»•'•»*•* CRANFORD (N. J.) CITIZEN AND eHRONICLE^-XHUESDAV; MAY 35, 1961 Page Hire* Ross, iShe is a graduate of Cranford High School. \, • ^ UJC AlummidTete Weidenburner Sixteen Cranford Students Miss Sehlt'gi'l, a graduate of Wu.stfield High School, is majoring As 'Most Outstanding in His Field' Receiving" -Degrees at UJG !i,ii business'' administration in the Superior Court Judge .Chester A. and as United States Attorney' for - Sixteen Cranford residents arc* amtfhg 120 stu'dcnts who are can-j clay .s She is the daughter of Weidenburner of Linden ^will be New Jersey. presented with the 1967 award as ^Judge WeidenburnCr's 'wife, didates for associate in arts- degrees at Union Junior College's 34th i Majoring in business administra- ihef alumnus who was rr\ost out- former Emily Koenig, isjytK^ annual-commencement Saturday, June 3, at 10:30 a.m.Anthe theatre of tion , In the evening session;, standing in his chosen freld by thena of jbnion Junior CjrfJ&ge\ and •thn-.ramplis Ontpj Tookor earned a New Union Junior College Alumni As- his son, Bruce, is John J. Downing qlt»mer bpr "Union Junior- CullTrge | alcnt Wlatlon', It was 'announced touay-=att. commencement aluir.nus .and chief opcperation of. .' .'•"_./"'' '"'""" """ L ' !. ' Mr.'Ware!, a libe arts major in by Hichard J. Muscatello of EJiza- the ,lriternation;U>l>epartment of^ Lafayette.-"Ftigh School, Brook- the^tlg,,, , a graduate of-beth, president. a.m. 1 The award will be presented at graduation from . Union . «•*•• " JUi ' ^ J&fantord School. He is the rt^sonJ ' of/M rs. Kitigsliund Ward and the UJC Alumni ^sociatiori's College, Mr. Turner earned will b^-the guest speaker, taforing in busincs.v-flcjmini^tra- « bachelor of science degree" fro i i.n thIhep .eveningI'ui'hinc-- sessj^nfMisspssinn^Miss tithjMatl e Mr. Ward. nual dinner-d^nTce on ~ wjJ-Kbe conferred b ,Iune 3, at/the Twin Br-ooter>3min the School of Commerce Fraiikoslci is Jjie' daughter of Mp-< A graduate 'of St. Mary's High York University. -fl C. MucKay, UJC^iesident, jjjfcrt)r. and Mrs. Louis Fr>rfkoski. Shells School, Elizabeth, M.iss Wolf is # try €lub^ Watchung. ,/y^ / Mj(C Muscatello^ffjitf''announced awards a $4Q0 scnolajtship-"for a Kenneth Wrlversen, rlpafT. a graduate High liberal'arts major in the day ses- j j fhat Douglas3^pn€r of Clark will worthy student in,.-b"usiness admin- on't take changes! She is the. daughter of Cranford residepKwho are can-School. / be honorejichy^fhe UJC Alumni. As- istration." . ./' ' '.. didates for dfigfees_are: Mr^ttton, a gpatfuate of Colum- and- Mrs. Francis H. Wolf. sQciatieipas the. alumnus who .has Brittan, Jr of' 39 bj*-nigh Schoo'Ir-Maplewood, is the doirt^-'tne most for Unio^i Junior son of M,r/an(l Mrs. J.arncs T.. Hil- prflege. Mr. Turner is president of SOIQM STTtr Tni'uu Ave., 'Carl ton. •atT erf208 S.cherrer. SJ*. Mrs. Charlotte evening session. Agency, Newark. N. Cataaeb of 439 Lexington Av A graduate of' Cranford High Judge ,Weideriburner° a member ? Daria L.-Prankoski of 49 Henley! School, Miss Kurisko is a liberal of the Class of 1935, and Mr. Turn- 'Creation June13 Ave., James; J, Hilton' of >l(j South arts major Ln the day session. She, project er, Class of 1948, are. members of ..William R. Aspray of Elizabeth Union Ave. is the daughter of Mr-, aiad •JAfs. •Mrs. Frank- Forzani will be in Union.-Junior College's bqard ,of rwill be the tenor soloist in the, Misij • Patricia urisko "of 26Robert Kurisko. '• y' charge, oi" planting geraniums at fel)6'ws; . 'y:'. performance of Haydn's "Creation"^ Or^aton Dr., M"rs. Judith KiishntirJ Mrs. Kushner, a graduate df Memorial Park, civic project o£ The award recipients'were se- with orchestra to be presentep>by of 16 Nomahegan Ct.,. Miss Evelyn Ba.ttin High-J>chopl; Elizabeth, is the SpandenHoe .Garden"Club,;..this lected by.a committee' of the UJCthe Choral Art Society of New Jer- A-. Lawler of 108 Benjamin St., majoring ia business administra- Saturday morning, it was^peported AlumVii Association headed by Mrs. sey •• a,t 8;30 p.monijtfn. e 13 at Miss Janice V. Niess of 612 Ortio- n in the evening session. at a meeting of the club last. Wed- Elmer Wolf, of Cranford. Roosevelt Junior ifh School in Westfield. chard St., Mrs. Louise J. Quirae.t of A liberal art's .major in the.day nesday evening at the home of Mrs. Five Union Junior College fac- : 4 Dpering Way, Norma.n B^Reilly session, Miss Lawler• is' a grad- Julius CangelSsi in Fanwaod. ulty member.1; who have completed As who has taught mu of 607 Willow St uate of Holy Family Academy, Mr^.'i Leo Greaney, who served 20 years' service.also'will be guests sic Cranford - and Elizabeth •Miss Linda A/Ross of 37 Keith Bayonne. She is the daughter of as' co-hostess—and rjresided- in theof hbhor "at the annual jjinner- schools, - was graduated from Sus- Jeffries Ave., Miss Christa' S. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Lawler. absence of Mrs. Chapman Sullivan,, dance. They, are: Dr. Kenneth _W^ tjuehanna University with a B.S. Schlegel fii20 7 North-Union Ave., Miss Niess, a graduate of Cran- president, turned over the gavel iverseh, dean; Prof. Elmer^Wolf, in music education. He has studied chairman of the engineering ..de- voipe with Harold JHedgpeth, Dudley O. Tooker of .9 Harvard ford* High School, is a liberal arts to Mrs. John Law, incoming presi- Charles Reading and Giovanni Mar- Rd., Kingsland H. Ward of 2Q9majo. r Ln the day session. She is tl»e dpntdt . EacEhh off th ffofficeri s was partment; Prof. Harriette N. Trum- dauhgter of Mr. and Mrs.. F'rank A. por£, and Prof. JForrest P. Dexter, tinellu and. is currently studying Casino !Ave. and Miss Linda J. presented with'a white carnation with William, Hess. • . • - : Wolff of 9 Alan Qkell.Pl,..-. '.• ' Niess. corsaje. Jr., all of Crariford, and "Prof. Arn- old J. Keen of Plainfield. •••:. In the Army he was & member Mj;. Britton, a graduate of Cran- Mrs. Ouime-t, a graduate of -.. A swim party, will .be held at. the Iorbr:'Hipv7ScTiobl;"is "a trb^erab art's Judge Weidenburner was a merh-. of the 25th injfantry Division Band Jesus-Mary -Academy, Fall River, home of Mrs. Charles Collette of in Hawaii". While ther.e he also was major in the day session. He. is the'Mass., is-a liberal arts major in. 44 Lenhome Dr., S., on June 21 be'r of Union Junior College's first V class .in 1933. Prior to being" ap- tenor solqist at the St. - Andrews son of Mrs. Edith L- Britton and'the tvening session. • with each member providing a cov- Cathedral and a member of the -T the late Ricliard Britton. A graduate of Ejstside High ered dish. . - pointed a county judge and to the Superior Court bench earlier this Honolulu Opera. Company. . •A graduate of Thomas Jefferson Sphool; Paterson', Ml^-Reilly is a , - The Chorus is directed by Mrs. Hijih School, Elizabeth,'Mr..Broek- liberal arts major in, the evening year, he" was a partner in the law firm, of Weidenburner, Brackeja & Evelyrv Bleeke of Westfield, who er.is an evetiing student. He'is rriaj- session. Fatal Accident Penalty also is director of*tf(e chorus of orifig in business administration, • Majoring in liberal• arts in the Walsh in Newark. • He' also' served 1 Driver's license of Charles V. as an assistant county prosecutd^ the Opera Theatre of New Jersey. A' liberal arts major in" the dayday session, Miss Ross is the daugh- Latendorf, 2.4," of 35 Balmiere session, Mrs. Cataneo is a graduate ter of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert V. Pkwy., has been suspended' for.,18 months, .effective --as of March 31, GIFTS! Looking for an because of involvement in a fatal accident, ff was reported by .Motor Unusual Holiday? Your choice of a colorful Vehicle'Director June Strelecki, According to the records, of. the "T6t£#Ag' or an elegant ; If peace and quiet Is what Division of Motor .Vehicle^, • the -•//;> Cranford d.dver was involved in an you want, we'll find it' . . " ^'SHEFFIELD DESIGN SERVING TRAY" ... accident on September 18', 1966, on ' for you . . . at your price-!- . . Route 35 in'Brick Township which ' . ' MA«V LOUISE WET JEN available with Box Fur Coat, or Ajiparel St6ra^e. Resulted in the d-eath 6"f. Eileen Gu,arnicri, ._23, of Perth Amboy. Cranford Travel/ Inc.) en 5 30 4 AWehJ5treet 2P ?' a ft Your Gardihi • Thursday 9,- 9 (Continued ,fron; Page 2y, Saturday 9 - 12 ENROLL NOW! 276-2934 stand deeper than it did in .nursery. • ' ^"'' ;. SUMMER DAY CAMP As forimproving a spotty lawn or any other unsatisfactory kind, .•_• of the «.-"•'• you'll find th.e answers in-the Rutgers bulletin, "Y.ouf*.La\vn and DINE NURSERY SCHOOL Ita Care." ' . • Get acquainted Special • You can get either or both of 34 Forest A^ve>^or. North Ave., Cranford, N. J^: ~thes:

Not "this fellow! He's ANY SUIT CUSTOM STORED -Plvs Clean'ng Gharges, $25 Valuati9n, Additional Insurance 50c dro piped into City Fed- Only 1% ...... ,...,' :•. '.....-..•.... eral for ajow-cosfedu- ANY CLOThTCOAT CUSTOM STORED . ^lus Gleaning Charges, 525 Valuation, Additional Insurance xation loan- Your 4son Only 1% .". . .. ' ... '.: ,..-.•.:...:...; 95c or.daughter needn't be ANY FUR-TRIMMED* COAT CUSTOM STORED Plus Clearing Charge, $50 Valuation, Additional Insurance drop-outs either, if Only 1% ' '• • .•....: . 1.50 money is the problem. FUR COAT CUSTOM COLD STORED Visit any City Federal Mink sTTg~h*l^Higher, $100 Valuation, Additional Insurance On^y. 1% ^-'-^ ' . '.. 3.50 office for full Hrforma- : tion on a college loan, ANY FUR-LIKE OR\ FUN^lJR-D^LLUXl E CLEANED either State or Federal plan. In today's com- FUR COATS CUSTOM CLEANED & GLAZED For A Limited Time Only petitive world it may v from mean the difference be- at ADLER'S tween your chiJd's sue-' Bonded "FREE" cess or failure. Pickup &* Delivery 276-8300 SAFE, CLEAN, 21" Weekenders for men and women COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC, Here's your chance to start your collection of American AND IT COSTS YOU LESSI No other type of autdmdtio Tourister luggage at great savings. It's the vnn HB many gann- as

CUSIOM URYCUANERS, SHIRT LAU.NDERtRS, REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. MCORATOR FOID C^Ar'tRY SPECIALIMS, WtDOING • CITV • • • "DEPENDABLE, tRIENDlY SERVICE SINCE 1925" GOWNS CLEANtD. DELUX.E RUO CLEANERS ' 276-0900 CRANEORD — 44 North Ave., E. snuincs WESTFIELP — 108 North Ave., Wi .ELIZABETH • UNION • LINDEN OIL i Yard; * LINDEN • WESTFIELD . KENILWORtH* ELMORA Office: ELIZABETH.— 4W. Jersey St. _ . CRANFORD • NO. ELIZABETH 3 North Ave., E. fieafs bestl Lexington Ave. at LVRR 219 North Ave., West, Wostfiold 25 Knopf^MJndon : • • • ' . If • EAST GRAI^.t .-• .WHIrfANY- l ELM6RA>- Next tb Food Fair • MORRIS ttlttSV^RSlPPANY; I I1

•''•«• • * ''•• " ' ' ' ' Page-Tour TKANFORI* CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THURSDAY, MAY 25, 19G? CRANFORD SECONDARY SCHOOLS — CAFETERIA MENU ; Science Viewed by Parents |3PA Fashion Show Features .,-, WEEK:6F.MAY 29, 1.967 Ascience fair was among fea of the Sherman KTA's iirta iiono s off Club-MemberClbMb s .meeting of- tht; yvarr..- Fjft The Village improvement AssQjntfuon held its final^e^ki'rtg.pf the season Jast week in . Sherlojik^lall of jTrinit^^JuJfch. Various ^>inriil''<>na'V displays of ch m*. departments displayed' tifXPIyorfork and activities^-done''during, the ,<1i t>»"s work in.-scujBre exhibited in Jhtf itifflftH'i's pj'^scntutrir-hiahwit -1ht» audiloriutiKtuid^itrst floor cor Mrs. lUchacfKKupke, sixth .t>r>hf 1 : ri(lt>r. prvp'ari' -,^'••-- •.-^' " rier. the .'.direction suost.#*1ionor. Judy Mando,lr;JW1fftert.ained. Hilf/Kunilw'ortb. were Voprespflml, indirtfmg atom 1 The laslii^H^how, one - of the-j "After the Stosafff, Edyth M. Pprk •Cutlet Cliowder < "ic w'eeks in a mHtfbcr matching the dress, and two' coor- Bornard fleinen of Elizabeth en- ,,»VoBetabi« .Soup Turkey -Noodle of clas.sc-s/^Mia'rts shelving the dinating hats. One was a pill boxt'crcvd" three -silhouettes of wool crepe watching the coat, aluminum, pafrtted black on ENTREE -i,'8So'" 'Whlopftii Potatoes Breaded Pork • • seie.nljf-ic'''pa-rts of pjarrfs were also Fr. B-tVle • . •'•'' Cutlet on,,-dfsplay. .^ .. " • --the other a.idfb.an of the dressjinii-' jap.kgiMDundSj 'lApple l-tapvest,'"' . Strina Beans' Oven Crowned ' terial..-' 'Adoration" of "AngeTs'JJafiS, "KaiTy Pan' Qravy . Potutoos*' Otherdisplays showed charts of Afso featured organdy n .the'-.-Wintcr Mpnnjirig." , Fr. Brood.* R'nd ' Buttered-Broccoli the 'body; erosion of earth, model . DISPLAY AT SHERMA|vl.-j^'MEET^NG -£- James Cimaglib and ; 11 .Butler „. . Bro.w.n Orayy ; fibbon hairpin lagotlress . The lace: Works of ajtt<^*b.t"'in competition B?c«d n'tiS Putter uf. volcano, instruments to'measure-' Kar,en Schaeffer ar^-sfiwn with one of the educational displays- -;.' HOT SANDWICHES 1 was 'hand-rijadtT .by Mrs! Alfred were: "Tvg'enty aWindows!' and /ti'Vather, water purification, -"mag- of Sherman ScJio^^vhikiK'n's work ii> science featured J*s~'fhe 20 A 25e . Frankfurter on'Roll Hamburser on Dun 'Frankfurter on Ro : Frigpla; who made and modeled 'Welcome 'Home," by" Mr< StoJ.faj nets.,_arid operating electric gener- /school's PTA^hVfd \\i fin'al iiieeting'• of-the.year recently,^-'*' •tht? dress. • and a full scale drawing of a por- DAV A.T EACH BUHttrNP THE FOI.ilb\Vli!'O ARE AtSO AVAILABLE: ator. . -•••'•.., - - Stlier members participating in tion of a stained glass window, a Appetizers, Presh. Frujft, Cold Plotters.'Salads, Sandwiches. Desserts,,Beverages Mrs: Ruth Janovsik,•'principal, BartoectM'irst vicepr.esident,*Mrs, j John Kyor^en;1 teacher, represtptti the fashion show were Mrs. Harold black and white, awatxhwinning welcomed the parents and 'installa- Patrick Garret*;' second vW-presi-' 'ive., ^< John White. ,,,-•• • Young and Mrs, Carroll* Leonard drawLng of' eight. stained glass win- tion ot officers, was held. Mrs: Vin- and.her daughter, Kathy. Mfs, H. A.dows and a finished, ^indow, now. lives in Ora.nge with his wife cent Vicci, president, was in charge dent, M-rs.' Henvty .Pryor; corres- Larseit was commentator. • 'Three Kings," by Rudolph Buenz and 3-yoar-old daughter. He is^.j- of-"the last meeting'of the year; ponding secretary, Mrs, Dominik t)emon$trtiiion A report,of. the club's activities of' Newton. ' • - . Playground For Retarded graduate of Newark' Central, Hjgh' New officers were elected as Wiktor; recording.;; secretary, Mrs. and annual'reports of-departments- Members of the religious •art School. . '.--:.." l'olltfvys: President, Mrs. Albert Paul -.Perivenne;, treasurer, Mrs. Of P&iy Foods and chairmen was presented by comniittee, who sponsored the show Praised at JMD Conyentibn Mrs. Martin "Ross, recording, sec- arid exhibited examples of lfia^ed * • - , ••'.- — i 1 1 ForVolonyCluh retary. The review was cpmpiled glass mobiles to add a decorative The Crahford Playground for th,e Mentally Regarded ChtM, a pro- Beautiful "built-jiTi6 x32 Mrs. Edward Harger, artist; bak- by Mrs.' Wcstover,-president, who, touch-to the room,_wepe: Dolores ject whigh waspidgorously supported by the Cranforti Junior Woman's Colony Club Group er ^nd cako decorator, gave 'a also gavu her report . . Sloat, chairman; porothy Greena- Club,-was mentioned" fd^ its excellence, by-the Sixth District adviser, lecture-demonstration" for. the co u 'Kfpp drew .Markowjch, 116 Lexington^ utation'for he.r talents.-'with,.parjy in Miami, Fla. *!• man,'assisted by. Mrs. M. X-Seavy, Neyalls, all of Granford, '• "•'•';. Hilinsky, Mrs. -iJohjfi.' Hiigbes and He will, be'ba^ed "in New. York foods. Slie conducted\a~ course In : '"'•' In the unavoidable .abienpe 'of Mrs, Bernard Solon, represented Mrs' Chester Sitwy, Mrs. B. H. and" will fly 'many of the 110 \ party .f-oods ii> the Adult Evening Skinner, Mrs Harold Young,- M/s. the^ speaker, Mr. Buenz, at -.' the the local club at the convention The- slide presenta|ian is! en-- School' at the Middlesex County opening tea'i *Rev. Dr. Robert G. in Atlantic'.pity. More than- l,05l 'cities Easte^ serves in 26 states, titled. "Background: of' Modern"^ Robert Laier, Mrs. Carl Sohn, Mrs. thhe DistHeDitHi of Columbia, Canada, Vocational and Technical High J. C. Klein, Mrs.- Walter Kirk and Lohgaker, pastor ' of the host members of Junior, clubs through- Painting in .France.'"' Cq-ndstess School i'nv Woodbridge',-v : MexicoJPuerto Rico, Bermuda and • Mrs'." K. Lawrence. • • •church.,, greeted the guests and in-out the state, participated in coiv- for the- evening .is Mrs. Frank She demorfstrated cake decdr- troduced Mrs. Sloat, who gave a V&ntipn activities. the BUY former Cranford resident. Radis! •'"' " SAVE VACATION ating, "fancy" io6ai s First place went to Judie Sjur Avenue School band, under dire many V - " ^he was Irt .jthe^flower tion of Leroy Cooper, was held struct the girls/living at the home ... modernfee mm and save ':

.sen of'Cranford- for her oil "Where : business wliile still baking at h»me. in -such simpHe ..tasks as sewing, . .-.-»•• - • • ••. They Are," a blend of realism in the school auditorium la§t -She". studitd oji J?a'inting. for six Thursday night. • ' cooking, knitting \£hd c^ochetjng." Install an efficient ' ' ' ' ' the effects of —Installation of the following of- Delegates voted at the business 3228585 Springfield ant,! has'sold numerous poverty. Nina Bouroff of Elizabeth meeting" ,to select tKe N. • J, Assoc- pl-acVd1. second with.an oil entitled ficers of the school PTA also was paintings. ,.-."' 1 featured." .President, Mrs. Henry iation fiji:"Brain Injured-Children "Straight "is the' Gate^ . a,nd "WinGFeenstein; vice-president for pro-as the state project to be adopted SUPERIOR CYPRESS POOLS Open 9 to 9 ciows'No. 1" by-M."Daley of Scotch s Pool (lards Ready gram, Mrs. Burton Mandell;-vice- by all clubs for 1967-68. The clubs' Sunday9 to 6 Plains was awarded third"place ~ president for membership, Mrs will provide financial assistance GAS BOILER 1999 RQUIE 22 Cranford Community* Pool rrrcm- "Windows of "Faith," an acrylic •William Koellner; vice-pr.esident- and volunteer services.. .hership cards may be picked up atrendition on glass, by Susai RUGGED CAST IRON CONSTRUCTION .., ."• SCOTCH PLAINS for ways and means, Mrs. Richard the .pf'ooMhis Sunday between 2 andSclTUlte of Plainfielo", and "Green Benner; corresponding" .secretary, in smart cafanet styling! ~ 4 ' p.m. ' • • . ' wich- Village," an oil by Henry Mrs.'Carl Matyas; recording secre- Gearrick_ Flight Officer Murphy of VVestfield, received hort 1 tary, Mrs. Lawrence Fischer; With Eastern Airlines orable mentiefn. Michael Stoffa o and treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Conver- • Automatic Wfestfiel'd acted as judge of the Warren Craig ,€Jearrick, son 'of l so, Mrs. Elizabeth


What? Huh? Wiidi uiu I UUII you say? hardly hear '. Use Our Services Savings Accqunts * Mortgage Loa,ns * Hqrne Improvement Iioans * All Purpose Clubs * . Bank By Mail ic Travelers. Checks . CRANFORD'S OLDEST NNANCIAL INSTITUTION

r_ CRANFORD SAVINGS If you ever have trouble hearing while phoning long distance, please call the Operator. If you dial longdistance and the connection. . . and dozens of-relays to.checft. /Vbig |db. We've developed better ca'btes. Arid new . i Corner North and Union Avenues is so bad you can't carry on a conversation. . Fortunately, thes'e days you don't often microwave transmission is helping, too. r . . let thejOperator know, She'll see that you're have.tr6uble hearing while phoning long ,. • 5ut you.are stilt one of out best sources of OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru f'ri. 8:30 A.M. to 3 P.M>Mon. Eve*. 6 to 8 PM. not charged for.trie call,.apd getyou a new distance. A few decides agojt was all too information. So please let us know whenever our,tran3missi,on is not up to snuff-whether • • WAI-K-UP WINDOW: Opon tally ^ to 6 P.M.; Sats. 9 A.M^tol2 Noon connection. Should the trouble recur, tele-- . , cpmmdrTfie?nember.the sholitlng? .., phone repair service vvjll Start tracking do\vn Thinp's'-haVe become jmuch betterv-mainly you 'are calling long distance, or locally. the trouble. There-rr19y.be litecally th"6iJ&ands •because we are never s.aU$fied. So we CQn- 'iiA: '- ', J;.. • /' of trj.l|e,s"p.f wit?fand^«biej sjipre^'fef a^tjfePe'a* ^ «•? uatjy. ^|^e.dH^heJequlpiTight ^yojvod, • ESTABLISHED 1887 i ***. t «n*«. ••> .' ' n

r • '• • . •„•*•'''" •' •' " *- - . *—~i*-~.— *' • •'.[ .M^^'.wiJjwvJhivi!•'afS^*y;;j*Ai.^'Si»-i*>«»!• ^'.•.•^•/•\ •«'«"•.>'•• "' •• " '••• ::,,>w- *•.'^\ • i .;-..• * '. > •''*..>. '>;•.•:• •;

^ •

rn.. ' "• . • • ' *. //•

CRANFORO (N. J) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THURSDAY, MAY 25, M61 • Page Fivft 'rants available to permit students, Among the guests at the lun- 16 are invited to attend the re- gardless of personal finances, to cheon were Mr#. Doris Dalack, hearsals held at 2 o'cloc-k. Sunday ; Acceptances at Record High ttend the eolleggrtlf their choice. Kuidance counselor at Hillside afternoons at Veterans' -MemorjAr Ihe said that students will need to Avenue Junior High School, and Area Students Selected Home, 479 South Ave. For CHS Students, Rotary Club Told 1 Mafk Hayiland, current cecipient ,/'' .-arch ior colleges which'offer the More Cranfoi'cl High Schpol .seniors- have Ijeen accepted at the col- jest financiar-ffid programs. Most .•of the Rotary Club scholarship at 1 lege of their.choice this year than anj' time in recent years., Miss Helen tate universities,, she ' noted," have ' Union Junior College.' ' ~trr° For Jr. Achiever Trip B'riai B'rith Girls owijrTuition arid therefore do not Harry Lawrence was in charge- of Scott, high school guidance coui\.seioi;, told members-of the Rotary Club the .program and, Vi.ce-'p.resident '', Four Cranford young people and one from Kenilworfc among. of Cranford last"-Thursday ait,its luncheon .meetuvg in Marisa's Restaur- iffer as mush' in the way of fi- Install Officers ancial aid; . ^ fEdwyn M. Lewis presided: 28 Junior Achievers from the. Onion epunty-Carte-ret^jj scle- ^.^.. injthfnighest priced colleges, Northern- Anjei'ica at the Tr-eriton • School' and a ^g^^ probing president; Le(f> Cotlers^^projects war^|.H1iaik ial aid'totaling more funds for a stu^m's college educa- L3'j}ercent in 'medium pricerJ: col- YMC'A. pztiic to be presented will sponsored by o.; tory-'-, thoif'WSferstandJng-of free enter- /ice-presidtnt; JJonDJe'^Pollack, re- Irai^ -$100,000 ..over a • four-year tion wiU^onie fpom the family leges and4he rest will have-vary- be "Health Service/G6nsultation,." idPl ^W^ perfori^ance in,- Junior leriftd. ; ShC^estimated the total; savin^fanothe^ripaiit from cun^rit MrXllcKinley is--public relations annc cordinf^secretaj*}'; Anne Epsteir. r ing degrees-of difficulty, in financ- sopho fe curfipular and •respondjiv^secretary, .ahd^hy^v grants ^to' members of this year's j in^rae anjd,-'that the studoat •" " their. .children's higher educa airman of ^he'NewJersey Physi- nior J :1s Leylp^'treasur^i':'' ,^>/"\ clasti will exceed'the awards ma ie able..-Kr earn a portipli-r^ cal Therapy'Society, y/'"' ^ i; r "tibn, . —.:-:*.• iiv.»u Scotia, the Achievers 7he 'new pr-€sidenL^S* £|.--Studfint to -the 1966. graduates. Shg^x- 2,000 co)lo^fis^and uni- —_—ts o^ will visit industrial, educational Hillside Averuj^JU'nior" High plained that thi^ includej^iwo ^vefsities in thp'-^nrntry, • 114 ac 12 tlani'i sophomore jan d cu]turai sites. They will be School, where^fie played the-'Tpart three .grants made: to^a few stjf$- count for npafiy-"'nalf of thefinan^ ' " -Hie^f&uosts-pi.— '--•*'• — —> -' •BlmuhMejd^o'n; "The^ cial >"'an.d a" director of Glena-Glb, spon-j Trade; the Department of Trade , _ Fratik,". Her father, Miss ScoU^feporte the Miss...Scott said' it is a lily\\\ iwiininu .sored.br••General-"Aniline & Filmlancj industry" of the' Province-qf ^,^._.._— Beackei^is;' regional ad- term "sehofarship'^Kas i re- many' college scholarships "go Inc. ^ . .Corp., and EJle'n Ann Watson of 24£ | N_OVS' Scotia and lodal Industrie^ Vjser for B'riai JQ'ritH youth organ- p'laced^iy 'Vfi-napcfata'rai-dl " an.., d rL-rfo„ ^. begging" every year, -There may be Hillside-Aye, a senior at Cranford;] They will.-be' guests in the homes of ization. Lynda has served as rec- lev folkiwv that a student ..who .a fewT she said but this isibeeaus" High School and treasurer of,Jay- industrialists and businessmen, ami, of ...the narrow limitations place v reation chairman for the Crariford finisnQ.j^fifst -in scholarship 'will IMPROVEMENTS C^.;''sponsored by :Enjay Chemical their families. They .also wilKbe chapter and spiritual chairmart^of ..„.« ^ receive .the most finan- oh who may receive the ;^':'Corp; . , guests of. the Rank of Npva'Scotia the Council of B'nai^'rith ~" cial grants.' Nearly all awards t6- Generally . speaking, • ; ffiindows -Screens * Boots - Selected to • make the trip from at a. Halifax theatreiofa prodii" of Plainficld, day -are .based on financial need and there ane ndt sufficientJSlancial ai Kenilworth vvas Michael" K.. Flanter tion the"Par ,, ___ social sciences de- Awnings-Shutters-Porch 8cPatio •of 385 Boulevard, a senior at David of -unior College, Music Brearley High School, Kenilworth, appointed' dean of the Mrs.' Rpb^HT Fergusoif of Cran- Enclosures - Shower & Tub Enclosures 'vttd. purchasing agent for Ken-Co. Nursery School / lomerset County College. An alum- ford wajHntroducGd; as a member- Labs, sponsored by White Labor- lus of Union Junior College and ^-.Q-'.as Mrs. Alan Kittleson, Special Vestibules - jalousies Registering Rutgers University, New Bruns- r.-esideht, of the Musical Club of atories, I.nc. . .. '• . Trips t" weeks Prof. 6rk.in launched his leach- people will follow." • • .' or more often: Mrs.' George Krieg ing career in political sciorice at tklofe than-800 Achievers, in the_er,-' Mrs; Martin 'Saks, Mrs. Marti the U^versity of Michigan,. Ann IJnion County-CaVt'eret area have Friedman, Mrs. Sandforri Specto Arbor, Mich., afid taught .at" the ". " been. competing since . September Mrs; Aaron. Kaplan, Mrs. . Mors former Highland Manqr Junior for the Nova 'Scotia.trip-. Forty-one"' Shepard and'Mrs. Irving Baekihofl College, "Vest pwi]5TBran~eh7-' " " He earneci a bachelor of arts-de- gree in history, at Rutgers Univer- sity and- was, elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Alpha Theta, "hon- Let others cars, or orary history fraternity." At the University of Michigan, .he earned a master of arts'degree in political science, and he is a candidate for a boats, or bridges doctorate in. public law arid govern- ment at Columbia' University.. He is now completing, his thesis; » Prof. Orkih is a member *of the Carpets are. our eup of tea New Jersey Junior College As^oc: iatio'n, the New Jersey'Social Sci- There we can hold our ence Academy and the American ". \ |PP"*olitica» l ScientrS n .Assorintiono . HHoe with anyone, anywhere. Ms president-of-the Union'Junior College Chapter.of the American r The same holds true for Association of University Profes- sors. • the-finest tile, floor^ too.. During World War. II, Prof. Or- kiri served in. the Army Air Corps and saw service in the Pacific area . Come have a look. with the 507th Fighter Group. He is the-%uthor at "FresHman, See ONEY Hi" coilegSll e orientatioitti n ttext- book, and"he wrote bi-weekly news- paper columns, "Presidential Poli- tics" which- appeared in more than VINYL 25 .newspapers in New Jersey, and AREA CARPETS "•Gubernatorial Battleground.'1 RUGS, TILE Drum and Bugle £p Parade Entry in June 308 MILLBURN AVE. 376-3806 MILLBURN Money- raised by the ca'rnivval held at Memorial Field recently for benefit of the Cranford Drum and Bugle Corps has been .used to y.,:•-••>;,;: order color guard equipment and, MONEY it is expected the new corps will* be entered in its first parade in Jurte, it was reported by Vincent P. Flanagaa, president of the Cran- ford Drum and Bugle Corjis Asso- ciation. . , ( There are still some openings in the color guard, and interested girls between the ages of 13 and I Or is the party on Tuesday this . . week-? No matter.. 90 p'rodf . Barton Reserve is a friendly with an spirit aay doy, , , - If you want another ' . excuse to celebrate,. .,:.'• try pricing it. 2760080 ELECTRONIC SAVINGS ACCOUNT at Union . Earn 4% interest a year,

* • compounded and credited quarterly, We Go FROM THE DAY OF DEPOSIT Anywhere Radio Brings Us Quickly At Union County Trust Company, service is more than just a promise.

