Connery Speaks at Law Smoker Fr. Walsh to Be

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Connery Speaks at Law Smoker Fr. Walsh to Be VOL. V GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C, FEBRUARY 21, 1924 No. 18 CONNERY SPEAKS CONVOCATION AT AT LAW SMOKER F. S. SCHOOL congressional Member of "Frosh" Eight Men Receive Degrees as Law Class Entertains Class- Bachelors of Foreign Service. - mates—Smoker Made Doubly Four Obtain Certificates—Hon- Pleasant by Talk of Rep. Wm. ors Are Bestowed by the Rev. P. Connery, of Massachusetts. John B. Creeden, S. J., the Says Georgetown Offers Many President of the University. Advantages to Him—Brother Mr. John J. Broderick, Brit- Is Private Secretary and Also ish Counsellor, Addresses a Member of the Freshmen Graduates. Law Class. Twelve Foreign Service students were At a smoker given Saturday evening graduated at the mid-year convocation by the Freshman Law Class a very held last Wednesday evening at the For- .pleasant surprise was in store for the eign Service. Eight received degrees of guests, for during the evening, after a Bachelor of Foreign Service and four lumber of the guests had been called obtained certificates. Those receiving de- toon for speeches, the toastmaster called grees were Messrs. Thomas J. Burkin- upon Mr. VV. P. Connery, of Massa- shaw, James A. DeForce, Carl A. Fisher, chusetts, a member of the Freshman Richard E. Goehring, Mariano C. Lopez, class. Mr. Connery responded with a Francis L, McKittrick (in absentia), ^art, interesting speech and then very Severt J. MarifjeYen, and Rudolph J. assumingly he entertained with jokes Rice. Certificates were given to Living- stone Latham, W. Lloyd Mitchell, An- d monologues in a most pleasing man- tonio J. Poirier, and Reigart M. Sant- ner for a lengthy period of time. Mr. myers. The candidates were presented Connery's remarkable ability to entertain to the Reverend John B. Creeden, S. J., can be attributed to his role as a former by Dr. William F. Notz, Ph. D., Dean of the School, who took occasion to an- popular actor with the George M. Cohan nounce, in his remarks, the appointment productions and the Keith Circuit. ROBERT L<E GENDRE of five students of the School to different It is a fact, though not generally Former Track Star, Who Will Compete in Meet Tonight positions in the displomatic and com- nown, that Mr. Connery is a member of' mercial service of the country. Father Creeden gave the opening ad- iongress, being one of the Massachu- dress to the candidates, stressing the pur- etts' delegation. Representative William FR. WALSH TO BE ELECT OFFICERS FOR pose for which the School stands, namely, Connery, Jr., Democrat, does not let that of service to others. He emphasized his duties at the Capitol interfere with GIVEN BANQUET COMING HALF-YEAR the fact that those who are entering the his regular nightly attendance at the Law foreign service of the country either in School. Being a member of Congress, commercial or governmental fields are ' e says, is all the more reason why be Elaborate Affair Planned for Re- Day Scholars' Sodality Receives performing as signal a service as did the should take up the study of law. Rep- turned Regent of University. Holy Communion in a Body. men who left the University to go to resentative Connery stated that upon Faculty, Alumni, and Students Breakfast in Riggs Library. war. being elected to Congress, he realized Officers Elected for Second :hat a knowledge of the law was a most to Be Present—Senator David British Counsellor Speaks. _.esired asset, and upon looking about he I. Walsh, of Massachusetts, to Semester—Hilltop Branch to Mr. John Joyce Broderick, counsellor decided that Georgetown offered the best Be Among Principal Speakers. Meet This Week. of the British Embassy, gave the address advantages. Dinner to Be at Ebbitt Hotel to the graduates. Without attempt at Representative Connery's private sec- or. March 1. The Day Scholars' Sodality of George- oratory, but with true Irish happiness retary is his brother, Lawrence W. Con- town received Holy Communion in a body of phrase, Mr. Broderick brought home nery, also a member of the Freshman The Reverend Edmund A. Walsh, S. J., last Sunday morning in Dahlgren Chapel. to his audience the value of "enlightened Law Class. This has become a monthly custom, faith- self-interest" in the conduct of the for- will be tendered a banquet at the Ebbitt eign relations of any country. Nations, Hotel March 1 by the School of Foreign fully attended to by the newly organized he said, are bound to be moved largely ENDOWMENT DRIVE Service, where he formerly was Regent. society under the direction of its mod- by selfish considerations, and such self- Plans are under way for an elaborate af- ishness takes its wisest form when a MEETING WITH SUCCESS fair, according to Thomas J. Dolan, in