
Draft version September 25, 2020 Typeset using LATEX twocolumn style in AASTeX63

Identifying strong gravitational-wave lensing during the second observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo

Xiaoshu Liu,1 Ignacio Magana˜ Hernandez,1 and Jolien Creighton1

1 Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA

ABSTRACT We perform Bayesian model selection with parameter estimation to identify potentially lensed gravitational-wave images from the second observing run (O2) of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. Specifically, we compute the Bayesian evidence for a pair of events being lensed or not lensed (unlensed) using nested sampling. We consider the discrete coalescence phase shifts that can be in- duced if the gravitational-wave signal interacts with the lens caustics in the model selection. We find that the pair of events, GW170104 and GW170814 with a π/2 coalescence phase shift, has a significant L 4 Bayes factor (BU ∼ 1.98 × 10 ) favoring the lensing hypothesis. However, after taking into account the long time delay of approximately 7 months between events, the timing Bayes factor is significantly −2 small (Bt ∼ 8.7 × 10 ). The prior probability for detecting strongly lensed pairs at O2 sensitivity are exceedingly small for both galaxy and galaxy cluster lensing. Combining the lensing and timing Bayes L factors with the prior odds on lensing gives an odds ratio of OU ∼ 20. However, the model dependence of the timing and prior odds factors does not provide strong evidence to demonstrate that the pair is strongly lensed.

