
Statistically-informed deep learning for parameter estimation

Hongyu Shen,1, 2, 3 E. A. Huerta,1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Eamonn O’Shea,7 Prayush Kumar,7, 8 and Zhizhen Zhao1, 2, 3, 9 1National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 3NCSA Center for Artificial Intelligence Innovation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, 61801 4Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 5Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 6Illinois Center for Advanced Studies of the Universe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, 61801 7Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA 8International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore 560089, India 9Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA (Dated: March 11, 2021) We introduce deep learning models for gravitational wave parameter estimation that combine a modified WaveNet architecture with constrastive learning and normalizing flow. To ascertain the statistical consistency of these models, we validated their predictions against a Gaussian conjugate prior family whose posterior distribution is described by a closed analytical expression. Upon confirming that our models produce statistically consistent results, we used them to estimate the astrophysical parameters of five binary black holes: GW150914, GW170104, GW170814, GW190521 and GW190630. Our findings indicate that our deep learning approach predicts posterior distributions that encode physical correlations, and that our data-driven median results and 90% confidence intervals are consistent with those obtained with gravitational wave Bayesian analyses. This methodology requires a single V100 NVIDIA GPU to produce median values and posterior distributions within two milliseconds for each event. This neural network, and a tutorial for its use, are available at the Data and Learning Hub for Science.

I. INTRODUCTION extreme scale computing. Deep learning was first proposed as a novel signal- The advanced LIGO [1, 2] and advanced Virgo [3] processing tool for gravitational wave astrophysics in [14]. observatories have reported the detection of over fifty That initial approach considered a 2-D signal manifold gravitational wave sources [4–6]. At design sensitivity, for binary mergers, namely the of the these instruments will be able to probe a larger volume binary components (m1, m2), and considered simulated of space, thereby increasing the detection rate of sources advanced LIGO noise. The fact that such method was populating the gravitational wave spectrum. Thus, given as sensitive as template-matching algorithms, but at a the expected scale of gravitational wave discovery in up- fraction of the computational cost and orders of mag- coming observing runs, it is in order to explore the use of nitude faster, provided sufficient motivation to extend computationally efficient signal-processing algorithms for such methodology and apply it to detect real gravita- gravitational wave detection and parameter estimation. tional wave sources in advanced LIGO noise in [15, 16]. The rationale to develop scalable and computationally These studies have sparked the interest of the gravita- efficient signal-processing tools is apparent. Advanced tional wave community to explore the use of deep learning gravitational wave detectors will be just one of many large- for the detection of the large zoo of gravitational wave scale science programs that will be competing for access to sources [17–38]. oversubscribed and finite computational resources [7–10]. Deep learning methods have matured to now cover a

