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1 Tires Have Addeda »¦ya« vT ». ¡V »s« »a. * *T, * .*f V,: *"¦ *"¦« j* ** *^ JM Ji, ». ¡t «* y «as ¦» Paddock Equals World's Record for ÎOO Meters.Hamilton Carries Off Decathlon fitl Coast Sprinter Ruth's Major League Victor Creates Major League Batting and Pitching Averages Defeats Rivals New Record Schalk, Chi...,71 229 28 64 O 8 ;240 Luqu«, Cin.18 26 * AMERICAN LEAGUE Moore, Phil_16 25 2 8 10 .240 NATIONA|~LEAGUE R. Miller, PhU..«« 247 1» l INIHVIDAI, BATTINO rhormah'n, N.Y.16 SO 2 -7 0 0 .283 Player, club G. AB. B. H. HB.SB. PC. Nehf, N. Y.20 42 . 1, Record of Home Runs 'Ihomas, Phil...05 220 21 60 1 7 .226; Eayr«, Boston,..27 72 10 30 1 1 .417 Pick, Bob.H 288 17 6 M*at In 10 3-5 Player. Club. O. AB. R. H. IIR. SB. PC. Orlffln, PhU_69 218 1« 4» 0 3 .225 Grimes, Bklyn..I» 48 3 19 0 0 .39« O'Farrell. Ctai...47 128 17 a Sec. In Final Trial Carter, Bister, St. I.ouls.78 204 67 123 6 IS .41« MoMûllIn, CW...31 89 11 20 0 1 .226 HornsbV. St. L. 74 296 60.110 « 7 .373 Cht.16 2« 3 . HERMAN (BABE) RUTH, the Colossus of Is certain to Smith, St. Loul«.23 35 2 14 0 0 Welsh. PhU.67 208 .22 47 1 1 .221 Klna». N. Y. 81 76 9 27 8 2 .860 Deal, Chi.68 188 24 4, i "ft ^Jr-jpEORGE Clo¿ut, Jackson, Chlcago.69 273 46 108 8 4 Ehmke, Det_.18 41 1 9 0 0 .220 Smltfe.. N. T....43 182 10 47 0 2 .366 Grimm. Pitta. ...87 250 17 g Wertem Team Beats East in «hatter all major league records for slugging this season« With the Speaker, Cleve..73 283 70 113 6 6 Alnsmlth, Dot..41 110 10 24, 1 3 .218 Schttpl», 8t> h...19 86 4 12 0 0 .343 Goodwin, St. L. .16 22 % a .î .*» Missouri Collegian Leads Ruth. New York.«» 234 70 90 14 7 .386 Jon«»», Det...., .30 102 15 22.1 1 .210 Sullivan, BOS...30 83 18 2* 0 2 .337 Hamilton, Pitta.IS 22 o «mi campaign just at the halfway mark, the Babe already is near his home 84 15 81 0 0 .366 Bos...49 162 16 33 0 2 .216 On-68 216 34 71 1 4 .330 Klllefer, Chl. ..27 111 u » J O'Brien and Murphy, Chi. ..35 Walters, Daubert, .21 Relay; Ray« ran record of last season. Field With Total of 7022.« Nunamaker, CJ.20 39 7 14 0 1 .359 .Williams, Chi...22 61 4~ 13.0 0 .218 Konetchy, Blyn.68 228 21 75 0 1 . ..'.29 Barbare, Pitta. 80 6 2 Weaver, Chi_73 309 8(1 111 1 8 .359 Flagstoad, Det..62 151 1» 32 3 1 .212 Nicholson, Pltta.43 89 8 29 2 2 .32«; Carlson, Pitta....19 40 1 Èby Among the Winners During his five year» In the big leagues Ruth has banged ont seventy- 9815 2d Rice, Wash_88 276 42 98 1 36 .366 Stanago, Det...80 8« 8 18 0 0 .209 Roush, Cin.86 240 83 78 117 .32« Trageswr, Phil..31 86 9 i * Points; Bradley St. 0 Chl..73 62 89 0 19 Olson. Bklyn. ..«« 306 I î five home runs, «s follows: 1920 (to Evans, Clove.. 32 102 21 36 0 6 .353 Sothoron, 4L.. 19 48 3 10 0 .208 Ifollocher, 276 .324; 88 Ci date), 26; 1919, 29; 1918, 11; 1917, 2; .Tninleson, Chi.. 34 97 26 34 0 1 .363 Wilkinson, Chi.. 15 34 6 7 0 0 .2.06 TvvojnbJy, Chi...35 «S 16 22-2 4 .324 M. Wheat, PhU.84 84 « 2 Masters« 1916, 3; 1915, 4. Of this number, forty-nine were made off right-hand Brutus of the Univer¬ Wash...«8 271 43 84 1 7 .347 Plclnlch, Wash.2« 78 9 16 3 0 .205 Ford, Boston....16 28 3 9 0 0 .321 Barnes, N. Y..32 46 4 1 î By Jack Hamilton, Milan, 2 N. Y.17 44 6 »00 .206 William», PhU..70 284 44 91 9 3 .320 Jacobs, St. L... 16 18 i while the other a of won E. Collins, Chi.73 291 CS 100 10 .»44 Shawkjey, . « Charlea W. of the Univer- pitchers, twenty-six helped prove fallacy the universal sity Missouri, the national De¬ C1...71 284 32 90 1 7 .841 Bush, Det.67 230 34 46 0 4 .200 Robertson, Chi..63 236 31 75 7 10 .318 «hotten, St. L..34 118 17 2» 1 » .M» * Paddock, Johnston, Neis, ...SO :»» oí Southern belief that a left-handed batter, such as Ruth, cannot hit southpaw cathlon championship and final Olym¬ Hendryx, Bos..52 197 30 87 0 3 .340 Naylor, Phil-21 60 1 10 0 0 .300 Groh, Cin....i..67 268 42 81 0 6 .314 Bklyn. 