Keywords: gravitational lensing, gravitational waves, model selection

1. INTRODUCTION expected to be lower at O2 sensitivity and even lower When gravitational waves (GW) propagate near mas- when considering double images. Galaxy cluster lenses sive galaxies or galaxy clusters, similar to light, the have been investigated in (Smith et al. 2018, 2017, 2019; GW can be strongly lensed. If the massive galaxies or Dai et al. 2020; Robertson et al. 2020), which find that −5 −1 galaxy clusters are along the line of sight of the GW the rate of galaxy cluster lensing is around 10 yr source, gravitational-wave observatories are expected to at O1 sensitivity, and given the fact that the small sen- see multiple images with a time delay of hours to weeks sitivity improvement in O2, we do not expect the rate (Haris et al. 2018) from the same astrophysical source as has notably increased. Lensing event rates can also be long as both images are above the GW detection thresh- inferred with the measured amplitude of the BBH back- old. Based on predictions on the number of expected ground as shown in Mukherjee et al.(2020); Buscicchio GW sources, and the distribution of lenses in the Uni- et al.(2020). verse, (Li et al. 2018; Oguri 2018) suggests that around Under the presence of a lens, the corresponding strongly lensed GW signal is magnified such that ρ = one in a thousand events observed by Advanced LIGO √ l and Advanced Virgo (Abbott et al. 2018; Aasi et al. µρ (Wang et al. 1996), where ρl and ρ are the signal- arXiv:2009.06539v2 [astro-ph.HE] 23 Sep 2020 2015; Harry 2010; Acernese et al. 2015) at design sen- to-noise ratios (SNR) under the lensed and unlensed sitivity will be lensed. The rate computations typically models, respectively, and µ is the relative magnification assume that a single image is detected, and the major- factor (Narayan & Bartelmann 1996; Hannuksela et al. ity of the lenses are galaxy lenses. The lensing rate is 2019). Since the frequency evolution is not affected by strong lensing, the lensing magnifica- tion is equivalent to a scaling of the source [email protected] distance by a factor of 1/ µ (Wang et al. 1996; Dai [email protected] et al. 2017). Thus, a loud and nearby GW source could potentially be lensed and thus appear to be more distant [email protected] than it seems. Also, the measured detector frame chirp Mc will typically be biased towards larger values 2 than in the source frame since it depends directly on the cient evidence to conclude that the event pair is lensed. source z for the source: Mc = (1 + z)Mc . Thus The authors exclude the mass and other binary param- strong lensing results in an overestimation of the source eters that rely on the knowledge of the BBH population frame if the signal is highly magnified. parameters to determine the false alarm rate of the pair In addition, according to (Takahashi & Nakamura due to lensing. 2003; Dai & Venumadhav 2017), lensing shifts the orig- If the double/triplet events were lensed, then it would inal phase of the waveform by ∆φ in such a way that likely imply that the existing estimates of the lensing the shift is absorbed into the phase of the coalescence statistics are likely incorrect in predicting the relative ∆φc in the case of of gravitational waves with relation fraction of galaxy cluster lenses and the total rate of ∆φ = 2∆φc (except if precession, eccentricity, or higher lensed events (and hence the merger rate density of modes are present) (Ezquiaga et al. 2020). The shift BBHs at high redshift). Another likely implication is depends on the type of lensed image: Type-I induces a population of lenses which can form type-III images no phase shift, type-II induces a +π/2 phase shift, and more frequently than observed in the electromagnetic type-III images induce a +π phase shift. Type-III im- spectrum. To reconcile for the discrepancy, one would ages are typically suppressed and rarely seen in the elec- likely require all of the following: 1) the merger rate den- tromagnetic band, save for some rare exceptions (Dahle sity of BBHs to rise at a higher rate than existing esti- et al. 2013; Collett et al. 2017). Therefore, one would mates from the usual formation channels, 2) galaxy clus- typically expect lensed gravitational waves to consist of ter lenses to make up a significant portion of the lensing type-I or type-II images. optical depth, and 3) prominence of lensing configura- During the second observing run of Advanced LIGO tions that can form heavily magnified type-III images in and Advanced Virgo, seven binary black holes (BBH) GW channels but not in electromagnetic channels. (Abbott et al. 2017a,b,c, 2019) and one binary neu- In this paper, we present a Bayesian model selection tron star (BNS) (Abbott et al. 2017d) were detected. A method similar to Haris et al.(2018), but instead of search for gravitational-wave lensing signatures on the computing the lensing model evidence using kernel den- GWTC-1 catalog (Abbott et al. 2019) was performed in sity estimation (KDE) from independent event posterior (Hannuksela et al. 2019), but no good evidence of strong samples, we calculate the lensing evidence directly with lensing was found. Note that the highest Bayes factor parameter estimation by jointly fitting both images. We event pair in the analysis was the GW170104-GW170814 explicitly test the expected phase shifts and use an as- pair, but this was disfavored due to 1) the large time- trophysically motivated prior for the relative magnifica- delay between the events and 2) the prior probability of tion factor. Moreover, we calculate the Bayes factors lensing being low, around ∼ 10−5 yr−1 at O1 sensitivity between the lensed and unlensed hypothesis and from (Smith et al. 2018) for galaxy cluster lensing, and rel- the measured time delays, we determine the prior odds ative lensing rate ∼ 10−3 for galaxy lensing (Ng et al. for any two events to be likely images of each other to 2018). If one or more of the observed images is of type- produce an odds ratio that we can use to test the lensed III, the rate is understood to be significantly lower. and unlensed hypothesis. The same event pair was studied in more detail in (Dai et al. 2020), which appeared at the time of writing of this 2. GRAVITATIONAL LENSING MODEL article. A third, sub-threshold image consistent with SELECTION the lensing hypothesis was found, GWC170620, which For a GW signal at luminosity distance DL, the am- was first discovered in the PyCBC sub-threshold search plitude of the corresponding lensed images are magnified (Nitz et al. 2019). The authors further analyzed the im- √ by a factor of µi, where i labels the corresponding ab- age configurations required for the lensing hypothesis, solute magnification factor for each image so that the finding that it would consist of either one or two type- observed luminosity distances will be, III images, and thus would require a galaxy cluster lens (i) √ due to the long time delay. Neglecting the a priori prob- DL = DL/ µi , (1) ability of lensing, the false alarm probability for the dou- ble (triplet) was estimated at ∼ 10−4 − 10−2 depending Since the magnification factors and luminosity distance on specific O2 GW events (Dai et al. 2020). However, are degenerate, the individual magnification factors are when accounting for the prior probability of lensing and difficult to constrain. Thus, we instead use the relative the fact that the observed images would require a very magnification factor µ, peculiar image configuration, the lensing hypothesis is !2 disfavored: the authors conclude that there is not suffi- D(1) µ µ = L = 2 , (2) (2) µ1 DL 3

