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BIBLIOGRAPHY The complete bibliography for this book can be downloaded here: Bibliography.pdf © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2019 375 A. Schottenhammer (ed.), Early Global Interconnectivity across the Indian Ocean World, Volume I, Palgrave Series in Indian Ocean World Studies, NAME INDEX A al-Idrīsī, Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ‘Abbās Mīrzā (1789–1833), Crown ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh Prince of Persia and Governor- ibn Idrīs (c. 1100–1165), Arab General of Azerbaijan, 242–244 geographer and cartographer, Abu-Lughod, Janet (1928–2013), 200, 214 American sociologist, 55, 58, 61, 77 al-Maqrīzī, Taqī ad-Dīn abū ‘l-ʿAbbās Abu Zikri Cohen Sijilmasi (f. 12th Aḥmad ibn ʿAlī ibn ʿAbd al-Qādir cent.), Moroccan merchant, 205, (1364–1442), Egyptian historian, 206 82, 83, 87–91, 93, 95 Ahemo 阿合抹 (1270–1352), Muslim al-Marvazī, Sharaf al-Zamān Ṭāhir merchant in Quanzhou, 310 (c. 1056–1124), Persian physician Ahmad ibn Mājid (b. 1421), Arab and writer, 200 navigator and cartographer, 202, al-Mas‘ūdī, Abu al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn 214, 220 al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī (896–956), al-ʿAsqallānī, ibn Haǧǧar (1372– Arab historian and geographer, 1449), Egyptian Sunni Muslim 35, 41, 45, 145, 174, 200 scholar and jurist, 83, 87 al-Mu’taṣim bi’llāh (796–842, r. al-Bīrūnī, Abū Rayhān Muhammad 833–842), eighth Abbasid Caliph, ibn Ahmad (973–1048) Persian 152 polymath, 45, 200, 201 al-Nāṣir Ahmad (r. 1400–1424), Ali Bakir (f. 19th cent.), Arab Sultan of Yemen, 90, 93, merchant, 367 94 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2019 377 A. Schottenhammer (ed.), Early Global Interconnectivity across the Indian Ocean World, Volume I, Palgrave Series in Indian Ocean World Studies, 378 NAME INDEX al-Sīraf, Abū Zayd Hasan Bosch, Frederik David Kan (1887– (f. 9th–10th cent.), Arab 1967), Dutch archaeologist, 101, geographer and writer, 40, 43 102 al-Yaʿqūbī, Abū l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad ibn Brant, James (f. nineteenth century), Isḥāq ibn Jaʿfar ibn Wahb ibn British consul at Trabzon, Wāḍiḥ (d. 897/898), Arab geog- 245 rapher and historian, 44 Brennwald, Caspar (1838–1899), Arias Moya, Luís (f. 17th cent.), Swiss merchant and diplomat, governor of Manila’s Chinese 271, 283 community, 340 Burgess, Charles (f. nineteenth cen- Atīśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna (982–1054), tury), British merchant, 250 Bengali Buddhist preacher and Buzurg ibn Shahriyār (f. 9th cent.), scholar, 216 Persian navigator and geographer, 200 B Baasch, Ernst Theodor (1861–1947), C German historian, 267, 270, 271 Campbell, Colin (1686–1757), Backhouse, John (1784–1845), British Scottish merchant, co-founder civil servant, 248 and director of the Swedish East Ban Gu 班固 (32–92), Chinese histo- India Company, 265 rian, 23 Campbell, Hugh (f. 18th cent.), Bao He 包何 (jinshi 748; f. 8th cent.), Scottish merchant and director of Chinese scholar-offcial, 121–123 the Swedish East India Company, Barakāt ibn Ḥasan ibn Ajlān (f. 15th 265 cent.), Amir of Mecca, 87 Campbell, Sir John (1799–1870), Barani, Ziauddin (1285–1357), Indian British ambassador to Iran, 244 historian, 217 Cobo, Juan [Gao Muxian] 高母羡 Bayly, Christopher Alan (1945–2015), (1546–1592), Spanish Dominican British historian, 238 monk, missionary, and