History of RUSSIAN COSTUME History of RUSSIAN COSTUME from the Eleventh to the Twentieth Century From the collections of the ARSENAL MUSEUM, LENINGRAD HERMITAGE, LENINGRAD HISTORICAL MUSEUM, MOSCOW KREMLIN MUSEUMS, MOSCOW PAVLOVSK MUSEUM The Metropolitan Museum ofArt LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA Main entry under title: History of Russian costume from the eleventh to the twentieth century. 1. Costume-Russia-Exhibitions. I. Aleshina, T. S. II. New York (City). Metropolitan Museum of Art. GT1040.H57 391'.00947'07401471 76-58330 ISBN 0-87099-160-4 © the Ministry of Culture of the U.S.S.R. Designed by Peter Oldenburg Composition by Custom Composition Company Printed by Nicholas/David Lithographers Catalogue compiled by T.S. ALYOSHINA, scientific worker of the Historical Museum, Section of Urban Costume 1.1. VISHNEVSKAYA, scientific worker of the Kremlin Museums, Section of Old Russian Costume L.V. EFIMOVA, scientific worker of the Historical Museum, Section of Old Russian Costume T.T. KORSHUNOVA, scientific worker of the Hermitage, Section of Urban Costume V.A. MALM, scientific worker of the Historical Museum, Section of Archaeology E.Yu. MOISEENKO, scientific worker of the Hermitage, Section of National Dress M.M. POSTNOKOVA-LOSEVA, scientific worker of the Historical Museum, Section of Jewelry E.P. CHERNUKHA, scientific worker of the Kremlin Museums, Section of Old Russian Costume Cover: Catherine the Great's full-dress uniform of the Equestrian Regiment of the Life Guards (299) All photographs, except for those by Malcolm Varon, which are on pages 17, 18, 35, 36, 85, 88 right, 89, and cover, are courtesy of the State Her mitage Museum, Leningrad, and the State Histori cal Museum, Moscow.
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