erator, the Rev. Arthur A. O'Leary, S. J. Following the mass and sermon by country's considerations include those of The Rev. VV. Coleman Nevils, S. J., charge of the arrangements, and include its neighbors with whom it must have national chairman of the Georgetown seating arrangements for at least 225. Fr. O'Leary, the members were served association. University Endowment Association, has The ' speakers will include Senator breakfast in the Riggs Library. The dissipation of misunderstandings David I. Walsh of Massuchusetts, Dean circled the entire state of Washington in The officers elected for the second between peoples and the interpretation the interests of the "Greater George- Hamilton of the Law School, and Con- semester were: Prefect, J. Joseph Hou- of our country to foreign observers he town'' drive. His activities on the Pa- gressman James Gallivan of Massachu- stated as the two great functions of a setts, who' is a close friend of Father cific coast included visits to San Fran- rigau; first assistant prefect, John C. foreign service man, which can be ac- cisco, Portland, Seattle, and thence across Walsh. It is expected that many mem- Flannigan; second assistant prefect, complished without in any way neglect- bers of the Faculty of all the Schools of the Cascade Mountains to Spokane. From Francis W. Sullivan; secretary, Anthony ing to serve one's own country faithfully Spokane, where he visited Gonzaga Uni- the University will be present, as well as A. De Livia: treasurer, Fred W. Ziter; and well. He also mentioned that rivalry versity, he returned to San Francisco. members of the student body and alumni, was a good thing; that it would always particularly of the Foreign Service sacristan, J. J. Farrington; counsellors, Fr." Nevils is pleased with the hearty exist between nations, and just as between response which is meeting his appeal and School. Harry Kemper, Frank Shriver, George individuals it became a stimulus tow-ards is engaged at present in forming an George O'Connor, well known in Eastman, John Mooney. The weekly Washington as an entertainer, is to be achievement, so between nations, when it , active Alumni Association in the state of was friendly and generous, it served as present, and efforts are being made to meeting of the Sodality of the Hilltop J Washington. The organization is to have students will be held Thursday evening, an incentive towards progress, towards a I two chapters, one at Spokane and the have the speeches broadcasted from a as usual. common ideal of earthly happiness. other at Tacoma. local radio station. THE H O Y A Calvin Coolidge, President of United States, Honorary Head of Georgetown University Massachusetts Law Club, Greets Fellow Members At President's Right—T. F. Dolan, Jr., Boston, President; at President's Left is W. A. Roberts, Arlington, Vice-President; and at Robert's Left is E. L. Schofield, Hudson, Secretary R. 0. T. C. FINISHES FR. CREEDON GUEST DID YOU KNOW THAT? Rowing Association's sixth annual re- OF LAW MEN When Jackie Maloney starred as quar- gatta on May 23, 1908? INITIAL FIRING terback for Boston English High School There are 3,424 known languages and dialects in the world ? City Club Is Scene of Frosh in 1912 he weighed only 115 pounds, and First Stage of Firing Completed. George Lermond, of Boston College, Jollification—Father Creeden a despite the fact he looked like a veritable .First Team Scores 987 Out of who will run the 5,000-meter race at the Guest of Honor—Program Is midget among his playmates, he was a a Possible 1,000—Doran and Hopkins meet, Saturday, and who of late Well Received—Mr. William brilliant performer? Rouse Are High Men—Second has rapidly come to the fore, never ran McGuire Acts as Toastmaster. Georgetown's outdoor board track is a Stage to Be Fired This Week. twclve-lap-to-the-mile affair, being 146 until he entered college? Match with Iowa. The first-year men of the evening sec- yards around, and that it is made of soft tion held the annual class smoker Sat- pine? The rifle team completed the first stage urday evening at the City Club. A very To gain permanent possession of the 5>ebatina of the N. R. A. intercollegiate match representative number attended and par- Cardinal O'Connell trophy it is not neces- last week with a total score of 987 out of ticipated in the enjoyable program which sary to win it for three successive years ? 1,000. This stage was fired in the prone was well planned by Chairman Martin The Georgetown baseball teams of the Philonomosian and sitting positions. Two teams have O'Donohuc and the other members of past nine years have played more than been entered in this match, each team the committee. The Rev. John B. 300 games, and only sixteen contests have The regular meeting of the Philono- made up of five men.
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