sinologist, Beal, Daniel (1759–1842), Scottish 317, 318 merchant and Prussian consul to Cœdès, George (1886–1969), French China, 259 indologist and orientalist, 101, Bello, Manuel (f. 17th cent.), 102 Macanese citizen related to Zheng Collares, Alberto (1610–1673), Zhilong, 337 Spanish Dominican monk and Ben Yiju, Abraham (d. c. 1156), missionary, 340 Tunisian Jewish merchant, Confucius (551–479 BCE), Chinese 204–208 philosopher, 318 Bilal ibn Jarir (d. 1151), Sultan of Cooks, Richard (also Cocks, Aden, 204 1566–1624), chief factor of the Bolts, William (1740–1808), Dutch- British East India Company trad- British merchant, 266, 267 ing post in Hirado, 335 NAME INDEX 379 Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess E Cornwallis (1738–1805), Ellis, Henry (1788–1855), British Governor-General of India, 233 diplomat, 245 Cosmas Indicopleustes (f. 6th cent.), Ellis, William (d. 1763), chief of the Greek merchant, traveller, and British East India Company’s writer, 196 factory at Patna, 229 D F Daṇḍin (f. 7th–8th cent.), Indian poet Fan Liben 范立本 (f. 14th cent.), and grammarian, 198, 199 Chinese editor, 317 Das Gupta, Ashin (1931–1998), Fan Rugui 范如圭 (1102–1160), Indian historian, 100, 369 Chinese government offcial, 312 da Pordenone, Oderico (1286–1331), Farmānfarmā, Ḥoseyn ʿAlī Mīrzā Italian Franciscan monk and mis- (1789–1835), uncle and rival of sionary, 68 Moḥammad Shāh, 245 de Casparis, Johannes Gijsbertus Fatḥ ‘Alī Shāh (1772–1834, r. 1798– (1916–2002), Dutch indologist 1834), Shāh of Persia, 242–245 and orientalist, 101 Faxian 法顯 (337/342–c. 422), de Quiroga y Moya, Don Pedro (d. Chinese Buddhist monk, 198 1637), Spanish government Fei Xin 費信 (c. 1385–1436), Chinese offcial, 341 soldier and author accompanying de Reuter, Paul Julius (1821–1899), Zheng He, 13, 81, 82, 90, 91, 93 German-British entrepreneur, 255 Fu Zide 傳自得 (1116–1183), Chinese de Santa Maria, Antonio Caballero government offcial, 311 [Li Andan] 利安當 (1602–1669), Spanish Franciscan monk and missionary, 334, 337, 338 G Dezong 德宗 (742–805, r. 780–805), Ǧaʿfar ibn Muḥammad (f. 15th cent.), Chinese emperor, 36 Arab writer, 83 Díaz, Salvador (f. 17th cent.), Gaṇapatii (r. 1199–1261), Kākatīya Macanese interpreter, 335 king, 213 Duan Chengshi 段成式 (c. 803–863), Gernet, Jacques (1921–2018), French Chinese writer and offcial, sinologist, 166 170–172, 175, 177, 185, 186 Goitein, Shlomo Dov (1900–1985), Du Huan 杜還 (f. 8th cent.), Chinese German arabist and historian, 195 traveller and writer, 170 Gong Zhen 鞏珍 (f. 15th cent.), Duyvendak, Jan Julius Lodewijk Chinese secretary, translator, and (1889–1954), Dutch sinologist, author accompanying Zheng He, 86, 165, 166 81 380 NAME INDEX Gordon, Sir Thomas Edward Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, ʾAbū ʿAbdallāh (1832–1914), British military Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Lāh offcer, diplomat, and writer, 253, l-Lawātī ṭ-Ṭanǧī (1304– 254 1368/1369), Moroccan explorer, Gu Yanwu 顧炎武 (1613–1682), 200, 203, 214, 217 Chinese offcial, geographer, and Ibn Khurdādhbih, Abu’l-Qāsim Confucian scholar, 300, 301, 303, ‘Ubayd Allāh ʿAbdallāh (c. 310, 314 820–912), Persian geographer, 43, 145, 200 Ibn Taġrībirdī, Abū ’l-Mahāsin Yūsūf H (1411–1470), Egyptian historian, Haines, Stafford Bettesworth 83 (1801/1802–1860), British naval offcer and administrator of Aden, 367, 368 J Haji Abul Razul (f. 19th cent.), Jamāl al-Dīn/Zhamaluding (f. 13th Iranian merchant, 