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No. 18 VOL. VI GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C, FEBRUARY 19, 1925 REV. EDM. WALSH FR. RECTOR TALKS DIRECTIONS. FR. LYONS SPEAKS TO STUDENTS For the benefit of the college stu- TO R. I. ALUMNI GIVES LECTURE dents attending the track meet Sat- Fr. Lyons, S.J., Commends Re- urday night, the Hoya herewith Sketches the History and Points Noted Jesuit Packs Hall While prints directions for reaching Con- Ideals for Rhode Island Alum- He Recounts Experiences and cipients of Testimonials—Em- vention Hall, via trolley car: Take phasizes the Necessity of Con- any car at 35th and O Sts., N. W.; ni—Tribute to Dr.' Mullaney Traces Political History of centration in College Work as get off at 5th and F, with transfer; by Mayor Gainer. Russia. Well as in Later Years. walk up to 5th and G, via 5th St.; take any car going up 5th St.; get Rev. Charles W. Lyons, S.J., President The first of the series of twelve lec- of the University, was the principal tures in the new Foreign School course, Testimonials were awarded for excel- off at L St. speaker at the annual banquet of the "Russia in Revolution," was given on Fri- lence in the mid-year examinations, on Georgetown Club of Rhode Island, held day evening, February 13, at the Smith- Thursday morning, January 12, in Gas- last week at the Biltmore Hotel in Provi- sonian Institute of this city, by Dr. Ed- ton Hall in the presence of the entire dence. Father Walsh, Regent of the mund A. Walsh, S.J., Regent of the student body and faculty of the Hill- ECONOMISTS GET Foreign Service School, and Mayor School of Foreign Service of George- top. After the testimonials were award- Gainer were the other leading speakers town University, and former head of the ed, the Rev. Charles W. Lyons, S. J., EXCELLENT TALKS of the evening. Mayor Gainer welcomed Papal Relief Mission in Russia. president of Georgetown University, ad- the distinguished guests on behalf of the The lecture was given before one of dressed the students and expressed his sat- Robert V. Fleming and Hon. J. city, and in the course of his remarks the largest audiences ever assembled in isfaction and that of the faculty, for the took occasion to pay a well deserved trib- the District of Columbia to hear a talk general high calibre of the work in the Butler Wright Speak on Im- ute to Dr. Michael. L. Mullaney, President of this kind. The large hall was crowded mid-year examinations. Father Lyons portant Topics—Lecture Pro- of the club largely to whose untiring ef- to the doors and it was found necessary was specially pleased with the large num- gram to be Continued. to place chairs in the aisles to acconv ber of students who by their efforts, forts in the past two years is due the present vigorous Georgetown organiza- modate part of the overflow crowd. Be • earned special honors in the form of tes- The collegiate section of the Depart- tion in Rhode Island. sides the large assemblage that heard Fr. timonials. Walsh, several hundred were turned The President emphasized in his ad- ment of Economics of Georgetown Uni- Father Lyons' Address. versity, under the leadership of Profes- away, because it was impossible to ac- dress, the inestimable value of concen- Fr. Lyons spent his address in exposing commodate them. The audience besides tration and application to a student. He sors Harvey and O'Connor, has recently inaugurated an important series of lec- the aims, traditions and ideals of George- being large and enthusiastic, was bril- spoke very forcibly on these qualities town University. He traced its begin- liant and noteworthy, containing as it and said that every man hid within him tures by distinguished members of the financial and diplomatic circles of Wash- nings from the time of John Carroll, first did many famous diplomates and dis- the power to make whatever he wished Archbishop of Baltimore in Revolutionary ington. tinguished visitors, to whom the lecture of himself, decisively clinching this point days, down through its rapid growth to had a close appeal. with several examples of men who are Robert V. Fleming Lectures. its present imposing position in the ed- well-known figures in the current hap- The subject matter of the first lecture Mr. Robert V. Fleming, Vice-Presi- ucational world. of the course included the story of Rus- penings of the day. dent and Cashier of the Riggs National Pleading for religion in government, After Father Lyons had concluded his sia's diplomacy and history, from the Cri- Bank, opened the course and took for his Fr. Lyons said: "Take God away from mean War to the assassination of Alex- address, Father Louis J. Gallagher, S. J., topic "What the Modern Bank Does for man and man goes down to the level of ander II. Fr. Walsh, in one of the high Dean of the