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1 FONART.ES / 09 CONCERT WWW.ALTERNATILLA.COM R R H E 16 MARÇE 16 09 21.00 G IUMEN D E LLOSETA D TEATRE UTSCH E S Y A GD ancin D ose H ENGLISH / D T / com | 3TTMAN | EL CARTEL | ELLOS | NIT GLOW | CESAR FDEZ ARIAS | EXTRAPERLO | ROGER MAS | OLAF LADOUSSE | BALDO | 13ZOOTROPOS | VICTOR COYOTE | PLATOVACI. O ace SWEATER | L’EQUILIBRISTE | LIDIA DAMUNT | PABLO COBOLLO | JOAN MARTORELL | LE DERNIER CRI | TIU | CLEM SNIDE | WILL JOHNSON | THE WAVE PICTURES P S DANIEL JOHNSTON | CUTTLAS | PROD. ESSENCIALS | DEVOTCHKA | LOS PUNSETES | THOSE DANCING DAYS | JOAN MIQUEL OLIVER | TAV FALCO | PANTHER BURNSY M . GREGOIRE4 | TONI ALOY | JERONI TRUYOLS | FAMELIARS | POAL | JAY JAY JOHANSON | ANDY BOLUS | ERROR VIDEO | GINFERNO | RETRIBUTION GOSPEL CHOIR LA JR | ÍNSULA TEATRO | JOAN GUASP | MELCIOR COMES | ROB MAZUREK | COHETE | BRODSKY QUARTET | TEATRE VISCERAL | REIGNING SOUND | BLUTT | COC TEATREwww SHEARWATER | AIR CASTLES | STANLEY GREENE | MULTI-ARTS FESTIVAL / APRIL MAY / 2009 CONCERT 2 www.MYSPace.com/THoseDancinGDAYS TEATRE DE LLOSETA DIUMENGE 16 MARÇ 09 21.00 HR WWW.ALTERNATILLA.COM / FONART.ES Alternatilla ist kein gewöhnliches Festival, das sich auf einen einzigen Bereich bes- chränkt. Alternatilla ist spartenübergreifend und multiartistisch. 2008 war das zentrale Thema unseres Pro- gramms das Talent der Frau, dieses Jahr ste- ht ein anderer Hauptdarsteller im Rampenli- cht: DAS LICHT selbst. Mit diesem Konzept als Ausgangspunkt haben sich verschiedene Alternatilla is not your normal festival where Künstler an die Arbeit gemacht und stellen the main focus is just one Discipline. Alterna- nun das Ergebnis, ihre Werke, auf unserem tilla is a festival covering many arts. In 2008 Festival vor. we dedicated our programme to the celebra- Xiloneon ist eine Kreation des Künstlers tion of the female within the arts, this year Olaf Ladousse: Eine Neoninstallation im we surrender ourselves to the central theme Ausstellungszentrum, die während der zwei of LA LUZ (The Light), a concept that many Monate, die Alternatilla dauert, den Bren- of the artists had been working on when they npunkt der Veranstaltung bilden wird - ein made their original festival proposals to us. Leuchtturm, der uns mit seinem Licht den Xiloneón, a creation of Olaf Ladousse, is a Weg zum Epizentrum des Festivals weist. In neon installation at the centre of the exhibi- diesem Jahr, 2009, fungiert das Festival als tions, which will be permanently lit throug- Prisma, das das Licht einfängt, es zu seinem hout the two months of the festival, being the Protagonisten macht und schließlich in einen central focus of Alternatilla, the beacon that Regenbogen der verschiedenen Kunstrich- will guide us by its light to the epicenter of tungen zerlegt: Theater, Fotografie, Kunst, the festival. In the 2009 edition, the festival is Kino, Musik, Lyrik, Aphorismen, Workshops, like a prism that catches the light, converting Konferenzen… into a rainbow of activities: art, theatre, pho- Mit interdisziplinärem Anspruch und als tography, cinema, music, poetry, aphorism, mittlerweile fester Bestandteil der kulture- workshops, conferences…… llen Landschaft Mallorcas arbeiten wir wei- With the multidiscipline spirit and the conso- terhin an der Erweiterung des Horizonts, lidating