(1) (2) where DL and DL are the observed luminosity dis- luminosity distance to the source, φc is the coalescence tances of the first and second images respectively and phase, and tc the time at coalescence. Hence for the µ1 and µ2 are the corresponding absolute magnification lensed hypothesis, we expect the common parameters η factors. to be the same for the two events and only for the lens- For strong lensing, the probability distribution for ing dependent parameters to differ. Thus, the likelihood the individual magnifications is well known in the high- under the lensed hypothesis, given GW strain data d1 −3 magnification limit and is given by p(µi) ∝ µi (Bland- and d2, can be written as: ford & Narayan 1986). In this work, we assume that the ~ two magnifications are independent; however, we note P (d1, d2|θ1, HL) = P (d1|η, ζ1, HL)P (d2|η, ζ2, HL) (3) that this is an approximation as the two are in practice related through the lensing model. where, d1, ζ1, and d2, ζ2 are the data and independent parameters for the first and second images respectively. Given two observed detector strains d1(t) and d2(t) Note, that for this model we sample the magnification with confirmed GW detections, we want to deter- factor µ instead of D(2) in the independent parameters mine whether these two signals are lensed or not. L ζ2. The lensed hypothesis HL states that the two signals come from the same astrophysical source and are thus For the unlensed hypothesis, the parameters of the two events are sampled independently. The likelihood in the lensed. Meanwhile, the unlensed model HU assumes that the two signals are from independent astrophysi- unlensed hypothesis HU , is simply the product of the cal sources. Under the lensing hypothesis, we first in- likelihoods of the two events since they are independent of each other, troduce a set of common parameters for the two events, η = {m1, m2, a1, a2, ι, α, δ, ψ}, where m1 and m2 are the ~ P (d1, d2|θ2, HU ) = P (d1|η1, ζ1, HU )P (d2|η2, ζ2, HU ) component source frame masses, a and a are the com- 1 2 (4) ponent spins, ι is the inclination angle of the binary, α where η1, ζ1, and η2, ζ2 are the parameters for the first and δ are the right ascension and declination, and ψ is and the second GW events respectively. the angle. We also introduce lensing de- To compare the two models, we compute the ratio of pendent parameters, ζ = {DL, φc, tc} where DL is the the evidences P (d1, d2|nj, HL) and P (d1, d2|HU ), also known as the Bayes factor,

R L P (d1, d2|nj, HL) P (d1|η, ζ1, HL)P (d2|η, ζ2, HL)P (η, ζ1, ζ2|HL, nj)dηdζ1dζ2 BU = = R (5) P (d1, d2|HU ) P (d1|η1, ζ1, HU )P (d2|η2, ζ2, HU )P (η1, ζ1, η2, ζ2|HU )dη1dζ1dη2dζ2

where nj is the Morse index which determines the type To obtain the odds ratio for the lensed and unlensed of lensing image (type-I/II/III) and thus the expected hypothesis we compute, phase difference for the pair, while P (η, ζ1, ζ2|HL, nj) L P (d1, d2|nj, HL) P (∆t|HL) P (HL) and P (η1, ζ1, η2, ζ2|HU ) are the priors for the lensed and OU = (7) unlensed hypothesis, respectively. We calculate the lens- P (d1, d2|HU ) P (∆t|HU ) P (HU ) ing evidence with nested sampling (Skilling 2006; Veitch where the ratio P (HL)/P (HU ) is the prior odds for lens- et al. 2015) using lalinference nest (LIGO Scientific ing compared to the unlensed event model. However, Collaboration 2018). type-III images are very rare, and hence it is likely that The time delay between any two events can also be the image shift corresponding to ∆φ = ±π is heavily used to compute a corresponding timing Bayes factor disfavored: p(nj = 1|HL)  p(nj = {0, 1/2}|HL). (Haris et al. 2018; Hannuksela et al. 2019), The prior odds reflects our belief on the probabil- ity of lensing for any two events and can be estimated P (∆t|HL) through simulations as well as from electromagnetic ob- Bt = (6) P (∆t|HU ) servations. As such, we compute this via the ratio of expected lensed event to independent event rates. The We estimate the probability distribution P (∆t|HL) relative lensed event rate has been estimated for galaxy −3 through simulation following the methodology of (Haris lenses to be around p(HL)/p(HU ) ∼ 10 at design sen- et al. 2018). We compute P (∆t|HU ), by assuming that sitivity (Li et al. 2018; Oguri 2018), while Ref. (Smith independent (unlensed) events are Poisson distributed. et al. 2018) finds the relative rate of galaxy cluster lens- 4