arXiv:1903.01998v3 [gr-qc] 10 Mar 2021 Furthermore, transformational breakthroughs in Multi- 4D signal manifold that describes the masses of the binary Messenger Astrophysics over the next decade will be components and the z-component of the 3-D spin vec- z z enabled by combining observations in the gravitational, tor: (m1, m2, s1, s2)[39, 40]. These algorithms have been electromagnetic and astro-particle spectra. The combi- used to search for and find gravitational wave sources pro- nation of these high dimensional, large volume and high cessing open source advanced LIGO data in bulk, which speed datasets in a timely and innovative manner presents is available at the Gravitational Wave Open Science unique challenges and opportunities [11–13]. Center [41]. In the context of Multi-Messenger sources, The realization that companies such as Google, deep learning has been used to forecast the merger of YouTube, among others, have addressed some of the binary neutron stars and black hole- sys- big-data challenges we are facing in Multi-Messenger As- tems [37]. The importance of including eccentricity for trophysics has motivated a number of researchers to learn deep learning forecasting has also been studied and quan- what these companies have done, and how such innovation tified [38]. In brief, deep learning research is moving at may be adapted in order to maximize the science reach of an incredible pace. big-data projects. The most successful approach to date Another application area that has gained traction is consists of combining deep learning with innovative and the use of deep learning for gravitational wave parameter 2 estimation. The established approach to estimate the to learn a joint distribution, the approach we introduce in astrophysical parameters of gravitational wave signals is this article to produce a data-driven posterior distribution through Bayesian inference [42–45], which is a well tested is entirely novel. Furthermore, while Refs. [51, 52] apply and extensively used method, though computationally- q(z), an arbitrary random distribution to their generative intensive. On the other hand, given the scalability adn model, our posterior distributions do not involve arbitrary computational efficiency of deep learning models, it is random distributions. natural to explore their applicability for gravitational Although we recognize a similar idea that applies nor- wave parameter estimation. malizing flow technique to characterize the distribution In this article we focus on the application of deep learn- exits in the previous works [53, 54], our method still ing to estimate in real-time the astrophysical parameters differs from the recent study [53] in GW study, where of binary black holes, focusing on the measurement of the authors showcase their method for a single event, the masses of the binary components, (m1, m2), and the GW150914, and apply a data transformation of the origi- parameters that describe the post-merger remnant, i.e., nal 8s-long waveform inputs during model training and the final spin, af , and the frequency and damping time of inference. Our method, on the other hand, focuses on 1s- the ringdown oscillations of the fundamental ` = m = 2 long time domain inputs. Furthermore, our method only bar mode, (ωR, ωI ) (Also known as quasinormal modes overlaps in that we both measure the masses of the binary (QNMs)) [46]. components. Their method is then used to measure other astrophysical parameters, while we apply our method to Related Work The first exploration of deep learning measure for the first time the astrophysical parameters for the detection and point-parameter estimation of a of the black hole remnant. We also demonstrate that our 2-D signal manifold, comprising the masses (m1, m2) of proposed approach is able to generalize to other events the binary components, was presented in [14–16]. These from the first, second and third observing runs, even if results provided a glimpse of the robustness and scalability we only use noise from the first observing run to train our of neural networks, and the ability to generalize to new model. We provide a more detailed list of highlights of types of signals that are not used during training. These this deep learning methodology below. results provided sufficient motivation to further develop these tools to use them in the context of high-dimensional Highlights of This Work Our novel methodology may signal manifolds. be summarized as follows During the review of this article, there have been a • We have designed new architectures and training number of studies that use deep learning approaches to schemes to demonstrate that deep learning provides learn the posterior distribution predicted by traditional the means to reconstruct the parameters of binary Bayesian methods employed for gravitational wave pa- black hole mergers in realistic astrophysical settings, i.e., rameter estimation. For instance, Ref. [47] used neural quasi-circular, spinning, non-precessing binary black networks to process simulated gravitational waves injected holes. This 4-D signal manifold marks the first time in Gaussian noise, and to output a parametrized approxi- deep learning models at scale are used for gravitational mation of the corresponding posterior distribution. Other wave data analysis, i.e., models trained using datasets methods have proposed the use of Conditional Variational with tens of millions of waveforms to significantly reduce Auto-Encoders (CVAEs) to infer the parameters of GWs the training stage. Once fully trained, these deep learn- embedded in simulated noise [48–50]. In these studies, the ing models can reconstruct in real-time the parameters posterior estimation is indirectly formed by an integration of real gravitational wave sources. of two probability functions that are learned after model • We guide the reader on the construction of the mathe- training. Instead of calculating the integration, they draw matical and statistical foundations of our deep learning one sample from each of the two probability functions method. Thereafter, we study in detail the predictions sequentially to approximate the posterior function. It of our methodology against well known statistical mod- is apparent that this approach may work well for high els. This exercise establishes the statistical validity and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) signals, the context in which consistency of our approach. these methods have been applied. However, real gravita- • This methodology learns physical correlations during tional wave events with moderate SNRs may present a the training stage. As we show below, these known cor- challenge, since noisy data may introduce greater variance relations emerge naturally in the data-driven posterior in the integration approximation, leading to a significant distributions predicted by our model. accumulation of errors. Thus, further studies are needed • Our approach is domain agnostic. It can be readily to establish the applicability of this approach to recon- apply to other time-series datasets. struct the parameters of detected events with moderate • We trained a single model using open source ad- and low SNRs. To overcome some of these limitations, we vanced LIGO noise from the first observing run. This designed a model that is able to make fast inference on model was able to generalize to five events GW150914, events that cover a broad network SNR range, between GW170104, GW170814, GW190521 and GW190630 with- 13 to 24, with a short period of training time. out additional fine-tuning. It is remarkable that these We notice that while Refs. [51, 52] discuss similar ideas events were observed in different observing runs, and 3