of this cultural Mallorcan program- suchen und stellen uns Herausforderungen. SPINA E me, we continue to expand our horizons and Dieses Jahr bietet Alternatilla ein reichhalti- NA create new challenges. Alternatilla offers a ges und abwechslungsreiches Programm für A rich and varied programme, and is aimed at jede und jeden, ganz besonders aber für Neu- everyone. Especially the restless and non- gierige und Unangepasste, Leute, die sich conformist, who will be both surprised and gern überraschen lassen, und offen sind für ADOUSSE, constantly curious. The festival also brings neuartige Erfahrungen. Das Festival möchte L us to a space where everyone can take part, den Besucher zur Teilnahme einladen und LAF where you can talk, discuss, reflect, but in ihm eine Aktionsfläche bieten, wo diskutiert, O the end enjoy yourselves. debattiert, nachgedacht und –an erster Ste- In Alternatilla there is something for almost lle- genossen wird. everyone: it is a cultural festival open to Bei Alternatilla ist Platz für alles. Es ist ein many diverse forms of artistic expression, Festival, das den verschiedenen Ausdrucks- BUNDANCIA, formen der Kunst offen steht, und konso- A bringing in many different disciplines and cultures and putting them on display in our lidiert sich als all diese Kunstrichtungen very own shop window. umfassendes Schaufenster der Kultur. PARICIO A Herzlichen willkommen zur neusten UBLISHING Welcome to the new Edition of Alternatilla P ITA Ausgabe von Alternatilla. Switch on the light R Es werde Licht. IB ONART F ABOT, MARCOS JÁVEGA, C ) A Í GARC ISUALIK RTISTS V A THE FESTIVAL IS AN INITIATIVE OF ALTERNATILLA’S CULTURAL ASSOCIATION WITH THE CONTRIBUTION OF: UES Q ICH MONTANER, JOAN FI ONA V À OLAF LADOUSSE F ELLO / ELLO The festival’s art curator - is a sketcher, artist, activist, musician and French inventor whom, for almost two decades has been GR MEDIA T ever productive whilst living and feeding on underground Madrid. His drawings are unmistakable and his encyclopedic musical . ( PEL A knowledge is legendary. The inventor of the doo rags (a musical instrument made from pieces of recycled toys and other objets ESP . M S trouvées), he has captured so many wayward rockers including leading electronic artists and with his electronic analog group ADOUSSE A SPINA / A L E H LCDD has toured across Europe and Japan. His last exhibition was in Los Angeles. AULINA AULINA M P M-749-2006 RS NA PEP BONET P LAF A U O Curator for the Stanley Greene photo exhibition - is a Mallorcan photographer. His work on social issues such as HIV/Aids has INGRA led to two photographic books and over 40 exhibitions world-wide. He was the 2005 winner of the Eugene Smith Humanistic Grant, in addition to other international grants and prizes. Pep lives in Mallorca. EPOSIT: EPOSIT: D THE FONART TEAM The ones behind the more than 20 concerts included in this year’s festival program. They’re also in charge of production, logistics and promotion. If you want to find out more about these intrepid movers and shakers of Mallorca’s cultural scene, check out their NGLISH TRANSLATION EGAL EGAL ÜBERSETZUNG ÜBERSETZUNG E ALTERNATILLA MAGAZINE IS A FREE PUBLICATION ALTERNATILLA 2009 COVER PHOTO & LAYOUT DESIGN BY: PRINTED L COORDINATION ARTICLES & EDITORIALS JOAN website www.fonart.com WWW.FONART.COM