PARROTT'S nion County Trust' Company tAXI EUZABETH ' i. UNDEN • KIUSIDE . • CRANFORD .-_. SUMMIT . BERKELEY HEIGHTS 2764)080 : • '. • •.- •'•'. , ' '•'•.'..- . . ' - .> •..',- ' • :•'.*•" Air Conditioned ';•,.' • • Member • ftdenl ReSewe System • F«deral-Oep«stt Insurance Corporation • . . ._ • . . < - '.. £ -

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*age Six CRANFORD (N. J.I CITIZEN AND fH^ONICLE—THURSDAY, M^Y 25, 1967 :hoir rehearsal. > during the 9 and 11 o'clock serv- ties, will open a six-iweek season "6ver'15Q New Jersey schools.' _ • Saturday — 1 p.m.,. Drama group ices. . June 26 on the campus of Newark Parents and other interested eit-. .vill meet. Weekday "services••"— The holy! State College, Union. Th.c -non- izons are invited to visit the Book- y ..Tuesday,— Family Day at Camp eucharist is offered "on Monday at profit camp is sponsored by; par- mobile during its-slay here. Lebanon. . , , 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, 10 a.m.; W.ed-^ents and professionals ,for ypung- ; nesdaSv 7 a.m., Thursday,,9 'a.m:' sters not tlassified.as mentally re- BiblWednesdae group'wily ~i-l 9:4meet/a5 a.m.i ,th mornine homeg |,with,,"heaUng service; Saturday, 8 ta'rded, seriously emotionally dis- of Mrs "George Merwin, Martins-!a.m., sacrariTBnt of absolution, Sat- tu/bed or braih-jnjured to the ex- ] ville cars to meet-at the church furday, 4 to 5.p.m. The service of -tent that they deviate very far frojp> ,.. *'«•«.. , «...—iilh.. m—;. rer I morning prayer takes plaoQ>. on-libe nrfrrn,. N.ewark...S.t.at.ft. nffcry'iis • iiearsal- 730 pm. midweek Vic-1 Monday and Friday at 9 a^&. and , facilities witnout. charge ,--to the Of i keys, -Trustees Friday »ry Hour 'will meet in Fellowship; on. other days 15 minutes b6!oc§lcamp. Further iDformahon may an . •"• .'•••' ' the holy "eucharist. The service of>be obtained - from Mrs. Miriam Nieson N".' Shak aftiOO N. Union Ave. will be installed as president evening prayer, is read each week-: i'Dickmar, of 9.4; Kfrnilworth Blvd. of the congregation of Temple Beth-El, at the temple —o— day at 5 p.m. . '• at 8:30. He succeeds Wynn Kent, who served two years as-'p/csident.' •'' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Today — 7. p.m., Boys" Choir re- Mr. SljtfiC whjQjiolds a B.S. degree in electrical engMeering, a B.A.' CHURCH hearsafr7:30 p.m., Men's Choir re-\ Mission degree/m economics and an M.B.A. degree frKTmanageihent. £rpm; 1 tlev. Br. Robert G. Longaker, University, is . vice-prcs-i- Pastor Tuesday' — 8 p.m., Cra'hfbrd aixd controller of Southwest •Rev. Milton B.' Eastwick, Chapter of Alcoholics .Anonymous, Corp.. a' ..subsidiary of4 , Associate Pastor Sherlock Hajl. .>""" ' aptist Church American Metal C'linjax. He Jmi Rev. Dr. Robert G. Lpngakcr's Wednesday-,— ' 4:30 p:m., George Peck, former/frits b.tii a (.nmtunl resident J.O_yetirs. Memorial message Sunday will be! Cecilia Girls' Choir reheap to Jorhat, lndiaytfu\ be Oilier officcrs-;Co he -ipslaHod are,: ''What Makes,.a Great Man Great?"! On Tuesday, Memorial Da speaker at (h*r Cranford At both . the 9:30-and 11 o'clock ,rrit; Nathan Rodstein, years of age whose parents attend~|~£ry- treasury Herbert Bunis, financial the worship services. The, Senior | A^fojr bc^holarship fund has SS^f rSn,^"^"^ ..iecre'tary; Mrs. Walter Meth, re- High Choir will sing at 9:30 and-)»6.h-sbUrflo help, to send severa]^1™"^ as. a public speaker. He RICHARD DUEMMLER '.-edrding secretary, and. .Mrs. Gus the Chancel Choir at 11. . v boys^Ahe Trinity choir tq^nT WM bof n m , is married YaekiT, corresponding secretary. LAY — Pucy A\ery (seated tenter) of 38 _ High'St.; Adults who plan to unite- With » Boy Training Conferee at fd has four daughters. He a^his Burton Goodman, Seymour] -John JAifichelJ (seated right) of 26 Johnson "Ave. and Robert Ray the chureronTune 4 wklmeS'! Westminster Choir CojkiTprince, ^ W «™^"ed ^-Ms Receiving Degfej ilorbst, Marshall Klein, Dr. Herbert' (sj-oiiilfng- right) of Folds will participate in the semi-annual with the session at J-pim. Sunday! ton, in August. eofJtributions to, countcy ior. our rrussion Lansjer, Bernard Li.twaek,. Arthur 'assembly of'Jehovah's Witnesses June 2-4 at the Elizabeth Armory. in Fellowship .flail, ^following tne fu"d may^sent to ihe parish Dr. Peck was"-formerlyy principar l AtHartwick Marcus and Mrs. Stanley Silverman. They havt" been - selected to act in a play, "Parents, Help Your-' which a ree/eption .will be he)d; office,_ .Checks'ma.de out to Trinity of thth e EasterEt n TheologicaThlil l ClCollegl e Richard Duemmle son of Mr. will be installed as trustees.. Children Spiritually," on June 3. All three youths are activein local for them Served by the deaconesses Church/^should be earmarked and is; presently dean at Andover- and Mrs. Alfred Duemmler of Xhe installing officer will be Past congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses arid regularly receive training with , Mrs. Howard Cowperthwaite Fund." Newton Seminary, He and his fam-104 4"dams Ave.,_is a candidate for President George'Rubine. ' in ministry schools.- Here, Howard Bretzger (seated left), also as chairman. The* Senior High Fel- The last regular sessions of the ily live iiri Newton Centej., Mass. the bachrfor of: arts degree at; the an .actor in-the play, rehearses thorn, while Donald Dieffenbach 61 lowship will meet, in the jupior Ch^ch School will take The public is invited to attend 36th/apnual commencement of this special service. 154 Mofrflw;k Dr., .in charge of the. assembly attendant department, room at the same hoiir to>iTear a|P}*ce on Sunday.morning. The feg-. j:Iaftwick College, Oneont4, N.--Y., to be held, outdoors, at the college observes. I -.•:.-.• , . • talk by Rev. Ace Tubbi of. the ylar schedule o{ services will con- Osceola Westfield Presbytej^aii Church. tinue, through the middle'of June; at 3 p.m. ;,Wednesday. . ... NIESON. S. SIJAK Bookmobile The boand: eaco'he.sses. will the Vacatioii Church,Bible School A . gFfiduajte- of Cranford High ALLIANCE CHURCH met! this m ling at 8:30 to collate take place during'the weeks of At Orange Aye. School, Mr. Duemmler wam mem-, To CRANFORD METHODIST Rev. Laurancc J. fyne, Pastor Witnesses -communication, hpr pf the baseball and soccer r Rev. John R. Dexheimer,. Pastor EverjisT assisted • by volunteers, day through Friday. School Next Week teams at Hartwick; He has' 6eeti" - Rev. Richard L,,, Wilson, Director of Christian Education r wliich 4hey will" meet with active in fratennity work, and ' as •••*' Tell Assembly The Campus Bookmobile, a mod- an officer af his chapter of Alpha - July 5.will mark the 25th anni- Associate Pastor Sunday Bible School —. 9:30 a.m. T)r. 'Longakfir'"for their .regular 'OSCEOLA PRESBYTERIAN ern innovation in sehool -bopk-fa'ilrs; versary of Osceola Presbyterian Sunday worship service — 11 A.m. monthly meeting; Chancel Choir CHURCH Chi Rho he received commendation .• In observance',of Memorial Day will visit, Orange; Avenue Junior and- a trophy for- ah article ..he v Church, 1689 Raritan.Rd. on the Youth Fellowship — 6 p.m. Sun- Participa will rehearse.,at 8 p.m., and-Troop Rev. William Itt. Elliott, "jr., High School on Wednesday, Thurs- Clark-Cranford border'; It was ori Sunday," Rev;; John R. "Dexheimer, day/-. . - '• .•''.•• 80 committee will also meet at Pastor • .wrote forithe; fraternity's national Seven members 'of>^rfie-'Craafor.94 day and Friday of next week. The magazine.' * - that day in 1942 that'grqlmd was pastor, has eh6'se'h"What Belongs Sunday evening service. *• 7 p.m.. .is^.hour m Youth Hall. •»,,'• ^". . . Duty To God Andt,Co'iin- 1 Congregation ofJ

SAPOHN'S S TEAR GUARANTEE: Sapolin Paints Inc. 201;East when proberly applied over bars wood, or when applied to WE CARE... .4? Street, New York. N. V. 10017, through IU Auth6rlied cldan properly prepared painted wood. Guarantee docs not Dealer, guarantees that Its PAINTING SYSTEM consisting of •cover peeling of previously applied coats of paint. (2) freedom DOOLEY from noticeable fading or discoloration. Color retention is Sapolin "Woodllfe" Base Coat followed by Sapolin Latex House WE EASE Palot will pwida FIVE FULL YEARS OF DURABILITY on any guaranteed to be at least 66% of Qrlflnal standard as meas- wood tiouso or the purchase prlco of the paint plus $12.09 per ured by COLOR EYE JO manufactured by Instrument Develop- gallon toward labVcosts will be refunded, both on a prorated ment Laboratory, Attleboro, Mass. (3) freedom Irom staining FUNERAL HOME YOUR basis. Guarantee'It restricted to white and all standard ready due tp wood sap migration (such as "Csdar Bleed"). Guarantee mixed colors of Latex -House Paint and is subject to both . valid only when printed certificate (Form 1236) is properly products being applied as directed on a properly prepared filled out and Signed by both homeowner and supplying dealer 21^NORTH AVE., W. 276-0255 MOVING surface as specifically detailed In' label Inttructrons. "DURA- ' within 30 days after completion of painting, but not later than. PROBLEMS BILITY" is doflned asi (1) Freedom from blistering and peeling October 31, 1967. , 4 Funeral Home of hpmelike atmosphe/e, completely modern, air conditioned, off-street parking facilities- RICHARD HARTIG PAINT SHOP • '• 'O . :•'•• ' ' . • • ' *• «!*°" ' : •'•'. ' .'•'.•".'•'[ ;-./*.' OP&i FRIDAY-iyENlNGS ••'..' ' QQOlti COLONIAL HOME -A- $ ALLISON, Inc.; Cranford

•««.T>lnM-. ^^ :•>•*, ::S (K I.) CITIZEN-AND*^^CllRONICLE—THURSDAY, TVIAV 25, lfl« Pa£e Seven tennial Ave., has been .promoted were.made by the Marotto Moore,. 332 North Ave, E., 1 to' airman second class in the U. S. y, staftfff of thth e sichoohll ridarid ini - sentendetenced tot'fi' fivee days in ththee coun; Officer Slate Air Force. Airman Hawks is a ffividuals of the community. Local ,y jail for-assauJt; and battery! Men in Service weapons mechanic at McChord..A\ir garden' clubs also contributed""To For Jaycee-ettes Force Base, Wash. He is.ar"mem- the project. , • " 1 The folJowing nominations of.of- ber of the Air Defence 'Command' Six members of the association Honorary PBA Richard M. Kaplan, son of Mr.Sbhool at the Naval 'Air Technical which .protects thotJ. S, against i liccrs for the' cmujngvear were and Mrs: Michael E. Kaplan of 93Training Center in, Memphis' Terin. attended" the Union County .PTA enemy air attack. The airman is Council spi'ing luncheon at Chi-Am Unit Views Film, ;,made at a rece-nf inet'tJig of the Benjamin St., was promoted to The four-week coursed introduces a 1965 graduate of'Cranford High Army sergeant recently while serv- students to. mathematics, physics Chateau in AJodntainsidQ. The '| Cranford .lay'cpc-ettes all the bomfe Srhnnl . • __: . '• delegates inpltl'ded Mrs. Harvey K. Hears FBI Agent i of Mrs. .John Rcilly: -.Priesidelit, .ing v. 47&tn- principles TJT VI'"I:JI ivr'ty, Nevull!),,,Jtr,1vrrs. George 1 Mrs. Thomas J, Mccloskey; vice- Co. at Fort Rilcy, Kans., Sgt. Kap--Subjects stressed include ' atomic IF Mrs -Daniel Swint.on, Mr. .Richard Honorary Branch of Cranford Lo- ' Ian, a training •.non-commissioned . theory, static and dyiiamje^electrfc- Seaman Apprentice Jarnes E v , president, Mrs. Ronald Brown: sec- pixon, USN, ssfin of Mr. and Mrs Wagner, Mrs. John H. Eichinger olTicer in the company, entered the itytf magnetic theory and thecon- and Mrs. Otto" Schricker.\ of a frlm entitled "Amateur Detec- [ ret'ary, Mrs. Rcilly, and treasurer, Army in April, 1965. He...iS a 1964 struction.of aircraft batteries. This Harold E, Dixon of 18 West Holly of Cranford-High Schoojxfnonth;long cou,rse prepares Navy, St., is in Vietnam aboard the at- tives" and. a' talk by "Ralph W. ."Mrs. 'Charles Galiszevvski. -••-""""- ' /l Marine Corps and.-Coast Guard tack transport USS Montrose. The Bachman; special agent in charge. Election will lakc. place aLa persdnnel for entrance into more •ship is anchored in Vung fau Har- Driyers Fined of the NMlin(4 on'Juli(, 5 al lho home of Airman Apprentice E*Kvard P. advanced courses at the center. bor, J35 mites southeast of Saigon at Marisa's Restaurant last Friday ;Mrs. Mc'Closkey, '35G Lincoln Ave., Foerst, USN, son of^Mr; and Mrs. [functioning as a support ship 'Jfoi night. K. Plans for the I!)(i7ti8 season will Edward K, Foersl/oT 28 Grove SI', the first United States riverine as- ForViolations Introduced by Russell' Thomas, be discussed. was graduat^cKrecently from the • Allan A. Hawks, son of Mr. >atfd sault since the end of the Civil Bella Berg, '9 Brown Ter., wadinnes r chairman, Sp'ecial Agent Aviation jWcichariical Fundamentals Mrs. William E. Hawks of 509"Cen- Bachman. described the workings, War. River Assault Flotilla 6ne GRAND PRI7T W1NNLU Robiit S Galeji son of Mr am' Mis fined $6& for overtime parking .vio- and units of the Army's,.Ninth Inr Ben Galen of 116 Wilshire Dr., recently received a $73.0 cheek of the FBI and..presented statistics! Give To The fantry Division are ,usthg the ship lations and ignoring summons by on trie rising crime rate, noting, : as the grand prize;winner at ChK-ago, 111., for his research- project Magistrate Charles J: Stevens-last hat crime in its many facets has' GANGER FUND as)'a base, from which they conduct in the Student American Metlical Association's Squibb Scientific J-ongines. Witthauat; 1 MUi'iierpaT wen' increasing. -0—percent, faster operations ifpthe swamp tnat sur-J Exhibit-program. In, the picture above, he is pointing out features of yg in |+han . the ' country's population j rounds the major shipping channel Court. '. ' his ent'ry to Howard Baldock, a Squibb representatives! Tht> local jrowtht • '•'.••'.' to Sajtfon, - '• . , student received a $500 award last month as one of four national ...James P. Donnelly, 7 Grove St., was assessed a $55 fine on a reek-- Otto.G. Sickert, a member'of the at ADLER'S semi-finalists in trie competition, ilis-project deals with speeding less driving charge; while* Alma lonorary PBA, presented a vtt-w-' PRIVATE BlIS'SERVICE Ackelsberg treatment of bacterial infections with' effective, antibiotics! Mr. Brooks, 106 High St. drew a $25 ng of the 1936 edition of "The Jl G'al'efi will be exhibiting his research against next month at the fine on: a careless driving viola- March of. Time" entitled -"Amateur"! WESTFIELD-CRA'NFORD Named Head American Medical Association convention in Atlantic City, where tion. Francis Woglom'i 119 Alderr| Detectives"" and. answered ques- AND. VICINITY- TQ Graduate to a he will be presented with a gold medal and plaque. A graduate of- St., was'fined $15 for careless driv- tions on ho,w'he and several other KATHARINE GIBBS Cranford'High- School in 1964, he is-^Ftteiitiing Boston University ing, and Thomas R. Coleman, 25 cancerned citizens established .the Of Regional USY Irst Scientitc Crime Detection jn MONTCLAIR as one of 48 students selected for an accelerated program providing West Holly St., was penalized $25 One ond Two-Year Cdurset Irving Ackelsberg,' president of for speeding. . . '., Laboratory. in Eljzahetb. - WITTNAUER the Cranford Chapter of the. United for a six-year combiiyd study of liberal arts d'nd. medicine.; t he1, honorary. unit, 'voted finan S E CJ» ETAR I A A PRODUCT Of C'CTNQINeS-WIT J NAVfR Among other area residents pen- : Synagogue Youth.of Temple Beth- cialosupport for the:pistol tearn of alized were: Joseph M. Grindrod, Wrjfo or telephone El, was elected president-p£ the Mi's. •Harry Snyder, Miss Carol Local 52. Plans were discussed for " for full Information Northern New Jersey Region as 7 Cranford Ter., one tail light, $6; Indian D^nce Weslowski and Mrs. Thomas Korn- Edward J,' Mack,. 2 Chestnut St., the annualdinrier-dance to be held' 33 Plymouth St., Moii'ttlaTr, N.J. 07042 744-20U the regional convention was held or represented the Ladies' Auxil- noisy exhaust, $10; Peter C.. Bilins- in the•' fall. . Frank J. DeJianne,! Also schools rn= Boston, Ptavidenca • in-Atlantic City recently. ' iary of the Granford. VFW post. president, conducted the businesi »nt! 200 Park Ave., New York 10017 Team Entertains kas,'423'^yrtle Ave., Garwood, dis- ..Approved by Ntv Jenty Dept.of Education Bruce Kent "of the local v. The color guard and tiring squad regarding sto'p sign," $12;-'Matthew meeting. . . ; ' .' ' " t'er, regional programming vice- For Cub Pack 103 will participate in Cranford'S Me- 'ft. Mutusietsky^. 45 Myrtle St., jpresident, was reelected to lent-meeUrvgJlt morial Day program. Commander wrbnk plates, $30; Bruno Lorenz, regional board as area vice-presi- C.ub Pack 103 in Fellowship Hall BrinkerholT will l>e grand marshal, 22& Second Avo., Garwood, over- dent. - of, the First Presbyterian Church time parking, $2;..and Albert Cum\ •f The . local', chapter received Was-sf'; performance by the Indian mings,. 5 Carpenter. PI.-, 'overtime e only give our awards for programming, for be-dance team of Boy Spoilt Troop 80. Fine Arts, Science Z ' ing an -outstanding.large chapter The scouts demonstrated sever- In generar session, Thomas C. and for the largest national pledge al-colorful ceremonial dances de- to carefuljy iWittnauer watch will make to BSB, thie^prp^fam for buildung Progrank Planned • every gift occasion a'Tnemqrabk picting variou£_ aspects of Indian dormitories in Israel and for financ- life and tradition: evpnt. Jeweler-crafted fora lifetime ing' regionaFTftembers on . Israeli At Orange Avenue of smooth perfbrrriance, Wittnauer' Cubmastef Walter .'Ward an- Mrs'. Harvey K..prevails, Jr.,'pres- pilgrimages. "'"'.•• nounced the following winners iii : Roof ing - Siding styling is second to none... always in •. Personal awards to outstanding ident of the Orange Avenue Junior style-,.always"fashiori'perfect. OIK the Scout-QRama ticket sales co'iV- High School PTA, announced that USY members went to the follow- test: First, Dallas Jacobs; second, Gutters - Leaders men. of t'hesc great VVittnauer watches is ing from Cranford: Michael Mar- 1 a fine arts and science program perfect as a graduation gift. Come in Karl Gustafson; third, Scott Ja- will, be he4d-» at the school at 7 cusi Barry Gallanter, Irving -Ack cobs; fourth, Eric John. and select from our Complete elsberg'.and Jeffery Friedman. o'clock tonight. Election and in- AUWofk collection,pf fine Wittnauer watches • The pack's 16th annual track stallation of officers will, take place' Guaranteed •'""• for ladies'and men. Other delegates from the local meet wiU be.beW.at Rahway..River at the PTA meeting at 8 p.m. . '•"• "„_ • , 59.95. chapter at the convention were: Park at, 3 p.m. Saturday followed At this time the Patrick Marotto Debi Aaron, Joel Ackelsberg, Rob- by the. first annual family picnic Memorial Courtyard, will- be ready in Berkowitz, ' 'Richard Corrnan; ,in the picnic grove adjacent to for inspection. .The PTA- project John J. Di Fabio Shelley Gale, Jeffrey Horowitz the running track.. All boys and •money tor 1967_was donated to BRidg. M101 Naomi Kasd.orr, 'Kenneth • Kent}ijtfietf""families thlTt arc. or'were Richard Meth, Raymond Nutkis, fund which* had already .beep start-, Tfft members of the pack • during the ed by the.students. • Other contri- Susan Rodstein,- Sherry Weiner are, invited to attend. and Alec Wisch: • Ron Kjeldseh was awarded the Bl ENDED SCOTCH WHISKV SCOTTISH t, NEWCASTLE. IMPORTERS CO , NEW YORK, Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Kent chgp. Webelos badge,- top rank in cub- ^roned the local group for the bing' Assistant Gubmaster Ea'rl weekend; ' • • Shea presented him with a gradua- 'Yotir locJll busines5i[WKi TRIO'S got it, proudly tion certificate and he Was then displays it in his window, on his trucks.acd in hks welcomed'into Troop 80. - - . local advertising., .~j»>^r".(>v •;;.:_. , .- •• "-..".•'.•"' Bank of New York The following boys>received ad- t vancements: David Andrews-, Wil- Hie next time you need almost anything: appli-1 Names R. G. Hall liam Cymbaluk, Thopjas Lampart- tnces, repaii^i clothes, food . .. from any kind.5f ' er, Randy" Morrison, Steven Mor- shop to any kirtd ofseryice... look for the NAMpO A Vice-President ton, Fred Schenker, Donald . Robert C. Hall'of 26>iUsh*eld Schmidt David Schultz, Ddhald: APPROVED seal. Your local businessman"V/ho's St. has been elected a vice-presi- Schultz,' Scott Jacobs, Dallas Ja- got it has agreed in writing to "give you the best dent of The Bank of New York. cobs, Douglas Von Bulow, Frank , possible service and,value, fun a business you Mr. Halfc>joined. the bank in 1958 Coppola, James -Apgar, Karl Gus- can be proud to patronize and take care of any and was named, assistant secretary tafson, Daniel Swiaton, William in 1961 ajnd assistant vice-president Bohm, Jay Rudd, Robeft Gill.'Chrrs- complaints promptly." - . in 1964. A graduate of Williams FTaites,.T, J., Qinthner^ Dean Voge., If he hasn't got it./. maybe he College, he is a dir-ector of the Albert DiGiovanrii, Scott Van De- just hasn't got it. """" > Columbia Corp., a trustee of-the Mark,-.George McGrath, Eric John,. Windham Foundation and the Bun- Eugene Woehr,' Tod -Gibson, Glen LINDEN - WESTFIELD bury Corp:, and a member of thePrinz, -Edwin Kurzweil and Ronald New York chaper of Robert Morris Kjeldsen. Asspciates.','', The next pack meeting vyill be MAMCO . . . jrerWj tartest tni-o'rsemtnt eon^anf 219 North Ave., West, VVestfield "25 Knopf St., Linden '- MriHall is "a member of the nahel- d on June 3;. On Friday eve- , Uast. yCrum Bar. Wise. • San Franclsco^VaHj. tional department of the .bank's ning June. 10, the annual father- United States banking division. and^son. dipnorwill be' held in. Fel- lowship Hallat 7 pni. VFW Color Guard In Recent Parade, the WHOLE Memorial Events The color guard of Capt. ,N. R. -HOUSE! Fiske Post 335, VFW, participated in two' major events recently. On Saturday, May 13, they led the New Jersey delegation at the "Support HOT lust ONE ROOM the Boys in Vietnam" parade in BOTTLtD IN SCOTLAND. 86.8 PftOOF. New York. Last Sunday they tray- eled. to Be.verly National Cemetery, Edgewater Park, for the annual memorial ceremonies. Vincent L. Brinkerhoff of Cran-' ford, state commander of the VFW, led other state officers.in the VFW jr ritual on Sunday. Commander Brinkerhoff also placed a wreath in memory of deceased veterans of all wars. AVIS SPRINT-TIME SAVINGS! Speclal'y bum Mustangs, big Fords, every car In stock-on sale noai Members of the color guard for (X both parades were Francis L. Dieg- RENT A CAR man, Thomas F. Korner, Harry CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING Mustang Sports Sprlnt-limlte3-pr* WE CAN ADD AIR for Girls • <** 679 CAMP CHICKAGAMI *X CONDITIONING ON . 1 wagon come) wltbaxclusira for Boys !*) 2-wiy taKgate. Spilnt-Time savings now I J YOUR PRESENT FORCED, POCONO PINES, PEMNfl. * CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS At the sign of tha totem pole, on. AIR FURNACE EXPERTIY the crest ol the Poconos. Most uniquo in .INSTALLEO tti« East. ' Completo 'lalanced pfogrant. All makes "bnd models cars fully equipped , 2000 acres* Private like. 4 WEEKS $235 / 8 WEEKS $425 Rent-it-here . . . Leave-it-there service PRICE 1NCLUDK: Cooling Coil, 2 5 ft. Pcitflftargcd Tubing, Condensing Illustrated Booklot - ' orr request. ; 11 W. 42nd St.. N.Y.C. 100JB L0^ 1550 Free worlds-wide reservation, service Unit and Cooling Thermostgt, Installed in Ya.ur Present Heating System Where Blower Oucts and Electrical Service Is Adequate. Long-term truck leasing • * - 5 YEAR WARRANTY ON ENTIRE REFRIGERANT SYSTEM, PRIVATE BEACH'GLORIOUS SURF • Lovy.rates by hour, dax week or month INCLUDING PARTS AND LABOR. Ford GaM* 900 Hardtop-one ol th« strongest quletftt fm-yTHE HOTEL Insurance arjd all gas and oil included • ' • Fords ever built Yours now at big Spflnt-Tlme uvlfigil For Homes Requiring Up to BTU's, Warrens Rent A New Plymouth FREE HOME SURVEY BETTER IDEAS FOR SALE NOW... DIRtCUY ON THE OCtAN M AX SPRING LAKB, N. J. S Or Qther Fine Car At '. ,. . SEE YOUR FORD DEALER < ATTRACTtVE RATES • j K For Homes Requiring Up To 28,000 BTU's It's MUSTANG ROAD RALLYE Time — Stop In For Details! i Write for Brochure ^ VI. I • • ' ••• FinesLUpot on the jvrsry Coast gg- * • PftlVAfE, POOL • GRECO'S GARAGE Hiecrful ronm-»«ttlng»,color- ^m EUSENBUDFUEL fully 'appointed. .Wokilorful • 301 SOUTH AVE., E, CRAMPORD . 'food. Colt. AH »i>orti. SupSr- ' • TWIN BORO AUTO CORP. . Tiaeii activities ior oliildron. jg^ 272 6090 FBEtt 0. COSGROVE • Qwnac-Mgr. • s We Give S&H i. 150 E, WESTFIELp AV|. . J, - 201^498800 *.'/• -I. FREE PARKING Green Stamps JUNE 25 - SEPTEMBER 5 I ¥ T ' •. •'• /",-. • •.». "> >., :;-V "•" !• . -'i-':''"" '-''--i') '•'' "•*• '''*''"•' ''!' "''*'••"' [': J- •'-• '•• ''•• •"*''!••«*'''•'•. ''' t'^.'-&'>'-'''Hfe J • ,.