cover a broad SNR range. and ni,` denotes the additive noise at various signal-to- • We have directly compared our data-driven posterior noise ratios (SNR). We use yi,` with subscript pair (i, `) distributions with those produced by the Bayesian to specifically indicate the i-th template associated with pipeline PyCBC Inference [45, 55, 56]. Though these `-th noise realization in our dataset D. For simplicity, we two methodologies are entirely different, we find that use y and x to indicate noisy waveforms and the physical their predictions are consistent. parameters when the specification of i or ` subscript is • Our model only requires 1s-long modeled signals to not needed. We use K and M to denote the dimension perform inference, which reduces data storage, and of y and x, respectively. minimizes training time. We use WaveNet [58] to extract features from the input This article is organized as follows. In SectionII we noisy waveforms. WaveNet was first introduced as an describe the architecture of our neural network model, audio synthesis tool to generate human-like audios given and the datasets used to train, validate and test it. We random inputs. It uses dilated convolutional kernel and briefly describe the Bayesian inference pipeline, PyCBC residual network to capture the spatial information both Inference, in SectionIII, which we used as a baseline in the time domain and the model depth, which has to compare the full posterior distributions predicted by been shown to be a powerful tool in model time-series our deep learning model. We quantify the accuracy and data. Previously, [59, 60] tailored this architecture for physical consistency of the predictions of our deep learning gravitational wave denoising and detection. The encoded L model for several gravitational wave sources in SectionIV. feature vector h ∈ R comes from an embedding function We summarize our findings and future directions of work parameterized by the WaveNet weights ω, fω : y 7→ h. In in SectionV. other words, h = fω(y). Normalizing flow is a technique to transform distribu- tions with invertible parameterized functions. Specifically, II. METHODS we use a conditional version of normalizing flow: con- ditional autoregressive spline [61–63] to learn the poste- In this section we describe our methodology for param- rior distribution on top of the encoded latent space by eter estimation, and introduce several new techniques to WaveNet encoding. The actual implementation of condi- improve the training performance and model accuracy. tional autoregressive spline [64, 65] in the probabilistic We have used PyTorch [57] to design, train, validate and programming language Pyro [63]. The invertible function test the neural network models presented in this section g(h,θ) : z 7→ x is parameterized by the learnable model weights θ and the encoded feature h. In this way, we encode dependencies of the posterior distribution on the M A. Deep Learning Model Objective input y. The random vector z ∈ R is drawn according to a pre-defined base distribution p(z), and has the same dimension as x. The function g (z) is then used to We briefly introduce the observation model, followed by (h,θ) convert the base distribution p(z) to the approximated our deep learning model formulation and implementation posterior distribution pˆ (x|y) of the physical parame- details during the evaluation with real gravitational wave ω,θ ters, events. The goal of our deep learning model is to estimate a pos-   −1 ∂g(h,θ)(z) terior distribution of the physical parameters of the wave- pˆω,θ(x|y) = p(z) det , (2) ∂z forms from the input noisy data. This approach shares similarities with Bayesian approaches such as MCMC, with h = fω(y). e.g., once a likelihood function and a predefined prior are The computation of the transformation g(h,θ)(z) con- provided, posterior samples may be drawn. The difference tains two steps. The first step is to compute the interme- between the deep learning model and MCMC is that our diate coefficients α from the feature vector h based on the proposed framework will learn a distribution from which function kθ, which is parameterized by 2 fully connected we can easily draw samples, thereby increasing compu- layers with weights denoted as θ, i.e., α = kθ(h). The tational efficiency significantly. It is worth emphasizing coefficients α are used to combine the invertible linear that once the likelihood model is properly defined, the rational splines to form g(h,θ) (see Eq. (5) in [62] for framework we introduce here may be applicable to other details). Therefore, g(h,θ) is an invertible, element-wise disciplines. invertible linear rational spline with coefficients α. Since In the context of gravitational waves, the noisy wave- h depends on the input waveform y and α = kθ(h), the form y is generated according to the following physical resulting mapping g(h,θ) and parameterized distribution model, in Eq. (2) vary with the input y. The parameterization of the estimated posterior distribution is illustrated in Fig.1. y = F (x ) + n , (1) i,` i i,` To learn the network weights, we need to construct the where F is the function that maps the physical parameters empirical loss objective given the collection of training (masses and spins) xi to the clean waveform [45, 55, 56], data {xi, yi,`}. We propose to include a loss term defined 4 on the feature vectors in the our learning objective to take into account of the variation in the waveform due to noise. That is if the underlying physical parameters are similar, then the similarity of the feature vectors should be large, and vice versa. To achieve this, we use contrastive learning objective [66] to distinguish positive data pairs (waveforms with the same physical parameters) from the negative pairs (noisy waveforms with different physical parameters). Specifically, we use the normalized temperature-scaled cross entropy (NT-Xent) loss used in the state-of-the-art contrastive learning technique SimCLR [67, 68]. SimCLR was originally introduced to improve the performance of image classification with additional data augmentation and NT-Xent loss evaluation. We adapt the NT-Xent loss used in contrastive learning to our feature vectors,

