' Second Class Postage paid' Vol. LXXIV. No. 19 3. Pages '.. • CRANFORD; NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY.25/1967 'Cranford, New Jersey 07018 TEN CENTS Reveal Parade Plans N* Union ForMemorialBay y Cranl'ord's .-'annual Memorial Day parade will asseinbli^irt 8:30 a.m. Harmed Tuesday, at the. Walnut Avenge School yard. Marchinfc^CyiH" begin at <J o'clock and end at U) "al Memorial Park, iJpringfieW Aye,, monies honoring the township's war dead wilLtfe Cortdqct Marchers will proceed north, on WahjufAvc. to North Ave., swing- west to Eastman St., north -', on -^ Casiman St.. to Central Ave, Asserting, that; thei =rUriion Ave. between tee Tuesday night to lift the cast on Central .to SprineMfil North" and Springfield Aves*. "restfictjorT. '••."'• Ave., turn north on- Sppjfigfield 1 harmed by the/eiiminatiori of 25 merchants along the street Following' -a lengthy hearing, . Ave,, east and then southron. River- parking on tfre"easterly side of petitioned Township Commit- •WMjgtJ^dward K: Gill said the gov- side Dr. /f^ erning" body;-will- endeavor to com- Serving as yfaniY marshal foil plete Us study as quickly as pos- the five-cUyision parade will be sible, taking into consideration the Vincent/-K'. Brtnkerhoff, comman- Suggests Forruation comments of merchants as well as der .^efT New Jersey Department the reports of the police and Traf- yFW. The roll call of the war dead fic Coordinating Committee. The ^vhiph will include the names .of | Of Betail Merchant Group mayor said the plan will be given- " two servicemen' killed in Vietnam | - Formation of a stroogerretail merchants division of the.Chambenof a "fair trial" but, that a determi- —Dean J. Elichko and Joseph. P ', Commerce which Would represent all merchants- in dealing with local nation undoubtedly will, be'nhade Minnock — will be given by Thom- r-j government in developing their plans for improvement" of the business before the next meeting ba June 13. as Leajiey, commander'of Cranford I $8811 district and providing ltaison with Other business and civic groups was Frank D'Antonid, • proprietor of ; Post 212, American Legion. | proposed today by Mayor Edward* K.. Gill- Friendly Barbers, 106 North Union -riMsyor .Edward" K., Gill will de- Aye., presented the petition from , 1 "A grea deal o,f the effort of the liver, the welcoming- address,, and the merchants. He contended that Joseph Tineo, commander of. Capt I I Township Committee ajid'the.Tlart- the" proposed plan to improve' traf- . Newell.-Rodney Fiske Post 335, | f*^ ', m-ng Board in the last year has fie flow could not have Jpeen . VFW^.will. serve as master of -ciye- •*'•? heen diregted' at eTforts-to reju .cleared with the merchants^ i.hr monies.. •" '••'•,'• •'.'.- \enate' lhe» central, business di% volved. He asserted parking on ' The parade order is as follows: ti'ict," the mayor said. "At Tues- ToPqtvoMah ,:Morth Union Ave. is necessary and .. Photo by Frutchey Associates «• First division — Police escort. day night's meeting, the many.mer- essential to the survival 'of the ' ASTRONOMICAL EVENT— Visitors are shown entering W^fiaro "Milter Sperry Observatory on Union' Cranford High School Band,-Mayor VINCENT L. BRINKERHOFF chant's present indicated they...were POSMQJIS businesses an the street^as taxpay'r .. -'•' Junior College "Campus which was, inspected by thousands of persons' during ..dedicatory programs, aod • Township Committee, VFW ing enterprises in the township. He not represented by any existing or- • over the past weekend. ,. •/...••. ,*nd American Legion commanders, Three new patrolmen were nam- told. the governing', body that , the Marine Corps 'Reserve unit, Gold ganization nor did the ppinohs of ed to the police department by Chamber pf Commerce does not v Star flag bearers, VJ?W and aux- the individual merchants with Township . Committee . Tuesday speak for all merchants, and that"" iliary and American Legion and whom the Township Committee-has night, bringing the Torce to its full- it "should not.'be relied, oh as saieh. auxiliary. ..-• • . strength of 42""men for the" first beon consulting necessarily repre Mr, D'Antonio said the Township Thousands Visit UJG Observatory ". Second division—Golden Knights Park Q^ time in several -months. sent thei:r opinions, '••••' ^Committee and P.lan,ning Board .:' Band, Police Department, Fire De- •The new appointees, who began "Since'we all are interested in should 1iave taken sample opinions partment, First Aid Squad; Civil the same objective -^-saving and their duties yesterday," are: Salva"- Defense and Cranford,"Red ..C/o'ss. Is Established tore R. Manuri,. 30; of 189 Hickory. from people directly involved be? - . Township ' Committee Tuesday stipulating the business commun- fore eliminating parking. -_* third division — Golden Squires ity^ I wouWsuggt'st that the" down- Ave., Gafwood. first •o.ut-of-fown - Several thousand persons night addpfe'd a resolution setting resident named .