This is a self-archived version of an original article. This version may differ from the original in pagination and typographic details. Author(s): Jõesaar, Andres; Rannu, Salme; Jufereva, Maria Title: Media for the minorities : Russian language media in Estonia 1990-2012 Year: 2013 Version: Published version Copyright: © Vytauto Didziojo universitetas, 2013 Rights: In Copyright Rights url: Please cite the original version: Jõesaar, A., Rannu, S., & Jufereva, M. (2013). Media for the minorities : Russian language media in Estonia 1990-2012. Media transformations, 9(9), 118-154. 865X.09.07 ISSN 2029-865X 118 doi://10.7220/2029-865X.09.07 MEDIA FOR THE MINORITIES: RUSSIAN LANGUAGE MEDIA IN ESTONIA 1990–2012 Andres JÕESAAR
[email protected] PhD, Associate Professor Baltic Film and Media School Tallinn University Head of Media Research Estonian Public Broadcasting Tallinn, Estonia Salme RANNU
[email protected] Analyst Estonian Public Broadcasting Tallinn, Estonia Maria JUFEREVA
[email protected] PhD Candidate University of Jyväskylä Jyväskylä, Finlanda ABSTRACT: This article aims to explore the ways in which Estonian public broa- dcasting tackles one specific media service sphere; how television programmes for language minorities are created in a small country, how economics and European Union media policy have influenced this processes. The article highlights major ten- sions, namely between Estonian and Russian media outlets, Estonian and Russian speakers within Estonia and the EU and Estonia concerning the role of public ser- vice broadcasting (PSB). For research McQuail’s (2010) theoretical framework of media institutions’ influencers – politics, technology and economics – is used.