esim(hi,j ,hi,`)/τ l(hi,j, hi,`) ≡ − log 2 2 , P P P sim(hi,j ,hi0,`)/τ 0 e i 6=i j=1 `=1 FIG. 1. Model Architecture. The first component of our (3) model is a WaveNet architecture with 11 blocks, whose input is a 1s-long waveform sampled at 4096Hz, denoted by y. The where hi,· = fω(yi,·), τ ∈ (0, ∞) is a scalar temperature output of the WaveNet modulo is a 254 dimensional vector, h, parameter, and we choose τ = 0.2 according to the default that is fed into a Normalizing Flow modulo, which is then com- setting provided in [67]. The NT-Xent loss performs in bined with a base distribution, p(z), to provide the posterior such a way that, regardless of the noise statistics, the distribution estimation pˆω,θ(x|y). z represents the random cosine distances of the encoded features associated with variable for the base distribution, and x represents the physical same underlying physical parameters (i.e. hi,j and hi,`) parameters of the mergers, respectively. are minimized, and the distances of features with different underlying physical parameters are maximized. Conse- quently, the trained model is robust to the change of noise Thus, we use two separate models with similar model realizations and noise statistics. Therefore, incorporating architecture as shown in Fig.1. One model is used to the term in Eq. (3) can be used as a noise stabilizer for estimate the masses (m1, m2) of the binary components, gravitational wave parameter estimation. We found that while the other one is used to infer the final spin (af ) and the inclusion of this term speeds up the convergence in QNMs (ωR, ωI ) of the remnant. training. The final spin of the remnant and its QNMs have similar Our deep learning objective in Eq. (4) combines the range of values when the QNMs are cast in dimensionless NT-Xent loss in Eq. (3) with the posterior approximation units. We trained the second model using the fact that the QNMs are determined by the final spin af using the term. Given a batch of B physical parameters xi, we relation [46]: generate different noise realizations yi,` for each xi and the empirical loss function is, ω220 (af ) = ωR + i ωI , (5) B " 2 1 X X where (ωR, ωI ) correspond to the frequency and damping L(ω, θ) = − logp ˆ (x |y ) 2B ω,θ i i,` time of the ringdown oscillations for the fundamental i=1 `=1 ` = m = 2 bar mode, and the first overtone n = 0. We 2 2  X X compute the QNMs following [46]. One can translate + l(fω(yi,j), fω(yi,`)) , (4) ωR into the ringdown frequency (in units of ) and `=1, `6=j j=1 ωI into the corresponding (inverse) damping time (in units of seconds) by computing Mf · ω220, where Mf is where pˆω,θ(xi|yi,`) is defined in Eq. (2). Minimizing the the final of the remnant, and can be determined loss in Eq. (4) with respect to ω and θ provides a posterior using Eq. (1) in [69]. An additional benefit of using estimation for gravitational wave events. two separate models is that the training converges faster with two models considering two different sets of physical parameters at different magnitudes. B. Separate Models for Parameters

