The Lived Experience of a Pilot Turbulent Times Many thanks to the 103 airline pilots who took part in the initial informal interviews, to the 33 pilots who participated in the pilot workshops and to the 1,059 pilots who completed our health questionnaire. Without all your help, this work would never have been possible. Mind your heads! For enquiries, contact Capt. Paul Cullen,
[email protected] HOW DO WE FLY STRAIGHT & LEVEL IN TURBULENT TIMES? “Between stimulus and response there’s a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom” … Viktor Frankl The Covid-19 virus has completely overwhelmed this whirling hurricane, we can step inside the eye the world. The situation is rapidly evolving, and it of this aggressive storm and remain calm. appears that our political and industrial leaders As airline staff, we work in one of the world’s are constantly playing catch up. National health safest industries, yet now when we go to work we services around the world are struggling to cope, don’t really know what we’re being exposed to. and with the goal posts continuously shifting, We are used to being the bread-winners, bringing understandably many of us are fearful that this home the bacon and putting food on the table, but will decimate national economies and cause now we aren’t sure what else we’re bringing home enormous levels of illness and loss of life. to our loved ones. We are being bombarded and constantly reminded of the need for us to wash This pandemic is having far more than just a our hands.