Congressional Record-House. Maroh 26
3312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MAROH 26, PROMOTION IN THE NA VY. Mr. SIMS. Before the motion is put, I want to make a parlia mentary inquiry. Is not the unfinished business on the Calendar Lieut. Commander Edward B. Barry, to be a commander in the this morning the pension bills reported from the Committee of Navy, from the 9th day of March, 1900, vice Commander Wash the Whole on Fiiday last, with the previous question ordered burn Maynard, promoted. thereon? The SPEAKER. That is the unfinished business. WlTHDRAW ALS. Mr. SIMS. I demand the regular order. Mr. HULL. I think my motion is in order always anQ. is a Executive nominations utithdmum Ma1·ch 26, 1900. privileged question. THIRTY-SEVENTII ~FANTRY. The SPE~KER. The Chair is of the opinion that the demand Lieut. Col. Thomas R. Hamer, to be colonel. for the regular order calls up the unfinished business, which is Maj. Charles T. Boyd, to be lieutenant-colonel. the consideration of the pension bills reported from the Commit Capt. Benjamin M. Koehler, to be major. tee of the Whole on Friday last, upon which the previous question First Lieut. Cha1·les H. Sleeper, to be captain. was ordered upon all of the bills and the amendments to their Second Lieut. Alvin K. Baskette, to be first lieutenant. passage. The Clerk will report the first bill. HOUSE BILLS WITH .AME!TDMENTS PASSED. CONFIRMATION. On the following House bills, reported from the Committee of the Whole with amendments, the amendments were severally Executive nomination confirmed by the Senate March 26, 1900, considered, and agreed to, and the bills ordered to be engrossed.
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