Page Eight CRANFORD (N. J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THURSDAY, MAY 35, 1967 ~ schools in New Jersey to encour- T"k 'i • rr\ • •"•• A "I -•'•' I William ^Union County traf- Geller, teacher of mathematics nt B. A. Degree lo Micek fie coordinator. Among topics to iillside • Avenue • JUnior High age intcrscholastic debate, oratory 1 Chester J. Mice.k of 17 Nomahe- be add.ed^ to the curriculum this chool/ first vice-president, and ,and related activities. Pqhce Training Academy '"'• — , uties, criminal law and disordej^ 6 teacher atrcleyeland School.. •: Grado &, Patrolmen from •\Hii' following conimunitlcs- am ..enr.nl Ircd T,irnrtor—yemefrr Heights, Clark, Kcn'ilwprth, MouAaiuside, Roselle, Plainfield, Spyng- ri Avenue School, has replac- J : aws, defensive . •taGticjw''' arrest, field, Rahvva.v;"Scotch;;r lains", Lin-'.' '• ";•'• '~ '' ' '' "• --"" jetl Miss Miriam Eisenring, Grade 5',' iearch and seizure, iifst aid, in- {rookside Places-School,: as second • den. Ujrioii, Cranford, aiicT^Union welcomed the academy.to the UJC •e$ii'gative procexlUtes, gambling, /icci-president.-'Miss Eisetiring re- • County Park Police., -all in 'Union campus. •vidence. /'accident investigati.c>< iig"ned, fjfptfl. her pOsICion on the The academy, sponsored t>y the; •ppurt writing, interrogation pro- "County; Kfiinulon Borough, in Mor- xecutiye" board' of the' association Union County Police Chiefs' Asso-' cedures, patrol practicev'cqrnmu- ' ris County, Metuchen in Middlesex o.become chairman of. the budget ciation, will run for seven weeks ;ity relations, judicial system, nar- County ' and Kearny in Hudson committee of the .Union Coiinty County. •..•'• through June 30. Classes will bt- •otics, and safe driving practices. held daily, Monday through Friday, Conference of Teachers' Associat- Police Chief Carl Ehnis.'pf New Instructors for the Police Train- ions. • , . . •; „ • from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.rvT. - . Photo by .Kiirie FOR YOUR WEDDING Providance, academy dean, presid- ng Academy are provided by Union • -Miss Lois C. Bassin.. Grade 6, HONORED BY'PBA'— Chaplain shields'were presented to Rev. WE DO NOT HAVE ed at opening ceremonies Monday _An innovation thi& year will be county policli e ddepartmentst , •• the Bloomingdale Averjue School, Was " in 'the lec,ture halt'of. Union Junior, team teaching. Accident investiga- vvrh-raed l BureaRnr<>au ooff InvestigationInves-ticati , Joseph V Derbyshire ("at center), assistant pastor of St. Michael's elected corresponding secretary at THE QUEEN'S GOLDEN COACH 'College's Nomrahegan Building. Dr. tion will be the topic taught by the New Jersey State Police, Union Church, and Rev, Dr. Robert G, Longaker, pas.tt>r t)f the First a speciaj clpctian held to fill the viacftay, UJU presiaent, team under' the leadership Count/ prosecutor's office, other Pres'byterian Church; at right, during a recent, meeting oi vranford—• county, stato,,and federal agencies, cancy created By resignanpTT- Local 52, PBA, at the Elks .Lodge. S&own making the presenta-ttoa Mrs. Judith Miller of Orange Ave- and Ur|io.n Junior College. ' v A&A CAB & LIMOUSINE is Detective Robert 1. Nylen, president of th-e lo.cal.' nue Junior High School. . BRidge 6-1! philosophy they will run and run," for her .art album was won by Mrs. N. J. Forensic Leagu.e won A SLEEK 9-PASSEJS;GER>CADILLAC LIMOUSINE Wednesday -Mr. Hortorr said in mentioning A: R. Mirante in tjie state 'coiripe-'' some of the long-run shews. tition. ,..•••' Elects Peeks Treasurer Mr, Hortop advised, the audience The music department marked KerVneth W': Meeks, of 404 Cen- Club Heaps to "go to the previews, take a its last meeting .of the season by tral Ave,, sbcial studies tea_chejr arid chance and get there to see itrfirst attending a perfcrm^ftce of "The debate coach at,Governor Livings- Merry Widow" at the Paper Mill Ttheatpe Critic before the critics get at it." "'••*.. ' ton Regional High .School, Berke: Playhouse," Millbu.pn. Preceding /CHAUFFEIJE DRIVEN OF COURSE- "It has^trfen a very bad«season The speaker characterized "Man ley Heights, was elected .treasurer 1 the show, the fourteen members in the-theatre," Jack Hortop, critic of LaMancJia' as "a major triumph of the New Jersey Forensic League lunched at Mario's Ftestaurant in Also Trip Rates to the City and All Ports of Call and lecturer, told members of the of the theatre"; "Sweet Charity" as at the annual meeting at Newark Millburn. ., . Academy last Friday. . - •.'-••.' 38 YeflWiSpectalizino ^n Personal Service '" FROM THE ONLY Wednesday Morning Club at their "a "tired", businessman's show"; annual luncheon, last' Thursday at "Sherry" as- "a musical made from The league . has 104 member "Echo Lake Country Club, West- 'The Man. Who Came to Dinner';. field. Mrs. A.' R. Mirante, program 'I Do, I Do' as 'ariice,"sweet show," SHOP OF ITS KIND chairman, introduced'the speaker. and 'The Apple"Tree"-as'enjoyable . Mr, Hortop said that competing but not a great big musical show 1 with onoh^nthpr. thw theatre.^oput as-advertised." ' '^ " _'••-,, 6n plays for different groups rTffp ~Mr.""TTartop listed -"Cabaret" as Devoted Exclusively to the ing to please them...The_-critics in "the best musical in many years." try-ing -to "tell the* public. what it He rated "The Killiflg of Srstcr FITTING •STYLING will enjoy often pick a play apart George" as the best comedy and. to 'the public's discouragement,-he "The-Delicate Balance"'as the best IVIcig ^ and SALE OF added: Many' good plays deserved play. - ' „••'• •,'"• - ..- to be seen but did not last because ', Seventy-nine members were pres: they appealed to -only a smal ent at the luncheon. Mrs. William PIERCED EARRINGS group,- he said'. H. Lang, president, presented Mrs. today's most advanced In England, the speaker related H. D. Lennon with a past presi- TJHIS WEEK'S SPECIAL the publip;will go to see anything dent's pin in honor of her tenure Reg,$12 a favorite actor is. in, whereas in of office in. 1956. this area the. public is influenced Mrs. Lang .and1 the viccj-presi- 14 Kt. Red/Black Enameled by the critic's opinion, and also; by dent, Mrs. .William•-Old, reported the extreme .publicity. on the convention held recently at COLORT1 Beetle Earrings .. 8 "As long as we persist-in a hit- Atlantic City. A third place award

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SECTION THKEI Vol. LXXLVr'No. 19. .CRANFOED, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 l>egion, VFW Plan ^ Operators Commuter^Urged to Action Plan Parade, gervices Zoning IJarassment Proposal '••.,, GAR^WoOD — Commuters and the press were chided for their, uesday - TCENILW.ORTH — :A charge thatMey were being "haras;isecif" by In Garw Joint Parade Mi „ "quietness" in the face of the Jersey Central Railroad's petition for JorpugH zoning enforcement officialsfwas made by the "operators of'.a GARWOOD — LqQtuLoca ogorganizationi s participatinppg in4he borough's KENILWORTH — Plans have been annoumJed by .Post 470^Cmerl- permission to'eliminate all passenger service, in a statement issued by j ocal service station at tiiesday^frfghttuesday,.frfght's Borough CouncCouncil-meetingi . Memorial Day Dafade will muster on ^Waljiut St.^between Second and can Legion, and Post 2230; VFW, for their^second annual joinfMemorial Councilman John E. Gallagher, Garwood's representative to the Inter- ROssell R. Gillet.of,3 Bjasser Lane and ThomajKL Laulette of thithirdd Ave^ftAS^t . 10:31030 a.mam . TuesdaTuesdayy . - M44f»in Avn., >vpfti^tQrg-Qf_i.h(> Kpnilworth Atlantlantiic service station Munterpal Group for Better Rail Service, at Tuesday, night's Borough Representatives ooff the local veterans organizations," led-by £om- ' . The parade will form at St. Thfifesa's^chool playground at 10 a.mr t Galloping Hill Rd?and 31st. St, maWer John L. Bimyasz oi Garwood^ost 317, American Legioni , and . Tuesday, It will start at 10:30^Hweedin^eastprtwasliJngton St., south Aptihg Mayor Joh'n J. McCarthy ,rCommanderCoriimanderr WilliamHRlitowskWilliamHRlitowskii of ' „.. on Michigan Ave.J and wes* iU~ -^ : : :ontended thoy.-were being falsely agreed with. the councilman's iccused of .selling cars in violation Bay ..Leaf Post 6807, VFW, will Boulevard, ending. at/the motf Postpone library Plai/ mai;ks. Declaring "it*s a j^ f the zoning ordinance because of commuters themselves do^nm be- conduct services at the World War ment on S. 21st •A sliort stoo, Flag to he presence of:i several unlicensed come, -more*, deeply, inyojvea in .this- I monument at Franklin School at will be made^T'the Borough Noise LmSb €ost Draws matter," he urged Uiem to "let not ehicles on their premises.,' ; li'alm. Invocation will be by Rev.' monuments where a wrea^Il pres» ••Their remarks were directed at only local'off iciaiSDut state legis- Jolm A. Malcolmson, pastor of To Hcpor lators "hear abom it" and hot "wait entation will be made. Councilman Walter E. Boright, Jr., Hearh X Criticism Qarwopd Presbyterian Church.•; .The Legion-VFWraf hearing on the sound ordinance ial Home on South. Ave. 24 hours, a Hall; where there will be cere- . - JOtiier festivities will include me- Councilman Boright rtjpli'ed that no taxes for each property bwlier,'' discuss what course should be fol- 11 a.m. services Of Community introduced May 9. day "for as long as"there are Unit- monies at the World War II. and/ /morial services on "Sunday at Com- such accusation had been made. Earl M. Fairchild of £50 Myrtle ow^d in Opposing the railroad's ap^ ed .-States troops serving in Viet- •Methodist Church, Members of-the Th action was taken as a re- )eal for'discontinuance of service, (Korean. Conflict plaques and Jtfte munity Methodist Ghurch_,and St. He said he had merely notified the Ave. declares in a letter" directed nam," Commander William Pili- Theresa's-Church. .Tlie Methodist Veterans of ..Foreign "Wars" and sult of complaints that the ordin- ^ouncilnian Gallagher, said: • honor roll lis'ting the. more^than two. men pf possible zoning viola- to Mayor Edward H. Tiller. • towski announced this week. . service will begin a't 9:30"a.nvand American Legion posts of Kenil- ance was too wide in scope. The "To make the Aldene Plan p*oa- This, is to serve as a reminder 100 Garwood .men. now in-service, the.Catholic servjce'at 10. Follow- ions after receiving several com- Following is the text of Mr. Fair- ible,. the state paid out over $25 worth will'be guests at the 9:30 Kenilworth [Manufacturers Assoc- that we are-100 percent ,behind the including .a gdld star next to the ing the services",- a .breakfast :for plaints—about, four or—five unli- child's letter. .' • • " million. This does not include the art> 1 union, in letter to the council, m»n vh" 'JP^V'T'E tV''' Pfc;—Thomas- :E. — Trnumbcrs of Posts, 470 and 2230 secviee. Richard W. Conner, sttid- censed cars cited at the* station. He "A'mong us we have a ^ 7 raillicm to subsidize the,raHroad try in these trying limes,'" -Com- and their families will be held at. ent assistant, will preach, at .both pointed out that. unlicensed vehi- said many of its -members "would group, calling " themselves the his year:?The state also has elimir Badavas, first Garwood soldier to be subject to unreasonable restric- loted Class A and-B taxes on the mwider Pilitowski.said. . ••"> the American Legion Hall, 14th St. services on "A, New Future." cles are not-permitted to remain Friends of the Library. They are sThe flag will be illuminated at die in Vietnam. •• -' ' at service stations for more than tions if the ordinance passes'as ailroad right of way, leaving only A reception to .honor Mr" Con- pressing for. a new "library in the, lass^C^taxes on real property. nightj»and it is hoped that as motr • .After this, the march will con- - • 30 days. -... ' . •.. written;" . . • » town of Garwood. They reason orists drive by the post honfte they, ners will, be heljl at. noon .Sunday The ordinance, an amendment to ATH has spent another $25 mil- tjnue to Unami Park, where,con- . ^^Installation rMr Gimlet asserted, however, that that the present library, whi'ch is too., will be • reminded that these by the official board to thank him an ordinance, pn protection of the ion, and various, private' groups eluding services will be held at-the. his station was. being singled out now in- the local schoPl, is inade- ave spent over.$lQ million. : men should not be forgotten," .'.-, Ceremonies for the work he has done with the for punishment; noting that the public peace, health, safety and quate and the quarters are nOt A formal ceremony of the rais- World- War II memorial tree grove. good order, would make it unlaw- "This totals .co-Bservatively to Benediction will be by Rev. Steph- youth of the church this. year.' Mr Councilman had instructed Police large enough. They tell us that >ver $60 million to -set up a plan- ing of the colors is scheduled to Set for Sunday Chief Stupak to investigate the li- ful to operate any machinery, me- take place at the post home on Me- en Szabo, pastor of St Paul's Conners will leave today to accept chanical device or aid conditioning the library should be moved to a the - railroad used less than one KENILWORTH <— Nicholas Ca- an appointment by the bishop of cense plates of the cars in question. larger, more modern facility. veek before asking for dfiseontinu-. morial Day. . • - United Church of Christ. :. ..'...... pece of 225 N. 181 h St., postmaster unit before 7 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Memorial Day, this year takes r We are being harassed," Mr. "Let us examine the facts. The nee of service. They- had -agreeed Commander Banyasz. of •'• .the at the Kenilworth. Post Office, will the Philadelphia Conference to Laulette added. on weekdays, before 7 a.m, or after on' added significance," the VFW work, in one of the downtown Phil- noon cm Saturdays, or at any. time present library came into, being to n a five,-year long-range trial American' Legion post is c'hairmah be installed Sunday as.commander Mr. Gillet'continued that Jhere' period. . . commander said,."for we are coh- of the committee in,charge of ar- of Pos.t 2230, Veterans of >flreign adelphia churches. He was or- were-many service stations in the on Sundays and holidays, if it re- serve- the need's of our local •Stantly reminded by. our newspap- sults' in "an audible' noise which schools, ,grade 1 through 8. The At" our last cxrancil meeting I rangements for this.year's Mem- . Wars. Ceremonies will, beginat 3 dained a Deacon, on Sunday and borough who were selling cars and ers, of the battle casualties in Viet- orialDay observance. • , p.m. at the"post home, 33" S., 21st St. annoys or disturbs the, quiet, com- local parochial school also has' its mentioned-a federal heari.ng,sched- nam. • •;'. • will- continue his studies .at. Drew coftimitti.ng other zoning- violations, fort or repose in any dwelling' or . It was announced at Tuesday- • Mr. Capece, a veteran qf World but the borough had taken no ac-; own library, I am told. Our high uled for May 12. The following "It is hoped that' all citizens will Seminary in the fall. c'ommuUng^to place of residence." school pupils, who go to Regional roups were represented by coua- hight's Borough Council meeting - War II. served with tJip N>vy jn the tinn against them. He contended n t r f fly the American flag on Memorial uld b sured on a HiHighh ShSchool l in ddarkk , avaiill th^mth - - ur Tn " -lVHirii ''Pal Group, that Councilman Edward W. Krem- South Pacific aboard the destrtyer his charge on weekends. '' that the cata at his station were, all honor of all our heroic pa .will Ttfpri^seiil the borough Or?" ' USS Pringle. He has been a post special sound feyel^ device. selves of a modern library in their he State Department of,Tra.nspor- dead." Sunday School classes for kinder- being repaired. -. Mayor William ^J. Ahem, Jr., school. ficlally at the ceremonies in place member since 1945 and served as All the service stations in the ation, several intere'sted private garten through high" school wil agreeing that the amendment as The local .library is open, part of Mayor Edward H, Tillerrwho is- commander once before/ in the borough were given notice,", Coun- jrotips" and the New Jersey. State on vacation. . "... late 1940's. He succeeds James K meet during church,Services. •" written may be too stiff,.said it has of' every. school day and several Senate: cilman Boright told him- "You been referred to the Planning evenings a week and people of the Rostiry Sbcieiy Music for the marchers wHI be McDonald, who ' held the- position Confirmation classes will mee1 will have nothing to worry about "The judgeinforrried those .pre- for two years Board and Board of Health for town can use its facilities, although, sent the hearing would be private provided by the Dunellen Elk-s for-the last time at 4 p.m. today. in you are acting, within the law," study. •..-.'• very ffe w dod. iThi s -group telllls us To Fete Women Band and the Arthur L,, Johnson Other officers to Deinstalled are: and only, the Department of Trans- The Youth Choir will hold its las He said the station would have Council also referred to the that a new library will - attract Regional High School Band. Joseph Smolar, senior vice-corn: 30 days to correct the situation and portation and the railroad . would Of St. Paul's rehearsal for the. season tonight a Planning Board a proposed ordin- many new people to. its use, ignor- be permitted in his chambers. Af- mander; Arthur Russo, junior vice- it would then be up to the magis- ance' which would rezone a .section ing the fact that foTj^S a year one GARWOOD —.Members of the commandet; Lawrence Schneider 7:30. The Senior Choir will mee ter two and one-half hours the r trate to make a decision. • . •. ; of Sheridan Ave. from an indus- can join the library of* our neigh- Rosary-Altar Society of the Church, chaplain; George Ja'cobi, Sr., advo- at 8, It \»as pointed out by Mayor Wil- meeting was adjourned until!" May of. St. Anne will be hostesses to GirlScouts trial' A zone to a residential B boring community of either Cran- 26. cate; Nunce, Zamp.aglione, quarter- The. Junior Yputh. Fellowship liam >J. Ahein, Jr., that "unlir zone. . ford: OF Westfieid and that few lo- members of "the Women's Guikfof : "At our lfaay 17 nkpting of the Seek Addresses master, and Michael Venezia, trus- will meet at 9:30 a,m.' Saturday to censed vehicles are^ always a pr0b- The purpose, Councilman Walter cal people have joined; that these St- Paul's 'United Church of tee. • hike to South Orange Reservation lem to a municipality," but the libraries are closer to Garwood nter - Municipal Group,' several Christ at an open house and social E. Boright, Jr., explained, is '"" plans were "reviewed a^ to the Of Servicemen . The post auxiliary will install the and will'return at 5 p.m. to the mayor assured the two residents provide a wider buffer zone residents than to many of their at 8*p.m. Wednesday. following. officers at 3:30 p.m.: church. (Continued on Page ft) -Mrs. Stanley M. Suszko, presi- GARWOOD — Local Girl Scouts, •*•; that the borough's policy is to "en- tween homes.and industry own. They'seem.to ignore the fact who have written 150 letters, tabe •Mrs. Howard^-H ofacker;-president; The Seni(jr-Youth Fellowship wi) force the zoning ordinance fairly, area. that Garwood with its. 5,600 people dent of- the society, has requested Mrs. Joseph • 4?eck, senior vice- meet at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at th and he said he would ask the build- On another subject, Mr* Boog can never hope to have a library thaV mertberT-Vtanninkr " io^atte^ senVto.men serving in the, «nn*d president; Mrs. Arthur Russo, ju- church to attend a picnic at th hristine Pidany Wins - ••-- forces-have received only about 10 ing inspector to check the Boule- building and health chairman, said such.asCranford has with its much make reservations with her. There replies to-their request for address- nior vice-president; Mrs: James home of its., vice-president, Mis vard.for other unlicensed or aban- the Board of Health, has issued a larger population. Latin Contest Award will be a tour of the church fol- McDonald, treasurer; Mrs. Ernest Pamela Villa, 528 Winthrop Road 1 es of servicemen, it was reported doned cars.. about Union's plan to "The Friends of the Library lowed by the social in "St. bAnne's Vinella, 'chaplain; Mrs. Joseph Union.". ' . . GARWOOD — Christine D. Pi- this'week by Mrs". Frank Papan- . Council • also heard complaints, erect'an incinerator in the area of have tentatively planned, a new dany oLGarwood is one of six.sta- School. "'•..' drea, leader of Junior Troop~.2O6 Smolar, conductress, and Mrs. The church office-has announce Rdv. Stephen Szabo, pastor of St. Grace Viligar, guard. from several residents of N. Eighth Springfield Rd., and 14th St., near. .building-costing some $80,000 (less dents at Arthur L, Johnson Region- and chairman for the letter, •writ; > that the following w'er.e accepted a St., where work is slated to begin Ken Acres. He said the incinerator fixtures and books) consisting of Paul's, will address the group. members during. May: Frank P al High School, Clark, who have, irig projects soon on construction of new side- •would "be 5,000 feet a,way from two floors containing areas. for been awarded certificates and , Mrs. Papandrea noted that there, Caruso, Jr./ MissYLori R. Caruso walks and curbing. The sum- of Union residents,_ Lb.ut only 2,000 study as well as areas.fpr. books. Girls' Registration Set Mi medals for their outstanding per- . Firemen's Memorial are over 100 names,displayed j>ii : $4,745 "has been appropriated for feet "from Kenilworth residents. This would require additional help; KENILWORTH — Registration" y r 'orraance in a nation-wide."Aux- the Borough Hall roster of local - "Mrs. Robert Goodwin, Mrs: Helei the work. Street residents will A resolution was passed express- at least two people on duty while lium Latlnum". contest: Service This Everting men • serving in. the armed forces for girls ages 9 through l<2"who are be assessed for 50 percent of the ing the council's "vehement oppo- the. library was open. The people 1 interested in participating in girls' Lutz, ,and Mr. Fred Recknage A sophomore at Johnson Region- GARWOOD — > Liberty Hose during .the Vietnam conflict. , . They were honored at a-receptioi cost of the sidewalk construction sition" to any extension of Route to staff such an operation should al, Christine received a certificate Co. No. 1 will conduct its an- Addresses of, servicemen to' . activities in conjunetrkm -avith the and 100 perpent of the" curbing 1-278 through Kenilworth. . be trained, and"trained librarians Kenilworth J,ets Pop Warner foot- service.- of superior merit for her score of nual memorial service in hon6r~ whom the Girl Scout letters may cost. Contracts were awarded" as fol- start at $7,500 a year. Since these 100 out of; a possible ,120 on the of deceased members of the 'fire be sent (no matter where ^hey are Ball team will be held Monday lows: - $5,486 contract to Allen people are in demand "the going night beginhing at 7:30 at the Some residents complained that Latin test.' department at 8 o'clock tonight stationed) should be forwarded to Cruise to Bermuda engineering mistakes had been Blacktop Co, for resurfacing of rate is as high as $4.70 an hour. in the^ First Aid Squad building. Mrs. Papandrea. . ,'. Community'Center. Mrs. Salvatore In addition.the building must be Participating:in the contest were Set by Pleasure Pals made- when the original sidewalks three tennis courts, and $4,745 con- over 83,000 students of Latin from Acting..Mayor John >J. McCar- The chairman for the project re- Genova, girls' activities director, tract to. Cid Construction Co. for heated, lighted and cleaned. It is requested that each- girl be accom.r KENILWORTH — The Kenil were constructed, and it should be schools in all 50 states, as well 'as thy at Tuesday night's meeting ported- that local organizations are the borough's responsibility to pay .construction of sidewalks and- estimated that the total.cost of op- of the Borough Council issued being asked to contribute funds -to panned by a parent. worth Pleasure.Pals will leave to eration would .be up to $40,000.a anada, Puerto Rico,' morrow on a five and a half-daj thercost of.constructing new ones. curbs on N. Eighth St. Guam, Italy, Philippines and sev- an invitatian to -all local resi- pay for the postage required on Others argued there was no need Council introduced an ordinance year. They tell us that matching dents to attend the service. the letters' . . *- cruise to Bermuda, where they wil federal-funds are available. In a eral countries in South America. Point System Penalty visit -St. George, Hamilton an to replace some of the pavement. appropriating $4,350 for a vacuum- Mayor Ahem said a survey of the leaf loader for the public "works nearby community this proved to KENILWORTH — Suspension of Devonshire. • ' • be .20 percent of the amount need Last Thursday they took a tri street would be conducted Satur- department.' Public hearing will the driver's license of Paul G. Si-, be at a special meeting June 6. " ed. . . -.•'•• to the Jersey shore. day morning by the borough engi- tar, 27, of 375 Boulevard, for one Passed on final reading was an "We arc told that all this will month, effective as of April 28, un- Officers arc-Mrs. Rose Vander neer to ascertain if any sidewalks can be saved. He. said the borough ordinance authorizing the expen- cost about $3 a year in taxes for der the. point system, was an- • stel, chairman; Mrs. Sophie Strack diture of $3,000 for a utility build- each property owner. Simple arith nounced this week by Motor. Ve- Mrs. Mimmie Friedrichson and Mrs is just as interested in .saving money as taxpayers are. ing at the playground on N. 16th metic shows us .that the figure hicle' Director June Strelecki. Hilda Fairchild. " • St. and Sheridan Ave. would be closer to a $100 increase WHAT'S NEW? in yearly taxes for each property CYO Schedules owner." Three Activities Bicycle License KENILWORTH — St. Theresa's BEERS, LIQUORS, BEVERAGES CVO has planned three activities Warning Issued for next week. ' GARWOOD — Police Capt ,\ On Sunday' at 8 p.m. in the Thomas J. Colwell warned this SUKSET school cafeteria the group will weelc that bicycle owners who do sponsor a "welcome > freshman not take "out the required license TELEVISION Tngnt" ne i will face tne po; will include a Hawaiian theme and of having their bicycles impounded music by the Barons. for 30 days. A youtft rally for peace, in the The bicycle safety chairman re Memorial Day week-end- is a traditional time for neighbor- form of a holy hour at St: Mary's ported that only 400 licenses- have Church, Elizabeth, will be held on been issued thus far and . U hood and family picnics. -••-..' Tuesd.ay, Memorial Day, at 3 p.m. known that there are some 600 The_ third program will be a bicycles in the borough. We have a complete line of your favorite beverages — and "welcome ^o CYO night" for par- Licenses may be obtained at po ents of eighth graders on Wednes- lice headquarters on Saturdays or day at 8 p.m. in the church audi- fronv'4 ta6 p.m. on Wednesdays. we're as neat' as yOur telephone and ready to serve you. torium. It will feature a teen Capt. Colwell 'said bicycles panel discussion. Participants and should be equipped with a bell and Experts In All Makes of Color Television their topics are as follows: Frank effective brake and should be in Fiamingfl, moderator, who will dis- good running* order. 'He "urged al- cuss the rolo of officers in the so that bicycle riders.observe safe- CYO; Nancy Buckholtz, rojc of par- ty rules sluch as observing stop OPEN TOES.-MEMORIAL DAY ents; William Hrynkiewicz, ath- streets, riding on the right side o Until 6 P.M. Jctic program; Joanne Ciemnickl, the road and permitting only one cultural program; Raymond Ten rider on a bicycle. Eyck, spiritual program and Wil- liam O'Brien, social program. Free Delivery, Of Course! Guests wil| be/ Rev. John Mor- Parade Flans Announced ley, assistant covinty CYO director, For Little League and Norbert Van Bergen, assistant' GARWOOD -T PlaRs for partici " JOE CHURNICK ' co'ujity CYO program, director. pation in the- borough's, Memorial Over 10 Yeats Bxpef|en?e ¥\Oth it«M's Day parade on Tuesday were an Honor Roll Additions - hounced this week by Joseph E • ' I BOTTLE SHOP KEi^LWORTH -i The names of Humenik,. president of the .Gar Fast Dependable T.V, Service Joan TeipeL . Anthony Tonzola,' wood tittle League. '. Joai-ine "\Valsh and*Cyrfthia Wood; All personnel of-the league are f- 789.0242 freshmen at David Brearley. Re requested to assemble at Lincoln Sejjool, a,t 10:30 .a.m. B,oys of th ''••"•••"! 24V5353 • r RO$PLLE PARK NORTH GARWOOD, N. J. gional High School, were tehtty'omitted front the b% |?in.pr League- and; Little Leagui ''"••V wilj \tear t^ttir-'uajfowns. • •; >