367, 368 cent.), Persian astronomer and Han Wudi 漢武帝 (r. 140–87 BCE), cartographer, 59 Chinese emperor, 23, 25 Jamāl al-Dīn Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥusain (f. 18th cent), al-Ṭībī (f. 13th–14th cent.), ruler Arab writer, 84 of Kīsh, 64 Hector, Alexander (b. c. 1812), British Jaya Indravarman I (f. 10th cent.), merchant, 250 King of Champa, 151 Hongwu 洪武 (1328–1398, r. 1368– Jeejeebhoy, Sir Jamsedji, 1st Baronet 1398), Chinese emperor, 315 (1783–1859), Indian business Huang Chao 黄巢 (d. 884), Chinese magnate and philanthropist, 365 soldier and rebel, 40, 41, 46, 297, Jia Dan 賈耽 (729–805), Chinese 300 statesman, and cartographer, 30, Hurtado de Corcuera, Sebastián 37 (d. 1660), Governor of the Jiajing 嘉靖 (1507–1567, r. 1521– Philippines, 340, 341 1567), Chinese emperor, 9 Joseph ibn Abraham (f. 12th cent.), Jewish merchant in Aden, 205 I Ibáñez, Buenaventura [Wen Dula] 文度辣 (1610–1690), Spanish K Franciscan monk and missionary, Kang Tai 康泰 (f. 3rd cent.), Chinese 337 traveller and author, 24 Ibn aḏ-Ḏaibā’, Abū ʿAbd allāh ʿAbd Kangxi 康熙 (1654–1722, r. 1661– ar-Raḥmān (1461–1537), Arab 1722), Chinese emperor, 74 historian, 83, 85, 87, 90, 91, Khosrow II (c. 570–628, r. 590–628), 93–95 King of the Sassanid Empire, 197 NAME INDEX 381 Khubilai (Qubilai) Khan (1215–1294, M r. 1260–1294), Great Khan of the Macartney, George, 1st Earl Mongol Empire and Emperor of Macartney (1737–1806), China, 7, 57, 59, 65 British politician and diplomat, König, Johann Friedrich (f. 18th 72, 75 cent.), German merchant and MacGregor, Alexander (f. 19th cent.), associate of the Swedish East British merchant and Hamburg India Company, 265 consul to China, 269 Kreyher, Johannes (1834–1910), Macpherson, Sir John (c. 1745–1821), German priest and writer, 272, Governor-General of Bengal, 230 273 MacVicar, John (f. 19th cent.), British Kulottuṅga I (r. 1070–1122), Cōḷa merchant and Hamburg consul to emperor, 209–212 China, 269 Kumar Sev Das (f. 17th cent.), Iranian Madmun ibn Hasan-Japheth (d. c. merchant and interpreter, 368 1151), Jewish merchant in Aden, 204–207 Ma Huan 馬歡 (c. 1380–1460), L Chinese translator and author Lady Wu 吳 (763–824), Grand accompanying Zheng He, 13, 81, Mistress of Qi 齊, 141 82, 85, 86, 90, 91, 93, 94, 215 Laozi 老子 (d. 539 BCE), Chinese Malcolm, Sir John (1769–1833), philosopher, 318 Scottish general, politician, and Latourette, Kenneth Scott (1884– historian, 242 1968), American historian, 177 Martínez, Bartolomé (f. 16th–17th Liang Wudi 梁武帝 (464–549, r. cent.), Spanish Dominican monk 502–549), Chinese emperor, 124 and missionary, 335 Li Dan 李旦 (d. 1625), Chinese mer- Matheson, Sir Alexander (1805– chant and pirate, 334–336 1886), Scottish merchant and Li Mi 李泌 (722–789), Chinese offcial, politician, 269 Emperor Dezong’s advisor, 36 McGwire, William (f. 18th cent.), Lindsay-Bethune, Sir Henry, 9th Earl chief of the British East India of Lindsay (1787–1851), Scottish Company’s factory at Patna, 229 general and diplomat, 244–247 McNeill, Sir John (1795–1883), Lin Zhiqi 林之奇 (1112–1176), super- Scottish surgeon and diplomat, intendent of maritime trade in 246, 247 Quanzhou, 306 Mehmed Ali Pasha (1769–1849), Liu Hua 劉華 (896–930), wife of Ottoman military commander and Wang Yanjun 王延鈞, 150 Governor of Egypt, 347 Lombard, Denys (1938–1998), Mencius (385/372–303/289 BCE), French sinologist and historian, Chinese philosopher, 318 194 Mīrzā Abū al-Ḥasan Khān Shīrāzī Lu Guimeng 陸龜蒙 (d.