Movement Started for Opening Blue and Gray Quartet Lower Own of New Chemo-Medical Institute Two-Mile Relay Record at Millrose
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\ roh. vi GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C, FEBRUARY 5, 1925 No. 16 MOVEMENT STARTED FOR OPENING BLUE AND GRAY QUARTET LOWER OWN OF NEW CHEMO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE TWO-MILE RELAY RECORD AT MILLROSE Recommendations of the American Chemical Society to be Acted Two-Mile Relay Team Establishes New World's Indoor and Outdoor Upon—Estimated Cost of New Institute $3,680,000—Fr. Coyle Record at Millrose Games—Again Defeats Boston College Quar- tet—Smashes Its Own Four-Day-Old Mark of 7:47 1-5—New in Charge of the Work Looks for a Successful Issue. Mark 7:44—One-Mile Team Triumphs Over Holy Cross and Virginia—Repeat Victories in B. A. A. Meet at Boston. The President of Georgetown University, Charles L. Lyons, through his representative, the Rev. George L. Coyle, S.J., head of the Chemistry Depart- ment, announced during the week the determination of the University to estab- By FRANK A. RUFFER, '26. lish an institute of fundamental chemical research, devoted to a study of the Georgetown's great two-mile relay team, consisting of Eddie Brooks, John many important and involved problems in the field of Chemo-Therapy. A great Holden, Willie Sullivan and George Marsters continued their record-breaking deal of preliminary work has already been accomplished upon the project, and career at the Millrose Games and a new indoor and outdoor record is dangling during the past few days thd, proposition has been brought to the sympathetic from their belts as a result. It was past mid-night when the four thorough- attention of interested parties throughout the country. breds swung into action and a few minutes later their names and fame were on the lips of ten thousand rabid fans who packed Madison Square Garden and Report of the American Chemical remained throughout an interminable list of events to see the peerless quartet Society. FINAL VOWS TAKEN perform.. They had their own indoor mark made a few evenings before at the The present proposition had its birth Brooklyn College Games, the famous outdoor register of the Boston College in the report of a sub-committee of the BY TWO JESUITS four, made at Franklin Field last spring, at which to shoot, and the whole story American Chemical Society, appointed is told when we say they riddled both, and settled a score with the Eagles of! in January, 1919, to prepare a state- Fr. Louis Gallagher, S.J., and Fr. Boston, which had been standing since the international race of last spring. ment of plans and policies for the facil- The victory over Boston in the itation of research in the Chemo-Medi- George Hanlon, S.J., Pronounce Their Final Vows at Dahlgren Brooklyn College Games and the mark cal field. This committee submitted its HOSPITAL BOARD made there had left something to be report to the Chemical Society last Chapel—Students and Friends desired. The Millrose triumph was year, and recommended its careful dis- Attend Ceremony. SPONSORS PLAY complete and the double-barrelled rec- cussion and consideration "by physi- ord answered the most imperious de- cians and surgeons, mothers and fath- On the Feast of the Purification of the mands of the circus seats encircling ers, by educators, hospital directors and Blessed Virgin in the Dahlgren Chapel, Benefit Performance o f Rose the Garden. At Brooklyn they had trustees and all others whose hearts are the Rev. Louis Gallagher, S.J., Dean of Marie to be Given at Poli's been timed at the remarkable figure of interested in the welfare of the future "■* the College, and the Rev. George Han- 7:47 1/5, and Marsters and Welch had generations of American children." The Monday Evening—Sponsored lon, S.J. Professor of French, pronounc- run neck and neck to the tape; at the report was prepared by the ablest chem- By Officers of the Hospital ed the last vows as members of the So- of Millrose Carnival they "knocked the ists in the country, both in the industrial ciety of Jesus. The ceremony and ritual Board for the Maintenance record for a loop," making it 7:44, and academic sphere. It embodied a very surrounding this last renunciation of the Free Wards. and left the opposition too far behind exhaustive study of the problems con- two Jesuit priests was simple and im- to be discovered. fronting chemistry in its attack upon the pressive and hardly by any outward sign territory of medicine. It stressed the ab- Poli's Theater will be the scene of a Brooks Starts It. gave evidence of the tremendous commit- brilliant assemblage Monday night, Feb- solute necessity of the closest coopera- ment that was made. The Reverend Rec- Versatile Ed Brooks, the same young tion of chemists, pharmacologists and ruary 9th, to witness the performance of man who basted a mass of leather tor of the University, Charles W. Lyons, "Rose Marie" for the benefit of a charity medical men, pointing to the impressive said the Low Mass and the occasion was 75 yards down Franklin Field one day lessons of the past which could be gather- ward in the Georgetown University Hos- last November in the historic G. U.