College of Arts and Sci- Its Customers." Mr. Fleming is a recog- a beast. Take God away from a nation points of his lecture, namely, that Rus- ences, spoke briefly and very favorably nized authority in his line, and the im- and it goes down into degeneracy as sia, though she survived the barbarians of the results of the examinations and portant executive position he holds in Rome and the great empire of Greece fell. announced that the regular schedule of from without, was destroyed by the bar- Washington's largest bank, concedes him Georgetown stands for religion, not dis- barians within the empire, said "Russia the day would be resumed. Testimonials a foremost place in local financial cir- criminating, for it is not a pulpit, and it survived the barbarians from without— were awarded during the exercises, to the cles. His discourse dealt with the grad- is not a monastery. It stands for the re- the Mongolian invasion under Ghengis following students for excellence in mid- ual development of banking facilities. ligion of every man. Its portals are open Khan. It was the barbarians from with- year examinations: Until today, as he very clearly explained, to all, to any creed to any race and to in that destroyed her—imperious auto- Junior Class. the customer is enabled to collect divi- any color." crats in high places and petty tyrants in Albert Giordano Philosophy dends and interest payments in foreign "Will our country grow and will de- low places, more concerned with the per- John Grogan Philosophy lands as well as at home, through the mocracy last?" queried the president. petuation of dynasties and the acquisition James Sappington Philosophy friendly aid of his bank. This service, "Just so long," he replied, "as we have of new principalities, than with the hap- Otto Saur Philosophy of course, is in addition to the care of men and women who understand the vote piness, the natural rights and even the Anthony Brennan Philosophy funds, which is the bank's principal func- and colleges to make intelligent citizens." elementary development of the hordes Charles Ferrall Philosophy tion. Concluding, Fr. Lyons summed up the under their control." Martin Herron Philosophy Hon. J. B. Wright's Address. teaching of Georgetown as follows : "Sus- Frederick Hickey Philosophy tain the honor of your country wherever Post Corrects Error. In speaking of Father Walsh's lecture, William Illig Philosophy The Hon. J. Butler Wright, Assistant you go. That's the teaching of George- The Washington Post of February 14, Bernard McCaffrey Philosophy Secretary of State, has also spoken to town and so long as institutions like Frank McGrath Philosophy the class in economics, and afforded it a Georgetown live, our country will live." stated that the lecturer referred to the Bolsheviks as "Barbarians whose pro- John Mclnnis Philosophy very valuable experience in hearing first Frank Dougherty Chairman. gram we may ignore with a contemptu- John D. Shea Philosophy hand a clear exposition and report of the relations of the State Department to Frank Dougherty, the popular George- ous gesture." What Father Walsh really Richard Ward Philosophy said in his lecture is as follows: "Per- John Wise Philosophy . the commerce of the United States. The town leader, was chairman of the com- mittee on arrangements. His aides were mit me at the outset to disabuse your Sophomore A. B. speaker's residence in Russia, Belgium, Italy and other foreign countries, to all Stephan J. Casey and Thomas H. Gar- minds of certain harmful prejudices. It Christopher Clarke Chemistry diner. The reception committee com- is an easy error to conceive the Bol- John E. Laughlin ..Latin and Chemistry of which localities his career as a diplo- mat has taken him, gave a background prised Harry Sandager, William A. sheviks as simply barbarians and to dis- Robert Nagle Chemistry Needham, Judge James E. Dooley, Dr. miss their program with a contemptuous R. Rutledge Slattery .Latin and Chemstry to the address which made it as enter- taining as instructive. Mr. Wright dis- Mullaney and Dr. George E. Reynolds. gesture." The Post stated in a later is- Louis Twomey ....Latin and Chemistry Altogether about two hundred and fifty sue that it exceedingly regretted that the Joseph White Chemistry cussed the functions of the consular of- ficers as distinguished from the corps en- guests sat down to dinner, and Father remarks were misinterpreted. To those Sophomore Pre-Medical. gaged in strictly diplomatic and political Lyons spoke emphatically on his return to who may not have already heard it, it Charles Aronstein Physics services of the government. He cited il- Georgetown of the great gratification his will be of interest to know that these John Fountain Physics lustrative cases to show the actual work- trip to Providence had given him.