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If SPORTS -AND -ATHLETICS If SPORTS -AND -ATHLETICS THE GREATEST OF AMERICAN OLYMPIC TEAMS WHOLE GALAXY of Amerioan athletic stars, composing aU of the money necessary has been raised, but while no offtcial "the greatest athletic team which ever competed in inter- announcement has been made on the subject, it is understood A- national games under the colors of Uncle Sam," arrived the goal of $200,000 is in sight and will be attained with con­ at the scene of the Olympic Games iiear Antwerp early in the tinued assistance from a generous public. A final intensive present month and began to run up scores for America. In cold drive for funds will be inaugurated. To provide for emergency, numbers the team far ex­ the committee has-adopted ceeds any other ever npmfe^ a plan -ifhereby:the ath­ nated for the world's letes selected last in each athletic classic. In the event m^y be dropt in the matter of strength, experts event of'lack of funds. agree that the aggregation . The complete list of surpasses any-tfiihg of the Olympic representatives in past. track and field, cross-coun­ The final selection of the try, steeplechase, pentath­ traelf and field, cross-coun­ lon, decathlon, and; box­ try, steeplechase, pen- ing, as announced by -tathlon, decathlon, and Secretary Rubien, follows: boxing teams was com­ TRACK EVENTS. pleted in Boston, after the lOa-Meter Dash.: most extensive series of Loren Murchison, New elimination contests in the Yorkk. C. history of American sport. J. W. Scholz, University Following the final try- of Missouri. outs at the Harvard Stadi­ C. W. Paddock, Los An­ geles A. C. um, President Kirby M. M. kirksey, Olympic gathered his contempora­ Club, Ban Francisco. ries of the Amerioan Olym­ Allen Woodring, Meadow- pic Committee about him, brook: Club, Philadel­ phia. and without interruption W. D. Hayes, Boston. the officials composing the :30d-Meter Dash. Team-Selecting Commit­ C. W. Paddock, Los Ange­ tee and the Executive les A. C. Committee continued in M. M. Kirksey, Olympic session until five o'clock Club, San Francisco. in the morning. An­ Loren Murchison, New York A. C. nouncement of the selec­ Allen Woodring, Meadow- tions showed, according brook Club, Philadel­ to a special report to the phia. New York Times, "a total W. D. Hayes, Boston. of 132 scintillating track J. W. Scholz, University of Missoiiri. and field stars, from all 110-Meter Hurdles. parts of the country, the "Times Widc-Wurkl l^iiotu."' H. E. Barron, Meadow- survival of the fittest in OUR LARGEST AND SMALLEST OLYMPIC ATHLETES. brook Club, Philadel­ the extensive plan em­ Patrick J. McDonald, shot-putter, and Aileen Riggin, Mgh diver, aboard the ship phia. ployed to determine the which recently landed the contestants in Antwerp. The aggregation of American W. Yount, Los Angeles A. C, athletes best equipped to athletes contained in all 132 members. Walker Smith, Chicago wear the American shield." A. A. Out of the maelstrom of data, according to this authority, "one F. S. Murray, New York A. C. vividly significant fact stands forth": J. M. Watt, Ithaca, N. Y. 0. Anderson, Los Angeles A. C, or J. Moss, University of The metropolitan district leads the other sections of the coun­ Texas. try in the number of representatives on the team. Twenty-one 400-Metcr Hurdles. sturdy sons of Father Knickerbocker attained the goal which is F. F. Loomis, Chicago A. A. the ambition of every athlete from the time he first dons the J. K. Norton, Olympic Club, San Francisco. spiked shoes. A. C. Deseh, New York. The New York A. C, with the Chicago A. A., shares the dis­ CD. Daggs, Los Angeles A. C. tinction of ha^dng the greatest number of athletes on the team. The country's two leading clubs each landed fourteen individual J. M. Watt, Ithaca, N. Y. berths. A recapitulation of the representation among the F. Smart, Chicago A. A. leading olubs shows the following organizations trailing the two 400-Meter Kun. leaders: Olympic Club, 8; Boston A. A., 7; Los Angeles A. C, F. J. Shea, Navy. 6; Illinois A. C, 4; Meadowbrook Club, 3. J. E. Meredith, New York A. C. R. S. Emory, Chicago A. A. The selection of 132 competitors, the full number permitted G. S. Schiller, Los Angeles A. C. under the rules, it is reported, reflects a relieving condition with J. W. DriscoU, Boston A. A. regard to the Amerioan Olympic Committee's finances. Not Earl Eby, Chicago A. A. , , PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ITie Literary Digest for August 21, 1920 87 Stevens-Duryea % Long AC Titan Master '1 Reg. AC Titan Bullock Yi Reg. AC Titan Car­ PASSENGER CARS Stewart Vs Reg. AC Titan ^.,, Maxim Fire Truck-. 