' • , ±. . '•,'•'.' |"' • ' •-'.'•''•.••»" ' -•','••'•1 1 ;. *.'i -:.••.«. CRANFORD (X. Jf.) CITIZEN AND CIIRQNICLE—THURSDAY, MA"? 2.r>, way lie' for f)K> ,Kirls, .^yhne Erick- ion, Kadik'en Brinrh ancl Donna Numerous Awards PresentedLegg, .162; higjv seric;s with handi-. 'ta|1 AJbti;J,-Cheety, fj.^7, and Jane- Cf.Fojtlrk'k^svs'ki," S85;.^hig.b :game with - . ...••-" 'haiwtfcap, William Danyus, 2Bl.and- The fourth.annual dinner of the Garwoocl Junior UJarbara iji-nioiu-t,'227. >•''' DIRECTORY Kuc-wfis field Sunday at the Cranuood.., Because of the largei The boys tind girls inthiK'fe.ener- . mini IK•r of (.hik-lfen ancL-iiarents attending, twosepftrato banquglQere Le-a'giie are frojn 12 tO'-lo years tiekl, TlifK-'bf par)d VFWHbraytt>s-+rciti'thtiii-^ditl'ner ugeand 'Teener.LeaguTLe e 30AO30AO rtC '" ''*''' 170 to receive 'trophies;/Michael APPllANCES * AUTO BODY CATERING >* William Gen-ity,'prespresideni t g£-ffrej Grics, 185; Joseph Hjdif.175;' An- FUNERAL • LAWNIViOWERS • drew O'Agostinp i84f Edward Mel- 'lcaguO, acted as' toast master 'for- all, Kgrcn^Foss and Debbie Setzer. v REPAIRS DIRECTORS tieth »dinnt^>r^Al.sp' aj.teffding. both | ka, 1.84; Bruce.K'aralius, 193; Daug- CALLAHAN'S THE RANCH MOUSE LA GRANDE Accepting the Second pkice lus Lutteiv 186; John Mercer, 182; "'dinners,'"^ " the,>'6lher officers: sponsor trophy Was Miss Gona APPLIANCE LAWNMOWE^A BaijaGreyer-Secretary; Lil Rey- Charles-'".Sammarco, 176;' Barbara CATErtlNG Gray Memorial Schultz from the Suburban Trust Sjinonet, 171; Ginnio. . Guerriero, Sales & Service BODYART GARDEN £ENTER ,jroid.s, reeyrcling- secretary; Eleanor Co. The second place winners of Banquets —• Weddings — Dances Funeral Directors Kutsej-'ji. treasurer; Ann Gerrity, 187, and Cathy Legg, 189. Over 2Q0: EASY ' e W. Kochera ./Authorized ^ trogriies were: Susan W.olski, Patty William Danyus, 229; Douglas , ' F.ntertaiiinie'nt WeeK-ends 12 Springfield Avenue Sales! & Service-^ sergeant at arms, and the directors, AiihlinnriM* and Air .-•-I" Melka, John Legg," Tom Sehleicher Stout. 203; .Ron-Severino,' 210; Pat Specialists Cranford, N. J. • tORO / Km'il luitspra, Irene Ricks, NetUejand Frank Augustyn. '. , • On trtil. Al|r . Aii-ConUitioncd • Lettiere, 227;'William Materia, 202; 1 • JACOfiSEN Cus'inano, .Angie' Sinipnet, ..Anna * Other awards: .High average 'Washers,"- Dryers' - Ilpcr. Coolers Auto & Truck Rieflnishing Luncheon Served 11:30 • 2:00 276-0092 Kowi'-and Emily Va'iser. Angelo Lardieri, 230; Bob Guer- Icp Machlnoy'- Hpatlrir Systems • yraffiEL HORSE (scratch); George Hpii, 132, andriero 210; William Pevarnik, 210, 24-Hoiu Towing' ^yf JPtfwep Mowers A" representative rfh each of Janet'" Buydos 121; high •series' ELECTRICAL SER'VIQB^ DOOLEY .• thf liiiUjis p and Fred, Mason, 200. __^ - . Free-'Deliver JBorfy &'Fender>Siop 276-9871 • Complete Repairs (scratch h-j£ Most improvcd bowlin^~a"wafcTs' corsages, anc iv Kutsera with a Susan Wols.ki, 417;: f04 North 10th . Kenilworth FUNERAL SERVICE All Make Mowets went to Angelo LarcUerL and Kath- 352 W: Roselle (Off Blvd.) » FCNE&AL DIIffiCtOEa . Dial. 233-0363 sift. Vinc^rft Reynolds is General (scratch), Richard Nead,' 223, and •-- RES;- 7890604 Manager of the League. . -V leen' Brown. ' . > - Phone: 276-0255 349 South Ave., E. Westfield Doreen Castaldo, 189; high average The Youth-Adult Tournament ne • blessing of: -the meal was with handicap, Jr/hn Roberts, and DEALERS • 6 Sojitfi' Ave. 218 North An., W. Cranforff by Karen Foss' of the PBAJ awards were, presented as follows: COMMUNITY Leonard' Gallucci,. 141. each and .For. boys • T— First, Andrew MOVING and te'a'nf.. Patty Melka, 140; high series with DELICATESSEN WALTER J. JOHNSON p'Agostino, Jr. and Sr.; SCTOHXT^ FIRST ^ , Accepting the-sponsor.tro.phy for handicap;, .Frank Rica, '562, -and CATERING FUNERAL HOME STORAGE •nhcr Iv of C League was Bertram J; Douglas Luttefand Arthiu>Nord- : In Complete Hot Dinners To Joyce Vaiser, 545;" high game with strom; fourth, Angelo I^arcfieri and AUTO BODY SHOP Go . 1'iiHliVs For All Occasions "Berlolainy oi'^tHe B-Y Co. He^re- handicap, James Materia, 212, and Completely Air Conditioned D.on Mattson; fifth, F.re1l and Judith Expert Atito Body Repaks Delivery ' 372-6690 Service Spacious Parking Rented the "first place .trophies to Joyce Yawlak, 206. • . 1203 Raritan Rd. Cranford , the winning- B-Y -Co.. tea^i mem- MaS.on; sixth, Ed Wag-nei" 'jaiid* (.'.. '& J»abiting Phone: 382-6262 The-cbifdrenin the VFW League Huntley. . '. ' ." • • bers: Rrfbert Goldberg, Steven. Leit- must bowl oVer 140 to receive a Specializing In ..".•. 803 Raritan Rd. Clark man, William Ricks, Kathy Setzer .For-girls — Placing first, Ginni TWIN BORO . COAL trophy; John Roberts, 1601 John. and, Edith Guerriero, and "placing • Insurance Claims and Lori HarUing. ~ '..*'. • Miccio, 159', Frank Rica, 1(57; Bruce AUTO CORP. • Truck Work \ Second place trophies were pre-: sixth, 'Nahcy Rae and-LU Reynolds. FURNITURE Kosky, 141; •'William. Mone, 158; . Rev. Stephen Szabo of St. Paul's Authorised Bord Dealer' Sines. 1S20 • 34 Hr. Towing Service . LOVELAND Fuel Co., Inc. sen ted to the Johansen Co. team: Paul Materia, 14?- Nick Cusmano, United Church'of Christ giive the ' § BtlM .% Sorlea . £ Rental* Open 7 Days A Week Authorized Dlstlflbutor HENRY P. TOWNSEND Ralph -_parentfe-, 'DeBbie Lyons, 147; Tom Schleicher, 152; Preston - _ of — ..•'•.• - FERN'S FURNITURE, .Inc. benediction. Other guests, included Open Eve*, til 0:30 D.m*— Sat. til 6 p.m. . Mark Cheety,' Leslie Gallisori. and Terrell, 158; Wayne; Kardet; 168; Call 24H150 Erwythlnr For Wie Horn* . iiOTDIO AMD 8T0BAQ1 , _j6hn.Cyajkows1U. Yhale Snow, representing .the . Weitfleld Ave. . . Eotelle Park George Ave. . Roselle Genuine — . nlnitii»t » B' ABPUMIMP * Jerry: Ramsey, 157; Janet Buydos, VFW;, Mr. ahd' Mrs,. Fred Petroz- JnvenUe tiirnltiiM. . Trophies, also, werepresented for: 161.; _Debibe Rowe, 153; Lynn Kel- KOPPERS COKE ' B»bT Omrrl*c»l- ^^-H+gh—average-^ (sc-r-atch)., Robert ziello, reprbscnting Petro'.PlastiA!; UBOIMUB .— Ban — 241 North Ave, -W. Westfield lerman, 149; .Maureen Qavirrr-- 143r YARUSSi'S AUTO BOfrY BRidg* 6-5000 Gojdberg, 112, and 'Cynthia Greve and Susan Woiski, 162. Mcs. Leona 'eg; high series (scratch)., Gary Wi-R-et, Miss Lynne Fillman, for REILLY OLDSMOBILE BODY & FENDER Receiving trophies for over 170 A. Fillmari-Iloofing; jerry Ram- •' KUccio, 386, and Debbie Lyons-, 307; I•were: George Hoff, 189; Jamfes Ma- 233-7651 REPAIRING •high game, (scratch), John Petroz-j sey; representing Knights of Co- — Ineortiocsted — * DIL4PERIES • GARDEN teria, 171; .John Yawla'fe, 195; Leo- - '. Anthorlied NURSING HOMES • . ziello, 159y and'Lori Bartung 123; iLumbus; Couneilmarr John Gal- nard Gallucci, 180; Doreen Castal- lagher, representing the mayor,, oioitroBiLi and SLIPCOVERS SUPPLIES high average with handicap, Steyeri do,.. 189;. Joyce Yawjak, 177, and Bale* and Serrle* • ' * Leitman,. 136; and Karen Schweit- 1 ahd Mrs. Szabo. 'Patty Melka, 174.. Trophy for over 560 North Are., B. Westfield Towing Service CRANFORD HALL •zeiy 132; high series with handicap, 200 went to: Richard Nead, 223. Music for dancing/was provided'! TRUgENBACH'S by the Mornings, a group of teen- NURSING HOMfe Scott' Martin, 531, and Peggy Krone, Most improved bowling" award FEED & SEED CONVALESCENTS . 475; high game with handicap, went to. Joyce -Vaiser and Frank agers .from Westfield. M124532M mo.' • . • • • 12 Acre Estate — Fireproof Bulldlnn James ivfone, 201, and DQjina Ricks. ROTCHFORP TOW i MO . Since 19ZS Registered Nurses In Charue Augustyn:; ' " . . ^ '• Owden BupDUes.- Tooli, 276-7100 185. Also given' 'at this" ttao were PONTIAC -272-7639 (Night Calls) Insecticides. PeTtHleeir!!, ita. • Elyery child bowling over. 125 CaU OT6^1»61 600 Lincoln Pk., E. Ctanford the trophies won for. the Youth- AUTHORIZED 133 W. Westfield Ave. RoseUe Pk. •during the season received a tro-Adult Tournament, conducted,, last, POHTIAC - TEMPE8T- • 116-118 South Ave., E. Cranford phy for that a'eh"ieve'merit: Steven QUALITY DECORATORS OPTICIANS month. Placing third for the boys Salei and Servic* -'••AUTOS" • BARTELUS • Leitman, 137; William Ricks, 135; were Michael and William Gerrity; DRAPERIES & SLIP COVERS Philip' Caylaldo, 137; Dan L_ammi, : Good UMd-Cam - ' • CAHPET8'.-- • ' • C •' FARM & GARDEN SUPPLIES, fourth place, John Roberts and USED CARS ... \ • BLIP COVERS .139; Michael Woiski, 136; Richard John Costa; fifth, John Cyajkowski, 433 North AT**., E~- Wettfirid. H. J DRAPGRPGRnSn B .. RAYMOND E. WHEELER UPHOLSTEBY Scott's Lawn Care Products *' Lyons, 128; 'Mark Worotielz, 125, .Tr and Sr., seventh place.. Wayri Fences OPTICIANS and Kiehard uamson, liid. t'orxfvTr and Richard Kugelman? tied for »afnt & Bofly Shop ^ ST. GEORGtAAOTbRS CHestnnt 1-2975 Dial 388-1581 140: 'Scott Martin,* 153;. WHlfam eighth, Ralph Parente and Emil Tr North Kr9.. Garwopd. N. J. ^ 632 Boulevard . ftenllwortlh 277 Central Ave. Clark - Glasses Fitted — Prescriptions .legg, 142;-John Petrozzielli,. 159; Kutsera, arid Robert and Yhale Dependable » filled - Lenses Duplicated•.•« Sun Ja,mes • Mone, 140"; Mark Worobetz-; • 232-3700 Snow. For the girls: Placing sec- •'•'•-. USED CARS BOULEVARD Glasses • Plain or Rx •.149, and De-bbie Lyons, -146. Forond, Kai;en and Arthur.Schweitzer; TERMINAL ' t>ver •170:'R6bert.Goldber.g, 188, and fe Est. 1948 C4ARDEN CENTER Hours: . • • third,' Diane ajid :Hele^ KaraUus; MILL END STORES, INC. lFertUizftrs — .Grass Seed Mon. "fl^ a jn. to B 4>.m. Gary Miccio, "170. • Most improved fourth, Debbie and Williafh Rowe; Union County Buick Co . I.aVn Mowers Daily' U a.m. to 0:30 p.m. bpwling awards went to' Jill Greve .'. HU 6.-9172 Customi-Made * _ Complete Garden Supplies fifth" Patty- Melka. arid Tom Lqjn- DRAPERIES & SUP antl Richard Lyons. - • • -bardi,*' and seventh, Peggy and HU 6-8818 COVERS — Wee Se- • Dial. 272-6277 Dial 233-5512 The K of C League, which bowled Leroy Krone. • lection of Fnbrlcs — 604 Boulevard '• Kenilworth 110 Central-Ave. .' Westfield at 9 o/elock every Sa.tijrday mo-rn- 1330 E. St. George Aye. . Linden By Yard or Bolt — *eery boy and girl rjecei(ved a Foam Rubber Head* (Opp. Municipal Parkins Lot) • ing, includes children from-the (Across from Linden Lumber) ounrters — |)raprry MEEKER'S trophy with- his or hef name on it rtard»are — INTKR- ages of 9 to 11. as a place setting. Mr. Reynolds ex- 1OR DDCORATIVO < GARDEN CENTER • Authorise* - " The VFW' League, Avhich bowled pressed thanks to all the people) t SPECIAtlSTS • tversreens - OrasS Seed PLUMBERS at 11:45 every Saturday morning, BUICK Fejrtiltzer Involved -in making this a yecy fl*lM and Serrlm ! Call . . . 688-9416 Annuals - Perennials - Power Mowers y^ succes$ful year for. the boys and ALUMINUM DAVtD A. MURItAY- Stuweaant Ave. Union Dial 232-8717 old to 13 years of age. GOOD vskn OABB BRENNAN & TOYE girls and in particular to Mr. and ., W. Accepting .the. sponsor trophy for Mrs. Emil Kutsera for carrying on SJ9 JJ. Broad SI. CUiabeth J. T. Griffin, Prop. '^th'e Winning-'PBA* team in "tljie for him during his serious illness Murray Elected 354^300 * DELICATESSEN • PLUMBING —'HEATING .. .VFW League • was Donald Legg. of four months.. \ LIFETIME ALUMINUM • HANDWRITING • & TINNING . First place trophies went to George Grace M. Howell of Scotch Plains By Independent 276-0269 ; i, James Materia, David Crpok- BERSE BROTHERS PRODUCTS, Inc. . • ANALYSIS • dernonstrated the ancient drt'of . .H«fnt) ImDrovement Product* CENTRE DEL 206 Sonh Ave., E. ' Cranfortf Bohemian glass blowing for the Insurance Agents Bales — PlVMOtJTH — "Bortloe ~ Storm Windows & Doori Authorised Chrysler Motors Dealer (Under New Manasement) "^ MRS. STELLA ^~ children. In dosing, Mr. Reynolds GARWOQD.— Dayid A. Murray . - 276-3205 A ADams 8-1O30 . (Open 7 Days — 9 a.m. to 10 pjn. Handwriting: Analysis CHAPMAN BROS. * invited all the boys and girls of 334 Hemlock. Ave. was.elected 102 South Ave., W. Cranford 1448 North ATC, W. '• WegUlell Readings On All Your Problems Plumbing & Beating Contractor* NO, AVt. fiRANfORR. •R>6>f77 ' since 1963. - . Watahes — OUte — BUyorware BERARD PLUMBERS Other" trophies were awarded as He attended Jonathan Dayton 550 NL Broad St Chins Clocks — Enerftvlna ' PLUMBING & HEATING, "For Those Who ,-' Regional- High School, Springfield, Elizabeth BETTY ANN'S R. K. INVESTIGATORS, Repairing , follows: High, average (scratch), i CRANFORD BAKE SHOP • 'Bollrr Replaocmrnts Thinlc Young" Ron'Severino, 151, and Ginni Guer- and Newark University. He served INC. Onen A Personal Charce ' • Dlshwasliws Cakes & Pastries State Licensed Bonded - Insured Aocoont • Disposals riero, 141;" high series (scratch),in th U. S. Army Signal Corps with Gu»nint«ed Work STARTING \VED., JUNE I4th Baked Fresh Daily 4 Divoroo Evidenoe Handl-Oharre or Community Credit Plan H"Bob Guerriero; 560, and Robin the Third Army in Europe. Mr. VAL'S Ot>en Sunday 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. • Sklp-I.oouto Service Call 276-1998 "DR ZHIVAGO" Gilbert, 428; high garne, Angelo Murray served as- a'fnember'of the • Guard Service.. Call B^R 6-3616 Chilton Hill 276-0622 276-5400 326 WaJnut Ave, Cranford Lardieri, 230, and Cathy Legg, 189;Borough Council for-seven years 101 Miln Street Cranford high average with handicap, Wil- and h.eld the positions of finance Sales & Service 23 lyorth Ave., E. Cranford 500 Boulevard* Kenilworth liam Pevarnik, 1?2, and in a three: chairman, chairman of streets and TRAVEL roads, and police- commissioner. Authorized BEAUTY SHOPS * Among other, activities, Mr. Mur- " N S U • ELECTRICAL • MOUNTING BUREAUS ray is a past president of Garwood MAY ANNIVERSARY SALE SCARBROUGH CONTRACTORS RIALTO Savings and Loan Association WILLIAMS LAMPS BROAD ST.' W65TFIHD • AD 2.I28S From $1,498 Up LLOYD EXCHANGE (presently a director), and a mem- BEAUTY SHOP 70S Central Ave. (near Qrove St.) COMPLETELY REHEATED RIVt-lN THEATRE* MMWftVfrMOC ber of Bay Leaf Post 6807, VFW; All Models Sale-Priced GEO. SANGIULIANO TRAVEL BUREAU, Inc. AND BKFURBISHKD Wostfield ?32-2158 GET OUT OF TUEIB WAY .', Call BR »-1471 ELECTRICAIf CONTRACTOR OCSTOMEB BNTEANOB AND • AirLino. •Steamship 'Hotel Atlas Lodge 125, F&AM, Westfield; Call 354-2297 PARKING DJ BEAK NOW THRU TUES. New Jersey Consistory, Valley of HOUM l • Tour ono-stop lamp beadi]i)arten • Cruises • Toon Jersey City; Salaam Temple, AAO- 201 W. Grand Elizabeth 109 HUB Bt ' Crufosd • ReflnlatUnb, rewiring and repair of Bob HOPE Phyllis DILLER "DEVIL'S Jobbing any lamp MTJ 8-4800 NMS Livingston; St. Paul's United • Old: lamps restored 1988 Morrla AT*. XTnloii . "8 ON THE LAM" Church o*f Christ, and Garwood Ro- BR 6-9521 • Vtotorlan Btobes painted to matob — A-I«o * ANGHS" BOWLING your base tary''Club'.'*-- - - - • -_. ^ _•> ELIZABETH IS Mrrtl* 8t . Crantoid > Bamp shades repaired or recovered AUTP & AIRCRAFT w 8. J. 8HAW, Prop. "How -To Succeed In » Do-lt-YoarseU lamp part* • SprayLng • Trae Feeding • Pruning - , Tommy KIRK In Ooen -evenlnvi 8-0 Business Without . Sales & Service • Emurjjoncy. Worlf 'IT'S A BIKINI WORL.D' Plan Fatl Wedding HOMEMADE • BracliiB • Tree Removal Really Trying" KENILWORTH — Mr. and Mrs. Parts • Equipment * LAWN MOWERS * • Dangerous Trees A Specialty . Bui Office Owens at 7 P.M. Adolph Leikauskas of 735 Mon- BOLOGNA & SALAMI BRidge 6-3607 , "The Return Of The 7" mouth Ave. have announced the PRIME MEATS AND POULTRY T & J LAWN MOWER ^r tlKTHIt ^a» rffATCTS-ttjIlbftEM Ttf* Fffft ,Call 35^-6442 26 Tulip St. . Cranford 4uTERBRIOMr TO ROUTC9 JUNCTION*S engagement of their daughter, Di- W4 Fill Home Freezer* i SERVICE TDU MfUNOtD CM DATED MCtlOT BOWLING anne Leikauskas, to Donald P. Cor-700 Trumbull St. EUzabeth IUPER MARKET - CLARKTON Pick lip & Delivery aggio, son of' Mrs.-Alary Coraggio WACK BAR I.cuvn Boy - llahn - Kcllpue >' COCKTAIL BAB Rarltcn Reid.. Clark Jacobsen -WATCH of. Springflejd- •• Soletf - Service - Paita The brUie-elect is employed.by FU 14700 D«lrv«ry - 3S8-7«44 CaU 272-5415 REPAIRING Quindar Electronics, Inc.,' Spring- LAING MOTOR CAR CO140 Central Avenue Clerk ..'9 332 E. NDrtb. Ave. . Cranford NOW THRU TUESDAY I Prkw St.. CONTINUOUS MEMORIAL DAY field. Mr. Coraggio is a crane oper- AntborUsd "A powerful, enlerta'lnlni film" P A R K ator for Stevens Brothers, Inc., . . . CUE Kenilworth. BUILDING • Paul NEWMAN ROSELLE PARK CH 6-0388 An October wedding is planned. CONTRACTORS TICKER Frederic MARCH NOVY THRU TCjLJESDAY FTTEL OIL JI««T IIMMUM SHOP Richard BOONE CONTINUOUS MEMOEIAL DAY I Jerseys.Surnmat Batnjhealte WATCHIS ft CLOCKS Diane CILENTO "A superior CQtnwJJ" . . • CUE • CADILLAC MPA1BJ DONI OM TM« ACAPEMV AWAllp WINNEB ; FOOTHILL LOVELAND Fuel Oil Co. rEiet Walter MATTHAU Balaa A Berrioi "HOMBRE" PLAYHOUSE ESSO HEAT — FUEL OIL JCVILUT tuo Jl Jack LEMMON Hcccimoori Avenue, Middlesex, N. J. 1 WALNUT AV*.. RD O-5270 . . _ Plus — : „ Guaranteed Used Can Prompt, fcotfrteooB Serrlea' O&ANFORO, N. J. "The Fortune Cookie" 2Qth Anniversary Season! "THE SPY WITH 756-2241 ' CaD 276-1144 ' RAPPS MAV 31 -JUNE 10 If you are tnlnKlng about a ca- THE COLD NOSE" The bUarious muslcall BUILDERS set NpB/rn AVE., E. • OOANFOBD "Russians Are Coming, 119 E, Fifth Street' PlalnfleM PHARMACY reer in/science, the Union County Lawrence HARVBY "GENTLEMEN ESTIMATES ON ANY SIZE JOB ., Daliah LAYl ' Russians Are Coming" REELSTRONG fUEL CO. •II Puk AT^ PUlnfI«ld Heart Association has a valuable PREFER BLONDES" Home Improvements — Alterations — booklet that can answer maiiy o^ ' Lionel JEFERlES STARTS WEIX, MAY 3l8t . • Additions ... PL i-OOOl - STAR.TS WED., MAY* 31sf Wed., Thurs.>1.5Q .• ^uslcal »2.25. Cancer today'is treated by sur- Depeqd&blA, Friendly Service Since 102^ Rcglftirtd Phtrin^