- marked by the absence of any eulogy or pital. It is expected that the people of ed from a study of such cooperation. explanatory oration. The altar was taste- Penn game, lead off for the Hilltop- The report remarked that as evidence of Washington will readily support the bene- pers. T. McKillop toed the mark for fully decorated and dispersed in the chapel fit, as facilities for the care of the charity this much needed adjustment between were some few friends and a generous at- Boston College. The Beantown boy medicine and chemistry, that medical in- cases of the District are poor at the immediately jumped out in front but tendance of students. Mr. Martin Smith, present time. An appeal has been made to vestigators were returning to the univer- Continued on page 8 Brooks soon showed him his place. sities for the study of more chemistry the students of the University, and a The Georgetown man seemed strong and more physics. splendid response has been reported. and once in the lead, he was never I: The musical comedy that will be pre- It pointed to the late war as a re- PLANS STARTED headed. Officials clocked him in 1:57. markable example of what could be ac- sented is reputed to be the most popular At first the prevalent thought in the complished through the cooperative ef- show of the times, and has had unusual minds of Georgetown's rooters was to forts of scientists in the various fields FOR '25 FOOTBALL success on Broadway. Georgetown col- win but after they witnessed the race of biology, pathology, bacteriology, phar- ors will furnish the decorative scheme. Brooks put up they shouted to Holden macology, physics, organic chemistry and Coach Lou Little Addresses Grid Members of the Senior Class of the Col- "1:55, Johnny, 155," and spurred him physical chemistry. It ended with the Candidates of Next Fall's lege will act as ushers, assisting the on in the concerted effort to create a recommendation that the American Chem- reception committee of the ladies' board, new world's mark over the two-mile Team—Spring Training to be under the auspices of which the perform- ical Society should do all in its power a Rigorous Conditioner—Out- route. Cavanaugh, B. C's. second man, to further the establishment of an in- ance will be given. never even pushed him but the new stitute of experimental therapy whose lines New Coaching System. Those sponsoring the affair arc the Junior National indoor 600-yard Cham- establishment would be based upon the officers of the board, Mrs. Harry V. Hay- pion stepped on it just the same and ' cooperative lessons of the war and whose The first meeting this year of the can- nes, president; Mrs. George T. Parker, turned in 1:50 as his share toward the model could be sought in such an institu- didates for next fall's Varsity football treasurer; Mrs. Frank S. Bushing, cor- record. tion as the one established at Frankfort. squad was called Friday afternoon, Jan- responding secretary ; Miss Mary T. Keli- Sullivan Carries On. Germany, in 1899, and which has. since uary 30th, by Head Coach Lou Little. her. recording secretary; Mrs. Milton E. About seventy men among whom were Ailes, Mrs. George Tully Vaughan, Mrs. If someone wished to shoot us in 1906, realized the best hopes of EhrHch, the heart right then they would have the famous German chemist, in working members of last year's Varsity squad, Nellie E. Fealy. Mrs. Thomas J. Stanton, those who were ineligible to play last Mrs. Andrew J. Mclntyre. Miss Mar- to aim at our mouth. Victory seemed in continuous close cooperation with certain but our one wish and hope was • chemical investigators. fall owing to the one-year ruling in foot- garet Mitchell, Mrs. Wilfred M. Barton, ball and members of last season's Fresh- Mrs. J. Donovan, and Mrs. Henry R. to see the wonder runners go under Georgetown Meets the Need. man squad, reported to the call issued Gowcr, vice-president; and committee on their world's record mark. by Coach Little. This was the first meet- boxes. Mrs. Vaughan, Mrs. Ailes, and Sullivan took the baton from Holden It was with the momentous conclusions and started out on the third leg of of this report in mind and acting upon an ing of the football men since the election Miss Minnie Carroll; and committee on at which the Captain of 1925 Varsity tickets, Mrs.