In this paper, we are interested in the following physical C. Dataset Preparation and Training parameters: (m1, m2, af , ωR, ωI ). We find that trying to estimate all parameters using a single model lead to sub- Modeled Waveforms We used the surrogate wave- optimal results given that they are of different scales. form family [70] to produce modeled waveforms that de- 5 scribe binary black holes with component masses m1 ∈ Therefore, we perform a local search around the trigger [10M , 80M ], m2 ∈ [10M , 50M ], and spin compo- time by any given detection algorithm as a preprocess- z nents s{1, 2} ∈ [−0.9, 0.9]. By uniformly sampling this ing step for the parameter estimation using the trained parameter space we produce a dataset with 1,061,023 model. We first identify local merger time candidates by waveforms. These waveforms describe the last second of evaluating the normalized cross-correlation (NCC) of the the late inspiral, merger, and ringdown. The waveforms whitened observation with 33,713 whitened clean tem- are produced using a sample rate of 4096Hz. plates, whose physical parameters uniformly cover the For training purposes, we label the waveforms using range: m1 ∈ [10M , 80M ], m2 ∈ [10M , 50M ], and z the masses and spins of the binary components, and then s{1, 2} ∈ [−0.9, 0.9], over a time window of 0.015 sec- use this information to also enable the neural net to onds around the time candidates. The time points with estimate the final spin of the black hole remnant using top NCC values are selected as the candidates. Then the formulae provided in [71], and the quasinormal modes we use the trained models to estimate the posterior dis- of the ringdown following [46]. In essence, we are training tributions of the physical parameters at each candidate our neural network models to identify the key features time point. In practice, we found that the trigger times that determine the properties of the binary black holes with the best NCC values differ from those published at before and after merger using a unified framework. the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center by up We use 90% of these waveform samples for training, to 0.01s. These trigger times produce different posterior 10% testing. The training samples are randomly and uni- distributions that vary in size by up to ±1M for the formly chosen. Throughout the training, we use AdamW masses of the binary components, and up to 5% for the optimizer to minimize the mean squared error of the astrophysical properties of the compact remnant. We predicted parameters with default hyper-parameter se- have selected the time point that gives the smallest 90% tups [72]. We choose the learning rate to be 0.0001. To confidence area for the results we present in SectionIVB. simulate the environment where the true gravitational waves are embedded, we use real advanced LIGO noise to compute power spectral density (PSD), which is then III. BAYESIAN INFERENCE used to whiten the templates. Advanced LIGO noise. For training we used a We compare our data-driven posterior estimation with 4096s-long advanced LIGO noise data segment, sampled PyCBC Inference [45, 55, 56], which uses a parallel- at 4096Hz, starting at GPS time 1126259462. We ob- tempered MCMC algorithm, emcee pt [73], to evaluate tained these data from the Gravitational Wave Open the posterior probability p(x|y) for the set of source pa- Science Center [41]. We estimate a PSD using the en- rameters x given the data y. The posterior is calculated tire 4096s segment to whiten the modeled waveforms and as p(x|y) ∝ p(y|x)p(x) where p(y|x) is the likelihood and noise. For each one second long noisy waveform used in p(x) is the prior. The likelihood function for a set of N training, we combine the clean whitened template with detectors is a randomly picked one second long noise segment from N ! the 4096s-long advanced LIGO strain data. For each 1 X p(y|x) = exp − hyˆ (k) − sˆ (k, x)|yˆ (k) − sˆ (k, x)i , clean template, we generate two different noisy realiza- 2 i i i i i=1 tions. The number of different noisy waveforms used in (6) the training is equal to the number of training iterations where yˆi(k) and sˆi(k, x) are the frequency-domain rep- multiplied by two times the batch size. resentations of the data and the model waveform for In SectionIV, we demonstrate that our model, trained detector i. The inner product h·|·i is defined as only with advanced LIGO noise from the first observing run, is able to estimate the astrophysical parameters of Z ∞ ˆ ˆ aˆi(k)bi(k) other events across O1-O3. We fixed the merger point haˆi(k)|bi(k)i = 4R dk , (7) P i(k) of the training templates at the 3,596th timestep out of 0 4,096 total timesteps. We empirically found having a fixed where P i(k) is the PSD of the i-th detector. merger point, rather than shifting the templates to have We performed the MCMC analysis using the publicly time-invariant property, provides a tighter estimation of available data from the GWTC-1 release [4] and used the posteriors. Our deep learning model was trained on 1 the corresponding publicly available PSD files for each NVIDIA V100 GPU with a batch size of 8. In general, it event [74]. We analyse a segment of 8 seconds around takes about 1-2 days to fully train this model. the GPS trigger 1167559935.6, with the data sampled to 2048 Hz. We use the IMRPhenomD [75] waveform model to generate waveform templates to evaluate the D. GPS Trigger Time likelihood. We assume uniform priors for the component masses with m{1,2} ∈ [10M , 80M ) and uniform priors It is known that a trigger GPS time associated with a on the component spins with a{1,2} ∈ (−0.99, 0.99). We gravitational wave event, typically provided by a detection also set uniform priors on the distance with algorithm, may differ from the true time of coalescence. DL ∈ [10, 4000)Mpc and the deviation of the arrival time 6 from the trigger time −0.1 < ∆t < 0.1. We set uniform During the training stage we draw 100 samples of x from priors for the coalescence phase and the polarization angle its prior p(x), and y is generated through the linear ob- φc, ψ ∈ [0, 2π). The prior on the inclination angle between servation model (8). We train a 3-layer model with the the binary’s orbital angular momentum and the line of model objective (4), and show three examples of the pos- sight, ι, is set to be uniform in the sine of the angle, terior estimation in Fig2. Therein we show 50% and and the right ascension and declination have priors to be 90% confidence contours. Black lines represent ground uniform over the sky. truth results (ellipses given the posterior is Gaussian), Furthermore, they may be used to cross validate the while the red contours correspond to the neural network physical reality of an event [39, 40], and to assess whether estimations, based on Gaussian kernel density estimation the estimated merger time is consistent between the two (KDE) with 9,000 samples generated from the network. separate models. For instance, if the models output very These results indicate that our deep learning model can different merger times, then we may conclude that they produce reliable and statistically valid results. are not providing a reliable merger time. On the other hand, when their results are consistent, within a window between 0.001s and up to 0.005s, then we can remove B. Results with Real Events the ambiguity introduced when using the NCC approach described in SectionIID. In this section we use our deep learning models to estimate the medians and posterior distributions of the astrophysical parameters (m1, m2) and (af , ωR, ωI ), re- IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS spectively, for five binary black hole mergers: GW150914, GW170104, GW170814, GW190521 and GW190630. In this section we present two types of results. First, As described in SectionIIA, we consider 1s-long ad- we validate our model with a well known statistical model. vanced LIGO noise input data batches, denoted as y, Upon confirming that our deep learning approach is sta- sampled at 4096Hz. We construct two posterior distri- tistically consistent, we used to estimate the parameters bution estimations, pˆω,θ(x|y), by minimizing the loss in of five binary black hole mergers. Eq. (4) for (m1, m2) and for (af , ωR, ωI ). We use two dif- ferent multivariate normal base distributions for p(z) in the two different models. To estimate the masses of the bi- A. Validation on Simulated Data nary components, the mean and covariance matrix (µ, Σ) are: µ = (30, 30), Σ = diag(5, 5); whereas for the final We performed experiments on simulated data that have spin and QNMs model we use: µ = (0.5, 0.55, 0.07), Σ = closed form posterior distributions. This is important to diag(0.05, 0.03, 0.002). “diag(·)” refers to the diagonal ascertain the accuracy and reliability of our method. The matrix with “·” being the diagonal elements. The number simulated data are generated through a linear observation of normalizing flow layers also varies for the two models. model with additive white Gaussian noise, We use a 3-layer normalizing flow module for masses pre- diction, and an 8-layer module for the predictions of final y = Ax + n, (8) spin and QNMs. Our first set of results is presented in Figures3,4, where the additive noise n ∼ N (0, σ2I). We consider and5. These figures provide the median, and the 50% and M 90% confidence intervals, which we computed using Gaus- the underlying parameters x ∈ R and the linear map K×M sian KDE estimation with 9,000 samples drawn from the A ∈ R , with M = 2 and K = 5. The likelihood function is estimated posteriors. In TablesI andII we also present a summary of our data-driven median results and 90% 1  ky − Axk2  confidence intervals, along with those obtained with tradi- p(y|x) = √ exp − . (9) ( 2πσ)K 2σ2 tional Bayesian algorithms in [4, 76]. Before we present the main highlights of these results, it is important to If we assume the prior distribution of x is a Gaussian emphasize that our results are entirely data-driven. We distribution with mean 0 and covariance S, we can get have not attempted to use deep learning as a fast inter- an analytical expression for the posterior distribution of polator that learns the properties of traditional Bayesian x given the observation y, posterior distributions. Rather, we have allowed deep learning to figure out the physical correlations among dif-  1  ferent parameters that describe the physics of black hole p(x|y) = C exp − (y − Σ−1b)T Σ−1(y − Σ−1b) , (10) 2 mergers. Furthermore, we have quantified the statistical consistency of our approach by validating it against a well where known model. This is of paramount importance, since deep learning models may be constructed to reproduce 1 1 1 C = , Σ = S−1 + AT A, b = AT y . the properties of traditional Bayesian distributions, but p(2π)M |Σ| σ2 σ2 that fact does not provide enough evidence of their sta- 7