:• v • •,/;••• AND CimONICLE—TPHlTRSnAt,. MAT 2S, Page Thrcft and Mrs. Arthur Schwpitzi-r, pri'-l Annildl of r.ttriincils in-Union County with Koch-Damen scr.U'd a prograirL.-^ntilli-d . "My viVIlIlllai ^riotal. iiifinbt'rship, of 7,000. • Sandra Hopkins isBr}M& Home Badgo" at-a mei:tiiig of the j A native of Brooklyn,..Mr. Hart* Tyoth Announced Gurvyowl Senior Citizens'" club 'at • UJ TV U1IIC man- has resided in t at 7 second vice-president, Ralph G. .Wednesday and Thursday . nights; Oarwood, N. j. Mann; corresponding, secretary, respectively, were presented- to Adv Fee: $7,4^ ..: . 5-2Sp!m. A,t 8 "p.m. a Spring song session At Lincoln School 7 will be held.as part of a special David G.' Brown; recording secre- Mrs. Pevarnik, 131; Mrs, Charles tary, Dootiniek Cardillo; marshal, Kamuda", 1J7, and Mrs. John Pells. GARWOOD — .Mr, and Mr;!; Jos- NOTICE OP INTENTION •evening service; The male quartet Troop 75 eph Trbiano, physical education in- Take notice'' that FRANCOIS STKTtT.KR, will rehearse . following - the serv- Daniel Saporito; assistant marshal, 122.- '•••'. •>•••.' trading os'THE OAKLAND HOUSE, has structors, . wili .present' boys and. applied, to the Mayor and Council ot theice. ,•;,. _ ... • John Yawlak; alternate- delegate" New officers for-the group are: girls from classes of Franklin.and' Borough o( Garwodd, N. J., for & Plenary The youth communicants' class Honor Court to the Union Cpu-n-ty Fede'ration of; chairman,' Mr?, William Trelease; •Lincoln''Schools in- a- physical fit- - Retail Oonsuraptlon license for premises Holy- Name. Societies, Stanley M situated at 358 North, Avenue, Oaxwood, will meet today at 4:15 p.m. and GARWOOD — Awards were pre- co-chairman, Mrs. Erigeibardt;'.'see- ness .program in the Lincoln School N. J. . . •• . the Chancel Choir will rehearse at Suszko. retary,..Mrs. Fra.nk Her/og ,and gymnasium this evening and -again Objections, if any, should be made Im- sented to members of Boy. Scout mediately, in writing, to A. T. Mosca. 8 p.m. Troop 75, sponsored by theChurch treasurer, Mrs..Pells. '",••". tomorrow evening. Clerk of the 'Soroush 61 Oarwood, N. J. The Junior Youth Fellowship of St. Anne, at a Court of. Honor, Guests at the event included Students . from the . sixth grade (Slimed) ' will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. and J 1 FRANCOIS SIELLIiR held Mon.day nigfit. in St. Anne\ Sorority Installs -Rev. John A. McIIal*?,. pastor; Rev. classes supervised by James' Duke* 358. North Avenue pre-marital counseling will be held School;, Presentatipr^s were made Martin -J.'. Silver.arid Rev. Michael science teacher, and Mrs. Marjorie Garwood, N. J. at 8:30.p.m. • ' - . ' . R. Mascenik, assistant •pastors ajid Nobbs, social studies teacher, spent Adv. Pee: $7,92 o-i by .Scoutmaster Frank Spera and New Of ficer Slate MRS JVMES H FISHER The Senior . High .G. E. Youth Assistant Sc6utmaster Raymond GARWOOD — New - officers of officers of the Rosary-Altar 'So- Monday-at the Outdoor Center 4o- ; Fellowship will meet on Saturday NOTICE OF INTENTION ' M'cComb. Gamma Mu Chapter of Beta Sigma ciety. Mrs. -Alfred 2. -Zanetti, re-, cated at the Deserted Village in Take • notice that .. JOHN CKtNCHAR, morning at 9:30 a.m. at the church ' Those,who received the:awards Phi were- installed last Wednes- tiring chairman," introduced guests. the Watchung Reservation, where tradlie- is' T1JB ClARWOOD REST. hAS ap- for .a trip t6 Hershey, Pa. many phases of nature were stud- pUcd to the.' Mayor .and Council oJ the are: Sepond class badge,! Michael day at the hojne-6£ Mrs. John.Crbc- . Members of the society inter- Boroueh ot Garwood, N. J., for a Plenary Mjd-week prayer and Bible study Gries, Joseph T. Franciso and Ed-co, 402 Central Ave.., Ccanford, aS ested in bowling", next season; are ied. • •'-..-• -. .-—•. fol-K^^ Retail Consumption" license for premises group will meet-on- .Wednesday at ' Kindergarten children from wood, ward MeNamara; . Jockey Hollow follows:' President, Mrs. Charles asked, to contact Mrs'. Trelease. situated dt 259 Avenu 8 p.m. '"TEe Stole of Jesus" wurber Washington School, under 'N.-J. ' ' • • . " Award, James Conlin, John-Legg, "Meadows xrf 206 €r?dar -Ike—league. JiQwls..._T-U£sday; WexL ' Objections, If any, should be made Im- discussed.- ."' president, M^s. Crocco; recwding •nesday and Thursday nights, in the.yision. of MiSs Linda Moleen, visit- Wedin Chwch oiSif*ginne mediately, lri writing;, to-A. T. Mosca, Williarh Trelease and Robert Wall; Clerk ol the Boroysh of Qarwood, N-. J-. ' The Sacrament of the Lord's secretary, Mrs. 'Vincent, Guerriero church bowling alleys. The newed, lire headquarters and the F*irs:t GARWOOD —The Church of St. "Anne was" We "setting Saturday coin collecting and Jockey- Hollow, Aid Squad building recently. ' . "• . . . . (Slaned)' Supper will take place at the 11James Spera and Robert McComb; of 60 Fourth A've... and- treasurer, •season is expected' to begin.' the afternoon lotvlhe wedding .of Miss Carol. Ann Kitson, daughter of JORN' CHIWCHAR o'clock worship service on-June 4. Mrs. Karl Kwasnick-. of Scotch middle of September. Preschool children- have been 1 299 South Avenue home repair, cooking and Jockey visiting with*: the-' kindergarten ^Mr. anc^.iVtrs. Edvyard IV! Kitsori,. Sr: of 454 Third Ave., to- James 1I-. • . Qarwood, N. J. At 5:30 p.m. that day. a supper and H6llow, Carmen Petrozziellor swirn- Plains. i • ' ' •• ' Fisher, son' of Mr; and Mrs, James A. Fisher of Hazleton, Pa. Adv. F<5o: $7.92 ' -'.... 6-1 program honoring graduates will Posters ,were made by member's classes in. preparation; for begin- ming badge, F"et'er Marcino; fishing ning school in the.fall.- , - • Rev, Michael 11. Masceaik, assistant -pastor, performed the cere- NOTICE OF INTENTION be "held, with Stephen, Robey Of merit badge, "Joseph, Bartolickv to be placed in local stores adver- HartmanHeads Take" notl.ee vttiat BanbuV' Corporation, Milltown .as guest speaker. tising, their rummage and. cake mony. A" reception for 275 guests ' —_~r_— • --- — - >— tradinu as H.& B UQUOR STORE.' has ap- i'icst class and 'Jockey Hollow, followed- at ..the VFVV Memorial the-Elephant Walks," Keith Howe'll plied to tni< HJwor and council of the John Vogel; camping and.cooking' sale, to.be. held in the garage, at K of;G Federation Penalized for Speed Borough ,6f. CnrWRod. N. J.' far a Plenary ti IVIemori/il Day ' meriLbadges, Kevin MqCarthy;'sec- the home of Mrs. -Meadbws tomor- GARWOOD — Harry E. Hartman KENILW'ORTH. -^ Suspension of - Post No.. 6763-"in South Plainfield. and .William Wtirobetr ^'What I Retail DUlrUmiloYi license tor premiss*; 4-ow -and Saturday. ^. ojf .71 Second Ave., past, grand ' -Want to Be,'-' Kennetlh Clevenge.r; located at 109 Center Street. Garwood, ond class, and "Jockey Hollow, Gary the driver's license of Croxton Wil- The bride, escorted^ to the :altar "Jumbo," Jeffrey Wanca; "Bal- N. J. • ''• . • ' • . Prograin- at School Lynotf. .. • . . ••• Members• also clis-cussed the-pos-i knight of Msgr. John M. Walsh liams, 33, of 223 N. Ninth St., for by her father, had her cousin, Miss TM numes hnd residence ot all officers, si.bflity of having . a float-in the Council, Knights of Columbus, has loons," Jane Wanca. directors and xtockhold™T are; tJARWOOD — A special Memor- Three boys were initiated as 30' days, effective as of' May-1,-un- Memorial Day parade.- been., elected president of "the Judi-thAnn Card of Colonia, as her There also will be several circus I^residfiU Hi,id Director JPTOiephen J. Ban-ial Day program for the children tenderfoot scouts. They'are: Daniel., der'the 60-70 excessive speed .pro-. " yaaz. 34S HrmlocV AvSJtGarwpod,' K. J of the public.schdols will be con- . It was announced that a picnic IJnion County Federation, of maid of honor. MisS Barbara Card songs "by the entire class. Vice-Presldent and pifejifw A- Russell E. Kagen, .James_ Wright "arid Roberti gram, was announced this week by BurleUn, 290 Hernlo^.AVB., Garwood, ducted'in front of Franklin Schoo^ will'be*1ieTc! in Echo Lake Park, Rnights of.Columbus Councils. Motor Vehicle Director June Stre- iss I.ynria .-Yost, of Tab.-r-. Westfield,-on .June 18. • on",Monday.tafternoon. . Twenty-four- scouts and 13 fath- The fedpyation comprises K lecki. -v '••'•'.*' Edj^on, both cousins of the bride, Treasurer and BOROUGH QF KENILWORTH yasz. 343 Hemlocfc Ave.. Ourwood, N, J-. —The V*6npprtit jve pfoKram, with anrtua'l fltth- Miss Mary Fisher of Hazleton, Pa., 1 ' Kenllworth. New Jersey ^Secretary find,Diri'cCo'r"--"Ri tti' C; BurleiBh, various, classes. participating, wil er-sorKcampout. at Camp \^a.j ch;u,n.g sister^of the bridegroom, and Miss ORDrSlAilCE NO. 01-1O .-. . 290. Hemlock Ave,-. Qarwood, N. .J. be under the supervision of Fred- E " Carol Markovitch of Fre el and, Pa., AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE' FOR THE • Objection's, if any. should be made im- last weekend! The bd^s> were""| ERECTION AND CONSTRUCTION OP Amediately, ip wrltlriK. to A. T. Mosca, Clerk erick White,- industrial arts. in- driven to "tlje camp site in cars by wefe the bridesmaids.' Donna Lee UTILITY • BUILDING FOR .THE ° PLAY- of'th'e'Borounh or Oaxwopd, N..J. structor •". •• . • ."lytson was her' sister's junior GROUND AT NORTH laTlj.BTBfeET ANB •(Signed) - . , •.-•-., the adults. The food was prepared SHERIDAN AVENUE.', AND. >}AKINQ THE Stepheji J.."Banyiuiz, President by the scoutsv Church services bridesmaid while Dawn Rienhardt NECESSARY APROPRIATIONS FOR THE BANPBUR CORPORATION ;."of Garwood'was her.cousin's flower NEEDED FUNDS. ' 109 Center Street, St. Paul's Activitiea were .attended oh Sunday in the J. AHERN, JR. ' Oarwood, N. J. • ~ , GARWOOD — Rev. Stephen Sza- camp chapel. for the Tr6testants girl., ; . • ' " - . Muyor. Adv. Fee: $12,32 " '.• 6-1 and at the Hamton CatholicChurch William J. Kitson, brother of the Attest: . • . • . . bo> pastor, will conduct .worship MARGARET McQEVNA. service at St.' Paul's United Church for the Catholics. bride, was the best man. Jack Ma- Borough Clerk.' BOROUGH (J*-KENILWORTH gowan of .Yardley, Pa., Kenneth Kenllw.orth, New ' Jersey t>i Christ at 11 a.m. Sunday. Church m STATEMENT BOARD OF. HEALTH school will convene at 9:30 a.m. Kembler. and Allen Kembler of .Take notice that' the above Ordinance " ORDINANCE N't). 8VI Girl Scouts Entertain \! - Levittown, Pa.; cousins of thewas passed at a regular meeting of theAN ORDINANCE CtoNCEBNINQ SALARIES Chancel Choir rehearsal will be OQvenUne. Body of. the Boronich ot AND .OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES QF held at 7:30 this evening. There Senior Citizens' Glub bridegroom, George Wiener of Ro- Uworth, and was approved by the THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE ~selle Park and Leon Homiski.of oh,the ' • BOROUOH OF kENILWQRTH will be a -nieeting of the first-year GARWOOD — Members, o-f Girl • 2:ird DAY OF MAY. 1967. BE' IT ORDAINED by the Board Of corifirmatiorj cjas,rat 4 p.m. Mon-Scout Troqp 791, irnder.d.irection t»f Elizabeth were the ushers. Ken- MARQAEET McOEVNA, Health of the-Borough of • Kenllwor.th: neth Wilson, cousin of the bride, • -.Borough Clerk of-the ' ' SECTION 1. The lollowinit oiflcexs "aad day- " ' ;". .. ' •- •their leaders, Mrs. Leroy Krorte ti'orough of Kenllworth. N. J.btaployees of the Board of Health of the was the ring bearer. ' . . Dated: M.ay 2:i, 19U7 ' ' Borough -of Kenllworth hereinafter named .$ The bride is.a graduate of 'Arthur Adv.-h'ct-. $6.38 - " , -5-25 shull receive annually, as compensation for their services the aeveral sums set op- L. Johnson Regional High School in. .posltb'"their respective names: Clark and is presently employed by 8ecrelary._ Registrar and San- ' The biggest nation-wide sale on The Rain Tire Ever! Rudolph Faust, Inc. in Cranford BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH ltary Inspector Uf it l.| the . - - The LookingGlass Kenllwolrth, New Jersey "saitie person) the total amount as a chemist's assistant. Proposed -• - of \.u...,....„...'.:. i.. v $2,200.00 ORDINANCE NO. O7-1H Plumblnii Inspector 1,500.00' Mr. Fisher, a graduate of StA. N ORIMfJAKCE FOR THE PURCHASE QP Board or Health Nurse : 4.015.00 BEAUTY SALON Gabriel's High School in Hazleton, A VACUUM LEAF ' LOADER FOR THE Health Officer , 500.00 BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH AND PRO- School Physician ._...-....._. > 600.00 ."'.'- announces - ...... Pa., served four years in. the U: S. VIDINO FOR THE NECT EJECTION 2. The compensation herein- >Javy. He is- also, employed by- PRXATION THEREFOR. above set - forth shall become effective 'is !BE , IT ORDAINED . tw_ the -Mayor and of January 1st, 1967. .ihatMlSS. JANICE is here to- giveyoli , Rudolph F.aust,, Inc." Council, of tlie Borough ~o-f KenUw0rlh! SECTION -3. thlii. Ordinance shall take Following a wedding trip to Ni-..- 'SECTION. J. Thut the Borough ot Kenll- effect upon filial passage and publication '. Professional Service at Budget, Prices . worth purchase ~u vacuum leaf loader for accordntc to law. by UnjroyaB® " agara Falls and Canada', the couple use by the Department of Public Works. will live at 116North Ave., W. SECTION 2. Thut there is hereby ap- ' NOTICE Mon. thru Fri. propr)»te4 the sum of' S4.35O.O0 for the The foregolnu . ordinance was finally Cranford' purpose of" ftn^nc-int: trie purchase of said adopted ' at u meeting of the Board of SHAMPOO & SET $2.50 vacuum leuf louder, which sum of $4,-Health of the Uorouuu ot Kenllworth on 350.00 shull be paid lfom the Capital 18. 1907. Im-proveiinirit Fund from, appropriations • . ' . MICHAEL 1AZ7.ETTA. Additional SOc Saturdays The country's'most famous tire name- .Pupils Presenting heretofore made in budgets heretofore Secretary udopted. ' , Dated: May 18, 1967 in the country's most popular tire sizes! . SECTION '•i. That any monies appropri- Adv. .Fee: $9.24 6-25. Circus Program ated by this Ordinance and not expended New MfrrtiXut Permanenft Waves for- suid pucclia^e ahull b& held in the GARWOOD —^fhe first grade Capital Improvement Fund-. BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH $1.50 SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take from $6.50 EVERY SIZE REDUCED Renllworih. New Jersey class of Miss Erdea.ft Phelps at effect uf^er final passage and' publication ' BOARD or ADJUSTMENT Franklin School will present a in me manner provided by law. NOTICE OF DECISION program entitled "The Circus" in TAKE NOTICE that, on the 17tn day of We go to all sorts of trouble to satisfy you, NOTICE ivtuy, 1907. the Board of Adjustment of the TO ONE LOW PRICE the Lincoln School auditorium at , Public Notice Is Hereby Qlven that the. Borongh o( KENILWORTH. N. J.. rffter a our customers. Won't you give us a chance to 2:30 this afternoon. ; foreuolnc Ordinance was introduced at apublic heariim, GRANTED the a-ppllcntlon meeting of the Governing Body of theof PalmadeSHO General Bulldlnn Contrac- - serve you? •.-'...'. Recitations and songs will be Borouuh of Kenilworth on the 2:ird day tors. Inc., 24 No. 21st Street.- Kenllworth. prsented b^ the following: of Muy.. 1967 It was then read for the New Jersey, (or variances on Cal. ease first time. -The said Ordinance will be Nos. 5-67 and 6-67. Case 5-67 to allow 506-A BOULEVARD KENILWORTH "The Clowns," Keith flowelL, further . Considered for. final passage by use ot premises known as 'Block 71, Lots Donna Mone and. Kenneth' C'lev- the aovernliiB Body of Ihe Bprough'of 33 uri*d part of 34, as two-family residence Kenllworth at the Borough'. Hall. Boule- with front line of 40 ft. and an axeu of 276-9852 enger; "Our Visit to the Circus," vurd, Kenllworth. New Jersey, at et^ht 4.000 sq. ft. Cal-. Case No. 6-67 to allow .. Susan Kniazuk and Barbara Wil- o'clock in the evening Tprevalllnj timel to use existing 2-ftimlly dwelling known as on the Bin duy of June. 19fl7- At Block 71. Lots 35 and part of 34 with liamson; "Clowns" & "Here Comes uucli time and place, or at an; time and front line of 35 feet and area of 3,500 sq. the Popcorn Man," Thomas Gable; place to -which aijcli meeting' may beft., and that determination of said. Board adjourni'd, all persons interested will bin of' Adjustment has been filed in the office "The Hippopotamus," • Lisa Ger- given aii. opportunity to be heaca con- ot said Board at the Municipal BuildinK. Tubeless'Blackball hardt; "Elephants,"-Jane Wanca'. cernlnK such Ordinance. Borough of KENILWORTH, New Jersey, ' plusf'.E/T. • By Ordw.of the Governing Body. and is available for Inspection. & smooth" tire- oil your car "Do You Like Monkeys?" Jane MARGARET McGEVNA, THOMAS' BENINATT . Borough Cleric Sixes F.E.T. Wanca, • Janice Schneider, Susan Secretary,' Board of Adjustment 650-13 1 55 . ,™_ ^ ,, . ,,,, i Dated .May 2:i. I9ti7 ' Borough of • KENILWORTH. N. J. 7D0-13 1.75 Kniazuk and Thomas Gabled Howl.Allv PK, sl2:i2 . s-25 Dated: May 22; 1967 Adv. Fee: $6.60 . 5-25 695-14 (650-14) 1.71 735-14 (700-14) r.82 SERVICES 775-14(750-14) 1 88. BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH A SERVICE FOR NEWCOMERS 825-14 (800-14) 2 05. -*76-i5 (670-15) 1.89 BOAQD OF ABJ08TMENT -STS-15 (710-15) 214 NOTICE OP DECISIOK TAISB NOTICE that, on the 17th day of May, 1967, the Board of Adjustment ot the Borough of KBNILWDRTH. N. J., after a public hearing, recommended to the Oov- ^- All Factory New! enilUg .Body of KENILWORTH, that the TERMITES oppllcatTofi" of teo Eosplrtooor: 384. Shorl- CREDIT TERMS' dan Avenue, tor a variance to erect and use two-family dwell Inn located at 306' CUUIGAN Commuters . . . leave your car—catch the train to work right next door! No. 12th Street, known as Block. 26, Lots 24-25, which premises are in an Industrial "A" Zone, be Granted . and that:, deter- SOFT WATER SERVICE mination by said Board of Adjustment has been filed In the office of suid Board at Closed At Noon the Municipal Building. Borough ot KEN-1 Specialists in handling the hard water-problem in are flying again !1 HJWOR'TH. New Jersey, and la available for Inspection. this community ~ serving the area with not only Saturday, May 27 THOMAS BENIN ATI Secretary, Board of Adjustment softeners for the home but the finest in service and To Stop Damage By These Inseols Borough of KENILWORTH, N. J. Dated: May 22. 1067 salt delivery-. . : . •' . . ; . _ THEJBEST-PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY TIRES Adv. Fee: $5.72 8-25 Call Your Gulligan Man CALL TERMITE BOROUGH OP KENILWORTH Kenllworth, New Jeriey i. BOWD OF ADJUSTMENT 688-1600 NOTICE OF DKCISION TAKE NOTICE that, on the 17th day ot CONTROL May, 1967, the Board ot Adjustment ot tbe Borough of KENILWORTH.. N. J., after a public hearing, recommended, to the Oov- NORTH AVE. ••' IMf ELIZABETH ornlnn Bod; ot KENILWORTH, that .the application of- S. L. DrcVer, President, ••^iV*« EL 5-1492 Adarhas Carbide Corp., 141 Market Street, Kenllworth, N. J., tor a variance ta con- mmmmmmm struct an addition, to Industrial buUdlng fcOSELLE PARK and additional parking located at 141 A Service To Newcomers To Market Btrtfst. Blocks 172-173, Lots 14 CH M492 thru 17, .44 to 47 which premises are1 In a Residential "A" Kone _bo Grants, subject Cranford, Garwood, Kenilwprth/ to listed oonditlons and'that deWrintnatton 420 South Ave. WtSTFIELD by said Board ot -^Adjustment ho» b^en fllad. in toe otflco ot aald Board' at the Westfield, N.J. 51 AD 2-1492 MunteJML .BuUdlng Borough of KSNJL- i- Call Ambassador Services at 233-0003 WORTH, New Jersey, and is available tor VIAR5 RAHWAY / HOME OF WE FAMOUS UNIHOYM. TIBER PAWS t> 1 !>• M SERV 2-1492

•.^..-{..•••. ;>:

..-.. :•-.',;«-•-••-•-f-

••*,'•<•"*< - , ,•'..-,.••»,; .?,t^&w....:l. '?... ;.[,., - ."';.' A-- . Page Four ; y CltANFORD (N. J.) CITIZEN AM* CHRONICLER-THURSDAY, MAY 25,

ill W vtMmmk m •. •••-. >f'tw:yW-:-'