PAGE WHO WHERE HOW MUCH TIME STREET ART EL CARTEL 06 STREET ART PALMA FREE APRIL 3TTMAN 08 STREET ART PALMA FREE APRIL WORKSHOP CESAR FERNÁNDEZ ARIAS 19 PAINTING & CONSTRUCTIONS WORKSHOP PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 3 I 4 APRIL ANDY BOLUS 40 ELECTRONICS WORKSHOP PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE FRIDAY 15 MAY TALLER D’AFORISMES 20 WORKSHOP CONSELL MUSEU DE L’AFORISME FREE SATURDAY 23 MAY ROB MAZUREK 44 IMPROVISATION/SOUND WORKSHOP FREE SUNDAY 24 MAY WWW.ALT EXHIBITION BALDO, GRAVATS 10 ENGRAVINGS PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 8-29 APRIL 13 ZOOTROPOS 11 EXHIBITION PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 8 APRIL - 30 MAY E LE DERNIER CRI, SILK SCREEN PRINTS 12 SILK SCREEN PRINTS PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 22 APRIL - 30 MAY RNATILLA.COM DANIEL JOHNSTON, DRAWINGS 9 DRAWINGS PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 29 APRIL - 30 MAY RITRATTO DI SIGNORA 18 VIDEOGRAPHIES PALMA GALERÍA FRAN REUS FREE 6-31 MAY TAV FALCO, 50 FOTOGRAFIES 15 PHOTO EXHIBITION PALMA ESTACIÓ (TRAIN) INTERMODAL FREE 7-31 MAY STANLEY GREENE, PHOTOS 17 PHOTO EXHIBITION PALMA ESTACIÓ (TRAIN) INTERMODAL FREE 7-31 MAY CINEMA / CINE “THE DEVIL & DANIEL JOHNSTON” 9 CINEMA PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 18.00 WEDNESDAY 29 APRIL PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 18.00 WEDNESDAY 6 MAY PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 18.00 WEDNESDAY 13 MAY PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 18.00 WEDNESDAY 20 MAY SELECCIÓ FILMS TAV FALCO 16 CINEMA FREE THURSDAY 7 MAY PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 19.00 THURSDAY 14 MAY PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 19.00 THURSDAY 21 MAY CONCERT / CONCIERTO ELLOS + NIT GLOW 21 CONCERT LLOSETA TEATRE LLOSETA 12 € 21.0 0 THURSDAY 2 APRIL EXTRAPERLO 22 CONCERT PALMA PAPAGAYO 8 € 24.00 3 APRIL ROGER MAS 31 CONCERT PALMA TEATRE XESC FORTEZA 12 € 20.00 SATURDAY 4 APRIL CONCERT ALCÚDIA AUDITORI D’ALCÚDIA 12 € 22.00 FRIDAY 17 APRIL SWEATER + PLATOVACÍO + L’EQUILIBRISTE 25 CONCERT LLOSETA TEATRE LLOSETA 5 € 21.30 FRIDAY 10 APRIL LIDIA DAMUNT 27 MINI-CONCERT PALMA ESPAI RAMON LLULL FREE 20.30 THURSDAY 16 APRIL CONCERT PALMA PAPAGAYO 5 € 24.00 FRIDAY 17 APRIL GUILLEM D’EFAK SENTIT PER JOAN MARTORELL 29 MUSIC & POETRY POLLENÇA ESGLÉSIA DEL CONVENT 5 € 20.00 SUNDAY 19 APRIL MUSIC & POETRY ANDRATX AUDIT. ESCOLA DE MÚSICA 20.00 SATURDAY 23 MAY TIU 30 CONCERT LLOSETA TEATRE LLOSETA 6 € 21.30 FRIDAY 24 APRIL CONCERT ARTÀ TEATRE D’ARTÀ FREE 22.00 SATURDAY 9 MAY CONCERT SANTANYÍ TEATRE DE SANTANYÍ 6 € 21.30 FRIDAY 22 MAY CONCERT ANDRATX TEATRE SA TEULERA 6 € 21.0 0 FRIDAY 29 MAY CLEM SNIDE + WILL JOHNSON 26 CONCERT LLOSETA TEATRE LLOSETA 12 € 21.30 SATURDAY 25 APRIL !!! CH !!! FÜR WEITERE THE WAVE PICTURES 43 CONCERT LLOSETA TEATRE LLOSETA 12 € 21.30 SUNDAY 26 APRIL R B E OO C ESERVIEREN DEVOTCHKA 33 CONCERT LLOSETA TEATRE LLOSETA 12 € 21.30 FRIDAY 1 MAY K OUT TH K YOURTIC LOS PUNSETES 34 CONCERT PALMA PAPAGAYO 8 € 24.00 FRIDAY 1 MAY I THOSE DANCING DAYS 35 CONCERT LLOSETA TEATRE LLOSETA 12 € 21.30 SATURDAY 2 MAY E N F F S E KE ORMATIONEN UND JOAN MIQUEL OLIVER 37 CONCERT PALMA TEATRE XESC FORTEZA 12 € 20.00 FRIDAY 8 MAY STIVAL W IE TS &CH I HRE