3 3 3 True True True Approximation Approximation Approximation 2 2 2

1 1 1 2 2 2 x x x

0 0 0

1 1 1

2 2 2 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 x1 x1 x1 (a) (b) (c)

FIG. 2. Comparison of posterior distributions produced by our deep learning model (red contours) and a Gaussian conjugate prior family whose posterior distribution (black contours) is given by a closed analytical model. These data-driven predictions for the 50% and 90% confidence contours are in agreement with expected statistical results.

TABLE I. Data-driven and Bayesian results [4, 76] for the median and 90% confidence intervals of the masses of five binary black hole mergers. The network signal-to-noise ratio (SNRs) for each event are also provided for reference.

Event Name Our model LIGO [4, 76] SNR

m1[M ] m2[M ] m1[M ] m2[M ]

+6.90 +4.39 +4.70 +3.00 GW150914 38.85−4.15 31.20−5.94 35.60−3.10 30.60−4.40 24.4

+6.55 +3.73 +7.80 +4.90 GW170104 28.90−3.80 22.75−5.14 30.80−5.60 20.00−4.60 13.0

+9.14 +4.13 +5.60 +2.80 GW170814 33.92−5.27 24.31−5.46 30.60−5.30 25.20−4.00 15.9

+8.77 +6.68 +5.90 +5.40 GW190521 46.10−6.61 33.74−8.47 42.10−4.90 32.70−6.20 14.4

+7.19 +4.54 +6.90 +5.20 GW190630 34.00−4.43 26.17−5.86 35.00−5.70 23.60−5.10 15.6

TABLE II. Data-driven and Bayesian results [4, 76] for the median and 90% confidence intervals of the final spin of five binary black hole mergers. Results for the frequencies of the ringdown oscillations, (ωI , ωR), are directly measure by our model from advanced LIGO’s strain data, whereas the results quoted for LIGO are estimated using af values from [4, 76] and Eq. (5) [77].