−5 −1 ing to be p(HL) ∼ 10 yr at O1 sensitivity; we expect between models. The waveform used in our analysis is this to be somewhat larger at O2 sensitivity. the IMRPhenomD approximant(Husa et al. 2016; Khan When comparing two models, the Bayesian evidence et al. 2016), a non-precessing and spin aligned (22-mode penalizes a more complex model. If we compare two only) frequency domain BBH waveform which enable models, the one with smaller prior volume or fewer pa- us to test the different coalescence phase shifts due to rameters would be favored. This penalty is known as different image types. Since there is no evidence that the Occam factor (Thrane & Talbot 2019), which is precession has been observed in any of the events de- automatically achieved by Bayesian inference. In our tected in O1 and O2 (Abbott et al. 2019), we expect analysis, the lensing model has fewer parameters due to that the IMRPhenomD model is sufficiently accurate for the parameter sharing. Indeed, when a signal is consis- this analysis. L tent with the lensed hypothesis, the magnitude of the In Fig.1 we show the Bayes factors BU and Bt for Bayes factor is entirely set by the prior volume; a larger pairs of events in O2. The lensed model for each pair prior can increase the Bayes factor by several orders of of events are evaluated with the four different possible magnitude and vice versa. In order to reduce the prior coalescence phase shifts. For the unlensed model, we volume difference between the two models, we impose sample the phases for each event independently. The a uniform in log(m1) and log(m2) prior, instead of the GW170104-GW170814 pair with π/2 coalescence phase L 4 typical uniform priors on m1 and m2 (both in the detec- shift has the largest Bayes factor BU ∼ 1.98 × 10 , tor frame). We impose a prior within the mass range of favoring the lensed hypothesis in the absence of prior 1 − 100M . The difference between the prior volumes probability. The event could still be an unlensed event, can be reduced by a factor of 102 − 103 when using the however, as the two events could be from independent uniform in log space prior. We note that an astrophys- sources that have similar parameters. Therefore, we ically motivated mass prior could be used instead, such note that a high Bayes factor is not necessarily indicative as the power-law model used by the LVC (Abbott et al. of lensing. Nevertheless, it is intriguing that the event 2019), however, for the reasons stated above we decided favours the lensing hypothesis even when including all to use the uniform in log prior instead. of the binary parameters. The GW170809-GW170814 We also take care of selection effects in the joint pa- pair, which was suggested as a lensed event by Ref. rameter estimation since gravitational-wave detectors Broadhurst et al.(2019), is clearly disfavored by the are not sensitive at detecting all the binaries in the prior model selection. parameter space. Thus, we incorporate a selection func- The sky localization posterior for the GW170104- tion in the parameter estimation directly, which keeps a GW170814 pair is shown in Fig.3. The sky localization sample if it is above the detection SNR threshold, other- posterior inferred under the lensing hypothesis (joint pa- wise it rejects the sample. We also note that taking into rameter estimation) is better constrained and lies within account selection effects is important when one or both the overlap region of the GW170104 and GW170814 in- events are below the detection threshold (Li et al. 2019; dependent parameter estimation runs. The 90 percent McIsaac et al. 2019), as will be the case when perform- confidence region is better constrained because the joint ing the joint parameter estimation using the potential run has higher SNR than each individual run and ben- third image, GWC170620 (Dai et al. 2020). efits from the ”extra detectors” (more baselines for lo- calization) due to the different times of arrival of each 3. RESULTS image with respect to the rotation of the earth. We also show the posterior distributions over the parame- We analyze potential pairs of lensed events from the ters that we expect to be unchanged due to lensing in second observing run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo. Due Fig.4. Similarly, the parameters inferred under the to the high computational cost of the parameter esti- lensing hypothesis are better constrained compared to mation, we select pairs of events that have similar sky those inferred independently. localizations. We then run (LIGO lalinference nest Assuming an observation time of 9 months for O2, Scientific Collaboration 2018) to obtain the lensed and and the simulations in Haris et al.(2018) we obtain an unlensed model evidences. We apply the selection func- estimate for P (∆t|L). For the unlensed case, we assume tion implemented in to the param- lalinference nest that the detected event rate follows a Poisson distribu- eter estimation and set the network SNR threshold to 10 tion, that is, P (∆t|U) = 2(T − ∆t)/T 2, where T is the for single events and 14 for joint events, except for the observation time. In Fig.1 we show the Bayes Factor B sub-threshold event GWC170620. We sample uniformly t of the lensing model with four different phase shifts com- in log(m1) and log(m2) for both lensed and unlensed pared the unlensed model. Due to the ∼ 7 month time models in order to mitigate the prior volume difference 5