-to, the department; He .also presented a petition Band, Boy Scouts, Cubs. • - town* merchants band together to signed by l,25l: residents-'•' and., visited the Union Juniar. Cal. .Fourth division- — Junior high up a five-man Advisory Council on. provide positive 'action. Ivhe mer- Gordoji j. Ostrowsky 24, of 208 Centennial Ave,, and Leo J. Schaef- shoppers.who. are "firmly opposed lege campus last weekend to school band, Orflc.T. of , Rainbow recreation'and utilization of parks. cha.nts themselves are probably in to the elimination of parking on tour the William Miller Sperry Girls,' Bremner Chapter, Order of fer, 23, of 413 Walnut Ave Mayor The-new unit, whose members will the be^t position to,provide the Edward K. Gill noted that the trio^ the easterly side of North Union Observatory. '•• •DeMolay, YMCA Indian Guides; improvements so badly...needed. .I 1 Ave." He said this petition -was €ranfard ELks, League of Women serve wit-hout compensation, re-' was appointed from a list of. 13 ap- Their visits Were part of the would welcome the. opportunity^tp- gathered, in only four ./days.*- He/ Voters ai]d' Cranford Boys' Camp. places the present Recreation Com- plicants whose, qualifications were dedication program, whictj meet with .and work with such a "asserted Jhe opinions . of. .towns- -. .Fifth- division' -^ Elementary mittee:. Members " were, named. to reviewed-by a committee 'from the opened Friday evening with an group."- . , ','--'', Union County police GhiefV Assoc- people also .should "be considered', ..open' house for* . 'neighbors. school band, Girl Scouts and rotating' terms to -give the council Brownies.- iation. I .-. •..''•. .. "% ,. - • 'before going ahead with a plan as. -Amateur Astronomers, Inc., more, continuity. Heretofore-, the thoughtless as the parking lelfmi- , ' Grand Marshal Brinkerhoff, a Mr.""Rlanurif who- formerly resid- which will operate the observatory Recreation Committed . .rnembersf One of Final ed a.t 208 ©teriiepniaJ Ave. and is anation plan.'" < , ; jointly with UJC, sponsored a pro-, VFW member t& years, served' »•• The petitioners presented their comrrian-^t-f, .Union .Ccxunt>' have been appointeci annually.. grpijuafe of C^%% HHigi h School, fessional-meeting for astronomers' Industrial Park pwn/plan to Help the flo.w;-of traf- .commander,.- Fiftfi District' com- Serving oh the- committee- will is »a. speciai l p&lice officer in Gar- on Saturday. -The .formal*'dedica- fic on North Unidn Ave. and to »" mander, state ' legislative officer, .be: Joseph Potts, 5 years; Robert wood, where he has resided for the tion Ceremonies and an'open house M. Crane, 4 years; Stanley Mrnte, Is Sold past four Shd a half years. He make shopping easier and. more wre held on Sunday. and state junior and senior vice- Township Committee Tuesday • eommander before being named to 3 ^ears; jCtarles M. Ray, Jr., 2 plans ta move back' to Cranford. pleasant: ,. -- yea'rsT'and'fjrs" Anita Vh'illinger, i night sold one of thu last par.cels Members of Amateur Astrono- his present' position of state com- He is- married and has four chil- ' Keep* met-ered parking on^the 1 year."-• ' ' - ! 'lv Industrial Park-to Ken-Jon Cooi- mers, .Inc., set up exhibits in the mander. .•''.-•••' dren. A plumber" he has been em- street at all times. The council will investigate, stu-: struction Co.; Inc. John J. -Calli Provide a loading zofie on observatory along with ,congratu- He served as a sergeant with the ployed by F.- Dufek m Kenilworth latory messages from observatories dv -and advise the Township Com- was the only bidder, offering $51, arid M&lv{ Plumbing fc'.'Heating Co.,block p that trucks have no Marine-Corps during World War II 000 i'or the thrrfeacre tract. He in" the United States and, throu|hr incl say action in the South Paci- mittee and superintendent of rec Elizabeth. ..: reason to double park. out the world. AAI" members also*- reWkion with respect to the plart- plans to construct a 25,u00-square Mr: Ostrows*ky, a resident of. Eliminate .left turns at Alden Cranford resident for over ning, promoting, organization andi-fo'ot building costing $375,d00 on manned.the two interim telescopes 40. years, he was. appointed Jo the Cranford for three years, is a grad- St. during peak traffic hour". • to,show Visitors how they operate a-dininistration of a comprehensive the plot. ••..-.' uate of Westfield High School. He ', If possible, hand-operate traf-, • Cranford police fotcc in 194j? and as weH as the ' In welcoming the new' firm to and how they can be. used, the rankjof -lieutenant on recreation. formerly was ergployed as a die fie signals at North and North The observatory was donated to utilization, of public parks, -| Cranford, Mayor Edward K. Gill' maker by;L &. Z Tool and'Engineer- >llnion Aves., .and at Springfield, said this sale "goes a l&ng way to- the college by Mrs. Frederick W. • Others taking part in the'eere- grounds and places.."" ing Co., Union. He is married and and North Union Aves.
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