Event Name Our model LIGO [4, 76]

af ωR ωI af ωR ωI

+0.06 +0.028 +0.0023 +0.05 +0.016 +0.0021 GW150914 0.71−0.07 0.536−0.029 0.0805−0.0026 0.69−0.04 0.528−0.023 0.0811−0.0013

+0.06 +0.028 +0.0023 +0.08 +0.036 +0.0026 GW170104 0.69−0.07 0.530−0.030 0.0810−0.0025 0.66−0.11 0.515−0.033 0.0821−0.0030

+0.06 +0.028 +0.0024 +0.07 +0.037 +0.0018 GW170814 0.68−0.09 0.525−0.032 0.0815−0.0024 0.72−0.05 0.541−0.022 0.0800−0.0037

+0.05 +0.029 +0.0024 +0.05 +0.026 +0.0025 GW190521 0.73−0.06 0.548−0.028 0.0795−0.0029 0.72−0.07 0.552−0.030 0.0800−0.0025

+0.06 +0.028 +0.0024 +0.06 +0.030 +0.0037 GW190630 0.71−0.07 0.535−0.030 0.0806−0.0026 0.70−0.07 0.532−0.028 0.0808−0.0022 8

55 55

True: [m1, m2] True: [m1, m2] 50 50

45 45

40 40 ] ] 35 35

50% M M [ 90% [ 2 30 2 30 m m 90% 25 25 50%

20 20

15 15

10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70 m1 [M ] m1 [M ] (a) GW150914 (b) GW170104

55 55

True: [m1, m2] True: [m1, m2] 50 50

45 45

40 40

] ] 90% 35 35 50% M M [ [

2 30 2 30

m 50% m 90% 25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 40 50 60 70 m1 [M ] m1 [M ] (c) GW170814 (d) GW190521


True: [m1, m2] 50


40 ] 35 M [ 90% 2 30 m 50% 25



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 m1 [M ] (e) GW190630

FIG. 3. Data-driven posterior distributions, including 50% and 90% confidence regions, for the masses of black hole mergers. 9

0.62 True: [af, I] 0.60 True: [af, I]

0.60 0.58

0.58 0.56

0.56 0.54 R R 0.54 50% 0.52 0.52 90% 90% 0.50 0.50

0.48 0.48

0.46 0.46 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 af af (a) GW150914 (b) GW170104

0.62 True: [a , ] True: [a , ] 0.58 f I f I 0.60 0.56 0.58 0.54

0.56 0.52 R R

0.54 90% 0.50 90% 0.52 0.48

0.50 0.46

0.44 0.48

0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 af af (c) GW170814 (d) GW190521

True: [af, I] 0.58


0.54 R


90% 0.50


0.46 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 af (e) GW190630

FIG. 4. Data-driven posterior distributions, including 50% and 90% confidence regions, for (af , ωR) of black hole mergers. 10

0.086 True: [af, I] True: [af, I] 0.084 0.084

0.082 50% 0.082 50% 0.080 90%

I I 0.080 0.078 90%

0.078 0.076

0.074 0.076

0.072 0.074

0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 af af (a) GW150914 (b) GW170104

True: [af, I] True: [af, I] 0.086 0.084

0.082 0.084

50% 50% 0.080 0.082 I I

0.078 90% 90% 0.080


0.078 0.074

0.076 0.072

0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 af af (c) GW170814 (d) GW190521


True: [af, I]


0.082 90% I 0.080 50%



0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 af (e) GW190630

FIG. 5. Data-driven posterior distributions, including 50% and 90% confidence regions, for (af , ωI ) of real black hole mergers. 11