20 GW170104 GW170814 GW170729 GW170823 GW170104 GWC170620 GW170818 GW170823 0 GW170809 GW170823

GW170104 20 GW170809 GWC170620 GW170104 GW170814 GW170809 GW170823 GW170814 ) L U 40 B

( GW170104 GW170729 n l 60 GW170104 0 GW170608 /4 80 GW170608 GW170608 GW170823 GW170729 /2 100 3 /4

3 2 1 0 1 2 ln(Bt)

L Figure 1. Natural logarithm of the Bayes factor BU and Bt with 0, π/4, π/2, and 3π/4 coalescence phase shifts for pairs of L events detected in O2. The Bayes factors BU are computed using lalinference nest, and the Bayes factor Bt is computed using the time delay between any two events.



20 )

L 40 U O ( n

l 60 0 80 /4 100 /2 3 /4 120 GW170104 GW170104 GW170104 GW170104 GW170104 GW170608 GW170608 GW170729 GW170809 GW170809 GW170818 GW170104 GWC170620 GW170608 GW170729 GW170809 GW170814 GW170823 GW170729 GW170823 GW170823 GW170814 GW170823 GW170823 GWC170620 GW170814

L Figure 2. Natural logarithm of the odds ratio OU with 0, π/4, π/2, and 3π/4 coalescence phase shifts for pairs of events detected in O2. The odds ratios are computed using Eq.7. 6

L The two Bayes factors BU and Bt together with the 60° 60° prior odds for lensing can be combined to compute the odds ratio (Eq.7). The lensed event rate is estimated 30° 30° for O2 to be ∼ 0.1yr−1 (Ng et al. 2018; Hannuksela et al. GW170104 0° 2019). During O2, there were eight events detected in 0° 0h 21h 18h 15h 12h 9h 6h 3h 0h nine months of observing time, therefore the prior odds

GW170814 -30° -30° are ∼ 0.009. In Fig.2, we show the odds ratio for events

GW170104-GW170814 detected in O2. The odds ratio for GW170104 and -60° -60° L GW170814 with π/2 coalescence phase shift is OU ∼ 20. It is the only pair of events that moderately prefers the lensing hypothesis even with prior information folded in. Figure 3. The contours show 90% confidence re- For other pairs, detected in O2, we do not see any lensed gions for the sky localizations posteriors of GW170104, GW170814 (treated as independent events) as well as the evidence as the odds ratios are much less than 1. joint GW170104-GW170814 sky localization posterior in- Our Bt and prior odds estimations are based on galaxy ferred under the lensing hypothesis with a coalescence phase lensing. However, the long time delay may point to shift of π/2. lensing by a galaxy cluster. Galaxy cluster lensing is expected to be rare at O2 sensitivity. The prior prob- ability of galaxy cluster lensing is ∼ 10−5yr−1 (Smith et al. 2018). Meanwhile, because the phase shift corre- sponds to π, or a type-III image as pointed in Dai et al. (2020), the probability of lensing is further disfavored: GW170104 GW170814 The probability of observing type-III images should be GW170104-GW170814 very low, such that p(nj|HL)  1. Indeed, type-III images are rarely observed in the electromagnetic band.

4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS To summarize, we used Bayesian model selection to 0.90 identify lensed events in the second observing run of

q Advanced LIGO and Virgo. We test the lensing model 0.75 with 0, π/4, π/2, and 3π/4 coalescence phase shifts and 0.60 take care of selection effects. The most significant event pair is found to be GW170104-GW170814 at a very high 0.2 Bayes factor; however, the two signals may come from

f 0.1 two independent sources and have similar parameters f e and therefore it is not clear if this is indicative of lens- 0.0 ing. Moreover, the event is disfavored as a lensed candi- 0.1 date based on the understanding of lens configurations