'j Reg. AC Titan bon Proof Buffalo Vs Reg. AC Titan Abbott-Detroit J4 Reg. AC Titan Studebalier, up to..H Reg. AC Titan Gat- Menominee J/s Reg. AC Titan Midland Vs Reg. AC Titan J.I. Case T. M. Co. Vs Reg. AC Titan Ace Vs Reg. AC Titan 1920 bon Proof Moreland '^ Long Body AC Titan Clark Vs Reg. AC Titan Allen M Reg. AC Titan Studebalcer 1920 SAE Reg. AC Titan Muskegon i Long Body AC Titan Cleveland Vs Reg. AC Tractor Alsace -- Vs Reg. AC Titan Stutz... Vs Reg. AC Titan Napoleon /8 Reg. AC Titan Comet Vs Reg. AC Titan American Beauty....^ Reg. AC Titan Templar % Reg. AC Titan Nash i Reg. AC Titan Nelson '< Reg. AC Titan Dakota Model 1919 Vs Reg. AC Tractor Anderson J^ Reg. AC Titan Texan M Reg. AC Titan Nelson-LeMoOn i Reg. AC Titan Dart '..Vs Reg. AC Tractor Apperson Six SAE Reg. AC Titan Velie Vs Reg. AC Titan Netco Js Reg. AC Titan Deere Vs Reg. AC Titan Apperson Eight SAE Reg. AC Titan Vogue - J^ Reg. AC Titaii Noble /8 Reg. AC Titan 0. K i Reg. AC Titan Dakota Model 1918 V^ Reg. AC Tractor Argonne Four % Reg. AC Titan Westcott K Reg. AC Titan Old Reliable, 's Reg. AC Titan Eagle Vs Reg. AC Titan Car­ Auburn Vs Reg. AC Titan White H Long Body AC Titan Olds i Long AC Titan bon Proof Austin Vs Reg. AC Titan Willys-Knight Vs Reg- AC Titan Oneida /s Reg. AC Titan Car­ E-B y^ Reg. AC Tractor COMMERCIAL CARS bon Proof Fitch _ Vs Long AC Titan Autoca(Francer ) RegYg Reg. Metri. ACc TitaAC nTita n Winton Vs Long AC Titan Oshkosh i Reg. AC Titan Bell.Biddle._ _ _.„.. ]4/s Reg. AC Titan Flour City Extra Long H AC Titan Birch s Reg. AC Titan Acason 14 Reg. AC Titan Overland i« Reg. AC Titan Car­ Bellanger Freres Ace % Reg. AC Titan bon Proof Gile Model Q Vs Reg. AC Tractor Bour-Davis. s Reg. AC Titan Packard .Vs Reg. AC Titan Gile Model P Vs Reg. AC Tractor Braddon. 8 Reg. AC Titan Acme % Reg. AC Titan Bradley. s Reg. AC Titan Ahrens-Fox Fire Paige, 8 Reg. AC Titan Gile Model PB Vs Reg. AC Tractor Briscoe. , Reg. AC Titan Trucks % Reg. AC Titan Parker, A, Reg. AC Titan Gile Model L K Reg. AC Tractor American % Reg. AC Titan Patriot 8 Long Body AC Titan Buick Six. 8 Long AC Titan Gile Model K-L... ..H Reg. AC Tractor Buick Model 35. 8 Reg. AC Titan American LaFrance 5^ Reg. AC Titan Peerless -Vs Reg. AC Titan Cadillac. 8 Reg. AC Titan Apex. 8 Reg. AC Titan Pierce-Arrow s Reg. AC Titan Gray Vs Reg. AC Tractor Cameron. /8 Reg. AC Titan Atco. 8 Reg. AC Titan Pittsburgher. i Reg. AC Titan Hackney Model 3 Case. s Reg. AC Titan Atlas. 8 Reg. AC Titan Ranger. 8 Reg. AC Titan 1919 :.-.M Reg. AC Tractor All Power. i Reg. AC Titan Reo ], Long AC Titan Chalmers. /8 Reg. AC Titan Hackney Model C Chandler. ! Long Body AC Titan Armleder. y 8 Reg. AC Titan Republic. 8 Reg. AC Titan Chevrolet- 8 Long AC Titan Available. /8 Reg. AC Titan Reynolds '8 Reg. AC Titan 1919., ; K Reg. AC Tractor Cleveland. ' Reg. AC Titan Beck-Hawkeye. % Reg. AC Titan Riker. ,SAE Reg. AC Titan Hackney Model Cole. 4 Reg. AC Titan 1917 H Reg. AC Tractor Columbia. 8 Reg. AC Titan Comet. /8 Reg. AC Titan Hackney Model 1918 y^ Reg. AC Tractor Commonwealth- bAE Reg. AC Titan '•^ Long Body AC Titan Hackney Model 4 Crane-Simplex. /8 Reg. AC Titan Crawford, % Reg. AC Titan 1919....- H Long AC Titan Crow-Elkhart. h Reg. AC Titan Heider - Vs Reg. AC Tractor Cunningham, S\E Reg. AC Titan Holt Caterpillar M Reg. AC Titan Car- Daniels h Reg. AC Titan T'he Standard Spark 'Plug of the World Model 45- bon Proof Davis. 8 Reg. AC Titan Holt Caterpillar Vs Reg. AC Titan Car- Detroiter. SAij Reg. AC Titan Model 75- bon Proof Disbrow. Holt Caterpillar Vs Reg. AC Titan Car- Dixie. 8 Reg. AC Titan Model 120 bon Proof Dodge. Dodge Spec. AC Titan Holt Caterpillar Vs Long AC Titan Car- Dorns 8 Reg. AC Titan Model 55 bon Proof Dort /8 Reg. AC Titan Howell 1919 y> Reg. AC Titan Car­ Economy S\E Reg. AC Titan bon Proof Elcar- 8 Reg. AC Titan Howell 1918 Vs Reg. AC Tractor Elgin. 8 Reg. AC Titan Elmira. '2 Reg. AC Titan Car­ Huber "Light Four" K Reg. AC Tractor bon Proof Huber 35-70..: ..^ Reg. AC Tractor Empire Vs Reg. AC Titan Hudson- Vs Reg. AC Tractor Enger, 12 Cylinder.?^ Long AC Titan Imperia18-. l Forty..
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