1.0 posterior distribution, we tested the posterior estimation m1 on simulated noisy gravitational waveforms. We calculate the empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF) of m2 0.8 the number of times the true value for each parameter af was found within a given confidence interval p, as a func- tion of p. We compare the empirical CDF with the true R CDF of p in the P-P plot in Figure6. To obtain the 0.6 I empirical CDF, for each test waveform (1000 waveforms Ref. in total) and one-dimensional estimated posterior distri- bution generated from the network with 9,000 samples, CDF(p) 0.4 we record the count of the confidence intervals p (p=1% , . . . , 100%) where the true parameters fall. The empirical CDF is based on the frequency of such counts with the 1000 waveforms randomly drawn from the test dataset. 0.2 Since the empirical CDFs lie close to the diagonal, we conclude that the networks generate close approximation of the posteriors. Furthermore, our data-driven results, 0.0 including medians and posterior distributions, can be 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 produced within 2 milliseconds per event using a single p NVIDIA V100 GPU. We expect that these tools will pro- vide the means to assess in real-time whether the inferred FIG. 6. P-P plot comparing the posterior distributions es- astrophysical parameters of the binary components and timated by the neural network model for five astrophysical the post-merger remnant adhere to general relativistic parameters (m1, m2, af , ωR, ωI ). predictions. If not, these results may prompt follow up analyses to investigate whether apparent discrepancies are due to poor data quality or other astrophysical effects [79]. tistical validity or consistency. Finally, given the nature The reliable astrophysical information inferred in low- of the signal processing tools and computing approaches latency by deep learning algorithm warrants the extension we use in this study, we do not expect our data-driven re- of this framework to characterize other sources, includ- sults to exactly reproduce the traditional Bayesian results ing eccentric compact binary mergers, and sources that reported in [4, 76]. require the inclusion of higher-order waveform modes. Our results may be summarized as follows. Figures3, Furthermore, the use of physics-inspired deep learning ar- 4, and5 show that our data-driven posterior distributions chitectures and optimization schemes [29] may enable an encode expected physical correlations for the masses of accurate measurement of the spin of binary components. These studies should be pursued in the future. the binary components, (m1, m2), and the parameters of the remnant: (af , ωR) and (af , ωI ). We also learn that these posterior distributions are determined by the properties of the noise and loudness of the signal that V. CONCLUSION describes these events. Figure3 presents a direct com- parison between the posterior distributions predicted by We designed neural networks to estimate five parame- our deep learning models and those produced with PyCBC ters that describe the astrophysical properties of binary Inference—marked with dashed lines. These results black holes before and after the merger event. The first show that our deep learning models provide real-time, two parameters constrain the masses of the binary com- reliable information about the astrophysical properties ponents, while the others estimate the properties of the of binary black hole mergers that were detected in three black hole remnant, namely (m1, m2, af , ωR, ωI ). These different observing runs, and which span a broad SNR models combine a WaveNet architecture with normaliz- range. ing flow and contrastive learning to provide statistically On the other hand, TablesI andII show that our me- consistent estimates for both simulated distributions, and dian and 90% confidence intervals are better, similar and real gravitational wave sources. in some cases slightly larger than those obtained with Our findings indicate that deep learning can abstract Bayesian algorithms. In these Tables, Bayesian LIGO re- physical correlations in complex data, and then provide sults for af are directly taken from [4, 76], while (ωR, ωI ) reliable predictions for the median and 90% confidence results are computed using their Bayesian results for af intervals for binary black holes that span a broad SNR and the tables available at [78]. These results indicate range. Furthermore, while these models were trained that deep learning methods can learn physical correla- using only advanced LIGO noise from the first observing tions in the data, and provide reliable estimates of the run, they were capable of generalizing to binary black parameters of gravitational wave sources. To demonstrate holes that were reported during the first, second and third that our model represents true statistical properties of the observing runs. 12

These models will be extended in future work to provide which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported informative estimates for the spin of the binary compo- under Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. This research also nents, including higher-order waveform modes to better made use of LIGO Data Grid clusters at the California model the physics of highly spinning and asymmetric Institute of Technology. This research used data, software mass-ratio black hole systems. and/or web tools obtained from the LIGO Open Science Center (https://gw-openscience.org), a service of LIGO Laboratory, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Virgo Collaboration. LIGO is funded by the U.S. Na- tional Science Foundation. Virgo is funded by the French Datasets used in this study are available from the corre- Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the sponding author on reasonable request. Neural network Italian Istituto Nazionale della Fisica Nucleare (INFN) models are available at the Data and Deep Learning and the Dutch Nikhef, with contributions by Polish and Hub for Science [80, 81]. EAH, HS and ZZ gratefully Hungarian institutes. acknowledge National Science Foundation (NSF) awards OAC-1931561 and OAC-1934757. EOS and PK grate- fully acknowledge NSF grants PHY-1912081 and OAC- 193128, and the Sherman Fairchild Foundation. PK also VII. CONTRIBUTION acknowledges the support of the Department of Atomic , Government of India, under project no. RTI4001. EAH envisioned this study, directed the construction This work utilized the Hardware-Accelerated Learning of the data sets used to train/validate/test the neural (HAL) cluster, supported by NSF Major Research Instru- network models, and advised the design of physically in- mentation program, grant OAC-1725729, as well as the formed neural network models. HS designed the model, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Compute and carried out the training and evaluation of this model resources were provided by XSEDE using allocation TG- using the deep learning HAL cluster at NCSA, and PHY160053. This work made use of the Illinois Campus XSEDE’s Bridges-AI. AI-driven inference results were Cluster, a computing resource that is operated by the also obtained using HAL and Bridges-AI. The Bayesian Illinois Campus Cluster Program (ICCP) in conjunction parameter estimation results presented in this article with the National Center for Supercomputing Applica- were produced by EOS and PK using PyCBC Inference. tions and which is supported by funds from the University ZZ supervised on the study and the construction of the of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This research used re- model. All co-authors contributed to drafting and editing sources of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, the manuscript.

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