FURNJSHEt) ROOMS SERVICES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES Area Residents . /' WILLIAM P. PAVID8O*. / COMPLETE LINE ' FIRST INSERTION— 3 cents a word, 90 cents minimum, 6zY BEP'SITTINa room, in friendly OENERAL CONTRACTlNa, OMPentTT, .INTERIOR AlfD EXTERIOR Union Jr. College home^.,-Centrai. unlimited parklnR, 27; MdBonry, PlaiiJerinB Ss RooHnB: 318- with order. (A 10 cents service cHarge is made for 3829. No Job too small. Eatlmates with- PAINTS Degree Candidates billing.) '•" •. ; • ,:_,.._,__ out oolJuatlon. * •/ . ; LATEX 'tfrALL PAINT Three Garwpod residents and BERARD;8 PLUMBINO AND HEATING. 2;oo;ooo calQW,- . uN REPAIRED FAST. For the COW OR HORSE MANURE, well rotted. best and fastest service call Economy Farm-rich tonsoll, -fill dirt, cinders. De- Md., a Union. Junior College alum- NOT, RESPONSIBLE for errors> in ads taken by telephone. Electric, 27073835, day or night. tt liver anywhere. Call anytime. CHEST- BOARD WANTED NUT FARMS. 908-4880. tf nus . and chief of operation of the International Department of the DEADLINE FOR COPY - Tuesdays at 5 P.M. ,- ^ WA>J*rfiE>: Pleasant room and: board lor SALT FOR WATER SOFTENERS, deliv- an elderly person. Office, hours, call MASONRY - CARPENTRY -. ered. Refined, rook, pellets' and V Atbmic Energy Commission,-will be —_ Telephone, 276-6000 — 276-1740; evenings call 233-2045. -• 6-1 ALTERATIONS - '-x^klna coarse. All' 100. pound bags. the guest speaker. Degrees will be R fit R Salt BervWe. 241-3720' — 379- conferred by Dr. Kenneth C. Mac- ROOPINQ — BIDINa — REPAIRS . 1786. , . tt. Por'Quality workmanship and fair prlot* Kay, UJC president^ and Dr. Ken- neth W. Iversen, de'an. .." ', WANTED TO RENT 'THE KNTTTERY J THORLEIF J0HNSEN AND.INSTRUCTION ' Garwfood residents who are can- THRE'E OR POUR BEDROOM home, vicin- Contractor and Builder Since 1048 68 Lenhomo Dr.. Cranford 378-342* REAL ESTATE FtiR SALE ity Cranford or. Westlieid. Maximum HOURS: Hon., Tiies., Thurs., 10-4' didates, for degrees are: Anthony rent $200. Can"276-§509. - - 276-9648 Vv Criscola of 554 Spruce ave- TO APPEAR^QN. TELEVISION U Jeffrey Karlin (bottom), of '. ' /RANFORD nue, Anthony Rossi of 501 Willow kBEALTYCo. FLOOR WAXING MACHINES, new 650 Quinton Ave' and Edward Kasbarian of 17.8 Boulevard, Kenil- ; , 'and M4iuu-tor.y_iyanp3 of worth, demonstrate collegiate wrestling. The two youths, a sopho- REALTOR ' ELECTRICIANS ' innltotial supplies, • 410 centennial Open ©ally 9 -.-3 BUB4*T 1-8 1HELP WANTED DANIEL J. HEYBURN gc BON' AvenXie. .278-5702. .,.'•• ' tf 227 Second avenue; V • • , ° more and senior, r Opeh Tuesday and Thortday - PROPERTY WITH iacbtlng — Qeatlns — RepalrUis. 23C volt tull'houiepowec Pans — Kitchen and attle . Tfie kenilworth degree candi- ences,-.Newark^ will deirtbfnstrate their technique on the dharmel 13 Brcnlnea, 6:30-9 dim DONALD P. HILLA - . . • • MEN - "\. CLEARANCEI All pianos and 'organs. In- 1 •'•' '"~", • REALTOR . • exhaust. 8 Burnslde Avenue-, cluding BALDWIN. DUDKIN . PIANO date i? Henry C. Dempsey of 15 television program, "New Jersey Speaks.fur Itself,: tonight'a.t 6:30; 10 ALPBNBT.' ••• STfrMOO »04 BROADWAY ' BATOUKB CO., North Avenue, aj; Railroad Station, Sha^y Lane. * . 276-5600 ; Wcatflold. 232-8811. _• tf .Both students are outstanding performers on; the Rutgers Newark* Or by ApMlntmeot Sa9-1000 BVE'S. 276-29*4 MACHINISTS. ; Mr. Criscola, a graduate of Ar- I •• • •• • x wrestling team? Karlin in the .123-pound class"and Kasbarian in the"'., — Evcnlnes CBJI. — Rapidly espaqttlne compttny has ODenJnfi thur L. Johnson Regional' High for qualified men on WILLIAMS LAMPS 130 class. Karlin, liberal, arts major and-Kasbarian, a business ' Ubby BrewsWr «...; RADIAL DRILLS ' . . • GENERAL CONTRACTOR 785 Central Aye. ' Westfleld- School, Clark, is an .engineering Cual-oroer. entrance and parking .In rear. .major, are both graduat.es'of Harding School, Kenilworth; and Jona-^ Hope MiUus .—1 .....— _. 6 TURRET, LATHES' ROOPDia — BIDINO —• LEADERS — major in the day session, He is th6 Dora Kuzsma. ; ..... 27 2S22 SHAJIEEN AGENCY BtTRFACE JJBiNJDBRS • ., •OOTTERS — ALTERATIONS — ADDI- /than Dayton Regional High School.-.Springfield... '. • ' Joseph Warner .....„•. .v ... 216rO7ZI . UILLINO MACHINEa , TIONS — REPAIRB - ^20% to 50% Savings son .of Mr. and MrSvGiMJtano Cris- • Realtors .: DB VLIKa JIQ lULLB SAVINGS ON MANY LAMPS AND SHADES cola, • _ .'•'•'" ..'.". 15 North' Ave.', R.. 157. DWCOUNT ON NAME BRAND LAMPS, - 4 to 12 and l2-8\8HIPTfl ' . EDMOND KIAMD3 Open evenings until 0 Majoring In business administra- Em jays, was.-presented witK the CaU 232-2158 t tf KeriilivortltServiceityen THE DEACON AGENCY 276-1900 and 276-0777 tion in the day ^session, Mr'. Rossi highest average trophy. N TOP RATES FOB EXP8RIBNCEa3 HELP --. _ 272-6105 Herbert-S. Riscb,. Jr:, .son of Mr. MARIE R. DfeACOW VACATIONS • FRINGE BKNEPITfl also is a graduate of Arthur L. ' The'Fete Williams Trophy" given • REALTOR . 976-8081 '.' ' OPEN WEEKENDS WILLIAMS LAMPS Johnson Regional High School. He f Herber-t Risch of.21 N. 111 Norttl.ATO.. W, ; . EvenlnWCsU; WILL TRAIN QUALIFIED APPLICANTS QET'FULL. HOUSE 765 Central Ave. . .' Weotflold each year to the most improved Salesmen , • ' 320 yolt Installations our specialty Customer entrance and parking In rear. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony bowler Twent to Betty Dixoh, who 20th St., has been prQmoted. to air- rpEB PARE3NQ IN RSAR ' Bverard Kompoboll -. _ 276-0072 ZIMMERMAN BROTHERS G. Rossi. ... Mareuerlto Rearwln ...... 276-4488 National Tool & Mfg. Co. . Eleetrloal contractor* recorded ah. impro'Wement of lo man second class in the Air Force. ' . OOMPLZTK isuurvnx vtffiano. Eleanor Bradfttld. :; ... 278-7310 688-0344 • • 378-8808 SOLID WILD .CHERRY ; A graduate of Jonathan Dayton points since jier 26th game average. Airman Risch is an air policeman HKSVTCB Irene Kowalskl ;-.™ •. _. 272-561>2 100-124 No. 12th St. Eenllworth. N. J. . RMth'P. Deterlm ..... ,.-...,.._ 276-8922 ''.'.• ' « . FURNITURE Regional High'School, Springfield, . Nora Bost, Dolly Gutowski, Mary at Francis.'E! Warren AFB, Wyo. AT 20 - 40% SAVpiQS _ TEWnnr T rs-alfl • _„_.... 278-1118 GENERAL CONTRACTOR, A\ types of Miss Wanca is the daughter, of ^Mr. Kellerma*n, Doris "Hay and Mary He is aVnember of the"Strategic Air' supan HdmohreyT...,. ,*....: ^ATHE, BRIDGEP'QI 4dt -itrir. Roatl """n'jiirn until ff- an(T Mrs. Michael Wanca. She is Paul P. Baznpaon „...... »„; ."... T and" all types .of siding. Pulls, Insured. Call. 232-2158 Mr>«t rcgpwprVtrnphips frpm Command. America's- long-range LOU SAVARESE. 272-535.1. • tf majoring in liberal arts in the '• BROOKSIDE COLONIAL HANDSCREW - wood Lan««-for games over 200. nuclear, bomber and missile EDDtNO' INVITATIONS, annouriccments evening seSsion, . . ' Complete Multiple Listings PRESS OPERATORS & LANDBCAPINO — Complete landscabe .ensravod,. p r l"n t e d, thermotiraphcd A. reorganization- meeting will be. The airman is a 1966" graduate ol Just listed. 3 bedrooms, den, sunropm, oervlce, aprlne cleanlns, biilld and repair Mr^ Dempsey, also a graduate of lam lot. detached garage. Home suitable CRANFORD CITIZEN AND. CHRONICLE, h^d at the home of the league pre- Jonathan Dayton Regional High- SET-UPM]SN .~ lawns, . soddlns, rototllllns,' clearing 21 Alden'St.v Cranford». , ' . _, -for the discriminating executive. Listed at • areas, shrub-plantlnu and monthly oaro. Jonathan Dayton Regional High sident at 8 p.m. oh" September 5. School, Springfield. : • $37,500. Call"'— we'll show you through. Many benefits -with overtime on lnter- ostltrs aircraft duality parts tn a dean Tree and dralnane'worlc. Free estlmaCes. -raer~woRLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA School, is majoring in*" business 376-2165. : .: tt WE AHE PRQUD OP THE ATTRACTIVE shoo. Apurentlceahlp open to qualified ORDER BEFORE PRICE INCREASE administration ix\ .the dayVs^ssitja, young -men. Ask lor Mr. Bchenlcer.. Por Information call: S, ft B MANUFACTURINCi.CO. - - MASON WORK, TPAmtppprviprfjo »nrt DQJUS DALLAS, 233-T171 at'UJC. He is the son of Mr. and PHILF.3ENEHAN , '." TROPHY 167 WESCOTT DR., RAHWATf 381-7B80 REPAIRS: Steps, walks, patios, drains. 7BAR7tH"-LAFKOWiT55r '688-9198.- Mris. Henry E. Dempsey. — REALTOR — No Job too small. 272-0044. After 5 DJn. "U won by our bowlins" team for their1 call "276-3520. - ' • " • r'', tf 26 Alden Street 276-TO33 OARAOE SALE — . 116 ' Ednswood Roffd, ••' " — Multiple Listing .8errtee — . .FACTORY Cranford, Friday, May 26,2-5" p.m. 272- — BvenlnBB Call —- CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR. All Second Place. Finish . If Interested In • a permanent Job; steady kinds of. carpentry — cabinets, ajtera- 54Q5. • Awards Presented Marjorlc O- Peterson ™'. 381-3330 days wlta overtime, fringe, benefits, .no lops. . Pormlca Tops; etc. LUDWIQ Bowling League. layoffs, w<5rk(ns-nilth an. aluminum bulld- SEIBERT, 388 Linooln >Dr., Henllworth. PLANTS-POR SALE. Pachysandra — 100 •9 —218=0828; -*• • >. : •. ^-tt for S3.B0; myrtle. 65c'a "basket; pplantain At Hits, Misses lnT[n9 ' IllIlly'', vvaa c cachT—otlihTl m MMuule-luviim l>ci We have placed the trophy.in our win- 272-5734, Cranford. ennialfi. BENNfcRS^ 1 Hamilton Avenue, dow 80 that you might- see it. WILLIAMS 276-3356. > - • . • League Banquet Congratulations to the Individual team . TECHNICAL SALES 785 Central Ave. - ' -WestHeld GARWOOB — Annual banquet EVELYN WADE & SONS members!" .• : • FIRE - CASUALTY - LIFE TRAINEES- —Customer-entrance and parking In:rear of the Hits and Misses Bowling REALTORS ." — INSURERS * Dynamic^, growth" company located In Lighting fixtures. Replacement glassware. Servlms Cra'ntord aiid norttjerriNew Jersey seeks youne, agares-' Reflnlshlni of lamps and llshUng fixtures. HELP WANTEP ^League was held Tuesday night at z. Suburban Union County. If you are SWB lndiYiduaU " interested ,lii a BroMnd Repairing and res'tyllng of lamps. Open Wally's Tavern 6n the Hill in.Wat- CALL US FOR DETAILS ON THE floor "sales opportunity. Pamilianiy witb, evenings untU 9. Call 232^2168. .. tf WOMEN chAing. Diane Furtas, league presi-! MOVING OUT OF STATE industrial .fluid power controls Is desir- NEW HOMEOWNER'S POLICY CRANFORD able biiC not "necessary Call 22B;4000. TRUCK CRANE lind T.P-0. Bulldozer .for OPERATOR dent, welcomed the bowlers and DJTER-CITT RELOCATION BERVMii INC. . hire.- S. W. OLIVER, INC., 278-2150 v/a&- presented first place trophies to the BROADER COVERAGES LOWER PRICES . CAPE COD FANS CAN HELP YO5I' SEMI-RE-TIRED. all-nround nian lor cro- 486-7054. ' - " ' ' « Singer Sewing Machine. Some experience cqry store. Driver's license and knowl-: necessary, steady position. Interview will members' of the Hopefuls team: «i- •• . For this Realtor Week, here's edge of Cranlord area. ^Ca'l 276-1417. PLASTERING AND ' PATCHINO SPE- be with Mr. Lonso at 1100 Sherman Ave., Doris Hay, captain; Mary Stawa'szi .a housing sugKcstion lor your fun G. E: H0WLAND, INC until 6 p.m. . CIALI8T8: All type mason, repairs. SJlzabcth, N. J. Must .have own transporta- 1 tion for position in CranfoVd. 5-25 Dot Martin and Nora Bost. • . horrfe and- OUR BE8T WISHES Realtor . . 276-5900 WANTED whp can be trulned to Sheet rock applied and reflnished. Self- FOR -YOUR. MEMORIAL. '. DAY operate pumping -squipment. Perninnent employed and Insured. Call 233-2037. Second place trophies went to •* WEEKEND'S PLEASURE;' 13 Eastman" St., Cranford position. Be'ncfius include N, J.- Srtite .". VACATION^ ihe members of the Gay Fours SHAHEEN AGENCY penslpn,'sick! leave and fully paid family Money can be earned righj, now by, tnking plam hospitallzation and life Insurance. IN SPR1NQ our thoughts turn to re- orders (or AVON COSMETICS in yoqr 1ree team: Ruth Conklin; captain; Helen INVESTMENT: .advantageous Phone: 8 a.m. to ' 4 p.m., 388-0868; 6 furbishing. Bcnners Service Pool has- time. For Information ctitl MI 2-5146. ' terott, Betty Dixori and Irene Cul- REALTORS — INSURORS Cttpe' Cod ler about $25,000 . . . p.n\. to 10 p.m., 272-6249. Ideas and experienced workers to help «= carDcnters, plumbers, electricians. 276- kin. . " '• - ' LIVABUJITY: enclosed tpont MAN WANTEP with mechanical back- 3356. •> "•• - tf BOOKKEEPER Union'County WIBC awards.for "Over Half a fcorch . . . Hvinu room v. .' . OUTSTANDING VALUES ground. Permanent position. Benefits in- Small salts enKineerlng office needs re- vdlcicni kitchen und.dinwte ... clude N. J. State Pension, sick leuvc und placement lor tsirl Betting married. Porm- highest game . and highest series, 4 chambers . . . plus attached 3-BEDROOSi COLONIAL. FORMAL fully paid family ' plan hospitalizatlon unont, position. 0 to 5, wtth'l .hour lynch. of the year went lo Nora Bt>st of the ' DINING ROOM, 150 FOOT DEEP Knd life insurance. Phoqe: 8 u.m. to 4 ALEX B.-SCHEDIN . Journul und ledger • entries, payroll,'.a'c- LOT, 1-CAR OARAOE;- CONVEN- p.m.,-388-0868; 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., 272- counta puyuble' and receivable^ sales rec- Hopefuls, who received a trophy M'PfcARANCE: comfortable Cape • Floor Sanding &• Finishing 15 - 17 NORTH AVE., E. BRIDGE 64)777 IENT LOCATION IN QAKWOOP $19,900 . 6248. ords, llimttid tynlnu. Prrone 276-7330 for for her 222 game, and Mary Most, Codder ... V" . CALL 276-4489 appointment. RODEN CO. 4-BEDROOM OVERSIZEB CAPE COD. SCHOOL CUSTODIAN. 5 d(iys, 40-hour tf captain- of the Terrifies,, who was LOCATION: convenient resident 1 ATTACHED OARAOE $28,000 Week. For apoohument call Union Coun- HOUSEWORKER, two or three days per tul. neighborhood . . ,, ty' ReBioiffil High School, 376-0300, .Ex- week. Cur arid references necejisury. CaU presented-with a manicure set for Appraise here — and enjoy your 2-FAMILY. 4 AND 5 ROOMS $21,000. • tension 96. • • POODLE-GROOMING • 233-6575. her 536 series. Toys and Miniatures — $8. Free pickup 4-BEDROOM COLONIAL. 2-CAR and delivery. Incluttos bath, trimming, -Mary Kellerman, captain of the OARAOE '. $18,800 nails' clipped, eurs cleaned and' ilnlshlne. RENTAL REQUIRED Cull 27.6-0417. " tl Responsible family (couple and X 3-BEDROOM COLONIAL. DININO WORK WANTED WANTED TO BUY child) need lurnislied house or ROOM, 1-CAR OARAOE — $24,900 PRINTING- t>ESlGNED by experienced "Sure:— WE'LL apartment for 3 months. Excellent . WOMEN craftsmen. Offset and letterpress. Cards, "WE 'BUY BOOKS Public Notices references. 2-BEDROOM RANCH. /ITTAC.BEP programs, tickets, booklets, letterheads, PLEASE CALL FOR DETAIL!! OARAQB ., .". ;,., $21,900 WOMAN WISHES day's "work or ironlnB. envelopes. CRANFORD CITIZEN AND P.M. BOOK SHOP PROVE IT fO CHRONICLE, 21 Alden St., Cranford. 754-3000 tf SHERIFF'S SALE — Superior Court o.f Call 278-4221. 6-1 27H-6000. , • . " New Jersey. Chancery IMyihton, Union County, Dockut #F222£>-66. CRANFORD PONT COOK XONTDHT -- CALL CHICK- SAVINGS AND LOAN ' ASSOCIATION, a B. S. WILLOUGHBY EN DELIGHT!, We also.have Puaa. Pree corporation of tnc State 6f New Jersey. REAL ESTATE CO. 272-5580 delivery. Hours: Won. through Thurs., JUMBLE STORE PfalntHf, vs. JOHN U. PERRANTE, ct til., 12 Clark 8t., Cronford BROKSKB MORTGAGE MONEY 4 prm, to 11 p.m.; Frl.. Sal., Sun., and Defendants. Clwli. Action Writ of Execu- •v.< Well Prove 13 Walnut Ave., Cranford t OPEN 1-0 holidays. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. 257 South tion — For Sale of MortKauc/d Promises. 276-1053 JUMBLE STORE'SCHEDULE: Open Mon., By vlVtue of the above-stated- writ of MORTOAQE MONEY Avc., Our wood. 788-1851. tt-8 Tues., Wed., Thurs., _0:30* a.m. — 12 Crftnford CRANFORD SAVINGS & LOAN execution to mo directed I shall sxposc for 23 North Avc., E. noon; 1-4:30 p.m. For Pickups call 276- siilo by public venduc, In ROQC» B-8, In the ASSOCIATION • EXPERIENCED 'ANIMAL OROOMER,C^11 0222. North & Union Avenues Cranford Court Hou*c. in tho City of' EllsHibeth, breeds. Can call Tor and deliver. By N, J., on Wednesday, the :tlst day ol . . ' — EVENINO.3 CALL — appointment only. Call 232-1940. tf May A.D., 19fiHl!'lat two o'clock In tho OIL HEAT PICTURESQUE afternoon of «ald day. • . Salesmen » • ALL TYPES of rubbish cleared away and Louisa Oid - i '. 276-0751 LEVEL All that tract or parcel of land, situate, USED CARS FOR SALE removed. Cellars, attics • und, yards ex- BUSINESS lying and being In the Township of Cran- Patricia O'Brien .' „ :... 2-78-5295 . pertly cleaned. Prompt aer^ico. Call any- Js the Tom Mccloskey 272-'5624 Situated on, a lovely, deep,- tree-studded tlmo. 928-17B0. " e-13 ford, In th.e County.of Union and Bt&.te of lot. 4 bedrooms. 2 S, baths, natural trim FIAT — Small car, Kmull prior, small OPPORTUNITIES New Jersey. il throughout. Oil hot water beat, excellent, maintenance. Oreat service — uroat fun. BEOINNINO m the Eastorly Hno of neighborhood. $32,000. Call 276-'S254. Wulnut ptreet a^ suld-strfiet is laid down INCOME - SPARE TIME on a certain map entitled "Map of Build- Exc.t'Hrnt.bpare lime business opportunity. G. G. NUNN ins Lota' belonging to James Smleton nt rAIINTINI New-Typo oom operated-d*Mwnsera In thii a point distent three h.undred lUty-eleht A GOOD "STARTER-" WANTED aroa. Must have cur, r«lerenccs, $860 to tnsurorg <35B) foet Northerly Irom the lntaraeotlon Realtors $1,060 cash. Teh hours weekjy can pet ex- of said line of Walnut Street with the HOME WAD TED: An old cas-emilne powered DECORATING cellent Income. Moru time can result In Uwn mower with oiimnc in luir work- Northerly lino of lands known, as the more [llohcy. Kor personal Interview write. MoVlckur farm, thenco running along tho Tel: 276-8U0 'i bedrooms, tile bath, full-dlnlnc room, ins condition, preferably' tor free or low Cui-Ton Sirppiv Company.^ Inc., Beutty Economical •; -est uood-l)urplgjj,Jkcpluce. knotty pine klt- cost. Phone: 276-0421. ' ERNEST MILLS, 2764395 said line of. Walnut Street North 16f 15' j&hgTt^VilUt wa" oven'and counterf" I'umily room. Laundry, utt. garage, 87 x Realtor 276-7615 lakeside vacations. Boat, swim, fish, WILLIAM ROESEL —. Interior and Ex- months old, Cull 272-5H36. 'hundrod lorty-nlno (M9) feet mom or less toll, •rock.'1 7'-j bouiti 'N. Y. City. terior Palntlnn. Skilled medhanlcs. Per- *185 lol and S-O-O CLEAN YOU CAN LOST — Ur.uielct, .miulo' of peurls anil to lliu' of Walnut Street, and place of BE- ^EAT dPI* THE FLOORS, Beautifully a Aiden at. Crar.iord Choice June - Sept. dates. ELM LAWN sonal "supervision, 430 Manor AT*. aiNNINO. •• Comfortable est COTTAOES, ' Lako Thompson, Oxford, Granford. Call 270-3718. tf Bold bfad«, Vicinity North Union Avc, ^hruobed yurd. t UetwiMin Spriomii'ld and North Avcs. RE- . Dolni! also dosqrlbcd os follows: •»' ONLY $28,900 Maine. Color folder. Reserve now. 5-25 MICHAEL M. BAIUCH — Extorlor paint- WARD. We .me CJBII 272-75Ua, evenings. BEOINNINO ut a point on ,tho Easterly CRANPORD - Attractive stone and frame ing, ipupcrhanuing, Interior painting, ^lde Hue of Walnut Avenue, which point Call Right Now For A— • . . : colonial In best locution, four bedrooma, aluminum nutters and leaders. CaU eve- LOS^I — Cranford high school rtim, blue Is distant .Southerly 100 feet frpim the JF-IT'S THE new wall-to-wull carpcltnti and dccofiit- nings. 276-6530. . aloiiv. Vicinity Actanm Avenue bUckotbull point of Intersection of said Easterly FREE HEATING SURVEY* * - ' iin: (1087) Deluxe kitchen, many other - court. REWARD. F'li'ime contnq Cran- Midi! line of Walnut Avenue with the South- GRANGE AVE. •xtrus Asklne $31,500. CAU 278-644Q. PIANO TUNING ford CitUen and Chronicle oflicc. 276- erly side line of Lincoln Avenue; thence . , i,: s. 6000. running (1) South 85 degrees 17 minutes NO OBLIGATION . ^' V 'JUNIOR HIGH AREA CRANPORD — Two-family hou«e. »lx "and RELIABLE PIANO TUNINO and r«D»lxlhi Eubt; ISO lect to a point^-Ihcnco (2) South six. Three bedrooms, Uvinu rooni. din- by reooanUied expert*. DUDK3N PIANO TB-acgrcea 15 minutes Wool. 01 feet to u •YOU'RE LOOKING FOR ing room, l'-j butAu, hot water heat. Lot CO., Tuners and RebuUd«r«, 437 NOitb NURSING SERVICE point; thenco (3) North 70 degrees 20 62x200.. '214 Prospect Avenue. Call Avenue. Weit. W«itfleld. 232*8811. tf minutes West 147.30 feet to the Easterly 276-920flt ••!, 688-5882. • side line of Walnut Avenue; thenco (4) pOSEE 7I8ITINO NURSE ASSOCIATION, North 10 degrees IS. minutes East along CRANFORD — KEMILWORTH — OAB- HAROLD F. BENNER said EiistcrLy side lino of Walnut Avenue drills 4 BKDROOM home. Science Kitchen, ROOSEVELT SCHOOL AREA — Csot«r wOOD. Office hours: Monday through •now furnace, 100 amp. electric »otvlce, hall colonial, 8 rooms, Larecn-bullt, •} Inoon>orat«d > 7S.30 feet to the point and place ol BE- MUSICAL Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4i30 P.M.! 6*tur- atNNINO. •newly modernized bath, bedrooms have years ojd. 4 lame bedrooms, largo ftrit- dayi. 9 A.M. to 1 P-M. Emergency nun- •built-in vanities and bookcases, very con- tloor family room, 'flreplaco In living INSTRUCTIONS Ing available. 24-bour telephone •errlee. The above description Is drawn In ac- *Vcnlcnt to Roosevelt I Or ado School. ropm, tlnlBhed baucment. 2-car. garage. ST(t-076T. - ' , « Airtomobile Painting cordance with survey madf by P. J. '« - ONLY $21,000 :• Owner transferred. Priced In the 4O'». arall. Prof. Enstnccr iim Surveyor. Crun- • Call for appointment. 27(1-0782 or 276- ELECTRIC BASS und olcMrlo guitar los- Authorized DUCO Reftaishing ford, N|. J-. dated February 1*. 1086. . sons given by a most competent teacher. 5120. Prlnclpalj only. " • . Premlsee ar,o commonly known as No.' Latest mcthodB. Modern ana popular . • BODY and : . 305 Wulnut Avenue, Cranford, New Jersey. 1 CRANFO.RD — oldef home, converted to ra^ 376-^aOT. • • • 6^8 FENJ)ERWORK There Is dlic upprojilmatoly $16,172.28 ' \G. G. NUNty •.. two-tamlly. 'Lot 84 x 200. 216 prospect DRESSMAKER wVth Ipterestr from March 1.' 1067' and Avenue. Call'688-5882.' ' • SufUx Efaamel Rofinishliifj • $7,881.05 with Interest from March 6,'1067t T Realtors^and Insiirors and' costs. .... • ••J CRANFORQ •-, New, . labrtorii. . bOUmr-bullt- CEMETERY ^LOTS Welding — Truck Lettering The flhertn teserven the right td- od-, homos. 'Ready Joi* a'9cupahpy.i;8Vi rponia, r v iourn tWa' sale. • • r ' ' •. 2 bathe; Jitnndry' room-and iloVatory "' — 4 griVea''— 8 burials, $330- *•.»;' BRidge &-Uil • RALPH ORWCELLO, SherUf «aPjgi«rage, Qpli; Mettullfofl olcfitrlc - Ladlejj' Pteaaes--'Suits •—jcoot* Ss KEVlCtf ACTVB" rKQT 606 SOUTH AVENUE, E. ' ' ' .•T>'.-:?& '' ' If ^^^^ ^^ w^m (N. J.) CITIZEN' AND CnnONJCLE—TnL'RSPAY, MAY 25, 1007 Five DeLonge's Grandslammer Juniof Varsity 9 CHS Nine Loses DiRini Throws No-Hitter IMeats Scott, 5^3 To Westfield, 3-0; Leads JVs to 104 Victory BjMUCK WAGNJ5R Rin Clark Beats Scott, 2-1 J\1|J Vial iVf ....•••'•••" ' •,,-••'• ByitiCK WAfJNER , . ' The Ily KICK WAC5NER .. • >-" fciitod >'lf-tTord-.Srol1, 5-3, - al Me-i • By RH'k WAfJNER jj DiRini aticl a tlyfe-nin home run r)y.;Keh Hon Potouk'c's Krandslarn".h()mo,rut)' liifihliRhtoji 1 ho CHS junior A" -ho-hitlor by : • •varsity bast-bull loam's mishin.g. 1.0-1 victory over Railway on Tuosday Field on" Saturday. D.i<*k: On Saturday, morning, Gene l re, the • on.lv one for Crahlord tJ*K year. the varsity r)i-"M.orfiorial Field. ~7t—^" r~ ' r~^~-—:—~ 2^ t^' h' l l-Tulcash. ol Westifeld iis the Cou- DiRini struck out •'DeLpnge's grand slam^as-tesf-wui&idjiorne run of the season, fie ,afl<1 svalked~ — " American League "" ' >• National League. Cra'nfoT.-< 8 2 Dodgers :....<•:''... 6,1 rims. Ron pel.onge doubled and Westricld. The, losing pitcher was sixth. 11 arris, jjoj.'-fo first through n u ;.' Sieve Shed in and Larry Meyer , f^l_ • Athletics ...: -..,,,•.-.'.'.". , 7.3 : Cubs ••..,...•:..., •'.... :.. 4 ' 2 Fred Jo'luuinsen singled. • Torn! ° « *&**• •'• ; ; an en;i>r; Ht**)"u";iK forced qero.sr? ,- ' walked, -and Ru>- Mazzella was'hit | F ictl Indiana ....,.,..,:. ....:.... 5 3 Cards' ,.-..: 4 3 Schrerber's triple brought ki,,i)oth| • ' . In the. third inrj.ing, Wes't field'!Little League the pl'ate Av'hen Ciftotelli. Catozzi,'. by a pitch. •• . • > ' ' If n/(O] TVo ^ A Tteds ;..,,...:....: 5 4 Senators : • -6 4 ruaners. Phil "Niesz singlecU-WTbring [scored tvwce.~Toka.sh singled, l'ol-i Ickets a,nil Miller' all walked. Ciccotelli . Fred Joharwisen, the winning i JJUCcll J V Oj t)*"* Yankees , 4 '4 Phillies A. 4 in Sehreibcr. When ^---piekofj at- toiiied by the ,samc by Mease, but j scored while; Ca'lizzi was being pitcher, hurjod a fine ga,mo, strik- • By RICK WAGNER Red Sox 3 , 5 Pjrates ...,...; : 4 5 tempt went advanced was forced jrl-' third . o.n • llood's loreed at third on a grounder by iny-out 11'and walking only.one,; Despite, a two-run home nm.by Available Orioles : • 2 7 Braves ,-.:....! •„...; 3 5 j to tliiiVI, and s, od on Paul King's grounder.^Mease and Hood scored Deredita. -. ' • • ', > '• whrlo..giving up One run on three Ron DeLonge, the Jayvee'"baseball Giants' I..,.'....:..! 2 7 A limited number of tickets are •White Sox'....:... 1 8 ' . sacrifice when ^Down's single went throw still available for the; annual Cran- hits, The-, loser was Channel!. 'team lost Jp. Scotch-Plains, 5-4, last Nomahegan League Unami League the-Teenier. 1'iel.d.er. In the. fourth, Cranford scored .seven runs ,in . Cranford's'first three runs Came; Wednesday at the. winners' field, Scott scored all their ford Boys" Baseball Leagues dance •lh( ", •ji'.s{ jnninM. ROV Koenig apd .'' .••"• : • . ' ' W.- L ^ ^in the fi,f.Uj. Moskelly and Byrae doubled,, stole, third,,; in the.'- first innbng, ' DeLonge| Rich Bai.nes was the loser for C'ran- —llfrnapes—, sccoreco edl ona a by Oha'uso, fortune .10 at th,-. Kohi ..'ay Siegel b(jth on . singled -and stole second. JBlTaim-^4'optU-,_Piasko won. . :...'.. P n Miele singled, and both scored' on Hurons i worth Veterans' -Center,- Kwiil-: t,,T<)1.s ,.ind,KoV .Knauer -•'sen reached first oh an error on his j DeLongeV • diamond""^smasher Apaches 6 3 an error on Ferrara's grounder. •On Saturday a.ftemtyoi. the Cou- worth,, it was announced today by j , , bases.-Koeuig" and Siegpl ' : Navajos 5 3 Crows...... Niiione got o,n base on another er- lh( grounder. A.double bV Phil Niesz; opened up the scoring in tjie first gars edged Cliliord Scot, 2-1, at Charl.es Ray,, Ir.; chairmart. .; ^)ref| (W1 ,)m ., ]0' Wildcats ..- •'.....'.. 4 1 singled, vvent to second on ah er- Chronicle or at the door,,: grounder let Mazzella score. .. ,|then brought' in Visconii. then drove in Pete. Music w 1 ser)red-vt'+icn Koenig grounded oc|L . 'After DcLonge's'grand slam in'; The third was Scotch Plains' big •Blues '. ;.....,,.4"" 0 Bobcats :. .3 • 1 ror, and scored on Sieve Radis' il) be supplied by Joe t'lranliirU . Dinsmore hit his home run jn ' the fourth, the Cougars scored one inning, netting them, three runs. Marlins ...,..'.,.:....,v,.,..'.'... 3; 1 Jaguars 3 • ' 1 Clifford Sootl -single* " ' »Gatto and his orchestra and a free AB K II. An n II the "fourth. Siftgi'l was hit by -;|a Angels .,...... '...,;...,' 3 1'- Meyer. 3b more in the fifth. Paul King.walk- Ososki walked, W*cGrane singled, Lynx „.:....•:....:...• 3 2. 4 0 IHPenivni. Ill), 21) M 1 0 ..;,'• , „ ••'. ... , buffet will be served. Dress is in-pitch-.and Hejler walked. When l, George A-pgar singled, and Mey-j and Visconti'.walked tp load the ' Colts ,.;...., :...... -3 1 Badgers ' .' 2 1 Mazzellii, 2b I) (1 OiPosiiniun. lb :] 0 0 Cljfford Scott scored its only, run: _. ,- DeLontse. ss - .' 1 1- l'lNulone. p, 1 Ij • -10 0 formal .Demseyy • singled. Si.egel scored. el" walked to-rill the bases. King! bases. An .error on Green's ground- Seals ..'.: v.: J .3 Lions ,1.:. "... 2 . 2 Johannsen, rf 3 lj.j|chlr,nv-e[lu. cl. ;j o 1 ain fielder'the .sixths choice-an. Klein reached scored firsd whent on-' \ ' ' . -• " ? . ;. beat "the throvy. to score on a:; ei-allowed Ososki and ivTcGrane to •'Bears ;..,.'...;....,.., .1, • ' 3_ Bearcats" .., .', :. »1. 1' Schn-iber, lb', 3 1. HEyicI, c' 4 0 f : Djiismore's.-ro'.uiid-tripper brougst : l?ete*Wies'z, cf' "•I 1 OIKuttnlls. ss ;), o 0 Cur.tis. and Metro hit' back4o-back j 1 grounder by DeLonge.. score, and Visconti came'in when Beavers ..,...,... 1 3 Leopards 1 3. Phil NieSz, If - :•! 1 2)Roskelb\ If " -'2 i 2 in'Heller and Demsey. • ,- ' Stars -.'. -.. 0 4 Wolverines .,,...,.,...... 1, .4 KinB.c --— 2 0 Ojcarusb.. 2li 2. 0 0 Cranf<)rd scored .six each in the Rahway's only run was'scored ih- Piasko grounded out. Balnes, ir—"• :ro OjClnk; P ' , o n o ''"^^nfor,,;:,:)-'' w.suieu, i Beats Hillside, 6»3 the seventh. Sirfgles by Heaney and In the fourth, O'Donnell of Rams •'....".....;.. 0 4 Tigers :,."';..:..', '..,-....'..... 0 5 flruskewii/.-cf 1. O-OIVlfelP.'rf l (/ o AH n ii ••.6lh. aaid'^tk'.innings.* In trie sixth, ... . |O)ix'i!.:i.Li • • 2 1 1 Koenltt. 2l> 3-0 OlPlynri, cf • Genervino- and an error on- Gent's Scotch Plains doubled, then took Siegel. :ib :j.O-O|Mea>ie; ss' By RICK WAGSfEU i Craig Sands,. Moppy Liming and -: grounder loaded the bases. Heaney third on Frey-'s' . grounder.- He' :) 0 OiHoocl. If :i T o The-'CHS Jayvee baseball team;Dins'more all' singled,, scoring- the u Ross, p :( 0 Ol'jd.wn. lb 4 0 2 scored- on a sacrtlice fly by Ginna- scored when ;.Ososki grounded out. rf ••> n niRri-imli-r r. 1 o.i.'. dofea.tOd.-HjJ.lside,; 6-3, jil the losers'! nrst. two, Dinsmote • was;safe', at chih. Crahford scored o,rie each in the Ettel; (-f :i 0 OlSyrnc.rf ?' i. '""field oaThiirscfay, Fred Johannsen ; second'on Muiikel's'grounder v/hen Cranford . Dinsmore, Hi 2 0. 0|°apaccio. 21) ' i 0 1 Rahjvay fifth 'and the sixth.' Irt the fifth, Munkcl, ss ! 0 0•>nnu.sf, Mb 0 \[ won and 'Horvath- was the loser. ",; the-second baseman dropped the Ail It U AB It II ar VaFsity Linksmen SuJidH, II 0 0 Toknsh, p . :s oiJ Meyer; 3l> 2 1 _0|Trftly, ss • 4 0 0 Tom"Schreiber and Frank Gra«ke- e'ranford opened up the scoring, ball, and DiRini.walked to load the" Muzisi'llu. 2b Wea-v-er. lb • 3 0 .0 witz were hit by pitches. On Ba'ines'. To-tiils xu>i Tomi.s.i . "2<>:H»'! in-therfirst inning when Ron De-bases. SR>Ve Radis' walk forced Ln Eiju.ldi,, lb "o-o o;sojk»,-:)b ISO 0 Cranfwrci . ,". DeLonge, ss. 4 2. 2iSmllh. r . -, 3 0 1 grounder, Graskewitz. was . forced * ., 'o o o o o n o-.-o Longe walked and Johannsen and j Dinsmore. and.a threcrun double Win Union County Tourney 002 00 :! •Tohnnnson, p 4 1 0|Hfiiney42b • i-,2 V 1 '•••••• • ° TnrrTomi Spiirpihl'Schreiberr hbo.th fttfr^Si- singled n III e d. , SCOrscor-- 'j Kby.v ' k'naiif>' Knauer r ufliwuscorel d.MunESl TiiPini Plill Niesz: 11 at second, but, Schrei-ber made it to. PORTS DiRini, 4--1 liEhaiinc-H, p. 2 0 0 By RICK WAGNER ,v X'rjinford. , t Clifford Srott Pier. II 0 0 O'£lou«nun, p.. VI 0 0' third; An erroiH oh' Phil Niesz' ! ing ' ticLo.nge. In the.-third,.'C.ra'n.-J.and R.ads; ., Schreiber, lb • grounder brought him • in\ In Jthb .The -Cougar varsity "'golf team CNIDULi AB R HI; AB It Tt. scored on,ce more. Ray- Maz- •KnenD, 2b , ' Kbeniw. ss !l 1 l|Willeu, 21) 2 0 0 •-.In the last inning; Sands .again •I 0 j;Sllli)lc>\ rf' . 2 O'OjKli'in, ss . :!, l l Pi\e Niess.'tf 30 0!.tiGcnt sixth, Pete Niesz hit a grounder, won the Union-County Tournament Varsity Nine Wins StPBfl. :il> zella singled, stole second, went to 1 0 0 a Ecl Lake —:i 0 liCurtis, cf o i led off with a single. -Liming walk- Ciritskowitz. cf 1 0 01 linnuchim, If 2 0 0 and an error on the- throw gave J t "> Country Club on Fri- i") \\ third when Johannsen [grounded Kins; c . Today: Rpss." rl 2- 0-1.| Vlftro. II ' ed, and- Chuck P.opik's ground out :s i oj » • *• dav with a 2 6 OlDufty. i) 0 0 0 Shedin, rf '1)2 01 him second, base." He scored on, combined score of 338 State Tourney Tilt and- scored" when a pickoff at- Ap^ar. rl Varsity -Track ..'— Granford at -End! p 2 1 1 Howard, lb HO 1 pushed 2 p i|: :-. •• SchreibeT's single. ,« j strokes.". •'..•"' * By KICK WAGNER Duismore, 1)j 2 ()• OiCieno.vu, c. " tailed. , . * - Jefferson, 3:45 pm. ,20 6|Eriel,':ib TolKU 29.10 81 Tou"ls . 20 1 Cranford |. Si-qtch Plains The four players participating "LirninK. c .f skte also scored q.nce in the AllRlI - . Doug DiRini won a pitchers.' duel Varsity Tennis —. .(Jranford at HadiJ,. 21) 2 0 aittBarnen :- .0 0 0 el. Liming scored and.. Munkei took, ii Pmrh hit for Shipley in the 7ih. II It H Mnnfre rf :i 0..0 third. Novak-walked, reached sec- Cranford X 2 0 4 10 x —10 Mnzzelln. 2b :i 0 OiFusslemnir 2b o'J from the Cranford team were Ben u and Cranford won hi the first Springfield. 3:45 p.m. ... Colrift^lli. P -10 0 second on a double, steal. DiRtni j Railway 0 0 0 "p 0. 0 1 Phil Niesz, .'II) ..4 1 OJO'lSonnell, ss : ond safely on a grounder by" Hor; 4 VijKaralis (80), Vic Neumark (87), round of the state tournament by Mu.sk.or 11 ooo walked and Radis got to"first on DeLoi^ee, ss- 4 1 2tFrey, lb • • .-2 0 0: Varsity Golf. —-. Cranford.' at Ro- vath. Kahn's walk loaded the bases, Johannsen, rf n 0 oososkl, c "2 1" 0 "Tom O'Brien (85).,'-and Dennis, Mil- blanking Somerville, 10, at Plain- ' selle Par-k-;' 3:4S p.m. r, loading the bags. On Sie- King, c.- ; 3 0 0i\fcGrane. cf i ikosky (86).' Second in the tour- •< Totals ' 20 2 B Totals 22 1 .5 a.nd a wild "pitch, brought in Novak": Peu> Niesz, II :j 1 0:Vi.sconii. If field on Monday-. Freshman, Baseball — -Kavvameeh a I'inrh run fur Erii'l m ihc 7th gel's grounder," Munkei scored,.but:.' l /Cranford scored foqr runs in Cranford JVs Schrclljer. JU 2 1 l|Coli niun, II o'n'ament was Pingryf who also had at Hjlhiifl™ '•Av... ^h'nnl. 1<\*, Cranforcl' ' :• .'' ... 1 0 0' O'-l n X-.-A Radis wjis forced at second. DiRini cf 2 0 OiOreen, if but k>st when tho two biRLni'struck out four, T O—.l the fuu'rth inning. Single-* by Phil P.m.. • . . . _, .• came in on--an.'error on Knauer's 0 Knot! :ib ;ioo'teams matched .their fir^t-hole two, and let up only three, hits. and Pete Niesz and George Apgar aMeyer 1 Q: l|P.lasko. p The losing pitcher,, Coniff,' also grounder-, and a" triple by. Stove- By RICK WAGNER •--•—•-=• itptals. Westfield was third. . Tomorrow:.^- .'• ' - . tilled- the bases, and a double bV ,v, , „. . ... Toml.s 2Ii4 4| Toulti. 245:i fanned four and walked two, givjng Varsity and ,IV-Baseball —'Cran-. Orange Ave, Larry Meyer drove in both Niesz Qlspn ^red 'Su'8el and >nauer'-• '/The CougartJdyvee baseball teani a PlivcV h hil for B&in'es in the -7th: | ' On Monday, the Cranford golfers 1 Xip four hits to the Cougars and ford vs. Springfield at.. MCITI- Cr •d ' • Clark" defeated Clark, 5-3, at Clark on Frf Cra "ford .....:..... ?oo oil o--4 defeated Clark, 12'«'-5 /2 in a'regu- brothers. Mazzella then singled to . "" AB Rll . Scot no earned runs, ' " •• ••' . Wins 2, Loses 1 r ARRII day., ^tohn Gustavsen grabbed the tch Plains 0 1 :i 1 0 0 X---S , . . . T, • " , V orial FieKJ, 3:45 p.m. ., bring in- Apgar a'nd Me> er. • - Kowiip. sb . :i I 0;Ciin-ick, cf 1 0.O ' win \vnile -McDQvitt was given the lar match at Echo Lake. Cranfprd's only run was scored . Freshman Baseball, — : Orange The Orange Ave.-School baseball Hillside" scored two" in the. .fifth. | ^!s,•?,'/; ' -2-.t Ocu-CQti'Hi: cf • 0 1,0 team won two games while losing 3 :i O.Suley. lb 2'0'O toss. -.. Ben Karaljs (89) defeated Smith in 'the'initial stanza-, when Roy v Ave. School'at McManus,. 3:45 Horvath a.nd Gordon walked, and 5 2 HCara/%1, lb 0 0 0 ' Cranford jumped: off-tp a quick Hillside Blanks (88) in the first match,-2-1. In the Koemig walkefl, reached second, p.m. on(? this past week to-bring their_ were advanced to second and third R"ss n, 2 I l:Mll!rr. .Ill) 2 tl.O season, slate, to" 7-4-1. ,: • , :i. 0 l(Dcreciiia. 2b :i Ti I) .3:0 lead in thei. first inning, Larry secoridr. Vic Neumark (80).-beat t'|ien third on- wild pitches, and Freshman Track- —• Cranford at by a passed ball.. A bingle by Olson; rl 2 2 1 Buoni, c.t' 2 0 '•'. singled and. stole second. Scull (99), 3-0. Weber -of''.Clark came in on ah error on Doug Ross' - Clark*,'' 3:-45 p.m. •- Al Charjjberlain picked- up bh ireenhouse allowed both to score. Holierft"mls•'", if :i 2, 2;Harper, If' . . 1 II O - i (89>- defeated- TWTI O'Brien. (94), .fourth and -fi'fWi victories in pf(gh^ 3.0 0 . scoring .-on Ray Mazzella's single." RICK WAGNER grounder. .. ' ' Saturday: . :•' - . . • -- ^i IJemsey, :i 0 0 ing Orange Ave. to both their wins. i'mnford I llll]siil<- . Liminii, cl , 1 2 i;Crabtrt'p, rf' l'O p a Mazzella scored fvdni"first' on a -The varsity baseball team lost (8j})dereate d ;^uliigan (90), 3-0. Oranford | .Somcrville . Varsity Track.—-Central Jersey AB R III ' AB It II DlllMli'dre.,- II) ' 4 :1 lljicnn, c .' AB K. Ilj All K II Last Wednesday, the locals downed '. 2 0,0 , bingle by Ron DeLonge. DeLcmge. Hillside, .6-0, at _Hllside on _ MecL Meyer. ;ib 4 1 lJ.Swveney, 2b. ss • :i n.oi Popik, -lb " 1' 0 OiHoyoi:, c. Jl » Cl Tim Eaton (91) defeated Tonnesen KopnlL'. ss . 3 '1 f -fr- Soehl of 'Linden, .13-7. Ben Avery; Mam'lla. 2I> 4 1. 2 normal h n • :i I1 nj M.min .s • r, •> 2'w hm-tof. p Rurxgday. T winning pitcher was • -— —-;—' ~ 3 ..'" ' .' . . • • M 1 OlOordo'n,' I 0 ' , 2' 0[H"arri^, 2 .1 0 advah*o,e;dt-tb third On. an error,~an3 T^-Vlso In the last' match, 0 o;Schuul). 2b 2 0 0 Varsitv Tennis? — State Tourna- :i 0 l'Kahij'.c.f 3-0-1 Jackwski, r Bob- Djakori.. and Mike' Mershon oJhannsen. Ii :i o ni • [Bells, p 0 fl 0 ' scored 'on • PliiL Niesz' grounder.. • EhrenfeldY rrtro Schre'lbi'r,,ll) 4' 0 2 D'-MfO, Tib. i • :i o (i: Scull of Clark TS^T) defeated Ross, rl 3 0 1 Debono. rf ' 2 0 0 ment.- each had two'hits and Neil Braun- ; tiiliitiilisidd e scored one-each in the Heller.. II 2 01 Van Ness, cf Phil. Nu sa, If 4 1 l|GreonhouM- .iJ-Ora. ' Totiils 41 2:: 15 Tot.il-. 22 2 0 The , Cougars eompletejl' their Chuck Diakon' (98), 2-1. :i o o Kjnu, c . • :i 6 p Rh;t-lbounu* • 7 0 0 4 n r. B- 2:1 Demsey: cf 0 0 Gruel, 1 1 ' ' :i o o Monday: jjte,in_ connectedjT'or a triple. 1 0 I) | Cranlord • scoring in the -fourth, when Pete. first and the third. In.', the- first, 1 7 2 .1 l|niiun'i. 21).— 2fi —— —B—9-0—H0I1—0 ' Si Mende Dinainori , lb M 0 UlUHI'li, Jb 3 0 0 Varsity I'ennis -- .state To u r n a - On Monday, Chamberlain al , 21) :t 0 OlWilczek, f i-t - :i 1 Ky :1 0-1 Niesz a'nd Gustavsen hit baok-to.-i. « singled,_wenrto_secj 2 0 I ' merit. 2 l o' JrLevinson' pvinson l;s sacrificriti e hbuntni , and DiRini,-p 2 0 1 Coniff. p 2 0"0 lowed only two safeties, as Orange Qruskt>wit»', cf 0 d OjNovuk, It "b,ack triples and M^azzella' hit a ' *»" ™ " Hillside Ave. Varsitv Golf Cranf(Trcl vs. Ave. blanked Roselle, 4-0. Avery scored on an ecror on Atkinson's Totals .2-1 1 4! Total* . • ail i tJLake Country Club. " "•" ;: -single tQ drive in Gustavsen. Tomls , 22 0 :i Crunforc) ' Cranforcl. Westfield at. Echo Lake, 3:45 and Dan Ilerler each had. a pair of v 0 1 n n 0 n grounder. In the third, Mendes 10 0 0 0 0 x -1 HlllflUi'"..'., 0-0 )• n 2 0 0 ii. .''Mrs. N. Weldon was second and . Clark stored twice ..in- the. fifth. Win Streak Souierville ..£..',.., JJ.o 0 0.4,1 0 0 p.m. . . • hits. . :Dunn "walked,, and scored wh,e.n singled,again and took second on i Mrs. John VVittke won low putts., Varsity /Track — Cra.nf.ord.' at. Chamberlain's homcruri'a.nd Mer- Cicatelli doubled. Cicatelli went to a 'sacrifice 'fly by Leyinson. A Stopped at 12 shon's triple were to no avail.last Ei'ht) Lake sults- Mrs. K. Rose and Mrs. Vincent '. third, on the throw' to '"home, andsingle by -Atkinson brought in - Berkeley Heights, 3:45'.p.m. 1 % Coach George Kirn's Hillside GHSNetsters Friday as Orange Ave. lost to Rah- Mrs. Richard Iaxwell shot a GO-" Fisher ,tit'd for first in Class B ' scored on • Materia's gro-und- Mendes- _ • Ave. School, freshman baseball vyednesday: vwiy.-11.-3. Heaney was the winning • Hillside completed th^ir scoring 16-75 to win tfie Class -A Division ••with >(rs. James Lierman placing er. In'th.e sixth, Schnitzer singled, team extended its win streak- to 12 Varsitfordy vans dBerkele JV; Basebaly Heightsl —Cran, 3:45-! pit,eher and Joe..Tomalavage -took :of.-the 18-hole group Stroke Play second, Mrs. Berger Egenes won irtJ_Uie sixth, ^reenbeng singled, Beat Westf ield went to second# when Sysixiski vj^lk* befo-re^fihally being stopped by I the loss. TjHirnametrt .this, week at the Echo low- putts. ,and Iaculla got sm base through ah By RICK WAGNER: . p.m. •;i':d, and.scpred'op- a single by,Dun.ni Burnet of Union this past week. In Class C, Mrs. John Bloys plac- Cranford | -*C(ark'*« error. On Mendes' single,- Green- TW locals nipped Park Ave7 7>f .;_The Cougar varsity tennis team AB R HI AB RH berg scored, and the others ad- defeated. Westfield for the second ed first -with -Mrs! George Zahn and Meyer, 3b 4,1 21 lonplov'nl, lb 3 0.1J- Scotch Plains,, 5-4,- earlier ' in the Mrs. I.' Lewis tying'for second. Mrs. Maz2ell42bB -j 1 2Cicatelli, ss ,1,8 vanced to second a'nd-third on the Timcthis .season, 4-1, at the high n:» •_• .:';• • *>~i 1 week. John Van Bruat_paced the Ross Fans 17 As .Locals Top Rah way, 6-2 DeLonge. Mideria, lib, 2b throw home. Iaculla was safe at school courts on Friday. Richard Miller won low putts, Johiuinsen, rf 4 0 0 Rula; rf. ' y 0 0 batting attack with three hits in- •By SlCK WAGNER I l,n the top of. the fifth, Rahway - Schreiber, lb . 4 0 0 McUevll'l, p, Lf . 4 0 0 home oh Levinson's grounder, and cluding a double and a triple* Ray In first singles', Ed Faulkner de- • Phil Nlf.sz. 2 0 OiCoylu. If . "THP PROFESSIONA't.-GOtF SHOP" •RACKETS thru For Additional Infbrmation, Call 2 miles from Qardcp St. Parkway, Exit'105 Ajjgust5 ri- RESTRUNG' > SPECJAWTRAINS Direct to Grandstand Ly. Penn. Statlop, Hew Yorlf. .11:48 AM Bally H. McDONOUGH, Lv. NewarKPenn. StatloD)-.>.12,04T HILLS GOLF RANGE 38 NORTH AVE., E.' ' Lv, NewarlKPenn. SUt)9P)..l;.12.04_-pM.b?lly PATH Connect'n N. Hud»on.Tfr,,NY H: I*OST2 PM : '.'• Opposite Firehouse - '- DR 6-5224 ft tZ&ttJ^ffii^; •tot? Owbh 1:50 PM Cranford ' CMUnthinitr re fiat Admiiftod" • ^;' Grandstand %±« CIUW;BUSB$^