141 l» 34 i i :*îî î sity California, equalled pitching. Erlckson, Wnsh.19 39 6 13 0 0 .333 Lefbold, Cîil-62 232 37 46 1 4 .198 Myers, Bklyn. ..73 284 36 88 4 4 .310 Powell, Boat. ..«2 260 30 6 the world's record 100 meters Ruth's seventy-five homers have driven in sixty-one runs ahead of him. pic try-out with a total of Chicago.6ft 274 46 90 10 4 .828 Coveleakle. Clev.20 67 6 11 0 0 .193 Stock, St. L_74 290 40 89 0 9 .307 Snyder, N. Y...40 111 io j for f02*2.98l5, Felsch, 63 4 0 .326 Ellison, Dot_40 104 7 20 0 0 .192 Flack, Chi.65 2S4 46 78 2 9 .307 Ruether, Cin_24 84 3 i His team won forty-five games and lost twenty-three in which he made the American record of Smith, Cleve...57 193 29 Pitts.17 15 (10^.36 yards) yesterday afternoon at breaking Judge, Wash...59 238 49 77 1 S .324 CLUB Duncan, Cin_68 254 33 78 1 6 .307 Hlnchman, o the circuit clouts. Seven times Babe has made two homers in one game, while 6868.81, made in 1915 by' Alma Rich¬ Pecklnp'h. N. Y.86 252 52 81 4 8 .321 BATTINO Young, N. Y....72 278 44 83 3 12 .304 Doak. St. L...1» 41 2 . Si games of the 106th Infantry Post, 266 81 4 2 ,318 Clubs O. AB. R. H. HR. SB. PC. Lavan, St. L....63 217 24 66 0 6 .304 Meadow«. PhU. 16 37 2 only once, on June 2 last, against the Washington club, he hit three home ards. Bodie, N. Y_70 ,42 Cleveland... 73 2483 436 778 16 45 .313 Cruise, Boston..47 163 30 49 1 a .301 : m American Legion, held at Ebbets Field, Mousel, N, Y...B8 244 44 77 4 3 .316 St. ..66 CBTJB runs in an . 158 50 1 8 Louis..., 73 2492 336 742 20 62 .298 Terry, Chi.... 211 23 63 0 6 .29» BATTING The afternoon. Edward L. Bradley, University of Cobb, Detroit ..43 27 .316 68 2326 694 Kelly, N. Y.72 272 80 81 4 1 Clnba. Ga. AB. Brooklyn. Pacific Coast sprint Gedeon, St. L...72 280 39 88 0 0 .315 Washington. 363 .16 96 .298 .298 R. h. HR Br .». i Last year the Red Sox won fourteen of the games in which who led the field in 28 64 2 .314 Chicago. 73 2542 397 742 19 48 .«9t Blgbee, Pitts_63 209 27 62 2 7 .297 St. Lonla ....74 2,662 325 725 15 a» ? marvel defeated Jackson Scholz* of the twenty-six Kansas, Friday's Shannon, Wash.50 204 0 New York... 76 2674 417 735 49 Merkle, Chi.34 128 13 38 2 1 .297 Cincinnati ...«8 2,263 xb the Babe niched the ball for homers. season was and Bob Le Gen- hMoInnl8, Boston.71 272 27 85 2 3. .313 44 .286 Z. 283 «27 « ïi îïii University of Missouri, and four other This the Yankees have lost scoring, second, 5 1 .313 Boston.71 2408 299 6Í7 13 38 .269 Wheat, Bkln.66 264 38 78 5 4 .296 Chicago .74 2,47» 342 «78 2« stars in 10 3-5 two Mre, of Georgetown University, third. Bellman, Det..68 246 3-2 77 Philadelphia 78 20M 279 677 27 31 .255 Stengel, PhU...69 257 27 7« 6 3 .296 New York ..72 2,4«1 317 71 «î seconds. Don Lippin- only games in the twenty-two in which Ruth whanged out four-baggers. Phil. ..51 208 31 66 3 4 .313 «4» . 47 «? i who won the national Pen¬ Dugan. 4 6 Detroit...... 70 2236 262 660 16 29 .250 Paskert, Chi-66 223 30 66 3 7 .298 Brooklyn ....78 2,590 2S7 «78 U ti TÁ t'ott, of the University of Pennsylvania, It is noteworthy that Ruth has made a home run this season in Hamilton, .Tacobson, St. L.,73 27!) 36 87 .312 Frisch, N. Y....28 106 13 21 1 4 .292 Boaton .«3 2,188 227 made this time in 1912. every tathlon title at McGolrick Field last Witt, Phil.46 151 17 47 1 1 3.11 PITCHING BECOBB St. B_45 :70 673 I it «! Í American Last Clove.73 285 34 88 1 3 .309 Smith, 138 28 40 1 9 .290 Philadelphia. 2.376 232 609 30 »g îîîl Six athletes toed th*» mark, How¬ League city except Washington.
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