25 26 27 28 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 and the BBH and lens populations by an overwhelm- 0.60 0.75 0.90 det q ing amount: Indeed, the probability of observing lens- c eff ing configurations with these type of time-delays and Figure 4. Corner plot showing the posterior distributions image configurations is low for both galaxies and galaxy of the detector-frame Mc, mass ratio q = m2/m1, clusters. The estimates of lensed rates and the relative and the effective spin parameter χeff . We show the 68% contribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters may vary and 98% credible regions for the independent GW170104, to some degree, but no current estimate predicts that GW170814 posteriors as well the jointly inferred posteriors galaxy cluster lensing should become prominent at O2 for the GW170104-GW170814 pair under the lensing hypoth- esis (with coalescence phase shift of π/2). sensitivity. Let us then entertain the possibility that the event was lensed. If this were the case, then unless we were delay between GW170104 and GW170814, the Bayes to accept that we were simply incredibly lucky, it would factor B is ∼ 8.7 × 10−2. The Bayes factor B can be t t likely imply all of the following: large if the time delay is only a few days, such as for the GW170809-GW170814 and GW170818-GW170823 1. The relative contribution of galaxy cluster lens- pairs, which results in Bt ∼ 6. ing is more important than previously believed, 7

which would explain the high time-delay between ability between 10−4 and 10−2 for O2 events. More- the events. Refs. Smith et al.(2018, 2017, 2019); over, another intriguing possibility of cross-verification Robertson et al.(2020) have studied galaxy cluster is through searches in the electromagnetic channels, as lensing, and argued that highly magnified events pointed out by (Dai et al. 2020): If the events are lensed, have been historically observed more prominently then their host galaxy must also be lensed (Hannuksela lensed by galaxy cluster scale lenses. et al. 2020). If the third event proposed as a lensed can- didate for the pair in (Dai et al. 2020), then it would 2. The merger-rate density of binary black holes likely afford us three time delays, which would allow for must rise at a significantly higher rate than previ- a unique opportunity to localize the host galaxy and the ously predicted. Indeed, the current lensing rate galaxy cluster which lensed it in an electromagnetic fol- estimates rely on black holes tracing the star- low up. Ref. (Hannuksela et al. 2020) demonstrated formation rate density. For example, the Belczyn- that such a search is possible for galaxies. We note that ski distribution is often used to model the merger- due to the rarity of galaxy clusters, the search is ex- rate density (Belczynski et al. 2016). Out of the pected to be even more powerful for galaxy clusters. In studied models of formation, none pre- the case of doubly lensed events such as the GW170104- dict high enough merger rates that galaxy cluster GW170814 pair, the single time-delay estimate may be lensing would become observable at O2 sensitivity quite degenerate with the lens parameters and the source (Oguri 2018). alignment.

5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3. Type-III images are more prominent for gravitational-wave sources than they are for elec- The authors would like to thank Otto Hannuksela, K. tromagnetic sources. Haris, John Veitch, Rico K. L. Lo, Ajit Mehta, Jose Ezquiaga, Daniel Holz, David Keitel, Suvodip Mukher- Let us therefore state that extraordinary claims re- jee, Ken K. Y. Ng, Leo Singer, and Will Farr for useful quire extraordinary evidence. Based on the prior prob- discussions. IMH is supported by the NSF Graduate Re- ability of lensing by these type of systems, we advise search Fellowship Program under grant DGE-17247915. the reader to be very careful in interpreting the results: This work was supported by NSF awards PHY-1607585 There is no sufficient evidence to claim that the event is and PHY-1912649. The authors are grateful for com- lensed. Indeed, in the absence of clear-cut evidence to putational resources provided by the LIGO Laboratory the contrary, we must conclude that there is no sufficient and supported by National Science Foundation Grants evidence to claim that the event is lensed, in agreement PHY-0757058 and PHY-0823459, and those provided by with (Dai et al. 2020) and (Hannuksela et al. 2019). the Leonard E Parker Center for Gravitation, Cosmol- However, two pieces of evidence could together pos- ogy and Astrophysics at the University of Wisconsin- sibly determine if the events were lensed. First, it is Milwaukee. We thank LIGO and Virgo Collabora- vital to perform injection campaigns to determine the tion for providing the data for this work. This arti- probability of a non-lensed event. A similar study was cle has been assigned LIGO document number LIGO- conducted in (Dai et al. 2020) with false alarm prob- P1900017.


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