., W, Crinford' MONMOUTH PARK Resort of Racing '^a' ' lb> •.:.-•.. -%•:•• • •• Page J5*i" CRANFORD;.(N, J.) CITIZEN AND CJttKONICLE—THURSDAY, MAY £5, 1967 / , • .••••• • .•• . for the borough's'Independence Gapwood -at Bay .-'-teal Memorial Novembprfiites Day celebration:, Councilman Wil- J#ome last Friday night. • 500 Attend liam J. TreleaSe, chairman; Coup< ..- It was. annotiriced. that.the club's For Donna Qooper,cilman Charles J Horbacz^nd annual dinner meeting will be held Vocal Concert Courxeilinan Jones. . , ./ June Jit the Lake Edge Restaurant $tmrt Axelrod Councilman McCarthy ctfhducted- Multiple ScleroiiaDrtfe In Watchung. Plans also were' dis- •-'Arthur ^Whitley of llnion. Un- KENILWORTH — The engage- £ meeting in the , absence'-'$>£cussed for a family picnj.fr'.mi At ion Cpufity chairman of volunteers ment .of' Miss Donna Cooper, to Mayor' Tiller, who is'on vacation. Park on June 25. .., ' '— An Hence for the Upper P«Jew Jersey Chapter Sfifi: sun nf Mrs The business^meeting was- con afc lHaraing-Sr.h n»r> h, ora\ Helen B. Axelrod_o ..cert, held recently fti the" §cKbol Dr. and the late Mjlfort' Axelrod, ever Society, this week-aiinflunced s world-wide research" progfariKih auditorium under the dirx'cllon of Noter g" were Mr>v-^Tp?epM' y \r*f4 • • " • J^——^ *-' has been announced by her par- appointmen' t of;jPolice' .\&f': Mrs. Theresa Ostrowski. and' Miss and Mrs. Arthur Des'ch. , L. Brinkerhoff of lB^Apbbi- St! -as . Multiple,, clerosis is,,a^disabling . Lorraine Conover..'. • ents Dr. and^Mrs. Charles Copper, Troop 791 Qranford municipal'/.ehairrnan of disease of the bruin and spinal .Participants wertf the Boys' En- of West jPriuige; ;-"' X .Jill Grove, Kathy'.S.ikzer, Peggy volunteers, ^.r-'-'- {' cord. It attacks' the substape'e •'semMe/Girls'-Glee Club, Eighth Th> prospective bride is a grad- Krorle, K;aren Schweitzer and Debb- A graduate of Cranford High which protectively covers . the -Grade Choristers and the Fifth and uate of the Berkeley School, East orah O'Such, who are working on Rotary School and the New Jersey Police nerve fibers so that message im- Sixth Grade Boys' Chorus. Orange. She is a secretary and as-their: "My Home" badge visited Academy, Lt. Brinkerhoff has .been pulses' controlling several or all A feature of the program was asistant office manager with Feder- with the Garwood. Senior Citiz_ens a member of the Cranford Police functions such as seeing, walking, speaking, movement and balance salute to the armed forces by theal Pacific Electric Co, in- Newark. last Thursday and talked to them A —-Wiliiarn Orth of DeRartme'rrt ior the past 2\ years second grade b.bys, who.presented about \yhat they liked to do and and is a' past -state delegate and are • distorted and sometimes eyen Mr.. Axelrod, an analyst-with the the New. Jersey Bell Telephone Co. blocked. It is estimated that 500j "songs of each branch and an exhi^ Wakefern Food Corp. in Elizabeth, how they, lived when they were past president of'Granford Local taition of marching.-The finale was (a Ktwanian, incidentally) showed 52, PBA. ' ' .000 Americans have been stricken attends evening classes at fJewark the girls' age, after which the girls and narrated a film on the Apollo y a display, of the flag, 'With Cub State College. : •; ,X" entertained them, with a few songs.. ^ Me has held numerous ofTic.es in with MS and^related diseaj CDTt Scouts acting as color, guards and V Project as the Lions and IJotary the Veterans of Foreign \yars, in-' The wedding is being planned The purpose of this badge is toClubs of Garwood": held a .'joint Funds,;received. (iuxjag the drive ' the entire chorus • singing "God for Novembe'r 22. find ways to. make, one's home a eluding commander of. Capt. N. R.will Jielp Support the National Mul- BJess America." • ..'. ••"' meeting at the Cranwood last Fjske Post 335, Union County com- f more pleasant place to live.- ; tiple—SeieresKjx4>©ciety s program •Soloists -were David" Klugman, Wednesday night. JiWns were an-mander- and Fifth District- com-' aimed at^finaing the cause, cure Rosemaric Parente, Carol Lee nounced to make^fhe joint session v Stacey. Griffin, Lori "Stark, Walter Thaler, Debbora O'Such, Sandrea; nian-der and.currently is seryjrtg as and ppVention of this \:rippU,ng Prices Effective Today thru May 31 Gryzb-Snyder , annual affair. ., . " ' * . '• • • 1 pudziriski, Stephan iicrger, An- Hidi, Patricia Scherer, Nancy Har- state comrna'ndei' and also state disease, and alsb-will enable'MS thony -DeRogatis! Gary Reid, Gary International Councilor Bertram c.hajrrnan of yqlunteers for the Na-•^a'tients and- their families to,, re- Engagement Told ris, Michele Wallauer and .Kathy J. geffolamy of the lions .Club was Lewis, Thonwste-McDonald, Jeffrey Setzer have been meeting on tional Multiple Sclerosis "Society-r'' ceive the care they heed. Haines, May Ann Giordano, Audrey' - KEN1LWORTH — Annoufice- ,niaster of ceremonies for the pro- The . MS fund ' raising ,;dfive, ment has been made of the engage-' Thursday afternoons at 'the. hbme- gram. .. ' ..• -'. • • "Williams, Mildred Ton?.ola, Santo of-.Mrs.- Robert Harris working^on known as, the Hope Chest Cam- BARON'S OPEN SUNDAY Cavailerb, Katrin Keonoy, Richard ment of Miss Gail Snyder and Paul Presiding for the Lions Club was paign, is Conducted between Moth- their "Pen Pal" badge. They, are Garwood Servicemen. r Wasky, Christine Jadelis,' John Grzyb, son of Mrs': Alice Grzyb of George Kochera; president, and er'§..Day, May 14Kand Father's Day; now, corresponding ,wfth scouts Frank D. Papandrea, son of Mr. MAY 28 • 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. "~ O'Brien. Nancy .Issleiv Richard Elizabeth arfd the late John Grzyb. for the Rotary; Club, Dr. Justin June 18, to dra\v< attention to the Brady, Lisa Boeninghaus and Ken-Miss- Sny'der, is thn daughter of Mr.,from a.Girl Scout^Troop iri Mel- fact that-MS usually strikes young and Mrs." Frank W. Papandrea of rose, Mass., atid'-after exchanging Brenner, president. ,.-"'( neth kichards. . •*'' .•'-.'• and Mrs. Frank.C.. Sriyder of 5 N: adults between the ages of 20 and328' Second- Ave.,. recently was 21st St. J ' , . , •" . four letters-jwlth their pen pal "will '4Q years; often young parents, thus awarded the Combat Infantryman's BEAUTIFUL •: $1,00 Miss-Snyder is employed by theh'ave. completed all the require- imposing a heavy burden upon the Schlenker Author Allstate, Insurance- Co., Mtrrray ments for-.earning this badge. " VFW Auxiliary growing family. • Ba'djge in recognition of his service Hill. Her fiance is'employed by a"'••.". " Troop 126' . •* Lt. Brinkerhoff reported that the with the Ninth Infantry Division in BEACH BACS 1 Of Education Texaco service station in Elizabeth. Twenty-five scouts of Junior Pl^irs "Card Party •National -Multiple Scterosre~S6cie- Vietnam • —<- A June wedding is planned. Troop 126 enjoyed a bus tour of the GARWOOD The Ladies' Aux- Magazine-Article-- Hehnsylvania -^ost-^6807, VFW, RUBBER • . ^EMI/WORTH :— Qeorgie C. day-. They saw how .the Amish men1 will sponso> a card'party June 2 • Sdhlenker'-ef 501 Quihtoh Avenue,. Commuters Urged. farm their lands without ftelp of at 8 p.m.. '*»t the pos*t home, 221 . science consultant at' Moritclair (Continued, from' Rage. I )"•..' any kind.. o"f modern machipery, South'. Ave. Miss. Florence Cjgtstaldq course to be taken - by our group. is chairman^ >' • : jf BEACH SHOES public schools; is:-'among the con- and how the people dress in certain FAMILY PICNIC tributors to fhe June-July, issue of These, plans will- be "discussed by types of.clothes, ' . : Accepted as new members at a "The Instructor Magazine," ,nation- the various mayors and councils First -stQi) was -luncheon at a res-recent meeting 'were Mrs. ~ CTjris .ally circulated publication used. hj;. and anbther.-meetiog will be. sched- taurant \vhere typical Amish food Badayas of 248 Myrtle: Ave. and Cranford 700,OOu elementary school teachers uled- for J.ane.:' •• : ' • was served •including. "s.hoo-fly Mrs.G. W. Thorhton;of Westfield. "The majority of members were SUNGLASSES and educators. ... . pie." Npjft was a!, tour through 10 Ceceliii Ciisiriano, daughter- of "iDiscdyering Heat and Tempera- critical -of the newspapers for their; rooms of. the 161-year-ol(l-stone Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Cusman'o of FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ture,"' .a "tinit by Mr. Schlenker, is lack of interest i« the group meet- 409 Locust Ave. has t>eein selected Democratic Municipal Committee 1 buildings' of the'Amish farm *and ••published in this issue. The writer ings and the quietness of the press house. They also saw an- pperatjng as ''Poppy Queen"-for J967-68. ^: •: ;... ••..-:• ,• ••',:•:•• .,/.:••".' - points' out that while children are after the recent requests of thefarm with growing cr&Rp, 20 kinds Three members Were named del- continuously experiencing ' ther- rairroad. . , .- - : of farm, .animals and-fowl, and theegates to th.e annual state conven- SUNDAY/ JUNE 4^1967 mal' phenomena, those related to "They are also critical of theWillows Wooden Covered Bridge tion in Wlldwood June 21-25. They ,temperatux<\ they often fail to un-commuters-.who- had been advised originally built in 1851. -A ride in are Mrs. Joseph Schnauffer, presi- 1 P.M. to End :J, derstand "Xm'til they have time'arid of tho pitfalls in the\Aldene.Plan .an old Conestoga wagon qrawn'by" dent; Miss Castaldo, and Mrs. investigate. - its inception and remaine.i d SWIM CAPS ^,"'» RplffUn Mir** ^nnliuh George Rodher. -Alternates dec-ted cedur.es for suittr&le experiments to quietq, , and now that the railroad the visit. . . -, were ' IVJrs. George. He.lchel 'and U B E RT Y PARK use in pursuing this study are inplans to discontinue service they Accompanying' the scouts were Mrs, Dora DiMatthews. the article. • •'* still remain quiet: ... Mrs. .Joseph Ondrof, leader; Mrs; •Unden, N. J, (Near Linden.Pool) ' . Mr.'Schlenker received a bach- "The commuters are urged' not William SchadeVvald, co-leader, and elor's 'degree k:o'm Columbia Uni- only to Write but to telephone Mrs. Joseph. Vajsabel and Mrs. .-versit-y and a master's degree from their legislators and voice their P.T,A/$!ri Montclair State College. At pres- David T. Williams, troop 'commit-, FEATHER COVER UPS opinions.." .••_•". i ent he is a candidate for a doctor- tee mothers. ..-••'-. Solve Your. $$$ Problems *.U. S. SEN .HARRISON A. WILLIAM^JR. • As recommended by Mayor Ed- '" • with the To *»?ote<:t Hair from Wind & Sun ^ ate at .TNew York University". ward' H. Tiller at the last council meeting, council passed' a" resolu- GOP Women Hear Easiest, Most Profitable ^r STATE SEN. MILDRED BARRY HUGHES * tion opposing Jegislatioa legalizing' •/. Plan Ever! . M. Figurelli, Talk on Civil Rigbits purchase of New York lottery tick- free Information Write: . • Palchanes ets by New Jersey residents and GARWOOD -— A talk on "Civil Call 276-8610 urging the New Jersey Legislature Rights in Relation to Government, Spacego School Aids TAKE TODAY. • • PlahtoWed to "show courage and common' Industry and Religio'n" Was pre- 271 Lafayette St. KENILVV'ORTH ' — Announce- sense" .by passuig a law providing sented, by Rt.. Rev. Msgr." W. C. Newark, N. J. . ment has bueii made of the engage- for a state lottery here. Heimbuch, pastor of St. Geneyiev's or Call—Daily; Evenings, Sat. Tickets $1.00 Children Under 16 Free ment of Miss Geraldine'Ann Pal- A letter .was' read from the Church; Elizabeth, at a meeting of LOSE WEIGHT BY FRIDAY and Sun.: 623-8968 Women's Guiid'of St. Paul's United chanes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the Women's Republican Club of Just take a tiny. LOSE WEIGHT Anthony Palchanes "of Union, to Church of Christ reporting it had Hungrex lablct before • Michael Anthony Figurelli, Jr., gone- on "record as endorsing the meals..'. and banish those THE FIRST DAY! sun of Mr. ami' Mrs. Michael. A. plans' of the; Fr-iends of the. Gar- hated efctra pounds as Thousands n,ow lose; Figurelli of 100 Michigan Ave. wood Library for construction of a you'barvish hunger! Why? weight who never -thought . Miss .Palchanes''is a graduate of separate library building for the; SOUTH AVENUE RAMBLER INC. Because Hungrex is • they could...report the Berkeley School.- in East -Or- borough. . • • hcatnblcr f\.ain remarkable weight losses ange. . She is employed as af. secre- 3 69 S.oufh Avenue ' j r ADams 2-24 56 the most powerful On recommendation of Council- reducing aid ever oil.. .20'. ..even tary with Merck & Co., Rahway- yman.'Edward Krempa for the ' '•. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY; - 41 pounds in a short • Mr. Figurelli attended Fairleigh police committeei , Patrolman David * released for-public use' without prescription! while. So if you're tired Diekinson University,- . MadLjon. Bormin^ham was-promoted from of half-way measures Presently on military leave of ab-Class C to .Class*B patrolman", 'ef- Suppresses hunger pangs 1 : andwant really effective sence, he.is employed in the sys-fective as of May 15.- - - Your Name- May 25, 1967 $0.effectively, it actually.t tems -and date processing depart-, Date limits the ability of help in reducing . Council approved-a recommenda- • Ptmfhaser's Name • - ...send fqr'Hutigrex • ment of Merck. He is serving in tion by Fire Commissioner Charles yqur body to produce the U. S. Army stationed at Ft, gnawing hunger today. Hungrex wj K. Jones for expenditure) of $1,900 Used AS FOLLOWS: Knox\ Ky. i'or the purchase..-of new hose for PLEASE ENTER MY ORDER FOR ONE New sensations! Result? You , amaze yokrTVou'll' be the t'ini department. '• • - don't feel hungry...down slimmgr next week or your YEAR '. • money back..No Street Commissioner Krempa re- MAKt MODEL' COLOR.' ' TYPE goes your calorie intake.. 3 TUNE-UP ported that the street department is Ran^bter -6706 "• ' 59 .220 2-Door " 1967 and down goes your , prescription needed. in need of part-time help and-re- •weight. BONANZA! quested interested persons 18 years STOCK SfRIAL TOP INTERIOR POINTS, PLDOS, COW o.'f age or older to contact Street COLOR 7L8C DENHEB, ADJUST AND NO. NO. • OCopr. ~ All«c' Pb*mi«e«l Corporation SET. Superintendent''Joseph A. Stiblcr. Set CD 6-CyUn««w $12.95 He-^ilso reported that ther-e will CASH PRICE OF CAR $1,906.90 (8-CyUnder — •14.98) be no garbage collection next Tues- day because of the Memorial Day SOUTH ELMORA ESSO HUNGREX1* holiday. The north side collection WITH P. P. A. SERVICE CENTER will be made on Ayodncsday. Standard Transmission South Elmora A»e.. oor. Krloo ATO. Most Powerful Reducing Aid JlU»beth, W. J. U3-0S44 Acting ' Mayor McCarthy .-an- Custom Wheel 'Ever Released for.PubUc U$d! OPEN TO 10 P.U. nounced the appointment of.the Factory Undercoating following committee to arrange 4 Seat Belts STORE • PHONE Windshield Washer Outside Mirror. • Send me regular 21-day supply of Hungrex with P.P.A. for Back-Up Lights only $3, * ' *3°« Remarkable! New! Padded-Dash' I box of • Send "me economy-sizeM2day supply for only $5. ^ • 63 tablets PaddecTVisors : (21 day juppjy) N me_ 128 H.P. 6-Cyl. Engine A Address_. Oil Filter • • economy «i2C £ (FultO « day supply) City IZonIZone SState ,,— - — Dual Erases ~ D Charge Q Payment fnt;losed Dc ° °- %\ with Paneling 4-Way Emergency Flasher TAX 51.70 M Guide UCENSE - .- TRANSFER TITLE REGISTRATI&N FEE TOTAl CASH DELIVERED PRICE- $1,958.60 Developed by Weyerhaeuser, the CASH DEPOSIT SUBMITTED WITH ORDER FREE PARKING wood people, ami MLSN Amy Vand- rrhilt, foremost CREDITS Allowance for Used Car Trade-In As Appraised Discount $183.50 nulhority on. In All Municipal Lots vliquotto nml . CASH TO BE PAID AT TIME OF DELIVERY $_175J0_ Kood taste in the home. . TOTAL CREDITS $ 35860 THURSDAY EVENINGS Stop by. today, for " your copy. BALANCE DUE $1,600.00 CONTRACT TO BE PAID TO IN -INSTALLMENTS OF $ .' . EACH AND 19 ONE INSTALLMENT Of $ 36 FIRS*T INSTALLMENT DUE 51.83 ;. DRUG STORE A Weyerhaeuser .. The Order comprises the entire agreement affecting this purchasggnd no.othcr agrecmenVoiMtnd&m

'• ; ••-••••* Yoyr Town. STORE HOURS: Sublet To Satisfactory Credit •••*-.:'. 3:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. .Centennial,Ave..'«-; 276-0505 -^ '. .. Yo^r. Phone :<*. SREDIT^A'PPROVEOi.j _' ^ '7^RM|fJence_Tolepliono V MM^p^W

• 1 ; Second Class Postage Enid . VoL.LXXIV. -NQ. 20. ". >Sections/22 P&ges •.CRANFORD/ NEW JERSEY; THURSDAY,: ytmtprO.,- New- Jo»soy-^'070l6 TEN GENTS Cranford High School Art Exhibit Eift N. Uiilon Parking Ban Opening at Public Library Saturday Except 4 to 6 P.M. Weekdays The art'..department'of CranfoicT High,School will present its an Parking along the easterly fow, except between 4 and 6workable traffic . pattern for .nual exhibition of student work a& •sid••••--•e of Nort• h IJnion Av.er'.'be- p m Mondayy through Friday,y, the street- gets uridefway, 'it the. CxSriford -Public Library start • tween North and Springfielpg d as the second phrase .of thewas announced.- yesterday by an£ AAvese , wilill l b e restorestdd ttomor- trials to determine the most Mayor Edward'K. Gill. ing this Saturday l. continuing In compliance with; a re- through Friday, June 9. • ; recjueSt from merchants along . .Over 100 students, will exhibit ih'e. street, two loading zones more than 300 paintings, drawings, Closer Liaison,will be created — one on the . graphics,' sculpture and ceramics easterly and one on the wester; - The exhibit will••reprcac nt the-a ly sides of the steeet. These / With Towmhip^CpinmUee b tistic experiences of all individuals .Gross of the Chamber oicqjnmerce annoui w^ ^ locatod in #6gt—ef-- enrolled Ln the art program at" the ^ meeting of the retail division was'field Friday to plan former Kurtz Market and ;Ln high'school.. ' : , ,'''• front of the Spwtsmanls Shop. closer liaison between-the Chamber" of .Commerce and the Township Bus stops'.are how located in front Ten awards, of distinction will, be JANICE Committee. ,.'-\ < "' . , > . - * of Milt's Confectionery and in front . presented.to those, students exhib- The 12 retailers present also discussed the need for better commu- of Hartig's Paint Store. ., ' iting .woflf of outstanding^ caliber. nication .between all members,.'of . To" expedite turning north on . The awards, made' possible by-the North Union Ave. from Alden St,,"; fine art department of, the. Colony I the—business_communily_^dl_t!!e. jietail-division of the chamber; the parking will be restricted'for two .; Club, of- Cranf6rd,~!wiTl t>e deter- car lengths on North Uniqn Ave. • mirted by a "".fary composed of-Mrs. - president reported. in front of. the store formerly oc- O. Lewis Harris, teacher qf art in I "-The chanabef-ee< 4upied-by-Stuart's Audio, the majfa__ the ,.Cranford public schools; Perry 1 Township Committee as well.as the or stated. . •.._... ' Zimmerman, local, artist-ttracherj PREPARING STUDENT EXHIBIT — Last minute details arc being Chamber of Commerce has' as- an. In order that two lanes of north- and Mrs. Andrew Markowich; chair- ultimate,' goal a healthier, down- On Saturday bound traffici' may be created on . taken care of by Fran DiPaolo, Harriet Kfilbv, Debbie'Mindlm, man of the fine arts department of Thomas' Roberts/Robert .Leedom and Nancy Domaratius (left to., v town shopping area .as well'as a Union Junior College will con- North A.ve. appro'aching'"Spring- tbirColony Club. " " : ' ,' fer_ associate, in arts degrees upon field .Ave., parking, also will be. right), Oranford High'School students, in ^repar^tio'n for the Awards, will be ahnquftced at better .community," Mr. Gross annual exhibition of students' art work' to be. held June 3-9 at said. • ,. ,- , 120 students at its 34th". annual prohibited lor five car lengths on the opening of the exhibit on Sat- the easterly side pf .North Union : commencement on Saturday at Cranford Public Library. . ' • . , • urday at I' p.m. • ...>..,;. Following a discu.s'sTon'of the re- rfiear its intersection wit.h Spring- ' . The exhibit, under: the direction 10:30 a.m. Ln the theatre of. thefield Ave, Directional lines will "be >• '• • ... •••••• ;..: • •••••.' -•' : . •,. .- tent parking ban oh one" side, of of 'Miss.Jea.neUe Wong and "Burton Canipu.s Renter. It will be UJC's •painted on the stre.dt to .show the. / Lon£enbaeh,T art teachers at the North Union Ave., cfercommittee was- appointed to survey each fetailer Targes't graduating class in -history. three traffic lanes, the mayor ex>'' Memorial Day Observancehigh school, will be open to the plained.? .'." ,. '• • ../•' , individually and determine his sug- John-J. Downing,' chief of opera- public Saturday from 1 "to 5 p.m.' Mayor'Gill, said there i^ little and on weekdays from 2 to 5 p.m. gestions; for changes or improve- tions of the, Internation.aPDepart- AttractsLarge Turnofutliere : doubt that .traffic- through "fhe cen-' and 6:30 to 9 piiiri. The public is ments in-the plan. rnent of the Energy Com ter of town has flowed/much" more . .'• :.-Crjinforct remembered its war dead Tuesday with «.fiye division invited to attend..'. """•.• • President Gross .said, that when mission, Washingfbn^D, C.,. wjULbe. smoQt-hly-^-sinGe- thG~i>egum.in,g_of :_.| parade'witnessed by more than 3,000 spectators and an-impressive results .of thfs survey ane received j the guest speaker/ Downing the first phase of the trials two ceremony fltMe.ino.rial,Tablet, Springfield Ave. and Riverside Dr. 1 . he will meet-with the'mayor and'is a UJC alumnus. -LINDA MvSEfcfrY -JANIC& TARULLI— weeks agq. ,.••••;.,-. Excellent weather was'a contributing factor to a large turnout of Township-Cornxnittee. lo; cprnniuni- . Degrees will be conferred py. '(What "we have to do now is to. b.oth marchers' and spectators. Five,, musical units provided martial- Week's Weather cate the comments-and suggestions Kenneth C. Mac"kay,'~UJC pi best^.combination- so ;that music for the paraders and enter- of the retailers 'involved. dent, and Hugo B..Meyer of Sum- neither, the merchantmerchar, s nor the UJC Meteorological Station "The Chamber . of Commerce," t-ainment for'these* who' watched. mit, chairman of the bbard ,oi motot\^\s suffer/' the mayor.con- HAROLD DUflOCQ, MstaoroloQltt Mr.. Gross said, '.'feels' that the in- trustees, with the assistance of Dr. tinued. ""\. Police Lt. Vinceat L. Brinker- PTA-CEA Scholarships Go tinued. College Club terests of the downtown business- Kenneth W..Ivers'eni dean. "We' are ^disappointed' that our hoff, commander.pfThe New Jer- area in relation to the entire town- Prof. Forrest P. Dexter, Jr., of sey Department, Veterans of For-- "Temperature*, .this week ranged jstudie?' show that^the 20 off-street. To 4 Grar^ord High Senior ship can best be_ served by theCranford,- will preside, and Prof. parking spaces-in Municipal Park- Plans Added eign-Wars, was grand marshal for from a high of 81 degrees ori Sun- closest contact between-the Town- Hermann J, Bielefeld of Summit, the parade,: In.addition to veterans' day to a.low of 35 degrees on Sat- Three girls and one boy from > Cranford Creative Art Group. Jan-' ing Lot No. J oft North^UJifon A^e.. the senior class at-Cranford High I ice was the recipient of. the Art I ship Committee and the Chamber chairman of the.humanities depart- are empty, a good, part of the;time. groups there we're representatives urday, as 58 degree days-were re- of -Commerce, which, represents, ment, will lead the academic pro- corded to bring t&e total for MaySchool .have received awards total* Achievement Award. We hope, that with proper < from ntanv. organizations; including through its retail, division, ,thecfiBsibn and present the Alum.ni tion shoppers- will learn where The • College Women's 'Club of to 306 and for the'heating Reason ing $1435 from the;.combined Par- \ A.njajor in elementary education : 1 a cornpany of Marine Reserves. One business coniinfinity.".•" .' Prize to the iel^iss v,%pd;H.;tori!jif and Cranford is planning a sale of which .began on September' 1 in ent Teacher Ap at (he University of New Hamp- most convenient parking spaces are of the colorful groups was Morris Slegel of the Sportsman's the Post-Day Award which goes.to located.'" . '" ' • .'•'• books for light. §.uminerirea_ding_oi delegation of YMCA Indian*Guifl 5,417. Yesterday marked, the «?nd Education Association Scholarship shire is the goal of Linda Selby, daughter of Mr. . and Mrs. Paul Shop was. named chairman of a the graduate.who best exemplifies - No aption will befalcen bfl pro- recent fiction, paperbacks, mys- many in gay costumes. of the -1966-67- heating .§ea$pn. Fund ^j .' ••; '• J the ideals of Union Junior Col- teries. bobbies; biographies and Precipitation totaled .81. inches,' "fhty are: Janice Mar-fe Iwany- Selby of 210 Beech St. Linda has promotion committee and-,it was hibiting left turns on Alden St. un- At Memorial Tablet, Mayor Ed- shyn*. Linda Mqreau Selby, -Janice been a member of the Cranford announced that additional appoint- lege. . ,•'".-' til results of the- present Irial are children's books. wartt K. um urged -a reqedication including .49 on Monday, \\S> last Dr. MacK-ay will welwme "the Thursday, .14 on Tuesday, and .03 Tat'ulli. and Mark B. TTigh School Choir, the-drceTlead Imftnh will be made at the next assessed, Mayor Gill concluded. The sale will, be held in theof everyone, to a "permanent and meeting of the retail division Tor guests to Union Junior College ana Prohibiting of parking.on' the lasting peace." on'Friday. Rainfall, for May totaled Janice rwanyshyn, daughter of !efs and girls' tennis team and has bookstore in the basement.of Cleve- M as publicity chairman for cotnmittees expected to have both introduce "Mr. Downing. easterly side of Jforth Union Ave. land School'on- Wednesday, Thurs- Referring to the community's 4.29 inches. Mr. and Mrs.' John Iwanyshyn of-* »* « ™™"** -haii-mim fnr 47 Cranford-"Ter?-, is planning to the Student Council. She was elect- long term and immediate effect The invocation and benediction brought strong protest from mer-. day,, and Friday, June 14,15 and 16,war dead, the mayor declared: A year ago the temperatures blii f th bi will Jbe by Ifie Rev. Walter W. study for her career, as an artecf to the'National TTohor Society"1 in the- rehabilitation of the busi- chant§ along that street as well as from 1 to 5 p.m. . . "We must take this moment, to ranged from a maximum, of 81 de- ness district. Gale, rector of Trinity Church, a petition signed by mOre than grees to a minimum of 45 degrees, teacher. at. Douglass. College, New and has rectived a letter of com Up to this time,, the club's book rededicate ourselves to the cause mendation from the National Mer- > President GJOSS hailed the suc- Elizabeth. .'..,..' 1,200 residents which was present- 1 as.only 12 degree days were re- Brunswick'.' Sh'e wag a committee, sale has been-a biennial event, but for which these sactfifice'Sa were it Scholarship Test. Linda also has cess of the first meeting of the. Following 'the ceremonies, the ed at last • week's Township Com- made -^. the'cause-of world peace. corded to brLng the total for thechairman for' the, stage set of the committee now is planning to "Brigadoon" and a member of thebeen a member, "of (.he choir at group as "a long-awaited step to Friends of the College 'wiil spon- mittee meeting. The,merchants of- ' supplement the • large .sale with "I am talking^ about genuine heating season to 5,328..SPrecipita- Cranford Methodist .Chin-ch. make Cranford a first-rate shop- sor a reception for the graduates fered several .suggestions for im- peace, the kind of peace that-makes tion totaled 1.61 inches, including Future Teachers of- America -arid 11 several- small sales. ,- the Art Club,, as well as the Qirl • Janice Tarulli, daughter of Mr.ping center. •> • and their guests .in the student proving the traffic flow, inchidiiig Since the College Club needs life on earth worth living — not l;09"Tnche,s on May 28 and ,29. Most- and Mrs. Joseph- Tarulli ofv!20j lounge and terrace of the Campus the loading zones, but, restoring- (Continu'ed, on Page 8). .1 ' Scouts, the Luther League, and'the more books'; Mrs. Robert Brooks, -,.-• (Continued on P,qge 8)' Elm' St.,. will pursue Studies ai , jri|.g| Center. parking on the easterly side of the chairman for the sale requests any- Juniata College in biology or med-1 ., -'' Squad Flag Mr. Downing, a resident of Silver street. . one having books 'to donate to con- ica| technology. Janice has boon Flying 4 Hours a Spring, Md., a'nd a former resident Following a trieeting" with sever- - tact the motor corps chairman, Mrs. Of * Hillside, is a member of the m active, in intramural sports, the; fne Cranford'First Aid Squad al retail members, officials of the Edmon Lee of 316 North Union Spanish Club, -Vocational Medical at a rccent meeting passed a Veso- Class of 1936 of Union Junior Col- Chamber of Commerce eaaferYed Ave. All members of College. Club Club and the Future; Teachers of }lltlon catling for flying of thelege. In 1962-, he was| named"the last weekend with" Mayor GUI and are asked to deliver their own America. She also was on the pub,. American flag at the squad build- alumnus who was most outstanding municipal officials in an effort to books- to Cleveland School them- licity conlmiUoes for the: senior ^ ^ lay,. with night il. in 'his. chosen field by the Union have the. initial trial completed as a4 ht)W aa c clay,. with night il-. junior College Alumni Associa- selves. Under Way in Local Police Dept. play and musical, production. Jan- luminufion, until the Vietnam con- quickly as possible so that the ban .Proceeds from, this fund-raising tion. , j ; • ~±-i — —— _,-*,„ .. , One qf the first steps taken by_ ice has been n member of the Girl £||ct js settled. . on parkingon the easterly side of project will be used, to grant schol-. Chief M-atthew T.- Ilaney when be' Stouts and the. CYO. •1 This project srgnifying support . Cranford residents receiving de- the street, could be lifted. arships to Cranford High School became . head of the Cranford Planning to enter government; of United stdtes SCrvicemen ,in grees are: senior girls under the club's Police Department at the start" of scrvicf. Mark Ricklis will enter'. victnaiiUwas inaugurated with .a -- Richard E. Bfitton, Jr., 39 South Spring Music Festival Slated the School of International ierv- * . en Tues^fy Union Ave.; Carl W. Broekef, 208 Conference of Mayors ' scholarship and loan fund. The this year . was to appoint Capt. n ig raraising-ceremon t ercmonyy IiCc at the AmericaAmea n UUniversitt y • in' Sherrer St.; Kirs. Charlotte N. Mayor Edward K.' Gill repre- recipients are selected, by a com- Ralph .1. Koury.as officer in.charge morning,'Memorial Day. mit te.e on the'basis of scholarship, AtNomahegan Park Tuesday Washington, D C. Mark is the son.s Cataneo, 439 Lexington, Ave.; Daria sented Cranford at the. recent meet- of trawing -with instructions to L. FrankoSki, 49 . Henley Ave.; need and character. The first of Mr. and Mrs. II. Ricklis of 43T| _. Lng of the Union County Confer- The annual Spring Music Festival of the Bloomingdale Avenue-!'set up a comprehensive program North UnionAve. lie is a member, James' J. Hilton, 210 South Union scholarship was granted by the aimed at iiivjng Cranford the best FNearly ence of Mayors at the Hotel ^ub~ College Women's Club of Crunfqrd School will b.e held Tuesday at 7 p:m. at Nomahegan Park. Of the National Honor Society and) Crapford Boys.' Ca'mp has only Ave. .Under the direction of Thomas Sicola, the band.willj>lay '-'Anchors trained police department in thehas participated ln ,thi>. Junior 25 openings for the 1967. season, it . Miss Patricia S. Kurisko, 26 Ora-urban, Summit. Ways and means . 'in 1940. , ' area" Aweigheigh-."- ' "Winchester Cathedral," "Sway," theme from "Dr. fchivugo," Achievement' tutoring pro^raon ' in iWas announced yesterday by Frank toir Dr.; Mrs. Judith K-ushner, 16 GC. controlling, air pollution in the A. graduate of Cranford High Spanish., Mark is varsity track |,j. Dooley,' president. Twelve of the Nomahegan Ct.; Miss Evelyn..'A. "All-My Loving," "Mack the Korfe," "Three Billy Goats Gruff." "Born School, Capt. Koury attended county were • discussed,' Cranford . Free" and'."Tijuana Taxi." manager and also has been active j openings are for the period July 2 Lawlc-r, 108 Benjamin St.;. -Miss will be host to the June meeting Cranford, Linden Union Junior College and last year in the -mu,iiic program as part of; to 9 and 13 for August 20 to 27I Ua,hic? e V. Niesz; 612 Orchard St.; Members of the'band are: was graduated from the College at which rail' transportation will Officials Confer, Trumpets — Michael McNall?, Father Watters the Marching Band, Concert Band,; All other periods for the- eight Mrs.. Louise J. Oimet', 4 Doering of Police Science of the. City of ' (Continued on Page 8) be the discussion topic. LanCe Slingerland, Daniel More, New York University with a-n as- (Continued on Page 8) seascfn are filjed. Reach Agreement* Stephen. Garber, Larry Silberstein Offering Masses sociate in police science degree. "Unusual Harmony" nrarked a and "Robert Kalinowski; flutes — He also is a graduate- of the FBI -conference of' raun.ic.ipal officials Marsha .Qarlinger, Alexandra Gar- On Vietnam Front Academy. in Washington D. £., 1 of Cranford and Linden Monday to ber, Daw/i Sm.dllnske, Vivan Pemas A former assistant pastor at St. where he received a special com- Drum, Bugle CoKps-taBe Called the Patriots; discuss areas, of mutual interest and La,uren Locber; druftis — Mil-Michael's Church, Capt; Chafles mendation from Director J. Edgar Mayor Edward K. Gill reported. ton Mason, Raymond Forte, Karen J. Watters, currently offers .mass Hoover. . - Representing Cranford in addi Blum, Adam Wizon, George Davis, on the battlefields of 'Vietnam. He studied traffic supervision at David Qkun a ) Rgb.ert_Brcelau. tion tcf the mayor were Township nc ~ The 40-tyear-old chaplain of the Northwestern University, adminis- New Group to Sponsor Star Dust and Brass Engineer Patrick J, Grail, Build- Cterinets — Todd. EUen-berg', 503rd Airborne Infancy's Second tration of criminal justice at Rut- Richard J. Donovan, vice-presi- Ricliard Krumkowskj, Sari Gar- gers University and police admin- ing Inspector C. Van Chamberlin Battalion, served the local parish dent of the Crariford" Drum and and Health Officer Louis Surtfno. lintjer, Russell .Finesterti-; - Ralph istration through' the Interna.tio,n-. •from Julie, 1964, to June, 1965. He Bugle .Corps Association, announc- The meeting was scheduled in- Boyd, Richard Reimlinger,' Carol al City Managers' Association. ed this week that the corps will be itially to discuss, possible health Glick and Andrea Forte; saxo- now delivers sermons' to para- This year's in-service training known as the Patriots end the of- problems associated with the rephone. s — Joseph Pugni, Ravenell troopers from portable altars and program for the local police began ficial colors of the unit will be rod, moval of garbage in Industrial Barry rfyab, Kevin Brady and Wal-on one occasion parachuted with' with every man in the department white and blue. Park. Representatives of the State ter Boor; bells — Susan Holian and them iijto a combat zone. taking a first aid course given by lt was announced also by Vin- Board of Health and a building con- Ellen Storch, and baritone horn— Father Watters wears a battje. Edward Rouvet and Hugo Staiger cent P. Flanagan, the coips presi- * tractor invoUmd-werr prrsrnt—__ St-ntl K stat on' his paratrooper's wings for of the First Aid Squad,, and. all dent, that permission has been giv- "There was really no sertous The vocal groups Will present' having tak.cn part4n-4he o.nly com nov yt Ited Oi-oaa ' fimt tiid cor en by Capt. N. R.. Fiske Post 335, problem in the. garbage removal "Spirit- »f the U. S. A." by Justin baf jump mission^carried out thus) uficates and cards. In this,cp'.nnec- VFWT fCr the iiuw group -t since the operation was done to Ring and Fred Ha"ijGr.. • far in the-Vietnam war. He alsoltion, Dr. Churles Speers also gave the Stardust and Brass drum and rigid standards and under close The'following, students will per- has won the Air Medal for'having the merj. instruction ifi emergency bugle corps .competition which the supervision," Mayor Gill stated form-with the vocal groups: participated in various combat as-1.childbirth procedures. local VFW post has sponsored here "The Hact that the, job was com- MaFk Wellett, Dawn* Smolinske, sault, operations via helicopter. | Arrangements also were made to for the past several years. pleted on Monday before ( warm David .Okun, Hans Seggern, Ellen' Tail and lean and sporting a have Assistant Union County Pros- Mr. Flanagan' reported that thitj weather set in helped too" Hjer.tzofi;' Dcbra Marino, Eugene crewcut, Capt. Wstters wears cam edutqr Anthony D. Rinaldo, Jr., in- year's competition, will be held- at Photograph's qf the former mu Alvator, John Ba«r, Ralph Boyd,, ouflage vestments to blend with struct the entire departmenp t on the ^Icmorial Field at 8 p.m. on- Sun- day, July 2. He added that seven hicipal dumping* area a.ndecompar KeVin Brady, Robert Bres'lau, Mit-jthe dense jungle foliage when sa^- meaning jof recent Supreme Court a.ble scenes of the location, as ar\chclt-Bross, Diana Cicalese, Deb- ing mass, A veteran of about 50 decisions and thejr effect on' law outstanding units' from New Jor- industrial park were shown "by the orah Clark. - 6dmbat_engagV Henry Polidoro upon com- eluding (he Roy,aleers All-Girl" : Drum and Bugle. Corps of Haddon- made. '•.',''.'•. '. dy Copk, George Davis, Jjimes did the. enemy bring one of hispletion of a. one-week firearms in- son,, Daniel DeAngel.6, Edward masses- to an abrupt ejdj ... structor course was named- to take field, will, be competing for over Tentative agreement wds reached $1,600 m prize money. between the two municipalities to Dt; "Marcy DublnskyP T?odd "That was only a- few weeks charge of t.he department's tire- EUenberg, Russell Finesteiiu Davia f afio," he said. "The VC. started up arms training program, as'sisted hy, ENTERED IN COMPETITION" HERE — Shown are members of the Royalecrs. All-Girl .Drum and,* The Royaleers were the .1965 arid sJi&re the' cost -of the traffic lights 3'ugle Corps of Haddonfield, one of seven entries for.the Star Dust and Brass dr,um and bugle corps VFW allrgirl drum and bugle to be installed a"t, the ^intersection. Johnson, Jeffrey.; Kasper, Richard| against us Und one of the kids fatrolrnaa "Arthur E. A-oderson. ' ..' • • Continued on Page if* . XCcwitlTwea

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